English Spanish Orthography
English Spanish Orthography
English Spanish Orthography
There are 29 alphabet letters that There are 26 alphabet letters that
represent 24 phonemes. represent from 40 to 52 phonemes.
20 English phonemes have
spellings that are predictable 90%
of the time and 10 others are
predictable over 80% of the time.
There is a high level of
correspondence between most
Spanish letter-sound relationships
and their English equivalents.
Some phonemes are spelled using Many letters in English are used as
more than one letter (ch, ll, rr). markers that signal the sounds of
Other than these cases, if a letter other letters. These letters have no
is doubled, both letters are direct relation to the sounds in the
pronounced (leer). word. Doubled letters may be part
of a spelling pattern and frequently
represent only one phoneme.
There are 5 vowel letters and 5 There are five vowel letters and 15
vowel sounds that are consistent. vowel sounds in English. There are
They are always spelled the same, many different patterns used to
except for i which is sometimes spell these vowel sounds.
spelled with a y (i griega) such as
in soy, voy, y.
A few phonemes can be spelled in There are 19 consonant phonemes
more than one way (/h/= g or j as that are sometimes spelled using
in jirafa, girasol; /s/ as in cita, more than one letter.
sitio; /k/= c & qu as in casa,