6 Months Vocab

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6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu

31 May
6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Foray (noun)=A sudden attack or incursion into enemy territory,
especially to obtain something (धावा)
Sentence use: Although we felt a little anxious about our foray into the
jungle, we were still looking forward to our first big game hunt.

Fiasco (noun)=A complete failure, especially a ludicrous or humiliating

one (असफलता)
Sentence use: Because there was no food or music at the party, everyone
said the event was a fiasco.

Muddle (verb) = Bring into a disordered or confusing state (अव्यवस्था)

Sentence use: My talkative spouse can muddle the simplest explanation
and make it seem extremely complicated.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Spate (noun)=A large number of similar things coming in quick succession
Sentence use: A recent spate of employee changes left the company with an
entirely new staff.

Inclusivity (noun) = The practice or policy of including people who might

otherwise be excluded or marginalized (समावेशिता)
Sentence use: With our openness and inclusivity, we shall confront and
overcome all the challenges facing us as a nation.

Incumbent (adj) = the person or group that currently has the title or position
Sentence use: The incumbent president of the company is resigning from
office so a younger person can take control of the business.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Sui generis (adj) = Unique
Sentence use: When Twitter launched, it was viewed as sui generis because
of its unique style of communication.

Credence (noun) = Belief in or acceptance of something as true (शवश्वास)

Sentence use: As no one has been able to disprove the scientist’s theory, it
has gained more credence over the years.

Apocalypse (noun) = The complete final destruction of the world, as

described in the biblical book of revelation (कयामत)
Sentence use: Many religious groups believe an apocalypse will one day
terminate the lives of all sinners.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Contour (noun) = An outline representing or bounding the shape or
form of something (रूप-रे खा)
Sentence use: The artist made sure to contour the lines on the painting
to make the animal appear more real.

Quinolone (noun) = An antibiotic derived from quinoline and used

chiefly against gram-negative organisms
Sentence use: The original quinolone antibiotics included nalidixic
acid, cinoxacin and oxolinic acid

Formidable (adj) = Inspiring fear or respect through being

impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable (दु र्जेय)
Sentence use: She is truly formidable, rather like one of those fantastic
figureheads on a tall ship.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Unprecedented (adj) = Never done or known before (अभूतपूवव)
Sentence use: A rise in the number of expensive private fitness centres in
Scotland has led to an unprecedented scramble for customers.

Dearth (noun) = A scarcity or lack of something (कमी)

Sentence use: There is serious disharmony among the clubs and
a dearth of quality players at international level.

Drudgery (noun) = Hard menial or dull work (कशिन पररश्रम)

Sentence use: Life sure is going to change for the stayers when they
realise that all the ordinary people in drudgery jobs will have bailed out.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Vend (verb) = Offer (small items) for sale, either from a stall or from a
slot machine (शवक्रय करना)
Sentence use: The Vend ended and was reformed repeatedly during the
late 19th century, ending by recession in the business cycle.

Quest (noun) = A long or arduous search for something (तलाि)

Sentence use: They went on a quest for gold.

Elude (verb) = Escape from or avoid (a danger, enemy, or pursuer)

Sentence use: The rest of the film deals with Newby's efforts
to elude the Germans while slowly reconditioning his injured leg.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Insurgency (noun) = An active revolt or uprising (शवद्रोह)
Sentence use: The troops are driving through the backstreets, making
raids on suspected insurgency cells.

Envoy (noun) = A messenger or representative, especially one on a

diplomatic mission, ambassador (रार्ज-दू त)
Sentence use: The agreement gives the UN special envoy the formal
power to break any political deadlock.

Litany (noun) = A series of prayer, petition, invocation

Sentence use: The litany continues for well over three hundred pages,
but there is little point in following it further.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Rebut (verb) = Claim or prove that (evidence or an accusation) is false
(गलत साशबत करना)
Sentence use: What does this reveal about their stance as fearless truth-
tellers always prepared to rebut the lies of the corporate press?

Clout (noun) = Influence or power, especially in politics or business

Sentence use: Boasting about how swimmingly this was going, and how
much upstream clout he has, is entirely natural.

