Hima Fail Safe Pes
Hima Fail Safe Pes
Hima Fail Safe Pes
The following system specific indications refer to the HIMA HiQuad systems. General statements on
programmable electronic systems refer to all safety-related programmable electronic systems.
Failures which have an effect only in combination with additional errors are detected by background
test within the multiple failure occurrence time. In the operating system it is defined as 3600 times the
safety time.
The safety-related HIMA PESs have a modular structure with 19 inch, 3 units high and 4 units (8
units) deep modules. One distinguishes between input modules, central units and output modules.
The safety of input modules is achieved by automatic test routines performed during operation. In
case of an error occurring in one input channel, L signal is processed in digital circuits or the defined
error value in analogue circuits. For the user this response means the consistent continuation of the
wire-break safety idea (closed circuit current principle), which is common for safety circuits. The
switch-off by a sensor, due to a wire break or an error in the input amplifier, always means L signal in
logic processing.
The structure of a central unit is much more complex than that of the input/output modules. Even a
very large number of test routines is not enough to detect all errors. Therefore a second independent
microprocessor system with the same user programme was integrated into a central unit, and the
results of the two microprocessor systems are compared with each other.
One microprocessor system works with a memory in which the data are stored directly and the other
one with a memory holding the inverted data. A hardware comparator constantly compares whether
the data of the direct and the inverted memory are exactly inverse. If this is not the case or if the test
routines are negative, the complete central unit including the watchdog signal is switched off. This
means that a central unit operates with a 1oo2 structure with shut-down in the event of an error and it
can be used up to RC 6 /SIL 3 without any time limits.
Two redundantly operating central units therefore form a 2oo4 architecture (HiQuad). Due to redun-
dant central modules having the same user programme, availability is achieved while the safety re-
mains the same. They communicate via a DPR (Dual Ported RAM) and each of these units has its
own IO bus. The simplified structure is shown in Figure 2.
The safety of output modules is ensured by a second independent way of shut-down to achieve the
safe (powerless) state in case there is an error in an output channel. This includes automatic test rou-
tines comparing the output signal with the internal logic signal and switching the output channel inde-
pendent from the logic signal for a short time.
In the safety-related output modules three testable semiconductor switches are switched in series.
Thus the second required way of shut-down is integrated into the output module and is therefore re-
ferred to as safety shut-down. Furthermore the watchdog signal is involved by the central unit so that
in case of the failure of a central unit all output modules are safely switched off. There is nothing more
dangerous with safety-related PLCs than the “freezing”of output signals!
Figure 2 shows the detailed structure of a channel of an output module together with the control via
the IO bus and the watchdog signal of redundant central units. In comparison with Figure 1, their
structure is shown in a very simplified way.
HIQuad technology means that RC 6 / SIL 3 is achieved by one central unit in the central area. A re-
dundant central module will just increase availability. The input/output modules are also designed for
up to RC 6 / SIL 3 and can also be connected redundantly to increase availability. Such a safety- re-
lated system can be used very easily and allows various system structures which are distinguished
only by the required availability.
The simplest system structure has one input and output module and one central module and is de-
signed for RC 6 /SIL 3.
Even such a simple system configuration features good availability. The reasons are the following:
• Application of high-quality industrial circuits in combination with a high standard of production
(SMD) results in high MTBF values (Mean Time Between Failures)
• The modular system structure with one central module and separate input/output modules in 19
inch technology, 3 units high allows the replacement of modules during operation
• The clear diagnostic display of defective modules minimises the MTTR (Mean Time To Restora-
Maximum availability is achieved when all components of safety-related circuits are redundant. The
signal from a sensor is connected to two independent input modules. This results in two input signals
which within the user programme and operated via an OR function or by the formation of the average
value in analogue circuits. Both central units receive the values via the DPR so that identical values
are processed in the two central units. Each central unit has its own output amplifiers and the output
amplifiers are switched in parallel to control the output elements.
Any component error does not affect operation and the safety of the PLC. The defective input/output
module is switched off automatically and the position of this module is shown on the diagnostic dis-
play. After the replacement of the defective module, redundant operation is resumed automatically.
