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The chemistry of

organophosphorus compounds

Volume 1

A series of advanced treatises under the general editorship of

Professor Saul Patai
The chemistry of alkenes ( 2 volumes)
The chemistry of the carbonyl group ( 2 volumes)
The chemistry of the ether linkage
The chemistry of the amino group
The chemistry of the nitro and nitroso groups ( 2 parts)
The chemistry of carboxylic acids and esters
The chemistry of the carbon-nitrogen double bond
The chemistry of amides
The chemistry of the cyano group
The chemistry of the hydroxyl group ( 2 parts)
The chemistry of the azido group
The chemistry of acyl halides
The chemistry of the carbon-halogen bond (2 parts)
The chemistry of the quinonoid compounds ( 2 volumes, 4 parts)
The chemistry of the thiol group (2 parts)
The chemistry of the hydrazo, azo and azoxy groups (2 parts)
The chemistry of amidines and imidates
The chemistry of cyanates and their thio derivatives ( 2 parts)
The chemistry of diazonium and diazo groups (2 parts)
The chemistry of the carbon-carbon triple bond (2 parts)
The chemistry of ketenes, allenes and related compounds ( 2 parts)
The chemistry of the sulphonium group (2 parts)
Supplement A: The chemistry of double-bonded functional groups ( 2 volumes, 4 parts)
Supplement B: The chemistry of acid derivatives (2 parts)
Supplement C: The chemistry of triple-bonded functional groups ( 2 parts)
Supplement D: The chemistry of halides, pseudo-halides and azides (2 parts)
Supplement E: The chemistry of ethers, crown ethers, hydroxyl groups
and their sulphur analogues (2 parts)
Supplement F: The chemistry of amino. nitroso and nitro compounds
and their derivatives ( 2 parts)
The chemistry of the metal-carbon bond (5 volumes)
The chemistry of peroxides
The chemistry of organic selenium and tellurium compounds ( 2 volumes)
The chemistry of the cyclopropyl group
The chemistry of sulphones and sulphoxides
The chemistry of organic silicon compounds ( 2 parts)
The chemistry of enones (2 parts)
The chemistry of sulphinic acids, esters and their derivatives

The chemistry of a-haloketones, a-haloaldehydes and a-haloimines
Nitrones, nitronates and nitroxides
Crown ethers and analogs

Patai’s guide to the chemistry of functional groups-Saul Patai

The chemistry of
organophosphorus compounds

Volume 1

Primary, secondary and tertiary phosphines, polyphosphines

and heterocyclic organophosphorus( Ill) compounds

Edited by
CranJield Institute of Technology
Cranfield, U K




An Interscience” Publication
Copyright 0 1990 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
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West Sussex PO19 IUD, England

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

The Chemistry of organophosphorus compounds / edited by Frank R.

p. cm.-(The Chemistry of functional groups)
Includes bibliographical references.
Contents: v. 1. Primary, secondary, and tertiary phosphines,
polyphosphines, and heterocyclic organophosphorus(II1) compounds.
ISBN 0 471 92607 8 (v. 1)
1. Organophosphorus compounds. I. Hartley, F. R. 11. Series.
QD412.PlC444 1990 89-22591
547.07-dc20 CIP

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data:

The Chemistry of organophosphorus compounds.

Vol. I . Primary, secondary and tertiary phosphines,
polyphosphines and heterocyclic organophosphorus(II1)
1. Organic phosphorus compounds
I. Hartley, F. R. (Frank Robinson), 1942- 11. Series

ISBN 0 471 92607 8

Typeset by Thomson Press (India) Ltd, New Delhi, India.

Printed and bound in Great Britain by Courier International Ltd, Tiptree, Essex

V. H., S. M. H., J.A. H., and E. J . H .

Contributing authors
Wesley G. Bentrude Department of Chemistry, University of Utah, Salt Lake
City, Utah 841 12, USA

John Chambers ADAS Slough Laboratory, London Road, Slough SL3


Manfred Dankowski Degussa AG, Geschaftsbereich Anorganische Chemie

Produkte, D-6000 Frankfurt, FRG

Declan G. Gilheany Department of Chemistry, St Patrick’s College, May-

nooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland

Frank R. Hartley Cranfield Institute of Technology, Cranfield, Bedford,


Harry R. Hudson Department of Applied Chemistry and Life Sciences,

Polytechnic of North London, Holloway Road, London
N7 8DB, UK

Alan N. Hughes Department of Chemistry, Lakehead University, Thun-

der Bay, Ontario, Canada

Henri B. Kagan Laboratoire de Synthtse Asymetrique, UA CNRS 255,

Universite Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay, France

Klaus-Peter Langhans Fachbereich 9, Anorganische Chemie, Bergische

Universitat-GH Wuppertal, Gauss-Strasse 20, D-5600
Wuppertal-1, FRG

W. (Bill) Levason Department of Chemistry, University of Southampton,

Southampton SO9 5NH, UK

Mohd J. Maah Centre for Foundation Studies in Science, University of

Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Catherine Mitchell Department of Chemistry, St Patrick’s College, May-

nooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland

viii Contributing authors
John F. Nixon School of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences, University
of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QJ, UK

Geoffrey Pilcher Department of Chemistry, University of Manchester,

Manchester M13 9PL. UK

Nicholas R. Price ADAS Slough Laboratory, London Road, Slough SL3


Louis D. Quin Department of Chemistry, University of Massachusetts,

Lederle Graduate Research Center, Amherst, Massa-
chusetts 01003, USA

Kalathur S . V. Santhanam Chemical Physics Group, Tata Institute of Fundamental

Research, Colaba, Bombay 400005, India

Mitsuru Sasaki Laboratoire de Synthese Asymetrique, UA CNRS 255,

Universite Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay, France

Othmar Stelzer Fachbereich 9, Anorganische Chemie, Bergische

Universitiit-GH Wuppertal, Gauss-Strasse 20, D-5600
Wuppertal-1, FRG

Paul Tordo Universite de Provence, CNRS UA 125-Boite 521, Av.

Normandie-Niemen, 13397 Marseille, France

The Chemistry of Organophosphorus Compounds will be a multi-volume work within the

well established series of books covering The Chemistry of Functional Groups. It is
proposed to cover the extensive subject matter in four volumes.
Volume 1 covers primary, secondary and tertiary phosphines (PR,H,-,, n = 1-3),
polyphosphines [both P-C,-P and R(P),R’, n > 13 and heterocyclic
compounds containing phosphorus.
Volume 2 will cover phosphines oxides, sulphides and selenides.
Volume 3 will cover phosphonium salts, phosphonium ylides and phosphoranes.
Volume 4 will cover phosphinous, phosphonous, phosphinic and phosphonic acid
compounds and their halogen derivatives, R,PY, RPY,, R,P(X)Y and
RP(X)Y,, where Y = halogen and X = 0, S or Se.
For many years the nomenclature used in organophosphorus chemistry was extremely
frustrating with different compounds being given the same name by different authors. The
nomenclature has, however, now been rationalized and is summarized in Chapter 1,
Section IV.
In common with other volumes in The Chemistry of the Functional Groups series, the
emphasis is laid on the functional group treated and on the effects that it exerts on the
chemical and physical properties, primarily in the immediate vicinity of the group in
question, and secondarily on the behaviour of the whole molecule. The coverage is
restricted in that material included in easily and generally available secondary or tertiary
sources, such as Chemical Reviews and various ‘Advances’ and ‘Progress’ series, as well as
textbooks (i.e. in books which are usually found in the chemical libraries of universities and
research institutes), is not as a rule repeated in detail, unless it is necessary for the balanced
treatment of the subject. Therefore, each of the authors was asked not to give an
encyclopaedic coverage of his or her subject, but to concentrate on the most important
recent developments and mainly on material that has not been adequately covered by
reviews or other secondary sources by the time of writing of the chapter, and to address
himself or herself to a reader who is assumed to be at a fairly advanced postgraduate level.
With these restrictions, it is realised that no plan can be devised for a volume that would
give a complete coverage of the subject with no overlap between the chapters, while at the
same time preserving the readability of the text.
The publication of the Functional Group Series would never have started without the
support of many people. This volume would never have reached fruition without the

X Foreword
help of Mrs Baylis, Mrs Vitale, Mr Mitchell with typing and the efficient and patient
cooperation of several staff members of the Publisher. Many of my colleagues in England,
Israel and elsewhere gave help in solving many problems, especially Professor Saul Patai,
without whose continual support and encouragement this work would never have been
attempted. Finally, that the project ever reached completion is due to the essential support
and partnership of my wife and family, amongst whom my eldest daughter provided both
moral support and chemical understanding in the more difficult areas of the subject.

Crantield, England FRANK HARTLEY

1. Introduction 1
F. R. Hartley
2. Structure and bonding in organophosphorus(ll1) compounds 9
D. G. Gilheany
3. Optically active phosphines: preparation, uses and chiroptical properties 51
H. B. Kagan and M. Sasaki
4. Electrochemistry of organophosphorus( I l l ) compounds 103
K. S. V. Santhanam
5. Thermochemistry of phosphorus(ll1) compounds 127
G. Pilcher
6. ESR spectra of free radicals derived from phosphines 137
P. Tordo
7. Preparation of phosphines 151
D. G. Gilheany and C. M. Mitchell
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines with 191
P-C,-P bonding
0. Stelzer and K. P. Langhans
9. Chemistry and ligating properties of phospha-alkynes and their 255
M. J. Maah and J. F. Nixon
10. Cyclic phosphines 295
L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 385
H. R. Hudson
12. Acid-base and hydrogen-bonding properties of phosphines 473
H. R. Hudson
13. Photochemistry of organophosphorus(ll1) compounds 489
M. Dankowski
14 Free-radical reactions of organophosphorus( I l l ) compounds 531
W. G. Bentrude

xii Contents

15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 567

W. Levason
16. Biochemistry of phosphines 643
N. R. Price and J. Chambers
Author index 663
Subject index 727
List of abbreviations used

Ac acetyl (CH,CO)
acac acetylacetone
Ad adamantyl
aibn azobisisobutyronitrile
All ally1
Ar aryl

BSA bovine serum albumin

Bu butyl (also t-Bu or Bur)
Bz benzyl

cd circular dichroism
cod cycloocta-1,5-diene
CP $-cyclopentadienyl
CP* $-pentamethylcyclopentadienyl
CPMAS cross-polarization magic angle spinning
CY cyclohexyl

dbn 1,5-diazabicyclo[5.4.OJnon-5-ene
dbu 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.O]undec-7-ene
diop 2,3-o-isopropylidene-2,3-dihydroxy-1,4-
dme l2-dimethoxyethane
dmg dimethylglyoximate
dmpe 1,2-bis(dimethyIphosphino)ethane
dmso dimethyl sulphoxide
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
dPPe 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane
dPPm bis(dipheny1phosphino)methane

ee enantiomeric excess
EPR electron paramagnetic resonance
ESR electron spin resonance

FAD flavine adenine dinucleotide

FT Fourier transform

xiv List of abbreviations used
Hex hexyl
HOMO highest occupied molecular orbital
HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography

LC50 concentration causing lethality to 50% of the population

LD50 dose causing lethality to 50% of the population
Ida lithium diisopropylamide
LUMO lowest unoccupied molecular orbital

M metal
Me methyl
Mes mesityl
MNDO modified neglect of diatomic overlap

NADP nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate

NP naphthyl

ORD optical rotatory dispersion

Pe penten yl
Pen pentyl G H , 1)
PES photoelectron spectroscopy
Ph phenyl
PPm parts per million
Pr propyl (also i-Pr or Pr')

R any radical
RNA ribonucleic acid

SCF self-consistent field

tbP trigonal bipyramid

thf tetrahydrofuran
tms trimethylsilyl
To1 tolyl (CH3C6H,)
Tos tosyl
Tript 9-triptyl

VSEPR valence shell electron pair repulsion

X halide

Cranfield Institute of Technology, Cranfield, Bedford, MK43 OAL, UK

I. HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
IV.NOMENCLATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
A. Compounds of Phosphorus(II1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1. Phosphines, their analogues and their metal derivatives (coordination
number3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2. Phosphines with electronegative substituents
(X, OH, SH, etc.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3. Phosphorus(II1) onium salts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
B. Compounds of Phosphorus (V) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1. Phosphine oxides and their analogues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2. 0 x 0 acids of phosphorus (V) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3. Analogues and derivatives of the 0 x 0 acids of phosphorus(V) in
which =O or --OH have been replaced by other electronegative
substituents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4. Phosphoranes (PH,) and their analogues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5. Anions containing phosphorus(V) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
6. Ring compounds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
VI.REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 7


The first preparation of a reiatively pure sample of phosphorus was accomplished by
Hennig Brand in 1669. In the process of trying to convert silver into gold he had to distil
large volumes of urine, from which he obtained as one of the later products of the
distillation a white liquid which emitted a strange light. This was, of course, white
phosphorus, which fairly quickly oxidized in air and ceased to phosphoresce.
The first synthetic chemical study of organophosphorus compounds began in the early
nineteenth century. Lassaigne in 1820 reported work on the esterification of dehydrated

The Chemistry of Organophosphorus Compounds, Volume 1

Edited By F. R. Hartley 0 1990 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
2 F. R. Hartley
phosphoric acid’. In 1845 Thenard prepared a series of phosphine derivatives2 and from
then on progress was fairly rapid. Michaelis and then A. E. Arbuzov and later his son B. A.
Arbuzov dominated the field for many years, although there were many others in the UK
and Germany over many years.


The inorganic compounds of phosphorus dominate the commercial application of phos-
phorus compounds, with the fertilizer industry accounting for about 70% of all the
phosphorus used, primarily in the form of phosphates such as CaHPO,. Detergents, which
are essentially a mixture of a polyphosphate and a surfactant such as sodium alkylbenzene
sulphonate, account for 15% of phosphorus used, animal feedstuffs for 8% and the use of
phosphoric acid for corrosion control about 5%. The pharmaceutical, insecticidal and
plastics industries, all of which use organophosphorus compounds, together account for
about 2% of the total phosphorus used, although these are high added value chemicals so
that they account for a very much greater proportion of the commercial value of the
phosphorus industry.
The oldest major use of organophosphorus compounds is as antioxidants and
stabilizers in rubbers and plastics (phosphites). Triphenyl phosphate and later tricresyl
phosphate were widely used as plasticizers in early plastics such as celluloid. Such
phosphates are also used to flameproof fabrics, particularly for children’s clothing.
Phosphates have been used as petroleum additives to control preignition or ‘knocking’
and are used extensively used in hydraulic fluids, particularly for aircraft applications
because of their ability to impart fire resistance. The 0,O-dialkyl phosphorodithioates,
(RO),P(S) SH, are used in high-pressure lubricating oils where their ability to ‘bond’ to
metal surfaces prevents their being squeezed out from between surfaces that are forced into
contact by very high imposed loads. In such situations, which apply in certain gearboxes
and drive systems, hydrocarbon oils are squeezed out of the gap between the gear
components and cease to provide effective lubrication.
A major driving force in the development of organophosphorus compounds was the
recognition of their biochemical properties. This culminated with the discovery of their
insecticidal activity and as a spin-off from this the discovery in Germany of the nerve
agents developed but never used as chemical warfare agents in the Second World War. The
first patents for the agricultural use of organophorus compounds were taken out in 19423
and in 1944the first commercial product of this new range of insectides, parathion (l),was

02N-@o-P(OE+~2 II

introduced. Since then, hundreds of organophosphorus insecticides have been developed.

Their particular attraction is their high toxicity coupled with their relatively limited
stability in the biosphere, which results in their not being persistent in the way that DDT is.
Typical organophosphorus insectide half-lives in plants are between 2 and 10 days.


Most organophosphorus compounds are manufactured from elemental phosphorus,
obtained by the electrothermal reduction of calcium phosphate with coke in the presence
1. Introduction 3
of silica (equation I),:

2Ca,(P0,)2 + 6Si0, + IOC - P, + 6CaSi0, + lOC0

This phosphorus is then converted to phosphorus trichloride by direct reaction with

excess of chlorine or phosphoryl chloride, POCI,, formed by exposure of the trichloride to

air. PCI, and POCI, are then used as the starting points for the preparation of most
organophosphorus compounds.
The chemistry of organophosphorus compounds falls into two areas: reactions
involving the phosphorus atom itself, which form the majority of the chemistry, and
reactions in which the presence of the phosphorus atom contributes to the reactions ofthe
organic moieties present in the molecule. Phosphorus lies in Group V of the Periodic Table
and forms two series of compounds. In the first series phosphorus is in the + 3 oxidation
state and the phosphorus itself carries a lone pair of electrons, which contribute markedly
to the chemistry and stereochemistry of these compounds. This lone pair of electrons
enable phosphorus(II1) compounds to undergo nucleophilic attack on a wide range of
compounds. Phosphorus itself is a relatively electropositive element and so can also act as
an electrophile; such reactions are particularly important for compounds of phosphorus in
its higher oxidation state of + 5.
Phosphorus forms stable bonds to a wide range of elements. It forms particularly
stable bonds to oxygen, so that whenever the opportunity arises phosphorus tends to
form such bonds, often accompanied by oxidation. However, strong bonds to hydrogen,
carbon, nitrogen, fluorine and chlorine give rise to a rich chemistry. Although the valence
electrons of phosphorus are two 3s and three 3p electrons, there are relatively low-lying
empty 3d orbitals which contribute significantly to many aspects of phosphorus chemistry,
particularly the stability and high bond energies involved in the phosphonium ylide
\+ -
system 7P-C(’, the strength of the s P = O double bond in the phosphine oxides
and the stability of radicals such as R,P’ in which phosphorus is surrounded by more than
eight valence electronss.

The complexity of organophosphorus compounds is considerable, so that there is ample
room for confusion even to specialists in the field. Accordingly, in 1952 the Chemical
Society in London and the American Chemical Society established a series of Rules of
Nomenclature6*’. These rules were very precise and therefore greatly simplified the
reader’s understanding of what an author was trying to convey. However, they did give rise
to some very lengthy names. Perhaps because of this the IUPAC Nomenclature
Commission issued a revised system of nomenclature which was more flexible than the
previous system and gave some element of choice, allowing a particular compound to be
named in the simplest and most easily interpretable manner.
In naming organophosphorus compounds it is often helpful to have in minds names for
the parent structures6*’.These are as follows:
Phosphine H3P
Phosphine oxide H,P=O
Phosphine sulphide H,P=S
Phosphine selenide H,P=Se
Phosphine imide H,P=NH
Phosphorane H J
4 F. R. Hartley
Phosphorus ( I l l ) acids:
Phosphorous acid (HO),P
Phosphonous acid* HP(OH),
Phosphinous acid H,POH
Phosphenous acid HOP=O
Phosphorus ( V ) acids:
Phosphoric acid (HO),P=O
Phosphonic acid HP(=O)(OH),
Phosphinic acid H,P(=O) (OH)
Phosphenic acid* HOP (=O),
Phosphoranoic acid H,POH
Phosphoranedioic acid H3P(0H)2
Phosphoranetrioic acid H2P(0H)3
Phosphoranetetroic acid HP(OH),
Phosphoranepentoic acid (HO),P
Those names marked with asterisks are used for naming organophosphorus com-
pounds only; the corresponding inorganic acids are known as hypophosphorous acid,
HP(OH),, and metaphosphoric acid, HOP(=O),, respectively.
The IUPAC rules* of nomenclature are summarized below.

A. Compounds of Phosphorus (111)

I . Phosphines, their analogues and their metal derivatives (coordination number 3)

Organic derivatives of the parent hydride, phosphine (PH,), are named as substituted
phosphines by use of appropriate prefixes in alphabetical order, e.g.
ethylphosphine, EtPH,
triphenylphosphine, PPh,
ethyl(phenyl)propylphosphine, P-Ph
' Pr
When -PH, does not constitute the principal group, it is designated by the prefix
phosphino, e.g.
phosphinoacetic acid, H,PCH,COOH
When -PH- does not constitute the principal group, it is designated phosphinediyl
and -P< is designated phosphinetriyl. When there are several -P< atoms in a chain,
then the prefix 'phospha' is used. When one or more H atoms of PH, derivatives have been
replaced with a metal atom, then the compounds are known as phosphides, e.g.
sodium diphenylphosphide, NaPPh,
calcium ethylphosphide, CaPEt

2. Phosphines with electronegative substituents (X, OH, SH, etc.)

These compounds may be named in one of three ways, with the examples given below:
(i) as substitution products of phosphine;
1. Introduction 5

(ii) as derivatives of the parent acids, phosphinous acid, H,POH, phosphonous acid,
HP(OH),, or phosphorous acid, P(OH),; or
(iii) as coordination compounds of phosphorus.
Ph,P(OMe): (i) methoxydiphenylphosphine;
(ii) methyl diphenylphosphinite;
(iii) methoxydiphenylphosphorus(111).
Ph,PCI: (i) chlorodiphenylphosphine;
(ii) diphenylphosphinous chloride;
(iii) chlorodiphenylphosphorus (111).

3. Phosphorus (Ill) onium salts

These compounds are named phosphonium salts with the appropriate prefixes to
indicate the radicals, listed alphabetically, e.g.
benzyltriphenylphosphonium chloride, [PhCH,PPh,] + C1-

6. Compounds of Phosphorus (V)

1. Phosphine oxides and their analogues

R,PX, where X = 0, S, Se, NH, may be named in one of three ways, with the example
(i) as oxides, sulphides, etc.;
(ii) as substitution products of phosphorane, PH,;
(iii) as coordination compounds of phosphorus
Ph,PO: (i) triphenylphosphine oxide;
(ii) oxotriphenylphosphorane;
(iii) oxotriphenylphosphorus (V).

2. 0 x 0 acids of phosphorus (V)

These compounds are named as substitution products of the parent acids, phosphinic
acid, H,PO(OH), and phosphonic acid, HPO(OH),. When multiplying affxes are
required, bis, tris and tetrakis are used, e.g.
diphenylphosphinic acid, Ph,PO(OH)
1,4-butylbis(phosphoric acid), (HO),0P(CH,),PO(OH)2
When the acid group is not the principal group then the prefixes phosphono
[-PO(OH),], phosphinato [-PO(0-),I, phosphinico [>PO(OH)] and phosphinato
[>POO-] are used, e.g.
phosphoroacetic acid, (HO),OPCH,COOH

3. Analogues and derivatives of the 0 x 0 acids of phosphorus (V) in which =O or

-OH have been replaced by other electronegative substituents
These compounds can be named in one of three ways, with the examples given:
(i) as substitution derivatives of the acids named using the appropriate prefixes such as
thio, chloro or amido;
(ii) by use of infixes such as -thio-, -amid(o)- or -chlorid(o)-;
(iii) as ‘hydrogen salts’ naming the anion by coordination nomenclature.
Et PS (SH): (i) diethyldithiophosphinic acid;
6 F. R. Hartley
diethylphosphinodithioic acid;
hydrogen diethyldithiophosphate (V).
PhPO(C1) (OH): (i)
phenylchlorophosphonic acid;
phenylphosphonochloridic acid;
hydrogen chlorodioxophenylphosphate(V).
PhPO(CI)(OMe): (i)
methyl phenylchlorophosphonate;
methyl phenylphosphonochloridate;
(note: the parentheses around 'methoxy' are optional);
PhPOCl,: (i) and (ii) phenylphosphonic dichloride;
(iii) dichlorooxophenylphosphorus (V).
When another group is present that has priority for citation as the principal group, the
0x0 radicals are named:
phosphinoyl, H2P(O)-
phosphonoy I, HP(O)<
phosphoryl, P(O)t

4. Phosphoranes (PH,) and their analogues

Derivatives of PH,, generically called phosphoranes, may be named in one of two ways,
with the examples given:
(i) as substitution derivatives of phosphorane;
(ii) as coordination compounds.
PPh,: (i) pentaphenylphosphorane;
(ii) pentaphenylphosphorus (V).
Ph,PCI,: (i) dichlorotriphenylphosphorane;
(ii) dichlorotriphenylphosphorus (V).
When they d o not constitute the principal groups, radicals derived from phosphorane
may be named as phosphoranyl (H,P-), phosphoranediyl (H,P() or phosphoranetriyl
( H z P Z1.

5. Anions containing phosphorus ( V )

These are named by listing the ligands alphabetically as prefixes to the word 'phosphate'
followed by either (i) the oxidation state of the phosphorus (Stock system) or (ii) the charge
on the anion (Ewens-Bassett system).
For example, NaPPh,: (i) sodium hexaphenylphosphate (V);
(ii) sodium hexaphenylphosphate( 1 - ).

6. Ring compounds
The more commonly encountered monocyclic ring systems involving phosphorus are
named as in Table 1.


There is a vast literature covering organophosphorus chemistry which is well referenced in
the chapters that follow. Major secondary sources of literature include the following:
Review series:
Organophosphorus Chemistry';
Topics in Phosphorus Chemistry";
Organic Phosphorus Compounds' '.
1. Introduction 7
TABLE 1 . Nomenclature of heterocyclic ring compounds containing

Ring size Saturated Unsaturated

3 Phosphirane Phosphirene
4 Phosphetane Phosphete
5 Phospholane Phosphole
6 Phosphorinane Phosphorin
7 Phosphenane Phosphepin
8 Phosphocane Phosphocin
9 Phosphonane Phosphonin
10 Phosphecane Phosphecin

Major texts:
K . Sasse, Organische Phosphor- Verbindungen' 2;
R. F . Hudson, Structure and Mechanism in Organophosphorus C h e m i ~ t r y ' ~ ;
A. J . Kirby and S. G. Warren, T h e Organic Chemistry of P h o s p h o r ~ s ' ~ ;
B. J . Walker, Organophosphorus Chemistry' ';
W. E. McEwan and K . D. Berlin, Organophosphorus Stereochemistry16;
D. J . H . Smith and R. S. Edmundson, in Comprehensive Organic Chemistry";
J . I . G. Cadogan (Ed.), Organophosphorus Reagents in Organic Synthesis";
L. D. Quin, T h e Heterocyclic Chemistry of P h o s p h o r ~ s ' ~ ;
L. D. Quin and J. G. Verkade (Eds), Phosphorus Chemistry";
K . D. Dimroth, in Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry";
R. S. Edmundson (Ed.), Dictionary of Organophosphorus Compounds22.


1. Lassaigne, Justus Liebigs Ann. Chem., 3, 294 (1820).

2. P. Thenard, C.R. Acad. Sci., 21, 144 (1845).
3. G. Schrader, Ger. Pat., 720577 (1942).
4. R. Thompson (Ed.), The Modern Inorganic Chemicals Industry, Chemical Society Special
Publication No. 31, Chemical Society, London, 1977.
5. F. A. Cotton and G. Wilkinson, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry,4th Ed., Wiley, New York, 1980.
6. R. S. Cahn (Ed.), J . Chem. Soc., 5122 (1952).
7. Handbookfor Chemicat Society Authors, Chemical Society Special Publication No. 14, Chemical
Society, London, 1960, p. 154.
8. J. Rigaudy and S. P. Klesney, IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry, Pergamon Press,
Oxford, 1979, p. 384.
9. D. W. Hutchinson and B. J. Walker (Senior Reporters), Organophosphorus Chemistry,Chemical
Society Specialist Periodical Reports, Chemical Society, London (published annually).
10. M . Grayson and E. J . Grifith (Eds), Topics in Phosphorus Chemistry,Wiley, New York (series).
11. G. M. Kosolapoff and L. Maier (Eds), Organic Phosphorus Compounds,Wiley, New York (series).
12. K. Sasse, 'Organische Phosphor-Verbindungen', Vol 12/1 and 12/2, in Houben-Weyl, Methoden
der Organischen Chemie, Georg Thieme, Stuttgart, 1964.
13. R. F. Hudson, Structure and Mechanism in Organophosphorus
_ . . Chemistry, Academic Press, New
York, 1965.
14. A. J. Kirbv and S. G. Warren. The Oraanic Chemistrv ofPhosohorus. Elsevier. Amsterdam. 1967.
15. B. J. Walier, Organophosphorus Chemistry, Penguin, Harmdndsworth, 1972.
16. W. E. McEwan and K . D. Berlin, Organophosphorus Stereochemistry, Parts 1 and 2, Halsted
Press, New York, 1975.
8 F. R. Hartley
17. D. J. H. Smith and R. S. Edmundson, ‘Phosphorus Compounds’, in Comprehensive Organic
Chemistry (Ed D. Barton and W. D. Ollis), Vol. 2, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1979, p. 1121.
18. J. I. G. Cadogan (Ed.), Organophosphorus Reagents in Organic Synthesis, Academic Press,
London, 1979.
19. L. D. Quin, The Heterocyclic Chemistry of Phosphorus, Wiley, New York, 1981.
20. L. D. Quin and J. G. Verkade (Eds), Phosphorus Chemistry, ACS Symposium Series, No. 171,
American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 1981.
21. K. Dimroth, ‘Heterocyclic Rings containing Phosphorus’, in Comprehensiue Heterocyclic
Chemistry (Eds. A. R. Katritzky and C. W. Rees), Vol. 1, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1984, p. 493.
22. R. S. Edmundson (Ed.), Dictionary of Organophosphorus Compounds, Chapman and Hall,
London, 1988.

Structure and bonding in

organophosphorus( 111)
Department of Chemistry. St Patrick's College. M a ynooth. Co. Kildare. Ireland
I. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
I1. SINGLY BONDED PHOSPHORUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
A. Structure of Phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1. Bond lengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2 . Bond angles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3. Saturated ring systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4 . Cone angles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5. Conformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
B. Bonding in Phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1 . Qualitative studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
a . The directed valence approach . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
b . The VSEPR approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
c . The Walsh correlation diagram analysis . . . . . . . . . 19
d . Dangers in qualitative studies . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2 . Survey of ab initio calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
a . Basis set problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
b . Survey of calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3. Detailed ab initio studies of the bonding in phosphines . . . . . 25
a . Magnusson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
b. Kutzelnigg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
c. Other studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4 . Empirical calculations and studies of ionization potentials . . . . 31
a . SCM-Xu-DV calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
b . MNDO calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
c. Ionization potentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5. Summary of the bonding in phosphines . . . . . . . . . . 36
6. Other studies of structure and bonding in phosphines . . . . . 37
a . Inversion barriers in phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

The Chemistry of Organophosphorus Compounds. Volume 1

Edited By F. R . Hartley 0 1990 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
10 D. G. Gilheany
b. Hyperconjugation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
c. Conformation of phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
C. Conjugated Phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
1. Phosphines with aromatic substituents . . . . . . . . . . 40
2. Vinyl phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3. Acyl phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4. Phospholes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
D. Polyphosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
E. Phosphine Metal Complexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
F. Hydrogen Bonding in Phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
111. MULTIPLY BONDED PHOSPHORUS . . . . . . . . . . . 43
A. Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
B.Bonding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
1. Phospha-alkenes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2. Phospha-alkynes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3. Diphosphenes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
IV. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
V. REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

The electronic configuration of phosphorus is 1s22s22p63sz3p3.It is a typical non-metal,
located near the centre of the Periodic Table, with a relatively high first ionization
potential (10.49 eV, 1011.8 kJ mol- ’) and a low electron affinity (estimated as 0.77 eV,
75 kJmol- ‘ ) l . Thus, although mainly covalent bonding to phosphorus is to be expected,
ionic bonding is also possible (for example, the phosphide ion exists2). However, the
electronegativity of phosphorus(II1) on the Pauling scale is 2.19 and on the Allred-
Rochow scale is 2.06’. Therefore, bonds to carbon (2.5) are expected to be weakly ionic
with charge displaced towards carbon and bonds to hydrogen (2.2) are expected to be
hardly ionic at all. Note that the orbital electr~negativities~ of phosphorus are 1.84 for p3
and 2.79 for sp3.
It is natural and has been common practice to compare the bonding in phosphorus with
that in nitrogen and the differencesin bonding to nitrogen and phosphorus are often taken
to be typical of those between the first and subsequent rows of the Periodic Table4. For
these reasons, much of the following discussion is couched in such terms.
In order to predict those orbitals likely to be used in covalent bonding, an estimate of
their relative energies is required. For this purpose, the valence orbital energies obtained
from the corresponding valence orbital ionization energies’ can be used and those for
phosphorus and nitrogen are shown in Figure 1. Note the relatively lower s-p ‘promotion
energy’ in the case of phosphorus (8.7 eV, 840 kJ mol- ’) compared with nitrogen (12.4 eV,
1197 kJ mol- ’). However, it should be noted that such data have only qualitative
significance in this context since the notion of promotion energy is not well defined4 and
other estimates are 7.5 eV6 and 5.8 eV3 for phosphorus and 10.9 eV6 and 9.9 eV3 for
nitrogen. It is clear, though, that the s and p orbitals are closer in energy in the second and
subsequent rows of the Periodic Table than in the first4. Even greater difficulty attends the
estimation of the promotional energy to unoccupied (virtual) orbitals, for example the
phosphorus 3d orbitals, but a reasonable e ~ t i m a t efor
~ . promotion
~ from 3s to 3d appears
to be approximately 16-17eV (1540-1640kJmol-’) in the free atom. This is a large
amount of energy to be recovered in bonding, but it is generally a c ~ e p t e d ~ * that
phosphorus d orbitals are available for bonding in some cases.
With the above energies in mind and using a simple valence bond approach, some

2s - 25.6

FIGURE 1. Valence orbital ionization energies (eV) for phosphorus and nitrogen.

I .o
- ..
FIGURE 2. Variation of Slater overlap integrals ( S ) with reduced internuclear separation ( R ) .

feeling for possible bonding situations involving phosphorus can be derived. Possible
procedures are:
(i) using the three singly occupied p orbitals to form three bonds, leaving a lone pair in an
s orbital;
(ii) assuming that promotion energies can be offset by increased strength of bonds formed
and constructing various sets of hybrid orbitals, some possibilities being (a) three sp2
hybrids for three bonds leaving a lone pair in a p orbital, or (b)again three sp2 hybrids
and a p orbital but using one of the hybrids for the lone pair, leaving a p orbital for n
bonding, or (c) four sp3 hybrids, three bonding and one for a lone pair;
(iii) allowing use of an unoccupied d orbital by promotion ofan s electron, again assuming
that the strengths of extra bonds formed offset the promotion energy, gives the
possibility of up to five bonds in a number of hybridization schemes.
Assuming that orbital energies are matched, the other major factor controlling bond
strength is efficiency of orbital overlap. In a number of the above schemes, both CT and n
bonds can be formed utilizing s, p and d orbitals and it is instructive to consider some
relative efficiencies of overlap. Figure 2 shows qualitatively how the overlap integrals of
npa and npz bonds vary with internuclear ~ e p a r a t i o n(corrected
~.~ so that comparisons
can be made on a common axis). Note that these overlap integrals are based on Slater
atomic orbitals, which may not be properly relevant to the second row elements since they
12 D. G. Gilheany
do not take account of the presence of the radial nodes in, for example, 3p orbitals. Most
equilibrium bond lengths fall in the region marked R , and in this region it can be seen that
for first-row elements pa and pn overlap integrals are approximately equal but for second-
row elements pa overlap is greater than pn overlap. This is because in second-row atoms
the longer bond lengths reduce the efficiency of a overlap. Note also that 3pa overlap is
greater than 2po overlap, but this may be an artifact of the use of Slater atomic orbitals.
Second-row bond lengths may be longer than those of the first row because the maximum
3pa-3pa overlap occurs at a greater internuclear separation than the maximum 2pa-2pa
overlap' or because of the repulsion of the 3p orbitals by the filled core orbitals of the other
atom (which is greater for the second-row atom, there being a greater number of inner
electrons)". In any event, it is to be expected that a bonding plays a greater role in second-
row bonding than in first-row bonding. However, the 3pn overlap integral is not negligible
so that A bonding in the second row is not ruled out.
The s orbital overlap integrals are also different in first- and second-row elements, being
uniformly less (but still significant)in the second row, so that in the R , region 2s-2s overlap
is about 0.45 and 3s-3s overlap is about 0.38'.
The d orbitals in the free atom are too diffuse' to overlap effectively with likely partners
so such bonds cannot be expected to be strong. However, when phosphorus is in a bonding
situation it may be that these factors are not too significant. For example, if phosphorus
were to carry a degree of positive charge by being bonded to an electronegative atom, the d
orbitals might be contracted enough to overlap more effectively'.
These ideas are borne out to some extent by the bond enthalpies1'.12 in phosphorus and
nitrogen compounds, some of which are given in Table 1. Phosphorus thermochemistry is
not well developed' 3,14 and the values given are for specific trivalent compounds (see the
relevant references) and may be very different for other compounds; for example, the mean
dissociation energyI5 for phosphorus to aliphatic carbon is 276 kJ mol- whereas that to
aromatic carbon is 293 kJ mol- '. However, a number of observations are possible. First, it
can be seen that these energies are easily of the same order of magnitude (when multiplied
by three) as even the highest of the s-p promotion energies referred to above, both for
phosphorus and for nitrogen. In addition, in the case of the P-F bond, three times the
bond energy is of the order of magnitude of the s-d promotion energy, consonant with the
idea of the involvement of d orbitals in the bonding. However, such comparisons are
fraught with difficulty, and break down in the case of the phosphaethyne, where the lowest
estimate3 of promotion energy to the di2dinn configuration is 4.4eV (425kJ mol-') and
the bond energy is only half of this value.
A qualitative comparison between first- and second-row bond energies can be made
from Table 1. Thus it is indeed true that the homopolar single bond energy of phosphorus
is greater than that of nitrogen, whereas the triple bond energy of dinitrogen is much larger
than that of phosphaethyne, indicating that a bonds are stronger in the second row
whereas n bonds are stronger in the first. However, the situation is less clear for the
heteropolar bonds. Thus, in bonds to the more electronegative atoms the phosphorus
single bond is stronger than that of nitrogen but to the less electronegative carbon and

TABLE 1. Enthalpies of some bonds to phosphorus and nitrogen"

P-P 200 P-H 321 P-C 264 P=P 486

N-N 159 N-H 391 N-C 292 N=N 946
P-0 360 P-F 503 P-C1 322
N-0 222 N-F 278 N-CI 193

"Values in kJ mol- '; from refs 11, 12, and 16.

2. Structure and bonding 13
hydrogen it is weaker. This may be because there is a greater ionic contribution to bonding
where the electronegativity difference is greater or because there is a greater contribution
of d orbitals to the bondingI6.
Given the above considerations, it is not surprising that phosphorus has a very large
number of known bonding situations. All coordination numbers from 1 to 10 are
known2*" and single, double and triple bonds are known for many of them. However, as
intimated above, in many situations it is diflicult to tell precisely whether one is dealing
with, for example, a pure single bond because of the effects of differing electronegativity
leading to some ionic character and the possibility of some n bonding utilizing either p or d
orbitals, both effects often being small but relevant*. One consequence of the greater
strength of second-row single bonds is that, in contrast to nitrogen, there is a substantial
chemistry of polyphosphorus compounds.
The first comprehensive discussion of structure and bonding in phosphorus compounds
was by Hudson6 and it is still relevant in parts. Later work has taken the form of
introductory chapters in general books on organophosphorus chemistry2.'3.'4.'8.'9, that
by Emsley and HallI3 still being useful. However, the subject has not been reviewed in
detail (although there is an overview in the book by G ~ l d w h i t e ' ~since
) the advent of
accurate quantum chemical calculations or the full application of symmetry and group
theoretical techniques to chemical bonding. Thus the following discussion contains much
new material.
The rest of this chapter is concerned with bonding in organophosphorus(II1)
compounds. By this is meant those bonding situations where phosphorus uses (1) three
single bonds, ( 2 )a double bond and a single bond and (3) a triple bond. These correspond
to normal phosphines, phosphaalkenes and phosphaalkynes, respectively. It is also
appropriate to discuss the bonding in transition metal complexes of phosphines and the
possibility, if any, of hydrogen bonding to phosphines.


The discussion starts with the structure and bonding in normal phosphines with a section
on the most recent calculations. Then additional topics relevant to certain phosphines are
discussed. During the discussions it is appropriate to compare and contrast phosphines
with other phosphorus derivatives and non-phosphorus compounds not strictly relevant
to this chapter, in particular PH,, halophosphines and amines.

A. Structure of Phosphines
Structure in organophosphorus chemistry was last reviewed comprehensively by
Corbridge', and his section on phosphines is still very useful because the number of
subsequent studies has not been large. Many useful data are also included in some older
more general compilations'0~2l , while material published after 1974 may also be located in
general publications" -'4. A useful comDarison of exDerimenta1 and theoretical results
across awide range of phosphorus comp&nds may be 'found in a recent paper by Jug and
Table 2 gives some structural data for selected organophosphorus(II1) compounds.
Since its purpose is to illustrate the subsequent discussions, no effort has been made in
Table 2 to ensure comprehensive coverage, and readers requiring data on particular
compounds should refer, in the first instance, to Chemical Abstracts. Readers should also
refer to the original publications for details of the structure determinations, error limits
and the other molecular dimensions of the compounds quoted. Some general trends may
be gleaned from an examination of Table 2.
14 D. G. Gilheany
TABLE 2. Selected structural data" for some phosphines

Phosphine Methodb r(P-H) LHPH r(P-C) LHPC LCPC Ref.

MI1 142.0 93.5 26

I 142 93.8 21
M 141.5 93.3 28
M 141.15 93.36 29
PH,CH, M 141.4 93.4 186.3 91.5 30
E 142.3 185.8 96.5' 31
PHMe, E 144.5 185.3 96.5' 99.2 31
M 141.9 184.8 96.9 99.1 32
PMe, E 184.1 98.6 33
M 184.1 99.1 34
PEtMe, E 184.8 99.6d 35
PH,C(SiMe,), E 140.1 91' 180.8 loo' 36
PH,CF, M I43 91 190.0 92 31
PHF, M 141.2 38
PhPH, E 142.0 93.5 183.9 94.0 39
Ph,PH E 142.0 183.1 95.0 100.8 40
Ph,P X 183.0 103 41
PhPMe, E 184.4' 96.9* 42
(4-MeC6H,),P X 183.2 101.7 43
(4-MeOC,H,),P X 182.7@ 101.3* 44
PhPF, E 180.9 45
CH,PCl, E 183.1 39
PhP(COC(CH3)3)2 X 191.0' 95' 46
Me,PCOCH, X 186.3' 41
C,Me,(CO),FeP(Bu')CI X 187.1 48
P(CFd3 E 190.4 91.2 49
WN), X 178.0 93 50
P(C=CPh), X 176.5 101.0 51
Phosphirane M 142.8 186.7 95.2 41.4 52

"r(P-X), bond length in pm; L XPY, bond angle in degrees.

bM, microwave spectroscopy; E, electron diffraction; X, X-ray crystallography; I, infrared spectroscopy.
'P-C,, = 184.5.
L C,,PC,, = 103.4.
* f 0.3.
'P-C, = 183.8.
j i CPhPCPh = loo.
'P --CMc= 186.3.

7. Bond lengths
The P-H bond length is usually about 142pm and no real trend is apparent in
substituent effects on it. There may be a slight lengthening with sequential methyl
substitution, perhaps reflecting the that methyl substitution weakens the P-H
bond by about 12 kJ mol- Even in the phosphine tris(trimethylsilyl)methylphosphine,
the P-H and P-C bond lengths are similar to the unencumbered methyl phosphine.
The P-C(alky1) bond length is usually about 186pm, reduced on further alkyl
substitution (to 144pm), while the P-C(aryl) bond length is nearly always 183pm. Groups
that are both electron-donating and-withdrawing by induction can lower the P-C
bond length to 180pm while conjugated C=O groups lengthen it so that, unlike the acyl
2. Structure and bonding 15
TABLE 3. Single bond lengths" to trivalent tricoordinate phosphorus and nitrogenh

P-H 142 N-H 101

P-B 196
P-C 183 (aryl) N-C 147
P-C 185 (alkyl) P-Si 225
P-N 177 P-P 222 N-N 146
P-0 164 P-S 209 N-0 136
P-F 157 P-CI 204 P-Br 222 N-F 136

'In pm.
bFrom Table 2 and refs 2, I3 and 24.

amides, acyl phosphines can show P-C(0) bond lengths that are longer by up to about
6pm. Also acylphosphines may be enolic4'. Attachment of a metal (iron) also lengthens
the P-C bond length (to 187 pm). In dimethylphenylphosphine the P-C(Me) and P-
C(Ph) bond lengths are identical within experimental error and very similar to that in
trimethylphosphine. In the case of aromatic amines there is appreciable shortening of the
N-C bond in comparison with aliphatic amines, which is usually attributed to px
conjugation. Hence such conjugation must be considerably weaker in phosphines than in
amines4'. Although the P-C bond length is fairly predictable, there are some remarkably
anomalous values; for example, the value for P(CF,), is substantially longer than expected
(see Section II.B.2) and those for P(CN), and P(C-CPh), are considerably shorter.
As can be seen from Table 2, it is often particularly difficult to assign a characteristic
single bond length to phosphorus because the observed ranges can be very large2, but
some attempt can be made and Table 3 sets out some typical values in comparison with
those to nitrogen. It can be seen that, as expected, bonds to phosphorus are considerably
longer than those to nitrogen. Further, in most cases, after correcting for electronegativity
difference^'^.^^, the phosphorus single bond lengths are those expected on the basis of
covalent radii estimatesI6. In other words, there can only be a small contribution of x
bonding in bonds to trivalent tricoordinate phosphorus.

2. Bond angles
Obviously, from Table 2, phosphines are pyramidal. Thus the HPH angle is usually
93.5",except where there are strong electron-withdrawing or -donating groups. The HPC
angle is less than loo", usually in the range 95-97", except again in the case of electron-
withdrawing or -donating groups. The CPC angle is usually in the range 99-101", but in
this case there are many more exceptions, especially where there are very bulky
substituents, as can be seen from Table 2. The widest angle seen so far for a phosphine is
probably the 109.7"in trimesitylphosphiness.
The pyramidal nature of phosphines leads to appreciable dipole moments'3. Also, there
is the possibility of inversion isomers and indeed phosphines are more stable to inversion
than the corresponding amines and asymmetric phosphines can be resolved. This is
discussed further in Section II.B.6.
It is sometimes said (see Section II.B.2.b) that there should be a relation between bond
length and bond angle such that as the bond angle increases (tending to planar geometry)
the bond length should decrease. Examination of Table 2 provides no evidence for such a
relation because (a) it is difficult to make comparisons which are free from other
complicating factors and (b) there is some evidence to the contrary, for example, the bond
length in tricyanophosphine is less than expected but the bond angle is also noticeably less
than expected.
16 D. G. Gilheany
TABLE4. Comparison of bond angles" in phos-
phines and aminesb
PH, 93.5 NH, 107
PMe, 98.3 NMe, 106
PF, 97.3' NF, 102
PCI, 100

"In degrees.
bFrom Table 2 and refs 2, 20 and 24.
'Reported values range from 96.3 to 98.2.

A comparison of trimethyl-, triphenyl-, dimethylphenyl- and difluorophenyl-

phosphines indicates that increasingly electronegative substituents do not lead to smaller
bond angles; indeed, if anything, the trend is in the other direction. Similarly, there is no
meaningful relation between trends in the sums of the bond angles at phosphorus and
those of the basicity of, for example, the methylphosphines (Section II.B.1.a).
Table 4 shows the angle at phosphorus in some symmetrical phosphines in comparison
with the analogous amines. Note that bond angles in phosphorus derivatives are always
narrower than in their nitrogen counterpart and the response of the bond angle to
substitution is different in the two cases.

3. Saturated ring systems

Inclusion of phosphorus in a saturated ring causes no structural changes other than
those directly related to the presence of the ring. Thus, for example, in phosphirane the
CPC bond angle is dramatically reduced owing to the ring geometry but the P-C bond
length and the HPC bond angle are hardly affected. Similar results are found for other
saturated rings and even some unsaturated ringss6.

4. Cone angles
A useful structural characteristic of a ligand in a complex is its cone angle, which is the
plane angle at the apex of a cone located at the centre of the central metal atom of the
complex and where the surface of the cone encompasses the ligand, passing at a distance
from the outer atoms of the ligand equal to the effective van der Waals radii of those atoms.
The cone angle is a measure of the steric bulk of a ligand and was originally determined for
phosphines in nickel complexes by examination of molecular models of those com-
piexes". It was then found that the cone angle correlated with many properties of the
ligands, with ligand exchange thermodynamics, with kinetics and with many other data5*.
Table 5 shows some representative cone angles for phosphines.
In a recent useful study, ImyanitovS9developed a set of equations for the calculation of
the cone angles of ligands of the type AB,, A being coordinated to a metal M. Thus, on the
basis of the internuclear distance M-A, the covalent radii of A and B, the van der Waals
radius of B and the angle MAB, one may calculate the cone angle of new ligands without
recourse to molecular models.
Imyanitov6' also has presented calculated cone angles for a series of potential ligands
(both phosphorus and non-phosphorus) and analysed trends within the series. Thus, in the
case of variable B, downward movement in the Periodic Table is, not surprisingly,
accompanied by a significant increase in cone angle (e.g. an increase of 30-40" from
fluorine to iodine), whereas in the case of variable A it is accompanied by some decrease in
cone angle (most marked in the change from first- to second-row A). The cone angles in
2. Structure and bonding 17
TABLE 5. Representative cone angles" for phosphines

Measuredb Calculated'

87 90.2
118 123
145 150
104 107.3
125 127.7
131 133.8

"In degrees.
bRef. 57.
'Refs 59 and 60.

hydrides are only slightly dependent on A and range from 90" to 93". In addition, if the
values for ligands with identical substituents are known, the values for ligands with
combinations of substituents can be calculated. Finally, the effect of changing the metal
atom has been examined and found to be not very significant except in certain predictable

5. Conformation
The methyl groups in the methylphosphines are in a staggered conformation analogous
to that in ethane in the case of methylphosphine, propane in the case ofdimethylphosphine
and 2-methylpropane in the case of trimethylphosphine6'. The barrier to rotation in each
case is small, of the order of 8 kJ mol-' for methylphosphine and 11 kJ mol-' for
trimethylphosphine'5. These barriers are smaller than those in the analogous amines as a
result of the larger P-C bond distance".
Recently, there has been a series of s t ~ d i e s ~of ~the, conformations
~ ~ , ~ ~ of EtPX,, where
X = Me, H, F and other substituents. These show that depending on the circumstances,
either the gauche or the trans (lone pair trans to methyl group) may be the more stable
conformer. For example, for ethyldimethylph~sphine~~ in the gas phase the conformers
have almost equal energy (electron-diffraction study) whereas in the liquid phase the
gauche conformer is more stable (vibration spectrum) by ca 1.6kJ mol-'. O n the other
hand, for ethylphosphine6' and ethyldifluor~phosphine~~ the trans conformer is usually
the more stable (there may be differences between the liquid and gas phases).

B. Bonding in Phosphines
Naturally, discussions of the bonding in phosphines must account for the structure and
reactivity of the compounds. Also, it is to be hoped that differences between phosphines
and any compounds with which they might reasonably be compared would also be
explained by a discussion of the bonding. Examples of such comparisons are other
phosphorus compounds, nitrogen compounds and compounds of lower members of Main
Group 5. Subjects which have been of particular concern in bonding theory applied to
phosphines are (i) the much smaller bond angle in phosphines than in amines, (ii) the
differing variation of the bond angle with substituent in phosphines and amines, as
revealed by Table 4, (iii) the much larger barrier to inversion in phosphines than in amines,
(iv) the lower basicity and greater nucleophilicity of phosphines than amines, (v) the
possibility, if any, of involvement of d orbitals in the bonding and (vi) how the previous
topics relate to each other. All of these matters are characteristic of differences between the
first and subsequent rows of the Periodic Table.
18 D.G. Gilheany
1. Qualitative studies
Previous reviews of the bonding in phosphorus compounds have been of a qualitative
nature only. It is necessary to restate this work in order to detail some of the deficiencies in
it and to show how the newer results remedy them. There are three qualitative approaches
which have been used extensively: the directed valence, valence shell electron pair
repulsion (VSEPR) theory and the molecular orbital (Walsh diagram) approaches. The
first two have been the usual basis of previous discussions2.6~13.'4.'8.L9 whereas the Walsh
diagram approach to bonding specifically in phosphines has not been reviewed before.
a. The directed valence approach. This is the simplest, most accessible and so most
common analysis of the bonding in p h ~ s p h i n e s ~ * ~ ~ ' ~On ~ ' ~the
~ *basis
~ ~ ' ~that
. ground-
state phosphorus has three singly occupied p orbitals in its valence shell, these are
available for Q bonding to three one-electron donors (e.g. an H atom or a CR, fragment).
Since the three p orbitals are at right-angles to each other, it is to be expected that the three
bonds so formed will have bond angles of approximately 90". This is in accord with
observation in the case of phosphine itself. For nitrogen in ammonia, the angle of 107"
which is found is claimed then to suggest sp3 hybridization of nitrogen.
The increase in bond angle in halogenophosphines to approximately loo" is then
explained using the electronegativity difference which makes the phosphorus atom more
positive, decreasing the s-p promotion energy and allowing a certain amount of
hybridization of the p orbitals with s orbitals. Unfortunately, this argument cannot be
applied to the amines, since the bond angle decreases on fluorine substitution of ammonia.
Also, the increase in bond angle in methyl-substituted phosphines cannot be explained and
recourse has to be made to steric arguments.
The analysis assigns the phosphine lone pair of electrons to the phosphorus valence s
orbital, which requires a spherical distribution of this electric charge. The lower basicity of
phosphine than ammonia is often taken as evidence for this non-directionality of the
phosphorus lone pair because it is less available for bonding to an incoming hydrogen than
is the nitrogen lone pair. An alternative casting of this basicity argument is that
protonation to give phosphonium ion involves rehybridization from p3 to sp3 in the case
of phosphorus but not in the case of nitrogen. This requires energy, and therefore
phosphines are weaker bases. The greater basicity of the methylphosphines fits the
patternt3 since as the bond angle increases there is more s character in the bonding and so
less rehybridization is required, and as the methyl phosphines have wider bond angles they
are stronger bases. However, there is not a strong relation between bond angle and basicity
in the methylphosphines (Section II.A.2). Also, there is evidence (dipole moments,
nucleophilicity) that the phosphorus lone pair does have directional properties.
The directed valence approach is unsatisfactory for a number of reasons: (i) it is really a
description of how the bonding must be, based on observation, and no real predictions are
made (for example, the fact that ammonia has an angle of 107"is explained by saying that
must mean that it has sp3 hybridization); (ii) more seriously, the p3 vs sp3 argument is
actually counter to the promotional energies involved because, using promotional
energies, sp3 hybridization is predicted to be more likely in phosphorus than in nitrogen
(for example, the N-H bond strength is 391 kJ mol- ' and that of P-H is 321 kJ mol- ',
and the 2s-2p promotional energy is 956-1197 kJ mol-' for nitrogen and 560-840 kJ
mol- for phosphorus); hence the use of promotional energies to explain details of the
bond angles is unreasonable; (iii) no allowance is made for the possibility of a planar
configuration for which the VSEPR argument is usually used.
b. The V S E P R approach. The application of VSEPR to phosphines is straight-
forwardt3. Phosphorus has five electrons in the valence shell and three one-electron
ligands lead to a classification of an eight-electron AX, system. The four electron pairs are
2. Structure and bonding 19
expected to adopt a tetrahedral arrangement. Since one of the electron pairs is non-
bonding, a pyramidal arrangement around A is expected with the bond angle less than the
regular tetrahedral 109.5'. The difference between the angles at phosphorus and those at
nitrogen remains to be explained. A further axiom of VSEPR is that as the size of the atom
core increases, the nucleus retains more control over its non-bonding pair. This increases
the repulsion between non-bonded and bonded electron pairs. Hence the larger
phosphorus is expected to have narrower angles to ligands than nitrogen.
However, the subtler variations of angle with ligand are not easy to explain using
VSEPR and the explanation of the greater angle at phosphorus is in direct conflict with the
idea that the phosphorus lone pair is less directional than the nitrogen lone pair. More
seriously, the VSEPR theory itself has a shaky theoretical basis. Not only are there a
number of well known exceptions5, but also s t ~ d i e s ~have
~ . ~ shown
' that the lone pair-
lone pair repulsions are not stronger than bond pair repulsions.

c. The Walsh correlation diagram analysis. Recently, a more satisfactory approach

based on qualitative molecular orbital theory has been '. This is well
documented in the excellent book by Albright et al. (ref. 66, pp. 93-97 and 140-148), and
the discussion here follows theirs closely.

H\ \



% a;

I e; 1e:

la; la, &
FIGURE 3. Correlation between the molecular orbitals of planar and pyramidal AH,.
20 D. G. Gilheany
Nitrogen Phosphorus

HOMO: a;

FIGURE 4. Effect on HOMO-LUMO energy separation in planar AH, of a change

from nitrogen to phosphorus.

Walsh’s rule72 for predicting molecular shape may be stated simply as follows66:
‘a molecule adopts the structure that best stabilizes the HOMO. If the HOMO is
unperturbed by the structural change under consideration, the occupied molecular orbital
lying closest to it governs the geometrical preference’. The valence molecular orbitals of
planar trigonal and pyramidal AH, are shown in Figure 3, as is the correlation between
them as a function of the change in geometry-the Walsh diagram. A detailed discussion
of how the two sets are constructed (from one s orbital and three p orbitals on A and three s
orbitals on the hydrogens) and correlated was given by Albright et as well as ample
theoretical justification. In particular, they showed how the molecular orbitals are related
to the non-symmetry adapted bond orbitals derived from overlapping of four sp3 hybrids
on A with the three s orbitals of three h y d r o g e n ~ ~ ~Note
, ~ ’ . that these orbitals are derived
by simple qualitative symmetry considerations and thus any calculation that may be done
on the system must yield results of these symmetries although, of course, the energy
ordering may be different”. In particular, the 3a, and 2a, orbitals may be in the opposite
order, but this does not affect any of the qualitative conclusions below since their
symmetries are the same.
From Figure 3 it can be seen immediately that for eight-electron systems such as amines
and phosphines the pyramidal geometry will be preferred. However, the degree of
pyramidalization is not predicted. The directed valence approach above suggests that for
phosphines the non-bonding pair of electrons resides in an unhybridized s orbital on
phosphorus. Examination of either a; of the planar configuration or 2a, of the pyramidal
configuration shows that this is far from reality.
The difference in bond angle between amines and phosphines and the higher barrier to
inversion of phosphines can be easily explained as a second-order Jahn-Teller effect as
follows. It is easy to show by perturbation theory that the amount of stabilization E of
the HOMO on pyramidalization depends inversely on the energy gap 6E between HOMO
and LUMO in the planar form66.The energy gap 6 E in turn is influenced by the nature of
the central atom A (its size, electronegativity, etc.) and by the nature of the ligands. Figure 4
shows the effect of 6 E of changing from nitrogen to phosphorus. The smaller 6 E for
phosphorus leads to a greater stabilization energy E in the pyramidal case, so we expect
phosphines to be more pyramidal than amines i.e. to have smaller bond angles. Also, the
energy barrier to the inversion process is higher since the transition state for that process is
assumed to be the planar configuration (but see Section ILB.6).
We may enquire further into the factors that influence the energy gap 6E. Two
types of effect are expected: those which change the energy of the HOMO and those which
affect the LUMO. We expect some factors to affect both HOMO and LUMO and some to
have a disproportionate effect on one or the other. First, increasing the effective nuclear
charge of atom A will draw all electrons closer to the nucleus and lower their orbital
2. Structure and bonding 21
energies. This would have the effect of decreasing the gap 6E. However, some orbitals will
be affected more than others, these being the inner orbitals, orbitals mainly localized on A
and those with mores character (since they penetrate to the nucleus more effectively). Now,
a’; of the planar geometry is affected more than 2 4 because it is completely located on A
(although it could be argued that this might be offset by the fact that it is p-type and the
LUMO is s-type). This has the effect of increasing the gap 6 E with increased effective
nuclear charge (i.e. increased electronegativity, e.g. a change from P to N). Second, bond
length is relevant because in the LUMO increasing the bond length (e.g. a change from N
to P) would decrease the antibonding character and so lead to a lowering of the energy of
the LUMO. Again, the effect is to increase the gap 6 E on change from P to N. Since the
most electronegative elements are in the first row, a change to longer bond length
inevitably means moving to a less electronegative element.
Changing the ligands from hydrogen to fluorine or methyl will have even more complex
effects. The hydrogen s orbitals are replaced by sp3 orbitals in the case of methyl and p
orbitals of fluorine. For the methyl case, the analysiP is similar to the above but requires a
quantitative study of the variation of overlap integrals with bond length and angle to
determine the magnitude of the HOMO-LUMO energy gap. For the fluorine case, the
filled p orbitals on fluorine cannot be ignored and the analysis requires a correlation
diagram between 16 valence orbitals. Although this is complex, it has been d ~ n e ~ * * ’ ~ .
The effect of the electronegativity of substituents can be explained by the same analysis.
A very electronegative substituent causes all orbitals to decrease in energy, especially those
which have coefficients on the substituent. Consider Figure 3 again; on replacement of
hydrogen with fluorine, for example, all of the occupied MO levels will move down but
that of the a’; orbital will be less affected since it is completely located on A. Thus the energy
gap 6 E will be smaller for AF, than AH, and it is expected to have a smaller valence angle
and larger inversion bamer. Hence the smaller valence angle in NF, than in NH, and its
larger inversion barrier are explained. Unfortunately for this rather neat theory, the
valence angle of PF, is larger than that of PH,. The truth is probably that it is the valence
angle that controls HOMO-LUMO splitting and not the other way around (see Section
An analysis of the effect of n-bonding capability of the ligands is also possible and is
detailed in the book by Albright et ~ 1 . In ~ particular,
~ . they showed how n-acceptor
properties of ligands (e.g. p orbital of a BH, group or n* of a C O group) should lead to
planarity at A and decreased inversion barrier and vice versa for n-donor ligands such as a
halogen atom or NH, group.
Note that the fact that the HOMO is stabilized on pyramidalization and more so for
phosphorus suggests that the angle at phosphorus will be narrower, ifthere is a digerence.
A quantum chemical calculation is required to determine whether there is such a
difference. However, the usefulness of the Walsh diagram approach is not that everything
is explained, but that the analysis shows naturally where all the complications arise. Thus
we are not tempted to graft on ad hoc explanations to explain observations, but we may see
where possible difficulties might arise and should be warned when to do a calculation.
d. Dangers in qualitative studies. Simple qualitative approaches can be misleading
because, of their nature, they introduce simplifying assumptions that may not be valid.
Consideration of the factors that may be operational in differences between first- and
second-row compounds enables a check to be made of those which are ignored or poorly
treated. Possible factors are the following:
(i) the difference in effective nuclear charge felt by the valence electrons;
(ii) the s-p energy separations are 10-12 eV for nitrogen and 6-9 eV for phosphorus;
(iii) the radial maxima for phosphorus 3s and 3p orbitals occur at larger distance from the
nucleus than in nitrogen;
22 D. G. Gilheany
(iv) the sizes of s and p orbitals are comparable for the first row, whereas for lower rows
the s orbitals are significantly smaller than the p orbitals4. Thus the nitrogen 2s
and 2p orbitals both have their radial maxima at about 50pm from the nucleus
whereas for the phosphorus 3s it is at about 80pm and for phosphorus 3p at about
100pm. The difference arises because the 2p orbitals are not subject to an
orthogonality constraint from core orbitals, whereas 2s and all other p orbitals are
subject to such ~ o n s t r a i n tThe
~ ~ .similarity in size for the first-row orbitals will lead to
a greater importance of 2s-2p correlation effects;
(v) differencein overlap capability to the same atom for N and P-this is probably less
important. For example, the overlap integral (calculated using the tables given by
Mulliken et ~ 1 . ~ between
') N-H at the typical bond length of 101pm is 0.55 whereas
the same calculation for P-H gives 0.5, both values based on overlap of s orbitals. A
similar calculation for N-C and P-C based on the overlap of s and p orbitals gives
0.55 and 0.29, respectively, and for N-F and P-F the values are 0.2 and 0.16,
(vi) possibly the most important, the 'size' of the atoms is different and so there is far more
room around the phosphorus atom. Thus a simple trigonometric calculation shows
that at the N-H bond distance of 101pm, the distance between the hydrogens at a
bond angle of 106.7" is 160pm, whereas the corresponding distance in phosphine at its
bond angle of 93.3" is 206pm. The difficulty is to compare these two numbers
meaningfully, since they are both well within twice the van der Waals radius for
hydrogen (240pm). Hence there is a contribution to bonding from H-H overlaps
and it is difficult to give a radius value for the onset of internuclear or Pauli repulsions
in the absence of an analysis of this bonding. If, for example, this were the dihydrogen
molecule (which most emphatically it is not), then the H-H internuclear distance in
ammonia would correspond to a position about one third of the way down the
binding energy curve and a binding energy of about 0.06 hartree (the binding energy of
H, being 0.17 hartree). In phosphine, the internuclear distance would correspond to a
binding energy in H, of about 0.02 hartree. Also, the overlap of the hydrogens leads to
a non-orthogonality of the p orbitals utilized in bonding and so there will be a Pauli
repulsion between the bond pairs around a small atom4.
It can be seen that all of the above qualitative approaches ignore at least one of these
considerations. Indeed, some of the qualitative studies overlook some very important and
well established considerations in bonding theory. As argued by Paulingr6,p orbitals can
overlap the orbital of another atom more effectively than can the s orbital of the same shell
so that, all else being equal, bonds made using p orbitals are stronger than those using s
orbitals. Further, as he also showedr6,if there is an unshared pair there will be a tendency
to keep it in the s orbital, which is more stable than the p orbitals, again all else being equal.
Thus maximum non-bonding occupation of the s orbital and maximum utilization of p
orbitals in bonding are expected to be dominant factors.

2. Survey of ab initio calculations on phosphines

Apart from some notable exception^^^-'^, it is only in the last decade that 'useful'*0
calculations on these systems have become available because of the advent of faster, more
powerful computers and the availability of better basis sets and geometry optimization
techniques. While the earlier studies could reproduce, after great effort, energies and
experimental parameters (for example, inversion barriers76), computational limitations
restricted detailed studies of geometry and orbital occupancy.
Indeed, even now, the introduction of more than a few heavy atoms restricts the amount
of reliable information that can be obtained. An example of this can be seen in the work on
2. Structure and bonding 23
the concept of 'altruistic bonding'. This has been advanced to explain the longer P--C
bond in tris(trifluoromethy1)phosphine than in phosphine (see Section II.A.l). The
hypothesis was that the d orbitals on phosphorus weaken the P-C bonding while
enhancing the P-F bonding49. Doubt was cast on this idea by calculations with and
without d orbitals in the basis set, both ofwhich gave the longer P-C bond'', and further
calculationss2 with a larger basis set failed to explain the phenomenon.

a. Basis set problems. Considerations of basis set and geometry optimization are very
important in calculations on systems including second-row elements. Some of the
problems are illustrated by the following examples.
Bernardi tried to test the Walsh diagram approach described above by
calculating (using the STO-3G basis set) the total energy of the molecule and then
recalculating in the absence of the HOMO-LUMO interaction. They found that the
energy of the interaction was of a similar magnitude to the stabilization energy on
pyramidalization, supporting the hypothesis that the HOMO-LUMO interaction is the
controlling one. However, at the 4-31G level, the energy of the HOMO-LUMO
interaction was dramatically reduced to one third of its previous value.
Marynick and D i ~ o studiedn ~ ~ the basis set dependence of the inversion barrier in PH,
and found that it depended strongly on basis. The most reliable value was that obtained
with double zeta Gaussians plus polarization terms and including configuration
interaction correcting for the effects of quadrupole excitations. The effect of correlation
was found to be moderate at about 5% but they found that care needs to be taken in its use
because they also showed that a minimum basis set gave a value high by 16% and
configuration interaction at the same level almost doubled the error to 28% high.
In a study of substituent effects in second-row molecules, Magnussons5found that there
were large discrepancies in substituent interaction energies at different basis set levels,
particularly in electron-rich molecules, and the 6-31G basis set supplemented by d
functions was required for reasonable results. However, molecular geometry and
population analysis were found to be less sensitive, the 3-21G set being adequate, a result
also found by Glidewell and T h ~ m s o n " M ~ . a g n u ~ s o n 'also
~ showed that care should be
taken in the use of d functions. This is not surprising, since it is now well known that
deficiencies in the starting basis can be compensated for by the addition of d functions
leading to an artificial overestimate of their importance". Notwithstanding this,
Magnussonss did find a valence role for d functions. He also found that care needs to be
taken in the use of split valence sets where the valence shell electron density is concentrated
in the diffuse component of the valence shell functionss5.
In a study of the NMR chemical shift in PH,, Chesnut and F01ey'~ found that a triple
valence split with two sets of d functions was necessary for the correct prediction of
chemical shift. They also found that the interpretation of the change of chemical shift with
change in geometry (from planar to pyramidal) was complicated by the choice of basis set
and whether the bond length had been optimized at the two geometries (which required
diffuse s and p functions). In other words, if one achieves a result at the experimental
geometry and then tries to see what factors lead to that result by changing the geometry,
there is no guarantee that the basis set remains adequate.
In a study ofmagnetic susceptibility and the NMR chemical shift tensor, Kutzelnigg and
coworkers89 confirmed the results of Chesnut and Foley", finding that the smallest
reliable basis consisted of 1ls,7p,2d for phosphorus and 5sJp for hydrogen, contracted to
(7~,6p,2d/3s,lp)-practically triple zeta. However, they cautioned that for multiply
bonded systems even larger bases may be necessarys9.
It is then clear that the split valence and even double-zeta basis sets which are acceptable
for carbon and other first-row elements are unsuitable generally for the detailed
investigation of compounds of higher row elements. At least double-zeta quality basis sets
24 D. G. Gilheany
TABLE 6. Results of selected ab initio calculations on phosphines

Molecule Calculation" Energyb 4P-H)' LXPXd r(P-X)' L H P X ~ Ref.

STO-3G - 338.6364 137.8 95.0 93

3-21G - 340.7045 142.3 96.1 93
3-21G# - 340.7542 140.2 95.0 85
3-21G* - 340.8140 140.2 95.2 94
4-31G - 342.0256 143.3 95.0 93
4-31G# - 342.0763 140.8 94.0 85
4-31G* - 342.0903 140.9 92.8 95
6-3 lG#//4-31G#' - 342.4529 95
DZ+P 141.9 95.3 96
>DZ+P - 342.3764 141.4 94.0 79
>DZ+Pr - 342.4560 142.1 93.8 76
EST HF LIMIT - 342.5060 76
+ +
DZ' P CI 141.6 95.4 97
> DZ P + CI - 342.4772 141.4 90
+ +
> DZh P CI - 342.5055 77
DZ P + CI - 342.5551 141.6 92.5 98
+ +
> DZ P C - 342.6064 140.7 95.2 99
+ +
DZ P CI' - 342.6437 141.3 93.7 84
EXPT' - 343.9150 141.2 93.4 76
STO-3G - 377.2239 138.1 93.7 184.1 98.9 93
3-21G - 379.5337 142.5 95.6 190.8 93.0 93
3-21G - 379.5337 191.0 98.1 86
3-21G# - 379.5810 140.3 94.5 186.4 101.5 85
3-21G' - 379.6411 140.4 94.6 185.5 102.3 94
4-31G - 381.0128 143.5 94.6 191.6 101.0 93
4-31G# - 381.0611 140.9 93.7 186.4 100.5 85
6-31G#//4-31G#' - 381.4933 85
6-31G* + C 141.6 94.7 185.7 101.7 91
DZ + P + DF - 381.4918 140.4 94.7 185.6 97.8 100
DZ"' - 381.1505 78
DZ"* + P + DF + CI - 381.5865 140.4 94.7 185.6 97.8 101
EXF'T] 141.4 93.4 186.3 97.5
3-21G -418.3632 142.8 98.9 190.7 97.6 86
EXPT' 141.9 99.7 184.8 96.9
STO-3G# - 454.4613 91.6 184.8 85
3-21G -457.1955 98.6 190.3 86
3-21G# - 457.2378 101.5 187.7 85
4-31G# - 459.0200 101.1 188.3 85
EXPT' 99.1 184.1
STO-3G# - 436.2089 139.9 91.4 155.3 94.8 85
3-21G# - 439.1062 140.1 93.0 159.4 99.7 85
4-31G# - 440.8356 140.8 93.0 162.5 97.2 85
6-3 lG#//4-31G#' - 441.3218 85
DZ+P 140.8 94.1 160.2 98.1 102
>DZ+P -441.1100 141.3 92.9 162.5 98.7 79
PHF, DZiP 140.9 98.5 158.1 96.3 102
>DZ+F" - 539.8668 141.6 96.7 160.0 98.0 79
EXPT 141.2 99.0 158.2 96.3 22
PF3 STO-3G# -631.3013 98.2 154.1 85
3-21G# - 635.8855 97.1 155.0 85
4-31G# - 638.4124 97.0 157.4 85
DZ - 638.4605 89
DZ'.h P" - 639.2213 103
>DZ+P - 639.2697 89
>DZ+PiC - 639.8578 97.1 156.3 99
EXPT 97.1 156.1 23

"All self-consistent field, contracted Gaussian-type basis sets and geometry optimized by the gradient method unless
noted otherwise, symbols STO-3G, DZ, 3-21G, 4-31G. and 6-31G have their usual meaning92;* = a set of six d-type
polarization functions added to basis set; # = set of five d-type functions added; P = other combinations of
(continued opposite)
2. Structure and bonding 25
with polarization terms and full geometry optimization along with some form of electron
c o r r e l a t i ~ n ~in~general
~ ~ ~ *seem
~ to be necessary.

b. Suroey ofcalculations. Table 6 gives the results (geometry and total energy) of some
selected calculations on phosphines. The results are mainly from the period after about
1982. Earlier calculations are listed in the papers by Kutzelnigg and coworkersa9 and
Marynick and DixonE4,the latter also giving a detailed comparison of their results with
previous work. The literature has been surveyed as far as late 1988. Other useful
calculations not included in Table 6 are those on silylphosphines by Glidewel186,
fluoromethylphosphines by Dixon and Smart' O0 and aminophosphines and hydroxy-
phosphines by M a g n u s s ~ n ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ .
As can be seen from Table 6, it does indeed require very large basis sets with polarization
and correlation corrections to obtain acceptable results. A common observation is that the
bond distance is too short by about 2pm and the bond angle is too large by 2". These
features are coupled, since a shorter bond distance increases the repulsion between the
hydrogens, leading to an increased bond angle. These discrepancies are usually remedied
by the correlation correction. Note, however, that the number of calculations which
include such corrections is small.

3. Detailed ab initio studies of the bonding in phosphines

Mindful of the basis set problems above, only the more recent studies of phosphine and
simple derivatives are d i s c u s ~ e d ~ ~I o
~ 8~.' " ~ ~ -

a. Magnusson. One of the more detailed studies of the bonding in phosphines is

contained within the series of papers by Magnussonto4-lo7. The range of molecules studied
included AH,, AH,, AH, and AH in addition to derivatives substituted by CH,, NH,, OH
and F. The analysis was based on the results of calculations at the single configuration
restricted Hartree-Fock level using the 3-21G basis set supplemented by polarization
functions in the case of the second-row elements (3-21G# basis set). The calculations were
carried out at optimum geometries but the results of bond angle variation studies were
obtained at fixed A-H bond length (this may compromise any conclusions about the
effects of geometry variation because it is well k n o ~ n ~ ' . ~that
~ . the
~ ' equilibrium bond
length decreases on going from the D,, to the C,, conformation).
The actual analysis of the bonding was done by examination of the contribution each
atomic orbital makes to Mulliken overlap populations in conjunction with its contribution
to gross atomic populations (for a discussion of the various population analyses, see ref.
92). Populations were analysed both wirhin each M O and over the whole molecule. The

polarization functions added; D F = diffuse functions added; CI = with electron correlation by configuration
interaction; C = with correlation by M$ller-Plesset perturbation theory.
bTotal electronic energy in hartrees; I hartree= 27.2eV = 2625 kJmol-'.
'Bond length in pm.
dBond angle in degrees.
'6-31G# basis set with geometry optimized for 4--31G# basis set.
'Geometry optimized but not by the gradient method.
'Using experimental geometry.
'Slater-type basis set.
'From Table 2.
'95115213 uncontracted basis set.
'Generalized Valence Bond calculation.
"On phosphorus only.
"Four sets of d-type functions.
26 D. G. Gilheany
advantages, difficulties and justifications of this approach have been extensively discus-
sed85,'04- lo7.In particular, it is well known that Mulliken populations are sensitive to the
basis set used9*,and this danger was averted by standardizing the basis sets and checking
that they were a d e q ~ a t e ~ ~ .*H' owever,
~ ~ - ' ~the~ reader can judge from Table 6 that the 3-
21G and 3-21G# basis sets are at the lower end of a scale of adequacy. In response,
Magnusson showed that some of his qualitative conclusions are not affected by changing
to a larger b a d o 5 .
The idea is that the contribution of a particular orbital to gross population will run
counter to its contribution to overlap densities. An atomic orbital involved heavily in
bonding must share charge with the orbitals of its partner atom; its contribution to the
overlap density may be high but the gross population term will be very much reduced from
the value expected for orbitals that are substantially non-bonding (about 2.0).
The key finding is that there is not a simple relationship between molecular geometry
and the ratio of central-atom s-orbital involvement in molecular bonding to that of
central-atom p-orbital involvement, as reflected in electron-density distributions. It was
found that there is not a smooth increase in the s-orbital contribution to bonding as the
bond angle rises. This is not surprising in the light of the discussion in Section II.B.l;
rather, the tendency to maximize non-bonding s density results in no s-orbital
contribution to bonding over much of the lower part of the bond-angle range. In fact, it
was found that in the Main Group V hydrides the contribution of s electrons to overlap
density is antibonding at a bond angle of 90".As the bond angle increases, this contribution
crosses to bonding (the crossover point is different for the hydrides of other groups), but
only approaches significance near to 120". This comes about because the coefficients of the
atomic orbitals in each MO vary with bond angle (again, not linearly). Specifically, the
proportion of s density contributing to the lowest energy valence MO rises.
One difficulty in reading Magnusson's paper^^^^'^^- lo' is that he refers to this ratio of s
to p orbital involvement in bonding as a hybridization ratio. While this is perfectly valid, it
is different from the usual idea of hybridization, familiar to organic chemists for example,
which refers to a localized description of the bonding. This is discussed again in
Section II.B.3.b.

i. Comparison of phosphine and ammonia. Magnusson's comparison between the

bonding in ammonia and phosphine is shown in Tables 7 and 8. As expected, the
calculation yields four valence MOs with the symmetries as in Figure 3, although the exact

TABLE 7. Bond angle variation of the composition"of the valence MOs in NH, and PH,

MO angie* N2s N2p Hls P3s P3p Hls

2% 90 -0.62 0.78 0.17 -0.61 0.75 0.23

109.5 -0.40 0.91 0.11 -0.51 0.86 0.21
1 20 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
le 90 0.00 0.61 0.36 0.00 0.52 0.38
109.5 0.00 0.59 0.35 0.00 0.49 0.37
120 0.00 0.58 0.34 0.00 0.48 0.38
1% 90 0.72 0.19 0.15 0.71 0.09 0.21
109.5 0.74 0.13 0.16 0.72 0.08 0.21
120 0.74 0.00 0.17 0.72 0.03 0.22

" A 0 coefficients from STO-3G basis set calculations from ref 105 and 107; the p coefficient is that of the p orbital
appropriate to the symmetry of the MO and the 1s coefficients are the r.m.s.values of the coefficient for the three 1s
AOs; axes conventions as in Figure 3.
2. Structure and bonding 27
TABLE 8. Variation with bond angle of s and p orbital atomic (q) and overlap (p) populations in
NH, and PH,

NH,b PH,'
Angle" P(s) P(P) P(s) q(P) P(P) dd)
90 0.00 0.62 1.80 -0.02 3.29 0.64 0.13 0.06
100 0.05 0.59 1.74 0.01 3.34 0.62 0.12 0.05
109.5 0.12 0.55 1.65 0.06 3.46 0.58 0.1 1 0.05
120 0.19 0.50 1.45 0.22 3.84 0.49 0.10 0.05

"In degrees.
b3-21G basis set results from ref. 105.
'3-21G# basis set.

form of the orbitals is different. The compositions of the orbitals and their variation with
bond angle are given in Table 7. Table 8 gives the overlap density contributions to the A-
H bond and their variation with bond angle. Unfortunately, some of the values quoted in
Tables 7 and 8 are at different basis set levels, so some care should be taken in making
comparisons between tables. The contributions of the valence orbitals to gross atomic and
overlap (in parentheses) populations in NH, and PH, at their respective minimum-
energy-optimized geometries are as follows (these optimized geometries are not the exact
experimental ones but, as Magnusson showed105,this does not affect the qualitative
NH,: 2s, 1.67(0.10); 2p,,, 2.32(0.49); 2p,, 1.9q0.05)
PH,: 3s, 1.77(0.00);3pxy,1.76(0.45); 3p,, 1.55(0.19); 3d, 0.127(0.054)

In NH,, at its optimized geometry, the 2s orbital provides a proportion of the N-H
overlap density. In PH,, at its optimized geometry, the 3s provides none. This arises
because its contribution to bonding in the lowest valence MO (la, in Figure 3) is exactly
cancelled by an antibondingcontribution in the HOMO (2a, in Figure 3). In ammonia, on
the other hand, the bonding contribution is much larger than the antibonding
contribution. Since the 3s orbital in phosphine provides no contribution to the P-H
bonding, we must regard it as the main component of non-bonding electron density.
However, the main contribution to the s density comes from the lower la, MO and the
HOMO is mainly the 3p, orbital.
There is a relation between bond angle and orbital occupancy-s orbital occupations
fall as the bond angle is raised, but the relation is not linear. The fall is more rapid near the
end of the range (120" for AH,). Thus, even in NH,, where the bond angle is constrained to
be 106.7", the s electrons only account for about 15% of the nitrogen contribution to
Hence the s electrons remain non-bonding and the bond angle can be mainly
understood as the balance between the p, and the pxpy orbitals, the latter orbitals
providing most of the bonding. It remains to be explained why the angle is large in
ammonia if the more stable case is where s electrons are non-bonding. According to
Magnusson, this is due to steric factors because bond angle cannot be reduced any further
since the hydrogens, which are already very close (see Section II.B.l.d), will be forced too
close together. This explanation was also advanced by Petke and Whitten77in their early
ab initio comparative study of phosphine and ammonia and Goddard and H a r d i t ~ g ' ~
advanced a similar argument but stated that it is repulsion between the bond pairs that is
important. Hall6' argued similarly and tried to quantify such an interaction.
28 D. G. Gilheany
Petke and Whitten77were also able to rule out the effects of d-orbital hybridization and
examination of the d-orbital populations in Table 8 confirms that they are low. These
d-orbital populations are typical (see also Lehn and Munch76 and Trinquier et ~ l . ~ ~ ) ,
and most workers now agree that there is only a small valence role for d orbitals which,
however, increases with more electronegative substituents. In particular, M a g n u s ~ o n ' ~ ~
found that in PH2CH3the d population occurs in the uppermost e orbital where it appears
to improve the directional properties of phosphorus 3p orbitals overlapping with carbon
2p orbitals, 3s orbitals being unavailable in MOs of e symmetry.
In summary, the advantage gained by isolating s electrons in a non-bonding role often
appears to offset any potential value of sp mixing in bonding. Where there is relatively low
symmetry, s orbitals can contribute in an antibonding manner to the HOMO, thus
cancelling out any bonding in the lowest energy valence MO. Reducing the bond angle in
AH3 reduces the symmetry and hence increases the non-bonding s density, thus lowering
the energy, until the process is halted by steric constraints. Therefore, s-orbital
contributions to bonding are most in evidence in the first row because it is here that steric
constraints are largest, the atoms being smaller.
Hybridization in lower symmetry molecules is thus expected to be negligible in many
cases and the ground-state configurations of many molecules, especially second-row
hybrides, will have central atom s populations close to s2, with bonding provided mainly
by p orbitals. It is only in higher symmetry molecules (e.g. D,, in the cases considered here)
that s orbital bonding can be expected to be significant where s density is debarred from
contributing to the HOMO by symmetry considerations. Also, s orbitals may be bonding
where the s-p promotion energy is not high, i.e. to the left of the Periodic Table.

ii. Bonding in substituted phosphines. M a g n u s s ~ n 'also

~ ~ studied substituted Main
Group hydrides. He found the same patterns of s and p orbital contributions to bonding as
for the hydrides described above. The s orbitals are chiefly employed in the lower and p
orbitals in the upper MO but, as in PH,, the HOMO is exceptional, containing substantial
antibonding s character.
The variations with bond angle of atomic and overlap populations in trimethylphosph-
ine and trifluorophosphine are given in Table 9. In the trimethyl case, once again, as
symmetry is lowered (bond angle decrease) the s orbital overlap density drops to negative
values and the s orbital populations rises to nearer the s2 non-bonding values. Once again
the variation with bond angle is not linear and the s orbital only begins to make a
significant contribution to bonding at the top of the range of bond angleIo7.The trifluoro
case is different (see below).
Table 10 gives the s and p orbital contributions to atomic and overlap populations in
various substituted phosphines at their optimized minimum energy geometries, together
with their respective HOMO energies. The monosubstituted phosphines inevitably are
less symmetrical and it can be seen that segregation of the s and p electron density to non-

TABLE 9. Variation with bond angle of s and p orbital atomic and overlap"populationsbin some
trisubstituted phosphines

Molecule At 90" At 120"

3s: 1.78( -0.01); 3p: 3.30(0.65) 3s: 1.45 (0.22); 3p: 3.83 (0.49)
3s: 1.61( - 0.64);3p: 2.66(0.57) 3s: 1.29(0.18);3p: 3.32(0.32)
3s: 1.61( -0.08); 3p: 1.94(0.40) 3s: 2.04( - 0.46); 3p: 1.44(0.37)

'In parentheses.
b3-21G# basis set resultJ from ref. 107.
2. Structure and bonding 29
TABLE 10. HOMO energies and contributions of the atomic valence orbitals to gross atomic and
overlap" populationsbin some phosphines'

PH, 3s:1.77(0.00) 3p:3.31 (0.64) 3d:0.13(0.05) - 10.39
P(CH3)3 3s: 1.53(-0.13) 3~:2.70(0.55) 3d:0.13(0.16) - 8.59
PF3 3s: 1.61( - 0.11) 3p: 1.97(0.40) 3d:[0.75(O.31)ld - 12.30
PH3 3s: 1.77(0.00) 3p:3.31 (0.64) 3d:0.13(0.05) - 10.39
PH,CH, 3s: 1.71(-0.10) 3~:3.11(0.53) 3d0.13(0.07) - 9.71
PH,NH2 3s: 1.63( - 0.09) 3p:2.97(0.57) 3d:0.18 (0.12) - 9.68
PH20H 3s:1.65(-0.10) 3~:2.83(0.50) 3d:0.20(0.15) - 10.07
PH,F 3s:1.67( - 0.08) 3p:2.74(0.39) 3d:0.20(0.15) - 10.56
PH, 3s: 1.77(0.00) 3p:3.3 1 (0.64) 3d:0.13(0.05) - 10.39
PH,F 3s: 1.67(-0.08) 3p:2.74(0.39) 3d:0.20(0.15) - 10.56
PF3 3s: 1.61(-0.11) 3p:1.97(0.40) 3d:[0.75(O.3l)ld - 12.30

P H3 3s:1.77(0.00) 3p:3.31 (0.64) 3 d 0.13(0.05) - 10.39

PH,CH, 3s:1.71( - 0.10) 3p:3.1 l(0.53) 3 d 0.13(0.07) - 9.71
PH(CH3)2 3s:1.64(- 0.12) 3p:2.89(0.55)
P(CH,), 3s: 1.53(-0.13) 3~:2.70(0.55) 3d:0.13(0.06) - 8.59
"CH31, 2s:1.69(0.05) 2p:4.00(0.49)
"In parentheses.
b3-216# basis set results from ref. 107.
'At their minimum energy optimized geometries.
"At STO-3G* level.

bonding and bonding orbitals, respectively, is achieved to a high degree in them even
though the bond angles are near 100" in most cases. Even in the higher symmetry
trisubstituted cases there may be additional valence shell MOs to which the s density may
contribute in an antibonding manner and a certain amount of segregation is still possible,
in contrast to phosphine itself, which has only four valence shell MOs. A striking example
of this effect is seen in the planar geometry of PF, in Table 9, where there is indeed an extra
high lying a,' ~ r b i t a I ~and* * ~maximum
~ non-bonding s density is achieved.
There is a small d-orbital contribution to bonding. Once again it occurs mainly in the
uppermost e orbital, where it appears to improve the directional properties of phosphorus
3p orbitals overlapping with carbon or other 2p orbital^"^. The d-orbital populations are
higher in derivatives with electronegative substituents, as expected (see Section 2.11.A).
Increasing effectivecharge of the X atom has a predictable effect on polarity of the A-X
bond and along the sequence X = CH,, NH,, OH, F there is a uniform fall in p-orbital
populations. However, when the charge transfer is taken into account, the effectiveness of
the p orbitals in bonding shows a smaller fall along the sequence'O7. This fall can be
rationalized by the increasing imbalance between the energies of the central atom p orbital
and the X orbitals. The variation in s-orbital utilization is less uniform.
In trimethylphosphine, the HOMO is highly localized on phosphorus and has an spZ.O
ratio and thus marked directional character. Because the P3s orbital is better matched
with the C2s than with H l s orbital, addition of the CH, group increases the utilization of
the phosphorus 3s orbital in the bonding orbitals of the molecule. Therefore, there is a
steady drop in the availability of the 3s for the HOMO and therefore a rise in the HOMO
energy. This is in qualitative agreement with the results of photoelectron s p e c t r o s c ~ p y ' ~ ~
(see Section II.B.4).
The difference in s orbital bonding in trimethylamine may be attributed to the larger
30 D. G. Gilheany
CNC bond angle (optimized at 112.6, compared with 101.5 for PMe,) and the differences
in gross atomic population to the larger effective charge of nitrogen.
Working with AH,X series (X=CH,, NH,, OH, F), Magnusson showed that the
s-orbital contribution to the A-X overlap density is much reduced from its value in the
parent hybride irrespective of the electronegativity of the substituent lo6. The effect did not
extend to the A-H bonds, which retain the characteristics they possess in the
unsubstituted hydrides. This effect is also present in the PH,X series but to a much lesser
degree, because the s-orbital contribution is already very low in PH,. This is relevant to the
Walsh-Bent hypothesis, i.e. that atomic p character tends to concentrate in orbitals
directed towards electronegative substituents"'. The idea is that the energy is minimized
by placing charge in those parts of the molecule where the potential is lowest, tightly
bound s character near the central atom in its bond to the less electronegative atom(s) and
less tightly bound p character near the electronegative substituent in its bond to the central
atom. There are then consequences for bond angle in the s:p ratios that result. Magnusson
has shown'06, again for AH,X molecules, that, although there is a sharp drop in s-orbital
participation in the A-X bond, this response is unrelated to the electronegativity of the
substituent and all of it is due to the mechanism of segregation which can occur when the
symmetry is lowered by substitution.
Finally, by analysis the energy of interaction between a substituent and the PH, group,
M a g n u s ~ o n 'found
~ ~ PH, to be a weak a-acceptor and a weak n-donor group.

b. Kutzelnigg. A differentperspective is provided by Kutzelnigg4 with results also based

on SCF calculations but with much larger basis sets (triple zeta plus polarization).
However, the results are difficult to compare with those of M a g n u s s ~ n ~ ~ * ' ~ ~ - ' ~
considered above, because the delocalized canonical MOs (presumably similar to those of
Magnusson) were subjected to a transformation to convert them to localized molecular
orbitals (LMOs). This is a common procedure in calculation^^^ and leads to a set of MOs
that would appeal to a chemist, the charge probability density of each bonding MO being
localized in the region of one of the bonds and the overall wavefunction being unaffected9'.
In this case the transformation used was that of Foster and Boys"'. This type of
calculation is more appropriate for making statements on the nature of hybridization in a
molecule because separate population analyses of each LMO indicate which hybrid A 0 is
involved in a given bond.
Kutzelnigg4 found that the s:p ratio for the hybrids forming the N-H bonds in NH,
was 1:2.90whereas that for the P-H bonds in PH, was 1:3.83. The s:p ratios for the lone
pairs was 1:2.37 for ammonia and 1:0.95 for phosphine. It can be seen that the values for
the first and second rows are not as dramatically different as would be expected from their
different valence angles. In particular, in phosphine, there can be no suggestion of pure p
bonds, nor can the lone pairs be regarded as pure 3s AOs. The reason why there is
confusion about the s:p ratios calculated on the basis of the valence angle is that such a
calculation assumes that the hybrids are orthogonal, which they are not4.
Kutzelnigg4 also explained why there is a higher s:p ratio (less hybridization) in
phosphine than ammonia and the origin of the difference in their valence angles. His
explanation lies in why there is hybridization in the first place, for which he gave three
reasons: (i) hybrid AOs overlap more efficiently, (ii) hybridization reduces the repulsion
between the X-H bond and the lone pairs and (iii) hybridization favours larger bond
angles. For the second-row compounds all three of these reasons are less important4,
because the 3s AOs are smaller and less diffuse than the 3p AOs, which reduces the Pauli
repulsions both between the P-H bonds and between the bonds and the lone pair and
makes for less strengthening of the bonding on hybridization.
2. Structure and bonding 31
c. Other studies. Lehn and Munch76 found that the HOMO is 88% localized on
phosphorus with 15% P3s and 73% P3p character according to gross population analysis.
This is in qualitative agreement with the results of Magnu~son'~'.
R$eggen and Wisl$f Nilssen'08 studied the difference between phosphine and ammonia
using the extended geminal modello8 by partitioning the system into fragments
corresponding to the core and valence parts of the molecule. They then examined how the
intra- and inter-fragment energies varied with bond angle. They found that the difference
in bond angle between phosphine and ammonia was due to a difference in the interaction
of the valence and core fragments-this rises in energy with decreasing bond angle to a
much greater extent in ammonia than in phosphine. The difficult part was analysing which
part(s) of the valence fragment was responsible for the difference and the authors did not
commit themselves as to whether the bond pairs, lone pairs, hydrogens or a combination
were responsible.
Dixon et al.'" reported, in the course of studies on simple ylides, the only detailed
valence bond calculation on phosphines. They gave contour plots for the generalized
valence bond orbitals, which are composed of two one-electron orbitals, in phosphine
and methylphosphine and for comparison those of ammonia and methylamine. Mainly
the results are similar except that the orbitals are more diffuse on phosphorus, as
expected from electronegativity. The difference is in the lone pair on phosphorus. In
methylphosphine the outer, more diffuse, of the one electron orbitals of the lone pair shows
a striking difference to its nitrogen counterpart. It is significantly broadened and no longer
has its maximum density along the same vector as the maximum of the inner orbital of the
lone pair. Rather, the maximum lies almost directly behind the P-C bond with some
density over the P-C bond. Dixon et stated that this is evidence for d-orbital
character in the lone pair. A similar difference was noted between the lone pairs of
phosphine and ammonia. The presence of the CH, group is a significant perturbation on the
lone pair on phosphorus in methylphosphine and it moves away from the CH, group.

4. Empirical calculations and studies of ionization potentials

Given that there are serious computational difficulties in doing ab initio calculations on
compounds of second-row elements, it is surprising that there have been relatively few
empirical calculations. This is particularly noticeable in the case of the MNDO method
because, despite the fact that parameters have been available for a long it has
been applied only sporadically to phosphines1'4-"8.
The results (molecular geometry and ionization potentials) of some empirical calcul-
ations are given in Tables 11 and 12, with comparisons with ab initio results and with
experiment. Unfortunately, the comparison with ab initio ionization potentials in Table
12 is not as useful as it could be because none of the later larger ab initio calculations
give listings of orbital energies. There is also some disagreement in assignment, in
particular between the results of Xiao et al."' and those of Sodhi and Brian',,, and in
the absence of some of the experimental orbital energies these cannot be resolved.
Additional data and references for ionization potentials may be found in ref. 107.

a. SCM-Xu-DV calculations. In a careful study using this method, Xiao et ~ 1 . ' ~ '
investigated the nature of the frontier orbitals in phosphine, trimethylphosphine and
trifluorophosphine. The method used the experimental gas-phase geometries and
reproduced accurately the experimental ionization potentials" '*'",as can be seen from
Table 12. The only real discrepancy is the reversal of the 6e and la, ionization potentials in
PF,. Detailed atomic compositions for the three compounds were given, which are
reproduced in an abbreviated form together with the orbital energies in Table 13.
32 D. G. Gilheany
TABLE 11. Comparison of experimental results and ab initio and empirical calculations on some
phosphines-molecular geometry

Molecule Calculation" r(P-H)* LXPX' r(P-C)b LHPC'

PH, EXPT 142.0 93.5

SCF 141.3 93.7
SlNDOl 142.4 95.4
MNDO' 134.0 96.1
PH,CH3 EXPT 141.4 93.4 186.3 97.5
SCF 140.4 94.7 185.6 97.8
SINDOl 143.0 94.3 181.8 98.9
MNDO' 134.3 96.1 174.9 100.9
PH(CH3)2 EXPT 144.5 99.2 185.3 96.5
SCF 142.8 98.9 190.7 97.6
SINDOl 143.4 106.4 183.9 97.3
MNDO" 134.6 106.9 175.7 100.6
P(CH313 EXPT 98.3 184.1
SCF 101.1 188.3
SINDOl 103.2 185.9
MNDO' 106.8 176.1
PF3 EXPT 97.3 157.V
SCF 97.1 156.3'
SINDOl 97.7 157.8'
MNDOd 98.9 155.6'

'Experimental data from Tables 2-4, best SCF calculation from Table 6, SINDOl results from ref. 25.
*Bond length in pm.
'Bond angle in degrees.
*Ref. 114.
'Ref. 118.

Examination of Table 13 shows that all orbital energies are lowered by methyl
substitution and all are raised by fluorine substitution. It should be noted that the same
result was found experimentally for the core levels by Sodhi and C a ~ e 1 1 ' ~
~ . orderings
of frontier orbital energies in the three compounds are depicted schematically in Figure 5
and it can be seen that the LUMO is of e symmetry in PH, and PF, but is of a, symmetry
in P(CH,),. As expected, the HOMO is of a, symmetry.
As can also be seen from Table 13, the HOMO of PX, consists primarily of a lone
pair s-p hybrid on phosphorus. The ionization energy and orbital energy ordering
P(CH,), < PH, < PF, parallels the phosphorus s character of the HOMO: P(CH,),
11% s and 60% p; PH, 14% s and 67% p; PF, 29% s and 32% p. All of these trends
follow the expected electron-withdrawing ability of the substituents, CH, < H < F, and
apparently conform to Bent's rule, but the analysis is partly flawed because no overlap
populations are given.
From an analysis of contour maps"' of the HOMO in each case, the back lobe of
the s-p hybrid interacts with the substituent attached to phosphorus in a a-bonding
fashion. However, it is the LUMO contour maps which are the most interesting. In PH,
the 3e orbital possesses 7c symmetry with respect to the principle axis of symmetry and
a similar type of orbital is found in PF, and P(CH3),, although in the latter it is not
the LUMO. Although the symmetry is the same in these acceptor orbitals, there are
some significant differences between them. In particular, the energy of 7e in PF, is lower
than that in PH, or P(CH,),, which might be expected to enhance the acceptor properties
of PF,. Also, the composition of the e orbital is different in the three phosphines because
2. Structure and bonding 33
TABLE 12. Comparison of experimental results and ab initio and empirical calculations on some
phosphines-ionization potentials”

Molecule Orbital Exptb xuc MNDOd SCF

PH, 50 10.59 10.39 11.43 10.52‘

2e 13.60 13.09 13.56 14.18‘
40 21.20 20.43
PH,CH, 50‘ 9.70 10.49 9.78,
4a’ 12.40 11.96
2a” 12.70 13.37
3a’ 14.45 14.68
PH(CH3)2 6a’ 9.10 10.43 9.26/
4a” 12.95 12.31
5a’ 13.65 12.74
3a” 14.15 14.19
2a” 15.00 14.37
P(CH3), 8a 1 8.58 8.41 10.30 8.95/
6e 11.31 10.67 12.21
1% 12.01 13.96
5e 12.70 12.11 14.20
7a 13.13 15.18
4e 15.80 13.07 14.87
6a 1 15.75
3e 19.60 19.53
PHF, I la’ 11.00 12.27
1Oa‘ 15.10 14.49
6a” 15.54
5a” 15.80 15.81
9a’ 16.36
4a” 17.73
8a’ 17.6 17.85
7a’ 18.3 21.94
PF, 8a I 12.28 12.19
6e 15.89 15.00
102 16.29 14.68
5e 17.35 16.00
70 18.51 17.17
5e 19.31 17.83

“In eV.
bHeI PES band maxima (vertical ionization potentials) from refs 109, 116, 119, 120.
‘Refs 109 and 121.
’Ref. 116.
‘Ref. 16.
IRef. 122.

in PH, 3e is a hybrid of 36% 3p and 23% 3d on phosphorus, while the respective

percentages are 14% and 10% for P(CH,), ( 7 4 and 44% and 23% for PF, (74.This
point will be returned to in Section 1I.E on the bonding in transition metal complexes,
but it can be noted that this is different from the usual description of the acceptor
orbitals in phosphines acting as ligands in such complexes. Note that there is disagreement
on whether the LUMO in PH, is of a , or e symmetry”’ (cf. Figures 3 and 5).

b. M N D O calculations. In a combined MNDO and PES study, Cowley et al.’ l 6 tried to

explain the enhanced basicity of less symmetrical phosphines-for example, PHF, is
much more basic than a consideration of the basicities of PH, and PF, would lead one to
34 D. G. Gilheany
TABLE 13. SCM-Xa-DVOground-state valence orbital energies and Mulliken gross populations in
some phosphines

Molecule Orbitalb Energy’ P3s P3p P3d C(F)2s C(F)2p Hls

PH3 60 1 1.61 0.08 0.12 0.01 0.19

3e 0.88 0.36 0.23 0.30
5a,* - 6.08 0.14 0.67 0.33
2e - 8.63 0.47 0.01 0.52
4a 1 - 15.47 0.64 0.0 1 0.33
P(CH3)3 7e 0.85 0.14 0.10 0.06 0.05 0.10
9a I 0.43 0.01 0.05 0.19
8a1* -4.90 0.11 0.60 0.01 0.12 0.11
6e - 7.52 0.26 0.01 0.07 0.50 0.12
5e - 8.96 0.02 0.44 0.50
1% - 9.00 0.40 0.52
4e - 10.03 0.05 0.43 0.49
PF, 90 1 1.94 0.24 0.08 0.21
7e - 1.05 0.44 0.23 0.04 0.26
8a1* - 7.90 0.29 0.32 0.01 0.36
la2 - 10.14 0.99
6e - 10.55 0.01 0.99
5e - 11.61 0.02 0.97
7a I - 12.92 0.06 0.14 0.02 0.01 0.77

“From ref. 121.

bAsterisk denotes the HOMO.
(In eV.

FIGURE 5. Valence orbital energies (eV) of some phosphines.

2. Structure and bonding 35
expect. They found that this was reflected in the trends of the ionization energies (see Table
12), in that PHF, has a significantly lower first ionization energy than expected by
extrapolation of those of PH, and PF,. This can be ascribed, in the now familiar way (see
Section II.B.3.a), to the lower symmetry, which allows lower energy orbitals to interact
with the HOMO because they now have the same symmetry.

c. Ionization potentials. The first ionization energy in the photoelectron spectrum of

a phosphine is normally in the range 6-1 1 eV and is taken to correspond to the removal
of an electron from the phosphorus 'lone pair'. Although the HOMO usually contains
a strong contribution from the 3s and 3p orbitals of phosphorus, the extent to which
these atomic orbitals are mixed with bonding orbitals of the rest of the molecule is very
variable, ranging from 10 to 70%, so that it is dangerous to assume that it is a property
of phosphorus that is being measured. Hence it is important in the interpretation of
observed trends to restrict explanations to series of molecules that show similar responses
to substitution.
It is often presumed that a relation exists between the ionization energy and the
substituent electronegativity and that the lack of an actual correlation is due to steric
effects. Although the correlation between proton affinity and ionization potential is very
useful in closely related groups of compounds'25, ionization energy is unsatisfactory as a
general indication of phosphorus donor power"'. However, by analysing population and
energy data for PX, and PX,', M a g n u ~ s o n " ~showed that the composition of the
HOMO is sufficiently similar to the hole density that is left behind on ionization to justify
the use of the HOMO properties as an explanation of substitution-induced trends. He
found that charge displacement in the HOMO, to which ionization energy should be very
sensitive, is the best explanation for the experimental results, not alteration of s:p ratios.
Response to substitution can be complex, as can be seen in Table 14, which shows the
results of methyl and trifluoromethyl substitution on HOMO energy, proton affinity,
charge on phosphorus and HOMO localization. Both substituents withdraw electrons
from phosphorus but the respective ionization energies move in opposite directions.
Population analysis does not support the idea that this behaviour is the simple
consequence of adding an electron donor (CH,) as opposed to an electron acceptor (CF,).
The calculated charge distributions show phosphorus being depleted of electron density
by both substituents. This loss of charge occurs in the HOMO and in the molecule as

TABLE 14. Response of some orbital and molecular properties to substitution in selected

HOMO s/p utilization Gross atomic and

Molecule PA' qPd and localization' overlap populations'

PH3 -8.19 970 14.79 0.38/0.56 90% 3s: 1.68(0.00);3p: 3.01 (0.57)
P(CH,), -6.86 1222 14.64 0.58/1.14 74% 3s: 1.54(0.00);3p: 2.84 (0.55)
P(CF3)3 -8.69 920 14.70 0.30/0.14 67% 3s: 1.71 (- 0.02);3p: 2.87 (0.48)
PF, -8.63 882 14.48 0.74/0.70 71% 3s: 1.61 ( - 0.05);3p: 2.24 (0.35)

"Results of calculations using the ST03-G* basis set at experimental geometries from ref. 107.
*In eV.
'Proton affinity in kJ mol-'.
dTotal electronic charge on phosphorus in negative atomic units.
'Orbital utilization is the sum of the squares of the sip orbital coefficients in the HOMO, localization is the sum of
the squares of the phosphorus orbital coefficients as a percentage of the total sum of squares of coefficients of all
contributing orbitals in the HOMO.
'Contribution to overlap population of P-X bond in parentheses.
36 D. G. Gilheany
whole, but it is the manner in which the charge is transferred that affects the orbital
Comparison of methylphosphines with fluorophosphines shows some similar responses
to the orbital energies of the attached atoms, but although the more electronegative
substituent produces the expected effect on the ionization energy (a rise of 1.7eV), the
manner of its action is not merely the obverse of the action of the less electronegative
methyl group'". In the PH,F, -, series the HOMO energies fall because of the increase in
F2p character, whereas in the PH,(CH,), -n series it is the increased utilization of the P3s
atomic orbital in the lower MOs that depletes the HOMOS of 3s character and raises the
energy. The p character remains constant but the s:p ratios fall from S P ' . ~in PH, to ~ p ' , ~
in P(CH,),.
In contrast to substituent effects, which are felt throughout all occupied MOs, the effect
of bond angle is concentrated in the HOMO'07. The changes in ionization energy are
much larger than the effect of bond angle on donor properties would suggest. From CPC
angles of 94" to 106" the HOMO s:p ratio changes from sp'.' to compared with a
change of only S P ' . ~to sp'.' overall. Likewise, the HOMO component of the calculated
charge on phosphorus changes by four times that of the overall qp value. Widening the
CPC bond forces a reduction in the 3s contribution to the HOMO because of its increased
contribution in other molecular orbitals even though the overall change is small107.

5. Summary of the bonding in phosphines

The simple approaches to the bonding in phosphines have been shown to be not very
useful. The VSEPR method is gravely deficient for the description of phosphines; it can
only explain the bond angle after grafting on yet another axiom and then it fails totally to
explain changes on substitution. Even the axioms that it uses have been shown to be
incorrect, for example a c a l ~ u l a t i o nof~repulsion
~ effects in H,O and H,S shows that lone
pair-bond pair repulsion is less than bond pair-bond pair repulsion.
The directed valence method is useful for teaching in freshman courses-it gives a
feeling for the orbitals being used, the 3 x p in phosphine and 4 x sp3 in ammonia.
However, the inherent predictions of a non-directional lone pair and the derivation of
simple bond angle/sp ratio equations are shown by calculation to be incorrect. Crucially,
the relative magnitude of promotion energies in the first and second rows, on which the
whole idea is based, is not in the right direction! Also, since it is merely a restatement of the
obvious, it can make no prediction about the effects of substitution.
The Walsh diagram approach is by far the most satisfactory of the qualitative
approaches, but that satisfaction is bought at the expense of more complexity. However,
for any serious qualitative analysis, it must be used.
Deeper understanding can only be achieved within the framework of quantum
chemistry calculations which resolve some of the paradoxes generated by the qualitative
methods. For example, by the directed valence approach, phosphine has its lone pair in a
pure s orbital and not only is it predicted to be non-directional but also the non-bonding
electrons have to be of lower energy than the bonding electrons! Also, in ammonia, by the
directed valence approach, the s electrons take part in bonding, which is reasonable
because simple arithmetic shows that the nitrogen 'promotion energy' just balances the
energy recovered from 3 x N-H bonds. However, the same calculation for phosphine
suggests more strongly that the s orbital should be involved in bonding, apparently in
contradiction to the observed bond angle.
On solving the Schrodinger equation for pyramidal AH,, one must obtain a series of
MOs, the important seven of one such series being shown on the right in Figure 3. By
symmetry these will have to have approximately the shapes shown, but there may be
disagreement about the relative size of lobes, etc., depending on the level of sophistication
2. Structure and bonding 37
of the calculation. Although it is difficult (and in some cases confusing), the practising
chemist needs to connect this description to the atomic orbitals of the atoms making up the
On examination of the results of the calculations for phosphine and referring again to
Figure 3, it can be seen that:
(i) the la, and l e orbitals provide the bonding by virtue of their overlap population
being positive;
(ii) 2a, is non-bonding because the bonding of the p orbital contribution to it is exactly
balanced by the antibonding of the s-orbital contribution;
(iii) the contribution of the s electrons to chemical bonding is zero overall, this being
achieved by their bonding in la, being balanced by antibonding in 2a,;
(iv) all the bonding is done by p orbitals when it is all added up, including the bonding by
pz in 2a, and la,;
(v) the lone non-bonding pair is located in 2a, (which is the HOMO) and therefore has
the observed directional properties;
(vi) the LUMO may be 3a, or 2e and this is not yet settled by the calculations-(see
Section II.B.4.a) and also it will depend on the phosphine substituents12'.
In this way, the s electrons do not contribute to bonding and yet the non-bonding
electrons are not in the s orbital! This is a paradox only if one forgets that there is no
phosphorus s orbital in PH,, only the utilization of the phosphorus s orbital in various
MOs of PH,.
Ammonia can be compared with phosphine using the same procedure, again referring to
Figure 3:
(i) again the bonding is provided by the la, and l e orbitals;
(ii) the 2a, orbital is still non-bonding but its character is different from the same orbital
in phosphine in that there is a lower contribution to it by s electron density, because
the separation of s and p orbital energies is larger in nitrogen than in phosphorus;
(iii) the important difference is that the s electrons are bonding to a certain extent, this
being caused by their lower contribution to antibonding in 2a, and their higher
contribution to bonding in la,, and this change is due to the higher symmetry (larger
bond angle) ammonia;
(iv) the bonding is done by a combination of s and p orbitals but not the 25%-75% split as
suggested by the directed valence approach (the s contribution being less than
(v) the HOMO is again 2a, (the lone pair of electrons);
(vi) the LUMO is presumed to be 3a, or 2e.
The differencesbetween phosphine and ammonia become relatively easy to understand
if one takes the view that it is bond angle which controls the utilization of central atom s
and p orbitals in bonding and not the other way around. In turn, the bond angle is dictated
by steric factors-it cannot go below 107" in ammonia because there is not enough room
around the nitrogen. Indeed, a picture emerges4 that the first row of the Periodic Table is
the anomalous one, whether this be because the atoms are smaller or because the 2s and 2p
orbitals have similar radial extents.

6. Other studies of structure and bonding in phosphines

a. Inversion barriers in phosphines. Inversion barriers in Main Group 5 compounds

were critically reviewed last by Lehn126and Rauk et ~ 1 . ' ~ 'Their
. careful discussions are
still relevant, especially the treatment of classical versus tunnelling mechanisms and the
38 D. G. Gilheany
resultant non-correlation of barrier heights and rates of inversion, the distinction between
repulsive and attractive dominant barriers and the difficulties in the experimental
determination of barriers (especially when another conformational change may be
occurring, e.g. bond rotation).
The factors affecting the size of barriers were also discussed in earlier r e v i e ~ s ' ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ' ' ~ ,
some being better understood than others. Five major factors were identified, as follows,
the first three presenting fewer problems in understanding:

i. Steric eflects. As the steric requirement of a substituent increases, the pyramidal

ground state is destabilized relative to the less crowded transition state (assumed to have
planar trigonal geometry), with a resultant decrease in the barrier to i n ~ e r s i o n ' ~ ~ * ' ~ ' .

ii. Angular constraint. Inclusion of the inversion centre in a small ring can lead to
substantial increases in the barrier to inversion, presumably because the smaller angles
imposed by the ring have to be opened to 120" in the transition ~ t a t e ' ~ ~ * ' ' ~ .

iii. Conjugative effects. Adjacent unsaturated systems lead to significantly lower

barriers to inversion at nitrogen and phosphorus. This can be rationalized as a
stabilization of the transition state by increased conjugative interaction of the unsaturated
system with the lone pair of electrons which are contained in a p orbital in the transition
state (again assumed to be planar trigonal) leading to the delocalization of the lone pair of
electrons1'6~'27. Electronegative groups alpha to the inversion centre can also assist in
delocalization by hyperconjugation.

iv. Substituent electronegativity. Increasingly electronegative substituents lead to an

increase in the inversion barrier. This was less well understood at the time of the earlier
r e v i e ~ s ' ' ~ ~the
' ~ ~explanation
, advanced being that electronegative substituents
increase the s character of the ground state lone pair.

v. Nature of inversion centre. As mentioned in Section 1I.A.2, the inversion barrier in

phosphines is much larger than that in amines so that, apparently, the less electronegative
the atom that is inverting the higher the barrier to inversion. This effect was very poorly
understood at the time of the earlier reviews and no attempts were made to explain the
p h e n ~ m e n o n ' ~27.
Since then there have been a number of studies (both qualitative and quantitative)
which have gradually led to an understanding of the trends in inversion
barrier 7 6.79.84,103.107.12 8 - 1 31. I n particular, the much larger barrier to inversion in
phosphines than in amines has been explained. The arguments based on the Walsh
diagram approach (used in Section 1I.B. 1.c) for the difference in bond angle between
amines and phosphines may also be utilized for the difference in their inversion barriers.
Referring to Figure 3 again, when the energy gap 6 E between the HOMO and the
LUMO of the planar geometry is made smaller, the difference in energy between a; of
the planar geometry and 2a, of the pyramidal geometry is increased thus increasing the
inversion barrier66. Again, it may be incorrect to ascribe these changes solely to the
electronegativity change since such change inevitably accompanies the change to lower
group on the Periodic Table. In support of these arguments Levinlz8 and Epiotis and
CherryIZ9have shown that there is relationship between barrier increase and HOMO-
LUMO splitting in the D,, transition state and Dougherty et a1.130 have shown that
introduction of n-acceptor groups lowers the barrier.
However, in the last few years some important new ~ o r k ~ ~has~shown ~ ~that * ' ~ ' ~
there is another mechanism, other than the commonly accepted pyramidal-planar
trigonal process, namely inversion via a T-shaped transition state"'. It turns out that
2. Structure and bonding 39
AX, molecules fall into two groups-one inverting via the classical D,, transition state
and the other by the C,, T-shaped transition state. The former group includes, for
example, NH,, PH,, ASH,, NF, and NCI,, while the latter group contains, for example,
PF,, PCI,, PBr, and AsF,. The form of the MOs of such a T-shaped structure can be
derived by qualitative molecular orbital methods (similar to those described in Section
1I.B.l.c) and are well documented in the book by Albright et
A consequence of these new findings is that many previous calculations of inversion
barrier which were done on the assumption of a D,, transition state may need to be
re-examined. For example, the difference in energy between the two transition statesg9
in the case of PF, is approximately 132 kJ mol- Also, some of the previous calculations
did not optimize the geometry of the planar transition state and it is now well
that the bond length is shorter in that transition state.

b. Hyperconjugation. In studies on monomethyl- and monotrifluoromethyl-substituted

silicon, phosphorus and sulphur compounds, Magnusson’ 3 3 showed that in molecules
containing second-row elements effects due to hyperconjugation (bond length disparities,
conformer energies) will occur in an experimentally observable range (see Table 15). The
structural and energy effects in methyl compounds are calculated to be smaller than in the
corresponding first-row molecules. However, trifluoromethyl compounds are expected to
show structural effects comparable to those of the first-row species even though the energy
effects are not as large. Magnusson suggested that the disposition ofcharge density around
second-row atoms and lone pair orientation both contribute to the weakness of second-
row hyperconjugation.
For calculations on model phosphorus compounds, the data display the same features
that hyperconjugation is called on to explain for first-row compounds, but the interactions
are not as strong. Magnusson tried to explain the weakness of the effects by a number of
factors, including the small size of the first-row core. This makes it impossible for bond
angles to fall as low, or p character to rise as high, as in compounds of the second-row
elements. A high level of p character in the bonds around phosphorus suggests a
corresponding increase in the hybrid character of the lone pairs, which would therefore be
more strongly directed away from the CH, or CF, group and interact more weakly than
lone pairs of NH,.

TABLE 15. Calculated” bond lengthsband bond orders‘ for methyl- and trifluoromethyl-substituted
phosphorus and nitrogen compounds

r(H-C,) p(H-C,) r(N-C) r(C-F,) P(C-F,)

Molecule ‘(H-C2,3) P(H--C2,3) r(P-C) r(C-Fz.3) p(C-Fz.3)
CH, 108.1 0.766
CH3PHz 108.0 0.760 186.4
108.3 0.749
CH,NH, 108.9 0.782 145.0
108.1 0.792
CF,H 106.6 135.2 0.360
CF,PH, 187.2 136.1 0.3 17
136.3 0.306
CF,NH, 136.4 137.3 0.446
135.8 0.424

“All SCF geometry optimized-staggered conformation, 4-31G# basis set for phosphorus
compounds, 4-31G basis set for nitrogen compounds, from ref. 133.
br(C-X) = bond length in pm.
‘p(C-X) = bond order.
40 D. G. Gilheany
As can also be seen from Table 15, the C-P bond length in trifluoromethylphosphine is
shorter than that in methylphosphine. This suggests that hyperconjugative effects are
responsible for the anomalous bond length in tristrifluoromethylphosphine (see Sections
II.A.l and II.B.2). However, since it takes very high levels of c a l c ~ l a t i o n to
' ~ ~reproduce
the correct experimental bonds lengths in P(CF,),, caution needs to used in extending the
argument to that molecule.

c. Conformation of phosphines. Conformational preferences in phosphines were also

studied by M a g n u ~ s o n ' ~using
~ . ' ~calculation
~ methods similar to those used in his other
s t ~ d i e s ' ~ ~He
- ' ~found
~ . that there was no qualitative difference between the kind of
energy surface produced by rotation about single bonds to phosphorus and that produced
by rotation about bonds to first-row elementsL34.However, there was a quantitative
difference because the energy differences between alternative conformations were much
less'34. The only exception to this generalization was that trifluoromethyl-substituted
hydrides had energy differences between conformations which were of comparable
magnitude to those of their first-row counterpart^'^^.

C. Conjugated Phosphines
The evident weakness of IL bonding at trivalent phosphorus (Section I) suggests that
overlap with adjacent unsaturated centres should not be important. However, some extra
considerations of structure and bonding are introduced when there is unsaturation a to the
phosphorus in phosphines.

1. Phosphines with aromatic substituents

The structures of aromatic phosphines do not suggest that there is much interaction
of the lone pair on phosphorus with an adjacent aromatic ring, because the bond lengths
and angles are little changed relative to those in comparable phosphines with non-
aromatic substituents (see Sections 1I.A.1 and II.A.2). However, the physical properties
of aromatic phosphines do suggest a modest extension of delocalization from phosphorus
to the aromatic nucleus. For example, the ultraviolet spectra show a bathochromic shift
and a hyperchromic effect6 and the basicities are slightly lower than expectedI8, both
supporting a weak involvement of the lone pair of phosphorus in delocalization. There
has therefore been continuing interest in the study of possible delocalization in aromatic
phosphines but, since these molecules contain many atoms, there have been few theoretical
Most of the recent work has used ultraviolet absorption s p e c t r ~ s c o p y ' ~ ~ -electron
transmission s p e c t r o ~ c o p y and
' ~ ~ photoelectron s p e c t r o ~ c o p y ' ~ ~
- ~ ~some
~ , atten-
tion to dipole moments'48, gas-phase and vibrational spectroscopy' 5 0 . From
these studies, a concensus has emerged that there is an appreciable interaction between
the orbitals of the benzene ring and the lone pair on phosphorus. However, it is much
reduced from that in aromatic amines (one estimate'46 put the reduction at 50%).
The electronic spectra of aryl phosphines were overviewed by Fife et a/. who carefully
assigned the various transitions. Note that earlier work was complicated by unrecognized
interference from phosphine oxide c ~ n t a m i n a t i o n ' ~Schiemenz
~. and Nielsen' 39-140
investigated ring-substituted aryl phosphines and showed that, although there may be an
interaction of the aromatic nucleus and the lone pair on phosphorus, this does not lead to
through-conjugation via phosphorus. In other words, phosphorus is a barrier to
conjugation between aryl rings even though it exerts a strong + M e f f e ~ t ' ~ ~Frey . ' ~ ~et.
~ 1 . l investigated
~ ' the spectral characteristics and association constants of charge-transfer
complexes of Main Group 5 aryl derivatives with tetracyanoethylene. They were able to
2. Structure and bonding 41

assign all bands but unfortunately the phosphine derivative used reacted to form a
different adduct, rendering comparisons difficult14'
Giordan et a1.'42 employed electron transmission spectroscopy to determine the
energies of low-lying negative ion states of methyl and aryl phosphines. They found that
benzene-substituent lone pair pn-pn interactions decrease sharply from first- to second-
row substituents, primarily as a result of decreased the pn-pn overlap. They also found
that Main Group 5 elements exert a stabilizing inductive effect on the benzene n*
There was some confusion in the assignment of the ultraviolet photoelectron spectra of
phosphines, which was cleared up by Cabelli et a1.'43, who showed that the assignments in
phenylphosphine and aniline are similar. In fact, through the observed changes in orbital
e n e r g i e ~ ' ~ ~photoelectron
-'~~, spectroscopy provides the best evidence for the interaction
of the lone pair of phosphorus with the aromatic system.

2. Vinyl phosphines
Although susceptible to relatively easy analysis by calculation, vinylphosphine and its
derivatives have only recently been synthesized'51.
Schade and Schleyer' ", in relatively high-level calculations (using the 6-31G* basis set
with electron correlation and zero-point energy correction), found that the preferred
geometry of vinylphosphine was that in which the lone pair on phosphorus was 'non-
conjugating'(i.e. not oriented perpendicular to the n system).They concluded that there is
only a very weak P-C A interaction in vinylphosphine. They found also that this was not
because of inherently weak first row-second row overlap. Rather, it was because
planarization at phosphorus is very costly compared with the gain in n-resonance energy.
These results were confirmed by a study of the photoelectron spectrum of vinylphosphine
and a derivativels3.

3. Acyl phosphines
Xie et a1.'54investigated the geometries of formylphosphine and acetyldimethylphosph-
ine by ab initio methods. They found that there was a single total-energy minimum
corresponding to the amide-type conformation. They also found that, as expected, the
rotation barriers to internal rotation of the acyl group were lower in phosphines than in
the analogous amines. They concluded that, although there is a certain contribution of pa
conjugation, the magnitude of the effect is small. They also found that the P-C bond to
the C=O carbon was noticeably longer than that to the carbon of a methyl group'54. This
is in agreement with the results reported in Section II.A.l.

4. Phospholes
In phospholes, the phosphorus lone pair can interact with the four n-electrons of the
diene unit to constitute an aromatic system analogous to that in pyrrole. During the 1970s,
the development of an understanding of the electronic structure of phospholes was
accompanied by a great deal of controversy. References to this, to its resolution and to the
currently accepted description of the bonding in phospholes may be found in the book by
QuinS6.It is now clear that there is a certain amount of delocalization, but much less than
that in pyrrole, and phospholes can be described as only weakly aromatic. Once again it is
found that there is a balance between the energy gained on delocalization and that lost on
planarization, and it turns out that phospholes have a distinctly pyramidal phosphorus
atom. One accepted manifestation of aromaticity in phospholes is their dramatically
reduced barrier to inversion because the planar transition state is stabilized by its
42 D. G. Gilheany
D. Polyphosphines
The introduction of more than one phosphorus atom into a phosphine has very little
effect on the structure"', the only exception being the case where two phosphorus atoms
are directly bonded together. The P-P bond length' in P2H4is 221.8 pm, which appears
to be little changed by substitution because it is the same in PH'PF,, 222.8 pm in the
' ~ ~219.2 pmin P,Me,, the P-H and P-C bond
nearly strain-free black p h o s p h o r u ~and
lengths being unchanged' from their usual values given in Table 2. Bond angles are also
unchanged from those expected. For example', the CPC and CPP angles in P,Me, are
99.6" and 101.1",respectively, reduced to approximately 97" in PH'PF,.
There have been very few theoretical studies of polyphosphines. In an MNDO study.
Bews and Glidewell''' reported the mass spectral fragmentation of tetramethyldiphos-
phine. Schleyer et a1.'5s examined the question of the anomeric effect involving
second-row substituents using an ab initio method that included a calculation on
PH,CH,PH,. They found that the anomeric effect is much weaker for second-row
substituents and suggested that this was because of the poorer n-donating ability and
lower electronegativity of the second-row g r ~ u p s ' ' ~ .
There has been some interest in the conformation of polyphosphines. In the liquid
and gaseous states, Raman and IR data favour a gauche C, for both P,H,, P,D4 and
P,Me, but a trans C,, configuration in the solid'. Thus it appears that the gauche and
trans rotamers are of comparable energy, and this was confirmd by a photoelectron
spectroscopic study' 5 9 . However, electron diffraction data indicate that P,Me4 has a
trans configuration', as has PH'PF,. The matter has been addressed theoretically using
relatively high-level calculations without success16o.Note that the form of the MOs of
AH,AH, systems may be derived easily by qualitative molecular orbital methodP.
Structural data on polyphosphines with a high proportion of phosphorus atoms may
be found in the review by von S~hnering''~and some recent theoretical work on such
systems may be found in ref. 161.

E. Phosphine Metal Complexes

Phosphines are very useful ligands in organometallic chemistry and the known number
of complexes is very Many structural data are reported in the book by
Corbridge', where the metal-phosphorus bond distance is reported to vary from
approximately 215 to 255 pm.
In many transition metal organometallic compounds, and especially those in which the
metal is in a low oxidation state, the bonding is thought to involve back-donation of
electron density from a metal d orbital to an unoccupied ligand orbital of appropriate
symmetry16'. For example, in metal-carbonyl and metal-alkene complexes the ligand
orbital is a n* orbitalI6'. There has been a great deal of discussion about whether such
back-bonding occurs in metal-phosphine complexes and many methods have been used
to investigate it'3,'4,162-'64. However, it now seems clear that, although there is no role
for back-bonding in aliphatic or aromatic phosphine complexes, such bonding is
important for complexes of PF, and p h ~ s p h i t e s ' ~ ' - ' ~In~ most
. of the discussion on this
and even some of the more recent ones162,it is assumed that the appropriate
orbitals of the phosphine for any back-donation are the phosphorus d orbitals.
Examination of Figure 3 shows clearly that the much more likely acceptor orbitals are the
cr* orbitals 3a, or 2e.
This question has been studied recently by both and p h y s i ~ a I ' ~ ~ - ' ~ *
methods. Xiao et al. '",in the empirical calculations described above (Section II.B.4),
found that the LUMO of the phosphines studied consisted mostly of phosphorus p
character, consistent with the 2e orbitals in Figure 3. In a later study, Marynick'66, using
2. Structure and bonding 43
both empirical and ab initio calculations, confirmed that phosphine ligands could be
n-accepting without involving d orbitals on phosphorus and that the o* orbitals were indeed
the acceptor orbitals. This conclusion was confirmed by Tossell et who examined
the LUMO of PH, by electron transmission spectroscopy and found it to be of 0 type. In
an elegant study, Orpen and Connelly'68 examined the metal-phosphorus and the
phosphorus-substituent atom bond lengths in the crystal structures of a series of
transition metal complexes. The idea was that if the back-bonding is occurring into o*
orbitals, then the bonds to the phosphorus substituents should be weakened'68, and they
found that indeed there was a correlation between M-P bond strengthening and P---X
bond weakening as measured by bond length.

F. Hydrogen Bonding in Phosphines

Although atoms of relatively low electronegativity are not expected to participate in
hydrogen bonding, there is some structural evidence that P-H linkages can do so'. Most
studies so far have been by high-level calculation, but there seems no doubt that there
would be a weak interaction between PH, and hydrogen halide^'^^-'^^.


It is only in recent years that stable trivalent phosphorus molecules with phosphorus
coordination numbers 2 and 1 have been synthesized. This may have been due to the
considerations discussed in Section I, which suggested that multiple bonding to phos-
phorus should be weak. However, with appropriate substituents (sterically demanding
groups and/or electron-releasing groups), P=C, P-C, P=P, P=P and other multiple
bonds to phosphorus may be incorporated into isolable compounds. Since the subject is
relatively young, there are a number of useful recent reviews a ~ a i l a b l e ' ~ ~ - ' ~ ' .

A. Structure
There are now a large number of single-crystal X-ray crystallographic studies of
p h ~ s p h a - a l k e n e s ~ ~ .and
' ~ ~ it. ' has
~ ~ been shown that the P=C group has the geometry
expected for a true phosphorus to carbon double bond. Its a-skeleton is planar and the
P-C bond length can vary between 161 and 171 pm with an average of 167 pm'74, clearly
shorter than that of a typical P-C single bond (Table 2). This double-bond nature has
been confirmed by other physical measurements such as NMR s p e c t r o ~ c o p y 'and ~~
especially the isolation of stable E and Z isomers, which show a substantial barrier to
interconversion by rotation about the P-C axis'74. It is interesting that the bond angles
in some p h ~ s p h a - a l k e n e s 'show
~ ~ similar trends to those in phosphines in that the
unsubstituted parent molecule has an H-P-C angle of 97.5", the mesityl-substituted
derivative has a C-P-C angle of 107.5' and the mesityl-substituted nitrogen analogue
has a C-N-C angle of 120.8". Recently, a detailed study of the infrared spectra of simple
phospha-alkenes has been reportedlE3.
The structure of phospha-alkynes has been established mainly by microwave spec-
t r o ~ c o p y ' ~which
~ , gives a P-C bond length of approximately 154.4pm, and this short
length is confirmd by the first X-ray crystal structure d e t e r m i n a t i ~ n ' which
~ ~ , gave a value
of 151.6pm.
The structures of a limited number of diphosphenes have been determined by X-ray
crystallography'80. The P=P double bond is found to be approximately 200 pm long,
which is twice the double bond covalent radius, and the molecules are planar, adopting a
trans conformation with C-P-P bond angles of 102-108" depending on the steric bulk
of the substituents'".
44 D. G. Gilheany
B. Bonding
It has become clear that there is a remarkable qualitative similarity between multiple
bonds to carbon and those to phosphorus in terms of bond length-strength relationships
and electron density distribution^'^^-'^^*'^^.
Simple directed valence arguments can be used to rationalize the bonding in these
compounds along the same lines as the bonding in alkenes, alkynes, imines and cyanides.
Thus the bonding in phospha-alkenes can be described as overlap of an sp2 hybrid on
phosphorus and carbon to form a c bond, and overlap of two p orbitals to form a n bond,
another sp2 hybrid on phosphorus forming another Q bond and the remaining sp2 hybrid
containing the lone pair of electrons. In this example, the promotion energy necessary to
form the sp2 hybrid is presumed to be offset by the energy of the bonds formed. The
bonding in diphosphenes is similarly described by replacement of the trigonal carbon by
another phosphorus. Also, the bonding in phospha-alkynes is described in terms of sp
hybrids and two n-bonding p orbitals on phosphorus. Even though these arguments are
sufficient to account for the bonding, it must be borne in mind that they may be too
simplistic given their failure in the case of the phosphines (Section I1.B).

1. Phospha-alkenes
A number of recent calculations' 76.186- 9 5 and a useful photoelectron spectroscopic
study '96 have included treatments of the bonding in phospha-alkenes. These studies show
that the HOMO is of n type with the phosphorus lone-pair c orbital only slightly more
stable (and in some cases this order may be reversed' 76). The LUMO is the n* orbital and
it is relatively low lying in energy190*'94-'96.Note that this is the opposite order of the
occupied valence orbitals from that in imines, where the HOMO is the lone pair196.The
behaviour of these frontier orbitals in pericyclic reactions has been s t ~ d i e d ' ~ ~ * and
shown to be dependent, as expected, on which orbital is the HOM0194*'97.
Some of these calculation^'^^-'^^ have also addressed the general problem of why these
molecules are stable and have tried develop a common treatment of all multiple bonding,
which has required the construction of a framework for the comparison of n bond
energies'E6*'EE. When such comparisons are made, some surprising results can emerge; for
example, the n bond strength in HP=CH, is calculated to be 448 kJ mol- ',significantly
higher than in either its nitrogen analogue or ethyIenelE7.In a significant study, Schleyer
and Kost' E6 calculated the n bond energies for a wide range of double bond systems using
the 6-3 1G* basis set with electron correlation and zero-point energy correction. The
difference in energy between two X-Y single bonds and an X=Y double bond was
calculated by means of isodesmic equations and then bond energy derived by substraction
of this difference from the dissociation energies of the single-bond systernlE6. The
interesting result is that for each series C=X and Si=X, then bond energies for both first-
and second-row substituents correlate with the electronegativities of XlE6. When
electronegativity differences between carbon and silicon and among the X groups is taken
into account, first- and second-row n bond energies are similarlE6.
Finally, an ESCA examination of R3-phosphorins supports the theory that these
compounds are aromatic'99.

2. Phospha-alkynes
A number of phospha-alkynes have been investigated by photoelectron spectrocopy'79.
Once again the first ionization potential corresponds to removal of an electron from a
bonding n orbital and the second to the lone pair'79. There is a strong similarity between
the photoelectron spectra of phospha-alkynes and cyanides, except that in the former there
2. Structure and bonding 45

is an increase in the n-n separation attributed to the poorer overlap of the 3p orbitals
compared with the 2p orbitals' 7 9 .
There have been a few calculations on phospha-alkynesz00-204and the parent HCP has
been the subject of numerous calculations (detailed in ref. 202). In general, these confirm
the results of the spectroscopic investigations but some attention is paid to the question of
the linearity of the C-C-P nit^'^*^'^.

3. Diphosphenes
The bonding in diphosphenes has been studied by spectroscopic method^'^'.^'^ and by
molecular orbital calculations'*'. These confirm the similarity of the P=P bond to the
double bond in olefinsZ0~.Once again the IL orbital and the lone pair combination are close
in energy and either may be the HOMO'".

The author acknowledges the help given by Professor Charles M. Quinn.

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201. M. T.Nguyen and P. Ruelle, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2,80, 1225 (1984).
202. M.T.Nguyen, Z. Naturforsch., Teil A, 39, 169, (1984).
203. C. Thomson and P. Ellam, Theor. Chim. Acta, 62, 81 (1982).
204. K. K. Lehman, S. C. Ross and L. L. Lohr, J. Chem. Phys., 82,4460 (1985).
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Optical ly active phosphines:

preparation. uses and
chi ropt ical propert ies
laboratoire de Synthese Asyrnetrique. UA CNRS 255. Universite Paris.Sud. 91405
Orsay. France

I . INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
I1. VARIOUS CLASSES OF CHIRAL PHOSPHINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
A . Monophosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
1 . Monophosphines with an asymmetric phosphorus centre . . . . . . . 53
2 . Monophosphines with a chiral side.chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3. Monophosphines with chirality both at phosphorus and in a side-
chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4. Monophosphines with a cyclic structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
B. Polyphosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
1. Diphosphines with at least one asymmetric phosphorus . . . . . . . . 57
2 . Diphosphines with a chiral group connecting two achiral phosphorus
atoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3. Triphosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
PHOSPHORUS OR IN VICINAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
CATALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
A. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
B. Asymmetric Catalysis with Rhodium Complexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
1. Asymmetric hydrogenation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
2 . Hydrosilylation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
3 . Hydroformylation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4 . C=C bond migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
C . Asymmetric Catalysis with Nickel-Phosphine Complexes . . . . . . . 87

The Chemistry of Organophosphorus Compounds. Volume 1

Edited By F. R . Hartley 0 1990 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
52 H. B. Kagan and M. Sasaki
D. Asymmetric Catalysis with Platinum-Phosphine Complexes. . . . . . . 88
E. Asymmetric Catalysis with Palladium-Phosphine Complexes . . . . . . 89
1. Asymmetric allylic substitution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
2. Asymmetric hydrocyanation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
F. Asymmetric Catalysis by Ruthenium-Phosphine Complexes . . . . . . . 91
G. Coordination Chemistry of Chiral Phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
VIII. CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
1X.REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

The first optically active phosphine oxide (1) in which the phosphorus atom is the
only asymmetric centre in the molecule was decribed in 1911 by Meisenheimer and
Lichtenstadt’. It was not until 50 years later that optically active phosphines such as 2
could be prepared, thanks to the efforts of Horner et ~ l . ’ . ~ .

The driving force in the early 1900s for trying to isolate compounds [phosphorus(III), -
(IV) and -(VI)] with asymmetric phosphorus was the need to gain information about the
bonding and stereochemistry around phosphorus. Several reviews have given surveys of
these early developments, e.g. refs 4 and 5. For the last two decades there has been renewed
interest in phosphorus chemistry because (i) many compounds with asymmetric phos-
phorus atoms [phosphorus(IV) and -(V)] have interesting biological properties closely
connected with absolute configuration4-’ and (ii) chiral phosphines with chiral units at
phosphorus and/or in the vicinity of phosphorus have found wide use as ligands for
transition metals’. Asymmetric catalysis was greatly stimulated by the discovery of new
complexes and spectacular results were obtained, leading in some cases to industrial
This chapter focuses on optically active phosphines, although stereochemical problems
and preparations involving phosphorus(III), -(IV) and -(V) derivatives are strongly
interconnected. In this account we define phosphines as compounds in which the
phosphorus atom is connected only to carbon or hydrogen atoms [e.g PhP(alkyl)H,
menthylPPh, o-anisylphenylPMe]. This definition excludes phosphorus(II1) com-
pounds, in which phosphorus is linked to a heteroatom [e.g. PhP(OMe)Me, PhP(CI)Me],
although many optically active phosphines are prepared from them. Phosphorus(V)
compounds such as phosphine oxides are not included in this survey, but they will be
occasionally considered when needed for identification or storage of phosphines.
Optically active phosphines can involve one or several sources of chirality. A
classification of chiral phosphines is possible if one makes a distinction between
phosphines with an asymmetric phosphorus atom and those in which the chiral unit is
external to phosphorus (asymmetric carbon atom, axis or plane of chirality). A
combination of both substructures is also known.
The chapter is organized in the following manner. First the various classes of chiral
phosphines are described, with some examples, then the routes to optically active
phosphines are detailed. Chiroptical properties of these compounds and absolute
3. Optically active phosphines: preparation, uses and chiroptical properties 53
configuration assignments are discussed in Section IV. Methods for measuring enant-
iomeric excesses of chiral phosphines are reviewed in the next section. Because of their
importance, the stereochemical features of reactions occurring at phosphorus or in vicinal
positions are considered next. The chapter ends with a description of the uses of chiral
phosphines as ligands for transition metals. Many complexes are useful catalyst precursors
in asymmetric catalysis (e.g. hydrogenation, C-C bond formation, C-C bond


Chiral phosphines can be divided into two broad classes: monophosphines and poly-
phosphines. In this section, representative examples of chiral phosphines are illustrated,
together with their absolute structures.

A. Monophosphines
There are basically three ways to design chiral monophosphines: the chirality can be
located on either the phosphorus atom or a side-chain, or on both (3-5,Scheme 1).

(3) (4) (5)

SCHEME 1. Main types of chiral monophosphines.

1. Monophosphines with an asymmetric phosphorus centre

Optically active phosphines of type 3 (Scheme 1) were the first to be used in asymmetric
hydrogenation' '.la. Representative P-chiral phosphines are as follows. In these deriva-
tives one finds a phosphorus atom usually surrounded by at least one aryl group. A few
trialkylphosphines (e.g. 7)and triarylphosphines (e.g. 8) are also known.

54 H. B. Kagan and M. Sasaki
2. Monophosphines with a chiral side-chain
Phosphines of the general formula 4 (Scheme 1) are the easiest to obtain because their
synthesis mostly starts from a chiral natural product, as will be described later. Some
examples are depicted in structures 11-25.

b8""// pph2

Me H

(11)26 nrndpp ( 1 2 ) 2 6 rndpp (1 (14)28

(16) glyphos


R = i-Pr
3. Optically active phosphines: preparation, uses and chiroptical properties 55
Some monophosphines bearing a functionalized side-chain were synthetized in order to
act as a bidentate ligand of a transition metal in a complex (26-49).




(26)35amphos (27)351,2-dpneo ( 2 ~ )1,8-dpneo

) ~ ~ (29)36


c,i N-R

( 3 0 ) 3 9 R = H pm
PPh2 RCH2 PPh2 (12:
(33)39R=MeS methylcycphos (3613’ cyclopenphos

(31)39R=C02Bu’ bpm (3413’ R=CH2SMe methphos

( 3 ~ ) R-
~ ’i-PrS
(Et03)Si(CH2), P(menthyl)2




+‘ ’
Ph M
’e Ph ”Me

(3814’iminophos (39)4’trisminphos

(40l4’ ominphos

R y M e z
\P/N-R PPh2

(4S)32 R = i -Pr valphos
(44144 (49)32J45
R=PhCH2 phephos
(47)32R= t-Bu t-leuphos
3. Monophosphines with chirality both at phosphorus and in a side-chain
Optically active phosphines of type 5 (Scheme 1) have been reported for a few examples

4. Monophosphines with a cyclic structure

Chiral monophosphines in which asymmetric phosphorus is incorporated in a ring are
known, as in 53-55, and are part of a family that will be fully discussed in Chapter 12. A
new type of cyclic monophosphine has been recently synthesizedlg3 in which the
phosphorus atom is bridgehead and cannot be thermally racemized. Phosphine 55’ gives
a rhodium complex which acts as an asymmetric catalyst in the homogeneous
hydrogenation of N-acetyl-a-aminocinnamic acid (ca 50% ee).



B. Polyphosphines
A variety of chiral diphosphines with the general formulae 56-59 have been reported as
promising ligands for stereoselective catalysis.
3. Optically active phosphines: preparation, uses and chiroptical properties 57

1. Diphosphines with at least one asymmetric phosphorus

Phosphines 60-65 are examples of diphosphines of type 56, with two asymmetric
phosphorus atoms, and of diphosphines of types 58 and 59, where chirality can be found
both at phosphorus and in the organic framework.


2. Diphosphines with a chiral group connecting two achiral phosphorus atoms

The diphosphines with the general formula 57 have often been used as chelating ligands
in asymmetric catalysts.
58 H. B. Kagan and M. Sasaki

Me - PPh2

(S,S)- chiro phos

R=Me prophos
(68)57R=Ph phenphos
( 6 9 ) 6 2 R=c-C6Hll ctcphos

Me R= i - P r volphos
(72)64R=CH2Ph benzphos
(73)65R=CH( Me) (NHBoc)


(77)69 n =1-5,16,18

( 8 O I 7 l R=CH2 dpcp (821~~ (83)73R=H benzoylphos

( 8 1 ) ~ R=NH
~ ’ ~ deguphos
~ (84)73R=OH
3. Optically active phosphines: preparation, uses and chiroptical properties 59

( 8 6 0 )norphos
~~ (8Sb)'srenorphos (87)76phellonphos



( P h 2 P C H 2 )2N-C-H

(94)'' R=Me

( 9 1 ) ~ ~ ) ~ ~(9217' skewphos


(loo)''*8 2 ( R -
R ) d iop Ar=2-Me,3-Me or 4 - M e - P h
(102)e4A r = 2 - o n i s y l
(104)'~''~Ar = 3-onisyl
(105)e5 A r = l or 2-nophthyl
60 H. B. Kagan and M. Sasaki


R lx~g;'ahl -


( w 3 0 R1 , R p = 3 - ( 5 a - c h o l e s t a n y l ) diocol


( 1 1 5 ) ' ~ R=Me
(116) 93 R=OMe S03Na


ePp LPPh2
3. Optically active phosphines: preparation, uses and chiroptical properties 61

Ph2P ( 1 2 0 ) 3 7 R=CO28uf bppm

( 1 2 1 ) R=COB“‘
~~ pppm
( l 2 2 I g 5 R=CONHR, cap
k IP P h 2 (12Qg6R=H ppm
(124)97R=CONHPh Ph-cap
(125)” R=CONHPh-p-Br

3(127b)‘23 R=Me

R=H binap
d28)”’ Cy-binop

‘ ~ ~t -Bu
( 1 2 7 ~ ) R=


(129)1°’ R = t - B u ( 1 3 2 ) 4 7 R=NMep(R,S)-bppfo (136)48

(130)“‘ R=Ph (133)32R=OAc (R,S)-bppfAc
(131)”’ R=cyclohexyl ( 1 3 4 ) l o 2 R=OH bppfOH
(135)lo3 R=Me b p p f M e
62 H. B. Kagan and M. Sasaki


&PPhz PPh2 00
$pph2 PPh2 Ph2P PPh2

(137)104comphos (138)105 nophos (139)31dioxop

0 0
R*\ 11
R/ hPPh2

R* Me

(142)109 >N- = NH-(,


(143)109 N\
,- = NH

R C02Me

(144I1O9 \
R /N- =

3. Optically active phosphines: preparation, uses and chiroptical properties 63
A unique type of chiral phosphine [(q5-C5H,PPh,)RePPh,(NO)(PPh3)] has been
recently reported by Zwick et ~ 1 . ' ~ ' Chirality
. arises from the presence of an asymmetric
rhenium atom.

3. Triphosphines
There are a few cases of chiral triphosphines, e.g. 145 and 146.

There seems to be no report of optically active tetra- (or more) phosphines, although
tetraphosphines with cyclic structures have been reportedlog.


Methods for preparing optically active phosphines involve either the transformation of a
chiral precursor or a resolution step. There are three main transformation methods giving
access to P-chiral phosphines: (a) reduction of chiral phosphines oxides by halosilanes, (b)
electrolytic hydrogenolysis of chiral phosphonium salts and (c) displacement of chiral
phosphinites by organometallic reagents, as shown in Scheme 2.

R ~ = O R or x

SCHEME 2. Routes to P-chiral phosphines.

Korpium et a1.'" developed a general method for creating asymmetric phosphorus

atoms, as illustrated in Scheme 3. Esterification of (-)-menthol with R'(R)P(O)CI affords
64 H. B. Kagan and M. Sasaki

(i) pyridinr
( i i ) fractional

for rpimrr
rrparation (149) (160)


(161) (152)


SCHEME 3. Use of Si,CI, to prepare P-chiral phosphines.

a mixture of the diastereomers of phosphinates, which can be separated by fractional

crystallization. Each diastereomer thus obtained is treated with a Grignard reagent to
give the corresponding phosphine oxide with inversion of configuration. Reduction of
the phosphine oxide by Si,Cl, produces the related optically active phosphine with
complete inversion of configuration". It has been observed that the combined reagent
HSiCI,-Et,N is not stereoselective for phosphine oxide reduction whereas PhSiH, gives
mainly retention of c ~ n f i g u r a t i o nTherefore,
~~. Si,CI, seems to be the most useful reagent
for the stereospecific transformation of a phosphine oxide into a phosphine.
Alternative methods are now available for preparing optically active phosphinates,
from which it is possible to make phosphine oxides after reaction with an organometallic
reagent. Several approaches have been reported"'. One approach is to synthesize and to
resolve a 1,3,2-oxazaphosphole derivative" lb. A simple method is first to prepare
oxazophospholidine by the action of RPC1, on (-)-ephedrine (Scheme 4). Only one
diastereomer is obtained with the absolute configuration at phosphorus indicated in
Scheme 4. Treatment with an organic halide R X leads (by an Arbuzov reaction) to a
phosphinamide. Alcoholysis of 157 gives the phosphinates 158. The overall yields are good
and the phosphinates obtained have more than 80%ee. The same methodology has been
applied to readily available 1,3-diol, chloramphenicol (159) (Scheme 5).
Use of PhPCI, leads to a cyclic phosphinite (la), and subsequent treatment with
sodium methylate results in a methyl phosphinate (161) with 74% ee. An asymmetric
synthesis of phosphinates involving the Arbuzov reaction using C , symmetry compounds
has been reported by Kato eta1."2 (Scheme 6). The Arbuzov reaction of (5S,6S)-
dimethoxy-2-phenyl-1,3,2-dioxaphosphacycloheptane(162) with various alkyl halides
3. Optically active phosphines: preparation, uses and chiroptical properties 65




(159) (160)



(162) (163)


produces acyclic phosphinates (163) in a moderate to high diastereomeric excess, which

are converted into optically active phosphine oxides (164) by Grignard reagents.
Moriyama and Bentrude1I3 developed a new route to the optically active phosphine
66 H. B. Kagan and M. Sasaki
oxides MePhP(O)CH,Ph (168) and n-PrMeP(O)CH,Ph (171) from 0-isopropyl S-alkyl
methylphosphonothioates (166 and 169). Reductions of 168 and 171 with PhSiH, afford
the corresponding optically active phosphines, MePhPCH,Ph (6c)and n-PrMePCH,Ph
(172) (of optical purities 45-70% and 13-592,, respectively) (Scheme 7).

