Cerebellar Function Test
Cerebellar Function Test
Cerebellar Function Test
College of Medicine
Experiment 28:
Cruz, Lunna-Sol
Davis, Glenda
Delos Santos, Jan Reeya Claire
Malazzab, Lyka Rose
Oñate, Terese
Raralio, Rainier
Tagulao, Aghios
May 2019
The cerebellum plays a very important role in the control of posture and voluntary movements. It
unconsciously influences the smooth contraction of voluntary muscles and carefully coordinates their
actions, together with the relaxation of their antagonists. A great emphasis is placed on the fact that each
cerebellar hemisphere controls muscular movements on the same side of the body and that the
cerebellum has no direct pathway to the lower motor neurons but exerts its control via the cerebral
cortex and the brainstem.
The cerebellum is situated in the posterior cranial fossa and is covered superiorly by the tentorium
cerebelli. It is the largest part of the hindbrain and lies posterior to the fourth ventricle, the pons, and the
medulla oblongata (Fig. 28-1).
Figure 28.1 Sagittal section through the brainstem and the vermis of the cerebellum.
The cerebellum is somewhat ovoid in shape and constricted in its median part. It consists of two
cerebellar hemispheres joined by a narrow median vermis. The cerebellum is connected to the posterior
aspect of the brainstem by three symmetrical bundles of nerve fibers called the superior, middle, and
inferior cerebellar peduncles .
The cerebellum is divided into three main lobes: the anterior lobe, the middle lobe, and the
flocculonodular lobe. The anterior lobe may be seen on the superior surface of the cerebellum and is
separated from the middle lobe by a wide V-shaped fissure called the primary fissure (Figs. 28.2 and
Figure 28.2. The cerebellum. A: Superior view. B. Inferior view
The middle lobe (sometimes called the posterior lobe), which is the largest part of the
cerebellum, is situated between the primary and uvulonodular fissures. The flocculonodular lobe is
situated posterior to the uvulonodular fissure (Fig. 28.3). A deep horizontal fissure that is found along
the margin of the cerebellum separates the superior from the inferior surfaces; it is of no morphologic or
functional significance (Figs. 28.2 and 28.3).
Figure 28.3. A. Flattened view of the cerebellar cortex showing the main cerebellar lobes, lobules, and
fissures. B. Relationship between the diagram in (A) and the cerebellum.
The cerebellum receives afferent information concerning voluntary movement from the cerebral
cortex and from the muscles, tendons, and joints. It also receives information concerning balance from
the vestibular nerve and possibly concerning sight through the tectocerebellar tract. All this information
is fed into the cerebellar cortical circuitry by the mossy fibers and the climbing fibers and converges on
the Purkinje cells (Fig. 28.4).
Figure 28.4. Functional organization of the cerebellar cortex, The arrows indicate the direction taken by the
nervous impulses.
The axons of the Purkinje cells project with few exceptions on the deep cerebellar nuclei. The
output of the vermis projects to the fastigial nucleus, the intermediate regions of the cortex project to the
globose and emboliform nuclei, and the output of the lateral part of the cerebellar hemisphere projects to
the dentate nucleus. A few Purkinje cell axons pass directly out of the cerebellum and end on the lateral
vestibular nucleus in the brainstem. It is now generally believed that the Purkinje axons exert an
inhibitory influence on the neurons of the cerebellar nuclei and the lateral vestibular nuclei. The
cerebellar output is conducted to the sites of origin of the descending pathways that influence motor
activity at the segmental spinal level. In this respect, the cerebellum has no direct neuronal connections
with the lower motor neurons but exerts its influence indirectly through the cerebral cortex and
This is accomplished by controlling the timing and sequence of firing of the alpha and gamma
motor neurons. It is also believed that the cerebellum can send back information to the motor cerebral
cortex to inhibit the agonist muscles and stimulate the antagonist muscles, thus limiting the extent of
voluntary movement.
