Materi Flavor 2
Materi Flavor 2
Materi Flavor 2
Flavor is an important sensory aspect of the overall acceptability of food. The sensation of flavor is comprised of aroma,
taste, which are most affecting the sensation of flavor, texture and psychological perception. Determination of flavor is
most emphasized on the constituents flavor rather than the mechanism and metabolic pathway. However, this paper will
have a discussion on the flavor formation in fruit and vegetables.
Key words: Flavor, flavor chemistry, flavor formation, aroma, taste.
INTRODUCTION a. Fatty Acid Metabolism
Volatile compounds are formed from lipids
Flavor is a complex sensation (Moncrieff, 1951). through several different metabolic pathways which
It is described as the total sensory attributes of a food include hydroxyacid cleavage, beta oxidation and
material (Berger, 1995). It is also represents the lipoxygenase catalysed oxidation. The primary products
characteristics or properties of a food material which obtained from these pathways are aldehydes and ketones.
produce the flavor sensation (deMan, 1990). Basically, Meanwhile, additional oxidations, reductions and
the overall sensation of flavor is comprised of aroma, esterifications also yield substantial quantities of acids,
taste, texture and psychological perception (Craske, alcohols, lactones and esters (Heath, 1990).
personal communication). While the main factors
affecting sensation are taste and aroma (deMan, 1990). b. Amino Acid Metabolism
Each of these components plays an important role in The metabolic pathways for the formation of
contributing to the overall sensory quality of a food volatile compounds start with deamination of amino acid
material, as well as the acceptability of food. According followed by decarboxylation. After various reductions
to a recent market survey found by Berger (1995), the and esterifications, this will then generate various
sensory quality of a food has been ranked higher than volatile compounds, such as aliphatic and branched chain
nutritional value, price or safety. alcohols, acids, carbonyls and esters which, are
When a person ingests food, flavor involves not significant to the fruit flavor (Heath, 1990).
only the sensory quality, but also the receptor
mechanism in both the oral and nasal cavities (Moulton, c. Carbohydrate Metabolism
1982). The study of flavor includes the composition of Generally, the formation of flavor compounds
food compounds having taste and smell, as well as the from carbohydrate metabolism is very rare. Howevr,
interaction of these compounds with the receptors in the terpenes- the characteristic flavor of citrus products may
taste and smell sensory organs. Following an interaction, arise from this metabolism. Terpenes are formed via
the organs produce signals that are carried to the central condensation of two molecules of isotoprene to form the
nervous system, thus creating what we understand as backbone of the monoterpenes followed by a cyclisation
flavor (deMan, 1990). to close the ring and then rearrangement to create the
Flavor is an important sensory aspect of the compound (Heath, 1990).
overall acceptability of food (Sahidi, 1994). The analysis
of flavor volatiles has been a challenge to many Flavor Formation in Vegetables
researchers for over 40 years. The flavor industry is
Vegetables do not have a ripening period as fruits
worldwide and has incorporated a considerable amount
do, thus the flvor formation is also different. Vegetables
of development research (Steffen and Pawliszyn, 1996).
develop flavor primarily during cellular disruption.
Emphasis has mostly been placed on determining
Cellular disruption may due to cutting a vegetable prior
what constitutes flavor rather than on the mechanism of
to use, or cooking or chewing process. Cellular
flavor formation and metabolic pathway. Hence it is
disruption permits the mixing of enzymes and substrates,
worthwhile to have a closer look at different mechanism,
which had been separated within the cell, thereby
as well as metabolic pathways that give rise to the flavor
resulting in the generation of volatile flavor substances.
formation in fruit and vegetables (Heath, 1994).
Meanwhile, fatty acid, carbohydrate and amino acid
metabolism also serve to provide precursors of vegetable
Flavor Formation in Fruit
flavor like the formation of flavor in fruit (Heath, 1990).
The development of fruit flavor occurs during the
ripening period, but not during early fruit formation.