Hedge (noun) = A way of protecting oneself against financial loss or

other adverse circumstances
Sentence use: Hedge funds are pooled investment vehicles which aim to
make money for their investors regardless of whether shares rise or fall.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Direness (noun) = Urgent; desperate
Sentence use: Rather than an indicator of the quality of British food, the
popular appeal of celebrity chefs on British TV is precisely because
its direness.

Unviable (adj) = Not capable of working successfully; not feasible

Sentence use: It was accused of being culturally irrelevant,
economically unviable and technologically defunct.

Hegemony (noun) = Leadership or dominance, especially by one state

or social group over others (प्रभुत्व)
Sentence use: Only in this way will its temporary
revolutionary hegemony became the prologue to a socialist dictatorship.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Communique (noun) = An official announcement or statement,
especially one made to the media (शवज्ञप्ति)
Sentence use: In an official communique released here, it was stated
that a number of teams have been constituted to check the cases of theft
of canal water

Bonhomie (noun) = Cheerful friendliness; geniality (खुिशमजार्जी)

Sentence use: Although he had been here less than 24 hours, Sam knew
this jovial bonhomie on Howell's part was unnatural.

In tandem (ph) = One behind another

Sentence use: Second screening for news is becoming commonplace,
with users often using devices in tandem.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Tepid (adj) = Showing little enthusiasm
Sentence use: It seems that in the United Kingdom, there is sometimes
kind of a tepid response to the royals.

Succour (noun) = Assistance and support in times of hardship and

distress (परे िानी में सहायता)
Sentence use: She is a succour and support to him but is also a
considerable thinker in her own right.

Egregious (adj) = Outstandingly bad; shocking (प्रबल)

Sentence use: They are not concerned, and claim not to notice,
the egregious breach of the compact between society and the media.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Rampant (adj) = Uncontrolled, unchecked (अशनयंशित)
Sentence use: This definitely is a bane as complaints of constipation,
acidity, obesity, indigestion, etc., are rampant among the youth.

Coinage (noun) = The invention of a new word or phrase, coins

Sentence use: He also attempted to fine tune the money supply with
mintage of new gold coinage and adulterated silver coins.

Ethos (noun) = The characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community

Sentence use: Apart from strengthening the sub-continental ethos for the
sport, the tours ensured a degree of improvement in the approach and
Editorial by Vishal Sir
6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Mutate (verb) = Change in form or nature (रूप बदलना)
Sentence use: When a pig contracts bird flu, the flu virus can mutate to
attach to the human-like pig receptors.

Progeny (noun) = A descendant or the descendants of a person (संतान)

Sentence use: Because the billionaire bachelor did not have a progeny,
his entire estate went to charity when he died.

Lax (adj) = Not sufficiently strict, severe, or careful (बेपरवाह)

Sentence use: His lax attitude left people thinking he was disinterested.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Proliferation (noun) = Rapid increase in the number or amount of
something (प्रसार)
Sentence use: The doctor explained that proliferation of the cancer cells
shows that the cancer is spreading more rapidly than expected.

Lumpen (adj) = Uninterested in revolutionary advancement

Sentence use: The lumpen public is enveloped in a culture of

Battered (adj) = Injured by repeated blows or punishment (चकनाचूर)

Sentence use: But to my surprise, instead he got out a battered pair of
drumsticks, with which he beat a brief tattoo on the top of my head.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Diligence (noun) = Careful and persistent work or effort (लगन)
Sentence use: The researchers continue their diligence and are
constantly looking for a cancer cure.

Probe (noun/verb) = Investigation, inquiry (र्जां च)

Sentence use: Before a warrant can be issued, the detective must probe
the case further.

Moratorium (noun) = A temporary prohibition of an activity (रोक)

Sentence use: A large number of politicians and voters would like to see
a moratorium placed on home foreclosures.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Conscience (noun) = A person's moral sense of right and wrong (शववेक)
Sentence use: The serial killer’s lack of a conscience made it very easy
for him to kill people.

Ab initio (adv) = From the beginning (िुरू से)

Sentence use: The first ab initio candidates will be selected by the middle
of next month.

Facet (noun) = A particular aspect or feature of something (पहलू )

Sentence use: Only starting on the first facet of his new fitness plan, he
was already seeing results.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Unsolicited (adj) = Not asked for; given or done voluntarily (अनचाही)
Sentence use: The new mother wished she could stop family members
from giving unsolicited advice on how to care for her baby.