C6H6 ph/pp
E t20 Me

8 5% 70-75%

(1661 (167)



(6c) Ph



42% 43 -58% > 85%
(170) (171) (172)

Toda et ~ 1 . "reported
~ that some (alkyl-substituted/arene)phosphinatesand phosphine
oxides can be resolved efficiently by crystallization of molecular complexes with optically
active 2,2'-dihydroxy-l,l'-binaphthyi.The method gives 100%optically pure compounds.
A second route to P-chiral phosphines is the electrolytic hydrogenolysis of chiral
phosphonium salts. Chiral phosphonium salts are available through various processes,
mainly resolutions. Kumli et ul.' introduced the ( - )-dibenzoylhydrogentartrateanion
as a resolving agent for phosphonium salts. A number of benzylphosphonium salts were
resolved and further converted by Horner and Mentrup'l6 into the corresponding chiral
phosphines through electrolytic reduction to 3. The electrolytic reduction occurs with
retention of configuration at phosphorus. Phosphines 6-8 were prepared in this way
(Scheme 8). This pioneer approach has largely been replaced by the other methods
described in this section.
i I I(
3. Optically active phosphines: preparation, uses and chiroptical properties 67

( i ) PhCH,X [R'R2R3PCH2Ph]+ [R*COO]- seporotion

( i i ) R"COO- R1/c;R3



SCHEME 8. P-chiral phosphines from benzylphosphonium salts through electrolytic


A third route to P-chiral phosphines is the displacement reaction on chiral phosphinites

by organometallic reagents (the method of Korpium et al.' l o described previously).
Mikolajczyk' '' developed general methods for the synthesis of chiral phosphinites
(Scheme 9). Desulphurization by the two-step sequence depicted in Scheme 9 gave good

R' L i
i LiOMen


yields of menthyl phosphinites (175), which were treated with an alkyllithium in diethyl
ether at - 50°C to produce phosphines (176) with high optical purity. The last step
proceeds with inversion of configuration. A similar process was described by Chodkiewicz
et a1."*, based on the reaction sequence in Scheme 10, starting from RPCI,. A resolution
step occurs with help of an alkaloid. The interest in these two last methods lies in the fact
that a chiral phosphine (and not a phosphine oxide) is produced directly.
Methyl-tert-butylphenylphosphine(6g)has been resolved by combination with (+)-$-
pinenylnickel bromide and subsequent separation of the diastereomeric nickel com-
Phosphines 50 and 51, having both a chiral phosphorus and a chiral side-chain, have
been prepared using the reaction^^'.^' (shown in Scheme 11).
Monophosphines with a chiral side-chain have been easily prepared by treatment of the
68 H. B. Kagan and M. Sasaki

- Ri
\ cinchoninr
RPC12 + (R’)2Cd 4
/p-c‘ R /p-o Cinch
(177) (178)

r r p o r o t i o n by

R Rj,%
\ R’Li

Ri P - O Cinch

(180) (179)


(12) (183) (184) (185)


tosylate (or halide) of the optically active compound (available from the chiral pool) with
the diphenylphosphide anion:
R*X + -PPh, - R*PPh2 + X-
Nmdpp (11) and mdpp (12) were first prepared in this way from menthol and neomenthol,

respectivelyz6. The reaction proceeds mainly with inversion of configuration at carbon.

The alternate reaction has been used to prepare dialkylphosphines such as dimenth-
ylmethylphosphine or dimenthylisopropylphosphine and trismyrtanylph~sphine’~.It is
also especially convenient for the introduction of phosphorus on an aromatic ring.
R*- + XPPh, -
3. Optically active phosphines: preparation, uses and chiroptical properties
R*PPh, +X-
Ortholithiation of ArCH*(CH,)N(CH,), (Ar = Ph, 1-naphthyl, ferrocenyl) occurs


easily. The resulting organolithium reacts with XPPh,, leading to a phosphine. By using
this method, amphos (24), 1,2-dpnea (25), 1,8-dpnea (26) and ppfa (47) were prepared3'. In
the last example a planar chirality is stereoselectivelycreated because of the directing effect
of the N,N-dimethylamino group fixed to an asymmetric carbon, which oriented lithiation
on only one of the two ortho positions in the ring.
Diphosphines with at least one asymmetric phosphorus have been prepared mainly by the
following three methods. The most general route to forming chiral 1,2-diphosphines
stereoselectively is the oxidative coupling of two chiral phosphine oxides (Scheme 12). By

1 HSiCI,-NBu,

using this method, Vineyard et prepared (R,R)-dipamp (a),
which gives a very
eficient rhodium catalyst for asymmetric hydrogenation and which is used in an
industrial asymmetric synthesis of (S)-dopa.
On the basis of the unique reactivities of phosphine-boranes. Imamoto et ~ 1 . " ~
developed a new route to optically pure 60 (Scheme 13).

OM e OMe

(200) (201)
r OMe


70 H. B. Kagan and M. Sasaki
The lP-addition of R*(Ph)PH to CH,=CHPPh, or CH,=CHP(S)Ph, in the
presence of a base yields 1,2-diphosphines containing only one asymmetric phosphorus
atom (Scheme 14).The diastereomeric diphosphines 63 and 64 were prepared by using this

(202) (203) (204)


method58. Separation of the pure diastereomer is wasteful, involving extensive fractional

Pietrusiewicz et al.120"
introduced a chiral synthon as the key for the synthesis of many
mono- or di-phosphines. It is obtained from menthol (Scheme 15). Conjugate addition on

menthol --e
le0 OC,

[ ( - ) - ( S ) - 2031

optically active vinylphosphine oxides was also achieved very easily in an aqueous
medium by the zinc- or copper-promoted reaction of alkyl halides120b.Many phos-
phine oxides (206') could be prepared from the phosphine oxide 206. The procedure
requires ultrasonic irradiation, and fully maintains configurational integrity at the
phosphorus centre. This method has also been applied to (menthoxylcarbonyl-
methy1)phenylvinylphosphine oxide (205) to add an isopropyl fragment to the vinyl
Recently, Johnson and Imamoto108 utilized a chiral vinylphosphine
. . . oxide for the
synthesis -of various chiral polyphosphine with two asymmetric phosphorus atoms
(Scheme 16).
The third method is resolution using a diastereomeric transition metal complex. The
chelating o-phenylenebis(methylpheny1phosphine) (62) has been prepared as in
Scheme 1757.A large-scale resolution of racemic 62 involves the formation of dias-
tereomeric palladium complexes (211).
Diphosphines with a chiral group connecting two achiral phosphorus atoms are
relatively easy to synthesize. The most widely used reaction to prepare such diphosphines
is based on the alkylation of a disubstituted phosphide by a chiral ditosylate or dihalide as
shown in reaction 3. By this method, diphosphines such as 1,Zdiphosphines (66-72), 1,3-
diphosphines (91, 92) and 1,Cdiphosphines (100-119) were synthesized". Typical
examples are the preparation of diop (100) and related 1,4-diphosphines (Scheme 18).

(206) (206')



( R , R ) (S,S)-62

'Me resolution

(R,R) -62 and (S,S)-62



12 H. B. Kagan and M. Sasaki
- HO+Co2Me

(212) (213)

-H. .

(214) (213)

(106,107) R=alkyl (217) (216)

(101-10s) (100)


A completely different approach to chiral 1,2-diphosphines is based on the Diels-Alder

reaction (Scheme 19). Both enantiomers of norphos (Ma) were obtained by Brunner et
~ 1 . ' by
~ this method. Samuel et ~ 1 . ' carried
~ out a Diels-Alder reaction between 1,2-
diphosphinated ethylene (X= S) and chiral dienes available from terpenes. For instance,
(S,S)-phellanphos (87) and (R,R)-nopaphos (88) were prepared stereoselectively, in two
steps, from ( - )-phellandrene and ( + )-nopadiene. Desulphurization was achieved by
heating with sodium in toluene.
The intramolecular cyclization of the dianion of a diphosphine dioxide has been carried
out (Scheme 20)12'. Resolution of the cyclic diphosphine dioxide 223 was performed with
dibenzoyltartaric acid and was followed by reduction with trichlorosilane to give dpcb
3. Optically active phosphines: preparation, uses and chiroptical properties 73

c + Ph2P
(2 18) (219)(X=O,S) (220)


- d""'+ Ch2
II 0 0
2 n-BuLi 2 ~ i + cusp
t h f , O OC CUCl

0 J 2 8 Ole
(221) (222) (223) (224)

( i ) r*rolution with dib enro yltartaric acid

dPPh2 "/
(ii) HSiCI,



Dpcp (80) was prepared starting from cyclopentene (225) and phosphorus trichloride
(Scheme 21)'".

4 PhMqBr

""/P Ph 2
- Ni (dpcp) B z p
r e so1u t io n

(226) (80') (80)


The rhodium complex of binap (127) is a highly efficient catalyst for some asymmetric
hydrogenations and asymmetric double-bond migrations, as will be discussed later.
Racemic binap was synthesized from 2,2'-dibromo-l,l'-binaphthylby sequential treat-
ment with t-BuLi and CIPPh,. Resolution was then performed through complexation
with an optically active palladium complex and fractional recrystallization. A much
74 H. B. Kagan and M.Sasaki
simpler resolution was realized later, on the bisphosphine oxide of binap, through
separation of diastereomeric molecular complexes salts with either camphorsulphonic
acid or dibenzoyltartaric acid123.
This section can be summarized as follows. The various preparations of chiral
phosphines are now widely based on selective transformations of natural products
coming from the chiral pool (terpenes, aminoacids, tartaric acid, etc.). The chemistry is
usually easy when there is no asymmetric phosphorus atom in the molecule, otherwise
most of the methods involve at some stage separation of epimers at phosphorus. The
fortunate and rare case is the one in which asymmetric synthesis at phosphorus occurs.
Resolution still remains of great use when it is easy to perform, since it gives both
enantiomers of a compound. Resolution of a phosphine oxide by camphorsulphonic acid
was used as early as 1911 by Meisenheimer and Lichtenstadt' for the preparation of 1. This
method is much more general than initially believed since Brunner et al. resolved the
dioxide of norphos (%a) with tartaric acid, and Noyori et al. resolved the dioxide of binap
(127) with camphoric acid. Resolution of many phosphine percursors (oxides, phosphi-
nates, etc.) has often been performed by standard methods when a carboxylic group is
present in the molecule.


P-chiral phosphines are relatively stable but they may be racemized at 130°C with
activation energies of ca 125.5 kJmol-' (equation 4)lZ4.Therefore, it is necessary to
consider carefully the stereochemical stability at phosphorus during the course of the

X-ray crystallography has been used to determine the structures of a wide variety of
phosphorus compounds. For instance, the absolute configuration of the phosphonium salt
6b was determined by X-ray diffraction, which enabled the absolute configuration of 6b to
be deduced as S on the basis of the assumption of retention during quaternization step
(equation 5 ) ' 2 5 .
%,"*P PhCHaX
I np>h d P - C H 2 Ph x- (5)
P h e -cathodic fission

(6b) (6b')
The absolute configuration of chiral phosphines can also be directly determined by X-
ray analysis of their metal complexes99~'z'~'23.
The absolute configuration is confirmed by
the Bijvoet method.
NMR analysis may be useful for the determination of the absolute configuration of a
phosphorus centre, especially if a chiral centre of known configuration is present in the
molecule. For example, chemical shift non-equivalence has been used to determine the
configuration at the phosphorus centre in diastereoisomeric I-menthyl esters of alkylph-
osphinates 149 and 1501z6.
3. Optically active phosphines: preparation, uses and chiroptical properties 75
ORD and C D techniques have also been used for the configuration analysis of
phosphine oxides. The study of the chiroptical properties of various phosphine oxides and
sulphides has led to a direct configurational correlation of sulphoxides and phosphine
oxides by intersystem matching of the Cotton effects'". The configurations of 127b and
127c were substantiated by comparing the CD spectra with those of (R) - (+)- and (5')-
( - )-binap (127a), whose configurations have been determined by X-ray analysis' 23.


Enantiomeric excesses of P-chiral tertiary phosphines have been mainly determined by
NMR analysis after derivatization to diastereomeric compounds: (i) quaternization of
phosphines using 2-methoxylphenethyl bromide (A)'*' and (ii) formation of diphosphine
complexes from ( - )-bis(p-chloro)bis [(R)-dimethyl(a-methylbenzyl)aminato-C,,N]-
dipalladium (11) (B)' 2 9 .

(A) (8)

The method described by Pasquier and Martyl5', in which there is no need for a chiral
auxiliary, can be applied to phosphines. In this method the sample serves as its own
reference. A kinetically labile complex bonds reversibly two molecules of a partially
resolved substrate (a phosphine in the present case). To measure the enantiomeric excess of
this substrate by NMR necessitates measuring the ratio of meso to enantiomeric pair
complexes starting from the racemic ligand and from a partially resolved sample. It is also
necessary to measure the relative amount of free substrate to complex. From these
experimental data, obtained by NMR on a small scale, the enantiomeric excess is easily
calculated using an equation given by the authors' The method was used to measure the
enantiomeric excess of 1-diphenylphosphino-2-propanethiolwith Ni2 as the auxiliary

metal centre. The phosphine was prepared by ring opening of partially resolved
methylthiirane. q3-Pinenylnickel bromide has been used as a chiral reagent for measuring
the enantiomeric excesses of some P-chiral p h o ~ p h i n e s ' ~ ~ .
It has been proposed that ( - )-tert-butylphenylphosphinothioicacid (C)' l 3 and
( - )-~-(3,5-dinitrobenzoyl)-a-phenylethylamine (D)'30 may be used as chiral solvating
reagents for phosphine oxides (which are easily obtained by oxidation of phosphines). The
chiral shift reagent [(Eu(hfc),] is also useful for measuring the enantiomeric excess of
phosphine oxides and ph~sphinates'~'.


Some examples of enantiomeric excess measurement by the various methods are given
in Tables 1 and 2.
2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2

B x a


=, I
7 I

4 4 4 4 4


3 N

i3 :

u, u
m m
3 8 x
u u

m m

U U u u
* 2


n Q n la U
3. Optically active phosphines: preparation, uses and chiroptical properties 79
TABLE 2. Measurement of the enantiomeric excesses of diphosphines"

diop 100 33.6(s)' 33.7(S)C 2.70 1.80 2.73 I .95

62 44.725) 47.6(26) 2.63 1.53 2.90 1.48
29.3(25) 3 1.0(26) 2.88*
dipamp 60 48.4(29) 45.3(25) 2.83 1.63 2.91 1.90
32.1(29) 32.8(25)
norphos 86a 48.4'.8 46.7(5)0 1.85 1.89
renorphos 86b 42.6(7)' 45.5(8)' 1.93 1.96
42.0(7) 44.2(8)

'0.1 M solutions in CDCI,.

bThe absorptions for 62-86b arc pairs of doublets with coupling constant in Hz in parentheses.
'Configurations of the chiral centres in the free diphosphine ligand.
'All signals are doublets, J = 6 Hz.
'It is important to use a 1: 1 ratio of B to diphosphine to obtain this spectrum.
'The two NH, groups are magnetically different in this complex.
'Narrow, unresolved multiplet.

HPLC analysis is useful for the measurement of enantiomeric excesses of phosphine

oxides and phosphinates. Guyon et reported the HPLC analysis of diastereoisomers
of 0-menthyl methylphenylphosphinates. It is also possible to determine the optical purity
of phosphine oxides and phosphinates by HPLC on a chiral column'g~''4~141~'42~'94~'95.


Nucleophilic substitution at phosphorus in tertiary phosphines with alkyllithium reagents
proceeds with predominant inversion of configuration (equation 6)' 32. The reaction is
drastically affected by the medium, as shown in Table 3.
80 H. B. Kagan and M. Sasaki
TABLE 3. Yields of nucleophilic substitution by
butyllithium at phosphorus in (+)-(R)-p-6as a function of
reaction medium" (ref. 132)

Yield (%)

Medium n-BuLi t-BuLi

thf 39 14
thf- tmeda 28 16
Et,O 21 3
Et,O-tmeda 50 13
C.5H1, 0 2
C,H ,,-tmeda 11 76

'The following standard conditions were used: [6] 0.05-0.1 M; n-

BuLi introduced as a 1.7 M solution in hydrocarbon solvent in
nine- to ten-fold excess; the reaction was run for 0.5 h at room
temperature, quenched with water and analysed by GLC, using n-
C,,H2, as internal standard; tmeda: n-BuLi mole ratio = I:l.

It has been observed that the stereochemical integrity of methylphosphines is preserved

when they are converted into the a-carbanion (equation 7)*34.

Imamoto et d.'19 reported a stereospecific interconversion between 9 and 9. It is

interesting that the BH, group of phosphine-boranes is mildly removed by the reaction
with an amine such as diethylamine.

Both reactions have been found to proceed with complete retention of configuration. As
discussed previously, removal of oxygen from phosphine oxides with asymmetric
phosphorus is possible with Si,CI, (full retention of configuration) or PhSiH, (largely
inversion of configuration). The reaction requires prolonged heating above 100 "C.This
contrasts with the mild removal of the BH, moiety from phosphine-boranes.
The stereochemical courses of the transformation of P-chiral phosphines into
phosphorus(1V) and -(V)compounds are summarized in Scheme 22.
Dimethyl selenoxide, SeO,, reacts under mild conditions with compounds such as
methyl-n-propylphenylphosphine(6b) to give the corresponding phosphine oxide with full
inversion retention retention retention retention
(refs113,125,129,139) (refs 1350,b) ( r e f s 136,137) (ref 137) (refs 113,129,138,139)
rocemizotion inversion
(refs 125,139,140) (refs 138,139)
(refs 136-1401

82 H. B. Kagan and M. Sasaki
inversion of configuration at phosphorus135c.A mechanism involving a phosphorane
intermediate was proposed.



A. Introduction
Chiral phosphines are widely used as ligands for transition metals. Structural studies
have been carried out on many isolated complexes. Usually these studies were intended to
provide models for the interpretation of the steps occurring in asymmetric catalysis.
Because asymmetric catalysis developed rapidly through empirical experiments, the main
results obtained will first be analysed. In Section 3.VII.G some coordination chemistry is
detailed. Phosphines have to be considered as soft ligands14, (or of Chatt class and
are well adapted for coordination to soft metals, essentially metals which have d orbitals
(transition metals). The main asymmetric catalytic systems are based on phosphine-metal
complexes with metals such as nickel, cobalt, rhodium, ruthenium, platinum and
palladium. Many chiral phosphines have been devised in order to find the best fit between
the chiral catalyst and the substrate for a given reaction.

6 . Asymmetric Catalysis w i t h Rhodium Complexes

7. Asymmetric hydrogenation
Wilkinson’s complex [RhCI(PPh,),] was the first catalyst precursor for the homog-
eneous hydrogenation of olefins. Its discovery in 1966 greatly stimulated research into
homogeneous catalysis in general, especially with rhodium complexes. In 1968, two
attempts to use a chiral modification of Wilkinson’s complex appeared simultaneously:
Horner et al.” and Knowles and Sabacky ” (at Monsanto) replaced triphenylphosphine
by methyl-n-propylphenylphosphine(6b)and obtained up to 15% ee in the asymmetric
reduction of unsaturated compounds such as a-ethylstyrene or a-phenylacrylic acid. In
1974 Morrison and Masler’“ prepared the chiral phosphines R*PPh,, where R* is a
chiral group such as neomenthyl or menthyl (e.g. 11 and 12);60% ee was obtained in the
asymmetric reduction of (Z)-Ph(Me)C=C(H)CO,H. In 1971-72 an important class of
chiral ligands was discovered by Kagan and Dangs1.145.This family, of general formula
Ph2PR*PPh2,includes diop (100) as the prototype. Diop-rhodium complexes (diop: Rh
= 1: 1) are excellent catalysts for the hydrogenation of many C=C double bonds. For
example, N-acetylphenylalanine was obtained in 82% ee by hydrogenation of (2)-
PhCH=C(NHAc)CO,H. Ligands having asymmetric phosphorus atoms were used by
the Monsanto group successfully: camp and dipamp (60)$’gave, for example, 90%
and 95% ee, respectively, in the asymmetric synthesis of N-acetylphenylalanine. The
industrial production of (S)-dopa, a useful drug against Parkinson’s disease, has been
operated since 1974 by Monsanto. It is based on asymmetric hydrogenation with a
rhodium-dipamp catalyst.
Most of the chiral ligands developed for rhodium complexes avoided the preparation of
asymmetric phosphorus atoms and were chelating diphosphines, Ph2PR*PPh2. Many
analogue of diop, a 1,4-diphosphine, have been synthesized and are often very efficient.
Other types of 1,4-diphosphines such as binap (129)99,bppm (l2O),’ and bppfa (132)47,
and also 1,3- or 1,2-diphosphines, have been found to be very useful in asymmetric
hydrogenation. Some results for the hydrogenation of dehydroamino acids are given in
Table 4. Enantiomeric excesses close to 100% are now not unusual, especially with 1,2-
3. Optically active phosphines: preparation, uses and chiroptical properties 83
TABLE 4. Asymmetric hydrogenation with various phosphines as ligand of the rhodium catalyst

+ H, - PhCH,CH

Ligand" ee (%) (configuration) Ref.

( R ,R)-diop 100b 81,150

(S,R)-bppfa 13Zb 47
(S,S)-bppm 120 31
(R)-binap 127ad 99
(R,R)-dioxop 1396 31
(S,s)-skewphos 92 79
(R,R)-dipamp60 55
(R)-prophos 67 57
(S,S)-chiraphos66 60
(R,R)-norphos 26ab 74
(S,S)-phellanphos87 16
(S,S)-dFp 80 71
(S,S)-deguphos 81 73
(S)-camp 10 25

'Cationic complex, unless stated otherwise.

situ neutral complex.
'Addition of triethylamine.
'Reaction on N-benzoyldehydrophenylalanine.

The rhodium-phosphine complexes are usually in situ catalysts and are generated as in
Scheme 23. The substrate and hydrogen are subsequently introduced. This procedure is
very convenient for initial screening of a small amount of a chiral phosphine. If it is
necessary to store a chiral catalyst, a cationic rhodium complex can be prepared from a
neutral rhodium precursor. as in Scheme 24.

not i s o l a t e d


(\ = chelating diene such as norbornadiene

or cycloocta-1,3-diene

84 H. B. Kagan and M. Sasaki
Mechanistic details of the asymmetric hydrogenation of dehydroamino acid derivatives
are known owing to the efforts of many groups, especially those of H a l ~ e r n ’and ~~
Brown’47. By a combination of ‘H, I3Cand ”P NMR spectroscopy in solution and ofX-
ray crystallography on various isolated complexes the following conclusions can be
(i) N-Acyldehydroamino esters coordinate both by the double bond and by the amide
group. Usually the two diastereomeric complexes (differing by the prochiral face
which is coordinated) are detectable in solution, one complex being predominant.
(ii) Oxidative addition of hydrogen occurs on the above complex, in what is considered as
the turnover-limiting step. The dihydride complexes could not be detected because of
the fast subsequent insertion reaction of the double bond into the Rh-H bond. The
resulting alkylrhodium complex was observed by Chan et by lowering the
temperature. The global stereochemistry is always a cis addition of two
(iii) The major diastereomeric olefin rhodium complex formed at the beginning of the
reaction is not the one leading to the final product.
A correlation between the arrangement of the P-phenyl rings and the absolute
configuration of the a-amino acid which is produced has been proposed by Vineyard
et ~ 1 . ~ ’An
. edge-to-face array as shown in Scheme 25 consistently induces (S)-N-
acylamino acid synthesis. The correlation could be obtained by X-ray analysis of various
complexes. Fryzuk and Bosnich6’ pointed out that good correlations are also found for
chiral 1,2-diphosphines by considering the chirality of the five-membered chelate ring. A 1
conformation (Scheme 25) is always associated with asymmetric synthesis of (S)-amino

+ H2

( S )-N-ocetylomino acids ( R )-N-ocetylomino acids

t t

3. Optically active phosphines: preparation, uses and chiroptical properties 85

acids. The mechanistic picture of how the chiral recognition occurs during the first
hydrogen transfer on prochiral double bond is still missing.
Iridium-phosphine complexes are not very efficient for the homogeneous hydrogen-
ation of olefins unless the phosphine is a trialkylphosphine such as P(cy~lohexyl),'~~.
However, Oro et ~ 1 . lused ~ ~ a cationic iridium complex, [Ir(cod)(PhCN)(nmdpp)]+,
where nmdpp represents neomenthyldiphenylphosphine, at room temperature and with 1
atm of hydrogen. This complex catalyses the hydrogenation of N-acetyldehydroamino
esters, even when there is a tetrasubstituted double bond, but the enantiomeric excesses are
low (< 27%).
The inactivity of many iridium-phosphine complexes allowed Alcock et al.' 5 4 to
prepare chiral rhodium complexes starting from a racemic phosphine. They found that
menthyl(Z)-N-acetyldehydrophenylalaninatecan give rise to an isolatable cationic
iridium complex, [1r(PhCH=C(NHA~)CO,rnenthyl)~]+. When two equivalents of
racemic chiraphos (66) are mixed with this complex at - 78 "C and the temperature is
raised to 2 0 T , 1 mol of (S,S)-chiraphos displaces 1 mol of dehydroamino ester. Then
[(nbd),Rh]+BF,- (0.8 equiv.) was added. The free (R,R)-chiraphos chelated to the
rhodium complex. This chiral rhodium complex was the usual catalyst for asymmetric
hydrogenation; for example, methyl (Z)-a-acetamidocinnamate was reduced to the
corresponding amino ester with 89% ee (the same enantiomeric excess was observed with
optically pure chiraphos). The in situ resolution of the chiral diphosphine for homog-
eneous catalysis was applied successfully to racemic chiraphos (a), to rac-trans-1,2-
bis(dipheny1phosphino)cyclopentane(80) and to rac-trans-1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)-
cyclohexane (82). This last compound was resolved for the first time.
Asymmetric hydrogenation of conjugated acids with a fully substituted double bond is
very difficult with most rhodium catalysts and various diphosphines [e.g. bppfa (132) or
chiraphos (a)]. Hayashi et found that the introduction of a tertiary amino group
into a side-chain in some ferrocenylphosphines results in an efficient rhodium catalyst
(Scheme 26). The terminal amino group forms a salt with the substrate and consequently

100% 98.4% ee

L =



attracts it to the coordination sphere of the complex. This attractive interaction between
the ligand and the substrate enhances both the catalytic activity and the enantioselectivity
given by the chiral diphosphine. This approach should be of wide application in
asymmetric catalysis with chiral phosphines.
Rhodium-phosphine complexes are not very active for ketone reduction. Heil et ~ 1 . ' ~ ~
86 H. B. Kagan and M. Sasaki
were able to reduce acetophenone to PhCH(0H)Me with 80% ee by using the
+ +
combination [RhCl(nbd)], diop NEt,. The reaction works at 50 "C and 70 atm
hydrogen. Milder experimental conditions are possible when an ester group is close to the
ketone group. Thus CH,COCO,Bu' was converted into CH,CH(OH)CO,Bu' (70% ee)
using [RhCl(bppm)] as the cataly~t"~.The same catalyst was used in an asymmetric
hydrogenation of a-ketolactone into pantolactone (80%ee)' 5 8 .
A ferrocenyldiphenylphosphinebearing a free hydroxyl (bppfOH, 134) seems to be one
of the most useful ligands for the asymmetric reduction of ketoneslS9. Pyruvic acid was
converted into lactic acid with 83% ee, acetophenone gave carbinol with 40% ee,
Ph(Me)C=NCH,Ph was reduced to an amine (48%ee) and epinephrine (95%ee) could be
obtained by hydrogenation of an a-amino ketoneI6*.

2. Hydrosilylation
Asymmetric hydrosilyation of ketones or imines is an alternative method to asymmetric
hydrogenation, since alcohols or amines are produced after hydrolysis of the intermediate
ROSi or RRNSi. The Rhodium-diop catalyst allows the asymmetric hydrosilylation of
simple ketone (e.g. acetophenone --* PhCHOHMe, 58% eeZ5') or a keto esters [e.g.
MeCO(CH,),CO,Bu' + MeCHOH(CH),CO,Bu', 84% eei6']. In these experiments, a-
NpPhSiH, was the reagent. Diphenylsilane and Rh-diop catalyst is also a good
combination for the asymmetric reduction of imines ( < 50% ee)16,.

3. Hydroform ylation
Asymmetric hydroformylation of olefins catalysed by rhodium complexes containing
chiral phosphines has been a topic of intense investigation. The formation of hy-
dratropaldehyde from styrene is the model reaction that has been most widely investigated
(equation 9).

PhCHZCH, + CO + H, - PhCH
k H 3
+ PhCH,CH,CHO (9)

Pino and Consiglio'bJ found that the combination [HRh(CO)(Ph,),]-diop (1:4)

catalyses the formation of aldehydes in 25% ee. Two Japanese groups have also found
enantiomeric excesses of up to 20% using nmdpp (11) or benzyl(methy1)phenylphosphine
(6c).Butyl(methy1)phenylphosphine and [RhCl(cod)], gave hydratropaldehyde with 40%
ee (BASF)'64. Chiral monophosphines or diphosphines and rhodium complexes were not
able to achieve enantiomeric excesses above 40%,even with substrates other than styrene.
However, platinum-tin complexes gave spectacular improvements.

4. C=C bond migration

The migration of a double bond is sometimes a competitive reaction in catalytic
homogeneous hydrogenation. It is possible in some systems to take advantage of C=C
bond migration for performing asymmetric syntheses from an achiral precursor. A
necessary condition is that the reaction is strictly irreversible, in order to avoid
A major achievement in this area was the work of Tani et a1.87.They found that the
complex [Rh(cod)(binap 127a)I +BF4- is an excellent catalyst at 40 "C for the asymmetric
transformation of geranylamine to an enamine (> 90%ee), which is easily hydrolysed into
citronella1 (Scheme 27). Citronella1 can be transformed in two steps into optically pure
menthol. The Takasago Company in Japan is now producing (-)-menthol in hundred-
3. Optically active phosphines: preparation, uses and chiroptical properties 87

NEt2 [Rh(S)binap d i m e ] + NEt2

N,N-diethyl geranylamine

(-) - mentho1

ton quantities by this Scheme. Binap 127b is unique amongst the various chiral
diphosphines which were tried.

C. Asymmetric Catalysis w i t h Nickel-Phosphine Complexes

One of the earliest reports of asymmetric catalysis by phosphine transition metal
complexes was provided by B o g d a n ~ v i cand
~ ~Wilke'65. They had previously shown that
Ziegler-Natta-type complexes (such as a combination of q3-alkylnickel chloride,
AI,Et,CI, and a phosphine) were excellent catalysts for the addition of simple olefins to
olefins or conjugated dienes. By using chiral trialkylphosphines some codimerizations of
ethylene on cycloocta-1,3-diene or norbornene gave products with enantiomeric excesses
of up to 80% (Scheme 28).
These are amongst the best cases of asymmetric C-C bond formations. An
intermediate in the catalytic cycle seems to be a nickel(I1) hydride of the type
[HNiX(Ph,)(olefin)]. A model was proposed to explain the high enantiosele~tivities~~.
More recently, a French group'66 has shown that the catalyst precursor [Ni(cod),]--
AIClEt,-aminophosphine is also able to perform the transformation of cyclohexa-1,3-
diene and ethylene into 3-vinylcyclohexene(73% ee at - 70 "C). The chiral aminophosph-
ines R,R'NPPh, are phosphorus ligands which are outside the scope of this chapter and
which will be not discussed.
Asymmetric coupling reactions with Grignard reagents were found to be catalysed by
nickel-phosphine complexes. The first positive results of asymmetric coupling were
reported almost simultaneously by two g r ~ ~ p[NiCl,(diop)]~ ~ ~ was ~ the
, catalyst,
~ ~ the ~ ~ .
reaction being the formation of PhCH(Me)CH=CH, (< 17% ee) (equation 10).

Me Me
PhCHMgCl + BrCH=CH, Ni cat.
* (10)

This reaction was extensively studied by Kumada's group with a wide variety of chiral
phosphines, including ferrocenylphosphines and b-dimethylaminoalk ylphosphines. Very
high enantioselectivity (up to 94%)could be achieved in the coupling reaction168b.Most of
the reactions involved a Grignard reagent which cannot give rise to easy b-elimination (e.g.
88 H. B. Kagan and M. Sasaki
ligand :

7 0 V e ee

80% ee

64% ee


-Ni cat.
Et Et
ArMgX). However, sec-butylmagnesium halides are also able to react (equation 1l)'69.
The catalyst is [NiCl,(prophos 67)]. The reaction depends strongly of the nature of X and
Y.The highest enantiomeric excess was 44% (when X = Y = Br) with an isolated yield of
80%. Prophos is better than diop for reducing the formation of by-products owing to the
rearrangement of the of the Grignard reagents.
The mechanistic details of these coupling reactions are not known. It was proposed that
the reaction goes through a nickel(0)complex which undergoes oxidative addition of vinyl
bromide. The resulting complex [LNi(CH=CH,)Br](L = chiral diphosphine) reacts
selectively with one enantiomer of the racemic Grignard reagent with nucleophilic
substitution of bromine. The reaction ends with a reductive elimination which gives the
coupling product, while the Grignard reagent simultaneously racemizes.

D. Asymmetric Catalysis with Platinum-Phosphine Complexes

The main use of platinum-phosphine complexes in asymmetric catalysis is in
hydroformylation. It was discovered that the combination [PtCI,L,]-SnCI, (L, = chiral
3. Optically active phosphines: preparation, uses and chiroptical properties 89
diphosphine) allows a low reaction temperature and gives fairly high enantiomeric
excesses. With diop as ligand, atropaldehyde with an enantiomeric excess of up to 80%has
been obtained from styrene'". The active complex is presumably [PtCI(SnCl,)diop]. A
breakthrough in that area came recently from the work of Stille171 with PtC1,-SnC1,-
bppm (120). When the hydroformylation of styrene was carried out in the presence of
triethyl orthoformate, which acts as trapping agent of atropaldehyde and prevents its
racemization, almost enantiomerically pure diethyl acetal of hydratropaldehyde was
obtained. Many examples of high enantioselectivities have been described, but a chiral
diphosphine giving a high branched to normal ratio in asymmetric hydroformylation
combined with a high optical yield remains to be discovered.

E. Asymmetric Catalysis w i t h Palladium-Phosphine Complexes

Palladium complexes with chiral diphosphines have been widely used for coupling
reactions and allylic substitution. Some examples of olefin hydrogenation have also been

1. Asymmetric allylic substitution

Palladium-catalysed allylic substitution has been successfully applied to organic
~ynthesis"~~' 73. The reaction can be used in asymmetric synthesis by replacing the achiral
ligands of the catalyst (PPh,, diphos, etc.) by chiral phosphines. For example, Scheme 29


dl L=(+)-diop 46% cc
L=dipamp 39% ec

has been described by Trost and Strege'74. The chiral catalyst was prepared from
[Pd(PPh,),] and bidentate diphosphines (diop or dipamp) which displace triphenylph-
osphine. The steric course of the reaction and the role of chiral diphosphines is difficult to
discuss because the starting material is a racemic mixture.
A simpler system, where an asymmetric centre is created on the nucleophile, was studied
by Fiaud et ~ 1 . (Scheme
' ~ ~ 30). With L* = diop and R = Ph the allylated product was
isolated with only 10% ee. This was ascribed to the reaction mechanism, which involves a
rrans nucleophilic attack of an q3-allyl Pd intermediate A (Scheme 31). The creation of an

90 H. B. Kagan and M. Sasaki
asymmetric centre on the nucleophile is then not controlled by the chiral diphosphine,
which is too far away. A solution to that problem was proposed by Hayashi et al.'76, by
the adjunction of a side-chain on a chiral diphosphine able to interact attractively by a
group Z with the nucleophile as in intermediate B (Scheme 31). This approach was
investigated in the area of chiral ferrocenyldiphosphines such as bppfa (132).


Functionalized ferrocenylphosphines with side-chains of various lengths bearing an

OH or amino group in the terminal position have been prepared. One of the best ligand is
C.It gives about 80% enantiomeric excess in the alkylation of 2-acetylcyclohexanone.


Scheme 32 was proposed to explain how the chiral diphosphine interacts with the
enolate and helps to the chiral recognition. This scheme takes into account conformation
of bppfa as given by the crystal structure of [PdCl,(bppfa)].
Attractive interaction between nucleophile and hydroxy g r o ~ p s "on
~ the side-chain of
a chiral ligand has also been very beneficial in allylic alkylations where the asymmetric
centre is created on the allylic compound (enantiomeric excess up to 90%)' 77.
The molecular engineering of chiral phosphines for providing additional interactions
(attractive or repulsive) with the reactants seems a very promising field for improving
enantioselectivity and reactivity. It is especially valuable when one knows some
mechanistic details because the rational development of 'second generation' ligands
becomes possible.
3. Optically active phosphines: preparation, uses and chiroptical properties 91

Reprinted with permission from J . Org. Chem., 53,116. Copyright (1988) American Chemical Society.

2. Asymmetric hydrocyanation
The asymmetric addition of HCN to alkenes in the presence of a Pd(0)-diop catalyst has
been reported"'. 2-exo-Cyanonorbornane (30% ee) was produced from norbornene.

F. Asymmetric Catalysis by Ruthenium-Phosphine Complexes

Some ruthenium-diop complexes have been investigated as hydrogenation catalysts;
enantiomeric excesses of up to 70% were found in the asymmetric hydrogenation of
conjugated acid^"^. A breakthrough came recently with the discovery by Noyori and
coworkers that [RuX,(binap)](X = OAc or C1) complexes are superior catalysts for the
asymmetric hydrogenation of many substrates. A few representative examples1Eo-l E 3are
given in Scheme 33. The reactions are performed under pressure but are highly efficient
(yield and enantiomeric excess).
One can expect a renewed interest in catalysis with ruthenium chiral phosphine
complexes. The coordination chemistry of ruthenium complexes involving binap,
compared with other chelating diphosphines, seems very specific' 84.

G. Coordination Chemistry of Chiral Phosphines

Many studies have been carried out in solution or in the solid state in order to elucidate
the mechanistic details of catalytic asymmetric reactions. X-ray crystal structures of many
complexes involving chiral phosphine ligands have been described. Chelate bisphosphine
rhodium complexes were especially investigated in the hope of elucidating the origin of the
high enantioselectivity occuring in asymmetric hydrogenation of dehydroamino acids (see
discussion in Section 3.VII.B.1). The P-phenyl edge-to-face array h y p ~ t h e s i s ~ ~ . ~ ' ~
(Scheme 25) was based on the X-ray structures of various rhodium complexes. Some
selected structures are reproduced in Scheme 34 for ligands such as diop (100) chiraphos
(M),dipamp (60)and cycphos (69).
92 H. B. Kagan and M. Sasaki

92% 97% ee

RuCI,(R) binap
R uOMe HZ * R" O f l OMe
ref. 1 8 2
100% 98-99% ee

ref. 1 8 3
R=CH2OH 92% tt
R=COOCH, 83% ee
R=CHzCHzOH 98% ee
R=O-BrCsH4 92% 0 0


With a 1,2-diphosphine such as chiraphos the five-membered (twist conformation) is

chiral because the two methyl groups take a pseudoequatorial orientation. It was found
that the general rule 'a 1 chelated ring induces synthesis of (S)-N-acylamino acids' does not
~ , ~ ~ . some kind of correlation exists between 1 or 6
seem to have any e x ~ e p t i o n ~Moreover,
configuration and the chirality of the edge-to-face array (see Scheme 25). However, the
'edge-to-face' rule does not to seem very general, as pointed out first by Oliver and
RileyLa6,who studied the X-ray structures of three polymorph crystals of the cationic
complex [Rh((R)-cycphos 69)(nbd)] +. The phenyl arrays are sensitive to the crystal
packing. Scheme 34 shows one structure with a face-to-face array. Recently, Brown and
Evans'87 made a careful comparison of all the available X-ray structures of chelate
bisphosphine rhodium complexes (17 examples). It appears that for 1,2-diphosphines
3. Optically active phosphines: preparation, uses and chiroptical properties 93

(185) [Rh(dipomp)fcod)]

(1461[ R h ( S , S)-chimpho~(Z)-ethyIor-a~etom~doc~noamat~)+

Reprinted with permission from 1.Am. Chem. SOC.,102,7934. Copyright (1980) American
Chemical Sncietv
3. Optically active phosphines: preparation, uses and chiroptical properties 95

(1861[Rhf(R)-cycphoS 6S)nbd]+
Reprinted with permission from Oliver and Riley, Organometallics, 2, 1032. Copyright
(1983) American Chemical Society

when the chelate backbone possesses equatorial substituents forcing the conformation
towards a C , twist conformation, that in turn predisposes the P-aryl rings towards the C2
edge-to-face array. Then the edge-on ring is always pseudoaxial and the face-on ring
pseudoequatorial. For 1,4-diphosphinesleading to a seven-ring chelate only diop or binap
complexes give a C, conformation of the chelate ring giving the C, edge-face array of P-
aryl rings. A molecular graphics analysis was performed by the authors to help to
understand the relation between structure and reactivity in asymmetric hydrogenation. A
combination of crystallographic data and molecular mechanics allowed them to analyse
the origin of enantioselectivity in catalysis by rhodium complexes of chiraphos or
Even if X-ray crystallography is unable to explain fully the stereochemistry of catalytic
reactions, it is a useful tool to see how the chiral ligand bonds to the metal. Thus
ruthenium-binap complexes were investigated180-'88,because of the spectacular results
given in asymmetric hydrogenation. An example is [RuHCl( (R)-binap),] (188)'88. This
complex surprisingly gives opposite results to the rhodium-(R)-binap complexes in
asymmetric hydrogenation of C=C bonds. However, the binap conformation is very
similar in both complexes (compare with the structure of a Rh-binap complex in Scheme
Nickel or palladium ferrocenylphosphines are useful catalysts for asymmetric catalysis,
especially for asymmetric C-C bond formation (as discussed above). In order to
96 H. B. Kagan and M. Sasaki

analyse ferrocenylphosphinepalladium-catalysedasymmetric allylation (Scheme 32)176,

the crystal structure of [PdCl,(bppfa)] was elucidated"". X-ray crystallography was also
used to obtain some insight into catalytic reactions involving chiral monophosphines. A
mechanism has been proposed to explain the asymmetric hydrovinylation reaction using a
nickel dimenthylalkylpho~phine~~. One basis of this mechanism lies in the crystal
structure of [Ni(~3-l-methyl-2-butenyl)methyl(dimenthylmethylphosphine)].
Crystal structures of complexes with chiral phosphines as ligands are also useful for
stereochemical studies. As an illustration two recent results are considered. Cy-
clododecatrienylnickel(0)was resolved by the use of menthyldimethylpho~phine'~~. This
remarkable chiral organometallic owes its chirality to the helicity of its conformation. The
absolute configuration was established by X-ray structural analysis of complex (Scheme
35). The crystal structures of complexes are also useful for elucidating the steric course of
3. Optically active phosphines: preparation, uses and chiroptical properties 97





(165)Ni(cdt) ((-)-menthyldimethylphosphine

Reproduced by permission of Angewandte Chemie

reactions around a metal when this is a chiral centre. Consiglio and Morandini'"
synthesized many chiral ruthenium complexes of the structure [CpRuL,R] (R = halide,
H, Alkyl and L, = chelating diphosphine such as prophos, additional cycphos or
phenphos). In these complexes ruthenium is an additional asymmetric centre. The
sterechemistry of the chiral complexes was determined by X-ray diffraction, chiroptical
methods and multinuclear NMR spectroscopy.

A wide variety of chiral phosphines are now available. There are many structural types of
chiral phosphines, with a centre, axis or a plane of chirality. A computer-based literature
survey of chiral phosphines has been made".". Chemical transformations of phosphines,
either chiral at phosphorus or in a side-chain, are now well understood. Only a few data
98 H. B. Kagan and M. Sasaki
could be found on the chiroptical properties of phosphines. The methods for measurement
of enantiomeric excesses are multiple, permitting work on a small scale. Resolution of
phosphines through complex formation between phosphine oxides and chiral acids seems
to be a fairly general and simple procedure. However, most of the chiral phosphines are
prepared by chemical transformations of optically active natural products available from
the chiral pool. Phosphines, because of their unique bonding properties, are excellent
ligands in many transition metal complexes. Coordination chemistry involving chiral
phosphines has been greatly expanded because of the direct application to asymmetric
catalysis. One can expect in the future to see the appearance of new generations of chiral
phosphines, specially devised to fulfil the need for more stereoselectivecatalytic reactions.

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and M. Tsutsui), Vol. 2, Plenum Press New York, 1978, p. 159.
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161. I. Ojima, T. Kogure and M. Kumagai, J. Org. Chem., 42, 161 (1977).
162. N. Langlois, T. P. Dang and H. B. Kagan, J. Organomet. Chem.. 90, 353 (1975).
163. P. Pino, G. Consiglio, in Fundamental Research in Homogeneous Catalysis (Eds M. Tsutsui and
R. Ugo), Plenum Press, New York, 1977. p. 147.
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164. H. Siege1 and W. Himmele, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Enyl., 19, 178 (1980).
165. G. Wilke, Anyrw. Chrm., f n i . Ed. Enyl., 27, 185 (IY88), and references cited therein.
166. G. Buono, G. Peiffer, A. Mortreux and F. Petit, J . Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun.. 939 (1980).
167. G. Consiglio and C. Botteghi, Helu. Chim. Acta, 56, 460 (1973).
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(b) T. Hayashi and M. Kumada, Acc. Chem. Res.. 15, 395 (1982).
169. G. Consiglio, 0. Piccolo and F. Morandini, J . Organomet. Chem., 177, C13 (1979).
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Electrochemistry of
Chemical Physics Group. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. Colaba. Bombay
400 005. India

I. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
A . Electrochemical Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
1. Polarography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
2. Cyclic voltammetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
3. Controlled-potential electrolysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
I1. AROMATIC PHOSPHINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
A . Monophenylphosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
B. Diphenylphosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
C. Triphenylphosphine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
1. Polarography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
2. Cyclic voltammetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
3 . Controlled-potential coulometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
4. Reaction mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
D . Substituted Triphenylphosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
E. Catalytic Activity of Phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
111. ALIPHATIC PHOSPHINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
IV. RING PHOSPHORUS COMPOUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
VIA REDUCTIVE CLEAVAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
VII . P-0 BOND FISSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
COMPOUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
IX. BASICITY OF PHOSPHORUS COMPOUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
X. PHOSPHINO MACROCYCLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
XI . ACKNOWLEDGEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
XII.REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
The Chemistry of Organophosphorus Compounds, Volume 1
Edited By F . R . Hartley 0 1990 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
104 K. S. V. Santhanam
Ever since the discovery of the toxicity of organophosphorus compounds there has been
immense interest in understanding the intermediates in the chemistry of that toxicity. This
has led to a spate of investigations on these compounds using electrochemical techniques.
The detailed exploration of this chemistry started only in the late 1960s when modern
electrochemical techniques had started to invade the field. Further impetus for this study
has grown from the use of the organophosphorus compounds (a) in warfare as paralysing
agents (b) as fungicidesand (c)as pesticides. Phosphorus in relation to its Group V partner
nitrogen differs in the production of toxic compounds, nitrogen compounds being less
toxic as their chemical reactivity is considerably weaker; this is further substantiated by
phosphonium compounds discharging at more positive potentials than their nitrogen
analogues as the phosphorus atom has the imate ability to expand its octet, making its
reactivity higher. As a consequence, other electrode reactions tend to occur in the
electrode-solution interface. The complex nature of electrode reactions such as C-P
bond cleavage has limited the growth of this field, although the potential for developing
reactive intermediates is higher.
Organophosphorus compounds are also biologically important. Phosphorylation
thermodynamics and energy-transfer schemes might be helpful in manipulating new
reaction schemes for creating biological potency. An exhaustive recent review' of the
enthalpy, free energies and standard potentials of their reactions revealed the possibilities
of developing such new schemes. Organophosphorus electrochemistry gained popularity
after the establishment of physical techniques for the product identification, such as ESR,
GC, TLC and NMR.
This chapter is intended to describe the work carried out on phosphorus(II1)
compounds, together with a few phosphorus(V) compounds, to indicate the differences
in the reaction mechanisms arising from the different oxidation states; however, it does
not attempt to discuss the vast amount of work that has been carried out on
organophosphorus(V) compounds. The first part of the chapter discusses the value of
electrochemical techniques for investigating reaction mechanisms, followed by extensive
discussions of organophosphorus(II1) compounds.

A. Electrochemical Techniques
The transient intermediates generated during an electro-organic process can be
monitored only if the time window of the selected electrochemical technique allows the
observation of the process. The reaction schemes postulated by using slow techniques such
as controlled-potential coulometry cannot provide this information, as the time window
for this technique is large; other techniques such as polarography and cyclic voltammetry
allow the characterization of the transients. Electrochemical techniques provide a time
window from several minutes down to s. Hence the history of the complete evolution
of the stable product can be successfully obtained by combining the results of all the three
Bard and Faulkner3 gave an excellent introduction to electrochemical
methods in their review.

1. Polarography
This technique, introduced by Heyrovsky, paved the way for the discovery of a host of
other powerful electrochemical techniques. It employs a reproducible electrode surface
area through the dropping mercury electrode in the electrochemical cell. This electrode is
used as the working electrode; the counter electrode is either a pool of mercury of a large
platinum mesh (100 times the area of the working electrode). The reference electrode
4. Electrochemistry of organophosphorus 105
employed is a saturated calomel electrode (SCE). The electrodes are introduced into an
electrochemical cell that contains the deaerated supporting electrolyte solution. The
electrodes are connected to the polarographic instrument for varying the potential of the
working electrode and for determining the resulting current. The current-voltage curve is
S-shaped and can yield the characteristic half-wave potential and the diffusion-limited
current’. The diffusion current is related to the number of electrons transferred in the
electrochemical process:
id = 607nm2/3t1/6D11Z
C* (1)
where n is the number of electrons transferred at the electrode, m is the mass of mercury
flowing through the capillary, t is the drop time, D is the diffusion coefficient of the
molecule or ion and C* is the bulk concentration of the species. The slope of the wave,
defined by E314- El,4 (referring to the potentials at three quarters and one quarter of the
value of id, respectively), in a reversible one-electron reduction will equal 56mV3. This
criterion has been used in the analysis of the polarographic waves of several organo-
phosphorus compounds to determine the number of electrons transferred at the electrode
to attain the diffusion plateau. The time window of this technique is defined by the lifetime
of the mercury drop, i.e. 2-3 s.

2. Cyclic voltammetry
Cyclic voltammetry employs a triangular sweep applied to the electrochemical cell. The
electrodes generally employed are a stationary mercury or platinum working electrode, a
large platinum counter electrode and a saturated calomel electrode. Unlike the case in
polarography, where a constant renewal of the electrode area (dropping mercury
electrode) results in the periodic destruction of the diffusion layer, here the continuous
growth of the diffusion layer results in the current-voltage curve taking a peak-shaped
pattern. The peak potential and peak current values are used as diagnostics of the process
occurring at the ele~trode’.~- ’. The chemical reactions following the charge transfer at the
electrode can be well monitored and the kinetic constants can be evaluated. The stability of
the electrochemical reduction product can be conveniently followed by this technique. By
varying the sweep rate of the experiment, it is possible to evaluate the rate of the chemical
reaction that is scavenging the electroactive product. In addition, the formation of new
electroactive species by the scavenging reaction can be followed by this technique. The
time window for this technique extends to a lower limit of 10-4s; the upper limit of a few
seconds is limited by the convection caused by density gradients. As a result, unstable free
radicals formed during the electrode reaction can be detected by this technique.

3. Controlled-potential electrolysis
The evaluation of the number of electrons transferred in the overall reaction scheme and
the large-scale preparation of the end product can be effected by using controlled-potential
coulometry. A general treatment of a variety of cases encountered in electrochemical
investigations may be found in the review by Bard and Santhanam4. As the time window of
this technique ranges from a few seconds to several minutes, the knowledge gained by this
technique can provide an insight into the intermediates in electrochemical reductions if the
product is studied by a spectrophotometric or ESR technique.


The early investigations on the polarographic reduction of Group V organo-
compounds started in 19548.9.However, the mechanistic understanding did not develop
106 K. S . V. Santhanam
until about 1968; this development became possible through modernization of
Several substituted phosphines have been investigated'O- l6 using electrochemical
techniques; the initial investigation^'^ were carried out polarographically, but did not give
the complete mechanism. Hence faster techniques such as cyclic voltammetry were used in
later investigations.

A. Monophenylphosphines
Phenylphosphorus dichloride was examined by polarography lo; it undergoes reduc-
tion, consuming 2e with E , , , = - 2.5 V vs Ag/AgCIO,:

Reoctive intermediate

The charge transfer is irreversible as the reduction is followed by a cleavage reaction where
SH represents the solvent (monoglyme). As a result of the fast cleavage, cyclic
voltammetric examination did not exhibit a complementary anodic peak even at sweep
rates of loOV s-'. Phenylphosphine reduction was not observed, suggesting that it is not
reduced in the available potential range.
The mechanism indicated above operates with other organometallics containing
arsenic, antimony and bismuth (i.e. PhAsCI,, PhSbC1, and PhBiCI,); the electrolytic
method provides a method for preparing and studying the properties of the subvalent

B. Diphenylphosphines
The electrochemical reduction of halogenated diphenylphosphine has been
investigated"; the polarographic half-wave potential occurs at El,* = - 3.3 V vs
Ag/AgC10, in monoglyme. This reduction has also been examined using cyclic
voltammetry; the complementary anodic peak was not observed even at a sweep rate of
loOVs-'. The lifetime of the le reduction product is estimated at less than 10ms. The
reaction mechanism in equation 3 has been postulated for chlorodiphenylphosphine.
The electrochemical reduction of 1 occurs at 200mV more positive than triphenylph-
osphine owing to reduced conjugation.

C. Triphenylphosphine
The electrochemistry of arylphosphines has received wider attention owing to the
chemical reactivity of the le product. This had led to products of varying nature being
formed, depending on the solvent employed in the electrochemical studies. The
importance of the electrochemistry of arylphosphines arises from the fact that they are
intermediates in the reduction of several phosphonium salts.
4. Electrochemistry of organophosphorus 107


+ CI-

7. Polarography
Triphenylphosphine shows a characteristic wave with El12= - 2.70 V vs SCE. Figure 1
shows a typical polarogram of triphenylphosphine in dmf. On the basis of Tomes criterion
for reversibility (El/4- E3/4= 56 mV), it has been concluded that it undergoes a one-
electron reversible or quasi-reversible transfer’ ’. Assuming that the reduction of
triphenylphosphine consumes le, the diffusion coefficient of triphenylphosphine is
calculated to be 0.54 x cm2s - at 25 “C.

2. Cyclic voltammetry
The stability of the le reduction product of triphenylphosphine has been followed by
cyclic voltammetry’ l . The cyclic voltammetric curve of triphenylphosphine in dmf is
shown in Figure 2. The cathodic peak appears at - 2.75 V vs SCE and the complementary
peak at - 2.68 V. The le reduction product is stable, as shown by the peak current ratio,
ipJiPc = 1.0, where ,i and i, are the anodic and cathodic peak currents, respectively.
Table 1 gives data for the cyclic voltammetric reduction of triphenylphosphine. The
current function (proportional to i,/~l’’~,uis the sweep rate) for the cathodic peak showed
constancy with sweep rate, suggesting that the process is diffusion controlled. These
observations were confirmed by later studies by Saveant and Binh”, who investigated the
electrochemical reduction of triphenylphosphine in hexamethylphosphoramide. In this
medium, a slow catalytic process (see Figure 3) was observed, which was attributed to the
regeneration of triphenylphosphine. This catalytic process was completely absent in
dmf’l. As a result, distinctly different products were obtained in large-scale controlled-
potential electrolysis. This may have been caused by the presence of BF; in the medium.
It has been demonstrated that triphenylphosphine is protonated in the presence of a
proton donor; the protonated species undergoes a 4e reduction. As the protonated species
is more difficult to reduce than the unprotonated species, the reduction occurs at
E,, = - 2.76 V. The protonation scheme is represented as in equilibrium 411.
(C,H,),P + H f e ( C 6 H 5 ) 3 P H ’ (4)
This mechanism differs from the conventional protonation of the anion radical produced
108 K. S. V. Santhanam


2.4 ' 2.8

- E (V vs SCE)
FIGURE 1. Polarogram for the reduction of triphenylphosph-
ine. The solution contained 0.1 M tetrabutylammoniumiodide
and 2.38 mM triphenylphosphine in dmf. Reprinted with per-
mission from Santhanam and Bard, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 90, 11 18
(1968)". Copyright 1968 American Chemical Society.

by the le reduction of aromatic hydrocarbons. This situation produces a shift of the cyclic
voltammetric peak towards positive potentials.

3. Controlled-potential coulometry
Complexities in large-scale controlled-potential electrolysis develop when the polaro-
graphic plateau region is close to the background electrolysis. Thus, by conducting
electrolysis at - 2.80 V vs SCE with (C4H,),NI as the supporting electrolyte, Santhanam
and Bard" observed a catalytic process occurring during the electrolysis; as a result, the
electrolysiscurrent decreased to a steady-state value that was higher than the background
current. The catalytic scheme obscures an unambiguous evaluation of the number of
electrons consumed in the initial reduction. By using (C,H,),NBF, as the supporting
electrolyte" in hexamethylphosphoramide, a similar catalytic process was also observed,
4. Electrochemistry of organophosphorus 109
TABLE 1. Cyclic voltammetric data for reduction of triphenylphosphine
. ( I

Sweep rate iPC 'Pa EPC EP.

(mVs-') (4) 01'4) ipalipc* (V vs SCE) (V vs SCE)

Without proton donor

67.1 5.3 5.0 0.90 - 2.75 - 2.68'
153 7.8 9.0 0.97 - 2.75 - 2.68'
222 9.1 11.0 1.01 - 2.75 - 2.68'
312 11.2 12.9 0.99 - 2.75 - 2.68'
476 13.4 15.7 1.oo - 2.76 - 2.68'
712 15.6 18.4 1.06 - 2.16 - 2.66'
222 20.0 20.0 1.oo - 2.75 - 2.68'
With proton donor
222 86.0 - 2.76
222 142.0 - 2.82
~ ~~~ ~ ~~

'Estimated by using extrapolation of cathodic current as base line.

bCalculated using Nicholson's semiempirical method to obtain ip.
T h e solution contained 0.1 M tetrabutylammonium iodide and 0.59 mM triphenylphosphine in dmf. The working
electrode was a hanging mercury drop electrode and the auxiliary electrode was silver wire. Potentials vs SCE may
include some uncompensated iR drop.
'The concentration of triphenylphosphine was 2.28 mM.
'The solution contained 2.28 mM triphenylphosphine and 0.014 M hydroquinone.
'The solution contained 2.28 m~ triphenylphosphine and 0.03M hydroquinone.

1 D 1.4 1.8
. 2.2 2.6
- E (V vs SCE)
FIGURE 2. Typical cyclic voltammetric curve of 2.38 mM triphenylphosphine in dmf
containing 0.1 M tetrabutylammonium iodide. Working electrode, hanging mercury drop
electrode. Sweep rate for the experiment, 67.1 mVs-'. Reprinted with permission from
Santhanam and Bard, J . Am. Chem. SOC., 90, 1118 (1968)". Copyright 1968 American
Chemical Society.
110 K. S. V. Santhanam

30.0 - - 12.0

0 0
20.0 - uu - 8.0

-0 - 4.0
10.0 -

I 1 1 1 I

FIGURE 3. Plot of current function (ipc/ui) (ipc=cathodic peak current,

u=sweep rate) vs square root of sweep rate in (1) dmf and (2)

as indicated in Section II.C.2; the catalytic process is faster when (C,H,),NBF, is used as
the supporting electrolyte. The suggested products of controlled-potential electrolysis
vary from butyldiphenylphosphine, tributylamine and benzene to diphenylphosphinic
acid and biphenyl' l .

4. Reaction mechanism
The first step in the electrochemical reduction of triphenylphosphine has been proved
unequivocally' to be the formation of the free radical anion, as shown in equation 5.

(2) (3)
As the radical anion 3 is unstable, it decomposes to give a variety of products, depending
on the experimental conditions. Thus Britt and Kaiser" obtained the ESR spectrum
shown in Figure 4, which has been attributed to the diphenylphosphine. The mechanism
proposed for the chemical reduction (equations 6 and 7):
(C,H,),P + 2M=(C6Hs),PM + C6HsM (6)
(C6HS)zPM + M*(C~HS)ZPM- + M + (7)
involves phenyl cleavage producing small amounts of biphenyl. The ESR spectrum is
composed of hyperfine splittings arising from one P atom (two equal-intensity lines),
one K atom (four equal-intensity lines) and the proton splittings from the protons present
in two benzene rings. The coupling constants were determined as a, = ap= 2.0G and
4. Electrochemistry of organophosphorus 111

- 4 l

FIGURE 4. ESR spectrum of diphenylphosphine radical gen-
erated by chemical reduction. Reprinted with permission from
Britt and Kaiser, J . Phys. Chem., 69, 2775 (1965)". Copyright
1965 American Chemical Society.

a, = 0.80G. The ESR spectrum showed two lines of equal intensity separated by 8.4 G,
which were split into five lines separated by 2G. The spectral features under high
resolution showed 10-12 lines separated by about 0.2G.
The instability of the free radical anion formed during the electrochemical reduction of
triphenylphosphine has also been a fast-disappearing unresolved ESR
spectrum was obtained. Consistent with this discussion is the observation of ESR signal
corresponding to the biphenyl during the reduction of triphenylphosphine by sodium-
potassium alloy in dimethoxyethane'gb.
The decomposition products of the free radical anion depend on the experimental
conditions such as the water content in the medium, oxygen and the supporting electrolyte
(equations 8-10).

2C,H; *C,H,-C,jH,
C,H,-C,H, +e C,H,-C,H,-
112 K. S. V. Santhanam
TABLE 2. Half-wave potentials of fluorine-substituted triphenylphosphines"


Tris(pentafluoropheny1)phosphine 1.68 110

Diphenyl(pentafluoropheny1)phosphine 1.88 95
Unsubstituted 2.70 62

"Medium:dmf containing (C,H,)4,NI. Taken from Ret 20.

The mechanism in equations 8,9 and 10, where SH = solvent, is in conformity with the
- ' ~ ~the electrochemical resultssv". Large quantities of
observed ESR f e a t ~ r e s ' ~ and
butyldiphenylphosphine were also obtained in hexamethylphosphoramide (hmpa) which
has a lower dielectric constant ( E = 30)" than dmf(&= 37). The C6H; radical also undergoes
hydrogen atom abstraction to give the hydrocarbon (equation 11):
C6H; + SH + C6H6 S'+ (11)
with a possibility of
S' + e 4 S- (12)
s' + (C,H,),P- --'(C,H,),P + s- (13)
The reactivity of the triphenylphosphine anion radical with (C4H,J4N+ has also been
observed in hmpa solvent":
(C6H5)3P- + (C4H9)4N+ +(C4H9)P(C6H5)3 + N(C4H9)3 (14)

D. Substituted Triphenylphosphines
The effect of fluorine substitution on the electrochemical reduction of triphenylphos-
phine has also been investigated". Tris(pentafluoropheny1)phosphine shows a polaro-
graphic wave with El,z = - 1.68Vvs SCE in dmf. The wave is irreversible with a slope
of 90-100 mV. The electrochemical reductions of the fluoro compounds are diffusion
controlled. The half-wave potentials are given in Table 2.
The stability of the one-electron reduction wave of tris(pentafluoropheny1)phosphine
has also been examined by cyclic voltammetryzO.The lack of the complementary anodic
peak for the wave suggested the reduction product was an unstable species. The cyclic
voltammetric data obtained" are given in Table 3; the results strongly suggest that the
process of electrochemical reduction is diffusion controlled. The cyclic voltammetric
behaviour of diphenyl(pentafluoropheny1)phosphine compares well with that of
Controlled-potential coulometric analysis of the fluorine-substituted compounds
revealed a process of decomposition of the anion radical with the elimination offluorineZ0.
This mechanism of fluorine elimination is characteristic of the reduction of several organic
most of these reductions lead to the corresponding hydrocarbons.

"Hmpais selectively adsorbed at the electrode, thus providing a layer of low proton activity near the
4. Electrochemistry of organophosphorus 113
TABLE 3. Cyclic voltammetry of tris(pentafluorophenyI)phosphineE

Sweep rate -EP - E+* ‘P iJu*

(mVs-’) (V) (V) (PA) (pa mV- s*) *
14.0 1.70 1.65 2.4 21
33.8 1.72 1.66 3.5 19
72.2 1.73 1.68 4.1 18
123 1.74 1.68 6.1 18
203 1.75 1.70 8.0 18
430 1.77 1.71 11.0 17
657 1.79 1.72 14.0 17

“0.80mM of tris(pentafluoropheny1)phosphine in dmf-0.1 M Bu,NI solution. Area of

the electrode, 4.14 x 10-2cm2.Taken from Ref. 20.

E. Catalytic Activity of Phosphines

The electrochemical behaviour of phosphine and substituted phosphines has been
examined in aqueous medium” - 2 9 with special reference to catalytic hydrogen evolution.
The phosphines are not electrochemically reducible in the aqueous medium. Carb-
oxyalkylphosphines in buffered acid solutions is significantly influenced by the presence
of cobalt(I1) and cobalt(II1) ions. Figure 5 shows the catalytic currents in the presence
of various concentrations of CoCI,. The catalytic currents increase with increasing cobalt
ion concentration, as shown in Table 4.
The catalytic hydrogen wave is indicative of a diffusion-controlled reaction; it serves
as a method for the ultramicro determination of cobalt ions and for the qualitative and

-400m V

FIGURE 5. Catalyticcurrentsobserved in the presence ofdiphenylphosphinbenzoicacid [O-

P(C6H,),C6H,COOH = 2 x M] at various CoCI, concentrations:(a) 2.44 x (b)
4.76 x (c) 9.62 x (d) 1.18 x (e) 1.66 x lo-, M. Solution pH = 5.5. Scan
started at - 0.90V. Reproduced by permission of Elsevier Science Publishers from Ref. 28.
114 K. S. V. Santhanam
TABLE 4. Influence of cobalt(I1)ion on the catalytic current of
co2 +
- Ei -4
(MI iJiH (mv) iK/iH. (mv)
0.088 0.204 1.29 0.573 1.29
0.177 0.366 1.28 0.815 1.29
0.263 0.505 1.28 0.93 1.27
0.350 0.725 1.28 0.96 1.02

M; [H’] = 0.89m~.

“Concentration of H,PCH,COOH = 1.78 x i,Ji,represents

the catalytic current in the presence and absence of Co2+. ik/iH.represents the catalytic
current in the presence and absence of Co” containing 0.0022%gelatin. Reproduced
by permission of Elsevier Science Publishers from Ref. 28.

quantitative determination of (a) RP(H)CH(R’) COOH, where R = C,H,, C,H, or H

and R’= H, CH, or C,H,, (b) RP(H)(CH,),COOH where R = C,H, or C6H11,
(c) C,H,PR,COOH or C,H,PHRCOOH, where R = C,H,, and (d) R,P, R,PH, RPH,
and PH,, where R = C,H,.
Phosphorus compounds have a significant effect on the overpotential of hydrogen”;
by coordination with the metal ion in solution, the overpotential of hydrogen at the
mercury electrode is decreased2*.
Organophosphorus compounds show a pronounced inhibitiory effect on the electro-
chemical reduction of copper(I1) and t h a l l i ~ m ( I ) ’ ’ ~ ~The
* * ~ polarograms
~. of copper(I1)
in the presence of surface-active organophosphorus compounds of the type R’ R2 and
R3P0, where R is an aromatic ring, show a kinetically controlled limiting minimum


The aliphatic groups in tertiary phosphines are polarographically not reducible” and
hence have not been investigated.


A phosphorus-containing heterocyclic compound (substituted phosphole) has been

investigated in detail by Dessy and coworkers3 using cyclic voltammetry and ESR.
Pentaphenylphosphole undergoes a 2e reduction in monoglyme with a half-wave
potential at E , = - 2.6 V vs Ag/AgCIO,. On controlled-potential exhaustive electrolysis,
the free radical anion is formed which exhibits a two-line ESR spectrum with g = 2.0021;
the doublet has a phosphorus coupling constant of ap= 15 G. The odd electron is
localized in the five-membered ring with no hyperfine splitting generated from the phenyl
protons. The phosphole anion radical is stable as the reverse electrolysis at the mercury
pool (i.e. oxidation of the anion) produces phosphole quantitatively. The corresponding
arsenic analogue also produces a blue anion radical but has a half-life of only 1min.
The postulated reduction mechanism3’ is given in equation 15 or 16.
Phosphole differs from its nitrogen analogue in electron density distribution. Pyrrole is
therefore not reducible polarographically in the available potential range3’. However,
pyrrole is easily oxidized in acetonitrile, producing a highly conducting polymer on the
electrode ~ u r f a c e , ~ - ~ ~ .
The electrochemistry of pentaphenylphosphole has generated a model for the
understanding of organometallics. While the organophosphorus metallics generally fall
4. Electrochemistry of organophosphorus 115

or alternatively

@ @ @ @

I +
+ )
@ @ I @

@ @ @
into the quadrivalent category, which is outside the scope of this review, it is briefly
discussed here to show the contrast behaviour in comparison with trivalent phosphorus
compounds. The general mechanism of the organometallic reduction is given in
equation 17, in which R represents the organometallic (bridged bimetallic)3’.

2 R-

The compounds listed in Table 5 follow the mechanistic scheme (equation 17)proposed
for phosphole.
These compounds also give ESR signals with phosphorus splittings; the coupling
constants are dependent on the nature of the species. Compound 1 shows a triplet
spectrum with an intensity ratio of 1:2:1 and a,= 9G. Compound 2 gives a,= 20G, 3
gives up = 13G, 4 gives up = 15G and 9 gives up = 7G. What is striking between the
bridged bimetallics and phospholes is the stability of the reduced product and the
chemical reversibility, i.e. the fact that the radical anion can be quantitatively oxidized
to the parent by controlled-potential electrolysis in both categories. Deviations from
this behaviour have been noticed with compounds 6 and 9; this has been attributed to
the lack of metal-metal bonds in these compounds.
116 K. S. V. Santhanam
TABLE 5. Electrochemical behaviour of selected organometallics containing phosphorus

No Compound

1 0.30 1 2.003
2 1.70 1 1.937
1.85 2 -
1.90 2 1.994
2.2 -
0.20 1 1.977
2.1 2 1.999
2.4 -
2.3 1 2.060

Reprinted with permission from Ref 11 Copyright (196R) American Chemical Society


Gulick and G e ~ k examined
e ~ ~ the spin density distribution in the radical 4 in comparison
with the distribution in phenoxy radical. The phosphorus coupling constant in the radical
ion of 4 is ap = 6.8 G; this value in smaller than for the heteroaromatic phosphorus
(ap= 14.7-16.8 G). Muller et considered a parallel increase in aH(,,,)and ap when
phosphorus is oxidized to the pentavalent state and attributed this to the positive
(electrophilic) nature of the substituent. The question arises as to what extent the
phosphorus-containing substituent has perturbed the spin density distribution in the
phenoxy ring. The results indicated that aH= 1.6 G in the phosphorus-substituted
compound and aH= 1.8 G in the phenoxy radical, indicating that the spin density is not
grossly perturbed in the phosphorus-substituted compounds. A similar trend occurs in
nitroaromatics substituted with phosphorus. A possible explanation is that the mechan-
ism of transmission of the spin density to the phosphorus atom and further transmission
to the phenyl rings may play a role; apparently these rings are twisted out of the plane
in the above molecule. A remarkable support for the above argument has been
obtained in the electrochemistry of nitroaromatic phosphorus compounds such as

The first unambiguous ESR spectra of phosphorus-containing free radicals were

obtained by Muller and c o ~ o r k e r s ~ ’ -and ~ ~ Lucken”. The derivatives of
diphenyl(4-hydroxy-3,5-di-tert-butylpheny~)phosphine and phosphobetaines yielded
ESR spectra giving ‘P hyperfine splittings. However, several p h o s p h o n ~ h y d r a z i n e s ~ ~ . ~ ~
d o not yield the 3 1 P hyperfine splitting. Tris(nitropheny1)phosphate on 2e electrochemical
reduction yields a 4,4‘-dinitrobiphenyl by cleavage of the oxygen-carbon bond. The
4. Electrochemistry of organophosphorus 117
ESR spectrum arising out of this cleavage consists of a 1 6 G wide spectrum with
uN = 2.69 G , uH= 1.21 G and uH= 0.21 G. This analysis of carbon-oxygen cleavage is
consistent with the results obtained with bis(nitrophenyl)phosphate, which exhibits an
ESR spectrum with the coupling constants uN = 2.69 G, uH= 1.21 G and uH= 0.21 G.
The cyclic voltammetric peak potential of bis(nitropheny1)phosphate is E , = - 1.02V vs
SCE and that of 4,4'-dinitrobiphenyl is E , = - 1.04Vvs SCE, and hence the cleaved
product is reduced at the same potential. The mechanism proposed involves the cleavage
of both nitrophenyl rings from each reduced molecule of bis(nitrophenyl)phosphate,
which requires 3 Faradays per mole4'.


The reductive cleavage of phosphorus(V) compounds generates electroactive
phosphorus(II1) compounds. The electrochemical behaviour of compounds of the type
(C,H,),P+(CH,),CN X - , where n = 1-4, has been ~ t u d i e d ~ ' - ~ 'When
. n = 1,

(CH2CN)- + (C6H,),PfCH,CN ---'(C,H,),P--CHCN + CH,CN (19)

As a result of reductive cleavage, three polarographic waves are observed with

E , = - 1.48, - 2.68 and - 2.56 V. The second wave is due to species 7 and the third to
species 6. Table 6 shows the observed characteristics of the phosphonium compounds. The
formation of triphenylphosphine has been proved by controlled-potential electrolysis and
product analysis5'.
The polarographic reductions of phosphonium salts are irreversible in comparison with
the trivalent phosphorus compounds and the half-wave potentials depend on (a) the drop-
time, (b) the concentration of the electroactive compound and (c) the temperature. An
examination of about 60 phosphonium compounds reported in the literature5' showed
that only eight of them exihibit only one wave, the remainder showing multiple waves. The
latter situation arises when organophosphorus(II1) compounds are formed by reaction 20,
in which R represents the substituent which varies from methyl to tri-p-tolyl or p-cumyl.

R4P+ 2R4P'

R,P + R- 2R,P + R -
1 J+H+
R,P +lRR R,P + RH


P-0 bond fission plays a significant role in biological phosphorylation reactions. As an
example, quinol phosphates have the potential to be used as phosphorylating agents in
oxidative phosphorylation in biological systems. The oxidation proceeds via P-0 bond
fission; the oxidation produces a metaphosphate A general reaction
sequence may be written as in equation 21.
Allen and Bond5' generated semiquinone phosphate radicals by chemical oxidation.
118 K. S. V. Santhanam
TABLE 6. Polarographic data for the phosphonium compounds (C,H,),P+(CH,),CN X- in dmso
(taken from Ref. 52)

n Leaving group X (V)" Supporting electrolyte

1 (C,H,),P Br - 1.48 Tetrabutylammonium

- 2.26 Bromide
- 2.56
2 Tolyl - 1.74 p-Toluenesulphonate
- 2.65
- 1.76 Tetraheptylammonium
-2.70 iodide
3 (C,H,),P Br - 1.80 Tetrabutylammonium
- 2.50 bromide
- 1.81 Tetraheptylammonium
-2.52 iodide
- 2.74
4 Br - 1.83 Tetrabutylammonium
- 2.50 bromide
- 1.84 Tetraheptylammonium
-2.60 iodide
- 2.77

"V vs SCE.

The electrochemical oxidation occurs at E , = 0.60 V vs SCE (pH = 0.59), with the wave
shifting by 60mV per pH unit. It is not yet clear in the overall final conversion whether an
organophosphorus(II1) intermediate is formed as in the case of quaternary phosphonium
salts described in Section VI.


The anodic behaviour of large numbers of tertiary phosphines, secondary phosphines and
compounds containing P-P bonds has been studied voltammetrically and polarographi-
cally with a carbon paste electrode6'. The half-wave potentials were related to the o*
constant of the organic substituent for the biphosphines (see Table 7 and Figure 6).


Potentiometric titration of phosphines in nitromethane6' has enabled the basicity of
phosphorus compounds to be determined. Table 8 summarizes the pK, values. A linear
4. Electrochemistry of organophosphorus 119
TABLE 7. Electrochemical oxidation of tertiary phosphines in acetonitrile"

Compound E,V E:V

(C6H5)3P 1 .oo 0.93

(C~H~)~PCH&~HS 0.99 0.90
0.98 -
(C6H 5)2 pc 1OH,
(c6 5)2 PCH 3 0.95 0.85
(C6H5)P(C2H5)2 0.89 0.83
(C2H5)3P 0.88 0.84
!#-C,H,),P 0.88 0.87
(&..H,)3P 0.88 0.87
K*H&WHzCH2CH2OH 0.85 0.79
t'C%HsIP(CH2CH2CH20H)2 0.80 0.79
C*H, ,P(CH2CH2CH20H), 0.87 0.82
*H, ,P(CH2CH2CH20H), 0.85 0.80
I 0.95 -

I 0.95
0.99 -
n-C4H9-C,jH5PH 0.91 -

0.84 -

(C6H5)2PP(C6H5)2 0.91 -
0.86 -

0.84 -
0.76 -
0.73 -
0.77 -
0.68 -

"Supporting electrolyte, 0.1 M NaCIO,; working electrode, carbon paste.

bMedium, acetonitrilc-water ( I . I); supporting electrolyte, 0.1 M NaCIO,. Reproduced from Ref. 60 with
permission of VEB J. A. Barth Verlag.

relation is observed between basicity constants in water and nitromethane; pK,(H,O) =

0.76, pKa(CH,N02) = - 2.82.

A series of metal tricarbonyl complexes of 11-membered tridentate macrocycles have
been i n ~ e s t i g a t e d ~ , .these
~ ~ ; macrocycles have interesting redox properties. In a
pioneering study, Fox et aL6, synthesized tridentate coordinating ligands 8.

X =NMe
x =s
120 K. S. V. Santhanam

- 1.0 0 + 1.0 + 2.0 z,o*

FIGURE 6. Plot of half-wave potential vs Hammet constant for a series of triphenylph-
osphine in acetonitrile. 1, (t-Bu),P,; 2, (i-Pr),P2; 3, (n-Bu),P,; 4, (n-Pr),P,; 5, Et,P,; 6,
Me,P,; 7, (PhEt),P,; 8, Ph,P,. Reproduced by permission of VEB J. A. Barth Verlag from
Ref. 60.

TABLE 8. Basicity of organophosphorus com-

pounds in nitromethane

Compound PK,

Electrochemical studies carried out in CH,Cl, containing tetra-n-butylammonium

perchlorate at - 78 "C revealed the features shown in Table 9. The cyclic voltammetric
experiments were carried out with sweep rates ranging from 100 to lOOOmVs-'. The
reversibility of the cyclic voltammetric peaks disappeared when nucleophilic anions were
present in the medium; one example is the absence of reversibility when tetra-n-
butylammonium bromide was used as the electrolyte6*. The phosphorus macrocycles
produce the most easily oxidizable complexes, as can be seen from the Table 9.
Transition metal clusters are another class of compounds where the electrochemical
behaviour of organophosphorus(II1) compounds is revealed. Electrochemical reduction
of the triiron cluster [Fe,(PPh),(CO),]- occurs reversibly with E , = - 1.30Vvs SCE
by reaction 22. The anion is believed to have structure 9 or 10.
4. Electrochemistry of organophosphorus 121
TABLE 9. Redox properties of metals coordinated by macrocycles"

(8-PzNCr) -0.22 -0.46 50 0.70 100 1.10 180

(8-PZNMO) +0.11 -0.15 70 0.80 205
(8-PZNW) -0.09 -0.30 70 0.49 150 0.92 220

'Potentials are referred to quasi-reference Ag; its potential is 0.1OV vs SCE; medium, CH,CI,: temperature or the
experiment, - 78 T; the various electrochemical transitions are represented as M, + M ' + M": W = cyclic
voltammetric peak width.







The anion radical in acetonitrile solution exhibits the spectrum shown in Figure 7. It
can be electrochemically generated from [Fe,(PPh),(CO),] and has E , = - 0.79 V. A
typical cyclic voltammetric curve is shown in Figure 8. The reactivity of the anion radical
of [Fe,( PPh),(CO),] - towards nucleophiles has been well d e m o n ~ t r a t e dThus
~ ~ . reaction
of [Fe,(PPh),(CO),] - with various phosphorus-centred nucleophiles generates a series
of anion radicals (reaction 23) having the open structure 11.

[Fe,(PPh),(CO),]- + Et3P - [Fe,(PPh),(CO),PEt,]- + CO (23)

122 K. S. V. Santhanam

FIGURE 7. ESR spectra of the opened anion radicals

Fe,(p,-PPh)(p,-PPh)(CO),L- in acetonitrile at 25 "C.
(a) L = CO; (b) L = PEt,; (c) L = PPh,; (d) L = (O-i-Pr)3.
Proton field markers in kHz. Reprinted with permission

from Ohst and Kochi, Inorg. Chem., 25. 2066 (1986)63.
4 20 G Copyright 1986 American Chemical Society.




Similar reactions with triphenylphosphine and triisopropyl phosphite have been

observed. The ESR spectra of the substituted open-structure anion radicals are also
shown in Figure 7. The 31Psplitting of the triiron clusters is summarized in Table 10.
4. Electrochemistry of organophosphorus 123
El,, - 0.79V

FIGURE 8. Cyclic voltammetric curve of Fe,(PPh),(CO), in thf con-
taining 0.3 M tetra-n-butylammonium phosphate at 0.50V s- '. Reprin-
ted with permission from Ohst and Kochi. Inorq. Chrm.. 25. 2066
(1986)63. Copyright 1986 American Chemical Society.

TABLE 10. 3 1 Psplittingfor the triiron clusters of [Fe,(CO),(p, - PPh),L]-"

PEt, 18.3 18.3 2.027 4.5

PPMe), 17.8 36.0 2.023 6.5
PPh, 17.5 79.5 2.021 4.0
(PPhKH,), 12.0 81.0 2.020 3.5

"P(L)represents the phosphorus splitting ofthe Iigand AHpprefers to the peak-to-peak line
width g = spectroscopic splitting factor

The author thanks Prof. A. J. Bard for loaning Dr B. H. Campbell's PhD Thesis" for a
short period.
124 K. S. V. Santhanam
1. K. S. V. Santhanam, in Standard Potentials in Aqueous Solution (Eds A. J. Bard, R. Parsons and
J. Jordon), Marcel Dekker, New York, 1986, p. 139.
2. V. D. Parker, in Adoances in Physical Organic Chemistry (Eds V. Gold and D. Bethell), Academic
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45. K. S. V. Santhanam, L. 0. Wheeler and A. J. Bard, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 89, 3386 (1967).
4. Electrochemistry of organophosphorus 125
46. K. S. V. Santhanam and A. J. Bard, J . Electroanal. Chem., 25, A67 (1970).
47. E. Muller, H. Eggensperger and K. Schemer, Z . Naturforsch., Teil B, 16, 764 (1961).
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Thermochemistry of
phosphorus( Ill) compounds
Department of Chemistry, University of Manchester, Manchester M73 9PL. UK

I. I N T R O D U C T I O N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
IT. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
A. Combustion Calorimetry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
B. Reaction-solution Calorimetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
C. Mass Spectrometric and Related Studies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
COMPOUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
V. CONCLUSIONS.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
VI. REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

An excellent review of the thermochemical properties of phosphorus compounds was
produced 25 years ago by Hartley et al.' and although since that time more experimental
data have become available, many of their conclusions remain valid. Tabulations of
thermochemical data for organophosphorus compounds have been given by Cox and
Pilcher (1970)*, Pedley and Rylance (1977)3 and Pilcher and Skinner (1982)4. Data for
inorganic phosphorus compounds have been listed in a Russian compilation of
thermochemical data (196Q5, by Head (1972)6 and in the NBS Tables of Chemical
Thermodynamic Properties (1982)'. Since these tables were produced there has been very
little improvement in the quality and quantity of the thermochemical data for phosphorus
compounds, and there are several good reasons for this situation. Organophosphorus
compounds can be difficult to purify and to handle in air, and application of the classical
methods for determining enthalpies of formation are the most difficult when phosphorus is
present in the molecule. As successive measurements have been made, more of these
difficulties have become apparent. Such problems have discouraged thermochemists from
studying organophosphorus compounds when there are interesting problems in other
areas requiring solution. I t is hoped that a critical survey of the present position may

The Chemistry of Organophosphorus Compounds, Volume 1

Edited By F. R. Hartlcy 0 1990 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
128 G. Pilcher

encourage some experimenters who have the appropriate techniques available to consider
seriously the value of presenting chemists with some reliable data in this area.


A. Combustion Calorimetry
Measurement of the enthalpy of combusticin is the basic method for determining the
enthalpy of formation of an organic compound, but when phosphorus is present in the
compound some major problems arise, the most serious of which are:
(i) the formation of phosphorus oxides and oxy acids in the surface layer of the burning
sample tends to hinder the achievement of complete combustion; combustion
experiments in 30 atm of oxygen unaccompanied by soot formation are rare and in
fact some phosphorus derivatives have applications as flame retardants;
(ii) the combustion products can include a mixture of the various phosphorus oxy acids
which will require analysis and gives rise to some uncertainties in thermal corrections;
(iii) the phosphorus oxy acids have large energies of dilution and because they can be
deposited in various parts of the combustion bomb in differing concentrations, this
will make difficult the precise definition of the final system in the bomb;
(iv) most of the usual materials used for crucibles are attacked by the products of the
combustion reaction.
Investigators who have applied the combustion method have been aware of the
difficulties and have made several attempts to overcome them. Long and Sackman8
measured A,H" (Me3P,I)and allowed the water added to the static-bomb to condense on
the walls of the bomb prior to combustion in an attempt to obtain a phosphoric acid
solution of uniform concentration. Neale et d9placed 10 cm3 of water in the bomb, a
larger quantity than usual to achieve the same effect, and found that 93-96% of the
phosphorus oxy acids was orthophosphoric acid and that the thermal correction to
correspond to 100% H,PO,(aq.) was negligible. They also tested various crucible
materials and found that silica, alumina, zirconia and nickel were attacked, but platinum
did not seem to be chemically attacked although it developed cracks in its surface. Bedford
and Mortimer" made careful analyses of the combustion products for several phosphorus
compounds and found complete conversion to H3P0,.nH20(I); however, Nikolaev
et al. found 12-24% of pyrophosphoric acid in the combustion products, including those
from one of the compounds studied by Bedford and Mortimer. The Russian workers also
investigated crucible materials and found stainless steel, titanium, silica, porcelain and
platinum to be unsatisfactory and corundum to be the least corroded. The above account
makes clear some of the problems that must be overcome in order to study successfully
organophosphorus compounds by the combustion method; those who have applied
static-bomb calorimetry have done their best, but their results must be treated with
Thedevelopment ofa rotating-bombmethod isessential and the first such measurement
was by Head and LewisI2 of the enthalpy of formation of orthophosphoric acid. White
phosphorus enclosed in a polyethylene ampoule was ignited on a gold dish in a gold-lined
rotating bomb. Paper chromatographic methods were used to analyse the mixture of
phosphorus oxy acids and, together with the orthophosphoric acid, 10% pyrophosphoric
acid with 1% triphosphoric acid were found after rotation of the bomb during the
combustion experiment; the bomb initially contained 10 cm3 of water. The value obtained,
AfH"(H3PO, in 40 H 2 0 , l)/(kJ mol- ') = - 1295.4 f 1.0, is completely convincing.
Subsequently, Head and H a r 1 - 0 ~measured
'~ the energy of combustion of triphenylph-
osphine oxide and found that with an initial bomb solution of 10cm3 of 60 mass-% HCIO,,
5. Thermochemistry of phosphorus(II1) compounds 129
after rotation only orthophosphoric acid was present in the combustion products. The use
of HClO,(aq.) as the initial bomb solution complicates the experimental procedure, but
this work showed that the rotating-bomb method has the potential for the satisfactory
solution of the problems arising from the combustion of organophosphorus compounds.
The method has so far been applied to only one organophosphorus(II1) compound,

B. Reaction-solution Calorimetry
Measurement of enthalpies of reaction in solution constitutes an important route to the
determination of enthalpies of formation. In many cases, however, the results are not
independent of combustion measurements, e.g. A,H"[(n-Bu),P, I] can be derived from the
enthalpy of the reaction
(n-Bu),P(I) + H,0,(1) = (n-Bu),PO(c) + H,O(I) (1)
A,H"/(kJmol- ') = - 442.2 8.4,14 provided we accept A,H"[(n-Bu),PO,c]/
(kJmol- I ) = - 461.9 f 32.6 derived from its enthalpy of c o m b ~ s t i o n , ' ~to be
A,H"[(n-Bu),P, l]/(kJ mol- I ) = - 123.9 k 33.7. Occasionally the inclusion of the com-
bustion measurement is remote but its presence should not be overlooked, e.g.
A,H"(EtPCI,, I) was derived from the enthalpy of the reaction16
EtPClZ(1) + SO,Cl,(I) = EtPOCI,(l) + SOCl,(I) (2)
but A,H"(EtPOCI,,I) was in turn derived from the enthalpy of the reactiong
EtPOCI,(l) + 4PhNH2(1)= 2PhNH,Cl(c) + EtPO(NHPh),(c) (3)
requiring A,HC[EtPO(NHPh),,c] obtained from its enthalpy of combustion9. In all such
cases the uncertainty arising from the combustion measurements must be transferred to
the result of the reaction-solution measurements and, unfortunately, for organophosph-
orus compounds this extends greatly the number of thermochemical data that must be
regarded with suspicion.
There are, however, some organophosphorus compounds for which the enthalpies of
formation derived from reaction-solution calorimetry are independent of combustion
measurements, e.g. A,H"[(MeO),P, I] was determined from the enthalpy of the reaction
PCI,(I) + 3MeOH(I) + 3PhNMe,(l) = (MeO),P(I) + 3PhNMe,HCl(c) (4)
by Chernick et a/.", A,H"/(kJ mol- ') = - 308.4 k 4.2, giving ArH"[(MeO),P, I]/
(kJ mol- ') = - 741.0 f 4.6, i.e. with a high precision.
By photoacoustic calorimetry, Burley et d.'* determined A,HC[t-BuOP(n-Bu),, I] from
the enthalpy of reaction in solution:
t-BuO' + (n-Bu),P = t-BuOP(n-Bu), + n-Bu' (5)
A solution containing the photolabile substrate, di-tert-butyl peroxide, was irradiated by a
pulsed laser. The reaction of the t-BuO' radical with (n-Bu),P in solution deposited heat
and the sudden deposition of this heat produced shock waves recorded by a piezoelectric
transducer. The amplitude of the shock wave was proportional to the heat deposited and
from the enthalpy of reaction AfHo[t-BuOP(n-Bu)z,I]/(kJmol- ') = - 439.3 f 35.0 was
derived, where the large uncertainty arises from that in A,Ho [(n-Bu),P, I].
For most inorganic phosphorus(II1) compounds, the experimental methods that
have been used to determine A,H" are straightforward and require little comment.
A,H"(P,O,,c) was determined from its enthalpy of combustion in oxygen" and
A,H"(H,PO,, c) from the enthalpy of oxidation in solution using Br,-H,O to form
H,P0,(aq.)20. A,H"(PF,,g) was determined from its enthalpy of combustion in fluorine"
130 G. Pilcher
to produce PF,(g) coupled with the enthalpy of combustion of phosphorus in fluorinez2to
produce also PF,(g). The enthalpies of formation of PCI,(l), PBr,(l)', and PI,(c)'~ were
determined from their enthalpies of hydrolysis to produce phosphorus acid and the
hydrogen halide acid. The determination of A,H"(PH,,g) and A,H"(P,H,,g) by Gunn and
Green" was remarkable both in respect of the elegance of the method used and in the
accuracy of the final result. Stibine can be completely decomposed explosively and this
explosion can be triggered by passing a current through a platinum wire suspended in the
gas. Gunn and Green exploded mixtures of SbH, and PH, in a reaction vessel placed in a
calorimeter. The decomposition of SbH3 was complete but that for PH, was incomplete;
the amount of PH, decomposed was determined from the total hydrogen produced and
the vapour pressure of the condensable gas was shown to equal that for PH,. From the
enthalpy of decomposition, A,H"(PH,,g)/(kJ mol- ') = 5.4 f 1.7. From the photoioniz-
ation measurements of Berkowitz et aLZ6,the three successivedissociation energies of PH,
were determined and the summation of these yields the enthalpy of atomization at 0 K:
PH,(g, 0 K) P(P, 0 K) + 3 H k 0 K) (6)
from which AfH"(PH,, g, 0 K) can be derived, giving 13.49 f 2.0 kJ mol- l . This can be
corrected to 298.1 5 K using the thermodynamic functions for PH, given by Stephenson
and Giaque" to give AfH (PH,,g)/(kJmol- ' ) = 5.5 f 2.0, in precise agreement with
the result of Gunn and Greenzs.
C. Mass Spectrometric and Related Studies
Although calorimetry remains the main source of thermochemical data, non-calor-
imetric measurements have been making an increasing contribution, especially for species
which are unstable or are not accessible in the quantities needed for calorimetric
measurements. Studies of equilibria using the Knudsen cell are made more effective when
the composition of the effusate is analysed by mass spectrometry. BinneweisZ8studied
the reaction carried out inside a Knudsen cell, and made appearance potential
measurements on the equilibrium gas mixture effusing from the cell and derived
A,H"(POCI, g)/(kJmol-') = - 215.1 & 5.0. Similar measurements were made to derive
A,H"(POF, g)".
POCl,(g) + 2Ag(c) POCl(g) + 2AgCl(c) (7)
Photoionization measurements of the appearance potentials of the fragment ions
formed from PH,26 and from PF,,' have yielded the following successive dissociation
energies, Dz/(kJ mol-'): H,P-H, 345.0 f 1.9; HP-H, 310.5 f 8.4; P-H, 295.0 f 8.4;
F,P-F, 550.9 f 1.9; FP-F, 530.6 41.5; and P-F 443.8 f 41.5. In the studies of PF,,
P,F, was also studied and it was shown that DE(F,P-PF,)/(kJ mol-I) = 172.7 f 20.0,
almost double that for N,F,, D~(F,N-NF,)/(kJmol-') = 90.4 f 20.0.
From electron impact measurements of appearance potentials of the fragment
ions from P,H, and H,SiPH,, Saalfeld and Svec3' derived D",PH,-PH,)/(kJmol- ') =
310.00 f 15.0, a value consistent with DE(H,P-H) and ArHg(PzH4,g), and
D",H,Si-PH,)/(kJmol-') = 369.0 f 15.0, from which A,H"(SiH,PH,,g)/(kJmol-') =
8 f 30 was derived. Sandaval et aL3', from the appearance potentials of ions produced
by electron bombardment of PCI, and P,Cl,, derived D~(CI,P-PCl,)/(kJ mol- I ) =
243 f 20. By assuming that D(C1,P-CI) = E(P-Cl), the mean bond energy in PCI,,
they derived a value for A,H"(P,Cl,,g) but, as a similar assumption fails badly in the
case of PH, and PF,, this subsidiary deduction should be discounted.


Table 1 lists enthalpies of formation of organophosphorus(II1) compounds in the
condensed and gaseous states as determined by the experimental methods described in
5. Thermochemistry of phosphorus(II1) compounds 131
TABLE 1. Enthalpies of formation of organophosphorus(II1) compounds at 298.15 K in kJ mol-'

Compound Af H"(cP) AH"(sub/vap)

Me3P(I) -129.1 +4.8{8) 28.0k2.1 {33) - 101.1 k 5.2

Et3W) -89.2 f 12.6 (34) 39.7 f 2.1 (35j -49.9 f 12.8
(n-Bu),P(1) - 123.9 f 33.8 { 14f C70 f 81 -54f35
1 BH I 3 p(c) 183.9+ 17.0{36} C87.9 & 6.33 (36) 271.8 f 18.1
Ph,P(c) 207.0 f 3.5 {47} 113.223.0{47} 320.2 k 4.6
C34H25P(C) 388.9 f 28.8 (36)
(t-BuO)P(n-Bu),(l) -439.3 i 35.01 18)
(MeO),P(I) - 742.4 f 4.6 { 18) 36.8 k 4.2 {9} - 705.6 f 6.2
(EtOhP(1) -855.2+3.2{17,9} 41.8 f4.2 {9} -813.4f5.3
(i-PrO)3P(l) -979.7 f 8.4 {9} 46.0 f4.2 19) -933.7 f 9.4
(Et,N),P(U - 286.3 f 9.6 { 381 60.7f4.2{38) -225.6 10.5
Et CI P(1) -311.3f 14.6{16} C35 k 61 -276f 16
(EtzWC1A1) -345.7 f 3.7 139) C42 A 61 -388k7
(EtzN),PCI(I) - 332.7 f 6.6 { 39) [5l f 81 -282 f 10

TABLE 2. Enthalpies of formation of inorganic phosphorus(II1) compounds at 298.15 K

Compound A,H"/(kJ mol-') Ref. Compound A,H"/(kJ mol-I) Ref.

316.2 f0.3 40 - 286.2 f 2.4 23

143.4 f0.5 40 - 183.9 f 3.2 23
58.8 f 0.9 41 - 138.7 k 5.0 7
- 1640.1 f [8.4] 19 -59.3 f 2.5 24
- 1571.1 f C9.51 19 4.7 & 10.0 24
-958.4 f 1.8 20 - 113.1 5.0 24
5.4+ 1.7 25 -39.1 f 11.2 24
20.9 f 4.2 25 - 404.4 f 3.0 29
- 957.3 & 1.3 21 -215.1 f 5.0 28
- 595.4 f 4.2 30 - 1 15.5 f 4.6 43
- 1 I34 f 30 30 172.0 f 14.8 44
-318.9+ 1.9 23,42 7.5 k 12.0 31

Section 11. Estimated values are placed in square brackets, [ 1, and the references are
given in braces, { }.
Table 2 lists the enthalpies of formation of inorganic phosphorus(I1I) compounds.


Several different quantities are commonly used as measures of bond strengths, viz. bond
dissociation energy, bond dissociation enthalpy, mean bond dissociation energy, mean
bond dissociation enthalpy, bond energy and bond enthalpy. It is important not to confuse
these quantities and unfortunately the symbolism available does not match the number of
different quantities. It is generally true, however, that data assigned to 0 K refer to energies
whereas data at 298.15 K refer to enthalpies.
The bond dissociation energy as derived from spectroscopic or mass spectroscopic
techniques, DE correspond to A U"(0 K) for the process
132 G. Pilcher
The thermochemist usually deals with data at 298.15K and the enthalpy of the

XnMX(g,298.15K) -
corresponding dissociation (reaction 9)
XnM(g,298.15K)+ X(g,298.15K)
is the bond dissociation enthalpy, which will differ from DE and from the bond dissociation

energy at 298.15 K, which may be defined as

D;9g = AU';g8 = AH;9g - 298.15 R (10)
It is the common convention that at 298.15 K, enthalpies are derived and used with the
symbol D.

MX,,(g) -
For a gaseous polyatomic molecule MX,, where X is an atom, the enthalpy of atomization,
M(g) + nX(g)
A H L , = A M M , g) + nA,H"(X, g) - A,H"(MX,,, g)
(1 1)
where the normal thermochemical convention has been followed by not specifying
temperature for processes at 298.15 K. If the M-X bonds in MX, are regarded as
equivalent, then AHzIom/nmeasures the mean bond dissociation enthalpy, and for this
special case where X is an atom, D(M-X) = E(M-X), the bond enthalpy. For MR,,

MR,(g) -
where R is a radical, for the disruption of this molecule,
M(g) + nR(g)
is the mean bond dissociation enthalpy, D(M - R).

AHZIomfor any molecule can be calculated from A,H"(g) and it is possible to distribute
this enthalpy ofatomization amongst the constituent bonds of the molecule to derive bond
enthalpies, symbolized by E(M-X). The E(M--X) values will depend on the distribution
rules of the scheme adopted in apportioning AHzIo,,, amongst the various bonds. For
organic compounds there are many data for compounds containing the same types of
bond, hence the distribution schemes can be elaborate' and can be used confidently to
predict unknown enthalpies of formation. For organophosphorus(II1) compounds, it is
apparent that the available thermochemical data are limited with respect to both quantity
and quality so that derivation of a bond enthalpy scheme becomes problematic.
It is desirable to attempt some tests on the results for consistency, but because of the
small number of data only a few internal examinations are possible. The enthalpies of the
following gaseous redistribution reactions can be calculated:
A,H'/(kJ mol- ')
1/3pcl3 + 2/3P(NEt2)3 (Et,N),PCI - 35.9 * 12.2
2/3PCI, + 1/3P(NEt,), (Et,N)PCI,
~5 - 121.5 12.2
2/3PCl, + I/3PEt, .ze EtPCI, - 68.2 & 16.6
If bond enthalpies were constant and transferable, then it would be expected that the
enthalpies of these redistribution reactions would be zero. It is the general experience in
organic thermochemistry, however, that the enthalpies of such redistribution reactions are
not zero, hence the question arises as to whether the above values are reasonable. A
comparison can be made with the following redistributions taken from organic
A,H"/(kJ mol - ')
I/4CMe4 + 3/4cc14 MeCCl, - 23.4 k 5.0
l/2CMe4 + 1/2CCI, Me,CCI, - 36.0 13.3
3/4CMe, + 1/4CCI, Me3CCI - 30.1 k 2.9
5. Thermochemistry of phosphorus(II1) compounds 133
TABLE 3. Mean bond dissociation enthalpies in PR, molecules

Molecule D(P-R)/(kJ mol-') A,H"(R,g)/(kJmol-I) Ref.

PH, 323.4 & 0.6 218.00 & 0.01 45
PF3 505.7 +_ 0.5 +
79.39 0.30 45
PCI, 324.1 & 0.6 121.30 k 0.01 45
PBr, 265.3 4 1.7 111.86 k 0.12 45
PI 3 +
210.6 3.5 +
106.76 0.04 45
PMe, +
285.4 1.8 146.3 kO.6 46
PEt 230.1 6.1 108.2 k 4 . 3 46
P(n-Bu), 194.4 & 14.1 71 k 8 46
PPh, 325.8 4 6.2 325.1 k 4 . 3 46
P(OMe), 358.6 4 8.3 18 & 8 46
P(OEt), +
359.5 8.2 -17 +8 46
P(0-i-Pr), 364.6 5 8.6 -52 +8 46



r- Sb
1 / /M--Et

,< 2oc

1 oc

200 300 400 500

A , N o ( M , g ) / ( k J rnd-')

134 G. Pilcher
This comparison suggests that the last two of the phosphorus(II1) redistribution reactions
have improbably high enthalpies, but more data are required before convincing tests of
internal consistency can be made, and one is therefore directed towards external tests for
Table 3 lists the mean bond dissociation enthalpies, D(P-R), that can be derived from
the data given in Tables 1 and 2, together wjth the enthalpies of formation of R(g).
Pilcher and Skinner4 showed that plots of D(M-R) versus ArH"(M,g) for the elements
in a particular group display a reasonably linear relationship. The D(P-R) values for
PMe,, PEt, and PPh, are compared in this way with the corresponding values for the
other Group V elements in Figure 1. It is apparent that the values fall into a sensible
pattern, giving some confidence in the thermochemical data for these particular
organophosphorus(II1) compounds.
The phosphorus-phosphorus bond enthalpy, E(P-P), can be derived for several of
these species. For P, it can be taken as one sixth of the enthalpy of atomization. For P,X4
it can be derived from the enthalpy of atomization:

= 4E(P-X) + E(P-P) (15)

To derive E(P-P), a value for E(P-X) must be chosen; this can be equated with D(P-X)
in PX,. The values derived in this manner are listed in Table 4.
The data in Table 4 look surprising but, before considering the implications, it is useful
to compare them with the corresponding data for nitrogen compounds, as was done by
Berkowitz et a1.26 (Table 5). The D values are unambiguous quantities whereas the E
values depend on the assumption that the transfer of E(M-X) in MX, to M2X4 is

TABLE 4. E(P-P)/(kJ mol- I)

Molecule AH,",,, E(P-X) E(P-P)

1206.05 1.5 201.0_+ 0.3

1483.5 5 1.8 323.4 k 0.6 189.9 3.0
2084.0 k 30.0 507.5 & 0.5 61.2 k 30.0
1098.5 & 11.2 210.6 & 3.5 256.1 17.9
489.0f 0.8"

TABLE 5. Comparison of thermochemical data for nitrogen and phosphorus


Compound Dg(N-N)/(kJ mol- ') E(N-N)/(kJ mol-')

N2H4 273.2 k 10.0 158.3+ 4.2

N2F4 90.4 f 20.0 156.0f 8.2
-~ ~-
P-- P/( kJ mol I ) E(P- P)i(kJ mol- I)

P2H4 310.0+ 15.0 189.9k 4.8

P2F4 172.2 & 3.0 61.2 _+ 30.0
5. Thermochemistry of phosphorus(II1) compounds 135
The successive dissociation energies D(X,M-X), D(XM-X) and D(M-X) decrease
in PF,, PH, and in NH, whereas in NF, they increase. Moreover, for all the
corresponding cases, D(N -H) > D(P- - H) but D(N-- F)< D(P ---F). Clearly, P---F
bonds have a higher ionicity than N-F bonds and the degree of ionic character will
depend on the environment of the bond. Hence transfer of the bond energy E(P-F) from
PF, to P,F, does not seem justified, and this may also be the case for NF, and N,F,, so
that the agreement of E(N-N) in N’H, and N,F, may be fortuitous.

It is apparent that there are insufficient thermochemical data of reliable quality for
phosphorus(II1) compounds to produce a table of bond energies that could be used for the
prediction of unknown enthalpies of formation. If such a table were to be presented it
would be misleading, especially because of the variation of E(P-X) depending on the
environment of the bond in the molecule. Such effects can be taken into account in modern
bond-energy schemes for organic molecules’, but to apply such schemes to organo-
phosphorus compounds, the number of parameters required will exceed the number of
primary thermochemical data at present available.
To advance this topic, most of the data presented in Table 1 should be remeasured using
the most reliable techniques available; for the combustion measurements a gold-lined
rotating-bomb method should be employed. Because such measurements are difficult and
tedious, care should be taken in the selection of further compounds for study so that useful
bond-energy schemes can be developed.

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35. H. W. Thompson and J. W. Linnet, Trans. Faraday Soc., 32, 681 (1936).
36. A. F. Bedford, D. M. Heinekey, I. T. Millar and C. T. Mortimer, J . Chem. Soc., 2932 (1962).
37. A. P. Claydon, P. A. Fowell and C. T. Mortimer, J. Chem. SOC.,3284 (1960).
38. P. A. Fowell and C . T. Mortimer, J . Chem. Soc., 2913 (1959).
39. J. R. Van Wazer and L. Maier, J . Am. Chem. SOC., 86,811 (1964).
40. D. R. Stull and H. Prophet, JANAF Thermochemical Tables, 2nd Edition, N a t . Stand. Re5 Data
Ser., National Bureau of Standards, 37, Washington (1971).
41. C. C. Stephenson, R. L. Potter, T. G. Maple and J. C. Morrow, J . Chem. Thermodyn, 1.59 (1969).
42. E. Neale and L. T. D. Williams, J . Chem. SOC., 2156 (1954).
43. P. Gross, C. Hayman and M. C. Stuart, Trans. Faraday SOC., 65, 2628 (1969).
44. K. A. Gingerich, J . Phys. Chem., 73, 2734 (1969).
45. CODATA, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 10, 903 (1978).
46. D. M. McMillen. Annu. Reu. Phys. Chem., 33, 493 (1982).
47. D. R. Kirklin and E. S . Domalski, J . Chem. Thermodyn, 20, 743 (1988).

ESR spectra of free radicals

derived from phosphines
Universite de Provence, CNRS UA 126-Boite 521, Av. Normandie-Niemen, 13397
Marseille, France

I. I N T R O D U C T I O N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
A. Generation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
B. ESR Parameters, Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
111. PHOSPHINYL RADICALS, Y,P'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
A. Generation.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
B. ESR Parameters, Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
IV. A N I O N RADICALS DERIVED FROM PHOSPHINES . . . . . . . . . . . 145
V. REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

Because of the multiple valencies available to phosphorus and the variety of groups that
can be attached to it, the potential number of phosphorus-centred free radicals that may be
envisaged is considerable. A number of reviews devoted primarily to the chemistry of these
radicals with mention of their ESR features have appeared'-'', in addition to two
compilations of their ESR parameters covering the literature up to 198713.'4.
Strictly, three classes of phosphorus-centred radicals can be considered to be derived
directly from phosphines, Y,P:
Y3P-' Y,P+' Y,P'
(1) (2) (3)
Electron capture leads to the corresponding radical anion Y,P - ' (l),while removal of an
electron from the phosphorus lone pair leads to the corresponding radical cation Y 3 P + '
(2). 0 1 1 the other hand, P-Y bond breaking either from Y3P or the corresponding ion
radicals can generate phosphinyl radicals, Y, P:
Y,P - Y , P + Y ' (1)
Y,P"-Y,P+Y+ (2)
Y,P-' -tY,P'+ Y- (3)
The Chemistry of Organophosphorus Compounds, Volume 1
Edited By F. R. Hartley a>
1990 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
138 P. Tordo
Information on both the geometry and the electronic structure of (l),(2) and (3)can be
derived from their ESR spectra recorded either in solution or in the solid state. A selection
of the most significant ESR studies devoted to these species are reviewed in the following
pages. Only species having the odd electron centred primarily on phosphorus are
considered. The coverage of the literature is up to 1988 and, because the coverage is not
exhaustive, certain important contributions may have been omitted arbitrarily.


Formally cation radicals Y3P+' should be generated from the corresponding phos-
phonium ions Y,PH+ by hydrogen abstraction and thus 'phosphoniumyl' appears to be
the most appropriate generic term for these cationic species.

A. Generation
A satisfactory general procedure for preparing matrix-isolated phosphoniumyl radicals
involves exposure of dilute solutions of the parent phosphines in solvents such as
dichloromethane, Freon (CFCI,), sulphuric acid or sulphur hexafloride to ionizing
radiation (60Coy-rays) at 77K or 10wer'~-'~:
CFCL,, 77 K
Y,P -Y3P+. (4)
W o ?-rays

X-irradiation at room temperature of single crystals of triphenylphosphinetrichl-

oroborane and triphenylphosphinetrifluoroboranewas reportedz4 to generate Ph3P+'
radicals which, because of matrix effects, exhibit different phosphorus coupling (Table 1).

TABLE 1. ESR parameters (G) for matrix-isolated phosphoniumyl

H3P+"' 706 423 517 94 2.007 6.67 14.32

Me3P+'I6 584 285 385b 100 2.006 9.39 12.38
nBu,P+'I6 529 247 341 94 2.003 10.0 12.03
Me,(Ph)P+'20 524 254 344 90 2.007 9.54 12.28
Me(Ph),P+'20 504 244 331 87 2.006 9.50 12.31
Ph3P + * Zo*r 439 214 289 15 - 9.42 12.35
Ph3P + * Zo.d 460 230 306 I1 2.006 9.09 12.55
ph3p+.24*e 499 265 343 78 2.004 8.25 13.08
Ph ( M ~ S ) , P + ' ~ ~ 432' 188 269 81 2.004 10.97 11.55
Xyl,P * 2 6 . 1
+ 411' 170 250 80 2.004 11.64 11.24
Mes3P+'26 402' 171 248 71 2.005 11.26 11.41
M~S,P+'~~.~ 405' 159 24 1 82 2.006 12.35 10.94
Dur3P+'263h 407' 150 236 86 2.004 13.17 10.62

"Spindensities in 3s and 3porbitals ofphosphorus calculated using A , = 4748 G and B, = 131 G, respectively", and
taking the signs of the 31Phfs tensor components as positive.
'In H,SO,.
*In CCI,.
'X-irradiation of single crystals of triphenylphosphinetrifluoroborane.X-irradiation of single crystals of triph-
enylphosphinetrichloroboraneyielded A'" = 396 G, gav= 2.004.
'Xyl = xylyl
OMes = mesityl.
'Dur = duryl.
'In CFCI,.
'In n-PrCN.
6. ESR spectra of free radicals derived from phosphines 139

FIGURE 1. Deviation from planarity, a, for phosphoniumyl radicals.

The ESR parameters of a series of matrix isolated phosphoniumyl radicals are given in
Table 1. Also given in Table 1 are the corresponding p / s ratio used to estimate deviations
from planarity (a) for the radicals (Figure 1).
Attempts have also been made to record the liquid-phase ESR spectra of phos-
phoniumyl radicals generated within the cavity of an ESR ~ p e c t r o m e t e r ' ~ -The
~ ~ .radicals
were produced by in situ electrochemical oxidation of a variety of phosphines in absence of
nucleophilic counter ions. However, except for some very crowded triarylphosph-
inesZ8 - 3 0 , only the corresponding dimeric cation radicals were observed31 (equations 5
and 6)
Ar,P + Ar,P+'
AR ~ rnrailyl. duryl. x y l y l

2Ar,P -Ar,PPAr,+'
Ar = phenyl

Electrochemical oxidation of crowded tetraaryldiphosphines and cyclopolyphosphanes

also provided a means of generating the ensuing cation radicals and to detect their ESR
spectra 14.28,32 . The ESR parameters of different cation radicals obtained by electrochem-
ical oxidation of phosphines, diphosphines and cyclopolyphosphanes are given in Table 2.

TABLE 2. Liquid-phase ESR parameters ( G )for the cation radicals ofdifferent

phosphines, diphosphines and cyclopolyphosphanes

Radical A""(G) u T(K)

279 2.0041 293
264 2.0050 29 I
244 2.0052 288
238 2.0052 253
240 2.0052 293
237 2.0052 293
171(2P) 2.0060 29 1
163(2P) 2.0060 29 1
170(2P) 2.0063 290
168(2P) 2.0060 282
175(2P) 2.0061 293
63(4P) 2.0 14 220
5(4P) 2.0095 283
75(4P) 2.0072 223
56(4P) 2.010 293

"Xyl = xylyl (2.6-diphenyl)

bMes = mesityl.
'Dur = Duryl.
I40 P. Tordo
B. ESR Parameters, Structure
Matrix-isolated phosphoniumyl radicals or their glassy solutions exhibit ESR spectra
which are characteristic of an axially symmetrical hyperfine tensor (Figure 2). The parallel
( A )and perpendicular (A,) components are easily measured and give the magnitude of the
isotropic Aiso and anisotropic B coupling constants (Table I).
It is common practice34to convert isotropic A'" and anisotropic B coupling constants
into the approximate orbital populations, C,' and C,', by dividing these experimental
parameters with the values calculated for unit population of the concerned atom. The
hybridization ratios, p/s = CP2/Cs2,are then incorporated into the classical Coulson
equation to give the approximate pyramidalization angle values for the radicals (Figure 1).
This approach gives the data shown in Table 3 (for all the radicals quoted in this chapter,

FIGURE 2. ESR spectrum of tridurylphosphoniumyl radical in glassy butyronitrile (145 K).

TABLE 3. Hybridization ratio (pis) and pyramidalization (a') for matrix-isolated phosphoniumyl

(x" (neutral)

Radical A?(G) Pis" X-ray MMY' a' (radical)

H3P+.l9 517 6.67 31.3* 14.32'

Ph3P+*20.d 306 9.09 2538 26.9 12.55
P ~ ( M ~ S ) , P ~ ' ~ ~ 269 10.97 ~ 20.9 11.55
Xy13P 26.e
+ - 250 11.64 1939 16.9 11.24
Mes3P+'26.* 248 11.26 1940 17.3 11.41
Dur3P+'Z6,8 236 13.17 ~ 14.9 10.62

'Spindensities in 3s and 3porbitals ofphosphorus calculated using A, = 4748 G and B, = 131 G. respectively",and
taking the signs of the "P hfs tensor components as positive.
bAb initio calculation3'
' A b initio c a l ~ u l a t i o n ~ ~ ~ ~ ' .
'In CCI,.
'Xyl = xylyl.
'Mes = mesityl.
'Dur = duryl.
6. ESR spectra of free radicals derived from phosphines 141
the orbital populations were estimated using the phosphorus atomic parameters proposed
by Morton and Prestonz7).
The data in Table 3 and those in Table 1 indicate that ionization of a phosphine is
accompanied by a drastic flattening of its pyramidal geometry. However in contrast to
their nitrogen analogues, the corresponding phosphoniumyl radicals retain an equilib-
rium geometry which is still pyramidal. The phosphorus coupling decreases significantly
when the steric hindrance around the phosphorus atom increases. This trend agrees with a
pyramidal geometry which is expected to be substantially flattened by changing hydrogens
for bulkier ligands such as phenyl, xylyl or duryl. This flattening is accompanied by a
decrease in the s character of the SOMO and thus with a decrease in the phosphorus
splitting. It is worth noting that phosphoniumyl radicals generated in glasses containing
halide salts can react with halide ions, X - , to form the o* radicals Y,P-X which were
identified by ESR4'.
Different ah initio calculation^^^*^^ have been carried out to investigate the electronic
properties of H,P+'. The geometry was optimized using different basis sets and the mean
value of the pyramidilization angle (15")matches very well the ESR finding. The inversion
barrier was found36 to be only 2.77 kcal mol- ' (close to 35 kcal mol- ' for PH,), and this
value is reduced to 1.66 kcal mol- when the zero point energy of the inversion vibration is
The crowded triarylphosphines invert much more easily than H,P and, according to the
theoretical results on H3P+', the triarylphosphoniumyl radicals are expected to invert
very easily. This prediction is in agreement with the total racemization observed when an
optically active triarylphosphine is oxidized to the corresponding phosphine oxide via an
electron-transfer process43.
The in situ electrochemical oxidation of phosphines, at low temperatures in aliphatic
nitrile solvents, within the cavity of an ESR spectrometer gives rise to the spectrum of the
corresponding phosphine dimer cation radicals3' (equation 6). These dimers were also
detected on annealing systems containing Y,P+' radicals44, or directly by y-irradiation"
at low temperature of rigid concentrated solutions of Y3P.
The ESR parameters of different phosphines dimer cation radicals are given in Table 4.
Because of the large phosphorus hyperfine splitting, the ESR spectra exhibit four lines
resulting from coupling to two equivalent phosphorus nuclei. The M , = 0 transition
appears as a doublet corresponding to I = 0 or 1, that is, to the singlet or triplet states,
respectively, of the two coupled phosphorus nuclei.

TABLE 4. ESR parameters ( G )for phosphine dimer cation radicals

Radical A *l Aiso A, gay PIS"

(Me,PH),+'4s 581b 442 488 58(2H) 2.001 3.4
(Me,P), + * 4 s . 4 6 569b 439 482 20(2H) 2.005 3.2
592' 458 503 3.3*
(EfjP)2+'45 549b 415 460 18(2H) 2.002 3.5
469,' 3.6(12H)'
(nBu,P), +*47 550 418 462 2.008 3.4

"Spindensities in 3s and 3p orbitals of phosphorus calculated using A, = 4748 G and B, = 131 G, respectively", and
taking the signs of the 31Phfs tensor components as positive.
hIn CH,CI, at 77 K.
'In CFCI,.
'In butyronitrile-propionitrile(70:30. v/v) at 193 K; g,so= 2.0032. At 140K the coupling with only two protons is
observed. A, = 18.6 G.
142 P. Tordo

FIGURE 3. ESR spectrum of trixylylphosphoniumyl radical in butyronitrile (293 K).

According to their ESR parameters and MND04' and ab initio3' calculations, these
dimeric cation radicals can be regarded as Q* radicals in which the SOMO is an
antibonding orbital concentrated primarily in the P-P bond. The p/s ratio (Table 4)
decreases greatly relative to that for the corresponding phosphoniumyl radicals and
inicates an sp3 hybridization at the phosphorus centres. Also45,46,for (Me,PPMe,)+', the
proton hyperfine coupling is drastically reduced relative to that for (Me,P)+' since46both
an increased energy gap and a lower overlap disfavour the interaction between the SOMO
and the uC." orbitals.
An important steric crowding around the phosphorus centre can prevent the formation
of phosphine dimer cation radicals according to equation 6. Under these circumstances,
the ESR spectra of the monomer cation radicals can be easily detected in thoroughly
degassed solvents, over a wide temperature (Table 2). These spectra exhibit B
doublet resulting from a relatively large phosphorus splitting (Figure 3), and apart from
the phosphorus coupling no other coupling was resolved. However, the peak-to-peak line
width was very large (ca 6 G), suggesting the existence of unresolved couplings with
hydrogens, which was confirmed by deuteriation of the methyl groups in the case of the
trimesitylphosphoniumyl radical".
Spin-trapping experiments5' have been tentatively used to characterize short-lived
phosphoniumyl radicals. However, phosphines react with nitrones5* and n i t r o ~ o ~ ~
derivatives and therefore severe limitations exist in the use of these important classes of
free-radical scavengers.
On the other hand, it has been shown30.31 that in the presence of 1,l'-di-tert-
butylethylene, in either nitrile or dichloromethane solution, phosphoniumyl radicals were
trapped to give long-lived spin adducts with a 8-phosphonium substituent (equation 7):

Y3P+' + H,C=C(t-Bu), - Y,kH,C(t-Bu), (7)

According to the magnitude of the P-proton and phosphorus splittings, these spin adducts
were shown to exist predominantly in an eclipsed conformation for which overlap of the
unpaired electron orbital with th 8 P-C bond is at a maximum. Then the phosphorus
splitting depends on the electronegativity of the phosphorus substituents and can be used
to identify the phosphorus environment.
A cyclic voltammetric study of a series of crowded tetraaryldiphosphine~~~~~~ showed a
6. ESR spectra of free radicals derived from phosphines 143
single-electron reversible oxidation at room temperature (equation 8):
Ar,PPAr, (Ar,PPAr,)+'
f e
Ar = mesityl, xylyl, etc.
When the electrochemical oxidation of these diphosphines was performed within the
cavity of an ESR spectrometer, in each case the four-line spectrum of the corresponding
cation was observed over a large temperature range ( -40 to + 50 "C). The shape of these
ESR spectra (Figure 4) is very similar to that of phosphine dimer cation radicals produced
during the electrochemical oxidation of different phosphines. The line-width effect was
interpreted in terms of nuclear spin relaxation induced by the time-dependent anisotropic
dipolar phosphorus i n t e r a ~ t i o n ~ ~ .
The ESR features of diphosphine dimer cations are listed in Table 2. The large
phosphorus splitting indicates that the phosphorus centres are strongly pyramidal. The
mean P 3s orbital population is close to 7% whereas it is close to 5% for the corresponding
triarylphosphoniumyl radicals, which are thus expected to be less bent at phosphorus.
Owing to the long P-P bond (2.1-2.2 A), a symmetric tetraaryldiphosphine bearing
bulky aryl substituents is expected to be sterically less constrained and to be more
pyramidal relative to the corresponding triarylphosphine. This difference is retained in the
respective cation radicals. It is worth comparing the diphosphine cation radicals with their
extensively studied nitrogen analogues55. Tetraaryl- and tetraalkyl-hydrazine cation
radicals prefer planar, oletin-like geometries, with a delocalized or a localized strong three-

FIGURE 4. ESR spectrum of tetra(2,4,6-tri-ethyIphenyl)diphosphineradical cation in butyronitrile

(293 K).
144 P. Tordo
electron bond. Since the nitrogen atoms are pyramidal in the preferred conformer of
tetraalkylhydrazines, it is clear that in the corresponding cation radicals the energy
required to make the nitrogen centers planar is largely compensated by three-electron R
For the diphosphine cation radicals, as a result of the long P-P bond, there is a poor
overlap between the P 3p orbitals and hence the three-electron stabilization is far too small
to balance the energy required to make the two phosphorus centres planar. This
conclusion agrees with theoretical calculations on P2H4+’s6.s7, which is nevertheless
stabilized relative to PH:’. This stabilization was attributed56to a strong mixing between
the high-lying unsymmetrical lone-pair combination (n- ) and the phosphorus-
phosphorus o bonding orbital (opp).


A. Generation
Phosphinyl radicals Y,P(Y = H,C1 or F) have been generated by y-irradiation of YAP
in rare-gas matricess8. The ‘PH, radical was clearly identified59, but only the isotropic
spectrum was observed in spite of the low temperature (4.2 K). Anchoring the radical by
hydrogen bonding should prevent its rapid rotation and, although H,P+’ was the major
phosphorus-containing radical product, parallel features assignable to stationary H,P’
radicals were clearly discerned during irradiation of H,P in concentrated aqueous
solutions of sulphuric acid6’.
The diphenylphosphinyl radical, Ph,P’, has been observed in X-irradiated single
crystals of triphenylphosphine oxide and in ultraviolet-irradiated polycrystalline diph-
enylphosphine at 77K6’. A strong matrix effect on Apiso has been detected for
diphenylphosphinyl radicals occupyi’ng different sites in Xiirradiated single crystals of
f h e ESR parameters for a series of matrix-isolated phosphinyl radicals are given in
Table 5.
Pioneering work by Lappert, Goldwhite and coworkers6’ established that phosphinyl
radicals can be stabilized by means of sterically demanding substituents. Persistent
phosphinyl radicals, Y,P’ [Y = CH(SiMe,), (bisyl), N(SiMe,),, etc.], were prepared by
photolysis of degassed solutions of the corresponding three-coordinate chlorides, Y ,PCl,
in the presence of an electron-rich olefin (ERO) (equation 9):

2Y,P(.J + (Me,N),C=C(NMe,), - h
ERO” 2C1- + 2Y,P’ (9)

TABLE 5. ESR parameters (G) for matrix-isolated phosphinyl radicals

Radical A,. A 1 A*‘*() A(others) g,,
__ -

H,P59 ~ - 80 18(2H) 2.0087

H2P60 275” - 17 S b - -

308.1 - 27.2 84.6 32.8(2F) 2.0020

Cl,P60 272.5 - 22.5 75.8 5.5(2CI) 2.0109
Ph2P’ 60.61 26860 - 13 78.7 - 2.0047
(E~o),P~~ 280 - 12 85 - 2.002
i-Pr, Pb0 290 0 96.7 13(2H)’ -

bCalculated assuming A,”O = 80G.
‘Only A,, assignable.
6. ESR spectra of free radicals derived from phosphines 145
It is worth noting that in the absence of molecular oxygen, hydrocarbon solutions of
[(Me,Si),CH] P are stable indefinitely. The intensity of the corresponding ESR signal
was found to depend reversibly on temperature and this was attributed to the phosphinyl
radical being in equilibrium with its dimer (equation 10):
2[(Me,Si),CH] P'~[(Me,Si),CH]PP[CH(SiMe,),]
Phosphinyl radicals can also be generated by free-radical addition to the phosphorus-
phosphorus double bond of a diphosphene66 (equation 1 I), or by reaction of tert-butoxyl
radicals with diph~sphines'~*''(equation 12):
ArP = PAr + 'BuO' Ar('Bu0)P-PAr + ArPOBu' ( 1 1)
(Ar = 2,4,6-tert-butylphenyl)
(Me,N),PP(NMe,), + 'BuO' -4 'BuOP(NMe,), + (Me,N),P' (12)
Photolysis of tetraphenyldiphosphine, triphenylphosphine and diphenylphosphine was
shown to generate diphenylphosphinyl radicals68. However, the six-line ESR spectrum
detected during irradiation of a degassed solution of tetraphenyldiphosphine in benzene at
77 K was misassigned to Ph2P'69.
Tert-butoxyl radicals abstract hydrogen from secondary phosphineboranes,
R,PH + BH,, to yield the phosphinylborane radical R,P 4BH, as the major product,
although its ESR spectrum is difficult to detect. R,P + BH, abstracts halogen from alkyl
bromides and adds readily to alkenes and isocyanides. Spin trapping of R,P -+ BH, with
2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane or phenyl-N-tert-butylnitrone affords the appropriate
The ESR parameters of selected phosphinyl radicals detected in the liquid phase are
listed in Table 6.

TABLE 6. Liquid-phase ESR parameters ( G )for diflerent phosphinyl radicals

Radical ApiSO A(others) 9 T(K)

Me,P"'." 95.7 13.9(68) 2.0084 245

(Me,N), P' 6 7 10.2 4.2(2N) 2.0032 253
2.1 (12H)
Bi~yl,P~~.~ 96.3 6.4(28) 2.009 300
Ar,P' 6 6 . r 103 2.007 298
ArP(OBu')PAr66.' 102 'w 1 P) 2.008 298
((Me3Si),N),P'72 91.8 2.008 300
Mes,P 30.d 96.2 2.008 292

"In adamantane.
bBisyl = [(CH,),Si),CH.
'Ar = 2,4,6-tri-terr-butylphenyl.
dMes = 2.4,6-tri-methylphenyl (mesityl)

B. ESR Parameters, Structure

The relative small magnitude of the phosphorus splittings (Tables 5 and 6) indicates that
the orbital containing the unpaired electron has a very small P 3s character. O n the other
hand, the p/s ratios are very high (47.9 for F,P and 43 for Ph,P), as expected for n radicals
with the unpaired electron largely concentrated on phosphorus. The two ligands and the
lone pair lie in a plane with the central phosphorus atom and the unpaired electron being
contained in an almost pure p orbital perpendicular to this plane. The equilibrium
146 P. Tordo
geometry (P-H = 1.407 A, L HPH = 93.40") and the spin densities of H,P' have been
determined by ab i n i t i 0 ~ ~and 3 ~ INDO
~ calculations and agree with a IC configuration.
There is aclear increase in A i s oon going from Ph,P' (Table 5) to Ar,P(Ar = 2,4,6-tri-tert-
butylpheny1,Table 6). As was suggestd for aminyl radicals75,this trend could result6' from
an increase in the CMC angle (M = N or P).
For Ph,P', the high 3p spin density at the phosphorus atom and the absence of any
detectable ring-proton hyperfine interaction indicate the absence of significant ring
~ ~ . contrasts with the extensive ring delocalization observed for the
d e l o ~ a l i z a t i o nThis
diphenylaminyl radical76.With phosphorus, 3p-2p(n) interaction is far less efficient than
2p-2p(n) interaction for nitrogen. However, for 3p-3p(n) orbitals the size and energy
matching are greatly improved and significant spin delocalization could account for the
low value of A? for the (RS),P' radicals".
The proton splitting for Me,P' (Table 6) probably arises predominantly from a
hyperconjugative mechanism and is smaller that that detected for Me,N'(27.4 G)77,which
again would be a consequence of a less efficient matching of the P 3p(n) orbital with the fl
C-H bond orbitals.


Electron fixation on phosphorus-containing molecules can be achieved by cathodic
reduction, alkali metal reduction or irradiation (X-ray or y-ray) and is well documented for
tetra- and penta-coordinated species' l.l '. However, for a tricoordinated species there is
usually no low-lying vacant orbital centred primarily on phosphorus to accommodate the
extra electron. Electron capture is therefore highly energetic and yields transient anion
radicals with a small unpaired electron density on phosphorus.
ESR spectra of the radical anion produced from dimethylphenylphosphine both by
electrolysis and by reaction with alkali metals have been reported7'. The ESR parameters
(A, = 8.5 G, AH = 9.0 G ( lHp). A , = 3.3 G (2H,), AH = 0.4 G (2H,), AH = 0.78 G (6H) in
D M F at -50 "C) agree with those expected for the radical anion of benzene, substituted
with an electron-withdrawing dimethylphosphinyl group. When the reduction was carried
out with an alkali metal a secondary radical was observed which had been erroneously
ascribed79 to the primary radical anion.
Hanna" reported that the reaction of triphenylphosphine with alkali metals in T H F
produced the radical anion Ph,P-' M + , identified by its ESR spectrum. Considering the
well known cleavage of phenyl groups from triphenylphosphine by alkali metalssi, Britt
and Kaiser" re-investigated this reaction and found that the resultant radical has the
formula (Ph,PM)-' [ A , = 8.4G, AH = 2 G (3H,, SH,), A , = 0.8 G (4H,)] and is formed
according to the following sequence:
Ph,P+ 2M
Ph,PM + M
- Ph,PM + PhM
(Ph,PM)-' M + (14)

Aryl cleavage has been observed for most triarylphosphine radical anions produced by
alkali metal r e d ~ c t i o n ~ ~ - ' ~ .
When the phosphine contains only one aromatic group bonded to the phosphorus
atom, however, the primary radical can be detected by ESR. Thus, Cowley and Hnoosh''
observed the ESR spectrum from [Me,P(C,H,)PMe,]-' M + in T H F at 193 K, whereas
Gerson et al.79 prepared (Me,PPh)-' by reduction with sodium or potassium in
Santhanam and Bard8' investigated the electrochemical reduction of triphenylphosph-
ine and concluded that a single electron transfer generates Ph3P-', which readily
decomposes to form diphenylphosphine and biphenyl. When the reduction was performed
6. ESR spectra of free radicals derived from phosphines 147


within the cavity of an ESR spectrometer, a weak signal, indicating an unstable radical,
was obtained. By controlling the reduction potential within the limits corresponding to the
one-electron process, Il’Yasov and c ~ w o r k e r s obtained
~ ~ * ~ ~satisfactory ESR spectra
assignable to Ph,P-’ [ A , = 3.1 G, A , = 2.2G (6H,), A , = 1.1 (3H,), g = 2.0031[. Deuteri-
ation of the phenyl groups confirmed that at the temperature of the study (210K) the
unpaired electron is equally delocalized over all three benzene rings.
It is worth mentioning that addition of alkoxyl radicals to triphenylphosphine generates
‘phosphoranyl’ radicals with a small phoshorus coupling and with the unpaired electron
contained in a x orbital centred on only one phenyl group at low temperatureg’ (150 K)
(Figure 5). However, at higher temperatures electron exchange renders the rings
magnetically e q ~ i v a l e n t Exchange
~~. of the unpaired electron between the three phenyl
groups could be an intramolecular analogue of the well known exchange reaction which
occurs between arene radical anions and the neutral arenes.
The anion resulting from the addition of an electron has been trapped in an X-irradiated
crystal of 1,2-phenylenepho~phorochloridite~~. According to the ESR tensors and the
results of a6 initio and INDO calculations, the unpaired electron was shown to be strongly
localized in a P-C1 u* orbital. On the other hand, the radical anion thermally dissociated
into a phosphinyl radical and a CI- ion.

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49. P. Tordo, in Organic Free Radicals(Eds H. Fischer and H. Heimgartner), Springer, Berlin, 1988, p.
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Magn. Reson., 70, 446 (1986).
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56. T. Clark, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 107, 2597 (1985).
57. D. Feller. E. R. Davidson and W. T. Borden. J. Am. Chem. SOC., 107,2596 (1985).
58. J. R. Morton and K. F. Preston, in Landoft-Bornstein, New Series, Magnetic Properties of Free
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p. 141.
59. R. L. Morehouse, J. J. Christiansen and W. Gordy, J. Chem. Phys., 45, 1747 (1966).
60. B. W. Fullam, S. P. Mishra and M. C. R. Symons, J . Chem. SOC.,Dalton Trans., 2145 (1974).
61. M. Geoffroy, E. A. C. Lucken and C. Mazeline, Mol. Phys. 28, 839 (1974).
62. Th. Berclaz and M. Geoffroy, Helu. Chim. Acta, 61, 684 (1978).
63. W. Nelson. G. Jackel and W. Gordy, J. Chem. Phys., 52, 4572 (1970).
6. ESR spectra of free radicals derived from phosphines 149
64. C. M. L. Kerr, K. Webster and F. Williams, J. Phys. Chem., 79, 2650 (1975).
65. M. J. S. Gynane, A. Hudson, M. F. Lappert and H. Goldwhite, J . Chem. SOC.,Chem. Commun.,
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66. B. Cetinkaya. A. Hudson, M. F. Lappert and H. Goldwhite, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 609
67. D. Griller, B. P. Roberts, A. G. Davies and K. U. Ingold, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 96,554 (1974).
68. S. K. Wong, W. Sytnyk and J. K. S. Wan, Can. J. Chem., 49,994 (1970);see also M. Zanger and R.
Poupko, Spectrosc. Lett., 10,743(1977);A. Alberti, A. Hudson and G. F. Pedulli, Tetrahedron,40,
4955 (1984).
69. S. K. Wong and J. K. S. Wan, Spectrosc. Lett., 3, 135 (1970).
70. J. A. Baban and B. P. Roberts, J . Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2, 1607 (1986).
71. B. P. Roberts and K. Singh, J. Organomet. Chem., 159, 31 (1978).
72. M. J. S. Gynane, A. Hudson, M. F. Lappert, P. P. Power and H. Goldwhite, J . Chem. SOC.,Dalton
Trans., 2428 (1980).
73. J. A. Pople, B. T. Luke, M. J. Frisch and J. S. Binkley, J . Phys. Chem., 89, 2198 (1985).
74. M. Cattani-Lorente, M. Geoffroy, S. P. Mishra, J. Weber and G. Bernardinelli, J. Am. Chem. Soc.,
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75. K. F. Purcell and W. C. Danen, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 94, 7613 (1972).
76. J. H. Marshall, J. Phys. Chem., 78, 2225 (1974).
77. W. C. Danen and T. T. Kensler, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,92, 5235 (1970).
78. F. Gerson, G. Plattner and H. Bock, Helv. Chim. Acta, 53, 1629 (1970).
79. N. V. Eliseeva, V. A. Sharpatyi and A. N. Pravednikov, Zh. Strukt. Khim., 7, 511 (1966).
80. M. W. Hanna, J . Chem. Phys., 37, 685 (1962).
81. L. Maier, Prog. lnorg. Chem., 5, 54 (1964); K. Issleib, Z . Chem., 2, 163 (1962).
82. A. D. Britt and E. T. Kaiser, J. Phys. Chem., 69, 2775 (1965).
83. M. H. Hnoosh and R. A. Zingaro, J . Am. Chem. SOC., 92,4388 (1970).
84. A. D. Britt and E. T. Kaiser, J. Org. Chem., 31, 112 (1966).
85. A. H. Cowley and M. H. Hnoosh, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 88, 2595 (1966).
86. M. H. Hnoosh and R. A. Zingaro, Can. J . Chem., 47,4679, (1969).
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88. I<. S. V. Santhanam and A. J. Bard, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 90, 1118 (1968).
89. A. V. Il'yasov, Yu. M. Kargin, Ya. A. Levin, I. D. Morozova, B. V. Mel'nikov, A. A. Vafina, N. N.
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91. A. G. Davies, M. J. Parott and B. P. Roberts, J. Chem. SOC.,Chem. Commun., 973 (1974).
92. J. R. M. Giles and B. P. Roberts, J. Chem. SOC., Perkin Trans. 2, 1211 (1981).

Preparation of phosphines
Department of Chemistry. St Patricks College. Ma ynooth. Co. Kildare Ireland . .
I. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
ORGANOMETALLIC REAGENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
A Phosphines of the Form R, P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
1 . Using Grignard reagents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
2 . Using organolithium reagents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
3 . Using other organometallics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
B. Phosphines of the Form R, R'P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
C. Phosphines of the Form RR'R2P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
METAL PHOSPHIDES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
A . Tertiary Phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
B. Secondary Phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
C. Primary Phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
COMPOUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
A . Tertiary Phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
1 . By reduction of phosphine oxides and sulphides . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
2 . Reduction of phosphonium salts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
a . Electrolytic reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
b . Base-induced cleavage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
c. Thermal decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
d . Hydride reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
B. Secondary and Primary Phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
A. Ionic Addition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
B. Radical Addition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
A. From Elemental Phosphorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
B. From Other Phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
1 . By combined alkylation and dehydrohalogenation . . . . . . . . . . . 174
2 . By condensation/elimination reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175

The Chemistry of Organophosphorus Compounds. Volume 1

Edited By F. R . Hartley 0 1990 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
152 D. G. Gilheany and C. M. Mitchell
3. From phosphine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
C. From Polyphosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
D. By Disproportionation of Secondary Phosphine Oxides . . . . . . . . . 176
E. By Rearrangement of Phosphorus Ylides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
VII. SYNTHESIS O F CHIRAL PHOSPHINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
A. The Complexation Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
B. The Phosphonium Salt Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
C. The Phosphinate Ester Method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
D. OtherMethods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
1. Phosphinites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
2. Amidophosphonium salts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
3. Asymmetric reduction of phosphine oxides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
4. Asymmetric alkylation/dehydrohalogenation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
VIII. REFERENCES.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182

Methods for the synthesis of phosphines were reviewed exhaustively in the treatise on
organophosphorus chemistry by Maier', which was published in 1972 and is still useful.
Since then there has been a comprehensive review by Elmer', a number of short papers or
reviews covering restricted aspects of the s ~ b j e c t and
~ - ~a recent book on the formation of
carbon-phosphorus bonds in general'. In addition, material since 1969 has been
reviewed on a yearly basis in the Specialist Periodical Reports of the Royal Society of
Chemistry entitled Organophosphorus Chemistry, Volumes 1-18". Owing to the large
numbers ofphosphines which are reported each year, a treatment similar to that by Maier'
is beyond the scope of this chapter, the objective of which is to give an overview of the
subject. Readers who desire to prepare a particular phosphine are advised to check if it (or
a related structure) was made prior to 1969 using the listing by Maier' and to search
Chemical Abstracts after 1969. Those who require more detail on any of the following
material, especially on general experimental procedures, should consult Elsner's work'. In
addition to the reactions outlined here, there are a number of reported transformations of
functionalized phosphines where reaction is at a position remote from phosphorus'.
Although there have been useful improvements and extensions to some methods, it is
probably fair to say that there has been no significant addition to the list of synthetic routes
to phosphines given by Maier'. From that list there are three methods which are used for
the formation of the majority of phosphorus-carbon and phosphorus-hydrogen
bonds: via organometallic reagents and halogenophosphines, from metal phosphides or
by hydride reduction. This is not surprising when one considers the possible disconnec-
tions of the P-C and the P-H bonds shown in equations 1-6 in conjunction with the
available starting materials.
P-C -
* P+ + C-, equivalent to P-X

P- + C + , equivalent to P-M
+ M-C
+ X-C
P-H * P + + H-, equivalent to P-X +H- (4)
P-H * P- + H + (5)
P-H * P' + H'
Equation 1 represents the electrophilic phosphorus route via organometallic reagents
and halogenophosphines (X= halogen or, less commonly, another leaving group-
7. Preparation of phosphines 153
discussed in Section II), which is often the method of first use. Undoubtedly this is because
the required starting materials are readily available; in particular, the halogenophosphines
are usually available in one or two steps from elemental phosphorus (see below) and often
are commercially available.
Equation 2 represents the nucleophilic phosphorus route via metal phosphides and
suitable carbon electrophiles, again often organohalogen compounds. This is also a
popular and versatile route, although in some cases it may be slightly longer than the
electrophilic route since the required phosphides may have to be derived from other
phosphines. (see Section 111)
Equation 3 represents a radical-based route to phosphine synthesis. This is much less
common but nevertheless can be very useful in certain cases with multiple bonds as
acceptors (see Section V.B).
Equation 4 represents the reduction of electrophilic phosphorus with the formation of a
P-H bond. This is a very common way to prepare primary and secondary phosphines
(see Section 1V.B).
Equation 5 represents the quenching of a metal phosphide by acid, thus forming a
primary or secondary phosphine. However, in most cases the metal phosphide will have
been made from the same primary or secondary phosphine so that, although occasionally
useful”, at present this does not constitute a viable route to such phosphines. Industrially
diphenylphosphine is made by the aqueous quenching of lithium diphenylphosphide”.
Equation 6 is included for completeness and so far has not been the source of a useful
route to phosphines.
In addition to the above methods which form the P-C and P-H bonds, there are a
number of useful routes to phosphines via other organophosphorus compounds, in
particular reduction of organophosphorus(V) compounds (treated in Section IV). Ironi-
cally, these other organophosphorus compounds will probably also have been made from
phosphines. However, there are circumstances where such a roundabout route may be the
most efficient one; for example, in the synthesis of optically active phosphines it is easier to
resolve phosphonium salts or phosphine oxides than the parent phosphines (Section VII).
Also, phosphine oxide can be used as a protecting group for phosphine since it is more
inert towards electrophiles and oxidation than the parent phosphine and since quantitive
regio- and stereo-specific interconversions in both directions are easily achieved.
In most cases, the ultimate source of the phosphorus atom in the synthesis of
organophosphorus compounds is elemental phosphorus and therefore the lowest number
of steps from it leads to the most efficient synthesis. However, there are only a few useful
syntheses of phosphines directly from elemental phosphorus (see Section V1.A) and most
syntheses make use of commercially available derivatives. Of these, by far the most
common as starting materials are the halogenophosphines, prepared by reaction of either
red or white phosphorus with the appropriate elemental halogen, e.g. equation 7’z. Also,
simple mono- and di-substituted alkyl and aryl halogenophosphines are available in
bulkL2.Other starting materials which are used include metal phosphides (see Section 111)
and phosphine itself, which is prepared from elemental phosphorus according to
equation 8, purified by conversion to phosphonium iodide and regenerated with base
according to equation 912.
P4 + 6Cl2 -
- 4PC1, (7)
P, + 3KOH + 3H,O
PH41 + KOH -PH, + 3KH2P0,
PH, + H 2 0 + KI
While phosphines are classed as weak bases”, their basicity increases regularly, and
markedly, with the degree of substitution so that the order of basicity for the methyl
derivatives is14 PH, < CH3PH2< (CH,),PH < (CH,),P. This effect can be useful in the
I54 D. G. Gilheany and C. M. Mitchell
separation of primary, secondary and tertiary phosphines by judicious choice of acid
extractant. Alternatively, if the phosphonium salts with hydrogen iodide are made, those
formed from primary phosphines can be decomposed by water whereas those from
secondary and tertiary phosphines require alkali' 5.
Although many different methods are used for the synthesis of phosphines, there are
certain precautions which are common to all methods. In particular, phosphines are
usually oxygen sensitive and can react violently when exposed to air, so they must be
stored and manipulated in a nitrogen or argon atmosphere. Note that this oxidation can
be insidious; for example, triphenylphosphine is apparently air stable, but an open bottle
will develop noticeable deposits of the oxide in a few weeks and solutions exposed to air
have useful lifetimes as short as 1 day. Also, phosphines usually have a strong, unpleasant
odour and must be assumed to be toxic; phosphine itself is a very toxic gas and great care
should be exercised when handling it.
This chapter will discuss the synthesis of acyclic phosphines where the phosphorus is
bonded to three carbons and/or hydrogens. Cyclic and polyphosphines are dealt with
elsewhere. The words unsymmetric and asymmetric are used to denote phosphines of the
forms R,R'P and RR'R'P, respectively. Also, this chapter is biased towards laboratory
preparations of phosphines. Industrial preparations, although based on similar principles,
tend to be specific for each individual case; for example, triphenylphosphine is made
industrially by the reaction between chlorobenzene, molten sodium and phosphorus
halogeno phosphines.


This route is most useful for the synthesis of tertiary phosphines according to

+ 3R-
PCI, -
equations 10-13, and has been used extensively for this purpose.

- R,P + 3C1- (10)

CI2PR' + 2R-
CIPR12 + R -
R'R'PCI + R -
R'R'P + 2C1-
R',RP + CI
RR'R'P + C1-
The method is less useful for primary and secondary phosphines because inaccessable
halophosphines would be required as starting materials (equations 11-13; R' = H).
Below it is convenient to distinguish between different substituent patterns on
phosphorus, and according to the type of organometallic reagent used. Note that the same
variety of organometallic reagents is used as in the formation of carbon-carbon bonds16,
but the same cannot be said of the phosphorus acceptor species used, which are most often

A. Phosphines of the Form R,P

7. Using Grignard reagents

The reaction takes place according to equation 14. The original procedures, being
straightforward, are still relevant; the phosphorus halide is added to the Grignard reagent

PCI, + 3RMgX -
and the reaction is completed after relluxing, usually in diethyl ether"*'*.
R,P + 3MgXCI (14)
The products are usually separated by addition of ammonium chloride solution
7. Preparation of phosphines 155
followed by distillation of the ether. In some cases omission of this hydrolysis step and
vacuum distillation lead to better yieldst9. For higher boiling products vacuum
distillation may not be practicable and is not recommendedt9.
Better yields are also said to be obtained when an excess of chloro-Grignard reagent is
used and the two reactants are brought together at as low a temperature as possible20-22,
after which normal Grignard procedures follow. However, other workers have shown that
excess of Grignard reagent has no effect on the yieldz3.One difficulty with the use of excess
of Grignard reagent is that it can change the final product; for example, in the reaction of
mesitylmagnesium bromide with phosphorus trichloride (Scheme l), when excess of
bromide is used the product is trimesitylphosphine (I), but when the bromide is limited the
product is the diphosphine 2 24. In some cases, sterically hindered phosphines, e.g. 3 2 5 . 2 6 ,
can be made using excess of Grignard reagent instead of using the usual route via
organolithium reagents23(se Section II.A.2).

i 2PCI,

L /




Primary and aryl Grignard reagents usually give the best yields, whereas reagents
derived from secondary18 and tertiary halides give little or no tertiary phosphines2’-”.
Again, steric hindrance is said to be responsible since products are often isolated in which
156 D. G. Gilheany and C. M. Mitchell

full substitution has not occurred, as in, for example32, equation 15.

PCl, + Bu‘MgX But2PCI


The usual considerations of Grignard chemistry also apply. For example, trivinyl-
phosphines are synthesized with thf as the solvent instead of diethyl ether,, since vinyl
Grignard reagents have to be synthesized in thf. Inclusion of the hydrolysis step in this
synthesis lowers the yield,’.
Sometimes the halogen on the phosphorus makes a difference to the product. For
example, the reaction of trifluorovinylmagnesium iodide and phosphorus trichloride does
not give the expected tris(trifluoroviny1)phosphine (4)j4 but a polymeric material, whereas
the use of phosphorus tribromide gives the required phosphine, the reaction being carried
out in diethyl ether35. Note that the temperature stability of these perfluorovinylphos-
phines is not high and another disadvantage of this synthesis is that a number of
polyfluorinated by-products are also isolated36.
Within the above limitations, the Grignard procedure is very useful and some recent
examples of its use are the syntheses of the following: (i) the series of arylphosphines (5,
n = 2-9) with straight-chain alkyl substituents in the para position of the benzene ring3’
from the Grignard derived from p-bromo(alky1)benzene;(ii) a range of long-chain (Clo-
C,,)trialkylph~sphines~~; (iii) triethylphosphines that are radio-labelled at the phos-
phorus and B-carbon3,; (iv) phosphines bearing polyether substituents (6, R = Me or
CH,CH,OMe) from Grignard reagents derived from the appropriate chloro ethers4’; (v)
an example in which a halide is not used as the electrophile is provided by the improved
high-yield synthesis of trimethylphosphine from triphenylphosphate and methylmag-
nesium iodide4’.


2. Using organolithium compounds

Organolithium compounds resemble Grignards in their reactions but are more reactive
since the C-Li bond ismore ionic in nature than the C-Mg bond4’. For the synthesis of
tertiary phosphines the procedure is again straightforward, an example being equation 16,
and the yields are comparable43 to those obtained using the Grignard method. The
reactions are carried out using procedures similar to those used in Grignard reactions but
in many cases the organolithium route may be used when Grignard method has failed. In
particular, it is e ~ s e n t i a l ’ to
~ . use
~ ~ the more reactive organolithium compounds when a
sterically hindered phosphine is being synthesized, e.g. tri-tert-b~tylphosphine’~, and
organolithium compounds are preferable in some cases involving the formation of aryl
C- P bonds since aryllithium compounds are easier to prepare than the corresponding
Grignards. For these reasons, and the fact that organolithiums are more available, this
7. Preparation of phosphines 157
route has gradually become the favoured one2.
3RLi + PCl, - R,P + 3LiCl (16)
The organolithium compounds needed for these syntheses are prepared by the usual
routesI6, the most common being metallation with base (equation 17), reductive

RH + R'Li -
metallation (equation 18) and halogen-metal exchange (equation 19)45.