Flavor Chemistry of Fruit
During this period, metabolism of the fruit changes to
catabolism and stimulates the formation of flavor (Heath, In the flavor chemistry of fruit or vegetables, a
1994). There are three major mechanism of flavor complex mixture of compounds makes up the flavor and
formation. aroma which, in turn, gives its characteristic odor. The
*) Lecture at Department of Agricultural Product most important volatile materials of citrus fruit include
Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Lampung terpene hydrocarbons, carbonyl components, alcohols,
University, Bandar lampung 35145, Lampung esters and volatile organic acids. These compounds are
Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Hasil Pertanian Volume 13, No. 1 Maret 2008 31
Maria Erna Kustyawati Flavor Formation in Fruit and Vegetables
found in the flavedo and oil sacs that are embedded in concentration. In orange oil, geranial decreased from
the juice vesicles (Kirchener, 1961). The major classes of 3.5% to 0.2%, geraniol from 0.5% to 0%, citronellal
flavor chemicals that contribute to the flavor and aroma from 0.55% to 0%, terpinen-4-ol from 5.5% to 0.6% and
of fruit are described in the subsequent chapters. α-terpinol from 4.3% to0.2%. The only compound that
shows an increase is myrene which increases from
1. Alcohols 0.69% to 1.76% (Kirchner, 1961).
Many alcoholic components can be found in the
flavor materials of citrus, bur their contribution to overall Aroma/Odor
flavor is less than that of the carbonyl components. In
Aroma or odor plays an important role in the
orange, the predominant alcohol components are linalool
determination of food acceptance of food sensory
and other compounds that are present in significant
quality. Before a food material is consumed, the aroma
amount include octanol, terpinen-4-ol and ά-terpineol.
of that food will greatly affect one’s appetite or
Trace amounts of methanol, ethanol, n-propanol,
acceptance. The nose, which is the olfactory organ, is
isobutanol, n-butanol, isopentanol, n-pentanol, n-
primarily responsible for odor sensation (Moulton,
hexanol, 3-hexanol, n-heptanol, methyl heptanol, 2-
1982). There are hundreds or thousands of odors which
nonanol, n-nonal, n-decanal, citronellol, nerol, geraniol,
can be distinguished or discriminated easily by the
carveol, undecanol and dodecanol are also present in
human nose (Farmer, 1992). Furthermore, olfaction (the
orange fruit (Kirchner, 1961).
sense of smell) is more sensitive to low concentrations of
chemical substances than the taste (Moulton, 1982). It is
2. Esters
found that the sensitivity of the smell organ is about
Esters make up only a small fraction of the
10,000 times greater that that of the taste organ (deMan,
overall weight as compound to other compounds. Some
1990). Although taste carries fewer distinctive
identified esters include ethyl formate, ethyl acetate,
characteristics than odor, it provides an essential base on
ethyl butyrate, ethyl isovalerate, ethyl caproate, ethyl
which aroma builds to generate the widely varying flavor
caprylate, linalyl acetate, octyl acetate, nonyl acetate,
of our foods and beverages (Breslin, 2001).
decyl acetate, terpinyl acetate, geranyl acetate, ethyl 3-
Only volatile chemical compounds can facilitate
hydroxyhexanote, citronellyl butyrate, geranyl butyrate,
the production of aroma. Generally, aroma compounds in
methyl anthranilate and methyl N-methylanthranilate.
food origin are from microbial, plant metabolism, as well
Despite, so many ester compounds identified, the only
as animal metabolism. Aroma of food is detected in the
ester found in substantial amount is ethyl butyrate
nose and the sensation of odor is perceived by receptor
(Kirchner, 1961).
cells of the olfactory epithelium inside the nasal cavity
(Berger, 1995). Sniffing may increase the amount of
3. Carbonyls
aroma reaching the olfactory tissue (deMan, 1990).