Malaise (noun) = Unhappiness, restlessness (अस्वस्थता)

Sentence use: Jason knew he was getting ill because of the malaise he
had been experiencing for a few days.

Corroborate (verb) = Confirm or give support to

Sentence use: Even though she knew her husband was lying, Marry
still agreed to corroborate his story in court.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Redemption (noun) = The action of saving or being saved from sin,
error, or evil (छु टकारा)
Sentence use: Through writing his biography, the criminal hopes to earn
redemption for his crimes by changing the lives of troubled young

Accomplice (noun) = A person who helps another commit a crime (सह-

Sentence use: Lina could not have committed murders in two different
towns at the same time unless she had an accomplice.

Concoct (verb) = Create or devise (a story or plan) (मनगढं त)

Sentence use: Using only his cellphone, the talented filmmaker was able
to concoct a wonderful film that won several awards.
Editorial by Vishal Sir
6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Rhetoric (noun) = The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing,
expression (भाषण कला)
Sentence use: The politician hoped his rhetoric would win him some

Appeasement (noun) = Satisfaction, gratify (तुष्ट करना)

Sentence use: The appeasement of the angry mob was only possible
when the governor spoke to their leader and came to an agreement

Lynching (verb) = (of a group of people) kill (someone) for an alleged

offence without a legal trial (शबना मुकदमे मार डालना)
Sentence use: The elaborate precautions taken to prevent lynching are a
peculiarity of the constitution of 1895.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Contemporary (adj) = Living or occurring at the same time
Sentence use: Contemporary dance is not blessed with a plethora of
media coverage on any platform.

Perpetrator (noun) = A person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or

immoral act (अपराधी)
Sentence use: It was a moonless night and the perpetrator cut the
power, pitching the farm house into total darkness.

Inextricably (adv) = In a way that is impossible to disentangle or

separate (अलंघनीय)
Sentence use: He felt the good and bad within
himself inextricably mingled and overlapping.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Benevolence (noun) = The quality of being well meaning; kindness
Sentence use: Because of the benevolence of their neighbours, the
poor family was able to eat a home cooked meal every night.

Contemptuously (adv) = In a scornful way that shows disdain

Sentence use: The former are reasoned with and exhorted to believe;
the latter are contemptuously silenced by an exhibition of the futility
of their religion.

Adjudicate (verb) = Make a formal judgement on a disputed matter

(शनणवय करना)
Sentence use: It will be observed that the king does not hear the cause
or adjudicate upon it.
Editorial by Vishal Sir
6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Reprieve (verb) = Cancel or postpone the punishment of someone
Sentence use: Because of a legal review, the criminal was granted a
reprieve on his sentence

Waiver (noun) = An act or instance of waiving a right or claim,

rejection (छूट)
Sentence use: By signing the waiver, the scuba diver assumed the
risk of any accidents

Deleterious (adj) = Causing harm or damage, detrimental

Sentence use: This act, which was only decided upon after much
hesitation, had a most deleterious effect upon the national credit.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Deem (verb) = Regard or consider in a specified way (शवचार करना)
Sentence use: It was almost necessary that he should select what he
thought most important for description, and at times omit what
we deem of more importance

Discontent (noun) = Dissatisfaction with one's circumstances; lack of

contentment (असंतोष)
Sentence use: All this soon provoked discontent among the educated

Endorse (verb) = Declare one's public approval or support of (समथवन

Sentence use: Henceforth its sole effective function was
to endorse and promulgate the decrees of the government of Vienna.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Multifaceted (adj) = Having many different aspects or features
Sentence use: While that is definitely an important part of a woman's
wardrobe, there's room for all of us to be as multifaceted as we please.

Nuisance (noun) = A person or thing causing inconvenience or

annoyance (बाधा)
Sentence use: Our next door neighbour is an unmitigated (absolute;
unqualified) nuisance to my family.

Elusive (adj) = Difficult to find, catch, or achieve

Sentence use: The elusive creature was a beautiful sea nymph who
had crossed into our world from her own.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Rapacious (adj) = Having or showing a strong wish to take things for
yourself (लालची)
Sentence use: But she appears to have been passionate,
exceedingly rapacious and ever careful of her own interest.

Devastation (noun) = Great destruction or damage (तबाही)

Sentence use: The islands on the sea-front are exposed to devastation by
cyclonic storm-waves.

