Hazop Evaporator

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Project Name: Case Study of Evaporator (E-01) Page: Assigned To:

Process: Production of 100 000 metric tonnes of polyvinyl chloride per year Date: 10/06/19
Section: Prepared by: Nurul Asyiqin Binti Basar
No. Study Node Process Deviation Possible Causes Possible Action Required
Parameter Consequence
1. Heat Exchanger Flow No  Pumping system fails  Production  Production
 Control valve not failure failure.
working  Fail feed  Fail feed
 Partially blockage in specification specification
piping system.
Low  Control valve not  Production  Production
working failure. failure.
 Partially blockage in  Fail feed  Fail feed
piping system. specification specification
 Pumping failure.
High  Failure in valve.  High temperature  High
 Too much pumping.  Less purity in temperature
product.  Less purity in
 Fail feed product.
specification.  Fail feed
Temperature Less  Pipe leaking in  Fail feed  Fail feed
transfer from shell specification specification
 Temperature sensor
High  Temperature sensor  Wall cracked  Wall cracked
failure.  Increase  Increase
 High temperature and pumping pumping
pressure of stream. capacity. capacity.
 Fail feed  Fail feed
specification specification

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