The entire output of the cerebellar cortex is through the axons of the Purkinje cells. Most of the
axons of the Purkinje cells end by synapsing on the neurons of the deep cerebellar nuclei. The axons of
the neurons that form the cerebellar nuclei constitute the efferent outflow from the cerebellum. A few
Purkinje cell axons pass directly out of the cerebellum to the lateral vestibular nucleus. The efferent
fibers from the cerebellum connect with the red nucleus, thalamus, vestibular complex, and reticular
Each cerebellar hemisphere is connected by nervous pathways principally with the same side of
the body; thus, a lesion in one cerebellar hemisphere gives rise to signs and symptoms that are
limited to the same side of the body.
The muscles lose resilience to palpation. There is diminished resistance to passive
movements of joints. Shaking the limb produces excessive movements at the terminal joints. The
condition is attributable to loss of cerebellar influence on the simple stretch reflex.
Dysdiadochokinesia is the inability to perform alternating movements regularly and
rapidly.Ask the patient to pronate and supinate the forearms rapidly. On the side of the cerebellar
lesion, the movements are slow, jerky, and incomplete.
Disturbances of Reflexes
Movement produced by tendon reflexes tends to continue for a longer period of time than
normal. The pendular knee jerk, for example, occurs following tapping of the patellar tendon.
Normally,the movement occurs and is self-limited by the stretch reflexes of the agonists and
antagonists. In cerebellar disease, because of loss of influence on the stretch reflexes, the
movement continues as a series of flexion and extension movements at the knee joint; that is, the
leg moves like a pendulum.
Disorders of Speech
Dysarthria occurs in cerebellar disease because of ataxia of the muscles of the
larynx.Articulation is jerky, and the syllables often are separated from one another. Speech
tends to be explosive, and the syllables often are slurred. In cerebellar lesions, paralysis and
sensory changes are not present.Although muscle hypotonia and incoordination may be
present, the disorder is not limited to specific muscles or muscle groups; rather, an entire
extremity or the entire half of the body is involved. If both cerebellar hemispheres are involved,
then the entire body may show disturbances of muscle action. Even though the muscular
contractions may be weak and the patient may be easily fatigued, there is no atrophy.
Vermis Syndrome
The most common cause of vermis syndrome is a medulloblastoma of the vermis in
children. Involvement of the flocculonodular lobe results in signs and symptoms related to the
vestibular system. Since the vermis is unpaired and influences midline structures, muscle
incoordination involves the head and trunk and not the limbs.There is a tendency to fall forward
or backward.There is difficulty in holding the head steady and in an upright position. There also
may be difficulty in holding the trunk erect.
The many manifestations of cerebellar disease can be reduced to two basic defects:
Hypotonia and
loss of influence of the cerebellum on the activities of the cerebral cortex
A. Head
1. The subject was asked to speak random words to assess his speech.
2. The subject was asked to gaze upon the examiner to observe whether nystagmus is present or not.
Paratonia- phenomenon in
which patient is essentially
unable to relax during
passive movement
-extreme paratonia is
common in patients with
Myotonia- slowness of
relaxation of muscles after a
voluntary contraction or a
contraction provoked by
muscle percussion
Neuromyotonia- rare
condition of irritability of
the nerve where there is
persistent contraction
Hypotonia- decreased
muscle tone
FINGER- NOSE TEST The patient is able to place Clumsy and unsteady
the tip of his index finger to movements
the tip of his nose in a
smooth and single movement
without missing Dysmetria- errors in judging
distance and gauging the
distance, speed, power and
direction of movement
- Past pointing- a pointing
finger overshoots its
intended mark towards the
side of the cerebellar
Intention tremor
impaired ability to perform
rapid, alternating
-usually caused by multiple
sclerosis in adults and
cerebellar tumors in
Complete inability is called
DYSDIADOCHOKINESIA The patient is able to move Inability to perform this
both hands at the same time rapidly alternating
(rapid pronation-supination)
at the same speed. movement (very slow/
irregular) suggests
cerebellar ataxia
impaired ability to perform
rapid, alternating
-usually caused by multiple
sclerosis in adults and
cerebellar tumors in
Complete inability is called
REBOUND When resistance is suddenly An exaggerated version of
PHENOMENON removed, a healthy patient’s the normal response is
limb normally moves a short suggestive of spasticity
distance in the desired
direction and then rebounds
( jerks back in the opposite The absence of the rebound
direction) phenomenon is suggestive of
cerebellar disease
THREADING A NEEDLE Act is carried smoothly and Ataxia- unsteadiness or
harmoniously incoordination of limbs,
posture and gait. A disorder
of control of force and
timing of movements leading
to abnormality in speed,
range, rhythm, starting and
Intention tremor
The finger-to-nose test and finger-finger-nose test involve flexion and extension around a
joint. The patient must switch between the opposing muscles like the biceps and triceps brachii
to move their finger from the target to their nose. Coordinating these movements involves the
motor cortex communicating with the cerebellum through the pons and feedback through the
thalamus to plan the movements. Visual cortex information is also part of the processing that
occurs in the cerebrocerebelluum while it is involved in guiding movements of the finger.
Rapid, alternating movements are tested for both upper and lower extremities. All of these
rapid alternations require planning from the cerebrocerebellum to coordinate movement
commands that control the coordination.
The subtests that address appendicular musculature and therefore the lateral regions of the
cerebellum begin with a check for tremor. In rebound response, the arms are automatically
brought back to the extended position. The extension of the arm is an ongoing motor process and
the tap or push on the arms presents a change in the proprioceptive feedback, the cerebellum
compares the cerebral motor command with proprioceptive feedback and adjusts the descending
input to correct. The red nucleus sends an additional signal to the Lower motor neuron for the
arm to increase contraction momentarily to overcome the change and regain the original position.
Fine motor skill/ dexterity such as threading a needle is the coordination of small muscles, in
movements- usually involving the synchronization of hands and fingers with the eyes. Lack of
limb coordination is usually cause by a damage to the lateral hemisphere of the cerebellum.
KNEE-HEEL TEST Normal force and rhythm of Abnormal force and rhythm
movements of movements
Muscle tone is the continuously maintained state of slight tension or tautness in the
healthy muscles even when they appear to be at rest. It is usually discussed in terms of
hypertonicity, hypotonicity, or dystonia. HYPERTONIA is an increase in tone which occurs in
lesions of upper motor neurons and extrapyramidal systems. HYPOTONIA is a decrease in tone
which is commonly seen in lower motor neuron disease and cerebellar lesions. DYSTONIA is a
movement disorder in which a person's muscles contract uncontrollably.
Gait refers to the manner, style, or pattern of walking. It is dependent on the same
vestibular, proprioceptive, and integrative systems as stance and balance. However, it requires
direction from the central gait mechanism in the frontal lobes, basal ganglia, brain stem, and
descending motor systems.
four common forms of abnormal gait seen in neurological conditions:
Spastic (hemiplegic) Gait
o Knee cannot be flexed and foot is not properly lifted off the ground as patient is
instructed to walk on a narrow base. As a result, patient drags his/her foot on the
ground and tends to describe a semicircle with the affected leg.
Stamping Gait
o Patient raises each foot suddenly and brings it down on the ground with a thump
o Usually Seen in sensory ataxia
Drunken or reeling gait
o Also an ataxic gait
o Seen in cerebellar lesions
o Characterized by a clumsy, and zigzagging-like gait of a drunkard as the patient is
instructed to walk on a broad base with his/her feet apart
o Ataxia is equally severe whether the eyes are closed or open
Festinant Gait
o Seen in Parkinson’s disease
o Characterized by slow-paced walking and short shuffling steps, and uncontrolled
acceleration while walking
o Inability to stop when patient is pushed forward or pushed back
To bring out abnormalities in gait and balance, ask the patient to do more difficult
maneuvers. Test tandem gait by asking the patient to walk a straight line while touching the heel
of one foot to the toe of the other with each step.