Ketones, together with aldehydes give significant
Meanwhile, when eating foods, the passage of breath
contribution to the flavor and aroma of cireus fruits.
during exhalation reaches the nasal cavity through the
Some important ketones and aldehydes include 2-
channels at the back of the nose (deMan, 1990; Farmer,
hexenal, n-octanal, n-decanal, and geranial. Others found
in trace amounts include acetaldehyde, acetone, n-
Sensitivity of the nose to perceive a particular
butanal, n-hexanal, methyl ethyl ketone, n-hepatanal, n-
aroma or odor compound (also known as odor threshold)
nonanal, furfural, methyl heptenone, citronellal, n-
varies greatly between individuals (Farmer, 1992). It has
undencanal, n-dodecanal, neral carvone, perilaldehyde,
been known that several factors can significantly affect
piperitenone and β-sinensal (Kirchner, 1961; Shaw,
the ability to smell and the degree of pleasantness or
unpleasantness can also become variable (deMan, 1990;
Moulton, 1982). These are due to factors such as colds,
4. Phenols
menstrual cycle, and drugs (deMan, 1990). However, the
Phenols are present in the form of “tannin” and
concentration of aroma compound itself also affects
these compounds are associated with the sensation of
olfactory sensitivity (Farmer, 1992). Aromas are
astringency. They are largely undefined in term of
obtained from a mixture of several or many different
structure and are usually detected and measured by
aroma compounds. The combined effect creates an
various color reaction (Thurston, 1923).
impression that may be very different from that of the
individual components (deMan, 1990).
5. Terpenes
Qualitatively hydrocarbons are the most
1. Odor and Molecular Structure
important classes of orange oil components since they
The relationship between molecular structure and
comprise over 95% by weight of the oil (Shaw, 1977).
odor is very complicated, that none of the theories of
The majority of the constituent are terpene hydrocarbons,
olfaction can explain. These are due to several facts. For
and terpene alcohols which are found to change
example, there can be similarities between the chemical
significantly in amount at different time of the year.
structure of compounds and their odors, but there are
Limonene, a terpene hydrocarbone has been reported to
also some compounds that have similar structure and
vary between 52 to 95% in Hamlin oranges. Linalool,
very different odors. Meanwhile, there are also
which is a terpene alcohol, varies between 0.6 to 27%.
compounds with different structures that all give similar
Other oxygenated terpenes were also reported to vary in
odors. The odor character of stereoisomers also provides
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Maria Erna Kustyawati Flavor Formation in Fruit and Vegetables
different odor sensations. For instance, only the menthol produced by different kinds of compounds and these
isomer has the ability to provide peppermint aroma, but compounds can be classified into three different
on the other hand, the iso-, neo-, and neoiso-menthols categories: sugar, polyhydric alcohol, and α-amino acids.
provide the unpleasant musty flavor. Furthermore, Each of these compounds differs widely in term of
increase in the length of the carbon chain may molecular constitution, relative sweetness, solubility,
significantly affect odor properties. A very good example functional group, color, odor, or appearance (Heath,
can be shown by saturated acids as the lower fatty acids 1990). If any minor changes occur in chemical structure
give very intense and unpleasant aromas while fatty as well as positional isomers, it will greatly affect and
acids with 16 or 18 carbon atoms provide only a faint modify the taste of a compound, such as from sweet to
aroma. Therefore, at present, the classification of odor bitter or tasteless (deMan, 1990). Simple sugars are the
and the correlation of chemical structure and odor still most widely occurring natural sweeteners in the form of
remains a mystery (deMan, 1990). However, odor crystalline polyhydroxy carbohydrates, which can be
sensations can be categorized into seven primary classes. categorized in terms of number of carbon atom into three
These primary odors are camphoraceous, pungent, classes: monosaccharides (5 or 6 carbon atoms),
ethereal, floral, peppermint, musky, and putrid. It was disaccharides (12 carbon atoms), and polysaccharides (>
also suggested that there may be more than seven 12 carbon atoms) (Heath, 1994). As the molecular
primary sensations. weight of saccharaides increases, their sweetness
decreases. This is best explained by the decrease in
2. Taste solubility and increase in size of the molecule (deMan,
Generally, taste has been misunderstood as flavor 1990).
and people always think or assume that taste basically
refers to flavor and they are actually the same. However,
taste should be taken as that part of the flavor perception
that describes what the tongue perceived.
