HS Training Matrix 18.04.16
HS Training Matrix 18.04.16
HS Training Matrix 18.04.16
The following matrix shows the University training programme offered to staff at all levels, with the exception of specific statutory training organised locally (e.g. gas safety, local departmental induction, etc.)
Defibrillator Training
Core Staff Induction
COSHH Awareness
(People Passport)
Risk Assessment
DSE Assessment
online refresher
Health Training
(1 Day Course)
Executive Directors
Senior Manager *
Line Manager *
Risk Assessor
COSHH Assessor
DSE Assessor
First Aider
Fire Warden
Note: People Passport Programme includes the online Safety for Line Managers course (Cardinus) and the online Mentally Healthy Workplace Training (optional 2/3 day mental health training also available)
Note: * Courses run on request or where there are suitable numbers. For managers, this is included in the People Passport Programme, but is also revisited where there is a re-organisation of departments.