Patients with truncal ataxia caused by damage to the cerebellar vermis or associated
pathways will have particular difficulty with this task, since they tend to have a wide-based,
unsteady gait, and become more unsteady when attempting to keep their feet close together. To
bring out subtle gait abnormalities or asymmetries, it may be appropriate in some cases to ask the
patient to walk on their heels, their toes, or the insides or outsides of their feet, to stand or hop on
one leg, or to walk upstairs.
The KNEE-HEEL TEST or heel-to-shin test is a test of lower limb coordination and
position sense, often performed to assess the integrity of the cerebellum. This test assesses the
accuracy of heel placement. Note if the heel is not pushed down the shin without smoothly and
accurately. Any Inability to perform this test properly may indicate possible cerebellar trauma
or ataxia.
Knee-jerk reflex, also called patellar reflex, sudden kicking movement of the lower leg
in response to a sharp tap on the patellar tendon, which lies just below the kneecap. The sharp tap
on the tendon slightly stretches the quadriceps, the complex of muscles at the front of the upper
leg. In reaction these muscles contract, and the contraction tends to straighten the leg in a kicking
motion. Exaggeration or absence of the reaction suggests that there may be damage to the central
nervous system. Westphal's sign is the clinical correlate of the absence or decrease of patellar
reflex or knee jerk.
Clinical significance of westphal’s sign in determining neurological disorders or disease:
receptor damage, peripheral nerve disease, involving the dorsal(sensory) columns of the
spinal cord and cerebellar lesions
lesions present within the motor cortex of the brain or the pyramidal tracts which it
combined with muscular spasms
complete interruption of sensory and/or motor impulse transmission in the femoral nerve
The Romberg’s Sign Test is an appropriate tool to diagnose sensory ataxia, a gait
disturbance caused by abnormal proprioception involving information about the location of the
joints. It is also proven to be sensitive and accurate means of measuring the degree of
disequilibrium caused by central vertigo, peripheral vertigo and head trauma. It is used to
demonstrate the effects of posterior column disease upon human upright postural control.
Posterior column disease involves selective damaging of the posterior column, known as tabes
dorsalis neurosyphilis. The Romberg test is used for the clinical assessment of patients with
disequilibrium or ataxia from sensory and motor disorders.
The cerebellum functions in motor control by coordinating movements including those
involving precise and accurate movements. Damage in the cerebellum manifests itself as
problems with fine movement, equilibrium and posture. The tests performed serve to examine
each function of the cerebellum—balance,coordination, and proprioception(knowing where the
parts of the body are without the need of sight)—in a non-clinical setting by using tests that are
used as part of a physician's screening. It by no means is intended to provide an accurate
diagnosis. After each test there will be information about what is considered normal as well as
some signs that could relate to problems with the cerebellum If the cerebellum is lesioned or
otherwise affected, some form of ataxia is likely. What exactly goes wrong depends upon which
part of the cerebellum is affected. When the vestibulocerebellum (flocculonodular lobe) is
affected, this manifests in problems with balance and control of eye movements. Dysfunction of
the spinocerebellum (vermis and paravermis) causes people to walk widely, and imbalanced with
unequal steps, as if they are drunk. The cerebrocerebellum (lateral parts of the hemispheres) is
involved in the accurate timing and planning out of movements, so when something is wrong
there it can cause tremors, unequal writing, slurred speech, inability to rapidly alter movements,
undershooting or overshooting movement, and more.
Along with hearing, the inner ear is responsible for encoding information about
equilibrium (the sense of balance), which it does in the vestibule and semi-circular canals.
The vestibular apparatus (or vestibular system) consists of two structures of the bony
labyrinth of the inner ear, the vestibule and the semi-circular canals, and the structures of the
membranous labyrinth contained within them.
