Chemical Tanker-Fire Protection Method
Chemical Tanker-Fire Protection Method
Chemical Tanker-Fire Protection Method
i) Look out for all leaking flanges, valve and pump glands
iii) See to it that steam pipe insulation does not get soaked with oil or cargo
iv) Check cargo tank and pump room atmosphere for cargo vapours before
starting any work there
ix) Observe cargo vapour release during loading and take action if vapours
reach accommodation areas
x) Check cargo pump glands for heating
xi) Take active part in safety-drills and get acquainted with all the safety
Tanker on fire
But in chemical fires, the source of ignition may be heat from a reaction within
the chemical itself or from a reaction after mixing chemicals. A supply of
oxygen may be released from the chemical through heating by the fire
(Chemical chain reaction). So fire fighting will be made more difficult. Without
doubt, the best course is to prevent any fire occurring.
• Chemicals which are soluble in water will generally destroy normal foam, so
alcohol resistant or dual purpose foam is required;
• Some chemicals are heavier than, and insoluble in, water: they can be
smothered by a blanket of water, provided application is gentle;
• Some chemicals react with water to produce heat and thus give off increased
amounts of flammable (and in some cases toxic) gases;
The cargo data sheet for a chemical will draw attention to these unusual
properties and indicate the correct fire fighting medium and special
precautions for fire fighters.