Endow (verb) = Provide with a quality, ability, or asset (संपन्न)

Sentence use: Here was enough to endow an army, if some means could
be devised to permit its use.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Dire (adj) = Extremely serious or urgent (भयानक)
Sentence use: His childhood was passed in dire poverty.

Scathing (adj) = Severely critical, devastating (हाशनकारक)

Sentence use: He gave her a scathing look.

Propriety (noun) = Correctness, justification, respectability (औशचत्य)

Sentence use: The propriety of this extended use is open to question
and is denied by some logicians.

Countenance (noun) = A person's face or facial expression, support

or approval
Sentence use: His countenance conveyed the possibility of error.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Impeccable (adj) = In accordance with the highest standards; faultless
Sentence use: Our marching WAS good but not always impeccable.

Infallible (adj) = Incapable of making mistakes or being wrong

Sentence use: These had been sacred to almost a hundred generations
of men, and it was difficult for the eye of faith to see them as other
than absolutely infallible documents.

Unscrupulous (adj) = Having or showing no moral principles; not

honest or fair (बेिरम)
Sentence use: The unscrupulous teacher offered to raise her student’s
grade if he gave her one hundred dollars.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Thereto (adv) = To that or that place (इस के शसवा)
Sentence use: Many social events are held at the auditorium and
occasionally, weekend concerts are put on thereto.

Reiterate (verb) = The action of repeating something, typically for

emphasis or clarity (दोहराना)
Sentence use: Because Janice considered herself better than everyone else,
she often felt the need to reiterate the fact she lived in a gated community.

Thwart (verb) = Prevent (someone) from accomplishing something (नकाम

Sentence use: Because chlamydiae are bacteria, antibiotics can thwart the
infections they produce.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Fraught (adj) = Causing or affected by anxiety or stress (भारयुक्त)
Sentence use: Trying to get anywhere in this day and age, it seems, is just
too fraught with danger.

Deceptive (adj) = Giving an appearance or impression different from the

true one; misleading (भ्राप्तिर्जनक)
Sentence use: The team has made strong statements about drafting a
quarterback, but those comments are deceptive.

Retaliatory (adj) = (of an action) characterized by a desire for revenge

(प्रशतिोध का)
Sentence use: Some commissioners have been critical of the decision not
to launch a retaliatory military strike.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Substantive (adj) = Having a firm basis in reality and so important,
meaningful, or considerable, independent existence (स्वतंि)
Sentence use: But it is important to note that substantive discussions of
issues rarely entered into Five Points political contests.

Uphold (verb) = Confirm or support (something which has been

questioned) (कायम रखना)
Sentence use: So, since Shakespearean nobles did not uphold the standards
of today's BBC English, they must have had no standards at all, right?

Compliant (adj) = Meeting or in accordance with rules or standards,

tractable (आज्ञाकारी)
Sentence use: When the prisoner was moved to the courthouse, four guards
accompanied him to make sure he would be compliant and not misbehave
in court.
Editorial by Vishal Sir
6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Prerequisite (noun) = A thing that is required as a prior condition for
something else to happen or exist (पहली आवश्यकता)
Sentence use: Since when has toughness been a prerequisite for a leader
who can give his people stability and peace?

Envisage (verb) = Contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a

desirable future event (पररकल्पना करना)
Sentence use: I can envisage these pages being photocopied and pinned
above laboratory benches around the world

Antithesis (noun) = A person or thing that is the direct opposite of

someone or something else (शवरोध)
Sentence use: In the movie, Robert’s character of an abusive husband is
the antithesis of the caring spouse the actor really is.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu
Fringe (noun) = Edging, border, hem (शकनारे )
Sentence use: Wanting to add flare to the pillows, the seamstress chose
to add fringe.

Encroachment (noun) = A gradual advance beyond usual or acceptable

limits (अशतक्रमण)
Sentence use: Yet the area of environmental protection is marked by
intense battles over states' rights and fears of federal encroachment.

Disconcerting (adj) = Causing one to feel unsettled, disturbing

Sentence use: It was a bit disconcerting to sing in front of people
lolling (lie, relax) around on cushions at first, but in the end it was great.

Editorial by Vishal Sir

6 Months Vocabulary: The Hindu

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