After the replacement of a central unit, the user programme has to be loaded. The central unit in op-
eration constantly tries to communicate with the other central unit. When the same user programme
with the same signature is downloaded in the central unit, the current data (e.g. actual values of tim-
ers etc.) are transferred to the other module. In the next cycle, redundant operation with both central
units is resumed.
A system with maximum availability like that shown in Figure 4 is not often required while a system
with normal availability like that shown in Figure is insufficient. Therefore a system with assigned
availability is mostly used (see Figure 5). Redundant central units are almost always used – mainly
because on-line changes during operation are required.
Input modules can be used in single-channel, redundant or 2oo3 operation. In this case the user
should not only consider the availability of the electronic modules but also the safety of the sensors. If
there are no safety-related sensors, two sensors must be installed at the same measuring point and
the two signals must be operated via AND logic. If three sensors are installed at one measuring point,
the signals are carried via a 2oo3 selector circuit. In every case discrepancy monitoring of the two or
three sensors signals is required.
The HIMA systems are designed for safe and redundant data transmission using open standards
such as
• Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) with TCP/IP for the connection to standard networks
• Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) with HIPRO-S for safety-related and redundant data transmission up to
RC 6 / SIL 3
• OPC (OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) for Process Control) for fast exchange of data with
any DCS or SCADA systems as well as for the connection to database systems
• PROFIBUS-DP (EN 50170) for networking in the field or DCS area
• MODBUS for the connection to process control systems
The big advantage of Ethernet is its high speed, its simple application on the basis of standard de-
vices as well as its global presence and acceptance. In HIMA systems Ethernet is used for safety-
related data transmission between HIMA systems or for reading and writing the values of variables
when the OPC software interface on the client server principle is applied.
The connection to Ethernet is effected via self configuring modules. Very simple wiring is ensured by
the Twisted Pair (10BaseT) industrial standard with RJ-45 plug and a transmission rate of 10Mbit/s.
Standard hubs are used between the network segments and terminal devices which are also avail-
able with optical waveguide connections.
A bridge is used for the connection of the same or of different types of networks according to IEEE
802 and transmits messages/data bursts or filters them. A switch has the same function as the bridge,
however, the data are transmitted immediately after the identification of the receiver’s address and not
after they have been checked first. A router optimises the path selection in complex networks. It proc-
esses the IP address in the process.
All known media can be used for the transmission of data, also of data relevant for safety.
Satellitenantenne Satellitenantenne
Funkmodem Funkmodem
Data transmission safety is not based on the medium but on the protocol used. Besides safety the
availability of the data transmission is of great importance. Therefore all components involved in data
transmission in the HIMA systems can be used as redundant components.
However, any redundancy is only as good as the quality of its monitoring. Each data transmission
path including the redundant ones is tested automatically during operation. Any failed component is
signalled and may be replaced during operation. In the event of a failure of a single-channel data
transmission path or the total failure of a redundant transmission path, all data received are reset after
a definable period of time.
The task to be performed by a control should be laid down in a specification. It is the basis for verify-
ing whether it has been correctly implemented in the user programme. The way of representation or
description depends on the task:
Combinatorial logic
• Cause and effect scheme
• Logic operation with functions and function building blocks
• Function blocks with specified characteristics
• Position and activation in normal operation
• Safe reaction/position in case of shut-down or power failure
Today’s standard programming according to IEC 1131-3 knows 5 different programming languages:
Up to now HIMA has only implemented the function building block language and the sequence lan-
guage in ELOP II; the structured text is currently being prepared. Programming with the list of instruc-
tions or the ladder diagram does not meet the requirements of the general IEC 1508 safety standard.
A user programme for safety-related controls must be easily understood, comprehensible and easy to
The code generator and the PES in operation automatically generate version numbers (signatures)
via the programme (programme version) and via the programme including parameters (RUN version).
During operation of the PES they can be called on the diagnostic display and be compared with the
programme printout. This way it cannot be detected which changes have been made, but it can be
seen that changes have been made.
In a safety-related PES, the system parameters should be adjusted in a way that a change of the pro-
gramme is not possible without loading it anew. In practice this means that the PES is switched off.