- RLi + R'H (17)

RX + 2Li
RLi + R'X - RLi + LiX
R'Li + RX
Again, considerations pertinent to normal organolithium chemistry apply. For
example, the presence of N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediamine (tmeda) considerably
enhances the thermal stability of o-lithiochlorobenzene, thus enabling tris(o-
ch1orophenyl)phosphine to be prepared in high yield46.
A wide range of tertiary phosphines have been synthesized using the organolithium
roUte22.47-51 some recent examples being the following:(i) the 1,dmethano [lo] annulenyl
systems2 (7);(ii) a range of tris(2-imidazolyl)phosphiness3~s4 (8) and tris(2-
thiazoy1)phosphine (9)48; (iii) tris [o-(dimethylarsino)phenyl]phosphine (10) from the
lithiation of o-bromophenyldimethylarsine with butyllithium and phosphorus trichl-
oride4'; (iv) the synthesis of tri(2-pyridy1)phosphine(11)from 2-bromopyridine, butyllith-
ium and phosphorus t~+halide~~"; (v) pentadienylphosphines, e.g. 12"; and (vi) again the
leaving group on phosphorus does not have to be halide as, for example, in the improved
synthesis of tris (2,4,6-trimethoxyphenyl)phosphinefrom 2,4,6-trimethoxyphenyllithium
and triphenyl phosphiteS7.

(10) (11) (12)

3. Using other organometallics

Reagents other than Grignards and organolithium have occasionally been used; e.g.
trialkylaluminium compounds react with phosphorus trichloride to give range of tertiary
phosphiness8-60, as do organo-copper6', -mercury62, - z i n ~ ' ~ -silicon
* ~ ~ , and -tin2
compounds. Indeed, the earliest phosphine preparations used such reagents, e.g. involving
158 D. G. Gilheany and C. M. Mitchell
zinc64. Tris(trifluoromethy1)phosphine was prepared from the reaction of
bis(trifluoromethy1)cadmium and triiodophosphine in dimethoxyethane, although the
yield was low (20"/,)65.The phosphine 13 was prepared from chlorodiphenylphosphine
and cyclopentadienylthallium and the tertiary arylethynylphosphines (14) were prepared
from copper arylacetylides and the corresponding chlorophosphine in a polar aprotic
medium containing dissolved lithium A useful recent example is the synthesis of
1,3-dienylphosphines by transfer of the dienyl group from zirconium68.

Phosphines 15 and 16 could not be synthesized using the lithiated heterocycles and
trihalogenophosphines; instead, trichlorophosphine was reacted with trimethylsilyl-
substituted heteroaromatic~~~.

6. Phosphines of the Form R2R'P

Unsymmetric tertiary phosphines may be synthesized using organometallic compounds
according to equations 11 and 1270-7s.Whether the phosphonous route (equation 11)or
the phosphinous route (equation 12) is used depends on the availability of the starting
materials, although the latter is more popular as it gives a wider range of phosphines. The
reaction usually involves the addition of the appropriate halophosphine to the organomet-
allic and is complete after refluxing. Again, keeping the initial reaction temperature as low
as possible may increase the yield22*79-81.
Some recent examples using the Grignard route are the following: (i) reaction of
mesitylmagnesium bromide with chlorodiethylphosphine and dichloroethylphosphine
at - 10 "C in thf to yield mesityldiethylphosphine (17) and dimesitylethylphosphine
(18), re~pectively'~(Scheme 2); (ii) the preparation of the olefinic tertiary phosphines 19
and 20 from chlorodiphenylphosphine and the Grignards derived from o- and p -
halogenoalkenylbenzeness'-83;(iii) the naphthylphosphine 21 from chlorodiphenyl-
phosphine and the Grignard derived from l-brorn0-8-dimethylaminonaphthalene~~; (iv)
the silicon-substituted phosphine 22, from chlorodiphenylphosphine and Grignard
derived from the appropriate chl~romethylsilane~~; (v) the useful ligand 23 by the route
shown in Scheme 3s6; (vi) the bulky phosphines (24, R' = Bu', cyclohexyl; R 2 = H, Me)
from chlorodi-tert-butylphosphine and chlorodicyclohexylphosphineS7"; (vi)
bis(trifluoromethy1)phenylphosphine(25) from bis(trifluoromethy1)chlorophosphine and
phenylmagnesium bromide87b;(viii) the synthesis of norbornenylphosphines 26 and 27
from the isomeric norbornenyldichlorophosphines and methylmagnesium iodide, the
similar norbornylphosphine 28 also being prepared using this methods8; (ix)phosphine 29
from 2,4-dimethoxyphenyldichlorophosphineand methylmagnesium iodide89; (x) phos-
I . Preparation of phosphines 159

- RTE+

Me--@MgBr + EtPCI2
Me I

\ (18 )


(17 )



160 D. G. Gilheany and C. M. Mitchell
phines 3O9' and 31" using conventional aryl Grignard procedures; and (xi) the reactions

of the unsaturated dichloroaminophosphine (32)with a range of alkyl Grignard reagents
giving rise to a mixture of the rearranged phosphines 33 and 3492.


(25) (26) (27)


(33) 134)
Some recent examples using the organolithium route are as follows: (i) the dimethoxy-
phenylphosphines 3593and o-hydroxyphenylphosphine3694,all from ortho-lithiation-
based reactions; (ii)the development of an improved route to the polymeric phosphine (37)
using the n-butyllithium-tmeda reagent followed by chlor~diphenylphosphine~~; (iii) the
synthesis of vinylphosphines and pentadienylphosphine~~~*~~; and (iv) diphenyl-
phenacylphosphine from chlorodiphenylphosphine and phenacyllithium, generated by
treatment of acetophenone with lithium dii~opropylamide~~.
Occasionally, it may prove necessary to protect some other functionality which is
sensitive to organometallic reagents and this is exemplified by (i) the synthesis of the o-
carboxarylphosphines 38,where 2-oxazoline acted as a protecting group for the carboxy-
group during the application of the Grignard route9', and (ii) the synthesis of
triarylphosphines with formyl or acetyl group as aromatic substituents, where the
7. Preparation of phosphines 161

OMe (36)
R-Ph or Bu'



137) (38)
formation of the ethylene keto derivative serves as protection for the carbonyl group
during the Grignard reaction, the resulting phosphines (39; Scheme 4, R = H, CH,) being
cleaved to the desired products by toluene-p-sulphonic acid9*. Note that the acetyl
derivatives (40) may also be prepared by oxidation of the ethyl derivatives (41) followed by
reduction with trichl~rosilane~~, according to Scheme 5.





Phosphorus(V) halides can also be used as electrophiles in these reactionsloO-Io3.

For example alkyldiphenylphosphines have been prepared by the reaction of
162 D. G . Gilheany and C. M. Mitchell
diphenyltrichlorophosphorane with alkyllithium reagents'OO and the reduction of
tetrachlorophenylphosphoranewith Grignard reagents gives a range of dialkylphenylph-
. ' ~ ~ . synthesized were a range of dialkylstyrylpho~phines~~~*'~~,
o ~ p h i n e s ' ~ ~Similarly the
neopentylphosphines 42 and 43'06, the substituted vinylphosphines 44 (R = H, CH,)
and 451°7 and the sterically hindered triaryiphosphine 46'".

(42) PhP(CH=CHMe),
(43) Me H P - - @ - O M e

(44) (45) Me Me


C. Phosphines of the Form RR1R2P

In principle, these much sought after asymmetric phosphines (see Section VII) can be
synthesized by the electrophilic route either by the reaction of phosphinous halides (e.g.
R'R'PCI) and an organometallic (RMgX, RLi) (equation 13) or by the reaction of
phosphonous dihalides (e.g. RPCl,) and a sequence of organometallics of different
reactivity."' An alternative to the latter case is reaction of dihalide with a mixture of
organometalli~s'~ l o~(equation
~' 20). Again, the choice is dictated by the availability of the
starting materials, and also in the latter case by the consideration that the groups on the
organometallics must be sufficiently different to allow separation of the desired
asymmetric product from the unsymmetrical by-products. An example of the application
of this idea is the synthesis of asymmetric arylphosphines' according to equation 21.
However, the difficult nature of this approach is illustrated by the mixture of products that
results from the use of Grignard reagents only, shown in equation 22. Recently, more
progress has been made; for example, high yields of these tertiary phosphines are obtained
(equation 23) when both the organolithium and the alkyl chloride are added simulta-

R'PCI, --
neously to a cyclopolyphosphane (47, R', R2, R3 = alkyl, R,Si, R,Ge or R,Sn)''2.
+ R2M + R3M1 R'R2R3P + R'R2,P + R'R3,P (20)

PhPCI, + Ar'ZnCI + Ar'Li
+ EtMgBr + PhCH,MgCI -+ PhPAr'Ar,
PhEt,P(24%) + EtPh(PhCH,)P(41%)

+ nLiR2 + nR'CI - Ph(PhCH,),P(18%)
nR'R2R3P + nLiCl

Some recent examples of the synthesis of asymmetric phosphines by the electrophilic

route are the following: (i) a case in which both organolithium and Grignard reagents are
used and the leaving group is other than a halide is seen in the synthesis ofthe phosphine 48
by reaction of the o-lithioaromatic with Ph(Cl)PNEt, and subsequent reaction with
methylmagnesium bromide' 1 3 v 1 14; (ii) another case in which the leaving group is not a
halide is the use of optically active phosphinites RR'P(OR2) to generate enantiomeric
phosphines by reaction with organometallics (see Section VII); and (iii) a combination of
an organocadmium reagent with Grignard or organolithium can be used to replace
sequentially (in one pot) the two chlorines of PhPCI, with different g r o ~ p s " ~ .
7. Preparation of phosphines 163


This section is the obverse of Section 11. In this case, phosphorus acts as the nucleophilic
centre attacking an electrophilic carbon according to general equations 24-27. Once
again we do not see the variety of nucleophilic species that are used in the formation of
carbon-carbon bonds116 and, although there are examples of all of the usual types of
carbon electrophiles116, organic halides are by far the most common. Unlike the
electrophilic phosphorus route, the nucleophilic phosphorus route can be used for the

P3- + 3RX -
synthesis of primary and secondary phosphines following equations 25-27 (R' = H).

- R3P + 3X- (24)

RIP2- + 2RX
+ RX
+ RX
R',RP+ X-
+ 2X-

The required phosphide and organophosphide anions can be made2*'2in many ways
which are very similar to the generation of carbanionic species' 16. Thus, although
phosphine and primary and secondary phosphines are very weak acids (e.g. PhPH, has
pK, = 24'"), they can be metallated by strong bases (e.g. sodium or potassium in liquid
ammonia or n-butyllithium) to give the corresponding anions (equations 28-32). Other
methods analogous to carbanion generation can also be used, such as reductive
metallation (equation 33), halogen-metal exchange (equation 34) and metal-metal
exchange (equation 35). In addition, the treatment of a tertiary phosphine with an alkali
metal may result in the breakage of a P-C bond"8-'20 (equation 36), and finally the
binary metal phosphides are made by direct combination of phosphorus with a metal,
usually sodium or potassium. Which of these routes is used will be dictated by availability
of the starting materials, reactivity considerations and the experimental situation, e.g. the
conditions to be used in the subsequent addition'. Recent innovations include the
following: (i) the use of sonication to assist the metallation step, especially in P-C bond
cleavage reactions with l i t h i ~ m ' ~ ~and - ' ~sodium
~ na~hthalene"~;(ii) the use of
photostimulation in the reaction of sodium diarylphosphides in liquid ammonia' 2 5 - I";
(iii)the use of concentrated aqueous alkali in dmso as baselZ9;and (iv)electroreduction of
chlorophosphines with a sacrificial magnesium anode in the presence of alkyl halides,
which probably involves organopho~phides'~~. As in the case of organometallic reagents,
organophosphides, especially lithium organophosphides, can display varying degrees of
structural association' ' * I 3 2 .
PH3+ KNH, -
- KPH, + NH3 (28)

RPH,+ Na
RPHNa + Na
+ NaNH,
RPHNa + 1/2H,
+ 1/2H,
+ NH,
Me,PH + LiBu -
D. G. Gilheany and C. M. Mitchell

- Me,PLi + BuH (32)

+ 2Li
+ BuLi -
Ph,PLi + LiCl
Ph,PLi + BuH
MgBr, + 2Ph,PK
Ph3P + 2Li - Mg(Ph,P), + 2KBr
Ph,PLi + PhLi
Although not strictly a synthetic method for phosphines, it is appropriate to note that
recently there have been a number of cases in which metallation occurs at an atom or
group adjacent to phosphorus in a phosphine'O or a coordinated phosphine7. Reaction of
the anion so produced with an electrophile then leads to a new phosphine. For example,
the reaction of lithiomethyldiphenylphosphinewith (i) hexafluoroacetone and di-tert-
butyl ketone gives phosphines [Ph,PCH,C(CF,),OH] and Ph,PCH,C(OH)(t-
Bu), 3 3 * 134, respectively and (ii) various metal halides leads to phosphinomethyl
derivatives of metals, e.g. [(Cp),Ti(CH,PPh,),]; other metals used include alum-
inium' 3 5 - 137 and zirconium' 38.

A. Tertiary Phosphines
The reactions of binary metal phosphides and organohalides follow equation 24 to give
symmetric tertiary phosphines'. They are carried out in an inert solvent using
stoichiometric amounts of the halide to avoid contamination with phosphonium salts'.
Completion is effected by refluxing for up to 24 h, followed by removal of the metal halide
by either filtration or washing, the phosphine being obtained from the residual organics by
distillation. Both alkyl and aryl halides can be used and the yields are generally good'.
However, the use of this route for these phosphines is not common compared with the
alternative electrophilic phosphorus route (Section 11, equation lo), because phosphorus
trihalides are more readily available than metal phosphides.
Unsymmetric tertiary phosphines are also good candidates for synthesis using the
nucleophilic phosphorus route, according to equations 25 and 26. The choice between the
phosphonous (equation 25) and phosphinous (equation 26) routes is again based on the
availability of starting materials. The procedures are similar to those for the symmetric
phosphines given above and again the yields can be high. Also, again one will usually have
the competing option of using an electrophilic phosphorus route (Section 11, equations 11
and 12), but in this case the choice is not as clear since the starting materials may have
similar availabilities and considerations of reactivity and the number of side-products may
dictate the chosen route. Some recent examples based on equations 25 and 26 are as
follows: (i) the synthesis of the phosphines 49 from lithioorganophosphides and a-
chloromethyl ~ u l p h i d e ' ~(ii)
~ ;the substituted diphenylphosphines 50l4' and 5114' from
potassium diphenylphosphide and suitable halide precursors; (iii) among many examples
where the leaving group on carbon is tosylate or mesylate are the synthesis of the chiral
diphosphines 52-54142,143; (iv) vinyl and aryl halides can also be used as electrophiles but
the reaction can be more complex and unpredictable with metal-halogen exchange
commonly o c c ~ r i n g ' ~146;~ - (v) multiple bonds can also act as acceptors2, a recent
example being the use of pentamethylfulvene as the electrophile for lithium diphenylph-
osphide in the synthesis of 55147;and (vi) the similar use of the stabilizing influence of the
cyclopentadienyl system is seen in the use of the spiroheptadiene 56 as the electrophile in
equation 37148*'49.

Ph,PCH,SMe Ph, P(CH,),SPh RCH(NMe,)CH,PPh,

(49) (9) (51)
7. Preparation of phosphines 165

RO X 0

(32) (53)

Similar considerations apply to the synthesis of asymmetric phosphines using the
nucleophilic phosphorus route following equation 27. However, in this case the choice
between it and the alternative electrophilic route (Section 11, equation 13) is much more
finely balanced and the methods have been used to similar degrees. Some recent examples
of the use of the nucleophilic phosphorus route to make asymmetric tertiary phosphines
are the following (i) the syntheses of the thiocarbamoylphosphines 57 from lithioorgano-
phosphideg and thiocarbamoyl chloride^^^^.^^^; (ii) the phosphines 58 from o-
chlorophenyltrimethylstannane and simple p h o ~ p h i d e s ' ~(iii)
~ ; the use of ethylene
sulphide as an electrophile towards methyl phenyl phosphide to give (2-
mercaptoethyl)methylphenylphosphine153;and (iv) the stereospecificity of phosphide
additions is illustrated by, for example, the preparation of l-menthylmethylphenylph-
osphine from methylphenylphosphide and 1-neomenthyl chloride and vice


R'=Me or Ph

R2= Ph, olkyl or Mr3Si

apph SnMe3

R = P h or Bu'
R3= Ph or Me3Si (58)
Alkynes can be used as electrophiles for organophosphides, and the reaction can be
made stereoselectiveto give either the cis or trans product. For example, in the reaction of
diphenylphosphide and phenylacetylene in thf the trans product is predominant, whereas
the cis product results when amines are included in the reactionIs5.
166 D. G. Gilheany and C. M. Mitchell
B. Secondary Phosphines
Secondary phosphines may be made following equation 25 and 27 (R' = H). The latter
is more common and the metal phosphide required for it is made by the action of a metal,
' ~ 'a, primary phosphine, according to equation 29.
usually sodium or p o t a s ~ i u m ' ~ ~ -on
Care has to be taken that a second substitution does not occur to give RPM,
(equation 30). The reaction can be carried out in liquid ammonia'56.'62*163, but a more
convenient procedure is to reflux the finely divided metal with the phosphine in an inert
solvent, keeping the temperature between 50 and 80°C since above 90°C the second
substitution may occur. Treatment of the derived phosphine with an organohalide then
generates a secondary phosphine and obviously the potential exists for this to be
asymmetric (i.e. RR'PH) if a halide is used which bears a group different from that on the
original primary phosphine. A variety of electrophilic species have been used in this route
to secondary phosphine, including alkyl halides'56.'57,'61-'64 , episulphides' 65-' 67,
sodium salts of halocarboxylic acids168,'69and chl~roalkylamines'~~~''~. The reaction of
organophosphide and 1,2-dichloroalkanes yields phosphiranes' 7 2 .
If, on metallating the primary phosphine, the dimetallated product is the only product
obtained, then a remedy is to react it with another equivalent of the primary phosphine
according to equation 38 (M = Na)lS7.Although it is more common to obtain secondary
phosphines from the monometallated phosphide (equation 27, R' = H), it is possible to
use equation 25.(R' = H) via a formally dimetallated phosphide. However, the yields are
low. An example can be seen in the decomposition of calcium dihydrogenphosphide in a
vacuum in the presence of methyl chloride according to equations 39 and 40163.Another
example is the use of sodium phenylphosphide in the preparation of (2-
pyrrolidinylmethyl)phenylphosphine,which was subsequently alkylated by treatment

RPM, -
with sodium in liquid ammonia and butyl chloride'73.
+ RPH, 2RPHM (38)

Ca(PH,),.6NH3 - CaPH + PH, + 6NH, (39)

CaPH + CH,CI - Me,PH (40)

C. Primary Phosphines
The metal phosphide formed according to equation 28 can be reacted with an
organohalide to give a primary phosphine (equation 41). The metal is usually sodium,
calcium or lithium and the reaction is often carried out in the liquid ammonia used as the
solvent for the generation of the phosphide, although this may lead to nitrogen-containing
impurities. The alternative method of generating the phosphide using an alkyl- or
aryllithium base leads to a cleaner reaction. Good yields of primary phosphines are also

MPH, + RX -
obtained from the alkylation of NaPH, in hexamethylphosphoramide' 7 2 .
Some examples of the synthesis of primary phosphines via nucleophilic phosphorus are

as follows: (i) the phosphine 59 from potassium dihydrogenphosphide and allyI(2-

ch10roethyl)arnine'~~; (ii) the reaction of 2-bromo-p-cymene with NaPH, or LiPH, to
give a mixture of phosphines 60 and 61175; (iii) the reaction of potassium phosphide
(KPH,) with benzoate esters, in the presence of a crown ether, leads initially to KPHCOPh
which could be further alkylated to PhCOPHMe or protonated to benzoylphosphine' 76;
and (iv) both monometallated phosphine and primary phosphines have been used in the
phosphinylation of haloalkylpyridines to give phosphines 62 (n = 1, 2; R = a l k ~ l ) . ' ~ ~
7. Preparation of phosphines 167
Me Me


Reduction is a very useful and popular route to phosphines. Within the very large range of
reduction reactions giving phosphines as products, it is convenient to distinguish two
categories. First, there are reductions which do not involve the formation of a new P- H
bond; thus phosphine oxides, sulphides and phosphonium salts can all be reduced and the
products are usually tertiary phosphines. Second, there are reductions which do form new
P-H bonds; phosphinic and phosphinous acid derivatives are reduced to secondary
phosphines and phosphonic and phosphonous acid derivatives are reduced to primary
The stereochemistry of many of these reduction reactions has been investigated and a
number of them are highly stereospecific. Thus they have great utility in the synth'esis of
chiral phosphines (see Section VII).

A. Tertiary Phosphines

1. By reduction of phosphine oxides and sulphides

It is often the case that a phosphine can only be made via the phosphine oxide, which
then has to be reduced. The reduction of phosphine oxides can be achieved using a number
of reagents, the choice being dictated by the sensitivity of the oxide to reduction and the
stereochemistry required in the product phosphine.
By far the most popular reductants are silanes, because they have broad scope, are easy
to use and give clean stereochemistry and high yield^'^^-'^^. Of the silanes, the most
popular have been trichl~rosilane'~~~'~~.'~~~'~~~'~~, h e x a c h l o r o d i ~ i l a n e ' ~and
p h e n y l ~ i l a n e ' ~ ~Typical
~ ' ~ ~ . procedures for these reductions involve simply mixing the
oxide and excess ofsilane, both in an inert solvent, in a flask under nitrogen. The reaction is
often very vigorous and usually spontaneous but may have a slight induction period. so
that, although some heat may be. necessary to initiate the reaction, it is advisable to have a
source of cooling available. A secondary or tertiary amine is often added in the case of the
chlorosilanes to scavenge hydrogen chloride. The reaction is completed by refluxing (80-
100 "C)and the phosphine is obtained by distillation or recrystallization. Another reason
for the popularity of silanes is that often they can be used in the presence of other
functional groups in the molecule196, e.g. a carbonyl group as in the synthesis by
trichlorosilane reduction of the phosphines 63196 and the phenylsilane route to
168 D. G. Gilheany and C. M. Mitchell

The stereochemistry of silane reductions depends on the silane used, the type and
strength of base added, whether the substrate is cyclic or acylic and the harshness of the
reaction conditions. However, it can be controlled fairly well. Thus, the action of
trichlorosilane on acyclic substrates under mild conditions gives retention of configur-
ation whereas the addition of triethylamine produces i n v e r ~ i o n ' ~ ~ ~If 'more
~ ~ *forcing
conditions have to be used racemic mixtures may result, whereas the use of weaker bases,
e.g. pyridine or dimethylaniline190,will give predominantly retention. The case of cyclic
substrates is different and retention'" is usually observed, although there are a few
exceptions 98. A recent example of stereospecificreduction using trichlorosilane is that of
the resolved chiral phosphine oxides 65'99. Different reducing agents may give different
results. For example, hexachlorodisilane nearly always gives inversion of configuration of
acyclic substrates'86*'87.200,cyclic substrates again giving retention'88, while phenylsi-
lane usually gives r e t e n t i ~ n ' ~ ~ * ~ ~ ' J ~ ~ .

Lithium aluminium hydride has also been used extensively to reduce phosphine
oxide^'*^^^^'^^. However, its use has diminished with the development of the silane
reagents. It may still need to be used for recalcitrant substrates or if cost is a major
consideration. The usual procedures for LiAIH, reactions are used203~204, but one variant
is that addition slowly to a cold (temperatures as low as -78 "C)solution of substrate may
give better yields'. The stereochemistry at phosphorus is usually retained in the
reductionzo3,although racemization can also Obviously, a disadvantage of the
use of LiAlH, compared with silanes is that many more groups are sensitive to reduction
by it. Lithium aluminium hydride can also be used in combination with other reagents, e.g.
with cerium(II1) chloride LiAlH, gives a reagent that is capable of reducing phosphine
oxides in good yields under mild conditions, but the reaction is not stereospecificZos.
Another example of this combination possibility is that of lithium hydride and certain
titanium complexeszo6.
Some other reagents that have been used to reduce phosphine oxides are sodium
borohydride?, triphenyl phosphitez, alanesZo7,again in combination with a boron
trihalide or e ~ t e r ' ~ ~ calcium '
* ' ~ ~ , aluminium hydride' O, calcium hydridelsO, dialkyl-
aluminium hydrides" ', magnesium and dicyclopentadienyltitanium, which reduces
phosphine oxides with at least one phosphorus-aryl bondz1', a combination of sulphur
(orselenium) and silicon tetrachloride catalyst which reduces triarylphosphine oxides' 3, '
hydrogen itself via the dichlorophosphoraneZ and many others'.
7. Preparation of phosphines I69
Phosphine sulphides are reduced by a similar range of reagents to those used in
phosphine oxide reduction and, as before, the choice is made depending on the sulphide
to be reduced and on the required product stereochemistry. Again silanes are the preferred
reagents ’ 5 * 8 6 , although lithium aluminium hydride’ 14-’ 6 , calcium aluminium
hydride’”, phenyllithium” and even tertiary p h o ~ p h i n e s ” ~l9 *have
~ been used. Sodium
in toluene reduced the sulphide of the allylic phosphine 66 in good yield’”. Some reagents
selectively reduce P=S in the presence of P=O bonds or other easily reduced functional
groups’”. Studies show that the reduction of P=S can be made to proceed with full
retention of configuration at p h o s p h o r ~ s ’ ’ ~ in
~ ~particular
~~, in Mathey’s most recent
reduction/complexation route involving iron p e n t a ~ a r b o n y l ’ ~In ~ ~the
. case of hexa-
chlorodisilane, the stereochemistry of reduction is the opposite of that of the oxide’85.

2. Reduction of phosphoniurn salts

The reduction of phosphonium salts to tertiary phospines must involve the cleavage of a
phosphorus-carbon and there are a variety of ways to achieve this.

( a ) Electrolytic reduction. This can be carried out using a number of different

electrodes, the most popular and economical being lead and mercury cathodes, but carbon
anodes surrounded by a clay diaphragm are also used. The procedure is reltively easy and
does not require extreme conditions, e.g. temperatures of ca 70-90 “C and 24 V at 2-6 A.
The phosphines are obtained, after extraction with diethylether, in good yields (80-
9oy0)2.22 5 . 2 2 6

The product of the reduction depends on the groups present on phosphorus in the
phosphonium salt. Some groups are better leaving groups than others, e.g. benzyl groups
are cleaved particularly easily, which was taken advantage of in one of the early syntheses
of asymmetric tertiary phosphines by sequential cleavage of benzyl groups from tribenzyl-
phosphonium salts as outlined in Scheme 6227-230.

[(PhCH2)3PR‘]t X-
20- n g
+RtX .
[(PhCH2),R‘PR2]’ X-

R’R2R3P [(PhCH2)R’R2PR3]+ X-

Another advantage of this electrolytic reduction route is that it proceeds stereospecifi-
cally with retention of configuration at p h o s p h o r ~ s ~ ’ ~ so
* ’that
~ ~ ,inclusion of a resolution
step in Scheme 6 leads to optically active phosphines (see also Section VII).
The nature of the electrode can have a substantial effect on the product of an electrolytic
reduction. For example, in the reduction of [Ph,PMe]+Br-, the use of a mercury cathode
gives 83% Ph’MeP and 5.5% Ph,P whereas a lead cathode gives 40% Ph,MeP and 53%
Ph,P”’*’ ’,. Unexpected products may also a ~ - i s e ” ~ * ’Other ~ ~ . electrodes which have
been used are platinum, tin and copperzz6.Quasiphosphonium salts can also be reduced
electrochemically to phosphines’.
170 D. G. Gilheany and C. M. Mitchell
( b ) Base-induced cleavage. Quaternary phosphonium salts give tertiary phosphine
oxides and hydrocarbons when hydrolysed by an alkali metal hydroxide and, of course,
the phosphine oxides may then be reduced to phosphines using the methods outlined in
Section IV.A.l. The useful feature of this route is that the hydrolysis step often proceeds
with inversion of configuration at phosphorus, the opposite of the result in the electrolytic
route (Section IV.A.2a).
However, it is possible, via a B-elimination route, to go directly from a phosphonium salt
to a tertiary phosphine, as outlined in equation 42. This route works particularly well if the
group X is capable of stabilizing the developing double bond by conjugation. Thus, 2-
cyanoethylphosphonium salts are decomposed by e t h o ~ i d e ~which ~ ~ forms
* ~ ~ the
~ , basis
of one of the classic syntheses of optically active phosphines using sequential cleavage from
tris- and bis-(2-~yanoethyl)phosphonium salts in a manner similar to that in
Scheme 6232*233 . H ydroxymethylphosphonium salts also undergo B-elimination to give
formaldehyde and a p h o ~ p h i n e ~ * ~another~~-*~ source
~ , of a similar useful route to
optically active p h o s p h i n e ~Note
~ ~ ~that
. there is retention of configuration at phosphorus
in these routes to optically active phosphines, since the reaction occurs at a position
remote from phosphorus.
[R3PCH2CH2X]++ Base - R,P + CH,=CHX + Base - H +
Potassium cyanide in water or dimethyl sulphoxide also induces cleavage of phos-

phonium salts to p h o s p h i n e ~ ~ again ~ ~ , in the synthesis of optically active

~ ~ - ~useful
phosphine~ and
~ ~both
~ cyanide and alkali metal hydroxide can cleave certain bisphosph-
onium salts to tertiary p h o s p h i n e ~ ~ ~(equation
~ . ~ " ~43).
~ ~Tertiary
~ phosphines with
chloromethyl groups are obtained from the action of aqueous alkali on chloromethylph-

osphonium salts'.

2Ph,P + NCCH,CH,CN + 2KBr (43)
Some cleavage reagents not only cleave a group but may also react with some of the
other groups remaining on the phosphine. For example, tris(dialkylaminomethy1)-
phosphines are obtained from the reaction of hydroxymethylphosphonium chlorides
. product acrylonitrile interferes in the decomposition of
and a m i n e ~ ' ~ ~The
tetrakis(hydroxymethy1)phosphonium- chloride, replacing all the hydroxymethyl
g r o ~ p s ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ .
- -
Acetyl, benzoyl and carboxylethyltrialkylphosphoniumsalts are decomposed by alkali
metal hydroxide to give a tertiary phosphine and the corresponding a ~ i d ~ ~ ~
(equation 44,R' = CH,, C,H,, OEt)

[R'COPR,]+X- - NaOH
R,P + R'COOH + NaX
( c ) Thermal decomposition. It has long been known that high temperatures ( > 300 "C)
cause quaternary phosphonium salts to decompose with the loss of one organic group to
give tertiary p h o s p h i n e ~ ~Good
~ ~ - ~yields
~ ~ .of a single product are usually obtained if
ethyl is one group on the phosphonium centre due to the reaction shown in equation 45.

(R3PC,H5)+Cl- -
The tertiary phosphine is then isolated by base treatment of the h y d r o ~ h l o r i d e ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ .
CH2=CH, + R,P*HCI (45)
The reaction of tris(trifluoromethy1)phosphine with methyl iodide at 240 "C gives
perfluoroalkyl tertiary phosphines266 and the same products are obtained from the
reaction of trialkyl- or triaryl-phosphines with perfluoroalkyl iodides as in
equation 46267-269.Bisphosphonium salts can also be decomposed thermally to give
7. Preparation of phosphines 171
tertiary p h ~ s p h i n e s ' ~ ~ .
2R3P + CF31 - R,PCF3 + R,PI (46)
(d) Hydride reduction. Lithium aluminium hydride reduces phosphonium salts with
cleavage of one group to the corresponding tertiary phosphines in yields of 50-80%270*271.
As with alkali metal hydroxide-induced cleavage (Section VI.A.2.b), there is preferential
cleavage of a benzyl group and, since only one group is removed at a time, this may also
form the basis of a synthesis of asymmetric phosphines via sequential cleavage from
tribenzylphosphonium salts similarly to Scheme 6 above. Reduction of alkyltriphenylph-
osphonium salts with LiAIH, affords alkyldiphenylphosphines if the alkyl group is
primaryz7'. A recent example is the cleavage of a furfuryl group from a range of
furfurylphosphonium salts273.

B. Secondary and Primary Phosphines

Primary and secondary phosphines are oxidized very easily, e.g. when exposed to the air.
Although it is possible to isolate some secondary phosphine o ~ i d e s ' ~ ~ the
- ' ~products
~, of
these oxidations are almost invariably the phosphonic and phosphinic acids, respectively,
produced by tautomerization and further ~ x i d a t i o n ' ~The
. corollary of this is that it
should be possible to reduce phosphonic and phosphinic acids and their derivatives to the
corresponding primary and secondary phosphines. In practice, a wide range of phos-
phonic and phosphinic derivatives have been so reduced (equations 47 and 49), as have the
corresponding phosphonous and phosphinous derivatives where these are isolable
compounds (equations 48 and 50). X in these equations is usually halide (sometimes
ORz7', occasionally SR278or NR,279and less commonly OH) and in fact the reduction of
the appropriate phosphonous and phosphinous halides is the most widely used method for
the synthesis of primary and secondary phosphines.
RP(O)X, -
- RPH, (47)
The reagent of choice for these reductions is lithium aluminium' hy-
dride137.156.216.280-301 , usually in excess to avoid by-product^'^^. Often the reaction is
refluxed and followed with an aqueous work-up. However, it has been found more recently
that if the LiAIH, added very slowly to a solution of the phosphorus compound at a
temperature as low as - 78 "C, the yields can be greatly e n h a n ~ e d ~An~ illustration
~ . ~ ~ ~ .of
this is the reduction of phenylphosphonous dichloride (dichlorophenylphosphine); the
normal LiAIH, procedures give a yield of 25xz9', which can be increased to 50% with
care292.293 , whereas the low-temperature addition procedure gives a yield of 90%290.As
before, combination reagents may prove effective. Thus, for example, LiAIH, has been
used in combination with trimethylsilyl e.g. in the synthesis of 67294.
Ortho-substituted phenylphosphonic acid esters have been reduced selectively by
LiAIH, to form primary phosphines that bear reactive functional groups in the ortho
position295,as have the analogous phosphinate esters, e.g. in the synthesis of the
phosphine A recent illustration of the use of LiAIH, is the reduction of the Diels-
Alder adduct of diethyl vinylphosphonate and 1,3-diphenylisobenzofuranwith LiAIH, to
give the phosphine 69, a precursor of v i n y l p h o ~ p h i n e ~ ~ ~ .
Alkyl- and aryl-phosphonic dichlorides are also reduced by LiBH, to the corresponding
phosphine~~ as~ are
~ , alkylenebis(phosphonic d i c h l o r i d e ~ ) ~Phenylsilane
~~. and tri-
172 D. G. Gilheany and C. M. Mitchell




chlorosilane have also been used to reduce phenylphosphonous dichloride to phenylph-

osphine in high yield (go%)’, as has hydrogen s ~ l p h i d e ~ ~ ’ .


Phosphine and primary and secondary phosphines can be added to multiple bonds to
yield primary, secondary and tertiary phosphines, respectively. This is usually done
catalytically, although in some cases, e.g. if the multiple bond is activated by electron-
withdrawing substituents, a catalyst may not be necessary’*303;for example, the addition
of diphenylphosphine to maleic anhydride leads, after hydrolysis, to 70304, and the
addition of secondary phosphines to alkyl isothiocyanates gives phosphines, e.g. the chiral
phosphine 71J05.These reactions have proved particularly useful for the synthesis of cyclic
phosphines and polyphosphineslO. Thus, although there are a large number in the
literature”, only a restricted selection of examples is given to show the applicability of the
method. In addition, the addition reactions of P-H compounds with C=O and C=N
systems have been reviewed306.It is convenient to distinguish between those additions
which are ionic and those which are radical in nature.

H02 CC HC H2C02 H P h2P -C -NH --f

S Ph

A. Ionic Addition
The acid-catalysed addition of phosphines to alkenes probably proceeds by a
carbocation mechanism, since alkenes which form the most stable carbocations give high
yields in the reaction (equation 51)’. Typical catalysts which have been used are hydrogen
chloride’, carboxylic acids’, sulphonic acids and boron trifluoride’*’. The reaction is
particularly successful for the addition of phosphine to tertiary alkenes, giving high yields
of primary phosphines (equation 51)’. A recent example is the formation of tertiary
phosphines from secondary phosphines and methyl vinyl ethers3”. However, a general
difficulty with the acid-catalysed route is that a nearly stoichiometric amount of catalyst
may be required because the phosphine formed may be a strong enough base to neutralise
the catalyst’.

R,C=CH, +H + - R2C+CH3 3H3P+CRzCH3 - HzPCRzCH3 +H+

7. Preparation of phosphines 173
The base-catalysed addition process has also been known for a long time'. Indeed, the 2-
cyanoethylphosphonium salts required for the alkali metal hydroxide cleavage route to
asymmetric phosphines (see Sections IV.A.2.b and VII) can also be made by this process
according to equations 52-54. The catalyst in that case was a two-phase acetonitrile-
aqueous potassium hydroxide system and the degree of substitution could be controlled
by the ratio ofphosphine to acrylonitrile'. However, more typically a stronger base is used,
such as organometallic compounds, tert butoxides and phosphides,. Recently, a slightly
modified procedure for the base-catalysed addition of diphenylphosphine to acrylonitrile
and methacrylonitrile has been reported308.
PH, + OH- -
- PH,- + H,O (52)
Base-catalysed addition of diphenylphosphine to acetylene in the presence of a phase-

transfer catalyst gives high yields of Ph,PCH,CH,PPh,309. The base-catalysed route has
been developed into a useful synthesis of poly(tertiary phosphine) by the tert-butoxide-
catalysed addition of a phosphorus-hydrogen bond to the carbon-carbon double
bond of various ~ i n y l p h o s p h i n e s ~ ' ~or
~ ~vinylphosphine
'' derivatives312, e.g. as in
equation 55. In some cases this route to polydentate legands may be improved by
coordinating the phosphines initially, i.e. a metal-template-assisted addition,' ,v3I4.
RZPH CHz=CHP(S)(CH,), R,PCH,CH,P(S)(CH-J, (55)
The reaction of diphenylphosphine catalysed by sodium with a range of vinyl- and
styrene-sulphonamides gives the corresponding [(2-aminosulphonyl)ethyl]-
diphenylphosphines and their 1-phenyl-substituted derivatives3' '.

B. Radical Addition
The free-radical addition of phosphines to alkenes has been much more widely studied
and used than ionic The reaction follows a chain mechanism as outlined in
equation 56316,and can be initiated by all the usual radical initiators, including ultraviolet

R,PH initiator --
light, peroxides and a,a'-azobisisobutyronitrile (aibn)'.
R , P + RCH=CH,
R,PCH,CH,R + R , P
Phosphine and many different primary and secondary phosphines have been used

successfully with both activated and unactivated alkenes and alkynes and high yields of
single products can often be obtained'. Where more than one product can be formed, the
distributions can be controlled to a certain extent by varying the molar ratio of phosphine
to alkene, e.g. in the addition of phosphine to oct-1-ene"' the use of a relatively low
concentration of phosphine leads to good yields of tertiary phosphines whereas higher
concentrations give the primary phosphine. Also, bulky alkenes shift the product ratio in
favour of the less substituted p h o ~ p h i n e ~ " . ~ ' ~ .
Some recent examples of the use of this method are as follows: (i) the synthesis in
quantitative yields of alkylbis(trifluoromethy1)phosphinesfrom the addition at 40 "Cwith
ultraviolet light of bis(trifluoromethy1)phosphine to simple alkenes319;(ii) the sequential
addition of silanes and secondary phosphines to aw-dienes under UV light gives
silylalkylphosphines (72),,'; (iii) aibn-initiated addition of trimethylsilylphosphine to
various alkenes and dienes gives a range of both acylic and cyclic phosphines, from which
the trimethylsilyl group is easily removed by hydrolysis, thus leading to primary and
174 D. G. Gilheany and C. M. Mitchell
secondary phosphines3”
R2P(CH2),(CH,),(CH2),SiR, (n = 1-4)

As in the case of the base catalysis, the radical-catalysed process has been developed into
a useful, and somewhat more general route to poly(tertiary phosphines). Even in those
cases where reagents are available for the base-catalysed method, the radical method
appears to give higher yields and purer products, especially if ultraviolet irradiation is
used. The reactions are fast, give high yields and are efficient not only for the vinyl
compounds322but also for selected allylic derivative^^^^.^^^ and w-alkenylphosphine~~~~.


There are a considerable number of other methods for the synthesis of phosphines’.’’. The
selection below is intended to indicate those which have been the subject of detailed study,
or that have some generality or are particularly useful for certain phosphines.

A. From Elemental Phosphorus

Ultimately all phosphines are synthesized indirectly from elemental phosphorus,
usually via trihalides which are made by direct combination”, However, under certain
circumstances, phosphines can be synthesized directly from white or red phos-
p h o r ~ ~ ’ *The ~ ~ ~ . used are usually either organohalides (with some sort of
~ *reagents
catalyst or promoter) and/or organometallic reagents and the reactions are usually carried
out at high temperatures and/or pressures, often in sealed containers. The yields usually
are not very high, although this may be less of a problem if the starting materials are cheap
and product isolation is easy’*325.
Some examples of the synthesis of tertiary phosphines are as follows: (i) the reaction of
white phosphorus with an organolithium or phenylsodium and alkyl halides gives
unsymmetric tertiary phosphines in 40-50% yield^^^^,^^'; (ii) tertiary phosphines are
obtained in high yields (70-80%) when red phosphorus is refluxed with certain alkyl
iodides and a catalytic amount iodineg2*,and (iii) tris(pentafluoropheny1)phosphinecan
be made by heating red phosphorus and bis(pentafluoropheny1)thallium(II1)
Examples of primary and secondary phosphines made from elemental phosphorus are
the following: (i) the interaction of phenyllithium and phenylmagnesium bromide with
elemental phosphorus gives a low yield (15-35%) of diphenylphosphine; dibutylphosphine
and butylnaphthylphosphine may be similarly prepared327.330;(ii)a very early example is
the reaction of white phosphorus and aliphatic alcohols in a sealed flask which gives low
yields of primary p h ~ s p h i n e’;
s ~and
~ (iii) white phosphorus, aqueous sodium hydroxide
and alkyl halides react to give primary phosphines according to equation 57, with yields in
the range 20-30%15.
P, + 6NaOH + 2RI - +
2RPH2 2NaI + 2Na2HP03
The electrolysis of white phosphorus leads to both primary and secondary phosphines

but the yields are very low (10%)2,332.

B. From Other Phosphines

1. By combined alkylation and dehydrohalogenation

Alkylation of phosphine, primary phosphines or secondary phosphines, followed by
removal of the elements of hydrogen halide from the resulting phosphonium salt, leads to
7. Preparation of phosphines 175
the synthesis of primary, secondary or tertiary phosphines, respectively, according to
Scheme 7. (R.R' = alkvl. H: R Z = alkvl: X = halide. often iodide). This was one of the
original methods of phosphine ~ y n t h k s i sand
~ ~in
~ many cases the yields can be very
RR1R2PH+X - + NaOH
RR'RZP + NaX + H,O

A number of different reaction conditions have been used to expedite this sequence; the
alkylation can be carried out at room temperature in methanol or by heating the neat
reactants with subsequent treatment by base' 5 * 6 3 . 3 1 8 * 3 3 4 ;the AlCl, complex of the
phosphine can be used318,alkylation may be done in the presence of the base in
or phosphonium iodide itself may be alkylated in the presence of zinc oxide at 100-
Although it is possible to obtain secondary and tertiary phosphines from the reaction of
phosphine with alkyl halides, the reaction usually gives more than one product and it is
more advantageous to use primary and secondary phosphines, r e ~ p e c t i v e l y ' ~ . ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ .
Alkylacylphosphines can be synthesized in good yields by this route using acyl
Recent examples of the application of this method are the synthesis of di(tert-
butyl)(cyclopropylmethyl)phosphine from the quaternization of di(tert-butylphosphine
with cyclopropylmethyl bromide338and of (1-adamanty1)dimethylphosphinevia methyl-
ation of l-adamantylpho~phine~~~.

2. 8y condensationlelimination reactions
Phosphines bearing a hydrogen react with, for example, amines and alcohols by
replacement of the hydrogen and the elimination of a small molecule as shown in
equations 58 and 59'.
+ NR13
+ R'OH
+ HNR',
+ H,O
Related to this is the phosphorus-modified Mannich r e a ~ t i o n ~ ~ ' represented
overall by equation 60, which has recently been reviewed342.Also related to the above and
to the nucleophilic phosphorus route, but of more recent application, are the reactions of
trimethylsilyl- and similarly substituted phosphines with organic chlorides, according to
equation 61, which are proving to be of fairly general use. Thus vinyl ~ h l o r i d e s ~acyl
~ h l o r i d e s and,
~ ~ with
~ ~ ~a ~catalyst,

Me,SiPR, + R'CI
~ " aryl halides,346bamong others', can be used.
+ CH,O + HNR',
- R,PCH,NR',
+ Me,SiCI


3. From phosphine
Tertiary phosphines containing hydroxymethyl groups are formed when PH,, RPH,
or R,PH compounds are reacted with aldehydes'.'. In particular, tris(hydroxy-
methy1)phosphine is made from formaldehyde and phosphine (equation 62)2*347*348.
A recent example is the formation of (1-adamantyl)bis(hydroxyrnethy1)-phosphine from

PH, -
1-adamantylphosphine and formaldehyde with acid catalysis339.
+ CH,O P(CH,OH), (62)
176 D. G. Gilheany and C. M. Mitchell
Finally, good yields (75%)of primary and secondary phosphines are obtained from PH,
with alcohols over dehydrated a l u m i n ~ s i l i c a t e ~ ~ ~ .

C. From Polyphosphines
Much of the chemistry of diphosphines and polyphosphines involves cleavage of the
phosphorus-phosphorus bond and phosphines may be obtained from the products by
methods discussed earlier in this chapter. For example, alkali metals and organometallics
react with diphosphines to give phosphide anions (together with phosphines in the latter
case) (equations 63 and 64)'-2*"7, strong acid cleavage leads to phosphonium salts of
secondary phosphines (equation 65)' and hydrolysis, usually assisted by alkali, gives
secondary phosphines (equation 66)' 1 7 .
R,PPR, + 2M
+ LiR'
- 2R,PM
+ R,PR'
R,PPR, R,PLi (64)
+ 2HCl- R2P+H2CI-+ R,PCl
(CF,),PP(CF,), + H,O - +
(CF,),PH (CF,),POH
It is possible to form a phosphonium salt from a biphosphine by treatment of

tetraalkylbiphosphines with alkyl iodides. Either the diphosphine is monoquaternized

(equation 67) or cleaved (equation 68). Which occurs depends on the attached groups;
electronegative and bulky substituents usually leading to cleavage (e.g. R = CF,, Ph, t-Bu,
c-C6Hl')'*' 1 7 . The direct route (equation 68) requires excess of halide and elevated
+ Me1
+ Me1
- R,PP+(Me)R,I-
R,PI + R,PMe
Secondary phosphines are obtained directly from the reduction of diphosphines and
diphosphine disulphides, and this is a useful route since the starting material is often
readily available. As in Section IV.B, the usual reductant is lithium aluminium hydride in
various ether solvents'.', although high yields (90%)can also be achieved with hydrogen
and Raney ~ o p p e r ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ' * ~ ~ ~ .
Thermal decomposition of diphosphines can also be used to generate

D. By Disproportionation of Secondary Phosphine Oxides

Dialkylphosphine oxides undergo a thermal disproportionation according to
equation 69, usually at high temperatures355. Recently, an improvement resulting in
milder conditions for the reaction has been reported using a catalyst system generated by

2R,P(O)H -
the addition of carbon t e t r a c h l ~ r i d e ~ ~ ~ .
R,PH + R,P(O)OH (69)

E. By Rearrangement of Phosphorus Ylides

The phosphorus analogue of the Stevens rearrangement357should provide access to
phosphines, as shown in equation 70. However, as yet there are only a few examples of
such reaction, both c a t a l y ~ e d 'and
R,P=CH, -
~ ~ uncatalysedJS9.
R,PCHR (70)
7. Preparation of phosphines 177
Optically active phosphines are of great interest, particularly by for their use as ligands in
catalysts for various asymmetric s y n t h e ~ e s ~Chiral ~ ~ . ~phosphines
~~. may derive their
chirality by virtue of having either a chiral centre at phosphorus or at another atom,
usually carbon. The latter have been much more widely synthesized and used than the
former; for example, in the field of asymmetric hydrogenations, of all the chiral phosphines
giving a high enantiomeric excess only one, albeit one of the best (73),is chiral at
p h o s p h o r ~ s ~ ~ An
’ - ~additional
~~. possibility is that both phosphorus and its substituents
may have chiral centres, but these are even rarer than the first category (for examples see
refs 365 and 366). Note also that, as in other areas of stereochemistry, a chiral phosphine
does not necessarily have to be asymmetric, as has been demonstrated recently by
Sharpless and coworker^^^',^^^ in their syntheses of the dissymmetric phosphines 74 and



We shall not be concerned here with phosphines that are not chiral at phosphorus,
which are made by application of the methods described in previous sections using
fragments chiral at carbon. Further, the subject has been r e v i e ~ e d and ~ ~ so
~ .we
~ ~ ~
present here an overview only.
To make useful quantities of optically active phosphines, two issues have to be
addressed: first, how to place efficiently three different groups on phosphorus, and second,
how to achieve this with a high degree of stereocontrol. It can be seen from the previous
sections that great progress has been made recently with the first objective. Unfortunately,
however, those methods most efficient at placing groups on phosphorus (Sections I1 and
111) have not yet been made amenable to facile stereocontrol (with one exception-see
Section VII.D.l). Therefore, various strategems have been developed to meet the second
178 D. G. Gilheany and C . M. Mitchell
requirement. These strategems make use of known stereospecific reactions in phosphorus
chemistry, some of which have been mentioned earlier, and it is appropriate to enumerate
these as far as they are relevent to the following discussion.
(a) The reduction of phosphine oxides can be done with retention or inversion with a high
degree of stereocontrol (see Section 1V.A.1). However, although there are examples
which fail to give good stereocontrol in both cases, those methods giving inversion
appear to be more reliable365.
(b) Oxidation of phosphines to the more optically stable phosphine oxides with, for
example, hydrogen peroxide proceeds reliably with retention of s t e r e o ~ h e m i s t r y ~ ~ ~ .
Note that it is often more convenient to separate diastereomeric phosphines by
chromatography of the corresponding phosphine oxides' 54, and enantiomeric
phosphine oxides can be separated by liquid chromatography on a chiral stationary
phase370.Also note that in some cases it may be necessary to synthesize a particular
enantiomer of a phosphine by first making the mirror image, then oxidizing it with
retention and reduction with inversion365.
(c) Quaternization of phosphines to give phosphonium salts proceeds with r e t e n t i ~ nl .~ . ~ ~
(d) Electrolytic reduction of phosphonium salts proceeds with retention
(Section IV.A.2.a).
(e) 8-Elimination from phosphonium salts also proceeds with retention
(Section IV.A.2.b).
(f) Alkali metal hydroxide hydrolysis of phosphonium salts leads to phosphine oxides
with inversion of configuration in favourable cases372, but there are many
(g) Phosphinate esters, R1R2(OR)P=0, give phosphine oxides, R'R2R3P=0, on
treatment with an organometallic reagent MR3, the reaction proceeding with
inversion of configuration in favourable cases373.Phosphonate esters react similarly.
The reactions have been combined into the various schemes for the synthesis of chiral
phosphines discussed below. Finally, it should be noted that the optical stability of
phosphines may also be a matter of concern, in that racemization will occur in many cases
on heating to 80-100 0C373v374.

A. The Complexation Method

In principle, the most direct route to optically active phosphines is to resolve the racemic
phosphine by making diastereomeric transition metal complexes, and in fact this has been
done in some cases. For example, complex 76 reacts with racemic triarylphosphines to give
the diastereomeric complexes 77. These could be separated by fractional crystallization

7. Preparation of phosphines 179

and the enantiomeric phosphines liberated by decomplexation with 1,2-bis(diphenyl-

p h ~ s p h i n o ) e t h a n e ~Similarly,
~~. aryldialkylphosphines were resolved by the use of
complex 78376,the 1,Znaphthyl analogue of which having also found use in reso-
1 ~ t i o n. An ~ other
~ ~ example
* ~ ~ is ~ the use of the complex 79379.Surprisingly however, the
method has not come into general use, possibly because fractional crystallization has to be
used, which may not be successful in all cases367*368, the other optically active ligands may
have to be made and perhaps because the expensive metals have to be recycled.

\ 7‘
I 1
Me Me

6 . The Phosphonium Salt Method

Phosphonium salts offer the possibility of a more classical approach to the resolution of
phosphorus compounds since diastereomers can easily be formed by the use of a chiral
counter ion. Indeed, the first practical route to chiral phosphines was that of
using the dibenzoyltartrate salts, which remain the salts of c h o i ~ e ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ’ .
Once the salts are separated (again usually by fractional crystallization), they can be
converted to phosphines by (i) electrolytic cleavage ( r e t e n t i ~ n ) ~(ii)
~ ’j-elimination
, when
applicable ( r e t e n t i ~ n ) ~ ~or’ .(iii)
~ ~hydrolysis
’ to the phosphine oxide (inversion) followed
by reduction (inversion or retention)365.A recent example of the use of this route is the
synthesis of menthylmethylphenylphosphinesand their neomenthyl isomers383.Although
useful, this route has some limitations, especially in cleavage reactions where the
stereochemical outcome cannot be fully guaranteed365.

C. The Phosphinate Ester Method

To date this is the most widely used method for the generation of chiral p h o ~ p h i n e s ~ ~ ’
and its application is illustrated by Scheme 8. The success of the method depends on the
availability of chiral phosphinate esters (80). In the original version, introduced by
M i s l o ~ ’ ~ diastereomeric
~, menthyl phosphinate esters (80, R = Menthyl) are
separated by fractional crystallization and both can be subjected to the sequence leading
to both enantiomers of the phosphine. Alternatively, the phosphine oxide 81 could be
reduced by a method giving retention leading to the other enantiomer of the phosphine.
Much effort and ingenuity has been expended in the search for methods to generate the
chiral phosphinate esters 80’0*365 so as to make the method more flexible and to avoid the
tedious separation of diastereomers. An example of this is shown in Scheme 9 where (-)-
ephedrine is used to prepare the oxazaphospholidines 82 by reaction with either R’PCI, or
R1P(NR2)2384-387. These are then s u b j e ~ t e d ~to
~ ~Arbusov
. ~ ~ ’ reaction with RZX and
alcoholysis to give the phosphinate esters 80. Since only one diastereomer of the
180 D. G. Gilheany and C. M. Mitchell
0 0
R2. ..“P-OR
II R% R?.
II -R3
R’ /

(80) (81)

R? ..
R1jP- R3



R’PCl2 R ‘ C J\
d- O
MeHN ,
Me Me


Me (80)


oxazaphospholidine 82 is produced, the resulting phosphinates have high enantiomeric

excess. The other enantiomers are available by initial use of R’PCI, followed by R’X.
Instead of using a phosphinate, an alternative is to use a chiral phosphonate,
R’(OR4)(OR5)P=0, and react it sequentially with two organometallic reagents, MR2
i ‘Pro

Me Me

7. Preparation of phosphines 181
and MR3, to lead to the phosphine oxide 81. This works well, for example, when a cyclic
phosphonate derived from a carbohydrate precursor is Another route, shown in
Scheme 10, which has potential generality starts from readily available optically active 0-
isopropylmethylphosphonothioic acid salts388, members of the very restricted chiral
phosphorus The success of the method is due partly to the preferential initial
displacement of the alkylthio group and also to the high degree of stereospecificity in the
addition reactions”’.

D. Other Methods

7. Phosphinites
One of the most direct syntheses of chiral phosphines would be to use the electrophilic
phosphorus route (Section 11) with a chiral electrophile. This has been achieved365using
chiral phosphinites as shown in equation 71. Again, a good deal of ingenuity has had to be
used to make the requisite phosphinites. One approach via menthyl p h ~ s p h i n i t e s ~is’ ~
outlined in Scheme 11. These then yield phosphines, with inversion, on treatment with
organolithium compounds389.
R1R2P(OR)+ R3M - R1R2R3P (71)


.. I - CF3S0,Me



Again, instead of using a phosphinite, a phosphonite approach can be used as shown in

Scheme 12 using the phosphonous chloro esters of cinchonine or cinchonidine. The
phosphonites 83 are obtained with high diastereomeric purity (if OAr is bulky), as are the
resultant phosphinites 84. Treatment of 84 with methyllithium then leads to arylmethylph-
enylphosphines of high enantiomeric purity3”. A similar example is the sequential
reaction of two different bulky organolithium compounds with menthyl or bornyl

phosphonites, which also proceed with high dia~tereoselectivity~”.


- J

182 D. G. Gilheany and C . M. Mitchell
One difficulty with these routes is that the phosphinites have low optical stabilities
compared with p h o ~ p h i n e s ~ ~ ’ .

2. Arnidophosphoniurn salts
Among the many useful transformations of optically active amidophosphonium salts
(85) is reduction with lithium aluminium hydride to phosphines with retention of
configuration (equation 72)392.

+‘ LiAIH, I
Et,N -P- P.


3. Asymmetric reduction of phosphine oxides

As already mentioned, phosphine oxides have great utility in the synthesis of chiral
phosphines because of their easy, stereospecific interconversion. Thus they are used as
intermediate points in synthetic schemes and as surrogates for the fractional crystalliz-
ation and chromatography of phosphines. An additional possibility is the reduction of
racemic phosphine oxides using an optically active reducing agent, which has great appeal
as a very direct route to enantiomeric phosphines. However, in one ofthe few studies ofthis
possibility, modification of lithium aluminium hydride with an optically active diamine led
to poor enantiomeric excesses in the phosphine products393.

4. As yrnrnetric alk ylationldeh y drohalogenation

In a reaction based on those noted in Section VI.B.l, Crisp et ~ 1 reported
. ~that ~ ~
the alkylation of phenylphosphine with methyl iodide in the presence of triethylamine
within the coordination sphere of a chiral iron complex leads to a 4:l mixture of the
diastereomers of the coordinated chiral secondary phosphines and to the phosphines
themselves if a suitable displacement reaction can be found.


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The preparation and

reactivity of bi- and
poly-dentate phosphines
w i t h P-Cn-P bonding
Fachbereich 9. Anorganische Chemie. Bergische Universitat-GH Wuppertal. Gauss-
Strasse 20. 0-5600 Wuppertal 7. FRG

I . INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
LIGANDS WITH P... C,-. P BONDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
A. Bidentate Phosphine Ligands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
1. Bidentate phosphines with methylene bridging, P-CH,- P . . . . 193
2. Bidentate methylenebisphosphines with substituents in the
P-CH,.- P bridging units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
3. Bidentate phosphines with P-C,- P backbones (n 2 2 ) . . . . . . . 198
a. Bidentate phosphines with P-(CH,),- P backbones ( n = 2.3) . . 198
b . Bidentate phosphines with flexible long alkylene chain backbones
(CH,), (n 2 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
c . Bidentate phosphine ligands with unsaturated backbones . . . . 207
d . Chiral bidentate phosphine ligands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
B. Tridentate Phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
1. Linear tridentate phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
2. Tripod-type tridentate phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
C . Tetra- and Poly-dentate Phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
1. Linear tetratertiary phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
2. Tripod-type tetradentate phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.5
3. Poly-dentate phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
D. Macrocyclic Phosphines Containing P-C,- P Bonding . . . . . . . . 226
P-C,- P BONDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
A . Bordne Adducts, Phosphinoboranes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
B. Nucleophilic Reactions at Carbon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
_ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ~ - ~~ ~ ___ .
. -.. ~~~

The Chemistry of Organophosphorus Compounds. Volume I

Edited by F. R . Hartley 0 1990 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
192 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans
C. Formation of Oxides, Sulphides and Selenides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
D. Nucleophilic Attack on Halogen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
E. Miscellaneous Reactions with Group IIILV Electrophiles . . . . . . . . 241
F. Coordination to Transition Metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
1. Bidentate ligands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
2. Tri- and tetra-dentate ligands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
3. Macrocyclic tri- and tetra-dentate phosphine ligands . . . . . . . . . 245
4. Reactions at coordinated phosphine ligands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
IV. R E F E R E N C E S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247

Phosphines containing two or more phosphorus atoms linked together by chains of
carbon atoms are of increasing interest as multifunctional ligands. Since the early reports
on simple bi- or tridentate tertiary phosphines such as Ph,PCH,CH,PPh, and
PhP(CH,CH,PPh,),, a considerable number of new and ‘tailor-made’ phosphine ligands
have been synthesized. They produced an extremely rich coordination chemistry, the most
striking example being the selectivity in homogeneous hydrogenation by use of chiral
phosphines as co-catalysts.
It is the scope of this chapter to review the most important developments covering the
literature up to the end of 1987 and part of 1988. We had to be selective and perhaps
subjective in order to keep the size of the review within bounds. We feel, however, that we
have covered what is essential in this area since 1972. The earlier literature has been
collected in monographs and series’ - 4 . We shall therefore refer to prior work only if it is
required for a full description of a particular topic. Recent reviews5-’ dealing inter cilia with
bi- and poly-dentate phosphines have appeared. They survey only selected features of the
extended chemistry of these compounds. A few scattered reports are devoted to special
aspects and these will be cited in the introductory remarks of the appropriate sections.


In spite of the large number of publications on the coordination chemistry of bi- and poly-
dentate phosphines, it cannot be said that, with a very few exceptions, novel synthetic
routes for the syntheses of these ligands have been reported in the period under review.
Using well established synthetic procedures, phosphine ligands with novel structural
features and unusual coordination behaviour were obtained, however. Mainly four types
of reactions have been employed for the syntheses of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines with
P- C, -- P bonding:
i. reaction of halogenophosphines with organometallic reagents (RLi, RMgX);
ii. reaction of metallated phosphines R,PM (M = Li, Na, K) with organic halides;
iii. reduction of phosphine oxides and sulphides or derivatives of phosphinous, phos-
phonous, phosphinic or phosphonic acids;
iv. addition of PH,, primary or secondary phosphines to unsaturated phosphorus
compounds or olefins and acetylenes.
For the purpose of clarity and readability, the syntheses of phosphine ligands with
P-C,- P bonding are presented in four sections (A-D) according to the different
topologies (number of P atoms and nature of ‘Cnbridging’) met with the ligands to be
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 193
A. Bidentate Phosphine Ligands
The ligand properties of bidentate phosphines are strongly dependent on the nature of
the C, bridging units8- lo. A great variety of phosphine ligands with different backbones
‘Cn’have therefore been synthesized using the preparative methods mentioned above.

1. Bidentate phosphines with rnethylene bridging, P-CH,-P

The ability of these ligands to form bridged complexes and to bind reactive transition
metal centres in close proximity has led to increasing interest in these and related donor
systems (Table 1)”. Their synthesis is therefore discussed in detail.
The diprimary phosphine 1.1 has been synthesized by reaction of C12PCH,PC1212or
[(i-PrO),P(0)],CH,’3 with LiAIH, or Ph,SiH,, respectively, in moderate yields. In a
similar way, LiAIH, reduction of the phosphonates obtained by C-Sn cleavage reactions
in phosphonomethyltriorganostannaneswith phenylchlorophosphines produces primary
secondary and tertiary primary phosphines 2.1 and 3.4”.
Grignard or organolithium reagents (RMgX, RLi) have been employed for the
introduction of organic substituents into C12PCH2PC12’8.For bulky substituents such

TABLE 1. Methylenebisphosphines

R,PCH2PR2 (1) R,PCH ,PR R (3)

No. R No. R R1
1.1 12.1 3 H 3.1” H Me
1.212.14-17 Me 3.212 H i-Pr
1317 Et 3.3’ ‘ H CH,Ph
1.412.17.18 i-Pr 3.4* H Ph
1517 S-BU 3.522 Ph Me
1.6” t-Bu 3.612.26 Me H
1.7’’ CH2Ph 3.712 i-Pr H
1.819 o-ToI 3.8, t-Bu H
1.920-22 Ph 3.926 Ph H
3.10” CH,Ph H

R,PCH,PR: (2) R’RPCH,PRR’ (41

No. R R’ No. R R’

2.123 H Ph 4.1 12.26 H Me

2.216.24 Ph Me 4.212.27 H i-Pr
2324 Ph i-Pr 43” H t-Bu
2.425 Ph t-Bu 4.4” H CH2Ph
2.SL6 Me t-Bu 4SZ6 H Ar‘“
4.626 H Ar”b
4.728.29 H Ph
4.817 i-Pr Me
4.917 i-Pr Ph
4.10” Ph Me
4.1lZ9 Ph 2R’ = (CH,),
~ 2-4)
( t=

‘Ar’ = 2.4,6-Me3C,H,
bAr”= 2,4,6-t-Bu,C6H,
194 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans

R= i - P r (1.1)


as i-Pr, t-Bu and CH,SiMe, the degree of substitution can be controlled by the stoichio-
metric ratios. By reduction of the partially substituted derivatives of Cl,PCH,PCI, with
LiAIH, the PH-functional methylenebisphosphines 3.1-3.3, 3.7 and 3.1012 and 3.8 and
4.1-4.712*26~27~2y may be obtained. With Grignard reagents RMgX (R = Me12,'5*'7,
Etl7, i-pr 1 2 . 1 7.18 , CH,Ph", s-Bu") or organolithium compounds RLi (R = t-BuI5), all
four C1 atoms in CI,PCH,PCI, may be substituted even by bulky groups (e.g. t-Bu).
For a partial replacement of the chlorine atoms in CI,PCH,PCI, by less bulkier
substituents (e.g. Me, Ph), protecting groups, e.g. NMe," or i-PrOZ9,-NR'-NR'-
(R'= Me, Ph)26 or -NMe-CO-NMe--26 have to be introduced in order to
prevent complete substitution on reaction with Grignard reagents (equations 3 and 4).


( 1 ) 2MeMgCI

R'=Me, Ph

c l \ p n p ~ c l

- R = M e , P1h
R-, np/R
(1) H z O

M e / ' Y -a -
( 2 ) LiAIH4

0 0 MgCI' (3.6,3.9)
The formation of the PCP skeleton by reaction of C-lithiated methylphosphines,
LiCH,PR,, or the sulphides LiCH,P(S)R, with chlorophosphines RiPCI or R'R2PCI
represents an interesting synthetic approach to unsymmetrical (R,PCH,PRi and
R,PCH2PR1R2)16q24~25 and symmetrical methylenebisphosphines (Me,PCH,PMe,)16
(equation 5). As will be shown later, this procedure has also been used in the synthesis of
polydentate phosphines with PCP bonding (Section B.l).


PR,' (5)

R = Ph; R' = Me, i-Pr, t-Bu; R = Me, R' = t-Bu

8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 195
Methylenebisphosphines may alternatively be obtained by alkylation of organolithium
phosphides, R,PLi, with chloromethyl phosphines, e.g. CICH,PMe,", or dihalome-
thanes, CH,X, (e.g. 1.2). The well known Ph,PCH,PPh, (1.9) has been synthesized by
reaction of Ph,PNa with CH,CI, using either liquid ammonia, thf or dioxane as
solvents2'. The same type of reaction was used for the synthesis of the ditertiary ligand
1.819 (equations 6 and 7).

Me,PCH,CI + PMe,Li - - LiCl

2 Ph,PH + CICH,CI Hzo*KoH'dmso~Ph,P PPh, (7)
45 50'C
In the two-phase systems dmso/H,O/KOH and dmf, H,O/KOH the acidity of
primary and secondary phosphines with Ph substituents is several pK units higher than
that of water. The phosphines may therefore be deprotonated by O H - to give the anions
PhPH- on PhPR-, respectively,in equilibrium. This was used by Tsvetkov et al." for an
elegant high-yield synthesis of Ph,PCH2PPh, according to equation 7. Surprisingly, the
disecondary methylenebisphosphine HPhP CH,PPhH could be obtained in an analogous
way in high yield using PhPH, as starting material,' (equation 8). The side-products (e.g.
PhPHMe) observed in this reaction have been explained by intermediate formation of the
reactive phosphaalkene PhP=CH,.

H,O, KOH,dmf Ph

Another novel synthetic route to methylenebisphosphines makes use of a C-Si-
cleavage reaction between diorgano[(trimethylsilyl)methyl]phosphines and chloro-
phosphines CIPR, (equation 9),,.


Five-, six- and seven-membered 1,3,-diphosphacycles(4.1 1) can readily be synthesized

by cyclization reactions of lithiated methylenebisphosphine HPhPCH,PPhH with the
appropriate a,o-dihaloalkanes (equation lo),'. The diastereoisomers of the 1,3-diphenyI-
1, 3-diphosphorinane (n = 3) were separated by complexation at platinum (11) centres.

196 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans
2. Bidentate methylenebisphosphines with substituents in the P-CH,-P
bridging units
As shown in the preceding section, the synthetic approach to methylenebisphosphines
containing the P-CH,-P skeleton is well established. In contrast only a comparatively
small number of bridge-substituted derivatives are known, although one might expect
interesting changes of the ligand properties by introduction of appropriate groups R at the
central carbon atom. Alkyl- and aryl-substituted derivatives (Table 2) are obtainable in
some cases simply by reaction of the corresponding geminal dihalides, e.g. RHCX,, with

organolithium phosphides3’ (equation 11).
2 Ph,PLi + C1,CHMe - 2LiCl
(5.11 (1 1 )
By analogy with arylmethanes ArCH,Ar, the CH, groups of methylenebis-

TABLE 2. Methylenebisphosphincs with substituted bridging units

PhZP “XU PPh2 “XNMg2

R;!P PR;! PhzP
X PPh2

No. R NO. R
5.130.3 1 Me 6.139.40 Me
5.Z3’ Et 6.239.40 Et
5J3’ CH2Ph 6.339.40 n-Bu
5.432 CH,OMe 6.4, Ph
5.9, CHMe(0Me)
5.634 COAr
5.735 p-C6H,NMe2
5.822.36.37 Li

5.922 Me,Si No. R’ R2 R3

1146 P h 2 p ~ P P h 2

7.14’ Ph Me Me
5’1038 Me2P “XL’PMo2 7.243 i-Pr
7.343 n-Bu
OH 1247 w3P’
7.443 Et CF, OH ‘C<

t-Bu OSMe3

134e H P ~ P H
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 197
(diphenylphosphine) may be lithiated by methyl- or butyl-lithium to give Ph,PCHLiPPh,
(5.8). Interestingly, lithium does not bind to the bridging carbon in the solid state of the
tmeda adduct, but instead contains a CP,Li four-membered ring system with two Li--P
bonds36. The anion [Ph,PCHPPh,] is ambidentate and its reactions with electrophiles
have been studied in detail3’. Charge distribution in this ambidentate anion may be
represented by the mesomeric structures I and 11.


- R,P=CH
W I I1


In order to direct the attack of electrophiles to the bridging carbon atom the two
phosphorus atoms in 5.8 have to be protected by coordination to transition metal centres.
Using this strategy, a range of C-alkylated derivatives of Ph,PCH,PPh, have been
obtained (equation 12)31-34*42.

H2C\ /


Reactions of secondary phosphines or their alkali metal derivatives with aromatic

a l d e h y d e ~ ~ ~ *immonium
~’or salts Me,N=CHX+Z- (X = CI, OMe; Z = Cl)39represent
another interesting synthetic approach to C-substituted methylenebisphosphines. The use
of these Mannich-type reactions in synthetic phosphorus chemistry has been discussed by
Kellner and Tzschach4’ (equations 13 and 13a).

2Ph2PH + Me2N@
- CHO -
EtOH,-HzO M e z N e C H

‘CH Z- + 2LiPR2 Me2NCH(PR2I2 + Liz + LiX
Me2N +/
(6.1-6.4) (13a)
X=CI,OMej Z=CI,S04Me

Perfluorocarbonic acid chlorides in presence of triethylamine react with secondary

phosphines to give acylphosphines. The hydroxy-substituted derivatives 7.2-7.4 are
formed as s i d e - p r o d ~ c t s ~ ~ .
198 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans
In Ph,P CH,PPh,, both H atoms of the CH, bridge may be replaced by one oxygen
atom, leading to carbonylbis(dipheny1phosphine)(11) which is stable at room tempera-
ture. It has been synthesized by a P-Si cleavage reaction between COCI, and
Ph,PSiMe, in about 40% yield46.
The first geminal bisphosphinocyclopropane (8) in which the bridging C atom is part of
a strained ring system was reported by Schmidbaur and Pollock4'. Dimethylsulphonium
methylide was used as a CH, transfer reagent for the cyclopropanation of the vinylidene
phosphine CH,=C(PPh,), (equation 14).

Methylenebisphosphines containing Me,Si substituents at the bridging C atoms have
also been r e p ~ r t e d ~ ~
The ~ . ~ ~ . 5.9 is obtained by silylation of (Ph,P),CHLi
. ~derivative
with Me,SiCI2'. On thermolysis of the ylid (t-Bu),PPh,P=CHSiMe, the C-silylated
methylenebisphosphine 9 is formed in about 43",, yield44 (equation 15).

Ph2P HxsiMe3
"XSi p(f-6~)~ + Ph2P PPh2 y C H S i M e 3
+ (t-Bu)zPP(t-B~)2

(9) (15)
The methylenebisphosphine 10 has been obtained by reaction of (Me,Si),NP=
CHSiMe, with MeLi and trapping the intermediate product with MeSiCI4'.
Four-membered cyclic methylenebisphosphines, 1,3-diphosphetanes, with functional
groups or substituents at the ring carbon atoms have been obtained as dimerization
products of methylenephosphines, e.g. lZ4', 1348and 1449.These reactions will, however,
not be discussed in further detail since this subject is covered in chapter 10.

3. Bidentate phosphines with P-C,-P backbones (n 2 2)

During the past few years, there has been a surge of interest in the synthesis of new
bidentate phosphine ligands with backbones of different lengths and flexibilities and
optically active centres (P or C). These characteristics will be used in this section to
systematize the discussion of the different types of bidentate phosphines and their
syntheses in a logical way.

a. Bidentate phosphines with P - ( C H , ) , - - P buckhones (n = 2 , 3 ) . The reduction of

phosphine oxides, sulphides or phosphonates and phosphinates, obtained by addition of
primary and secondary phosphines to vinyl or ally1 compounds or Arbusov-type
reactions, continues to be an important route to bidentate (CH,),-bridged phosphines
(Table 3).
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 199
TABLE 3. Bidentate phosphines with P-C,-P bonding (n = 2, 3)

Rz P(CHz)J'R, Ph, P(CH2),PR

No. n R No. n R
-~ __
15.Is1 2 H 19.170.71 2 H
15.252-54 2 Me 19.272.73 2 Me
15352.55 2 Et 19.374 2 ti-Bu
15.457 2 i-Pr 19.47s 2 CF,
15SS6 2 neo-Pen 19.576 2 4-MeC6H4
15.652.55 2 c-Hex 19.677 2 3,4-FC 6 H 4 2 Ph 19.777 2 3-CF3C6H4
15.855-63 2 APb 19.g7' 2 C6F5
15.91y,55 2 o-ToI 20.1 79-81 3 Me
15.1055.65 2 C6F5 20.2n03' 3 Et
16.164 3 H
16.267 . 6 7a 3 Me
16.364' 3 i-Pr
16Ab6 3 Ph
16.5lY 3 o-ToI

R P(CH,),PR ' H R'R2P(CH2),,PR R'
No. n R R' No. n R' R2

17.16' 2 n-Pr Ph 21.~82~822' 2 H Me

17.268 2 Ph n-Hex 21.283 2 H Et
17.368 2 n-Bu n-Hex 21.3"4 2 H t-Bu
17.456 2 neo-Pen Ph 21.485 2 H Ph
18.16q 3 i-Pr Me 21.fP3 2 A? Ph
18.269.698 3 Ph Me 22.1 64.82 3 H Me
22.264 3 H n-Bu
22.3'' 3 H All
22A2.'' 3 H Ph
22.564 3 Me n-Bu
22.664 3 CH, n-Bu

Ph(n-Bu)P(CH,),PPhR R2P(CH2),PRR' R ? P(c H )., PR R

. ~~ _____.__

No. R No. R R' No. R R'

23.lE7 Et 24.18839 H Ph 25.192 H All
23.287 n-Pr 24.2" H n-Hex 25.26y Me H
23.387 i-Pr 24.38y.90 Ph H 25.369".90 Ph H
23.487 n-Pen 24.474.90 Ph Me 25.4" Ph Me
23.5'' n-Hex 24.574.91 Ph Et 25.581.87 Ph Et
24.674.91 Ph i-Pr 25.687.ys Ph n-Bu
24.774.91 Ph n-Pr 25.781 Ph +Hex
24.874.y' Ph S-BU 25.g95 n-Bu n-Hex
2b9' Me,P(CF,),PMe,

.Ar = : X = 4-OMe, 4-Me, 2.4.6-Me3, 4 4 3 . 4-NMe,, 4-CF,'5

x ,

bAr =
0 -OR; R, Me. Et, f-B@
200 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans
Sodium metal”, iron powders4, HSiCl,b’ or L i A I H , ” . h 4 - 7 ~ . R 2 ~ 8 3 ~ 8have
8 ~ * y been
used as reducing agents (equations 16-17).

MeP(0-i-Pr), -
( I ) Br(CH,) Br
(21 LIAIH,
(21.1, 22.1)

Coupling of organophosphides with bifunctional organic halides is the method of
greatest applicability for the synthesis of bidentate phosphine ligands. The ultility of the
anions R R P - arises from their ready availability, the high yields in which these coupling
reactions proceed and the variability of phosphide and substrate.
For the preparation of the organophosphides RR’PM (M = Li, Na, K), diphosphines
R,PPR,67a,87*95, phosphinites R,POR62, chlorophosphines R,PCI’9, primary64.69a.86.93
or secondary p h ~ s p h i n e s ~ ~ were
. ~ ~ employed
. ~ ~ ’ . ~ as
~ starting materials (equation 18-22).

PhpPOEt - - No

2M 2RX
H,P(CH,),PH, -HMP(CH,),PMH ---+ RHP(CH,),PRH (20)
(15.1, 16.1) (22.2, 22.3)
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 201

n PLiR +

, RpsR

-2LiCl .

Attempts to obtain the six-membered ring system 22.664 through cyclization of

RLiP(CH,),PRLi (equation 22) have been hampered by halogen-metal exchange
reactions97 with CH,CI,. As a result the 1,2-diphospholane is formed through P-P
coupling (equation 22a) in addition to 22.6.The formation of P-P coupling products in
reactions of type 22, however, is not a convincing evidence for halogen-metal exchange
between organic halides and organophosphides. As shown by a series of "P CIDNP
experiments, these products may be radical-derived in some cases9*.
Unsymmetrical ligands R',P(CH,),PR2, (19, 20) or R,P(CH,),PRR' (24, 25) have
been prepared by a procedure which involves P-C (aromatic) cleavage of Ph3P79.91or
alkyldiphenylphosphines Ph,PR79,91with lithium or sodium using thf or liquid ammonia
as solvents. Reaction of the alkali metal phosphides obtained with diphenylvinylphos-
phine followed by hydrolysis gives the required ligand as shown in equation 23. Alterna-
tively, the phosphides may be reacted with equimolar amounts of CI(CH,),Cl to give the
o-chloroalkylphosphines. These are useful intermediates for the syntheses of the
unsymmetrical substituted ligands 18.2, 20.1 and 25.3698*79*93 according to equations


Ph2P(CH2)2PRPh (23)

(24.5- 24.8)

Ph2PNo -
N H , ,-78



Ph2P(CH2)3PRR' (26)

202 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans
The addition of primary and secondary phosphines to olefinic systems under free-
radical or base-catalysed conditions is a well established synthetic method for the design of
bidentate phosphine ligands with -(CH2)z- and --(CHJ- backbones and different
patterns of substitution at the P atoms.
Bidentate phosphines that contain the -PCHzCHzP- unit have been synthesized
by (15.5, 17.4, 19.3-19.7, 24.4-24.8) or free-radical
initiated68*’8(17.1-173,19.8) or photo-induced addition of primary or secondary phos-
phines to vinylphosphines (equations 27-29). Allylphosphines in an analogous way give
phosphines with -P(CHJ3P- bridging”. The photo-induced head-to-tail addition of
allylphosphine produces a primary secondary phosphine(25.1) whereas under free-radical
conditions the bicyclic phosphine 27 is obtained (equations 30 and 31).

n PR2

\ (19.6)


F--K 1 O
g a s phosr,O OC

In order to overcome problems in handling volatile and air-sensitive vinylphosphines in
these reactions, King’s use the sulphides of these ligands. Desulphurization
of the reaction products obtained after the addition reactions (e.g. equation 32) was
achieved with LiAIH, in boiling dioxane or with sodium metal.


Ally1 and vinyl phosphinates and phosphonates have been employed as building
blocks for the synthetic design of various PH-functional bidentate phosphine ligands
in consecutive ‘addition--reduction’ synthetic procedure^^^-^ 1 * 8 8 * 8 9 as indicated in
equation 33.
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 203

R2R3P(CH2)2+,,, P


Cat.= I-BuOK,aibn; m = 0 , 1 ~18.1118.2,19.11


Addition of coordinatively bound vinylphosphines to secondary phosphines (or vice

versa) provides a potentially useful route to transition metal complexes of bidentate
phosphines (equations 34a, 34b and 35). The number of metal sites to which the phosphine
legand coordinates may be controlled by suitable choice of the r e a ~ t a n t s ~ ~ - ~ A~ * ' ~ ' ~ ' ~
stepwise formation of Ph,P(CH,)3PPh, (16.4) within the coordination sphere of cis-
disubstituted complexes is also possibleb6 (equations 36 and 36a). This procedure is
reminiscent to the template synthesis of bidentate phosphine ligands Me,P(CH,),PMe,
(n = 2-6) (e.g. 16.2) or HPhP(CH,),PPhH (22.4) through alkylation of cis-
[Mo(CO),(PMeLi),] or [M(CO),(PPhHLi),] (M = Mo, x = 4; M = Ni, x = 2) with

aibn ( t r u n s )
M=W Ph2PH M'=M~=c~,Mo,w
M' =Cr M~ =MO, w
M =Cr, Mo, W M' =MO m2 =w

204 0.Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans
X(CH,),X(X = C1,Br)673'03.Base-induced addition of coordinated Ph,PH to activated
acetylenes RC=CR1 (R' = R = C0,Me; R = H, CO,Et, R' = Ph) gave metal complexes
of chelating bidentate phosphine ligands in moderate yields. These reactions occur within
cis-[M(CO),(Ph,PH)(Ph,PLi)] (M = Cr, Mo) andfac-[Mn(CO),(Ph,PH)(Ph,PLi)BrJ.
They are assumed to be a type of Michael addition proceeding via carbanion
intermediates. Trans stereochemistry at the CHRCHR bridge (R = COOMe) was
determined in one case from NMR data'',.
Later it was found that the reaction of [Cr(CO),(PPh,H),] with CF,C-CCF, gave a
binuclear complex of 1,2,3,4-tetrakis(diphenylphosphino)-1,4-difluorobutadiene,cis-
[Cr(CO),],[C,F,(PPh,),]. The mechanism suggested for this unusual reaction involves
sequential deprotonation of the phosphine ligands, nucleophilic attack at the
fluorocarbon and fluoride ion eliminati~n"~.
Reaction of chlorophosphines with organolithium or Grignard reagents is a well
established synthetic route to tertiary phosphines PR,. It has been applied for the
synthesis of ditertiary and disecondary phosphines R,P(CH,),PR,52~55*578.65 and
(~-BU)HP(CH,),P(~-BU)H"~, respectively, using CI,P(CH,),PCI, as starting material
(equations 38 and 39). The latter was obtained by a high-pressure reaction between PCI,,
ethylene and elemental phosphorus (equation 37).

(15.2-15.4, 15.6,
50 atm, ZOO oc

Bifunctional chlorophosphines of the type RXP(CH,),PRX (n = 2, 3; R = i-Pr; X = C1,

Br) have been reported by Diemert et a1.Io6.
As discussed earlier in this section, reductive cleavage of phosphorus-aryl bonds in
monodentate arylphosphines RR'ArP by alkali metals leads to phosphide ions
RR'PM79-85.Using the air-stable, easily accessible Ph,P(CH,),PPh, in this type of
reaction, the well known phosphides PhMP(CH,),PPhM (M = Li, Na)Io7 are ob-
tained85.94.'08.A r e i n v e ~ t i g a t i o n ~ ~of* 'the
' ~ cleavage reaction of the bidentate phos-
phines Ph,P(CH,),PPh, (n= 1-3) with lithium in thf revealed the exceptional behaviour
of Ph,PCH,PPh, since it reacts exclusively with cleavage of the alkyl-phosphorus bond,
whereas the others preferably form the phosphides PhLiP(CH,),PPhLi (n = 2,3). The
ethane-phosphine, however, gave variable amounts (0-30%) of Ph,PLi together with
C,H, as side-products (equations 40 and 41).PhLiP(CH,),PPhLi, first reported by Issleib
and BOttcher'O', is of importance in synthesis as a 1,2-ethylenebis(phenylphosphido)
transfer reagent. The crystal structure of its thf adduct has been determined recently by two
groups"' independently.
Sodium-naphthalene was found to be a homogeneous and selective reducing agent for
the cleavage of only one P-Ar bond in Ph,P(CH,),PPh, according to equation 4290.
Treatment of Ph,P(CH,),PPh, with lithium under ultrasound irradiation affords
PhLiP(CH,),PPhLi94. By protonation or alkylation of these phosphides
PhLiP(CH,),PPhLi or Ph,P(CH,),PPhLi the corresponding bidentate phosphines with
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines

f- PhLiP(CH2),PPhLi

M=Li,Na, n = 2,3
- H2 0

(21.4, 22.4)(40)

\-- 2 Ph2PLI + CH2=CH2 (41)

\No, @@! Ph2P(CH2)2PPhLi

/I = 2,3jR=H,Me
or R X

(24.3, 25.3)

symmetrical or unsymmetrical substitution at the phosphorus atoms may be

Briggs and Dyer" reported a facile synthesis of the bidentate phosphines
RPhP(CH,),PPh, (n = 3-6) (e.g. 25.4, 25.5, 25.7) based on P-Ar bond cleavage in
phosphonium salts during hydrolysis. This preparation procedure has been extended
to synthesize ligands of the type R,P(CH,)3PPh,80~(equation43).

Ph P
[Br(CH,),PPh,] Br -PhR P

- NaOH


R,P(CH,),PPh, (43)

0 0 (20.1, 20.2)
Cyclic diphosphines Ph,P,(CH,), have been employed recently for syntheses of
unsymmetrically substituted phosphines of the type PhR'(CH,),PPhR' (n = 3,4). Nu-
cleophilic ring opening of 1,2-diphenyl-l,2-diphospholane or 1,2-diphenyl-1,2-
diphosphorinane was the key step in these syntheses. Reaction of the phosphides obtained
with electrophiles gave the phosphines (equation 44)87,95.

Ph HP-

. R1

. R1\ (44)
Ph / P
'h Ph/ P

(23.1-23.5, 25.5, 25.6, 25.8)

Thermal addition of tetrafluoroacetylene to tetramethyldiphosphine afforded the

bidentate phosphine ligand 26 with a CF,CF, backbone in a radical process96.
A novel synthetic approach to the well known ditertiary phenyl substituted phosphine
Ph2PCH,),PPh, (15.7) uses the electrochemical coupling of Ph,PCI with a,w-dihalides
X(CH,),X (X = C1, Br; n = 2,4)61.
Bidentate phosphine ligands have been anchored to chloromethylated or bromosub-
stituted polystyrene, 8 ,via functional groups in the C, backbone (27)"0 or anionic
phosphorus atoms (28)' ".

e C H 2 OC(/CH2PPh2 -PPh /CH2cH2pph2

(27) (28)
206 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans
b. Bidentate phosphines withflexible long alkylene chain backbones ( C H , ) , (n 2 4 ) . The
ability of bidentate phosphine ligands P-C,-P to form cis-chelate ring system is widely
used in coordination chemistry to control the stability of transition metal complexes. It
reaches a maximum for ethylene bridging, propylene-bridged bidentate phosphine ligands
being comparable in their tendency to form cis-chelate ring systems. Hence most bidentate
ligands employed in coordination chemistry contain -(CH2),- or -(CHJ-
Recently, however, there has been renewed interest in the synthesis of bidentate ligands
R,P(CH,),PR, ( n 2 4) with longer and flexible C, bonding units capable ofspanning trans
positions in square-planar or octahedral complexes and forming large chelate rings (larger
than eight-membered) in which non-bonded interactions favour cyclometallation
The ligands to be presented in this section (Table 4) were synthesized either by
modifying the substituents at the terminal phosphorus atoms of easily accessible
bidentate phosphines R,P(CH,),PR, (e.g. 29.164, 29.3'06, 30.3, 30.490, 30.S9', 30.664)
(equations 45-47) or by interconnection of two R,P groups by long alkylene chains using
suitable reactions.

H,P(CH,),PH, -
(11 K . I i q
(2) R X

Br,P(CH,),PBr,- 4 EtMgX


(1) No.- I

Ph P CH Ph2P (CH, ,) PPhH

( 2)nPPh2 ( 2 ) N H l C l

TABLE 4. Bidentate phosphines with flexible long alkyl chain backbones, (CH,), ( n 2 4)


No. n R No. n R R' R2

29.164 4 H 30.185 4 Ph H H
29.Z6' 4-6 Me 30.211' 6 Ph Et Et
29.3Io6 5 Et 30.390 4-6 Ph Ph H
29.4"2 5-8 t-Bu 30.490 4-6 Ph Ph Me
295'13 9, 10 t-Bu 30.595. 117
4, 6 Ph Ph Et
29.66 1.1 14 4 Ph 30.664 4 H n-Bu H
29.7'12 5 Ph
29-811 5.1 16 6, 8, 10, 12 Ph 31.1"' t-Bu,P(CH,),CHMe(CH,),P(t-Bu)
29.919 4, 6, 8 o-ToI 31.2Il9 t-Bu,PCH,CHMe(CH,),P(t-Bu)


No. n R1 R2

321" 4 Me Ph
32.2" 4 Et Ph
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 207
Alkylation of alkali metal phosphides R,PM (M = Li, Na) by a,w-dichloroalkanes
X(CH,),X (29.81'5*1'6, 29.9", 30.185).0rnucleophilic replacement of halogen in R,PX by
bifunctional organolithium compounds (29.4'' ', 29.7' '', 31.1 ' 1 8 , 31.2' ' ') (equations 48
and 49) have been used in addition to deprotonation of tertiary phosphonium salts
[RzPH(CH,),PHR,]2+ 2X- (29.4l 12, 29.5'13) obtained by alkylation of secondary
phosphines with a,w-dihalides X(CH,),X (equation 50).

BrCH,CHMe(CH,),Br - Li
2 (r-Bu)*PCI


Li(CH,),Li - (31.2)
2 Ph2PCI

n = 5-8
- (1) (r-Bul,PH
(2) NaOH

Cleavage of P-Ar bonds on hydrolysis of bifunctional phosphonium salts

[R,R'P(CH,),PR,R2]2+ 2X- affords the oxides RR'P(0)(CH,),P(O)RR2, which may
be reduced with HSiCl,/NEt, or (MeHSiO), to the corresponding phosphines (30.2,

30S1", 32.1, 32.2") (equation 51).

Ph P
[Br(CH,),PPh,]+ Br- -
Ph EtP
dmf, A
0 0
[Ph,EtP(CH,),PPh3l2 +2Br-



Sixteen membered cyclic tetraphosphonium salts are accessible by macrocyclization of
Ph,P(CH,),PPh, with 1,4-dichlorobutene-2 (cis and trans). After hydrogenation with
H,/Raney nickel and PPh cleavage with NaOH, 29.6 and its dioxide were
The electrochemical coupling of Ph,PCI and X(CH,),X has been shown to be an
attractive synthetic route to Ph,PCH,),PPh, (29.6)61.In a template reaction, the
methylated bidentate phosphines 29.2 could be synthesized as molybdenum (0)complexes
by alkylation of cis- [Mo(CO),(PMe,Li),] with Br(CH,),Br (n = 4-6),'.

c. Bidentate phosphine ligands with unsaturated backbones. The bonding modes in

which bidentate ligands can bind to transition metals are governed by the length and the
nature of the P-C,-P backbones. The greater stability of mononuclear complexes of cis-
Ph,PCH=CHPPh,, for example, is attributed mainly to the rigid olefinic backbone. The
presence of antibonding a-orbitals in the C=C bond and the more electronegative sp2
carbon atoms favour metal-ligand back-donation, thus enforcing the M -P bonds. The
a* antibonding ligand orbitals may be involved in an M -+ ligand electron transfer leading
to complexes of radical anions [34.2] in the extreme',' (see page 244).
Cis- and trans-olefinic bidentate phosphines 33.1-33.4'"-' 22, 34.1'25.'26and 44I4O
(Table 5) have been obtained by stereospecific nucleophilic displacement reactions of
chlorine in cis- or trans- 1,2-dichloroethene, dimethyl-2,3-dichloromaleate or, 1,6-
208 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans
TABLE 5. Phosphines with olefinic and acetylenic backbones

Ph2P \ ,PPb

Ph2P/c=c=c \PPhz
(40)1 3 5.1 36
(33.1)''O R = Me
(33.2)121.'25R = Ph
(333)"' R = 4-MeC6H4
33.41 23. I 2 4


( ~ . ~ ) 1 2 1 . 1 2 5 . 1 2 6R = H
(M.2)127.12* 2R = (CO)2X" (42)13'


(35)'29 x = 0,s (43.2)'39

H R'

PhzP PR2R3
R' = CF,.t-Bu,Ph
R' = Ph, (CH,),CN
R3 = Et, Ph, (CHJ2CN

RZP PR2 (45)'41
R = Me, Et, Ph

R = Ph, R ' = H
(37.2)43R = n-Bu, R' = CF,

R = Ph
(38.2)"' R = t-Bu

"X = 0,S, NMe. CH,, NPh. N(CH,),Si(OEt),
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 209
respectively, by lithium phosphides R,PLi (R = Me, Ph, 4-
MeC,H,) (equation 52). Surprisingly, the reaction of Ph,PLi with a 30-fold excess of cis-
1,2-dichloroethene yields only the cis-diphosphine 34.1 no cis-Ph,PCH=CHCI being
formed. If 1,2-dibromoalkenes are employed instead of the chloro analogues in these
reactions, nucleophilic attack of the organophosphide anion Ph,P- on halogen gives an

acetylene and Ph,PPPh, (equation 53)I5O.

2 R,PLi + CIRC=CRCI -*R,PCR=CRPR2 (33,341 (52)

- LlCl

2Ph2P-Li+ + Br-C=C-a- 2 Llur

RC=CR + Ph,PPPh, (53)

The diphenyltrimethylsilane Ph,PSiMe, may be employed instead of Ph,PLi for the
nucleophilic displacements of CI atoms in activated 1,2-dichloroolefins under mild
conditions, as shown by the synthesis of 33.4'23.'24 and 2,3-bis(diphenyl-
phosphino)maleic anhydride 34.2'2 7 . 1 2 8 (equation 54). Derivatives of 1,4-dihydro-p-
diphosphorine system 35129have been obtained in a similar way using PhP(SiMe,),
instead of Ph,PSiMe,.

Unsymmetrically substituted !,2-diphosphinoethenes are accessible by addition of
secondary phosphines R'R'PH to acetylenic phosphines in a transition metal template130
(equation 55).

cis-MC12(Ph2PC=CR1 l2

- dR'
- AR1
-70 oc
\ /
PR2 R 3
2 Hz0
Php P



Addition of diphosphines R,PPR, to acetylenes, e.g. HC-CPh, provides another

synthetic route to olefinic diphosphines (36.2)with substituted backbonesI3'.
The geminal ditertiary phosphine 37.1132*133 has been obtained by nucleophilic
displacement reactions of the C1 atoms in 1,l-dichloroethylene with Ph,PLi132. The
activation of the methylene group in (Ph,P),CH, through coordination to transition
metals has been used to synthesize the 1, I-diphosphinoethenes in suitable templates
(equation 56)32-34.
210 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans
In a condensation-type reaction between bis(trifluoromethy1)ketene and dibutyl-
phosphine, the 1,l-diphosphinoethene 37.243is formed as a side-product in addition to
l,l-Bis, l,l,3-tris- and 1,1,3,3-tetrakis-(diphenylphosphino) allenes have been reported
by Schmidbaur and c o ~ o r k e r s ' ~. ~Th- ese
' ~ ~interesting compounds were synthesized
using 1,l-dimethylallene or the phosphinoacetylene Ph,PC=CMe as starting materials
according to equations 57 and 58.

Ph,P-C-CMe - Ph,P\
(I) n-BuLi

(2) Ph,PcI
,c=c=c \PPh, ( I ) MeLi

( 2 ) EfOH

(Ph,P),C=C=CHPPh, "\ (57)

(1) MeLi i-Pr NH
(2) Ph,PCI

-(1) n-BuLi
(2) Ph,PCI

Bidentate phosphine ligands with conjugated o l e a c backbzes have been obtained by
reaction of the corresponding dichlorides CIC=CC-C=CCI [n= (CF,),] and
secondary phosphines (4113') or by spontaneous conrotatoric ring opening of 42"*
yielding 43.1.
2,3-Bis(diphenylphosphino)buta-1,3-diene (43.2)'39 was prepared in a multi-stage
synthesis using Ph,P(O)C(=CH,)C(=CH,)P(O)Ph, as starting material
(equation 59).

0 (43.2)
Chelating diphosphines 46.1 and 46.2 with olefinic and o-phenylene units in their
backbones are accessible by template-mediated vinyl coupling reactions or dehydrogen-
ation of o-Ph,PC,H,CH=CH, or { o-Ph,PC,H,},(CH,), (n = 2, 3), respectively. Thus
diphenyl(o-vinylpheny1)phosphine is dimerized on heating with RhCl, in 2-methoxyeth-
anol to form the diphosphine 46.1'42*143 (equation 60),whereas with [Ru,(CO),,] cis-
trans 45 is formed by dehydrogenation and vinyl c o ~ p l i n g ' ~(equation ' 61). Metal-
induced hydrogen abstraction from (Ph,PC,H,),(CH,), (n = 2,3) affords 46.1 ,' or
Introduction of acetylenic or aromatic units into the C, bridges renders bidentate
ligands R,PC,PR, conformational less flexible than their polymethylene analogues.
Acetylenic phosphines, e.g. 48, were synthesized by reaction of a,o-dialkynyllithium
reagents with chlorophosphine~'~~ or by conjugate addition of phosphides R,PLi
to c h l o r o b u t a d i e n e ~ ' ~ ~ (equation
.'~' 62). Quaternization of secondary phosphines
(t-Bu,PH) by l,lO-dichlorodec-5-yne followed by deprotonation of the phosphonium salt
formed yields 47.2'48.
Internal entropy and conformational effectsfavour chelate formation of ligands with the
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 21 1


rigid o-phenylene backbone. New synthetic procedures for these ligands have been

a: apph2
developed. The nucleophilic displacement of halogen in o-xylylene dihalides by organo-
phosphides R,PM(M = Li, Na) seems to be the method of choice (49.2lS1, 49.315*,
49.9153) (equation 63) (Table 6).

Ph,P,thf ~

No, l i q . NH,


Kyba et a1.’54reported an improved procedure for the syntheses of the bifunctional

phosphonates154*15 5 (equation 64), which on reduction with LiAlH,/Me,SiH afford the
1,2-bisphosphinobenzene 49.1 (equation 65)155. An alternative routeI5’ to these esters
involves a Diels-Alder reaction with a cyclic diene according to equation 68. The
diprimary phosphine 49.1 has also been obtained by LiAIH4 reduction of the chloro-
phosphine 1,2-(PC1,),C6H, (equation 67)15’. The para derivative 55 (n = 1) and its 4,4-
biphenyl analogue 55 (n = 2) were synthesized by a related method166.
212 0. Stelzer and K.-P.
TABLE 6. Phosphines with aromatic backbones

(49.1)' 56 R1-R4 = H
(49.2)' '.I " R'-R4 = Me
(49.3)'5 2 . 1 5 4 . 1 5 7 R1-R4 = Ph
(49.4)'54.' 5 8 R1,R3 = H; R2,R4 = Me
(49.5)'5 8 R1,R3 = H. R2 R4 = Et
, 1

(49.6)'54. '" R1,R3 = H; R2,R4 = i-Pr

(49.7)' 5 4 R',R3 = H; R2,R4 = t-Bu
(49.8)'5 4 s ' " R',R3 = H; R2,R4 = Ph
(49.9)'53.'54 R',R3 = Me; R2,Rd = Ph

R2P m2

(57.1)17'R = Me, Et, t-Bu, c-Hex, Ph

(57.2)17'R = C6H4X, X = m-CF,, m-Me, p-OMe

I (58.1)172n=o
(58.2)17,n = 1
(58.3)'74 n = 2
(52.1)16' R = OEt
(52.2)16' R = 0-t-Bu PhZPa P P h 2




(61.1)17' n = 1
(61.2)'77n = 2

(S.l)'64R = Me
(S.2)I6' R = Ph

(62.1)17'R = Me
(62.2)'79R = t-Bu
(62.3)'" R = Ph
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 213

( 6 8 ) -COa LiAtH4 (67)

JJ 6
(1) RMg X
+ ( 2 ) R'MgX o r
0 CO=/P(OR)z LiAIH4


The diprimary phosphine 49.1 and the chloro analogue, 1,2-(PC1,),C6H4 have been
employed as starting materials for the syntheses of various derivatives (49.2-
49.9)' 54*15 5 * 1 5 8 * 15 9 (equations 66a and b).
In an unusual template reaction, the 2,3-diphosphino-l-phenylnaphthalene50 is
formed on heating the cis-platinium or palladium complexes of phenylethynyldiphenyl-
phosphine .in benzene (equation 69)l6O.



/ P\

X Ph2P

Reaction of 9,lO-dichlorophenanthrenewith LiPPh, afforded the 9,lO-phenanthrene

bridged ditertiary phosphine 51'".
Horner and Simons'62 reported a convenient synthesis for a p-phenylene bridged
bidentate phosphine (52) based on the reaction of chlorophosphines with organolithium
reagents formed by two fold lithiation of hydroquinone ethers.
1,8-Naphthalene, 4,4-or 2,2'-biphenyl and 1,l'-binaphthyl bridged ditertiary phos-
phines have been obtained by reaction of the corresponding organolithium derivatives
with chlorophosphines R2PCl (53163,54, 55'64-166,56.1'68*'69).The bidentate ligands
56.3 and 56.4 were synthesized by reduction of their oxides with HSiC13/NEt3,'67.i70.By
virtue of the C, chirality and molecular pliancy, ligands of type 54, 56 exhibit excellent
chiral recognition in asymmetric syntheses.
The synthetic routes to the 'trans-spanning' 2,11-bis(phosphinomethyl)-
benzo[c]phenanthrene donor system 57 have been summarized in a recent review
by Venanzi and coworkersi7'.
Introduction of hetero aromatic units into the C , bridges renders diphosphines either
tridentate chelating or binucleating ligands. Their syntheses involve the reaction of the
corresponding dihalides with organophosphides R2PM (M = Li, Na) (58.1-58.3)' 74,
214 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans

H 3 Cuc3i‘

(1) K M n 0 4





or bifunctional organolithium derivatives with chlorophosphines R,PCI (59)”’
(equations 70,71).
Ligands containing m- and p-phenylene units as part of the C, backbone have been
synthesized using standard methods (equations 72 and 73)177-180.The ligands with
rn-phenylene units undergo internal metallation at C(,) if the appropriate substrates are

M = K , R =Me j R=Me, Ph
M=Li,Na, R=Ph

d. Chiral bidentate phosphine ligands. Since the early work of Dang and Kagan’” in
1971 on diop (63),asymmetric syntheses using chiral transition metal phosphine
complexes as catalysts has assumed a steadily increasing importance in organic chemistry.
Rational structural modification of the chiral phosphines employed as ligands has been
performed to improve the optical yields. As a result, an extended number of these ligands
with different structures are now available. Their syntheses and applications have been
discussed in detail in excellent reviewsIE2 8 6 . Therefore, only some recent developments

will be reported here.

The linear P,N, ligands 65.11a7and 65.2la8(Table 7) were synthesized by reaction of
(0-aminopheny1)diphenylphosphineor (o-dimethylaminophenyl)phenylchlorophosphine
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 215
TABLE 7. Chiral bidentate phosphines


M e x l s PPhZ
2 H ____ .._.


diop (70)'93


' O F P h z

(64) (n = 5, 16)ls9

Ph,p,(CHz)n \p,Ph

nr/ 'nr

(65.1)(n = 3; Ar = o-NH,C,H,)'~'
(65.2)(n = 2; Ar = o-NMe2C,H,)'88
Ph2P PPh2



(66.1)Z =
(66.2)Z = OH,NH(CH,),S0,Na'90 c y z p ~ H z P P h ~





P h z P q
P h 2 P G M '




(69)19' (77)20 0 , 20 1
216 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans
with lithium and subsequent treatment of the organolithium phosphides obtained with
Cl(CH,),Cl (n = 2 or 3). They form racemic and meso isomers. 65.1 may bind in a tridentate
or tetradentate mode to transition metals.
Water solubilization of catalysts has become an area of increasing interest. It may be
achieved by modifying known chiral phosphine ligands by introduction of groups bearing
COOH or S 0 3 H substituents (66.1, 66.Z)”’, polyethylene glycol chains (64)ls9or
quaternization of NR groups of ligands 67 already bound to a transition metal’”
(equations 74 and 75).



H Ph2



(/I 0
= (75)

Using starting materials from the ‘chiral pool’ such as mannitol, novel chiral ligands
containing two dioxolane rings are accessible (68, 69192, 70193) in fair yields
(equations 76,77).
In order to test the effect of heteroatoms in the norbornane backbone on the catalytic
activity of chiral phosphines 72195,the oxa analogue of 71”, has been synthesized in a
multi-stage synthesis including Diels-Alder addition of furan to fumaryl chloride. After
hydrolysis, hydrogenation and LiAlH, reduction, the 2,3-bis(hydroxymethy1)-7-
oxanorbornane thus obtained is tosylated and subjected to reaction with Ph,PNa.
Asymmetric heterogeneous hydrogenation of acetylacetone with a Raney nickel
catalyst modified with a mixture of (RR)-or(SS)-tartaric acid and NaBr was applied to the
preparation of both enantiomers of 2,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)pentane (73)196
(equation 78).
The 4-hydroxypyrrolidine carboxylate was used as a starting material for the synthesis
of unsymmetrically substituted lP-ditertiary phosphines with a 2,4-pyrrolidine bridge
(75”’). In a key step of this synthetic procedure, the phenyl substituents of one Ph,P(O)
group are hydrogenated using H2/Rh-A1203, a (C,H, ,),P(O) unit being formed
(equation 79).

a m

. c


H I ..



I 0

(L c
218 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans

MeCOCH2COMe - 2 Hz
Ronry N i


( 2 ) PhpPLi,
thf Ph2P PPh2


mes mes


Copper-catalysed cyclization of PhzP(0)(CH2),P(O)Phzaffordsthe racemic dioxide of

7419' (equation 80). After separation with L( - )-dibenzoyltartaric acid, the pure enant-
iomers of the phosphine oxides are reduced with HSiCI, to the bidentate phosphines 74.

To overcome problems associated with separating the product from the catalyst in
homogeneous asymmetric catalysis, the chiral ligands have been attached to cross-linked
polymerszo2.Phosphine ligands bearing vinyl groups (e.g.76,77)were copolymerized with
suitable monomers such as hydroxyethyl methacrylate, N,N-dimethylacrylamide, styrene
or d i v i n y l b e n ~ e n e ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ .

B. Tridentate Phosphines
Over the past two decades, a large number of tridentate phosphine ligands with PC
skeletons of different topologies have been reported. A perusual of the literature, however,
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 219
reveals that the synthetic approaches used for their preparation are based mainly on
reactions well established in phosphorus chemistry, the most important of which have
already been mentioned in the introductory remarks in Section 11.
The phosphorus atoms in tridentate phosphines may be inter-connected (a) linearly or
(b) branched tripod-like, leading to ligands with different coordination chemistry.

( a ) linear ( b ) tripod t y p e

The chemistry of oligodentate phosphines was pioneered by Chatt and coworkers203

in the 1960s and the progress in this area has been reviewed in a series of

1. Linear tridentate phosphines

The rnethylene bridged derivatives 78.1 - '08 and 78.2,, (Table 8) have the potential
for binding three metal atoms in a row or coordinate to a bimetallic unit in a 'folded-in'
manner and form a chelate ring about one metal atom (see Section 1II.F).The tridentate
chlorophosphine Cl,PCH,PCICH,PC1~206.207,Me,PCH,Li2" or Ph,PCH,SiMe32Z
may be used as key starting materials (equations 8 1-83) for their syntheses.

nn 5 MeMgCI nn
C12P PCI PCl2 ------+ Me2P PMe PMe2 (81)


2Me2PCH,Li -
78.1 (82)

2 Ph2PCH2SiMe3 -
-2 Mo,SiCI
n n
PPh PPh2


Base-catalysed (79.388,79.489*100, 79.5-79.773,79.956,79.1099,21 I, 8

3.2'") or free
radical-initiated (79.2,09,79.1lZ1O,80.l2I3,80.2214, 80.42'3,216, 82.1-82.369)addition of
primary or secondary phosphines to vinyl or ally1 phosphorus compounds CH,=
CH(CH,),X [X = PR,, P(S)R,, P(O)R(OR), P(O)(OR'),; n = 0 , l ) have been widely
employed for the syntheses of tridentate ligands containing ;P(CH,),P: backbones
(n = 2,3) (equations 84 and 85). LiAlH, reduction of the addition products of unsaturated
phosphinates or phosphonates to primary or secondary phosphines affords tridentate
phosphines with P H functions in terminal and/or medial positions (equations 86,87 and
89). Addition products of unsaturated phosphine sulphides [e.g. RP(S)(CH=CH,),] to
220 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans
TABLE 8. Tridentate phosphine ligands


No. n R1 R2 No. R1
78.1206 - 208 1 Me Me 82.169 Me
78222 1 Ph Ph 82.269 i-Pr
79.173 2 H Me 82J6' Ph
79.2'09 2 H Ph
79388 2 Me H R;(PCH,),PR~(CH,),PR;
79.489.100 2 Ph H
79.573 2 Me Me No. n R1 R2 R3
79.6 2 Ph Me
79.773 2 Me Ph 83.1100 2 Me H H
79.8'" 2 c-Hex Ph 83.22'7 2 Me Ph Ph
79.956 2 neo-Pen neo-Pen 833215 3 Ph Ph Ph
79.1099.211.212 2 Ph Ph 83.4215 3 c-Hex Ph Ph
79.1l2I0 2 Ph c-Hex
go.1213 3 Ph H PhzP \ ,(CHz)nPPhz
80.42 13.2 16
3 Me
3 Ph
Ph H '
3 Ph Me No. n m
80.569a 3 Me Ph
80.6214 3 t-Bu Me
80.793 3 Ph c-Hex

No. R1 R2
85.lzZ0 0 Me H
~ ~

81.1213 Me Me Ph H
81.2'13 Ph Ph 86.121.223 1 Et Me
813213 Ph Me 86.221*223 1 Ph Me

secondary phosphines may be desulphurized with either LiAlH, or sodium in boiling

dioxane (equation 88). Using the diisopropylvinyl phosphonate CH,=CHP(O)(OR'),
( R = i-Pr) as a synthon, the tertiary secondary primary phosphine 83.1 loo was obtained
by the sequence of reaction in equation 89.

CyPHz + 2-PPh2 -albn

C P P h 2


ai bn p 2

R2PH + M I P ( M ) ~ ,," w Me-P

O R 2

8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 221

( 82 .l-82. 3)69


Addition of the vinylic ditertiary phosphine CH,=C(PPh,), to primary or secondary

phosphines yields interesting types of ligands, e.g. 8U218*219, containing both P-C-P
and P-C-C-P skeletons in the same molecule. This structure readily permits the
study of the competition between the formation of four- and five-membered chelate rings.
Template-mediated addition of vinylphosphines to primary or secondary phosphines
offers an interesting and novel synthetic approach to new polydentate phosphine ligands
and permits the control of the number of metal sites to which the ligand coordi-
nates 5 8.59.2 12.2 15 (equation 90).

"\ I /"
oibn, A
'PPh2 5pph
k (84.2)
222 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans
80.569a,80.793) is
An alternative synthetic route to tridentate ligands (80.369".93.2'5,
based on the reaction of w-chloroalkylphosphines, e.g. CI(CH,),PPh,, with organolith-
ium phosphides, PhPLi, 9 3 or Ph,P(CH,)3PRLi69a. This type of reaction has been used
for the template mediated synthesis of 80.3,83.3 and 83.4, employing NEt, as a base
(equation 91).

/ \H

By base-catalysed addition of neomenthylphenylphosphine to phenyldivinylphosphine,

the optically active tridentate ligand PhP{ (CH,),P(neo-Men)Ph}, 2 2 4 has been obtained.

2. Tripod-type tridentate phosphines

Owing to their special geometry, the tripod-type ligands of type 86 favour facial
coordination of one transition metal. Methylidenetrisphosphines 85, however, should
preferably function as capping tridentates for M, units, thus stabilizing trigonal faces
formed by transition metal atoms in cluster compounds.
The ligands 86.1 and 86.2 (Table 8) are obtained by reaction of RC(CH,Cl), with the
corresponding phosphides' 1 * 2 2 3 . For the syntheses of the methylidenetrisphosphines,
methylenebisphosphines R,PCH,PR, (R = Me, Ph) may be used as starting materials.
C-Metalation at the bridging CH, group affords the organolithium compounds
R,PCHLiPR,, which on reaction with R2PC1 yield the tripod-type ligands
HC(PR2)3220-222 (equation 92).

C-Lithiated phosphines are valuable reactive intermediates for the synthesis of a range
' ~ ~88).This area has been reviewed by Abicht
of bi- and tri-dentate phosphine l i g a n d ~ (e.g.
and I ~ s l e i b ~ ~ ' .
The o-phenylene-bridged tridentate phosphine ligand 87, originally synthesized by
Hartley et dZz6, may be obtained in satisfactory yields by reaction of Ph,P(o-LiC,H,)
with phenyldichlorophosphine (equation 93)37.

C. Tetra- and Poly-dentate Phosphines

Although of great potential in the stabilization of both high and low transition metal
oxidation states, hydrides, nitrogen complexes and polynuclear arrangements with
defined intermetallic distances, polydentate phosphines have so far received only sparse
attention. This may be due to the intricate preparative routes involved in their syntheses.
Aspects of developments in this field have been reviewed'00.204.205and attempts have
been made to systematize the different topologies of polydentate phosphines by use of
graph t h e ~ r y ~ ~ ' - ~ ~ * .
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 223

.qpm PhPClz


Ph2P PPh2


I 1
Ph2P PPh2


1. Linear tetratertiary phosphines

Free radical-initiatedzz9 or base-catalysed a d d i t i ~ n ~ 0~n.~~z~n 4.1230
’. 2 1 of diphenyl-
vinylphosphine to the disecondary phosphines PhHP(CH,),PPhH ( n = 2,3) yield the
tetratertiary phosphines 89.2 and 89.3 (Table 9). For the synthesis of 89.4, the methylated
analogue of 89.2, MezP(S)CH=CHz (a ‘protected’ form of dimethylvinylphosphine) is
made to react with HPhP(CH,),PPhH. Reduction of the intermediate phosphine
sulphide with LiAIH, in boiling dioxane affords the tetratertiary p h ~ s p h i n e ~ ~
(equation 94).

2 Me2P(S) F +Ph\P
- wpww
(1) t - B u O K

(2) LiAIH4

I PMe2

(89.4) (94)

PH-functional tetradentate phosphines have been prepared by free radical-initiated or

base-catalysed addition of vinyl- or allyl-phosphorus compounds, CHz=
CH(CH,),P(O)(OR’), -,R, (R’ = i-Pr; n = 0, 1: x = 0, 1) to disecondary phosphines
followed by LiAIH, reduction (equation 9.5)8z.89.233. Owing to the reactivity of the
terminal PH-functional groups, these phosphines are versatile starting materials for the
synthesis of a variety of derivatives (equation 96)z3z.z33:

- x = O , 1 j R’=


j R,R’=Me, Ph (90.1,90.2)
224 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans
TABLE 9. Tetra- and poly-dentate phosphines

No. m n R' R2 [Ph,P(CH2)2PPh(CH2)2]2PPh(94)'"
89.lZ3' 1 3,6 i-Pr i-Pr CRzP(CH21212 P(CHz)zPPh
10 1 2 2 Ph Ph R2P(CH2)2
89F9 2 3 Ph Ph
89.4 ' 2 2 Me Ph (95.1)73R = Me
89.5232.233 3 2 Me Me (95.2)238R = Ph
89-6232.233 3 3 Me Me
89.723' 3 1 i-Pr i-Pr

No. n R R'

No. n R

91.lE9 2 H
91.273 2 Me
91356 2 neo-Pen
91.499.211.234 2 Ph
91.5'14 3 Me, Et
91.6235 4 Me

No. R

921226.236 Ph
92.2' 37 Me


(1) 2 MoLi

(21 2M.I
P"PMe2 (96)

n=(CH2In i n= 2,3 @9.5,89.6)

Tetradentate phosphine ligands with the PC sequences PC,PCPC,P, PCPC,PCP (89)

have been synthesized by alkylation reactions of the phosphides R,PCH,PRLi or
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 225
RLiPCH,PRLi with R,P(CH,),CI or a,w-dihaloalkanes, respectively (equations 97 and

2. Tripod-type tetradentate phosphines

Owing to their special topology and flexibility, tetradentate tripod type ligands with
-(CH,),-bridging units are ideally suited for stabilizing trigonal bipyramidal coordi-
nation at transition metals. The synthesis of these ligands involves the addition of olefinic
phosphorus compounds to PH, 56*89*99*234or primary t e r t i a r ~ ~ ’ . ’or ~ secondary
phosphines 7 3 , 9 9 2 14.23 5 (equations 99-104).
3R2P \
( 1 ) PH,, t-BuOK j(2)LiAIH4,Na
R =n#o-Penjn =2

P [ ( C H Z ) ~ C H = C H ~ 1-3
3 R,PH, aibn

R=Me,Etj n = 3 , 4

R=Me (91.2)
226 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans
Tripodal tetratertiary phosphines containing rigid backbones impose trigonal
bipyramidal coordination geometry on transition metals. The methyl analogue of 92.1236
has been obtained by reaction of 2-LiC6H,PMe, with triphenyl phosphiteZ3’. Abicht and
IssleibZZ5reported the synthesis of the more flexible tripod ligand 93 from o-
LiC6H,CH,PPh2 and PCI,.

3. Poly-dentate phosphines
Open-chain or branched polydentate phosphines are accessible in good yields by
addition of vinyl- or divinyl-phosphines to PH3218*219,
secondary (R,P(CH,),PPhH)238 or primary secondary pho~phines’~. The linear pen-
tatertiary phosphines 94 (Table 9)’,’ was thus obtained by base-catalysed addition of
Ph,P(CH,),PPhH to phenyldivinylphosphine (equation 105).

2 PhZP
AP/ H +
P‘ h
P P PPh2


PH2 + 2PhzP
’% t-BuOK
Ph2P P P PPh2
Ph’ I

By variation of the reactands the branched isomer of 94, 95.2 (equation 106) and the
polytertiary phosphine 99 are accessible238.Alternatively, the hexatertiary phosphine
%239, capable of binding two phosphine-chelated metal atoms in close proximity, has
been synthesized in 75-85% yield by free radical-initiated addition of the monovinyl-
phosphine Et,PCH=CH, to the diprimary phosphine H,PCH,PH,.
1,l-Bis(dipheny1phosphino)ethene was employed by McFarlane and coworkers218*2 l9
as a building block in syntheses of new type of ligands by addition of P-H bonds to C=C
double bonds. The polyphosphorus ligands 100 and 101 obtained by base-catalysed
addition of (Ph,P),C=CH, to PH, or PhPH,, respectively, contain both PCP and
PCCP skeletons in the same molecule. These ligands therefore have the potential to
coordinate one or more transition metals in different modes.
The hexatertiary phosphine 98240with a p-xylylene spacer group between the bridge
head P atoms of the two P(CH,CH,PPh,), units was obtained by base-catalysed addition
of Ph,PCH=CH, to the diprimary phosphine p-PH,CH,C,H,CH,PH,. The synthesis
of the methylated hexatertiary phosphine 97.17, by addition of four equivalents of
Me,P(S)CH=CH, to H,P(CH,),PH, (equation 107a) followed by LiAIH, reduction
failed owing to insufficient solubility of the intermediate tetrasulphide of 97.1. These
difficulties could be circumvented employing the trisulphide obtained according to
equation 107b in the LiAIH, reduction (equation 107c).

D. Macrocyclic Phosphines containing P-Cm-P Bonding

The first preparation of a macrocyclic ring system containing four phosphorus atoms
(99.1-99.3) was carried out by Horner et a/. in 1975241.In recent years, increasing interest
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 227

S (107a)



has been devoted to the synthesis of these stereochemically versatile ligands, which are
strongly binding towards soft transition metals.
In a review of the syntheses of macrocyclic complexes M e l ~ o nsummarized ~ ~ ~ the
literature up to 1979. A recent review’ covers some aspects of macrocyclic phosphines
Different synthetic approaches have been used for the macrocyclization of mono-, bi-,
tri- or open-chain tetra-dentate phosphines, bearing good leaving groups at phosphorus
(such as the benzyl group; see below) or PX functionalities (X = H, Li). Alternatively,
phosphines with functional groups (C-halogen, y-carbonyl groups) in the side-chains may
be engaged in the ring-closure reactions. Reactions of types (a)-(e) will be discussed in this
a. Reactions of ditertiary phosphines bearing at least one benzyl group per phosphorus
atom with a,w-dibromoalkanes in dilute solutions (98, 99.1-99.4)241.243 followed by

reduction with LiAIH, (equations 108 and 109).

n , m =2-5243

4 f

x 2

(99.1) n , m = 3 2 4 1 J 2 4 3
n=w2)” (99.2) n = 3 , m = 4 2 4 1 2 2 4 3

(99.3) n , m = 4 2 4 1 * 2 4 3

R=Ph, CH2Ph, R’=CH2Ph

228 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans
b. Alkylation of disecondary phosphines or their alkali metal derivatives with a,w-
halogenfunctional mono- or bidentate phosphines under high dilution conditions
101.1, 101.2'59.246.247)
(equations 110-1 12).
c. Template-mediated alkylation of disecondary or diprimary phosphines with reactive
apdihalogen compounds (102248.249,103250)(equations 113 and 114).
d. Metal-assisted addition of a- or 8-diketones or a,w-keto functional bidentate
phosphines to disecondary or diprimary phosphines (104251.252,
105253)(equations 115
and 116).
e. Addition of allyl- or vinylphosphines to complexes of disecondary phosphines
(106254*255,107256)(equations 117 and 118).

a P 9 1



(101.1) R = H 2 4 7
( 1 0 1 . 2 ) R =Ph'59,246

(1) K-Noph

(2) LiAlH, ,Me,SiCI (112a)


The ring-closure reactions 108- 1 12 afford 7-20-membered bidentate or macrocyclic tri-

and tetra-dentate phosphines 98-99.3241-243and 100-101.21599244-247 in only moderate
overall yields.
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 229
Only one isomer (C, symmetry) of 101.2 was isolated. The phenyl substituents on the o-
phenylene diphospha unit are cis occupying pseudo-equatorial position in a conformation
with a dihedral angle of 100.3" between the benzo ring and the plane defined by the three
phosphorus atoms (Figure 1).
Of the five possible isomers (three meso and two dl pairs) of 100, two (a and b,
Figure 1) were isolated from the macrocyclization reaction (equation 110). X-ray
structural analysis revealed these to be cis, cis,cis (100a) and cis, trans, cis (100b)244*245.
Using a 1-naphthylmethyl substuituent as a protecting group for the PH function, the
11-membered ditertiary secondary phosphine 101.1 has been synthesized
(equation 112)247.
In order to overcome problems associated with the low-yield ring-closure step in
equations 108-1 12, template-type reactions have been employed in the syntheses of
macrocyclic phosphines. This procedure was originally proposed by Horner and K ~ n z ~ ' ~
in 1971 and later (1977) used by Del Donno and in a multi-stage synthesis of
102 (equation I 13). In the first single-stage syntheses of macrocyclic tetradentate

100 a 100 b

101.2 100 a
FIGURE 1. Diastereoisomers (a,b) of 100 and 101.2. l00a is shown in side and top view.
230 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans



phosphines and their complexes (103250,104251.252), disecondary or diprimary phos-

phines were used a starting materials. Template-mediated macrocyclization was achieved
by P-alkylation with dihalides (equation 114)or through addition of /l-diketones to the
PH groups of [M(HMeP(CH,),PMeH},]CI, (equation 115).


H/’\ M/‘\H


\2 0 0 ) -

Bis(tertiary)phosphines with protected carbonyl groups in y-position to phosphorus,

{(R0)2R’CCH,CH,PMe},(CH,),(rn = 2,3; R = Et, 2R = C,H,; R’ = H, Me) (L) form
complexes [MX,L] (M = Ni, Pd, Pt, X = CI, Br). The halides X may be replaced by
secondary phosphines, HMeP(CH,),PMeH, leading to a template in which after cleavage
of the CO-protecting groups with H +/H,O the macrocyclic ring system is formed through
addition of the PH-bonds to the carbonyl in quantitative yield (equation 116).
Transition metal-mediated addition of olefinic bonds to P H functions has been used
successfully for the syntheses of macrocyclic tetradentate phosphine ligands 106 and their
oxides 106a254.255 (equation 117).
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 231

(11 MsHP PMaH

(2) H + , H ~ O

-0' R'


R' = NE t 2

In elegant work Die1 et ~ 1 1 . ' were

~ ~ able to cyclize allylphosphine to a 12-membered
tridentate macrocyclic phosphine (107) using Mo(CO), as a template (equation 118).


Ar= &),
Me Me

The first crown ether-type tetraphosphorus macrocycle (108.1) and its sulphur (108.2)
and dinitrogen analogues (108.3) were synthesized by Ciampolini and coworker^^^^-^^" in
moderate yields by macrocyclization of MPhP(CH,),PPhM (M = Li, K ) with
{Cl(CH,),),Y(Y = 0,S, PrN) (equation 119). All five isomers of 108.1 have been isolated
by ion-exchange chromatography using SP Sephadex C-25 support on aqueous solutions
of the nickel(I1) derivatives.
232 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans

2 MPhP
n PPhM


= O~
( 1 0 e . i ) ~Y ~
( 1 0 e . 2 ) ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~
1108.3)260Y =PrN

In a multi-stage synthesis Lippard's groupz6' obtained oxa- and aza-phosphands (109)

related to 108.1-108.3 by high-dilution condensation of the linear a,w-dichloro functional
diethylenetriamine (with p-tolylsulphonyl protecting groups) and 1,3-bis(phenyl-
phosphino)propane using lithium bis(trimethylsily1)amide as a base (equation 120).

The syn (meso)and anti (racemic) diastereomeric forms of 109 have been separated via
complexation to nickel(I1). Detosylation was achieved with sodium naphthalenide in
presence of t-BuOH at -45 "C.
Tertiary or secondary phosphines with NH, or SH groups in the side-chains are
versatile starting materials for the template syntheses of macrocyclic phosphines with the
P2N2262-264 (110)or P,S, donor set26S(lll),respectively. Ring formation is effected by
condensation with B-diketones (equation 121)262or alkylation with bifunctional alkyl-
ation reagents (equation 122)265.


2PFg (121)

(4) NaPFe
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 233

Macrocycle 112, the isomer of 111, has been obtained by high-dilution condensation of
o-C6H4(PPhLi), with o-C,H,(S(CH,),C~),~~~. Related macrocycles incorporating the o-
C,H,(AsMe), moiety have also been reportedz6,.


Phosphines, although weaker bases, are in general much stronger nucleophiles than
amines of comparable structure. The reactivity of phosphines is therefore governed to
a great extent by their nucleophilicity, which depends strongly on the nature of the
substituents at phosphorus. Phosphines have a dual reactivity, however. They can act as
a-Lewis bases and as n-acceptors by virtue of the vacant phosphorus 3d orbitals. This
biphilic characterz6' accounts much for the general reactivity pattern of phosphorus(II1)
compounds in Main Group and transition metal chemistry. By a cooperative interplay of
steric and electronic properties of their donor groups, polydentate phosphine ligands may
increase the nucleophilicity of the Lewis acid centre to which they are bound, the
coordination mode being subtly determined by steric factors, e.g. the spatial demand of the
substituents at the P atoms. For monodentate phosphine ligands PR, or PR1R2R3
bonded to nickel (Ni-P distance 228 pm), steric effects have been described by T ~ I m a n ' . ~ ~ ~
in terms of the 'cone angle 8' obtained from X-ray crystallographic data and molecular
models (Figure 2).
For bidentate and polydentate phosphine ligands, the intrinsic geometry of the ligand
skeletons, i.e. their flexibility and connectivity, seems, however, to be of greater importance
than the steric demand of the individual donor groups, as will be shown later in this
section. There are, however, cases where the nature of the terminal substituents at
phosphorus seems to be of significance, as has been shown for the bidentate ligands of type
29 with long, flexible alkylene binding units"Z~"3. According to the work of McAuliffe
and his group' the coordination chemistry of these ligands is governed, however, by
the length of the (CH,),-chain.
After discussion of the nucleophiiic reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines
towards Main Group electrophiles, some relevant aspects of their transition metal
coordination chemistry are presented.
234 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans


FIGURE 2. Definition of the cone angles 0 or @for ligands PR, or PR'R'R,, respectively.

A. Borane Adducts. Phosphinoboranes

The formation of Lewis acid-base adducts between phosphines and borane is well
established. New procedures have been developed for the syntheses of BH, adducts of
bidentate phosphines. The borane adducts 113 were prepared in high yields by reaction of
(Ph,P),(CH,), with NaBH,/I,269-270(equation 123) or oxidative C-C coupling of
Ph,PCH,Li.BH, with CUCI$'~(equation 124).Alternatively, borane adducts of ditertiary
phosphines are accessible also by P-C coupling reactions, as indicated for 114 in equation
125*',. Compound 114 can be obtained, however, in a simpler way by reaction of
Me,PCH,PMe, with BH,.thf (equation 126).
NaBH,, I2
Ph2PcCH2 )nPPh2
n = 1-4 \

The compounds R,PCH,Li.BH, (R = Me, Ph) are prepared by deprotonation of the

corresponding phosphine borane adducts R,PCH,.BH,271,272.Similarly, deprotonation
of 114 with n-BuLi leads to 114a. Compounds 114 can be converted into its C-alkyl
derivative 114b by alkylation of (Me,PCHLiPMe,) (BH,), with RX (equation 126b).
- -
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 235
Me3P.BH3 Me2PCH2Li ’
Me2P -PMe2 thf

/ tmrda (L)

(1 25- 126)
Cyclic boronium iodides of type 115269*270are formed if the ditertiary phosphines
Ph,P(CH,),PPh, ( n = 1-4) are treated with monoiodoborane, which may be generated
in situ from Me,S.BH, and I, (equation 127).

I- (127)

Bidentate phosphines Ph,P(CH,),PPh, ( n = 1,2) add to pentaborane-9 without

degradation of the B, cluster unit. The complexes, e.g. 116, may be considered as
derivatives of the hypho-B,H,,’- anions273.Even with excess Ph,P(CH,),PPh, (= L),
no formation of BH,L was observed, whereas monodentate phosphines such as Me,P
cause a breakdown and rearrangement of the B, cluster structure274.


236 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans
B. Nucleophilic Reactions at Carbon
Ditertiary phosphines react with mono- or bi-functional halides to form open-chain or
cyclic phosphonium salts, respectively (117’75, 119276,121277,123278).The quaterni-
zation of R,PCH,PMe, (R = Me, t-Bu, Ph) with Me1 and Br(CH,),Br (n = 1,2) was
studied by Kar~ch,’~.No cyclic phosphonium salts were formed with Br(CH,),Br,
however. Deprotonation of bifunctional quaternary phosphonium salts at the a-position
using NaNH,, KH, Na,CO, or R3P=CH2 affords ylids (e.g. l2z2”, lU278) or ring-
strained carbodiphosphoranes, or double ylids (e.g. 118275,120276),which have been
studied extensively by Schmidbaur’s group. The ylid 122 may be deprotonated further
with NaNH, to yield a novel organosodium compound (122a)277(equations 128-131).


/ (117)

n -2+



(121) (122)

Ph2 P e P P h 2
thf-NNak’ ‘I
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 231




The formation of tetrafunctional phosphonium salts (e.g. !J9a241*243)

from bidentate
phosphines has been employed as a key step in the syntheses of macrocyclic phosphines
(e.g. 99) (see Section 11,D).

n 4+

+cl Q: c 4Br-

Ph2P WPPh2 n=2-4

Macrocyclic phosphonium salts (e.g. 103a) with xylylene bridges were obtained in
high yields by reaction of p-xylylene dihalides with Ph2P(CH2),PPh, by.Berlin et aLZ8O.
Recently the same group reported the syntheses of chiral bis(phosphon1um) salts (125).
238 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans
The diastereoisomers could be separated by crystallization and the enantiomers were
obtained in pure form via the silver hydrogen dibenzoyl tartrateszE1.
If the organo halides employed bear electronegative groups at carbon then the
nucleophilic attack of the phosphine is directed towards the halogens; reactions of this
type will be discussed in section D.
Tertiary bidentate phosphines behave as nucleophiles towards activated carbon-
carbon and carbon-oxygen multiple bonds. Thus Ph,PCH,PPh, reacts with dimethyl-
acetylene dicarboxylate to form the SH-diphosphole 126282. This topic has been
Primary and secondary phosphines add to olefins (and acetylenes) in a straightforward
manner by hydrogen transfer. The anti-Markownikoff products are formed prefer-
entially. Free radical sources (such as aibn), strong bases (such as t-BuOK), acids and UV
light are used as initiators. These reactions have widely been used in the syntheses of bi-
and poly-dentate ligands with P-C,-P bonding (see Section 11).
PH-functional bidentate phosphines generally react with aldehydes and ketones to form
compounds having new P-C-0 bonds. Thus formaldehyde with the diprimary
phosphine H,PCH,CH,PH, gives 127.1 285. If aromatic aldehydes, however, are
employed in these addition reactions, the hydroxyalkylphosphines formed initially
rearrange to the phosphine oxides (e.g. 127.ZZE6)(equations 132a and 132b).The general
topic has been surveyed by WolfsbergerZE7.
4 CHzO
/ (127.1) (132a)


CHZPh CH2Ph (132b)




8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 239
Mannich-type reactions involving diprimary or disecondary phosphines, e.g.
H,P(CH,),PH, ( n = 1-4), o-(PH,),C6H4 or o-(PRH),C,H, (R = Ph, i-Pr, n-Bu, Et) yield
the a-aminomethyl derivatives, e.g. 127.3 and 127.4288(equations 132c, 132d). A review
treating the general topic has appeared recently4'.

C. Formation of Oxides, Sulphides and Selenides

Bidentate and polydentate phosphines generally react with oxygen or sulphur and
many oxygen- and sulphur-containing compounds to form the phosphine oxides or
sulphides, the driving force being the high P = O and P=S bond energies. The general
topic has been r e ~ i e w e d ~ ' ~ . ~ ~ ' .
While the syntheses of the dioxides and disulphides of ditertiary phosphines are
straightforward, the formation of the monoxides and m o n ~ s u l p h i d e s ~needs ~ ' careful
control of the reaction conditions. Selective monooxidation or monosulphurization of
ditertiary phosphines is only possible if the phosphorus atoms differ in their basicities as in
Me,PCH,PPh, the monosulphide of which, Me,P(S)CH,PPh,, may be obtained by
direct s u l p h ~ r i z a t i o n ~Selective
'~. monoselenation is possible, however, just by a proper
choice of the reactants (selenium or, less good, KSeCN and ditertiary p h o ~ p h i n e ) ~ ~ ,
(equation 133).
(or KSeCN)

For a deliberate synthesis of the monoxides, monosulphides and monoselenides of the
methylenebisphosphines 128.1--128.3, P-C coupling reactions between Ph,P(X)CH,Li
and R'R2PC125-291,292 have been used (equation 134). Owing to the juxtaposition of the
Ph,P and PR'R' groups, intramolecular sulphur transfer from the less basic to the
more basic P atom occurs on heating of the monosulphides. Further oxidation of the
monosulphides with sulphur yields the disulphides of the methylenebisphosphines.


Ph,P=X -~
Ph,PCH,Li - R' R ~ P C I II
Ph,PCH,PR'R2 5
(128.3) ( 134)
X = 0; R' = R 2 = Ph
X = S; R', R2 = Me, i-Pr, Ph
By oxidation of disecondary phosphines RHP(CH,),PRH (R = Ph, Me; n = 1-~4, 6)
with O2 or S, under careful conditions, the secondary phosphine oxides or sulphides may
be obtained28*293*294 in fair yields. The diastereoisomers of the oxides 129 and the
sulphides 131 are useful precursors for the syntheses of five- or six-membered ring systems
(130, 132) (equations 135 and 136).

(129) (130)
240 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans


(CH2 In
MezNSiMe, tCH2)C
MeP- PMe2 ( 136)
(131) (132)

D. Nucleophilic Attack on Halogen

Like their monodentate analogues, bidentate and polydentate phosphines react
vigorously with halogens to give phosphoranes or halophosphonium salts. Thus
Ph,P(X,)(CH,),PPh(X,) (X = Br, I) is obtained by reaction of Ph,P(CH,),PPh, with
Br, or I,, respectively (equation 137)295.

This compound is probably of ionic structure [Ph2P(X)(CH2)zPPh2(X)]z+2X (133)

and may be employed for the conversion of alcohols (ROH) or their tetrahydropyranyl
ethers 134 to the corresponding halides, RX.

Interestingly, direct fluorination of bidentate and tridentate phosphines at phosphorus
is possible without P-C bond breaking. Oligofunctional fluorophosphoranes [e.g.
F2Ph,P(CH,),PPh,F2, { F,Ph,P(CH,),},PPhF2, n = 2, 31 were obtained in fair yields.
The elemental fluorine employed was diluted with N,, He or Ar using CFCl, as a
solvent296.Carbonyl difluoride may be used in some cases instead ofelemental fluorine for
the synthesis of bifunctional difluorophosphoranes from bidentate p h o ~ p h i n e s ~ ~ ' .
The reaction between bidentate phosphines Ph,P(CH,),PPh, (n = 1-3) or
Ph,PCH(SiMe,)PPh, and polyhalogenoalkanes in the presence of substrates such as
NH,, NHR, or ROH has been ~ t u d i e d ~ ~As ~ -in~ ~the' . combination CCI,/PPh,/
substrate, which is being increasingly applied in organic chemistry as a mild halogenating
and condensation reagent, it is now clear that the phosphines initially attack at the
'positive' halogen298.
Amino-substituted carbodiphosphoranes (135) have been obtained by deprotonation
of [(R,N)Ph,PCH=PPh,(NR,)] +C1- formed in the reaction between Ph,PCH,PPh,/
CCI, and NR,H299. Whereas the ethylene and propylene bridged diphosphines (n = 2,3)
with CClflH, form cyclic five- or six-membered phosphinimino phosphonium cations
(136a), Ph,PCH,PPh, under the same conditions reacts with cleavage of the PCP
skeleton to give 136b3".

(1360) n = 2 , 3
R=-Me,Et,Pr, n-Bu
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 241

E. Miscellaneous Reactions with Group Ill-V Electrophiles

The Lewis acid-base interaction between AICI, or AI(OR), [R = CH(CF,),] and
bidentate phosphine ligands Ph,P(CH,),PPh, (n = 1,2) or cis, trans-Ph,PCH=
CHPPh, has been studied3',. N o chelate formation was observed with Ph,P(CH,),PPh,
and cis-Ph,PCH=CHPPh,, only 1:1 and 1 :2 complexes being formed. Similarly, GeCI,
forms a 1 :1 and 1:2 complex with Ph,P(CH,),PPh,. The 1: 1 adduct 137 has been shown
to have a structure intermediate between a half chelate and ylid"' with pseudo-trigonal
bipyramidal coordination at germanium.
Reduction of PCl, with SnC1, in the presence of Ph,P.(CH2),PPh2 yields the unusual
cation 138, which may be considered as a chelate complex of P +,04.

(137) (138)
A wide range of 1,3-diphosphorinanes (139, n = 3) and 1,3-diphospholanes (139, n = 2)
have been prepared from the alkali metal phosphides, RMP(CH,),PRM (n = 2,3; R = Ph,
n-Bu64-305)and the corresponding halides (E = Si, Ge, Sn; R', R2 = alkyl, aryl; E = P;
R' = lone pair). The bidentate nucleophile Me,PCH,PMe, reacts with Me,PCI to form
the diphosphonium cation 140279.

E=Ge, Si, Sn (140)

E=P,R'=lone pair

As mentioned earlier (Section 11.A.2), phosphino methanides [R,PCXPR,] - (X = H,
SiMe,, PMe,; R = Me, Ph) behave as ambidentate ligands offering two different sites (P or
C) for attack by electrophiles. Preferably they coordinate to Lewis acid centres via their P
atoms, although, there are some examples showing an intimate balance between P and C
coordination governed by steric effects and hard-soft acid-base interactions. Recently a
242 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans
series of novel phosphino methanide complexes have been synthesized and their crystal
structure has been determined. In addition to aluminium(II1) (141)306,germanium(1)
(Ge-Ge bond) (142),mixed valence germanium(I)/germanium(II) [Ge(I)-Ge(1)-Ge(I1)-
Ge(I)-Ge(I)]307*308, and lead(I1) complexes (143)310were reported to have
unusual structures.

F. Coordination t o Transition Metals

The coordination chemistry of mono-, bi- and poly-dentate phosphine ligands has been
repeatedly reviewed in the past8-" and a recent review has appeared'. Therefore, only
selected aspects of this topic will be discussed here in order to show trends of interest and
the development in this area of coordination chemistry.

1. Bidentate ligands
The coordination chemistry of PCP ligands has been extended. Owing to their small
bite angle, these ligands are capable of binding two transition metals in close proximity
and hence promote or enforce metal metal bonding. In addition to the well known A-frame
complexes' ' - 3 1 I , the ligands R,PCH,PR, ( P A P ) may form triply bridged bimetallic
complexes (144)312 and tri- or tetra-metallic complexes (1451~'~
or Recently,
bimetallic PCP-bridged 'cradle-type' complexes have been reported3' 5,3 l 6 (e.g. 147315).



Reaction of [Co,(CO),] with the ligands R,PCH,PRi (R,R1 = Me, Ph) affords a
tetranuclear cluster compound stabilized through PCP edge bridging ( 148)3' There are
more examples in the literature showing the capability of bidentate ligands
Ph,P(CH,),PPh, of stabilizing cluster compounds by the formation of bridges between
adjacent transition metal atoms318-320(149318, 1503'0 1.
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 243

2 NO;

(149) (150)

Ligand bridging and chelating of tetracobalt clusters with bidentate phosphines,

Ph,P(CH,),PPh,3Z’, in addition to metal-metal bond making and breaking in
binuclear complexes322, have been reviewed. Whereas bidentate phosphines
Ph,P(CH,),PPh, possessing short carbon backbones (n = 1, 2) react with the cluster
[Co,(CO),,(p,-PPh),] to form disubstituted derivatives [Co,(CO),(p,-PPh), {Ph,P-
(CH,),PPh, }], the homologues with longer alkylene chains (n= 3,4) afford monosubsti-
tution products [Co,(CO),(p,-PPh) {Ph,P(CH,),PPh, }] under electron-transfer chain
catalysis at 25 OC3”.
The ligands R,P(CH,),PR, coordinate to metal-metal multiple bonds in different
modes. Thus doubly or triply P-C,-P bridged complexes (n = 1,2) were obtained by
reaction of K,[Mo,CI,] or (NBu,), [Re,CI,] with these ligands (151, 152323*324). For a
review, see ref. 325 and Chapter 15.

- p9 X co
I 2‘ I I/\ coM
,/ \M/

M o E M o/cl CI-Re-Re-CI p\?‘ P h /2 \ p w /p \h 2

CI’ I I CI/ L \
P P /lP

WP wp X =CI, P P h Z j M =Rh, I r

A (153)
P P= M e 2 P C H 2 P M e 2

(151)324 (152 )323

Bidentate ligands with long flexible backbones [R,P(CH,),PR,, e.g. 29.4, 29.5112*’13]
are capable of spanning trans positions in square-planar complexes. The large ring
chelates formed with these ligands are stabilized by sterically demanding end-groups
R at P (e.g. ~ - B u ) ~ ,With
~ . n=9-12 mononuclear complexes are formed, e.g.
truns-[PdCI, t-Bu,P(CH,),P(t-Bu),], but shorter methylene chains are not sufficiently
long enough to span trans positions. Thus t-Bu,P(CH,),P(t-Bu), leads to a binuclear
20-atom ring complex truns-[Pd,CI,{ t-Bu,P(CH,),P(t-Bu),} ,] which appears to be
indefinitely stable in solution.
244 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans
The chelating and ligand bonding modes of bidentate phosphines in square planar
complexes were discussed by Minahan et d3,’. Ligands such as 57.1 or 57.2 with a rigid
backbone functioning as a spacer for the two phosphorus atoms impart preference for the
formation of linear P-M-P units. This effect has been found, however, to be small
compared with the energy required to change the coordination geometry from
tetrahedral to square planar or trigonal planar to linear171*328*329.
The introduction of a pyrazole unit into the C, bridge ofa ditertiary phosphine results in
a binucleating ligand system which forms stable bimetallic complexes with defined M-M
distances (153330).
The bidentate 2,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)maleicanhydride and its derivatives (34.2)
have low-lying n* acceptor orbitals. They may be occupied by a metal-ligand electron
transfer on coordination or by chemical or electrochemical r e d u c t i ~ n ~.~Co’ mplexes
containing the radical anion [34.2]-‘, e.g. 154 (which are square planar) have been

M= Pd, Pt

(15 4)

2. Tri- and tetra-dentate ligands

Linear tridentate ligands R,PCH,PRCH,PR, (R = Me, Ph, 78.1,78.2) are capable of
binding three transition metals in close proximity, thus promoting metal-metal bonding
(155’06, Owing to the flexibility and the low steric demand of the substituents, the
ligands 78.1 and 78.2 can bind also in a‘folded-id manner to bimetallic units (157335).Both
ligands also have the potential of bidentates forming six-membered chelate
The ligands [R2P(CH2)n]3-, PR, with rn = 0.1 and n = 2,3 preferentially form mononu-
clear complexes with live- or six-membered chelate ring systems. Their stability is
governed by the connectivity of the P atoms as pointed out by Mason and Meek’ and
more recently by D a h l e n b ~ r g ~ ~ ’ .

(155) Ph
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 245

Owing to the multiple chelate effect, linear tetradentate phosphines of type 89 (Table 9 )
form extremely stable nickel (11), palladium (11), platinum (II), iron (11) and zinc(I1)
complexes of square-planar (pyramidal), octahedral and tetrahedral geometry8z.233*338.
The complexation mode of linear tetradentate ligands may be controlled by the donor
sequence in the PC skeleton. Whereas the ligands 89.3-89.6 and 90.1-90.6 (Table 9 )
preferentially form mononuclear ~ o m p l e ~ e s , 89.1 ~ ~is *b i n~~ ~
c l e*a t~i n g~~It~ has
' .* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
been shown that the binuclear rhodium (I) complexes formed by the two diastereoisomers
of 89.2 show different reactivity towards h y d r ~ g e n a t i o nAn
~ ~open-mode
~. dimeric nickel
complex, [Ni,CI,{ (Et2PCH2CH2)2PCH2P(CH2CH2PEt2)2}]2i, has been obtained by
reaction of the novel binucleating hexaphosphine 96 with NiC12.6H,0340.
Tridentate tripod ligands of type 85 and 86 differ in their 'bite angle'. Whereas 85 may be
complexed to triangular faces of three transition metals found in cluster 15834', 86
preferentially occupies facial coordination sites in mononuclear complexes, e.g.

(168) x = p j n=O
X=S,Se; n =1 (160)

Theclassical tetradentate tripod ligands 92 with the o-phenylene backbones and 91 with
the (CH,), backbones (n =3, 4) differ considerably in flexibility. Whereas 92 is
predetermined sterically to occupy ligand positions in a trigonal bipyramidal complex,
tetra-dentates of type 91 may form cis octahedral c o m p l e ~ e s ~ ' ~ e.g.. ~1603".

3. Macrocyclic tri- and tetra-dentate phosphine ligands

Macrocyclic tri- and tetra-dentate phosphine ligands show an enhanced stability
compared with their open-chain analogues. Thermodynamic (entropy and enthalpy
246 0. Stelzer and K.-P. Langhans
changes) and kinetic effects contribute to this higher stability summarized as 'macrocyclic
effect'. This has been outlined and will not be discussed further here.
The strong macrocyclic effect of the ligands 99, 104 and specially 105 has so far
prevented the dernetallation of their complexes, which would be the last step in the template
syiitheses of these ligands. Increasing ring size, however, obviously destabilizes these
complexes. Thus the ligands 103 could be removed from the metal by KCNZs0.

4. Reactions at coordinated phosphine ligands

Coordination of a phosphine ligand to a transition metal is generally associated with a
change in the polarity and reactivity of the bonds to phosphorus and those within the
backbones and substituents. Template syntheses of polydentate phosphine ligands, for
instances, make use of the increased reactivity of the P-H bond in complexes
of primary and secondary phosphines. This has already been discussed in section 1I.D.
Numerous examples are also known, however, for P-C bond activation within the
coordination sphere of transition metal phosphine complexes. Thus heating of cis-
[{ Ph,P(CH2)2PPh,},FeC,H,] causes o-metallation of a PhP group, 160 being f~rrned"~.
Activation of C-H bonds in the (CH,), backbones (n = 1, 3, 5 ) of RzP(CHz),PR,
coordinated to transition metals has also been observed.
These comprise reactions at the CH, bridge in Ph,PCH,PPh, complexes347(see also
Section IIA. I), the reversible intramolecular CH addition equilibrium process in


/ I
8. The preparation and reactivity of bi- and poly-dentate phosphines 247

[Fe{Me,P(CH,)3PMe,},]348 (161ae 161b) (equation 138) a n d cyclometallation ob-
served on reaction of t-Bu,P(CH,),P(t-Bu), with PtCI, yielding 162349.This topic has
been r e ~ i e w e d ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~
Oxidative addition reactions of ditertiary phosphines. e.g. 1.9, to
[Ru3(CO), 2 ] 3 5 2 or PH functional methylenebisphosphines to [Fe2(C0)9]353-356 result
in P-C a n d P-H bond cleavage, clusters containing 1,-phosphido and p3-PR or p,-PR
phosphinidene bridges being formed (163-165).

