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Vitoria O’Domell
Propaganda & Persuasion
Sixth Edition
Garth S. Jowett
University of Houston
Victoria O'Donnell
Montana State Universityie of Conran ate
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Brief Contents
Preface to the Sith Edition
1. Whats Propaganda nd How Does ie
Die From Persuasion?
2. Propaganda Through the Ages
5. Propaganda lxtsonalied
4, Propaganda and Pesasion Fxamined
5. Propaganda and Pychoogisl Warfare
6. How to Analyze Propaganda
7, Propaganda in Action: Four Case Seis
8, How Propaganda Works a Modern Soiesy
Asbo Index
Sbjct ade
About the Authors
What Is Propaganda, and How
Does It Differ From Persuasion?
ropaganda has been studied as history, jouralisn, poll scene,
sociology, and pyehology, aswell as fem an ntedslpinay perspec
tive To say propaganda a htory io examine the practic: of Prope
is as ey an he subequent evens at pole ef of propaganda.
“Te conser propaganda ouralia iso undersand ow news mage
ment or “spin shapes information, emphasing postive fears sad down
playing agave ons, easing isitions ina favorable lige. To examine
‘repaganda nh igh of pon sence to analyte eee te
Dracitioners ad the diemisation and impact of puble opinion. To
approach propaganda 2s Sociology 4 lok a social movements and the