English Language Exposition
English Language Exposition
English Language Exposition
An exposition text usually has three sections. The first
section introduces the author’s point of view and can
preview arguments that may follow in the text. Next comes
a series of arguments that aim to convince the
audience. The final section is a conclusion that sum up the
arguments and reinforces the author’s point of view.
1. An introductory statement
1.1.The author’s point of view is called the thesis of the
argument and this is given in the introduction.
1.2. The introduction can include a previews of the
arguments that will follow in the next section of the text.
Cigarette smokers are said to have chance of getting
various fatal diseases. But I think that other people’s
tobacco smoke seems to increase the chances of non-
smokers getting a wide range of cancers.
First , although passive smokers inhale less tobacco
smoke, the researchers point out that the smoke they
breathe in is richer in many toxic chemicals. There is an
example, three times as much as benzo-apyrene, six
times as much loluene and more than 50 times as much
dimenthyl nitrosamine. Of course these substances will
harm our body in the long run.
Second , the recent research reported that the risk of
getting cancers not normally associated with smoking
also rose among passive smokers. The risk of leukaemia
rose 6 – 8 times and the risk of cervical cancer increased
3 – 4 times.
Third , past studies have found that by product of
cigarette smoke such as coinine and thiocynate, turn up
in the blood, urine and saliva of non –smoking adults,
children and fetuses that have been exposed to
smokers. These substances are the main causes of
various cancers.
In short , the effects of exposure to the cigarette
smoking of others are greater than has been previously
suspected. That is why passive smokers have more
chances of contracting cancer than people with no such
1. LOOK!<br />The first thing you have to do is to observe your environment.<br /> This
includes the place, the people, the actions and the objects that are around you.<br
/>Remember although you are writing imagine that you are telling your friend about what you
have experienced. Give them all the details they need . <br />
2. 4. CREATE WORDPICTURES!<br />You already use adjectives in your writing but you want
to be even more creative. <br />You want to create pictures in their mind- Word pictures or
Imagery.<br />Imagery does not only include what you see it also includes what you hear,
smell, taste, touch and even feel.<br />
3. 5. Your reader must be able to close their eyes listen to your words and create a mental
image of what you are describing.<br />Imagination makes It happen but your words can
help<br />
4. 6. Some descriptive details to consider when describing an object<br />Examine:<br
/>Colours<br />Shapes<br />Sizes<br />Texture (how it feels)<br />
5. 7. Some descriptive details to consider when describing a person<br />Examine:<br
/>Physical Appearance<br />Facial Expressions<br />Attire<br />Gestures(body
movements)<br />
6. 8. Examine the location. Is it a<br />What you should consider when describing a place<br
/>Man-made World- buildings, objects, vehicles <br />Natural World- trees , animals,
mountains, beaches, weather<br />Even an imaginary world <br />
7. 9. Show not Tell<br />One the most important things to remember when you are creating a
description is to show not tell.<br />What does this mean?<br />
8. 10. Show not tell: Scenario 1<br />If you are writing about someone who is excited about
going to a party how would you describe this?<br /> A.<br />She was excited when her
parents gave her permission to go to the party.<br />B.<br />Her eyes widened with surprise
and her lips parted as she screamed with delight when her parents said “Yes”<br />
9. 11. Show not tell: Scenario 2<br />You are in the midst of a thunderstorm. How would you
describe this?<br />A.<br />The rain was falling heavily and everyone was afraid<br />.<br
/>B.<br />The raindrops attacked the galvanized roof and the windows rattled. We huddled
under the bed and held each other tightly<br />
10. 12. The descriptions in the first example (labeled A) tells you what is happening but it does
not create pictures in your mind<br />The descriptions in the second example (labeled B)
create images in the readers mind and allow them to experience it fully<br />Which one is