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Chemistry and ligating

properties of phospha-
alkynes and their
Centre for Foundation Studies in Science, University of Malaya, 591 00 Kuala Lumpur,

School of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences, University of Sussex, Falmer,
Brighton BN1 9QJ. UK

I. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256

A. Via Thermal Elimination of HX (X = C1, F) . . . . . . . . . . 257
B. Via Base-induced Elimination of H F . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
C. Via Thermal Elimination of Me,SiCI . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
D. Via Elimination of Hexamethyldisiloxane from RC(OSiMe,)=PSiMe,
(R = Alkyl or Aryl) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
1. Using solid KOH or NaOH in the presence of a solvent . . . . 258
2. Via addition of a phospha-alkene to NaOH at 100-160°C in the
absence of a solvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
3. Via use of BuiNF on kieselguhr in the absence of a solvent . . 258
4. Via thermal elimination of (Me,Si),O in the absence of a solvent . 258
5. Via single-step routes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
A. Structural Aspects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
B. Bonding Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
C. NMR Spectroscopy of RC-P Compounds. . . . . . . . . . 261
V. REACTIVITY OF PHOSPHA-ALKYNES . . . . . . . . . . . 262

The Chemistry of Organophosphorus Compounds, Volume 1

Edited By F. R. Hartley 0 1990 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
256 M. J. Maah and J. F. Nixon
A. Cycloaddition Reactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
1. [3 21 Cycloaddition reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
2. [4 + 23 Cycloaddition reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
3. An [8 + 23 cycloaddition reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
4. [2 11 Cycloaddition reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
B. Reactions of Phospha-Alkynes with Main Group Halides . . . . . 269
COMPLEXES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
A. 1,3-DiphosphacyclobutadieneComplexes . . . . . . . . . . . 279
B. Metal Aggregates Containing Ligated 1,3-Diphosphacyclobutadienes. 280
C. Tri-, Penta- and Hexa-phosphorus Analogues of Ferrocene . . . . 283
D. 1,3,5-Triphosphabenzene-Metal Complexes . . . . . . . . . . 286
E. Other Metal Complexes Derived from Phospha-alkynes . . . . . 286
F. A Ligated Bis(phosphaviny1) Ether . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
G. A 2H-Phosphirene Complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
IX. APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 1
X. REFERENCES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 1

Compounds containing tervalent phosphorus with coordination number 1 and 2 have
played an important role in the development of phosphorus chemistry over the past
decade. Just as adherence to the octet rule delayed the discovery of the inert gas
compounds, progress in the search for phosphorus compounds of low coordination
number was influenced by the so-called ‘double-bond rule’, which stated that elements
having a principal quantum number greater than two would not be likely to form pn-pn
bonds with other elements or This theoretical prediction was subsequently
disproved when Gier3 successfully synthesized the first phospha-alkyne, HC=P, in 1961
by passing PH, through a low-intensity electric arc between graphite electrodes,
however the compound was only stable at low temperatures and for many years remained
a chemical curiosity.
More recently, the chemistry of phospha-alkenes, R,C=PR’ and phospha-alkynes,
R C r P , (R, R’ = alkyl, aryl, silyl, H, halogen) containing phosphorus and carbon double
and triple bonds, respectively, has rapidly expanded, as have tervalent compounds
containing P=P and P=N bonds, and reviews of these compounds have appeared4- l l .
This chapter concerns some recent developments in the chemistry and ligating ability of
phospha-alkynes and their derivatives. Several groups, particularly those of Appe15,
Becker”, Regitz” and Nixon’,, have been involved in the development of this type of
compound. A fuller account of the coordination chemistry of phospha-alkynes appears


Fifteen years after the report of H C e P by Gier3,the gaseous phospha-alkynes MeC-P
and F C r P were synthesized by Hopkinson et d.”,suggesting that a family of R C r P
compounds should exist. A major breakthrough was the seminal report by Becker et a\.’6
of the first very thermally stable phospha-alkyne Bu’C-P and rapid development
A. Via Thermal Elimination of HX (X = CI, F)
This method utilizes flow-pyrolysis techniques at temperatures of ca loo0 "C involv-
ing elimination of HX (X=Cl, F) from suitable halophosphine precursors
(equation 1)l3.15.18.I9,Zl.Z2.24,25


~ 2XY
RC-P (1)

X = H, Y = CI or F; Y = H, X = CI or F; R = H, Me, F, CF,,
NCNCzC--, HCC--, HZCCH-, Ph)
Recently, it has been shownz3that RC-P, (R' = Ph) can be synthesized directly (albeit

PCl, + R'Me -
in low yield) by co-pyrolysis of R'Me and PCI, (equation 2)
R'CrP + 3HC1
Most of the phospha-alkynes obtained by thermal elimination of HCI or H F were not

isolated pure but were detected and fully characterized by microwave and/or photo-
electron spectroscopy. A brief report17 suggests that pure HC-P and M e C E P can be
obtained and in higher yield (ca 30%) by flash vacuum thermolysis (FVT) of dichloro-
phosphines followed by careful subsequent removal of HCl on a solid base (equation 3),
but this route has not yet been confirmed independently.
750-wOT/10C3 mmHg
RCH2PClz P RC-P (3)

R = H , Me

B. Via Base-induced Elimination of HF

An important observation was that when CF3PHz vapour is allowed to pass slowly
over solid KOH at room temperature, high yields of FC=P are obtained by elimination
of 2mol of H F (equation 4)". The reaction is easily monitored by 'H,19Fand 31PNMR
spectroscopy and the intermediate phospha-alkene CF,=PH is also isolable. The
phospha-alkyne is stable for long periods at - 78 "C and also at room temperature and

low pressure, and has been studied spectroscopically.


CFz=PH -

~ HF
FC-P (4)

C. Via Thermal Elimination of Me,SiCI

This synthetic r o ~ t egives
~ ~a good
, ~ ~yield of Me,SiC-P and P h C r P by elimination
(at ca 700 "C) of chlorotrimethylsilane from appropriate vicinal chloro- and trimethylsilyl-

substituted phospha-alkenes (equation 5).
R A 700°C
Me3Si - Me3SiCI

R = Me3Si,Ph
258 M. J. Maah and J. F. Nixon
D. Via Elimination of Hexamethyldisiloxane from RC(OSiMe,)=PSiMe,
(R = Alkyl or Aryl)
This important route discovered16for Bu'C-P in 1981 has been the main method for
the synthesis of a number of thermally stable phospha-alkynes and has been extended in
more recent work by Regitz and coworkers29~3z. Hexamethyldisiloxane is readily
eliminated from the appropriate phospha-alkene precursor (equation 6).Initially, solid
NaOH or KOH was used to catalyse the elimination of (Me,Si),O; however, alternative

procedures are sometimes preferable and these are discussed below.
Me,SiP=C RC=P (6)
R' - (Mc,Si),O

R = Burl6, Tript", Adz9, 2,4,6-Bu:C6HZJo, Pr' ,', B u ' C H ~ ~ MeC(CHz),32,


1. Using solid KOH or NaOH in the presence of a solvent

Variable yields of Bu'C-P and AdCP are formed on addition of small amounts ofsolid
KOH or NaOH to a solution of the appropriate phospha-alkene in 1,2-dimethoxyethane
at room temperature (equation 7).

Me,Si - P=C
,OSiMe, dmc, N ~ O H ( RT

- (Mc,Si),O
* RCEP (7)
R = Bur 16, Ad3'

2. Via addition of a phospha-alkene to NaOH at 110-160°C in the absence of a

Slow addition of certain phospha-alkene precursors to small amounts of solid NaOH at
110-160 "C in uacuo gives high yields of phospha-alkynes (equation 8).

Me,Si - P=C
NaOH, 110-160"C/IO-3

- (Me3Sij20
* R-C-P
R = Bu' ',,Ad3,, Pr' ,',Bu'CHZ3', MeC(CH,),", MeC(CHz),32

3. Via use of Bun ,NF on kieselguhr in the absence of a solvent

A d C E P can be obtained in high yields by addition of Bun ,NF on kieselguhr to the
phospha-alkene precursor held at 90 "C in uacuo (equation 9)29.


4. Via thermal elimination of (Me,Si),O in the absence of a solvent

A recent report3, has shown that high yields of B u ' C z P can be achieved by heating the
2 isomer of the phospha-alkene precursor at 140°C in the absence of a solvent
(equation 10).
9. Chemistry and ligating properties of phospha-alkynes 259
- 1400~

- (Me3S020

Z isomer
Interestingly, no Bu'C-P was produced when the E isomer was heated under the same
conditions. Both (E)- and (Z)-phospha-alkene precursors, however, can be converted into
BUT-P in high yields by treatment of a stoichiometric quantity of [Fe,(CO),]
(equation 11). The reaction is proposed to proceed via an [Fe(CO),(q2-phospha-alkene)]

t/ Me3Si
Z isomer [Fe,(CO),]
11 -Fe(C0l4
Me3SiO/ 'But

€isomer 4
Bu'CEP + oligomeric iron compounds
5. Via single-step routes
This method developed2*,for certain solid phospha-alkynes, involves treatment of acid
chlorides with P(SiMe,), or [LiP(SiMe3),.2thfl without separation of the phospha-
alkene intermediates.

-- Cl
%[ 11

RCP(SiMe,), - I


(i) P(SiMe,),, A, dme, ( - MeSiCl), or [LiP(SiMe3),.2thfl, RT, ( - LiCI) R = Tript, 2,4,6-

The method has been particularly useful for synthesizing the two compounds shown

R'=H, Me,CI
260 M. J. Maah and J. F. Nixon
Phospha-alkynes formed by reaction 12 are subsequently isolated by column chrom-
atography, in contrast to the previous methods which require fractional distillation.


The thermal stability of phospha-alkynes, RC-P, is dependent on the nature of the R
group. Most of the gaseous R C r P compounds (R = H, Me, F, Ph) are thermally unstable
at room temperature. A recent report” suggests that the degree of purity of phospha-
alkynes may play an important role in determining their apparent thermal stability. The
thermal stability of RC=P increases as the R group becomes bulkier and all the phospha-
alkynes prepared by the method in Section 1I.D are thermally stable. Since B u ’ C r P is
stable at room temperature and AdC-P can be handled in air without decomposition,
the chemistry of these two phospha-alkynes has been the most widely studied.


A. Structural Aspects
Microwave spectroscopy has been a powerful tool in the detection of the gaseous
phospha-alkynes, RC-P (e.g. R = H, Me, F, Ph)35.In 1964, the structure of the parent
HC=P was determined36.It was found to be a linear molecule whose formula was HCP
rather than HPC. The molecular structures of several phospha-alkynes have been
established by microwave spectroscopy3’. Structural arameters are listed in Table 1; it is
interesting that the P=C bond distance (ca 1.544 ) is essentially independent of the
nature of the substituent at carbon.

TABLE 1. Selected data on phospha-alkynes, RC=P, from microwave and He I photoelectron


Ionization potentials
Compound d(X-C,,) (A) d(C-P) (A) A” Bb Ref.

HC- P 1.0667 1.5421 10.79 12.86 36,38

CH,C=P 1.465 1.544 9.89 12.19 18.19
FC=P 1.285 1.541 10.57 13.55 20,39
CF,C-P 1.460 1.542 - - 21
N-CC=p 1.382 1.547 40
HC-CC-P 1.382 (1.544)’ 24
N-CC-C-P 1.382 ( 1.544)’ - - 41
CH,=CHC-P 1.432 (1.544)’ - - 25
PhC-P 1.467 ( 1.544)’ 8.68 9.60 37.42
9.87 10.79
Me,SiC-P ~
9.9 10.9 42
Bu‘C=P 1.54 9.61 11.44 42,43
AdC-P ( 1.54)’.’ - 44
2,4,6-But3C6H2Cr 1.5 16(13)‘ 45

“Assigned to C-P II orbital.

bAssigned to P lone-pair electron.
‘Values in parentheses were fixed in the structural determination.
‘Data from single-crystal X-ray diNraction studies; X =atom of group R linked to the C,, carbon atom
9. Chemistry and ligating properties of phospha-alkynes 26 1
B. Bonding Aspects
Several phospha-alkynes have been investigated by He I and He 11 photoelectron
spectroscopy (see Table 1). In all the spectra of these compounds, the band having the
lowest ionization potential (i.p.)corresponds to the removal of an electron from a bonding
n-orbital localized predominantly in the C = P group. The second band has been assigned
as arising from the removal of non-bonding electrons localized at the phosphorus atom.
Figure 1 shows a correlation for the first and second ionization potentials of four
phospha-alkynes, FC=P, HC-P, MeC-P and BUT-P, together with those for
analogous nitriles, FC-N, HC=N, MeC-N and BurC-N3’. For the phospha-
alkynes there is an overall shift to lower i.p., as is expected when N is replaced by the less
electronegative P atom. The effect of changing the R group in both RC-N and RC-P
series is ~ i m i I a r ’ ~ * ~ ~ .
The most important feature of Figure 1 is the increased a-n separation in the phospha-
alkyne series compared with the analogous nitriles which is a quantitative indicator of the
reduced overlap for a 2pn-3pn interaction relative to that for 2pa-2pn. The main effect is
the destabilization of the n-bonding orbitals in the C=P group. The separation of the n
and n orbitals in the phospha-alkynes is of interest in connection with their behaviour as
ligands towards transition metals (see below).

C. NMR Spectroscopy of RC-P Compounds

3’P and 13CNMR chemical shifts and coupling constants for several phospha-alkynes
are listed in Table 2. The range of 31Pchemical shifts of R C e P compounds is large (ca
300 ppm), lying between - 45 ppm (R = SiMe,) and - 348 ppm (R = F) (relative to 85%
H,PO,). In contrast, the range of chemical shifts for the sp-hybridized carbon atom in
RC=P does not differ so much (ca 50 ppm) and the signals occur at a lower field relative to

-3 10

2 11

g 12



FIGURE 1. Orbital correlation diagrams for the first two ionization potentials of RC-P (left) and
RC-N (right) (R = F, H, Me and
262 M.J. Maah and J. F. Nixon
TABLE 2. NMR parameters for phospha-alkynes

HC=P - 173 154.0 54.0 17,46

FC=Y - 348 - - 47
PhC=P - 173 164.9 48.3 26
Me,SiC=P - 45 201.4 13.9 27
Bu'C=P - 209 184.8 38.5 16
CH,C=P - 201 170.8 49.0 17
AdC=P - 208 184.7 39.0 29
Pr'C=P - 205 183.4 41.3 32
2,4,6-B~'3C6HzCEP - 107 168.7 53.2 30
Bu'CH,C=P - 192 173.7 45.5 32
Bu',CHC-P - 207 - - 48
C6H,,C=P - 203 - - 48
MeC(CH,),C-P - 198 184.9 37.2 32
MeC(CH,),C= P - 207 184.9 37.9 32

- 159 164.6 46.5 28

- 158 165.1 46.4 28
- 155 163.3 46.7 28


'Relative to trimethylphosphite (TMP).

bRelative to tetramethylsilane.
's(''F) = - 96.6ppm(CFC13), *J(PF)= 182.0Hz.

It is interesting that the magnitude of the 'J(PC) coupling constant (13.9-54.0 Hz; see
Table 2) in phospha-alkynes is significantly smaller than the value for phospha-alkenes
~ ~ . 'J(PC) value is expected for RC=P because of the higher
( 5 0 - 1 0 0 H ~ ) ~A~ *higher
s character of the P r C triple bond (sp hybrid in contrast to sp2 hybrid).

Since the development of synthetic routes to phospha-alkynes, there has been continuing
interest in their chemical properties. Several research groups have been actively involved
in utilizing the synthetic potential of p h o s p h a - a l k y n e ~ ~and
~ * their
~ ~ reactivity can be
conveniently discussed in the following sections.

A. Cycloaddition Reactions
The synthetic potential of phospha-alkynes as useful building blocks in organophos-
phorus chemistry represents the most widely studied area. Four types of cycloaddition
reactions, namely [3 + 23, [4 + 21, [8 + 21 and [2 + 11, have been established.

7. [3 + 21 Cycloaddition reactions
Phospha-alkynes readily undergo [3 + 23 cycloaddition reactions with 1,3-dipolessuch
as azides, nitrile oxides, nitrile sulphides and nitrile imines to afford a wide variety of
9. Chemistry and ligating properties of phospha-alkynes 263


(o)MeN3j (b)R'CNOj ( c ) 0Y0,-CO,; (d)R1C~P;~R2j(e)R'CH=N2i(f) ( Z N 2

(6) (8) (13)

SCHEME 1. Some [3 23 cycloaddition reactions of RCEP [R=H, But, Ad, Pr',
Bu'CH,, MeCtCH,),, MeC(CH,),]33,50-53.

phospholes containing further heteroatoms. Some of the reactions are summarized in

Scheme 133,50-52.
The [3+2] cycloaddition of methyl azide, MeN,, with R C r P [R=Ad, Pr', H
Bu'CH,, MeC(CH,),, MeC(CH,),] resulted in the formation of 1,2,3,4-triazaphospholes
and 2,'). Likewise, reactions ofRC=P [R = Bu', Ad, Pr', Bu'CH,, MeC(CH,),]
with nitrile oxides, R'CNO [R' = Ph, 2,4,6-Me3C,H,, 2,4,6-(MeO),C,H,, But, p -
CIC,HC,H,) afforded 1,2,4-oxaaaphospholes(3 and 4). Further addition of R'CNO (R'
= Bur, p-CIC,H,) to 3 led to the formation of the heterobicyclic product 5".
The novel 1,2,4-thiazaphospholes7 could be synthesized in high yields from the reaction
of6 with ButC=Ps3 (Scheme 1). Similarly, addition of nitrile imines, R'C=&NR2 (8 R'
264 M. J. Maah and J. F. Nixon


+ +
(28) (29)

SCHEME 2. [4 + 21 cycloaddition reactions of RCEP [R = Ph, Bu', Pr', Bu'CH,, Ad,

9. Chemistry and ligating properties of phospha-alkynes 265
=Pr, R2 = Me; R'=Me, R Z = P h ; R' = R 2 = Ph) to Bu'C=P gave 1H-1,2,4-
diazaphospholes (9) and 2H-1,2,3-diazaphospholes( and the diazo compounds,
R'CH=N, (11 R' = H, Bu', MeO,C, PhCO) underwent smooth [3 + 23 cycloaddition to
the phosphorus-carbon triple bond of RC-P [R = Ad, Pr', H, Bu'CH,, MeC(CH,),,
MeC(CH,),] to give 1,2,4-diazaphospholes (12) (Scheme 1) - 53.
A recent report33 showed that the primary product 14 could be isolated from the
reaction of 13 with Bu'C=P, which on photolysis generated the carbene 15 that which was
subsequently converted into the phosphacyclopentene 16 (Scheme 1).

2. [ 4 + 21 Cycloaddition reactions
The [4 + 23 cycloaddition reaction involving a phospha-alkyne was first studied by
treating PhC=P with an a-pyrone or cyclopentadienone to give the phosphabenzene
1754(Scheme 2).
Analogous reactions were also carried using Bu'C-P. Diels-Alder reactions of
Bu'C-P with a-pyrones (Ma) cyclopentadienones (18b) and phosphole sulphides (1%)
resulted in the formation of the phosphabenzene 20 in high yields.
Bicyclic intermediates (19) could not be detected directly as they underwent spontan-
eous aromatization with elimination of the C0,-bridge55. In contrast, bicyclic adducts of
the type 22, obtained from the reactions of Bu'C-P with c y ~ l o h e x a d i e n e(21) ~ ~ or
anthracene could be isolated without dificulty. Scheme 2 summarizes some of the [4 23 +
cycloaddition reactions of phospha-alkynes studied so far.
Novel 2-phospha-Dewar-benzenes [24 and 25, R = Bur, Pr', Bu'CH,, Ad, MeC(CH,),;
E = CO,Me, CO,Bu'] have been synthesized by treatment of the kinetically stabilized
cyclobutadienes 23 with RC-P (Scheme 2)57.
Compound 24(R = Bu'; E = CO,Me, C0,Bu') was thermally transformed smoothly to
the 1-isomer 26, whereas under photochemical conditions, an intramolecular [2 23 +
cycloaddition occurred to afford the phosphaprismane compound 27. Further photolysis
of the tetracycle 27 gave access to the phosphabenzvalene 28, which was in thermal and
photochemical equilibrium with the phosphabenzene 2933(Scheme 2). Treatment of the
diphosphete 30 with Bu'C-P afforded the first lA5, 31.', 5A3-triphosphabenzene
derivative (31)58.
A summary of the types of [4 + 23 addition reactions undergone by phospha-alkynes is
shown in Scheme 2.
Recently, Bu'C=P has been shown also to undergo Diels-Alder-type reactions with
open-chain 1,3- and 1,4-dienes to give mono- and di-phosphatricycl0[]oct-3-
enes (Scheme 3)59. The products presumably involve an ene reaction of the initially
produced Diels-Alder product to give (32, which undergoes a [4 + 21 cycloaddition. The
first reaction step is not regiospecific but the ene reaction occurs specifically at the P = C
double bond. The mechanism is supported by the observation that cyclo- lP-hexadienes
react with Bu'C=P under comparable conditions (Scheme 4)59.
The first examples of 1-aza-3-phosphabenzenes (33) were prepared6' via regiospecific
Diels-Alder reactions of 2-trifluoromethyl-4-methyl-6H-1,3-oxazin-6-one with RC=-P,
(R = Bur, Ad) (Scheme 5). The initially formed cycloaddition products extrude C 0 2 under
the reaction conditions (80 "C, sealed tube, 3 days) and cannot be isolated.
Interesting differences in the chemical behaviour of alkynes and phospha-alkynes with
1,3-azaphosphinines have been reported6 Alkynes react under mild conditions to afford
the [4 23 heterobarralene cyclo-adducts 34, which undergo cycloreversion to the
corresponding substituted phosphinines (Scheme 6a). Bu'C-P, on the other hand, gives
36a rather than 36b (Scheme 6b). The tetracyclic triphosphane structure shown com-
bines a 3H-pyrrole, a 1,3-diphosphacyclopropane,a 1,3-diphosphacyclobutaneand a
266 M. J. Maah and J. F. Nixon

R’ H

+ 111


r4 + 21



a R ’ - , \\ t
,+c- enereaction

R2,” 111


R =BJ (33)
Ph Ar
t RCSCR' - 8.
9. Chemistry and ligating properties of phospha-alkynes

/ p q

Ph P



- 3
2 Me,CC=P



diphosphacyclopropane system. A reaction mechanism has been proposed but intermedi-

ates have not yet been isolated.
Surprisingly, 1,3-azaarsinines behave differently again with Bu'C=P at 120 "C in a
sealed tube to give colourless crystalline compounds (37)62. A single-crystal X-ray
structural analysis shows that 37 has the tetracyclic skeletal framework shown in
Scheme 7a with all the phosphorus atoms and the arsenic atom being located in

+ 3Me3CCEP

Ar Me3C

bridgehead positions. These observations have been interpreted as arising from the
decreased electrophilicity of the arsenic in the 1,3-azaarsinine,and the reaction mechanism
in Scheme 7b is proposed.
The previously unknown 2-phosphabarrelenes (38)are also obtained by Diels-Alder
reactions of RC-P (R = But, Ad) with various anthracenes (Scheme 8) and have been
characterized by NMR s p e c t r o ~ c o p y ~ ~ .

3. An 18 + 21 cycloaddition reaction
The reaction involving [8 + 21 cycloaddition of P h C E P to 8-methoxyheptafulvene led
to the formation of the previously unknown 2-phospha-azulene (39) (equation 13)64.
268 M. J. Maah and J. F. Nixon



Ar Ar Ph Ar k L C M e 3

R = Me3C




H\/oMe Ph

@P (13)


9. Chemistry and ligating properties of phospha-alkynes 269
4. [2 + 1J Cycloaddition reactions
A recent report has shown that di-terl-butylsilanediyl (41), obtained by irradiation of
hexa-tert-butylcyclotrisilane(40), undergoes [2 + 13 cycloaddition to the triple bond of
RC-P (R = Bur,Ad) to give novel phosphasilirenes (42), which can be q'-complexed with
[W(CO),]"' (Scheme 9). The X-ray structural analysis of the adamantyl analogue (43)
confirms the novel three-membered ring system and the P-C distance is typical of


/"\ hU
{BuiSi:} t Buf2Si=SiBu$
Bu>Si-SiBu: (41)

s' i


B. Reactions of Phospha-alkynes with Main Group Halides

Scheme 10 summarizes the reactions of phospha-alkynes with halides of several Main
Group elements. In early studies, RC-P (R = H, Ph) was reacted with hydrogen
270 M. J. Maah and J. F. Nixon


(47) (45) /C'
d' 'GeCI,
\) (49)

.XCISI 'c=P-x
(b) / cI-P=c
H /c=p-

cI \GeCI3
(46) (48)
\) B

(a) HCI, R = H, Ph; (b) X,, X = CI, Br, I, R = Bur;(c)GeCI,, R = Bu'; (d) SnCl,, R = Bu'; (e)
BX,, X = CI, Br, R = Bu'; (f) Bu'CP; ( 9 ) PBr,, R = Bu'

SCHEME 10. Reactions of RC-P with Main Group halides.

chloride to give chlorophospha-alkenes (44) and chlorophosphines (45), r e s p e c t i ~ e l y ~ * ~ ~ .

These reactions had been used to confirm the identity of these phospha-alkynes, which
were obtained in only small amounts.
Halogens, X2 (X = C1, Br, I), add in a stepwise fashion to the PEC triple bond of
Bu'C=P to afford the halogenophospha-alkenes (46)and subsequently the dihalogeno
(1,l-diha1ogenoalkyl)phosphine(47). The weak P-C single bond in 47 is cleaved to give
PX, and Bu'CX, with an excess of the halogen' (Scheme 10). '
Interestingly, halides of Main Group elements, MX, (M = Ge, Sn, B, X = CI; M = B, X
= Br; n = 3 or 4) also readily add across the triple bond of RC-P (R = Bu') to afford the
phospha-alkenes, ClP=C(Bu')MCl, [48, M = Ge; 50, M = Sn] and XP=C(Bu*)MX,
(51, M = B, X = Br, CI). Further treatment of Bu'C-P with 47 gave the 1,Zdiphosphetene
(49) (Scheme lo), the structure of which was confirmed by a single-crystal X-ray diffraction
study. An analogous reaction with PBr, afforded the unusual cage compound 53, which
formed via the intermediate 5244*66.
9. Chemistry and ligating properties of phospha-alkynes 27 1
As mentioned earlier, photoelectron spectroscopic studies on a series of phospha-alkynes
indicated that the HOMO is of the n-type and the n-n separation is greater than in the
corresponding nitrile. This suggests that side-on (q2-)coordination of the RC-P ligand to
a metal centre might be preferred to P-ligation. In mono- and di-nuclear metal systems, the
following ligation modes are expected and examples of all types A-D have subsequently
been established (see below). The $-ligating mode has only recently been established in
complexes which have special steric restrictions6', and the favoured type of bonding is of
the q2-type.

Most complexes reported involve ligated Bu'C=P or AdC-P, except for a single
report of complexes of type C (54), which were generated in situ by dehalogenation of
RCC12PC1, by [Co2(CO),3 (equation t4)68.
Syntheses of a selection of q2-complexes of type B are summarized in equation 15-
1869- 71


Bu'C=P, haxona C
[ P t ( ~ o d ) ~ ] ZPR,
/ P

212 M. J. Maah and J. F. Nixon

p 2 Bu'
tolurnr C
[Pt(dp~e)~] Eu'CZP RT
' P

The molecular structure of [Pt(PPh,),(Bu'C-P)] (55) confirms the $-bonding mode

and, as expected, the P-C bond is considerably lengthened on coordination. In complex
55, the one-bond J(PtPa1kyne) coupling constant (62 Hz)is the smallest so far recorded,
reflecting the low s character of the Pt-P alkyne bond69.

Several complexes of type C and D have been prepared by analogous reactions known
for alkynes, namely by (i) treatment with [Co,(CO),)] or [CoNi(CO),Cp] or (ii) via
addition of RC=P across metal-metal multiple bonds (e.g. equations 19-22)72,73.
The molecular structure of 56 is shown
The lone pair of electrons at phosphorus in B-D offer further ligating potential; thus
complexes of type E and F are known from further interaction with other metal centres
(equations 23-27)7s.
9. Chemistry and ligating properties of phospha-alkynes 773
[ C O ~ ( C O ) ~tI [(NiCp(CO)12] (CO) Co-"\NiCp


BU' 1


- Bu'CeP

0 .I

214 M. J. Maah and J. F. Nixon

f But

I w(co)5


\ (d) .
(a) [W(CO),(Thf)I, ML, = Co(CO),, Mo(CO),Cp; (b) [M;(CO),,(MeCN)], M’ = Os,
Ru; ML, = Mo(CO),Cp; (c) [ [PtCI,(PR,)),], R = alkyl, aryl; ML, = Mo(CO),Cp; (d)
[ { RhCl[OC(NMePF,),]} J,ML, = Mo(CO),Cp

9. Chemistry and ligating properties of phospha-alkynes 215
M----- 111

Tri- and penta-metallic derivatives 7 2 * 7 6 - 7 8 have been synthesized and the molecular
structures confirmed by X-ray studies. e.g. [Co2(CO),(ji-Bu'CP)W(CO),1 (57)72,
~ M o 2 ~ C ~ ~ 2 ~ C 0 ~ 4 ~ ~ c - B u ' C P ) 1O1s (58)76
,o, and ~ M o 2 ~ C ~ ~ 2 ~ C o ~ 4 ~ ~ ( - B U ' c p ~ F e ~ c o ~ 4 ~

The trimetallic phospha-alkyne complex (type G), in which the R C r P fragment

transversely bridges an M-M bond to afford a ji3-(q2 - I)ligating mode, has also been
reported79, e.g. [Fe2Pt(dppe)(CO),(Bu'CP)] (60) is formed quantitatively from
[Pt(dppe)Bu'CP] and either [Fe2(C0),] or [Fe3(CO),,] (equation 28).
216 M. J. Maah and J. F. Nixon

Examples of phospha-alkynes utilizing both their P=C bonds and phosphorus lone-
pair electrons to form cluster metal systems involve pentametallic complexes of the type
[Pd,M,(PPh,),(Bu'CP),] (M = Pd, Pt), the molecular structure of which is shown with
the phenyl groups of PPh, omitted for claritys0. It consists for a trigonal bipyramidal
arrangement of the metal atoms with the two palladium atoms (which are bonded)

occupying axial positions and the three platinum stellated atoms in equatorial sites.
[Pt(PPh,),( Bu'CP)] [Pd,Pt,( PPh,),( Bu'CP),] (29)
[Pd(PPh,),] + Bu'C=P RT
' [PddPPh3),(Bu'CP),] (30)
q'-Bonded phospha-alkyne-metal complexes (type A) have been reported only recently
by displacement of dinitrogen from trans-[M(N,),(R, PCH,CH,PR,),] (M = Mo, W)
9. Chemistry and ligating properties of phospha-alkynes 211

(equation 3 1)”. The metal-phosphorus network exploited is such t h a t only ligands that
are long and thin can approach the metal and bind in the axial positions.

Ill 4

Mo Ad Et
W t - B U Ph

A single-crystal X-ray study on trans-[Mo(AdCP),(Et,PCH,CH,PEt,), (63)reveals (a)

a linear seven-atom CCPMoPCC framework, (b) a short Mo-P alkyne bond distance
and (C) a short P=C bond distance which is comparable to that found in the free
~ ~ Table 3).
p h ~ s p h a - a l k y n e(see
Some typical P-C bond lengths in RC=P metal complexes are listed in Table 3.
Reactions of phospha-alkynes with metal complexes in high oxidation states lead to
278 M.J. Maah and J. F. Nixon
TABLE 3. P-C bond lengths in some phospha-alkyne-transition metal complexes"

d(P-C)(A) Ref.

1.672(17) 69
1.52q12) 67
1.719(3) 74
1.733(12) 78
1.719(5) 78
1.86(1) 76
1.695( 6) 72
1.703(6) 79
1.62(2) 80

"d(P-C) for free phospha-alkynes RC-P = 1.540(3)A.

unusual products. Thus TaCI, gives the remarkable compounds 64 and 65 and
[W,(OBu'),] gives the 1-phospha-3-tungstena- (66) and 1,4-diphospha-3-
tungstenacyclobuta-2,3-diene(67) complexes via trasnfer of Bu'O from W to P
(equation 32)"~~~.
r(Bu~0)3W=W(OBu~)31 + Bu t C--P -
9. Chemistry and ligating properties of phospha-alkynes
[(Bu'o),w=cBu' t (B"'o)3w=P]

excess BU'CEP

Bu' BU'
He\ 1
t /w\ /p-o\
Bu-0 c BU BU'



A major recent development in the chemistry of phospha-alkynes is their usefulness in the
synthesis of phosphorus analogues of the well known q4-cyclobutadiene-, q 5 -
cyclopentadienyl- and q6-arene-transition metal complexes.

A. 1.3-Diphosphacyclobutadiene Complexes
First examples of this type of complex were reported by Maah et nl." and
independently by Binger et ~ 1 . ~ 'The
. ready cyclodimerization of Bu'CP occurs on
treatment with complexes of the type [M(q5-C,R,)(C,H4),] (R = H, M = Co, Rh;
R = Me, M = Co, Rh, Ir) (equation 33)8'.


R*R M (33)


In [Co(Cp*){q4(Bu'CP),}] (a), the q4-diphosphacyclobuta-1,3-dienering is essentially

planar and all the P-C bond lengths are equivalent, indicating that in the complexed
form the diphosphacyclobuta-l,3-dienering is a square rather than a rectangle. This is
similar to the behaviour of coordinated cyclobutadienes. Interestingly, the phosphorus-
carbon bond length (1.801 bi) is, as expected, much longer than that of free Bu'CP (1.54 A).
280 M. J. Maah and J. F. Nixon

P(,)--C( 1) 130(1)9 P(1)-C(z) 1.79(113 P(z)--C, 1) 1.82(1), P(z)--C(z) 1W 1 ) , CO,1 )-Po )

2.240(3), Cq1,-P(,, 2.244(4), Co,,,-C,,, 2.09(1), Co,,,-C(z, 2 W 1 ) A; P,l)-C(l)--P,z)

98.0(5), P(i)--C(z)--P(z) 98.7(5), C(l)-P(1)--C(z) 82.0(5), C(1)--P(z)--C(z) 81.0(5)0
An indenyl cobalt analogue is also known in which the P,C, ring geometry is essentially
identical with 68. Analogous derivatives of Me,CHC-P and AdC-P are also
k n ~ w n ' ~ * Cyclodimerization
'~. of mixtures of Bu'C=P and AdC-P also give the mixed
[AdCPBu'CP] ring system (equation 34).
Most recently it has been founds5 that although attempts at co-cyclodimerization of
Bu'C=P and MeC-CMe only gave ligated [PCBU']~and the arene Me,C,, the reaction
between [Co(Cp)(C,H,),] and Me3SiC=CSiMe3 at - 30 "C followed by treatment of
the resulting intermediate with Bu'C-P gave a low yield of the previously unknown
phosphacyclobutadiene complex 69 (equation 35).

6 . Metal Aggregates Containing Ligated 1.3-Diphosphacyclobutadienes

Novel bi- and tri-metallic complexes (71and 72)have been characterized and syntheses
of the remarkable hexametallic compounds 73a and 73b have also been
(equations 36 and 37).
Zenneck and coworkers" have described mixtures of complexes containing phos-
phorus heterocycles by reaction 38. The cleavage of the P-C triple bond in these systems
is noteworthy.
In a recent attempt to synthesize examples of 2-metalla-l,4-diphosphacyclopentadiene
complexes, Binger et a/.*' treated Bu'C-P with [Zr(q5-C,H5)z] generated in situ to
afford the unusual bis (q5-cyclopentadienyl)-1,3-diphosphabicyclo[ l.l.O]butane-2,4-
diylzirconium compound 74 (equation 39).
A single-crystal X-ray structural determination of 74 indicated that the phospha-alkyne
has undergone dimerization to form the folded bicyclic ring system bonded to the metal by
two Zr-C bonds.
9. Chemistry and ligating properties of phospha-alkynes 28 1

I 1



-30 t o 0 OC


I 1
282 M. J. Maah and J. F. Nixon




9. Chemistry and ligating properties of phospha-alkynes 283

___, +


[ c ~ ~ z ~ tc I2, P~= C B ~ ' - Mg-HgCI,



C. Tri-, Penta- and Hexa-phosphorus Analogues of Ferrocene

The synthesis of the triphosphacyclopentadienylanion [C2R2P,]- (R = Bu') has been
reported from the reaction of Bu'CP and Li[P(SiMe,),] 1*66. The crystalline
[Li(dme),] [C,R,P,], has been fully characterized by j l P NMR spectroscopy and an
unpublished single-crystal X-ray study. Subsequent studies suggested that a second anion,
[PZC3R3]-, is also present in the reaction mixtures9.
Penta- and hexa-phosphorus analogues of ferrocene have been obtained by treatment of
the lithium salts of the [P,C,R,]- and [P,C3R,]- anions with FeCI, in monoglyme; they
have been structurally characterizeds9.
The remarkable green, air-stable, sublimable complexes [Fe(qS-C2R,P,),] (75) and
[Fe(q5-C,R,P,)] (76)(R = Bur)have been fully structurally characterized by single-crystal
X-ray diffraction studies. The sandwich structures (two views) are shown (top) together
284 M. J. Maah and J. F. Nixon
with relevant bond length data (bottom). Analogous adamantyl compounds have also
been prepareda9.

(75) (76 1
Bond lengths to iron: (75) from P(,,2.330(3), Po,2.360(2), P(,,2.316(2), C(,, 2.208(7),
c,,,2.192(7), c0,2.242(9) b;; (76) from P,,,2.330(3), P0,2.358(3), P(,,2.359(3),
C(,,2.197(1l), C,,,2.222(12)b;
In both structures 75 and 76 the two q5-bonded rings are eclipsed and the disposition of
the rings minimizes inter-ring interactions of the organic groups.
More recently, the first paramagnetic sandwich compound, [Cr(C,R,P,),]90, was
obtained and also compounds containing both q5-C5H5(Cp)and $-(C2R,P,) or q5-
(C,R,P,) ring systems” 77 and 78.
Further interaction of77 with [W(CO),(thf)] gives 78, in which the tungsten is attached
to one of the least sterically hindered phosphorus atoms of the q5-(CzR,P3) ring. The
molecular structure is shown”.
9. Chemistry and ligating properties of phospha-alkynes 285


Electrochemistry and Mossbauer and photoelectron spectroscopic studies on these qs-

complexes indicate that the presence of phosphorus atoms in the rings exerts an overall
electron-withdrawing effect on the transition metal atom92.
286 M. J. Maah and J. F. Nixon
The (C,R,P,) ring system also acts in an q'-ligated fashion and the first example of this
class ofcompounds is illustrated by 80a and 80b, [PtX(PR,),(C,R,P,)] (R = Bur;X = C1,
I; R'= Ph, Et), whose structures indicate that one of the least sterically hindered
phosphorus atoms is the donor siteg3.
A feature of interest is the perfectly planar 9'-C,R,P, ring in both complexes, indicating
that the nature of the bond between the ring phosphorus and the metal is of type H rather
than I, and this is supported by the magnitude of 'J(PtP) in 80b, which is 2920 Hz. The
complexes are also fluxional, the metal undergoing 1,2-shifts between the two adjacent P
atoms of the ring93.

D. 1.3.5-Triphosphabenzene-Metal Complexes
First reports of metal-promoted cyclotrimerization of phospha-alkynes to give
complexes containing 1,3,5-triphosphabenzene and its valence isomers have appeared
recently. Treatment of a cut-butylphospha-alkyne with a source of the [V(C5Me,)]
fragment results in the formation of a dark-brown crystalline complex (81)g4.

The ring system in 81 is derived from a 1,3,5-triphosphaprismaneand the complex
exhibits dynamic behaviour in solution (equation 40). At room temperature 81 reacts
readily with 1 mol of carbon monoxide to give the dark-green complex 82, which contains
a ligated 1,3,5-triphospha-Dewar-benzene that has been fully structurally characterized by
a single-crystal X-ray analysisg4.
Treatment of cycloheptratrienemolybdenumtricarbonyl with B u ' C r P afforded the
orange complex 83, which has been formulated as a 1,3,5-triphosphabenzene derivative on
the basis of spectroscopic datay5.[Added in proof: This result has been questioned by other
workers-see Ref. 14 for details.]

E. Other Metal Complexes Derived from Phospha-alkynes

A variety of novel ligands generated from phospha-alkynes have recently been
described. The coupling of two phospha-alkyne units via a carbonyl group to afford the
9. Chemistry and ligating properties of phospha-alkynes 287

3PiC+-+ v

.:v,,-. co

novel ligating unit P=CR(CO)CR=P (R = adamantyl or Bu') occurs on treatment with
The solid-state structure of 84 shows that one rhodium atom is attached in an '1'-
fashion to each of the P=C double bonds whereas the other rhodium is directly bonded to
both phosphorus atoms.
288 M. J. Maah and J. F. Nixon

Attack of carbon monoxide on the carbon of a single coordinated phospha-alkyne
generates the unusual phosphinidene ligand RC(C0)P (R = Bu’), which has been trapped
in the complex [Re2Pt(CO),(dppe)(BurC(O)P)] 85”.

F. A Ligated Bis(phosphaviny1) Ether

The remarkable bis(phosphaviny1)ether complex 86 containing four [Mn(CO),( q 5 -
C,H,Me)] fragments has been synthesized unexpectedly by addition of water to 2 mol of
~ MI ~t. P=CCMe3
4 I ( I - ~ ~ - C ~ H , M ~ ) ( C O )thf

-- 4 thf
+ H20

9. Chemistry and ligating properties of phospha-alkynes 289
B u ' C r P during its reaction with the manganese carbonyl precursor (equation 42)98,Of
the four manganese complex fragments, two are bonded to the phosphorus atoms and the
other two to the P=C double bonds of the ligand.

G. A 2H-Phosphirene Complex
The first example of a 2H-phosphirene complex resulted from treatment of BUT-P
with a diazocyclohexane compound at - 40 0C99(Scheme 11). The P=C bond length in
87, 1.634(4)& is slightly shorter than that found in free or q'-ligated phospha-alkenes.



290 M. J. Maah and J. F. Nixon


31PNMR data and/or P-C bond distances in some phospha-alkyne-metal complexes
are summarizedin Table 4. It is interesting that there is a downfield shift (ca 100-1 50 ppm)

TABLE 4. 3 1 PNMR data for some phospha-alkyne-metal complexes

Compound B(P)(ppm)" J(MP)(Hz) Bonding

type Ref.
- 56.9 62' B 69
- 53.3 166' B 79
- 58.7 144' B 70
- 74.8 151' B 75
- 101.9 115' B 70
- 252.0 C 74,77
+ 189 C 74
- 188 C 73
- E 72
- 189.4 - E 78
- 269.2 229' E 78
- 287.4 E 76
- 234.9 - E 76
- 205.9 2033' E 77
- 206.6 2034' E 77

- 242.0f 140"*f E 77
- 192.8 128' G 79
- 80
+ 142 - - 100
- 157.9 354' A 83

'Relative to TMP
bData refer to phosphorus of RCP moiety only; &P)(Bu'C-P) = - 209 pprn
'I J(WP).
9. Chemistry and ligating properties of phospha-alkynes 29 1
from that of the free Bu'C=P ligand [6(P) = - 209 ppm] on coordination in the '1'-
bonded type (B) phospha-alkyne complexes. For other complexes (types C and D, no
generalizations can be made although most of the 31PNMR resonances lie in the high-
field region. One important feature in the 31PNMR spectra of these complexes is the
magnitude of 'J(MP) (M = 195Pt,lS3W, lo3Rh)which reflects the s-character term in the
coupling expression and can be diagnostic in structural elucidation. Low 'J(MP) values
[e.g. 'J(PtP) = 62-166 Hz in bonding types Band F; 'J(RhP) = 29 Hz in bonding type C)
are observed when the BUT-P ligand is q2-bonded to the metal atom. When the lone
pair of electrons at the phosphorus atom of the coordinated RCP are directly involved in
coordination towards the metal atom (type E, a higher 'J(MP) would be expected [e.g.
'J(WP) = 229 Hz; 'J(PtP) = 2034 Hz).

Since submission of the manuscript in August 1988, the field of phospha-alkyne chemistry
has developed remarkably, particularly with respect to their use in the synthesis of
heterocyclic compounds, phospha-arenes and their valence isomers, and polycyclic
compounds. The role of phospha-alkynes as ligands and as precursors to new types of
ligands is also noteworthy as is their cyclodimerization in the coordination sphere of
metals. Two major review articles covering these aspects have recently appeared: 3. F.
Nixon, Chem. Revs., 88,1327 (1988), and M. Regitz and P. Binger, Angew. Chem. Znt. Edn.,
27, 1482 (1988).
A major international meeting PSIBLOCS (The Chemistry of Phosphorus, Silicon,
Boron and Related Elements in Low Coordination Number) was held in Palaiseau, Pans,
in August 1988 and a book entitled Multiple Bonds and Low Coordination in Phosphorus
Chemistry, by M. Regitz and 0.J. Scherer: Thieme, Stuttgart 1989 (in press), also report
the developing interest in this area.
Of special note are the recently reported cage compounds P,C,B\ [R. Bartsch, P. B.
Hitchcock, and J. F. Nixon, J . OryanometaL Chem., 375, C31 (1989), P,C4BukH2 (R.
Bartsch, P. B. Hitchcock, and J. F. Nixon, J . C . S . Chem. Commun., 1989, 1047) and the
novel cubane like compound P,C,Bu', (T. Wettling, J. Schneider, 0. Wagner, C . G.
Kreiter, and M. Regitz, Anyew. Chem. Int. Edn., 28, 1013 (1989)l which have been
synthesized from Bu'C=P or its derivatives. The use of phospha-alkynes in the synthesis
of organophosphorus compounds and their metal complexes seems likely to continue to
produce a wide variety of novel compounds.

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9. Chemistry and ligating properties of phospha-alkynes 293
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61. G. Markl, S. Dietl, M. L. Ziegler and B. Nuber, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl., 27, 389 (1988).
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63. U. Annen and M. Regitz, Tetrahedron Lett., 28, 5141 (1987).
64. G. Markl, E. Seidl and J. Trotsch, Angew. Chem., Ini. Ed. Engl., 22,879 (1983).
65. A. Schafer, W. Weidenbruch, W. Saak and S. Pohl, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl., 26,776 (1987).
66. G. Becker, W. Becker, R. Knebl, H. Schmidt, U. Hilhenbrand and N. Westerhausen, Phosphorus
Sulfur, 30,349 (1987).
67. P. B. Hitchcock, M. J. Maah, J. F. Nixon, J. A. Zora, G. J. Leigh and M. A. Bakar, Angrw.
Chem., Int. Ed. Engl., 26, 474 (1987).
68. D. Seyferth and R. Henderson, J. Organomet. Chem., 162, C35 (1978).
69. J. C. T. R. Burckett-St. Laurent, P. B. Hitchcock, H. W. Kroto and J. F. Nixon, J. Chem. SOC.,
Chem. Commun., 1141 (1981).
70. S . I. Al-Resayes, S. I. Klein, H. W. Kroto, M. F. Meidine and J. F. Nixon, J. Chem. SOC.,Chem.
Commun., 930 (1983).
71. M. F. Meidine and J. F. Nixon, unpublished results.
72. J. C. T. R. Burckett-St. Laurent, P. B. Hitchcock, €I. W. Kroto, M. F. Meidine and J. F. Nixon,
J . Organoment. Chem., 238, C82 (1981).
73. R. Bartsch, J. F. Nixon and N. Sarjudeen, J . Organomet. Chem., 294,267 (1985).
74. G. Becker, W. A. Herrmann, W. Kalcher, G. Kriechbaum, C. Pahl, C. T. Wagner and M. L.
Ziegler, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl., 22,423 (1983); Angew. Chem. Suppl., 501 (1983).
75. S. 1. Al-Resayes, D Phil. Thesis, University of Sussex (1985).
76. R. Bartsch, J. F. Nixon and N. Sarjudeen, J. Organomet. Chem., 266, C41 (1984).
77. M. F. Meidine, C. J. Meir, S. Morton and J. F. Nixon, J . Organomet. Chem., 297, 255 (1985).
78. P. B. Hitchcock, M. F. Meidine and J. F. Nixon, J. Organomet. Chem., 333, 337 (1987).
79. S. I. AI-Resayes, P. B. Hitchcock, and J. F. Nixon, J . Chem. SOC.,Chem. Commun., 1081 (1984).
80. S. I. Al-Resayes, P. B. Hitchcock, J. F. Nixon and D. M. P. Mingos, J . Chem. SOC..Chem.
Comnun.. 365 (1985).
81. P. B. Hitchcock, M. J. Maah and J. F. Nixon, J . Chem. SOC.,Chem. Commun., 737 (1986).
82. P. Binger. R. Milczarek, R. Mynott, M. Regitz and W. Rosch Angew. Chem.. Int. Ed. Engt., 25,
644 (1986).
83. M.J. Maah and J. F. Nixon, unpublished results; M. J. Maah, D. Phil. Thesis, University of
Sussex (1 987).
84. P. Binger. personal communication (1987).
85. P. Binger, R. Milczarek, R. Mynott and M. Regitz, J. Organomet. Chem., 323, C35 (1987).
86. P. 8 . Hitchcock, M. J. Maah and J. F. Nixon, J. Chem. SOC., Chem. Commun., 844 (1987).
87. U. Zenneck personal communication (1987); M. Driess, D. H. H., Pritzkow, M. Regitz, W.
Rosch, H. SchPufele and U. Zenneck, J. Organomet. Chem., 334 C35 (1987).
88. P. Binger, B. Biedenbach, C. Kruger and M. Regitz, Angew. Chem.. Int. Ed. Engl., 26,764(1987).
89. R. Bartsch, P. B. Hitchcock and J. F. Nixon, J . Chem. Soc.. Chem. Commun., 928 (1987). See also
R. Bartsch and J. F. Nixon, Polyhedron, 8, 2407 (1989).
90. P. B. Hitchcock, R. Bartsch and J. F. Nixon, J. Organomet. Chem., 356, C1 (1988).
91. R. Bartsch, P. B. Hitchcock and J. F. Nixon, J. Organomet. Chem., 36b, C1 (1988).
92. R. Bartsch, C. J. Pickett, J. F. Nixon and R. V. Parish, Nouueau J . de Chemie, 13, 353 (1989).
294 M. J. Maah and J. F. Nixon
93. P. B. Hitchcock, J. F. Nixon and G. J. D. Sillett, J. Organomet. Chem., 340,C37 (1988).
94. R. Milczarek, W. Russeler, P. Binger, K. Jonas, K. Anermund, C. Kruger and M. Regitz, Angew.
Chem., Int. Ed. Engl., 26, 908 (1987).
95. A. R. Barron and A. H. Cowley, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl., 26,907 (1987).
96. P. B. Hitchcock, M. J. Maah and J. F. Nixon, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 658 (1987).
97. S. I. Al-Resayes, P. B. Hitchcock and J. F. Nixon, J. Chem. SOC.,Chem. Commun., 928 (1987).
98. M. L. Ziegler, R. Balles, B. Nuber, G. Becker, H. Schmidt, B. Kanellakopulos and B. Powietzla,
Angew. Chem.. Int. Ed. Engl., 26,900(1987).
99. 0. Wagner, G Maas and M. Regitz, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl., 928 (1987).
100. S. I. Al-Resayes, P. B. Hitchcock and J. F. Nixon, J. Chem. SOC.,Chem. Commun., 928 (1987).

Cyclic phosphines
L. D. QUlN
Department of Chemistry, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts,


Department o f Chemistry, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario. Canada
__- __
I. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
PHOSPHINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
A. Geometrical Isomerism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
B. Ring Conformational Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
C. Reactivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
D. NMR Spectral Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
111. REACTIONS THAT FORM CYCLIC PHOSPHINES . . . . . . . . . . . 304
A. Ring Closure at Difunctional Phosphorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
B. Ring Closure by Intramolecular Reactions at Phosphorus Functions . 309
C. Ring Closure by Intramolecular Condensations Remote from
Phosphorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
D. Conversion of Cyclic Phosphorus Compounds with Various P-
Functions to Phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
E. Cycloadditions and Other Reactions with C-P Multiple Bonds. . . . 320
F. Cyclic Phosphine Syntheses in the Coordination Sphere of Transition
Metal Complexes. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
G. Thermal and Photochemical Reorganizations of Phosphines . . . . . . 330
A. 1H-Phospholes and Fused-ring Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
1. General syntheses of simple 1H-phospholes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
2. Limited-scope syntheses of the Iff-phosphole ring. . . . . . . . . . . 335
3. Syntheses of phospholes from other phosphole derivatives. . . . . . 336
a. Ligand-exchange reactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
b. Substitutions at the ring carbon atoms of phosphole derivatives 338
~ ~~

The Chemistry of Organophosphorus Compounds, Volume 1

Edited By F. R. Hartley 0 1990 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
296 L. D. Quin and A . N . Hughes
c. Thermally induced transformations of 1H-phospholes into more
complex 1H-phospholes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
4. Syntheses of fused-ring phospholes: phosphindoles and
dibenzophospholes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
a . Phosphindoles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
b . Dibenzophospholes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
B. 2H-13-Phospholes and Phosphaazulenes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
C . Phospholes Containing Additional Heteroatoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
1. Systems containing one additional heteroatom . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
a . 1H- 1,313-Azaphospholes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
b. 1,313-Oxaphospholes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
c. 1,3R3.Thiaphospholes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
d . 1,3.Diphospholes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
2. Systems containing two additional heteroatoms . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
ADDITIONAL HETEROATOMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
A . I’-Phosphinines and Fused-ring Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
B. 13-Phosphinines Containing Additional Heteroatoms . . . . . . . . . . . 369
A. Electronic Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
1. 1H-Phospholes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
a . NMRstudies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
b . X-ray crystallographic studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
c. Reactivity of the phosphorus non-bonding electron pair . . . . . 371
d . Theoretical studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
2. 13.Phosphinines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
B. Metal Complex Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
1. 1H-Phosphole complexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
2. 13-Phosphinine complexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
C . Reactions of Special Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
1. 1H-Phosphole reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
2. I 3.Phosphinine reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
VII.REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377

The first cyclic phosphine (1-phenylphospholane) was prepared as early as 1915’. but only
recently has this class of compounds received broad attention . Many valuable discoveries
of new structural types and of unusual characteristics are being made. and the field is in a
state of rapid development . Particularly exciting are discoveries of new unsaturated ring
systems. where a double bond to phosphorus is present .The first example of this structural
type was a ‘phosphabenzene’ (1; 2.4.6.triphenylpho~phinine~).announced in 1967. This
type of compound will be discussed in detail in section V . Only in the last few years has it
been recognized that the C = P unit can be found in other stable molecules(e.g. z3and 34).
and now many ring systems are being discovered regularly . Even cyclic phosphines with
single bonds to phosphorus can have some surprising properties. such as in their
conformational preferences or in striking NMR effects. When a phosphine grouping is
attached to a carbon-carbon double bond. the possibility exists that electron delocaliz-
10. Cyclic phosphines 297

(4) (5) ( 61

ation can be present, and in multiply unsaturated phosphines with 4n + 2 K electrons,

properties associated with ‘aromaticity’ might appear.
This notion has been responsible for a great amount of research, especially in the
phosphole (4) family. Yet another aspect of contemporary cyclic phosphine chemistry is
concerned with metal coordination complexes. These compounds have many valuable
characteristics, but are now receiving attention as aids in the synthesis of new and unusual
compounds, which result when operations are performed directly on the phosphine
ligands. Some remarkable structures have been synthesized for the first time by this
approach. An example is 5, first made in 19825 in the form of a metal carbonyl complex (6);
the free phosphine was then released in a decomplexation step6, and proved to be
surprisingly stable (half-life greater than 17 h at 90 “C in toluene).
The ready oxidizability of phosphines interferes with the development of practical uses
for these compounds, other than as synthetic intermediates. Particularly lacking in the
literature are data on biological properties of cyclic phosphines. However, there is
detectable activity arising in this area, and some complex cyclic phosphines that resemble
alkaloids through replacement of nitrogen by phosphorus are being synthesized. This
little-explored area may well develop further in the future, and it will be of great interest if
oxidation-resistant alkaloid analogs can be prepared that will allow biological evaluation.
Some examples of alkaloid mimics are shown as structures 7-12, with the related alkaloid
noted. An additional structure 13 has the framework of the mesembrine alkaloids, but

8 (tropine)’ 9(lil~lidine)~

10 ( j ~ l o l i d i n e ) ~ 12 (benzornorphonf’
298 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes

possesses the phosphine oxide structure”. This should be easily convertible to the
phosphine, however (see Section 111. D).
A review ofthe restricted size necessary for this chapter cannot be complete as the field is
far too large. A considerable body of literature has been examined in order to present the
scope of cyclic phosphine chemistry, both in historical perspective and in up-to-the
moment advances. Many excellent pieces of research could not be mentioned. However,
the authors hope that the review will be of value to those regularly involved in phosphorus
chemistry and to those studying the field but not yet active in it.



A. Geometrical Isomerism
A fundamental point that needs to be appreciated in understanding the chemistry of
cyclic phosphines is that the pyramidal stability of tricovalent phosphorus can lead to the
existence of separable stereoisomers. Not only are optically active phosphines known, but
also many examples of stable geometrical isomers (cis, trans in monocyclics or syn, anti in
bridged phosphines) have been encountered. As a general rule, the barrier to pyramidal
inversion (AG;)in tertiary phosphines is about 35 kcalmol-’, which endows them with
half-lives at 135“C of about 3-4 h13. This insures that cyclic tertiary phosphines with one
or more C substituents will possess geometrical isomers of sufficient stability to allow
separation techniques to be applied. There have been many reports where this has been
accomplished, using such techniques as gas chromatography, fractional distillation or


Q? (19)”

10. Cyclic phosphines 299

crystallization. Tertiary phosphine oxide diastereoisomers are also readily separated and,
as will be discussed in Section III.D,can easily be reduced to the phosphines without loss
of stereochemical integrity. Some representative types of cyclic phosphines for which
diastereoisomeric forms have been isolated are shown (14-20).

B. Ring Conformational Effects

Cyclic phosphines in general adopt the ring shapes commonly found for carbocyclic
counterparts. The longer C-P bond (about 1.84A) and smaller C-P-C bond angle
(around loo" in tertiary phosphines) than are associated with carbon in cyclic systems
introduce some modification of the ring shape. In the six-membered ring (phosphorinane),
the chair shape is readily recognized in the structures determined from X-ray crystallo-
graphic investigations2'. Five-membered phosphines probably adopt the envelope shape
known for cyclopentanes (not necessarily with P at the 'flap'), but data on free phosphines,
which are usually liquids, seem to be lacking. However, some X-ray crystallographic work
on the solid metal coordination complexes of five-membered cyclic phospholenes has
shown the envelope shape to be present22. One remarkable characteristic of cyclic
phosphines is their markedly reduced tendency for the substituent on P to adopt the
equatorial position. In 1-methylphosphorinane (21),the equilibrium between the confor-
mers with equatorial and axial methyl is only slightly on the side of the equatorial form at
- 140 "C (K= 2.03)'l. An entropy effect causes a shift in the position of the equilibrium as
the temperature increases, so that at room temperature there is a slight (2: 1)preference for
the axial form23.

axial equatorial

Even larger groups, such as phenyl (K = 2.33), still are found to exert little conform-
ational preference in phosphorinanes, and in the 4-keto derivatives the axial-equatorial
ratio in chloroform is 4: 124.The energy of activation for the phosphorinane ring inversion
is close to that for cycl~hexane~'.When C substituents are present, the position of the
conformational equilibria is usually controlled by the preference of that group to occupy
the equatorial position. Thus, in 1,4-dimethylphosphorinane(22),NMR spectral evidence
shows that the cis isomer has a strong preference for conformation 22a, and only a
negligible contribution from 22b is present. This is true also in 1,3-dimethylphosphorinane
(23), where the trans isomer shows a preference for conformation 23a over 23b2'.
These apparently weak preferences for one of the two sites at the phosphorus atom may
arise from the failure of strong destabilizing non-bonded 1,3-interactions to develop, as
they do so strongly in axial groups in cyclohexanes. A mechanism exists for the relief of
these interactions in phosphines. In the first place, the interactions may be weaker because

:P&Me- H
I the
(22a) (22b)
300 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes

:pep- P

the longer C-P bonds in the ring and in the exocyclic group place the P substituent at
a greater distance from the axial hydrogens. The special mechanism open to phosphorus
is that the pyramidal shape may become flattened, thus further increasing the distance of
an axial P substituent from the axial hydrogens. This fllttening at phosphorus has been
observed in several cyclic phosphines that have been studied by X-ray crystallography.
Thus, in uncrowded phosphine 24a26the dihedral angle at the C,,-P-Co,-Co, site is
57", but in isomer 24b,where crowding could be present, the flattening reduces the dihedral
angle to 46".

The lack of an expressed preference by a P substituent for a particular orientation allows

even small groups on carbon to adopt the equatorial position, even if this means forcing
the P substituent into the axial position. Thus, in truns-l,4-phosphorinanol,the OH group
is predominantly equatorial and the P-methyl is As expected, hydrogen on
phosphorus adopts the axial position2'. In confirmation of the weak conformational effect
as being special to phosphines, the corresponding oxides and sulfides, where the firm
tetrahedral geometry prevents the easy flattening at phosphorus, have been found to have
different conformational tendencies; the larger P-alkyl or P-aryl substituent clearly prefers
the equatorial position, and 0 or S adopt the axial position.
In bridged bicyclic phosphines, syn, anti isomers are possible, and several examples are
known. Thus, 7-phosphabicyclo C2.2.11heptenes (7-phosphanorbornenes) are known in
both syn (25) and anti (26) form. The structures are easily assigned by NMR spectral
effects", but there is no firm evidence to suggest which is the more stable form. Thermal
equilibration attempts have been hampered by the ease with which the P-bridge is lost
from these molecules29.The syn isomer rearranges to the anti isomer, however, in solutions
containing alcohols or water30, and at least in these media a conformational preference is
10. Cyclic phosphines 30 1
C. Reactivity
The chemical reactions of cyclic phosphines in general do not differ from those of non-
cyclic phosphines. However, there is some sensitivity to ring opening in special cases. Thus,
the three-membered phosphiranes are thermally unstable and decompose with C-P
bond opening. The four-membered phosphetanes are stable thermally and to most
reaction conditions so far reported. Some bridged unsaturated phosphines have a
mechanism available to them that allows an apparent retrocycloaddition reaction to
occur. An example is provided by the recently synthesized 2-phosphabicyclo C2.2.21 octa-
5,7-diene system". Both P-methyl and P-phenyl derivatives of molecules having this ring
system are known, but they decompose when heated in toluene solution at 35-40 "C with
ejection of the P-C bridge as a phosphaalkene, as shown for 27 (equation l)32.The 7-
phosphanorbornenes (e.g. 25, R = Me) undergo a more complicated decomposition, but
the net effect is the ejection of the P-bridge.

Most reactions of phosphines proceed with a high degree of retention of configuration at

phosphorus, and the well established stereospecificity in such reactions as oxidation (by a
variety of reagents), sulfuration, quaternization, imination with azides, etc., are extremely
valuable in synthetic operations. This avoids the formation of mixtures of isomers from a
single phosphine starting material, and gives a product with a known stereostructure
(assuming knowledge of the structure of the phosphine).

D. NMR Spectral Properties

NMR is the major tool in use for the study of the structure of cyclic phosphines in
solution. The 3 1 PNMR chemical shift range is much wider in cyclic phosphines (about
350ppm) than in non-cyclic phosphines (about 120ppm), and is very sensitive to structural
effects. A recent review3j summarizes much of the data on cyclic phosphines, and makes
it clear that accounting for the differences between structural types is not straightforward.
The three-membered rings give shifts far upfield of all others, and this may be related
to the high degree of s character in the lone pair on phosphorus. Phosphines with the
bicyclic 7-phosphanorbornene framework have their 31PNMR shifts at very far downfield
positions; indeed, those with the syn configuration have the most downfield values ever
recorded for any tertiary phosphine. Thus, the bridging P in 25 (R = Me) has a shift of
6 +96.518; the extreme so far reached is 152.5 in 2834.

It is of importance that saturation of the double bonds in 25 (R = Me) removes the

effect, and normal values are then seen. An explanation for the effect, which is also seen
302 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes
for a number of other nuclei when at the 7-position, rests on the existence of an overlap
of the C-P o orbital with a n* orbital of the double bond, which has diminished
electron density at the 7-position and thus causes deshielding. Extending the bridge by
one carbon in the 2-phosphabicyclo C2.2.2.1oct-Sene system completely removes the
effect, and normal values are seen3I. Remarkably strong deshielding has recently been
seen in two other types of cyclic phosphines where the hyperconjugative argument would
not apply. Thus, phosphine 2935 (R = R' = H) has shifts of 6 +80.8 and +91.7, and
phosphine 30z6a shift of 6 +80.0. As other types of phosphines are discovered that
have the far downfield 31P signals, the effect may become better understood and the
structural origin defined.
Abnormal upfield shifts are also common among unsaturated bicyclic phosphines.
There is no immediately obvious explanation for a shift of 6 - 79 in a P-phenylphosphine
such as 3lZ0,but even more remarkable is the value of 6 -145 reported3' for the
heterosubstituted phosphine 32.


(31) (32)

The nature of the P substituent in cyclic phosphines has a significant, but predictable,
influence on the chemical shift. Thus, P-methyl cyclic phosphines invariably have chemical
shifts that are about 18ppm at higher field than found for the P-phenyl counterpartsz1.
Cis, trans isomers differ significantly in their 31Pshifts, but not in a uniform way, so
caution is required in using this parameter as the sole indicator of configuration at
phosphorus. Thus, in P-methylphosphorinanes the isomer with an axial methyl is about
5 ppm at higher field than that with an equatorial methylz3;this is consistent with the effect
known in cyclohexanes for methyl substituents, and is attributed to the y-shielding effect
that acts on an axial substituent. However, in some P-phenylphosphorinanes, the opposite
relationship is seen38.The syn, anti isomers 25 and 26 differ by as much as 66 ppm, with the
former more downfieldI8. Certainly, the 31P NMR difference in a pair of isomeric
phosphines is of value in other regards as well, such as in analyzing mixtures, in following
the course of reactions or mixture separations and in establishing purity.
Carbon-I3 NMR spectra are frequently more valuable than 3 ' P NMR in establishing
10. Cyclic phosphines 303
stereostructure in cyclic phosphines. A useful and reliable effect arises from y-steric
interactions on the exocyclic carbon attached directly to phosphorus. In many ring
systems3', an axial (or pseudoaxial) carbon is known to have an upfield shift of several
ppm relative to the value for an equatorial (or pseudoequatorial) carbon, and this can be
used to assign steric structure when both forms are available.
Another 13CNMR effect that is of great importance is the 13C-3'P coupling constant.
For both '5, and 35p,,stereospecific effects are known that are empirically related to the
orientation of the lone pair orbital on phosphorus4'. The general rule for the two-bond
coupling is that the value is a maximum when the lone-pair orbital has a dihedral angle
relation of o" (e.g. is 'eclipsed' or syn) with a carbon /3 to phosphorus, and diminishes to a
negligible size when in an anti orientation. The first example reported4' of this effect amply
illustrates its magnitude and importance; in 33, where the angle is close too", the 'JPc value
for the 2,4-dimethyls cis to 3-Me is 30.5 Hz, whereas in 34, with a large angle, the coupling
is 4.3 Hz. Many examples have been published subsequently (numerous examples, are
cited in ref. 40a and a theoretical analysis of the lone pair effect is presented in ref. 40b).

Three-bond P-C coupling in phosphines shows a strong dependence both on lone pair
orientation and on the dihedral relation of the coupled nuclei, in a manner similar to the
well known Karplus relation for H-H coupling. In freely rotating phosphines4', 35p,
follows a Karplus-like relation and has a maximum when phosphorus and carbon have
dihedral angles of 0" and 180".The minimum value occurs at 105-1 10". However, in cyclic
phosphines the orientation of the lone pair is fixed and this clearly has an influence on 35pc
that can overcome the Karplus control. Thus, if the lone pair is remote from the coupled
carbon, the coupling constant will be small even if the dihedral angle is favorable for strong
coupling. The effect is illustrated in the 7-phosphanorbornene derivatives 35 and 36'*.
This effect also holds for three-bond coupling between two 31Pnuclei (e.g. for 35,22.0 Hz;
for 36, 4.9 Hz).

Me \ /Me

(35) (36)

Even the one-bond 13C-31Pcoupling constant can be an indicator of structure at

phosphorus; this parameter is sensitive to hybridization (and hence bond angle) at
phosphorus, and in general is large and negative when the degree of s character is large.
304 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes
Me Me

Me Me

The effect is dramatically illustrated in small rings, as in 3743. The contraction of the
internal C-P-C angle diminishes the s character in the ring C-P bond and diverts it to
the external C-P bond.
Proton NMR spectra of cyclic phosphines are also useful in deducing stereostructure
where clearly resolved spectra can be obtained. This is not always easy, however, and more
use is being made of I3C NMR spectra, which generally are better resolved. One valuable
parameter is two-bond 31P-1H coupling. Just as for ' J , as in 38 (and indeed recognized
earlier44),this value depends on the proximity of the lone pair to the coupled proton. A
number of cases of this phenomenon have been encountered.

* --6 HZ


A. Ring Closure at Difunctional Phosphorus

Phosphonous dihalides (RPX,) are useful building blocks for cyclic phosphines and
were used in the first recorded synthesis of such compounds in 1915'. The method remains
of value' 7*45, since numerous phosphonous dihalides are known. These compounds are
highly reactive to most nucleophiles, and this property can be used to advantage if the
nucleophilic species is a dicarbanion (or carbanion-like). Many cyclic phosphines, with
rings from three to seven members, have been prepared by this approach. Selected
examples are shown in Scheme 1.
Primary phosphines and derivatives with removable masking groups (such as Me,Si
and CH,OH), in addition to metallic phosphides, are also widely used in one-step
cyclizations. These species are highly nucleophilic and react readily with electrophilic
substances such as alkyl halides and acyl derivatives (Scheme 2). So far, the method has
found most use in the synthesis of phosphiranes and some benzo-fused systems.
A valuable variant is the use of a dilithio derivative of a bis-secondary phosphine, which
leads to rings with two phosphine groups (Scheme 3)59.
Another variant, which provides access to a cyclic system where there is a double bond
to phosphorus, involves the use of tris(trimethylsily1)phosphine as the source of
phosphorus (equation 2)60.
Phosphines and masked derivatives also participate in Michael additions to a$-
unsaturated systems, and this property has been exploited to great advantage to provide
entry to keto-phosphines with six-membered rings (phosphorinanones) (Scheme 4). Both
10. Cyclic phosphines 305


6JjQ I
from 6Jym Li Li
Y = CH2
(ref. 46)
(ref. 47)


from [MgCH2CH=CHCH2], and RPCI, (ref. 52)



0 0

t P(SiMe3I3 - II

0 OSiMe3
306 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes

Rk P

from CICH2CHRCI and NaPH2 or NaPHR (refs 14.53,54)


and P ~ P ( S ~ M S(ref.
~ ) 56)


from and Cl(CH2)2CI (ref. 57)


ond KPH2 with 18-crown-6 (ref. 58)
0 0

Li Li
from PhPCH2PPh and X(CH2),X, n = 2 , 3 or 4

P h / p v p \ P h

10. Cyclic phosphines 307

and PhPHZ (ref.61) or PhP(CH20H)2 (ref. 62)



and PhPH2 (ref. 65)

$ph from

Me Me Ph Me Me

dienones and aminoenones, which can be considered as masked dienones, have been used
in this cyclization process.
Acetylenes and olefins (requiring radical-generating conditions, frequently by in-
corporating aibn in the reaction mixture) also add phosphines, and as the examples in
Scheme 5 show, this property has provided some especially interesting phosphines with
unsaturation or with other heteroatoms in the ring.
Nitrogen-containing phosphines have been prepared by the reaction of diamines with
bis-(hydroxymethy1)phosphines (equation 3)’’ and by cyclization of aminophosphines
with various carbonyl compounds (equation 4)74.
0 from and PhPH, (ref. 66)



Ph Ph

from \rip]\ and PhAsH, (ref. 67)


(1 from (9 ond Me3SiPH2 (ref. 68)


Ph Ph

(1 from (‘1 and Me3SiPHZ (ref. 69)


from (ref. 70)

Ph from c
Il and PhPH, (ref. 72)

10. Cyclic phosphines 309
Major advances have recently been made in the synthesis of live-membered heterocyclic
systems that contain phosphorus double-bonded to carbon. This work, which has recently
been reviewed”, is of interest in the area of aromatic phosphorus chemistry (see
Section IV). The general approach is to employ a phenylphosphine derivative bearing an
ortho OH, NH,, SH or PH, substituent in a condensation with a carboxylic acid
derivative. A rich new aspect of cyclic phosphine chemistry is developing from these
methods and compounds, and some selected examples are shown in equations 5-7.

+ RC(OMeI2NMe - a ) R

(ref. 76) (5)

t t-Bu-C-CI (ref. 77) (6)

B. Ring Closure by Intramolecular Reactions at Phosphorus

Phosphorus halides of both the type RPX, and the less familiar R,PX (phosphinous
halides), and also secondary phosphines, that also contain olefinic or aromatic unsatur-
ation in accessible locations can be caused to undergo intramolecular cyclization. The
cyclization into aromatic rings requires conventional FriedelLCrafts catalysts such as
AICI, or ZnC1, (equations 8-10).


3 10 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes


Me Me

with heat (ref. 82)


Ph Ph

and AIC13 (ref. 82)

from QCI
Ph Ph


Ph Ph

from with irradiation (ref. 83)

Ph Ph

from 0 with albn (ref. 56)

Ph Ph


Lewis acids also may be used in cyclizations with olefinic groups (Scheme 6),although
thermal or radical conditions also may be effective.
Phosphine additions to double bonds are conducted under radical conditions
(Scheme 7).
10. Cyclic phosphines 31 1

C. Ring Closure by Intramolecular Condensations Remote

from Phosphorus
Such condensations as the Thorpe, Dieckmann and aldol types, which have been so
valuable in cyclic compound syntheses of many sorts, also have been effective in generating
cyclic phosphines, usually those with six ring members (Scheme 8). A valuable feature of
these processes is that they provide phosphines with functionality at one or more ring
carbons that can be exploited in the development of more complicated structures.
The recently introduced McMurry reaction has also been applied to the synthesis of the
particularly fragile phosphepine systema9.By placing tert butyl groups on the ring, kinetic
stabilization is provided to the ring system, preventing intermolecular reactions
(equation 11).

Ph k,

Some syntheses of multicyclic phosphines also containing nitrogen are based on further
ring closures of the 4-phosphorinanones resulting from methods described above
(equations 12-17).


from RP(CH2CH2CNl2 with base (ref. 85)


from Phy;oyo with NaOEt (ref. 87)

Bu-t Bu-t


Ph Ph

& I
2 & I

4 aNH2
Ph Ph Ph (ref. 88)

- pm

CHO Ph/ (ref.90)


I I (ref. 88)
Ph Ph

Ph Ph

Y=NH2 or SH

t HC(0Et

10. Cyclic phosphines 313
D. Conversion of Cyclic Phosphorus Compounds with Various
P-Functions t o Phosphines
In Sections 1II.A-C, the presentation has centered exclusively on processes that result
immediately in cyclic phosphines. Many cases are known, however, where cyclizations
have been carried out on compounds with phosphorus in a higher coordination or
oxidation state, or with displaceable P substituents present, and these products are then
converted to phosphines. The importance of this approach is considerable, since valuable
methods d o exist for the generation of phosphines from other P-functions. There are, in
fact, many cyclic phosphorus compounds (especially tertiary phosphine oxides) known in
the literature that are awaiting conversion to phosphines. Indeed, in a sense, one could
consider phosphine oxides as pro-phosphines, since it is rare (but documented, see below)
for a phosphine oxide not to be convertible to the corresponding phosphine when this is
desired. It is frequently more expeditious to design a phosphine oxide synthesis and then
deoxygenate to the phosphine than to approach the phosphine directly. A case in point is
the synthesis ofthe 3-phospholene system; there is no versatile way to construct this system
with phosphorus in the phosphine state, but the ring is easily constructed by the
McCormack reaction93, giving oxides that are then reducible to the phosphines
(equation 18).


By far the most important process for the reduction of phosphoryl compounds of
various types (but especially phosphine oxides) rests on the action of silicon h y d r i d e ~ ~ ~ .
This technique was introduced in 1964, and was immediately recognized as a major
advance in synthetic methodology in organophosphorus chemistry. Prior to that time,
and to the present, the otherwise highly versatile lithium aluminum hydride and related
agents had only rarely given satisfactory results when used with phosphine oxides. Some
exceptional cases d o exist, however, as in a recent synthesis of a 2-phosphaadamantane by
removal of oxygen from the corresponding oxide9’. The most widely used silicon hydrides
are trichlorosilane (a cheap, commercially available reagent), phenylsilane and
In most silane reductions, a four-center mechanism may be involved and with rare
exceptions leads to phosphines having the same configuration at phosphorus as in the
oxides (equation 19). This is of great importance in cyclic phosphine chemistry, where
diastereoisomerism is frequently present and serious uncertainties or product mixtures
could result from a non-specific reduction.

GSiCI, + A\+
B t P H

- [HOSiCI,] t B t P :
314 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes
When racemization is encountered in phosphine oxide reductions with HSiCI, (and
probably others), it can be attributed to isomerization (pseudorotation or turnstile
rotation) of a pentacovalent adduct with trigonal bipyramidal geometry before its
collapse. This adduct seems not to be formd, or to be rapidly deprotonated, when the
complex of HSiCl, with weakly basic amines, notably pyridine, is used rather than HSiCl,
alone. This matter has been discussed at length elsewhere in connection with the
deoxygenation of bridged phosphine oxides". A change in stereochemistry (to inversion)
can sometimes be effected when a stronger amine (especially triethylamine) is present96,
and inversion generally occurs when the reducing agent is Si,Cl,, which may in fact be
involved in the HSiC1,-Et,N reactiong7.Knowledge of the reducing system selected can
be of vital importance when diastereoisomeric phosphines can exist, and can be exploited
to prepare specimens of isomers of known structure, as in the example in equation 2098.
Me H

t I
I- (retention)

Ph 4

\ (inversion)
si2c'S . d H M e

6M: D

Ph4' Ph4'
80010 20010

As noted above, the concept of phosphine synthesis following construction of rings

where phosphorus is in the oxide state is of very broad utility, and has led to many
compounds not accessible by any known direct cyclic phosphine synthesis. Since
phosphine oxides frequently can be synthesized by applications of common organic
chemical methods, the matter of phosphine synthesis then becomes less specialized, except
that proper techniques to avoid accidental air oxidation back to the oxide are generally
required. Some selected examples of such phosphine oxide syntheses, and conditions for
their deoxygenation, are given in equations 21-28.
1. P h ~ s p h e t a n e s ~ ~ .



Me Ph
10. Cyclic phosphines 315
2. Phospholene oxides; many examples are known using the basic McCormack process
outlined in Section 1I.D. An application resulting in a multicyclic phosphine is

3. Large-ring phosphines'"

0- I


0 'Bu-t \
0' 'Bu-t 'Eiu-t

5. 1,4-O~aphosphorinanes~~~.
316 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes
6. Phosphajulolidine derivative^^.'^^.

Me Me

7. A phosphaadamantane precursor"'.


8. A bridged phosphine"'.


H &

The silane reducing agents may also be applied to phosphine oxides where C-functional
groups are present. Keto groups have been found to survive the usual conditions of silane
reductions, allowing phosphines such as those shown below to be prepared, whereas with

a$-unsaturated ketones, reduction did take place at the carbonyl group (equation 29)' 09.

(ref.107) (ref.iO8)
10. Cyclic phosphines 317
Alcoholic groups are converted to silyl esters with trichlorosilane, but may be easily
regenerated by hydrolysis (equation 30)'". Carboxylate functions survive with no
difficulty (equation 31)' l o .
Silance reductions are not without difficulties, however. It has been reported"' that the
oxide 39 failed to undergo reduction with silanes, whereas an enamine phosphine (40) was
simultaneously reduced at the carbon-carbon double bond (equation 32)' 12.
More serious problems have arisen when the basic reduction procedure is applied to
some multicyclic or bridged structures, as summarized in equations 33 and 34.


318 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes

Et,N,25 OC

(ref. 115)

Oxides in the 7-phosphanorbornene series can undergo loss of the P-bridge with
trichlorosilane18*’”. The complication in the latter reaction appears to occur because a
pentacovalent intermediate is developed at the 7-phosphanorbornene moiety, which then
undergoes fragmentation by an apparent retro-cycloaddition (equation 35). This complic-
ation can be avoided by use of the HSiC1,-pyridine complexL8,and the valuable
phosphines retaining the bridged framework can be readily prepared.
Other phosphoryl functions are also sensitive to the silane reducing agents (equations 36
and 37), and generally undergo replacement of a P substituent by hydrogen in addition to
the deoxygenation’ 16. The process has been of relatively little importance for the
generation of cyclic secondary phosphines, but could find value if interest in such
phosphines develops in the future.
Secondary phosphines can also be prepared by lithium aluminum hydride reduction of
P-chlorides (equations 38 and 39).
A different reduction technique recently introduced makes use of organometallic
compounds as the reducing agent for phosphine sulfides. In this procedure (equation 40),
the phosphine sulfide is reacted with [NiCp,] (nickelocene)and ally1 iodide to give a nickel
complex [NiCpL(I)] of the corresponding phosphine; this is decomplexed with trimethyl
phosphite12’, cyanide ionL2’or N-methylimidazole’22. The conditions are mild for both
steps, and optically active phosphine sulfides are reduced with complete retention by this
method. A phospholene has been produced in 90% yield by this procedure’”.
10. Cyclic phosphines 319

(ref. 1 19) (38)


then (MeO),P
f [(PhCH(Me)-C5H4)2Ni] + CH2=CHCH21

The metallic compound was optically active but did not induce optical activity in the
phosphine product. An important application was in the production of a 7-phos-
phanorbornene (equation 41).
The complex MgCp,TiCI, in boiling thf also reduces phosphine oxides’23.
Phosphonium salts have also been end-products of syntheses just as phosphine oxides
have, and techniques exist for the removal of either P-ethyl or P-phenyl groups that then
lead to the tertiary phosphines. Ethyl is removed by thermal treatment as ethylene,
whereas phenyl has been cleaved from salts with lithium aluminum hydride or sodium
(equations 42-44).

Me Me 0 Ph Ph


S ‘Ph

Me Me



COOMe [NiCp,],C,H,I (41)

Me COOMe than Me-imidazole

~ c H z c H z B r - & + CH2=CH2

Et Et (ref. 124)
Is> 0
320 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes

() (ref. 125) (43)

Ph' P

(ref. 126)

E. Cycloadditions and Other Reactions with C-P Multiple Bonds

A major recent advance in organophosphoruschemistry is the recognition that multiple
bonds to phosphorus can be a reality. Normally, compounds with such bonds are not
stable unless the bonding site is sterically protected from polymerization by attachment
of very large groups, or they are thermodynamically stabilized by electronic (usually
delocalization) effects. It is becoming increasingly evident that the phosphaalkenes
(RP=CR2) and phosphaalkynes (P-CR), even when lacking stabilization effects
and generated as transient species, can be useful as participants in cycloaddition reactions,
and thus serve as precursors to cyclic phosphines. Action as a dienophile in Diels-Alder
processes, and as a dipolarophile to 1,3-dipoles, are now well documented. These and
other reactions are providing some valuable new structures, and are making an important
addition to the methods of forming phosphorus heterocycles.
Some examples of phosphaalkenes that undergo cycloadditions with dienes are
ClP=CPh(t~ns)'~', C I P = C ( ~ ~ S ) , ~ ~ * ClP=C(tms)
*'~~, COOR'30, Ph(tms)
C=PORI3', n - B u P = C P h ( t m ~ ) ~ ~PhP=CHNMe,'",
~, RC=-CP=CR'(~~S)'~~,
CF,P=CF,'35*136, CF3P=CHFIJ7 and CzF,P=CF(CF,)138. With simple dienes,
dihydrophosphinines are produced (equation 45).


Ph L P B u - n

Me3Si /
+ MexMe- Me)$


SiMe3 (ref. 132)

When cyclic dienes are used, bridged cyclic phosphines can be formed, and this
represents a very valuable approach to such compounds (equations 46-48).
The adducts from the P-chloro dienophiles still possess a P-CI bond, and can be
viewed as immediate precursors of tertiary phosphines through the application of
organometallic reagents to displace the chlorine. The P-chlorotetrahydrophosphininesare
also valuable precursors of A3-phosphinines,especially those with functional groups (see
Section V).
The phosphaethenes MeP=CH, and PhP=CH,, which lack any stabilizing effects,
have recently been generated as transient intermediates by thermal fragmentation of
10. Cyclic phosphines

v \+ms

(ref. 135)

- CF3

R-P=C /Ph
+ 0 --+ /i;l Ph
(ref. 139)

p h - - -


(41) (42)


phosphines in the 2-phosphabicyclo C2.2.23 octa-5,7-diene system3'. They are formed at

temperatures below 40 "C from phosphines 41 and 42, respectively. The processes are
clean, and when dienes are included in the reaction medium, these transient species are
trapped very effectively. Some products formed and isolated from MeP=CH, reactions
are shown in equation 49.
322 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes
Examples of 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions with phosphaalkenes are illustrated below.
Frequently, the initial cycloadduct is not stable under the reaction conditions; elimination
reactions are common and indeed of great value in that they generate cyclic phosphines
with C-P double bonds, as in the reaction with diazoalkanes (equation 5O)l4O.
Valuable 1-chlorophosphiranes also may be generated in the reaction with diazo
compounds, provided that the C atom bears two substituents so that the elimination
reaction to form the 1,2,4-diazaphosphole ring is blocked (equation 51)l4I.
P-Alkylphosphaethenes also give phosphiranes (equation 52).
Cyclic 1,3-dipoles such as munch none^'^^ and d i t h i ~ l a t ealso~ ~ react with the
phosphaalkenes, forming intermediates (e.g. 43) that undergo secondary eliminations
(equations 53 and 54).
Conjugatively unsaturated phosphaalkenes can act as dienes toward alkynes in
cycloaddition reactions. The multiple bond system in the A3-phosphinines behaves in

CI-P=C 'Ph
\tms +XL-j.f (53)

10. Cyclic phosphines 323
this fashion, and this has been exploited to prepare phosphabarrelenes (equation 55)’43.
1,3-Azaphosphinines behave similarly and provide azaphosphabarrelenes (45)’44, which
decompose under the reaction conditions to form A3-phosphinines(equation 56).
A recently reported reaction of A3-phosphinineswith diazomethane has been found to
follow an unexpected and intricate pathway, resulting in the entirely new cyclic phosphine
framework 29, mentioned before, that has been given the name ‘chir~pteradiene”~. This
unusual framework has been confirmed by X-ray crystallographic analysis. Some other
examples of reactions with phosphinines are given in Section V.

Ph hph + CF3C=CCF3d



Ph Ph PhHYph





Other reactions of C-P double bonds are proving to be of synthetic value. The
construction3’ of a kinetically stabilized14s2H-phosphole derivative (47)is made possible
by a rearrangement of a (cyclopropeny1)phosphaalkene(equation 57) (46).This rare type
of phosphole is itself of interest as a precursor of a novel bridged phosphine system (48)
from a Diels-Alder reaction. The P-C double bond of the 2H-phosphole 47 acts as a
dipolarophilic center towards a nitrile oxide, giving a new bicyclic phosphine 49.
324 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes

The 1-phosphadiene system may prove of value also in the synthesis of cyclic
phosphines. An example of the construction of the phosphetene ring system in an oxidative
process from the 1-phosphadiene 50 (equation 58) has been reported'46, and although the
product 51 is strictly not a phosphine, it or related structures could well function as
precursors of this rare ring system.
Valuable new synthetic approaches to cyclic phosphines are emerging from the
expanding studies of the recently developed family of triply bonded phosphorus
derivatives. This is an exciting new area, and more examples of rare cyclic phosphine
synthesis can be anticipated. Some recently reported reactions, all giving new types of ring
systems, are shown in equations 59-61.
The Diels-Alder reaction with pho~phaalkynes~*'~', shown here with cyclic dienes, may
not be as straightforward with non-cyclic dienes; such dienes may give cyclic adducts as
intermediates, but the final product has a P-P bond in a bridged framework'49.


/p = = /H -
( t rnsI2N
H / \tms

PECCMe, t 0 (ref. 3 ) (59)

P=CCMe3 + xco2Me

(ref. 147)
P=CCMe3 -+ a -@$ N2
10, Cyclic phosphines


F. Cyclic Phosphine Syntheses in the Coordination Sphere of

Transition M e t a l Complexes
A new concept in phosphine chemistry that is proving to be highly valuable for the
synthesis of some rare species is to conduct transformations on phosphines while
coordinated to metallic atoms. The new species produced remains coordinated to the
metal and derives stabilization therefrom. The products can generally be de-complexed to
allow isolation of the free phosphine. An excellent example is provided by the first
synthesis of phosphirenes (equation 62)5*150. Here a 7-phosphanorbornadiene is created
in a complex form (a process also made possible by an initial modification of the chemistry
of phospholes, allowing a facile Diels-Alder reaction to occur) and used as a precursor of a
terminal phosphinidene complex, which then acts to transfer the phosphinidene moiety to
an alkyne substrate. The free phosphine is then liberated by breaking the complex through
addition of iodine and then N-methylimidazole6. The phosphirenes proved to be
remarkably stable; their chemistry is discussed in a recent review’”. No other synthetic
method has yet been employed to created the phosphorus(II1) phosphirenes, which
illustrates the power of this new approach.
When an alkene replaces the alkyne in this process, a phosphirane in complexed form is

12, N-Me-imidazole ‘yR .Rc=cR/

Ph Ph W(C0l5
326 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes
created (equation 63). This is a valuable new method for forming this ring ~ y s t e m ' ~ * * ' ~ ~ ,
first synthesized in 196753.Especially valuable is the reaction with dienes; this results in the
synthesis of the vinylphosphirane structure.
A phosphirane is also formed in the reaction of the complex with diphenylthiirane; with
an oxirane, a 1,3,2-dioxaphospholane was formd as a byproduct with the phosphirane' 54.
A recent innovation in phosphirane synthesis by the metallic complex approach is to
employ a non-cyclic aminophosphine complex as the source of an aminophosphinidene
for transfer to an a l k ~ n e ' This
~ ~ . has provided the first examples of 1-aminophosphirenes
(equation 64).
The complexed phosphirenes, after generation as above5.I5O,are themselves valuable as
precursors of another novel family of phosphorus heterocycles, the 2-keto-1,2-
dihydroph~sphetes'~~. This is accomplished by an insertion reaction of CO into a C-P
bond (equation 65). These new ring compounds have not yet been isolated as the free
phosphines, however.
Insertion of a monosubstituted alkyne into a C-P bond of a complexed phosphirane
has been found to occur in the presence of [Pd(PPh,),], giving complexed phospholes
with new C-substitution patterns15'.
Phosphole complexes have proved of value in other regards. When a mixture of
3,4-dimethyl-l-phenylphospholeand a metal carbonyl is irradiated, a dimeric form (53)
of the phosphole is created, with complexation of both phosphine sites to a single metal
atom (equation 66)'58. The unique feature of this dimeric product is that the ring fusion
is the opposite of that formed when the dimeric structure is created from other phosphole
derivatives, such as oxides, sulfides and salts. The fusion in the W(CO), complex is exo
rather than the conventional endo, and this is thought to occur from the effect of the
metal in holding two phosphine centers in close proximity, or in another description
10. Cyclic phosphines 321
acting as a template. Decomplexation with sulfur then provided the first example (54)
of a phosphole dimer derivative with the exo fusion (equation 66).
When the simple complex 52 of 3,4-dimethyl-1-phenylphosphole bearing W(CO), or
Cr(CO), was exposed to solar radiation, a remarkable bridged phosphine (55) was
createdls9. The structure was solved by X-ray crystallographic analysis. The free
phosphine remains to be released from the complex.
Metal complexes of A3-phosphininesalso are proving of value in the synthesis of novel
phosphines. Some examples are shown in equation 6 7 I 6 O . These products remain in the
complexed form. Some related reactions were performed in another laboratoryI6', and
here the free phosphines were liberated by a process involving CO and triphenylphosphine
(equation 68).

(52) (53)

(C0l5W\ /Ph




+ -

phYJph RC=N-O-

328 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes
Me Me

/P / /P /
The phosphine complex 56 also undergoes an important reaction with diphenyldiazo-
methane, which results in the formation of a phosphanorcaradiene complex (57)162.This
type of structure appears to be formed also with dialkyldiazomethanes, but an equilibrium
is established with an undetectable amount of the 2H-phosphepine derivative 58, as
suggested by other reactions of the product. The non-complexed phosphine correspond-
ing to 57 is formed when the parent phosphine is reacted with diphenyldiaz~methane~~.


A source of the phosphinidene complex [(ClP=CH,). W(CO),] involving an apparent

rearrangement of [CICH,P= W(CO),] has been developed from a 7-phosphanorbor-
nadiene d e r i ~ a t i v e ' ~reaction
~; with dienes then leads to a [4 + 23 cycloadduct
(equation 70).
The phosphinidene complex [Ph(EtO)C= P(Ph)W(CO),] also gave a tetrahydrophos-
phinine from the [4 + 23 reaction164.In another related the phospholyl anion
is complexed with W(CO), and then alkylated with an alkenyl halide. The complex is then
reacted with an alkyne to give a norbornadiene complex, which at 110"Cis quantitatively
converted to a new type of fused phosphirane (59) by an intramolecular phosphinidene
insertion (equation 71).
10. Cyclic phosphines 329


CIP=CH2*W(C0)5 (70)


( 1 ) Br (CH, ),CH =C H2




---+ (2)Me-imidazole (71)


A cobalt complex has found use in the dimerization of phosphaalkynes, thereby

producing the first diphosphacyclobutadiene derivatives (equation 72)’66.The phosphine
has not yet been produced in free form. A phosphacyclobutadiene also in complexed form
has been obtained with the aid of the complex 60 (equation 73)16’.

PECCMe3 + ,C? -‘ZH4
and other complexes

CMe3 (72)
330 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes
SiMe3 I
t PECCMe3 d (73)



G. Thermal and Photochemical Reorganizations of Phosphines

Reorganization of the carbon skeleton of phosphines has been accomplished in several
instances, and generally leads to unusual compounds not attainable by the general
methods described already in this section. Bridged or cage structures have resulted from
such reorganizations, an excellent example being provided by reactions based on the
availability of bicyclic phosphirane 61. As noted previously, this compound is formed
readily by reacting the dianion of cyclooctatetraene with phenylphosphonous dichl-
oride”. Thermal treatment produces the bridged phosphine 62”, and UV irradiation16*
leads to the tricyclic phosphine 63. The oxide of62 can be converted by irradiation to 64 or
to 65, as determined by the photochemical conditionsI6*; oxide 65a can also be formed by
irradiation of 64.Treatment of 65a with silver fluoroborate causes rearrangement to 66,
which was reduced with Si,CI, to the phosphine 67. Oxide 65a was also reduced to the
phosphine 65b169.

X Ph Ph Ph

( b ) X = lone poir

Remarkable transformations have been observed among valence isomers of phos-

phinines’ 7 0 . For example, the Dewar-phosphinine 68, formed from cycloaddition of a
phosphaalkyne with a cyclobutadiene, gives on irradiation an isolatable prismane
structure (69); on continued irradiation, a benzvalene analogue (70) is formed. Other
transformations of a similar nature have also been discovered.
A benzvalene framework with two phosphorus atoms has been created from a
1,4-diphosphinine on irradiation (equation 74)17’.
A novel cage structure (72) was formed when the 1,4-diphosphine derivative 71 was
irradiated (equation 75)17’.
10. Cyclic phosphines 33 1



A or 2 5 3 . 7 n m

(71) (72)

A cage phosphine oxide (73)was synthesized when the dimer of 1-phenylphosphole was
irradiated,173 and this oxide was later converted to the cage phosphine 74 with
trichlorosilane-pyridine (equation 76)".

(73) (74)

An intramolecular thermal rearrangement of the i5-phosphinine 75, proceeding

through a dihydrophosphinine 76,gave the unusual tricyclic phosphine oxide 77'74.
Deoxygenation should result in the corresponding tricyclic phosphine, but this reaction
has not yet been performed.
Ph Ph
332 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes
The newer phosphine syntheses, made possible by discoveries based on low-
coordination phosphine chemistry and on metal coordination compounds, can be
expected to provide further examples of unsaturated cyclic phosphines in the future, and
these in turn should be a source of complicated frameworks from thermal or photochem-
ical treatment.



A. 1 H-Phospholes and Fused-ring Derivatives

Although much of the basic chemistry of the common heterocyclopentadienes furan,
pyrrole and thiophene was established by the early part of this century, no mention of the
related 1H-phosphole system (78)appeared in the literature until 1953, when a synthesis of
the fused-ring derivative 79 by four routes was reported175.An additional route was
developed176shortly thereafter. 1H-Phospholes without additional fused rings were first
reported in 1959177,178 and reliable general syntheses of these were developed in the 1960s
and 1 9 7 0 ~-' ~ ~ The first functionally substituted 1 H-phospholes (with the function-
ality being either on a ring carbon atom or the P atom) were also synthesized in the
1970s1'0*'83*184,but not until 1983 was a synthesis of the parent phosphole 78 itself
r e p ~ r t e d " ~and
, this compound was not synthesized in pure form and fully characterized
until 19871E6.2H-A3-Phospholes(e.g. SO) are an even more recent development, with the
first example being reported in 198118'. This systematic development of synthetic methods
paralleled the increasing realization that phospholes (both 1H- and 2H-) do not merely
represent a synthetic challenge but are molecules of considerable theoretical and practical
interest. As a consequence of this increasing interest, reviews of phosphole chemistry in
general have appeared fairly frequently'88 19'.

H Ph

1. General syntheses of simple 1 H-phospholes

Four synthetic approaches to simple 1H-phospholes having some general applicability
have been reported. Two of these employ 3-phospholene derivatives as starting materials,
and these are readily obtained directly or indirectly from the well known McCormack
cycloaddition (see Section 1II.D). The more versatile of these two approaches was
developed by MatheylE0and involves the dehydrohalogenation of McCormack diene-
phosphonous dihalide cycloadducts to give the corresponding phospholes in one step
(equation 77).
While the initially reported procedure'" was satisfactory for the preparation of
moderate amounts of simply substituted phospholes, the yields were sometimes low and
the phospholes obtained frequently contained significant amounts of impurities. Two
important modifications have been made to this procedure. In the first"', the solvent
10. Cyclic phosphines 333

I R'

X = C I or (more usuo1ly)Br

was changed from benzene under reflux to a hydrocarbon-dichloromethane mixture,

which allows the reaction to be carried out at room temperature or below. In the second
modification182,the dehydrohalogenating nitrogen base was changed from dbu to other
heterocyclic amines such as 2-picoline. The procedure is now such that yields of up to
80% are not uncommon and large-scale syntheses of certain phospholes are po~sible'~).
In a few instances, in reactions reported before the general procedure noted above was
established, addition of a dehydrohalogenating base is unnecessary and the reaction can
be driven to completion (ca 10 h) by the application of heat'94 (equation 78). The yields
are generally good but may be further improved195if an excess of phenylphosphonous
dichloride is used, under reflux, as a solvent. This direct dehydrohalogenation is limited
to the systems shown in equation 78. Attempts'94*'96*'97to extend the scope of this
reaction by using other dienes or other phosphonous dihalides have been unsuccessful.

Ph xph PhPCI,
C 0 2 0 o 0 c @ Ph
CI -
Ph W

P h


Mathey's more general procedure, described above, has also been used for the synthesis
of the bicyclic and tricyclic phospholes 81 and 82198and, as the final stage of a long
synthetic sequence, the functionally substituted phosphole 83' Phospholes functionally
substituted on the phosphorus atom (e.g. 84) are also obtainable by this route199.

Me 02C

R = M e , Ph R = M e , Ph j R ' = H , OMe R=H,Me n=l,X=OR or SR;
(81) (82) (83) n= 2,X= C N
The second of the procedures, which use 3-phospholene derivatives as starting
materials, employs 3-phospholene oxides rather than phospholenium salts110*2009201.
The procedure, of which two variants are illustrated in equation 79, is lengthy but is
particularly useful for the synthesis of C-unsubstituted phospholes.
334 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes

Br Br

or PhSiHa


d bu

or (79)

Br\ /


The third reasonably general synthesis, illustrated in equation 80, was developed by
Mark1 and PotthastZo2.The main limitation of this approach is that only 1,2,5-
trisubstituted phospholes may be synthesized and it is, therefore, little used. Braye et
later showed that, in the addition of phenylphosphine to 1,3-diynes, butyllithium
may be replaced with potassium hydroxide or copper(1) or mercury salts. Certain other
catalysts may also be used. Related cycloadditions of phosphine derivatives to unsaturated
systems are discussed in Section 111. A. One interesting variation on this procedure is
the reaction of tris(hydroxymethy1)phosphine (which acts as a reactive source of PH,)
with 1,4-diyn-3-olsZo3.This gives heavily substituted tricyclic systems containing two
phosphole rings (equation 81). The yields are low and, as will be seen below, there are
more convenient approaches to systems containing two or more phosphole rings.

or PhPH,-BuLi .

The most recent approach157to phosphole synthesis (equation 82) which shows some
general potential (see also Section 111. E) is entirely different from those described so far
in that it does not require the construction of the four-carbon skeleton prior to
cyclo-attachment of the phosphorus atom.
10. Cyclic phosphines 335

[(PhSP),Pd] (tracr)
e R (82)
/ \
cco)5w J p\ Me (CO)5W Me

Eight phosphole complexes have been prepared by this route in yields of 3 1--85%
and, while the phospholes prepared by this method are obtained in complexed form,
reliable methods for the generation of the free phospholes from related complexes have
been developed6. The most significant aspect of this approach is that R, R andjor X
may be functional groups such as OEt or C0,Et and C-functionalized phospholes with
a variety of substitution patterns are therefore now fairly readily available. Previously
reported approaches to C-functionalized phospholes' two of which will be
' 0 * 1 8 4 ~ z 0 4 9 2 0 5 ,

discussed below, are of limited application. Only terminal alkynes may be used for this
reaction and the substituent X is always attached to the 4-position in the product.

2. Limited-scope syntheses of the 7 H -phosphole ring

There are several syntheses of this type, including the first reported syntheses
(equation 83) of phospholes without additional fused rings' 7 7 * 1 7 8 .

h - RPClz p h' Y P h (ref. 177)



C Ph W P h RPCI, (83)

\I [Fo(CO)~]


(ref. 178)


Related to the first of these is a much more recent synthesiszo6(equations 84) which
leads, in low yield, to ring-unsubstituted phospholes. However, these are also readily
available in moderate to good yield using either the Mathey180-'82 or Quin"0~200

PhPLi2 0 I
336 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes
Another recent approach'" which, like the first two syntheses mentioned above, leads
to pentasubstituted phosphole derivatives, employs reactions between synthetically
versatile aluminum halide-cyclobutadiene CJ complexes and phosphonous dichlorides
(equation 85). While the heavy substitution is normally undesirable, the method does have
the advantage that bicyclic systems such as 85 and 86 are readily prepared. The fact that
phosphole oxides rather than phospholes are produced is of little significance since such
oxides are readily reduced by silane derivatives (Section 111. D).

(85) (86)
Other phosphole and phosphole oxide syntheses of very limited utility have been
reported. These include the thermally induced retro-Dieis-Alder reactions (equation 86,
moderate yield) of phosphole d i m e r ~ ~ the ~ ~ * , of pentaphenylcyclopentaphosph-
~ - reaction
ine with diphenyla~etylene'~~ (equation 87, very low yield) and a variety of reactions in
which the phosphole ring is assembled (usually as an oxide or phospholium salt) with the
aid of cobalt2"* 2 1 or manganese212 complexes. The reactions, although chemically
interesting, have little value as synthetic procedures.

Ph Ph


3. Syntheses of phospholes from other phosphole derivatives

A rich chemistry has developed around simple lti-phosphole derivatives. Some of the
more important aspects are discussed in Section VI, but one aspect, the transformations of
10. Cyclic phosphines 337
simple phospholes into other phosphole derivatives, now includes several reactions that
lead to the synthesis (frequently in good yield) of other phospholes which are not easily
accessible by the more conventional methods already described. These tranformations can
mostly be grouped into the three categories of ligand exchange at the phosphorus atom,
substitution at the carbon atoms of the phosphole ring and thermally induced
a. Ligand-exchange reactions. These may be grouped into two subcategories, namely
those reactions which involve the intermediacy of a phospholyl anion (of which many
examples are known) and those in which the three-coordinate phosphorus atom of a
simple phosphole acts as an electrophile.
Phospholyl anions have been known since 1971l E 3 They
. are generated in high yield by
treating 1-phenylphospholes with lithium, sodium or potassium metal (equation 88). In
the free ion, the negative charge is delocalized around the ring213.However, all reactions
so far studied in which phospholyl anions act as nucleophiles occur at the phosphorus
atom. The other product of the reaction, the phenyl anion, is also a highly nucleophilic
species and its presence can interfere with subsequent reactions of the phospholyl anion.
Several techniques have been developed to suppress the effect of Ph-. These include
treatment of the mixture with tert-butyl chloride (not very satisfactory)lS3and addition to
the reaction mixtures of salts of metals which are less electropositive than alkali metals
2 1 4 - 2 1 6 Alu
. minum trichloride is particularly useful in this respect216 and the yields of
subsequent reactions of the phospholyl anions are usually very good.


Phospholyl ions can be readily alkylated by treatment with alkyl halides (equation 89)
and there are numerous examples in the literature, e.g. refs. 183,216,217. P-functionalized
phospholes of the type 87 may also be produced by treating the phospholyl anion with an
excess of species such as a,w-dihalogenoalkanes'64*1 83.2 8*219, ethyl bromoacetate' 83,
ethylene oxide213and a variety of other w-functionalized a-hal~genoalkanes~'~. Under
different conditions, phospholyl anions react with a,w-dihalogenoalkanes to give
1 8 3 * 1 8 6 s 2 2 0a,w-diphospholylalkanes of type 88. These are of particular significance for two
reasons. First, 88 (n = 2) can also be cleaved by an alkali meta1'86*220to give two
equivalents of the corresponding phospholyl ion but, in this reaction, the -CH2CH2-
unit is eliminated as ethylene and pure phospholyl anions uncontaminated with phenyl- or
alkyl-lithium compounds are obtained. Second, for the case of 88 (R = H, n = 2), the
unsubstituted phospholyl anion is produced and this may be protonatedlE6 with
CF3C0,H at -90°C in thf to give the parent phosphole 78, previously obtainedls5 in
impure form by protonation of the phosphole anion produced by more conventional P-
C cleavage reactions. Several other protonations have been carried out 183s185*221, but
extreme care must be taken to maintain low temperatures during the reaction or 1,s-


338 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes
sigmatropic migrations of the hydrogen atom attached to phosphorus occurs to give a 2H-
phosphole derivative of type 80. More will be said about this later.


(87) (88) (89) (90)

Another synthetically useful reaction of these phospholyl anions is with iodine or

COCI, to give 1,l'-biphospholyls of type 89222*223. These are also of some synthetic
value since they too may be ~ l e a v e d " ~by an alkali metal to give phospholyl anions
uncontaminated with other organic species. They may also be cleavedzzz with bromine
to give P-bromophospholes (90). These, in turn, will react with alcohols2z2to give
P-alkox yphospholes.
One last ligand-exchange reaction at the phosphorus atom of P-phenylphospholes,
which appears not to involve a phospholyl anion intermediate, should be noted. In this
reaction, the P-phenyl group is d i s p l a ~ e d directly
~ ~ ~ * by
~ ~a~tert-butyl group on
treatment of the phosphole with tert-butyllithium in the presence of tmeda (equation 90).
The mechanism of this reaction is uncertain.
R Me


Ph t-Bu
Finally, it should be noted that an extensive coordination chemistry has been developed
around phospholyl anions. The subject is outside the scope of this survey but it has
been reviewed, together with the coordination chemistry of 1Z-Z-phospholes, fairly

b. Substitutions at the ring carbon atoms of phosphole derivatives. As mentioned earlier

in this section, functionally substituted phospholes with the functionality on a ring
carbon atom are difficult to obtain. Two approaches (one leading to 83 and the other
summarized in equation 82) have already been discussed. However, there are two other
routes which use phosphole derivatives as starting materials. The first of t h e ~ e ' * ~ * ~ ' ~
is outlined in equation 91 but, although a wide variety of functionally substituted
phosphole sulfides are produced, there are severe limitations on the scope of this reaction.
Thus, a 3-methyl group is required for the generation of this anionic intermediate and,
unless the phosphole sulfide has additional substitution, a Diels-Alder type of dimeriz-
ation of the system occurs2z7.The fact that phosphole sulfides rather than phospholes
result from these reactions is of little consequence since the sulfides are readily desulfurized
by dimethylphenylphosphinezZ8.
The remaining route involves2" direct Friedel-Crafts acylation of [(phosphole)Mo
(CO),] complexes and the synthesis is summarized in equations 92 and 93. Other metal
carbonyl complexes were tried20s but the reaction appears to be specific for molybdenum
complexes. Certain steric effects were noted. For example, if phenyl is replaced with
10. Cyclic phosphines 3 39

C-Me C-Me

Ph Ph

bulkier groups on the phosphole, no acetylation occurs in the 3,4-dimethyl-substituted

system and it is directed to the 3-position in the C-unsubstituted system. Benzoylation
never occurs in the 2-position. The substituted phospholes may be regeneratedzo5 from
the complexes by heating them in a C O atmosphere under pressure.



Ph I Mo(CO15


340 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes
This method and the method developed earlier by the same groupIs7(already discussed)
are probably the most useful approaches to C-functionally substituted phospholes.

c. Thermally induced transfarmations of 1 H-phospholes into more complex 1 H-phos-

pholes. There are only two reports of reactions of this type2z9.z30.If 1,2,5-triphenyl-
phosphole is subjected to prolonged heating(l0 days) at 230 “C,it is slowly transformed229
in good yield into an unsymmetrically substituted 1,l’-biphospholyl (equation 94). The
reaction is thoughtzz9 to involve several, unisolated, 2H- and 1H-phosphole
intermediates, at least one of which has been trappedz29. More will be said about
intermediates of this type later.
Ph Ph

k’h Ph Ph

In the second thermally induced transforrnati~n’~~, 3,4-dimethyl-I-phenylphosphole

yields, in 60h at 17OoC, a red tetramer. Again, a 1,l’-biphospholyl intermediate is
to be involved (equation 95) and some evidence was presented to support
this. As with the 1,l’-biphospholyls discussed earlierIE5,the P-P bonds of the tetramer
may be cleaved230, this time with sodium naphthalide, to give the corresponding
2,2’-biphospholyl dianion, which can be alkylated to give a 2,2’-biphospholyl, isolated
as a disulfide (equation 96), in good yield.

MeMe Me Me MeMe

2 NQ PhCH2 ’S S‘ CH2

An alternative route to less heavily substituted 2,2’-biphospholyls has been reported

recently231 and this too uses simple 1H-phospholes as starting materials (equation 97).
These lH-phospholes undergo232a reductive dimerization with alcohols in the presence
of nickel(I1) chloride and the resulting product, after decomplexation, is subjectedz31to
the normal Mathey approachIEO- to phosphole synthesis from 3-phospholenium
10. Cyclic phosphines 34 1
salts already described. A n extensive coordination chemistry has been establishedz3' for
these 2,T-biphospholyls.

Me Me Me Me Me Me

e$- - ) co140°C,24h*

I Ph
Ph Ni Ph Ph


rn rn
2 Br-

4. Syntheses of fused-ring phospholes: phosphindoles and dibenzophospholes

a. Phosphindoles. Although several syntheses of phosphindoles (phosphorus analogs
of indoles) have now been reported, only two of these show any potential as general
syntheses.There are two versions of the first of these. In the original version233,the bicyclic
system is constructed by a Diels-Alder reaction and this is followed by conventional
bromination, dehydrobromination and P=O reduction steps (equation 98). However,
the cycloaddition is slow and, in a more recent version234, the phosphindoline oxide
intermediate91 was first synthesized by the method of Swan and his group79(equation 99)
and the phosphinic acid so obtained (94) was converted first into the acid chloride and then
the P-phenyl oxide (91). The later steps in the synthesis of the 1-phenylphosphindole (93)
remain the same. This route has also been to synthesize 1-benzylphosphindole.


Ph I
(92) (93)

WPCI2 -m ((2) ZnCIZ
L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes

1 ) H,O-Br,

/ \o
(1) SOCl,
(2) PhMgBr

Mathey's group has further modified this synthesis234in two important respects. First,
the phosphindoline oxide 92 will undergo bromine addition followed by dehydrobromin-
ation to give (equation 100) a mixture (5:1, separable by chromatography) of the
bromophosphindole oxides 95 and 96.In a second modification, 91 is allowed to react with
an excess of nbs and the reaction mixture (which almost certainly contains the dibromo
compound 97) gives, after dehydrobromination in the normal manner, a mixture (again
easily separable) of 92 and 95. Clearly, these modifications, together with the easez33.234
with which phosphindole oxides are reduced to the corresponding phosphindoles, open up
a relatively straightforward route to functionally substituted phosphindoles.


Quin et used similar bromination-dehydrobromination-P=O reduction techni-

ques to prepare the benzophosphindole 98 from the known"' benzophosphindoline
derivative 99.

The only other synthesis of phosphindoles which is potentially fairly general is the
thermolysis of phosphole sulfide dimers. Again, there are two variants' 58*z27 of this
approach. In the first of theseZz7,certain phosphole sulfide endo dimers (readily
obtainablezz7by treatment of the appropriate monomeric phosphole with sulfur) are
heated strongly under reduced pressure. Elimination of both the phosphorus bridge and
two atoms of hydrogen occur to give, in low yield, a phosphindole sulfide (equation 101).
However, although the procedure is very simple and the resulting sulfides should be
readily reducibleZZ8to the phosphindoles, the yields are low. In similar reactions where the
stereochemistry about the bridging phosphorus atom is reversed, thermolysis at lower
temperatures in solution leads s m o ~ t h y to ~ ~formation of dihydrophosphindole
l ~the
sulfides (equation 102).
In another reaction which is probably closely related to that shown in equation 101 in
its final step, 100 can be ~ y n t h e s i z e din
' ~good
~ yield by heating the molybdenum complex
10. Cyclic phosphines 343


X = O R ,NR2

101 (formed158 from 1-phenylphosphole by treatment with [Mo(CO),] under UV

irradiation) with sulfur in xylene at 150 “C. It is p r ~ b a b l e ”that
~ the exo-phosphole sulfide
dimer 102 is an intermediate (equation 103) and that this is formed from an intermediate
molybdenum complex of the exo-phosphole dimer.


\ & H/



( 103)
The remaining syntheses are very sp Zialized and lead J heavily substituted phos-
phindole derivatives. Thus, if diphenylacetylene is treated with butyllithium followed by
PhPCI,, a phosphindole is obtainedSo(equation 104; see also Section 111. A). An even
more heavily substituted phosphindole is obtained237 by the route outlined in
equation 105 and similar structures have recently been obtained238by thermally induced
cyclizations of some complex chlorophosphines (equation 106).


344 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes


Ph-P D h3


P h'


R= PhC=C ,R'=Cl

The last synthetic route reportedzJ9, which also leads to heavily substituted (but
functionalized) phosphindole derivatives, is summarized in equation 107. Although this
route does not, as it stands, lead to the formation of phosphindolesin which phosphorus is
bound to three carbon atoms, there is clearly some potential for the procedure to be
modified so as to allow this.

Q-i-i; -@-i=-ioH


/ \OEt
10. Cyclic phosphines 345
As with simple 1H-phospholes, it is possible with phosphindoles to exchange the
exocyclic group attached to phosphorus, either via a phosphindolyl anion route or
directly. Both types of reaction have been carried out s u c c e s s f ~ l l y ~ ' ~ * ~ ~ ~ .
Before considering dibenzophospholes, brief mention should be made of the isophos-
phindole system. This system has been made240(equation 108)as a transient species which
dimerizes rapidly but which may be trapped240 as a Diels-Alder adduct with dimethyl
acetylenedicarboxylate. Attempts have been made"' to deoxygenate the dimer 103 with
trichlorosilane to give the corresponding phosphine, with a view to dedimerizing it to give
the corresponding isophosphindole. However, a reductive cleavage of a C-C bond of
103 occurred to give, under mild conditions, the monoxide 104 and, under more severe
conditions, the bisphosphine 105. In view of the success enjoyed by Matheys' groupz3' in
the synthesis of 2,2'-biphospholyls from partially unsaturated precursors (equation 97), it
is possible that 105 could be transformed into a 2,2'-bisisophosphindolyl.






(104) (105) (106) (107)

b. Dibenzophospholes. There have been relatively few developments in the synthesis of

5H-dibenzophospholes of type 79 in recent years. The early syntheses have been
thoroughly reviewed'88 and no further comment will be made here. Only two significant
developments in the synthesis of compounds of type 79 have occurred since then. First, it
has been shownZ1' that, as with simple lH-phospholes and phosphindoles the exocyclic
P-C bond may be cleaved with alkali metals to give a dibenzophospholyl anion, which
will react with alkyl halides in the normal manner. Thus, ligand exchange at the
phosphorus atom can be effected. The second development has been that Cornforth and
C O W O ~ ~ have ~ ~ reported
S ~ ~ several
~ - ~ syntheses,
~ ~ involving mainly m-quaterphenyl
intermediates, of heavily-substituted 5H-dibenzophosphole derivatives. Details of these
syntheses are not within the scope of this chapter.
346 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes
B. 2H-1’-Phospholes and Phosphaazulenes
Whereas 2H-A5-phospholesof type 106 have been known for some time (for a review of
many of the systems, see ref. 245), 2H-,13-phospholesare a comparatively recent discovery.
The first report’*’ came in 1981 when it was shown that, at elevated temperatures, 1,2,5-
triphenylphosphole and 3,4-dimethyl-l-phenylphospholeundergo reversible [131 sig-
matropic rearrangements of the phenyl group (equation 109). In each case, the equilibrium
lies on the side of the P-phenyl isomer. More recently, it has been s h o w r ~ ’ ~that
~ * for
lH-phospholes bearing a hydrogen atom on the phosphorus, a similar [l,S] shift of
hydrogen occurs spontaneously at or below room temperature. Most of these monocyclic
2H-phospholes are highly reactive systems which have only been characterized indirectly
by trapping experiments (about which more will be said later since they are of value in the
synthesis of other phosphorus heterocycles). However, it has been possible in one
instance246to isolate and characterize (X-ray) a tungsten carbonyl complex of a 2H-1’-
phosphole by protonating a tungsten carbonyl complex of a phospholyl anion
(equation 110). The only other relatively stable 2H-A3-phosphole derivatives so far
reported (apart from 47, discussed in Section 111. E) are the phosphaazulenes (discussed
below) and certain 2H-A3-phospholescontaining additional heteroatoms (both monocyc-
lic and with additional fused rings), which will be discussed in Section 1V.C.
R’ Me Me

170 *C
Ph*Ph 7

I R = Ph, R’=H
Ph Ph
R = H , R‘=Me

Before discussing these other systems, however, very brief mention of 3H-,13-phospholes
should be made. Although no such systems have yet been characterized, it should be
remembered that under prolonged heating, 1,2,5-triphenylphospholeis transformed229
into an unsymmetrically substituted 1,l’-biphospholyl (equation 94). Bearing in mind the
[l,S] shifts illustrated in equation 109, it is probable that in the reaction outlined in
equation 94 two consecutive [l,S] phenyl shifts occur to give the transient 3H-A’-
phosphole 107, which reacts further to give the biphospholyl.
As mentioned above, 2H-A3-phospholesare, in general, short-lived and highly reactive
species. However, shortly after the first 2H-A3-phospholewas reported, the syntheses of the
much more stable l-ph~sphaazulene~~’ and 2 - p h o ~ p h a a z u l e n systems
e ~ ~ ~ (which may be
regarded as cycloheptatrieno-2H-A3-phospholes) were published. Like the simple 2H-13-
phospholes referred to above, 1-phosphaazulene has been synthesized, as the benzyl
derivative 108, from a 1H-phosphole precursor which, on heating, undergoes a [l,S]
sigmatropic rearrangement followed by aromatization (elimination of hydrogen) as shown
in equation 111. The product,a blue-green oil, is sufficiently stable for it to be purified by
chromatography on silica gel and reduced-pressure distillation.
10. Cyclic phosphines 347


t ____,
2 -plcolinr

C H2Ph

300 C
PhCHz C1 PhOPh

(108) (111)
The 2-phosphaazulene was synthesized as the substituted derivative 109 by an entirely
different route (equation 112).Compound 109 is also a stable species which crystallizes as
red platelets (which dissolve in chloroform to give a green solution) after chromatographic
purification. The chemistry of these phosphaazulenes has yet to be investigated in detail.


or + I \ (112)

C. Phospholes Containing Additional Heteroatoms

Fully unsaturated, five-membered heterocycles containing two or more heteroatoms
have long been known and many of them possess aromatic character. However, such
systems in which phosphorus is one of the heteroatoms are comparative newcomers, with
the first example being reported in the late 1960s.In most of these systems, the phosphorus
is directly bonded to a heteroatom and structures of this type are outside the scope of this
chapter. Some aspects of their synthesisz49,their NMR propertieszs0 and their reactivity
348 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes
in cycloaddition reactionsZs1have been reviewed. More recently, however, such systems in
which the phosphorus atom is bonded only to carbon have been reported and
developments in this area will be discussed here. In almost all cases, the phosphorus atoms
are two-coordinate (unless a second phosphorus atom or benzannelation is also present)
and the systems are, therefore, related to the 2H- and 3H-13-phospholes discussed above.
Examples in which there are either one or two additional heteroatoms are known and
fused-ring derivatives have also been reported. Some of the more important synthetic
routes to some of these systems which are of wider interest have been briefly mentioned in
Section 111. E but, since these phosphorus heterocycles are so novel and recent, a full
treatment will be given here.

1. Systems containing one additional heteroatom

a. lH-l,313-Azaphospholes. Monocyclic systems of this type were first reported in
1986 by two groups and variations on four synthetic routes have so far been developed. In
the first of these142, oxazolium salts are treated with tris(trimethylsily1)phosphine
(equation 113). Variations on this general procedure allow'42 the formation ofdi-, tri- and
tetra-substituted 1H-1,313-azaphospholes. Acyclic relatives of the oxazolium salts may
also be used142as starting materials in reactions with P(SiMe,), (equation 114).

a- (110)

In a related approach, the same group has found14z that 'munchnones' (111, 1,3-
oxazolium-5-olates) act as dipolarophiles in [3 + 23 cycloadditions with the P-
chlorophospha-alkene 112 to give, via an unisolated bridged bicyclic intermediate, 1H-
1,313-azaphospholesin good yield (equation 115; see also Section 111. E). In very similar
reactions, Regitz and coworkers have replaced 112 with the phosphaalkynes HC=PZs2
and t-BuC=PZs3 with similar results.
An entirely different route, leading to N-unsubstituted 1H-1,313-azaphospholes and
using flash vacuum pyrolysis (FVP) techniques (equation 116), has been reported by
HeinickeZs4.Treatment of the azaphosphole product of the reactions with Ida leads to
lithiation and the lithiated system can be silylated (equation 117) at low temperature.
Treatment of the lithiated compound with an alkyl halide at low temperature gives what is
probably a short-lived 3H-1,313-azaphosphole which polymerizes rapidly. Yields are low
to medium (19-58%) in these syntheses and NMR spectral data have been acquired for a
variety of substitution patterns.
1H-1,313-Azaphospholeshave also been synthesized255by reaction of 'munchnones'
with P(SiMe,),. The advantage of using P(SiMe,), rather than the P-
chlorophosphaalkene 112 mentioned earlier is that azaphospholes functionally sub-
10. Cyclic phosphines 349

R' 1
Ph\ thf
R c=P-cI __*

/ Ph

0 R"

R' R

+ I I
+ R'-C /NH2C'- CI-
\ OMe NH2 [ l F R '
/ \
H' 'H

[ >
R' (1 16)

R<J? P polymer


stituted on a ring carbon atom are formed (equation 118). The ..ydroxyazaphosphole is
fairly stable and shows no tendency to tautomerize to the keto form.
Fused-ring derivatives of azaphospholes have been known longer than the monocyclic
derivatives, with the first synthesis being reported in 197876(see also Section 1II.A). lssleib
et a1.76have given details of several approaches to 1H-1,3,13-benzazaphospholes. The first
of these involves cyclization reactions of 2-aminophenylphosphine with a variety of
reagents. Typical examples are shown in equation 119. Other reagents used were RCOC1,
RCO,Et, HC(OEt), and, by suitable choice of cyclizing reagent, either hydrogen or
substituent groups can be placed on the five membered ring carbon atom. In all instances,
the nitrogen atom bears a hydrogen. Yields are in the range 11-85% depending on the
nature of the reagent and the conditions used.
MeC(OMa)=NH2 CI-

' ~ the reaction of 2-aminophenylphosphine with benzalde-

An alternative a p p r ~ a c h is
hyde followed by either thermal dehydrogenation of the intermediate benzazaphospholene
or oxidation of that intermediate in a stream of air (equation 120). The X-ray crystal
structure of the unsubstituted 1H-1,313-benzazaphosphole113 has been determinedzs6.

either 180 OC

H (114)

( 120)
N-Substituted derivatives of the system have also been prepared by two methods. The
firstzs7 is a simple modification of the method of Issleib et al.76 using 2-(N-
methy1amino)phenylphosphine in the cyclization reactions and further discussion is
unnecessary here. In the second method76,114 is treated with lithium diethylamide and
10. Cyclic phosphines 351
the resulting lithiated product (115) is further treated with acetyl chloride to give l-acetyl-
1,3,~3-benzazaphosphole(equation121).If, however, 115 is treated with methyl iodide, the
3H-benzazaphosphole 116 is formed. The only other known example of this system is 117,
which is formed from 118 by treatment with phenylphosphonous d i ~ h l o r i d e ~ ~ * .

@-,A c5JN=c-

Q-j 2 LI+
P Bu-t

1H-1,3~3-Benzazaphospholesfunctionally substituted on the five-membered ring

carbon atom have been preparedz5’ by C-lithiation of 1-methyl- 1,313-benzazaphosphole
followed by treatment with either C02-Me3SiCI or MeJiC1 alone (equation 122).

Recently, 1H-l,31’-azaphospholes containing a fused heterocyclic ring have been
prepared259. The method is very similar to that used’42 to prepare monocyclic
azaphospholes from oxazolium salts (equation 113) and is shown in equation 123.

b. 1,313-0xaphospholes. The 1,313-oxaphospholesystem appears to be known only in

the benzannelated form. The only r e p ~ r t e d ~ ~syntheses
.’~’ of the system are very similar
to those employed by Issleib et ~ 1 . for
’ ~ the syntheses of benzazaphospholes (equation 119)
352 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes
in that 2-hydroxyphenylphosphine(2-phosphinophenol) is condensed with suitable imino
compounds as shown in equation 124.

A crystal structure determination of the 2-(p-chlorophenyl) derivative has shown260

that there is extensive delocalization in the five-membered ring. This ring system has
otherwise been little studied except for its reactions with molecular oxygenZ6l, 1,3-
dienesZ6’ and o - q u i n o n e ~ ~ ~ ~ .

c. 1,313-Thiaphospholes. Both monocyclic and benzannelated derivatives of this

system are known. The monocyclic systems were prepared using methods similar to those
used, and already described, for the synthesis of 1,3-azaphospholes and the three routes so
far reported36*253.255(see also Section 111. E) are summarized in equations 125-127.


t-Bu 0,

&; Ph BU-

f-BU Ph


Similarly, the only routes to 1,313-benzthiaphospholesso far reported264 are closely

related to syntheses (already discussed) of benzazapho~pholes~~ (equations 119 and 120)
and benzo~aphospholes~~ (equation 124). The routes are outlined in equation 128.
10. Cyclic phosphines 353
d. 1,3-Diphospholes. There is only one report78 of this system and, again, only
benzannelated derivatives are known. As with the approaches to b e n ~ a z a -b~e~n, ~ o x a - ~ ~
and benzthia-phosphole~~~~ already discussed, the synthesis uses cyclization reactions of
suitably substituted phenylphosphines, in this case the alkali metal phosphides of 1,2-
diphosphinobenzenes (equation 129).

2. Systems containing two additional heteroatoms

Most of these systems reported are 1H- 1,2,4~3-diazaphospholesand the first synthetic
routes were reported4~'z8~'40~265~z66~ almost simultaneously by four groups in 1984. Some
of these syntheses have been considered briefly in Section 1II.E. Variation on three routes
were reported. In the first, the stable (at room temperature) phospha-alkyne t-BuC-P
reacts s m o ~ t h l y with
~ ~ ~diazo
. ~ ~compounds
~ in regiospecific [3 + 23 cycloaddition
reactions in which the initially formed 3H-cycloadducts aromatize via a [1,5] sigmatropic
rearrangement (equation 130). Similar reactions occurzsz with the transient phospha-
alkyne HC-P which is generatedzs3from t-BuC-P under flash thermolytic conditions.


Regitz and c o - w o r k e r ~ 'have

~ ~ extended the scope of this type of reaction in several
ways. Thus, in addition to more detailed studies of the reaction of simple mono- and di-
substituted diazoalkane derivatives with t-BuC-P to give compounds of type 119,
reaction with diazoketones (e.g. equations 131-133) and diazophosphoryl compounds
(e.g. equation 134)have been carried out with the formation of a wide variety of substituted
and polycyclic lH-l,2,4-diazaphospholesand, sometimes, their 4H-isomers.
In a further study of these reaction^'^^, as already mentioned briefly in Section III.E, the
same group has shown that certain spiro-3H-1,2,4-diazaphospholesmay be photolyzed
at -40°C to give another previously unknown phosphorus heterocyclic system, the 2H-
phosphirenes (equation 135).
Clearly, phosphaalkynes can be expected to react with other 1,3-dipoles to give a variety
of phospholes containing additional heteroatoms. This is indeed the case and such
3 54 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes
\C//N2 t -Bu
I +

- A'T>, BU-t
-r1751 N-N
R < p h B ~ - t

; RP
0 I0I R$=O

R' P
[MeOP02] + R<\p>Bu-+ \<?f F B u - t
reactions will be explored shortly. However, other routes to 1,2,4-diazaphospholes will
first be discussed. The second route to these systems is similar to that described above in
that certain phosphaalkene derivatives ~ n d e r g o ' ~ [3 ~ +~ 21' ~cycloaddition
~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
reactions with diazo compounds and the initially formed adduct undergoes an elimination
10. Cyclic phosphines 355

reaction to produce the fully unsaturated, aromatic, 1,2,4-diazaphosphole (equations 136
and 137) with a wide variety of substituents on the ring.

/Ph RCHN2 . R-o(,";"3 --MeaSiC'

\SiMe3 I
CI (refs 140,141)
( 1 36)

/SiMe3 Me02CCHN2 'x;ksiMe3 -Me02C<!)-SM
i e3


Me02C SiMe3
CII (ref. 128)
As mentioned for the phosphaalkyne reactions discussed above, suitably substituted
phospha-alkenes will react with other 1,3-dipoles to give products which will mostly be
discussed later. However, one of these should be discussed here since, although in the
general case the products are outside the scope of this survey, under certain circumstances
a further reaction occurs which can lead to 1,2,4-diazaphospholes. Thus, certain P-
chlorophospha-alkenes react'28*252,2"9with azides to give, ultimately, triazaphospholes
(as do also phospha-alkynes252-265.266.270) as shown in equation 138. In certain
circumstances, however, the initially formed cycloadduct ~ndergoes'"~a retro-
cycloaddition to give a diazoalkane derivative which reacts with more of the
chlorophospha-alkene to give a 1,2,4-diazaphosphole (equation 139).

cI-P=c /SiMe3 --L R'-N
CI (ref. 128)

The third route, reported in 19844,was the room-temperature to 100 "Ccondensationof

1,3-bis(dimethylamino)-2-phospha-allyl chlorides with hydrazines (equation 140). Again,
several 1,2,4-diazaphospholes were prepared by this route.
Since these early reports, other routes to 1,2,4-diazaphospholes have been developed.
These are similar in many respects to reactions discussed in Section 1V.C.l.a for the
synthesis of 1,3-azaphospholes. They include the reactions of p h ~ s p h a - a l k y n e s ~or~ '
certain phospha-alkenes268 with nitrile imines (equation 141), P(SiMe,), with 1,3,4-
356 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes

/Ph NaCOzEt
cI-P=c (or N,SiMa, or Nan)


yyN Ph Ph N
Et02C- N T X C
' =N2 t 11
SiMe3 Me3Si /

H Me Si
N-N \N--N

\>Ph Ph<p\>Ph

(1 39)




\+ \

10. Cyclic phosphines 351

oxadiazolium salts271or oxadiazolopyridinium salts259 (equation 142), or phospha-

a l k y n e ~ ’and
~ ~ some phosphaalkene~~”with ‘sydnones’ (equation 143).

t - BUC S P
or (143)

CI-P =c, /SiMe3 R“= P h, t- Bu

Other phospholes containing two additional heteroatoms have been prepared by routes
similar to those outlined above. These include 1,2,4-oxazaphospholes, pre-
pared’2*.Z52,265,269 by [3 + 23 cycloadditions of phospha-alkynes or phospha-alkene
derivatives with nitrile oxides (equation 144) and 1,2,4-thiazaphospholes prepared either
by treatment of phospha-alkynes with nitrile sulfides (equation 144) or 1,3,2-
oxathiazolium-5-olates (equation 145)253.
or R‘CNX R1+ &
CI-P=C R=Ph,t-Buj X = O , S


‘0 0-
>Puh- C E P ’ P
>Bu-t (145)

It is interesting that it has been reported very briefly that nitrile ylids also react with the
P-chlorophosphaalkenes discussed above to give 1 , 3 - a z a p h o ~ p h o l e s ~ ~ ~ .
The only other report of a phosphole containing two other heteroatoms not bonded to
the phosphorus concerns a 1,2,4-thiadiphosphole which is preparedz7’ (equation 146)by a
route entirely different to those outlined above.
2 CS,
+ 2 LiP(SiMe3)* + 2 Me3SiCl Me3Sii(p//-SiMe3

Continued rapid development in this area of phosphorus heterocyclic chemistry is to be
expected as, indeed, is the development of syntheses of compounds containing two-
coordinate phosphorus in general.



A. k3-Phosphinines and Fused-ring Derivatives

13-Phosphinines of the type 120, previously knownz73as 13-phosphorins, are even more
recent additions to the range of known phosphorus heterocycles than are the simple
358 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes
phospholes discussed in Section 1V.A. The first report' of the synthesis of the system (as
the heavily substituted derivative 1) came in 1966,3 years after the A5-phosphinine121 had
been reported274.The A5-phosphinines are largely outside the scope of this chapter
although, as will be seen shortly, they may sometimes be converted into or derived from A3-
phosphinines. The chemistry of A5-phosphinines has been r e v i e ~ e d ~ This ~ ~ vfirst
reported synthesis of a A3-phosphinine constituted much more than just the announce-
ment of a previously unknown phosphorus heterocycle. Indeed, it was a landmark in the
development of organophosphorus chemistry in general since it was the first piece of
evidence that phosphorus can enter into pz bonding to give stable compounds containing
two-coordinate phosphorus. Since then, many routes to 13-phosphinines have been
developed. The chemistry of these systems was last reviewed systematically in 1982277*27e.

(120) (120

The first published approach' leads to heavily substituted A3-phosphinines,although

the procedure itself is simple. Thus, pyrylium salts are treated with
tris(hydroxymethy1)phosphine in pyridine with the elimination of formaldehyde and
water (equation 147).


In all instances, the 2- and 6-positions are substituted in the product and, generally,
the 4-position is also substituted. Other substitution patterns have been reported. A
variety of monocyclic A3-phosphinineshave been prepared279*280 by this route, as have
the p-terphenyl-related system 12262and the fused-ring derivatives 123'*' and 124282.
Yields range from 4 to 29% in these syntheses.

phvph Ph

Ph Ph
10. Cyclic phosphines 359
Two variations on this synthesis were published shortly after the initial report. In the
firstZB3tris(hydroxymethy1)phosphine is replaced with tris(trimethylsily1)phosphine in
acetonitrile and in the secondzB4,it is replaced with phosphine in the presence of mineral
acid. The phosphine is usually generated from phosphonium iodide. Yields as high as
62% were obtained using the silylphosphine and in the range 15-81% with phosphine
The next significant development camezB5with the synthesis of the parent A3-
phosphinine 120. The reaction, outlined in equation 148, utilizes a novel (at that time)
phosphorus for tin replacement reaction to construct the ring and the remaining
unsaturation is introduced by a dehydrohalogenation reaction. In this synthesis, final
purification was achieved by preparative gas-liquid chromatography.

( 148)
The reaction has been extendedzB6to the synthesis of both 2-substituted and
2,6-disubstituted A3-phosphinines,which are obtainable in yields of up to 45%.
Clearly, the route outlined in equation 148 has the potential to be used for the synthesis
also of 4-substituted A3-phosphinines. This has indeed been achieved by suitable
modification of the procedure. Two such modifications are outlined in equations
149z87*z88 and 15OZB9.The first of these gives the product in yields of 19-42%

‘GM0 . 0
whereas the second can give yields as high as 83%.

150 -200 O C


fi - GMe- Li


OEU (1 50)
The elimination of hydrogen halide from P-halogenated phosphorus heterocycles, as
occurs in the final step of equation 148, has also proved useful in the synthesis of fused-
ring A3-phosphinines although, generally, the P-chloro compounds are formed by
conventional cyclization reactions rather than the phosphorus for tin exchange reaction
shown in equation 148. The method is sufficiently versatile to allow the formation
of benzo[~]-A~-phosphinines~~~ (equation 15I), dibenz~[b,d]-A~-phosphinines~~~
(equation 152) and dibenz~[b,e]-A~-phosphinines~~~ (equation 153). Whereas the
tricyclic systems are of limited stability, the bicyclic systems are stable and isolable in
yields of up to 64%.
360 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes




Other elimination reactions of suitably substituted 6-membered phosphorus hetero-

cycles can be made to occur thermally. These fall into two broad classes, viz. thermal
elimination from 1,2- or 1,4-dihydro-13-phosphinines or thermally induced reversions of
L5-phosphinines to A3-phosphinines by elimination of the two exocyclic substituents on
the phosphorus atom. Considering the first of these processes, suitable 1,2-dihydro-13-
phosphinines (which may be prepared by a variety of routes as reported below) are those in
which the phosphorus bears a good leaving group and the sp3 carbon adjacent to the
phosphorus bears a hydrogen atom.
The basic reaction is illustrated in equation 154 and, for this procedure, yields in the
range 53-75% have been obtained62*292-293, depending on the substitution pattern of the
dihydrophosphinine and the nature of the leaving group on P. The method has also
proved to be useful in the synthesis of fused-ring A3-phosphinines (equation 155)294.

>2!50aC f RH

10. Cyclic phosphines 36 1
Two other examples of i3-phosphinine syntheses, in which the final step is the kind of
elimination outlined above, will be specifically noted here. The reason for this is that the
starting material (a 5-oxo-l,2,5,6-tetrahydro-13-phosphinine derivative; see Section 1II.B
and ref. 87) is very useful in that it may also be used as a starting material for other A3-
phosphinine syntheses (discussed below) which follow entirely different reaction pathways
and sometimes lead to functionally substituted products. The two reactions are shown in

functionally substituted 13-phosphinine.

or 6 RMgX
equations 156,87.295and 157Io3. The second of these syntheses led to the first known

>250°C, Ar

t-Bu t-Bu

t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu

Thermally induced 1,4-eliminations are also known but, apparently, only for bicyclic
systems as yet (equation 158)296. A related elimination is that shown in
equation 1 5 P .

(1 58)

@)+-Jp&( I
R = H, CH2Ph9COZEt

The other major thermal elimination route to A3-phosphininesis, as already mentioned,

elimination of the two exocyclic P substituents in A5-phosphinines.The general reaction is
summarized in equation 160; elimination can be made to occur with a wide variety of
substituents on the phosphorus atom. Systems which undergo this reaction include those
in which R’ = R” = CH2PhZg2, NArzZ9’,CI (in the presence of triphenylph~sphine)’~~,
Br278*298, SR278*298;R’= CH 2 Ph9 R” = CPh3292;and R’= OMe, R” = t-Buzg9. In the
last example cited, the product is a fused-ring derivative of A3-phosphinine.
362 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes


Although the above reactions are interesting, they were, at the time of their discovery,
somewhat self-defeating in terms of their value as synthetic routes for A3-phosphinines
since most known As-phosphinines were themselves prepared from A3-phosphinines276.
Very few routes to A5-phosphinines which did not involve A3-phosphinine intermediates
were known274*300. However, more recently, it has been found that 5-oxo-1,2,5,6-
tetrahydro-A3-phosphinine derivatives are extremely useful as precursors to ,I5-
phosphinines and, ultimately, A3-phosphinines. Indeed, it is sometimes not necessary to
isolate the A5-phosphinine as an intermediate. In the first paper on this topic301, in
addition to reporting in detail on the synthesis of the starting materials for these reactions,
Mark1 et al. established the reaction pathway outlined in equation 161. In a subsequent
paper3’*, the syntheses of both 3,4- and 3,5-disubstituted A3-phosphinines by a
modification of the route outlined above were reported. The results of this investigation

are summarized in a condensed form in equation 162.

/ \o

t-Bu t-Bu / No f-Bu / \o

/’ \ Bu-f

Me Me

(1 62)
Two extensions of the scope of this type of reaction have also been published. In the
first303,it was found that HSiCI, may be replaced by PCI, with similar results except that
ring chlorination also occurs (equation 163).

I .

t-eu CI

The analogous bromo-L3-phosphinine may also preparedJo3 by replacing PCI, by

PBr,. If a very large excess of PCl, is used, complex mixtures of tri- and tetra-chloro Is-
and i3-phosphinines are obtained and some dichloro-i3-phosphinineshave also been
isolated by suitable modifications of the procedure.
In the second ofthese extensions of the basic process, Mark1 and Hock304found that the
P-chloro-1,-phosphinines obtained as intermediates in the reactions of 5-oxo-1,2,5,6-
tetrahydro-i3-phosphinineswith HSiCI, may be acylated with acid chlorides to give 4-
acyl-A5-phosphinines,which can be converted by heating into the corresponding i3-
phosphinines (equation 164).
Several other syntheses of i3-phosphinines are known. Among these are reactions in
which the six-membered ring is first constructed by ring expansion of a phosphole
derivative. This is followed by treatment of the product with either P4S,, or Lawesson’s
reagent and, in turn, the product of this reaction is heated strongly with Raney nickel. An
364 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes
\c/o \c/o

&Ph I -dP
early example of this synthesis is shown in equation 16S305. The last step of this synthesis
is, therefore, another example of a thermal elimination reaction of a 1,2-dihydrophosph-
inine of the type already discussed.
The route is useful for the synthesis of a wide variety of 13-phosphinine derivatives
including 125 (R = H)215. 125 (R = Me)305,126305,127235and 1282'5.

I x=o,s
(125) (126) Ph
(12f) (128)

Another route to 13-phosphinines based on phosphole starting materials was also

developed by Mathey's group. It is based on the observation (referred to in Section 1V.B)
that certain lH-phospholes will, on heating, undergo [131sigmatropic rearrangements to
give 2H-phosphole derivatives (equation 109). Although most of these 2H-phospholes
cannot be isolated, they can be trapped229*306 in Diels-Alder-type reactions. Thermolysis
10. Cyclic phosphines 365

230 O C

of the resulting adduct results in the f ~ r m a t i o n ~of~a~A3-phosphinine,

*’~~ usually in good
yield. The process is outlined in equation’66.
In Mathey’s studies, it was shown that in this reaction, considerable variation can be
achieved for R and R’ (R = R = Ph, Et; R = Me, R’ = Ph; R = H, R’ = Ph) but that the
bulkier substituent is always R . Further, with very bulky substituents on the alkyne (as in,
for example, Me,SiC=CSiMe,), the cycloaddition will not normally occur. In an
interesting extension of the reaction, 129 has been prepared”’ from l,2,5-triphenyl-
phosphole and bis(dipheny1phosphino)acetylene. It should be noted in passing, that, in the
”P NMR spectrum of 129, the three-bond coupling between the two side-chain P atoms is
178 Hz. This extraordinarily high value has been attributed”’ to a ‘through-space’
coupling mechanism.

A third synthesis based on phosphole-type starting materials is more appropriately

discussed together with related reactions as outlined below.
One further general route to A3-phosphinines, which is particularly useful in that it
can sometimes be used to prepare functionally substituted systems, has been reported.
In this type of synthesis, a phospha-alkene or phospha-alkyne undergoes a [4 + 23
cycloaddition with a suitable diene (cyclic or acyclic) and this is followed by one or more
elimination reactions which may or may not be spontaneous. The first report came in
1982 by Mark1 et U I . ~ ~who
* , showed that both a-pyrones and cyclopentadienones react
with PhC=P (derived thermolytically from ClP=C(SiMe,)Ph) to give, ultimately,
A3-phosphinines. The two reactions are summarized in equation 167; 13-phosphinines
with a variety of alkyl or aryl substituents have been obtained by this procedure.
In a similar reaction, Rosch and Regitz3 have shown that phosphole sulfides behave
towards t-Bu C=P in a similar manner to cyclopentadienones (equation 168).
Came and coworkers have carried out related cycloadditions using P-chlorophospha-
alkenes and, by using a variety of modifications of the route and the conditions, achieved
366 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes




4 Meh I
Si M e3



160°C,7h +

"'-0, SiMe3
( 169)

the synthesis of several functionally substituted 13-phosphinines. The first of these

syntheses128is shown in equation'69. However, although the yield was reasonable (30%),
the product was not isolated and the conditions are such that the procedure has, at best,
limited utility.
The synthesis was later modified268s309
in several ways to yield a variety of functionally
substituted 13-phosphinines (equations 170309, 171309 and 172268.309).
The acid and amide derivatives of 130 were also preparedz6*and a more detailed
account of some of these syntheses has appeared recently130.
10. Cyclic phosphines 367

C02Me Me3Si
It G S i M 2
e , Br -Py
t P 80 oc
I Me SiMe, Me

( X = CI Br),
250 OC

;I R=H,SiMe3

Me3 iow


80 'C, 4h
R = H, SiMe,

+ -- Me3s<i/c02Et

-50 OC

5 h

12 h

( 172)

A few other, less general, syntheses of ,I3-phosphinines have been reported. These
include the rearrangement shown in equation 173293and the 1,4-cycloaddition reaction of
2,4,6-triphenyl-3-aza-A3-phosphinine with dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate (accom-
panied by the elimination of ben~onitrile)~~, which was discussed in Section 1II.D.
The two remaining ,13-phosphininesyntheses in the literature involve not so much the
construction of the phosphinine ring but the conversion of one phosphinine into another.
In the first of these3'', the 3-chloro-13-phosphininesprepared by treatment of 5-0x0-
1,2,5,6-tetrahydro-A3-phosphinines with PCl,, as discussed earlier in this section, react
368 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes
smoothly with lithiated secondary amines in addition-elimination reactions to give 3-
diaIkylamin0-1~-phosphinines (equation 1 74).
The second of these 13-phosphinine interconversions is shown in equation 175311.
More will be said later about the unusual phosphinine sulfide intermediate in this reaction.

Ph\C/Ph Ph-C-CH2Ar

Ar AAr
= I Ar


phvN LiNRZ

Me 0

Ph Ph

1 p4si0

B ~ P.Me$) + Me* (175)

Me X
Ph Ph

10. Cyclic phosphines 369
B. L3-Phosphinines Containing Additional Heteroatoms
Only four such systems are known: 3-aza-L3-phosphinines of type 131, 4 - a ~ a - 1 ~ -
phosphinines of type 132, 1,4-13,13-diphosphinines
of type 133 and 115, 3i5, S i 3 -
triphosphinines of type. 134.

The two azaphosphinine systems have been prepared by methods very similar to
reaction sequences already described for the synthesis of simple 13-phosphinines and the
approaches used are shown in equations 176144and 1771°2.
The lP-diphosphinine system was synthesized from very heavily substituted bicyclic
compounds either by t h e r r n ~ l y s i (equation
s~~~ 178)or by treatment with 1,3-dipolessuch
as azides or diazo compounds (equation 179)313.
The last of these systems (134) was prepared314 by a novel ring expansion of a L5,15-
diphosphete as shown in equation 180.

I Ph
260 OC

370 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes



Since much of the reaction chemistry of 1H-phospholes and, to a lesser extent, of A3-
phosphinines has been covered in some detail in earlier sections in a variety of contexts
and, in addition, other properties of these systems have been reviewed extensively
elsewhere, this section is intended to give only a brief overview of some of the more
noteworthy properties of these heterocycles.

A. Electronic Structure
The apparent similarity of 1H-phospholes to the heterocyclopentadienes furan, pyrrole
and thiophene on the one hand and of L3-phosphinines to benzene and pyridine on the
other is obvious. What is not immediately clear, however, is how closely the electronic
structures of the phosphorus heterocycles parallel those of their non-phosphorus
counterparts, and much attention has been given to this interesting problem.
10. Cyclic phosphines 37 1
1. IH-Phospholes
It has long been known that furan, pyrrole and thiophene are planar, 6n-electron
Hiickel aromatic systems having significant delocalization energies. At first sight,
phosphole has the potential also to be such a system and, over a period of about 15 years,
many studies (NMR, X-ray crystallographic, reactivity of the phosphorus non-bonding
electron pair, theoretical) have been published regarding this problem. The matter has
been thoroughly reviewed e l ~ e w h e r e ' ~ ~ and
- ' ~ ' the present position is that simple
phospholes are pyramidal species (at room temperature) with only a small interaction of
the phosphorus non-bonding orbital with the n system. The more significant observations
and deductions are briefly summarized in the following discussion.

a. N M R studies. 31P,I3Cand 'H chemical shift data have been recorded for a variety
of phosph01es'~~- 19', but little can be deduced from them regarding the degree of electron
delocalization in the system. The one NMR study which throws some light on this
problem was carried out by Egan et ~ 1 " ~ In . this study, the pyramidal inversion barrier of
the phosphorus atom in the dissymmetric phosphole derivative 136 was measured using
the 'H NMR coalescence technique. A value of about 67 kj mot- was obtained, which is
considerably below that expected for a normal tertiary phosphorus atom constrained by a
five-membered ring (ca 150kj mol-'). The implication is that there is some interaction
between the phosphorus non-bonding pair orbital and the diene system but that the degree
of delocalization in the planar inversion transition state is insufficient to change the
phosphorus hybridization from sp3 to sp2.