The fastigial nucleus is the most medially located of the cerebellar nuclei. It receives
input from the vermis and from cerebellar afferents that carry vestibular, proximal
somatosensory, auditory, and visual information. It projects to the vestibular nuclei and the
reticular formation.
The interposed nuclei comprise the emboliform nucleus and the globose nucleus. They
are situated lateral to the fastigial nucleus. They receive input from the intermediate zone and
from cerebellar afferents that carry spinal, proximal somatosensory, auditory, and visual
information. They project to the contralateral red nucleus (the origin of the rubrospinal tract).
The dentate nucleus is the largest of the cerebellar nuclei, located lateral to the
interposed nuclei. It receives input from the lateral hemisphere and from cerebellar afferents that
carry information from the cerebral cortex (via the pontine nuclei). It projects to the contralateral
red nucleus and the ventrolateral (VL) thalamic nucleus.
The vestibular nuclei are located outside the cerebellum, in the medulla. Hence, they are
not strictly cerebellar nuclei, but they are considered to be functionally equivalent to the
cerebellar nuclei because their connectivity patterns are identical to the cerebellar nuclei. The
vestibular nuclei receive input from the flocculonodular lobe and from the vestibular labyrinth.
They project to various motor nuclei and originate the vestibulospinal tracts.
DDK is often seen as a symptom of multiple sclerosis or other cerebral conditions, such
as: Friedreich’s ataxia and ataxic dysarthria (a speech disorder).
Intention tremor is produced with purposeful movement toward a target, such as lifting
a finger to touch the nose. Typically the tremor will become worse as an individual gets closer
to their target.
Resting tremor occurs when the muscle is relaxed, such as when the hands are resting on
the lap. With this disorder, a person’s hands, arms, or legs may shake even when they are at rest.
Often, the tremor only affects the hand or fingers. This type of tremor is often seen in people
with Parkinson’s disease and is called a “pillrolling” tremor because the circular finger and
hand movements resemble rolling of small objects or pills in the hand.
7. What is tetany?
Tetany is a state of hyperexcitability of the central and peripheral nervous systems that
results from abnormally reduced concentrations of ions (i.e., Ca2+, Mg2+, or H+ [alkalosis]) in
the fluid bathing nerve cells.
8. What is Romberg’s sign?
Romberg’s Sign is a diagnostic sign of tabes dorsalis and other diseases of the
nervous system consisting of a swaying of the body when the feet are placed close together
and the eyes are closed.
Tinnitus is the perception of sound within the human ear (“ringing of the ears”) when no
external sound is present.
13. What is the receptor in the semicircular canals and otolith organs?
The cerebellum is situated in the posterior cranial fossa and is covered superiorly by the
tentorium cerebelli. The cerebellum is connected to the posterior aspect of the brainstem by three
symmetrical bundles of nerve fibers called the superior, middle, and inferior cerebellar
15. Which nucleus of the cerebellum is concerned with coordination? Name the tract
connecting this to the cortex.
The dentate nucleus caries information important for coordination of limb movements.
The rubrospinal tract originates from the dentate nucleus passing the thalamic nuclei,
continuously ascend to the internal capsule to the corona radiata and finally, to the primary motor
16. Mention some abnormal gaits.
Right and left upper limbs; eyes opened
Right and left upper limbs; eyes closed
Right and left upper limbs; eyes opened
Right and left upper limbs; eyes closed
E. Dysdiadochokinesia
Right and left upper limbs
Right and left lower limbs
Bate’s guide to Physical examination and history Taking 12th edition. Lynn S. Bickley
Snell, R.S. (2010). Clinical Neuroanatomy. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a Wolters Kluwer
business. 7th Edition.
Hall, JE. (2016) Guyton and Hall: Textbook of Medical Physiology. Elsevier. 12th Edition.
Ghai, CL. (2013). A Textbook of Practical Physiology. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P)
Ltd. 8th Edition