Chemical substances that are responsible for the
taste sensation are water soluble, relatively non-volatile
and generally present at higher concentrations in foods
compared to aroma compounds (Lindsay, 1996). During
eating of a complex food, these taste substances are
released in a continually evolving pattern as the food is Figure 1 Structure of glucose (monosaccharide)
broken down and mixed with saliva (Moulton, 1982). (Lindsay, 1996)
Taste is then detected through the contact of taste
substances with the taste buds located on the surface of Sugar alcohols are not considered as sugar even
tongue. The most common four basic types of taste though they are to sweeten food. They are generally less
sensations are sweet, sour, bitter, and salt (Heath, 1994). sweet when compared to sucrose. Generally, the sugar
Each receptor which is responsible for different kind of alcohols can be found to be present naturally in small
taste sensations is distributed at different region of the quantities in many fruits or vegetables. The most
tongue. common compounds responsible for the sweet taste
Meanwhile, there is also less defined taste sensation that are available in the commercial market
sensations such as pungency, astringency and cooling include sorbitol, mannitol and xyllol (Heath, 1994).
that contribute to the trigeminal effects. These chemical There are some naturally occurring compounds
substances directly interact with bare nerve endings in which are known as high intensity and sweeteners have
the olfactory membrane and on the tongue to provide the unusual property of tasting intensely sweet.
certain kinds of taste sensations (Heath, 1994). Generally, these compounds can be extracted from fruits,
Due to the genetic differences in humans, it is not such as berries or herbs. They are the amino acids,
surprising to see that taste perception varies between glycyrrhizin, miraculin, monellin, osladin, phyllodulcin,
individuals (Lindsay, 1996). Meanwhile, there are no stevioside, thaumatin I and thaumatin II. However, these
significant age- or sex-related differences in taste compounds only appear to be intensely sweet at specific
sensitivity. But, heavy smokers may undergo situations. For example, miraculin only provides intense
deterioration in taste sensitivity along with age (deMan, sweetness in the presence of acid (Heath, 1994).
1990). In addition, taste dysfunction can also occur due At present, the development of synthetic
to drug, toxin, and disease effects (Breslin, 2001). sweeteners is increasing rapidly due to public concern
As we know, taste makes a significant regarding the health issue of obesity or overweight.
contribution to flavor and plays an important role in the These compounds include saccharin, cyclamates,
acceptance of food flavor. Hence, we shall have a closer aspartame, acesulfame K, sucralose and alitame. Most of
look at the chemical compounds that are responsible for these synthetic sweeteners are considered as one of the
each of the flavor taste sensation. high-intensity sweeteners. For example, saccharin
(shown in Figure 2) is 300 to 500 times sweeter than
3. Sweet sucrose (Heath, 1994).
Sweetness is the property of sugar (deMan, 1990).
It is a desirable taste sensation which is able to increase
acceptance of food flavor. The taste of sweetness can be
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6. Bitter
Conventionally, bitter sensation significantly
affects the acceptance of food and it is generally
considered as undesirable or unpleasant in food material
(Lindsay, 1996). This is basically because the sensitivity
of flavor taste perception in humans against bitterness is
more extreme when compared to other taste sensations.
The order of sensitivity is bitter, sour, salty and sweet
taste (least sensitivity), as described by deMan (1990).
However, bitterness may be desirable in certain types of
Figure 2 Structure of saccharin (Heath, 1994) food and especially in beverages or drinks such as coffee
or tea. Compounds that are responsible for the bitter
4. Salt sensation may greatly affect one’s flavour perception,
Thousand of years ago, humans had already due to the close relationship between the bitter and sweet
discovered the existence of salt and had fully utilized it taste sensations at different concentrations (Lindsay,
in the food area. At present, it is still widely used 1996; Heath, 1994). Basically, the compounds that are
because of its numerous functionalities in food. The responsible for the bitter sensation can be distributed into
principle of salt used in food area in not only limited to 3 classes: alkaloids, glycosides, and peptides. Caffeine
seasoning or flavoring, but also serves other purposes, that is present in coffee is one of the compounds that are
e.g. as dietary effect, food preservation and stability found in the class of alkaloids, as shown in Figure 3.