(136) (137) (138) (139)

b. X-ray crystallographic studies. There have been four such investig-

ations228,315~3 1 7 , but three of these were on heavily substituted phospholes and it is
probable that only the study3I5on the very simply substituted phosphole 137 can make
any contribution regarding the electronic structure of the phosphole ring. The most
important feature of the molecular structure is that the ring P-C bonds are significantly
shorter than one would expect from the sum of the single-bond covalent radii of the two
atoms. Some small degree of delocalization may, therefore, be indicated and this is
consistent with the low barrier to inversion at the phosphorus atom noted above.

c. Reactivity of the phosphorus non-bonding electron pair. Many reactions at the

phosphorus atom of phospholes have been reported. These include oxidation, quaterniz-
ation and metal complex formation (about which more will be said later). Oxidation and
quaternization have been discussed at length e l ~ e w h e r e ~ ~and, ~ . ' ~in' any case, these
reactions offer little information regarding the electronic structure of phosholes. There are,
however, two investigations which offer some information regarding the availability of the
non-bonding pair for reaction. Thus, it has been found2'' that I-methylphosphole has the
unusually low pK, value of 0.5 and phospholes are, therefore, much weaker bases than
conventional tertiary phosphines. In addition, Farnham and M i s l o have ~ ~ established
~ ~
372 L.D. Quin and A. N. Hughes
that 1-(2-cyanoethyl)phospholium salts, such as 138, undergo base-catalyzed retro-
cyanoethylation reactions much more rapidly than do similar salts of other cyclic and
acyclic phosphines, indicating again some degree of lone-pair delocalization. In passing, it
should be noted in connection with the protonation studies referred to above that (a)
phospholes, unlike the aromatic pyrroles, p r o t ~ n a t e ~at’ ~the- ~phosphorus
~~ atom and
(b) it may be that the low basicity of phospholes arises, at least in part, from the possible
degeneracyJz1 of the n and highest n orbitals.

d. Theoretical studies. There have been at least nine theoretical treatments of the
phosphole system. These too have been discussed thoroughly in earlier review^'^^*'^^ and
only a summary is necessary here. Briefly, the results of these treatments have been largely
mutually contradictory in that some have been interpreted as being consistent with a high
degree of delocalization whereas others indicate a completely non-aromatic system. It is
worth noting, however, that one of the most recent (1975)of these treatments322,based on
ab initio methods, indicates that the delocalization energy in phosphole is of the order of
54 kj mol- I , which is consistent with the deductions from the NMR, X-ray and reactivity
studies cited above. Computational techniques and theoretical treatments have improved
enormously since 1975,however, and a more modern treatment may now be in order.

2. A’-Phosphinines
The situation is much clearer with A3-phosphininesthan with 1H-phospholes. Again,
the current position has been thoroughly reviewedJzJand only a brief digest will be given
here. Essentially, all of the evidence is consistent with L3-phosphinines being 6n-electron
Huckel-type aromatic systems in which the phosphorus atom enters into (3p-2p)n
bonding. The ready availability of the unsubstituted system285has contributed greatly to
the solution of the problem.
NMR data, although interesting and consistent with a significant degree of Huckel-type
delocalization within the ringJzJ,offer no direct evidence for such an electronic structure.
However, electron diffraction studies324show that the parent molecule is planar and
symmetrical with P-C bond lengths of 1.73 8, which is strongly supportive of the
presence of a n electron system similar to that present in benzene and pyridine. Microwave
data3” give similar results.
X-ray measurements have been made on substituted A3-phosphininederivatives such as
2,6-dimethyl-4-phenyl-A3-phosphinineJ26. As with the unsubstituted system, it was found
that the phosphorus-containing ring is very close to planar, the ring is symmetrical and the
P-C bonds are significantly shorter than the sum of the single-bond covalent radii.
Recently, Maas et examined the X-ray crystal structure of the very heavily
substituted derivative 139. This molecule is highly distorted with a twist-boat type of
arrangement. The two P-C bonds are no longer equal, or nearly so, but are still short at
1.730and 1.758 8.
Another powerful tool for probing the electronic structure of molecules which are stable
in the gas phase is ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy. Such measurements have beem
made for the parent AJ-phosphinineJZ7and also for certain substituted derivativesJ2*.The
results obtained for the unsubstituted system327are in excellent agreement with what
would be expected for a molecule having a n electronic structure similar to that ofbenzene.
There have been several theoretical treatments of the A3-phosphinine system. Oehling
and SchweigJZ9used the CND0/2 approach whereas others have used ab initioJJ0and
otherJJ1 approaches. Although there are some differences in the deductions from the
various approaches, they offer strong support for a Huckel-type 6n-electron structure.
As noted earlier, phospholes have an anomalously low basicity which is, perhaps,
associated with some delocalization in the system. A3-Phosphinines, however, do not
10. Cyclic phosphines 313
require the non-bonding pair for an aromatic structure and one would therefore expect
that i3-phosphinineswould have, like pyridine, appreciable basic character. This is not the
case. Thus, i3-phosphinine(and its simple derivatives) will not form phosphininium salts,
nor will it alkylate at the phosphorus atom323.This point has received considerable
attention143,3Z3,329b,332 . Several explanations have been advanced, including an orbital
sequence329bwhich places the non-bonding orbital below the highest n orbital in energy,
leading to a pK, value of - 10 for the phosphininium ion. An alternative explanation3z3is
that the ring system is unable to change its geometry in the required manner on
protonation or alkylation. Evidence, based on a correlation between core ionization
energies and proton affinities, has recently been presented333to support the latter view. In
this connection, it should be mentioned that the proton affinity of A3-phosphinine has
recently been measured334 by the ion cyclotron resonance technique and it has been
shown that protonation occurs at the phosphorus atom.

B. Metal Complex Formation

Both lH-phospholes and i3-phosphinines form metal complexes and a wide variety of
such complexes are now known. The topic has been reviewed extensively for both
and only a brief outline of the main types of complex formed by
each heterocycle will be presented here.

1. 7 H - Phosphole complexes
In the following discussion, the material presented will not be individually referenced as
all relevant references can be found in the most recent reviewzt6. Briefly, lhl-phospholes
can form three types of complex, viz. complexes in which the phosphole acts as a two-
electron donor (a complexes),as a four-electron donor (ncomplexes) and as a six-electron
donor (a,ncomplexes). Examples of these structural types are 140, 141 and 142.

By far the most common type of complex formed by phospholes is the two-electron
donor a complex. Such complexes have been prepared using a variety of phospholes, for
chromium(O), molybdenum(O), tungsten(O), manganesqo), rhenium(III), iron(II), iron(O),
ruthenium (I1I), ruthenium (II), cobalt (II), rhodium (III), rhodium (11), rhodium (I),
iridium(III), iridium(I), nickel(II), nickel(O), palladium(II), platinum(II), copper(1) and
mercury(I1). In many instances, two or even three phosphole ligands may be attached to
the metal center. Generally, then, phospholes interact well with soft acceptors.
Four-electron donor complexes, such as 141, appear to be very rare, presumably
because the phosphorus non-bonding pair in phospholes is too good a donor unless the
substitution pattern renders the ligand particularly bulky.
Similarly, relatively few complexes in which the phosphole ring acts as a six-electron
donor are known and, in all instances, they involve metal(0) carbonyls (iron, manganese).
Clearly, the coordination chemistry of phospholes is a fertile area for further research
and many of the complexes now known have obvious potential as catalytic systems.
314 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes
2. L3-Phosphininecomplexes
Fewer metal complexes are known for A3-phosphinines than for lH-phospholes. Even
so, four basic structural types of complex are known’” and examples are 143,144, 145,
and 146.
Complexes of type 143 may be formed with metal (0)or with metals in higher oxidation
states. The remaining complexes are almost always with metal (0).

C. Reactions of Special Interest

In previous sections, most of the important reactions of lH-phospholes have been
covered directly or indirectly and some reactions of A’-phosphinines have also received
attention. There are, however, a few particularly interesting reactions of both systems
(more for 13-phosphinines) which should be mentioned.

\ [4+21

10. Cyclic phosphines 375

1. 1 H - Phosphole reactions
Two reactions will be treated here. First, as mentioned in Section IV.B, lH-phospholes
bearing a hydrogen on the phosphorus atom rearrange below room temperature to the
corresponding 2H-phosphole via a [131 sigmatropic rearrangement. Generally, these
react further to give the 1,l’-biphospholyls already discussed (see, for example,
equation 94). However, when there is suitable substitution on the ring, a Diels-Alder type
of dimerization can occur to give an endo dimer containing a P-P bond. This, on heating,
can rearrange to give the thermodynamically more stable exo dimer (equation 181)lS5.
The endo dimer undergoes an intramolecular UV-induced [2 + 23 cycloaddition
(equation 181).
The second reaction of some interest is that of phospholes with dimethyl acety-
lenedicarboxylate to give, depending on the structure of the phosphole (or phosphindole),
a variety of unusual phosphorus heterocycles.The conditions for and mechanisms of these
reactions have been discussed extensively e1sewhe1-e’~~ and it is necessary here only to
illustrate some representative examples as shown in equations 182336,183337and 184337.

2. A3-Phosphinine reactions
Several reactions require brief discussion here. As mentioned earlier, A3-phosphinines
show little nucleophilic character towards alkylating agents and are not at all readily

Ph X
Ph I


Ph X X

x X

P ’ X
376 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes
protonated. However, many reactions are known to take place at the phosphorus atom.
Further, many of these reactions lead, ultimately, to the formation of i3-phosphinines and
emphasis will be placed on such reactions.
One particularly interesting reaction is with organolithium ~ o m p o ~ n d(ors ~ ~ ~ ~
with Grignard in which the phosphorus atom acts as an electrophile. The
process is illustrated in equation 185; the resulting anion can be trapped339 as the
tetrabutylammonium salt, hydrolyzed to give a 1,2-dihydro-i3-phosphinine, treated with
alkyl halides via an SN2mechanism to give a 1'-phosphinine or treated with alkyl halides
via an S,1 mechanism to give, again, a 1,2-dihydro-A3-phosphinine (equation 185).

A similar reaction occurs with d i a z ~ m e t h a n eHowever,

~~~. the initially formed adduct
readily loses nitrogen and the product of this reacts very rapidly with alcohols, thiols,
phenols, etc., to give A'-phosphinine derivatives (equation 186)340.In aprotic solvents, the
reaction proceeds in an entirely different manner to yield, finally3', the 'chiropteradiene'
discussed in Section 1II.D.
Radical additions to the phosphorus atom of i3-phosphinines also occur readily. These
have been reviewed extensively e l s e ~ h e r e ~ and ' ~ - details
~ ~ ~ will not be given here.
However, by these various radical addition reactions, the structural types 147,148 and 149
have been prepared.
One last reaction of i3-phosphinines will be mentioned. As noted briefly in passing in
Section V.A (equation 175),certain i3-phosphinines react" with sulfur in boiling xylene
to give phosphinine 1-sulfides such as 150. In the case already discussed (equation 175),


10. Cyclic phosphines 377

Ph Ph Ph
I i


Me R'

R = P(S)Ph2, R'=PPh2
(160) (152 1
or R=PPh2, R'=P(S)Ph,


15Ois short-lived. It can apparently be characterized in solution (b31P 147) but it cannot be
isolated. It has been trapped as shown in equation 175. However, very recently, the heavily
substituted A3-phosphinine 129 has been shown34' to react with sulfur at room
temperature in benzene to give the phosphinine 1-sulfide 151. Although this has not yet
been isolated in pure form, it survives chromatography on silica gel and is stable in
solution and the solid state for extended periods. These systems are of particular interest
because they are heterocyclic relatives of the phospha-alkene sulfides, 152, of which few
examples are known. Low-coordination phosphorus compounds of this type are normally
very highly reactive and short-lived. They are currently under intensive study and the
chemistry of such systems has recently been reviewed342.

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384 L. D. Quin and A. N. Hughes
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314. E. Fluck, G. Becker, B. Neumiiller, R. Knebl, G. Heckmann and H. Riffel, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed.
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342. H. Germa and J. Navech, Phosphorus Sulfur, 26, 327 (1986).

Nucleophilic reactions of
phosp hinesa
Department of Applied Chemistry and Life Sciences. Polytechnic of North London.
Holloway Road. London N7 8DB UK .
I. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
A. Nucleophilicity. Steric Factors and Solvent Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
B. Inductive Effects of Substituents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
C . Effects of Lone Pairs on Neighbouring Atoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
D . Though-space Orbital Overlap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
E. Effects of Ring Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
F. Miscellaneous Reactions at Saturated Carbon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
A . Carbonium Ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
B. Activated Alkenes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
1. Additions of primary and secondary phosphines to activated alkenes 399
2. Reactions of tertiary phosphines with activated alkenes . . . . . . . 401
3. Reactions of phosphines with perhaloalkenes and perhalo-
cycloalkenes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
C. Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
D . Additions of Primary and Secondary Phosphines to Carbonyl Com-
pounds and Imino Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
1. Carbonyl compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
2. Imino compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
E. Reactions of Tertiary Phosphines with Carbonyl, Thiocarbonyl and
Selenocarbonyl Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
1. Carbonyl compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
2. Thiocarbonyl and selenocarbonyl compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
A. Addition of Primary and Secondary Phosphines to Alkynes . . . . . . 417
B. Reactions of Tertiary Phosphines with Activated Alkynes . . . . . . . . 419

“Dedicatedto Dr William Gerrard OBE (1900-1990)

The Chemistry of Organophosphorus Compounds. Volume 1

Edited By F . R . Hartley 0 1990 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
386 H . R. Hudson
C. Reactions of Tertiary Phosphines with Benzynes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
D . Reactions with Carbon Disulphide and Carbon Diselenide . . . . . . . 421
E . Reactions with Ketenes and Allenes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
F. Reactions with Isocyanates and Isothiocyanates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
G . Reactions with Nitriles and Nitrilimines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
ANDTIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
A. Nitrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
B. Phosphorus and Arsenic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
A.Oxygen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
1. Reactions of phosphines with peroxo compounds . . . . . . . . . . . 438
2. Oxidation of phosphines by epoxides and by hydroxylamine . . . . 440
3 . Deoxygenation of compounds containing doubly bonded oxygen . 441
4. Additions to carbonyl compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
B. Sulphur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
1. Elemental sulphur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
2. Organic disulphides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
3. Organic tri- and tetra-sulphides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
4. Miscellaneous reactions of sulphur compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
5. Thiocyanates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
6. Sulphur dioxide, thionyl chloride, sulphur trioxide and sulphuryl
chloride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
7. Selenium and tellurium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
IX . NUCLEOPHILIC ATTACK AT HALOGENS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
A. Elemental Halogens and Interhalogen Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
B. Other Positive Halogen Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
1. Chlorocyclopentadienes and trichloromethylcyclohexadienones . . . 452
2. Halogen attached to oxygen or nitrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
3 . Halogen alpha to carbonyl, sulphone, nitro, cyano or other
activating group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
4. Perhalogenoalkanes and perhalogenoalkyl derivatives . . . . . . . . 454
5. Halogenoalkenes and halogenoalkynes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
6. Elimination reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
7. Miscellaneous reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
X.REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458

Phosphines are versatile nucleophiles. In addition to their reactions at saturated carbon
and at sp2 or sp hybridized carbon. they enter into nucleophilic reactions at many other
centres. including attack at electronegative elements such as the halogens. nitrogen.
oxygen and sulphur. The basis for their reactivity. which is higher than that of either the
corresponding amines or arsines. has been discussed in detail’. Nucleophilic attack by a
phosphine leads to an increase in coordination number to four and to the formation of a
R. P. + R’X 4R. PR X-
R = alkyl. aryl
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 387
phosphonium species. The latter may be a stable product (a phosphonium salt), e.g. in the
reaction of a trialkyl- or triaryl-phosphine with an alkyl halide (Scheme 1)' or be merely a
transitory intermediate en route to the formation of a tetracoordinate phosphorus(V)
species if one of the ligands attached to phosphorus is an alkoxy group that can undergo
facile alkyl-oxygen cleavage (Scheme 2)3.The latter reaction, known as the Michaelis-
Arbuzov reaction, is important for the preparation of phosphonates, phosphinates and
phosphine oxides4. Stable intermediates of the Michaelis-Arbuzov reaction have been
isolated in cases in which the alkyl group is sterically hindered or is otherwise not easily
susceptible to nucleophilic attack'. In certain examples, an equilibrium concentration of
the corresponding phosphorane may also be formed (Scheme 3)'.

R ' = a l k y l , a r y l , alkyloxy,aryloxy, e t c .

The higher polarizability of phosphorus compared with that of nitrogen and the
availability of d orbitals leads to the possibility of nucleophilic attack by other reagents at
phosphorus in cases where a suitable leaving group is present. Reactions of this type are
exemplified by the displacement of halogen from halogenophosphines by alcohols, amines
and organometallic reagents (e.g. Grignard reagents or organocadmium compounds)', the
hydrolysisEor alcoholysis of esters or amides of phosphorus(II1) acids' and displacements
of aryl", benzy111"2, alkoxide or alkylthio groups13 from trivalent phosphorus by
organolithium compounds. Reactions of this type occur with total inversion of configur-
ation at phosphorus, showing that pseudorotation in a hypervalent anion intermediate
does not occur. A single-step S,(P) mechanism has been proposed (Scheme 4).

Biphilic reactions, in which both nucleophilic and electrophilic functions of phos-
~ , also well established in a number of processes, including the
phorus(II1) are i n ~ o l v e d ' are
deoxygenation of dialkyl peroxides (see Section VIII.A.1) and cycloadditions to conju-
gated diene systemsI4.


A. Nucleophilicity, Steric Factors and Solvent Effects

Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines at sp' carbon have been studied in considerable
detail. Apart from the reactions of certain tertiary halides, e.g. triphenylmethyl
388 H. R. Hudson
chloride15.'b(for which a carbonium ion intermediate is involved; see Section III.A), the
reactions are essentially of the S,2 type leading to inversion of configuration at carbon and
retention of configuration at p h o s p h ~ r u s '(Scheme
~ 5).


The greater nucleophilicity of trivalent phosphorus compared with that of either

nitrogen or arsenic was first shown in 1934 by Davies and Lewis'*, who determined
second-order rate constants in acetone or alcoholic media for the reactions of a series of
aryl diethyl derivatives, ArXEt, (X = N, P, As), with ethyl iodide. Reaction rates were
increased by the presence of electron-releasing substituents in the aromatic ring and
decreased by electron-withdrawing substituents. Subsequent calculation of the Hammett
parameters showed the phosphines ( p = - 1.01) to be less sensitive to substituent effects
than the amines ( p = -2.77), indicating a greater degree of conjugation with the aromatic
ring in the case of the nitrogen'. This factor, together with the steric constraints imposed
by the smaller nitrogen atom, is thought to account for the lack of reactivity shown
towards methyl iodide by triphenylamine, whereas triphenylphosphine reacts rapidly. In
the aliphatic series, the steric effect presumably accounts for the lower reactivity of
triethylamine compared with that of triethylphosphine. The factors which combine to
determine the reactivity of nucleophiles are complex, however, and include ionization
potentials, bond energies and energies of s o l ~ a t i o n ' ~ .
Studies on the rates of quaternization of triphenylphosphine and of triphenylarsine with
methyl iodide and with various 4-substituted benzyl halides in acetonitrile have shown
much less bond-making to be involved in the transition state in the case of the
phosphines". Triphenylphosphine is about 100 times more reactive than the arsine at
25 "C, the rate difference being due mainly to differences in the enthalpies of activation.
Hammett plots for the various benzyl halides suggest that triphenylphosphine is involved
in a 'tighter' transition state than triphenylarsine, which resembles the alkylamines in
preferring a looser transition state. Kinetic studies of the rates of reaction between
alkyldiphenylphosphines or alkyldiphenylarsines and methyl iodide and correlations of
the nucleophilicities with the Taft scheme, indicated the operation of both inductive and
steric effectsz
Competitive SN2 and E2 reactions of triphenylphosphine with cyclohexyl tosylate
confirm the good nucleophilic affinity of triphenylphosphine for carbon". Substitution
occurs almost exclusively in various solvents at 75 "C. The phosphine is regarded as a
typical neutral weak base; it is a poor reagent for elimination compared with anionic weak
bases that are also good nucleophiles.
Solvation effects have been studied in the reactions of tributylphosphine and
triphenylphosphine with a range of alkyl halides in a variety of protic and aprotic
solvent^^^^^^. For reactions of triphenylphosphine with benzyl chloride, a major
contributing factor to the degree of reactivity was shown to be the electrophilicity of the
solvent (5373, whereas lower contributions arise from polarity (35%) and polarizability
(12%)'5. In dipolar aprotic solvents (acetonitrile, propylene carbonate, dimethylforma-
mide and dimethylacetamide), the reaction of triphenylphosphine with methyl iodide was
shown to be less sensitive to solvent variation than was the reactivity of a tertiary aliphatic
amineZ6. Solvation changes around the incipient phosphonium ion were found to be
greater than around the anionic moiety and it was seen that three phenyl groups were
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 389
insufficient to shield the central phosphorus from the effect of the surrounding solvent
Other factors which influence the nucleophilicity of phosphines include the inductive
effects of groups attached to phosphorus, the possibility of orbital overlap from
neighbouring atoms carrying lone pairs and the constraints that may be imposed by the
presence of the phosphorus atom in a ring system.

6 . Inductive Effects of Substituents

The inductive effects of substituents have been shown to be of primary importance in
determining the rates of reaction of many alkyl- and/or aryl-substituted phosphines with
alkyl halides2’, the general order of nucleophilicity following that of the basicities. This
result contrasts with that for amines, in which steric factors may be dominant because of
the smaller size of nitrogen. For a wide range of tertiary phosphines [Ph,P, Ph,PEt, (p-
MeOC,H,),P, PhPEt,, Et,P, Pr,P, Bu,P, Am,P and Cy,P], the rates of reaction with
ethyl iodide in acetone at 35 “C fit a linear plot:
log 105k = 1.939 - 0.767 (I*

where CT* is the sum of the Taft substituent constants for the various groups attached to
The value of -0.767 for p* indicates a moderate inductive effect by which electron-
releasing groups increase the nucleophilicity of the phosphorus lone pair. Resonance or
steric effects within this series are small or constant. Surprisingly, the presence of a methyl
group increases the nucleophilicity substantially beyond that which would be predicted
from the above correlation and the order Me,PEt > MePEt, =. Me,P > Et,P has not yet
been explained. Whereas hyperconjugation might be considered to be a possible cause of
the enhanced effect of methyl, the position of Me,P in this series is anomalous. The low
reactivity of triisobutylphosphine can be attributed to steric factors, whereas that for
tris(2-cyanoethy1)phosphine is probably due to the electronic effect of the cyano group.
More recent studies have shown the very low reactivity of tris(cyanomethy1)phosphine
to be due to the polar (field or - I ) effect of the cyano group which reduces electron density
in the region of the phosphorus lone pair”. The reaction rate for Me,PCH,CN with
benzyl bromide in acetonitrile at 35°C is close to that for triphenylphosphine, but
decreases rapidly in the order Me,PCH,CN > MeP(CH,CN)z > P(CH,CN),, the
tris(cyanomethy1)phosphine being less reactive than the monocyanomethyl derivative by a
factor of about 20000.The strongly deactivating effect of cyanomethyl is also apparent in
the reactions of phosphines of the type Ph,PCH,X with ethyl iodidez9. Nucleophilicity
decreases in the order X = CONMe, > Me z CONH, > CO,H z C0,Et > CN, with rates
for X = CO,H and C0,Et being comparable to that for triphenylphosphine. Although the
reactivity order is consistent with inductive effects, the correlation with Taft substituent
constants is poor and the results can be equally well explained on the basis of the
ionization potentials of the phosphorus lone pair; other factors may also be involved.
Primary and secondary phosphines are significantly less nucleophilic than tertiary
phosphines. The general order of reactivity R,P > R,PH > RPH, > PH, can be inferred
from various sources, although exact rate measurements (other than for tertiary
phosphines) have been made in only a few cases, e.g. for the secondary phosphines R,PH
(R=n-Bu, octyl, i-Bu)”. In some cases, e.g. for diphenylphosphine, the system is
complicated by further reaction with a second molecule of alkyl halide, following
dissociation of the first-formed hydrohalide (Scheme 6). Similarly, primary phosphines
may give either secondary or tertiary phosphines by stepwise reactions, depending on the
extent to which dissociation of the intermediate hydrohalide occurs (Scheme 7),’.,’.
Ph,PH + RX -
H. R. Hudson

Ph,PR + RX - +

RPH, -
+ R’X [RR’PH2]+X-
z=!RR’PH + HX
RR’PH + R’X - [RR’,PH]+X-
RR’,P + R’X - RR’,P + HX

MePH, Me1 .===Me,$H,I-
Me,PH, + MeOH Me,PH + MeOH,’
MePH, + MeOH,’ F=‘ Me$H, + MeOH
MeOH,’ + 1- C _ H,O + Me1
Me,PH + Me1 M e , h
Whereas the individual alkylation steps proceed faster as the degree of alkylation increases,
the dissociation of the hydrohalide becomes more difficult as the basicity of the phosphine
also increases. Simple dialkylphosphines are obtained by the action of moderate heat on
monoalkylphosphines together with methyl or n-alkyl iodides without solvent. Trialkyl-
phosphines are readily obtained if the reaction is carried out in the alcohol corresponding
to the alkyl halide as the solvent3’. Under controlled conditions, both dimethyl- and
trimethyl-phosphine can be isolated by the reaction of methylphosphine with methyl
iodide in methanol (Scheme 8)31.

C. Effects o f Lone Pairs on Neighbouring Atoms

The presence of lone pair electrons on atoms adjacent to phosphorus does not cause an
increase in nucleophilicity comparable to the a-effect that is seen for oxygen nucleophiles.
The dominant effect of alkoxy groups is in fact to decrease nucleophilicity by inductive
electron ~ i t h d r a w a l ~ ,so
. ~ that
~ , reactivity with methyl iodide decreases in the order
Et,POEt > EtP(OEt), > (EtO),P. Kinetic measurements have also demonstrated
decreasing nucleophilic activity towards ethyl iodide as the number of alkoxy groups
attached to phosphorus increases (Table l)33.

TABLE 1. Rates of reaction of phosphorus(ll1) derivatives with

ethyl iodide (data from ref. 33)

Ph,P Ph,POEt PhP(OEt), P(OEt),

104k(60“c) 5.18 2.39 1.79 0.20

11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 39 I
Phenoxy groups reduce the reactivity still further34. Mesomeric interaction of the
oxygen lone pairs with the d orbitals of phosphorus is therefore of less significance than
inductive effects in determining the nucleophilic reactivity of phosphorus(ll1) compounds.
A direct comparison of the reactivity of phosphorus atoms carrying alkyl and alkoxy
groups can be seen in the reactions of certain diphosphines in which the phosphino
phosphorus atom reacts preferentially with electrophiles, e.g. methyl iodide (Scheme 9),
whereas the phosphorus atom to which alkoxy groups are attached reacts only with
nucleophiles (Scheme


r I
PripPMe -
t (Bu"O)pPI]
Me1 .+
Pr'pPMeg I-


PripP-P(OBu" 12
A PripPH + ( B u " 0 ) p P N /Ph
HN 'Et



The effects of nitrogen ligands have been studied in the reactions of a number of
tris(dialky1amino)phosphineswith methyl iodide in acetonitrile (Scheme 1 l)36. Kinetic
measurements at 25 "C showed these compounds to be amongst the most nucleophilic of
phosphorus(II1) compounds towards this alkyl halide. The least reactive (R,N = morph-
olino) has a reactivity comparable to that of triphenylphosphine, whereas others in the
series (R,N = piperidino, Et,N, Me,N) are at least as reactive as tributylphosphine. Even
so, n-electron transfer from nitrogen to phosphorus is not considered to be a major factor
in the stabilization of the transition state for these compounds. Repulsive interaction
between the nitrogen lone pairs and that of phosphorus may raise the energy of the latter,
rendering it more basic (and more nu~leophilic)~'. The effect is relatively small, however,
and the aminophosphines are not regarded as typical a-nucleophiles.

(R,N),P: + Me1 -

Although dn-pn interaction between either oxygen or nitrogen that is directly attached
to phosphorus appears to be of minor importance in determining the nucleophilic reactivity
of phosphines, there is good evidence for such an interaction in the phosphonium salts that
are produced. Oxygen-phosphorus and nitrogen-phosphorus bond lengths in the
phosphonium salts are significantly shorter than the calculated single bond lengths and, in
the case of the aminophosphonium salts, the nitrogen atom is sp2 hybridized ( ~ l a n a r ) ~ ' .
392 H. R. Hudson
The evidence here, as in many other examples, points to a transition state for
phosphonium ion formation that is reactant-like rather than product-like.
The greater nucleophilicity of phosphorus than of nitrogen towards saturated carbon is
shown by preferential quaternization at phosphorus only in reactions of aminophosphines
with benzylic chlorides (Scheme 12)39,although a trend towards competitive quaterniz-
ation at nitrogen has been reported in certain cases as the hardness of the halide reagent
increases in the order I < Br < C1 (Scheme 13)40. Quaternization at both nitrogen and
phosphorus may be possible if the nitrogen is not directly attached to phosphorus,
depending on the groups attached to nitrogen (Scheme 14)41.

Ph,PNHBu' + RX Ph$NHBu'X-
RX = benzyl chloride or other benzylic halide

RO-P-Me X-
\ (dMe3
RO-P 4 ROP(NMe2)X + Me3N

X- "Me2


PhP(CH2NEt2I2 + 2MeI - ph-r\ C

+ 2 NE t 2

Me CH2N(Me)Et2
2 1-


D. Through-space Orbital Overlap

A significant enhancement of nucleophilic reactivity in phosphines has been demon-
strated in a number of cases in which o-anisyl(o-methoxyphenyl)groups are p r e ~ e n t ~ * - ~ ~ .
Also, the rates of reaction with benzyl chloride and with butyl chloride differ by a factor of
no more than 20, which is one of the lowest rate differences known for S,2 reactions of
these halides. The effect is attributed to a through-space interaction of the 2p electrons of
the o-anisyl oxygen atom and the empty 3d (or hybrid) orbital of phosphorus in an early
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 393
transition state (1). The effect is even more pronounced if two o-methoxy groups are
present in the same ring. Thus, 2,6-di-o-methoxyphenyldiphenylphosphine(2) undergoes
quaternization faster than tri-o-anisylphosphine (3) or di-o-anisylphenylphosphine(4), a
result that has been discussed in terms of the effect of the 6-substituent on the C-P-C
bond angle which is decreased in the transition state and allows more effective overlap of
the p orbitals of the 2-methoxy group with p h o ~ p h o r u sThe
~ ~ .importance of 2p-3d overlap
in the activating effect of an o-methoxy group has been confirmed by studies on a series of
5-aryldibenzophospholes (S), for which it was found that maximum acceleration results
when the 5-aryl group containing an o-methoxy substituent can be orthogonal to the
dibenzophosphole ring (e.g. for V = Z = MeO; X = Y = H)46.

/OMe /OMe

OMe (3)
(2 1


(WPPh ‘OMe

A further example of the effect of o-methoxy substituents is given by the unusually high
reactivity of tris(2,4,6-trimethoxyphenyl)phosphine (6), which is one of the most nucleo-
philic (and most basic) phosphines known4’.
For ortho substituents other than methoxy, rate effects can generally be interpreted in
terms of the geometry of transition states, the HSAB principle and ordinary substituent
effects. o-Methylthio is thus much less able to promote reaction than is o-methoxy because
sulphur is a softer nucleophile and is less able to donate electron density to the developing
hard phosphonium centre. The methylthio group is also larger and may be less favourable
~ t e r i c a l l y In . case of the dibenzophosphole (7),interaction of the 2p electrons of
~ ~ the
oxygen with the phosphorus 3d orbitals is inhibited by constraints of the ring system. A
394 H. R. Hudson
transannular P...O distance of 3.11 A has been measured for the corresponding p -
bromobenzyl bromide salt4*.Quaternization of the phosphole (7)with phenacyl bromide
is 20 times slower than that for o-methoxyphenyldiphenylphosphine(8) and is five times
slower than for triphenylphosphine.

Evidence for an early transition state in quaternization is given by the absence of a

significant rate increase for ferrocenyldiphenylphosphine (9) which should be capable of
conjugative stabilization of the developing phosphonium ion44. Similarly, no significant
involvement of the n-excessive heterocyclic ring was observed in reactions of phosphines
having a heterocyclic substituent (10) with phenacyl bromide4’.

X =O, S, NH, NHMe (11) (12)


Some evidence for 2p-3d interactions involving either oxygen or nitrogen in open-chain
systems has been found in the modest rate increases that are observed for reactions of
w-methoxyalkyldiphenylphosphines (11; n = 1-4)4s and of w-dimethylaminoalkyl-
diphenylphosphines (12; n = 1-4)” with benzyl chloride. The effect is, however,
outweighed in the methoxy compound 11 (n = 1) by the large - I effect of oxygen which
renders the phosphine unreactive.

E. Effects of Ring Size

The nucleophilic reactivity of cyclic phosphorus(II1) compounds may be modified by
the effect of ring Thus, the nucleophilic reactivity of the phosphorus atom in
ethylene N,N-dimethylphosphoroamidite(13) towards methyl iodide is reduced to an
extent that allows nucleophilic attack by the nitrogen atom to occur with consequent

[>P-NMaz + Me1 - [I 0

,P-NMe3+ 1- - [‘>+-I


+ Me3N -MoI

11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 395

+ p e 2
(Me0I2PNMo2 + Me1 __* (Me0)2P I-
\ Me
(1 4)
P-N cleavage (Scheme 1 9 , whereas dimethyl N,N-dimethylphosphoramidite(14) reacts
only at phosphorus to give the phosphonium salt (Scheme 16)51. The decreased
nucleophilic reactivity of phosphorus(lI1) in five- and six-membered rings may be a
consequence of a restriction in bond angle at phosphorus which, in an open-chain
compound, may increase from ca 100 to ca 109" in the transition state leading to the
phosphonium structure. Entropy factors were also considered to have a possible
significance, associated with the restrictions imposed on the motions of the ring on passing
from the relatively non-rigid tervalent compound to a less flexible four-coordinate
speciess2. The low nucleophilicity of trivalent phosphorus in bicyclic p h ~ s p h i t e shas
been attributed to a stereoelectronic effect. Ab initio calculations show that an oxygen lone
pair that is antiperiplanar to the phosphorus lone pair (15) would be expected to raise the
energy by 13.8 kj mol- ' compared to a configuration, such as that of a bicyclic phosphite
(16), in which the antiperiplanar arrangement is absenP4.

F. Miscellaneous Reactions a t Saturated Carbon

Nucleophilic attack by phoshines or phosphide anions can result in the ring opening
~ ~bis(trimethyl~ily1)aminophosphines~~
of epoxides. Secondary p h o s ~ h i n e sand give the
corresponding addition products (Schemes 17 and 18)with diphenylphosphine, propylene


[Ph2PCR1R2CR1RZOH] - +

R' R*C=CR%R~

R' =H, CN j R = H,Ph

\ /R
+ Me2PN(SiMe3)2 A M e 3 S i O i ~ ~ l l l C - C 4 PMe2

/ \R NSiMe3
396 H. R. Hudson
oxide gives, surprisingly, the a-hydroxyphosphine oxide55. Ring opening by lithium
diphenylphosphide followed by reaction with methyl iodide yields phosphonium betaines,
which undergo elimination with the formation of alkenes having the opposite sterochemis-
try to that of the starting epoxides (Scheme 19)57.The reaction sequence is useful for
bringing about inversion of alkene ~tereochemistry~’. Triphenylphosphine similarly gives
the corresponding elimination although the reaction is not stereospecific60.In
addition to the main reaction pathway, leading to an alkene with inversion of
configuration (Scheme 20),direct attack at oxygen is thought to account for the 20-30% of
product that is formed with retention (see Section VII1.A). The highly nucleophilic tris(2,6-
dimethoxypheny1)phosphinehas been used for ring opening of terminai epoxides, giving
phosphonium species that were characterized as the perchlorate salts61. Trialkylphosph-
ines have also been shown to bring about the ring opening of cyclic sulphonate esters to
give the corresponding phosphoniosulphonate betaines (Scheme 21)62.

- R3xR2 R’ H
+ MePh2P-0


R=Bu or Ph


Tertiary phosphines are effective in the demethylation of a variety of methyl derivatives

including quaternary salts of heterocyclic bases63.64and methylsulphonium or methyl-
selenonium ylides (e.g. Scheme 22)65- 6 7 . The demethylation of quaternary ammonium
iodides by triphenylphosphine is, however, thought to proceed by reaction of the
phosphine with free methyl iodide, present in low concentration in solutions of the
quaternary iodides, rather than by direct attack on the N-methyl compound6’.
Debenzylation of benzyloxypyridines has also been reported69. In the quaternization of
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 397
tris(pmethoxypheny1)phosphine with neopentyl iodide, the p-methoxy groups become
activated to nucleophilic attack by unreacted phosphine (Scheme 23), leading to the
formation of eight phosphonium salts, having all possible combinations of methyl and
neopentyl groups attached to phosphorus and/or oxygen7'. Both tributylphosphine and
triphenylphosphine demethylate dibromotrimethylantimony to form the corresponding
methylphosphonium dibr~modimethylantimonates~ I . w-Chloroalkylphosphines under-
go anchimerically assisted intramolecular cyclization (Scheme 24), the ease of ring
formation decreasing in the order 5 > 6 > 3 > 472.



-RIP: +


Ar Ar

Ar Ar

R=neopentyl; A r = p-MeOC6Hq



Examples of nucleophilic reaction at sp2 hybridized carbon are numerous and include
reactions with carbonium ions (17), activated alkenes (18 X = electron-withdrawing
group), and polarized groups such as carbonyl, thiocarbonyl, selenocarbonyl and imino
(19 Y = 0, S, Se, NR).
398 H. R. Hudson

\ /

(17) (18) (19)

A. Carbonium Ions
Although phosphines do not attack simple alkenes under neutral conditions, reaction
of the parent phosphine, PH,, may occur at 30-60°C under pressure, in the presence
of an acid ~atalyst’~.Primary phosphines and small amounts of secondary phosphines are
obtained. Tertiary alkenes react most readily and it is thought that a carbonium ion
mechanism is in~olved’~. Because of the basicity of the primary phosphine, which is
obtained as the phosphonium salt (Scheme 25), stoichiometric amounts of catalyst are
required. Further reaction of the primary phosphine with alkene to give the dialkyl-
phosphine, R,PH, (Scheme 26) is slow as the equilibrium concentration of free primary
phosphine that is present is small. Secondary and tertiary phosphines are too basic to react
under these conditions. Tertiary phosphines will, however, react with carbonium ions
under neutral conditions, e.g. the triphenylcarbonium ion (derived from triphenylmethyl
chloride) adds directly to tert-phosphines (Et3P, PhPMe, and Ph3P)15*16to give the
corresponding phosphonium salts (Scheme 27). Nucleophilic substitution into the benzene
ring may also occur with triphenylphosphine and with sterically hindered phosphines
[Ph,PMe, Ph(t-Bu)PMe]) (see Section IILC)”. Dithioliwm perchlorates (20) yield the
corresponding phosphonium perchlorates by reaction with tributylphosphine in acetonit-
rile at 20 “C (Scheme 28)75.Triphenylphosphine adds directly to 2,6-diphenylpyrilium
perchlorate (21) to give the corresponding pyranylphosphonium salt (Scheme 29)76.The

R,C=CH, + H + =R,&H,
R,&CH3 + PH3 CH3CRz6H3
CH3CRzPHz + R&CH3 S(CH3CR,),6H2

Ph3C+ + Ph,P
- +


R’=R*=M~ or R’R~=-CH=CHCH=CH-
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 399
nucleophilic reactions of triphenylphosphine and of trialkylphosphines with anodically
generated cation radicals have also been shown to give the corresponding phosphonium

Ph Ph


B. Activated Alkenes

1. Additions of primary and secondary phosphines to activated alkenes

Phenylphosphine and diphenylphosphine react readily with acrylonitrile under the
influence of heat and in the absence of a catalyst (Schemes 30 and 31)78-80. The process is a
nucleophilic addition and appears to be intermediate in character between the acid-
catalysed cyanoethylation of amines and the base-catalysed cyanoethylation of a r ~ i n e s ~ ~ .
Additions to acrylate and methacrylate esters (Scheme 32) and to a number of allylic
derivatives also occur when the reactants are heated under neutral condition^^^-^^. Some
examples of what appear to be uncatalysed additions to non-conjugated terminally
unsaturated carboxylic esters have also been reported (Scheme 33)83.







'H +

- Ar(R)PCH2CHC02Me

R=Ar,H R' R'

rn ArP(CH2CC02Me12
(for R=H)


PhPH, + CH,=CH(CH,),
- ,CO,R
- PhPH(CH,),CO,R
m = 2-4, n = 2-4, R = C,H,

400 H. R. Hudson
The possible effect of acids as catalysts in these types of reaction is not clear. Although
acetic acid was found to have no catalytic effect on the addition of diphenylphosphine to
acryl~nitrile’~, it was used in the analogous reaction of m-methoxyphenyl
Base-catalysed additions of primary and secondary phosphines to activated alkenes are
well known. Phosphine will react with a variety of a,B-unsaturated compounds
(acrylonitrile, acrylamide, nitroethylene, mesityl oxide and acrylate esters) to give primary,
secondary or tertiary phosphines according to the c o n d i t i ~ n s Phenylphosphine
behaves similarlys5. These reactions are assumed to take place by Michael addition,
involving the corresponding phosphide anions (Scheme 34). a,p-Unsaturated ketones
undergo similar additions with primary phosphines in the presence of bases6*”, and with
alkali metal dialkylphosphidesS8 (Scheme 35). Low yields of addition products have also
been obtained in the reactions of potassium diphenylphosphide with 1,l-diphenylethylene
and with stilbeneS9.

PH, -
+ O H - G PH,- + H,O

R,C=CHCOR’ -(i) R ” ~ P - M +

(ii) H 2 0


Base-catalysed addition of diphenylphosphine to vinyl isocyanide gives the expected

product (Scheme 36), but phenylphosphine gives a phosphorus-nitrogen heterocycle
resulting, presumably, from cyclization of the first-formed phosphine by intramolecular
nucleophilic attack on the isocyanide group (Scheme 37)90*9’.Group VIlI metal chlorides,
e.g. NiCl, or PtCI,, have also been used under alkaline conditions to give high yields of
tris(2-cyanoethy1)phosphine in the reaction of phosphine with a c r y l ~ n i t r i l e ~ ~ .

Ph,PH + CH,=CHNC - base





Phosphine, phenylphosphine and diphenylphosphine add readily to vinylphosphines in

the presence of a base such as phenyllithium or potassium t e r t - b ~ t o x i d eThe
~ ~ .reactions
are useful for the preparation of poly(tertiary phosphines) (Scheme 38). Base-catalysed
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 40I
additions of diphenylphosphine to diethyl vinylph~sphonate’~and of dimethylphosphine
to vinylsilanesy5 have also been reported (Schemes 39 and 40).



H P P C H ~[Ph2PCH2CH 2 ] 2 PCH2 CH 2P [CH 2 CH2 PPh 212


PhzPH + CHZ=CHP(O)(OEt), - 1-BuO-



Me,PH + CH,=CHSiMe, - Me2PLi



The reaction of diethylphosphine with a-chloroacrylonitrile occurs readily at - 15 “C in

the absence of added base to give a 1: 1 adduct (22). At room temperature the elimination
product (23) is formed (Scheme 41)”. b-Chloro- and ,&benzylthio-acrylonitriles give
analogous addition-elimination products by reaction with diethylphosphine in the
presence of triethylamine (Scheme 42), but whether the base is essential to either the
addition or the elimination stage is not clear.

-15 ‘C

/ CI

‘ A
Et2PH + CH2ZCHCN (22)


Et2PH + XCH=CHCN - El$!

X = CI or PhCH,S


2. Reactions of tertiary phosphines with activated alkenes

Phosphonium betaines are formed by nucleophilic attack of trialkylphosphines on
benzalmalonitriles or related derivatives (Scheme 43)97.98.The reaction is favoured and
the product is stabilized by the presence of electron-attracting groups in the aromatic ring.
K , values (R’ = R2 = CN; R = Bu) vary from 1.74 x lo4 for X = p-NO, to 190 for X = p -
MeOg9. The zwitterionic structure has been confirmed by high-resolution N M R spec-
troscopy * O0. In the reaction of triphenylphosphine with benzalmalonitrile, the equilibrium
is so far to the left that no detectable phosphonium betaine is present; its formation, and
402 H. R. Hudson

RSP: + CH-CR' R2 & R3iCH-zR1R2


R = Me, Et, Bu; R' = R'= CN or C0,Et; R' = COzMe, R2 = CN; R' = NOz, Rz = CN;
R' =NO2, Rz = Ph

that of related triphenylphosphonium betaines, can, however, be inferred from the results
of hydrolysis which gives the monoamide derivatives (24)" '.
Tetracyanoethylene ftcne) is too reactive to form a 1:1 complex with simple
triarylphosphines (Ar,P; Ar = Ph, 2-MeC,H4, 3-MeC6H,, 4-MeC6H,), although spec-
troscopic evidence for a 1 : 1 charge-transfer complex has been obtained with the highly
hindered trimesitylphosphineloZ. Triphenylphosphine reacts rapidly and exothermally
with tcne in acetonitrile to give a 1:2 adduct, first formulated as octacyano-P,P,P-
triphenylphosphacyclopentane (25)'03,but now known on the basis of X-ray diffraction
and I3C NMR studies to be the iminophosphorane (26)"". This reaction therefore
involves nucleophilic attack of phosphorus at nitrogen (see Section VILA), rather than

attack at alkenic carbon.



(24) (25) (26)

The reactions of 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane(27) with triarylphosphines proceed

by a further different route. In the presence of water and a trace of hydrochloric acid, the
reduced product is obtained in quantitative yield (Scheme 44)'05. No betaine formation is
involved and the reaction in this case is thought to proceed by way of a phosphinium
radical cation intermediate.

/CN + Ar3P: - Ha0
trac. HCI


With simple vinyl derivatives (CH,=CHX), tertiary phosphines form betaine inter-
mediates that can react further in a number of ways. In the presence of acids, phosphonium
salts are formed (Scheme 45)'06. In the absence of other reagents, triphenylphosphine
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 403
initiates the polymerization of acrylonitrile to give an amorphous polymer of high
molecular weight (Scheme 46)'07. Hydroxylic solvents promote proton transfer processes
which lead to ylid intermediates from which d i m e r i ~ ' ~ *and . ' ~ ~hexameric products'07
may be derived. The overall course of reaction is influenced by the nucleophilicity of the
phosphine and by the proton acidity of the hydroxylic solvent' lo. With triphenylphosph-
ine in ethanol, the crystalline hexamer (28) is ~btainable"~,whereas tert-butanol favours
the formation of the dimers, 2-methylglutaronitrile (29) and 1,4-dicyanobut-l-ene (30)
(Scheme 47)'08*109. Dimer is formed in particularly high yield (80% total) by the reaction
of acrylonitrile with tri-p-tolylphosphine in triethylsilanol' l o .

A=C02H, C02R',CONH2, N02,CN


Ph3P: + CH2=CHCN


I -
H* shift

i iN (CH2 CH2 CN)2

+ H' shift
I -Ar,P
Ar3P: + 2 CH2=CHCN


\ t
I -
-H+ s h i f t

404 H. R. Hudson
The formation of ylid intermediates in the reactions of triphenylphosphine with
acrylonitrileand with related acrylic derivatives is also shown by their ability to enter into

Ph3P: CH,=CHX Ph,kH,CHX -
the conventional Wittig reaction with benzaldehyde (Scheme 48)'' '.
- Ph3hCHCH2X
___) Ph,h-CHCH,X Ph,P=O + PhCH=CHCH,X

Trialkylphosphinesin anhydrous methanol may bring about the rapid and quantitative
reduction of activated alkenes' ". Ylid intermediates are thought to be involved
(Scheme 49).
R,P: + R'CH=CHR' F=R , ~ H R ? H R ' G R3PCR'CH2R'
+ I MeOH
+ Me,O
R = Et, Pr, Bu; R' = CO,Me, COPh

With tricyclohexylphosphine, however, the initial betaine reacts directly with aldeh-
ydes' ' and with fumaric acid or fumaric esters' l4 to give the corresponding addition
products (Scheme 50). Betaines are also presumed to be involved as intermediates in the
phosphine-catalysed dirnerizations of alkyl vinyl ketones' '('.I and in the polymeriz-
ation reactions of cyanoacrylates' l 6 and maleic anhydride' ".

(C,HII),P: + CH,=CHX *(C,H, ,),hCH,CHX G=== (C6H1,),hCH,CHXCHO-

e( C , H , ~ ), ~ H, C XC HOHR -(C,H, I ) ~ P


Tris(hydroxymethy1)phosphine reacts with acrylonitrile to give tris(2-cyanoethyl)

phosphine"*. The reaction appears to require the initial formation of a betaine by
addition, followed by proton transfer and loss of formaldehyde (Scheme 51).
Tributylphosphine is an effective catalyst for Michael reactions, as exemplified by the
addition of 2-nitropropane to acrylate esters and acrylonitrile derivatives' 19. Trip-
henylphosphine is suitable if used in the presence of an excess of the nitro compound. The
proposed mechanism involves nucleophilic catalysis by attack of the phosphine on the
activated alkene to give a betaine, which then acts as a base for generation of a carbanion
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 405

from the nitroalkane (Scheme 52). The phosphine is therefore playing a different role from
that of a conventional base catalyst which attacks the nitroalkane directly.

R3P: CH,=CHX - R3kH,CHX -Yn +
X = CN, C0,R; Y = Me,CNO,


b-Haloacrylic derivatives (cis or trans) undergo reaction with triphenylphosphine or

tributylphosphine to give trans-vinylphosphonium salts, probably via elimination from
the first-formed betaine’ ,O. trans-b-Bromovinyl phenyl sulphone behaves in an analogous
fashion but with phenylsulphinate as the leaving group (Scheme 53)’”.

A r- R3k

Y =CI,Brj X =C02H, C02Me,CN

Stable betaines (31 and 32) are obtained by the conjugate addition of tertiary
phosphines to p-benzoquinone’22 and to 4-methylene-2,6-di-tert-butylcyclohexa-2,5-
dienone123, respectively, with concomitant aromatization. With an electron-attracting
cyano substituent in the 4-methylene position of the latter, a stabilized ylid (33) is
0- OH


I +
CH2PB u 3 c-
’ ‘CN
406 H. R. Hudson
obtainedlZ4.Stabilized ylids are also formed in the reactions of triphenylphosphine with
maleic anhydride' 2 5 and with N-substituted maleimides' 26 (Scheme 54). Isomaleimides
give the same betaines as those obtained from the maleimides, although the stage at which
rearrangement occurs is not known. In the reaction of triphenylphosphine with p-
benzoquinone, ESR evidence has indicated that a radical intermediate may be

-cq - PhsP
Ph3P: + I

0 0

Activated cyclopropene derivatives and cyclopropenones readily undergo ring-opening
reactions involving nucleophilic attack by a phosphine at an alkenic carbon atom. With
triphenylphosphine the spiro[2.4] heptatrienes (34.XY = o,o'-biphenylene; X = H or
C0,Me)' and the tetramer of dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate [34,Y = 1,2,3.6-tetrakis-
(methyloxycarbonyl)-4-methoxy-7-oxanorborna-2,5-dien-5-yl;X = Z = CO,Me] lZ9
undergo regiospecific addition involving cyclopropyl-ally1 rearrangement (Scheme 55).
Diphenylcyclopropenone gives a-triphenylphosphoranylidenebenzylphenylketene
(Scheme 56)130-13* and a similar ring opening occurs in the reactions of tertiary
phosphines with diphenylthiiren-1,l-dioxide'33*134.




pl' . yyph
- Ph,P
PhJP P h3P



The cyclobutene derivative 'squaric acid' undergoes a displacement reaction with

triarylphosphines to give betaine derivatives in which the cyclobutene ring is maintained
(Scheme 57)' 3 5 * 136.
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 407
OH 0

An interesting example of an acrylate-catalysed transformation of a phosphine
derivative, is provided by the interaction of ethyl acrylate with a A3-phospholene (35).
Isomerization to the A'-phospholene (36)is thought to occur via nucleophilic attack of
phosphorus on the acrylate with the formation of a five-coordinate intermediate
(Scheme 58)13'.



3. Reaction of phosphines with perhaloalkenes and perhalocycloalkenes

The nucleophilic attack of phosphines on perhaloalkenes and related compounds
results in the displacement of halogen (fluorine or chlorine) from one or both of the alkenic
carbon atoms. Diphenylphosphine yields either mono- or di-substitution products

according to the conditions in its reactions with perhalocyclobutenes and perhalocy-
clopentenes (Schemes 59 and 60)'38-140.In the reaction of dimethylphosphine with

X Ph2P + p h 2 ~ ~ 2 p ' h 2


408 H. R. Hudson
perfluoropropene, nucleophilic attack occurs at the terminal CF, group to give a mixture
of the cis and trans isomers of perfluoropropenyldimethylphosphine(Scheme 61)141*'42.
The possibility that reaction occurs via the addition of PH to the olefinic double bond,
followed by elimination, has been e~cluded'~'.Tetramethyldiphosphine reacts with
perfluoropropene by a similar mechanism.
F b U

The attack of a trialkylphosphine on perfluoropropene proceeds initially by an

analogous displacement, but is followed in this case (in which there is no proton to lose) by
addition of the displaced fluoride ion to phosphorus giving a fluorophosphorane
(Scheme 62)'42*'43. In reactions of triphenylphosphine with periluorocyclobutene
(Scheme 63) or perfluorobut-2-ene (Scheme 64), the final stage of the reaction is again
different, the fluoride ion attaching to the B-carbon with the formation of a phosphonium
ylid. This latter type of reaction appears to occur when there is no fluorine on the a-carbon
(the potential anionic site). The structure of the product (37)derived from triphenylph-
osphine and periluorocyclobutene has been confirmed by X-ray diffraction which revealed
a typical ylid P-C bond length of 1.713 A'*". Compounds of this type readily undergo
hydrolysis to give phosphonium betaines (Scheme 65)'45*'46.

A /F
CF3CF=Cm:PR3 4
-q I-+



11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 409

n = l or 2


Nucleophilic displacement of chlorine from sp2 carbon has also been observed in the
reactions of trisdiethylaminophosphine with tetrachloro- and dichlorodicyano-p-
benzoquinone (Scheme 66)14'.


C. Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution

The relatively stable triphenylmethyl carbonium ion, derived from triphenylmethyl
chloride, is attacked by phosphines either at the carbonium centre (see Section 1II.A) or it
may be subject to nucleophilic substitution in the benzene ring (Scheme 67)15. Substi-
tution in the ring is more liable to occur in the case of more hindered phosphines
[e.g. Ph,P, Ph,PMe or PhP(t-Bu)Me]. p-Quinol is reported to give the corresponding tri-
n-butyl(2,5-dihydroxyphenyl)phosphoniurnsalt by interaction with tri-n-butylphosphine
in the presence of acid catalysts (Scheme 68)148,149.

I( . ..
410 H. R. Hudson



D. Additions of Primary and Secondary Phosphines to Carbonyl

Compounds and lmino Compounds

1. Carbonyl compounds
Aldehydes and ketones undergo addition reactions with phosphine”’ and with
primary or secondary phosphines’ sl-’ss to give a-hydroxyphosphines as the initial
products. The overall process may be considered to involve nucleophilic attack by
phosphorus at the carbonyl carbon atom followed by proton transfer to oxygen
(Scheme 69)156.The reaction may be acid c a t a l y ~ e d ’ ~ ’ - ’in~ ~
, case protonation of
oxygen is presumably the initial step. Several successive stages of reaction may occur if
more than one P-H bond is present in the phosphine and the product may be obtained as
a phosphonium salt or as the tertiary phosphine hydrochloride according to the
conditions (Schemes 70 and 71)’59-’6’. Aldehydes that are branched in the a-position
react with phosphines in the presence of hydrochloric acid to give 1,3-dioxa-5-


4RCHO + PH, + HC1% (RCHOH),P+Cl-

R = H, n-alkyl

2RCHO + R P H , + HCl R’(RCHOH),$HCl-

R = Ph, R’ = i-Bu; R = i-Pr, R’ = Ph

11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 41 1

phosphacyclohexanes (38) whilst dialdehydes give spirophosphonium salts (39)16,.

Rearrangement of the a-hydroxyphosphonate to the isomeric phosphine oxide may also
occur, particularly for products from aromatic aldehydes under strongly acidic conditions
(Scheme 72)'63-'68, whereas a-alkoxyphosphines are obtained if the reaction is carried
out in the presence of an alcohol (Scheme 73)164*165*167.169.
In the reaction of phenylph-

OH 0
dry HCI I conc. HCI /I
Ph,PH + ArCHO orp,anic
Ph,PCHAr ----+



R' = Me, Et, i-Pr, t-Bu


osphine with benzaldehyde a number of products are obtainable, viz. the bis(a-
hydroxyphosphine) (40),the mixed a-hydroxyphosphine oxide (41) and the cyclic 1,3,5-
dioxaphosphorinane (42), the formation of which involves condensation with three
molecules of benzaldehyde (Scheme 74)'57*'58.A similar condensation of phenylphosph-
ine with two molecular equivalents of benzaldehyde and one of a Schiff base leads to the
formation of 1,3,5-azoxaphosphorinanes(Scheme 75)' 70. o-Aminobenzylphosphine cyc-
lizes with carbonyl compounds to yield tetrahydro-1,3-benzazaphorines (Scheme 76)17'.
Intramolecular condensation involving the acid-catalysed reactions of o-hydroxy-
172*173, o-mercapto' 7 4 * 1 7 5 or w-amino-alkylph~sphines'~~,~
7 7 with aldehydes or ketones
have been used in the synthesis respectively of 1,3-dioxa-, 1,3-dithia- and 1,3-diaza-
phospholanes, phosphorinanes and phosphepans. The reactions are assumed to occur'68
by initial attack of phosphorus on the carbonyl carbon atom, followed by cyclization with
elimination of water (Scheme 77, route a). Alternatively, an initial interaction between the
o-functional group and carbonyl could occur, followed by nucleophilic attack by
phosphorus at a carbonium intermediate (Scheme 77, route b). Bicyclic phosphines are
412 H. R. Hudson

dil. HCI

/ ‘CH(0H)Ph

(4 0 )


I (411





obtained by analogous interactions of 2-bis(hydroxymethyl)phosphineswith benzaldeh-

yde (Scheme 78)178.
Methylphosphine, dimethylph~sphine”~~’~~, dicyclohexylphosphine” and diph-
enylphosphine1’6s181.’s2undergo non-catalysed addition to carbonyl compounds that
contain electron-withdrawing groups (e.g. CF,COCF,, CF,COCH,, hexafluorocy-
clobutanone, pyruvic acid, pentane-2,4-dione, CF,COPh and C6F5CHO).Whereas an
equilibrium mixture of reactants and products is obtained in the interactions of
diphenylphosphine with either benzaldehyde or trifluoroacetophenone (Scheme 69,
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 413


>P(CH2),XH +
, - (a)

R2//3'a H+

R' P

R' P x'

X=RN,O,Sj n=2-4


R' = R 2 = Ph, R3 = Ph, R4 = H or CF,), hexafluoroacetone (R3 = R4 = CF,) and pen-

tafluorobenzaldehyde (R3= C,F,, R4 = H) undergo total conversion to products'56.
Ready oxidation to the a-hydroxyphosphine oxide may occur,'81 especially in the case of
those products derived from aldehydes' 56, and further rearrangement may give the
isomeric diphenylphosphinites (Scheme 79)' ',,'
79-'8'. The product derived from diph-
enylphosphine and methyl pyruvate was isolated only as the a-hydroxyphosphine
oxide183. A number of additional products have been found to arise by further
decomposition of the a-hydroxyphosphine derived from diphenylphosphine and hexaflu-
oroacetone' ', involving, e.g., nucleophilic-electrophilic interaction of phosphorus(II1)
414 H. R. Hudson

Ph,PC(CF,), ---, Ph,PC(CF,)z

rearrangement It
t Ph,POCH(CF3),


Different modes of rearrangement have been demonstrated for a-hydroxyphosphines

having either one or two electron-attracting substituents on the a-carbon atom, tertiary
phosphine oxides and phosphinite esters, respectively, being obtainedlx4. These rear-
rangements occurred under the catalytic influence of tertiary phosphines whose effective-
ness was found to be in the order of their nucleophilicities (Me3P> Me,PPh > MePPh,);
possible rearrangement mechanisms have been discussed' 84.
The additions of dialkoxyphosphines to aldehydes give unstable a-hydroxyphosphines
that cannot be isolated as such, although reaction with methyl iodide gives the expected
Michaelis-Arbuzov products'85.

2. lmino compounds
Mannich-type reactions occur between phosphines and aldehydes (especially for-
maldehyde) in the presence of secondary amines and an acid catalyst'86-'88. It is likely
that the phosphine enters into an addition reaction with a short-lived immonium
intermediate (Scheme 80). Additions to more stable Schiff bases are exemplified by the
reaction of diphenylphosphine with N-fluorosulphonyl imines (Scheme 81)18', the
cyclization of phenylphosphine with benzaldehyde and Schiff bases referred to above
(Scheme 75)'" and the formation of d-lactams in the reactions of phenylphosphinylacetic
acid with ketimines (Scheme 8 2 ) I 9 O . Alkali metal organophosphides also add readily to
Schiff basesIg '.

CH,=O + R,NH -





11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 415
E. Reactions of Tertiary Phosphines with Carbonyl, Thiocarbonyl
and Selenocarbonyl Compounds

1. Carbonyl compounds
Although phosphorus(II1) compounds generally do not form stable I :1 adducts with
aldehydes and ketones, further reaction of the first-formed betaine with a second molecule
of the carbonyl compound may give either a 1,4,2-dioxaphospholane (43)192.'93or a 1,3,2-
dioxaphospholane (45) according to the substituent groups in the two reactants and the
reaction conditions (Scheme 83)'56. Formation of the 1,3,2-dioxaphospholane is thought

R' R2
R' \ /
+ I
R2' I

(44) (45)

to occur via rearrangement of the first formed betaine to give the P-0-C structure
before reaction with the second molecule of carbonyl compound (Scheme 83). Rearrange-
ment of the betaine may possibly occur by a bimolecular process involving a six-
membered oxyphosphorane intermediate (44)' 5 6 . 1,4,2-Dioxaphospholanes may also be
formed in a process involving the initial attack of phosphorus at the carbonyl oxygen atom
in the reactions of certain quinones and 1,Zdicarbonyl compounds with phosphorus(II1)
reagents (see Section VI11.A.4)'94.
Tributylphosphine reacts with methyl pyruvate to give a mixture of cis- and trans-2,3-
di(methoxycarbony1)but-2-ene, thought to be formed from the betaine by rearrangement,
followed by elimination of tributylphosphine oxide (Scheme 84)'95. In contrast, methyl

Bu,P: + MeCOC0,Me - +
- Bu,6-0-C-CO2Me
- Me
+ MeO,C(Me)C=C(Me)CO,Me
cis and trans
416 H. R. Hudson
arylglyoxylates react with tris(dimethy1amino)phosphine to give cis- and trans-stilbene
oxides (Scheme 85), the highest yields being obtained when the aromatic rings contain
electron-withdrawing groups'96. Diastereomeric stilbene oxides are also obtained in the
reaction of tris(dimethy1amino)phosphine with two molecular equivalents of benzaldeh-
yde (Scheme 86)197and in this case the initial betaine (46) can be isolated as a stable
crystalline solid (characterized by X-ray diffraction). Similar mixtures of cis- and trans-
epoxides are obtained from a number of aliphatic and heterocyclic aldehydes197and from
pentafluorobenzaldehy de' 98.



(M~zN)~P: + 2PhCHO A
NMe2 Ph


\ 0/
(46) cis and trons


2. Thiocarbonyl and selenocarbonyl compounds

Nucleophilic attack by trimethylphosphine at the thiocarbonyl carbon atom occurs in
the reactions of certain coordinated complexes with dialkyldithiocarbamates
(Scheme 87)19' and xanthates (Scheme 88)"'. The reactions appear to involve the initial
loss of trimethylphosphine which then attacks the coordinated thiocarbonyl ligand.
Attack of phosphorus(II1) on the thiocarbonyl group of a coordinated thioformate has
also been reportedzo1.
The initial attack of triethylphosphine on selenoesters is thought to give unstable
betaines (Scheme 89)'02. In the absence of other reagents, deselenation gives rise to the

MOCI,(PMe,), + 2NaSzCNRz -
+ 2PMe, + 2NaCI


MOCI,(PMe,), + 2KS,COR MO(S,COR),(PMe,) + 2PMe, + 2KC1

M = Mo, W, R = Me, Et, i-Pr
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 417

' R'

+ I +


2 I-

MiOH + I


corresponding phosphorus ylides. The betaine can, however, be trapped by methyl iodide
which initiates a sequence of reactions leading to unstable (iodoalky1)phosphonium salts.
The latter are converted to more stable phosphonium species by reaction with methanol.


A. Addition of Primary and Secondary Phosphines to Alkynes

Non-activated alkynes are not susceptible to nucleophilic attack by primary or
secondary phosphines. Diphenylphosphine adds slowly to phenylacetyleneZo3and to
diphenylacetyleneZo4at 100 "C to give the products of trans addition (Scheme 90), but the

100 oc
(4 days)
R=H or Ph

mechanism of addition has not been clearly established. The triple bond is apparently
activated to some extent by conjugation with the pkenyl substituents, since oct-1-yne is
totally unreactive under similar conditionszo3.Trans addition is, however, consistent with
a process of nucleophilic attack. In the presence of air, a change in mechanism is indicated
by formation of the cis-addition productzo3.
Lithium, or other alkali metal phosphides, add readily to acetylenic bonds. Whereas
acetylene reacts with two molecular equivalents of lithium diphenylphosphide to give 1,2-
bis(dipheny1phosphinoethane)(Scheme 91)'03, the addition of alkali metal phosphides to
phenylacetyleneZo3,d i p h e n y l a ~ e t y l e n eand
~ ~ ~oct-l-yneZo3
~~~~ gives the corresponding
vinyl phosphines (Scheme 92). The stereochemistry of addition is influenced by the nature
of the alkali metal and by the reaction conditions. It appears that cis addition is likely to
occur with a more covalent reagent such as lithium diphenylphosphide, whereas trans

2PhzPLi + HC=CH - (i) thf

(ii) H20

418 H. R. Hudson

R~C-CRZ -ti) R 2 P - M +

(ri) H 2 0
R’ = H, Ph; RZ= Ph
R’ = H; RZ= n-C,H,,


addition is preferred with the more ionic sodium derivativezo4.The presence of a primary
or secondary amine in the reaction mixture may change the mode of addition of the
lithium reagent, possibly by complexing with the lithium to make the reagent more ionic in
characterzo4. The effect can be sensitive to the type of amine present, e.g. the reaction of
lithium diphenylphosphide with diphenylacetylene in thf gives the cis product if
diethylamine is present, but the trans product is formed in the presence of n-butylamine.
Both products are obtained with a high degree of stereochemical purity. Phenylacetylene
undergoes trans addition in the presence of either amine but cis addition in their
absencezo3.Substituted buta-1,3-diynes add phenylphosphine in the presence of phenyl-
lithium to give phospholes (Scheme 93)’06, whereas 1,4-thiaphosphorins are obtained by
the reaction of phenylphosphine with di-1-alkynylsulphides under the influence of lithium
amide in liquid ammonia (Scheme 94)”’.


R = o l k y l , aryl I



The presence of electron-attracting substituents in the alkyne causes activation to

nucleophilic addition by phosphines. Diphenylphosphine thus adds readily to ethyl
phenylpropiolate or to di(pheny1ethynyl)ketone to yield vinyl phosphines. The products
are readily oxidized but may be converted to the corresponding vinylphosphonium salts
by reaction with methyl iodide (Scheme 95)208.Diethylphosphine reacts vigorously at low



R = OEt or -C-CPh
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 419

Et2PH + F3CC=CCFs eCF3


temperatures with hexafluorobut-2-yneto give the trans-addition product (Scheme 96),09.

On the other hand, bis(trifluoromethy1)phosphine reacts only slightly at 105 “C because
the nucleophilicity of the phosphine is reduced by the presence of the electron-attracting
substituents (addition in this case occurs by radical attack under the influence of UV
radiation). Nucleophilic addition of di-n-butylphosphine to di-n-butylethynylphosphine
oxide, in which activation is caused by the phosphoryl substituent, gives the expected 1:1
adduct, although in only moderate yield210.
Two molecular equivalents of diphenylphosphine add to dimethyl acetylenedicarboxy-
late to give a biphosphine, which by quaternization with methyl iodide followed by
elimination gives a 1,2-alkylidenebisphosphorane(Scheme 97), In the case of diacy-
lacetylenes, however, addition occurs preferentially at the carbonyl groups.

2 Ph2PH .t Me02C-CC02Me - Ph2P


+ Ph2MeP C02Me
2 Me1 \
/CH-CH /C02Me 21- 1 _
NaHCO \c-c/
Me02C \+ PPh2Me M e 0 2 C/ \PPh2 Me

It is interesting that the reactions of primary phosphines with a-chloroalkynes212or of
secondary phosphide anions with propargyl bromides” occur either by nucleophilic
substitution of the halogen or by halogen abstraction, rather than by addition to the triple

B. Reactions of Tertiary Phosphines with Activated Alkynes

Tertiary phosphines do not enter into nucleophilic reactions with alkynes unless an
activating group (e.g. CO, CN, or another electron-attracting group) is present. The initial
stage of reaction is assumed to generate a 1 :1 adduct, although this is generally unstable
and may react further in a variety of ways. In the presence of mineral acid, vinylphosph-
onium salts are obtained (Scheme 98)208.214.

Ph3P + RC-CR’ - HX +

R = Ph, R’ = C 0 2 H , CO,Et, CONH,, CHO, C E C P h , COC=CPh;

R = R‘ = C0,H; R = R’ = C0,Me;
R = H, R’ = C0,H; R = Ph, R’ = P(Ph),Br
420 H. R. Hudson
Phenyl or vinyl groups may provide sufficient activation by conjugation with the
acetylenic bond. Thus triphenylphosphine reacts with phenylacetylene, in the presence of
water, to give 1,2-diphenylethyldiphenylphosphine oxide2lS via a vinylphosphonium
intermediate (Scheme 99)’ 16.Dipolar intermediates have been reported in the reactions of


Ph3P: + HCECPh
Ha0 +



tributylphosphine with phenyla~etylene”~,isopropenylacetylenezl’ and vinylacety-

lene2l9. Activation by the ethoxy group is seen in the reactions of tributylphosphine with
ethoxyacetylene. Both 1:l and 1:2 adducts appear to be formed on the basis of the
phosphonium salts that are obtained by trapping with acetyl bromide or ethyl
Self-condensation reactions of alkynylphosphines catalysed by hydrogen bro-
mide in acetic acid yield substituted 1,4-diphosphoniacyclohexa-2,5-diene salts
(Scheme 100)2z2~z23. A number of mechanistic pathways are possible, including that of
Michael addition224. Intramolecular nucleophilic attack of phosphorus(II1) on an
acetylenic carbon atom occurs also in the reactions of o-alkynylphenylphosphines in
aqueous ethanolzz5 and in the rearrangement of N-propargylaminophosphines
(Scheme 1 0 1)’ z6.
Ph Ph

2 Ph2PC=CR -

/ \Ph
R-H, Ph Ph




The addition reactions of acetylenes containing one or two carbomethoxy substituents

have been studied in considerable detail and can gives rise to a remarkable range of
p r o d ~ ~ t s With
~ ~ ~triphenylphosphine,
~ ~ ~ ’ . dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate gives a 1 :1
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 42 1

J (48)

Me02C PPhs



dipolar adduct which, although unstable and incapable of isolation as first reported2I4,
can be trapped by carbon dioxidezo9 or by sulphur dioxide and water (Scheme 102)
R = C0zMe)230.Further reaction of the carbon dioxide adduct with a second molecule
of the phosphine-acetylene adduct can then give a stable 2:2 adduct, which has been
shown to be a 1,4-alkylidenebisphosphorane(47). The latter is also obtained by reaction
of triphenylphosphine with the acetylene in polar solventsz29.The sulphur dioxide-water
adduct (48, R = C0,Me) has been shown to crystallize in the threo configuration and
to retain a cyclic conformation in solution. Similar phosphoniaethanesulphonates(48,
R = H or Ph) are obtained from methyl propiolate and methyl phenylacetylenecarboxy-
late, respectivelyzJ0. The 1 :1 adduct of triphenylphosphine with dimethyl acetylene-
dicarboxylate, and that with dibenzoylacetylene, can also be trapped by reaction
with sulphur, which gives stable ylides (49) (Scheme 103)231.1,2-Alkylidenediphosphoranes
(50) are obtained as 2:l adducts in the reactions of an excess of triarylphosphine with
dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate’ sZ ’, or diacylacetylenesZ *2
By heating triphenylphosphine with an excess of dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate in
diethyl ether, under reflux, a stable 1:2 adduct is obtainedz33,shown to be a cyclic ylide
(52) formed by 1,Zshift of phenyl in a cyclic phosphorane intermediate (51)
(Scheme 104)234.A further, unstable 1:2 adduct (53)is formed initially at - S O T z J 5 .
Rearrangement may then give the phosphorane (51) and thence the ylide (52), which are
otherwise obtained under r e f l ~ x ’ ~or
~ ,alternatively a cyclopentenylidenephosphorane
(54) may be formed (Scheme 105)z35*236 The structure of the latter type of product has
been confirmed by X-ray diffraction in the case of the tri-p-tolylphosphine derivativez3’.
Further confirmation of the proposed structure for the initial 1: 2 adduct is given by its
422 H. R. Hudson

+ RCO>C-cNs
‘=. 7 0 R (49)
R=MeO, Ph

RCO \\,,,,





reaction with triphenylphosphine in methanol or chloroform to give the open-chain, 1,4-

alkylidenebisphosphorane (47)2 5.
Dimethyl or diethyl fumarate is obtained, together with the corresponding phosphine
oxide, by the reaction of triphenyl- or triethyl-phosphine with dimethyl acetylenedicar-
boxylate in the presence of ~ a t e r .~It is~ assumed
~ * ~ that~the~reaction
* ~ proceeds
~ ~ via
hydrolysis of the initially formed 1: 1 complex. The use of deuterium oxide in this type of
reaction provides a useful route for the preparation of dideuteriated alkenes
(Scheme 106)238.In the presence of p-chlorobenzaldehyde, the 1: 1 complex from
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 423

Ph3P: + RC=CR' A
Ph3P0 + R D


Et3P: + Me02CC=CC02Me -p-CiCsH4CHO



triethylphosphine gives the corresponding elimination product (Scheme 107)' 3y. Evidence
for the formation of a 1:l adduct in the reaction of trimethyl phosphite and of
trisdimethylaminophosphine with dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate is provided by trap-
ping with methanol to yield the corresponding ylide (Scheme 108)240.

R,P: + Me02CC'CC02Me -
R=Me2N, Me0

The interactions of cyclic phosphines and of bisphosphines with dimethyl acetylene-

dicarboxylate give rise to various heterocyclic products. 1,2,5-Triphenylphospholeyields
a 1:2 adduct (55) that is stable at room temperature but undergoes isomerization to a
second, more stable, 1:2 adduct (56) on heating in boiling chloroform (Scheme 109)241.


Ph I

X=COpMe (55)

The structures of these two adducts have been established by NMR and IR spectro-
copy^^^. Heterocyclic products (57-62) are also formed in the reactions of dimethyl
acetylenedicarboxylate with l-phenyl-2,2,3,3-tetramethylpho~phetane'~~, bis(dipheny1-
pho~phino)rnethane'~~,1,2-bi~(diphenylphosphino)ethane~~~, cis-1,2-bis(diphenyl-
424 H. R. Hudson


I Ph
/ \Ph

(58) (59)

R=Me,Ph R=Me,Ph,PhCH2

(60 ) (611 (62)

p h o ~ p h i n o ) e t h e n e and
~ ~ ~ bis(dimethy1-
*~~~ or diphenyl-pho~phino)methylamine~~’,
and in the reactions of dibenzophosph(II1)oles with methyl propiolate in the presence of
waterz4*, respectively. In each case the reaction is initiated by nucleophilic attack of
phosphorus at the acetylenic carbon atom.
The trans isomer of 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethenegives an open-chain 1:1 adduct
(63) on reaction with dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate, whereas diphenylvinylphosphine
gives 1:l or 1:2 addition products (64 and 65)246.

The tetrameric complex of triphenylphosphine and copper(1) chloride undergoes

reaction with dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate in benzene, under an atmosphere of
nitrogen, to give approximately equal amounts of the 1,4-alkylidenebisphosphorane(47)
and what appears to be an oxidized form of the 1:1 adduct A small amount of a
phosphonium chlorocuprate (67) is also obtained.
Triphenylphosphine reacts with dicyanoacetylene in acetonitrile to give a purple
polymer, together with an orange crystalline adductlo3.The latter has been shown by mass
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 425
Ph3P=C /C02Me c12cu-

X =COzM e

spectrometry to be a 3:2 adduct, and has been assignd the structure of a 1,6-
alkylidenebisphosphorane The cyclic structure originally proposed is therefore
incorrect. As in the related reactions of dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate, the phosphine is
thought to form an initial 1 : 1 adduct by nucleophilic addition. Further reaction may then
lead to polymer formation or, alternatively, to the 312 adduct (Scheme 110).The preferred






formation of the latter (as opposed to the alternative 2: 1 or 2:2 adducts that are obtained
in other related systems) has been attributed to the highly electron-attracting character of
the cyano groupzs0.Bis(trifluoromethyl)acetylene, however, undergoes rapid polymeriz-
ation at - 78 "C on treatment with triphenylphosphineZo9.
The reactions of halogenated alkynes with triphenylphosphine give ethynyl phos-
phonium salts through replacement of halogen by phosphorus (Scheme 11l)251.The

Ph,P: +HalCrCX - [Ph,hC=CX]Hal-

X = H, Hal = F, CI; X = Ph, COR, CH,OH, CHzO-pyranyl, Hal = Cl, Br; X = Hal = CI

reactivity varies considerably with the substituents present and is especially high in the
case of fluorine. A mechanistic study of the reaction between triphenylphosphine and
phenylbrom~acetylene~~~ has shown that, in this case at least, the reaction probably
proceeds via halogen abstraction to give a halogenophosphonium ion pair which collapses
to give the phosphonium salt (see Section IX.B.5 for nucleophilic attack of phosphorus on
426 H. R. Hudson
halogens). Trimethylphosphine gives an analogous phosphonium salt by reaction with
dichloroacetylene at - 60 "C,but with an excess of the phosphine addition occurs, giving a
1,2-bis-ylide (69) (Scheme 1 12)253analogous to the 1,2-bis-ylides obtained from disub-
stituted acetylenes containing other activating groups.

[Me3&GCCI] CI-



C. Reactions of Tertiary Phosphines with Benzynes

Benzyne, generated from o-bromofluorobenzene and magnesium, reacts with tri-
phenylphosphine to give a low yield of phenylbiphenylenephosphine (70), presumably
via addition followed by the elimination of benzene (Scheme 1 13)254.The betaine can

@JPPh3 2dL


H+ t r a n s f a r

(Et,P), aPEt2PEt2 + . @f.(71)



be trapped by reaction with triphenylboron. By a similar procedure, methyldiphenyl-

phosphine yields a product which is assumed to be triphenylphosphinemethylene(71)255,
since further reaction with cyclohexanone yields the product of the Wittig reation,
methylenecyclohexane. Tetraethyldiph~sphine'~~ gives an intermediate which becomes
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 427
stabilized through intramolecular rearrangement with the formation of o-
phenylenebisdiethylphosphine (72). The reactions of triarylphosphines with a range of
benzyne intermediates have been shown to give betaines that can be trapped by a proton
donor such as fluorene, and thence converted to tetraarylphosphonium salts, e.g.
acidification and the addition of sodium bromide yields tetraarylphosphonium bromides
(Scheme 114)'57. The initial betaine can also be trapped by reaction with methyl iodide.

( i ) fluorene
( i i ) H:NaBr Arq6 Br-


Ar'Ar'Ar'P 4-


D. Reactions with Carbon Disulphide and Carbon Diselenide

Secondary phosphines react with ethanolic carbon disulphide in the presence of a base
to give phosphinodithioformates (73) or phosphoniobisdithioformates (74) in two
successive processes of nucleophilic attack by phosphorus (Scheme 115)258*259. The
position of equilibrium is dependent on the inductive effects of the substituents. Whereas
diphenylphosphine gives only the phosphinodithioformate, diethylphosphine gives the
bisdithioformate. Tertiary phosphines give zwitterionic products (Scheme 116)260.26'.In
the reaction of a silylaminophosphine with carbon disulphide (Scheme 116, R' = Me,
R2 = Me,SiNR), it was noted that an analogous betaine was formed without cleavage of,
or insertion into, the P-N or Si-N bondsz6'.
Carbon diselenide gives a stable cyclic ylide when allowed to react in excess with
tributylphosphine (Scheme 117)263.

R2PH + CS2
\ -
-2 +,cs2-
(73) (74)


R ~ , R Z P+: cs, eR ~ , R ~ P C < ~

R' = Et, Ph; R' = Et, R' = Ph;

R' = Me, R2 = Me3SiN(R)-

428 H. R. Hudson
E. Reactions with Ketenes and Allenes
Primary and secondary phosphines add rapidly at low temperatures to the carbon-
carbon double bond of ketenes to yield diacylphosphines (Scheme 1 18)264or monoacyl-
phosphines (Scheme 1 19)26s-267, respectively.
With trialkylphosphines, allenecarboxylates give dipolar adducts in which the anionic
charge is delocalized over the three-carbon allenic system (Scheme 120)268.

MePH, + 2CHz=C=0
- MeP(COMe),

RzPH + R’zC=C=O --t RZPCOR’,

R = Me, Ph R’ = H, CF3

RSP: +

- R l + $ /



R=Ph,MezN; R’=Et, Me

F. Reactions with lsocyanates and lsothiocyanates

The reactions of primary or secondary phosphines with isocyanates and isothiocyanates
have been widely used for the preparation of carbamoyl- and thiocarbamoyl-phosphines.
Nucleophilic attack occurs at the carbonyl or thiocarbonyl carbon atom, with proton
transfer to nitrogen (Scheme 121).
‘H + RzN=C=X

R =a1k yl, a r y l j R’ = a Ik y I, or y I, H ; X =0,S


Cyanic acid (isocyanic acid) generated in situ from potassium cyanate reacts with
primary or secondary phosphines, but not with phosphine, to give unsubstituted mono-
and dicarbamoylphosphines (Scheme 122)269-27’. The products are readily susceptible

R,PH,-, + (3 - x)HOCN -+R,P(CONH,)3-,

R = alkyl, aryl; x = 1 or 2
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 429

to oxidation by atmospheric oxygen but may be recrystallized from degassed benzene

under an atmosphere of nitrogen271.
Aryl isocyanates react readily with phosphine in the presence of triethylamine to give
tris(carbamoy1)phosphines (Scheme 123)272. The intermediate mono- and di-
carbamoylphosphines cannot be isolated as the nucleophilic reactivity of phosphorus
increases as hydrogen is progressively replaced by carbamoyl substituents. Similar

PH, + 3ArN=C=O -Et,N

2 -4 atm

additions of primary or secondary phosphines to isocyanates give products in which all
hydrogen atoms of the phosphine have been r e ~ l a c e d ’ ~ ~ -Although
’~~. phosphine itself
does not react with phenyl isothiocyanate, primary and secondary phosphines react
readily, in the absence of catalyst, to give thiocarbamoyl derivatives (Scheme 121; R
= aryl, X = S)277*278.Secondary phosphines also react with isothiocyanic acid, generated
in situ, to give the corresponding thiocarbamoylphosphines and, by oxidation or the
addition of sulphur, the bisphosphinyl- or bisthiophosphinyl-iminomethylsulphides
(Scheme 124)279.

Ph2PH + HNCS - Ph,PC(S)NH,

x=o, s
+ Ph,P(X)C S CP(X)Ph,

N-Isothiocyanatodiisopropylamine undergoes reaction with dimethyl- or diethyl-
amine to give the corresponding tetraalkyldiphosphine and diisopropylammonium
thiocyanate280.It is thought that the initial formation of a thiocarbamoylphosphine is
followed in this case by further reaction with a second molecule of the phosphine, possibly
as shown in Scheme 125.

R2NNCS + R’zPH- R2N ’1 7

‘R; (R’2P)z

R = i - P r , R’=Me,Et
Zwitterionic products are generally obtained from the reactions of tertiary phosphines
with isocyanates”’ -284 and i s o t h i ~ c y a n a t e s ~ ~ ~The
* ~ ’anionic
~ ~ ~ ~ ~charge
. is delocalized
over the carbamoyl grouping and may be stabilized further by the presence of electron-
attracting substituents on nitrogen (Scheme 126).
R3P: + R”=C=X - +
X = 0, R’ = S02F, CO,H, CO,Et, CONH,, R = alkyl, aryl, Me,N

X = S, R’ = alkyl, aryl, COMe, COPh, R = alkyl or Me,N

430 H. R. Hudson
G. Reactions with Nitriles and Nitrilimines
There are no reports of reaction between the nitrile group and neutral phosphines.
Alkali metal organophosphides will, however, attack nitriles containing no a-hydrogen to
give products of addition to the carbon-nitrogen triple bond (Scheme 127)19’. Only
proton abstraction occurs if a-hydrogen atoms are present. Nitrilimines (75) react with
aliphatic and mixed aliphatic-aromatic tertiary p h o ~ p h i n e s ~and
~ ’ with phosphorus(II1)
amides288to give azomethylene adducts (76) (R = p-O,NC,H,, CH,CO or Et0,C) or
phosphonium salts (77)(R = Ph), according to the electronic effect of the substituent group
R (Scheme 128). With triphenylphosphine, both 1 : 1 adducts (76)289and 1 :2 adducts
(78)290are obtainable.

R,PLi + PhC=N - R,PC(Ph)=NLi -PhC -N



- EfjN

( - HCI)
RC=NNPh - R‘,P


[R’,kR=NNHPh]Cl- [Ph,hC(R)=NN(Ph)C(Ph)=NNHPh]CI-
(77) (78)


The formation of a phosphonium ion by nucleophilic addition of a tertiary phosphine to
the dienyl fragment of a n-hydrocarbon complex was first shown to occur in the reactions
of triphenylphosphine with the cyclohexadienyl- or cyclopentadienyl-iron tricarbonyls
(Scheme 129)291.The products were isolated by the addition of diethyl ether after reaction
in methylene chloride at room temperature. Similar additions occur in the reactions of
trialkyl- or triaryl-phosphines with many other n-hydrocarbon ligands, e.g. cyclobu-
tadiene, benzocyclobutadiene, tropylium and h o r n ~ t r o p y l i u r n ~ ~and
~ - ~with
~ ~ , co-
ordinated arenes296-299.X-ray structure determination in a number of cases has shown

n = l or 2

11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 43 1

oc/ i'\co



the phosphine substituent to occupy the exo position (e.g. 79, Scheme 130). Numerous
reactions of this type, involving a wide range of n-hydrocarbon ligands (C3H,, C4C4,
C6H6, C6H7, C,H,, C,H,, C,H, and C8Hl1)have been studied kinetically and this
general area of chemistry has been reviewed3". For reactions of this type (e.g. Scheme
131), the following general rate law has been found to apply:
Rate = k , [complex] [Nu] + k - ,[complex]
where Nu is the nucleophilic phosphine.
The forward reaction is fast, with AH$ values typically in the region of 14-50 kj mol- '.
Large negative entropies of activation (AS*= -30 to - 130J K - ' mol-') are consistent
with a bimolecular reaction. The slower reaction of arene complexes compared with that
of the analogous cycloheptatriene derivatives3" may be attributed to the loss of resonance
energy that occurs on formation of a phosphonium adduct from the former. The high
reactivity of tri-o-anisyiphosphine towards the coordinated l-5-q5-cyclohexadienyl
s y ~ t e m ~ ' ~parallels
* ~ ' ~ that shown by o-anisyl phosphines in their reactions with alkyl
halides and is attributed to the anchimeric effect of the o-methoxy group (see Section 1I.D).


Tertiary phosphines readily donate their electron pair to boron in reactions with boranes
to give a range of phosphine-borane adducts304.In addition, nucleophilic displacement of
halogen from boron by a second molecule of phosphine can give rise to the formation of
bis(phosphino)boronium ions, e.g. 80 (Scheme 132).The net displacement of chlorine from
boron also occurs in the reactions of trimethylphosphine with certain chloro-closo-
carboranes, followed by treatment with boron t r i c h l ~ r i d e ~ ' ~ .
Nucleophilic attack at silicon occurs in the ring opening of hexamethylsiliran by
primary or secondary phosphines (Scheme 133)306.With triphenylphosphine, the analog-
432 H. R. Hudson
ous hexamethylsilacyclopropane undergoes fission of all Si-Si bonds to yield a
phosphorus-silicon ylide (Scheme 134),07.

Me,P + BH, - +
- HBr + -

PMe,] + Br -
(80) SCHEME 132

Me 2 C-kM 82

R=Me,Ph, Me35i


-Ph,P + -
3 Ph3P-SiMe2


Phosphorus-tin ylides (81),08 and phosphorus-germanium ylides (82)309are obtained

in the reactions of tertiary phosphines with tin(I1) or germanium(I1) halides and a trans-
annular phosphorus-tin bonds is formed in the products (83) of reaction between
bis(hydroxypheny1)phosphines and dimethoxy~tannanes~'~.

+ -

(81) (82)

Nucleophilic displacement of halogen from trimethylsilyl chloride or trimethylgermyl

chloride occurs in the reactions of these halides with allylphosphine in the presence of
triethylamine (Scheme 135)3".


- Mc3MCI


M = Si, Ge
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 433

A. Nitrogen
Nucleophilic attack at nitrogen occurs readily in compounds in which the nitrogen
atom is multiply bonded and is adjacent to a conjugated system or electron-attracting
moiety. Examples include the reactions of tertiary phosphines with dialkyl azodicarboxy-
lates, organic azides, polyazines, azo compounds and diazonium salts.
Dialkyl azodicarboxylates give a reactive 1,3-dipolar intermediate (84)312*313 whose
structure has been confirmed inter alia by trapping with sulphur trioxide (Scheme 136)313.
The triphenylphosphine adduct has found wide application as a reagent for intermolecular
and intramolecular dehydrations and related reactions314. Examples include3I4 the
esterification of carboxylic acids and of phosphoric mono- and di-esters, the alkylation of
phenols and heterocyclic compounds, the preparation of N-alkyl, N-alkoxy- and N-
acyloxy-imides and of alkyl azides, the alkylation of active methylene compounds,
numerous intramolecular dehydrations and dehydrosulphurizations, the alkylation of
t h i o ~ r e a s ”and
~ the preparation of alkyl halides316,dialkyl carbonates3’ 7, ~-lactarns3’*
acid anhydrides319, and a range of c a r b ~ h y d r a t e , ~ ’ -and
~ ~ ~steroid327derivatives.


\ I
+ Et02C
/ N- NC02E +
R 3P: +Rt02CN=NC02R’- ‘N=iiCO2R’
/ +
Ph3P /so;
(a) R=EtO, R‘=Et (84) N
‘ -N
/ \COPM e
(bl R =Ph, R’=Me

The overall process, in the case of esterification, for example, may involve protonation of
the dipolar intermediate and the formation of an alkoxyphosphonium species which then
eliminates phosphine oxide (Scheme 137),14. Such a mechanism is consistent with the
inversion of configuration at carbon which accompanies 0-alkyl fission in the final
stage328*329.Alkoxyphosphonium salts have been isolated in the reactions of
triphenylphosphine-diethyl azodicarboxylate (Ph,P-DAD) with carbohydrates in the
Ph3P: + Et02CN=NCO*Et

(Et02CNH12 [Ph360R’RCO;] Ph3P=0 + RC02R’

434 H. R. Hudson
presence of alkylating or acylating agents330. Evidence has been discussed for the
intermediacy of two phosphonium intermediates, one derived from the hydroxy group and
one from the carboxy group, in the reactions of the reagent with ,!?-hydroxyacids, which
yield both lactones and a l k e n e ~ ~Pentacoordinate
~l. (phosphorane) intermediates may
also be involved, as shown by racemization at chiral phosphorus in the esterification of
phenols and carboxylic acids by optically active methylphenylpropylphosphine-diethyl
azodicarboxylate (Scheme 138)33’. Racemization also occurs in the reaction of this same
combination of reagents with to~ylamide”~.Phosphorane intermediates have been
detected by ’‘P NMR in the reactions of Ph,P-DAD with alcohols334 and stable
phosphoranes have been prepared by the reactions of triphenylphosphine-diisopropyl
azodicarboxylate with phenols335and with 1,3- or 1 , 4 - d i o l ~ ~ ~ ~ .

RC02H + ArOH


Reactive dipolar intermediates are also formed in the reactions of tris(dimethy1amino)-
phosphine with diethyl azodicarboxylate (Scheme 136; R = Me’N, R’ = Et)337,and of
tertiary phosphines with 1,2,4-triazolidine-3,5-diones (Scheme 139)338*339. The interac-
tion at room temperature of triphenylphosphine with equimolar amounts of azobenzene
and perchloric acid in benzene gives a stable crystalline adduct, assumed to be formed by
nucleophilic attack of phosphorus on nitrogen (Scheme 140)340.
R3P: + N
, R’


aq. MeOH +
Ph,P: + PhN=NPh + HCIO, -Ph,PNNHPhCIO,-
or EtOH

The formation of phosphinimines (15-phosphazenes)(86)by the interaction of tertiary

phosphines with organic azides (the Staudinger reaction)341 has been studied extens-
’ . intermediate phosphazide (85) is formed343 and is thought to undergo
i v e ] ~ ~ ~An
decomposition via an intramolecular four-centre transition state (Scheme 141)344*34s.
Although many phosphazides decompose spontaneously with loss of nitrogen during the
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 435

course of reaction, stable types that can be isolated are also known. Some may be
explosive342. The initial stage of reaction appears to occur by nucleophilic attack of
phosphorus on the terminal nitrogen atom. The reaction is accelerated by the presence of
electron-withdrawing groups in the a ~ i d e ~or ~electron-donating
~ . ~ ~ ~ groups * ~ ~in the~
p h o ~ p h i n e ~Neither
~ ~ . ~radicals
~ ~ . nor nitrenes are involved342.A detailed kinetic study of
reactions of a wide range of phosphorus(II1) compounds with ~ h e n y l a z i d has e ~ ~shown
that the rate of attack is determined primarily by the inductive effects of the groups
attached to phosphorus, the k , values being related linearly to the sums of the sigma
parameters of the substituent groups. Decomposition of the intermediate phosphazide is,
however, influenced by steric shielding of the phosphorus and by dative effects of
substituents. Changes in solvent polarity have been shown to have little effect on the rate of
reaction between triphenylphosphine and a ~ i d o p y r i d i n eThe~ ~ ~reaction
. has been used
widely in synthetic chemistry for the generation of 15-phosphazenes as reactive
intermediate^^^^.^^ 1 * 3 5 2 . Examples include their use for the preparation of a m i n e ~ ~ ~ ~ ,
~ ~ ~ 142) and various carbohydrate derivative^^^^-^^'. Heterocyclic
a m i d e ~(Scheme

(85) (86)


Ph3P: + R’N3 - + Ph3P=NR’ -XOH

[Ph36NHR’OX-] - Ph3P0 + XNHR’
X = H or RCO



’ VH

436 H. R. Hudson
derivatives are obtained from azido ketones by means of the ‘aza-Wittig reaction’
(Scheme 143)358-360.Aziridines can be synthesised by the attack of tertiary phosphines on
the azide group of 2-azidoalkyl iodides (Scheme 144) [361] or 2-azido a l ~ o h o l s ~the~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ,
latter reaction providing a useful step in the stereospecific conversion of oxiranes to the
corresponding aziridines (Scheme 145). The reactions of 2-azido alcohols with trip-
henylphosphine have been shown to involve the formation of an intermediate oxazaph-
ospholidine by cyclization of the corresponding phosphinimine (Scheme 146)364,rather

than by direct formation of the three-membered ring.


R=Bu, Ph


h y H Ph,P:

b Ph
P h

X N=PPh3
H __* :$’, - H
‘PPh3 ph>




Nucleophilic attack of phosphorus at nitrogen also occurs in the reactions of tertiary

phosphines with diazo compounds36s, diazonium salts366,p o l y a z i n e ~ ~and
~ ’ certain gem-
dicyano compounds (Scheme 147)368.A similar attack on the nitrogen of the cyano group
occurs in the reaction of triphenylphosphine with tetracyanoethylene(tcne),referred to in
Section III.B.2.


X =CI, 8 r
+ Ph3P: - ”#“


Whereas Schiff bases are normally subject to nucleophilic attack at the imino carbon
atom (see Section III.D.2), attack at nitrogen can occur if the polarization of the imino
bond is reversed by the presence of electron-attracting groups (e.g. acyl or alkoxycarbonyl)
on the carbon atom. Dipolar adducts are thus obtained (Scheme 148) in the reactions of
tris(dimethy1amino)phosphine with the anils of 1 , 2 , 3 - t r i o n e ~ ~or~ ~of* ~ethyl
acetoacetateJ7I .
Phosphazenes are formed by attack at nitrogen, with ring opening and nitrogen-
oxygen cleavage, in the reactions of triphenylphosphine with b e n z i s o ~ a z o l e sand
isoxazolones 3.
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 431

R=R'=Me,Phj R-Me, R'=OEt


In the reactions of tertiary phosphines with nitronium hexafluorophosphate, the

nitronium ion shows ambident reactivity towards phosphorus374.At low temperatures, an
equilibrium between the nitrophosphonium and nitritophosphonium salts can be
observed by 'P NMR spectroscopy, with decomposition yielding the phosphine oxide as
the temperature is raised (Scheme 149).Some evidence for ambident activity is also seen in
the reactions of triphenylphosphine with thiocyanogen (Scheme 150), although the only
product detectable by spectroscopy is the nitrogen-bonded isothiocyanatophosphonium
thiocyanate 87375.The formation of a small amount of the sulphur-bonded isomer (891, in
equilibrium with the nitrogen-bonded species, is indicated however, by the reactions of the
reagent with indoles and pyrroles to give cyano derivatives together with triphenylph-
~ . ~triphenylphosphine-thiocyanogen
osphine s ~ l p h i d e ~ ' The ~~. combination and also
the diisothiocyanatophosphoranes obtained from alkyl o-phenylene phosphites and
thiocyanogen are useful reagents for the stereospecific conversion of alcohols to
thiocyanates and isothiocyanates under mild conditions375.

Ph3P: + (SCN), - Ph36NCS SCN-



In the reactions of triphenylphosphine with certain bicyclic thiazolyl systems, attack

appears to occur virtually exclusively at nitrogen3'*.

6 . Phosphorus and Arsenic

The ability of phosphorus to exhibit both nucleophilic and electrophilic activity (see
Section I) gives rise to the possibility of phosphorus-phosphorus bond formation.
Reactions which may involve nucleophilic displacement of halogen from one
phosphorus(II1) species by another have been reported in a number of case^^^^-^*'.
Crystalline phosphonium salts result from the reactions of trimethylphosphine or
dimethylphenylphosphine with dichlorophenylphosphine (Scheme 151)3R3.The products
dissociate on heating under vacuum and are in equilibrium with the starting materials in
438 H. R. Hudson
Me,PR + Ph,PCI=[RMe,PPPh,]+ CI-
R = Me, Ph
With an excess of trimethylphosphine, the homocyclic trifluoromethylpolyphosphines
(CF,P), (n = 4 or 5) undergo ring opening to give a phosphine-phosphinidine complex
(89), the latter undergoing further attack by the phosphine in a bimolecular exchange
process thought to involve a transition state (90)as shown in Scheme 152384.

(CF3P), + Me3P - Me3PPCF3

n = 4 or 5

The interaction of tetramethyldiphosphine with tetramethyldiarsine at 25 "C in benzene
involves a rapid exchange to give the tetramethylphosphinoarsine (Scheme 1 53)385.
Nucleophilic attack of phosphorus at arsenic may be involved. Similar exchange reactions
were not, however, observed between the diphosphine and the related distibine and
dibismuthine derivatives.

Me,PPMe2 + Me,AsAsMe,=2 Me,PAsMe,



Tertiary phosphines are easily oxidized by elemental oxygen or elemental sulphur. In
addition, they readily bring about the deoxygenation or desulphurization of a wide range
of compounds that contain these elements386with the formation of the corresponding
phosphine oxide or phosphine sulphide (91). Oxyphosphonium or thiophosphonium
species (92) may also be formed, generally as reactive intermediates. Similar reactions
occur with selenium or tellurium and their compounds, but have been studied to a lesser
extent (see below).

x=o,s x=o,s
(91) (92)

A. Oxygen

1. Reactions of phosphines with peroxo compounds

Whereas the oxidation of phosphines by elemental or by di-tert-butyl
peroxide at elevated temperatures389proceeds by a free-radical mechanism, the reactions
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 439

of peroxides under mild conditions, and in the absence of an initiator, involve nucleophilic
or biphilic attack. Cleavage of the peroxo link by a phosphorus(II1) reagent was first
shown in the reaction of dibenzoyl peroxide with t r i p h e n y l p h ~ s p h i n e ~
~ ~ . and
J ~ r g e l e i t subsequently
~~' proposed a mechanism involving nucleophilic attack at oxygen
for a wide range of organic peroxides. Although there are exceptions to this mechanism.
there is good evidence based on '80-labelling and on stereochemical and kinetic studies
for a process that involves nucleophilically induced cleavage in the reactions of phosphines
with diacyl peroxide^^^'.^^^, alkyl hydro peroxide^^^^-^^^ and alkyl per ester^^^^.^^^
(Scheme 154). It is likely that the cleavage of dialkyl tert-butylperoxyph~sphates~~~
follows a similar pattern. The low dependence of reaction rates on solvent effects has,
however, suggested the involvement of biphilic character in certain cases398.Considerable
evidence has been presented in favour of a biphilic insertion mechanism for the reactions in
aprotic media of phosphorus(II1) reagents with dialkyl peroxides, in particular diethyl
peroxideqo1-406, 1 , 2 - d i o x e t a n e ~ ~and - ~ ~ ~ bicyclic endo-peroxides4' ', which
~ ~ various
yield pentacoordinate phosphoranes under relatively mild conditions (Scheme 155).
Reactions of this type are generally not strongly influenced by solvent effects and the order
of reactivity for a range of phosphorus nucleophiles is roughly the reverse of that for SN2
displacements with alkyl iodide^^^',^^^. In alcoholic solution, diethyl peroxide reacts with
tertiary phosphines to give products that are apparently derived from an alkoxyphosph-
onium intermediate (Scheme 156)41'. The latter could be formed either by nucleophilic
attack of phosphorus at oxygen or by dissociation of an initially formed phosphorane.

R=R'=acyl; R=H, R'=olkylj R=acyl, R'=alkyl



R3P: + (EtO), + [OEt -,OR' 1
___* R3P-OEt --t

R3P=0 + EtOH + R',O + R'OEt


The cleavage of organic ozonides by phosphines may also involve biphilic character
(Scheme 157). Attack occurs exclusively at peroxidic oxygen4" and the rate of cleavage is
not influenced to a significant extent by solvent effects4I3.
440 H. R. Hudson


/ \
0-0 0
' '0
Ar\ C
/ \o/
d Ph3P=O+ ArCHO + RCHO
The oxidation of phosphines or phosphites by o ~ o n e ~ 'has ~ . been
~ ' ~shown to be first
order in each reactant at - 90 "C,at which temperature triphenyl phosphite forms a stable
ozonide4I6. No stable ozonide is obtained from triphenylphosphine, although the overall
rate of oxidation is similar4I6.The mode of attack is not clear although the polar nature of
the ozone molecule suggests that nucleophilic attack by phosphorus is likely (Scheme 158).

Ph3P:-O=O-6 Ph,P' 0
W '0'

Ph3P=0 4- 0 2

Clear kinetic evidence for rate-determining nucleophilic attack at oxygen has been
obtained for the oxidation of triphenylphosphine by the peroxodiphosphate ion in various
media4' 7*41*. The reaction involves the formation of a phosphonium intermediate which
subsequently undergoes hydrolysis (Scheme 159). In the analogous peroxodisulphate
oxidation, *O-labelling studies have shown that the oxygen in the phosphine oxide is
derived from the perox~disulphate~'~.

Ph3P: + H2P20g2- -
--HPO.'- +
n o

+ PhSP=O + 2H'

2. Oxidation of phosphines by epoxides and by hydroxylarnine

Although the deoxygenation of epoxides by phosphines is thought to occur mainly via
attack at carbon, followed by a Wittig-type elimination (see Section ILF), the lack of
stereospecificity in this reaction has been attributed to concomitant attack at oxygen,
leading to the formation of alkene (20-30%) with retained configuration (Scheme 160)60.
H Me U

11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 44I

The oxidation of phosphines by hydroxylamine was discovered inadvertently in the

course of the preparation of oximes from cyclic k e t o p h o ~ p h i n e sStudies
~ ~ ~ . with optically
active methylpropylphenylphosphine have shown that under acidic conditions the
reaction proceeds with complete retention of configuration at phosphorus, indicating
direct nucleophilic attack at oxygen4". Under neutral or basic conditions, however,
attack at nitrogen leads to an aminophosphonium intermediate and racemization via a
hydroxyphosphorane (Scheme 161).

M,e. Me,.

/ /
M,e. Y Ph


Pr-"PP: + NH20H [+ NH3-NH4+]

Ph /
n r u t r a l or basic


3. Deoxygenation o f compounds containing doubly bonded oxygen

Oxygen abstraction from aromatic nitro and nitroso compounds42Zhas been used
extensively in the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds423.The reactions are best carried
out by the use of a trialkyl phosphite and probably occur via the formation of nitrene
intermediates (Scheme 162). Kinetic studies on the deoxygenation of nitroso compounds
confirmed that a dipolar intermediate is formed initially by nucleophilic attack of
phosphorus on oxygen424.425, followed by the elimination of phosphine oxide. The initial
formation of a radical ion pair by electron transfer has also been proposed on the basis of
ESR studies of the reaction of triarylphosphines with nitroso compounds (Scheme 163)426.
Whether this is an essential step on the main reaction pathway is not clear, however.

0 o-:P(oEt), @
,- +
(OE ),
Ar N d ArN
b ArN=O c
0- &-
- n +4 E 01,PO
ArN-O-P(OEt), __T


Ar3P + O=NAr __t

+ -
[ Ar,P' '0-NAr]
Ar,P=O + [:NAr]
- +
442 H. R. Hudson
Initial attack at oxygen is thought to occur in the reaction of triphenylphosphine with B-
bromo-b-nitrostyrene in methanol (Scheme 164)427.


n+ PhC=N
-meon +


Tertiary phosphines are effective in the deoxygenation of sulphur d i o ~ i d e ~ ~ * - ~ ~ ~
thionyl ~ h l o r i d e ~dimethyl
~ ~ , ~ s~ u~l p, h o ~ i d e arylsulphonyl
~~~, chlorides433, selenox-
ides434,p-chloroselenonic and t e l l u r ~ x i d e sOxygen
~ ~ ~ . is also transferred from
phosphine or arsenic ~ ~ i dto phosphines, e ~ ~ but ~ only
~ at. relatively
~ ~ high ~
temperatures. The mechanisms of these deoxygenations are not always known with
certainty but may involve nucleophilic attack at oxygen or, possibly, a biphilic

4. Additions to carbonyl compounds

Products containing phosphorus-oxygen bonds are frequently obtained in the re-
actions of phosphorus(II1) reagents with carbonyl compounds that have electron-
withdrawing substituents in the a-position. Although such reactions can be formally
represented as involving nucleophilic attack at the oxygen atom, the mechanism in many
cases may involve initial attack at carbonyl carbon, followed by rearrangement. Other
possibilities also exist that involve, e.g., initial attack at halogen in the case of certain a-
halogenoketones (see below).
The formation of vinyl phosphates (93) in the reactions of phosphite esters with a-
ha loge no aldehyde^^^^-^^^ and a - h a l o g e n ~ k e t o n e s ~(the
~ ~ .Perkow
~ ~ ~ reaction) is well
known and frequently occurs in parallel with the Arbuzov reaction, which gives
ketophosphonates (94) by nucleophilic attack at the a-carbon atom (Scheme 165).The


11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 443
relative proportions of each product vary with the halogen present, the phosphorus
reagent and the reaction conditions. With phosphines, a-halo ketones in general yield a-
ketophosphonium salts (9S),although enolphosphonium salts (%) are obtainable from
a,a-dibromo- and a-halobenzyl ketones446.Phosphite esters, on the other hand, yield only
vinyl phosphates (93) from a-chloroketones, but give mixed products with increasing
proportions of the ketophosphonates (94) from a-bromo- and a-iodo-ketones.

(95) (96) Y=hol,aryl

The mechanism by which the P-0 compounds are formed has been discussed i n
but is not yet fully understood. It is probable that different reaction pathways
may apply under different circumstances. Nucleophilic attack at halogen appears to occur
in certain cases, since the halogenophosphonium enolate intermediate can be diverted in
the presence of protic reagents to give the dehalogenated ketone and phosphine oxide
(Scheme 166)446.447.This mechanism does not necessarily apply, however, in the
formation of vinyl phosphates by the interactions of trialkyl phosphites with simple
monohalogenated ketones. There is no evidence to support the suggestion448 that the
Perkow and Arbuzov products may both be formed from the same ketophosphonium
intermediate. The isolation of ketophosphonium (97) and vinyloxyphosphonium (98)
intermediates in these reactions and a study of their reactivities have shown that they are
not interconvertible and that they lie on separate reaction p a t h ~ a y s ~ Nucleophi-
~ * ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ .
lic attack at carbonyl carbon followed by rearrangement (Scheme 167) is generally
considered to be the most likely route to Perkow products, although direct nucleophilic
attack at oxygen has not been totally excluded445.In view of the biphilic character of
phosphorus(II1) reagents, a transition state that involves interaction at both carbon and
oxygen is a possibility that should also be considered.

Ph3P: + PhCOCHBr2


II Br-
444 H. R. Hudson


Further examples of carbonyl compounds which interact with phosphines to give

oxyphosphonium species include cyclopentadienones that contain strongly electron-
attracting substituents (Scheme 168)451,alloxan derivatives (Scheme 169)452,1,Zdike-
tones’94 and 1,Zquinones (Scheme 170)’94,453.The zwitterionic products (99)obtained
from 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds and tertiary phosphines may exist in equilibrium with the
corresponding oxyphosphoranes (100)’94; from phosphite esters the pentacoordinate
structure is preferred because of the stabilizing effect of electronegative oxygen in an apical

Ph3P: + 0 Ph3P-0





R=olkyl, o r y l j R-R =-CH=CHCH=CH-


Whereas p-benzoquinone undergoes conjugate addition to the quinone ring in its

reaction with triphenylphosphine (see Section III.B.2), attack at oxygen occurs in the case
of the 2,s-dichloro and 2.3,5,6-tetrachloro (chloranil) derivatives (Scheme 171)’”.
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 445



0 0-


B. Sulphur

1. Elemental sulphur
Sulphur adds readily to tertiary phosphines to give the corresponding phosphine
~ ~ ~in, the case of trialkyl or mixed alkyl aryl phosphines the reaction is
~ u l p h i d e s and
extremely rapid455. Nucleophilic attack by phosphorus has been demonstrated for the
reaction between triphenylphosphine and elemental sulphur (S8), under nitrogen in
benzene, and is considered to give rise to the formation of a zwitterionic intermediate
(Scheme 172)456.A series of rapid bimolecular displacements along the sulphur chain then
follow, with the elimination of triphenylphosphine sulphide. The reaction rate is increased
strongly in ionizing solvents and by the presence of electron-releasing groups in the
aromatic ring ( p = -2.5). More recent studies with a range of phosphorus nucleophiles
have suggested also that the reaction may have biphilic character, with relative rates in the
order of those observed for reaction with dialkyl peroxides [Ph,POR > PhP(OR), >
P(OR), > Ph,P]457. A transition state with a high degree of polar character (101) was

Ph3P-S-(S),-S- -



2. Organic disulphides
In the absence of radical initiator^^^^.^^^, dialkyl and diary1 disulphides undergo
nucleophilic cleavage on heating with phosphorus(II1) reagents with the formation of
phosphonium intermediate^^^^. This process leads directly to the corresponding Arbuzov
446 H. R. Hudson
product in reactions with phosphite esters (Scheme 173)394.458.The formation of a
phosphonium species on heating triphenylphosphine with diphenyl disulphide in benzene,
under reflux, is also indicated by the formation of triphenylphosphine oxide and
benzenethiol on the addition of water (Scheme 174)(R = R’ = Ph)459.In protic media, the
reactions of trialkyl- and triaryl-phosphines with dialkyl or diaryl disulphides occur
readily at moderate temperatures to give high yields in each case of the corresponding
phosphine oxide and thio1460-462.Kinetic studies in aqueous dioxane have confirmed the
operation of a two-stage mechanism in the reactions of triphenylphosphine with dialkyl,
diaryl and alkyl aryl d i s ~ l p h i d e s ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ .

(RO),P: + R’SSR’ - ( R O ) , ~ S RS,R I -

R = alkyl, R’ = alkyl, aryl
- (RO),P(O)SR’+ R’SR


R,P: + R’SSR’ - +
- H20
R,P=O + 2R’SH

By related reaction sequences, various tertiary phosphine-disulphide combinations

have been used for the introduction of alkylthio or arylthio groups into nucleoside
derivative^^^^.^^' and the conversion of aldehydes and ketones to dithio-acetals
~ ~ ~ ~ 175). Similar reagents bring about the reduction of arenesulphonic
and - k e t a l (Scheme
acids or alkanesulphonic acids to thiophenols and alkyl aryl thioethers, respectively, under
relatively mild conditions469.The combination of triphenylphosphine and 2,2’-dipyridyl
d i s ~ l p h i d e ~ ’ ~has
- ~ proved
’~ to be especially useful as a condensation reagent as possible
interference by the thiol by-product is avoided and the need to incorporate a thiol
scavenger is obviated (Scheme 176)473.The by-product from the disulphide in this case is


Bu~P: + RSSR - i
Bu3p=0 +
R2/ ‘SR

11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 447
pyridine-2-thione. Applications have included the synthesis of esters, pep tide^^^^.^^^,
nucleotides, m a ~ r o l i d e slac~ ~tone^^'^-^^^
~, and lactams479*4E0. Similar synthetic proce-
dures have been based on triphenylphosphine in combination with bis(0-thiocarbonyl)
d i s ~ l p h i d eand
~ ~2,2’-dibenzothiazolyI
~ d i s ~ l p h i d e ~ Related
~’. reactions are involved in
the reductive cleavage of S-S links in proteins by t r i b u t y l p h o ~ p h i n e and ~ ~ ~ .in~the
preparation of thioesters from penicillin-related disulphides by reaction with triphenylph-
osphine in the presence of carboxylic
In the absence of protic reactants, organic disulphides may undergo desulphurization
via S-R cleavage (Scheme 177). The ease of reaction, however, is highly dependent on
structure. Whereas acyl and thioacyl disulphides (R = PhCO, Me,NCS, a-C,,H,S) react
~ ~ , and benzyl disulphides (R = Et, Pr’, Bun,
readily with t r i p h e n y l p h ~ s p h i n e ~alkyl
PhCH,) are unreactive up to 140”C459.486. The more ready desulphurization of ally1
~ ~ . ~ ~ ~to the possible formation of a cyclic S,i’ transition state
d i s ~ l p h i d e s is~ attributed
(e.g. Scheme 178). Desulphurization of diphenyl disulphide occurs only at high tempera-
tures (250-300 0C)488.Although a two-stage ionic mechanism has been proposed for this
reaction, the thermal instability of the disulphide at 300 “C suggests that decomposition to

- -
give sulphur could precede reaction with the p h o ~ p h i n e ~ ~ ~ .

\ C d k M .
- Ph3P=S + MeCHeCHCSEt ie
Trisdiethylaminophosphine brings about the smooth desulphurization of cyclic, benzyl,
aralkyl and dialkyl (but not diaryl) disulphides 25-140 0C490.Although reaction is
presumed to be initiated by nucleophilic attack at sulphur, the overall sequence is more
complicated than suggested above (Scheme 177),as shown by the formation of all possible
monosulphides in the desulphurization of mixed dibenzyl disulphides. The reagent has
found use in the desulphurization of cystine derivative^^^', alicyclic t h i o s ~ l p h o n a t e s ~ ~ ~
and alkylphthalimido di~ulphides~’~, and in the conversion of 1,2-dithiolan-3-ones to

3. Organic tri- and tetra-sulphides

T r i s ~ l p h i d e s and
~ ~ ~t e- t~r a~s~u l p h i d e ~are
~ ~readily
~ reduced to the corresponding
disulphides by triarylphosphines or trisdialkylaminophosphines under mild conditions.
Sulphur is also removed in the conversion of a 1,2,3-trithiin-1,1,3,3-tetraoxide to the
thiosulphonate (Scheme 179)498.

448 H. R. Hudson
4. Miscellaneous reactions of sulphur compounds
Nucleophilic attack at sulphur is presumed to occur in the reactions of tertiary
phosphines with sulphenate esters (possibly a biphilic insertion r e a ~ t i o n ) ~ ~ ~sulphenyl .~",
~ h l o r i d e s ~ ~ ~ .s~~'l' p, h e n a m i d e s ~sulphimides502-505,
~~, thietan-3-ones506 and /I-
~xidosulphides~'~ '
and in the desulphurization of thiirans ( e p i s ~ l p h i d e s ) ~,~br' ~idge-
head s u l p h i d e ~ ~ 'thioketone~"~,
~, sulphenyl t h i o c a r b o n a t e ~ ~ ' 1,2,4-dithiazol-3-
oness1', epidithiodioxopipera~ines~ 16, germadithiolanes" ', and many other compounds
of Triphenylphosphine has also been shown to remove one sulphur atom from
P,S9, to give the previously unknown P4S8519 [desulphurization of P,Slo by various
phosphorus(II1) reagents had previously been found to give P,S, and P,S, only]. The
mechanism of desulphurization may involve nucleophilic attack at sulphur, but in most
cases has not been investigated. The stereospecific formation of alkenes from episulphides
and the small effect of solvents on rate have indicated, however, that direct attack at
sulphur is involved in this reaction (Scheme 180)'09 without the formation of polar
intermediates such as occur in the deoxygenation of epoxides.


5. Thiocyanates
Aryl thiocyanates undergo nucleophilic attack by tertiary phosphines with the
displacement of cyanide to give quasiphosphonium intermediates of use for the
replacement of hydroxyl by a r y l t h i ~ ~ and
~ ' -as
~ condensing
~~ agents for the synthesis of
amides from carboxylic acids and amines (Scheme 181)523.The reactions of alkyl or aryl

+ - R'OH +
R3P: + ArSCEN- R3PSAr CN -R3POR' S A r - e R 3 P O + R'SAr

R=Ph,Bu R'CO~H

R3POCOR' SAr- - R3P0 + R'COSAr


thiocyanates with tributylphosphine in the presence of aromatic aldehydes proceed

through the initial formation of similar intermediates5z4~szs.

6. Sulphur dioxide, thionyl chloride, sulphur trioxide and sulphuryl chloride

The deoxygenation of sulphur dioxide (Scheme 182) and of thionyl chloride
(Scheme 183) by tertiary phosphines has been formulated as proceeding via nucleophilic
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 449
R3P: + SO, + R 3 P = 0 + [SO] -4s ++SOz

R,P: + SOCI, - R,P=O

+ SCI,
Ar3P + SCl,
\r Ar3PC1, + Ar3P=S

attack at sulphur followed by rearrangement428.430*431, although biphilic attack involv-

ing oxygen in the initial step is a possibility. Sulphur trioxide and sulphuryl chloride both
react with triphenylphosphine to give 1: 1 adducts, that from sulphur t r i o ~ i d e ~being
shown by X-ray diffraction to have a P-S rather than a P- 0 bond528.Rearrangement
in solution leads to the loss of sulphur dioxide and formation of the phosphine oxide
(Scheme 184)s29. Two adducts are obtained from sulphuryl chloride, one in which


phosphorus is bonded to sulphur and the other with phosphorus bonded to oxygen, on
the basis of infrared evidence5,'. Preferential attack at oxygen is indicated by NMR
spectroscopy in the case of sulphuryl chloride fluoridesz9.

7. Selenium and tellurium

Tertiary phosphines react readily with elemental selenium and tellurium to give
phosphine selenides and t e l l ~ r i d e. T ~ ~ ~ ~of ~s e~ l ~e n~ i ~ m
s h~e transfer ~ . of
~ ' ~and ~~~
t e l l ~ r i u m between
~ ~ ~phosphorus(II1)
~ ~ ~ ~ species in solution is rapid on the NMR time
scale (in contrast to the slower exchange rate for sulphur) and is a bimolecular process534
for which a linear intermediate has been proposed (Scheme 185)535.Tertiary phosphines
also deselenate organic i s o s e l e n ~ c y a n a t e s(whereas
~~~ isothiocyanates undergo attack at
carbon) and the selenocyanate ion537-539(Scheme 186).

R,P=Y + PR, [R,P-Y--PR,] R,P + Y=PR,

Y = Se or Te


R,P: + R'NCSe (or SeCN-) R,P=Se + R'NC (or C N - )


behave in a similar manner

~ " N-arylselenylphthalirnide~~~'
Aryl ~ e l e n o c y a n a t e s ~and
to the aryl thiocyanates in forming quasiphosphonium intermediates that are useful (with
some exceptions542)for the conversion of alcohols to arylselenides and of carboxylic acids
450 H. R. Hudson
to selenoesters (Scheme 187). Optically active alcohols may thus be converted via the
selenides to the corresponding bromides with retention of configuration (Scheme 188)543.
The reaction of selenocyanogen with a tertiary phosphine is similar to that for
thiocyanogen (see above). The reagent will thus convert alcohols to the alkyl selenocya-
nates although the latter are unstable (Scheme 189)544.A combination of triphenylph-
osphine with 2,T-dipyridyl diselenide is an alternative to the corresponding disulphide
reagent for condensation reactions545.

Bu3P: + ArSeX
--+ Bu,PSeAr

X = CN, N-phthalimido; R = alkyl, acyl

X- -Ron +
Bu,POR SeAr- - Bu3P=0 + RSeAr


-Bu ,P/PhS.CN

- Br,/Et,N

ROH Ph3P’(ScCN)2 RSeCN --+R,Se



A. Elemental Halogens and lnterhalogen Compounds

Tertiary phosphines react rapidly with halogens546-554or with interhalogen com-
p o u n d ~to~give~ halogenophosphonium
~ * ~ ~ ~ halides and polyhalides (Scheme 190). The
of\. + XY +
R3P: X-Y - - - + R , P X Y -h R 3 P X X Y l -

R = alkyl, aryl, R,N XY = Cl,, Br,, I,, ICl, IBr


formation of bisphosphinoiodonium iodides has also been reported on the basis of

conductometric measurements in the reactions of tert-alkylphosphines with iodine in
acetonitrile (Scheme 191)554. The halogenophosphonium halides may exist in the
2R3P + I, -(R3P),I

pentacoordinate form. Thus Ph3PCI, has the phosphorane structure in benzene555and in

n i t r ~ b e n z e n e ’but
~ ~ ionizes in a c e t ~ n i t r i l and
e ~ ~is~ionic
~~~ in ~the solid states5*.The
corresponding bromide and iodide exist only in the ionic form559,as do the trialkyl-548*558
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 45 I
and trisdialkylamino-phosphine a d d ~ c t s ~ The
~ ’ ,pentacoordinate
~~~. form appears to be
favoured as the phosphorus ligands become more electron attracting, e.g. in Ph,PCI, and
PhPCI,5 58 and in the difluorophosphoranes, which can be obtained by direct fluorination
under controlled conditions (e.g. Scheme 192)560*561. An insertion mechanism may
possibly be involved, rather than nucleophilic attack, in the direct formation of
pentacoordinate species (Scheme 193).



Halogenophosphonium halides are similarly formed in the additions of halogens to

s ~ ~phosphor
cyclic phosphines such as p h ~ s p h e t a n e s ~p~h’ o, ~ p h o l e n e and ~ inane^'^^. The
existence of a low equilibrium concentration of the corresponding dihalogenophos-
phoranes is indicated by rapid cis-trans isomerization of the p r o d ~ c t s ~ ~ 2,2- ’,~~~.
Dimethylphosphetanes may also undergo ring opening with bromine or chlorine to give
but-3-enylhalogenophosphines, which cyclize to phospholenes on heating
(Scheme 194)565 .


R=CI or Ph

Phosphine-halogen reagents (e.g. Ph,PX, or Bu3PX2)are useful for the replacement of

hydroxyl by halogen (Scheme 195)566*567 and, in combination with imidazole, in the
halogenation of carbohydrate^^^^-^'^.

R,P: -
x2 +
R3PX X - -R’OH

R = alkyl, aryl; X = CI, Br, I

R,POR’ X - - R3P=0 + R’X

452 H. R. Hudson
B. Other Positive Halogen Sources
Initial attack at halogen occurs in the reactions of phosphines with a wide variety of
positive halogen sources571. Such compounds include those in which the halogen is
attached to an electronegative element or group (0,N, CCI,, etc.) or is a to an electron-
withdrawing moiety such as carbonyl, sulphone, nitro or cyano.

1. Chlorocyclopentadienesand trichloromethylc yclohexadienones

In certain cases the halogenophosphonium ion is formed in association with a stable
delocalized anion, as in the reactions of triphenylphosphine with haiogenocyclopen-
tadienes (Scheme 196),'*. Under these circumstances no further reaction occurs, unless a

nucleophilic reagent such as an alcohol is present, in which case the latter is converted to
alkyl In reactions with trialkyl phosphites, the cyclopentadienide anion brings
about dealkylation of the intermediate phosphonium ion to give the chlorophosphate
(Arbuzov product) (Scheme 197)573.

(RO),P: + C,Cl,(or C5HCI,)

[(RO),kIC,CI,- (or C,HCI,-)]
+ RC,CI, (or RC,HCI,)

A stable chlorophosphonium species is also obtained in the reaction of tris(dibuty1-

amino)phosphine with 6-methyl-6-trichloromethylcyclohexadienone (Scheme 198)574.


2. Halogen attached to oxygen or nitrogen

In most reactions of tertiary phosphines with positive halogen sources, the halogeno-
phosphonium ion is formed only as a transitory intermediate, undergoing rapid
nucleophilic displacement of halide by the counter ion (Scheme 199). Further reaction
may then ensue, depending on the nature of the group Z.
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 453


Hypochlorites thus give alkoxyphosphonium chlorides which decompose rapidly to the

corresponding alkyl chloride and phosphine oxide (Scheme 200), unless sterically

R3P: + R’OCI - t
R3PC1OR’- - +
R,POR’ CI ~ -+ R,P=O + R’CI

hindered575-s77. The reactive intermediate may be diverted by the addition of a hydroxy

compound. Thus, the combination of triphenylphosphine and tert-butyl hypochlorite,
premixed at - 78 “C, has been used for the conversion of 1,4-diols to tetrahydrofurans and
1,2-diols to chlorohydrins and epoxides (Scheme 201)578.
N-Halogenoamines give stable aminophosphonium salts (Scheme 202)579-581.

I +
Ph,P: + Bu‘OCI P h 3 h Bu‘O- Ph3POBu‘ Ph,POBu‘ CI-

R = alkyl, Ph; n = 1-4 + RCH(CH,),O

RR’,P: + R”,NCI -RR’,i+CI NR”,

R = R’ = alkyl; R = alkyl, R’ = Me,N
~ - RR’,;NR”, CI-


3. Halogen alpha to carbonyl, sulphone, nitro, cyano or other activating group

The reactions of phosphorus(II1) reagents with a-halogenoketones are complicated by
the possibility of attack at several alternative sites (see also Section VIII.A.4)44s. The
course of reaction varies according to the halogen, reagent type and reaction conditions.
Nucleophilic attack at halogen has, however, been clearly established in the reactions of
tertiary phosphines with a , a - d i b r o m ~ k e t o n e sand
~ ~ ~ may also occur with a-
haloketones that have an aryl substituent in the a-position (Scheme 203)582.The

Ph Ph

I 4
+ I
Ph3POC=CHPh Hal-

454 H. R. Hudson
halogenophosphonium enolate that is formed collapses rapidly to give the enolphos-
phonium halide, but may be diverted by the presence of protic reagents to give the
phosphine oxide and dehalogenated ketone (Scheme 166)5823583.In accord with this
mechanism, the reaction of an optically active phosphine proceeds with inversion of
configuration at phosphorus446. Nucleophilic attack at the a-carbon atom occurs with
retention at phosphorus, as would also be expected for direct nucleophilic attack at
Similar sequences occur in the reactions of tertiary phosphines with a-halogenobenzyl
sulphones, except that the ion pair collapses with the formation of a C-P bond
(Scheme 204)584.Reductive dehalogenation occurs in the presence of alcohols or water
(Scheme 205)584-587 and the phosphine oxide is formed (as with the a-halogenoketones


Ph 3 P : n B r - C H S 0 2 R ‘ - [Ph3&3r RCHS02R’I



tr -[Ph36X Ar?HS02Ph]%ArCHzSO2Ph + Ph,PO + HX

X=CI, B r , I

above) with inversion of configuration at p h o s p h o r ~ s ~a-Halogenopyridylmethyl

sulphones react in a similar fashion5”. The disulphone di(phenylsulphony1)-
bromomethane (102) reacts with triphenylphosphine to give the reduced product
in aprotic media, the proton in this case being supplied by a second molecule of the

bromophosphonium intermediate (Scheme 206)5R4.
[Ph3hBr cH(SO,Ph),] - Ph,hCH(SO,Ph), Br-

P h J k CHISO, Ph),
Ph,P=C(SO,Ph), + CH,(SO,Ph), + Ph,PBr,
The reactions of tertiary phosphines with N-halogeno-amides and -imide~~’’-~~,,
a-bromonitroalkanes5’o*~’1~594, a-halogenonitriles”o~595, a-halogeno-a-nitrocarboxy-
late^^'^.^'^, a-halogeno-a-cyano- or a,a-dihalogeno-succinimide derivative^^^^-^^' , 8-
bromovinyl ethers6” and 8-bromo-8-nitrostyrenes in which the aromatic group is
electron attracting6’, are also thought to proceed via initial attack at halogen, although
the mechanism of reaction has not been firmly established in all cases. Evidence for a
radical intermediate has been obtained by trapping experiments in the reaction of
triphenylphosphine with arylbrom~nitromethanes~’~.

4. Perhalogenoalkanes and perhalogenoalk y l derivatives

The reactions of tertiary phosphines with tetrahalogenomethanes60s~606have attracted
considerable interest in view of the synthetic applications of these reagent combin-
R3P: + CX, + R'OH -
11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines
R'X + CHX,
R = alkyl, aryl, R,N; X = C1, Br
+ R,P=O


a t i o n ~ ~ ' ' *In~addition

~~. to their use for the replacement of alcoholic hydroxyl groups by
halogen (Scheme 207)609-613,these reagents have been shown to be effective for a wide
range of halogenations, dehydrations and coupling reactions including peptide syn-
thesis6". Hexachloroethane may also be employed614.
In all cases, nucleophilic attack of phosphorus at positive halogen gives a reactive
halogenophosphonium intermediate that interacts immediately with protic reagents,
the anion being trapped to give the corresponding haloform (Scheme 208). The inter-
mediate also reacts rapidly with carbonyl compounds (Scheme 209)6' 5-617. In the absence

R,P:AXPCX, - R,6X CX,- -YH +

R,PY X - + CHX,
Y = R'O, R'S, R'CO,, R'NH, R',N, etc.


of other reactants, the halogenophosphonium ion is attacked rapidly by the counter ion to
give the trihalogenomethylphosphonium halide as the first isolable intermediate
(Scheme 210)608*6189619 . D'irect observation of the first intermediate (103) has been
R,P: 2R,PX CX,-

- R,6CX, X -

reported only in the reaction of a sterically hindered phosphine, tri-tert-butylphosphine,
with carbon tetrabromide at low temperatures6", although analogous salts (104, 105)
derived from the tin and germanium tetrahalides are stable at room t e m p e r a t ~ r e ~ ~ l - ' ~ ~ .
t t
t-Bu,PX GeX,- t-Bu,PX SnX,-
X = CI, Br X = CI, Br
(104) (105)
Kinetic evidence has suggested the possibility of a direct insertion mechanism
(Scheme 21 1) in the interaction of triphenylphosphine with carbon tetrachloride, although

.CI + +
Ph3P: + CI-CCI, + Ph3P:.
Ph,PCI CC13- or Ph3PCCI3 CI-

456 H. R. Hudson
reactions of more nucleophilic phosphines, e.g. trisdimethylaminophosphine, are thought
to be more clearly ionic6'*. Ionic routes are also presumably more likely in reactions
involving the more polarizable bromide and iodide.
A second molecule of tertiary phosphine will readily abstract positive halogen from the
trihalogenomethyl phosphonium halide to give an ylide (106)(Scheme 212)605*606*624-627,

t +
Ph,PCX, X - Ph,P=CX2 + Ph,PX
X = CI, Br, I

x = CI (107)

and attack by a third molecule of phosphine has been shown in the Ph,P-CCI, system to
yield a stable methine-bridged phosphonium salt (107)628,629.
Attack by phosphorus at halogen is also thought to occur in the initial stage of reaction
between triphenylphosphine and benz~trichloride~~"~~~~, trichl~roacetamide~'~,
~ ~ ~the trichlor~methylpyrimidines~~~.
t r i c h l ~ r o a c e t a t eand

5. Halogenoalkenes and halogenoalkynes

Reactions of phosphines with halogenoalkenes (including the perfluoroalkenes) gener-
ally involve nucleophilic substitution at carbon (see Sections III.B.2 and III.B.3). With
perfluoroisobutene, however, triphenylphosphine removes fluorine with the formation of
triphenylphosphine difluoride (Scheme 213)635.Nucleophilic attack at halogen is also
Ph P:
(CF,),C=CF, (CF,),C=C[CF=C(CF,)J2 + Ph3PF2
believed to occur in reactions of halogenoalkynes with phosphines (Section 1V.B.;
Schemes 11 1 and 112)251-253 and is particularly rapid in the case of fluorine. The reaction
of triphenylphosphine with phenylbromoacetylene has been shown to involve the initial
formation of a bromophosphonium phenylacetylide ion pair which, in an inert solvent,
collapses to yield the phosphonium salt. In the presence of water, however, hydrolysis of
the intermediate gives phenylacetylene, triphenylphosphine oxide and hydrogen bromide
(Scheme 214)252.

PhC=CPPh3 Br-
0 +
PhC=C-Brn:PPh3+ [PhCEC- BrPPh3]

PhC-CH + Ph3P0 + HBr

11. Nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 457

6. Elimination reactions
1,l-Dihalides undergo elimination with the formation of a new alkenic bond and the
corresponding phosphine dihalide (Scheme 21 5)636.637. The reaction may involve a

2 P h P:
A \ /R
+ 2PhJPBr2

R=Ph,X=Brj R-R=-N(CF2)-(CF2)2-N(CF2 1- ,X=CI


carbene intermediate637but could also proceed by the formation of a carbanion, followed

by nucleophilic attack of the latter on a second molecule of dihalide, and then /?-

- -
elimination (Scheme 216)636.