The operators of PESs which are in operation uninterruptedly for years refuse switching the PES off.
Therefore it is often determined specifically for the system which manipulations may be made during
safety-related operation of the PES. The operator is responsible for the authorisation of employees
and the required protective measures.
On-line changes are only permissible after consultation with the test authority in charge. During the
complete on-line change process, the engineer in charge of the on-line change has to ensure that the
process is sufficiently monitored for safety by technical and other organisational measures. The
changes in the user programme have to be carefully tested by simulators before the programme is
transmitted to the PES.
On-line changes are possible in a PES with one a central unit. While the new user programme is be-
ing transmitted, the existing user programme is not being run and the outputs maintain their signal
status until the download of the new user programme is completed. This may result in result in con-
flicts with the required safety time of the PES. We therefore recommend making on-line changes only
in systems with redundant central units.
In systems with redundant central units, the second central unit continues running the old user pro-
gramme in MONO operation while the first central unit is being loaded. Then the newly loaded central
unit receives the current data from the other central unit in operation and starts MONO operation with
the new user programme. After the second central unit is downloaded, it receives the current data and
then both central units resume redundant operation.
This example is to demonstrate the implementation of the requirements stated in Chapter 5. A user
programme for a burner constitutes a typical example of a sequential control which in each operation
phase has only one defined status. Therefore the operation phases themselves, the conditions for the
transition to the next operation phase and the outputs to be controlled in the individual phases can be
easily defined. The definition of the disturbances to be expected during operation is of special impor-
tance, if the expected check-back signals are not received within the pre-set time or if the flame is not
(no longer) detected.
Major burner controls often consist of several burners which may be supplied by different types of fuel
and may have a common purging. In this case we recommend defining one function building block for
the purging and one function block for each burner. The way of programming for these function build-
ing blocks can be completely taken over from the example.
For plants subject to acceptance by the authorities, we recommend consulting the authority in charge
as early as possible during the project planning stage.
Operation phases 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0
On/Off =& ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====/&
Air flap position max. =& ====== =
Air flap position min. ====== = =& ====== ====== ====== ====== ==
Signal flame =& ====== ====== ======
Air flap
Ignition valve
Ignition transformer
Flame detector device
Oil valve
Release control
Lamp operation
Disturbance phases 11 12 14 15 16 17 17
Max. time to open air &
Air flap max. position /& /&
Min. time to close air &
Air flap min. position /&
Signal flame /& /& /& /&
Ignition stabilisation &
Disturbance phase 13
Signal flame &
The individual phases (states) of the burner are designated by numbers which cover both normal op-
eration (phases 0...8) and disturbances that may be expected in the burner (phases 11...17). These
values are represented by the “Step/Status”variable of the UINT type = Unsigned Integer, i.e. values
ranging from 0 to 65535 are possible. The type of variable is VAR_EXTERN within the function build-
ing blocks and VAR_GLOBAL within the user programme. The designations of the operation phases
are identical with the entity names of the “Step”building blocks in the programming of the function
building block.
The table states which input signals have to be available or after what period of time there is a transi-
tion to the next operation phase. The bottom part of the table shows which outputs are controlled in
which phase. The last section of the table shows the disturbances during operation. In the event of a
disturbance, outputs are not activated any longer and thus the safe state is achieved.
The next step in programming is declaration of the interfaces of the function building block, i.e. the
layout of the function building block with the definition of the type and designation of the input and
output variables are determined. It is important to make sure that the designation of the inputs and
outputs is clear, comprehensible and meaningful.
For each operation phase a self-defined function building block “Step”was used. The complexity of
the OELBREN-SA function building block is not determined by a great variety of different functions
and function building blocks but by the more frequent use of the same “Step” building block alone.
This can be easily seen at each “Step”function building block:
The listing of the “Step”function building blocks on the left of the sheet for the normal operation
phases and on the right for the disturbance phases also contributes to clarity. The correct implemen-
tation of the specification can be easily verified.
An off-line or on-line test of the function can also be performed very easily. If there are errors in pro-
gramming, an operation phase or disturbance phase can be set and the cause of a malfunction can
be quickly found.