enhancement (Heath, 1994). However, there are also some other bitter-tasting
Salt, which commonly known as sodium chloride chemical compounds which fall beyond these
(NaCl), comprises a complex of tastes, consisting a classifications. They are quassin and limonin (Heath,
psychological mixture of sweet, bitter, sour and salty 1994).
perceptual components (Lindsay, 1996). According to
Heath (1994), research has been carried out investigating
the interrelationships of the four primary taste
sensations: sweet, sour, and salt and the result shows that
salt is able to reduce the sourness of acids and increase
the sweetness of sugar. Meanwhile, it was found that
sodium content in orange juice and parsley are 0.3-2.0
mg/ 100mg and 28.0-33.0 mg/ 100g respectively (Heath,
How can we determine the relative saltiness of a
compound that contributes to the salt sensation?
Compound that are responsible for the salt sensation are
2 parts: cation and anion where the cation contributes to
the salty taste and the anion modifies the salty tastes. It
appears that in the classic salt (NaCl), the sodium cation
produces only salty tastes, while the chloride anion Figure 3 Structure of caffeine (Lindsay, 1996)
possesses the least inhibitory effect to the salty taste
(Lindsay, 1996). On the other hand, as the molecular Limonene (shown in Figure 4) is a bittering agent
weight of either cation or anion or both increases, salts that is present significantly in citrus fruit, especially
will develop a bitter taste (deMan, 1990). bitter orange (Citrus auranticum). This bittering agent
has resulted in serious economic consequences, due to
5. Sour the occurrence of an undesirable bitter sensation in fresh
All acid constituents are responsible for the sour and processed citrus fruit (Lindsay, 1996).
taste sensation in food material. The degree of sourness
contributed by acid substances relies strongly on the
nature of the acid group, the pH, titratable acidity,
buffering effects, and the presence of other compounds.
Even different organic and inorganic acids at the same
pH value can result in a different taste sensation. Among
all of these factors, buffering effect is considered as an
important and useful one in the determination of the
intensity of sourness. When a food material is ingested,
saliva will interact directly with it and, at the same time,
act as a buffering agent to give an effect over the degree
of sourness. Any chemical compounds contained in food
which has a buffer capacity is also able to affect the
intensity of sourness (deMan, 1990).
Figure 4 Structure of limonene (Heath, 1994)
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Maria Erna Kustyawati Flavor Formation in Fruit and Vegetables
7. Flavor Enhancer
MSG, a common abbreviation that is familiar to
everyone can be easily found printed on the packaging of
a processed food such as instant noodle. This compound,
monosodium glutamate (MSG), as shown in Figure 4, is
widely used in the food industry only for one reason- it
owns strong flavor-enhancing properties. This is why it
is also known as the flavor enhancer. There are also
some other compounds such as trichlomic acid and
ibotenic acid, maltol or 5’-inosine monophosphate which
possess the same properties as MSG (deMan, 1990;
Lindsay, 1996). These flavor-enhancing compounds, in
themselves have little or no taste or odor at all. They
have a unique characteristic which is to modify or
enhance the existing flavor of a food. Furthermore they
can change the mouth feel and induce a sensation of Figure 5 Structure of gymnemagenin (deMan, 1990)
fullness or satisfaction (Heath, 1994). However, the
actual mechanism of how these flavor enhancer work 9. Pungency
still remains a mystery (Lindsay, 1996). Pungency is a taste sensation that contributes a
hot, sharp and stinging feeling in the mouth. Pungency is
a quite common taste sensation, can be perceived in
several spices or vegetables such as ginger, pepper, or
capsicum. Compounds that are responsible for this taste
sensation not only contribute to the oral effect, but also
to aroma. Capsaicin (XIII) is the pungent compound that
is present in capsicum. It is also known as a capsaicinoid,
which is a vanillylamide of monocarboxylic acids. While
the pungent compounds, which are found in ginger, are
called gingerols. They comprise of a group of
phenylalkyl ketones and are able to contribute aromas
(Lindsay, 1996).
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