Ph,P: PhaCBrz Ph P:
Ph2CBrz Ph2hr Ph2C-CPh2 Ph2C=CPh2

/?-Eliminationsfrom 1,2-dibromides(but not chlorides which undergo substitution) are

brought about by the action of phosphide Tertiary phosphines give
products of stereospecific anti-elimination (Scheme 217)640.64'. Other examples of



elimination from 1,2-dihalides include the formation of a-bromovinyl cyanide from 2,2,3-
t r i b r o m ~ p r o p i o n i t r i l e diphenylketene
~~~, from diphenylbromoacetyl bromide643and the
dechlorination of perchlorodiethyl ketone to give perchlorodivinyl ketone644. Selective
dechlorination also occurs in the reaction of triphenylphosphine with perfluorochloro
Elimination of bromine from a,a'-dibromosulphones gives either the corresponding
thiirane dioxide or alkene with loss of sulphur dioxide (Scheme 218)646. The reaction

458 H. R. Hudson
R. R
PhsP: /
CHaCla ,-40 OC


occurs stereospecifically with inversion at both centres. cc,cc,cc',cc'-Tetrabromosulphones

give the corresponding thiirene dioxides (Scheme 219) at -40 0C647.

7. Miscellaneous reactions
Tertiary phosphines abstract halogens from a variety of inorganic halides, including the
tetrahalides of tin and germanium (see Section IX.B.4y21-623, tellurium tetrachloride
(which is reduced to the element)648, phosphorus(V) halides649 and nitrogen

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Acid-base and hydrogen-

bonding properties of
Department of Applied Chemistry and Life Sciences, Polytechnic of North
London, Holloway Road, London N 7 BOB, UK

I. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
11. ACIDITY O F PHOSPHINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
111. BASICITY O F PHOSPHINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
A. Basicity in Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
1. pKa, enthalpies of protonation and linear free energy relationships . 475
2. Spectroscopic studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
B. Gas-phase Basicities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
C. Salt Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482
D. Protonated Phosphines as Reactive Intermediates . . . . . . . . 483
IV. HYDROGEN-BONDING ABILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
V. BASICITY TOWARDS LEWIS ACIDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
VI. REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485

Phosphine shows only weakly acidic and weakly basic properties. Based on kinetic studies
of proton-deuteron exchange in water, equilibrium constants for the dissociation of
phosphine (equation 1) and for the protonation of phosphine by water (equation 2) have
been estimated to be approximately and respectively'.
PH, + H,O ePH,- + H 3 0 + (1)
PH, + H,O ePH,+ + O H - (2)
Substitution of hydrogen by organic groups in general increases the basicity substant-
. effect results in part from inductive or mesomeric electron release, which
i a l l ~ ' - ~The
increases electron density at phosphorus in the phosphine or stabilizes the corresponding
phosphonium ion, but it is also dependent on steric factors and hybridizational changes
that occur on protonation6. Ab initio molecular orbital calculations, used to study
The Chemistry of Organcphosphorus Compounds, Volume 1
Edited By F. R. Hartley 0 1990 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
474 H. R. Hudson
substituent effects of directly and remotely bonded groups, have shown that the electronic
consequences of steric effects may be of comparable importance to direct electronic
effects'. A wide range of basicities have been reported. Apart from the very low value for
phosphine itself (ca - 14),pK, values are generally in the region of 0-5 for primary and
secondary phosphines and 8-9 for simple trialkylph~sphines~, although values in excess of
11 are reported for tri-tert-butylphosphine' and tris(2,4,6-trimethoxyphenyl)phos-
phine9.'O, which thus have basicities comparable to that of piperidine.
The low proton acidity of phosphine (pK, 29)' is reduced even further by alkyl
substitution, although the replacement of hydrogen by aryl causes an increase in acidity,
presumably by mesomeric stabilisation of the corresponding phosphide anions. Reported
values of pK, lie between 22 for diphenylphosphine and 37 for di-tert-butylphosphine' '.


The acidity of phosphine is greater than that of ammonia but less than that of arsine, as
shown inter alia by 'H NMR studies of competition reactions between these hydrides and
sodamide in liquid ammonia (equation 3)12.
HA + NaNH, A- + NH, + Na' (3)
HA = PH, or ASH,
The greater acidity of phosphine compared with that of ammonia has also been
demonstrated in the gas phase by ion cyclotron resonance spectroscopy, which showed
the proton affinity of the phosphide ion, PH,-, to be approximately 40 kcal mol- ' less
than that of the amide ion, NH,- l 3 , I 4 .
Relative acidities and pK, values for primary and secondary phosphines containing
either alkyl or aryl substituents have been obtained from equilibrium data for the reactions
of alkali metal phosphides with a number of hydrocarbons, alcohols and amines in
tetrahydrofuran (equation 4)". The following order of acidities was found
R2PM + R'H +
R,PH R'M (4)
M = Li or K; R = '/c, > N or -0
Ph,PH > PhPH2 > PH, > C6H1,PH, > EtzPH > (C,H11)2PH > t-BuZPH
The decrease in acidity that accompanies increasing alkyl substitution (seen also in the
lower acidity of methylphosphine compared with that of ph~sphine".'~), has been
attributed to an increase in electron density at phosphorus as a result of the inductive effect
of the alkyl substituents". Aryl substitution, on the other hand, increases the acidity,
possibly by stabilization of the phosphide anion through n-delocalization (1). Although


gas-phase acidities of organic derivatives of phosphine have not so far been determined, it
is worth noting that for other classes of compound (e.g. alcohols and amines), an increase
in alkyl substitution has in general been shown to increase acidityI6- 18. Alkyl substitution
may stabilize both positive and negative ions in the gas phase by polarization
interaction". Other effects including solvation and ion pairing may therefore need to be
considered in the solution chemistry of phosphines and phosphide anions. A further
anomaly is evident in the higher acidity of alcohols compared with phosphine and its
12. Acid-base and hydrogen-bonding properties 475
derivatives as determined by metal-hydrogen exchange reactions in thf"; in the gas phase,
phosphine was found to be more acidic than propanol, ethanol or rnethanolI3.
In accord with the proton acidities of phosphines in solution", an alkali metal
phosphide can be prepared by interaction of the corresponding phosphine with an
organometallic compound or other metal derivative only if the latter is obtained from a
compound that is a weaker proton acid than the phosphine". Phosphine and the aryl-
substituted phosphines thus react with sodamide to give the corresponding phosphides
(equation 5). Less acidic phosphines, on the other hand, may undergo ammonolysis;
hydride ion is displaced from dimethylphosphine with the evolution of a molecular

equivalent of hydrogen and formation of a phosphinoamine, possibly as shown in
equations 6 and 715.
R'R'PH + NaNH, RIRZP-Na++ NH, (5)
R' and/or RZ= H or Ph
liq. NHJ

Me,PH + NaNH,
+ 2NH4Br - [Me,PNHNa.xNH,]
+ H,
+ 2NaBr + (3 + x)NH,
Organometallic derivatives of lithium, magnesium, aluminium and zinc are generally

useful for the preparation of phosphides by proton abstraction from primary or secondary
phosphines. A four-centre reaction mechanism has been proposed (equation 8)2 '-".

>PH 4- RM R:]:::>:p[: /
& P
'M + RH (8)

Either one or both hydrogen: of a primary phosphine can be replaced to give mono- or di-
metallated derivatives. Since the second hydrogen is less acidic than the first, a double
decomposition occurs between dimetallated derivatives and primary phosphines
(equation 9)". Direct replacement of acidic hydrogen by an alkali metal is also possible
(equation 10). For phosphine (PH,), pK, values for the second and third dissociations
have been estimated as 38 and 42 respectively;the third P-H bond shows a lower acidity
than does benzene, so that reaction of phosphine with phenyllithium leads only to the
formation of Li2PH rather than Li,P.
+ M,PR -
RPH, 2MPHR (9)
alkali metal
RPH, or R,PH RPHM, RPM, or R,PM (10)
organic solvent

Apart from the formation of phosphides as stable salts and their use in chemical
synthesis20, phosphide anions may occur as reactive intermediates, e.g. in the base-
catalysed additions of phosphine and of primary or secondary phosphines to unsaturated
c o m p o ~ n d s(see
~ ~ Chapter
.~~ 11).


A. Basicity in Solution

I . PKa, enthalpies of protonation and linear free energy relationships

The basicity of phosphines in solution has been studied by numerous workers and is
generally seen to increase as the degree of substitution by organic groupings increases' - 5 :
476 H. R. Hudson
PH, << RPH, < R,PH < R,P (R = alkyl or aryl)
Determinations of pK, have usually been based on the measurement of half-neutralization
potentials in n i t r ~ m e t h a n e ~ . ~ . ~ .or
’ ~ chloroform-acetic
-’~ acid”, or on titration in
The very low basicity of phosphine (pK, - 14)4 was recognized from early studies of
proton-deuteron exchange in water’ and has been confirmed by later measurements of
the heat of proton transfer in fluorosulphonic acidj4. Reasons for the dramatic increase in
basicity that accompanies the introduction of an alkyl substituent in phosphine, compared
with the much smaller effect in ammonia, have been discussed by various workers (see,e.g.,
ref. 6) and it now seems clear that the principal cause is related to solvation. Hydrogen
bonding between phosphonium ions and water occurs to only a very small extent so that
the stabilization afforded by the introduction of alkyl substituents is not offset by any
significant loss of stabilization through hydrogen bonding34. This effect contrasts with
that in the amine series in which the N-H protons form strong hydrogen bonds to water.
The increase in stability of positively charged nitrogen that results from alkyl substitution
is thus counterbalanced by a loss of hydrogen bonding to an extent that accounts for the
well known ‘anomalous’ order of basicities for amines (NH, < RNH, x R,NH
> R,N)34-38. The higher basicity of ammonia compared with that of phosphine may also
be due to differencesin the solvation energies of the corresponding ’onium ions (possibly in
the region of 19 kcal mol- 1)6.39. In addition, the rehybridization energy associated with
protonation and formation of the tetrahedral ’onium ions will be greater for phosphine
(bond angle 93°)6-40than for ammonia (bond angle 107°)4’. Ab initio calculation^^^*^^
indicate that the lone-pair orbital ofphosphine has much mores character ( S ~ O . ~than ) that
of ammonia, which is essentially sp3 h ~ b r i d i z e d ~ ~ .
The first systematic study of pK, values for a range of primary, secondary and tertiary
phosphines4 showed separate parallel correlations, with some degree of scatter, with the
sums of the Taft o* s ~ b s t i t u e nparameters
t~~ for each of these three groups. The orders of
basicity were found to be as follows:
(a) Tertiary phosphines (pK, = 7.85-2.67Ca*):
(c-C6H1,),P > Me,P x Me,PEt z MePEt, z Et,P > n-Pr,P
> n-Bu,P > n-Pe,P > i-Bu,P > PhPMe, x n-Bu,PCH,CH,CN
> Me,PCH,CH,CN > n-Oct,PCH,CH,CN x PhPEt,
> MeP(CH,CH,CN), > Ph3P > (NCCH,CH,),P
(b) Secondary phosphines (pK, = 5.13-2.61 Xu*):
(c-C,H, ,),PH > n-Bu,PH > n-Oct,PH > i-Bu,PH > Me,PH > Ph,PH
(c) Primary phosphines (pK, = 2.46-2.64Ca*):
n-OctPH, > i-BuPH,
It was later shown that the points for all three groups lie on a single line46*4’if the Taft
substituent constants are replaced by Kabachnik’s o p h parameters, derived for use with
phosphorus compounds from the dissociation constants of acids of the type
pK, = - 3.45 - 3.4231cPh (r = 0.950)
Steric factors do not appear to play more than a minor role in the determination of
basicity, although some deviations occur for the larger alkyl groups, especially iso-
b ~ t y l ~The
. ~systematically
~. higher pK, values observed for the methyl phosphines were
12. Acid-base and hydrogen-bonding properties 411

n H

1 I+ H-C=P-
H H+

thought possibly to be associated with hyperconjugative interaction of the C-H a-bonds

with the phosphorus d orbitals (2)46.
Within a homologous series of trialkyl phosphines, R,P(R = Me, Et, n-Pr, n-Bu), a slight
but distinct decline in basicity with increasing size of the alkyl group may be associated
with steric hindrance to solvation5. A decrease in basicity is also observed on the
replacement of alkyl by ary14v5 or by the introduction of alkyl groups that contain - I
substituents, e.g. CH,CH,CN4 or (CH,),COX (X = OR, NH, or OH)”. Carboxyphos-
phines have the betaine structure in aqueous solution5.
Based on studies of various aryl phosphines, the evidence in most cases suggests that
conjugative interaction between the aromatic ring and phosphorus is not a major factor in
the determination of basicity. Steric effects of methyl substituents in the ortho position of
the benzene ring also appear to be of less significance than inductive effects3’.
Delocalization of the phosphorus lone pair by conjugation with the benzene n-system in
triphenylphosphine has been indicated by UV ~ p e c t r o s c o p yand
~ ~an increasing degree of
3p delocalization can be recognized with the introduction of strong electron acceptors
(NO,, CN, CHO, CO,Me, CO,H, CONMe, or CONH,) into the aromatic ring (3)”.
Conversely, delocalization of the ring electrons to the phosphorus 3d orbitals can be
demonstrated if electron donors such as p-dimethylamino are present (4)50,

/+ - \

delocalization from the benzene ring to positive phosphorus has also been invoked to
account for the relatively high-field ” P NMR chemical shifts of phenylphosphonium ions
and their stabilization in the gas phase (see Sections III.A.2 and 1Il.B). Phenyl-substituted
phosphines, however, show only small deviations from the linear plots of logpK, vs a* or
a p h 4 . 46.47 and for a considerable range of substituted aryl phosphines (5, a), good
correlations have been obtained between pK, values determined from measurements in
478 H. R. Hudson
nitromethane and the sums of the Hammett 0 or Kabachnik cphparameters. The following
orders of basicity and correlations have been determined:
(a) For 5 (R = Et)26927:
Me,N > M e 0 > Me > H > Me0,C (pK, = 6.30-2.560,)
(b) For a series of mixed alkyl and aryl phosphines whose basicities were in the following
Et3P > PhPEt2 > p-ClC6H4PEt2 > Ph3P
(pK, = - 4.606 - 4 . 0 9 4 6 ~ ~(~r =
) - 0.996)
(c) For a wide range of tertiary phosphines with pK, values varying from 11.4 to 1.03, as
follows (R in R3P)':
t-Bu > c-C6H, > 4-Me,NC,H4 > 4-MeOC,H4 > 4-MeC,H4 > 3-MeC&
> 2-MeC,H4 > H > 4-FC,H4 > 4-CIC,H4
(pK, = - 1.538 - 2.8490,~) ( r = - 0.986)
The order of basicities for the 4-methylpheny1, phenyl and 4-chlorophenyl compounds
is the same as that obtained on the basis of studies of equilibria between triarylphosphines
and trityl chloride (equation 11)52and is supported by NMR studies of solutions of
triarylphosphines and hydrogen bromide in dichloromethane, in which basicity was
related to the ease with which the P-H proton could be observed53. Tris(p-
ch1orophenyl)phosphine (6,X = C1) showed no significant deviation from the Hammett
plot obtained in nitromethane', in contrast to an earlier observation based on studies in
aqueous ethanol for 6 (X = MeO, Cl) and 5 (R = Ph or Et; X = Me,N, MeO, H, F, C1 and
Br)32*33. This unusual deviation, corresponding to an unexpectedly high basicity, and also
the smaller deviations noted for 5 (X = CI or Br) were attributed to a special mesomeric
interaction with phosphorus in the case of p-halogenoaryl substituents (7),although it is
not clear why a similar effect should not apply in the case of the p-methoxy derivative.
Ar3P + Ph,C+CIO,- Ar3PCPh3CI04- (1 1)

It was subsequently showns4 that the dimethylamino derivative within this series is
protonated first at nitrogen, a factor not taken into account in the earlier studies, and that
the protonation of compounds of the type (p-XC,H4).PPhn-, (X = H, Br, C1, OMe,
NMe,) in aqueous ethanol does not follow the Hammett equation for reasons that were
discussed. An excellent correlation was, however, obtained for results obtained in
chloroform-acetic acid, showing again the relative unimportance of conjugation to
phosphorus in the control of pK,.
Enthalpies of protonation in fluorosulphonic acid have confirmed the large substituent
effects of alkyl groups compared with those in the analogous oxygen and nitrogen bases3,.
For phosphine, cyclohexylphosphine, dicyclohexylphosphine and trimethylphosphine,
the values of - AHHso3Fare 16.9, 29.9, 31.6 and 44.6kcalmol-', respectively. For the
following twelve tertiary phosphines, listed in order of increasing basicity:
12. Acid-base and hydrogen-bonding properties 479
(p-ClC,H,),P < (p-FC,H,),P < Ph,P < (0-MeC,H,),P
< (p-MeC,H,),P < (p-MeOC,H,),P < MePh,P
< Me,PhP < Me,P
< (C-C,H, 1)3P< Et,P < t-Bu,P
the heats of protonation ( - AHHp/kcalmol- ')show a good linear correlation with pK, as
determined from half-neutralization potentials in nitromethane:
- AHHp= 1.82pKa+ 16.3 (r = 0.994)
An excellent correlation is also obtained between Hammett parameters and enthalpies
of protonation for the para-substituted triarylphosphines (p-XC6H,),P with - AHHp
decreasing in the order X = M e 0 > Me > H > F > C1. A much poorer correlation with a'
parameters suggests that the aromatic ring does not interact significantly with the d
orbitals of phosphorus in the phosphonium ion55,in agreement with a similar conclusion
based on photoelectron s p e c t r o ~ c o p y ~ ~ .

2. Spectroscopic studies
A number of attempts have been made to correlate the basicities of phosphines and of
other phosphorus(II1) derivatives with NMR parameters for the protonated species.
Studies have been made of the phosphine hydrobromides in di~hloromethane~' and of
protonation in 100% sulphuric acid5' or super-acid media such as FSO,H or FS0,H-
SbF559-61.The change in chemical shift that occurs on protonation is dependent on
structure, being downfield in most cases for trialkyl- or triaryl-phosphines (except for tri-
tert-butylphosphine), but is significantly upfield if alkoxy or aryloxy groups are attached
to phosphorus as in phosphorus(II1) For the alkyl- and mixed alkyLaryl-
phosphines, the change.that occurs on protonation increases in magnitude as the basicity
of the phosphine increases in the order Ph,RP < PhR,P < R3P5', although it has not
been possible to make correlations with changes in R within any one of these three groups.
31P chemical shifts for various classes of phosphine62-64 and for quaternary phos-
phonium ions65.66have been found to be related by simple linear equations to additive
group contributions (aP constants) although these are not linearly related to Taft o*
values,,. A similar linear correlation is found between the sums of oP constants and 31P
chemical shifts for protonated trialkylphosphines in FS0,H59. The deviation for
triphenylphosphine, which shows a significantly higher chemical shift than this relation-
ship would predict, has been attributed to n-delocalization of the ring electrons to
phosphorus d orbitals. One-bond coupling constants JpHfor the protonated phosphines,
R,PH +,decrease steadily as the steric bulk of the alkyl group increases from 497 Hz
(R = Me) to 436 Hz (R = t-Bu). All values are significantly less than the coupling constant
for the parent phosphonium ion, PH,' (548 Hz). Such a decrease may be correlated with
decreasing s character of the phosphorus orbital of the P-H and corresponds
to increasing basicity of the phosphine. The low value for tri-tert-butylphosphine (436 Hz)
is in accord with its being one of the most basic phosphines known'. This may be expected
as a consequence of the increase in C-P-C bond angle as the bulkiness of the
substituent groups increases and a consequent increase of s character in the P-C bond.
Alkoxy and phenoxy groups have a much larger effect on P-H coupling than can be
explained on the basis of changes in hybridization and is probably associated with their
strongly electron-withdrawing ( - I ) effect which increases the positive charge on
phosphorus5'. One-bond coupling constants lie mainly in the region 796-827 Hz for
protonated trialkyl phosphites and rise to 870 Hz in the case of (PhO),PH +.The very large
upfield shifts shown by such esters on protonation have on the other hand been attributed
to charge delocalization via pn-dn back-donation to phosphorus60.
480 H. R. Hudson
An interesting feature of cyclic and bicyclic phosphite esters is the effect of steric
constraint on basicity as shown by protonation in FSO,H at -50°C61*68. A steady
increase in JPHfrom 826 to 928 Hz is observed, corresponding to a decrease in basicity, in
the following order:

P(OMe)S > !M
’ ‘0

> MeOP[I > so
>{ 0
> $kR
(8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
R=H or olkyl
CNDO/2 calculations show a concomitant rise in positive charge on phosphorus and on
the phosphorus-bound proton in the protonated species, but no trend in phosphorus
hybridization. The observations are rationalized in terms of reduced repulsive interaction
between the oxygen and phosphorus lone pairs in the more sterically constrained
p h o ~ p h i t e s ~Ab
~ . initio calculations have shown that an oxygen lone pair that is
antiperiplanar to the phosphorus lone pair raises the energy of the latter by 3.3 kcal mol-
relative to a phosphite with no oxygen lone pair in this situation; on the other hand, on
protonation of phosphorus the relative energy difference is reversed”. In addition, a
‘hinge effect’ has been proposed, as a possible explanation of the lower basicities of the
more sterically constrained bicyclic phosphites”. In such systems, it is argued, the
phosphorus lone pair will be more difficult to polarize because the 0-P-0 bond angles
will be more difficult to open towards a tetrahedral configuration. Any widening must also
tend to close the P-0-C angle from 120” and thus reduce n-delocalization from oxygen
to phosphorus.
A similar order of basicities has been indicated by measurements of infrared shifts of the
phenolic 0 - H stretching vibration resulting from hydrogen bonding with the phosphite
esters (equation 12, R,P = phosphite ester, X = H)”. Infrared studies of hydrogen

R3P: + HO & R3P----HO

bonding between triarylphosphines and p-trifluoromethylphenol in carbon disulphide

(equation 12, R = aryl, X = CF,) have similarly been used to establish the following order
for the effect of para substituents on the basicity of triarylphosphines”:
4-Me0 >> 4-Me > 4-CI > 4-H
The results agree in part with the order of basicities obtained for these phosphines by
determination of half-neutralization potentials in nitromethane’, but the order for X = CI
and X = H is reversed. A possible explanation may be that hydrogen bonding of the
phenol to substituent groups (MeO, C1) increases the apparent basicity of the phosphine’.

6. Gas-phase Basicities
The intrinsic basicities of molecules, unencumbered by solvent interactions, are
obtainable from a study of proton transfer reactions (equation 13)in the gas phase and are
measured in terms of proton aflinity, PA. The relationship between the proton affinity ofa
12. Acid-base and hydrogen-bonding properties 48 1
base, PA(B), its homolytic bond dissociation energy, D(B+-H), and its ionization
potential, IP(B), is shown in the following equations:
B' + B2H' B'H' + BZ (13)

BH' -
BH' -B:+H'
B+' + H'
A H = D(B+-H)
PA(B)- D(B+-H) = IP(H') - IP(B)

Based on ion-cyclotron resonance (ICR) spectro~copy'~, the proton affinities for

phosphine, methylphosphine, dimethylphosphine and trimethylphosphine have been
found to be 187.9, 206.9, 218.9 and 228.0kcalmol-', re~pectively~~. The value for
phosphine is close to other reported value^^^.^^ and shows phosphine to be less basic than
ammonia by ca 22 kcal mol- I , a similar difference to that estimated from pK, data for
aqueous solution6. The increase in basicity for each methyl substitution is non-additive
but is twice as large as that observed for methyl substitution in the amine series in the gas
phase77.Another difference from the amines is the change in homolytic bond dissociation
energy which decreases only slightly from 104 kcal mol- for PH4+ to 99.2 kcal mol.. for '
Me,PH+, whereas the change for the amines is from 128.4kcalmol-* for NH,' to
93.3 kcalmol-' for Me,NH'. The relatively large effect of methyl substitution on the
basicities of phosphines, compared with amines, may be related to differences in
rehybridization energy on protonation but could also result from hyperconjugation
between the methyl substituents and phosphorus d orbitals (2)74.
The replacement of methyl by aryl brings about an increase in gas-phase basicity, as
shown by the use of pulsed electron high ion source pressure mass spectrometry to
measure the kinetics and equilibrium constants for exchange reactions between trimeth-
ylphosphine (B') and the various methyl phenyl derivatives (equation 13)78. For a
constant B'(Me,P), standard free energy changes for these equilibria in kcalmol- are
- 2.5 (B2 = Me,PhP), - 3.2 (B2 = MePh,P) and - 3.2 (Bz= Ph,P). Vertical ionization
potentials, measured by photoelectron spectroscopy, decrease in the same order (i.e. from
Me,P to Ph!P). The order of basicity is exactly the reverse of that found in s ~ l u t i o n ~in- ~ ,
which stabilization through solvation is presumably affected adversely as the more bulky
phenyl groups are introduced. Conjugation of the n-electron system with empty d orbitals
of phosphorus is thought to be an important stabilizing factor (13). The opposite effect of
phenyl in the analogous amines is attributed to resonance stabilization of the neutral base
(14) and to inductive destabilization of positive nitrogen by phenyl ( - I ) in the ammonium
ion. Both of these influences are expected to be greater for nitrogen than for the larger
phosphorus atom. A study of the proton affinities of some primary phosphines RPH,
(R = Me, C,H,, and Ph) leads to similar conclusion^^^. Calculations at the STO-3G,

- etc

- etc.
482 H. R. Hudson
4-31G, STO-3G* and 41G* levels (the asterisks indicate with d orbitals) for PH,, MePH,
and PhPH, and for the protonated species predict proton transfer reaction energies in
good agreement with experimental results. A shortening of the C-P bond is predicted for
protonation of MePH, and particularly for PhPH,, whilst a lengthening of the C-N
bond is predicted for the corresponding nitrogen compounds. Stabilization of PhPH, + is
thought to occur mainly via I[* orbitals with some xd participation; hyperconjugative
stabilization is indicated for MePH, 7 9 .

The order of proton affinities for a series of cyclic and bicyclic phosphites (9-12),
determined by ICR spectroscopy", has been shown to be the same as the order of solution
basicities determined previously (see above)6l. In addition, a significant difference in
proton affinity (2.6 kcal mol- l) is observed between the stereoisomers of the six-membered
ring phosphite (9, R = Me), the phosphorus lone pair being more basic in the axial position
(15) than in the equatorial (16). The effect of steric constraint on basicity in cyclic

phosphites is discussed above (Section III.A.2). The proton affinity of phosphorus is thus
decreased with increasing steric constraint and is paralleled by a corresponding increase in
adiabatic ionization potential, indicating that the first ionization potential corresponds to
ionization from the phosphorus lone pair orbital. For this series of phosphite esters and
for a number of other phosphine derivatives, the overall order of proton affinities is as
Me,P > 15 > 16 > (MeO),P > 9(R = H) > Me,PH > 1 q R = H) x 17 > 11(R = Me)
> 11(R = H) > MePH, > 12(R = Me) > 12(R = H) > PH, > PF,
with values ranging from 228.2 to 196.5 kcalmol-'. A good linear correlation of proton
affinities with ionization potentials was obtained:
PA(B)= 0.853[459 - IP(B)]
allowing an estimate of proton affinity to be made for other phosphorus(II1) derivatives
whose ionization potentials are known. The closeness to unity of the coefficient relating
PA(B) to I P ( B ) indicates that the homolytic bond dissociation energy is approximately
constant for this series of compounds".

C . Salt Formation
Because of the low basicity of primary phosphines, their salts are unstable in water. Salt
formation may occur in concentrated hydrohalic acids but hydrolysis occurs on dilution
(equation 16)81-83. The salts of di- and tri-arylphosphines are also unstable in water, e.g.
triphenylphosphine is precipitated if water is added to a solution in concentrated
hydriodic acid84. More stable salts are obtained from di- or tri-alkylphosphines and are
decomposed only by alkali8'.
RPH,+X- + H,O
R = alkyl or aryl
- RPH, + H 3 0 ++ X - (16)
12. Acid-base and hydrogen-bonding properties 483
An infrared spectroscopic study of the products obtained from the reactions of
triethylamine with anhydrous hydrogen halides in diethyl ether has coqfirmed their ionic
structure (18) and has shown the presence of hydrogen bonding, P-H....X-, with
increasing strength in the order I < Br < CIE6.An analogous hydrobromide and hydro-
iodide (19) are formed from triphenylphosphine but the only identifiable product from
hydrogen chloride (equation 17) is the hydrogen dichloride salt (20). The latter dissociates
slowly to the starting materials without a stable 1: 1 intermediate being identifiable.
Et3PH+ X - Ph,PH+ X-
(18) (19)
X = CI, Br, or I X = Br or 1
Ph,P + 2HCI ~2Ph,PH +HC12- (17)
Hydrogen fluoride gives only liquid products with either triethyl- or triphenyl-
phosphine, consisting of a polar 1: 1 adduct (21), which is probably a strongly hydrogen-
bonded complex, and an ionic hydrogen difluoride (22) (equation 18). Differences in
basicity between the trialkyl- and triaryl-phosphines allow the former to be selectively
removed from mixtures of both types by acid extraction*'.
R,P + H F == R,PHF G=! R3PH+HF2- (18)

(21) (22)

D. Protonated Phosphines as Reactive Intermediates

The dealkylation of phosphorus(Il1) esters by hydrogen halides involves protonation of
phosphorus. Phosphonium intermediates have been identified by 31PNMR spectroscopy
in solutions of trialkyl phosphites with hydrogen chloride at - 60 to - 80 Rapid
exchange occurs at room temperature, presumably via a hydrogen-bonded intermediate
(equation 19). The overall reaction kinetics for dealkylation are second order or higher in
hydrogen chloride and it is likely that ionization of the H-CI bond is assisted by the
formation of a hydrogen dichloride ion or other higher aggregate. Phosphorus-oxygen
cleavage may also occur, particularly in the case of phenyl esters. An 0-protonated
intermediate could be involved (equation 20) but has not been clearly identified. A
mechanism involving the phosphonium intermediate in rate-determining P -0 cleavage
can also be envisaged (equation 21)89.
(RO),P + HCI p=?(RO),P....H-CI =(RO),PHtHCI2-

PhOH (20)

-**. 1 &PhO-0H-P-CI
01, PhOH +\
484 H. R. Hudson
Tervalent phosphorus-nitrogen compounds are susceptible to P-N fission in acid
conditions or in the presence of protic reagents”. Protonation at phosphorus has been
demonstrated by 31PNMR in acid-catalysed phosphorylations using tervalent phos-
phorus acid amidesy3 but, as with P-0 fission, the precise mechanism of cleavage is
not certain. Either a P- or N-protonated species could be involved in the rate-deter-
mining step. The identification of a hydrophosphorane in two cases of P-N fission by
alcohols or phenols suggested that a phosphonium intermediate was the immediate


Phosphines are able to engage in hydrogen bonding by interaction of the phosphorus lone
pair with molecules containing acidic hydrogen. The effect of such hydrogen bonding on
the 0-H infrared stretching vibrations of phenols has been used as a measure of
phosphine basicity (equation 12)72.73 (see Section 111.A.2). Hydrogen bonding to anhy-
drous hydrogen halides may also occur to a greater or lesser extent depending on the
basicity of the phosphine and the ease of polarization of the hydrogen-halogen bond.
Less basic phosphines (e.g. triphenylphosphine) or phosphite esters which do not form
specific 1: 1 salts with hydrogen chloride probably form a hydrogen-bonded complex as an
intermediate en route to the phosphonium hydrogen dichloride (e.g. equation 19), and a
similar sequence may occur in the reactions of tertiary phosphines with hydrogen fluoride
(equation 18)86.88.
There is no evidence that the P-H bond of primary or secondary phosphines can form
hydrogen bonds to any significant extent. The P-H bond is relatively non-polar as a
result of the similar electronegativities of these two elements. Studies of the P-H infrared
stretching vibration for diphenylphosphine have shown no significant solvent effects95.
There is some evidence for hydrogen bonding between the P-H proton and halide ion in
phosphonium halide^^^.^^ and, weakly, between the P-H proton of dialkyl phospho-
nates and donor solvents such as acetone or pyridine9’. The P-H bond is more polarized
in these examples by the presence of a positive or partial positive charge on phosphorus.


Phosphines form complexes with a wide range of Lewis acids. The basicity of simple
trialkylphosphines is generally less than that of the corresponding nitrogen bases towards
class (a) acceptors but greater towards class (b) acceptors9’. A measure of the relative
basicities of phosphines can be obtained from calorimetric data, displacement reactions
and relative v o l a t i l i t i e ~ ~Coordination
~*~~. to trimethylboron generally indicates a similar
order of phosphine basicities to that observed for proton acids, e.g. Me,P > Me,PH
> MePH, > PH, (the latter not forming a complex even at - 78 0C)9g,although
additional steric factors may be involved. Triethylphosphine is thus a very much weaker
base than trimethylphosphine towards trimethylboron, being completely dissociated in
the gas phaseloo.The extremely low basicity of trivinylphosphine towards this Lewis acid
[EtMe,P > Me,P > (CH,=CH)Me,P >> Et,P > (CH,=CH),P], might also be associa-
ted with delocalization of the phosphorus lone pair or with the - 1 effect of vinyl6. Infrared
stretching vibrations for the P-B bond of BF,, BH,, BD, and BMe, complexes’”, and
for the B-H bond of BH, complexeslo2,have been used to investigate the relative donor
abilities of cyclic and bicyclic phosphites, and were found to correlate reasonably well with
basicity orders determined by other means56. Data on the NMR spectroscopy, dipole
moments, infrared spectroscopy, enthalpy of formation and displacement reactions of
phosphine complexes with boron Lewis acids and other metallic acceptors have been
12. Acid-base and hydrogen-bonding properties 485

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Photochemistry of
Degussa AG. Geschaftsbereich Anorganische Chemieprodukte D- 6000 Frankfurt.

I. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
I1. PHOSPHINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
A. Molecule Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
B. Photolysis of Acylphosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492
C. Photolysis of Diazophosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
D . Reactions with Ketones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
E. Reactions with Unsaturated Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
F. Reactions with Other Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
G. Formation of Phosphonium Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
H . Radiolyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
I . Reactions of H-phosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502
J . Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
111. PHOSPHENES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
IV. PHOSPHIDES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
V. PHOSPHIRANES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
VI . PHOSPHOLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
VII. PHOSPHORINS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
VIII . CYCLOPOLYPHOSPHINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
IX . HALOPHOSPHINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
A. Reactions with Unsaturated Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
B. Radiolyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
C. Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
X . PHOSPHITES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
A . Molecule Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
B. Reactions with Unsaturated Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513
C. Reactions with Aryl and Alkyl Halides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
D . Reactions with Oxygen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516
E. Reactions with Other Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516
The Chemistry of Organophosphorus Compounds, Volume 1
Edited By F. R . Hartley 0 1990 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
490 M. Dankowski
F. Radiolyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
G . Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
XI. PHOSPHINITES.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
XII. PHOSPHONITES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
XIII. AZIDOPHOSPHINES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
XIV. MISCELLANEOUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
XV.REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524

In recent years, the number of publications in the field of preparative photochemistry has
increased considerably. Schonberg wrote one of the first systematic reviews on the topic in
1958, updated in 1968’. The most important publications are now regularly surveyed2.
The photochemistry of organophosphorus(II1)compounds3 began with the investigations
by Stiles et aL4,who dealt with the photolysis of phosphine and its successively substituted
compounds. Some selected results are now presented in an annual publication5.
In this chapter, photochemical reactions of phosphorus(II1) compounds are reviewed;
the emphasis is on preparative aspects, reactions due to stabilizers, polymers or complexes
are not included.


A. Molecule Reactions
The photolytic decomposition of triarylphosphines has been described6. By photolysis
of the bridged phosphine 1 in benzene through Pyrex glass, the tricyclic compound 2 is
obtained (equation l)7.The difference in the reaction mechanism compared with that for

the corresponding oxides can be ascribed to different multiplicities (singlet and triplet,
respectivly), leading to the formation of different products7.
The cycloadduct of the diphospha analogue of barrelene and cyclobutadiene (3) reacts
after photolysis in acetone exclusively in its endo configuration to give 2,5,7,10,11,
12-hexakis(trifluoromethyl)-l,6-diphosphahexacyclo [4.2.02~s.03~9.04*8.0’*10]
ene (4) (equation 2)*.
The methanol aduct (5) of diphosphabarrelene, however, gives 2,3,5,6-tetrakis-
(tri!luoromethyl)-l,4-diphosphabenzene (6) and on further irradiation a diphosphabenz-
valene, 1,3,4,6-tetrakis(trifluoromethyl)-2,5-diphosphatricyc~ohex-4-ene (7)(equation 3)’.
The first step can also be thermally induced. The product of the second step, an
intramolecular [ 2 + 21 cycloaddition, was isolated as the first hetero analogue of tricyclo
C2.2.21octadiene. This confirms the stabilizing effect of the substituents and also the
influence of the longer P-C bondg.
13. Photochemistry of organophosphorus(II1) compounds 49 1

- hu

9 - -9

' hv

&fPh I

By cyclization of o,o-bis(phenylethiny1)triphenylphosphine (8) in benzene under a

nitrogen atmosphere a phosphaindole. 1,2-diphenyl-3-[(2-phenylethyinyl)-phenyl)]-i3-
phosphindole (9) is obtained (equation 4)'".In contrast, the non-photocatalysed reaction
leads via cyclization to the benzo-condensed phosphepin system. The UV-induced
rearrangement of phosphanorbornadiene to phosphepine should be possible through the
intermediate formation of quadricyclane from a [ 2 + 23 cycloaddition.
First experiments concering the disrotatory opening and other rearrangements in a
stabilized quadricyclane system have been undertaken". The phosphorbicyclus 10 on
irradiation undergoes rearrangement to give the bridged anti-compound 11 in deutero-

(10) (11)
R = t-Bu, c-Hex,rnrnthyl
492 M.Dankowski
benzene (equation 5)". Similarly to the 1-substituted 2-vinylphosphiranes, 9-
phosphabicyclo[6.l.0]nonatriene undergoes rearrangement after photolysis or catalysis
by Ni'. With the vinyl compounds all rearrangement products formed by differently
initiated reactions are identical, whereas with the phosphirane 10 thermal and photochem-
ical reactions yield syn and clnti epimers, respectively. The epimers show a great difference
in the chemical shifts of the corresponding 31PNMR signals. The difference of
A6P = 90ppm by far exceeds the value of 66.2ppm found for the syn and anti substituted 7-
Methylphosphine oxides are easily obtained by photochemical induced rearrangement
of the hydr~xymethylphosphines'~.

6. Photolysis of Acylphosphines
The photolysis of o-bromobenzoyldiphenylphosphine (12) yields l-hydroxy-
(0-bromobenzy1)diphenylphosphine oxide (16) by a rearrangement of a new kind14.
Products due to both a-fission (13,14) and substitution (14, 15) are formed (equation 6).
The former reaction can be explained by a 1,2-transfer of the carbonyl oxygen to the
phosphorus atom.


Aroyldiphenylphosphines bearing other ortho-substituents such as H, SMe and S0,Me

show similar reactions". In addition to these reactions, the o-methoxy compound (17)
undergoes a new kind of fission, forming diphenylphosphinic acid (18), which may be
isolated by addition to carbonyl compounds (19) (equation 7)16. The structures of the a-
hydroxyphosphane oxides 16 and 19 were confirmed by X-ray structure analysis.

13. Photochemistry of organophosphorus(II1) compounds 493
After irridation of aroyldiphenylphosphines with ortho-positioned n-functions, 1,2- and
1,4-addition products are obtained from the diphenylphosphinous acid formed by
photochemical reaction with acetone or phenanthrenequinone. Aroyl radicals from the
competing a-fission form five- and six-membered hetero- and carbo-cycles by neighbour-
ing group interaction, e.g. xanthone (20),3,3’-dimethoxy-3,3’-diphthalidyl (21)and the
phenanthrene derivative 22 (equation8-10)”. Experiments have been performed to

elucidate the reaction mechanism of the 1,2-oxygen transfer using 180-labelled com-
pounds and an intermolecular six-ring mechanism was confirmed *.I9.’
C. Photolysis of Diazophosphines
On irradiation of the a-diazophosphine 23,a nitrogen molecule is abstracted and the
corresponding a-phosphinocarbene 24a is formed (equation 11). This is synthetically
equivalent to the species 24b and 24c (equation 12)*O.
494 M.Dankowski
i-Pr i-Pr

i-Pr ’


i -Pr

240 - i - Pr

i-Pr SiMej
i -Pr

i- Pr
‘ P E C
/ \
SiMe3 (12)


\ P-c-P
N2 ‘i-p,


(25) (26)

The bis(phosphino)diazomethane 25 reacts directly with loss of nitrogen via a carbene

intermediate to give the phosphaalkene 26 (equation 13)21.However, in the presence of
methanol or dmso compounds 27 and 28 are obtained. In contrast to the reaction of 25, the

keto azo compound 29 does not undergo a 1,Zshift. However, (diisopropylphosphiny1)-

tert-butylethyne (30) is formed via the carbene intermediate in a Wittig-like reaction
(equation 14)* These results compare very well with computations which
predict only a small energy barrier for the rearrangement to the thermodynamically
preferred phosphaalkene structure22.



II -hv


-C=C-t-Eu (14)
13. Photochemistry of organophosphorus(II1) compounds 495
D. Reactions with Ketones
The UV irradiation of phenyl alkyl ketones (31), e.g. butyrophenone, valerophenone, y-
methylvalerophenone and acetophenone, in methanol and in the presence of triphenyl-
phosphine yields a triphenylphosphine oxide together with the corresponding 1-phenyl-1-
methoxyalkanes and Norrish I1 products. Kinetic investigations of these reactions
confirmed that the ketone triplet state is quenched by the phosphine. Thereby the
corresponding radical is obtained, which does not interact further with the triphenyl-
phosphineZ3.With methanol, however, the corresponding products 32 can be prepared
(equation 15).


/ Ph /.*OH

+ \
R /c: -

\CHOMe +

Benzophenone readily undergoes photolytic deoxygenation with triphenylphosphine.

The phosphonium ylide (33)formed reacts in a Wittig reaction with acetaldehyde to give
l-methyl-2,2-diphenylethene(34)and triphenylphosphine oxide (equation 16)24. The

+ MeCHO -
formation of the ylide 33 was confirmed by IR spectroscopic investigations.
+ Ph,PO
Generally, diary1 and aryl alkyl ketones with low n,n* triplet states react rapidly with
triphenylphosphines to yield phosphonium ylides, whereas n,n* ketones, aldehydes and
aliphatic ketones do not react at allz5.
The diphosphine 35-like tetraphenyl- and tetraethyl-phosphines, react with benzo-
phenone (36) under UV irradiation. Secondary products after further reaction \kith

diphenylmethyldiphenylphosphine oxide (a),

sulphur are tetraphenylethylene (37), thiobenzophenone (38), phosphinic acid (39),
tetraphenyloxirane (41) and tetraphenyl-

(35) (36)
0 0
+ Ph2P-OH + II

(39) (40)
496 M. Dankowski
thiirane (42) (equation 17).The reaction mechanism involves metathesis of the P-P bond
with the H,H* triplet of benzophenone26.

E. Reactions with Unsaturated Compounds

The photochemical reaction of phosphine and its substituted analogues with unsatu-
rated compounds leads to addition product^^.^'. In general, the reaction mechanism can

be described by equations 18-20. The addition ofthe free phosphine radical to allene gives
R 2 P + H'


R 2 P + CH,=CH2R
R = H, alkyl, substituted alkyl
+ R,P, etc.

the 1: 1 product isopropenylphosphine in low yields2*.Most of the product polymerizes.

Secondary phosphines react with ally1 alcohols after irradiation to form the corresponding
3-hydroxypropylphosphine~~~. The photocatalytic addition of phosphine (43) to $6-
deoxy-l~-o-~sopropyl~dene-a-~-xylohex-5-enofuranose (44) leads to the corresponding
primary (45) and secondary (46) phosphine (equation 21)30. This was shown by

transforming the oxidation products of a mixture of 5,6-dideoxy-l,2-o-isopropylidene-6-

phosphine-a-D-xylohexafuranose(45) and bis-6-(5,6-dideoxy-l,2-o-isopropylidene-a-~-
xy1ohexafuranose)phosphine(46) into the corresponding cyclohexylamine salts.
13. Photochemistry of organophosphorus(II1)compounds 497
Phenylphosphine reacts analogously under the same conditions. The reaction of
phenylphosphine (47) with 3-aminopropene(48)yields aminopropylphenylphosphine (49)
and bis(aminopropy1)phenylphosphine (50), depending on the molar ratio
(equation 22)3'. The range of variability of the vinyl component is considerable,
permitting the use of this group of compounds as polydentate phosphane ligands:
R = CH,NH,, CH,N(CH,),, OPh, Si(OEt),
It is also possible to work with the phospha components. For example, the reaction of
propionitrilophosphine with diphenylvinylphosphine yields bis(diphenylphosphinoethy1)
propionitrilophosphine (51),l. The reaction of diphenylphosphine (52) and triethoxy-

\ Ph

\ CH2 CHzP,/Ph


vinylsilane (53) gives triethoxysilyleth yldiphenylphosphine (54) (equation 23)3I .

Ph,PH + CH,=CHSi(OCH,Me), A Ph'PCH,CH,Si(OCH,Me)3

(52) (53) (54)
In general, the addition of secondary phosphines to alkenylsilanes, alkenylalkoxy-
silanes, alkenylchlorosilanes or polyalkenylpolysiloxanesunder UV irradiation leads to
organophosphorus-substituted silanes and polysil~xanes~~. The reaction with diethyl-
phosphine has been described for the following unsaturated silanes:
Me,Si(CH = CH,), (MeO),Si(CH,CH = CH,), Cl,(Ph)Si(CH = CH,)
Me,Si(CH,CH = CH,), (EtO)Si(CH= CH,)3 Cl,Si(CH = CH,),
Parallel to the addition to chlorovinylsilanes,a side reaction is observed in which the HCl
formed under these conditions reacts with phosphine to give the corresponding
phosphonium salt3'. Diphenylphosphine yields the same products with chlorovinylsilane
in benzene solution 32-34.
The synthesis of phosphinoethylenosila- (55) and -1,3-disila-cyclobutane (56) by

rSiCH2 CH2 PR'2
R'2 PCH 2 CH2 Si

(56) (56)
R=Me,CH2=CHY Ph,Cp,Ety PR'z
498 M. Dankowski
photoaddition normally follows the anti-Markovnikov rule. If, however, trifluoro-
methyl is used instead of methyl as the phosphine substituent, the proportion of
Markovnikov product is increased35.
Primary polyfluoroalkyl-phosphines are formed in the reaction of phosphine with
fluoroalkenes; for example, hexafluoropropylphosphine is obtained from phosphine and
hexafl~oropropene~~. Dimethyl- and bis(trifluoromethy1)-phosphines correspondingly
react with olefins following a free-radical mechanism. The phosphine radicals R,P are
considered to form stable intermediates by attack on the olefinic double bond3'.
Irradiation of but-2-ene (57) and bis(trifluoromethy1)phosphine (58) generate 1-
methylpropylbis(trifluoromethy1)phosphine(59) (equation 24).

MeCH=CHMe + (CF,),PH -hv


(57) (58) (59)

Trialkylphosphines add to olefins under photochemical conditions. After prolonged
irradiation, ethylbis(trifluoromethy1)phosphine (60) and ethylene (61) yield
phosphine (62) (equation 25)38.

hv I (25)
(CF3)zPEt + CH, = CH, __t CF3-P-CH2CHZCF3
(60) (61) (62)
The formation of the radical is believed to be caused by abstraction of a trifluoromethyl
group. Experiments have been performed to determine the mechanism of the addition
reaction between olefins and phosphine. Either a radical or an ionic mechanism was
considered3'. Bis(trifluoromethy1)phosphine adds to trifluoroethylene to give 1,2,2-
trifluoroethylbis(trifluoromethy1)phosphine (63)"'.
(CF3),PCF = CF2
Diphosphines, such as tetramethyldiphosphine and tetrakis(trifluoromethy1)-
diphosphine, react with alkenes (C2H,, C,F,, CH,=CHF, C3H,, cis- and trans-
MeCH=CHMe, CH,=CF,) to give the corresponding dipho~phanoethanes"~.On
irradiation, tris(trifluoromethy1)phosphine (64)reacts with ethylene (65) with insertion to
give bis(trifluoromethyl)-3,3,3-trifluoropropylphosphine(66) (equation 26). With vinyl
fluoride, vinyliden fluoride and propene the reaction proceeds with greater regioselectivity
and the yield of 1: 1 adduct is low.

+ CH2 = CH,
- hv

In these reactions, and also with vinyl chloride, but-1-ene and hexafluoropropene,
mostly the educts are recovered unchanged. But-2-yne and hexafluorobut-2-yne do not
react, unlike propyne, which yields [l,l,l-trifluoro-3-bis(trifluoromethyl)phosphino] cis-
The cyclic phosphines 68 with five-, six-, or seven-membered rings are obtained by
irradiation of secondary phosphines (67)with a terminal double bond in the alkenyl group
by means of an intramolecular addition (equation 27)43.44.If, however, the phenyl group is
13. Photochemistry of organophosphorus(II1)compounds 499

A (CH2),, -P

\ Ph
(67) (68)

replaced with a hydrogen atom, an intermolecular anti-Markovnikov addition takes

place and the head-tail dimer 69 is obtained4’.


In contrast to UV irradiation, a new bicyclic diphosphine is formed on initiating the

reaction with aibn4’. 1,1,1,4,4,4-Hexafluorobutyneleads to the formation of 1:1 adducts
using bis(trifluoromethyl)phosphine, tetraphenyldiphosphine or diethylphosphine: 2: 1
adducts are obtained using bis(trifluoromethy1)phosphine. With dimethylchlorophos-
phine and tetramethyldiphosphine,however, no addition takes place. Triphenylphosphine
enhances the polymerization of butyne even at 42.2 0C46.The synthesis of dialkenyl-
bromophosphines is feasible by photoinitiated reaction of alkenyldibromophosphines
and alkynes4’.

F. Reactions with Other Compounds

Tetraphenyldiphosphine reacts under UV irradiation with triplet carbon atoms from
diphenylethylene. After sulphurization, 2,2-diphenylethenyl(diphenyl)phosphine sulphite
(70) is obtained4’.



The photoinduced oxidation of trisubstituted phosphine leads to the corresponding

oxides using oxygen at low temperature^^^. After irradiation of tetraphenyldiphosphine
(71) in an alcohol (72), diphenylphosphine (73) and the corresponding
alkyldiphenylphosphinates(74)” are obtained (equation 28). Use of ( - )-octan-2-01

Ph Ph
\P-P/Ph + ROH nu Ph2PH + !‘-OR

/ \Ph (72) (73) Ph
(71) (74)

R=Me,Et, i-Pr, 2-C8H17,PhCH2

500 M. Dankowski
results in a mixture of octane-2-yldiphenyl-phosphinite and -phosphinate51. 9,lO-
Phenanthroquinone (75) reacts with triphenylphosphine (76) under UV irradiation to give
2,2,2-triphenyl-1,3,2-dioxaphospholene (77) (equation 29). The latter is obtained in its

(75) (77)

dipolar form by adding water. This reaction is not feasible using benzil, biacetyl or dl-
camphor-quinone, but it is possible with acenaphthene- and 1,2-naphthene-quinoneSZ.
Phenyl- and diphenyl-phosphine is easily added to the olefinic double bond of 2-vinyl-1,
3-dioxa-6-aza-2-silacyclooctane53.Depending on the substituted group R, thiols react
with diphenylvinylphosphine to yield either the Markovnikov product (78) or the

Ph Ph

\ >g,H=CH,

(78) (79)
sulphide (79)54. An equilibrium can be described between the two radical
intermediates (equation 30)55.
RS’ + Ph2PCHeCH2

rlcw RSH


The irradiation of benzyldiselenide (80) and triphenylphosphine (81) in acetonitrile

yields dibenzylselenide (82), dibenzyl (83) and triphenylphosphine selenide (84)
(equation 31). The main process is the fission of the Se-Se bond, leading to radicals which
react in a chain mechanism to form the p r o d ~ c t s ~ ~If,*in~ the
’ . diselenide, the phenyl group
is substituted by 9-anthry1, two isomeric forms of phosphorus- and selenium-free poly-
cycles are obtained in addition to the formation of triphenylphosphine ~ e l e n i d e ~ ~ , ~ ~ .
PhCH,SeSeCH,Ph + P h , P h PhCH,SCH,Ph + PhCH,CH,Ph + Ph,PSe
(80) (81) (82) (83) (84) (31)
13. Photochemistry of organophosphorus(I11) compounds 501

The reaction between organoditellurides and tertiary phosphines leads to an intermedi-

ate triorganyl phosphinetelluride. The latter splits off Te yielding the original phosphine".
The tendency for photofission ofthe Me-C bond increases in the sequence R,S2 < R,Se,
< R,Te,, where the occurrence of Me-Me bond fission decreases.

G. Formation of Phosphonium Compounds

At room temperature triphenylphosphine does not react with tribromomethane. After
irradiation with UV light, however, triphenyldibromomethylphosphoniumbromide is
obtained". Aryl iodides (85) form triphenylarylphosphonium iodide (87)in the presence of
triphenylphosphine (86)(equation 32)". Using tributylphosphine gives tributylphenyl-
phosphonium iodide. In both cases the product yield is not changed on addition of
aibn6'. If the phosphonium salt is formed by photolysis ofthe aryl iodide followed by reac-
tion of the aryl radical with the phosphine, the competing reaction should be the addition
of iodine to the phosphine. Thus, for example, after hydrolysis formation of the
corresponding phosphine oxide is also expected to O C C U ~The ~ ~ irradiation
.~~. of a
triarylphosphine in the presence of an alcohol such as methanol, iso-propanol or dioxane
yields the tetraarylphosphonium salt in addition to diaryphosphine and
ArI + Ph,P
(85) (86)
Ph,(Ar)P' I -

Ar = p-tolyl, p-anisyl, p-diphenylyl, p-hydroxyphenyl

Irradiation of an equimolar mixture of the triphenylphosphine (88)and different diaryl-
iodonium fluoroborates (89) leads to the corresponding tetraarylphosphonium tetraflu-

oroborates (90)(equation 33)67,68.The reaction also takes place in the presence of visible
light69. hv f
Ph,P -t Ar,IBF4 ArPPh,BF, (33)
(88) (89) (90)
Ar = Ph, p-MeOPh, p-CIPh, rn-NO,Ph, o-NO,Ph, rn-Et0,CPh

H. Radiolyses
After radiolysis in a 2-kCi gama cell 200 (Co6') a solution of triphenylphosphine in
benzene yields pentane, cyclohexane, hexane (four isomers), hexene and n-heptane7'. On
raising the phosphine concentration the hexane yield increases at the expense of
cyclohexane and n-heptane. An increase in benzene concentration after irradiation results
from the mechanism in equation 34-36.
2Ph,P A 2Ph' + 2Ph,P'

+ 2H' - Ph,P-PPh,
Experiments using pulse radiolysis in cyclohexane have been undertaken with
diphenylchlorophosphine, diphenylmethylphosphine and triphenylphospbine. For
example, dppm--cyclohexane mixtures generate diphenylphosphine, diphenylcyclohex-
ylphosphine, tetraphenyldiphosphine, hydrogen, methane, ethane, ethylene, phosphorus
oligomers and solid phosphorus compounds, but dicyclohexyl is not formed71.72.
Irradiation of phosphine (91) and 1,5,9-cyclododecatriene(90% all-trans) (92) with an 8000
502 M. Dankowski
Ci 6oCo source leads to 13-phosphatricyclo[*13] tridecane (93) and 13-
phosphatricyclo[6.4. l.04.' tridecane (94) (equation 37)73.

From triphenylphosphine and methanol in an oxygen-free solution, Ph,PCH,OH is

obtained, which decays to give phosphine, ethylene glycol and formaldehyde as successive
products. In oxygen-containing solutions phosphine oxide is formed7,. y-Irradiation of
triphenyl phosphine and aryl halides such as chlorobenzene or 1,4-dibromobenzene yields
tetraarylphosphonium salts7'. Tributylphosphines reacts in a similar way and the follow-
ing compounds could be isolated by r a d i ~ l y s i s ~ ~ , ~ ' :
[PPh,] F [Ph,P(p-Tol)] Br
[PPh,] C1 [Ph,P(p-Tol)] C1
[PPh,] Br [Ph,P(Naph)]CI
[PPh,] I [Ph ,P (Naph)]Br
[Ph,P(p-CIPh)] CI [Ph,P(Thioph)] Br
[Ph,P(p-BrPh)] Br [Bu,PPh]Br
[Ph,P@-IPh)] I [Bu,PPh] I
[Ph,P(p-Tol)] CI [Ph,P(o-CIPh)] I
The experiments show that addition of benzene, cyclohexane and cyclohexene increase
the yields by energy transfer from the solvent to the reactant. Because all three solvents
exhibit similar effects, very specificprocesses have to be considered. A transfer of activation
energy can be excluded since the three molecules show completely different excited states.
The ionization potential of triphenylphosphine lies below that of the solvent molecules, So
a charge-transfer process is the probable explanation. The free electron should be captured
by the aryl halide77.

I. Reactions of H-phosphines
Experiments on the SiF,-sensitized decomposition of phosphine after photolysis have
been undertaken7'. A C O , TEA (transverse excited atmospheric pressure) laser served as
the source of 1R radiation. PH,-SiH, mixtures were also a n a l y ~ e d ' ~After
. photolysis at
265 nm, phosphine reacts to give hydrogen molecules and diphosphine, which decomposes
in turn to red phosphorus". Similar results have been found using a UV wavelength of
147 nrn'l. In the presence of NH,, the reaction leads to aminophosphinesE2. Flash
photolysis of phosphine yields directly red phosphorus and molecular hydrogena3. A
mixture with oxygen reacts to give several oxidation product^^^.'^. After photosensiti-
zation, phosphine readily undergoes H-D exchange (equation 38)86. The equilibrium

PH, + HD+PH,D + H, (38)

constant varies from 1.37 to 1.05 at 0°C and 700"C, respectively. Photo-oxidation of
phosphine with phosphine-d, proceeds on a comparable time scale regarding the
individual steps".
13. Photochemistry of organophosphorus(II1) compounds SO3
J. Miscellaneous
31PCIDNP experiments showed that photochemical homolysis of triphenyl phosphine
starts from a triplet state to yield dehydrobenzene after fission of an ortho-hydrogen atom
from a phenyl radical". The 254-nm photo-oxidation of triphenylphosphine, di-
phenylmethylphosphine and phenyldimethylphosphine proceeds by a free-radical chain
mechanism, n -+I[* excitation taking place at about 260 nmE9.In the presence of tertiary
phosphines, photochemical deoxygenation of aminoxidesgOis possible in addition to the
synthesis of thiolsgl. Concerning the formation of phosphine radicals, various workers
have reported two-step photo-oxidation of triphenylpho~phine~~*~~, quenching of excited
and ESR studies100-'21.

The stable trans-l,2-bis(2,4,6-tri-tert-butyIphenyl)diphosphene1-sulphide (95) obtained
by sulphuration of diphosphene rearranges after photolysis to give the stable product (E)-
1,2,3-thiadiphosphirane (%) (equation 39)"*. This iso-

merization also takes place in the solid state. The 514.5-nm photolysis of a toluene solution
of trans-l,2-bis(2,4,6-tri-tert-butyl)diphosphenewith an Ar laser leads to the unstable cis-
isomer which was identified spectros~opically'~~. An X-ray structure analysis of the metal
complex stabilized product proved the E -+ Z photoisomerization. A6 initio calculations
pointed to a relatively high energy barrier for the isomerization of diphosphenes.
Rotational states are preferred to inversional states. The rotational barrier is possibly
lowered by either steric or electronic effectslZ4.
The phosphaalkene 97 reacts with 2,3-dimethylbutadiene (98)by [2 41 cycloaddition
to give the phosphorine 99 (equation 40). On the other hand, UV irradiation of

-p=c\ NMe2

A Me2Ph' Me

the phosphaalkene 97 in acetonitrile in the absence of any trapping agent leads to a

mixture of pentaphenylcyclopentaphosphine, tetraphenylcyclotetraphosphineand 1,2-
bis(dimethy1amino)ethylene. Phenylphosphinides and dimethylamino carbenes are
presumed to be intermediates. The phosphaalkene which contain a methyl group instead
504 M. Dankowski
of hydrogen does not react by [2 + 41 cycloaddition, but rather the phospholene 100 and
the diphosphorine 101 are obtained. In the presence of tolane the diphosphetane 102 is


TyMe phwp P-P

/ \ I
Ph I
I Ph
Ph Ph

(100) (101) (102)

If the photolysis of (NJ-dimethy1aminomethyl)methylenephosphine (103) is under-

taken in methanolic solution, pentaphenylcyclopentaphosphine (104) and tetraphenylcy-
clotetraphosphine (105) are obtained, in addition to phenyldimethoxyphosphine (106),
phenylphosphine (107) and the two diastereomers of the methanol adduct (108)
(equation 41)lz6.



+ (PhPI4

+ P~P(OMI)~


+ PhPH2 + \ /NMe2

Me0 H

benzylidene-(2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenyl) phosphine
rearranges after irradiation with a medium-pressure Hg lamp at 0 "C and under an Ar
atmosphere to the corresponding 2-isomer; both forms are reasonably stable' 2 7 . (E)-
benzilidene-P-2,4,6-tri-tert-butyIphenylphosphine (109) exists in equilibrium with its Z -
isomer (110) when irradiated with UV light (equation 42)"*.

The reaction of m- and p-iodo- and -bromo-toluenes with potassium diphenylphosphide
leads to the corresponding diphenyltolylphosphines with either thermal or photochemical
13. Photochemistry of organophosphorus(lI1) compounds 505
initiation. The experimental findings agree with the assumption of a nucleophilic
substitution following an SRN1m e c h a n i ~ m ' 7-Bromonorcarane
~~. (111)reacts by the same
mechanism with the phosphide 112 in liquid ammonia to give (7-
norcarany1)diphenylphosphine (113) (equation 43). The latter can be readily isolated as

(ill) (112) (113)

the phosphine oxide. The photoreaction is inhibited by di-tert-butyl nitroxide and 1,4-
dinitrobenzene' 30.
The same reaction sequence is exhibited by geminal dibromocyclo propanes, e.g.
dibromonorcarane. In this case, after irradiation and reaction with hydrogen peroxide, the
phosphine oxide 114 and the monobromide 115 are obtained; the isomeric form of 115 is
not found'31.

(114) (116)

Pure, non-oligomerized phosphorus tricycles are rare. The 2-vinylphosphirane 116,
synthesized from an organo-dichlorophosphine and Mg-butadiene, gives 1-tert-butyl-3-
phospholene (117) on irradiation with an HPK-burner (Philips) in pentane solution
(equation 44). In this case there is only one reaction path, whereas side-products are

(116) (117)

obtained in the reaction of the cyclohernyl and the methyl compounds, which also lead to 3-
phospholenes 32. 9-Phenyl-9-phosphabicyclo C6.1.O] nonatriene reacts by 1,s-sigmatropic
rearrangement after thermal and photochemical initiation to give the syn and anti isomers
of 9-phenyl-9-phosphabicyclo C4.2.11 nona-2,4,7-triene, respectively ".

The UV irradiation of 1,2,5-triphenylphosphole(118) through Pyrex in a solution of
tetrahydrofuran-diethyl ether yields the dimer (119) (equation 45). Exclusively the 'head-
to-tail' adduct is found' 33. There has been one report concerning the mechanism
of the photoinduced rearrangement of 1-phenyl-cis-3a, 7a-dehydrophosphindole
to 1-phenylphospha-2,4,6,8-cis,cis,cis,trans-cy~lononatetraene'~~. The dihydrodiaza-
506 M. Dankowski

Ph Ph

(118) (119)

phosphole 120 decays under irradiation to give molecular nitrogen and bismethylene-
phosphorane (121). On heating, the corresponding phosphirane is obtained in a con-
rotatorical cyclization. Formation of i3-azaphosphiridine, however, is not found135.

Photolysis of the [4 + 23 endo-dimer 3,6,9,10-tetraphenyl-1,2-diphosphatricyclo-

[*6]deca-3,8-diene(122) yields the cage compound 3,6,9,10-tetraphenyl-1,2-
diphosphapentacyclo C5.2.1.02-6.03-9.04*8]
decane (123) (equation 47)' 3 6 . The mechanism


(122) (123)

can be rationalized in terms of a [2 + 21 intramolecular cycloaddition of the two double

bondsIJ7. UV irradiation of 3-methyl-2-phospholene (124) and methanol in xylene
solution causes migration of the double bond to yield the exo-methylene derivative 126 in
addition to the two isomeric 3-methoxy compounds (125) (equation 48). 3-Methyl-3-
phospholene does not show this reaction under the same conditions' 38. The regioselectiv-
ity of the methoxy group attacking only the C,,, position is also proved by the photolysis
of unsubstituted 2-phospholene. Here only the two isomeric 3-methoxy compounds are
obtained, irrespective of the nature of the alcohol139.The existence of a photochemical
equilibrium between the two exo-methylene compounds 127 and 128 after irradiation in
methanol-d (equation 49) confirms the mechanism described above. If l-phenyl-2-
phospholene is methyl-substituted in the 2- or 2,3-positions no reactions occurs13g.
13. Photochemistry of organophosphorus(II1) compounds 507

(124) (1250) (125b) (126)
R=Me, Et, i -Pr, f -Bu



l,l-Dihalo-A5-phosphorins are easily obtained by irradiation from A3-phosphorins and
molecular halogens. For example, 2,4,6-triphenyl-13-phosphorin (129) reacts with
equimolar amounts of bromine or chlorine to give the dibromide and dichloride,
respectively (130) (equation 5O)l4O.

(129) x x

2,4,6-Triphenylphosphorindoes not react with bromine or chlorine at room tempera-

ture. After irradiation, however, the halogens readily add to the phosphorus atom. The
reaction can be followed by taking samples after finite time intervals and adding an excess
of methanol. By this means from the 1,l-dihalides the strongly fluorescent 1,l-dimethoxy-
2,4,6-triphenyl-15-phosphorinis formed quantitatively. It can be detected by thin-layer
chromatography and thus distinguished from the starting compound. With this method a
whole series of dihalogen phosphorins (131) could be prepared. The more electrons the A3-

R' R'
R1,R2=Ph, p-MeOPh, p-FPh,
p-CIPh, Me,t-Bu, CH2Ph
508 M. Dankowski
phosphorin carries, the faster is the rate of the halogenation reaction. In this reaction and
also in the thermally induced variation, a l-hal0-1~-phosphorinradical is considered to be
the intermediate. The first step could be the formation of a donor-acceptor addition
product, which rearranges slowly to yield the dihalogenated form141.
After irradiation of 2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphosphorin(132)in anhydrous cyclohexane, the
endoperoxide 133 is obtained by eosin-sensitized oxidation with molecular oxygen via a
1,4-addition mechanism (equation 51). The primary product was not isolated but detected

by identification of the subsequent products 134 and 13514’. 2,4,6-Triphenylphosphorin

reacts after photo-oxygenation to give a number of hardly separable products143.

On irradiation or heating of cyclopolyphosphines, insertion into disulphide bonds takes
place144in addition to the formation of l,l’-spirobis(phosphadioxole)144and exchange
of chain members in cyclopolyph~sphines~~~. Phosphinidene is assumed to be an inter-
mediate. The photoreaction between pentamethylpentaphosphine (136)and 2,3-dimeth-
ylbutadiene (137) yields 1,2,4,5-tetramethyltetrahydro-1,2-diphosphorin (138)
(equation 52)146.

P‘- I
I + -
MeHMe hv
Me Me
(136) (137) (138)

Pentaphenylpentaphosphine generates phenylphosphinidene on photoirradiation,

C4.41nonadiene (139)
which forms 2,3,5,7,8-pentaphenyl-1,3,6,9-tetraoxa-5-phosphaspiro
with ben~il’~’.
13. Photochemistry of organophosphorus(II1) compounds 509


The following reaction paths have been discussed for the reaction of cyclopolyphos-
phines with dienesi4’: synchronous or two-step addition offragments R P and R,P, to the
diene; addition of a chain-like diradical to the diene and cyclization after homolysis of a
P-P bond; and addition of the trimeric R,P, molecule to the diene yielding a carbon-
phosphorus diradical, followed by cyclization to a five- or six-membered ring to liberate
R,P, or RP, which may react further.
O n irradiation with sunlight, 1,2,3-tri-tert-butyl- 1,2,3-triphosphetan-4-oneeliminates
carbon monoxide and forms 1,2,3-tri-tert-butylcyclotriphosphine (141) (equation 53)’48.


A similar light-induced co-extrusion is shown by the corresponding five-membered ring



A. Reactions with Unsaturated Compounds

The UV irradiation of a mixture of propene and phosphorus tribromide yields 2-bromo-
1-methylethylphosphorus dibromide with traces of the isomeric 2-bromopropylphos-
phorus dibromide. After thermal initiation, the yield of the latter grows considerably.
The main reaction path is shown in equation 54-57.

PBr, -hv
Br’ + ‘PBr, (54)
Br’ + MeCH-CH, - MeCHCH,Br (55)
+ PBr,
+ MeCH=CH, --

In the same way 1: 1 adducts are obtained by reaction of phosphorus tribromide with
ethylene, hept-2-ene, oct-1-ene and cyclohexene’5 0 . The photochemical initiation of the
510 M. Dankowski
radical chain addition of phosphorus trichloride to olefinic double bonds is more effective
than the peroxide-induced reaction. Both isobutene and vinylcyclohexene react easily' '.
In a similar way, phosphorus halides add to ally1 halide^''^, acetylenic hydrocarbon^'^^,
styrene and phenylacetylene' 54. Whereas reaction of phosphorus tribromide with
iodobenzene readily forms dibromophenylphosphine,' " with benzene only minor
amounts of this product are ~btained''~.
The photoreaction of tetrafluorodiphosphine with ethylene leads to the bidentate ligand
1,2-bis(difluoropho~phino)ethane,'~~ via the equilibrium of the diphosphine and the
difluorophosphine radical' 58*159. Similarly, the reaction proceeds with some unsub-
stituted olefins such as propene, but-2-ene and cyclohexene and with some perflu-
oroalkenes such as tetrafluoroethylene and hexafluoropropene160. Partially fluorinated
alkenes permit the synthesis of 1,2-bis(difluorophosphino)-l-fluoroethane(142), 1,2-
bis(difluorophosphino)l,l-difluoroethane (143) and 1,2-bis(difluorophosphino)-l,l,2-
trifluoroethane (144)161.
I I I t
(143) (144)

By photochemical reaction of phosphorus tribromide (145) with alkyl ethinyl sulphides

(146), the E- and 2-isomers 147 and 148 are obtained (equation 58)16'. Alkoxyethynes



- hY

Br SR Br PBrp

(147) (148)

preferentially generate the E - i ~ o m e r s ' ~In~ .the presence of phosphorus tribromide the
trichlorides react with alkynes to form mainly the pure trichloro compound, a mixed
halide being produced in only minor amounts164.Hexa-2,Cdiyne (149) adds phosphorus
tribromide in a two-step photolysis reaction, primarily to give the enyne compound (150)
then the hexadiene (151) (equation 59)'65.



I CMc -hu

(150) (151)
B. Radiolyses
?-Irradiation of phosphorus trichloride and hydrocarbons leads to successive substi-
tution of the halide groups by organic groups'66. Depending on the intensity of the 6oCo
13. Photochemistry of organophosphorus(II1) compounds 511
source, different product compositions can be obtained. With cyclohexane the following
products were formed'67:
C,H PCI ClC6H 1,PcI,
(C6H1 112 "I),
(C6H I 1
C6H11C1 C6H10(PC12)2
p2c14 (C6H11)2PC1

Experiments have been published showing the dependence of this type of reaction on the
absorbed radiation dose'68. In addition to other organophosphorus compounds,
chlorodiphenylphosphine in hexane has been investigated by pulse radiolysis techni-
que' 69. Using lower temperatures, phosphorus trichloride reacts with cyclohexane to yield
1-chlorocyclohexylphosphorusdichloride. At higher temperatures cyclohexylphosphorus
dichloride and cyclohexenyl chloride are formed in equal amounts. Both reaction paths
follow a radical chain mechanism. The quantum yield lies in the range 102-103
depending on the temperature applied. Using different terminal olefins normally only one
isomer is obtained, which carries the PCI, group in the terminal position; only with
isobutene both isomers are formed. Under these conditions only low yields of PC12-CI
addition products are found using chlorinated olefins; styrene, however, polymerizes
readily'70.' 71. Polymerization of isobutene is feasible at lower temperatures in the liquid
state'". In an autoclave (chloroisobuty1)dichlorophosphineis obtained in addition to
some isobutenyldichlorophosphine and alkyl chlorides173.
y-Irradiation of phosphorus trichloride (152) and cyclohexene (153) at 100 "C and
3-4 rad s - leads to high yields of (2-chlorocyclohexyl)dichlorophosphine(154)
(equation 60). Identical behaviour is shown by cyclopentene, hex-1-ene, hept-1-ene and

(152) (153) (154)

hept-3-ene, whereas with alkylphosphorus dichlorides only products of radical recombin-

ation reactions are obtained'74. Addition of tetrachloromethane, benzene or water has a
positive influence on this reaction, iron(II1) salts partially and copper(1) and copper(I1)
ions fully inhibit the reaction' 75. The addition of phosphorus trichlorides to ethylene at
20-100 "C and 10-50atm yields a mixture of telomeric compounds (155), at 100-200°C
and 10-100 atm, however, the Kharasch product (156) is obtained'76. The activation
energy of the radical-induced addition of PCI, to hept-1-ene has been determined to be 6
+ 0.6 kcal mol- ' 1 7 7 . a-Methyl styrene forms a polymer of relatively low molecular weight
after irradiation at 20 "C, the rate of polymerization being extremely slow. In the presence
of PCI, the rate is markedly enhanced and addition products are not found'78.
Phosphorus trichloride and propene or 2-methylbutene form mixtures of isomers in the
gas phase'79. Irradiation ofPC1, and indene leads to the telomer 155. Using the phosphine
in high excess, other telomers and small amounts of the monomers 156 and 157 are
obtained ''O.
512 M. Dankowski

C. Miscellaneous
EPR studies have been published dealing with the intermediates from reactions of
phosphorus halide^'^'-'^^.


A. Molecule Reactions
Photolysis of trimethyl phosphite (158) at 20°C in the absence of solvents yields
dimethyl methylphosphonate (159), dimethyl phosphite (160) and trimethyl phosphate
(161) in addition to some unreacted starting material (equation 61). The reactions of
triethyl, triisopropyl and tri-n-butyl phosphite follow the same scheme'R5.The dialkyl
alkylphosphonate is the main product in all cases, proving that a photochemical Arbusov
rearrangement takes place. Irradiation of a-ketophosphites (162) leads via an intra-
molecular photoreaction to vinylphosphates (163) (equation 62): again dimethyl phos-
phite is another main product'86. Experiments were carried out to elucidate the reaction
mechanism with deuterated dimethyl allylphosphites. Again an intramolecular reaction
leads to the rearrangement product allylphosphate (164)"'. Rearrangement of the
unsubstituted ally1 product in benzene takes place regiospecifically. After gas-phase
irradiation of trimethyl phosphite with a C O , laser in the presence or absence of air,
phosphate, methane, ethane, methanol, ethanol and P-polymers are forrnedIE8.

0 0

I"-"CH (163)

13. Photochemistry of organophosphorus(II1) compounds 513
B. Reactions with Unsaturated Compounds
The UV irradiation of equimolar mixtures of dialkyl hydrogenthiophosphites and
olefins yields dialkyl alkylthiophosphonates. After formation of a thiophosphite radical
an anti-Markovnikov addition leads to the product. Polymers formed by side reactions
are assumed to be the result of radical transfer reactions. In this way diethyl
hydrogenthiophosphite (165) and cyclohexene (166) form diethyl hexylthiophosphonate
(167) (equation 63)IE9.

Multifunctional unsaturated compounds such as bialkyl, haloolefins and vinyl ethers

react in the same manner190.Diphenyl cyclobutadiene (168) in benzene or tetrahydro-
furan reacts with trimethyl phosphite (169) under irradiation to give the adduct 170 in
quantitative yield (equation 64).This observation can be explained by addition of the
dialkyl phosphite radical formed to the cyclobutenedione or to the diketene (171)
eventually being formed (equation 65)I9l. Diketene reacts with isonitrile to give a five-
membered ring but does not react with phosphite'". After irradiation of dibutyl
phosphite and N,N-dibutyloctamide, N,N-dibutylphosphinooctadecanamide is

phHl - phHo
Ph + (MeOI3P hu


Photoinduced addition reactions of dialkyl phosphites to polyfluorocyclobutenes such

as perfluoro-, 1,2-dichlorotetrafluoro-, 1-chloro-2,3,3,4,4-pntafluoro-, 1,3,3,4,4-
pentafluoro- or 1-chloro-3,3,4,4-tetrafluoro-cyclobuteneyield dehydrogenated 1:1 ad-
ducts. In this way polyfluorocyclobutenyl phosphonates (172) are formed rather than the
direct a d d ~ c t s ' ~ ~ .
514 M. Dankowski



C. Reactions with Aryl and Alkyl Halides

The photoinitiated arylation of phosphites is of considerable importance in the field of
UV-induced reactions of this ~ p e c i e s ' ~ ~For
, ' ~example,
~. photolysis of iodo- and bromo-
benzene in the presence of trialkyl phosphite readily yields dialkyl phenylphosphonates
and phenylene bisphosphonates if the benzene is disubstituted with halide197*198.
3-Bromoiodobenzene (173) and trimethyl phosphite (174) react to form dimethyl (3-
bromopheny1)phosphonate (175) and tetramethylphenylen bisphosphonate (176)
(equation 66). Whereas monosubstituted bromobenzene leads to low yields, disubsti-
tution leads to substantially increased yields. The effect of activation depends on the
substitution pattern198*199. The mechanism of the reaction between iodobenzene and
triphenyl phosphite involves the attack of a phenyl radical on the phosphite molecule
forming a phosphoranyl radical. It follows a one-electron transfer from the latter to an
iodine atom. A quasi-phosphonium salt is formed which reacts immediately to give a
dialkyl phenylphosphonate and an alkyl iodide"'.

Br br

(173) (174) (175) (176)

Investigations included reactions of aryl halides with other substituents. Products

obtained thereby were dimethyl 2,6-dimethyl phenyl-, dimethyl 3,5-dimethoxy-
phenyl-, dimethyl 1-naphthyl-, dimethyl 2-thienyl- and dimethyl 2-f~ryl-phosphonate~'~.
The photolysis of iodobenzene at 60 "Cin a mixture of trimethyl phosphite and dimethyl-
or diethyl-phosphite yields rate constants in accordance with those obtained from the
thermal decay of phenylazotriphenylmethane. From this observation conclusions were
drawn concerning the mechanism of the photo-initiated Arbusov reaction"'.
Thermal reaction of triethyl phosphite (177) and iodotrifluoromethane (178) does not
lead to a product whereas the photoreaction yields diethyl trifluoromethylphosphonate
(179) (equation 67)203.Diethyl pentafluorophenylphosphonate is obtained in a similar
manner. In contrast to oxidation with N,O,, the UV irradiation of eq-5-tert-butyl-ax-2-
methoxy-1,3-dioxane (180) in the presence of iodobenzene (181) yields the trans-isomer
(182) as the main product (equation 68)'04.
13. Photochemistry of organophosphorus(II1) compounds 515

(Et0)SP + CFjI
hv II
(Et0)ZPCFs (67)

(180) (181) (182)

An important intermediate in the formation of 1,2-bis(methylphosphino)-, 1,2-
bis(dimethy1phosphino)-and 1,2-bis(2-propylphosphino)-benzene is 1,2-bis(methoxy-
phosphoryl)benzene, which is feasible from reaction between 1,2-dichlorobenzene and
trimethyl phosphiteZo5.Triethyl phosphite and tetrachloromethane only react to a limited
extent to give a mixture of diethyl trichloromethylphosphonate, tetraethyl dichlorometh-
yldiphosphonate and hexaethyl chloromethyltriphosphonatezo6.Triisobutyl phosphite
(183) and trifluoroiodomethane (184) react after irradiation to form diiso-butyl trifluoro-
methylphosphonate (185) (equation 69)'07.

(i-BuO),P + CF,I
(183) (184)

After irradiation in liquid ammonia, potassium dialkylphosphites react with aryl

iodides to form dialkyl arylphosphonates, presumably by an S,,1 mechanismzo8.Kinetic
and mechanistic studies have been performed on this reactionzog. The reaction of m-
bromoiodobenzene and m-chloroiodobenzene with diethylphosphite anion leads to
monosubstituted products (186) where only the iodine has been replaced, and further to
disubstituted products (187). The quantitative proportions of products depend on the
concentrations of the substrateszlO-zlz. The ortho compounds show analogous
b e h a v i o ~ r ~ 'Use
~ . of dibromomethane leads via a Michaelis-Becker reaction to
methylenebisphosphonates2'4*215.Potassium 0,O-diethylphosphite (188) reacts with
iodobenzene (189) after irradiation to form 0,O-diethyl phenylthiophosphonate (190)
nearly quantitatively (equation 70). The corresponding diamide form N,N,N',N'-
tetramethylphenylphosphondiamide(191)" '. Using bromobenzene instead of iodoben-
zene markedly decreases the reaction rate.
FP(OEt)2 II y P ( O E t ) 2 A

X=Br,CI,F 0
(186) (187)
516 M. Dankowski
(Et012PSK + PhI

/ \ NMe2

D. Reactions with Oxygen

Trialkyl phosphites are well known reagents for deoxygenation reactions, e.g. for
oxiranes, diaroyl peroxides, N-oxides and nitroso compounds, which form the corre-
sponding trialkylphosphates. A direct synthesis is possible under UV irradiation in the
presence of oxygen. In this way the corresponding phosphates are generated from tri(2-
chloropropylfphosphite, triethyl phosphite, benzyldiethyl phosphite, triallyl phosphite,
tri(2-chloroethyl) phosphite and triisobutyl phosphite’”. The exothermic photo-
oxidation of tertiary phosphites using dry air or oxygen follows a free-radical mechanism,
indicated by the fact that hydroquinone inhibits the reaction218-219. This could be
confirmed for many trialkyl phosphites, with the exception of triphenyl and phenyldi(2-
ethylhexyl) phosphite. Dialkyl phosphites, however, cannot be photo-oxygenated”’.
While trialkyl phosphites (192) are readily oxygenated to the phosphates (193)
(equation 71), the reaction with cyclic phosphites is more complex.’’’ The reaction of the
bicyclic compound 194 is facile, whereas the monocyclic compounds 195 and 196 give only
small yields. Kinetic studies on the dye-sensitized (rose bengal, methylene blue) photo-
oxidation of trialkyl phosphites have been published. The course of the reaction was
demonstrated by a Stern-Volmer plot of the p-carotene q u e n ~ h i n g ~ ” - ~ ~ ~ .

(AlkO),P + O 2 5(AIkO),PO (71)

(192) (193)

Me@ P-0-Ph P-0-Ph

E t e > 0’

(194) (195) (196)

E. Reactions with Other Compounds

Under UV irradiation in the presence of trialkyl phosphites (R = i-Pr, Me, Et, t-BuCH,,
CF,CH,, PhCH,), 5a-cholestan-3p-01-nitrite can be transformed into the corresponding
phosphate (197). The selectivity of this carefully performed phosphorelation may be
demonstrated by the synthesis of the sterically hindered species 198 224.
13. Photochemistry of organophosphorus(II1) compounds 517

(197) (198)

In contrast to the thermally induced reaction, the photoreaction of isobutyl disulphide

with triethyl phosphite leads nearly quantitatively to the sulphide and some thionophos-
hate^^'. Analogously thiols are desulphurized226. The reaction mechanism can be
understood primarily in terms of the attack of an alkyl radical on the S-H bond
(equation 72-74)227.
RS’ + P(OEt), -
-+ RSP(OEt), (72)
R’ + HSR - R‘
+ RS-
Photolysis of dimethyl(pr0pan-2-onyl)phosphite (199) in cyclohexene (200) yields some

phosphorous acid (201J and the p-hydroxy compound 202, the latter being generated from

an intermediate via a photo-Arbusov reaction186.
OH 0
MoCCH~OP(OMO)~ + hv
(MeO);?PH + I II
(199) (200) (201)


Triethyl phosphite undergoes isomerization to diethyl phosphite and diethyl ethylphos-
phonate when photolyzed in the presence of acetonitrileZzR.Photolysis of chloroacetone
and triethyl phosphite leads to vinyl phosphate, keto phosphonate, triethyl phosphate,
diethyl ethylphosphonate, chloroethane and biacetonyl. The reaction between the first
two products depends on the kind of substitution in the acetone starting material2”.
Using bromotrichloromethane (203), triethyl phosphite (204)and butanethiol(205) good
yields of S-butyl diethylphosphorothioate are obtained (206) (equation 76). Changing the
halide substitution decreases the yield of the productz30. The photoreaction of bis(m-
carhoran-9-y1)- and bis(p-carboran-2-yl)-mercury with trimethyl phosphite leads to
dimethyl P-carboranylpho~phonates~~~. The phosphoranyl radical formed initially adds

BrCCI, + (EtOI3P + n-BUSH

(Et0)2P-Sn-Bu (76)

(203) (204) (205) (206)

518 M.Dankowski
readily to the oxygen atom of 3,6-di-tert-butyl-o-benzoquinonez3z. After reaction of a
diazo-l,3,-dione (207) with dimethyl phosphite (208) in the presence of copper sulphate, 2-
phospho-substituted 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds (209) are obtained (equation 77). The
corresponding thiono compounds are accessible in the same wayz3’.


The photochemical deoxygenation of aromatic nitro compounds with triethyl phos-

leads to the formation of triethyl phosphate and triethyl N-arylphosphorimidate
(Z10)23s.Depending on the substitution pattern, the product ratio can change. Ortho-
alkyl-substituted nitrobenzenes generate pyridines or azepines via rearrangement of the
initial nitrene species236.


F. Radiolyses
Irradiation of triethyl phosphite with 6oCoy-radiation yields ethanol, diethyl phosphite,
triethyl phosphate and diethyl ethylphosph~nate~~’. Pulse radiolysis in methanol leads to
phosphoranyl radicals238. After reaction of dialkyl phosphites (211) with hexaflu-
oropropene (212), a phosphonate (213) and phosphinate (214) are obtained2”. The best
yields are obtained working in the range of 20-35 Mrad.

0 0
(RO),POH + CF,CF=CF, - hv It
(211) (212) (213) (214)
R = Me, Et, i-Pr (78)
Radiolysis of dimethyl, diethyl and diisopropyl phosphite in the presence of vinyl
acetate leads to the 1:1 or the 1:2 adduct, whereas trimethyl phosphite adds to ally1 acetate
13. Photochemistry of organophosphorus(II1) compounds 5 19
only in a 1:l relation240.The “Co-initiated addition ofdibutyl phosphite to the terminal
or internal double bonds of the monounsaturated amines of fatty acids yields the
respective dibutylphosphonamides. Typical products are N,N-dibutyl-9( 10)-dibutylphos-
phonooctadecanamide, N-(9(1O)-dibutylphosphonooctadecanoyl)-2,6-dimethylmor-
pholine and N-(9(l0)-dibutylphosphonooctadecanoyl)-N’-methy~pipera~ine~~~.
Studies on the radiochemically induced Michaelis- Arbusov reaction have been
performed using trialkyl phosphites and phenyl halides. By this method the following
phosphonates were obtained: dimethyl phenyl-, diethyl phenyl-, diisopropyl phenyl-,
dimethyl p-chlorophenyl-, dimethyl p-toluyl-, dimethyl m-chlorophenyl- and dimethyl 2-
thiophenyl-phosphonate. The G values for the radiation of phenylphosphonates
derived from aryl halides and trialkyl phosphites are comparable to those of the tetra-
phenylphosphonium salts from triphenylphosphines and halobenzenes. The yields based
on chloroiodo- or iodo-benzene are much higher than those for the formation of
phosphonium iodide. Presumably the Michaelis-Arbusov reaction proceeds as a chain
reaction. This is not the case, however, if halogen-substituted pyridines are
Phosphite radicals generated by y-radiolysis react with disulphides such as lipoic acid or
penicillic amine with electron transfer. The amino radical 215 is also capable of reducing
tetranitromethane (216) splitting off one NO, molecule to form the anion 217 and
metaphosphoric acid (218) (equation 79)

+ C(NO,),
+ HPO,

G . Miscellaneous
Phosphites take part in many photochemical processes acting as promoter or catalysts.
The photochemical desulphurization of tetrathiaC3.31naphthalenophane (219) with
triethyl phosphite generates the triple-layered C2.23naphthalenophane 220

Aliphatic phosphites show a promoting effect on the radical addition of hydrogen
sulphide to propene. The impact of various parameters such as solvents, interactions and
products and the mechanism have been extensively d e s ~ r i b e d ’ ~ ~ - UV
’ ~ ~irradiation
. of
4,5-diphenyl-1,3-dithiol-2-thionein the presence of triethyl phosphite and acetonitrile
520 M. Dankowski
leads to the formation of tetraphenyltetrathiofulvalene (221). The photochemically
induced electron transfer of the phosphite to the thionodithiol accelerates the coupling’49.
The photohydroxylation of aromatic compounds with oxygen is also feasible in the
presence of trialkyl phosphites using substrates such as benzene, halobenzenes, toluene
and anisoleZs0.The formation and reactions of phosphoranyl radical^^^^-*^^, quenching
of exited states94and ESR s t ~ d i e s ’ ~ ~of- radicals
~ ~ ’ generated from phosphites have also
been described.

Ph Ph

The reaction of dialkylphosphinous acid with cyclohexane in the presence of chlorine as a
radical initiator leads to the formation of a cyclohexyldialkylphosphineoxide under UV
irradiation266.The anion of diphenylphosphinous acid (222) acts as a nucleophilic
phosphanion and forms triphenylphosphine oxide (224) by reaction with phenyl iodide
(223) or bromide in ammonia (equation 81)2’6.

The photoreaction of diethylphosphinous acid with pentamethylvinylcyclotrisiloxane

and heptamethylvinylcyclotetrasiloxane proceeds with ring cleavage to linear siloxane
groups. Addition reactions to the vinyl groups are observed sim~ltaneously’~~.

The anion of the 0-butylphenylphosphonousacid (225)reacts under UV irradiation with
bromo- and iodo-benzene (226) by an S,,1 mechanism to give butyl diphenylphosphinate
(227) in high yields (equation 82). The reaction rate is considerably slower when dmso is
used as a solvent instead of

PhP(0Bu)O- + PhI - \/

/ \
+ I-

(225) (226) (227)

Methanephosphonous isobutyrate reacts with acetylene under an inert gas atmosphere

to give ethane-1,2-di(methylphosphinoicisobutyrate) (228). Analogously, the following
13. Photochemistry of organophosphorus(II1) compounds 52 1
esters can be used: methyl, ethyl, propyl, n-butyl, isobutyl and 2-chloroethyl esters, and
ethanephosphonous acid dodecyl, propanephosphonous acid hexadecyl, benzenephos-
phonous acid isobutyl, ethylbenzenephosphonous acid isobutyl, benzylphosphonous
acid isobutyl, phenylethylphosphonous acid isobutyl, and naphthalenephosphonous
acid isobutyl esters268.
The hypophosphite anion reacts in a way similar to the well known desulphurization
with the corresponding P(I11)-compounds. For instance, cystine is reduced to cysteine
after UV irradiation. The mechanism is based on the attack of a thiyl radical by the enolic
form of H 2 P 0 2- 269. Under y-irradiation the alkylphosphines react with perfluoropro-
Reduction and/or photolysis of bis(2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenyl)phosphonousacid
chloride (229) and O,O-bis(4-methyl-2,6-di-tert-butylphenyl)phenylphosphonite (230)
leads to the formation of R P and R O radicals, respectivelyz5’. A diamide of the
phosphonous acid, (trimethylsilyl) [bis(diisopropylamino)phosphino]diazomethane (231),
in the presence of trimethylchlorosilane or dimethylamine or dimethyl sulphoxide, gives
the products 232-234 (equation 83)270.


. R2N


hu MIzNH
- Nz

\P-C -S iMe3


O n photolysis of azidobis(diisopropy1amino)phosphine(235), several adducts (236-240)
are formed, presumably derived from the intermediate nitrilo-A5-phosphine (equation 84).
The stabilization of the intermediate is confirmed by the fact that no Curtius rearrange-
522 M. Dankowski
ment is observed, in contrast to the reaction with tetra- or penta-coordinated phosphorus
azidesZ7l. At lower temperatures the nitrilophosphine dimerizes and formation of
diazadiphosphete (241) is detectedz7’. By steric effects the isopropylamino group causes
the possible Staudinger reaction to be suppressed, which could lead to
[(RzN)2PN),z73*274. On the other hand, its low migration ability prevents the formation
of a tricoordinated L5-phosphine, RzNP(=NR,)275*276.

R = i-Pr


The trimer hydridopentaminocyclotriphosphazene(242) is obtained after photolysis of

the azide 235 in deuterobenzene, whereas the corresponding hexamine is not formedz77.
Trimethylsilylazide reacts with the azide 235 in a photoinitiated Staudinger reaction to
give the iminophosphinazide 243, which is not generated by thermal initiation277.
Formation of an intermediate nitrilophosphine is confirmed by the fact that a 1,2-addition
reaction takes place and by ab initio calculations which show a relationship between
nitrenes and nitriles stemming from delocalization of the solitary electron pairs n,(P)
+ p,(N) and n,(N) + d,(P)’T8.
13. Photochemistry of organophosphorus(II1) compounds 523

(i-Pr )ZN,~/NS~M~J

/ \
(i-Pr)pN‘ ’NJ



In addition to the desulphurization of thianaphthalenophane (219)244a number of
examples of this type of reaction are known. 2,13-Dithia[3.3](2,6)biphenylenophane
(214),generated from the reaction of 2,6-bis(bromomethyl)biphenylenewith the disodium
salt of 2,6-dimercaptobiphenylene,is desulphurized after photolysis in the presence of
trimethyl phosphite to give monothiabiphenylenophane (245) and biphenylenophane
(246)(equation 85)”’. The biphenylenonaphthalenophanes are obtained in the same

(244) (245)

Cyclophanes are also formed by photolytical deselenation and ring contraction using
hexamethylphosphorous triamide. The proudct yields are higher when photolytically
induced deselenation is used than by using the Stevens rearrangement which employs
hydrogenation and flash pyrolysis of diselenocyclophanes. They also exceed those
obtained by photodesulphurization of the corresponding thia derivative^^^^-^^^ or those
using thermal desulphonation of cyclic d i s u l p h o n e ~ ~ ~ ~ .
In addition to the photochemically induced monodesulphurization of cystine by
h y p o p h o ~ p h i t e ~ ~these
’ * ~ ~methods
~, have been employed for other disulphidic bonded
peptides such as insulin, glutathione, lysozyme and plasma albuminzB6.The photoinduced
524 M. Dankowski
chain reaction of phosphonate and hydrogen peroxide is initiated by interaction of the
products from water radiolysis with hydrogen peroxide and p h o s p h ~ r u s ( I I I )The
chain propagation reaction consists of two steps and termination is induced by
recombination or disproportionation of the radicals. The photoaddition of hydrogen
sulphide to alkenes is (among others) catalyzed by tricyclic phosphorus(II1) compounds
such as 247. Further, the reaction of dodec-1-ene with hydrogen sulphide to give
dodecanethiol is performed in a mixture of xanthone and tributyl phosphite". The
photochemical reduction of uranyl ions is obtained using triphenylphosphine or the
corresponding compounds of arsenic, antimony and b i s m ~ t h ~. Ki ~ netic
~ - ~studies
~ ' were
performed on tri-p-t~lylphosphine~~~, 1,2-ethylenebis(diphenylphosphine)and but-1,4-

R=H, halo, alkoxy,alkyl,aryl


1. (a) A. Schonberg, Priipararive Oryanische Photochernie, Springer, Berlin, Gottingen, Heidelberg,
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stry, 2nd ed., Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1968.
2. D. Bryce-Smith, Photochemistry, Vols I-Chemical Society, London, 1969-.
3. M. Dankowski, Chem. Ztg., 108, 303 (1984).
4. A. R. Stiles, F. F. Rust and W. E. Vaugham, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 74, 3282 (1952).
5. R. S. Davidson, Organophosphorus Chemistry, Vols 1-, Chemical Society, London, 1970-.
6. M. L. Kaufman, Diss. Abstr. B. 27,2295 (1967); University Microfilms, Ann. Arbor, MI, Order
NO. 66- 13874.
7. T. J. Katz, J. C. Carnahan, C. James, Jr, G. M. Clarke and N. Action, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 92,734
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stry Symposium 1981, 1983, p. 53.

Free-radical reactions of
organophosphorus (111)
Department of Chemistry, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 841 12, USA

I. BACKGROUND.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
111. SOME SELECTED RATE CONSTANTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
A. Radicals with PZ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
B. u- and /?-Scission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
STEREOCHEMISTRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541
A. Structural and Geometric Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542
B. Recent Experimental Structural Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544
C. Permutational Isomerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547
D. Stereochemistry of Formation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
E. Stereochemistries of u- and /?-Scissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
F. Overall Stereochemistries of Reactions at Phosphorus . . . . . . . . . . 554
A. Ketones, Quinones and Thioketones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
B. Alkenes.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
VIII.REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563

A number of reactions occur when free radicals are generated in the presence of tricovalent
phosphorus compounds, as illustrated by reactions 1-3. The subject has been reviewed
several times'. The last comprehensive summary articles appeared in 1979l' and 19831b
(coverage through early 1981) at the peak of activity in the area. A more specialized
review was published in 1982'. The emphasis in those reviews was on the phosphoranyl
radicals, 1-3, which are indeed intermediates in many such reactions. The 1983 review
contained a compilation of ESR data for most of the great number of radicals of this
type characterized by ESR. This chapter is not intended to repeat in an exhaustive way
The Chemistry of Organophosphorus Compounds, Volume 1
Edited by F. R. Hartley 0 1990 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
532 W. G . Bentrude
what has been compiled previously. Instead, an overview of the factors controlling the
products of the overall reactions will be given, including a limited discussion of rates of
specific reactions. Reactions in which the intact phosphoranyl radical is trapped will
then receive some coverage. A look at the highlights of the structures and permutational
processes of phosphoranyl radicals and the stereochemical aspects of reactions in which
they are involved will follow. Next, some photochemical processes in which phosphoranyl
1,3-biradical species may be intermediates will be discussed. Finally, useful applications
of the reactions of free radicals with tricovalent phosphorus derivatives to the develop-
ment of antioxidants and in synthesis will be highlighted. More thorough coverage will
be given throughout to recent work.
A great deal of direct and indirect evidence can be cited for the intermediacy of
phosphoranyl radicals in these processes'. However, it is by no means sure that they lie on
the major reaction pathway in all cases. For example, when R' * is fairly stable, reaction 2
may well be a concerted process. These reactions are, however, most easily discussed in
terms of 1-3 and similar intermediates, and we shall do so throughout this chapter.
RO' + P(OEt), - ROP(OEt),
-+ R' O=P(OEt), (1)

RO' + R'P(OEt), - ROP(OEt),R'
- ROP(OEt), + R" (2)

Free-radical Arbuzov:
Ph' + P(OEt), -PhP(OEt),
- PhP(O)(OEt), Et' + (3)

Although reactions 1-3 are very representative of the processes available to free radicals
and tricovalent phosphorus molecules, not all potential combinations of radicals and
phosphorus-containing reactants lead to net reaction. In fact, the formation of isolable
product is dependent on the structures of both the reactant radical and the phosphorus-
containing partner.
Tricovalent phosphorus compounds also undergo loss of an electron to yield radical ions,
Z3P+', which themselves undergo reactions, particularly additions to nucleophiles.
Reduction can give Z,P-'. These redox topics will not be reviewed here.


Another view of processes 1--3 is given by the reactions in equation 4. Reactions 4a
involves an alkoxy radical which forms a very strong bond to phosphorus in the

ROP(0Et)z + X'
14. Free-radical reactions of organophosphorus(111) 53.3
intermediate phosphoranyl radical. The process is irreversible, rate determining and
nearly diffusion controlled. Variations in the competion between steps 4b and 4c, and
thereby the relative amounts of oxidation and substitution, are determined primarily by
changes in the relative stabilities of R' and X'1.2.
As indicated, reaction 4c is sometimes reversible, and the reaction of X' with
ROP(OEt), can potentially lead to the free-radical Arbuzov process (reaction 3). With
X'= Ph', the Ph-P bond is relatively strong, and addition (reaction 4c) is then
irreversible. Correspondingly, no substitution accompanies reaction 4b when X = Ph, i.e.
no ROP(OEt), is formed3. Other radicals for which addition is rapid and probably
irreversible include RS4, Mc,S~O'~,BzOa6, F.', (EtO),P(0)0.8, X,P+" and perhaps
(Me3Si),N"o. Evidence for the reversibility of addition of RS' to (RO),P has been
presented". However, it is difficult to see how the reaction can be so rapid (see below), and
presumably exothermic, and still be reversible. Examples of relatively clean substitution
reactions include are shown in equation 5 l 2 . l 3 . When X = CI about equal amounts of
substitution and oxidation occur. With X = O R and Ph, only oxidation results. The
difference between X = RO, Ph and CI and the remainder of X can be seen by comparing
the werage bond strengths (D)for the series of corresponding PX,. Thus, D ( P X , )
decreases in the order P(OR), > PCI, = PPh, > P(OPh), > P(NMe,), > PR,. (Compil-
ations and discussions of bond energies have appeared elsewhere;see Chapter 5 and refs l a
and If.)
t-RuO' + (EtO),PX - r-BuOP(OEt), + X'
X = Me, Et, t-Bu, benzyl, n-Bu,N, PhO, OP(OEt),

The ordering of these bond energies can also be used to rationalize the fact that whereas
Ph', which adds irreversibly to P(OR),, gives an efficient formation of phenylphospho-
nate (reaction 3). Me',, Et.', and Me,N'3b414add to tricovalent phosphorus reversibly
and only give a product when a benzyloxy group, which undergoes [kxission relatively
rapidly, is present (reaction 6). This is in spite of the fact that free-radical Arbuzov
processes are 40-50 kcal mql-' exothermic '. Indeed, ESR evidenceI3 for the
reversible formation of MeP(OEt),, but not Et' when Me' is generated in the presence of
the phosphite, has been presented. The idea that (Me,Si),N"', (EtO),P(0)0'8 and BzOe6
also add to phosphorus irreversibly is based on the fact that all three give Arbuzov
reactions (ESR evidence) in which radicals no more stable than Et' or t-Bu' are formed on
C-0 /hission.
PhCH,OP(OEt), +X ' G PhCH, P(OEt),
- X
0 = P(OEt)2 PhCH,' (6)

Not unexpectedly, then, the use of PhCH,O' in reaction 4 results in an increased

proportion of oxidation. The /l-scission/a-scission ratio (observed oxidation/substitution
ratio) with benzyloxy radical as reactant decreases in the order X = PhO > n-Bu,N > Me
> Et > t-Bu > PhCH, as is consistent with an increasing rate of a-scission". In general,
the ease of /?-scission decreases in the order PhCH,O > CH,=CHCH,O > t-BuO > i-
P r o > sec-BuO > c-C5ii,o> EtO > Me0'2.'3.'R-22. In keepingwith therelativeweakness
of the C-S bond, reaction of RS' with a series of XP(OEt), gives almost entirely sulfur
transfer (oxidation) when the P-X bond is relatively strong". However, on reaction of a
series of alkylphosphonites, RP(OEt),, with different R'S', both oxidation [RP(S)(OEt),]
and substitution [R'SP(OEt),] products result in ratios which are predictable from the
relative stabilities of R' and R''23. Illustrative of the greater amount of oxidation using
thiyl rather than alkoxyl radicals is the finding that although with EtP(OEt), even
PhCH,O' gives nearly complete Et' displacement, i-PrS' yields about two thirds
534 W. G. Bentrude
The above ordering of average bond strengths is also useful in understanding the ease
with which reaction 7 occurs. Thus X' which form stronger bonds to phosphorus readily
displace those Z more weakly bonded. For the series RO, PhO, R,N, R, any group Z in the
series can be displaced by any one to the left of it functioning as X*14.
X' + ZP(OEtI2 'b(OEt), XP(OEtI2 + Z' (7)
The irreversible and reversible bond formations discussed constitute two cases of
reactivities of free radicals. A third case involves radicals too stable or weakly bonding to
tricovalent phosphorus to be reactive under any circumstances. For example, PhCH,', t -
Bu' and i-Pf do not undergo reactions 6 and 73b*'4(see, however, the next paragraph).
These three kinds of reactivitiesare depicted diagrammatically in Figure 1. Placing all the
phosphoranyl radical intermediates at the same energy is, of course, an oversimplification.
In fact, modification in the structure of the phosphorus-containing reactant can strongly
affect the reactivity of a given radical. For instance, both Me," and Et' give Arbuzov
reactions with PhP(OEt), but not with (Et0)3P3b.'4,and even relatively stable, sterically

Case I ZbX, formolion srolh8rmic,

.ore I Case11 ZbX, formolion reversible,
reaction dependa on r o l e s of
both st8ps
Co$eIII First s l a p too slow

/ Oxidation and rodicol

Dirplac.mrnl Arbuzov products
produclr \ \

RPOP/* + Y'

R*oction coordinale

FIGURE I. EfTect of thermodynamics of phosphoranyl radical formation on overall reactivity.

Reprinted with permission from Acc. Chem. Res., 15,117 (1982).Copyright (1982)American Chemical
14. Free-radical reactions of organophosphorus(111) 535
bulky t-Bu' and i-Pf do the same with Ph,POEt24*25.As will be noted later, both of the
intermediate phosphoranyl radicals in these reactions are probably ligand-n radicals with
the odd electron in the phenyl ring system. They may be more stable than RP(OEt), or
Me,NP(OEt), and may even be formed irreversibly.
Several estimates of the thermodynamics of phosphoranyl radical formation have been
made on the basis of average bond strengths, product studies and ESR-derived equilibrium
data. By combining the measured enthalpy change ofequation 826with the approximately
17 kcal mol-' exothermicity of the displacement of Me' from MeP(OR), by RO', the
addition of t-BuO' to MeP(OR), can be estimated to be at least 20kcalmol-.'
ex other mi^^^.^^. Similarly, it was possible to estimate that the addition of Ph' to (RO),P is
10-15 kcal mol- ' ex other mi^^^. Photoacoustic measurements have shown27reaction 9 to
be favored enthalpically by 13.6 3.8 kcal mol- ' 27. This technique also gave27 a heat of
reaction for process 10 of 24 f 2 kcal mol- '. Thus, the addition of alkoxy radicals is
uniformly exothermic. The reaction with Ph,P, perhaps surprisingly, does not seem to be
more favorable than that with n-Bu,P even though the former yields the potentially more
stable, ligand-K type as mentioned above. One measurement of this type was made in the
gas phase. The addition of fluorine atoms to PF, was estimated7 to be exothermic by
92 kcal mol - '.
Me' P(OR), MeP(OR), (8)

t-BuO' -
AH"= -7kcalmol-', R=i-Pr
+ Ph3P Ct-BuPPh,]'

+ n-Bu3P
AHo = - 13.6 k 3.8 kcal mol
-24 k 2 kcal mol-

The irreversibility of the reactions of RO' with phosphite triesters was demonstrated

chemically early in the research on such systems when it was shown that I3C-labeled t -
BuO' failed to be incorporated into (t-BuO),P (equation 11)28.
t-Bu*O' + P(0Bu-t), r)t t-Bu*OP(OBu-t), t-BuO' + t-Bu*OP(OBu-t), (1 1)
The equilibrium of equation 8 responds to the steric size of RZ6.Although polar effects
on the very rapid reactions of t-BuO' with a series of ArP(OEt), could not be detected3b,
the less reactive t-BuOO' oxidized a series of PX, with rate constants correlated by
U* (p* = -0.75)29.
It has been reported-" that the ESR signal strength of phosphoranyl radicals formed on
photolysis of t-BuOOBu-t in the presence of trialkyl and methyldialkyl phosphites is very
sensitive to the steric size of the alkoxy groups and gives no signal at all in some cases. A
stereoelectronic effect on the degree of hindrance exhibited by a heteroatom-containing
side-chain also was noted. By contrast, a series of dimethylalkyl phosphites showed no
variation in signal intensities. These results were supported by product studies in some
instances. I t is surprising that irreversible reactions so nearly diffusion controlled in rate
should exhibit important steric effects.
An unusual test of selectivity was provided by reaction 12 in which the tert-butoxy
radical added to the phosphite moeity rather than to the phosphine functionality3 A '.
similar selectivity was seen on reaction of the same substrate with the carboranyl radical
generated on photolysis of (C,H,,Bl,),B32.
Figure 1 and Figure 2 (taken from ref. 2) make it clear that the reverse of /Lscission is
thermodynamically and kinetically unfavorable. The overall oxidation reactions are over
50 kcal mol- ' exothermic. Ifthe formation of the phosphoranyl radical on addition of RO'
536 W. G. Bentrude

is 25 kcal mol- exothermic, then the reverse of p-scission must be at least 25 kcal mol-'
endothermic. Interestingly, evidence has been presented which was interpreted initially in
terms of process 1333.This is totally inconsistent with known energetics. More recently, a
lower energy phosphoranyl radical-like transition state, rather than an actual intermedi-

ROP(0EI)z + CI'

ROP(0Et)z + Et'

ROP(OEt)2 + PhCH2'

t El'

+ t-Bu'

+ PhCH;

FIGURE 2. Estimated heats of reactions of various phosphoranyl radical processes. Reprinted with
permission from Acc. Chem. Rex, 15, 117 (1982). Copyright (1982) American Chemical Society.
14. Free-radical reactions of organophosphorus(111) 537
ate, has been assigned to these processes34.

/I (13)
R- + o=P(oR'), --+ ROP(ORO, ROP(OR'), + R'-

Further evidence has been provided3' that the reaction of CCI, with triethyl phosphite
has a major component which is ionic, by way of [C13C]- [CIP(OEt),]+, and a minor one
involving addition of C1,C' to phosphorus, which was increased by UV light or the
addition of azobisisobutyronitrile (aibn). A single electron-transfer mechanism for C13C'
formation was ruled out.


A. Radicals with Pi!,

Second-order rate constants, k, (1 mol-' s-'), have been measured for the irreversible
reaction of individual radicals and representative PZ,. Values in the range 8.1 x 108-5.1
x lo9 were found for the oxidative additions of RO' to (EtO),P, Ph,P, Et,P and
PhP(OMe), at room t e m p e r a t ~ r e ~Laser
~ . ~ ~flash
. photolysis measurements36aof the
reactions of RO' with (EtO),P and PhP(OEt), confirmed the earlier rate constants
determined by ESR. For the reaction of Ph' with (MeO),P, k , is 3.5 x lo8 at 45 0C3b937. A
recent estimate puts k , for RS' + (EtO),P at 3.1 x lo8 at 25 0C38.The addition of t-BuOO'
to (MeO),P has a k , at 178 K of only 1 1 mol- ' s - ' 29.

B. a-and fi-Scission
A large number of ESR and laser flash plotolysis-transient optical spectroscopic
experiments have yielded rate constants for a- and 1-scission. Kinetic parameters for key
processes are given in Table 1. The principle that both processes are aided by the forma-
tion of a relatively stable radical is evident. Ethyl radical is less readily formed on 1-scission
than is tert-butyl (cases 1 and 2). The same effect can be seen in cases 8 and 9 and also 12
and 13 giving a-scission. The much greater rate of a-scission compared with /?-scission in
general is evident when both processes could emanate from the same phosphoranyl
radical. Evidently the transition state for /?-scission is characterized by a large degree of
C - 0 bond cleavage but does not benefit from the stability which would result if P-0
bond formation were well advanced.
The most recent technique applied to these systems is laser flash photolysis-ESR
(case lb), in which decay of t-BuOP(OEt), is observed under conditions such that radical-
radical reactions are unimportant3'. The rate constant determined at 293 K agrees well
with that determined by optical monitoring of the radicals (case la), but the activation
parameters differ slightly.
Both a- and b-scission are slowed when the group which would undergo scission is part
of a five-membered ring. Thus reactions 1SZ6and 1726are retarded in their five-membered
ring counterparts, which undergo processes 14,' and 1626*42instead. Attachment of a tert-
butoxy group to phosphorus contained in a five-membered ring also sloys the formation
of tert-butyl radicals by a factor of four at 213 K compared with t-BuOP(OEt), (case 1 b,
Table 1).
Even alkyl substitution on the five-membered ring fails to bring about /?-scissionexcept
at higher temperatures4,. Thus 6,formed from the hydridophosphorane on reaction with
t-BuO', gives no evidence of 1-scission at 45 "C. However, at 130 "C a chain reaction
ensues (equation 18) to give a stable, ring-opened trialkyl phosphate from a chain-transfer
TABLE 1. Rates of selected a-and /?-scission processes

Scission E,
Case Radical process log A (s- ') (kcal mol- ') k(s-')(temp., K) Ref.

la t-BuOP(OEt), B 11.5 f0.5 8.2 f0.5 3.4 x 105 (300) 36a

lb t-BuOP(OEt), B 12.9 f 0.5 10.0 f 0.5 2.8 x lo5 (293) 39
2 (EtO),P B 12.9 13.0 0.4 (2 13) 13
3 [t-BuOPPh(OEt),]' B 12.4 8.5 1.5 x lo6 (300) 36a
4 [t-BuOPPh,OMe]' B 12.0 8.6 5.2 x 105 (300) 36a
5 [t-BuOPPhJ' B 11.7 12.1 7.8 x lo2 (300) 36b
6 ( ~ -B u O ) , PO C H~C H ~ O B 5.5 105 (303) 36a
7 t-BuO(Me,SiO)POCH,CH,O B 10.8 8.5 4.0 104 (300) 36a
8 t-BuOPMe, a 32.3 (173) 26
9 t-BuOP(Bu-n), a 12.7 5.8 2.9 x I O U (300) 36a
2.3 x lo5 (173) 36a
10 (t-BuO),P(NMe,)z a 14.2 0.5 10.8 f0.5 3.4 (173) 26
11 t-BuOP(QEt),Et a 630 (173) 58c
12 (t-BuO)zP(Et)z a 11.5 11 0.0082 (173) 40
13 (t-BuO)2P(CH,CH=CH,), a 10.7 6.7 180 (173) 40
14. Free-radical reactions of organophosphorus (111) 539

N NMe2
k -0.073
173 K
(>POBu-t + MeZN'


c)( -
k = 400
173 K

+ t-Bu' (16)
0 OBu-t


+ 50% ring p-scission

OBu-t 0 OBU-t (17)

50% 50% + t-Bu'

reaction of 7 with the hydridoph~sphorane~~. The stabilizing effect of a five-membered

ring is useful if reactions of the intact phosphoranyl radical are of interest.

Consistent with the above is the remarkable retarding effect on a-scission of placement
of the oxygen of an incipient phenoxy radical in a ring45.Phosphite 8 undergoes exclusive
oxidation to the phosphate on reaction with t-BuO' at 50 "C (no ring-opening a-scission).
If i-Pr is replaced, however, by a 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenylgroup, the latter is
displaced. Phosphite 10 gives an a/j? scission ratio of 2: 1. For 9 and 11the a/j? ratios are 1:2
and 1:4.
540 W. G . Bentrude

)oPr -i


Phenyl substituents may retard a-scission since (n-PrPhMePOBu-t)‘ undergoes

exclusive b - s c i ~ s i o nThe
~ ~ . measured rates of b-scission do not appear to be increased by
phenyl substituents (see Table 1). The decomposition of case 5 is in fact slower than, for
example, cases 1 and 2.


In addition to scission, phosphoranyl radicals formed via oxidative addition or from
pentacovalent phosphorus precursors can undergo reactions in which they are trapped as
intact entities. Much of the evidence for these processes is spectroscopic. Thus, at relatively
low temperatures, rate constants for self-reaction of t-BuOP(OR), and other phos-
phoranyl radicals have been determined47. An intriguing possibility is that P(V)-P(V)
dimers are formed, but no product studies have been reported. Reversible dimerization of
certain ligand n radicals has been noted4*. However, they were not generated by oxidative
addition but rather on abstraction of the hydrogen of a precursor hydridophosphorane.
Spirocyclic and bicyclic phosphoranyl radicals, also from hydridophosphoranes, add to
ole fin^^^.^^ and carry out displacement on d i ~ u l f i d e sCertain
~~. phosphoranyl radicals
also have been trapped by abstraction of chlorine from CCI,” and by addition to t-
BuNOZ0and to 5,5-dimethyl-l-pyrrolinel-oxide5’. ESR evidence for the formation of a
phosphoranylperoxy radical, (EtO),POO’, in the presence of oxygen has been presen-
ted5,. This assignment has been disputed, h~wever’~.
Intramolecular cyclizations involving phosphoranyl radicals formed on oxidative
addition have been verified by ESR. Four-membered ring formation appears to be favored
(reaction 19), although a five-membered ring can be generated (reaction 20)”. Other
radicals from cyclization which have been characterized include 12 and 13. Triazenylph-
14. Free-radical reactions of organophosphorus(111) 54 1




(12) (13)

osphoranyl radicals also undergo cyclization (reaction 21)55.The product radical from
reaction 12 was reported to be trapped by orthoquinones to give adducts such as 1431.
Finally, results consistent with the trapping of phosphoranyl radicals by oxidative electron
transfer have been published. Reaction 23b involves one of several metallic species
proposed as potential oxidants in the reaction system:56

- E to'

I O,Et
I \OEt - MeN-P

I O,Et
I k O E i

5 4

[RPPh,]' + [CpW(CO),],
+ PPh, -
RPPh, + CpW(C0); CpW(C0); +
Reactions 19-23 all involve phosphoranyl radicals formed on oxidative addition of a
free radical to tricovalent phosphorus. Except for reaction 23, all evidence for these
processes was inferred from ESR measurements alone. It may be possible to design
reactions which capitalize on these concepts to give useful chemistry including the
syntheses of molecules of unusual structure.


Although the primary interest of non-specialists in this area of research may be in the
factors which influence reaction pathway and the applications of these systems in synthesis
542 W. G. Bentrude
and elsewhere, it would still be a mistake not to include aspects of the,great amount of
work which has been done on the structural and stereochemical properties of the
phosphoranyl radical intermediates involved in the majority of the reactions of free
radicals with tricovalent phosphorus derivatives. ESR measurements, studies of overall
reaction stereochemistry and theory have worked in complementary fashion in this area.

A. Structural and Geometric Types

Most of the early work' was concerned with phosphoranyl radicals with very large
isotropic hyperfine phosphorus splittings (600-1300 G). The obviously high degree of
spin density on phosphorus led to the assignment of structure by analogy to truly
pentacovalent phosphoranes with the odd electron in an approximately sp2-hybridized
equatorial orbital (15). Consistent with a near-trigonal bipyramidal structure were the
non-equivalencies of otherwise identical ligands". A modification of this thinking was
required by isotropic studies with H apical5*and in anisotropic spectra of radicals with
apical FS9 and CI6O substituents which showed a high proportion of spin density
delocalized onto the apical substituents with consequent large apical phosphorus
hyperfine splittings. Valence bond theory allows for this by inclusion of canonical from
16, which features a two-electron, three-centered apical bonding system. In molecular
orbital terms, orbital mixing to give a SOMO with antibonding character as displayed
in 1759accommodates well the observed spin density distribution. Structure 15, however,
reasonably approximates these species, especially their geometries, and is used through-
out this chapter.

(15) (16) (it)59

As with truly pentacovalent phosphoranes, the relative preferences of substituents for
apical and equatorial positions are expressed in terms of apicophilicities. To a first
approximation apicophilicities follow group electronegativies, but orders are modified
by the identities of the other substituents on phosphorus and the placement of phosphorus
in a ring. Recent studies, to be discussed below, point to other factors, including apical
bond strengths. Comparisons of several series of phosphoranyl radicals have led to
apicophilicity orders. Thus, for non-cyclic compounds one order is61 CI > CF, > RO >
and another is6, Me,Si(PhCH,)N > RO and also62 (RO),P(O)NMe > RO and
CF,O, (CF,),CO, FCO,, FSO,, > F6,. For cyclic compounds5, t-BuO > EtO >
C,H,N (pyrrolyl) > Me,SiO > (Me,Si),N and* CF,, (EtO),P(O)O > RO. For both
cyclic and acyclic cases, the following is usually found6: F, C1, RCO, > RC(O)NR,
OCN > RO, R,N > H > R. RO often does have greater apicophilicity than R,N, but
the order can be reversed, and they certainly have more nearly the same apicophilicities
than they do in phosphoranes. A five-membered ring with 0 or N bonded to phosphorus
14. Free-radical reactions of organophosphorus(111) 543
is more stable attached equatorial/apical than diequatorial'".b.e, and the same is true
for six-membered rings, at least those containing two nitrogensZ6.In cyclic compounds,
ring 0 is always more apicophilic than ring N. Since the bond angles about phosphorus
are predicted by theory64 to be collapsed somewhat towards the vacant equatorial
position, i.e. towards local & symmetry (structures 18 and 19), the difference in energy
between equatorial/apical and diequatorial ring attachment may be less than it is with
truly pentacovalent analogs.
1.64 1.74 A

H' \H
/ O
1.42 A 1.40 A

(18) (19) (20)

The majority of phosphoranyl radicals have been assigned trigonal bipyramidal

structures with the vacant position (odd electron) equatorial (TBP-e) on the basis of
INDO, CNDO, Hiickel, MS, and a6 initio calculation^^^. Energy-optimized structures
from the most recent a6 initio methods for two species are given by 18 and 19 (4-31G basis
set, d polarization functions on phosphorus and sulfur, unrestricted Hartree-F~cke)~'.
Local C,, symmetry, trigonal bipyramidal radicals with the unpaired electron apical
(TBP-a) (21), are higher in energy, as indicated by both experiment and theory64*66-67.
Another local C,,, structure is a cr* species, 22, of more nearly tetrahedral geometry with
the odd electron in the P-Y antibonding orbital. An example is [Ph,PCI]' (23).68
ESR data for a tricyclic species of restricted geometry have been interpreted by one
group as evidence for the geometry shown in 20, that of a TBP-a species69.This claim has
been challenged by a second group which proposes that the data are better interpreted as
being those of u* radical which also would have local C,, geometry but a different SOMO
(see be lo^)^^.^'. The isotropic phosphorus to 'apical' nitrogen hyperfine splitting of 22 G
was pointed out as being nearly the same as for an apical N in a TBP-e ~ t r u c t u r e ~ ~ . ~ ' ,
unlike what is expected for an apical N in a TBP-a radical69. The evidence that there is a
high degree of spin density on nitrogen in species 20 is then not consistent with a TBP-a
radical but rather supports the cr* s t r ~ c t u r e . " ~ ~ ~ ~
I. I*
Ph 10111' PP
'h Hs>r-a


Ab initio calculations on H,P'65, HSPH365and FH3P'66(4-31G basis set) indicate a

lower energy for the TBP-a structurecompared with the cr* alternative. On the other hand,
there are ESR studies of phosphoranyl radicals in addition to 23 for which the u*
configuration is even more stable than the TBP-e configuration (see below for some recent
Recently, UHF 4-31G calculation^^^ including d polarization orbitals showed
(PH,SH)' to have a TBP-e minimum energy structure with SH equatorial (24). A TBP-a
544 W. G. Bentrude
structure (apical SH) (25) was calculated to be 1 1 .O kcal mol higher in energy as a point
of inflection. For PH,' the TBP-a form (26) was calculated to be a 'top hill' structure
18.7 kcal mol- above the stable minimum, TBP-e form. All tetrahedral structures, said to
approximate u* configurations, were dissociative. The relative energies and stabilities of
TBP-a and u* radicals are of special interest since Roberts has proposed that u* radicals
may serve as potential intermediates or transition states for permutational exchange of
apical and equatorial ligands and also the intermediates through which 2- and perhaps
also p-scission take place (see


(25) (26) (27)

There is complete agreement based on both experimental data" and theory at the
ab i n i t i ~ and
~ ~ MNDO-SCF73 levels that symmetrical radicals such as
[(RO),PP(OR),] + 'are u* species. Further, theory suggests7' that for Z3PXt', the greater
the energy of single electron transfer between the Z3P+'and X groups, the more likely it is
that the cation radical will be a TBP-e species. Hence X 3 P + ' + X,P leads to a stable u*
Another type of phosphoranyl radical structure is illustrated by 27, which is termed
a ligand-n radical. These radicals have small phosphorus hyperfine splittings
(9-45 G)62,74*75 . They are probably not very different in energy from their TBP-e
counterparts. Thus, configuration 27 is formed when X = R O . A TBP-e structure
is populated, however, for X = H , MeS, CI or CF3CH,074, substituents which do
not readily stabilize a positive charge on phosphorus. Other examples of ligand-n
radicals include74 [CH,=CHPX,Y] + * and various tri- and tetra-aryl phosphoranyl

A final class of phosphoranyl radicals has the odd electron completely delocalized
through ylide-like bonding. These are termed ligand-a radicals. An example is 28, which
was observed by ESR to be formed on rearrangement of an initially formed TBP-e
precursor (equation 24)76.

Nco E tO ' &fE0

6 . Recent Experimental Structural Studies

A number of significant new examples of radicals of the above types have been reported
since the subject was last reviewed. Related to the disputed structure 20, it was reported
from single-crystal ESR measurements that the TBP-e permutamer of 20, structure 29, was
formed at 77 K from the hydridophosphorane, whereas 20 resulted at 193 K69b,'. Radical
29 was not converted into 20 on annealing 29 at 193K. Another radical formed by
14. Free-radical reactions of organophosphorus (111) 545

reduction of a thiophosphate precursor was said to have the TBP geometry structure
3069c.Strong criticism of this assignment also has a ~ p e a r e d . ~ At
~ . this
~ ' point it is not
certain that a phosphoranyl radical of truly TBP-a geometry has been characterized. In
fairness, it should be remembered that both the TBP-a and u* structures have local C,,
geometries and differ, although not insignificantly,only in bond angles about phosphorus
and in the nature of the SOMO. In fact they probably do not differ greatly in energy, and
structures intermediate between the two may be encountered.

(29) (30) (31)

More evidence for the formation of observable u* radicals has been presented, often
from electron capture by X3P=Z77-79. The frozen-matrix-isolated TBP-e radical 31 was
formed at 7 7 K on X-irradiation of C1,P(S)F77. Similarly, TBP-e 32 resulted, but the
dipyrrolidinochlorophosphinesulfide gave the u* radical, 3378.It also is notable that in 31
the chlorines rather than the fluorine are apical. This is contrary to the above ordering
which gave equal apicophilicities to these substituents. Clearly, electronegativity alone
does not determine apicophilicity.

(32) (33) (34)

In fact, it has been proposed7' that charge transfer from phosphorus to an apical ligand
will be an important stabilizing factor (34).The apicophilicity of A for a hypothetical
radical, [ABPL,]', has been estimated quantitatively by use ofequation 25, which predicts
apicophilicity to increase as the value of aA decreases. In this equation I f (BPL,) is the
ionization potential for BPL,, E A the electron affinity of A' and D(PA) the average bond
strength estimated from that for PA,. Indeed, this treatment predicts a greater
apicophilicity for C1 than for F, as seen with 31.
ZA = IP(BPL1)- EA(A') + D(PA) (25)
Related arguments have been used to predict when a u* species would be of lower energy
than its TBP-e alternative7'. When the value of tlA in a species [APL,]' is much smaller
than that of the other three ligands (greater apicophilicity), a u* radical with a u*(P-A)
orbitil will be favored. The difference between 32 and 33 can thereby be explained (see
related ideas above concerning [Z,PA] +. species7'). Whereas many phosphoranyl radical
structure appear to follow the predictions based on a, [Ph,PBr]' is more distorted in
structure toward TBP than is Ph,PCl, even though uBris smaller than c ( ~ , .Matrix effects
546 W. G. Bentrude
were suggested to be dominant in the bromo case7'. However, an argument that distortion
towards TBP-e geometry for [Ph,PBr]' is to be expected based on calculations for
[Z,PA]+' has also been advanced7'.
Indeed, clear evidence for the effect of medium on structure has been noted79a.In a
crystalline matrix the radical of u* structure 35 is formed. In a frozen solution, however, its
structure was shown to be TBP-e (36).Radical 36 may have been generated from 35.The
expected relatively small energy difference between various geometries of phosphoranyl
radicals is substantiated by this result.


From the above argument concerning apicophilicity and ESR data, both [Me,PSR]'
and [Ph,PSR]' were assigned probable u* structures with a*(P-S) orbitals containing the
odd electron70.This assignment was questioned, however, in the publication65containing
the calculations reported above for [H,PSH]' (24).
Radicals formed on electron capture by R,P(S)P(S)R, (R = Me, Et, Ph) were assigned,
as a result of single-crystal ESR studies and a6 initio calculations, structures with the
odd electron in an antibonding orbital symmetrically distributed over the two phos-
phorus atoms79b.Because it did not possess rotational symmetry, this radical was not
designated as a u* species. When the disulfide contains two chiral phosphorus centers,
MePhP(S)P(S)MePh, the starting diastereomer geometry determines the electron
d i s t r i b ~ t i o n ~Kinetic
~'. factors were suggested to be responsible for the unsymmetrical
electron distribution in the product of capture by the meso compound and symmetrical
distribution in the radical formed from the racemic diastereomer.
X-irradiation of single-crystal trialkylphosphine sulfides and selenides led to electron-
capture products of yet another essentially u* radical with C 3 or slightly C, geometry
depending on the geometry of the However, the P=S or P=Se bond
captures the electron, unlike what occurs in formation of 32 and 33 (equation 26).

A most interesting series of radicals generated from o-phenylene phosphoramidites have
been studied by ESR. They exist in two forms, 37 and 38,which are slowly interconverted
(equation 27)*O. The presence of the five-membered ring so stabilizes them against ring a-
scission to form a phenoxy-like radical that amino (a-scission) and t-butyl radicals (8-
scission) are observed instead. The competition between a- and 8-scission is influenced by
the nature of the amino group. For the cases R' = H, R' = alkyl, 8-scission is observed,
whereas a-scission is the rule for R' = R2 = alkyl. At low temperatures, a bimolecular loss
of signal was seen.
14. Free-radical reactions of organophosphorus (111) 547

&/. 2O-FjlN

L-qf-r/. O7'\NR1

- I
RNH/4 - 0

1 (27)

(37) (38) (39)

When radical 39 is generated, only one stereoisomer is noted", perhaps because of
steric repulsions between the tert-butoxy and NHR groups when the tert-butyl is
equatorial. For the case R = t-Bu, a normal ESR spectrum was noted, but introduction of
a chiral R group (sec-Bu or MeCHC0,Et) led to the appearance of the superimposed
spectra of two diastereomers with hyperfine coupling constants differing by about 6 G.
Interestingly, the low-temperature ESR spectrum of the a radical [t-BuOPPh,]'
showed the odd electron to be confined to one ring". At higher temperatures all three
rings became magnetically equivalent.

(40) (41)

Reaction of tert-butoxy radicals with X,P -+BH, gave the radical [X,PBH,]', shown
by ESR measurements to have the structure 40 (X = MeO, CF,CH,O, Me,N, Et, n-Bu, t-
Bu, Ph)*', which is really a ligand-a phosphoranyl radical and evidently is more stable
than the alternative TBP form, 41. These so-called phosphine-boryl radicals readily
abstract bromine atoms from alkyl halides. When R,PH+ BH, reacts with t-butoxy
radicals, however, the radical from the P-H moiety is abstracted (equation 28)83. The
phosphinyl-borane radical generated adds to allenes and isocyanides, like the phosphine-

t-BuO' + RZPH -P BH3 -

boryl radical, and abstracts bromine from alkyl bromides.
R,P + BH3 (28)

C. Permutational lsomerization
It became evident some time ago from variable-temperature ESR measurements that
the ligands on TBP-e phosphoranyl radicals can undergo very rapid, intramolecular
exchange between apical and equatorial positions (see 37$38 in equation 27). Several
questions have been asked about these processes: how fast are they?; what is the
stereochemical mode of the exchange?; by what mechanism (pathway) does permutation
occur? The permutation mode classifies a rearrangement with respect to numbers and
types of substituents (axial or equatorial) participating in the exchange and the
stereochemistry of the process without any regard to pathway.
Variable-temperature ESR measurements have shown that for a variety of ROPX,
(X = H64ea,Mez6,Fa,), the first-order k,, is 106,107 s - at about 200 K. AG' of exchange
for EJOPF,'~ is 7.2kcal mol-'. For t-BuOPMe,26E, is 3.6 kcal mole-', and for t-
B u O P H , ~ ~ ~AG'* * ~is, 5.3 kcal mol-'. For another non-cyclic case, C,H,NP(OEt),', E,
is 4.4 kcal mol- ' (C,H,N = 1-pyrrolyl).It is intrinsically impossible to define the mode of
apical/equatorial ligand exchange for the above acyclic cases.
548 W. G. Bentrude
Particularly fruitful ESR studies have involved cyclic radicals illustrated by 42. Since
pentacovalent phosphoranes undergo ligand exchange by a mode one (MI) process, a
natural assumption would be that phosphoranyl radicals should do likewise, especially
since the vacant position in the TBP-e structure is an equatorial odd electron which one
would be tempted to treat as the pivot group. Such a process is illustrated by the
equilibrium 42=43, a pairwise exchange of apical and equatorial substituents
(equation 29). The odd electron remains equatorial. However, variable-temperature ESR
~ o r k ~ focusing, ~ , ~on ~hypertine
, ~ ~ splittings
~ ~ ~ between phosphorus and the CH,
hydrogens excludes the M1 exchange and is only understood via an M4 (exo) exchange,
42+44 (equation 30). These processes also are rapid with k,, = 107-109 s - l at about
200K and E , in the range 2-5 kcal mol- 4 1 * 4 2 - 8 6 .


The M4 (ring) exchange, wherein 0(1) and O(2) of 42 together with the odd electron
are involved (43e45, equation 31), generally occurs more slowly and only when X = Y.
Measured E, values are 6-8 kcal mol- and k,, 106-108 s - at 273 K6**.Five-membered
rings evidently do not readily accommodate the geometry changes required for M4(ring)
exchange, which may involve an intermediate or barrier state that is TBP-a or o* (46) and
requires the ring oxygens to be in equatorial (basal) positions and the 0 - P - 0 ring
angle to be expanded.

A very significant investigation of the effect of the nature of Y on the rate of M4(ring)
exchange has been reported". For Y = RO and X = MeS, HS or C1, k,, for the M4(ring)
process at 273 K was lo9 s - or greater. This effect was rationalized in terms of the
influence of the nature of X on the difference in energy between 43 and the proposed a*
intermediate (46) for M4(ring) exchange with the odd electron in the P-X o* orbital. The
suggestion was that the X substituents listed above are able to stabilize the o* intermediate
(46). Arguments using structures similar to 34 and equation 25 for estimating aA (in this
instance ax) were used. X = F, as noted above, does not have so great an apicophilicity
14. Free-radical reactions of organophosphorus (111) 549
(higher value of zF)as C1 and consequently does not stabilize a n* radical such as 46 to the
extent that C1 would. In fact, 1.’ does not speed the M4(ring) exchange, whereas CI does.
With regard to the effect of SH oii K , , for M4(ring) isomerization (and for that matter its
apicophilicity), it i: interesting that by ah initio methods” SH is predicted to be equatorial,
not apical, in HSPH, (structure 24) and also in HSP(OH),.



Certainly pertinent to the above questions is the ah initio calculation which predicts that
the energy of [(HO),PCI]‘ is optimized (under the constraint that CI be on a C,, axis) as a
TBP-a species (47)79a.N o stable geometry could be found when one 0.- P--0 angle was
held at loo” as it is in ring structure 46 or 35. A five-membered ring attached to the basal
(equatorial) positions of 47 would be very strained, thereby reducing the rate of M4(ring)
exchange via such a species. A more tetrahedral geometry would reduce the strain in the
five-membered ring. Perhaps the substituents which favor M4(ring) exchange d o lower the
energy of a more tetrahedral form, even one approaching a u* structure (see above)”.
One case, structure 48, has been presented for which temperature-dependent ESR
results in a solid matrix were interpreted to require an M 1 exchange, as in pentacovalent
phosphorus-cont.aining systems, with the odd electron as pivot (remaining equatorial)69b.
This result is probably a consequence of the solid matrix or the stereochemical restrictions
ofthe tetracylic ring system, which may favor a permutation of MI which normally would
lie energetically above the usual M4 process.


A number of studies designed to look for a memory effect in product distributions

formed by two or more B-scissions within a single phosphoranyl radical, generated by
more than one route (equation 32), have been carried out. The premise is that the attacking
radical will enter the TBP intermediate preferentially in the apical or equatorial position,
and all 8-scissions will occur preferentially at one of those positions. Then, unless the
groups are rapidly exchanged between those two positions prior to 8-scission, the product
ratio (phosphates ofequation 32) will be influenced by, i s . have a memory of, the pathway
of formation of the phosphoranyl radical.
Origin-independent product ratios were found for radicals 49-54 by examination of
phosphate and/or radical ratios21,22*42. A six-membered ring case also was examined”.
Memory effects were not evident in any instance. Indeed, these results are consistent with
the now known rates of apical/equational ligand exchange and measured E , free energies
R20P(OEt)2 + R'O' - W. G . Bentrude

R10(R20)6(OEt)2 R'OP(0Et)z + R20'


of activation for @-scission.The one exception reported is for reaction of PhCH,O' with p -
MeC,H,CH,OP(OEt), and oice uersu*'. It now seems questionable that even a benzyloxy
ligand can undergo scission more rapidly than exchange.
R' 0 0 OR1

(55) (56)
The mechanism of a permutation of a given mode deals with the pathway. Calculations
at several levels648*h*i,65*66
have shown that an M1 exchange via a barrier state of square
pyramidal configuration with the pivotal odd electron apical (55) is a high-energy
pathway. Early CNDO calculations suggested that the rearrangement of 15 to a barrier
state or intermediate similar to TBP-a 21 (an M2 process) or u* 22 would be a relatively
low-energy pathway54h.Either intermediate could regenerate a TBP-e species with the
overall permutation (M2 x M2) exchanging apical and equatorial substituents according
to M4. More recently, as stated earlier, ab initio calculation^^^*^^ have indicated that TBP-
a structures (21) are of lower energy than their more nearly tetrahedral u* alternatives (22).
Even then TBP-a structures are much higher in relative energy than they should be as
barrier structures for permutations of substituents, since E, values (see above) for ligand
exchange are relatively low. As mentioned above, structure 25 is calculated to be 11.0 kcal
mol above the most stable configuration 24. Similar structures and energies above
opti.mal TBP-e geometries for TBP-a structures include 26 (18.7 kcal mol- I ) and
HSP(OH),65 (HS apical, 18.3 kcalmol-I). A structure very close to 56, however, was
calculated to be only 5.8 kcal mol higher in energy than 246'. In some cases the TBP-a

structures for which energies were calculated did not turn out to be either intermediates or
symmetrical barrier states (saddle points). Nonetheless, an estimate of relative energies is
provided. Clearly, although somewhat high absolute energies are often calculated for
TBP-a species, they still provide relatively low-energy structures as potential intermedi-
ates or barrier states for permutation of substituents on phosphoranyl radicals whose
lowest energy geometry is TBP-e. Further discussion of the details of mechanism and
mode of permutation is given in Sections V.D and V.E in the context of Scheme 1.
14. Free-radical reactions of organophosphorus (111) 551

--I \


saddle point

Near - T E A - a
I 4

I \H' like 63
(61) (62)

- 11

AE[61 60(M1)]

AE(61 -
= 5.8 kcal mol-

' 'SH
I H, 2
= 17.6kcal mol-'
AE[61 63(Ml)] 4

AE(61 -
= ll.Okcalmol-'
= 18.7 kcal mol - '
Inflection point


D. Stereochemistry of Formation
The question was raised above as to the kjnetic selectivity for the entrance of the
attacking radical, Z', into PX, to form TBP-e ZPX,. Is the Z in the initial adduct apical or
equatorial? There is no solid direct experimental evidence on this question such as an ESR
measurement showing the initial position (apical or equatorial) of Z to be different than it
is after thermal equilibration. A reasonable working assumption has been that Z is
introduced intially apical. The microscopic reverse of Z' addition is a-scission. The three-
center, three-electron apical bonds in a TBP-e phosphoranyl radicals are presumably
552 W. G. Bentrude
longer and weaker than equatorial ones. Kinetic evidence (see below) for preferential, and
most reasonably apical, cc-cleavage has been presented2'. Indeed, early calculations by
Howell and O l ~ e n for ~ ~the
* reaction of H' with PH, favored apical introduction of H.
Later ab initio work of Janssen et al.", however, is in disagreement. Working within a
C,, constraint, they concluded that attack of a hydrogen atom along the C, axis was more
energetically favorable in the direction of the LUMO rather than the HOMO (lone-pair)
orbital on phosphorus. This leads to inversion of configuration at phosphorus. On
oxidation of a phosphine or trialkyl phosphite, product phosphine oxide or phosphate of
inverted configuration would result. This is in contradiction to the known overall
stereochemistry of oxidation of such compounds to be discussed below.
The most recent ab initio calculations, those of Gonbeau et al.65,considered for the
reaction HS' + PH, two directions of attack not examined by Janssen et al. They too
found the HOMO approach along the C, axis in the direction of the lone pair (HOMO
approach) to be a higher energy pathway than the LUMO approach along the same axis.
However, two approaches shown in Scheme 1 have been lower energy barriers than attack
on the LUMO and one leads directly to a TBP-e intermediate with SH equatorial (61).
Pathway a for apical introduction does not lead to a stable intermediate, 58 (in fact, 58 is
a non-minimum on the pathway to 59 and 61). Path b leads to saddle point structure 60
which is close to a TBP-a species with SH equatorial. Since 58 and 60 are TBP species on
the route to the structural minimum, 61, in Scheme 1, the authors sought to define the
permutation pathway which would convert 60 and 58 into 61. Their treatment led to an
M5 process for 58-+61 with a tetrahedral barrier (saddle point) structure (59)
18.7 kcal mol-' above 61. As noted earlier, 60 (56) is just 5.8 kcal mol- above 61. It was
converted to 61 via an M 1 process. Similarly, the exchange to convert 61 to the TBP-a (HS
apical) structure (63) was examined. The barrier structure for the latter (62) was
17.6 kcal mol-' above 61 in energy, the overall isomerization being of M1. The obvious
conclusion was that the lowest energy pathway for formation of the only stable TBP
structure is 57 -+60-+ 61, i.e. direct equatorial introduction of attacking HS' into TBP-e
61. This also is the kinetically preferred route for the reverse, a-scission.
This is a most interesting finding. However, it would be dangerous to generalize the
kinetic preference for equatorial introduction of HS and a-scission to attacks of all radicals
on tricovalent phosphorus. These calculations also should be carried out on systems in
which a TBP-e structure related to 58 is a stable minimum and also when it is the more
stable minimum. If a structure such as 58 is stable, it may be kinetically preferred regardless
of overall thermodynamics. On the other hand, the introduction of the attacking radical
may be controlled by the relative thermodynamic stabilities of the structures formed.
Again, no evidence for an M 1 pathway through a configuration similar to 55 was found.
The difference in permutational properties between phosphoranyl radicals and phos-
phoranes is again emphasized. If radicals typically are introduced into TBP-e phos-
phoranyl radicals equatorially, this is another important contrast to pentacovalent
phosphorus systems. A third difference concerns the above mentioned apicophilicities.
Apparently these calculations also suggest that the mode of permutations may vary with
the species being interconverted.
Unfortunately, the low-energy pathway for isomerization 61 -+ 60 (and return to an
isomer of 60)will not accomplish the M4(ring) or M4(exo) processes seen by ESR. It will,
however, effect the apical/equatorial exchange of H', H2 and H3. Both the M4(exo) and
M4(ring) processes can occur by successive M1 isomerizations of the type 61-+63.
Equation 33 illustrates the M4(ring) permutation (M1 x M1 = M4). This process differs
from that of Roberts which employs CT* intermediates or barrier structures with Y
a p i ~ a l . ~ ~It. is' ~more
. ~ ~difficult to explain the increase in the rate of M4(ring) exchange
with increased apicophilicity of Y, since in equation 33 Y moves into the equatorial
14. Free-radical reactions of organophosphorus(111) 553

I Ill (33)


Sequence 33 again emphasizes the fact that overall M4 processes may proceed by
multiple permutations of other modes (M1 x M1, M2 x M2, etc.). The key to specifying
pathway is in defining the lowest energy barrier.
Gonbeau et also made a point about the surprising positioning of the SH
equatorial rather than apical as being contrary to what the relative electronegativities of
SH and H would predict. I? this vein they also calculated an optimized TBP-e geometry
with SH equatorial for HSP(OH),. They failed, however, to mention the ideas discussed
earlier concerning the inlluence of a weakened ligand-P bond, such as P-H or P-Me,
in favoring apicophilicity as predicted by ax7’.

E. Stereochemistries of a- and p-Scissions

The microscopic reverse of oxidative addition of a radical to tricovalent phosphorus of
course is a-scission. Kinetic work on the decay of phosphoranyl radicals gives strong
evidence for the apical site selectivity of the a-scission processz6. Hence the rate of z-
scission for radical 64 depends on both the stability of R ” and the energetic ease of
populating presumed 65 in which the alkyl is in the apical position (equation 34). By
contrast, R’O PR, radicals undergo a-scission very rapidly, because there is an alkyl group
in a position to undergo a-scission without prior permutational rearrangement. Of course,
it is possible that the stereospecificity is for the equatorial position. This would require,
however, the highly unlikely possibility that the alkyl groups are preferentially apical.
Other evidences for site-selective, apical r-scission have been summarized’”.

Many of the arguments for apical a-scission involve a presumed knowledge of the
positions of ligands in the TBP-a radicals being studied (see above). The chance that such
assignments to apical and equatorial positions, e.g. to RO and R groups, are in fact reversed,
which would reverse the inferences regarding apical vs equatorial r-scission. is remote.
554 W. G. Bentrude
Intuitively, it seems likely that /?-scission is also stereoselective for the apical or
equatorial position, but convincing experimental evidence is not available. In essence, the
argument for preferential equatorial 8-scission is derived from the finding that in the
equilibrium 6 6 ~ 6 those
7 substituents, X, which appear to shift the equilibrium in favour
of 66 increase the rate of B-scission88,
The ab initio calculations on HSPH, were also applied to B - s c i ~ s i o n Stable
~ ~ . 61
underwent S-H bond cleavage from the equatorial position with a transition-state
geometry very close to 61except for stretching of the H-S bond. Only after the transition
state does the geometry begin to move towards that of the pyramidal product, H,P=S.
Although not mentioned by the authors, this transition state explains why the rate of /?-
scission responds well to changes in the stability of the alkyl radical generated. The
negligible amount of rehybridization at phosphorus at the transition state also is
consistent with the fact that p-scission for RO substituents is normally slower than a-
scission, even though the former is much more favorable energetically overall. The
transition state for /?-scission simply resembles the reactant phosphoranyl radical, as is
often true for strongly exothermic processes.

Finally, it should be mentioned that Roberts and c ~ w o r k e r s ~have

~ ~ 'attempted
~ * ~ ~ to
bring together in a reasonable way the M4 permutations and a-scission by suggesting that
both proceed by the same sort of u* intermediate formed reversibly by elongation of an
apical ligand in the TBP-e form to become the apical ligand in the u* species (equation 36).

x- -

L Y' + PX'X2XJ

F. Overall Stereochemistries of Reactions at Phosphorus

The stereochemistries of oxidation, substitution and Arbuzov reactions at tricovalent
phosphorus have been determined with a variety of diastereomeric cyclic compounds and
optically active phosphines. Such processes are overall stereoselective and stereospecific.
Examples of oxidations are reactions 3746 and 3846.

$+.pPh I\


+ +-Bus (37)
14. Free-radical reactions of organophosphorus (111) 555



Five-membered ring phosphites behaved a n a l o g o ~ s l ySubstitution

.~~ with inversion at
phosphorus was demonstrated in reaction 39 and also with five-membered ring phos-
phonitesgO. Attack by EtO' at PNEtz in five-membered rings gave inversion at
phosphorus on displacement of Et2N91(equation 40). Radical displacements involving
phosphines proceeded similarly, (equation 41)92.Free-radical Arbuzov processes were
shown to proceed with the overall stereochemistry shown in equation 42 in both five- and
six-membered rings93.


+ Me2N' -

All of the observed stereochemistries allow for formation of a TBP-e intermediate by a

stereoselective introduction of the attacking radical. Further, the stereochemistries of the
overall reactions are unperturbed by subsequent M4 permutations prior to scission which
may occur simply because ligand exchange is more rapid than scission, as shown above, or
because a permutation is required to move the group undergoing scission into the required
apical or equatorial site for that scission.
Scheme 2 illustrates this well for the cyclic cases. Starting with the cis or truns
diastereomer, an intermediate which has the ring attached apical-equatorial is formed on
apical introduction of attacking radical. The apical/equatorial preference for ring
attachment is well demonstrated at least thermodynamically and especially for five-
membered ringsla*b*c. Immediate a- or @-scissiongives the product of stereochemistry
required by the experimental observations. Most notably, an M4 permutation prior to
scission leaves the overall stereochemistry unperturbed. Although this is a simplified view
of the effects of M4 isomerizations on stereochemistry, topological graphs have been given
556 W. G. Bentrude


Free-radical Arbuzov: cis
Oxidation: trons-

Substitution trons-cis
SCHEME 2 Reprinted with permission from Acc. Chem. Res., 15, 117 (1982). Copyright
(1982) American Chemical Society.

which show that products of stereochemistry opposite to that

observed cannot be obtained following M4 exchange except from scission of TBP-a
intermediates which are high in energy and not readily populated.
M5 permutation also is permitted by the observed stereochemistry but excluded by the
ESR results cited above. M2 and M3 exchanges are excluded by the stereochemical results.
The failure of M 1 exchange (Berry pseudorotation) to meet the experimentally established
stereochemical criterion (retention) is illustrated for oxidation by equation 43.

R (43)
f-Bu‘ +

0 z‘
14. Free-radical reactions of organophosphorus (111) 557
It is interesting to use Scheme 1, including the introduction of the attacking alkoxy
radical equatorial, and the concept of equatorial 8-scission, to predict the same retentive
stereochemistry of oxidation (equation 44). Further, the reverse of 57 +61, but with
expulsion of H2', for example, would be a substitution process and would proceed with
inversion, again as observed experimentally. To bring the H2' back in again equatorially to
reform 60,and then generate H,P = S by /?-scission,models the radical Arbuzov reaction
with the stereochemistry observed experimentally.

R 4


It is well known that excited states of ketones, thioketones and alkenes undergo reactions
parallel to those of alkoxy, thiyl and alkyl radicals95. With tricovalent phosphorus the
premise on which reactivity of electronically excited double bonds would be based is
illustrated by equation 45, where a 1,3-biradical intermediate or transition state is
depicted. ESR evidence and a limited number of product studies attest to the general
correctness of this idea, although the presence of 1,3-biradical intermediates is not
necessarily proved. Certain aspects of this research have been reviewed95.

/x=y -hu \-
:Pzs \. x-Y

-PZ3 (45)


A. Ketones, Quinones and Thioketones

Benzophenone was shown early to be reactive with Ph,P and later shown to give
Ph,P=O in a reaction that also can be diverted to other products in methanol, as shown
for butyrophenone (equation 46)97.

PhRk-0' 0 [PhRt-ObPhl PhRC--6PPh3]

PhCR + O=PPh3 PhRCHOMe + Ph3P=0

R = n-C3H7
558 W. G . Bentrude
Ketophosphites are photorearranged to enol phosphates, perhaps via a cyclic 1,3-
biradical (equation 47), which yields stable products in a /?-scission step98. Since
intersystem crossing is so very fast with ketones, presumably these are reactions of triplet
excited carbonyls.

- (Me0I2P,. , o x R


P i R (47)

The first photochemical displacement of a group from tricovalent phosphorus by an

excited ketone featured benzophenone in an a-scission process, which can be written in
terms of an intermediate phosphoranyl radical (equation 48)99.Recent ESR evidence has
been provided for reaction 48 together with evidence that the phosphoresence of
Ph,CO is indeed quenched by Ph,PPPh, loo. The rate constant for the reaction of triplet
' '
benzophenone with tetraphenyldiphosphine was found to be 2 x lo8 lmol- s- at 300 K.
Tetraethyl pyrophosphite reacted with benzophenone triplets (k = 8.0 x lo8 s- at 300 K)
in a process (reaction 49), also monitored by ESR'" and intermediate 68 identified.
Reactions 48 and 49 have their tert-butoxy radical counterparts which give t-BuOPPh,
and t-BuOP(OEt),. The latter reaction has a rate constant of 2.9 x lo9 Imol-' s-' at
298 K'O '. Anthraquinone and 1,4-di-tert-butylbenzophenone gave parallel reactions with
tetraethyl pyrophosphite as did di-2-thienyl ketone and thioxanthen-9-one, but only
benzophenone was reactive with tetraethyldiph~sphine~~. Fluorenone was unreactive
even with the pyrophosphite"'. A series of quinones similarly reacted only with tetraethyl
[Ph,k&],, + Ph,PPPh, - Ph,P-PPh,
- Ph2k-OPPh, + Ph,P'

[Ph,k&],,+ (EtO),POP(OEt), - Ph,kOP(OEt),

+ 'P(OEt), (49)

The photoreaction of the presumed singlet excited state of 4,4'-dimethoxybenzo-

thioketone with tetraethyl pyrophosphite proceeds a n a l o g o ~ s l y ' ~Moreover,
~. with
Ph,PR a variety of R' were displaced (equation 50).

s -
Ph PR \*
,C-SPPh, + R' (50)

R = PhCH,, Ph, Ph,P(CH,),, (Ph,P),CH

B. Alkenes
Although less extensively explored, photoexcited alkenes also undergo radical-like
reactions with tricovalent phosphorus. An intermolecular example is reaction 51, studied
from a product standpointlo4. More recently, intramolecular photorearrangement
processes have been in~estigated"~. Direct photoirradiation of 69 gave products
corresponding formally to both 2,3- and 1,2-sigmatropic shifts. However, sensitization
by benzophenone gave a cyclic process (equation 52), characterized by a quantum yield
of 0.8 and the required regiospecificity which was demonstrated by deuterium NMR
14. Free-radical reactions of organophosphorus(111) 559
investigations. A triplet, 1,3-phosphoranyl biradical was proposed as a reasonable

Ph,k-kH, -
intermediate, although it has not been detected.
+ Ph,PPPh, Ph,k-CH,-PPh,
- (51)

Ph,kCH,PPh, + Ph,P' - Ph,C=CHPPh,

+ Ph,PH


As is not unusual in modern organic chemistry, much of the interest in the reactions of free
radicals with tricovalent phosphorus compounds has been mechanistic in nature. It has
been important to establish the factors which determine the reactivity of a given radical
and potential reactant, to understand the influences which will determine the products of
the overall reaction, and to characterize fully the chemical and dynamic properties of the
phosphoranyl radicals which are intermediates in many of the reactions. Until now there
have not been many applications of the chemistry. However, since synthetic chemists have
become increasingly aware of the potential of free-radical reactions, one may expect to see
more use of the reaction types described here.
Early in the research on the reactions of free radicals with tricovalent phosphorus
compounds, it was shown that a radical-chain oxidation could be induced by generating a
free radical in the presence of molecular oxygen'06-' ". Moreover, alkanes, PCI, and
oxygen under free-radical conditions give RP(O)Cl, in reasonable yields' ". With tert-
butoxy radical as initiator, the radical-chain sequence normally written for oxidation of a
trialkyl phosphite is given by reactions 53. With n-Bu,P such an autoxidation sequence
can be initiated simply by passing oxygen through a solution of the phosphine'''. A
combination of a- and B-scission steps lead to n-Bu,PO, n-Bu,P(O)OBu-n. n-
BuP(0)(OBu), and (n-BuO),PO. Indeed, when trialkyl phosphites are irradiated with UV
light in the presence of oxygen, a radical of any kind, generated photolytically, can initiate
high-yield formation of phosphates" '. A difficulty arises when t-BuOOBu-t is used to
initiate the oxidation of phenyl phosphites. Step 53a is then replaced by a substitution
reaction (equation 54). As a result, as was shown about 25 years ago"', the oxidation is
unsuccessful. The relatively stable phenoxy radical is unable to continue the chain because,
even if it adds to phosphorus, it cannot undergo B-scission to give Ph', which would carry
the chain by formation of PhOO'.
t-BuO' + P(OEt),
t-Bu' + 0 2
~ B u+' OP(OEt),
t-BuO' + (R0)ZPOPh
W. G . Bentrude
+ P(OEt),
t-BuO' + OP(OEt),
t-BuOP(OR), + PhO'
Aryl phosphites have found value as antioxidant additives to polymers' 14-"' .Theyare
not only able to terminate radical chain autoxidation but also react with any
hydroperoxides which may result from autoxidation"' . The displacement of aryloxy
radicals from triesters of phosphorous acid has been studied with a wide variety of aryl
phosphites by Schwetlick and c o ~ o r k e r s ~16, ~who
. ~ also
~ ~ have
. ~ thoroughly investigated
the autoxidation phenomenon.
Unlike di-tert-butyl peroxide, azobisisobutyronitrile (aibn) can serve to initiate the
oxidation of even those tricovalent phosphorus derivatives which contain an aryloxy
group attached to '. A reasonable rationale, again suggested 25
years ago"', is that the oxy radical from aibn transfers oxygen to phosphorus in a
kinetically favorable reaction (equation 55), to generate [Me,CCN], which is more stable
than tert-butyl. Me,CCN then adds oxygen and carries the chain. This property of aibn
has more recently been studied with a wide range of aryl phosphites114-117.Sterically
hindered aryl phosphites are good inhibitors of oxidation even when aibn is the initiator.
Reaction 56 and oxygen transfer occur with approximately equal ease. An unsubstituted
phenoxy group is less readily displaced. Thus, the reaction analogous to 56 is totally
replaced by the equivalent of equation 5545,114.116.

I (55)
Me,CCN + (RO),POPh Me,kCN + (RO),P(O)OPh

Aibn-initiated radical oxidations of phosphite triesters by oxygen actually provide an

efficient, high-yield route to the cyclic methyl 3',5'-phosphate triesters of thymidine
(reaction 57)",. In fact, " 0 , and " 0 , can be introduced both regio- and stereo-
specificallyinto the P=O group. Separation of the individual diastereomers, followed by
dimethylation, affords the individual, diastereomeric 0-labeled diesters in high yields.
Refluxing benzene at about 70°C causes aibn to decompose at a convenient rate.
Alternatively, aibn is readily photodisocciated by UV light through Pyrex. The
photoinitiated oxidation without aibn is also a high-yield process. These non-aqueous
oxidations may prove to be useful in oligonucleotide synthesis.
In a similar manner, t-BuSSBu-t can be conveniently photolysed to furnish t-Bus',
which provides a superior route to the methyl thiophosphates (equation 58) in better
yields than by their conventional reaction with SB1I9.Demethylation of the chromato-
graphically separated diastereomeric thiophosphates yields the individual cyclic 3',5'-
phosphorothioate diastereomers of thymidine in high yields. The same starting cyclic 3',5'-
phosphite triester, 70, affords the phenylphosphonates (equation 59). Phenyl radical was
supplied by the thermal decomposition of phenylazotriphenylmethane' ,.' Unfortunately,
the photolysis of phenyl iodide did not lead to the same reaction. Reaction 59 is not a free-
radical chain processes, but nonetheless gives product efficiently.
An apparent free-radical Arbuzov reaction (equation 60) yields 5-substituted 2'-
14. Free-radical reactions of organophosphorus (111) 56 1

9 TGZ?

-2p\oM* (57)


T = 1- thirninyl T PMe

N" 2
562 W. G. Bentrude
deoxyuridines, presumably via attack on phosphorus of the ally1 radical formed
photolytically at the C(5) position of the base12'. This reaction is analogous to process 59.
A similar intramolecular photoreaction proceeded to give two diastereomers of the cyclic
phosphonate (equation 61)"'.
Barton et a[.' 2 3 used a free-radical chain reaction approach to accomplish the
decarboxylative phosphonylation of carboxylic acids. The method takes advantage of the
ease of displacement of PhS' from P(SPh), by R' (reaction 62b). A thiohydroxamic
carboxylic mixed anhydride provides a trap for PhS' and a source of R' to continue the
chain (reaction 62a). RP(SPh), reacts with the dithioproduct to give a pentacovalent
intermediate, which is hydrolyzed by water in the reaction medium to RP(0) (SPh),. With
a series of R, the yields were 26-67% [R = n-C,,H,,, Ph,CHCH,, cyclohexyl, PhCH,, 1-
adamantyl, 1-methylcyclohexyl,(PhCH,),CH and a steroidal moeity].

Almost certainly the first synthetic use of free-radical chain reactions involving
oxidative addition of a radical to tricovalent phosphorus is given in reaction sequence 63,
which produced useful amounts of thi~esters"~.The method is perhaps limited by the fact

R' -
that mixed thioesters, RCOSR', cannot be produced.

+ P(SPh),
RS' 4-P(OEt),
RP(SPh), + PhS'
+ SP(OEt),

- -
R' (63)

R' + CO

Free-radical methods involving phosphoranyl radicals have been used to accomplish

the phosphorylation of alcohols125.Thus, in the conversion of 71 to 72, the precursor
alcohol is first converted to the nitrite. The alkoxy radical formed on loss of NO reacts
with triisopropyl phosphite to yield 72. Surprisingly, the presumed intermediate

1 1 X=H
7 2 X=P(O)(OPr-, )2

phosphoranyl radical preferentially loses the isopropyl radical, and in cases where
(MeO),P or (EtO),P is used the less stable methyl or ethyl radical is formed on p-scission.
This was suggested to be the result of a ponderal effect retarding the formation of very
large radicals'25.
14. Free-radical reactions of organophosphorus(111) 563
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14. E. R. Hansen, W. A. Khan and P. E. Rogers, unpublished results.
15. For example, from known or estimated heats of f o r m a t i ~ n ' ~ ~the
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-+(CH,O),P(O)CH, has AH' = - 43.6 kcal mol-I.
16. D. A. Bafus, E. J. Gallegos and R. W. Kiser, J. Phys. Chem., 70, 2614 (1966).
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23. W. G. Bentrude and P. E. Rogers, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 98, 1674 (1976).
24. R. S. Davidson, Tetrahedron, 25, 3383 (1969).
25. R. S. Davidson, Tetrahedron Lett., 3029 (1968).
26. J. W. Cooper and B. P. Roberts, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2, 808 (1976).
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36. (a) B. P. Roberts and J. C. Scaiano, J. Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans 2,905 (1981);(b) D. Griller K. l J .
564 W. G. Bentrude
Ingold, L. K. Patterson, J. C. Scaiano and R. D. Small, Jr, J . Am. Chem. SOC.,101,3780(1979);(~)
A. G. Davies, D. Griller and B. P. Roberts, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans. 2, 993 (1972).
37. R. G. Kryger, J. P. Lorand, N. R. Stevens and N. R. Herron, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,99,7589 (1977).
38. D. J. McPhee, M. Campredon, M. Legage, and D. Giller, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,111, 7563 (1989).
39. J. A. Baban, J. P. Goddard and B. P. Roberts, J. Chem. SOC.,.Perkin Trans. 2, 1269 (1986).
40. Work of ref. 2 6 numbers taken from Table 11 in ref. lb, which are stated to be more reliable than
those in ref. 26.
41. R. W. Dennis and B. P. Roberts, J. Chem. Soc.. Perkin Trans. 2, 140 (1975).
42. R. S. Hay and B. P. Roberts, J. Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans. 2, 770 (1978).
43. D. Griller and B. P. Roberts, J. Chem. Soc.. Perkin Pans. 2. 1416 (1973).
44. F. M. Akhmetkhanova, L. Z. Rol’nik, E. V. Pastushenko, M. V. Proskurnia, S. S. Zlot-skii and
D. L. Rakhmankulov, J . Gen. Chem. USSR, 55, 1810 (1985).
45. K. Schwetlick, T. Koenig, C. Rueger and J. Pointeck, Z . Chem., 26, 360 (1986).
46. (a) W. G. Bentrude, J. H. Hargis, N. A. Johnson, T. B. Min, P. E. Rusek, Jr, H. W. Tan and R. A.
Wielesek,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 98,5348 (1976);(b) W. G. Bentrude, J. H. Hargis and P. E. Rusek, Jr,
J. Chem. SOC..Chem. Commun.,296 (1969).
47. D. Griller, B. P. Roberts, A.G. Davies and K. U. Ingold, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,%, 554 (1974).
48. R. Rothuis, J. J. H. M. Font Freide and H. M. Buck, R e d . Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 92, 1308
49. M. Wilson and R. Burgada, Phosphorus Sulfur, 7, 117 (1979); N. P. Grechkin and G. S.
Bubanova, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 12, 2803 (1970).
50. T. Kawashima and W. G. Bentrude, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,101, 3981 (1979); W. G. Bentrude, T.
Kawashima, B. A. Keys, M. Garroussian, W. Heide and D. A. Wedegaertner, J. Am. Chem. Soc.,
109, 1227 (1987).
51. G. Wittig and M. Rieber, Justus Liebigs Ann. Chem., 572, 187 (1949);G. Wittig and G. Geissler,
Justus Liebigs Ann. Chem., 580.44 (1953);G. A. Rasuvaev and N. A. Osanova, Dokl. Akad. Nauk
SSSR, 104,552 (1955);G. A. Rasuvaev and N. A. Osanova, Zh. Obsch. Khim., 26,2531 (1956).
52. P. Tordo, M. Boyer, A. Friedmann, 0. Santere and L. Pujol, J. Phys. Chem., 82, 1742 (1978).
53. G. B. Watts and K. U. Ingold, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 94, 2528 (1972).
54. J. A. Howard and J. C. Tait, Can. J. Chem., 56, 2163 (1978).
55. J. C. Brand and B. P. Roberts, J . Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans. 2, 1549 (1982).
56. A. S. Goldman and D. R. Tyler, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,108, 89 (1986).
57. Compilations of ESR data can be found in refs. la, le and J. R. Morton and K. F. Preston, in
Landolt-Bornstein, New Series (Ed. H. Fischer and K.-H. Hellwege),Vol. II/9a, Springer, Berlin,
1977, pp. 141-155; A. G. Davies and B. P. Roberts, in Landolt-Bornstein, New Series, (Ed. H.
Fischer and K.-H. Hellwege), Vol. I1/9c, Springer, Berlin, 1979, pp215-268; P. Tordo in
“Landolt-Bornstein, New Series,” Vol. II/17e, (Ed. H. Fischer), Springer, Berlin, 1988, pp 254-
314. More limited numbers of examples are found in the remaining portions of ref. 1.
58. See, e.g., (a) P. J. Krusic, W. Mahler and J. K. Kochi, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,94,6033 (1972);(b) K.
Nishikida and F. Williams, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,97,5462 (1975);(c)A. G. Davies, R. W. Dennis and
B. P. Roberts, J. Chem. Soc.. Perkin Trans. 2, 1101 (1974).
59. A. Hasegawa, K. Ohnishi, K. Sogabe and M. Miura, Mol. Phys., 30, 1367 (1975).
60. T. Gillbro and F. Williams, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,96,5032 (1974).
61. R. W. Dennis, I. H. Elson, B. P. Roberts and R. C. Dobbie, J. Chem. SOC..Perkin Trans. 2, 889
62. R. S. Hay, B. P. Roberts, K. Singh and J. P. T. Wilkinson, J . Chem. SOC.. Perkin Trans. 2, 756
63. A. J. Colussi, J. R. Morton and L. F. Preston, J. Phys. Chem., 79, 651 (1975).
64. (a) P. J. Krusick and P. Meakin, Chem. Phys. Lett., 18,347 (1973);(b) C. A. McDowell, K. A. R.
Mitchell and P. Raghunathan, J . Chem. Phys., 57,1699 (1972);(c) D. Kilcast and C. Thomsom, J.
Chem. Soc.. Faraday Trans. 2, 435 (1972); (d) J. Higuchi, J. Chem. Phys., 50, 1001 (1969); (e)
J. M. I. VanDijk, J. F. M. Pennings and H. M. Buck, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,97,4836 (1975);(f) T. A.
Claxton, B. W. Fullam, E. Platt and M. C. R. Symons, J. Chem. SOC.,Dalton Trans., 1395 (1975);
(9)J. M. Howell and J. F. Olsen, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 98,7119 (1976);(h) V. V. Penkovskii, Dokl.
Akad. Nauk SSSR, 243,375 (1978);(i) Y. I. Gorlov and V. V. Penkovsky, Chem. Phys. Lett., 35,25
(1975);(j)A. Hudson and R. F. Treweek, Chem. Phys. Lett., 39,248 (1976);(k) J. Weber and M.
Geoffroy, Theor. Chim. Acta, 43,299 (1977);(I) A Hudson and J. T. Wiffen, Chem. Phys. Lett., 29,
113 (1974).
14. Free-radical reactions of organophosphorus (111) 565
65. D. Gonbeau, M.-F. Guimon, J. K. Ollivier and G. Wister-Guillouzo, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 108,
4760 (1986).
66. R. A. J. Janssen, G. J. Visser and H. M. Buck, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 106, 3429 (1984).
67. B. P. Roberts, Tetrahedron Lett., 24, 3377 (1983).
68. T. Berclaz, M. GeoITroy and E. A. C. Lucken, Chem. Phys. Lett., 36, 677 (1975).
69. (a) J. H. H. Hamerlinck, P. Schipper and H. M. Buck, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 102, 5679 (1980); (b)
J. H. H. Hamerlinck, P. Schipper and H. M. Buck, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 105,385 (1983); (c)J. H. H.
Hamerlinck, P. Schipper and H. M. Buck, J. Org. Chem., 48, 306 (1983).
70. J. R. M. Giles and B. P. Roberts, J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. 2, 1211 (1981).
71. For listing of ESR parameters for such radicals, see ref. la.
72. T. Clark, J. Comput. Chem., 4, 404 (1983).
73. C. Glidewell, J. Chem. Soc.. Perkin Trans. 2, 299 (1985).
74. J. A. Baban, C. J. Cooksey and B. P. Roberts, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2, 781 (1979).
75. G. Boekstein, E. H. J. M. Jansen and H. M. Buck, J . Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 118 (1974).
76. J. A. Baban and B. P. Roberts, J. Chem. Soc.. Chem. Commun., 537 (1979).
77. R. A. J. Janssen and H. M. Buck, Chem. Phys. Lett., 132,459 (1986).
78. R. A. J. Janssen, M. H. W. Sonnemans and H. M. Buck, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 108, 6145 (1986).
79. (a) M. Cattani-Lorente, G. Bernadinelli and M. Geoffroy, Helv. Chim. Acta, 70, 1897 (1987); (b)
R. A. J. Janssen, M. H. W. Sonnemans and H. M. Buck, J. Chem. Phys., 84, 3694 (1986); (c)
R. A. J. Janssen, M. J. van der Woerd, 0. M. Aagaard and H. M. Buck, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 110,
6001 (1988); (d) R. A. J. Janssen, J. A. J. M. Kingma and H. M. Buck, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 110,
3018 (1988).
80. B. L. Tumanskii, A. A. Khodak, S. P. Solodovnikov, N. N. Bubnov, V. A. Gilyarov and M. I.
Kabachnik, Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Diu. Chem. Sci., 30,779 (1981).
81. B. L. Tumanskii, T. E. Kron, S. P. Solodovnikov, N. N. Bubnov and M. I. Kabachnik, Bull.
Acad. Sci. USSR, Diu. Chem. Sci., 31, 2381 (1982).
82. J. A. Baban and B. P. Roberts, J. Chem. SOC..Perkin Trans. 2, 1717 (1984).
83. J. A. Baban and B. P. Roberts, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2, 1607 (1986).
84. I. H. Elson, M. J. Parrott and B. P. Roberts, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 586 (1975).
85. Roberts has reported higher valuesfor the [t-BuOPH,]'case based on his own Arrhenius plbt of
data given in ref. 63a: log A = 16.5, E = 8.8 kcal mol-' (ref. lb, Table 5)
86. B. P. Roberts and K. Singh, J . Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 980 (1979).
87. W.G. Bentrude and T. B. Min, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,94, 1025 (1972).
88. B. P. Roberts and K. Singh,J . Chem. Soc.. Perkin Trans. 2, 1549 (1980).
89. H. W. Tan and W. G. Bentrude, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 96, 5950 (1974).
90. W. G. Bentrude, W. A. Khan, M.Murakami and H. W. Tan, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 96,5566 (1974).
91. A. Nakanishi and W. G. Bentrude, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 100,6271 (1978).
92. W. G. Bentrude, M. Moriyama, H. D. Mueller and A. E. Sopchik, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 105,6053
93. W. G. Bentrude, W. D. Alley, N. A. Johnson, M. Murakami, K. Nishikida and H. W. Tan, J. Am.
Chem. Soc., 99,4383 (1977).
94. See,e.g., for alkenes, J. M. Hornback and G. S. Proehl, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,101,7367 (1979); for
ketones, D. Griller, J. A. Howard, P. R. Marriot and J. C. Scaiano, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,103,619
(1981); for thioketones, J. D. Coyle, Tetrahedron, 41, 5393 (1985).
95. K. A. M. Creber, K. S. Chen and J. K. S . Wan, Rev. Chem. Intermed., 5,37 (1984); G . F. Pedulli,
Rev. Chem. Intermed., 7, 155 (1986).
96. M. A. Fox, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 101, 5339 (1979), and references cited therein.
97. Y. L. Chow and B. Marciniak, J. Org. Chem., 48, 2910 (1983).
98. C. E. Griffin, W. G. Bentrude and G. M. Johnson, Tetrahedron Lett., 969 (1969).
99. R.Okazaki, K. Tamura, Y. Hirabayashi and N. J. Inamoto, J. Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans. I , 1924
100. A. Alberti, D. Griller, A. S. Nazran and G. F. Pedulli, J. Org. Chem., 51, 3959 (1986).
101. T. J. Burkey, D. Griller, L. L u n k and A. S. Nazran, J. Org. Chem., 48, 3704 (1983).
102. A. Albert, A. Hudson, G. F. Pedulli, W. G. McGimpsey and J. K. S. Wan, Can. J. Chem., 63,
917 (1985).
103. W. G. McGimpsey, M. C. Depew and J. K. S. Wan, Phosphorus Sulfur, 21, 135 (1984).
104. R. Okazaki, Y. Hirabayashi, K. Tamura and N. Inamoto, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1 , 1034
566 W. G. Bentrude
105. W. G. Bentrude,S.-G. Lee, K. Akutagawa, W. Ye and W. Y. Charbonne1,J. Am. Chem. SOC.,109,
1577 ( I 987).
106. C. Walling and R. Rabinowitz, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 81, 1243 (1959).
107. S. A. Buckler, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 84, 3093 (1962).
108. M. B. Floyd and C. E. Boozer, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 85,984 (1963).
109. Y. Ogata and M. Yamashita, J. Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans. 2, 730 (1972).
110. W. G. Bentrude, Tetrahedron Lett., 3543 (1965).
111. W.4. Hwang and J. T. Yoke, J. Org. Chem., 45, 2088 (1980).
112. F. R. Mayo, L. J. Durham and K. S . Griggs, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 85,3156 (1963); R. L. Flurry, Jr,
and C. E. Boozer, J. Org. Chem., 31, 2076 (1966).
113. W. G. Bentrude, A. E. Sopchik and T. Gajda, J . Am. Chem. SOC., 111, 3981 (1989).
114. K. Schwetlick,T. Koenig,C. Rueger, J. Pionteck and W. D. Habicher, Polym. Degrad. Stabil., IS,
97 (1986).
115. C. Rueger, T. Koenig and K. Schwetlick, Acta Polymerica., 37, 435 (1986).
116. K. Schwetlick, Pure Appl. Chem., 55, 1629 (1983).
117. C. Rueger, K. Schwetlick, L. Jirackova and J. Pospisil, Angew. Makromol. Chem., 82,207 (1979).
118. T. Koenig, K. Schwetlick, I. Kudelka and J. K. Pospisil, Polym. Degrad. Stabil., IS, 151 (1986).
119. A. E. Sopchik and W. G. Bentrude, Tetrahedron Lett., 22, 307 (1981).
120. K. A. Nelson and W. G. Bentrude, unpublished results.
121. T. Maruyama and M. Honjo, Nucleosides Nucleotides, 7 , 203 (1988).
122. T. Maruyama, Y. Adachi and M. Honjo, J. Org. Chem., 53,4552 (1988).
123. D. H. R. Barton, D. Bridon and S. Z. Zard, Tetrahedron Lett., 27, 4309 (1986).
124. C. Walling, 0. H. Basedow and E. S. Savas, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 82, 2181 (1960).
125. D. H. R. Barton, T. J. Bentley, R. H. Hesse, F. Mutterer and M. M. Pechet, J . Chem. Soc., Chem.
Commun., 912 (1971).

Phosphine complexes of
transition metals
Department of Chemistry. University of Southampton Southampton SO9 5NH. UK
I . INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568
A . History and Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568
B. Scope and Previous Reviews. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569
C . Group VB Ligands-Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
A . Electronic Effects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
B. Steric Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572
I11. COMPLEXES OF PH,, PH, R and PHR, . . . . . . . . . . . 577
A. Complexes of PH, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
B. Complexes of PH, R and PHR, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
A . Complexes of the f-Block Metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582
B. Complexes of the Titanium Group (IV) . . . . . . . . . . . 582
C. Complexes of the Vanadium Group (V) . . . . . . . . . . . 583
D . Complexes of the Chromium Group (VI) . . . . . . . . . . 585
E . Complexes of the Manganese Group (VII) . . . . . . . . . 587
F. Complexes of the Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589
G . Complexes of the Cobalt Sub-group . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
H . Complexes of the Nickel Sub-group . . . . . . . . . . . . 595
I . Complexes of the Copper Sub-group (IB) . . . . . . . . . . 599
J . Complexes of the Zinc Sub-group (IIB) . . . . . . . . . . 600
A . Diphosphines with a Single Methylene Bridge Group Backbone
R,PCH,PR, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601
B. Diphosphines with Two- or Three-carbon Backbones . Early Transition
Metals, Groups 111-VII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601
C . Complexes with Two- or Three-carbon Backbones . Later Transition
Metals, Groups VIII-IIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606
D . Diphosphines with Longer Backbones . . . . . . . . . . . 615
E . Diphosphines which Cannot Chelate . . . . . . . . . . . 616

The Chemistry of Organophosphorus Compounds. Volume 1

Edited By F. R . Hartley c; 1990 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
568 W. Levason
A. Triphosphines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617
B. Tetraphosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621
C. Hexaphosphines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623
D. Phosphinomacrocycles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623
VII. REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624


A. History and Development

The first tertiary phosphine complexes were made by Hofman’ in 1857, and further
scattered examples appeared over the next 60 years, notably two forms of [Pt(PEt,),CI,]
in 18702,although the correct assignment of cis and trans geometry to these isomers dates
from 19363. However, the development of this area into the vast research field we know
today can be traced to independent work in the 193Os, by F. G.Mann in Cambridge and
K. A. Jensen in Copenhagen4, Mann’s studies being continued and greatly extended by his
student J. Chatt. The early history of tertiary phosphine complexes is intertwined with, and
in some cases preceded by, studies of the corresponding arsines. This resulted from the
stimulus provided to organoarsenic chemistry in the early years of this century by the
therapeutic properties of some arsenicals and the toxicity (‘poison gases’) of others. Indeed,
the synthesis of ditertiary arsines [including the famous o-C6H4 (AsMe,), by Chatt and
Mann in 1939’) and polydentate arsines [MeAs(CH,CH,CH,AsMe,), by Barclay and
Nyholm 19536] precede by some years the syntheses of the phosphine analogues. Only in
the 1960s did phosphine coordination chemistry overtake and then rapidly outstrip that of
arsines prompted both by the superior coordinating ability of phosphines, especially
towards 3d metals, and by the advantages conferred by the presence of a spin-i nucleus in
The developments in NMR instrumentation and techniques in recent years have
greatly reinforced the advantage‘.
Many developments have contributed to the phenomenal growth of tertiary phosphine
coordination chemistry and some of the more notable include the following (the list is
illustrative not comprehensive and could easily have been much larger): the observation of
halide bridges in a molecular complex [Pd,(PR3),C14], Mann and Purdie (1936)*;
synthesis of [Ni(PEt,),Br,] demonstrating that phosphines stabilize unusual oxidation
states, Jensen ( 1936)9; catalysis of olefin and acetylene polymerization by
[Ni(CO),(PPh,),], Reppe and Schweckendiek, (1948)’O; homoleptic phosphine
complexes [Pt(PPh,),], Malatesta (1957)”; metal hydride complexes
[PtHCI(PEt,),], Chatt et al. (1957)12;stable alkyl and aryl complexes, Chatt and Shaw
( 1959)13;[Rh(PPh,),Cl] and homogeneous hydrogenation catalysts, Wilkinson ( 1966)14;
[Ir(CO)(PPh,),Cl] and reversible 0,binding, Vaska (1961y; dinitrogen complexes and
their protonation to NH3, Chatt ( 1975)16; the first diphosphine complexes
(Et,PCH,CH,PEt,), Wymore and Bailar (1960)”; the tetraphosphine P(o-C,H,PPh,),
promoting TBP geometry (one of many examples of unusual geometries produced by
phosphines), Venanzi (1963)”; metallation of a coordinated phosphine
[Ru(Me,PCH,CH,PMe,),], Chatt and Davidson ( 1965)19;bulky substituents in phos-
phines leading to facile metallation, unusual coordination numbers and large rings with
BufzP(CH2),PBufz,Shaw ( 1 9 7 0 ’ ~ ) ~polydentate
~; phosphine ligands by P-H bond
addition to vinylphosphines, King (1971)”; chiral phosphines, e.g. diop and enantioselec-

“AmongGroup VB and VIB donor atoms, only I5N [0.37%,D, (respectivityrelative to the proton7)

have I = 4. All can be ‘routinely’studied with modern multinuclear FT-NMR instruments,

= 3.8 x 77Se(7.6%, D, = 5.3 x lo-,), lz5Te(7.0”/,,D, = 2.2 x lz3Te (0.87%,D, = 1.6
but the ease of observation is much less than that of 31P(loo%,D, = 0.066).
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 569
tive catalysis by their metal complexes, Kagan (197 l),,; and phosphinomacrocycles23. To
these chemical examples one could justly add the M-PR, bonding model Q donor-n
acceptor, Chatt ( 1950-52)24; steric effects in phosphines (cone angle concept), Tolman
( 1970)25;application of 31PN M R to phosphine c ~ m p l e x e s ~ and
~ ~ ~‘virtual
’; coupling in
trans-R,MeP-M-PMeR, units-the use of ‘H N M R spectra as a structural probe,
Jenkins and Shaw ( 1963),*.
Many of these developments are of major importance to other areas of inorganic o r
organometallic chemistry, e.g. the alkyl, hydrido and dinitrogen complexes, and although
subsequent work showed that the presence of the phosphines was not essential to the
stabilization of such bonds, the phosphine complexes were crucial to the initial
development of the chemistries, and remain among the easiest examples to prepare and
Key features of transition metal phosphine complexes are that they provide transition
metal centres in discrete molecular forms, soluble in a wide range of organic media29.Both
properties significantly extend the scope of transition metal chemistry, and are essential to
their roles in homogeneous catalysis and much organometallic chemistry. The use of
tertiary phosphines with longalkyl chains, PR, (R = n-C,,H,,-CI9H3, or p-C,H,R’, R’
=C2H,-C,Hl,), leads to platinum metal complexes which are soluble even in saturated
hydrocarbon^^'.^ whilst incorporation of a hydrophilic group such as quaternary
ammonium (e.g. Ph,PCH,CH,NMe:) can give water-soluble c ~ m p l e x e s ~ *The
majority of phosphine complexes are insoluble in water, and many are decomposed by it.

0. Scope and Previous Reviews

Transition metal phosphine complexes have been the subject of two books (the later one
covering the literature through 1977), and several review articles, with a larger number of
articles dealing with specific aspects of the field. The more important of these previous
treatments are listed in Table 1. Full coverage of the post-1977 literature would produce a

TABLE 1. Previous reviews on metal-phosphine chemistry

Topic Authors Reference
Transition metal complexes of phosphorus,
arsenic and antimony ligands C. A. McAuliffe (Ed.) 29
Phosphine, arsine and stibine complexes C. A. McAuliffe and
of the transition elements W. Levason 34
Phosphine, arsine and stibine complexes G. Booth 35
Phosphine complexes G. Booth 36
Transition metal complexes of phosphines 0. Stelzer 37
Diphosphine complexes W. Levason and
C. A. McAuliffe 38
Fluoroalicyclic phosphines and arsines W. R. Cullen 39
Tripodal phosphine complexes L. Sacconi and F. Mani 40
Olefin-phosphines D. I. Hall, J. H. Ling and
R. S. Nyholm 41
Phosphite, phosphonite and phosphinite J. G. Verkade and
complexes K. J. Koskran 42
Phosphorus, arsenic, antimony and
bismuth ligands C. A. McAuliffe 23
Tripod tetradentate ligand complexes L. M. Venanzi 18
Phosphole complexes F. Mathey, J. Fischer
J. H.Nelson 43
Ph,PCH,PPh, complexes R. J. Puddephatt 44
570 W. Levason
work of book length, prohibitively long and inappropriate in the context of the present
volume. The more modest goal attempted here is to illustrate the characteristic chemistry
of transition metal phosphine complexes, with examples taken mostly from the post-1977
literature (literature coverage extends to the end of 1987),and concentrating on halide and
carbonyl systems. Complexes with other co-ligands, organometallics, nitrosyls, dinitro-
gen, etc., are included only where of particular interest from the point of view of the
phosphine. Work in recent reviews or in other chapters in this present volume (e.g.
phosphole and phospha-alkene or -alkyne complexes) are excluded. Recently obtained
complexes of the f-block elements are included, but Main Group (p-block) complexes are
not. Although some phosphine complexes are known for all the heavier p-block
elements45,their study has been neglected, and appears to be an area ripe for development.
The synthesis of the ligands also falls outside the scope of this chapter, but is discussed
elsewhere in this volume.

C. Group VB Ligands-Overview
Review articles detailing the coordination chemistry of arsines, stibinesz9-34*35 and
PF346are available. As already indicated, there is a large chemistry of mono-, bi- and poly-
dentate arsenic donor ligands. Towards metal ions in low oxidation states, and 4d and 5d
metals in normal (medium) oxidation states, the differences in behaviour between
analogous phosphine and arsine ligands are often small, but for normal oxidation states of
the 3d elements, and in higher oxidation states generally, phosphine complexes are
markedly more stable, and many have no arsine analogues. The emphasis on analogous
ligands is intentional. For many years, o-phenylenebis(dimethy1arsine)was famed for its
‘unique’ ability to stabilize unusual oxidation states and coordination numbersz9,
properties not shared by available diphosphines such as PhzPCHzCH,PPhz. More recent
studies4’ of the diphosphine analogue o-C6H4(PMe,), have shown it to be very similar in
behaviour to o-C6H4(AsMez),towards many transition metals, and in demanding cases,
e.g. mangane~e(II),~, i r ~ n ( I V ) ,or
~ ni~kel(IV),~,
the diphosphine complexes are markedly
more stable. Antimony donor ligands (stibines) have much weaker coordinating ability,
and this has restricted both the range of complexes known and the amount of effort
devoted to them. In general they do not afford stable complexes with normal oxidation
states of the 3d metals, although nickel(I1)complexes of the bidentates o-C6H,(SbMez)z50
and MezSb(CHz)3SbMez51 and cobalt(II1) complexes of o-C,H,(SbMe,),5z are known.
Bismuthines are very poor donors and this, coupled with the ease with which C-Bi bond
fission occurs, severely restricts the examples ~ b t a i n a b l e ~few
~ ; have been thoroughly


A. Electronic Effects
The standard textbook description of the transition metal-phosphine bond is based
on the proposal by Chattz4that the lone pair on the phosphine is donated into an empty
metal d orbital (a bond), and the empty phosphorus 3d orbitals accept electron density
from filled metal d orbitals of suitable symmetry ((IC backbonding’), the bonding being
mutually reinforcing (synergic). The model was widely accepted and used to rationalize
many of the properties of such complexes. However, by the mid-1960s the accumulation of
spectroscopic and structural data allowed detailed reconsideration of the model, and
differing views were taken by different workers. Some argued that many properties, e.g.
variations in 1.J(31P-195Pt)coupling constants, the trans-influence of phosphines or the
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 571
effects of PR, substituents on v(C0) and force constants in carbonyls, could be explained
by anisotropic a bonding effects, with the x-component unimportant or absent. It was
argued that the 3d orbitals on phosphorus were of too high energy and too diffuse to
contribute significantly to the bonding. However, it remained difficult to explain, for
example, the stability of zerovalent metal phosphine complexes and the high spectrochem-
ical position of phosphines by a bonding alone. The difficult, often subtle (and not
infrequently subjective) detailed arguments by different workers are best followed in the
original papers. This work has been reviewed' 'sZ4, is further considered in Chapter 2,
Section IV.E, and will not be repeated here.
A summary of the generally accepted view would be that the a bonding was dominant,
especially in P(alkyl), complexes with metals in positive oxidation states, and that this was
supplemented by a significant A component when the phosphine carried electronegative
substituents and with metals in low oxidation states, although quantification of the A
component remains elusive. When one remembers that phosphines bond to d-block
metals in oxidation states ranging from (formally) - I1 to VI, and to p- and f-block
metals, it is clear that the nature of the phosphine bonding will vary considerably to
accommodate the very different properties of the metal centres. It is also now clear that
many of the trends in spectroscopic parameters reflect the bonding in the complex as a
whole, and separation of the effects due to the M-P bond and further subdivision of this
into a and x components is extremely difficult. Steric effects (below) are a further
In the last 10 years, some interesting new insights into the M-P bond have emerged
and these will be briefly discussed. The a-donor power of phosphines has usually been
estimated from their proton basicity [pK,(H,O)], either determined experimentally or
estimated from Hammett apor Kabachnik a+constants54.The pK, values range from 1 1.4
for PBu', to ca 2.0 for 4-XC6H4PPh,55.56. More recently, gas-phase photoelectron
spectroscopy (PES) has been used to provide a direct measure of the binding energy of the
phosphorus lone pair. The initial results indicated that the order of the a-donor power
was PPh, > PPh,Me > PPhMe, > PMe,57, the opposite of the pK,-derived order and
of that intuitively expected, and these results provoked considerable c o n t r o v e r ~ y ~ ~ .
The PES data were subsequently supported by gas-phase proton affinity measure-
m e n t ~The~ ~ PES
. measurements have since been extended to several series of complexes,
including [ A U M ~ J P R , ) ] ~ ~[W(CO),(PR,)]6',
, [W(CO)4(RzP(CHz)zPRz)]61 and
[Mo(CO), -,,(PR,),,] (n = 1-3)62, which again suggested that aryl substituents increase the
phosphine donor power in comparison with the alkyl groups. Gas-phase PES data differ
from solution pK, data since the latter will also involve a substantial contribution from
solvation energies, and this may be a better reflection of solution chemical reactivities.
Nonetheless, the PES data are most interesting in the context of a deeper understanding of
the M-P bond, and similar data on a large number of examples, varying the metal and
oxidation state, are desirable.
In addition to these new results on the a-donor power, our understanding of the A
component in the M-P bond has also changed. Earlier workers had assumed that the x
bond was M(dn)-P(3dn), but recent molecular-orbital calculations (self-consistent
multipolar Xa type) have suggested that6, the LUMO in PH, has 36% 3p and only 23%;3d
character, whereas in PMe, the proportions are 14 and lo%, respectively. M a r y n i ~ k ~ ~
showed that for [Cr(NH,),(PH,)] or [Ni(NH,),(PH,)], ah initio MO calculation could
acceptably describe the A-acceptor bond without including any 3d orbitals in the
phosphines basis set. Experimental support for these calculations has been provided by
~ ~ . proposal that the x-acceptor orbital on P is
electron transmission ~ p e c t r o s c o p yThe
actually a P-X (X= H or C)a* [or contains substantial P-X a* admixed with P(3d)66,
Figure 11 is attractive, removing the difficulty of utilizing the high-energy diffuse 3d
orbitals alone. Orpen and Connelly66examined X-ray data on several pairs of complexes
512 W. Levason

FIGURE 1. Doubly degenerate PX, LUMO

(C,” local symmetry assumed). Reproduced by
permission of the Royal Society of Chemistry
from Reference 66.

which differ only in the metal oxidation state, e.g. [Mn(CO)(Ph,PCH,CH,PPh,)(~5-

C6H6Ph)l0’+or [Fe(CO){ P(OMe),} 2[q,4-C4Ph,]]o’+ and showed that the changes in
M-P and P-X bond lengths are consistent with expectations of the A bond having a
P-X Q* component. Essentially, as the oxidation state of the metal increases d(M-P)
increases but d(P-X) decreases.
In addition to these studies of the M-PR, linkage, several comparable studies of
Group VB donor complexes have been carried out. X-ray structural data on
[Cr(CO),(EPh,)] (E = P, As, Sb, Bi) indicated that the s component of the Cr-E bond
increased down Group VB6’. PES data68,gas-phase proton affinities69,enthalpy data for
BX, adducts’O and 13CNMR” of mi(CO),(ER,)] suggested that ER, basicity falls in the
order PR, > AsR, > SbR, whilst the donor/acceptor ratio is SbR, > AsR, > PR,, with
the heavier donors being less influenced by changes in the R group.

6. Steric Effects
Although the steric properties of phosphines had occasionally been suggested to
influence the nature of their complexes, e.g. the planar $ tetrahedral equilibrium in
[Ni(PR,),X,], until 1970 the observed effects were usually attributed to electronic effects.
The seminal work of T ~ l m a nand ~ ~his* proposal
~ ~ of the cone angle model for treating
steric effects in a semiquantitative manner revolutionized thinking in this area. The
familiar ‘definition’ of cone angles for symmetric and unsymmetric ligands is shown in
Figure 2a and b. For the unsymmetric ligand,

0=Q f
@i,z (1)

The cone angle is not appreciably affected by small changes in the M-P (or the P-C)
bond length”, but where rotation about the P-C bonds is possible, the conformation
chosen will have a marked effect on 0. Tolman7, chose to use the CPK models with the
substituents folded back to give a minimum cone. Other choices are possible and, as
discussed by DeSanto et al.’,, lead to significant variations in the values of 0.A different
definition of cone angle appropriate to cluster compounds has been proposed by
Mingo~ which
~ ~ relates to the cluster-PR, distance rather than the P-M distance to
the bonded metal centre (Figure 3). Mingos’s value is clearly less than Tolman’s for any
particular ligand. Using d(M-P) = 2.28 A (Tolman’s value), DeSanto et al.’, used
MIND0/3 semiempirical molecular orbital calculations to examine the effect of
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 573
n \

FIGURE 2. 'Definition' of cone angles for (a) symmetric and (b) unsymmetric legands.
Reproduced by permission of the American Chemical Society from Reference 25.
Copyright (1977) American Chemical Society.

Van der Waals

radius o f ligand
atom, B . Q . l - C s H s

cone ongle
Positionol co-ordinates
of metal atom on
surface o f polyhedron
\ /
Cluster cone angle

Centre o f poy

FIGURE 3. Definition of cluster cone angle and comparison

with the Tolman cone angle. Reproduced by permission of
the American Chemical Society from Reference 74. Copyright
(1982) American Chemical Society.

substituent conformation on the cone angle. Listings of cone angles for many tertiary
phosphines have been p ~ b l i s h e d ~ typical ~ ~ ~ ~values
* ~ ~ranging
* ~ ~ from
, MeH,P (103"),
Me,P(118"), PPh, (145") to P(o-MeC,H,), (194")and P(mesityl), (212").As pointed out
by Tolman2', treating ligands as solid cones does not allow for the intermeshing of
substituents on neighbouring ligands, or for the ability of ligands to accommodate
crowding by compressing the C-P-C angles, and thus cone angles tend to overestimate
steric effects. The value of Tolman's approach lies more in providing a framework for
discussing steric properties in a semiquantitative way, and in classifyingphosphine ligands
in terms of their relatioe steric properties. Too much emphasis should not be placed on the
numerical 0 values for similar-sized ligands.
The obvious limitations of the simple cone angle method led to a number of more
sophisticated models, which address the problem of the irregular shapes of real ligands,
but lose the simplicity and ease of use of the original. Ferguson and coworker^^^*^^
introduced the ligand profile approach based on X-ray data for bulky ligands such as P(c-
514 W. Levason

( C )

1 I I I I


0 90 180 2 70 360
FIGURE 4. Ligand profiles for (a) c-Hex,P in c-
Hex,PHgSCN),; (b) c-Hex,P in (c-Hex,P),Pt; (c) t-Bu,P in t-
Bu,PHg(OAc),; (d) (o-Tol),P in [(o-Tol),PHgC1C104],; (e)
(o-Tol),P in [(o-Tol),PHg(OAc),],; (0 (o-Tol),P in [(o-
Tol),P],PtI,. The ordinate is the maximum semicone angle
0/2. The abscissa is the angle q5 through which the vector M -P X
has been rotated about the M-P bond; the origin of q5 was
arbitrarily chosen. Reproduced by permission of the American
Chemical Society from Reference 76. Copyright (1978) Ame-
rican Chemical Society.

Hex),, P(o-MeC,H,), and PBu‘,. The ligand profile is generated by rotating the
phosphine about the M-P axis (4 = rotation angle) and measuring 0 / 2 , the angle formed
by the tangent to the ‘proudest’ hydrogen. A typical ligand profile is shown in Figure 4,
which displays the ‘cog-like’structure, and shows how intermeshing can occur between the
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 515


FIGURE 5. Dependence of the angular encum-

brance of a coordinated phosphorus ligand (PEt, as a
working example) on the ligand orientation. Hydro-
gen atoms are omitted for clarity. In A and B the
curved line indicates the section in the plane of the
drawing of the space filling molecular model (carbon
radius 1.8 A). For each orientation C#J the t-0 angle is
defined by the straight line r tangent to the model in
the plane of the figure. C represents the generalized
non-circular cone described by r on changing C#J andt-0
angles. X, a point of r at an arbitrary fixed distance
from M, describes a closed non-circular belonging to a
sphere centered on M. Reproduced by permission of
Elsevier Sequoia from Reference 78.

cogs. It should be noted that this approach results in different values of 0 for the same
ligand in different complexes, reflecting the different degrees of crowding and the
accommodation to them.
A different approach was taken by Immirzi and MUSCO’~, who introduced the idea of
angular encumbrance ($3). Again, tangents are drawn to the periphery of the ligands as a
function of its rotation ( 4 )about the M-P bond. Changes in 0 / 2 with 4 are termed the
ligand angular encumbrance. The result is a solid figure, ‘cone-like’but with an irregular
non-circular section (Figure 5). The solid angle R of this irregular cone is given by

Also introduced was the idea of angle 0,the aperture of a circular cone having the
equivalent solid angle:
0 = 2 arcos ( 1 - R/27r) (3)
which should correlate with Tolman’s cone angle 0.
A further way of displaying the steric properties of a ligand has been proposed by Oliver
and Smith79 (Figure 6).
The accumulation of a large body of X-ray crystallographic data has allowed detailed
comparisons of the steric effects in related series of compounds. Several examples of this
will be discussed in later sections, but here we note two. Clark and Hampden-Smitheo
correlated data on about thirty platinum(I1) complexes of P (c-Hex),. The conclusions
were that steric overcrowding in such molecules was accommodated in various ways,
in order of decreasing importance, lengthening of the R-P bond > deviation from 90”
angles in the square-plane > distortion of Pt-P-C angle and of the phosphine
> deviation from planarity.
576 W.Levason

FIGURE 6. A method of displaying the steric properties

of a ligand. Reproduced by permission of the American
Chemical Society from Reference 79. Copyright (1978)
American Chemical Society.

By supplementing the X-ray studies by solid-state ,lP and solution 'H NMR
spectroscopy, it is possible to correlate these observations with solution properties. An
alternative approach is to compare X-ray data for the same substrate with varying
phosphines, and an example of this is the vitamin B,, models [Co(Hdmg),YPR,)]
[Hdmg = dimethylglyoximato( - )]. The d(Co-P) increases with the bulk of the
phosphine, although electronic effects from the trans ligand L are also involved8' -".
Although it was Tolman's work on steric effects that is best known; he alsoa4introduced
an electronic parameter v, based on the A, carbonyl frequency in mi(CO),(PR,)], and
showed that the substituent contributions xi for PR'R'R' could be estimated via

+ 1 xi
v = 2056.1 (4)
i= 1

It is appropriate to close this section by recalling the fact that steric and electronic effects
are intimately related, and correspondingly dimcult to separate in many systems. For
sterically crowded systems, ligand size may dominate, whereas for complexes of low
coordination number with small ligands, electronic effects are paramount. Many
protagonists have stressed one effect over the other and much ink has been spilled in
resulting disputes. In many systems both steric and electronic models predict similar
trends; to take a simple example, u donor power (pK,model) increases in the order PPh,
< PMePh, < PMe,Ph < PMe, whereas the cone angle decreases in the same order (145"
> 136" > 122" > 118");ifa particular trend in properties of ML,(PR3) varies in this order,
it is not always clear how one should apportion the underlying effects (see ref, 25-steric
and electronic map). Finally, attempts to separate u, and steric effects by combination of
electrochemical (CV) data, pK, values and cone angles have recently been described for a
number of systemsa5.The generality and success of this interesting approach awaits data
on a larger number of systems.
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals SII

A. Complexes of PH,
The coordination chemistry of phosphine has not been investigated in great detail, but
complexes with most metal carbonyls are knowns6, and there is the homoleptic
[Ni(PH3)Js7. Recently studies examples include [V(CO),PH,]- ss and [QPH,]
[Q = Cr(CO),, Mo(CO),, W(CO),]s9. The latter react with [Co,(CO),] to give
[QPCo,(CO),] (l)s9.From [Os,(CO), ,(MeCN)] and PH,, [Os,(CO),,PH,] is formed
and this is readily converted into [Os,(CO),,(p-PH,)] and [(p-H)Os3(CO)lo(p-PH,)]90.
When the latter is heated with [Os,(CO),, -,(MeCN),] the hexanuclear clusters
[Os,H,(C0),,(p3-PH)L](L = MeCN or CO) (2)" are formed. Other X-ray characterized
examples with p-PH, groups include [ { (CO),Mn(PH,)},] and [ { (CO),Mn(PH,)},]92 (3
and 4). Phosphine also adds oxidatively to the Vaska-type complex [Ir(CO)Br(PEt,),] to
give [Ir(CO)BrH(PEt,),(PH2)]93.The terminal PH, group adds selenium to give a
PH,Se complex and is protonated by HCI to a coordinated PH, group
[Ir(CO)BrH(PEt,),(PH,)] +. Singly-bridged platinum(I1) dimers [ { PtX(PEt,), ]. ,(p-
PH,)]Y (X = H, C1, Br; Y = C1, Br) have also been prepared94.

(Cole M n
/'Y (C0I4Mn/P-Mn \7 H 2
\ /Mn(C0)4 \ P- Mn (COh
PH2 H2

8. Complexes of PH,R and PHR,

The coordination chemistry of primary (PH,R) and secondary (PHR,) phosphines has
been much less thoroughly investigated than that of tertiary phosphines, although there
has been considerable recent interest in using PHR, ligands in particular as precursors to
bi- and poly-nuclear phosphido-linked species (see below). Stepwise replacement of the R
group in PR, by H decreases the basicity (pK, scale) and the cone angle. The smaller steric
requirements of primary and secondary phosphines [e.g. 0 = 87" (PH,), 103" (PH,Me),
108"(PHMe,), 118" (PMe,)] potentially means that a larger number of such ligands could
be accommodated around the metal centre compared with the tertiary phosphine
analogue, and there is some evidence from the stoichiometries of several series of
complexes that this is so in practice. The main difference, however, between these ligands
and tertiary phosphines is the ease with which the weak P-H bonds in the former break
578 W. Levason
on reaction with metal centres, producing phosphido (PR, - or PHR-) or phosphinidine
(PR2-) ligands.
Typical examples of these ligands behaving as formally two-electron donors towards
metal carbonyl centers, which have been studied recently, include [LM(CO),] (L
= PH,Me, PH,Ph, M = Cr, Mo, W)'9, [(PBu,'H)C~(CO),]~~, [LV(CO),]- (L = PH,{c-
Hex}, PH{c-Hex},)" and [CO,(CO),(PBU,'H),]~~.Diphenylphosphine complexes of
manganese carbonyl [Mn(CO),-,,(PHPh,),] + ( n = 1-4) have been obtained from reac-
tion of PHPh, with [Mn(CO),OCIO,] under various conditionsg7. Thermal isomeriz-
ation, fac -+ mer ( n = 3) and cis + trans ( n = 2), is also observed.
The zerovalent [Ni(PHPh,),], which was erroneously identified as a
phosphidonickel(I1) complex, [Ni(PPh,),(PHPh,),], in the older literature, has been re-
examined9'. It is only slightly air-sensitive in the solid state, reacts with HgX, (X = CI, Br,
I, SCN) to give [Ni(PHPh,),X,] and the PHPh, is readily displaced by phosphites. Some
years ago the diphosphane (c-Hex),PP(c-Hex), was reported to give three-membered
chelate ring complexes with nickel(I1)halides, but a r e - e ~ a m i n a t i o nhas
~ ~shown that these
are PH(c-Hex), complexes which can also be formed directly from the latter. The
complexes have a cis-[Nix,{ PH(c-Hex),},] structure in both solid and solution and this
was confirmed by an X-ray study of the chloride. Detailed studies on the reaction of
Co(BF4),.6H,0 with PHEt,, PHMeEt and PHEtPh showed that red low-spin five-
coordinate [Co(PHR,),]'+ are readily produced. A closely related green form, which may
contain either water or a coordinated BF4- ion in the sixth coordination site, were
observed, and the red-green interconversion is facile"'. Cobalt(II1) hydrides
[CoH(PHR,),](BF,), were also characterized. An unusual generation of a secondary
phosphine complex ( 5 ) occurs when PBu; is heated with RuCl,.nH,O in 2-methoxy-
ethanol containing NaI and in the presence of CO1ol.
Bohle and Roper'" showed that PPh, is readily displaced by PH,Ph or PHPh, from
[MHCl(PPh,),] or [M(CO),(PPh,),] and that the products may be deprotonated at
phosphorus to give rare examples of terminal phosphido complexes, e.g.
[M(CO),(PPh,),(PPhR)] (R = Ph or H). An X-ray study showed (6)that the M-PPhH
bond was unusually long compared with the M-PPh, bondlo3.

r I I 12-


/ PPh3
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 579
Cadmium and mercury complexes [Cd(PH(c-Hex),),X,] (n = 1,2 X = halogen) and
[Hg(PHR,),X,] (n = 1,2, R = c-Hex, Bu', X = h a l ~ g e n ) ' ~have
~ * ' been
~ ~ prepared. The
mercury complexes are deprotonated by triethylamine to HgXPR,, also prepared directly
from HgX, and LiPR,, and add a third molecule of PHR,. [AuCl(Bu,'PH)] has also been
described ' 6.
Some of the complex chemistry which results from the ready P-H bond fission in
secondary phosphines is illustrated in rhodium chemistry. Thus, in some cases simple
substitution occurs, for example in the reaction'07 of PHPh, with [{Rh(CO),Cl},]
in a 1:4molar ratio, when [Rh(CO)CI(PHPh,),] is formed. However, with a smaller
proportion of phosphine the products include phosphido-bridged species such as
[Rh3(p2-PPh,),C1,(CO),]. Related complexes obtained by varying the reaction condi-
tions include [Rh3(pz-PPh,),(CO),], [Rh3(pc2-PPh,),(CO),] and
[Rh3(p2-PPh2)3(C0)6(PPh2H)]'07.'"8. The reactions with cluster carbonyls in some cases
result in substitution, e.g. [Ru,C(PPh,H)(CO),,], which decomposes on heating to
[Ru,C(H)(PPh,)(CO), 3]109, whereas in other cases the deprotonated form is obtained
directly, e.g. [Fe3(CO),,] and PPhH, give the [Fe3(C0),(p3-PPh)]' l o and [Rh,(CO),,]
and BuzzH P produce [{R~(CO)(BU,'PH)},(~BU,'P)(H)]~".
One example where a diphosphane R,PPR, is cleaved and adds hydrogen presumably
from the solvent has been referred to above; the opposite reaction in which secondary or
primary phosphines couple in the presence of a metal to yield diphosphane complexes is
also known. Thus AgCIO, reacts with PPh,H in pyridine solution to form
[(p~)~Ag(Ph~PPPh~)Ag(py)~](Cl0~)~~'~, whereas PPhH, reacts with AgPF, to give 7,
containing PhHPPPhH1l3. The Cu(1) analogue of the latter is formed using Cu(PF,),.
Diphosphanes can also function as bidentate (usually bridging) or monodentate ligands
without cleavage of the P-P bond, e.g. 8 and 91149115. Subsequent reaction of these
monodentate derivatives with more metal substrate may lead to homo- or hetero-nuclear

0 0
HPhP-PPhH l2 +

/ 'AgPPhH2

hH pAg\
P Ph H
Ph2P- PPh2
(7) (8)

Me2 Me2
Me2 Me2


580 W. Levason
dimers such as 10, which may then be pyrolysed to phosphido-bridged materials such as

Strictly, phosphido-bridged species fall outside the scope of this chapter, but are related
since one route to them is from primary or secondary phosphines, which are deprotonated
either spontaneously on reaction with the metal centre, with base (NEt,), photochemically
or by the pyrolysis of preformed metal primary or secondary phosphine complexes. Other
preparations include direct reaction of an alkali metal phosphide with a metal complex.
Much recent interest has centred on the use of phosphido groups to assemble bi- and poly-
nuclear complexes or to stabilize metal clusters. Several recent reviews have covered
aspects of this area117-120,and the few examples quoted below are meant merely to
illustrate some of the known types. Homonuclear dimers without an M-M bond e.g.
(12)Iz1, and with single M-M (13)'" or formally double M-M bonds (14)lZ3, are
known, and there are a large number of heteronuclear dimers (15 or 16)95-124. Larger
clusters are also easily obtained, such as 17 and 18125*126.


Ph2HP Bu'2 P-Ni


BUt2P\ ,PBU t2

BU'2 P'

(18) (19)
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 58 1
Homoleptic phosphido complexes were prepared some years ago, notably by Isslieb
and coworkers, but detailed characterization has been achieved only recently, e.g.
[Mo,(Bu,'P),] (19)127or [M(P{c-Hex),},,]- (M =Zr, Hf n = 5; M =Ti, V, Re, Nb,
n = 4)128. Actinide phosphido complexes have also been obtained, e.g.
[(C,Me,),Th(PPh,),]'29. Finally, it should be noted that it is sometimes possible to
reduce phosphido species to secondary phosphines which remain coordinated to the
metal 30.
The chemistry of bi- or multi-dentate ligands containing one or more PH or PH,
functions has been investigated only recently. In general, it appears that these ligands often
behave as 'normal' neutral donors towards metal halides in positive oxidation states,
although the P-H bond can be broken by treatment with base to give the phosphido
derivative. The chemistry is complicated by the presence of chiral phosphorus centres and
hence diastereoisomers are observed. With metal carbonyls and probably with low
oxidation state metal centres, very complex chemistry occurs; depending on the
conditions, simple coordination, deprotonation at phosphorus (to give phosphido
complexes), P-C bond cleavage and cluster formation can all take place and complex
mixtures of products are often present. Nucleophilic attack at coordinated phosphido
groups by strong nucleophiles such as RLi has also been observed.
The reaction of Pr,'PCH, PHPr' with [PdCI,(PhCN),] gives the novel dinuclear
complex 2013'. Brauer et ~ 1 . ' ~ prepared
' complexes of this ligand with copper(1) and
silver(1) halides; the 1: I materials are dinuclear with bridging ligands affording eight-
membered rings, whilst the 2:l complexes have structure 21. The disecondary phosphine
HPhP(CH,)3PPhH produces simple substitution products with nickel and molybdenum
carbonyls, mi(CO),L-L] and [Mo(CO),L-L], and an X-ray structure of the nickel
complex reveals the expected tetrahedral geometry (meso isomer)' 33. Several
papers'34- 1 3 7 have discussed the reaction chemistry of similar ligands bound to metal
carbonyl fragments. The bidentate tertiary-secondary phosphines PhHP(CHJ3PR,. (R =
Ph or c-Hex) form [MCI,(L-L)] complexes with palladium or platinum, which can be

(20) (21)

R2P / R Me Br

\ /p\ /x
X /"\ /"\
R / ' U p R 2
- \
(22) (23)
582 W. Levason
deprotonated with base to give the phosphido-phosphines 22. X-ray studies of the both
meso- and m-diastereoisomers of the platinum chloro complex (R = c-Hex) have been
reported ,*. Stelzer’s group’ 39.140 have reported nickel(II), palladium(I1) and
platinum(I1) complexes of the tridentates H, -,R,P(CH,),PR’(CH,),PRnHz -,(n = 0-2,
R, R‘ = Me, Ph) and the tetradentates H, -,R,P(CH,),R’P(CH,), R’P(CH,), PRnH, -,
and RR”P(CH,),PMe(CH,),PMe(CH~),PRR”(R, R’ = Ph, Me, R” = H, Me). Again,
diastereoisomerism results in complex mixtures; generally the nickel complexes exhibit
equilibria between 5- and 4-coordinate metal centres, and an X-ray structure of one of the
five-coordinate complexes (23) reveals square-pyramidal geometry.


Thousands of tertiary phosphine complexes are known, although in many of the
organometallic derivatives the interest centres elsewhere in the molecule. The most
popular ligands remain triphenylphosphine and phenylalkylphosphines, but recently
much interest has been shown in trimethylphosphine and in bulky ligands such as
tricyclohexylphosphine and tri-tert-butylphosphine. For many years trimethylphosphine
was not widely used, reflecting both its difficult synthesis and the much greater difficulties
compared with other trialkylphosphines of manipulation of a very volatile and air-
sensitive material. However, its combination of strong donor power and modest steric
requirements means that it differs in significant ways from other trialkylphosphines, and
this accounts for the recent interest. Bulky phosphines have produced very different
chemistry from that of ligands with smaller cone angles; thus bulky ligands promote low
coordination numbers, coordinatively unsaturated metal centres and sometimes facile
metallation; examples of all these effests will be illustrated in the following sections.
The majority of complexes contain the later transition metals, and examples with the f-
block metals, Group IV and Group V are few. The organization in this section is by
Periodic Group, and the coverage especially of the later elements is highly selective. An
attempt has been made to illustrate the breadth of the field, rather than the depth of certain
areas, and coverage has been concentrated on those areas which are new or have
developed rapidly since previous reviews were written. The references have been chosen
both for the work described in them and for their citation of other related work to provide
the reader with ready access into a particular area.

A. Complexes of the f-Block metals

There are few reports of attempts to prepare phosphine complexes with either the
lanthanide or actinide elements, and it is apparent that several of the actinide complexes
reported in the early literature are in fact phosphine oxides or phosphonium salts.
Nontheless, the recent succesful synthesis of complexes with bidentate phosphines
indicates that similar examples with monodentates should be obtainable under appropri-
ate conditions. One X-ray study of a cerium(II1) complex, the yellow, air-sensitive
[(MeC,H,),Ce(PMe,)] (Ce-P = 3.072A), has appeared’41. The complex is made from
CeCI,, NaMeC,H, and PMe, in diethyl ether. An isostructural red uranium(TI1)complex,
[(MeC,H,),U(PMe,)], is made similarly from UCI3l4’.

B. Complexes of the Titanium Group (IV)

Few recent studies have been reported, and the low oxidation states of these elements
remain almost unexplored. The best known are the adducts of the tetrahalides
[MX,(PR,),], which are very moisture sensitive, and often undergo rapid phosphine
exchange in solution’43.
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 583

Dinuclear zirconium(II1) complexes [ { ZrC13(PR3),},] (R = Me, Et, Pr", Bu") are

formed',, by sodium amalgam reduction of a mixture of ZrCI, and the phosphine in
toluene. An X-ray study of the PBu,"complex revealed structure 24 with a single Zr--Zr
bond. This complex appears to be the only structurally characterized zirconium(II1)
complex. Tertiary phosphine complexes of titanium(I1) and zirconium(I1)
[(C,H,),M(PR,),] are readily prepared and appear to be useful starting materials for the
synthesis of other complexes, since the phosphines are readily d i s p l a ~ e d ' ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ .

C. Complexes of the Vanadium Group (V)

Vanadium phosphine chemistry in positive oxidation states is largely unexplored, and
the only extensive series of complexes are the substituted carbonylvanadates and related
nitrosyls and organometallic derivatives.
Substitution of L in [V(CO),L] - (L = dimethyl sulphoxide or ammonia) by PR, is the
prefered route to [V(CO),(PR,)] - anion^^^*'^^. Direct substitution into [V(CO),(NO)]
produces [V(CO)4(NO)(PR,)]148. Both vanadium(II1) and vanadium(I1) cyclo-
pentadienyl derivatives are known. [(C,H,)VX,(PR,),] can be reduced with zinc or
aluminium to dimeric [ { (C,H,)VX(PR,)),], which add phosphine to form
[(C,H5)VX(PR,),]'49. Alkyl derivatives [(C,H,)VR,(PR,),] are also known"'.
Two independent X-ray studies of the distorted trigonal bipyramid [VCI,(PMePh,),]
have been reported, as has a study of the six-coordinate [VC1,(PMePh,),(MeCN)]'51*'52.
The dinuclear [V,CI,(PMe,),] + has been ~haracterized'~,; it has structure 25 and is
paramagnetic with p = 3.73 BM.

In contrast to vanadium, the recent interesting developments in niobium and tantalum

chemistry concern the phosphine adducts of the halides, which exhibit considerable
structural diversity. Carbonyl complexes of niobium and tantalum are known, but are less
common that for vanadium, but two recent X-ray studies of seven-coordinate tantalum
complexes are notable; in [Ta(CO),Cl(PMe,),] the structure is a capped trigonal
prism'54, whereas in the cation of [Ta(CO),(PMe,),] [Ta(CO),(PMe,)] the geometry is
capped octahedral155.
Sodium sand reduction of TaCI, in liquid PMe, gives the dark-green metallated
phosphine derivative, [Ta(PMe,),($-CH,PMe,)(q2-CHPMez)] (26)'". Phosphine ad-
ducts of niobium and tantalum alkylidenes and related organic derivatives are also
known' 5 7 . 1 5 8
584 W. Levason

p 3 3

The pentahalides MCI, form 1:l and 1:2 adducts with pho~phines"~,whereas their
reduction in the presence of a phosphine, usually with Na/Hg, can lead to complexes
of M(II), M(II1) or M(IV), depending on the conditions. The brown [MCl,(PMe,),] (M
= N b or Ta) have trans octahedral structures, and the tantalum complex adds hydrogen to
form red [TaH,Cl,(PMe,),], which is a distorted dodecahedron16'. The latter can be
reduced by Na/Hg under argon to green [TaH,Cl(PMe,),], which is pentagonal
bipyramidal with two axial phosphines161.Typical examples of the M(II1) halides are mer
[NbBr,(PMe,Ph),] ,'61 [TaCl,(PMe,),] 16,, [M,CI,{ P(c-Hex),} and
[M2C16(PBU3'),]'64. The dimeric [Ta,Cl,(PMe,),] has structure 27 with a Ta-Ta
double bond of length 2.721 di .'61 It adds molecular hydrogen to form 28 with Ta-Ta
= 2.62 A'".

The M(1V) halides have an unexpectedly rich structural chemistry, which has only
become clear very recently. Examples of the various types of monomeric complexes
are [TaCl,(PMe,Ph),] (cis ~ c t a h e d r a l ) ' ~ ~[TaCl,(PEt,),],
; [NbCI,(PR,),]
(PR, = PEt, or PEtPh,) (trans ~ c t a h e d r a l ) ' ~ ~ .and ' ~ ~ ; [MCl,(PMe,),] and
[NbBr,(PMe,Ph),] (capped octahedra1)162.16'.169.Dimers with unusual (p-CI), bridges
are known for both elements (29)16*-171; the M-M separations of ca 2.83A are
interpreted as being due to single M-M bonds. Cluster complexes have been little
studied, but the characterization of [Nb,CI,(PMe,Ph),], an Nb, triangle with one
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 585
capping and three edge bridging c h l o r i n e ~ ' and
~ ~ , [M6Cl,,(PR,),]o'+ suggests a rich
area awaiting development.

D. Complexes of the Chromium Group (Vl)

A short review on tungsten phosphines has been p~blished"~.A large number of
substituted carbonyl complexes [M(CO),-n(PR,),] (n = 1-3, rarely 4) are known for all
three elements, and for Mo and W seven-coordinate carbonyl halides are well
established. Dinitrogen complexes of molybdenum and tungsten have also been
intensively investigated, and have led to the study of much related phosphine chemistry.
The dinitrogen area has been reviewed several times, most recently by Henderson et
and will not be discussed here. The most interesting recent work on the carbonyl
complexes are the electrochemical studies of Bond and They examined
in detail the properties of the systems tran~-[Cr(CO),(PPh,),]~~'+,fa-and mer-
[Cr(CO),(PR,),]o/l +, cis- and tran~-[Mo(C0),(PR,),]~~'' and fac- and mer-
[MO(CO),(PR,),]~/'+, which show surprisingly complicated relationships between
isomer stability and redox chemistry. Also notable are several X-ray studies which have
attempted to probe whether steric or electronic factors dominate the observed reactivities
of fa~-[Cr(C0),(PEt,),]'~~,[W(CO),(PMe3)]'81 and cis-[Mo(CO),(PR,),] (PR,
= PMe,Ph, PMePh,, PPh3)I8'. Sterically bulky phosphines produce purple
[M(CO),(PR,),] (R = c-Hex, Pr'), the X-ray structures of which reveal essentially
octahedral structures with the 'sixth' site occupied by an agostic C-H i n t e r a c t i ~ n ' Most
interestingly, these materials add hydrogen reversibly to give [M(CO),(PR,), (qz:H2)],
the first structurally characterized examples of dihydrogen complexes (30)'84, and it now
clear that some of the reported phosphine polyhydride complexes of other metals may
need to be reformulated as dihydrogen complexes.

\ /co

Homoleptic phosphine complexes of both Mo and W are known. The condensation of

molybdenum atoms with PMe, affords [Mo(PMe,),]'85,'86, which in solution in benzene
is in equilibrium with the metallated derivative [Mo(PMe,),(Me,PCH,)H], and readily
loses some phosphine on reaction with other ligands such as N,, CO, C,H, and C,H,.
Similar co-condensation with tungsten atoms does not give the homoleptic complex, but
rather the metallated [W(PMe,),(Me,PCH,)H] is produced in low yield, and the latter is
best obtained by reduction of WCl, with sodium sand in the presence of the p h o ~ p h i n e ' ~ ~ .
Molybdenum differs in that reduction of MoCl, with Na sand and PMe, produces a
hydride, [Mo(PMe,),H,] 15,. The metallated tungsten complex is extremely reactive; for
example, reaction with aqueous acids gives a variety of hydrido, aquo, hydroxo and fluoro
s p e ~ i e s ' ~ ~Phenylphosphines
.'~~. produce a different type of complex where one of the
phenyl rings bonds in an q6 manner to the metal. Thus, MoCl, reduced with magnesium
under argon in the presence of PMePh, generates [Mo(PPh,Me),] (31)'87. Related
complexes are known including dimers (32), [W(q6-PhPPr,")(N,)(PPhPr,"),] and
586 W. Levason



\ ' MC
,Mo I

Both molybdenum and tungsten form a variety of polyhydrides, of types

[M(PR3)3H6]1y0.19', [M(PR3)4H4]18h.1yu, [M(PMe,),H2]156~192, [Mo,H,(pH),(PMe,),]
(33) and [WzHp(p-H)(p-PMez)(PMe3)5]'Y3. An X-ray and neutron diffraction study of
[WH,(PPhPr,'),] revealed a tricapped trigonal prismatic structure'94, whilst the
tetrahydrides are thought to be distorted dodecahedra and [Mo(PMe,),H,] is penta-
gonal bipyramidal'9z. Barron et ~ 1 . have ' ~ ~shown that when LiAlH, is the reductant
used to produce tungsten polyhydrides, intermediate aluminohydride complexes are
formed, and these have been fully characterized. The reaction of [WH,(PMe,),] with
NaH or KH in the presence of crown ethers produces complexes such as
[W(PMe,),H,M(crown)] (M = Na, K)196.
Tertiary phosphine complexes of chromium halides are limited to a few intractable
materials, but a wide variety of molybdenum and tungsten complexes exist. Mono-
nuclear complexes such as octahedral trans-[MX,(PR,),] and capped octahedral seven-
coordinate [MCl,(PR,),] are well k n o ~ n ' ~ ' * 'Cautious ~~. reduction of the M(1V)
complexes in the presence of PR, yields M(II1) materials such as mer-[WCI,(PMe,),]
and mer-[M~Cl,(PMe,),]'~~~~~~, which can be further reduced to
t r ~ n s - [ M C 1 ~ ( P R , ) , ] ~ ~ ' -Hydrido-halides
~~~. including yellow [WCl,H,(PMe,),],
red [WCl,H,(PMe,),]+ and blue [WCIH2(PMe3),]+ can also be made203*z04
Most effort has been devoted to the M-M-bonded dimers and the field has been
reviewedzo5.[Mo,X,(PR,),] are obtainable by a number of routes including substitution
into an M-M-bonded species such as [MO,C~,]~- or [Mo,Cl,(py),], or by reduction
under carefully controlled conditions of a molybdenum halide monomer,
[ M O C ~ , ( P R , ) ~ ]The
~ ~ ~initially
. more elusive tungsten complexes are usually made by
Na/Hg reduction of WCI, in the presence of the phosphine, but can also result from the
decomposition of [WCl,(PR,),] or [WCl,(PR,),] on heatingzo6. All have structure 34
with an eclipsed geometry indicating a quadruple bondzo7. Methyl analogues
[ M O ~ M ~ , ( P M ~ , ) and , ] ~ ~heteronuclear
~ dimers [(PR,),ClzMoWC12(PR,),]209are
known, the latter being made from [Mo(PR,),] (PR, = phenylalkylphosphine) and
[WCl,(PR,),]. It has recently been shown that substitution of the phosphine into the
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 587


b P R 3




carbonyl halides [Mo,(CO),X,] is a convenient route to these dimers"". Detailed X-ray

studies on [Mo,(PMe,),X,] (X=C1, Br, I) reveal that the Mo-Mo bond length
(ca 2.13 A) is insensitive to the halide presentz1'. Detailed spectroscopic data are also
available on these c o m p l e ~ e sl . ~[W,Cl,(PMe,),]
~~~~ undergoes a le oxidation to
[W,CI,(PMe,),]+ ' 0 6 , and iodine converts [Mo21,(PMe,),] into [PR,H]-
[Mo,I,(PMe,),], a confacial bioctahedron" '.
McCarley and coworker^^^^-^^ have described some tetranuclear species

[Mo,Cl,(PR,),] (R = alkyl) which have structure 35, in which the short unbridged Mo-

CI(PR 3) CI(PR 3)


c\ M o/"I -Mo ci\ /

Mo distances (2.21 A) are believed to correspond to a triple bond and the bridged edges
(2.90 A) have single bonds. Tungsten analogues have been preparedzo6. Heating these
tetramers with [Mo(CO),] produces species [ { Mo,Cl,(PR,),},,] and, although structural
data are not yet available, it is thought that these are 'dimers of tetramers', i.e. n = 2.
Phosphine-substituted hexanuclear clusters have recently been described; they are of type
[ { W6C18}C14(PR3)z],which have the basic hexanuclear unit with a trans disposition of
the phosphines216.
A variety of oxide halide adducts are known for both molybdenum and tungsten.
Generally these are made by direct reaction of the phosphine with the oxide halide in a
suitable solvent, with an oxide halide complex such as [WOCl,(thf),] or by cautious
hydrolysis of the halide complexes. Typical examples are [WOCI,(PR,)2]21 ,,
[WOC13(PR3)2]218*219 [ M O O C ~ , ( P R , ) , ] ~and
~ ~ [WOCl,(PR,),]198~204. Some years
ago, Chatt and coworkers recognized two forms (blue and green) of mer-cis-
[MoOCI,(PR,),] which differed in the bond lengths and angles about the metal centre,
and named this new form of isomerism 'distortional isomerism'. Further examples of this
effect have been observed200*220, although it remains a poorly understood phenomenon.
Finally, the reaction of WYCl, (Y = 0,S, Se) with PPh, has been shown to generate the
tungsten(1V) complex [WCl,(PPh,),] and Ph,PYZZ1.

E. Complexes of the Manganese Group (VII)

There is an extensive chemistry of phosphine-substituted manganese carbonyls: neutral
dimers [Mn,(CO),,-.(PR,),,], cationic species [Mn(CO),-,,(PR,),]"+, anions
588 W. Levason
[Mn(CO), -,,(PR,),J-, carbonyl hydrides and nitrosyls, which have been described in
previous reviews. However, the most interesting new developments are in the preparation
of phosphine adducts of manganese(I1) alkyls and halides.
Reaction of manganese(I1) dialkyls with PR, in toluene or direct combination of
manganese(I1)chloride, a dialkylmagnesium and the phosphine in diethyl ether produces
[Mn,R,'(PMe,),] (R' = CH,SiMe,, CH,CMe,, CH,Ph) and [Mn,(CH,SiMe,),(PR,),]
(PR, = PEt,, PMe,Ph, PMePh,, P(c-Hex),)222. The structures are [(PR,)RMn(p-
R),MnR(PR,)]. Mononuclear [MnR,'(PR,),] are formed in solution with excess PR,,
and the distorted tetrahedral [Mn(CH,CMe,Ph),(PMe,),] has been structurally charac-
t e r i ~ e d ~ Under
~,. rigorously anhydrous conditions, manganese(I1) halides react with
phosphines in tetrahydrofuran or diethyl ether to give 1:l and 1:2 c ~ m p l e x e s ~ ~The
latter are tetrahedral, e.g. [Mn(PEt,),I,]226, whereas the structure of
[ { Mn(PMe2Ph)I,},] reveals a polymeric chain, with alternating 4- and 6-coordinate
manganesezz5(36).Depending on the particular phosphine and the halide involved, some

of the 1:l complexes bind a variety of small molecules including O,, CO, C,H, and NO, in
some cases In contrast, the [Mn(PMe,)X,] are irreversibly oxidized
by oxygen, and manganese(II1)complexes [Mn(PMe,),X,] (X = C1, Br, I) can be sublimed
from the products in vacuo. The structure of the iodo complex is trigonal bipyramidal
with axial p h o ~ p h i n e s ' ~ ~ .
The phosphine chemistries of technetium and rhenium are generally similar, although
that of the former is much less developed. In fact, little new work on technetium complexes
of tertiary phosphines has been reported; examples are some substitution reactions of the
carbonyl halides [Tc(PMe,Ph),(CO),Cl] and [Tc(PMe,Ph),(CO),Cl]23 and the reac-
tion of DcO,]- with PPh, and HC12,', which leads to [Tc(PPh,),CI,] and
[Tc(PPh,)CI,] - .
Rhenium has a very complicated coordination chemistry and a wide variety of
phosphine complexes are known, with the most interesting recent work involving the
polyhydrides and the derivatives of the dinuclear Re,"' units. The unique [ReH,(PR,),]
type (PR, = PMe,19', PMe,Ph2,,, PPhPr, and PPh,234)are non-rigid in solution, and
several X-ray diffraction studies have revealed wide P-Re-P angles, although not all
the hydrogen atom positions have been definitely located. On heating, the compounds
decompose to [Re,H,(PR,),], which can also be made by BH,- reduction of the
[Re2Cl,]Z- in the presence of the phosphine. The dimers have four hydrido bridges and
formally a triple M-M bond235.Notably, the corresponding complex of the bulky
tricyclohexylphosphine, [ReH, { P(c-Hex),},], does not decompose to the dimer on
heating236. Pentahydrides [ReH5(PR3),] are d o d e ~ a h e d r a l ~The ~ ~ *latter
~ ~ ~can
. be
protonated to [ReH,(PR,),]+ whereas in the presence of ligands such as RCN or RNC,
[ReH,(PR,),L]+ are formedzJ8. The reaction chemistry of [Re,H,(PR,),], including
electrochemical or chemical oxidation to the blue paramagnetic monocation and
substitution reactions with isonitriles, has also been examined238.
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 589
Rhenium halide derivatives include mononuclear species such as mer-[ReX,(PR,),],
trans-[ReX,(PR,),], [ReCI,(PEt,)] - 239 and [ReCI(PMe,)5]240. The last species is
produced together with [ReH(PMe,),] by Na/Hg reduction of [ReCl,(thf),] in the
presence of PMe,, and can be converted into a range of related complexes including
[ReMe(PMe,),], [ReHCI(PMe,),] and [Re(C0)2(PMe,)3CI]240. Extensive studies of

the multiply bonded Re,"' species have been carried out, much of it by the groups of
Cotton and Walton who have reviewed the fieldzo5.The synthetic conditions necessary for
the production of a particular complex, and the reactions and interconversions of the
various complexes, vary considerably with the phosphine involved, and the reviews or the
original papers should be consulted for details; only a general overview is given here.
Under mild conditions, [Re,XJ- (X= C1 or Br) and PR, give [Re,X,(PR,),] and
under more forcing conditions, for example in boiling alcohol, reduction occurs with
PR(alkyl), or P(alkyl), to [Re,X,(PR,),]. The former type have the eclipsed structure 37
whereas the latter are of type 34.With less basic phosphines, [Re,X,(PR,),] are formed

x; r x,XJ

Re- Re

X PEt3

which can be reduced to [Re,X,(PR,),] by BH4- 241. Chemical or electrochemical

oxidation of [Re,CI,(PR,),] gives mono- and d i - ~ a t i o n s ~The
~ ~electrochemically
generated [Re,X,(PR,),]2 + chemically convert into [Re,X,(PR,),]+ and
[Re,X6(PR,),]243. X-ray studies on [Re,Cl,(PMe,Ph),]"' (n = 0, 1,2), all with structure
34,reveal that whereas the Re-CI distance shortens and Re-P lengthens on oxidation,
Re-Re is little changed, demonstrating that a simplistic interpretation of bond length in
terms of bond order in these systems is not possible244.The Re,"' units are disrupted by
strong s-acceptors such as CO or RNC in very complex reactions which produce mixtures
of mononuclear specie^'^^.'^^. More surprising is the reaction of [Re,Cl,(PEt,),] with
molecular hydrogen under pressure (120atm, 60 "C), which gives trans-
[ReCI,(PEt,),], [Re,Cl,(PEt,),H] - and [ReCI,(PEt,)] -','.
Phosphine-substituted trinuclear species [Re,Cl,(PR,),] are well knownzo5,and the
corresponding alkyls [Re,Cl,R,], [Re,Cl,(c-Hex),(PMe,Ph),] and [Re,Me,(PR ) 1
(PR, = PEt,Ph, n = 2, 3; PMe,Ph, n = 3) have been obtained by Edwards et
Under certain conditions these can be cleaved to dimers, [Re,Me,(PMe,Ph),] or
[Re,Cl,(CH,SiMe,),(PMe,),]. Triethylphosphine reduces Re,O, in the presence of
pyridine-type bases to [ReO,(py),] [Re0,]248, but excess of PMe, affords trans-
[ReO,(PMe,),] [Re0,]249. Whereas phosphine complexes of high-valent oxide halides
are well known, those of 0x0 species alone are rare at present.

F. Complexes of the Iron Sub-group

The site preference of ligands in trigonal bipyramidal [M(CO),L] (M = Fe, Ru, 0s;
L = PR,, AsR,, SbR,) has been examinedzJ0.For iron the axially substituted isomer is
usually found, e.g. in [Fe(C0)4PPh3]251, but X-ray studies of [Os(CO),SbPh,] and
[Ru(CO),SbPh,] (equatorial) and of [Ru(CO),AsPh,] or [Ru(CO),SbMe,] (axial) show
590 W. Levason
that the pattern is less clear for the heavier elements, and in solution several complexes
exhibit axial wequatorial isomerism. The tendency to form the equatorial isomer was
observed to be Ru > 0 s >> Fe, Sb > As > P and Ph > Me, and it was suggested that the
weaker cr donor occupies the equatorial site, whilst differences in n-bonding ability may
account for the order with metal2,'. A further interesting comparison between metals is
found in the [MH4(PR3),] compounds, where a recent re-examination has shown that for
M = 0 s the complex is a genuine M(IV) hydride, but for M = Fe or Ru the materials
should be formulated as [MH2(H2)(PR3),] containing one dihydrogen ligand,,,.
The formally iron(0) homoleptic complex [Fe(PMe,),] has attracted considerable
It is produced by LiAlH, reduction of FeC1,-PMe, in thf, and in solution is
in equilibrium with the metallated form [(PMe,),Fe(CH,PMe,)H], the equilibrium lying
in favour of the latter. It is a highly reactive system, substituting some phosphine by CO or
phosphites ( L ) to give [Fe(L),(PMe,),], adds MeX to give [FeMeX(PMe,),], and with
HX produces tetrahedral [Fe(PMe,),X,] (X = C1, Br, I) and octahedral [Fe(PMe,),I,].
The [Fe(PMe,),Me,] is also known. With C 0 2 it produces an unusual cleavage reaction
affording [Fe(C0)(CO), (PMe,),I.
Finally notable is the demonstration that at low temperatures [Fe(C,H,) { 1,2-
C,H,(PMePh)),} (PHRPh)] can be deprotonated with base to the phosphido complex,
and alkylated stereoselectively to yield chiral p h o ~ p h i n e s ~ ~ , .
The reactions of the cluster carbonyls of this group have been intensively investigated.
Attempted direct substitution into [Fe,(CO),,] often results in cluster breakdown,
whereas with [Ru3(CO),,] the product is usually the trisubstituted [Ru,(CO),(PR,),].
Forcing conditions are necessary with [Os,(CO),,] and [OS,(CO),~-,,(PR,)J (n = 1,2 or
3) and clusters containing fragmented phosphines resulting from C-H or P-C cleavage
are also present. Recent developments have included the use of labile starting materials
such as [Os,(CO),,-,,(MeCN),], and of Me,NO or sodium diphenylketyl which allow
facile C O replacement, leading to a wider range of products. Reviews describing the
chemistry of and ruthenium cluster ~ a r b o n y l have
s ~ ~recently
~ appeared,
and phosphine fragmentation in these systems has also been r e ~ i e w e d ~ ~Substitution
usually produces [M3(CO)12-,,(PR3),] (n = 1-3) although n > 4 is known with phosphites
and PPh(OMe),258,261.262. X-ray studies show that the phosphines usually occupy
equatorial positions on different metal atoms257*263. However, using [0s3(C0),,(L),] (L
=MeCN or 1/2 butadiene) with PMe2Ph leads to new isomers of the di- and tri-
substituted types (38)264.Phosphine complexes of other cluster carbonyls and hy-

dridocarbonyls are known, e.g. [Ru,C(CO),,] affords [RU,C(CO),,-~(PP~~),] (n = 1,2)

and [Ru,C(CO), z(PMezPh),] with the phosphines occupying axial positions on different
ruthenium atoms in the basal plane of the square-pyramidal unit265(39). Reaction of
RuCl,.nH,O with CO and PR, affords a variety of six-coordinate carbonyl halides
[Ru(CO),(PR,),Cl,] (x + y = 4), but Bu,'P generates dinuclear [(Bu,'P)(CO),Ru(p
CI),Ru(CO),(Bu,'P)], which chlorine oxidizes to [Ru2(CO),(Bu3'P),C12(~-C1),1266.267.
The less bulky Bu2'RP (R = Me, Et) yield five-coordinate monomers
[Ru(Bu,'RP),(CO)HCl], which can, however, add C O to give the dicarbony1268.
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 59 1

Sodium sand reduction of RuCl, in liquid PMe, produces the metallated

[(PMe3),HRu(q2-CH,PMe2)] and [(PMe,)3HRu(p-CH,PMe2)zRuH(PMe3)3]156.
Similar metallated [Ru(q2-CH,PMe,)(PMe3),C1] and [Ru(qZ-CH2PMe,),(PMe3),] are
known269, the Ru-C bonds being cleaved by molecular hydrogen to give
[RuHCI(PMe,),] and[RuH,(PMe,),], respectively. o-Metallated triphenylphosphine
complexes [RuH(o-C,H,PPh,)(PPh,),(solvent)] result from reaction of
[RuHCI(PPh,),] with RLi, via intermediate alkyl hydrides which eliminate alkane on
warming270. Anionic ruthenium complexes with metallated ligands are known, e.g.
K[Ru(H),(PPh3)2(o-C,H,PPhz)]z7’.Metallated phosphine derivatives of osmium are
readily obtained, e.g. [OsHMe(o-C,H,PPh,)(PPh3)z]z7z, [OsX(qZ-CH,PMe,)(PMe3),]
(X = H, C1)273*274. Interaction of the dinuclear acetates of ruthenium or osmium with
alkylating agents is a convenient route to mononuclear alkyls273*275,whilst
[Ru,O(OAc),(H,O),] + and Me,Mg-PMe, produce the unusual compound 40, which
can be protonated by HBF, to [ R u , ( ~ - C H , ) , ( ~ - M ~ ) ( P M ~ ~and
) ~ ] +[Ru,(p-
CH,),(PMe,),]2+ 276. Further isolated [Ru,(p-OH),(PMe,),] + and [Ru3(p-
CH,),(PMe,),I(BF,), (41).

PMe3 PMe3

(40) (41)

Osmium polyhydrides have been well characterized, recent neutron diffraction studies
supporting a classical hydride constitution for [OsH,(PMe,Ph),] (pentagonal
bipyramidal with axial pho~phines)’~’and [OsH,(PPr,’Ph),] (d~decahedral)’~~. An X-
ray study of K [ O S H , ( P M ~ , P ~ ) , ]revealed
~ ~ ~ a fac anion geometry with significant
anion-cation interactions. Ruthenium hydrides are generally less stable. The [RuH, { P(c-
Hex),},] has recently been obtained281;on heating it gives [Ru,H,{P(c-Hex),},], and
with hydrogen and P(c-Hex), produces [RuH,{ P(c-Hex),},]. The PPh, analogues are
also knownz8’. Although the osmium complexes are classical hydrides, it seems likely that
all the ruthenium species may be Ru(II)(H), moieties with the remaining hydrogen present
as q2-H2’84.The structure of the monohydride [RuH(PMe,Ph),]PF, reveals a crowded
molecule with significant interligand repulsions, which may account for its high
rea~tivity”~. Hydrogenolysis of the [Ru,(p-CH,),(PMe,),] and [Ru,(p-
592 W. Levason

PMe3 H


CH,),(PMe,),](BF,), produces dinuclear [Ru,H,(PMe,),] (42) and [Ru,(p-

H),(PMe,),](BF,), both of which have been structurally characterizedz84.
The chemistry of phosphine complexes of ruthenium halides encompasses a wide range
of 5- and 6-coordinate monomers, and doubly and triply halide-bridged dimers described
in previous reviews. All known examples contain ruthernium(I1) or (111),although higher
oxidation states are known in the nitrido complexesz85, and in the recently described
ruthenium(1V) 0x0-bipyridyl complexes2“. A detailed review of the chemistry and
catalytic reactions of [Ru(PPh,),Cl,] is availablez8’, and this also includes data on a
variety of related species. The PMe, complexes differ from the others; recently
characterized examples2** include [Ru(PMe,),Cl]+, [Ru,Cl,(PMe,),], trans-
[RuCl,(PMe,),] and cis-[RuCIz(PMe,),].
Osmium halide phosphine chemistry covers oxidation states VI and IV-11. Salmon and
n ~ ~ ~that the reported [OsOX,(PPh,),] (X = C1 or Br) obtained from OsO,,
W a l t ~ showed
HX and PPh, were mixtures of the osmium(V1) [ O S O , X ~ ( P P ~ , )and ~ ] osmium(1V)
[OsX4(PPhJQ], and prepared examples of the former type with PMe2Ph, PEtPh,
and PEt,Ph’ ‘. Reduction of [OsOzXz(PR,),] with HX-ROH or directly from OsO,-
PR,-HX or [OSX,]~--PR, gives trans-[OsX,(PR,),] and mer-[OsX,(PR,),]272~290. An
X-ray study of [Os(PPh Clz] confirmed that it is square pyramidal with apical PR,, like
its ruthenium I , but with smaller phosphines 6-coordinate osmium(I1)
complexes, e.g. [OsCI,(PMe,),], resultz7’. A wide variety of mixed-ligand complexes can
be prepared by reduction of [OsO,X,(PR,),] or [OsX,(PR,),] in the presence of suitable
ligands. Electrochemical studies have generally found that the [OSX,(PR,),]~/- and mer-
[OSX,(PR,),]~” couples are reversible, but reduction to osmium(I1) is usually irrever-
A detailed inve~tigation~~’ into the electrochemical reduction of mer-
[OsCI,(PMe,Ph),] showed that the [OsCI,(PMe,Ph),] - is initially formed, but that this
loses chloride to give [OsCl,(PMezPh),(solvent)], and under different conditions
[OS,C14(PMe,Ph)6] and [OSzC1,(PMeZPh),] are formed.

In contrast to the p,MMX,]”- of rhenium or tungsten, which substitute phos-

phine with retention of the multiple bonds, [OS,X,]~- are cleaved to the mononuclear
species trans-[OsX,(PR,),] - , mer-[OsX 3( PR ,),I, trans-[OsX,( PR,),] and trans-
[OsX,(PR,),]+ on reaction with PMe, or PMe,Ph in alcoholszg3.With PEt, or PMePh,
the products are binuclear halide-bridged [Os,X,(PR,),]+, and an X-ray study of
[OszC1,(PEt,),]PF, revealed the expected confacial octahedron.
Notable examples of metallated triphenylphosphine are [O~,(OAC)~C~,(~-C,H,PP~~),]
and [OszC~4(o-C6H4PPh,)z],where there are short 0 s - 0 s triple bonds

G. Complexes of the CobaA Subgroup

The phosphine chemistry of this group has been extensively studied for many years, and
much of the recent work is an extension or confirmation of previous results rather than an
inherently new departure. Rhodium hydrido and halo complexes in particular continue to
be intensively examined as catalysts.
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 593
Dicobalt octacarbonyl and phosphines generally produce [Co,(CO),(PR,),] with
organo-Group IV phosphines, (Me,E),P (E=C, Si, Ge, Sn), and in some cases
[Co(CO),(PR,)] also form9,. Trimethylphosphine complexes of cobalt have been
reported in oxidation states from - 1 to + 3, and the low-valent complexes have an
extensive organometallic chemistry. The 'parent' homoleptic species [Co(PMe,),] can be
reduced to the very nucleophilic [Co(PMe,),]- by alkali metals296,and this reacts with
Me1 to give [Co(PMe,),Me] and [Co(PMe,),Me,I], and substitutes with CO to form
[Co(PMe,)(CO),] -. X-ray structures have been reported for [ { Co(PMe,)(CO),}
[ C O ( P M ~ , ) , I ]and
~ ~ ~[CO(CO),(PM~,),CI]~~~.
The cobalt(1) complex [Co(PMe,),Br] is
converted by NaBPh, into blue-green [Co(PMe,),]BPh, and brown [Co(PMe,),BPh,],
the latter containing a COP, unit tf-coordinated to one phenyl ring of the BPh4299.
[Co(PMe,),Br] adds ethylene and acetylenes300*30'. Cobalt(I1)halides typically form 2: 1
complexes and more rarely 3:l complexes with tertiary phosphines, but with PMe, the
products are [Co(PMe,),X,], [Co(PMe,),X,] and [Co(PMe,),X] +,depending on the
reaction conditions; the five-coordinate complexes are trigonal bipyramidal with axial
pho~phines~~'. The familiar [Co(PPh,),X,] (X = C1, Br) have been structurally character-
ized and their magnetic properties studied at low temperatures303. An unusual 1:l
complex 'Co(PPh,)I,' has been prepared using excess CoI, and has been shown to be a
halide-bridged dimer (43) by an X-ray study304.Relatively few cobalt(II1) complexes of

monodentate phosphines are known, but X-ray data have been published on
[Co(PEt,),Cl,] (trigonal bipyramidal axial p h o s p h i n e ~ ) ~ ~ mer-cis-
[Co(PMe,),Me,(N,)]306 and rner-[Co(PMe,),(NCS),]307.
The structures of two [Ir4(CO)8(PR3)4]complexes (PR, = PMe,PhJo8 and PMe,"')
have been determined;there is one phosphine on each iridium atom of the tetrahedral core
and, in contrast to [Ir4(CO),,], edge-bridging carbonyls are present in the phosphine
trans-[Rh(CO)Cl(PR,),] are among the most familiar rhodium carbonyl complexes;
new examples reported include PR, = PMe,Z*8 PMe{CH(SiMe,),},3'o and
B U , " ~ ' ' ~ ~ ' ~ . For PR, = Bu,'P, [(Bu,'P)(CO)Rh(p-Cl),Rh(CO)(Bu,'P)] and
[(Bu,'P)(CO)Rh(p-CO),Rh(CO)(Bu,'P)]were also obtained. [Rh(CO)I(PR,),] are con-
siderably harder to isolate in the pure state owing to a tendency to dissociate phosphine in
solution3' '. Tri-tert-butylphosphine reacts with [Ir(CO),Cl] to give [Ir(CO),Cl(Bu,'P)]
and [I~(CO)C~(BU,'P),]~ 14, but under reflux in N,N-dimethylformamide both rhodium
and iridium trichloride cleave a tert-butyl group to give [M(CO)CI(BU,'PH),]"~.
The rhodium complex of metallated PMe,, [Rh,(CH,PMe,),(PMe,),], is formed from
[Rh(PMe,),](OAc) and LiN(SiMe,),; it is cleaved by molecular hydrogen to fac-
[RhH,(PMe,),]269. Bulky alkyl phosphines including Bu\Pr"P, Bu\Bu"P, Bu;P and
P riP are readily metallated on reaction with [ { Ir(cyclooctene),Cl},] to give a variety
of four- and five-membered chelate ring (P, C) complexe~~'~.
The most important rhodium hydride is probably [RhH(CO)PPh,),], which is the
active hydroformylation catalyst in the Rh-PPh, systems. Its synthesis, reactions and
catalytic abilities have been reviewed317. Other hydndocomplexes include the distorted
planar [RhH(PPh,),]318 and [RhH(PrsiP)3]319, the trans trigonal bipyramidal
[ R ~ H , C I ( B U ~ ' P ) and
, ] ~ ~[RhH,(PMe,),]C1288.
~ Iridium hydrides are generally more
594 W. Levason
stable, and two with no rhodium analogues are [IrH5(Pr3iP)2], which on the basis of a
neutron diffraction study has a pentagonal bipyramidal structure with axial phos-
p h i n e ~ ~and
~ ’ ,the purple [IrH,Cl,(Pr,’P),], which has an ‘all-trans’octahedral geometry
and is a rare example of a paramagnetic hydride,,,.
The most used single complex of rhodium is undoubtedly ‘Wilkinson’s complex’,
[Rh(PPh,),CI], the first homogeneous hydrogenation catalyst. A recent review by
Jardir~e-”~ describes the properties and catalytic reactions of this material, and should be
consulted for further details. We mention here only the X-ray data on the two forms (red
and orange), which differ slightly in the orientation of the phosphines and have
inexplicably different Rh-Cl bond lengths’,,. The reaction of [Rh(PPh,),Cl] with PMe,
in light petroleum affords [Rh(PMe,),]Cl, which loses a phosphine on heating in toluene
to give [Rh(PMe,),C1]288. Both complexes are square-planar with a tetrahedral
distortion, and on treatment of their aqueous solutions with PF,- precipitate
[Rh(PMe,),]PF,. [Rh(PPh,),]ClO,, made from [Rh(PPh,),Cl] and TlClO,, has a
planar structure with a T-shaped RhP, core and with the fourth position in the plane
occupied by an o-H(pheny1) contact325. The dinuclear [{Rh(PPh,),Cl},] has a planar
Rh,Cl, core (44)326. The formally three-coordinate [Rh{ P(c-Hex),},X] (X = F, C1, Br, I)

halogen oxidize to rare paramagnetic rhodium(I1) c ~ m p l e x e s ~ ~ ’Dinuclear

rhodium(I1I comdexes are remesented bv the ortho-metallated triDhenvlDhosDhine com-
plexes [Rh~(0A~),(o-C,H4PPh,),l~2HOAc(45) and [Rh,(OAcj,(o-C,H,PPhC,F,Br)

- 0

Dinuclear rhodium(II1) complexes have not been greatly studied, but there is evidence
that a variety of triply halide-bridged materials can be obtained, either from reaction of
rhodium trichloride with the phosphine under carefully controlled conditions or
specifically removing chloride with silver salts from mononuclear complexes331.Robert-
son and T ~ ~ k ecompared r ~ ~ X-ray
~ , data
~ ~on~mer- and fac-[IrCl,(PMe,Ph),] and
some related hydrido-chlorides in an attempt to clarify the effects of ligand set and packing
factors on the bond lengths and angles in iridium(II1) phosphines. Extensive studies by
Shaw and coworkers in the 1970s showed that bulky phosphines metallated readily on
iridium(III), and more recently they have shown that small phosphines in [Ir(PMe,R),-
Cl,] ( R = M e or Ph (metallate on treatment with LiNPr,’ to give three-membered
ring metallacycles [IrCl,(PMeRCH,)(PMe,R),], the reaction being reversed by HX,
whilst halogens give [IrC12X(PMeRCH2X)(PMe,R),]334.
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 595
No rhodium(1V)phosphine complexes are known, but purple trans-[Ir(PR,),Cl,] and
dark-green [Ir(PR,),Br,] are easily made by halogen oxidation of the corresponding
[Ir(PR,),X,] - anions335. The iridium(II1)-iridium(1V) couples are electrochemically
reversible. [Ir(PMe,Ph),CI,] is a convenient le oxidant in organometallic chemistry, and
reacts with [Pd(AsMe,),Cl,] to give the novel bimetallic [Cl,(PMe,Ph),Ir(p-
Cl),Pd(AsMe,)Cl] 3 3 6 .

H. Complexes of the Nickel Sub-group

Tertiary phosphine complexes of nickel, palladium and platinum were among the first
to receive detailed study and, although still very popular, new work is largely an extension
or reinvestigation of previous studies. The chemistry of nickel with tertiary phosphines is
essentially much simpler than that of earlier Group VIII metals, and mostly concerns
carbonyl or homoleptic materials in low oxidation states, and nickel(I1) or rarely
nickel(II1) halide complexes.
Very nucleophilic homoleptic complexes [Ni(PR,)J are obtained by reduction of
nickel(I1) salts in the presence of the phosphine and in other ways", the value of n
depending on the phosphine concerned and the reaction conditions. The coordinatively
unsaturated [Ni{P(c-Hex),},] is more reactive than either [Ni(PEt,),] or [Ni(PMe,),]
and rapidly cleaves various RX (R = alkyl and sometimes aryl, X = C1, Br, I, CN) to form
[Nix{ P(c-Hex),},] or [NiHX{ P(c-Hex),} ,] and coupled organic products337. Un-
expectedly sodium reduction of [Ni{ P(c-Hex),Ph} ,CIJ under nitrogen results in
cleavage of a phenyl group to give [Ni,{p-P(c-Hex),},{ P ( c - H ~ x ) , P ~ ) , ]An
~ ~unusual
trimeric species (46) has been obtained by decomposition of [Ni(cod)I(PPh,)] in


Careful reduction of nickel(I1) phosphine complexes leads to nickel(1) complexes

[Ni(PR,),X] (X = halide), and the structure of the distorted tetrahedral [Ni(PMe,),]
BPh,(p = 2.4 BM), obtained serendipitously, has been determined,,'.
The phosphine chemistry of nickel carbonyls is remarkably simpler than that of earlier
metals; typically the complexes are [Ni(CO),-,,(PR,),,] (usually n = 1 or 2), whereas
carbonyl halides have been relatively little studied. It has now been shown that
carbonylation of [Ni(PR,),X,] affords [Ni(CO)(PR,),X,] (PR, = PMe,, PEt,, PMe,Ph,
PMePh,, PPh,)j41, and the structures of [Ni(CO)(PMe,),X,] (X = C1 and I) are trigonal
bipyramidal with axial p h o ~ p h i n e s ~ ~ ' .
Nickel(I1) phosphines are familiar complexes, usually of the type [Ni(PR,),X,] and
more rarely [Ni(PR,),X,]. For the 2: 1 complexes those of P(aryl), are usually tetrahedral,
those of P(alkyl), or P(alkyl),(aryl) are square-planar and P(alkyl)(aryl), complexes often
exhibit planar- tetrahedral isomerism. Recently, in addition to the common green
tetrahedral isomer of [Ni(PPh,),Cl,], a red planar form [Ni(PPh3),CI,].2C,H,Cl, has
been isolated, and the X-ray structures of both forms were determined and compared343.
596 W. Levason
The planar form has shorter Ni-P and Ni-CI bonds, but otherwise the structures show
no unusual features. The complexes of PMe, are more varied than those of other alkyl
phosphines, with complexes of types [Ni(PMe,),X,], [Ni(PMe,),X,], mi(PMe,),X] +
and [Ni(PMe,)5]Z+ (X = C1, Br, I, CN, etc.) all being The four-
coordinate nickel complexes are trans square-planar and the five-coordinate complexes
are trigonal bipyramidal with axial halides, but the cyano complexes have equatorial
cyanide ligands. In [Ni(PMe,),Me] the Me group is axially disposed346.The equilibria

between the various types in solution, as a function of temperature, anion and solvent and
with added PMe, have been studied in some depth, and provide a unusually detailed
insight into the relationships of a series of complexes.
The unstable nickel(II1)complexes [Ni(PR,),X,] (PR, = PMe,, PEt,, PBu,", PMe,Ph,
PEt,Ph, PMePh,; X = CI, Br) have been rein~estigated,,~.They are best obtained by
oxidation of [Ni(PR,),X,] with NOX at low temperatures, and all have trans trigonal-
bipyramidal structures (axial phosphines). The only example of a nickel(II1)iodo complex
is [Ni(PMe,),I,], obtained from the reaction of [{Ni(p-Bu,'As)(PMe,)~},] with I,, and
the structure is a distorted trigonal bipyramid which has been rationalized as being due to
the expected Jahn-Teller effects in a d7 ion350.
The carbonyl chemistry of palladium and platinum is considerably simpler than that
of the other platinum group metals. Mononuclear and dinuclear species include
phosphine-substituted carbonyls and carbonyl halides, e.g. ~is-[Pt(C0)Cl,(PEt,)]~~' and
[Pdz(CO)C1(PEt,Ph),]352,and there are cluster carbonyls of both metals. The structures
and reactions of platinum clusters of types [Pt,(CO),(PR,),], [Pt,(CO),(PR,),] and
[Pt,(CO),(PR,),] have been reviewed353.The less stable palladium clusters include
[Pd,(CO),(PR,),] (PR, = PPh,, PMe,Ph, PMePh,, PEt,), which have distorted tetra-
hedral Pd, cores and with five of the six edges bridged by C O groups352, and
[Pd,(CO),(PMe,),], a Pd, octahedron with one face capping Pd and with each metal
atom carrying a p h o ~ p h i n e ~ , ~ .
The homoleptic phosphine complexes of these two metals [M(PR,),] have been known
for over 30 years, and have been reviewed several times' ' 3 3 5 5 9 3 5 6 . Their reactions, which
have been studied in great detail, include addition of small molecules (SO,, C,H,, CO)
and oxidative addition (RX, HX, O,, etc.), reactions which may also involve loss of one
or two phosphines. With small phosphines [M(PR,),] (n = 3, 4) may be
but with bulky ligands the two-coordinate 'coordinatively unsaturated' [M(PR,),]
[PR, = Bu:P, PhBu\P, P(c-Hex),, PMeBu;] are formed358-362 . These have approxi-
mately linear P-M-P skeletons and undergo a wide range of oxidative additions,
including reactions with aryl halides, nitriles and water, and extract chlorine from
chlorinated solvents. Detailed ,'P NMR studies of [M(PR,)J in solution362have shown
that the corresponding palladium and platinum complexes are generally similar, but that
ligand exchange is slower in the platinum systems. The value of n correlates well with the
trend in ligand cone angles. The isolation of [M(PPh,),] reported some years ago is now
discounted, and the products are believed to be polymeric and/or to contain fragmented
ligandsZ6O,but 'Pt(PPh,),' can be generated and used in solution either by photolysis of
[Pt(PPh,),C,0,]363 or by electrochemical reduction of [Pt(PPh,),C1,]364.
Bennett et al.365have shown that comproportionation of [Pt(o-C,H,PPh,),] {from
[Li(o-C,H,PPh,)] and [Pt(SEt,),Cl,] } and [Pt(PPh,),] gives 47, a dinuclear platinum(1)
complex. Typical of the 'clusters' obtained during attempts to isolate [Pt(PPh,),] or by
prolonged heating of [M(PPh,),] in solution are [Pt3(p-PPh2)2(PPh3)3(p-H)]BF4366 (48)
and [Pd3CI(p-PPh,),(PPh3),] + (49),,', for which more rational syntheses have sub-
sequently been developed368.
Platinum hydrides [PtH,(PR,),], [PtHX(PR,),] and [PtH(PR,),]+ are well known,
but the palladium analogues are unstable and have been little studied. Treatment of
[Pt(C,H,)(PR,),] (PR, = PMe, or PEt,) with dihydrogen or sodium naphthalenide
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 597

PPh3 l+

reduction of cis-[Pt(PR,),Cl,] forms [PtH,(PR,),], which exist as cis-trans mixtures in

solution depending on the polarity of the X-ray structures have been
reported for trans-[PtH,(PR,),] (PR, = PEt,, a rare isolated example with a small
p h o ~ p h i n e ~ ~PP?3371,
', PBu:,~,), whilst three-coordinate T-shaped [PtH(PBu:),]PF,
is formed by removing chlorine from trans-[PtHCl(PBu\),] with silver ions373.Unusual
dinuclear hydrides which contain both 4- and 5-coordinate platinum (50) are also

PEt3 l+

Et3P/ P t \ H

Planar [M(PR,),X,] are known for many phosphines, and cis and trans isomers are
well established with both metals, in contrast to early work which suggested that cis
isomers were not formed by palladium. Small- or medium-sized phosphines also form
[M(PR,),X,], which ionize in solution to [M(PR3)3X]X but are five-coordinate in the
solid state. A few square pyramidal [M(PR3)4X]+ are Bulky phosphines
usually only produce four-coordinate tran~-[M(PR,)~X,lalthough an X-ray study of cis-
[Pt(PBu\Ph),Cl,] showed that even large ligands may produce cis isomers if the
interligand repulsions can be ac~ommodated~'~. The cis++trans isomerization of
[M(PR,),X,] and ligand addition and displacement have been much studied, although
considerable disagreement about the details remain376-37s.3so.381.[M(PR 3)2X2 3 have
been studied by most spectroscopic techniques and compilations of the data were given in
previous reviews. Many have been X-rayed, the bond lengths generally reflecting the trans-
influence series, and d(M-P) is usually greater with bulky ligands reflecting accommod-
ation to the interligand repulsionss0. Representative recent structural studies are cis-
[Pt(PMe,)212]382, ci~-[Pd(PMePh~)~Cl~]~~~, trans-[Pt{ P(c-Hex),},X,] (X = ClJS4 or
I,"), tran~-[Pt(PPr',),CI,]~~', ~is-[Pt(PMe,Ph),Cl,]~~~, trans-[Pd(PR,),Cl,] [PR,
=PMe,(neomenthyl), PMe2(menthyl)]3s7, trans-[Pd(P(o-tolyl),),I,1JBB and cis-
[Pd(PPr;)2Cl,]3s1. Structural data have been obtained for the tris-phosphines
[Pt(PMe,)3C1]C1377 and [Pt(PEt,),X]PF, (X = F, C1, H)389. Many alkyl and aryl
analogues of the halo complexes are known, and an interesting structural comparison is of
[Pd(PPh,Me),Me,] and [Pt(PPh,Me),Me,] where the bond lengths are Pd < Pt for
598 W. Levason
M-C but Pd > Pt for M-P, reflecting the different interactions of the ligands with the
two metal centres390.
Treatment of [M(PR3),X2] with PR, and Ag+ can lead to [M(PR,),X]+ and
[M(PR3)4]2', and an X-ray study of [Pd(PEt,),](CIO,), showed a tetrahedrally
distorted planar g e ~ m e t r y ~ ~Halide-bridged
~.~~'. dimers [(PR3)XM(p-X),MX(PR,)]
usually have trans PR, groups, but a 19'PtNMR study of the reaction of [Pt(cod)X,] with
bulky phosphines [P(CH,Ph),, P(c-Hex),, P(c-Hex),Ph, P(c-Hex)Ph,] gave evidence for
both trans and cis 51 isomers393.Neutral ligands (L) cleave the halide bridges to generate

[M(PR,)LX,] in most cases, but a detailed study of the reaction of PMe,Ph with
[Pt,(PMe,Ph),Cl,] at low temperatures showed that asymmetric cleavage to give
[Pt(PMe,Ph),CI] and [Pt(PMe,Ph)CI,] - may also occur394.The reaction appears to

be sensitive to the phosphine concerned.

Cyclometallation of bulky phosphines is well established for both metals, and has been
reviewed20.2S9.395.396. Generally platinum complexes metallate more easily than the
palladium analogues, and the site of metallation is influenced by the ring size formed, five-
membered being preferred over four-or six-membered. The metallation of Bu;P has
received recent attention and illustrates the typical chemistry315.397-400. Platinum(I1)
chloride reacts with B u ~ P to give [Pt(CH,CMe,Bu~P)Cl(Bu;P)] (52) and
[ (Pt(CH,CMe,Bu~P),C1J2] (53), addition of PR, to the latter cleaving the bridges to

form [Pt(CH,CMe,BuiP)Cl(PR,)]. Palladium affords [Pd,CI,(p-CI),(Bu;P)~], which

can be converted into the analogue of 53. Studies on PBuiBu' show that the Bu' group is
preferentially metallated401.
Palladium(1V)complexes trans-[Pd(PPf,),CI,] and [Pd(PPG)X,] - (X = C1, Br) have
been characterized only recently402;they are unstable orange-brown solids made by
oxidation of the palladium(I1) analogues with halogen, and decompose in a few days at
room temperature. The platinum(1V)complexes [Pt(PR,),X,] are thermally stable, and
both cis and trans isomers are known403.Oxidative addition of Br, to trans-[Pt(PEt,),Cl,]
in the dark gives 'all-trans'-[Pt(PEt,)~Cl,Br2], but in the light halogen scrambling
occurs to produce mixtures [Pt(PEt,),C14-.Br,]404.
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 599
1. Complexes of the Copper Sub-group (IB)
Tertiary phosphine complexes are known only for the d" copper(I), silver(1) and gold(1)
and thed8 gold(II1).The presence of only a single oxidation state might have been expected
to lead to a simple chemistry for copper and silver, but the lack of a strong stereochemical
control by the dl0 ions results in wide structural diversity, and a large amount of work has
been carried out.
Copper(1) halides form phosphine complexes in ratios 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4 and 2:3 with
small phosphines, and 1:l and 1:2 complexes have been reported with bulky phosphines.
In solution complex equilibria between the various types are present405. For the 1:l
complexes two basic structural types have been identified, the cubane 54 and the step
55, and it was thought that the steric properties of the phosphines and the halides were

F 3 X PR

/ \
. .
RxP' '-X 'CU R3P-

responsible for the structure adopted, larger ligands favouring the more open step form.
However, [{Cu(PPh,)X},] (X = Br, I) are known with both cubane and step struc-
tUres406-408, and it seems that at least in borderline cases both the solvent and the
crystallization conditions may have some control over the geometry. [Cu(PPh,),X]
(X= F409,C1, Br, I4lo) have distorted tetrahedral structures and the [Cu(PPh,)J]
(X = C1,Br) are trigonal planar41l . The effects of bulky ligands are less clear; thus 1: 1 com-
plexes of P(c-Hex), are halide-bridged dimers [(P(c-He~)~)Cu(p-Cl),Cu(P(c-Hex)~)]~~~,
but those of Bu;P, although extensively dissociated in solution, are unexpectedly cubanes
in the solid state413. [Cu{ P(o-tolyl)Ph,},X] are also known414.
0x0-anion complexes include tetrahedral [CU(PP~,),]C~O,~'and trigonal pyramidal
[Cu(PPh,),Y] (Y = CIO,, NO,). In the latter the nitrate is strongly ql-bonded but the
perchlorate is much more weakly coordinated. Recent studies have also included the
use of solid-state 31P CP-MAS NMR spectroscopy to study [Cu(PR,),X]
strUCtUres406,407,41 0.41 6

Silver(1) phosphine chemistry closely resembles that of copper(I), and again there are
cubane and step 1:l adducts407 ([{Ag(PPh,)I},] is known in both forms417), and
distorted tetrahedral [Ag(PPh3)3X]418,419.The very bulky P(mesityl), produces a two-
coordinate complex [Ag { P(mesityl),},]PF6 with a linear skeleton420,and [Ag(Bu,'P),]Y
(Y = ClO,, BF,, PF,, etc.) are similar, but the structures of [Ag(Bu;P)X] are unclear421.
Silver nitrate forms [Ag(PPh,),NO,] (n = 1-4), all of which have been structurally
characterized. The 1: 1 complex is polymeric with the silver coordinated to one bidentate
and one monodentate nitrate; the 1:2 and 1:3 complexes are monomeric with distorted
tetrahedral structures completed by bi- and mono-dentate nitrate groups, respec-
tively422*423. The 1:4 and the corresponding perchlorate complexes have ionic anions-
415*423. Studies by "P CP-MAS NMR revealed that 1J('09Ag-31P)decreases with an
increase in the number of phosphines attached to the metal.
Gold(1)complexes with 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 and 1:4Au:PR, ratios are well e ~ t a b l i s h e d ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~
X-ray studies reveal that [ A u ( P P ~ , ) X ] and
~ ~ ~[Au{
* ~ P~(~c - H ~ x ) , } C are
~ ] ~linear,
~ ~ but
600 W. Levason
[Au(PMe,)I] is weakly associated via an Au-Au interaction4”. [Au{ P(c-Hex),},]CI
is linear two-~oordinate~’~, but [Au(PPh,),X] (X = CI, Br, I) are trigonal planar although
with long Au-X bonds41’. Three-coordinate gold is present in [Au(PPh,),]+ 429 and
gold is four-coordinated in [ A u ( P P ~ , M ~ ) ~and
+ ] [ A U ( P P ~ , ) , C ~ ] ~In
~ ~contrast
* ~ ~ * .to
the lighter elements, gold has an accessible + 3 oxidation state, and [Au(PR,)X,] are
easily made from [Au(PR,)X] and halogen.
Gold also forms a unique series of phosphine clusters with Au, cores (n = 4,5,6,7,
9,11,13). There is a recent detailed review of these clusters by Hall and M i n g ~ s ~and ~,,
they will not be discussed here. The Au-PR, unit (isolobal with H) has been incorporated
into many other clusters432.

J. Complexes of the Zinc Sub-group (11s)

Little recent interest has been shown in zinc phosphines, although 1:l complexes have
been described for PBu: and P(c-Hex),, which are probably halide-bridged d i r n e r ~ ~ , ~ . ~ ~ ~ .
Cadmium complexes have been more thoroughly studied, in solution by ”P and l”Cd
NMR4,’ and by X-ray crystallography. [{Cd(PEt,)I,} ,] is a dimer with tetrahedrally
coordinated cadmium436,whilst [Cd{ P(c-Hex),}I,] has structure 56 with both four- and

five-coordinate metal centres436.In [{Cd(PMe,Ph)CI,},J there is an elongated trigonal

bipyramidal geometry composed of four bridging halides and one phosphine4”.
Mercury phosphines have attracted a surprisingly large amount of work. The nature
of the solution species and of the various equilibria present have been elucidated by com-
bined 3’P-199Hg NMR s t ~ d i e s ~The ~ ~structural
- ~ ~ ~ chemistry
. is complex: for the 1:l
stoichiometry symmetric and asymmetric dimers, tetramers and chain polymers are
known, depending on the X and PR, present, and some complexes are known in more than
one form441-444. [Hg(PR,),XJ are distorted tetrahedral44s. Complexes with
pseudohalides and 0x0-anions include tetrahedral [Hg(PPh,),Y 2] (Y = CN,N0,)446,
the distorted trigonal bipyramidal (0,P) [H~(Bu:P)(OAC),]~~’,the trigonal pyramidal

[Hg{ P(c-Hex), (NCS)2]448 and the square pyramidal [(Hg{ P(c-Hex),}


Many diphosphine complexes have been characterized and there is a large chemistry of
mixed donor bidentates containing one phosphorus and a second donor which may be As,
Sb,N, S, Se, etc. The chemistry of these mixed donors can be particularly complicated, and
owing to space limitations it has generally not been covered, although a few examples are
referred to for comparison purposes. The most widely used diphosphine is probably still
1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane, Ph,PCH,CH,PPh, (dppe), although much recent
interest has been shown in bis(diphenylphosphino)methane, Ph2PCH2PPh, (dppm),
which has a very characteristic chemistry owing to the short interdonor linkage, and 1,2-
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 60 1
bis(dimethylphosphino)ethane, Me,PCH,CH,PMe, (dmpe), which combines strong
binding ability with small steric requirements (cf. PMe,)’. The length and nature of the
backbone connecting the two phosphorus donors is a major factor determining their
chemistry, and it is convenient to divide the discussion into four main types: (a) one-carbon
backbones, R,PCH,PR,; (b) two- and three-carbon backbones, R,PCH,CH,PR,, cis-
R,PCH=CHPR,, o-C6H,(PR,), and R,PCH,CH,CH,PR,; (c) longer backbones,
R,P(CH,),PR,, n 2 4; and (d) ligands with backbones which sterically prevent chelation,
R2PC-CPRz, 1,3- or 1, 4-(R,P)&H4, and trans-R,PCH=CHPR,. The last group
have been little studied, but the others have all received considerable attention. The
introductory remarks to Section IV are relevant to the coverage in this present section,
and emphasis has been placed on cases where the chemistry of the diphosphines differs
from that of two cis-monodentates in the same system.

A. Diphorphiner with a Single Methyiene Bridge Group Backbone, R,PCH,PR,

Bis(dipheny1phosphino)methane can chelate to metal centres, but this results in a
strained four-membered ring. The strain disfavours chelation sufficiently for other
bonding modes ($-monodentate or bridging bidentate) to be important competitors.
Much recent effort has been devoted to complexes where dppm bridges two metal centres,
which may be otherwise unconnected, bridged by other ligands or M-M bonded. This
behaviour extends to other ligands with similar steric properties, e.g. Me,PCH,PMe,,
Ph,PCH,AsPh,, 2-C,H4NPPh,. The use of such ligands to connect two different metals
and hence assemble bimetallic species has been much studied, especially by the groups of
Shaw and Balch. The chemistry of these ligands was comprehensively reviewed by
P ~ d d e p h a t in
t ~ ~1983, and a recent account by Chaudret e t d 4 , l described recent
developments with emphasis on the dinuclear complexes. These two reviews (containing
> 450 references) provide a comprehensive coverage, and no treatment of this chemistry
will be attempted here. Some comparisons do appear in the next section.

B. Diphorphines with Two- or Threecarbon Backbones. Early Transition

Metals, Groups Ill-Vii
Structurally characterized lanthanide and actinide diphosphines have been reported
only in the last Few years, and lanthanide examples are still very scarce. The green
[Yb(Me,C,),(dmpe)] and red [Eu(Me,C,),(dmpe)] are insoluble and probably poly-
meric with diphosphine bridges. The corresponding complexes of Me,PCH,PMe,
are more Reaction of the former with YbCl, produces
[Yb(Me,C,),Cl(Me,PCH,PMe,)], which has been structurally characterized (57). A


‘Abbreviations are a potential source of confusion owing to the variety of representations used for the
same ligand by dilFerent authors. Only the commonest ligands will be given abbreviations have (dppe,
dppm, dmpe).
602 W. Levason
ytterbium silylamide complex of dmpe is also known453.Eight-coordinate complexes of
thorium (colourless)and uranium (green) of type [MCl,(dmpe),] were the first unequivo-
cally established actinide p h o ~ p h i n e s Analogues
~~~. [MX,(dmpe),] (X = Br, I, OPh, Me)
are known. Benzyllithium converts the tetrachlorides into 6-coordinate
[M(CH,Ph)4(dmpe)]455.Other types structurally characterized in this rapidly developing
field are [ThMe,(Me,C,),(drnpe)] and [ThCI,(Me,C,),(dmpe)] (58)456,[ { (C,H,),U},
(p-dmpe)]457and several borohydrides of ~ r a n i u m ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ' .

The diphosphine chemistry of Group IV is fragmentary, but recent results suggest that
an important (and experimentally challenging) area is beginning to be explored. A rare
example of a stable titanium carbonyl is the seven-coordinate [Ti(CO),(dmpe)2]461.X-ray
and neutron diffraction data have shown that in [TiCl,(dmpe)] (R = Me, Et) there are
agostic hydrogen interactions between the R group and the The first titanium(I1)
diphosphines are red-black [TiCl,(dmpe),]463, red [TiMe,(dmpe),] and
[Ti(BH4),(dmpe),]464, all of which have been X-rayed. Interestingly, whereas the
dichloride is paramagnetic ( p = 2.9 BM), the dimethyl complex is diamagnetic. Eight-
coordinate [MCl,(dmpe),] (M = Zr, Hf) can be obtained directly from the tetrach-
l o r i d e ~and
~ ~ these
~ , react with alkylating agents to give dodecahedra1 [MMe,(dmpe),]
and octahedral [Zr(CH,Ph)4(dmpe)]466. Various diene derivatives are also well charac-
t e r i ~ e d ~ ~Zirconium(I1)
' . ~ ~ ~ . is represented by [(C,H,)ZrCl(dmpe),], prepared by sodium
reduction of [(C,H,)ZrCI,] in the presence of dmpe468,and a rare hafnium(I1)complex is
Diphosphine derivatives of vanadium carbonyl include [V(CO),L-L] - [L-L = o-
C,H,(PPh,),, C ~ S - P ~ , P C H = C H P P ~ ,which ~ ~ ~ *contain
~ ~ ~ ]chelated
, ligands, and
[V(CO),L-L] - (L-L = dppe, Ph2PCH,CH,PEt,88*147)where the ligand is ql-bonded to
the metal. Related complexes are [(C,H,)V(CO),L-L] and [(C,H5)V(CO),L-L]470.
Contact of the tetracarbonyls with silica gel converts them into the hydrides [HV(CO),
L-L]472 which have pentagonal bipyramidal structures with axial C O S , ' ~Tantalum
. and
niobium carbonyl derivatives are uncommon, but include [M(CO),(dppe)] - and
[HM(C0)4(dppe)]474*475. Monocapped trigonal prismatic [TaX(CO),(L-L),] (X = C1, I)
have been made with the ligands Me,PCH,CH,PR, (R = Et, Pr') and the exchange
between cis-trans arrangements of the unsymmetrical ligands has been observed476.
Condensation of the metal vapours with dmpe produced octahedral homoleptic
[M(dmpe),] (M = V, Nb, Ta)477.The orange-red trans-[VCl,(dmpe),] is produced from
'VCl,(thf),' and the ligand463.It is converted to the yellow trans-[VMe,(dmpe),] by MeLi,
and Na/Hg reduction under CO affords trans-[V(CO),(dmpe),], which in turn adds HX
(X = C1, OAc, propionate) to form the seven-coordinate [V(CO),(dmpe),X]478. The
halide chemistry of niobium and tantalum is more extensive. Sodium reduces MCI,-dmpe
mixtures to [MCl,(dmpe),], which can be further reduced to red-brown
[MCl,(dmpe),]160*479.The structure of [TaCl,(dmpe),] is square antiprismatic rather
than the expected dodecahedr~n~~', but the monocation [TaCl,(dmpe),] + is dodeca-
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 603
hedral. The [MCl,(dmpe),] add hydrogen to give orangeered [MCl,H,(dmpe),], also
square antiprismsl6O. Other interesting derivatives are [TaH(PPh,),(dmpe),], which is
pentagonal bipyramidal with axial terminal phosphido and [TaCl(u4-
CloH,)(dmpe),]482. The dinuclear [M,Cl,(diphosphine),] are of two basic types: with
R,PCH,CH,PR, (R = Me, Et, Ph) (59) in which the ligands chelate to each metal
’ ~ , for [Ta,Cl,(Et2PCH,CH,PEt2)2] two diastereoisomers were ob-
~ e n t r e ~ ” - ~ and
served which differ in the orientation of the chelate backbones486. Shorter backbones
exemplified by Me,PCH,PMe, bridge the M=M bonds as in 604*’.

Many examples of [M(CO),L-L] and [M(CO),(L-L),] (M = Cr, Mo, W) are known,

and have the expected octahedral g e o m e t r i e ~ ~An ~ ~unusual
. ~ ~ ~ . square pyramidal
[Mo(CO)(dppe),] has, however, been isolated and structurally chara~terized~~’; the sixth
site is ‘occupied’by an o-H(pheny1)atom at 2.98 A from the molybdenum. Electrochemical
oxidation of [M(CO),L-L] (L-L = dppm, dppe, dmpe) generates unstable 17e cations
which, unlike the tertiary phosphine analogues, cannot rearrange to the more stable trans
isomers491. Although direct substitution into the [M(CO),] is not a viable route to
monodentate dppe complexes, these have been prepared by base-catalysed addition of
PPh,H to [M(CO),(PPh,CH=CH,)], and use of trans-[M(CO),(PPh,CH=CH,),]
yields the trans-disubstituted complexes492. Extension of this method using
[(PPh,H)M’(CO),] and [M(CO),(PPh,CH=CH,)] (M and M‘ can be the same or
different metals, Cr, Mo or W) leads to bridged [(CO),M’(p-dppe)M(CO)5]493,whereas
cis-[(PPh,H),M‘(CO),] and cis-[(PPh,CH=CH,),M(CO),] produce ten-membered
ring complexes (61)494(examples with all combinations of the three metals have been

Seven-coordinate carbonyl halides are well known for molybdenum and tungsten
and for the type [M(CO),(L-L)X,] the structures depend on the length of the chelate
backbone, with dppm producing a pentagonal bipyramid, but for dppe and
Ph,P(CH,),PPh, the structures are best described as capped trigonal prisms with the
604 W. Levason
bidentate spanning one edge of the prism cis to the cap495. The hydrides
CMoH(Co),(R;P(CH,),PR~),] (R' # R") have monocapped octahedral structures
but are fluxional in solution496. Other hydrides include [ M ~ H , ( d m p e ) , ] ~ and ~~
[ ( C O ) ~ M O ( ~ - H ) ( ~ - P P ~ ~ ( C H ~ ) ~ P P ~ ,(n
(CO where
) ~ ] ~the different back-
bone lengths are accommodated by varying torsional angles within the dimer498.
Homoleptic [M(dmpe),] of all three metals are formed by co-condensation of dmpe
and the metal v a p o ~ r s Chromium(I1)
~~~. complexes are represented by yellow-green
tran~-[Cr(dmpe),Cl,]~~~, green [Cr(dmpe),I,]477 and orange [Cr(dmpe),Me,]463, all of
which are low-spin complexes. Bright-green moisture-sensitive [Cr(L-L),](BF,),
(L-L = dppe, dmpe, cis-Ph,PCH=CHPPh,, o-C,H,(PMe,),] are formed from
[Cr(thf),13+ and the ligands in thf solution; the electronic spectra are consistent with the
expected octahedral geometry499.Chromium(II1) halides produce a variety of structural
types with diphosphines. From a 1:1 ratio of L-L: [Cr(thf),X,] in the presence of NR,X,
the products are [NR,] [Cr(L-L)X,] [X = C1, Br, I; L-L = dppe, cis-Ph,PCH=
CHPPh,, o-C,H,(PMe,),] with octahedral anions as established by an X-ray study of
[NPr,] [Cr(Ph,PCH=CHPPh,)C14]500. A 2: 1 ratio of o-C,H,(PMe,),: Cr yields trans-
[Cr{ o-C,H,(PMe,),} ,X,]X, but most other alkyl arsines and phosphines give Cr(L-
L),,,X,, which are probably [Cr(L-L),X,] [Cr(L-L)X,]. Weaker donor phenyl diph-
osphines produce green [Cr(L-L),X,] (L-L = dppe, cis-Ph,PCH=CHPPh,), which
probably contain one chelating and one monodentate L-L, and in the presence of
moisture blue [Cr(L-L)(H,O)X,] form5". From [Cr(thf),Cl,] and dmpe at low
temperature, a red [Cr(dmpe),.5C1,] forms which is binuclear (62)501.The dinitrogen

complex trans-[Cr(N,),(dmpe),] formed by reduction of [Cr(dmpe),Cl,] under nitrogen

{under CO the product is cis-[Cr(CO),(dmpe),]} proves to be a good starting material for
the synthesis of unusual chromium complexes, most notably the dodecadedral
chromium(1V) hydride [CrH,(dmpe),] obtained on photolysis under HZ5O2.
[CrH,Cl,(dmpe),] is formed on reaction of the dinitrogen complex with HC1503. X-ray
structures for trans-[Cr(CO),(dmpe),]BPh,, [CrH(CO),(dmpe),]BPh, and trans-
[Cr(dmpe),Cl,]BPh, were also reported in the course of this study503.
For molybdenum and tungsten halides, most interest concerns the M-M bonded
dimers. However, new work on mononuclear species has appeared and includes the
synthesis of trans-[Mo(dmpe),Cl,] from MoCl,, and its oxidation with AgPF, to trans-
[M0(dmpe),C1,]PF,~~~.A minor byproduct of the reaction of [Mo,Br6l2- with dppe is
the anion [MoBr,(dppe)] -, which has been X-rayed505. Diphosphine complexes of
oxotungsten(V) are [WOCl,(L-L)] [L-L = dppe, Ph,PCH=CHPPh,, o-
C,H,(PMe,),, Me,P(CH,),PMe,], which have a fac structure on the basis of ESR
A large body of synthetic, spectroscopic and particularly structural data is available on
[M,X,(L-L),] (M = Mo, W; X = C1, Br, somtimes I), and this has been r e v i e ~ e d ~ ~ ~ + ~ ~
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 605
only a summary is given here. Best et aLSo7noted that reaction of [Mo,Cl,(PEt,),] with
dppe gave green (a)and grey (/I)forms of [Mo,Cl,(dppe),] and suggested that these were
isomers with bridging and chelating dppe. Subsequently green (a) and brown (/I)forms of
[W2C14(dppe),] were isolated and X-ray structures showed them to be 63 and aSo8.
Analogues with dmpe, Ph,PCH,CH,AsPh,, Ph,P(CH,),PPh,, etc., were obtained, as
were examples with other halides, and structural studies showed them to be of the same
two structural typesz07*509- 'I2. For the R,PCH,PR, ligands the structures were different
(as), reflecting the short interdonor linkagezo5,but for two- or three-carbon backbones a


a -form

(63) (64) (66)

and types are generally obtainable, and for the /I type the torsional angle depends on the
ligand and the halide510*511*513. Interconversion of the isomers has been o b s e r ~ e d ~ ' ~ * ~ ~ ~ .
Use of unsymmetrical ligands adds the possibility of further isomers, e.g. syn or anti a
forms of P ~ , P C H , C H , P ( ~ - ~ O I ~ I ) ,although
~'", in some cases, e.g. the /I form with
Ph,PCH,CH,AsPh,, disorder is found. Chiral diphosphine complexes, e.g. with 2,3-
(PPh,),C,H,, have been prepared517. Halogen oxidation of the a forms retains the
chelating diphosphines and generates [M,(p - CI),(L-L),C14]518, but again
[Mo,CI,(M~,PCH,PM~,)~] is different, being of type 604".
Manganese dialkyls react with dmpe in light petroleum to give colourless or yellow
high-spin tetrahedral [MnR,(dmpe)] (R = CH,CMe,Ph, CH,CMe,, CH,SiMe,), but
MnCI,, dmpe and o-C,H,(CH,MgCI), afford red low-spin octahedral [Mn(dmpe),
(o-C,H,(CH,),)]~~'. Reaction of [Mn(acac),] with LiMe results in disproportionation
into [MnMe,(dmpe),] and yellow [MnMe4(dmpe)]519. Although the manganese (111)
alkyls have not been obtained, a yellow hydride, [MnH,(dmpe),], is formed by hydrolysis
of the manganese(1)complex [{ Mn(AlH,)(dmpe), } ,I, itself formed from [Mn(dmpe),Br,]
and LiAlH,520. The manganese(I1) halide complexes are usually high-spin trans-
[Mn(L-L),X,] (e.g. L-L = dmpe; X = Br, I) but curiously MnCI, forms only a 1: 1
adduct with dmpe. [MnMe,(dmpe),] is low-spin, in contrast to the halides4"'.
Diphosphines react with [NR4], [TcX,] to form trans-[Tc(L-L),X,] [X = C1, Br;
L-L = dmpe, dppe, O-c,H.,(PPh,),, Et,PCH,CH,PEt,, c ~ s - P ~ , P C H = C H P P ~ , ] ~ ~ ~ .
Electrochemical studies reveal that the Tc' + I 2 + couples are reversible, but further
reduction to technetium(1)is irreversible. Pertechnetate and dmpe react, depending on the
conditions, to give technetium(V), technetium(II1) or technetium(1) complexes,
[TcO,(dmpe),] ', [Tc(dmpe),X,] ' or [ R ~ ( d m p e ) , ] +and ~ ~ ~X-ray
, structures have been
determined for [T~o(OH)(dmpe),]~ +,trans-[Tc(dmpe),CI,]+, truns-[Tc(dppe),Cl,]+
and trans-[Tqdppe), (NCS), ] - 24.
Rhenium carbonyl diphosphines, [Re2(CO)8L-L] (L-L = dppm, dppe, dmpe), have
the diphosphine bridging the Re-Re bond, and can be photolysed in water or alcohols
to hydroxo or alcoxo complexes525. Mononuclear rhenium(II1) halides, tmns-
606 W. Levason
[Re(L-L),X,]+, (L-L = dppe, dmpe, Et,PCH,CH,PEt,, cis-Ph,PCH=CHPPh,;
X = C1, Br), have been ~ b t a i n e d ~ ~ ”Reduction
. ~ ~ ’ . to trans-[Re(L-L),X,] is reversible,
and comparison with the technetium analogues shows that, as expected, rhenium is more
difficult to reducesz6. X-ray structures for trans-[Re(dmpe),CI,] + and trans-
[Re(Ph,PCH=CHPPh,),Cl,l have been r e p ~ r t e d ~ ~Dinuclear
’ , ~ ~ ~ . rhenium halide
derivatives were first obtained nearly 25 years ago, although the nature of some of the
complexes was not correctly established until more recently205.Under some conditions
[Re,X8I2 - are cleaved by diphosphines to mononuclear rhenium(II1) complexes, but
under other conditions [Re,X,(L-L),] (L-L = dppe, etc.) which are centrosymmetric
dimers (66) without an M-M bond are formed, although dppm results in a structure

similar to 60. Under reflux in alcohols for several days, reduction of these to
[Re,X,(L-L),] occurs, usually better obtained from [Re,X,(PR,),] and L-L2n5*506.
Like the molybdenum and tungsten analogues, these can be obtained in both chelated
a and bridged /3 forms 63 and 64.For example, [Re,C18]2- and cis-Ph,PCH=CHPPh,
in ethanol yields a-[Re,C1,(Ph,PCH=CHPPh2),], whereas the /3 isomer is best made
from [Re,CI,(PEt,),] in benzene5n6.Structures of typical a and /3 isomers have been
r e p ~ r t e d ” ~ - ~ ~Electrochemical
l. oxidation of [Re,X,(L-L),] (L-L = dppe,
Ph,PCH,CH,AsPh,; X = CI, Br, I) forms stable monocations, also obtainable chemically
using AgPF,, and unlike the analogues with tertiary phosphines these do not decompose
chemically on standing532.The chiral [Re,CI,(S,S-Ph,PCHMeCHMePPh,),]o’l have +

been prepared, probably as /l isomers533,and a /l isomer of [Re,Cl,(dppe)(dppm)] has

been structurally characterized, which shows how the molecule distorts to relieve the
strain caused by the two different d i p h ~ s p h i n e s In
~ ~ contrast
~. to the complexes of
monodentate phosphines, these [Re,X,(L-L),] are not cleaved by n-acceptors such as
RNC or CO but, as described by Price and W a l t ~ n ~ ’form ~ , a variety of substitution

C. Complexes with Two- or Threetarbon Backbones. Later Transition

Metals, Groups VIII-IIB
Compared with the earlier groups, a larger number of diphosphine complexes are
known for the Group VIII metals, but the diversity of types is considerably less, reflecting
the smaller range of accessible oxidation states and coordination numbers.
The typical carbonyl complexes of iron are the distorted trigonal bipyramidal
[Fe(CO),(L-L)] [L-L = dppe, o - C , H , ( P M ~ , ) , ] ~ ~ but ~ . ~ ql-dppe
~~, complexes trans-
[Fe(CO)5-n(dppe)n](n = 1,2) can be made cleanly from [Fe(CO), _,(Ph,PCH=CH,),]
and PPh,H, and the structure when n = 1 confirms the axial monodentate linking of
dppeS3’. The synthesis of the homoleptic [Fe(dppe),], which in solution is in equilibrium
with the metallated [FeH(o-C,H,PhP(CH,),PPh,)(dppe)] (67), has been re-
e x a ~ n i n e d ~ ~ ’and
. ~ ~its
’ , formation by photolysis of [FeH,(dppe),] or [Fe(C,H,)(dppe),]
confirmed. Hydrogen adds to give cis-[FeH,(dppe),], and PR, generates five-coordinate
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 607

[Fe(dppe),PR,] (R = OMe, OEt, F). Related systems with Me,PCH,PMe,541, dmpe5,0,

Me,P(CH2),PMe,541 and Et,PCH,CH,PEt,542 also internally metallate and take up
H, or N,. These complexes will metallate arenes, e.g. [Fe(dppe),], and benzene gives
[Fe(dppe)2(Ph)H]540.The sodium naphthalenide reduction of [M(dmpe),Cl,] (M = Fe,
Ru, 0s) gives [MH(naphthyl)(dmpe),], which loses naphthalene on reaction with H, or
CO to give [MY(dmpe),] (Y = CO or H,)543, and similarly metallate arenes5,,. The
apparently iron(1V)hydrides reported some years ago have been re-examined and are now
known to be q2-H, complexes of iron(II), [Fe(H,)H(L-L),]+ (L-L = dppe,
Et,PCH,CH,PEt,) and there are analogous ruthenium complexes545.
Iron(I1) diphosphines can be either high- or low-spin, depending on the ligand set;
thus trans-[Fe(dmpe),CI,] is diamagnetic (t,g6)546, whereas trans-[Fe(Ph,PCH=
CHPPh,),Br,] is high-spin ( p = 5BM, t,g4eg2)547.Most interestingly the [Fe(Ph,PCH=
CHPPh,),CI,] and its various solvates (Me,CO, CH2CI,, etc.) exhibit low-spin-high-
spin cross-overs as a function of temperature, the behaviour varying with the solvate
studied, indicating the extreme sensitivity of these effects to solid-state packing factors547.
X-ray structures of [Fe(Ph,PCH=CHPPh,),Cl,]. 2Me, CO at 295 K (high-spin, p = 5.1
BM) and 130K (predominantly low-spin, p = 0.7 BM) reveal a dramatic shortening of
d(Fe-P) of ca 0.28 8, with the change to the low-spin state5,'. Iron(II1) diphosphines are
low-spin with one unpaired electron, e.g. trans-[Fe{o-C,F,(PMe,), }2C1,]BF,548. Nitric
acid oxidation of tran~-[Fe(L-L),X,]~"+ at low temperatures produces dark-green or
purple iron(1V) complexes, [Fe(L-L),X,](BF,), [L-L = o-C,H,(PMe,),, o-
C,H,(PMe,)(AsMe,), o-C,F,(PMe,),, dmpe; X = C1, Br], which are the only known
examples of iron(1V) containing neutral donor ligands,,. The complexes are very
unstable, which has prevented X-ray crystallographic studies, but Fe K-edge EXAFS data
on [Fe{o-C,H4(PMe2),},C1,]"+ (n = 0,1,2) revealed that oxidation produces a shorten-
ing of d(Fe-C1) but a lengthening of d(Fe-P). Electrochemical data show that the
iron(1V)-iron(II1) redox couple is very similar for complexes of 0-C,H,(PMe,), and o-
C,H,(AsMe,),, but that the presence of the electron-withdrawing backbone in o-
C6F,(PMe,), makes the oxidation of the complexes considerably harder48-549.An
interesting new development is the demonstration that dmpe cleaves the double cubanes
[Mo,Fe,S,(SR),,]"+ to single cubanes with coordinated dmpe550,and much further
work of this type is expected.
Carbonyl clusters present a variety of coordination sites to diphosphines, and with the
development of new routes allowing substitution under mild conditions a range of such
complexes have been obtained258.The reaction of [Ru,(CO),,] with dppe thermally gave
only poor yields of [Ru,(CO),,(dppe)], but using an electron-transfer catalyst it is possible
to isolate CRUACO), ,(tl'-dPPe)I, C{Ru,(CO),,},(~-dPPe)I, CRu,(CO),o(dPPe)l and
[Ru,(CO),(dppe),]. All contain the diphosphine substituted for equatorial carbonyls, and
the last two have structures 68 and 69551.However, with cis-Ph,PCH=CHPPh,, in
addition to [Ru,(CO),,(L-L)], [Ru,(CO),(L-L)] (70) is obtained552.Under forcing
conditions the diphosphine may undergo further reaction, e.g. KBHBu," cleaves a phenyl
group from [Ru,(CO),,(dppe)] and after acidification [Ru3(p-H)(p3-
PPhCH,CH,PPh,)(CO),] (71)is isolated553.The ligand dppm appears to be particularly
608 W. Levason
prone to fragmentation on ruthenium clusters, and species which have lost a phenyl group,
o-metallated a phenyl ring or metallated at the central CH, are well characterizeds53-sss,
and there are some osmium analogues556. From dppe and [Ru,@-H),(CO)~,] two
isomers of [R~~@-H),(C0)~,,(dppe)] are obtained, one containing the dppe chelated to
one Ru atom and the other with edge-bridging d ~ p e , , ~Similar
. isomers are found with
Ph,PCHMeCH,PPh,, whereas Ph2P(CH2),PPh, (n = 3,4) edge-bridge, and for n = 5 the
ligand bridges two clusters in [ {Ru,(p-H),(CO), 1}2(p-Ph,P(CH,),PPh,)]5s8. Other
clusters afford a range of similar coordination modes, e.g. [Os,C(CO),s(~1-dppe)]s59,
whereas in [Ru,C(CO), ,(Ph,P(CH,),PPh,)] the diphosphine bridges opposite Ru
centres in the base of the square pyramid560.

(70) (71)

Attempts to prepare homoleptic complexes of ruthenium(0) with PMe, or dmpe are

complicated by the tendency for the Ru to metallate the phosphine; however, treatment
of [R~(dmpe)~(H)(naphthyl)]with PMe, affords [Ru(dmpe),PMe,], which is a five-
coordinate square pyramidal monomer with apical PMe,s61. Another ruthenium(0)
complex is the surprisingly stable [Ru(styrene)(dpprn),], but [Ru(styrene)(dppe),] readily
loses styrene with concomitant metallation of one phenyl ring on the diphosphine,
whereas Ph2P(CH,),PPh2 gives only the metallated product in these systemss62.
Diphosphines with two-carbon backbones form stable six-coordinate trans-
[Ru(L-L),X,] [L-L = dmpe, dppe, CH,=C(PPh,),, Ph,PCH,CH,P(C6H4F),;
X = C1, Br, I], usually prepared from RuCl,.nH,O or [Ru(PPh,),CI,] and L-Ls63-s67,
and in many cases cis isomers can be obtained starting with [Ru,(PR,),X,]. cis-
[Ru(dmpe),Cl,] isomerizes photochemically to the trans isomer in alcohols, but in
stronger donor solvents the products are trans-[Ru(drnpe),ClL] (L = H,O or d m ~ o ) ~ ~ ~ .

With longer backbones six-coordinate trans-[Ru(L-L),X,] are still obtainable [L-L

= Me,P(CH,),PMe,S68, Ph2P(CH2)3PPh2s67 or Ph,P(CH,),PMePh567], but in some
cases these can be converted into five-coordinate cations [Ru(L-L),X]
+ [note, however,
that the smallest Me,P(CH,),PMe, affords only six-coordinate complexess6*]. The five-
coordinate complexes are thought to be trigonal bipyramidal with equatorial halide567.
trans-[RuHCl(L-L),] and trans-[Ru(CO)Cl(L-L),] are also easily ~ r e p a r e d ~ ~ ’ . ~ ~ ~ .

Similar five- and six-coordinate osmium halide complexes can be prepared,

e.g. trans-[Os(L-L),Cl,] [L-L = CH,=C( PPh,),, Ph,P(CH,),PPh,] 564*569 and
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 609
[Os{Ph,P(CH,),PPh, J2CI]PF,. Removal of the chloride from [M(dppe),CI,] (M = Ru
or 0 s ) with AgSbF, in the presence of CO leads to the dicarbonyls trans-
[M(CO),(dppe),](SbF,),, which can be reduced to formyl (CHO) c o m p l e ~ e s ~ ~ ~ . ~ ' ~ .
Refluxing ruthenium perchlorate solutions with dppe in ethanol yields
[Ru(dppe),0C10,](CI04), which is believed to contain both chelating and mono-
dentate dppe572.
Grocott e l ~ 1 . 5 7~5 isolated
~ ~ - and characterized (some by X-ray crystallography)
various geometric and optical isomers of cis- or trans-[Ru(L-L),CI,], [RuHCI(L-L),]
and [Ru(CO),CI,(L-L)] with o-phenylenebis(phenyImethy1phosphine).Several other
studies of ruthenium complexes of chiral diphosphines have been carried out, although
interest in this area is much less than in the rhodium systems. Examples include
[RuHCl(binap),], [Ru,C14(binap),NEt,] 76, [RuCI(C,H ,)Ph,PCHRCH,PPh,)] 5 7 7
and the binuclear ruthenium(I1)-ruthenium(II1) complex [Ru,CI,(L-L),(p-C!),]
(L-L = chiraphos, d i ~ p (see ~ ~ 7 for the structures of some common chiral
) ~ Figure
Metal-metal bonded complexes are much rarer in halide systems than in earlier
groups, but include [RU,C~,(M~,PCH,PM~,)~]~~~. However, diphosphines cleave the

prophos chirophos norphos

diop dipomp comphos

phsllonphos binap bppfa

FIGURE 7. Some chiral disphosphines.

610 W. Levason
0s-0s triple bond in [0s,C1,-j2- to give the well known trans-[O~(L-L),Cl,]~~~.
Osmium(V1) complexes are the osmyl [OsO,(L-L)X,] [L-L = o-C,H,(PMe,),, dmpe,
dppe, cis-Ph,PCH=CHPPh,; X = CI, Br] which have trans-OsO, units, and are formed
from OsO,, HX and L-L at low temperatures. Only o-C,H,(PMe,), has been observed to
give a 2: 1 complex, [OsO,(L-L),]X, '79.
Good examples of the coordination of diphosphines to clusters are in the reactions of
the phosphinidine cluster [Co,(CO),o(p4-PPh)z] with Ph,P(CH,),PPh, (n = 1-4)580.
Either thermal or electron-transfer catalytic methods gave [Co,(CO),(p-PPh),(L-L)]
(L-L = dppm, dppe)(72),but cis-Ph,PCH=CHPPh, chelated to one cobalt atom; longer
backbones gave [Co,(CO),(p-PPh),(q'-L-L)] (n = 3,4). A similar series of ligands when
reacted with cobalt(I1) salts in the presence of NaBH, gave red cobalt(1) hydrides,
[CoH(L-L),], and the structure of the complex with n = 3 revealed a trigonal bipyramidal
ge~metry'~'.Curiously, in these reactions trans-Ph,PCH=CHPPh, was hydrogenated
to dppe.


Cobalt(I1) halide diphosphine complexes are well known with Co:L-L ratios of 1: 1, 1:2
and 3:4. It appears that the complexes with 1:l stoichiometry for two-carbon backbone
ligands are [Co(L-L),] [Cox,] (X = halides), and the reported tetrahedral 'Co(dppe)Cl,'
has been shown to be a diphosphine dioxide complex582.The 1:2 and 3:4 types are
[Co(L-L),X]X and [Co(L-L),X], [Cox,] containing five-coordinate cations, which
may adopt either trigonal bipyramidal or square pyramidal geometries depending on
the ligand set involved, and in some cases both isomers may be ~ b t a i n e d ~ ' ~ ' ~ ~ ~ .
Genuine tetrahedral [Co(L-L)X,] are formed with longer backboned ligands or with
some two-carbon backbone hybrids such as O - C , H , ( P M ~ , ) ( N M ~ , )Hybrid
~ ~ ~ . ligands
were studied in great detail notably by Sacconi and co-workers in investigations of the
effect of donor set and ligand geometry on the spin state and structure of the cobalt, and
their review',' remains a valuable source.
Cobalt(II1) halo complexes [Co(L-L),X,] are readily prepared by halogen oxidation

or air oxidation (alkyl diphosphines only) of the cobalt(I1) complexes. Alkyl-substituted

ligands form trans isomers [L-L = o-C,H,(PMe,),, dmpe, Me,P(CH,),PMe,,
Bu",P(CH,),PBU",, o - C ~ F , ( P M ~ , ) , ]by
~ ~air
* ~oxidation,
~~ and cis isomers are usually
formed from [Co(CO,)(L--L),] and HX. Generally the cis isomers are less stable and are

converted to the trans form on photolysis or in cobalt(I1)-catalysed reactions. Phenyl-

substituted bidentates [o-C,H,(PPh,),, cis-Ph,PCH=CHPPh,] appear to give only
trans isomers587,which may reflect their greater steric bulk, or alternatively the much
easier reduction to cobalt(I1) which provides a facile isomerization mechanism.
Yellow cobalt(II1) peroxo complexes cis-[Co(O,)(L-L),]BF, [L-L = dmpe,
Me,P(CH,),PMe,] are obtained by oxygenation of the cobalt(1) species, and both have
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 61 1
been structurally ~ h a r a c t e r i z e d ~A~red
~ . dimer [Co, (dmpe)4(p-0,)(dmso)2]4+ is also
obtainable. Tris(diph0sphine) complexes [Co(L-L),](BF,), [L-L = o-C,H,(PMe,),,
dmpe, o-C,H,(PPh,),, o-C,H,(PMe,)(AsMe,)] are obtainable by air oxidation of the
ligand-cobalt(I1) acetate mixture followed by addition of HBF,, or from [Co(L-L),X,] +,
AgBF, and L-LSE9.These complexes were characterized by UV-visible and 59C0NMR
The reactions of [Ir,(CO), Br] - with diphosphines [dmpe, cis-Ph,PCH=CHPPh,,
dppe, Ph,P(CH,),PPh,, n = 3,4] yields a variety of substituted derivatives of [Ir,(CO),,]
including [ {Ir,(CO), },(p-L-L)] [L-L = Ph,P(CH,),PPh,, where the diphosphine
occupies one axial site on each Ir, tetrahedron], [Ir4(CO)lo(L-L)] [L-L = dppe, dmpe,
Ph,PCH=CHPPh, and Ph,P(CH,),PPh,], which are fluxional in solution590.For the
latter various isomers are possible; thus with dppe the structure is 73, Ph,PCH=CHPPh,
and dmpe form both 73 and 74, and for longer backbones 75 is found590. An
[Ir,(CO),(Ph,PCH=CHPPh,),] which metallates to [Ir,(CO),H(o-C,H,PhPCH=
CHPPh,)(Ph,PCH=CHPPh,)] has also been isolated591.The structure of [Ir,(CO),,
{(+)-diop}] is of type 73592,but that of [Rh,(CO),o{(-)-diop},] is unclear593. A
dinuclear carbonyl of rhodium is [Rh,(CO),(Ph,P(CH,),PPh2)3]2+,which contains two
live-coordinate rhodium centres linked with a single diphosphine bridge594.

(73) (75)

The reaction of [ { Rh(cod)Cl},] with Ph,P(CH,),PPh, (n = 1-4) under CO produces

[ { Rh(L-L)CI(CO)},], which for n = 2 (dppe) is a chelated monomer, but for n = 1,3 or 4
the complexes are dimeric (76)595.The cis-Ph,PCH=CHPPh, complex was formulated
as [Rh(L-L),] [Rh(CO),Cl,]. Excess diphosphine gave [Rh(dppe),]Cl, but for longer
backbones the products were [Rh(L-L),(CO)]Cl. Addition of Co and oxidative
addition of HX, 0, and H, to [Rh(Ph,P(CH,),PPh,),]+ ( n = 1-3) and
[Rh(PhMeP(CH,),PPhMe),]+ have been reported, the reactivities showing a de-
pendence on the backbone length596*597. Similarly, the diphosphines Ph,P(CH,),PPh,
form [{Ir(L-L)(CO)CI},] complexes which are ligand bridged dimers for n = 1 or 3, a
trimer for n = 4, whilst for n = 2 the formulation proposed was [Ir(L-L),[Ir(CO),Cl,]5g8.
612 W. Levason
Subsequently, it was shown that mononuclear [Ir(dppe)(CO)X] can be formed from
[Ir(CO),X,] - and dppe at low temperatures5999600, and oxidative additions to these and
to the dinuclear [( Ir(Ph,P(CH,),PPh,)(CO)CI},] were ~ t u d i e d ’ ~ ~ - ~As
O lcan
. be seen,
there is a marked tendency for rhodium(1)and iridium(1) to adopt a trans arrangement of
the phosphorus donors, necessitating bridging behaviour of the ligands, and only for n = 2
is the tendency for chelation sufficient for monomers with cis phosphorus donors to be
easily obtained.
The electrochemical reduction of [Rh(dppe),] has produced considerable disagree-

ment in the literature, but the chemical reduction with sodium naphthalenide has been
shown to proceed stepwise, giving the paramagnetic [Rh(dppe),] and then
[Rh(dppe),] - 602. Oxidation of [Ir(dppe),(CO)] to iridium(II1) cations with halogens,

HX, HBF,, etc., has been studied6’,. Treatment of [Ir(dppe),]Cl with MeLi gives the five-
coordinate trigonal bipyramid [Ir(dppe),Me]604. NMR studies suggest that in solutions
of [Rh(Ph,P(CH,),PPh,),]+ (n = 3,4)several species are present, but an X-ray study of
the material with n = 4 showed a distorted planar RhP, core with chelating
Studies of asymmetric diphosphines (see Figure 7 for the formulae of some common
ligands) bonded to rhodium(1) and their catalytic reactions is an increasingly popular area
of research. The precursor complex is usually of the type [Rh(diphosphine)(diene)]+,
which is then treated in solution with the substrate. This work has been reviewedz2*606.607;
representative examples with emphasis on the phosphine complex are refs 608-612.
Finally in this section, we note the polyhydrides [Ir,H,(Ph,P(CH,),PPh,),]+ and
[Ir3H7(Ph,P(CH,),PPh,)3]z+, formed from [Ir(CoD)(L-L)]+ and H, in methano1613.
They both contain one chelated diphosphine per iridium atom, with the units held
together by bridging hydrides.
Diphosphine complexes of divalent nickel, palladium and platinum are among the most
familiar examples and, although some recent new work has appeared, the most interesting
developments in this triad concern the lower and higher oxidation state complexes. A re-
examination of the nickel(0)-dmpe system showed that in addition to [Ni(dmpe),], small
amounts of a dimer formulated as [(dmpe)Ni(p-dmpe),Ni(dmpe)] are present614. An
unusual dimer with an Ni-Ni bond is the hydride 77615.Nickel(I1) halide complexes of
two-carbon backbone diphosphines include both 1: 1 and 1:2 stoichiometries. The former
are planar diamagnetic materials, e.g. [Ni(dppe)C1,]616, and [Ni(cis-Ph,PCH=
CRPR’R)X,] obtained in situ from PHR’R” and [Ni(Ph,PC-CR),X,] (R = CF,, Ph,
Bu‘; R’, R ” = P h , Et)617. The 1:2 complexes [Ni(L-L),X]X are diamagnetic and,
depending on the system, may be five-coordinate or exhibit 4- 5 coordination equilibria
in solution. Ligands of the type o-C,H,[P(alkyl),], form only 1:2 complexes, which are
either planar or very tetragonally distorted (diamagnetic) octahedral in the solid state, but
unusually o-C,F,(PMe,), gives two isomers of the nickel(I1)chloride complex, an orange
planar and a green octahedral form549.If the anion has only weak coordinating ability
(BF,, ClO,, I,) then planar [Ni(L-L),]” are isolated618. Complexes of
Ph,P(CH,),PPh, are known to exhibit planar-tetrahedral isomerism in solution, but
are exclusively planar in the solid state; however, with Ph,PCH,SiMe,CH,PPh, orange
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 613
planar and violet tetrahedral forms of [Ni(L-L)(NO,),] have been isolated, the first
examples of allogons with a d i p h ~ s p h i n e ~Chiral
'~. diphosphine complexes including
those of diop, trans-1,2-(Ph,P),-cyclo-C5H8 and norphos have been structurally charac-
terized620.621.Detailed 'H NMR studies6'' of mi(L-L),](PF,), and [Ni(L-L),CI]PF,
[L-L = o-C,H,(PPhMe),] have shown that the diphosphines do not readily exchange, in
contrast to the arsenic analogue where ligand redistribution between metal centres is
facile, but that fast exchange of the coordinated chloride is observed.
Oxidation of [Ni(L-L)X,] with NOX or X2 (X=C1, Br) forms olive-green
[Ni(L-L)Cl,] and brown [Ni(L-L)Br,] [L-L = dmpe, dppe, Ph,P(CH,),PPh,, o-C6H4-
(PPh,),. cis-Ph,PCH=CHPPh,], which are paramagnetic with one unpaired electron as
expected for low-spin n i ~ k e l ( I I 1 ) The
~ ~ ~X-ray
. structure of [Ni(dppe)Br,].toluene shows
a distorted square pyramidal molecule with a long apical Ni-Br bond. Air or halogen
oxidation of pi(L-L),x]x [L-L = O-C,H4(PMet)z, O-c,F,(PMe,),, dmpe; x = c1 or
Br] produces pale green (Cl)or orange (Br) trans-[Ni(L-L),X,]+, and detailed X-ray, ESR
and UV-visible studies of [Ni{o-C6H4(PMe,),} ,Cl,]PF, have been r e p ~ r t e d ~ ' ~ - ~ ' ' .
Attempts to produce nickel(II1)iodo complexes have given only nickel(I1)polyiodides6".
For the ligands o-C,H,(PMe,),, o-C,F,(PMe,),, o-C,H,(AsMe,)(PMe,) and dmpe (c1
only), further oxidation with HN0,-HX yields unstable nickel(1V) complexes
mi(L-L),X,] (CIO,),. The products are dark green or violet, and decompose back to
nickel(II1)in a few hours at room temperature, which prevents single-crystal X-ray studies.
However, detailed spectroscopic and nickel K-edge EXAFS data have been obtained,
and support the nickel(1V) f ~ r m u l a t i o n ~ ~ .
Reduction of [Pt(L-L)Cl,] (L-L = Bu~P(CH,),PBu',) with sodium amalgam gene-
rates a deep red platinum(0) complex [{Pt(L-L)},] which has the structure 78,". The
Pt-Pt bond is easily broken on reaction with CO, H, or chlorinated solvents to give cis-
[Pt(L-L)Y,] (Y = CO, H or CI, respectively). Similar reactions with slightly less bulky
diphosphines, e.g. R,P(CH,),PR, (R = Bu' or menthyl) produce cis-dihydrides. There are
related dinuclear hydrides [Pt,H,(L-L),]' [L-L = dppe, Ph,P(CH,),PPh,, n = 3,4, cis-
Ph2PCH=CHPPh2, B U ' ~ P ( C H , ) , P B U ' ~ ] ~ *which * - ~ ~ probably have structure 79.
Treatment of [Pt(L-L)(C,H,)] [L-L = (c-Hex),P(CH,),P(c-Hex),, n = 2-43 with H,
gives ~is-dihydrides~~'.

p '>

Ppt-p+ \P
/ \"/ \p
\ /'+

Bu'~ BU'p /p\ /I

(78, (79)

Binuclear palladium(1) complexes, [Pd,(L-L),(MeNC),](PF,), [L-L =

Ph,P(CH,),PPh,, cis-Ph,PCH=CHPPh,] are formed from [Pd,(MeNC),](PF,),
and the ligands, and are thought to have structure 80 with an unbridged Pd-Pd bond6,'.
What was thought to be a homoleptic 'Pt(dppe)' species has been found on further study
to be a dinuclear platinum(1) complex of the metallated diphosphine 816,,.
Planar [M(L-L)X,] (M = Pd, Pt) are known with many ligands and the majority with
two or three-carbon backbones are chelated monomers. Sanger598showed that under
some conditions ligand bridged forms [M,(p-L-L),X,] can be obtained for L-L =
Ph,P(CH,),PPh, and M = Pt, and for both metals with cis-Ph,PCH=CHPPh,,
although with dppm and dppe only monomers with chelating diphosphines were isolated.
Under reflux in N,N-dimethylformamide the dimers rearrange into chelated monomers,
614 W. Levason

(80) (81)

the two forms being easily distinguished by their 31PNMR spectra,,,. X-ray studies are
now available for several series of complexes allowing detailed comparisons to be made
of the effects of changing the metal centre, e.g. [M(dppe)Cl,] (M = Ni, Pd, Pt)616*635,
[M{ (+ ) - d i ~ p } C I , ]where
~ ~ ~ the Ni complex is tetrahedral but the other two are planar
and [M(Ph,P(CH2)3PPh,)CIz]637 and [M(dppe),]CI, (M = Pd or Pt only)635.Although
the differences in bond lengths for comparable complexes are small with palladium and
platinum, it does appear that palladium has a greater affinity for the halogen and platinum
for the phosphorus637.Electronic and circular dichroism spectra have been reported and
assigned for complexes of Et,PCH,CH,PEt,63s. A number of studies of complexes of
chiral diphosphines are available including chiraphos, R-prophos and R - p h e n p h o ~ ~ ' ~ .
Detailed 'H NMR studies,,' of planar [M(L-L),]'+ and square pyramidal [M(L-
L),CI]+ [M = Pd, Pt; L-L = o-C,H,(PPhMe),] have been carried out; the planar
complexes are kinetically stable, but the five-coordinate complexes undergo rapid halide
exchange. Various [Pt(L-L)(PR,)Cl]+ (L-L = dppe, dmpe, dppm) ions are produced
from [Pt(L-L)CI,] and PR,, and have been studied by 31P NMR spectroscopy; in some
cases [Pt(L-L)(PR,)J2 + are also ~ b t a i n a b l e ~ ~ ' .
Octahedral palladium(1V) complexes [Pd(L-L)CI,] (L-L = dppe, dmpe) and
[Pd(dmpe)Br,] are formed by halogen oxidation of the corresponding palladium(I1)
complexes, but [Pd(dppe)Br,] is not and they reductively eliminate halogen
on gentle heating. trans-[Pd(L-L),X,](CIO,), [L-L = dmpe, o-C,H,(PMe,),; X = CI,
Br] are obtained by nitric acid-HX oxidation of [Pd(L-L),X,], and precipitation with
perchloric acid, but for phenyl diphosphine complexes the halogen oxidation of [Pd-
(L-L),X,] removes one ligand, forming [Pd(L-L)X,]b42. Although iodine converts
several [Pd(L-L)I,] complexes to materials of composition [Pd(L-L)I,] an X-ray
study of [Pd(cis-Ph,PCH=CHPPh,)I,] showed it to be a palladium(I1) p ~ l y i o d i d e ~ ~ ~ .
In contrast to the unstable palladium(1V) complexes, platinum(1V) compounds of types
[Pt(L-L)X,] (L-L = dmpe, dppe, cis-Ph,PCH=CHPPh,) and [Pt(L-L),X,](CIO,),
[L-L = dmpe, o-C,H,(PMe,),] are readily obtained and are thermally stable6,,.
Characterization of these complexes by '95Pt NMR spectroscopy has been achieved634.
However, materials of composition [Pt(L-L)I,] appear to contain p l a t i n ~ m ( I 1 ) ~ ~ ~ .
In Group lB, the majority of recent work concerns gold diphosphines, although some
studies of copper and silver complexes have been published. An unusual copper cluster is
the yellow dodecahedra1 [Cu8(Ph,P(CH,),PPh,),Hs] formed from [ {CuOBu'},] and
the diphosphine under hydrogen645.Copper(1I) halides are reduced by phosphines, but
copper(1) complexes include the tetrahedral [Cu(L-L),]Cl (L-L = Et,PCH,CH,PEt,,
cis-Ph,PCH=CHPPh,, dppe) and the unusual [ ( C ~ C l ) , ( d p p e ) , ] ~ ~However, ~*~~~.
[CuMe] cleaves dppe to give the phosphido-bridged dimer 82, which has a planar Cu,P,
core648. Silver complexes [Ag(L-L),](NO,) [L-L = dppe, Et2PCH,CH,PEt,,
Ph,PCH,CH,PEt,, Ph,P(CH,),PPh,] have been studied in solution by NMR using the
109Ag{3'P} INEPT techniqueb49.
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 615

For gold(1) it is possible to prepare linear [CIAu(L-L)AuCI] which have bridging
diphosphines [L-L = dppe, Ph,P(CH,),PPh,, n = 3,4, Et,PCH,CH,PEt,, cis-
Ph,PCH=CHPPh,]650q651, the structures being confirmed by X-ray studies of
[(AuCl),{Ph,P(CH,),PPh,}] ( n = 2, 3)652.653,and tetrahedral [Au(L-L),]+ [L--L =
dppe, Ph,P(CH,),PPh,, o-C,H,(PPhMe),, Et2PCH2CHzPEt2]651.654.655 with
[Au(dppe),]CI having been the subject of two independent X-ray Ligand
exchange in complexes of o-C,H,(PPhMe), is sufficiently slow far meso and rac forms to
be separated by c r y ~ t a l l i z a t i o n ~ ~ ~ .
Little new work on the zinc group has been carried out, although notable are the
electrochemical reduction of [Hg(L-L)X,]657 and the X-ray structure determination of

D. Diphosphines with Longer Backbones

As demonstrated in the preceeding section, diphosphines with two or three carbon
backbones chelate to metal centres in most cases, although with suitable substrates both
monodentate and bridging bidentate behaviour can occur. As the backbone is lengthened,
the tendency to occupy cis positions on a metal centre decreases and bridging behaviour
becomes more likely. Further increase in the backbone length may make it possible for the
ligand to chelate trans to a metal. Although studies of these longer backbonded ligands are
of relatively recent origin, several short articles have reviewed developments20s658 --660,
and only some examples are given below.
S h a ~used ~ ligands
~ - ~with~ bulky
~ terminal substituents such as Bu',P(CH,),PBu',
( n = 5-10, 12), or Bu',P(CH,),C-C(CH,),PBU'~, and prepared large chelate ring
complexes with normal oxidation state platinum metal halides. It was proposed that the
presence of bulky substituents made favourable conformational and entropy contri-
butions to the stability of these rings. Trans chelation requires a carbon backbone length
of ca 9-12 atoms, shorter backbones leading to dimers such as 83661.For the ligand
Bu',P(CH,),PBu', the phosphorus atoms bind trans to the metal centre but the backbone

tridentate (a),
is now so close to the metal that the central carbon, C(3),is metallated to give a P-C-P
examples being found with platinum(II), palladium(II), rhodium(II1) and
i r i d i ~ m ( I I I ) ~ ~In~other
. ~ ~cases
~ - ~the
~ ~backbone
. may be converted by reaction at the
metal centre into an olefin group or a carbene, e.g. [I!'tCI(Bu',PCH,CH26=
C H C H , P B U ' , ) ] ~ ~When
~. smaller terminal groups are used, the chemistry is different.
Despite the eight-membered ring, Ph,P(CH,),PPh, chelates cis to platinum(I1) in
[Pt(Ph,P(CH,),PPh,)Clz]666. McAuliffe and coworkers showed that bulky terminal
groups were not essential components if the ligands were to chelate trans to the metal
~ e n t r e ~ From ~ ~ *Ph,P(CH,),PPh,
~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ (~n = . 6-16) they obtained cis-[ { Pt(L-L)Cl,},]
from K,PtCI, and trans-[ { Pt(L-L)CI,}J from K[Pt(C,H,)CI,] as starting materials;
molecular weight and 31PNMR studies showed that in solution both monomers and
dimers were present, the proportions varying with the ring size, and that the maximun
amount of trans chelation occurred in the 15-membered ring [Ph,P(CH,),,PPh2].
Subsequently these studies were extended to palladium(I1) where cis dimers occur with
616 W. Levason
eight- or ten-carbon backbones and trans chelation for twelve-carbon b a c k b o n e P .
More recently, labile gold(1) complexes of these ligands have been reported669. Other
workers observed that when Ph,P(CH,),PPh, reacted with iridium(1) or rhodium(1)
centres the two central methylene groups were dehydrogenated to an olefinic linkage
which coordinated to the metal (85)670*671,and a similar reaction was observed for the
ligand Ph,PC6H,CH2CH2C6H4PPh267z.

(83) (84)

(86) (86)
A different approach to trans chelation was taken by Venanzi, who designed ligands of
type 86, 2,11-bis(di-R-phosphinomethyl)phenanthrenes(R = usually Ph, but can also be
Bu', c-Hex), which have a rigid backbone of suitable dimensions to span truns positions on
a planar metal ion658. Trans-chelated planar complexes of nickel(II), palladium(II),
platinum(II), rhodium(1) and i r i d i ~ m ( I ) were ~ ~ ~obtained
- ~ ~ ~ and also trans-chelated
complexes of octahedral i r i d i ~ m ( I I 1 )In
~ ~[M(CO),(L-L)]
~. (M = Fe, Ru) these ligands
span trans axial positions of a trigonal b i ~ y r a m i d whereas
~ ~ ~ , in the three-coordinate
silver(1) complexes [Ag(L-L)X] (X = C1, Br, I) the metal is trigonally coordinated with
wide P-Ag-P However, it was subsequently shown that even these
ligands can chelate cis to a metal under certain conditions, as in cis-[Pt(L-L)CI,] and cis-
[PtH(L-L(PPh,)]+ "'.

E. Dlphorphines which Cannot Chelate

Some diphosphines have steric properties which make it impossible for then to chelate
to a metal centre, and hence their coordination modes are limited to monodentate or
bridging bidentate. Although this property would seem to make them ideal for assembling
bimetallic species, relatively little work has been done in this area. One such ligand is truns-
Ph,PCH=CHPPh,, which may singly bridge metal centres as in [(CO),V(p-Ph,PCH=
CHPPh,)V(C0)J2- 471 or [ { Re,Cl,} ,(Ph,PCH=CHPPh,)]Z- (87). In
[Mo,(CO),(p-Ph,PCH=CHPPh,),] the ligands bridge as in 88 to produce a ten-
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 617
membered ringbs2. Bis(dipheny1phosphino)acetylene behaves similarly in [Cl,Pd(p-
Ph,PC=CPPh,),PtC1,]683, and a new ligand of this type is rn-C6H,(PPh,), for which
dinuclear platinum(I1) and palladium(I1) complexes have been reported684.



Tri- and tetra-phosphines are now widely used as ligands and several are commercially
available, but in contrast studies of hexaphosphines and phosphinomacrocycles have been
limited to the efforts of a small number of research groups. There are many multidentates
in which one or more of the phosphorus donors have been replaced by AsR,, SR, OR,
CH=CH,, etc., and the disparate electronic properties of the donors in such ligands can
produce a particularly complicated coordination chemistry. Regrettably, owing to
limitations of space, mixed donors will not be treated in this chapter. Previous reviews of
multidentate phosphine complexes have been organized either in terms of the metal34, or
have adopted a classification based on ligand denti~ity’~*~’. Three other articles which
contain much data on these ligands, mostly with 3d transition elements, are not-
able 18.40.585 . The chemistry of polydentate phosphines depends both on the number of
donors and on the interdonor linkages, and how these accommodate to the demands of the
metal substrate (or fail to meet them). At one extreme the coordination chemistry may
differ only in degree from that of the equivalent number of mono- or bi-dentate ligands,
whilst at the other the chemistry of the polydentate may have no equivalent among ligands
of lower denticity. In the description that follows the approach has been to discuss the
characteristic types of coordination behaviour found for the main polyphosphines, and in
contrast to Sections IV and V the organization is not based on the Periodic Table.

A. Triphorphines
There are two basic types of triphosphine, the ‘linear’ R,P.. . P(R)...PR,, and the
‘tripod’ RC( .**PR,),.
The simplest tripod type is exemplified by tris(diphenylphosphino)methane,
HC(PPh,),, which has introduced by Osborn686as a ligand which was sterically capable
of binding to a triangular face of a metal cluster. The geometry of the ligand is such that it
chelates to a single metal centre with difficulty, and the only structurally characterized
example of this appears to be [Fe(C5H5){HC(PPh,),}]PF6685, produced by photolysis of
a mixture of the ligand and [Fe(C,H,)(p-xylene)]+. The strain in the system is evident
from the ease with which ring opening occurs.
The face bridging mode of binding to the triangular face of a metal cluster is illustrated
in [M,(CO),(HCPPh,),}] (M = Co, Rh, Ir), which have been fully characterized686-688.
The ligand stabilizes the cluster unit against degradation to mononuclear species by
carbon monoxide at high temperatures and pressures. However, in other systems the
ligand itself may fragment, for example on reaction with [Ru,(CO),,] the capped
618 W. Levason
[RU,(CO)~{ HC(PPh,),}] is a minor product, and other species incorporating frag-
ments of the ligand include [Ru,(CO),{ Ph,PCHP(Ph)}(C,H,PPh)], [Ru,(CO),Ph
{ ( Ph, P),CH PPh } 1, [R u,(CO),(dppm)CI( PPh,)] and [R u,H(CO)~( P h, PCH P Ph,)
(PhPC,H4)]689.The ligand also has an ability to 'assemble' clusters from mononuclear
starting materials, e.g. [Ni(CO),] produces [Ni,(CO), HC( PPh),}] (89),'O, and
[Ir4(CO)9{HC(PPh,),}] is formed in poor yield from [Ir(CO),Cl(p-toluidine)], although
in the latter reaction fragmentation to [Ir3(CO),(Ph)(p3-PPh,)(dppm)]also occursLg1.
In other systems the ligand may coordinate as a monodentate, [Fe(CO),{ HC(PPh,),}],
or bidentate, cis-[Mo(CO),{ HC(PPh,),}]69', and the uncoordinated PPh, group(s) in
such complexes may be bound to a second metal centre to form homo- or hetero-nuclear
systems, [Fe(CO),{ HC(PPh,),}Fe(CO)4]692 or [RhFe(CO), { HC(PPh,),}]693 (90).

0 0
c g c
\ H

(89) (90)
The commonest tripod tridentate, l,l,l-tris(diphenylphosphinomethy1)ethane
[MeC(CH,PPh,),, tdpmeI4', has approximate C," symmetry which prevents it chelating
mer to an octahedral metal centre, and its usual binding modes are facial to an
octahedron, or occupying three positions in a distorted five-coordinate geometry. The
ligand is also known bound as a bidentate, and very rarely it may be monodentate. In
[(AuCl),(tdpme)] each phosphorus is bound to a separate gold atomLg4.Typical carbonyl
complexes are [V(CO), -" (tdpme)]- (n = 1,2,3) in which the ligand is bound by one, two
or all three phosphorus donors, respectivelyLg5.Manganese carbonyl derivatives arefuc-
[Mn(CO),(tdpme)] + and [Mn(CO),Cl(tdpme)]696. However, five-coordinate trigonal
bipyramids with tdpme occupying one axial and two equatorial sites are found in
[R~(CO),(tdpme)]~~' and [I~(CO)Cl(tdpme)]~~~ (91), both of which are oxidized by
halogens or HX to six-coordinate fuc octahedral species. Octahedral rhodium(II1)
hydrides fuc-[RhH,(tdpme)] are obtained by reducing rhodium trichloride-tdpme with
sodium borohydride, and two hydrides are displaced by C O to give five-coordinate
[Rh(CO)H(tdpme)]699. This ready switching between five- and six-coordinate metal
centres is characteristic of the ligand. Typical ofthe binding to an early transition metal are
the moisture sensitive fac-[Cr(tdpme)X,] (X = C1, Br)'" and [Cr(tdpme),] (BF4), pro-
vides a rare example of two ligands bound to one octahedral metal centre4".
Bis(bidentate) behaviour is present in [Pt(tdpme),] (92)'".
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 619
The alkyl-substituted MeC(CH,PMe,), is a better donor and is smaller than tdpme. It
has been little studied but several chromium complexes702 provide examples of two
coordination modes, and their increased stability over those of tdpme is evident. Infac-
[CrCI, { MeC(CH,PMe,),}], prepared from [Cr(thf),CI,], it is tridentate, but in trans-
[CrCI,{ MeC(CH,PMe,),},] it binds as a bidentate, and when the latter is reduced by
Na-Hg to chromium(0) (in [Cr{ MeC(CH,PMe,),},]), fac tridentate coordination
returns. Reduction of the chromium(II1) complex with LiBHEt, generates the seven-
coordinate hydride [CrH{ MeC(CH,PMe,),} ,] + 703, Binuclear complexes with triple
hydride bridges have been characterized for Co, Fe and Rh, e.g. [(tdpme)Rh(p-
H),Rh(tdpme)l2 (93),which can be reduced stepwise electro~hemically~~~,
+ and mixed
metal derivatives [(tdpme)Rh(p-H),M(tdpme)]"+(M = Co, Ni) can be made by combin-
ing [RhHJtdpme)] and an [M(tdpme)]"+ unit705. Binuclear complexes with halide
bridges are formed by cobalt and iron, and the geometry is exemplified in the complex of
MeC(CH,PEt,),, [ { MeC(CH,PEt,),}Fe(p-CI),Fe{ MeC(CH,PEt,),}]+, which an X-
ray study showed is a confacial bioctahedron706. Sacconi and coworker^^^^*^^* have
demonstrated that (tdpme) M moieties are capable of binding a range of novel main group
ligands such as P,, As, or Te, in mono- or bi-nuclear complexes such as [(tdpme)Co(P,)]
and [ { MeC(CH,PEt,),}Fe(P,)Co(tdpme)](PF,),.

All of the tripods discussed above produce six-membered chelate rings, but recent
studies have shown that increasing the chain length or altering the steric properties, e.g.
in MeC(CH,PEt,),, can produce some unusual effects. Thus, in contrast to tdpme,
which gives dinuclear [tdpme)Co(p-Cl),Co(tdpme)](BPh,),, the ligand
MeC(CH,PPh,),(CH,CH,PPh,) (L) gives a [Co,L,CI,] stoichiometry containing three
separate tetrahedrally coordinated cobalt centres (94), the bridges to the central cobalt
being made by the longer arms of the chelates709. With nickel(I1) tdpme affords
[Ni(tdpme)X,], which are probably planar (P,X,)40, but MeC(CH,CH,PPh,), gives
the trimer 95709.A new ligand with silicon at the apex in Bu'Si(CH,PMe,), ( L ) has
recently been synthesized, and preliminary studies show it to form novel complexes with
early transition metals, including seven-coordinate [Ti(CO),L'] and [V(CO),HL]7'0.
620 W. Levason
Linear tridentates R,PCH,P(R)CH,PR, would form fused four-membered rings if all
three phosphorus atoms chelated to metal centres, and the strain involved rules out this
mode of coordination. The ligands can bind as bidentates via the terminal phosphorus
atoms, producing unstrained six-membered rings. Examples of this are the tetrahedral
[Ni{ (Me,PCH,),PMe},]7’ ’, the planar [Pd{ (Ph,PCH,),PPh}Cl,] (%) and cis octa-
hedral [M(CO),{ (Ph,PCH,),PPh}] (M = Cr, Mo, W)7’z. The central ‘free’ phosphorus
in such systems bind to a second metal centre, as when 96 reacts with [Pd(MeCN),Cl,]
to produce ! V 7 I 3 The major interest in this type of ligand has derived from the ability
to bridge bi- or tri-nuclear species exemplified by [Rh,{ (Ph,PCH,),PPh},(CO),Cl~]+
or [Rh,{ (Ph,PCH2)2PPh},(H),Clz(CO),] (98), where each phosphorus of the

ligand is bound to a different rhodium a t ~ m ” ~ -. ” ~ In

CRhZ(CO), { (Me,PCH,),PMe1,1 (BPh,),


0 C- Rh -R h-CO
oc /R/ H’I‘H I ‘CO

pvp\/p -P P

(98) (99)
there are six- and fourcoordinate centres (99)7’6,and in [Re,Cl,{(Ph,PCH,),PPh},]PF,
the ligands bridge the Re-Re bond binding by the central phosphorus to one metal and
by the terminals to the other7”.
The commercially available Ph,PCH,CH,P(Ph)CH,CH,PPh, (triphos) has been
much studied and complexes with most of the transition metals are known. It has no
strong stereochemical preference and can bind as a chelating bidentate via one terminal
and the central phosphorus, or as a tridentate, and unlike tdpme is capable of coordinating
mer orfac to an octahedral metal centre or of occupying three positions in a square
plane or the base of a square pyramid. It may also bridge or even bind as a monodentate,
although like other two-carbon backbone ligands its preferred mode is as a chelating
Using variations of the method of adding a P-H bond of a secondary phosphine to an
olefinic phosphine, Keiter et aL7 prepared all possible isomers of [(triphos){W(CO),},]
(n = 1-3). More conventional routes with substitution into the metal carbonyl anion
were used to prepare cis-[V(CO),(triphos)] - and mrCV(CO),(triphos)] - ’I19, although
with more bulky analogues (c-Hex)P(CH,CH,PPh,), or PhP CH,CH,P(c-Hex),}, the
substitution stops after removal of two carbonyl groupJZo. X-ray structures of
[M(CO),(triphos)] (M = Cr, Mo)show them to befac isomers72’. Typical examples of
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 62I
triphos binding as a tridentate to 3d metals are mer-[CrX,(triph~s)]~”,
[Cr(triph~s),[(BF,),~~~,fac-[CoX,(triphos)]~~~ and square planar [Ni(tripho~)X-JBPh,~~~,
but in [Fe(triphos),Cl,] the ligand functions as a bidentate and the iron(I1) is high-~pin~,~.
There is an interesting comparison between the geometries about the cobalt(1) in
[Co(triphos){ P(OMe),},](BF,) and [CO({ PhP(CH,CH,CH,PPh,)z} (CO)
(P(OMe),)]BF, in that the former is distorted trigonal bipyramidal, but the latter is a
The two fused five-membered rings in chelated triphos are strained when bound to a
large metal ion, and RP{(CH,),PR,}, ligands have been prepared to overcome this
effect7’,, e.g. in the platinum(I1)complexes [PtLX]’ and [PtL(PEt3)]2+ ”’, and there
are complexes of unsymmetrical tridentates such as Ph,PCH,CH,CH,P(Ph)CH,CH,PPh,
or (c-H~x),P(CH,),P(P~)(CH,),P(C-H~X),~~~.
Bidentate coordination of several triphosphines is found in [PtMe,(triphosphine)]
complexes727.Other heavy metal complexes are mer-[Pt(triphos)Cl,] +634 and [RuLCl,]
and [Ru(CO),L] [L = PhP{(CH,),P(c-Hex),),], both of which are five-co~rdinate’~~.
The planar [IrCl{ PhP((CH,),PPh,),}] oxidatively adds H, and HCI to give [IrH,CIL]
and [IrHCl,L], respectively, and with CO gives sequentially the five-coordinatecarbonyls
[Ir(CO)ClL] and [Ir(CO),L]C1729. In low-symmetry complexes the orientation of the
central R group of a linear tridentate can lead to diastereoisomers,although the effect has
often been ignored. An X-ray study of mer-cis-[lrH,CI{ PhP(CH,CH,CH,P(c-Hex),),}]
(100) showed the phenyl group to be syn to the axial hydride7,’.


B. Tetraphosphlnes
There are three basic types of tetradentate, tripods P(--PR,),, linear
R,P-P(R)-P(R)-PR, and spirocyclicC(CH,PR,),. This last type can coordinate
a maximum of three phosphorus donors to one metal centre due to steric constraints as
in [Co(CO),{C(CH,PPh,),}] [Co(CO),]’3’, and these ligands have been little used.
The first tripod tetraphosphine was Venanzi’s QP, (o-C~H,PP~,),P’**~’, but recent
studies have mostly used the alkane backboned P(CH,CH,PPh,), (tet-2). Many
complexes of this ligand have been prepared, particularly with the Group VIII metals,
and detailed comparisons of its cobalt and nickel complexes with those of related ligands
such as N(CH,CH,PPh,), have been made4’. The ligand tends to impose trigonal
bipyramidal geometry when this is acceptable to the electronic properties of the metal;
examples are high-spin iron(I1) in [Fe(tet-2)Br]PF6’”, low-spin nickel(I1) in mi(tet-2)
{ P(OMe),}](BF,), and cobalt(I) in [Co(tet-2){p(OMe),}]BF,733, although the cobalt(I1)
complex [CO(tet-2)Bf]PF6 is square pyramidal, probably owing to the Jahn-Teller
distortion in the d7 ion4’.
The nickel(1) complex [Ni(tet-2)](C104)has the very rare trigonal pyramidal geometry
1017,,. Usually the ligand binds as a tetradentate but in the chromium(II1) complex
mr-[CrCl,(tet-2)] it is present as a tridentate as the hard metal prefers to coordinate
the chlorines (102)700.If, however, the third halogen is removed by AgBF, then
tetradentate binding is possible, [CrX,(tet-2)]BF4 (X = C1, Br, I) (103))’’’. The cobalt(II1)
complexes are cis-octahedral [Co(tet-2)XZ]C10,, again due to the preference of the metal
622 W. Levason
for six c o ~ r d i n a t i o n ’ ~Platinum(I1)
~. is trigonal bipyramidal in [Pt(tet-2)X] + and
[Pt(tet-2)(PR3)]” 634*73’.

(101) (102) (103)

The ligand P(CH,CH,CH,PMe,), with three-carbon backbones has been studied

more recently, and here the longer chains and the smaller steric requirements and good
donor power of the terminal groups combine to produce six coordination in the examples
studied, cis-[FeX,{ P(CH,CH,CH,PMe,),}] and cis-CRUX,{P(CH,CH,CH,PMe,),}]
(X = C1, Br; X, = HX)736-739.Reduction of the dichlorides with LiAIH, produces cis-
dihydrides for both iron and r u t h e n i ~ m ~and
~ ~on, ~photolysis
~~, in benzene the iron
complex metallates a methyl group to give 104 (cf. dmpe or PMe,), but the ruthenium
forms [Ru(Ph)H{ P(CH,CH,CH,PMe,),}]740*741.


Linear tetraphosphine chemistry is largely confined to Ph,PCH,CH,P(Ph)CH,

CH,P(Ph)CH,CH,PPh, (tet-1), which like the linear tridentates has no strong stereo-
chemical preference. It can bind between one and four donors to metal carbonyl
derivatives. The central P(Ph) groups in the coordinated ligand are asymmetric centres
and hence meso- and DL-diastereoisomers are to be expected (105). In practice the picture is
confused, most workers have not observed (or looked for?) these isomers, and their
presence in samples of the commercially obtained ligand from different sources is unclear;
one form is much less easily isolated from the preparation742. Brown and Canning743
separated the isomers by fractional crystallization from a sample of ligand previously
heated to 200 “C under argon, and prepared rhodium(1) complexes from the separate
diastereoisomers. They concluded that the higher melting form of the ligand was probably
the meso form, and showed that different reactivities were exhibited by complexes
of the different isomers. The ligand can bind to an octahedral metal centre to give
[M(tet-l)X,]“+ around the equatorial plane (trans isomer) or axial-equatorial to give
two cis isomers (cis-a and cis# (106)),although the steric constraints of the meso form
preclude it forming cis-a geometry587.Both cis isomers have been characterized by NMR
for [Rh(tet-l)O,]+, DL-in the cis-a and meso in the cis-8 form743,and in [Co(tet-l)X,]+
the cis# form appears to be present587.In [RuCl,(tet-l)] trans geometry and syn-phenyl
groups (meso) were revealed by an X-ray study7,,. Five-coordinate complexes are readily
formed, and an example is the singlet-triplet spin cross-over system [Fe(tet-l)Br]BPh,,
which has p = 0.87 BM at 86 K and p = 2.26 BM at 376 K7,’. It is reduced by NaBH,
under nitrogen to [FeH(N,)(tet-l)]Br and under helium to [FeH(tet-l)]Br, and an
X-ray study of the former showed a trans structure containing r n e ~ o - t e t - 1 ~ ~ ~ .
15. Phosphine complexes of transition metals 623
Ph Ph

cis a cis p
(106) (106 1

Methyl-substituted tetraphosphines, e.g. Me,P(CH,),P(Me)(CH,).P(Me)

(CH,),PMe, (n = 2, 3), have been prepared by Stelzer and ~ o - ~ o r k e r s ~ ~ ~ * ~
and complexes with nickel(II), palladium(II), platinum(I1) and zinc(I1) have been studied.
The isomers present were deduced by a combination of X-ray crystallography and detailed
NMR studies.

C. Hexaphosphlnes
Hexaphosphines such as (Ph,PCH2CH,),PCH,CH,P(CH,CH2PPh2),usually bind
less than six donors to a metal centre, e.g. [V(CO),-,L]- (n = 1-3)750, although they can
bind as bis(tridentates)in, for example, [ { Cr(CO)3},L]75'. The ligand with a single central
methylene group, (Et,PCHzCH,)2PCH2P(CH,CH2PEt,),, was designed to form
binuclear complexes with direct metal-metal interaction^^^'. However, it can also adopt
other conformations in [Co2(C0),LIz+ (107) and in planar [Pt,C12L]2+ 7 5 3 and mer-
octahedral [Cr,C1,L]754, whilst in [Fe(CO)ClL]+ it binds as a tetradentate (108)755.
7 p 1+

D. Phosphlnomacrocycles
Phosphorus macrocycles are synthetically very challenging to produce, and appeared
later than N, 0 or S analogues. There are now a variety of macrocyclic ligands with P,02,
P,S2, P,N,, P303, etc., donor setsz3, but we shall restrict covera e here to ligands
containing only phosphorus. An unusual example is p&H,)3, obtained
by polymerization of the allylphosphine complex of molybdenum carbonyl
[Mo(CO),(H,PCH,CH=CH,)~], and obtained as thefuc-[Mo(CO),L] A
more conventionally obtained P, ligand is 109, which forms planar complexes with
nickel(II), [NiLIX, (X = C1, NCS, BF,)757. Kyba et ~ 1 prepared
. ~cobalt(I1)
~ ~complexes
of the P, macrocycle 110, which exist in two forms, [CoL,X,], octahedral with long
Co-X bonds, and [CoL,]X,, which are planar. Nickel(I1)complexes of the 14-membered
ring P, macrocycle o-~',H,PPh(CH2)3PPhC6H4PPh(CH,),PPh, were reported together
with P,-,S, analogues, although the details of the former as sparse759. Stelzer and
c ~ w o r k e r s ~used
~ ~ , template
~~' syntheses to obtain tetraphosphine macrocycles, in
624 W. Levason
essence by condensation of a diketone with metal complexes of a disecondary phosphine
[M(HMeP(CH,),PMeH),12+ (M = Ni or Pd) to obtain complexes such as 111 or 112.
However, the ligand does not seem to be removable from the metal once formed.
Cyclization of [Pd(HMePCH,CH,PHMe),]' by o-xylylene dichloride gave three

diastereoisomers of 113 with 16-membered rings762.The ligand can be displaced with

KCN, and subsequently complexed to other metals such as nickel(I1)or platinum(I1). An
X-ray study of [Pd(ll3)CI]Cl, which is square pyramidal, was also reported762. The
original papers should be consulted for details of the diastereoisomers present.


-'kdPeph (109)


(112) (113)

Finally, mention is made of polymer-supported phosphines and their metal complexes,

which could be considered to be the ultimate multidentates(!). Much interest in such
systems arises from attempts to combine the selectivity of homogeneous catalysts with
ease of separation of products and catalyst. A recent monograph763 and chapter in
Volume 4 of this series764have been devoted to materials of this type and should be
consulted for details.

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Biochemistry of phosphines
N. R. PRICE and J. C H A M B E R S
ADAS Slough Laboratory, London Road, Slough SL3 7HJ, UK

I. I N T R O D U C T I O N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643
11. P H O S P H I N E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644
111. ORGANOPHOSPHINES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 649
IV. C O N C L U S I O N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659
V.REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660


Although organophosphines of all structural types covered in this volume have been
widely reported in the literature, only a few have so far been the subject of studies of
interaction with biological systems and our knowledge of their biochemistry is at present
very limited. Nevertheless, there is growing interest in this area, largely owing to the
prospect of finding material with pharmacological activity. This lack of biochemical
information is a reflection of the limited occurrence ofphosphines, whether naturally or as
a result of man’s activities, their uses and the chemical properties of phosphorus in the
trivalent state. Although the role of pentavalent phosphorus in biology has been
thoroughly investigated, it provides little which is relevant to the study of phosphines. A
limited insight can be gained from a comparative study of the nearest neighbour elements
in Group V of the Periodic Table.
The organic amines are widely distributed in nature and many are pharmacologically
active. Natural amines comprise many neurotransmitters, hormones, neuromodulators
and bacteriocides, the last being the basis for many synthetic amine drugs. Although there
is some interest in phosphorus analogues of nitrogen-containing drugs, there are some
important differences between the two elements. For example, the action of phosphines as
transition metal ligands receives attention later in this chapter, but unlike phosphorus,
trivalent nitrogen has no low-lying vacant d orbitals to participate in back-donation from
the metal and cannot strengthen such ligand bonding to the same extent. The other
neighbour in Group V, arsenic, has also been used biochemically. Trivalent arsenic, by
virtue of its combination with protein sulphydryl groups, is a good inhibitor ofenzymes in
which an active-site SH group is essential. This property explains the toxicity of arsenic
compounds which act on the enzymes of respiration and glycolysis. Indeed, trivalent
arsenic compounds were used as parasiticides before the advent of modern antibiotics. The
The Chemistry of Organophosphorus Compounds, Volume 1
Edited By F. R. Hartley 0 1990 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
644 N. R. Price and J. Chambers
general toxicity of arsenicals has limited their therapeutic use in recent years and the
possibilities of phosphorus analogues may become attractive.
The most comprehensive body of biochemical data on the phosphines has come from a
series of studies on the parent unsubstituted molecule, phosphine itself. Much of this
results from the use of phosphine as an important fumigant in agriculture and the need to
prolong its use against such increasing threats as pest resistance. Although in some
respects, for example physical properties, phosphine is atypical of the organophosphines,
certain aspects of its biochemistry can be extrapolated to the substituted derivatives. This
chapter therefore begins with a review of phosphine and leads on to the organophosphines.
As far as is possible, in both cases the discussion proceeds through a general coverage of
the toxic and toxicological effects on whole organisms to a more detailed study of events at
the molecular level, but in neither case is the story yet complete.

The interaction of phosphines with biological material occurs in only a limited number of
situations. Phosphine itself occurs rarely in nature, being that transient component of
marsh gas known as 'Will 0' the Wisp'. Recently it has been reported that this component
may be more significant in the earth's phosphorus cycle than previously thought. Devai
eta/.' have found that phosphine may account for 25-50',, of the phosphorus deficit in
sewage tanks and sediments of shallow waters. Their evidence indicates that anaerobic
bacterial reduction of orthophosphate is responsible for the generation of phosphine in
these situations. Extra-terrestrially, phosphine is present as the major source of
phosphorus in the atmosphere of the planet Jupiter. There is some suggestion that the
presence of phosphine in the atmospheres of the great planets and in our own prebiotic
atmosphere may have played a role in the evolution of organic molecules'. From
experiments using electric discharges through mixtures of methane, nitrogen and
phosphine, it was concluded that phosphine may promote the formation of amino acids.
The identification of bacteria which were able to use hypophosphite as a precursor of
phosphate indicates that phosphine may have directly played a part in biological
evolution and it is possible that some bacteria can utilize phcsphine directly3,although we
have been unable to confirm this in the literature.
Phosphine is manufactured for use as a chemical reagent, a dopant in the electronics
industry and an agricultural fumigant. With the exception of the last of these uses,
biological interactions are likely to be restricted to accidental exposure of workers. This
applies also to the incidental evolution of the gas from phosphorus furnaces, and from
impurities in ferrosilicon, or during steel pickling, machining of spheroidal graphite iron
and other metallurgical processes.
In agriculture phosphine is used as a fumigant, primarily for the disinfestation of stored
commodities. The gas is evolved, by the action of atmospheric moisture, from a range of
formulations consisting usually of aluminium or magnesium phosphide. The principal
biological targests for such treatments are arthropod pests of stored agricultural food
commodities. These include grain weevils, flour beetles, mill moths and mites. Prepar-
ations of calcium or zinc phosphide are used as rodenticides and it is generally believed
that toxicity is due to the hydrolysis of phosphide to phosphine by the gastric acids4. In
mammals, acute phosphine poisoning is accompanied by a wide variety of symptoms
including tremors, fatigue, drowsiness, nausea and severe gastric pain, followed by
convulsions or coma. Depression of the central nervous system and irritation of the lungs
have also been reported. In insects the primary symptoms of phosphine poisoning are
those of respiratory inhibition. Exposure of insects to phosphine results in a rapid decrease
in oxygen c o n s ~ m p t i o nfollowed
~.~ by paralysis and death. A number of studies relate to
the mechanism of toxicity of phosphine in both insects and mammals. Most of these
16. Biochemistry of phosphines 645
studies relate to the biological effects of the reductive capacity of phosphine or its reaction
with the heavy metal components of the cell. Phosphine is toxic to all aerobic organisms
and toxicity is very dependent on the availability of oxygen. In atmospheres low in oxygen
insects accumulate little gas, whereas in oxygen-rich atmospheres their respiration is
stimulated and gas uptake increased, resulting in enhanced toxicity. In those organisms
which can tolerate some degree of anoxia, uptake of phosphine and toxicity is much
reduced’. The close relationship between oxidative biology, phosphine accumulation and
toxicity have led to consideration of respiratory biochemistry as a major toxic lesion for
phosphine. Other suggested targets include a non-specific reduction of tissue components,
for example protein disulphide groups, a general lowering of oxygen tension bq the
reaction of phosphine with oxygenated cytoplasm, the disruption of cellular systems which
protect against the harmful effects of free and the reaction of phosphine with
activated carbonyl groups in proteins”.
The biochemical processes of respiration are carried out in subcellular organelles called
mitochondria, where chemical energy stored in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
is produced from adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate through a
complex series of electron-transfer reactions mediated by a number of cofactors and
Suitable ‘fuel’molecules from the catabolism of glucose, such as pyruvate, donate H to +

nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). The NADH is oxidized in discrete steps first
via a flavoprotein succinate dehydrogenase and a non-haem iron protein, coenzyme Q,
and then a series of haem-containing cytochrome proteins to the ultimate electron
acceptor, molecular oxygen. It is this oxygen that is consumed in the respiratory process
with the overall result that it is reduced to water, thus regenerating NAD and by the
conservation of energy ATP is formed. The final cytochrome in the chain is the
cytochrome a-a3 complex or cytochrome c oxidase, which contains a copper prosthetic
group in addition to a haem centre. This overall process of ‘oxidative phosphorylation’ can
readily be assessed in vitro in aqueous suspensions of intact mitochondria by measuring
their oxygen consumption either in the ‘resting’ state when supplied with appropriate
substrate or in the ‘stimulated’ state in the presence of substrate and ADP.
Nakakita et al.” showed that phosphine inhibited oxygen uptake by rat liver
mitochondria in vitro. The resting respiration of these mitochondria was less sensitive to
phosphine inhibition than ADP-stimulated oxygen consumption, and it was postulated
that this was due to an increase in permeability of the mitochondrial membrane in the
presence of ADP, allowing greater penetration of phosphine. Phosphine has also been
shown to inhibit oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria isolated from mouse liver,
housefly flight muscle and granary weevil tissueI3, and from tissues of susceptible and
phosphine-resistant strains of the lesser grain borer Rhyzopertha dorninicd. Chefurka et
aLL3found that both stimulated and resting mitochondrial respiration was inhibited by
micromolar concentrations of phosphine, with total inhibition occurring at 250 p ~ ADP- .
stimulated respiration was found to be more sensitive to inhibition than resting and it was
suggested that phosphine might stabilize a high-energy intermediate by interacting with
energy-transfer reactions. By using suitable artificial electron acceptors which allow parts
of the electron-transfer chain to be bypassed, Chefurka et al. were able to investigate the
effect of phosphine on the individual reactions of oxidative phosphorylation. They found
that the inhibitory action of phosphine was expressed at site 3 of ATP synthesis, that is,
the portion of the electron-transport chain between cytochromes a-a 3 and molecular
oxygen. These studies indicated that phosphine acted by preventing the flow of
electrons to molecular oxygen via the cytochrome a-a3 complex.
The inhibitory action of phosphine at this site in the electron-transport chain in both
insect and mammalian mitochondria led inevitably to the suggestion that phosphine, like
hydrogen cyanide, is an inhibitor of cytochrome c oxidase. thus preventing the re-


1 W









83 uoqios q v
16. Biochemistry of phosphines 647
oxidation of cytochrome c. This would cause a blockage of electron flow with a resulting
failure to synthesize ATP. Since ATP is the major high-energy compound used in
biochemical processes requiring the utilization of energy, the biological consequences of
inhibiting its synthesis are catastrophic for the organism.
Cytochrome c oxidase has both haem and copper-containing prosthetic groups which
are likely candidates for reaction with phosphine bearing in mind its reaction with heavy
metals and its property of complexing with haemoglobin in vitro in the presence of
oxygeni4. We have found that phosphine causes spectral changes in both haemoglobin
and myoglobin in uitro (Fig. 1). The absorption peaks observed in native oxidized
haemoglobin are at 406, 500, 538 and 568 nm. Phosphine decreased the intensity of the
406-nm peak with a slight shift to 408-412 nm. The peaks at 500 and 568 nm are abolished,
with a concomitant increase in the height of the 538 nm peak. A similar phenomenon is
observed with myoglobin. These changes are similar to those observed on addition of
dithionite but take place over a period of hours and are indicative of a slow deoxygenation
of the haem iron(II1).
Nakakita” showed that phosphine had an effect on the UV and visible absorption
spectra of mitochondria isolated from maize and from rat liver. Difference spectra
obtained from mitochondria incubated with phosphine compared with untreated
mitochondria exhibited peaks at 602,445 and 551 nm. These peaks correspond to the tl
and y absorption bands of cytochrome c oxidase and the tl band of cytochrome c,
respectively. The two peaks due to the interaction of phosphine on cytochrome c oxidase
were slightly shifted from those seen at 605 and 443 nm when hydrogen cyanide reacts with
this enzyme. Mitochondria held in an anaerobic state also showed peaks at 605 and
443 nm, confirming the oxygen-starvation effects of cyanide on cytochrome c oxidase. These
results therefore suggested that the action of phosphine on mitochondria is not the same as
that of cyanide or anoxia. Indeed, Price and WalterI6 have shown that the disruption of
respiratory metabolism in insects treated with phosphine in uiuo differs from the effects of
anoxia or cyanide poisoning. Exposure of the lesser grain borer Rhyzopertha dominica to
HCN or anoxia resulted in tissue accumulation of pyruvate and a depletion of ATP,
indicating that the normal pathway for pyruvate oxidation via the electron transport
chain was blocked. Phosphine treatment produced no such accumulation of pyruvate,
although ATP was still depleted.
The in uitro effects of phosphine on purified cytochrome c and cytochrome c oxidase were
further studied by Kashi and Chefurka”. They found that the difference spectrum of
phosphine-treated cytochrome c oxidase was identical with that produced by reduction of
the cytochrome with dithionite. The position and intensity of the tl absorption bands were
characteristic. In the Soret region the peak at 418-420 nm progressively decreased with
increasing phosphine concentration and was accompanied by the appearance of a band at
444 nm. Circular dichroic (CD) spectra in this region showed a drastic reduction of the
major extremum normally seen in the oxidized form at 427nm, with a concomitant
appearance of a new extremum at 440nm. In the visible region the absorption peak
characteristic of the oxidized form at 597-599 nm shifted to 603 nm and increased in
intensity with increasing phosphine concentration. CD spectra confirmed these observ-
ations, showing a shift of the extrema at 566 and 603 nm to longer wavelengths with an
associated increase in amplitude. These results suggested that, like dithionite, phosphine
produces a change in valency of the haem moiety. However, since the absorption band at
418 nm was never completely replaced by the 444-nm band by phosphine treatment and
only disappeared on addition of dithionite, it was concluded that the cytochrome a
component of the cytochrome a-a3 complex was the more sensitive component to
phosphine, since it is this component which contains the haem moiety. The changes
induced by phosphine were consistent with a conformational change in the prosthetic
group induced by a change in the valency of the haem iron. The absence of significant
absorption or CD changes in the UV region of cytochrome c oxidase, where peaks due to
648 N. R. Price and J. Chambers
peptide bonding or aromatic amino acids would occur, was taken as evidence that
phosphine has little effect on the polypeptide chains of the protein. Reductive changes due
to phosphine were also found in cytochrome c but the concentration of phosphine
required together with the time taken for spectral changes to occur indicated that
cytochrome c oxidase is more sensitive than cytochrome c.
The effectsof phosphine on cytochrome c oxidase and cytochrome c in uitro have been
clearly demonstrated. However, working with insects that had received a lethal exposure
to phosphine, Price6-’* was unable to detect inhibitory effects on their mitochondria or
cytochrome c oxidase. He suggested that although these mitochondrial cytochromes were
sensitive to inhibition by phosphine in uitro, they were protected from such effects in uiuo by
being inside the mitochondrial outer membrane which is selectively permeable. The lethal
biochemical lesion of phosphine may therefore be elsewhere.
The spectral studies discussed previously indicated that phosphine binds to the haem
group of cytochrome c and cytochrome c oxidase. A number of studies have shown that
both phosphine and organophosphines (see later) are good ligands for haem groups in
general. Trimborn and KlimmerI4 found that phosphine reacted with haemoglobin only
in the presence of oxygen. They described oxyhaemoglobin being converted ‘through a
series of iron (111) compounds to a verdichromogen-like substance’. However, from in uiuo
studies on rats, Klimmer” discounted the reaction of phosphine with haem as a cause of
phosphine toxicity since the blood of poisoned animals contained only oxyhaemoglobin,
although some ‘brown colouration’ was noted in the blood of animals dosed with
particularly high levels of the gas.
Catalase, a haem-containing enzyme which catalyses the reduction of hydrogen
peroxide to water, has also been found to be affected by phosphine. Rohrlich and Meuser2’
reported inhibition of catalase from wheat fumigated with phosphine, and Bond2’
detected a 54% reduction in catalase activity in granary weevils exposed to the gas. Price
etaL8 showed that exposure of a susceptible strain of the lesser grain borer Rhyzopertha
dominicu to phosphine reduced their catalase activity. Price and Dance” confirmed this
effect with three species ofstored product beetles but they found that when homogenates of
these insects were exposed to high (1 mM) concentrations of phosphine in vitro no
significant inhibition of catalase was detectable, from which it may be inferred that catalase
is not the primary toxic lesion. Indeed, phosphine when added to catalase does not
produce the characteristic haem reduction spectrum seen with cytochrome c and
cytochrome c oxidase. Catalase differs from these other haemproteins in that the iron (111)
of the catalase haem group is not accessible to reduction. Reaction with critically placed
SH groups of catalase is also ruled out since it has none. These features of the enzyme
explain the lack of effect of phosphine on it in oitro. Hence the inhibitory effect of
phosphine on catalase in uiuo is likely to be an indirect effect.
The importance of catalase as a biochemical lesion is complicated by the uncertainty of
the physiological role of the enzyme. There is a growing opinion that catalase is important
in the scavenging of oxygen free radicals generated during electron-transfer reactions. The
intolerance of obligate anaerobes to oxygen and the phenomenon of hyperbaric oxygen
toxicity in aerobes have been associated with the absence or overloading of catalase.
Phosphine uptake and toxicity is closely related to oxygen availability. The gas is non-
toxic to anaerobes and toxic to insects only in the presence of oxygen’. Atmospheres
enriched with oxygen enhance the toxicity of phosphine to insects and increase its uptake
by insects2’. However the role of catalase in phosphine toxicity may be questioned since,
when catalase levels in insects were reduced to a level similar to that produced by lethal
exposure to phosphine, by feeding with 3-amino-l,2,4-triazole, no mortality resulted’6.
When these insects with artificially low levels of catalase were treated with phosphine a
further decrease in their catalase activity was obtained but there was no increase in
mortality compared with insects that had not been treated with the aminotriazole.
16. Biochemistry of phosphines 649
In attempting to explain the observed inhibition of catalase by phosphine, Nakakita
and Kuroda’ proposed that phosphine combines with a cellular factor and reacts with
oxygen in solution, producing the superoxide radical. The detoxication of the radical by
superoxide dismutase would produce hydrogen peroxide which would, by virtue of the
lowered catalase activity caused by phosphine treatment, be damaging to the cell. There is
no direct evidence for this hypothesis, although they demonstrated a factor in the soluble
fraction of Tribolium castaneum cells that absorbed oxygen and phosphine. They proposed
that this factor is responsible for the uptake of phosphine into the insect body. Recent
studies in our laboratory have confirmed these findings but have indicated that other
species of insect d o not possess this factor but are able to absorb phosphine and are
poisoned by it. Further, it seems possible that the oxygen-absorbing component seen by
Nakakita and Kuroda is an artefact of the combination of insect and buffer used. We have
evidence to suggest that the oxygen absorption property of Tribolium cytosol is due to the
reaction of the precursors of defensive quinones found in abundance in this species with
amine groups both in the cytosol and particularly in the Tris-glycine buffer used. Indeed,
the reaction has been documented23and we have found that a solution containing methyl-
1,4-hydroquinone, a precursor of methyl-l,4-benzoquinone which is a major component
of the defensive secretions of this insect, shows oxygen-absorbing properties when mixed
with Tris-glycine buffer. With regard to accumulation of phosphine, however, there were
indications of a high molecular weight component in the cytosol of both quinone-
containing and non quinone-containing insects which binds or reacts with phosphine,
since gel permeation chromatography of cytosol from insects treated with 32PH3suggest
that 3zP is associated with a > 5k dalton component. There is also evidence however,
that event this may be an artefact of the techniques used.
Bearing in mind the large number of haem and other metallo-enzymes in biological
systems, the ligand properties of phosphine may well have wider implications than
previously thought. This may in turn be related to the nucleophilic action of phosphine
particularly with respect to carbonyl groupsz4,especially in compounds which take part in
vital metabolic pathways, such as coenzyme A’O, and its general reductive action on
strategically placed disulphide groups. Phosphine can react in aqueous solution with
cystine, breaking the disulphide bonds to form cysteine2’ and, in comparison with data on
organophosphines discussed in the following section, it seems likely that these disulphide-
cleaving reactions may play a part in the toxic actions of phosphine.

Organic phosphines are primarily manufactured for use as chemical intermediates in
synthetic processes, but some phosphines themselves are used as mineral oil additives and
increasingly as pharmaceuticals.
Although organic phosphines are widely used as intermediate compounds in the
chemical industry, their deliberate interaction with biological systems has, until recently,
been very limited and thus has received little study. Interest has been stimulated by the
discoveries of therapeutic uses of some phosphine compounds, particularly in the
treatment of rheumatism and certain forms of carcinoma. The potential environmental
hazards of certain phosphines have been considered sufficient for the US Department of
the Interior to include tributylphosphine, trioctylphosphine and tridodecylphosphine in
routine screens of toxicity and repellancy to a number of wild and domestic animal
The great effort required to examine the toxicological effects of the vast number of
potential chemical hazards has prompted some studies into the validity of predicting such
effects in a related series of chemicals. The inhalation toxicity of phosphine, phenylphos-
phine and triphenylphosphine in rats was examined by Waritz and Brown”.
650 N. R. Price and J. Chambers
The symptoms of poisoning by all three compounds were similar and considered to be
those of classic respiratory inhibition. No gross histopathogical changes were observed
in a wide range of tissues from chronically and acutely poisoned rats. The LC,, for a
4-h exposure was found to be 0.015, 0.171 and 12.5mgl-' for phosphine,
phenylphosphine and triphenylphosphine, respectively. They concluded that whilst acute
inhalation toxicity followed a pattern, the chronic effects could not be predicted either
from experimental data or the position of the chemical in the series.
As part of a search for new compounds with antimicrobial activity, studies of oxyalkyl
and aminoalkyl derivatives of organophosphorus compounds focused on phosphinesZ9.
The compounds, which ranged in oral LD,, for mice from 240 to 800 mg kg- were tested
for toxicity against colonies of the bacteria Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus and
the fungi Trichophyton rubrum, T mentagrophytes, Microsporum canis and Candida
albicans. The minimum toxic concentration for the fungi varied considerably even between
the two Trichophyton species. Of the phosphines tested, 1,4-diphenyl-l-bora-2,6-dioxa-4-
phosphorinane (I), bis(hydroxymethyl)phenylphosphine, 1,3,5,7-tetraphenyl-1,5-diaza-
3,7-diphosphacyclo-octane(2) and tris(toluidinomethy1)phosphinewere the most active
against the fungi, with minimum toxic concentrations of 0.6-2.0 mM. Activity against the
bacteria was generally weaker.

PhP7 - O
'Wh PhP/ 'PPh
\ CH2 -0 / \ CH2-N(Ph)-CH2 /
(1) (2)
One of the early examples of pharmacologically active trivalent phosphorus com-
pounds was 3-dimethylaminopropyldiphenylphosphine(3), which was synthesised by
Wiley and Godwin3' as part of a synthetic programme to evaluate phosphorus analogues
of classic nitrogen-containing drugs. Compound 3 was found to be toxic to mice, causing
reduction in spontaneous activity accompanied by tremors and convulsions. This was
interpreted as signifying inhibition of the central nervous system, but this may only be true
in the widest sense since these symptoms are identical with those of phosphine itself, which
appears to be primarily a respiratory inhibitor. It may be, of course, that respiration in
nervous tissue is the most critical lesion.
Wiley et a13' investigated the metabolism of 3 and diphenylmethylphosphine (4) in uitro
using rat liver microsomes. In addition, they studied the reaction of these compounds with
glutathione and with cysteine, biologically important thiol-containing compounds which
are known to take part in conjugation reactions with xenobiotics. They found that the
phosphines reacted in buffer alone but that reaction was much increased by the presence of
microsomes and NADP, the required cofactor for microsomal oxidation involving the
cytochrome P450 electron-transport system. The biological transformation of 3 and 4 was
found to be dependent on NADP and inhibited by carbon monoxide and occurred mainly
in the microsomal fraction of liver homogenates. These are features characteristic of
metabolic transformations mediated by the cytochrome P450 system. Considerable non-
enzymic activity occurred in the presence of boiled homogenate and it was suggested that
free thiols were released by boiling, which then reacted with the phosphines. Indeed, 3 and
4 reacted readily in aqueous solution with glutathione or cysteine to form the
corresponding phosphine sulphides. This proposed reaction was subsequently discounted
as the explanation of the non-enzymic reactions with boiled homogenate, since the only
metabolite detected was the corresponding phosphine oxide, the same product as was
formed by incubation with the active microsomal preparations. Reaction of the
phosphines with exposed thiols as an intermediate step was ruled out since the reaction did
16. Biochemistry of phosphines 65 1
not diminish in the presence of reagents that block SH groups. The reaction products of
microsomal oxidation of 3 and 4 were the phosphine oxide together with, in the case of 3,
the N,P-dioxide.
The fact that metabolism of 3 resulted in no product oxidized solely at the nitrogen atom
was taken as indicative that trivalent phosphorus is more susceptible than nitrogen to
microsomal oxidation. It was suggested that this may be due to the fact that aromatic rings
do not lower the nucleophilicity of phosphines as they do with amines, since the
phosphorus lone pair electrons are not so readily delocalized. As a result, trivalent
phosphorus may be more susceptible to electrophilic attack.
In studies designed to investigate the nature of ligand binding to cytochrome P450,
Mansuy et compared the binding properties of mercaptide and phosphine ligands.
The interactions of tri-n-butylphosphine (5), triphenylphosphine (6)and diethylphenyl-
phosphine (7)with cytochrome P450 were investigated using UV-visible spectrophotome-
try. Compounds 5 and 7 bound to oxidized rat liver P450, giving a characteristic spectrum
with split peaks in the Soret region at 377 and 453-455 nm. The EPR spectrum showed
that about 83% of both iron (11) and iron (111) P450 had bound the phosphines, a very high
proportion compared with the 10-20% binding with sulphydryl ligands. Compound 6 did
not show a binding spectrum with the cytochrome but merely produced a small difference
spectrum peak at 388 nm, interpreted as beng due to the formation of an enzyme-substrate
complex. Steric hindrance in the haem region was suggested as the reason for the lack of
binding of this compound. This study showed that some organic phosphines bind to P450
and is indicative of one of the properties shared by these compounds and the parent
compound, phosphine, viz. that of reaction with haem proteins having sulphydryl groups
proximal to the haem group which influence ligand binding.
Smyser and H ~ d g s o n ’investigated
~ the oxidation of diethylphenylphosphine, (7)by the
other main xenobiotic oxidative detoxication pathway, flavin adenine dinucleotide-
containing (FAD)monooxygenase. The phosphine acted as a substrate for this electron-
transporting system and the phosphine oxide was the sole oxidation product. FAD
monooxygenases had previously been implicated only in N- or S-oxidation of organo-
phosphorus compounds. In addition to an enzymic reaction there was considerable non-
enzymic conversion of the phosphine, and this is similar to the findings of Wiley et d 3 ’
using the P450 microsomal system. The ability of the phosphine to act as a good substrate
in these system led Smyser et ~ 1 to re-evaluate
. ~ ~ the role of P450 in P-oxidation. They
found that cytochrome P450-linked monooxygenases could catalyse the P-oxidation of
diethylphenylphosphine, which bound to induced and non-induced microsomal P450
producing electronic difference spectra with peaks at 373 and 458 nm. These results were
similar to those of Mansuy et d 3 * The binding of the phosphine to the microsomes
competitively inhibited the P450-catalysed demethylation of p-nitroanisole. The affinity of
P450 microsomes for 7 as measured by the Michaelis constant (K,) was 18 pM compared
with 2.5 pM for FAD microsomes. The sole product of the reaction was the phosphine
oxide, which itself had no inhibitory effect on the demethylation of p-nitroanisole. It was
concluded from this and the earlier studies using FAD systems that since the affinity of
FAD-containing monooxygenases for trivalent phosphorus compounds was much
greater than the P450 systems, oxidation to the phosphine oxide is more readily achieved
by the former. The biological role of FAD monooxygenases in the metabolism of trivalent
phosphorus compounds may therefore be more important than that of P450 systems,
other things being equal. They also suggested that because of the greater affinity of the
FAD monooxygenase for the phosphine, impurities of these microsomes in P450
preparations might account for the non-enzymic activity detected in boiled homogenates,
if only a small quantity of the FAD enzyme survived the boiling. It is common for short
periods of boiling to denature membrane-bound enzymes incompletely.
Both FAD and P450 monooxygenases are complex membrane-bound enzymes which
652 N. R. Price and J. Chambers
are easily inactivated during isolation. Cytochrome P450CAM is a soluble bacterial
monooxygenase that is more amenable to experimentation and was used by Dawson
eta1.35 as a model for the membrane P450s of higher animals. P450CAM catalyses the
hydroxylation of camphor, and the binding of phosphine ligands was studied as part of an
investigation into the role of cysteine SH groups in the ligand-binding reactions of P450.
Complexes of P450 with 7 were studied and it was found that low-spin hyperporphyrin
spectra were obtained with peaks at 345, 460, 555 and 581nm. The generation of
hyperporphyrin spectra is generally interpreted in terms of the electron distribution
patterns in relation to the cysteine residues which act as axial ligands in the protohaeme
moiety. Dawson et a1.35pointed out that hyperporphyrin-type spectra are also obtained
on addition of 7 to sperm whale myoglobin, which contains no cysteine or potential
cysteine (cystine) residues which could act as axial ligands. It was suggested that the
characteristic binding spectra of phosphines with P450 are due to the coordination of the
phosphine as an axial ligand. This phenomenon also occurs with horseradish peroxidase
and appears to be due to the formation of complexes in which the phosphine phosphorus
and an imidazole nitrogen atom of a proximal histidine residue are the axial ligands. In
these cases the characteristic spectra with peaks at ca 373,427 and 537 nm show a single
Soret peak which is less red-shifted than those of proteins with endogenous thiolate
ligands. In the case of chloroperoxidase, which chemical analysis has suggested also has no
free cysteine residues available for haem ligation36, a classic hyperporphyrin binding
spectrum was nevertheless obtained with bis(hydroxymethy1)methylphosphine.The Soret
peak of the native iron(II1) enzyme at 399 nm was split and shifted to 376 and 450 nm,
whilst the visible peaks at 514,544,590 and 650nm were merged into a low-spin peak at
553 nm. With the iron(I1) enzyme a single red-shifted Soret peak at 457 nm was obtained
with a splitting of the visible peak at 553 to 551 and 578nm. This suggested that
phosphines are multifunctional ligands to both the iron(I1) and iron(II1) forms of haem.
Also, since the formation of a true hyperporphyrin spectrum requires the presence of
thiolate ligands, it was concluded that such ligands must be present in chloroperoxidase,
despite there being no evidence for critically placed cysteine residues.
The binding of phosphines to haem proteins has led to the use of phosphines in the study
of model haem systems. Connor and Straub3’ examined a number of complexes between
phosphines and haemochromes as models of haem protein properties. The electronic
spectrum of bis(tri-n-butylphosphine)tetrakis(p-methoxyphenyl)porphinatoiron(II),
showed a Soret peak resembling the 446-nm peak of cytochrome P450 and the 443-nm
peak of the chloroperoxidase, indicating that phosphine phosphorus atoms were able
to act as axial ligands in haemochrome systems. Ruf et used a low-temperature
mixing process with a variety of ligands including phosphines to examine the nature of
the sixth ligand of a model haem system with mercaptide as the fifth ligand. The phosphine
7 was the only potential ligand other than another mercaptide which produced a clear
hyperporhyrin spectrum. Peaks were at 380nm with red-shifted Soret peaks at 450-
475 nm.
The use of phosphine groups in model metalloenzyme studies was also examined by
McAuliffe et aL3’, who found that a number of phosphine complexes containing
manganese(II), which is isoelectronic with iron(III), were good models of biological
oxygen carriers. The complexes with the general formula [MnLX,], where X is an anion
and L a tertiary phosphine, showed similar oxygenation-deoxygenation kinetics
to natural haemoprotein oxygen carriers such as myoglobin. Brown et used
tris(imidazo1e)phosphine ligands with zinc or cobalt (8)as models of the metalloenzyme
carbonic anhydrase. The synthetic complexes had similar structural spectroscopic and
catalytic properties to the native enzyme, although there was no evidence for a
metal-coordinated complex in solution. In order to improve this, they studied a slightly
more flexible ligand in which the imidazole was separated from the phosphine by a
16. Biochemistry of phosphines 653

methylene group (9).This enabled them to obtain evidence to indicate a pH-dependent

metal association with zinc or cobalt but, owing to the instability of the compound,
they had to substitute the phosphine oxide for the phosphine. Although phosphine metal
complexes have been useful in models of carbonic anhydrase, it appears that the actual
ligand is an imidazole nitrogen atom and not the phosphine phosphorus.
In recent years, much interest has been stimulated by the investigation of the
pharmacological activity of phosphine-gold complexes4’. Whilst gold(1) thiomalate has
been used for many years in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism, attempts have been
made to improve the uptake ofgold into the cell by using’soft’ ligands attached to the gold.
These studies led to the development of the thioglucose derivative of triethylphosphine
gold(I), auranofin (10). This compound is now being used for the treatment of arthritis

and has been shown to have antitumour activity. After administration of the compound,
over 80% of serum gold is found bound to albumin. Malik and Sadler4’ used 31PN M R
to probe the reaction of three orally active gold(1) phosphine compounds with bovine
serum albumin (BSA). BSA was incubated with various concentrations of triethylphos-
phinegold(1) chloride (Il), bis(triethylphosphine)gold(I) chloride (12) and auranofin. The
N M R spectra of the resulting mixtures indicated that the Au-P bond was not broken
on binding to BSA and that the primary reaction was an attack on the S-S bridges
of the protein by the gold. It was suggested that the cleavage of S-S bonds may induce
denaturation of the albumin, giving rise to the enhanced catabolism of serum albumin.
Malik et studied the interaction of triethylphosphinegold (11) chloride with
components of human blood using 31PNMR. When added to whole blood, the phosphine
readily bound to erythrocytes, producing two new resonance peaks at 40.2 and 42.2 ppm.
Cysteine residues in oxyhaemoglobin and the tripeptide glutathione were considered to
be the most likely reaction sites, with the probable displacement of the C1- of the
phosphine by the S - of cysteine. It was also suggested that the reaction with
oxyhaemoglobin could release hydrogen peroxide, the detoxication of which via
glutathione peroxidase might be hampered owing to its own reaction with the
triethylphosphinegold(1)chloride. Indeed, purified oxyhaemoglobin and glutathione were
both found to react in uitro with 11, producing NMR peaks reminiscent of those found
in the reaction of the compound with whole blood. The bisphosphine analogue 12 is
ionic in aqueous solution and reacts very strongly with whole blood, causing it to solidify.
654 N. R. Price and J. Chambers
This effect was shown to be due to the reaction with albumin. They postulated that the
reaction might start with the electrophilic attack of one of the phosphorus atoms on
the disulphide linkage. However, the spectroscopic evidence did not show the actual
order of the reaction steps and it could be helpful to regard it as starting with the attack
of a sulphur atom on the gold to displace a phosphorus ligand, this being analagous to
the displacement of CI- in the reaction with 12. Alternatively, of course, these two steps

[Au(PEt,),]+ + RSSR + H,O -

could be concerted. The overall reaction becomes
[(RS) AuPEt,] + RSH + OPEt, + H +
Otiko and Sadler45 showed that 11 reacted with the haem protein cytochrome c. The

reaction in aqueous medium at neutral pH produced a change in spin state of the normally
low-spin iron(II1). The electronic spectrum of the resulting high-spin species was
characterized by the shift of the Soret peak from 409 to 41 1 nm and by a time-dependant
appearance of a peak at 596nm. They implicated the nitrogen atom of histidine and the
sulphur atoms of cysteine and methionine as gold binding sites. The penetrative properties
of the molecule conferred by the phosphine moiety appeared to provide access for the gold
to crucial binding sites proximal to the haem portion of the cytochrome. This resulted in
perturbation of the haem conformation and the change in spin state.
Grootveld et d4,examined the reaction of 11, triethylphosphinegold(1) nitrate and
auranofin with other haem proteins: myoglobin, haemoglobin and the bacterial
cytochrome cytochrome b562.The reaction of cytochrome b,,, with 11 was rapid and
characterized by the formation of a high-spin species with a visible absorption peak at
610nm.The Soret peak was shifted from 416 to 392nm. The addition of 24 molar
equivalents of 11 completely converted the iron(I1I) cytochrome b5,, to the high-spin
state. With haemoglobin the Soret band was shifted from 410 to 400 nm and a iew peak at
630nm was produced. On addition of 30 molar equivalents of the phosphine to
haemoglobin, a new, deep-green species was formed with absorption maxima at 564,596
and 7 10 nm with a Soret peak at 400 nm. EPR studies showed that this compound was also
a high-spin species. Similar changes were observed with myoglobin, although higher
concentrations of 11 were required to produce the spectral changes. There was some
evidence that the autoxidation of haemoglobin, and presumably also myoglobin,
produced superoxide. It was suggested that the observed changes were due to the binding
of AuPEt,' to a nitrogen atom of one of the histidine residues coordinated to the haem.
Reaction with an adjacent cysteine residue was not considered important in this particular
reaction since blocking of this sulphydryl group with N-ethylmaleimide did not abolish
the reaction. The evidence for the AuPEt,' being the only active species was that only
compounds of this cation with weakly bound anion ligands such as C1- and NO3- were
active. Auranofin, with a strong thiol ligand, did not produce the spin state changes and
neither did the non-phosphine gold-thiol compound aurothiomalate. However, it was
considered that this phenomenon might be important in the pharmacological action of
auranofin, since acid hydrolysis in the stomach could lead to the production of 11 and thus
AuPEt,'. No mention was made of the earlier work by the same group of worker^^,.^^
showing that 11 reacts strongly with SH groups ofcysteine in blood to form [(RS)AuPEt,]
complexes with proteins, but it was acknowledged that many haem proteins would be
protected from the autoxidative reactions by virtue of the high affinity of AuPEt, for
thiolates. No indications were given as to whether any of the 31PNMR changes reported
in blood components were found in the haem proteins studied.
Using radiolabelling methodology, Ecker et d4'examined the reactions of the gold and
phosphine moieties of auranofin with BSA, transferrin (a metal-transporting protein using
tyrosine-metal binding), histidine-rich gl ycoprotein and metallothionein (a cysteine-rich
metal-binding protein). It was shown that about 50% of orally administered auranofin was
able to survive acid hydrolysis in the gut and thus would be available as the parent
16. Biochemistry of phosphines 655
compound for reaction with serum albumin. Auranofin was able to penetrate artificial
liposomes containing BSA, suggesting that the lipohilic properties of the molecule to
which the PEt, contributes would enable the drug to enter hydrophobic membrane
environments where gold ligation could take place. When auranofin was added in
stoichiometric ratios to BSA, 60% of both the gold and the triethylphosphine were found
to be bound to BSA. Calculations indicated that this was exactly equivalent to the number
of free sulphydryl groups available. The remaining 40% of radioactivity was due to un-
reacted auranofin, hence the reaction did not involve the dissociation of the gold from the
phosphine. By way of confirmation, almost 60% of the ‘leaving group’, tetraacetylthio-
glucose (TATG), was detected as free TATG-SH. These results indicated that the only
reaction of auranofin with BSA is with the SH group of Cys-34, which is the only cysteine
residue of BSA not to exist totally as a bridged disulphide. The purified preparation used in
this study contained 60% titratable Cys-34 SH groups. The reaction appeared to be thiol
ligation of the AuPEt,’ to BSA to form [BSA-S-AuPEt,], releasing stoichiometric
amounts of TATG-SH. There was no reaction with histidine-rich glycoprotein or with
transferrin, which indicates that other amino acid-metal ligands such as histidine or
tyrosine are not involved in the reaction of auranofin with serum proteins. Auranofin
reacted with the cysteine-rich metallothionein but only when its prosthetic cadmium and
zinc groups had been removed.
The reactions of auranofin with BSA were further studied by Coffer et aL4’ using ,‘P
NMR, X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES) and extended X-ray absorp-
tion fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS). Cys-34 was found to be the sole binding site
for auranofin but using 11 there appeared to be a larger amount of bound gold than
would be equivalent to the free SH sites available. In addition, when the complex was
chromatographed by gel filtration there was a ‘tailing’ of gold eluting after the high
molecular weight complex. It was suggested that there are other weak binding sites for
11 in BSA which part in the reaction between BSA and auranofin. 31P NMR
spectra indicated that there was a rapid exchange of material with the weak binding
sites which appeared to be topographically remote from the Cys-34 position in the
protein. It was postulated that these sites might be imidazole, lysine, carboxylate or
thioether groups. This is in agreement with the findings of Grootveld et ~ 1in explaining
. ~ ~
the formation of the high-spin derivatives of haem proteins by compounds of AuPEt, +

with weakly associated anions but not with auranofin. This difference in binding has
been used to explain the differences in observed biological activity of 11 and auranofin.
Compound 11 has anti-rheumatoid activity only on injection and it causes severe
gastrointestinal irritation. Auranofin is active orally and appears to be fairly resistant
to hydrolysis in the gut to the reactive AuPEt,+ ion.
In a study of the biochemical effects of a number of anti-inflammatory drugs on
membrane processes, Chan and Minta49 found that only gold sodium thiomalate and
auranofin inhibited the activity of membrane-bound and purified Na/K-ATPase. Whereas
the presence of the gold appeared to be essential, neither of the free ligands they tested,
sodium thiomalate and triethylphosphine, was individually effective. The inhibitory
action of the gold-containing drugs was abolished by their preincubation with dithio-
threitol. This compound is commonly used to prevent enzyme SH groups from forming
S-S bridges. The effect of the reagent would be to free the sulphur ligand from the
gold. The abolition of inhibitory activity in this experiment might thus result from the
reaction of the gold with the excess of SH groups of the dithiothreitol as compared with
the Na/K-ATPase.
Evidence that gold reacts with SH groups is supported by Caltabiano et who
demonstrated that pharmacological levels of auranofin induced the biosynthesis of two so-
called stress proteins, which are known to be induced by other chemicals which react with
SH groups such as iodoacetate and arsenite. In addition to stimulating the production of
656 N. R. Price and J. Chambers
these proteins in cultured cells, oral administration of auranofin to rats induced stress
protein synthesis in peritoneal exudate cells. The role of these proteins in terms of either
their physiological function or their action in auranofin pharmacology remains to be
In addition to the anti-rheumatic activity of auranofin, micromolar concentrations were
found to be cytotoxic to tumour cells in culture. Its activity was found to be very restricted,
probably owing to the high affinity of the compound for the thiols in serum albumin.
In view of the reported ability of some gold compounds to inhibit DNA, RNA
and protein synthesis, Allaudeen et examined the effect of auranofin and a
number of related compounds on DNA replication. Whereas auranofin itself had little
effect on DNA polymerase from a number of sources, 11 at a concentration of S ~ M
showed inhibitory activity of between 5 and 85%, depending on the enzyme source. In
an attempt to combine the biological advantages of auranofin with the pharmacological
properties of the chloride, they studied two further complexes, which are effectively
addition compounds of these two molecules: 2,3,4,6-tetraacetyl-~-D-glucopyranosyl-
bis[(triethylphosphine)aurio]sulphonium chloride (13) and the nitrate (14). These

' OAc

(13) X - C l
(14) X = NO3
compounds were as effective inhibitors of DNA polymerase as the chloride 11. It was
suggested that the interference with DNA replication was due to the interaction of the
compounds with the enzyme's thiols. Structure-activity studies indicated that both the
phosphine and the gold moieties were required for good pharmacological activity.
Auranofin and similar compounds bind strongly to thiol groups and this property has
been suggested as the reason for the very limited antineoplastic activity of auranofin in
uiuo. Thus compounds which retain anti-tumour activity whilst having reduced affinity for
serum thiols might be more promising.
It was found that bis [(diphenylphosphine)ethane] gold (15), a tetrahedrally co-
ordinated chelated complex formed by reaction of bis(dipheny1phosphine)ethane (dppe)


(16) with [(AuCl),dppe] (17), was not thiol-reactive and was highly cytotoxic to a range of
animal tumours, (see ref. 41 for a review). It was suggested that the low thiol reactivity
allowed the gold to reach critical binding sites, possibly on DNA bases. Reactivity towards
16. Biochemistry of phosphines 657
natural metal ions in cells was also considered to be a possible factor in the pharmacology
of dppe derivatives. The bisphosphineethane itself (16) was found to have anti-tumour
activity in uiuo but its metal complexes, particularly with copper or gold, are much more
potent”. The bis {chlorogold(I)}complex 17 and a bis{trichlorogold(III)} complex were
7.5 and 17 times more active, respectively, than the phosphine alone. The same study also
showed that the presence of simple salts of some transition metals could modulate the
cytotoxicity of 16 against melanoma cells in culture. Copper and gold salts enhanced its
cytotoxicity whereas zinc, cobalt, magnesium, manganese, iron(I1) and cadmium were all
ineffective. Nickel appeared to be antagonistic, abolishing antitumour activity at 0.1 mM. It
was suggested that the presence of copper(I1) salts prevented the oxidation of the
phosphine to the non-toxic oxide and that the balance between endogenous transition
metals and 16 may be important in mediating the pharmacology of the phosphine in uiuo.
In uiuo dosing of mice with copper and gold salts together with 16 showed that whilst the
overall toxicity of the phosphine was enhanced by the metal salts, there was no increase in
anti-tumour activity at clinically useful (i.e. sublethal) doses.
The effects of 16 and some of its metal complexes on DNA polymerase were also
assessed since previous studies had shown that some gold compounds inhibited this
enzyme and that other antitumour drugs with metal ligand properties interfered directly
with DNA synthesis. The phosphine itself, either alone or with transition metal salts,
was generally without effect, with the exception of mixtures of CuCI, or CuSO, with
the phosphine, which were inhibitory. The chlorogold(1)complex 17 inhibited the enzyme
at concentrations as low as 2 . 5 ~ This~ . effect, which was measured on purified DNA
polymerase, could also be demonstrated in situ on the polymerase of cultured KB
melanoma cells. Mirabelli et examined some of the pharmacological properties of
one of the bisphosphinegold compounds. They found that p [1,2-bis(diphenylphosphine)-
ethane] bis [( I-thio-p-D-glucopyranosato-S)gold(I), [(AuTG,)dppe] (18), was a potent

cytotoxin against melanoma, colon carcinoma and leukaemia cells in uitro. Detailed
examination of the effects of this compound on cell division indicated that it induced a
specific block on mitosis, suggesting that it interfered directly with DNA or its metabolism.
Compound 18 was also found to inhibit the incorporation of thymidine into DNA, uridine
into RNA and leucine into protein. This points to a direct effect of 18 on DNA synthesis, in
turn inhibiting RNA duplication and protein translation. The effects on DNA were
correlated with the dose-dependent ability of 18 to cause single-strand breaks in DNA. It
was found that the dose of 18 required to produce 50% inhibition of growth of L1210
leukaemia cells caused DNA breaks equivalent to 300 rad of X-radiation.
The biological usefulness of gold-phosphine compounds has been further exploited in
the development of gold cluster labelled antibodies. HainfieldS4used a cluster of eleven
gold atoms surrounded by a shell of seven triphenylphosphines in which each phenyl ring
bears an amino group, one of which is used for covalent bonding to the antibody and the
remainder of which impart water solubility to the complex. This electron-dense probe is
suitable for the electron microscopic study of antibody binding and has advantages
658 N. R. Price and J. Chambers
over other probes in being relatively small in molecular size and stable in biological
A number of phosphine complexes with technetium-99 have been studied as replace-
ments for thallium-201 chloride in the field of cardiac scintigraphy. This is a vital tool in
the diagnosis of heart disease, and is based on the imaging of the heart using introduced
radioisotopes. The method is currently limited by the resolution with which the heart can
be distinguished from other proximal organs such as the liver. It appears that the
lipophilicity conferred by the phosphine and the tissue-binding properties of technetium
combine to make such compounds useful in this respect.
The reaction between [99Tc] pertechnetate and 1,2-bis(dimethylphosphino)ethane
(dmpe) under appropriate conditions of pH produces two complex cations with
myocardial affinity55.These are [99Tc(dmpe)2C1]2+(19) and [99Tc(dmpe),] (20). The

results of Syhre et indicated that the technetium(1) cation 20 bound much more
strongly to human serum albumin, and was more lipophilic than 19. After injection into
rats, the tissue levels of 20 were found to be higher than those of 19 and there was
prolonged retention in the myocardium. However, the advantage of higher cardiac
retention by the technetium(1) ion 20 was outweighed by a higher uptake into other tissues
and slow release from the blood, presumably owing to its affinity for albumin. Thus it was
concluded that in the first 20-30 min after injection the technetium(II1) cation was the
more useful. Munze et ~ 1 . ’concluded
~ that both technetium(1) and technetium(II1) were
useful probes but that the non-specific biokinetic parameters such as lipophilicity and
metabolic elimination imposed on the complex by the phosphine moiety were important
to the future usefulness of technetium and thus parameters such as steric effects, molecular
size, liphophilicity and protein binding could be modified in attempts to improve the
resolution of these problems.
One of the major properties that emerges from the study of the interactions of
phosphines with biological molecules is their reaction with protein sulphydryl groups.
This reaction has been known for a considerable time and has been exploited in both
biochemistry and industry. The ability of tertiary phosphines to cleave S-S bonds in
keratin was known in the early 1950s, and later Levison et reported that
tris(hydroxymethy1)phosphine and tris(carboxyethy1)phosphine could reduce the S-S
bonds in human gammaglobulin to a greater extent than the commonly used reagent
mercaptoethanol. In addition, and pertinent in retrospect, was the observation that
tris(hydroxymethy1)phosphine was capable of inactivating human rheumatoid factor in
vitro but only at concentrations in excess of 0.1 mM. The use of organic phosphines for
routine cleavage of protein S-S bonds was favoured by Ruegg and Rudinger’*. Unlike
conventional sulphydryl reagents such as mercaptoethanol, dithiothreitol (Cleland’s
reagent) and dithioerythritol, which require 100-1000-fold excess for complete cleavage
of S-S to SH, only 10-fold excesses of some phosphines were required. Tributylphosphine
was found to be more reactive that either of the phosphines used by Levison et al. and
the reaction with protein disulphides appeared to be more predictable and more specific
than with ‘classic’reagents. It was found that the reaction required a 1: 1 molar ratio of
tributylphosphine to S-S group. Using vasopressin, insulin and human serum albumin,
it was found that a 5-20% excess of the phosphine allowed complete S-S to SH reduction.
The reaction is rapid and specific, producing no other detectable modification of the
protein. This property has been exploited in the use of simple tertiary alkyl phosphines
in the cosmetics industry as hair-waving agents. Tris(3-hydroxypropyl)phosphineand
tris(3-hydroxybuty1)phosphinewere developed as odourless alternatives to mercaptide
reagents for this purpose59.The rationale behind their use is that disulphide bonds, which
determine the tertiary structure of the keratin, are cleaved by the phosphine, the bonds
being reformed after curling the hair and removal of the phosphine.
16. Biochemistry of phosphines 659

Phosphine itself is a reducing agent. When present in solution with those haem proteins in
which the haem iron readily undergoes reversible oxidation and reduction, it arrests the
iron in the iron(I1) state. One of the proteins which is most sensitive in this respect to
phosphine in oitro is cytochrome c oxidase, but data from in oioo studies are equivocal in
implicating this enzyme as the major target site of phosphine action. In contrast, catalase a
haem enzyme which is not readily reduced, has been implicated in phosphine action in oioo
but undergoes no valence change in oitro and is not itself inhibited by the gas. There are
many biochemical processes which rely on repetitive redox reactions which may be
adversely affected by phosphine and remain to be studied. Phosphine can slowly reduce
S-S linkages which stabilize the tertiary structure of many proteins. It may also react
with free SH groups which form an essential part of the active sites of many enzymes. In
these respects phosphine shares common properties with its organo derivatives, which are
known to participate in similar reactions.
In attempting to summarize the biochemical actions of the organophosphines, we are
constrained by the limited number of structural types of biochemical targets investigated.
With only a few exceptions, all of the phosphines studied so far have been acyclic tertiary
derivatives with either alkyl or aryl groups. The organic moieties of the phosphine
influence the properties of the molecule in three separate ways. They impart lipophilicity,
may enhance the nucleophilicity of the phosphorus and may affect the access of the
phosphorus to reactive sites through steric effects. There are insufficient data on primary
and secondary derivatives, alkoxy derivatives or cyclophosphines to define fully the extent
ofthese influences. In those derivatives for which there are data, the role of the phosphorus
atom is structurally important in enabling an organic moiety to which it is covalently
bonded to be connected to a ‘soft’ metal cation. The metal ion may either be joined to the
phosphine prior to introduction into a biological system, such as gold or technetium, or be
that to which the phosphine may be joined following introduction into a biological system
such as the iron of haemochromes. The criterion shared by the metal ions to which the
‘soft’ phosphorus is connected seems to be, predictably, that they are ‘soft’ and in a low
valence state.
Despite the increase in studies on the interaction of organophosphines with biological
systems, the exact biochemical role of the phosphorus atom remains to be elucidated.
In the case of the anti-arthritic and neoplastic compounds, it appears that some of the
parent phosphines are active even though they are not complexed to metal, but activity
is greatly enhanced by the presence of gold in the molecule. Simple alkylphosphines
share with the unsubstituted compound the ability to cleave S-S bonds, and
tris(hydroxymethy1)phosphine inactivates human rheumatoid factor at relatively
high concentrations. Bis(dipheny1phosphine)ethane itself is anti-neoplastic but its metal
complexes are more effective. Berners-Price and Sadler41 suggested that the potent
oxygen-accepting properties of tertiary phosphines may be important in their biochemical
actions. Reactions with metals in cells could generate free radicals, which are known to
be highly disruptive to membrane organisation on which the whole delicate balance of
biological energy transfer, solute transport and cell communication is dependent. It is
interesting that the pharmacological action of the phosphines is not exhibited by their
oxides and it may be that the metal protects the phosphorus from oxidation, which
appears to be accomplished readily by both FAD and P450 monooxygenase systems.
The subtle balance between the need to protect the phosphine phosphorus atom from
oxidation before it reaches the biochemical target and the release of its reducing power
at that site is indicative of the fascinating complexity of the interaction between
phosphines and biological systems, much of which remains to be investigated.
660 N. R. Price and J. Chambers
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The chemistry of organophosphoruscompounds
Couvright 0 1990 bv John Wilev & Sons Ltd

Author index
This author index is designed to enable the reader to locate an author’s name and work with the aid of
the reference numbers appearing in the text. The page numbers are printed in normal type in ascending
numerical order, followed by the reference numbers in parentheses. The numbers in italics refer to the
pages on which the references are actually listed.

Aagaard, 0. M. 545, 546 ( 7 9 ~ )565

. Aguiar, A. M. 165 (155). 170 (253). 186. 188,
Abboud, W. 61 1 (593). 638 207, 208 (121, 126). 249, 250. 417 (203,
Abicht, H.-P. 411 (171), 461 204). 418 (204), 462
Abicht, H. P. 152, 164 (7). 182. 196, 197 Aguiar, H. 170 (253). 188
(37~).220 (221). 222 ( 3 7 ~ 221,
. 225). Ahmed, J. 179 (376). 190
224, 226 (225). 247 (350). 248, 252, 254 Ahrland, S. 82 (144). 101
Absar, I. 22. 24 (78). 47 Ahuja. H. S. 453 (579). 470
Abul’khanov, A. G. 536 (33). 563 Aida. T. 448 (502-505). 468
Achenbach, H. 508 (145). 527 Aimene, A. 406 (135, 136). 461
Acher, F. 179 (384). 190 Akaraz, J. M. 56 (193), 102
Achiwa, K. 60 (88). 61, 82, 83 (37). 86 (157, Akhmetkhanova, F. M. 539 (44). 564
158), 99-101, 215, 216 (198), 251 Akiba. K. 422. 423 (239). 429 (279, 285). 463,
Ackrell, J. 436 (358). 465 464
Action, N. 490 (7). 524 Akker, M. van den 483, 484 (86). 486
Acton, N. 330 (168). 381 Aksnes, D. 387 (8). 390 (33). 458,459
Adachi, M. 437 (376, 377). 450 (544). 466, Aksnes, G. 387 (8). 458, 390 (33). 459
469 Akutagawa, K. 512 (187). 528,558 (105).
Adachi, Y. 562 (122). 566 566
Adam, W. 434 (331). 439 (393, 399). 465, Akutagawa, N. 91, 92 (183), 102
466 Akutagawa, S. 60 (87). 61, 74, 75 (123).
Adams, J. 447 (493). 468 86 (87). 91 (182-184). 92 (182, 183).
Adams, W. E. 444 (452). 467 100-102, 168 (199). 186. 212, 213
Adams, W. G . 518 (235). 529 (167). 250, 609 (576). 637
Addis, H. W. 476,477 (30), 485 Alasidi. H. 396 (64), 459
Ades, C. 503 (123). 527 Alavio, F. 58, 60 (66). 99
Adin, N. G . 81 (139). 101 Al-Baker, S. 616 (669). 640
Adolin, G. 315. 361 (103). 379 Albano, V. G. 61 I (590, 591). 638
Afanas’ev, Yu. A. 128 (11). 129 (15). 135 Alberti, A. 144 (68). 149, 558 (100, 102).
Agafonov, M. N. 436 (369, 370). 448 (51 I), 565
465,468 Albright, J. D. 603 (482). 635
Agaskar, P. A. 605 (512, 514, 515, 517, 518). Albright, T. A. 19-21, 38, 39,42 (66). 4 6 ,
636 242 (316). 254
Agren, H. 24, 25 (90). 47 Alcaraz, J.-M. 337 (215). 364 (215, 305). 368,
Aguair, A. M. 420 (222-224). 463 376 (31 1). 382,384
Aguiar, A. 442 (437). 467 Alcaraz, J. M. 327 (161). 381

664 Author index

Alcock, N. W. 85 (154). 101, 235 (273). 253, (272). 593 (269), 601 (452). 602 (453-
597 (381, 383). 617 (684). 633. 640 457), 630. 631. 635
Aldrichs, R. 130, 131 (29), 136 Anderson, D. M. 204 (log), 249
Aleinikov. S. F. 158 (87b). 184 Anderson, G . K. 164 (139). 185, 614 (641).
Aleksandrov, A. M . 313 (95). 379 639
Alex, R. F. 590 (262). 630 Anderson, H. G. 437 (379, 380). 466
Alexander, C. A. 173 (308). 189 Anderson, J. D. 403 (109). 460
Alexander, D. C. 623 (758). 641 Anderson, L. B. 243 (323). 254
Aley, A. A. M. 579 (106). 627 Anderson. M. P. 61 I (594), 612 (609,638
Ali, H. M. 199, 204 (55). 248 Anderson, R. A. 586 (208). 629
Ali, M. F. 450 (553). 469 Anderson, S . N. 585 (188). 629
Alig. B. 208, 210 (138). 250, 305 (48). 378 Anderson, S . P. 262 (46). 292
Al-Jabar, N. A. A. 157 (46). 183 Andersson. C. 207-209 ( 128). 250
AI-Jibori, S. 196, 197 (31, 34, 42). 209 (34). Andersson, L. A. 652 (35). 660
248, 594 (334). 598 (404). 632. 633 Anermund, K. 286 (94). 293
Al-Khateeb, H. 652 (39). 660 Ang, H. G. 158 (86), 184
Al-Khateeb, H. F. 588 (224). 629 Angeletti, R. 595 (343). 632
Allaudeen, H. S . 656 ( 5 I), 661 Angelici, R. J. 479 (55). 486
Allen, A. 0. 503 (104). 526 Angelov, C. M. 420 (226). 463
Allen, B. T. I17 (59). 125 Angenault, J. 169 (224b). 187
Allen, D. 420 (215). 462 Angerer, W. 14 (48). 46
Allen, D. G. 179 (377). 190, 612 (611). 638 Anhock, H. 170 (259). 188
Allen, D. L. 58 (71). 73 (122), 83 (71). 99, Anisimova, N. N. 650 (29). 660
101, 613 (620). 638 Annen. U. 258, 262, 263 (33). 265 (33, 56).
Allen, D. W. 394 (48, 49). 421. 422 (235). 267 (63). 292, 293
459. 463 Anoshina, N. P. 415 (195). 462
Allen, L. C. 37, 38 (127). 44 (187), 48. 4 9 , Ansell, C. W. G. 163 (120). 185. 214, 215
178 (374). 190 (187). 232 (263). 251, 252
Alley. W. D. 555, 556 (93). 565 Ansell. G . B. 589 (248), 630
Allinger, N. L. 141 (41). 148 Antberg. M. 174 (323. 324). 189, 219, 220
Allinson, J. D. 588 (238), 630 (214). 224. 225 (214, 235). 244 (337).
Allman. T. 14 (44). 46 474,476, 478480 ( 8 ) . 245 (214. 235. 337, 345). 251. 252, 254,
485. 57 I ( 5 5 ) . 626 622 (736-741). 641
Allspach, T. 257 (29, 32). 258, 262. 263, 265 Antfang, E. 199, 200, 205 (87,95), 206 (95).
(29. 32, 33), 292, 355 (270). 383 249
Alnagi, 0. 593 (302). 631 Anthoni, U. 429 (280). 464
Al-Najjar, I. M. 598 (393). 633 Antipin, M. Yu. 535. 541 (31). 563
Alonso, R. A. 163 (125, 126). 185 Antonovich. V. A. 517 (231). 529
Al-Resayes, S. I. 271 (70). 272 (75). 275 (79). Aoki, K. 336 (21 1). 382
276 (80). 278 (79, 80).288 (97). 290 (70, Aoki, Y. 518 (237). 529
75, 79, 80. 100). 293, 294 Appel, H. 455 (618). 470
Al-Salem. N. A. 206, 207 (112, 118). 234 Appel, R. 43 (174, 175). 44 (174). 4 9 , 193,
(112). 249, 615 (661, 663). 639 195 (22). 196 (22. 37b, 44). 197 (37b).
Al Sheikh, S . I. A. 442,449 (430). 467 198 (22. 44). 219, 220 (22), 222 (37b).
Alt, H. G. 160 (90).184, 583 (143, 628 224 (299), 240 (298-300). 247, 248, 253,
Alunni, S. 457 (641). 471 256 ( 5 , 26, 27). 257 (26, 27, 31). 260
Alves, A. S . 591, 592 (272). 630 (42). 262 (26, 27). 265 (60).270 (26),
Alyea. E. C. 158 (85). 184. 573 (76, 77). 574 291-293. 320 (127, 131, 132, 134). 321
(76). 597 (388). 599 (420). 600 (438, (139). 323 (145). 357 (272). 380. 383,
448450). 612 (607). 613 (619). 626, 429 (284). 455 (608,614). 456 (608.628.
6 3 3 6 3 5 , 638 629). 464.470, 471, 509 (148. 149). 527
Ammon, H. L. 406 (133). 461 Appelt, A. 164 (135, 136). 185, 242 (306,
Amonoo-Neizer, E. H. 442 (432). 467 309). 253
Amrani. Y. 58 (66, 69), 60 (66). 61 (98). 99, Appleton, T. D. 56. 61. 63 (48). 99
100. 215. 216 (189, 190). 251 Arai, T. 91 (184). 102, 609 (576). 637
Andersen, L. 579 (1 12). 627 Arbuzov, A. (51). 125
Andersen. R. A. 591 (269. 272. 275). 592 Arbuzov. B. A. 348 (251). 383, 387 (3). 392
Author index 665

(41). 396 (65). 399 (79). 436 (369-371), 233, 338). 249, 251. 252, 254, 581 (133).
448 (51 I). 458460, 465, 468, 518 (233). 582 (139, 140), 623 (140. 747. 748), 627,
529 64 I
Arce, A. 608 (558). 637 Baake, A. A. 35 (125). 48
Archibald, T . 417, 418 (204). 462 Baardrnan, F. 399 (83). 460
Archibald, T. G. 165 (155). 186, 417 (203). Baban, J. A. 144 (70). 149, 533 ( 5 ) . 537, 538
462 (39). 544 (74, 76). 547 (82, 83). 563-565
Ardini, A. A. 617 (686). 640 Baberkin, A. S. 518, 521 (239). 529
Arduengo, A. J. 24, 38 (99, 102). 39 (99). Babkina, E. I. 510(166), 511 (167, 168, 174,
(132), 47, 48 175. 180). 528
Arens, F. 156 (32). 183 Bacci, M. 622 (745). 641
Arhland, S. 484 (97). 487, 599, 600 (427), Baceiredo, A. 493 (20). 494 (21). 521 (270).
634 522 (27 I , 272. 277). 524,525. 530
Arif, A. M. 43 (184). 4 9 , 260 (45). 292, 579 Bachechi, F. 597 (375). 616 (675. 680). 618
(1 I I), 604 (501). 619 (702), 627, 636, (698). 633, 640
640 Bachrnann. K. 602 (474). 635
Arif, A. W. 63 (192). 102 Baciocchi, E. 457 (641). 471
Armstrong, J. E. 592 (290). 631 Back, T. G . 449 (542). 469
Amett, E. M. 476 (3436). 478 (36). 485 Backrnan, G. L. 57, 69, 82-84, 91 ( 5 9 , 99
Arnold, D.P. 613 (633). 639 Bader, J. 170 (241). 187,410 (153). 46/
Arpac, E. 199-202 (69a). 219, 220 (69a, 216), Baechler, R. D. 53 (21). 98
221, 222 (69a). 248. 251, 621 (729). 641 Baensch, S. 208, 209 ( I 3 I), 250
Arretz, E. 503, 524 (91), 526 Baezinger, N . C. 408 (144). 461
Althur, J. C. Jr. 513 (192, 193), 519 (241). Bafus, D.A. 533 (16). 563
528, 529 Bagchi, R. N. 585 (176). 628
Arthurs, M. 208, 210 (147). 250 Bahl, M. K. 373 (333), 384
Arvarnuthan, S. 114 (40). 124 Bahsoun, A. A. 617 (686). 618 (693). 640
Ash, D.K. 447 (493.496). 468 Baier, H. 359 (289). 361 (299). 362 (300).
Ashe, A. J. 111 335 (206). 359 (285-287), 372 383, 384
(285, 323-325, 327), 373 (323, 333, Bailar, J. C. 212, 213 (165). 250
334). 376 (338). 382-384, 438 (385). Bailer, J. C. 568 (17). 625
466 Bailey, P. D. 447 (480), 468
Ashwamy, F. M. 587 (217). 629 Baird, M. C. 569, 570 (33). 618 (697). 625.
Ashworth. T. V. 591 (283). 631 640
Asinger, F. 400 (87). 460 Baizer, M. M. I12 (32). 117, 118 (52), 124,
Askham, F. R. 224, 226 (239), 252, 623 (752, I25
754, 755). 641 Baizier, M. M. 403 (109), 460
Asmus, K.-D. 519 (243). 529 Bajaj, H . C. 609 (572). 637
Atabay, N. A. 587 (217). 629 Bakar, M. A. 271, 277, 278 (67). 293
Atkins, P. W. 140 (34). 148 Baker, G. L. 215, 218 (200), 251
Attia, W. M. 597 (386). 633 Baker, J. R. 302 (38), 378
Atton. J. G.431 (302, 303). 464 Baker, M. V. 607 (540, 542), 637
Attwood, J. L. 580 (122), 627 Baker, R. T. 581 (128), 627
Atwood. I. D. 585 (180). 628 Bakir, M. 606 (527). 616 (681). 636. 640
Atwood, J. L. 586 (198, 202). 587 (198). 629 Bakkas, S. 537, 549 (35). 563
Auburm, P. R. 58 (68). 99 Bakos, J. 52 (10). 57 (58). 58 (64).60 (94).
Aucar, G. A. 303 (40b). 378 70 (58). 85 (156). (61). 97 (10). 98-101,
Auner, N. 498 (35). 525 164 (142). 173 (312), 185, 189, 215. 216
Austad, T. 449 (536). 469 (193, 196), 222 (224). 251, 252
Auvion-Violet, P. 215, 216 (194). 251 Balaram-Gupta, B. G. 437 (374). 466
Aviron-Violet, P. 60 (90). 100 Balch, A. L. 212, 213 (172). 242 (310), 243
Awerbouch, 0. 297 (7, 8). 377 (322). 244 (334-336), 251, 253, 254, 612
Ayant. Y. 143 (54). 148 (601). 613 (632). 620 (712-716). 638-
Azizian. H. 606 (539). 637 641
Balducci, G. 597 (386). 633
Baacke, M. 199, 200 (82). 204 (103). 219- Baldwin, J. E. 447 (480), 448 (501), 468
221 (213). 223, 224 (82, 233). 245 (82, Baldwin-Zuschke, B. J. 593 (309). 632
666 Author index

Ball, R. 612 (608). 638 Barton, D. H. R. 442 (436), 448 (500). 467,
Balles, R. 289 (98). 294 468, 516 (224). 529,562 (123, 125),
Balthazor, T. M. 344 (239). 382 566
Baltz, H. 516 (220). 529 Barton. T. J. 505 (133). 527
Balueva, G. A. 476,477 (46), 485 Bartsch, R. 173 (314). 189, 228, 230 (251-
Balzer, W. D. 167, 168 (190). 186 253). 252, 272 (73). 275, 278 (76), 283
Balzer, W. P. 80 (134), 101 (89). 284 (89-91). 285 (92). 290 (73, 76).
Bancroft, G. M. 481 (78). 486, 571 (57, 60, 293, 623 (760, 761), 641
61). 626 Barycki, J. 317 (108). 380
Bandini, A. L. 613 (629, 630). 639 Baryon, J. 114 (41). 124
Banditelli, G. 613 (629, 630). 639 Basedow. 0. H. 155 (31). 183,438 (389).
Bandoli, G. 588 (232). 605 (524), 630, 636 466, 562 (1 24). 566
Bandy, J. A. 583, 585 (156). 586 (156, 196). Bashkin, J. 58 (71). 73 (122). 83 (71). 99.
591 (156). 593 (298). 628, 629, 631 101,613 (620). 638
Banister. A. J. 449 (530). 469 Bashkin, J. K. 607 (550). 637
Bankman, M. 44 (196). 49 Baskin, J. 585 (185). 628
Banks, H.J. 645, 649 (10). 660 Bassett, J. M. 61 1 (593). 638
Bansemer, R. L. 583 (152). 628 Bastian. V. 240 (296). 253,451 (560). 469
Barakat, M. Z. 446, 447 (459). 467 Bastide. J. 372 (327). 384
Baranaev, M. K. 410 (151). 461 Bates, G. S. 158 (68). 184
Barbier. M. 448 (512). 468 Bates, P. A. 615 (652, 656). 639
Barcello, F. 594 (330). 632 Batich, C. 372 (327). 384
Barclay, G. A. 568 (6). 624 Battaglia, L. P . 606 (535), 636
Bard. A. J. 104, 105 (3, 4). 106 ( 1 , 12). 107- Batyeva, E. S . 429 (286). 464
110. 112(11), 116(45,46). 117 (46). Bau, R. 242 (313). 253, 588 (233, 235). 591
124,125, 146 (88). 149 (278). 594 (321, 325). 630-632
Bard, R. R. 515 (213). 529 Baudler, M. 306 (54). 378
Barder, T. J. 606 (531). 636 Bauer, D. P. 167 (191). 186
Bardon, A. 163 (125), 185 Bauemschmitt, D. 621 (731), 641
Barends, J. 43, 44 (176). 49 Baumgwner, R. 160 (90).184
Bargetter, B. W . 201 (98). 249 Baumstark, A. L. 439 (407409). 466
Barieux, J.-J. 448 (519). 468 Bautista, M. 607 (545). 637
Bariou, B. 388 (23, 24). 458 Bay, W. E. 172 (303). 189
Bames. J. C . 396 (69). 459 Beachem, M. T. 408 (145), 461
Bamett, B. L. 605 (521). 612 (615). 636, 638 Beagley, B. 588 (225, 230), 629, 630
Barran, J. 448 (517), 468 Beatty, R. P. 201 (98), 249
Barrans, J. 44 (193). 49,484 (94). 486 Beauchamp, A. L. 14 (44).4 6 , 593 (299-301).
Barratt, D. S . 588 (224, 228). 629 599 (413). 631, 634
Barrett, M. 439 (408). 466 Beauchamp, J. L. 373 (334). 384,474 (13,
Barron, A. R. 43 (184). 4 9 , 258 (34). 260 14), 475 (13). 476 (35). 481 (14, 74, 76,
(45). 286 (95). 292,294, 586 (195). 629 77). 482 (80). 485,486, 572 (69). 626
Barron. P. F. 599 (406, 410. 423, 426). 633, Beaudet, R. A. 14 (52). 46
634 Becher, H. J. 196, 198 (46). 207 (127). 208,
Barrow, M. 244 (329). 254,616 (678). 640 209 (124, 127, 129), 244 (332). 248, 250,
Barrow, M. J. 336 (210). 382 254, 306 ( 5 9 , 3 7 8
Bany, C. N. 453 (578). 470 Becherer, R. 130, 131 (29). I36
Barsanti, S. 54 (34). 99 Bechthold, H.-C. 602, 616 (471), 635
Barsegyan, S. K. 420 (219). 462 Beck, P. 52 (3). 53 (3, 24), 98, 152 (5). 169
Bart, J. C . J. 503 (119). 527 (216, 228, 230), 171 (216). 182, 187,
Bartak. D. E. 112 (22, 23). 124 298 (13). 377, 386 (2). 388 (17). 458
Bartell, L. S. 14 (31, 33.49). 17 (61). 23 (49). Becker, B. 14 (46). 46
4 6 . 372 (324). 384 Becker, G. 14 (46.47). 15.43 (47). 4 6 . 165
Bartezak. T. 598 (390). 633 (150). 171 (291), 186, 188, 196, 198 (48,
Barth, R. C . 199, 201.204 (79), 249. 603 49). 248, 256 (1 1, 16), 257 (29), 258
(489). 635 (16, 29). 260 (424%).262 (16, 29, 50).
Bartik, T. 573 (75). 626 263 (29, 50). 265 (29). 270 (1 1, 44, 66).
Bartlett, P.D. 438 (388). 445 (456). 466,467 272 (74). 278 (1 1,66, 74). 283 (1 1, 66).
Author index 667

289 (98), 290 (74). 291-294, 350 (256). Ic), 544 (la, 71). 549 (21, 22). 550 (87).
353 (266). 355 (266, 270). 369 (314). 554 (46a, 46b). 555 (la, Ic, 89-93). 556
383,384 (2, 46a, 93). 558 (98, 103, 559 (1 10,
Becker, H. 1. 175 (343, 344). 189 1 l3), 560 ( 1 10, 113, 119, 120). 563-566
Becker, R. 61 (96), 100 Benz, E. 332 (176). 381,426 (254). 463
Becker, U. 406 (135), 461 Bercaw, J. E. 583 (158). 628
Becker, W. 14, 15.43 (47). 4 6 , 165 (150). Berclaz, T. 138 (24), 148, 543 (68). 565
186, 256 (1 1). 257, 258, 262, 263, 265 Berclaz, Th. 143 (62). 148
(29). 270, 278. 283 ( 1 I , 66). 291-293, Beremzhanov, B. A. 524 (287). 530
355 (270). 383 Berghus, K. 164 (149). 186
Beckh, H.-J. 327 (160). 380 Bergland, D. 220, 222 (223), 252
Beckh, H. J. 302, 323 ( 3 3 , 328 (35, 162), 376 Berglund, M. 207-209 (128). 250
(35). 378, 381 Bergounhoi, C. 608 (554). 637
Bedford, A. F. 128 (10). 131 (36). 135. 136 Berkovitz-Yellin, Z. 31-34, 37, 42 (121). 47
Beer, P. D. 407 (137). 461 Berkowitch-Yellin, Z. 571 (63), 626
Beers, W. W. 587 (215). 629 Berkowitz, J. 130 (26, 30). 131 (30). 134 (26),
Beg, M. A. A. 170 (267). 188 136, 140, 141 (36). 148
Begum, A. 138, 140 (19), 148, 503 (107), 526 Berlin, K. 237 (280), 253
Behan, J. 571 (57). 626 Berlin, K. D. 7 (16). 7 , 56 (54). 99, 238
Behling, T. 591 (273). 631 (281). 253. 302 (38). 311 (86). 312 (91,
Behrens, H. 621 (731). 641 92), 317 (log), 378-380
Bel’kevich, N. A. 501 (67). 525 Bernadinelli, G. 545, 546, 549 (79a). 565
Belkin, Yu. V. 396 (65, 66). 459 Bernal. I. 503 ( I 14). 526, 579 ( I 14). 627
Bell, A. 232 (261), 252 Bernal, J. 59, 72, 83 (74). 99
Bell, B. 449 (530). 469 Bernardi, F. 23 (83). 47
Bell, N. A. 600 (436,437,441445). 634 Bernardinelli, G. 145, 146 (74). 149
Bellon, P. L. 596 (366). 633 Berners-Price, S. J. 614 (646, 647, 649), 615
Belmont, S. E. 372 (320). 384 (65 1, 654). 639. 653, 659 (41), 660
Belmonte, J. E. 42 (164). 4 8 , 576 (85). 626 Bemhardt, F. C . 301 (34). 318, 345 (115). 378,
Belova, R. R. 170 (236). 187 380
Bel’skii, V. K. 14 (43). 46 Berry, A. 586 (196). 629
Belyaeva, T. N. 499 (47). 510 (153, 154, 164). Berry, D. E. 596 (365, 368), 633
525, 527, 528 Berry, F. J. 458 (648). 471
Ben&, J. 57 (59). 99 Berry, M. S . 212. 213 (168), 250
Benhamza, R. 61 (98). 100, 215, 216 (190). Berthaud, J. 174 (331). 189
251 Bertini, I. 610. 617 (585). 638
Benn, F. R. 199. 205-207 (go), 249 Bertinsson, G . 621 (722), 641
Benner, L. S . 613 (632). 639 Bertolasi, V. 588 (231). 630
Bennett, F. W. 171, 176 (280). 188 Bertrand, G. 493 (20). 494 (21), 521 (270),
Bennett, M . A. 158 (80, 81). 184, 208, 210 522 (271, 272, 277). 524,525,530
(141-145). 250, 570 (47). 596 (365). 613 Besenhard, J. 0. 242 (316). 254
(626,633), 616 (672). 625, 633, 638440 Best, S. A. 605 (507). 636
Bennett, M.J. 594 (324). 632 Bestmann, H. J. 179 (380), 190
Bensley, D. M. 164 (147). 186 Beurskens, P. T. 242 (320). 254, 593 (305).
Bensmann, W. 175 (344). 189, 244 (331), 254 631
Benson, R. J. 502 (80). 526 Bews, J. R. 31, 32 (118), 42 (157). 47, 48
Bent, H. A. 30 ( 1 10). 47 Bhadani, S . N. 404 ( 1 17). 460
Bentley. T. J. 5 16 (224). 529, 562 ( 1 25). 566 Bhargava, S . K. 596 (365). 633
Bentrude, W. G. 65, 77, 81 (113). 100, 137 (4, Bhatia, S. B. 415 (193). 462
5 , 8, 10, I I), 145 ( 1 I), 147, 171 (279). Bianchi, M. 91 (179). 102
181 (388). 188. 190, 304 (44),378, 512 Bianchini, C. 245 (342). 254, 619 (704-706,
(186, 187). 514 (202. 204). 516 (221). 708, 709). 640
517 (186). 520 (252, 253). 528-530, 531 Bianco, V. D. 162 (105). 185
(la, Ic, If. 2). 532 (la, Ic, If), 533 (la, Bickelhaupt, F. 43, 44 (176). 4 9 , 316 (105).
Ic, If, 2, 3a, 3b, 12a, 12b, 21-23), 534 319 (120). 320 (126). 379, 380
(3b). 535 (3b, 281, 537 (3b). 540 (46a. Bickelkaupt, F. 359 (290, 291). 383
46b. 50). 542 (la, Ic, If, 57), 543 (la, Bidan, G. 388, 398 (16). 458
668 Author index

Biedenbach, B. 280 (88). 293 Bolland, J. L. 502 (86. 87). 526

Bigeleisen, J. 473 ( I ) , 485 Bollet, C . 79 (133). 101
Bigorgne, M. 577 (87). 626 Bolm, C. 177, 179 (367, 368). 190
Bikkineev, R. Kh. 454 (597). 470 Bomben, K. D. 373 (333). 384
Bilton, M. S. 613 (633). 639 Bonati, F. 613 (629, 630). 639
Binder, D. 577 (92). 626 Bond. A. 117 (59). 125, 298 (16). 378
Binger, P. 279 (82). 280 (82, 84. 85, 88). 286 Bond, A. M. 585 (176-179). 603 (491), 615
(94). 293, 329 (166, 167). 348, 353, 355, (657). 628,635, 639
357 (252). 381, 383 Bond, E. J. 645 (7, 13). 648 (21). 649 (25).
Binkley, J. S. 24 (93, 94). 4 7 , 145 (73). 149 660
Binneweis, M. 130, 131 (28, 29). 136 Bondarenko, N. A. 163 (129), 185, 193, 195
Birchall, T. 474 (1 2). 485 (20). 247
Bird, P. H. 618 (693). 640 Bonnard, H. 332 (185). 333 (193). 337 (185,
Birkhahn, M. 14 (46). 46 214, 221). 338 (185, 222). 340 (185,
Birkner, H. 170 (241). 187,410 (153). 461 229). 346 (185, 221, 229). 364, 365
Birney, D. 431 (301). 464 (229). 381, 382, 506 (136, 137). 527
Bissey, J. E. 175 (337). 189 Bonnet, J. J. 247 (352). 254, 494 (21). 525
Bjoreiy, M. 478 (52). 486 Bonnett, J. J. 608 (554, 555). 617 (686), 637,
Blackburn, D. E. 518 (235). 529 640
Blade Font, A. 178 (372). 190 Bookham, J. L. 173 (311). 189, 220, 221, 224,
Blade-Font, A. 162 (109, I lo), 185 226 (218, 219). 252
Blair, L. K. 474 (16, 17, 19). 485 Booth, G. 569 (35, 36). 570 (35). 625
Blaive, B. 141 (41). 148 Boozer, C. E. 559 (108. 112), 566
Blake, A. J. 593 (308). 631 Borden, W. T. 44 (189). 4 9 , 143 (57). 148
Blatter, K. 258, 262. 263, 265 (33). 292, 330 Bordwell, F. G . 448 (508). 457 (646). 468,
(170), 372 (326). 381,384 4 71
Blazejowski, J. 502 (78. 79, 81). 526 Borger, R. D. 199, 203 (60).219-221 (212).
Bleck, R. D. 414,430 (191). 462 248, 251
Blevins, C . H. 589 (243). 630 Borges, R. D. 620 (718). 641
Bloss, R. E. 572, 573 (73). 626 Borisov, A. P. 171 (270, 271). 188
Blount, J. F. 15 ( 5 5 ) . 4 6 , 56, 61, 64 (49). 9 9 , Borleske, S . G. 316. 332, 333, 335 (110). 380
140 (40). 148, 168 (202). 179 (383). 187, Bornancini, E. R. 163 (126). I85
I90 Boron-Rettore, P. 244 (328). 254
Blum, J. 436 (362, 363), 465 Borossay, J. 40, 41 (144). 48
Bobkova. R. G. 43 (178). 4 9 , 256 (6), 291 Borowitz, I. J. 443 (446, 447). 453 (582). 454
Bochkarev, Yu. A. 449 (527). 469 (583). 457 (636, 640). 467,470, 471
Bock, H. 44 (196). 4 9 , 145 (78). 149, 260 Bomnann, H. 130, 131 (29). 136
(42). 292,434 (345). 465 Bose, A. K. 433 (318, 329). 464, 465
Bock. P. L. 572. 573 (73). 626 Boskin, M. J. 396, 440 (60). 448 ( 5 0 9 ) . 459,
Bockestein, G. 406 (127). 460 468
Bodner, G. M. 572 (71). 626 Bosnich, B. 52 ( I I , 15). 58 (60.68). 59 (79).
Boekelheide, V. 523 (282). 530 83 (60,79). 84 (60). 98-100, 212. 214
Boekstein, G. 544 (75). 565 (176). 244 (330). 251, 254
Boert, R. T. 164 (133). I85 Bossard, A. 502 (82). 526
Boere, R. T. 437 (378). 466 Bottcher, W. 201 (97), 204 (109), (305). 249,
Bogdanovic, B. 54, 68, 87, 96 (33). 99 253
Boggess, R. K. 162 (112). 185 Botteghi, C . 54, 60 (30). 87 (167). 91 (179).
Boggs, J. E. 14 (37). 22, 24, 38 (79). 41 (154). 99, 102
4648 Bottomley, A. R. H. 598 (401). 633
Bohle, D. S. 578 (102, 103). 627 Bottoni, A. 23 (83). 47
Bohme, D. K. 474 (18). 485 Bouaoud, S.-E. 157, 160 (56). 183
Boie, 1. 508 (146, 147). 509 (147), 527 Boucher, H. 212, 214 (176). 251
Bokanov, A. I. 155 (24-26), 158 (66, 67, 79). Boucher, L. J. 173 (320). 189
162 (108). 183-185. 476 (25-28), 478 Boulos, L. S . 448 (510). 468
(25-27). 485 Bouma, W. J. 24, 25 (91). 47
Boldeskul. I. E. 535, 541 (31). 563 Bour, J. J. 242 (320). 254
Bolduc, P. R. 516 (222, 223). 529 Bowen, J. P. 141 (41). 148
Author index 669

Bowers, M. T. 14 (52). 46 117). 249, 588 (224. 225). 608 (567).

Bowie. R. A. 510 (155, 156), 527 629, 637
Bowles, W. A. Jr. 649 (26. 27). 660 Briggs, J . R. 247 (349), 254, 615 ( 6 6 5 ) . 639
Bowmaker, G. A. 599 (41 I , 414). 600 (41 I), Brighty, K. E. 297, 316 (9). 377
634 Brinckman, F. E. 512 (181). 528
Boyd, B. A. 324 (146). 380 Brion, C. E. 31 (123). 48
Boyd, P. D. W. 584 (171). 628 Britt. A. D. 11&112 (18). 124, 146 (82, 84).
Boyd, R. N. 156 (42). 183 149
Boyer, M. 142 (52, 53). 148, 441 (426). 467, Britt. C. 0. 14 (37). 46
540 (52), 564 Britton, D. 14 (50).46, 587 (219). 629
Boys, S. F. 30, 31 (111),47 Brockway, L. 0. 14 (33). 17 (61). 46
Bracher, G. 597 (375). 616 (680). 633, 640 Brodack, J. W. 199, 203, 220, 221 ( 5 8 ) , 248,
Braga, D. 608 (558). 61 I (590, 591). 637, 638 603 (492. 493), 620 (718). 635, 641
Bragg, J. K. 476 (41). 485 Brody, J. F. 589 (248), 630
Brain, G. 585 (176). 628 Bronikowski, M. J. 587 (21 I ) , 629
Bramblett, J. D. 439 (403), 466 Brookhart, M. 585 (185), 628
Brand, J. C. 520 (263, 264). 530, 541 ( 5 3 , Brooks, D. W. 240 (295). 253
564 Brooks, P. 163 (123). 185, 204 (108). 24Y
Brandenberger, H. 131 (34). 136 Brophy, J. J. 170 (250, 251). 188
Brandon, R. 199, 205 (96). 249 Brosowski, K. H. 658 ( 5 5 ) . 661
Brandsma, L. 418 (207), 462 Brown, C. 394, 395 (52), 459
Brandstetter, H. H. 433 (323). 464 Brown, D. A. 430 (295). 464
Brant, P. 589 (241, 242, 245), 606 (532). 630, Brown, D. H. 449 (532-534). 469, 500 (54,
636 5 5 , 57). 501 (60). 525, 533 ( I I), 563
Brar, A. S. 524 (288-293). 530 Brown, H. C. 153 (14). 183, 398 (73). 459,
Braude. E. A. 475 (22). 485 473, 475 (2), 485
Brauer, D. J. 196, 197 (36). 219, 220 (206). Brown, J. M. 52 (13). 59 (82). 84 (147). 92,
228 (250, 254). 230 (250), 231 (254), 95 (187). 98. 100-102, 177 (364). 190,
244 (206). 246 (250), 247 (353-356). 212. 214 (175). 215, 216 (192). 245
248,251,252,254,457 (637). 471, 581 (339). 251,254, 61 2 (612). 622 (743).
(132, 135, 136). 624 (762). 627, 641 638, 641
Brauman, J. I. 474 (16, 17, 19). 485 Brown, K. J. 212, 213 (168). 250
Braun, H. 162 (111). 170 (245), 179 (381). Brown, L. D. 179 (376). 190, 602 (476). 635
185, 187, 190 Brown, M. M. 85 (154). 101
Braunstein, P. 157, 160 (56). 183, 242 (314). Brown, M. P. 242 (312). 253
253 Brown, R. M. 649 (28). 660
Braye, E. H. 153 ( I I ) , 183, 332 (178, 183), Brown, R. S. 157 (45, 53, 54). 183, 652 (40).
334 (183). 335 (178). 337 (183). 381 660
Brazier, M. M. 404 ( I 19). 460 Brown, S. B. 228 (244, 246). 229, 233 (244).
Breccia, A. 502 (74). 526 252
Bregadse, V. L. 518 (232). 529 Brown, T. L. 605 (525). 636
Bregadze, V. I. 517 (231). 529, 535 (32). 563 Brown. T. M. 79 (l42), 101
Brehon, A. 519 (245-248), 529 Brownstein, S. 262 (47). 292
Brennan, J. G. 582 (142). 602 (456, 457, 460). Bruce, D. W. 598 (392). 633
627, 635 Bruce, H. A. 615 (666). 639
Breque, A. 56 (l93), 102, 332 (l82), 333 Bruce, M. I. 590 (258, 261, 263). 607 (258.
(182, 193), 335, 340 (182), 364 (305). 551-553). 608 (553). 630. 637
381, 384 Bruchlos. H. 473, 475-477, 481 ( 5 ) . 485
Bresciani-Pahor, N. 576 (8 1-83), 626 Bruggeller, P. 622 (735). 641
Bressan, M. 578 (100). 608 (568, 569), 627, Bruhin, J. 523 (280, 281), 530
637 Bruker, A. B. 175 (334). 189,410 (150-152).
Breunig, H. J. 40 (147), 48 412, 413 (179, 180). 461,462
Brevard, C. 614 (647, 649). 639 Bruna, P. J. 44 (192). 49
Briant, C. E. 242 (319). 254, 595 (336). 632 Bruncks, N. 241 (303). 253, 593 (314). 631
Bridon, D. 562 (123). 566 Brune, H. A. 160 (90). 184
Brieg, E. L. 14 (30). 46 Brunn, E. 433 (313). 464
Briggs, J. C. 199, 205 (80, 81). 206, 207 (80, Brunner, G. 613 (621), 638
670 Author index

Brunner, H. 52 (16). 54 (29). 55 (41), 59 (74). Burski, J. 437 (375). 466

61 (96). 72, 83 (74). 97 (16). 98-100. Bursten, B. E. 571 (62). 626
568, 612 (22). 625 Burt, A. W. 14 (45). 46
Bruno, J. W. 588 (237). 630 Burt, R. J. 199, 204 (52). 248
Bruns, A. 165 (1511, 186 Burton, D.J. 408 (143, 144). 461, 514 (203),
Bryant, D. R. 483 (87), 486 528
Bryce-Smith, D. 490 (2). 524 Bush, R. C. 479 (55). 486
Bryson. J. G . 332 (179). 333, 335, 371 (200). Bushnell, G . W . 596 (368). 633
381 Busi, F. 502 (74). 526
Bubanova, G. S. 540 (49). 564 Buslaeva, G. E. 396 (65). 459
Bubnov, N. N. 518 (232). 529, 531-533 (Id), Buthe, H. 53, 82 (17). 98
535 (31, 32). 541 (31). 542 (Id), 546 Butin, B. M. 307 (64,65). 379
(80). 547 (81). 563,565 Butler, W. M. 594 (326). 632
Buchnor, S. 589 (239). 630 Butters, T. 343 (238). 382,420 (225). 463
Buchwald, H. 171 (284, 285). 188 Buynak, J. D. 395 (56). 459
Buck, H. M. 137 (7). 147,406 (127). 460, Bykhovskaya, E. G . 196, 197, 208, 210 (43).
479,480. 482 (61). 486, 531-533 (le). 248
535 (30). 540 (48). 542 (le, 57). 543 Byrmistrov, S. Y . 484 (93). 486
(64e.66, 69a-c). 544 (le, 69b, 69c, 7 3 , Bystrek, R. 430 (292). 464
545 (69c. 77, 78, 79b-d). 546 ( 7 9 M ) .
549 (69b). 550 (66). 552 (78). 563-565 Cabelli, D. E. 40, 41 (143). 48
Buckland, C. T. 645 (7). 660 Cabeza, J. A. 85 (153). 101
Buckler, S. A. 389 (27). 410 (160), 411 (162- Cabral, J. de 0. 232 (264), 252
164, 166, 167). 428 (269, 270). 429 Cabral, M. F. 232 (264). 252
(272-275). 458,461, 463, 464, 559 Cadogan, J. I. G. 7 (18). 8 , 137 (1, 2), 147,
(107). 566 239 (289, 290). 253. 333 (197). 381,
Buergi, H. B. 600, 615 (446). 634 438 (386). 441 (422425), 466,467. 516
Buina, N. A. 435 (352). 465 (2 17), 5 17 (230). 529
Bultitude. J. 583 (151). 628 Cahn, R. S. 3 (6). 7
Bunnett, J. E. 505 (129), 527 Cahours. A. 568 (2). 624
Bunnett, J. F. 515 (208-213. 216). 520 (216). Calabrese, J. C. 204 (105). 249, 581 (128).
529 599 (417). 627, 634
Bunyan, P.J. 517 (230). 529 Calas, R . 167 (194). 186
Buono, G. 87 (166). 102 Calderazzo, F. 579 (1 14), 627
Burch, G . M . 498 (36). 525 Calligaris, M. 576 (82), 597 (386). 626, 633
Burckett-St. Laurent, J. C. T. R. 256, 257 (22). Callomon, J. H. 13, 24 (22). 45
260, 261 (37). 271 (69). 272 (69, 72). Calpin, I. J. 449 (528). 469
275 (72). 278. 290 (69, 72). 292, 293 Caltabiano, M . M . 655 (50). 661
Burdett, J. K. 19 (66, 67). 20, 21, 38, 39.42 Camalli, M. 244 (329). 254, 616 (678,679),
(66). 46 640
Burg, A. B. 166 (163), 171 (163, 282). 176 Camelli, M . 599 (418). 634
(353, 354), 186, 188, 190, 196, 198 (47). Cameron-Wood, M . 441 (424). 466, 516 (217).
248. 474,475 (15). 485 529
Burgada, R. 423 (240). 455 (615). 463,470, Caminade, A.-M. 503 (123), 527
540 (49). 564 Cammack, R. 654, 655 (46), 660
Burger, H. 457 (637). 471 Campbell, B. H. 112, 113, 123 (20). 124
Burger, W. 308 (72), 31 1 (89), 379 Campbell, F. L. 605 (51 I), 636
Burghardt, R. 172 (305). I89 Campbell, I. G . M. 333 (194). 381
Burgi, H. B. 244 (329), 254 Campbell, K. A. 119, 120 (62). 125
Burgi, H.-B. 616 (678). 640 Campbell, L. F. 243 (324). 254
Burkett, H. D. 588 (229). 629 Campino, T. 427 (261). 463
Burkey. T. J. 535, 547, 553 (27). 558 (101). Camps, F. 456 (626). 471
563, 565 Canada, L. G . 586, 587 (198). 629
Burley, T. J. 129, 131 (18). 135 Canich, J. A. M . 603 (485). 635
Burlitch, J. M. 426 (255). 463 Canning, L. R . 212, 214 (175). 245 (339), 25Z.
Burnett. M. G . 404 (1 12). 460 254, 622 (743). 641
Bums, C. A. 14 (26). 46 Canuto, S. 24, 25 (90).47
Author index 67 1

Capelle, B. 593 (300, 301). 631 Caulton, K. G. 583 (150, 152). 588 (236, 237),
Capka, M. 55 (40). 99 591 (280). 608 (565). 614 (645). 619
Caplain, S . 500 (58, 59). 525 (703). 628, 630, 631, 637, 639. 640
Caplar, V. 214 (183). 251 Cavell. R. G. 32 (124). 48
Caplier, I. 153 ( I 1). 183, 332 (178, 183), 334 Cecconi, F. 607 (547). 621 (734). 637, 6 4 1
(183). 335 (178). 337 (183). 381 Cederbaurn, L. S. 372 (331). 384
Cardin, C. J. 577 (91). 626 Cenini, S. 568. 571, 595, 596 ( I l ) , 625
Carey, F. A. 154, 157 (16). 163 (116). 183, Centritto, N. 608 (558), 637
I85 Ceriotti, A. 596 (366), 633
Cariati, F. 503 (1 19). 527 Cem, V. 142 (53). 148
Carles. J. 439 (412, 413). 466 Cervinka, 0. 81 (135b). 101
Carlin. R. L. 593 (303). 631 Cesario, M. 448 (512). 468
Carmona, E. 416 (199, 200). 462, Cetinkaya, B. 144, 145 (66). 149. 503 (121).
586 (198-200. 202), 587 (198, 200). 629 520, 521 (251). 527,530
Camahan. J. C. 490 (7). 524 Chakravarty, A. K. 608 (566). 637
Camahan, J. C. Jr. 330 (168). 381 Chakravarty, A. R. 592 (291, 294). 594 (329).
Carpino. L. 458 (647), 471 603, 605, 609 (487). 631. 632, 635
Carr. S . W. 449 (539). 469, 585 (177, 178), Challenger, F. 439 (390). 447 (487), 466,
628 468
Carrie, R. 320 (128). 353 (128, 266). 354 Challita, A. 588 (224). 629
(128). 355 (128, 266). 357 (128). 366 Chaloner, P. A. 52 (13). 84 (147). 98, 101.
(128, 309). 380. 383, 384, 435 (353). 177 (364). 190, 612 (612). 638
436 (360). 465 Chalonner, P . A. 59 (82). 100
Carrie, R. 256, 257, 260 (17). 262 (17, 50). Chaloupka, S. 616 (679). 640
263 (50), 292, 320, 32 I , 366 ( 130). 380 Chambers, G. A. I17 (58). 125
Carriedo, G. A. 578 (97), 627 Chambers, J. Q. I17 (58). 125
Carroll. W. E. 588 (233, 235). 630 Chan, A. S . C. 84 (146). 101
Cartwright, S. J. 596 (368). 633 Chan, M. K. 655 (49). 660
carty, A. J. 208, 209 (130). 212, 213 (160). Chan, S. 166, 169 (172). 186. 298. 306 (14).
250, 572 (67), 580 (118, 121). 612 (617). 377,442 (429). 467
626, 627, 638 Chan, T. 481 (78). 486, 571 (57, 60). 626
Caruana, G. 24, 28 (97). 47 Chan, T. H. 341, 342 (233), 345 (240). 382
Caruso, F. 244 (329). 254, 599 (418). 616 Chan, W:T. 359 (286). 373 (333, 334). 383,
(678, 679), 634, 640 384
Carvalho, L. C. A. de 593 (299). 631 Chand, N. 501 (70). 526
Cary. L. W. 199. 203, 220, 221 (58), 248, 603 Chandler, D. J. 596 (350). 632
(492,493). 620 (718). 635, 641 Chandrarnouli, G. V . R. 613 (624), 638
Casalnuovo, A. L. 61 I (594). 638 Chang, B. C. 450 (549). 469
Casey, J. P. 75 (128a. 128b). 76, 77 (128b). Chang. L. L. 448 (499). 468
101 Chanon, M. 537, 549 (35). 563
Caspari. G. 502 (75, 76), 519 (242). 526. Chantreux, D. 163 (1 19). 185
529 Chapleur. Y. 456 (633). 471
Casper, E. W. R. 443 (447). 467 Chaplin, E. J. 454 (592), 470
Casper. J. 170 (264). 188 Chapman, D. 1 I I (19b). 124
Casper, W. E. R. 454 (583). 470 Charbonnel, W. Y. 558 (10% 566
Cass. M. E. 580 (124). 627 Charbonnel, Y. 512 (187). 528
Casser, C. 320 (134). 380 Charlton, J. R. 394 (49). 459
Caster, K. C. 168 (198). 186, 298 (18). 300 Chamley, T. 130, 131 (23). 136
(18. 29). 302. 303, 314, 318, 331 (18). Charrier, C. 326 (153). 332 (185-187). 336
336 (29, 208), 378. 382 (209). 337 (185, 186, 220, 221). 338
Castillo, R. 608 (558). 637 (185, 222). 340 (185. 229). 341 (234,
Castle, C. H. 606 (537). 636 235), 342, 345 (234). 346 (185. 187, 221,
Castro, B. 455 (615). 456 (633). 470,471 229. 246). 364 (229, 235, 306). 365 (229,
Cativiela, C. 85 (153). 101 306). 372 (320). 380-382, 384, 506 (136,
Cattani-Lorente, M. 145, 146 (74), 149, 545, 137). 527
546,549 (79a). 565 Chase, M. W. 13, 15, 16 (24). 46
Caude. M. 79 (133, 194, 195). 101. 102 Chasle, M. F. 454 (598, 599). 470
672 Author index

Chatt. J. 82 (144). 101, 199 (52, 53, 55). 200 Chuchman, R. 372 (310). 384
(53). 204 (52, 5 3 , 2 I9 (203), 248. 251 , Chung, B. C. 451 (566). 469
484 (97), 487, 568 (4, 5, 12, 13. 16. 19). Chung. Y. K . 430 (299). 464
624, 625 Chupka, W. A. 481 (75). 486
Chatt, J. F. 426 (256). 463 Church, J. S . 17 (63). 46
Chatzidakis, A. 508 (142. 143). 527 Churchill, M. R . 109. 203. 220, 221 (59). 248,
Chaudret, B. 591 (281, 282). 601 (451), 631. 585 (180). 590 (412). 608 (557). 628.
635 634. 637
Chauviere, G. 167 (189). 186, 314 (98). 379 Chuvashev, D. D. 40. 41 (146). 48
Chawla, S. K. 430 (295). 464 Chuvashov. D. D. 175 (347). 18Y
Chefurka, W. 645 ( 1 3). 647 ( 17). 660 Ciampolini. M. 231 (258-260). 252
Chekunina. L. 1. 158 (66, 67), I84 Ciani. G. 609 (577). 637
Chen, C. H. 56 (54). 99. 297 (9). 316 (9, 104). Cielusek, G. 593 (314). 631
377,379 Ciganek, E. 442 (438). 467
Chen, K.-C. 317 (108). 380 Cipriano. R. A. 595 (335). 632
Chen, K. S . 557 (95). 565 Claeys. E. 155 (21). 183
Chen, L. 581 (137). 627 Clardy, J. C. 371 (316). 384
Chen, M. 585, 586 (186). 628 Claremon, D. A. 449 (541). 469
Chemega, A. N . 535,541 (31). 563 Clark, D. S. 448 (523). 468
Chernick. C. L. 129, 13I (14, 17). 135 Clark, D. T. 372 (327. 330). 384
Cheny, W. 19 (71). 38 (129). 46. 48 Clark, G. R. 616 (671). 640
Chervin, I. I. 428 (264). 463 Clark, H. C. 170 (267). 188. 575, 597 (80).
Chesnut, D. B. 23 (88). 4 7 . 303 (42). 378 613 (631). 617 (683), 626. 639. 640
Chetkina, L. A. 140 (39). 148 Clark, M. C. 598 (399, 400). 633
Chevin, I. I. 428 (267). 463 Clark, P. W. 193, 199. 206 (19), 207 (19,
Chiang, M. Y. 602 (468), 635 140). 208 (140. 145). 210 (145). 212. 214
Chiba, M. 60 (88), 100, 215, 216 (198), 251 (177). 247. 250, 251, 616 (670, 671).
Chickosand, J. 63, 67 ( I 10). 100 640
Chidsey. C. E. D. I14 (42). 124 Clark, R. T. 167 (189). 168 (201). 186, 187,
Chieh, C. 596 (360). 632 314 (98). 379
Chipperfield, J. R. 569, 570 (30). 625 Clark, T. 14G-142(37). 143 (56), 148, 544-
Chirico, R. D. 593 (303). 631 546 (72). 565
Chistokletov, V. N. 430 (287-289), 464 Clark, V. M. 117 (57). 125. 443. 453 (445).
Chiu, K. W. 586 (193, 204). 587 (204). 589 467
(240), 593 (306). 629431 Clarke, G. M. 330 (168). 381. 490 (7). 524
Chiusoli, G. P. 606 (535). 636 Clarke, P. W. 158 (82). 184
Chivers, T. 105 (9), 106 (10). 124 Claude, M. 178 (370). 190
Chodkiewicz, W. 67 ( I 18). 100, 162 ( 1 15). Claxton, T. A. 543 (640. 564
181 (390), 185, 190 Claydon, A. P. 131 (37), 136
Chopard, P. A. 406 (125). 443, 453 (445). 460, Clegg, W. 590 (265), 630
467 Clemente, D. A. 588 (232), 630
Chopra, R. 455 (619). 470 Clennan, E. L. 439 (410), 466
Chou, S. S . P. 21 I , 212 (157). 224, 233 (266). Cloke, F. G . N. 585 (185). 602, 604 (477).
250,252 628, 635
Chou. T.4. 163 (121, 122, 124). 185 Clotet. A. 24, 25, 38, 39 (96). 47
Chou, T.S. 199, 204, 205 (90, 94). 206 (90). Cloyd, J. C. 199, 200 (56. 67a, 71-73, 88, 89).
249 202 (56. 71-73, 88. 89). 206 (67a). 219
Chow, K. K. 207-209 (125). 212, 213 (161), (56, 73, 88, 89). 220 (73, 88, 89, 217).
250 223 (73, 89, 230). 224 (56, 73, 89, 230,
Chow, T. J. 603 (488). 635 238). 225 (56. 73, 89). 226 (73, 238).
Chow, Y.L. 495 (23), 525. 557 (97). 565 245 (73). 248. 249, 252
Chrispe. D. R. 439 (407). 466 Cloyd, J. C. Jr. 622 (742), 641
Christau, H. J. 179 (381). 190 Clubb. C. N. 62, 63 (109). 100, 171 (296).
Christiansen. I. J. 143, 144 (59). 148 188, 232 (265). 252, 58 1 ( I 34). 623
Christidis. A. 244 (331). 254 (759). 627. 641
Chu, F. Y . 14 (29). 46 Clucas, J. A. 245 (341). 254, 608 (556). 618
Chu, J. Y. C. 500 (56). 525 (689). 637, 640
Author index 67 3

Coales. H. 170 (254). I88 Cooper, T. A. 256, 257 (22). 260 (40, 41). 292
Cobley, U. T. 372 (327), 384 Coppola, J. C. 421 (237), 463
Cocho. J. L. 157 (53, 54). 183 Corain, B. 595 (343). 632
Coffer, M. T. 655 (48). 660 Corbridge. D. E. C. 10. 13. 15, 16. 18. 42 (2).
Coggon, P. 371 (315). 384 45, 153. 154. 163, 174-176 (12). I83
Colbran. S. B. 577 (90. 91). 626 Cordes. A. W. 437 (378). 466
Cole. N. F. 605 (510). 606 (530). 636 Corey, E. J. 441 (476478). 467. 468
Cole, R. D. 40,41 (141). 48. 402 (102). 460 Corfield, J. R . 3 10 (82). 379, 423 (243), 45 I
Cole-Hamilton. D. J. 59 I (270). 598 (392). (565), 463, 469
608 (562). 609 (570, 571). 630. 633. 637 Corfield. P. W. R . 457 (646). 471
Coleman, A. W. 572 (67). 626 Cornforth. J. 345 (241-244). 382
Coles. D. K. 476 (41). 485 Cornforth. R. H. 345 (241 ). 382
Colichman. E. L. I17 (53). 125 Corsi, J. 591 (271). 630
Coll, J . 456 (626). 47f Corty, A. J. 158 (78), 184
Collenille. Y. 215. 216 (194). 25f Cosquer. P. 320. 321 (130). 366 (130. 309).
Colleuille, Y. 58 (66). 60 (66, 90). Y9, 100 380.384
Collie, N. 170 (260). I88 Costa. T. 212. 213 (163. 164). 236 (275. 276),
Collins. D. J. 297 ( I I). 309 (79). 377. 379 250, 253
Collman. J. P. 42 ( 162). 48 Costero. A. M. 456 (627), 471
Colquhoun, H. M. 235 (273). 253 Costisella, B. 515 (214. 215), 529
Colquhoun, I. J. 173 (31 I ) , 189, 193. 194 Cotton. F. A . 3 (5). 7 , 243 (323, 324). 244
(25). 208. 20Y (133). 220. 221, 224. 226 (335). 254, 583 (lS3), 584 (162, 167.-
(218). 239 (25). 247, 250, 252 170), 585 (172, 181, 182), 586 (205.
Colquohoun, I. J. 592 (284). 631 207). 587 (205, 210, 212, 220). 589
Colton. R. 449 (539). 469, 585 (176--178), 600 (205, 239, 244), 592 (29I , 294, 295).
(439). 603 (491). 615 (657). 628. 634. 594 (329, 330). 602 (480). 603 (483-
6.15. 639 487). 604 (205). 605 (207, 487, 508, 509,
Colussi. A. J. 542 (63). 564 511-518), 606 (205. 529-531), 608 (564,
Combret. J.-C. 455 (616. 617). 470 566). 609 (487). 620 (717). 628432,
Comisso. G. 54 (28). 98. 214 (183). 251 635437. 641
Connelly, N. G. 42, 43 (168). 48. 571 (66). Couffignal, R . 59, 72. 83, 92 (76). 100
626 Couret, C. 448 (517), 468
Connor. W. M. 652 (37). 660 Coutouli-Argyrolpoulou. E. 454 (W),470
Consiglio. G. 52 (12). 86 (163). 87 (167). 88 Couture, A. 500 (58, 59). 519 (245-248). 525,
(169). 89 (170). 97 ( I Y I ) , 98. 101, 102, 529
609 (577). 614 (636, 639). 637. 639 Couturier, J. C. 169 (224b). 187
Constable, A. G. 158 (89). 184, 247 (349). Cowan. R. L. 597 (370). 633
254, 615 (665). 639 Cowley, A. H. 14 (36. 37.48). 31, 33 ( 1 16).
Contreras. R. H. 303 (40b). 378 40. 41 (143). 42 (159). 43 (180-182,
Cook. B. R. 199. 200. 206 (67a). 248 184). 45 (180, 205). 4 6 4 9 , 146 ( 8 5 ) ,
Cook, R. L. 199, 201, 204, 206 (65). 248 149, 156 (35). 158 (71). 183, 184, 258
Cook, S. L. 579 (109, 110). 627 (34). 260 (45). 286 ( Y S ) , 292. 294, 438
Cook. W. T. 503 ( I 14, 116). 526, 527 (384). 466
Cooksey. C. J. 443 (449, 450). 467. 544 (74). Cox, E. F. 438 (388). 466
565 Cox, J. D. 127. 132 (2), 135, 533 (17). 563
Cookson, R. C. 333 (194). 381 Cox, K. 585 (185). 628
Coombe, V. T. 592, 610 (292). 631 Coyle, J. D. 556 (94). 565
Cooper, A. 441 (425). 467 Crabtree, R. H. 85 (152). 101, 586 (191). 590
Cooper. G. R. 196, 197. 209 (32. 33), 248 (252). 629, 630
Cooper. I. W. 533 (6), 535 (26). 537. 538 (26, Craddock, S. 14, 17 (35), 46
40). 543 (26). 548 (6). 563.564 185
Craig, D. 163 ( 1 2 3 ~
Cooper, M. K. 163 (120). 185, 214. 215 (187). Craig, D. C. 204 (108). 249
232 (263). 251, 252, 615 (653). 618 Craig, S. L. 437 (378), 466
(694). 639, 640 Crane, A. 431 (301). 464
Cooper, N. J. 604 (497, 504). 636 Creary. X. 5 15 (208), 529
Cooper. P. 408 (141), 461, 498 (39, 41, 42). Creaser, C. S. 212, 214 (178). 251
525 Creber, K. A. M. 557 (95). 565
674 Author index

Cremer, S. 303 (41). 378 Dance, S. J. 648 (22). 660

Cremer, S. E. (43). 378, 451 (562). 469 Dancey. K. P. 163 (120). 185. 214. 215 (187).
Crisp, G. T. 182 (394). 190, 590 (256), 630 232 (263). 251, 252
Cristau, H. J. 162 ( I 11). 169 (217), 170 (245). Danen, W. C. 145 (75, 77). 149
185, 187 Dang, T. P. 53 (25b). 58 (66). 59 (81, 83). 60
Crocker, C. 594 (334). 598 (401, 404). 615 (66, 83). 70 (81). 82 (81, 145). 83 (25b.
(662, 664). 632, 633, 639 81). 86 (162). 98-101, 214, 215 (181).
Crofts, P. C. 155 (27). 183 251
Crooke, S. T. 654 (47), 656 (51). 657 (52, 53). Danilenko, V. A. 396 (67). 459
660. 661 Dankowski, M. 490 (3). 492 (14-16), 493 (17-
Crosbie, K. D. 157, 175 (63). 184, 389, 390 19). 524
(31). 459 Dannhardt, G. 308 (66). 379
Cross, R. J. 449 (532-534). 469, 500 (54, 5 5 , Dapporto, P. 231 (258, 259). 252. 619 (706).
57). 501 (60). 525, 533 (1 I ) , 563, 598 640
(394). 633 Darensbourg, D. J. 571 (62). 585 (179. 181,
Crouch, R. K. 443 (447). 457 (640). 467,471 182). 593 (309). 617 (688). 626.628,
Crowe, H. R. 533, 535 (7), 563 631, 640
Crowley, J. I14 (41). 124 Darensbourg, M. Y. 604 (498). 636
Culcasi, M. 138 (26). 139 (26, 29, 30, 33). Darling, S. D. 160 (96). 184, 457 (643). 471
140 (26). 142 (29, 30, 33), 143 (54). 145 Dartignenave, Y. 494 (21). 525
(30). 148 Dartiguenave, M. 593 (299-302, 307). 595
Cullen, W. R. 56 (46, 48). 59 (46). 61. 63 (346342). 596 (344-348). 631, 632
(48). 99, 176 (350). 190, 208, 210 (137). Dartiguenave, Y . 593 (299-302, 307). 595
250,407 (138). 419,421, 425 (209). (34Cb342). 596 (344-348). 631, 632
461,462, 499 (46). 525, 569 (39), 625 Das, B. P. 518 (236). 529
Cummings, S. C. 232 (262), 252 Dasent, W. E. 12 (12). 45
Cunkle, G. T. 303 (42), 378 Date, T. 58 (65). 99
Current, J. H. 510 (158). 527 Datta, S . 602 (465, 476, 479). 603 (482). 604
Currier, H. A. 171 (274276). 173 (317). 188, (496), 635, 636
189,400 ( 8 9 , 460, 475 (23). 485 Daucette, L. F. 657 (52). 661
Curtis, J. L. S. 158 (82). 184 Daudey, J.-P. 24, 28 (97). 47
Curtis, M. D. 594 (326). 632 David, J. G . 484 (95). 486
Curtis, N. J. 157 (45). 183, 652 (40). 660 Davidoff, E. F. 155 (28). 183, 479 (62, 65).
Curtiss, L. A. 130, 134 (26). 136, 140, 141 486
(36). 148 Davidson, E. R. 143 (57). 148
Cushner, M. C. 438 (384), 466 Davidson, J. L. 336 (210). 382
Cusumano, M. 597 (380), 633 Davidson, R. B. 514 (197). 528
Cuthbertson. A. F. 31 ( 1 17). 47 Davidson, R. S. 490 ( 5 ) . 499 (50).500 (51).
Czekanski. T. 515 (214, 215). 529 503. 520 (94). 524-526, 535 (24, 25).
Dabisch, T. 139 (32). 148 Davies. A. G. 137 (13). 144 (67). 145 (13, 67).
Dahan, F. 593 (307). 595 (342), 631,632 146 (91). 147, 149,439 (395). 466, 520
Dahenburg, L. 199-202, 219-222 (69a). 248 (254, 255, 258). 530, 533 (8, 13, 18, 20).
Dahl, 0. 389 (28, 29). 420 (226). 427 (258, 537 (36c). 538 (13, 5 8 ~ ) 540
. (20, 47).
259). 429 (280). 458, 463, 464 . (8). 563, 564
542 (57, 5 8 ~ ) 548
Dahlenburg, L. 174 (323, 324). 189, 219, 220 Davies, C. A. 13, 15, 16 (24), 46
(216). 224 (235, 237). 225 (235). 226 Davies, J. A. 596 (364). 633
(241, 237). 227. 228, 237 (241). 244 Davies, J. H. 310 (83). 379,498 (43). 525
(337). 245 (235, 337. 345). 252, 254. Davies, M. 358 (275). 383,424 (246). 463
621 (729). 622 (736-741). 641 Davies, N. 433 (316). 464
Dahlhoff. W. V. 212, 213 (173), 251 Davies, N. R. 82 (144). 101,484 (97). 487
Daid. R. D. 621 (726). 641 Davies, W. C. 154 (17, 18), 155 (18). 183,
Daigle. D. 207. 208 (121). 249 388 (18). 445 (455). 458, 467.476.477
Dakternieks, D. 579 (104). 600 (435, 439). 615 (30). 485
(657). 627. 634, 639 Davies, W. M. 177, 179 (367). 190
Dalinger, R. F. 587 (211). 629 Davis, A. R. 208, 210 (137). 250
Daly, J. J. 14 (41). 4 6 , 140 (38). 148 Davis, E. J. 61 1 (597). 638
Author index 675

Davis, M. W. 85 (152). 101 Denton, D. A. 503 (89). 526

Davis, R. E. 59 (75). 62, 63 (109). 100. 228 Deol, S. S . 442 (439). 467
(244-246), 229 (244, 245), 232 (265). Depew, M. C . 520 (265). 530. 558 (103), 565
233 (244). 252, 438 (388). 466, 58 I Deppisch, B. 577 (92). 626
(134). 589 (251). 612 (610). 623 (759). Derome, A. E. 585 (185). 628
627, 630, 638, 641 Derringer, D. R. 605 (510, 515). 636
Davison. I. M. 568 (19). 625 Dershowitz, S . 405, 444 (122). 460
Davison, W. A. T. 51 1 (172). 528 Desai, N. B. 454. 456 (606).470
Davsis, S. G . 430 (298). 464 DeSanto, J. T. 572, 573 (73). 626
Dawoodi, Z. 602 (462). 635 Deschamps, B. 328 (163). 337 (215, 219). 364
Dawson, D. S . 176 (350). 190,407 (138). 419. (215). 381, 382
421,425 (209). 461,462, 499 (46). 525 Deschenaux. R. 215, 218 (201). 251
Dawson, J. H. 652 (35, 36). 660 Deschler, U. 236 (277, 278). 253
Day, C. S . 583 (144). 628 Descotes, G. 54 (31). 58 (63). 62, 83 (31). 9 9 ,
Day, N. E. (61). 379 164 (143). I85
Day, V. W. 586 (208). 602 (459), 629, 635 De Sombre, E. R. 387 (4), 458
Dayrit. F. M. 215, 216 (192), 251 Dessens, S. E. 618 (692). 640
Deaconand, G. B. 174 (329). I89 Dessy, R. E. 105 (9). 106 (lo), 114-1 16 (31a.
Deady. L. W. 396 (68). 459 31b). 124
Dean, S. W. 657 (53). 661 De Stefano, N. J. 212, 213, 244 (171), 251
Debies, T. P. 572 (68). 626 Detellier, C. 84 (148). 101
DeBmin. K. E. 56 (53a. 53b). 99, 167 (185, Deubelly. B. (307, 308). 253
188). 168 (188). 169 (185). I86 Deutsch, E. 605 1521-524). 606 (526, 528).
De Donno. T. A. 623 (757), 641 636
Dee, T. D. 600 (436,437,443. 445). 634 Devai. I. 644 ( I ) , 660
Deeming, A. J. 158 (76). 184, 590 (257, 264). Devillers, J. 591 (282). 631
630 Devlin, C. J. 442 (427). 454 (603), 467, 470
De Frees, D. J. 24 (94), 47 Dewar, M. J. S. 31 (112),40,41 (143),42
deGraff, H. G . 319 (120). 380 (159). 47, 48
Deguchi, Y. I12 (24). 124 DeWitt, D. G. 588 (236). 630
Dei. A. 231 (258). 252 Dezube, B. 603 (482), 604 (496), 635, 636
De Keijzer, A. E. H. 535 (30). 563 Dhahival, P. S . 407 (138). 461
De Ketelaere. R. 155 (21). I83 Dhaliwal, P. S . 176 (350). 190
De Kock, R. L. 10, 19 (3,45 Diamond, S. E. 593 (318). 632
Delavaux, B. 601 (451), 635 Dianova, E. N. 348 (251). 383
Del Donno, T. A. 228, 229 (248, 249). 252 Dim, S. A. 597 (388). 600 (438,449,450).
Deleris, G. 167 (194). 186 633635
Del Gaudio, J. 199, 202 (74). 248, 603 (489). Diaz, A. F. 114 (41). 124
635 Dickinson, R. J. 570 (5 I), 625
Delledonne, D. 606 (533, 636 Diebold, M. P. 584 (162, 169). 585 (172),
Delord, T. 617 (688). 640 587 (220). 603 (486,487), 605 (487).
Delord, T. J. 604 (498). 636 608 (564). 609 (487). 628, 629, 635,
Del Pra. A. 597 (384). 633 637
D e m k q . M.C . 448 (519). 468 Diefenderfer, J. I12 (26). I24
Demartin. F. 596 (366). 633 Dieh. B. N. 623 (756). 641
Demuth, R. 33 (1 19). 47 Diehl, J. W. 439 (393). 466
Deng, R. M. K. 450 (550). 469 Diehr, H. J. 418, 419 (208). 462
Denis. I. M. 256, 257, 260, 262 (17). 292 Diel, B. N. 199, 202 (92). 228, 231 (256),
Denney, D. B. 81 (138, 139). 101. 396 (60), 249,252,499 (45). 525
439 (392, 396, 398, 401, 402, 405, 41 1). Diemert, K. 204,206 (106). 249
440 (60). 448 (499, 509), 450 (549). 453 Diercksen, G. H . F. 372 (331). 384
(576, 577). 459, 466,468470 Dietl, S. 265 (61), 267 (62). 293
Denney, D. R. 409 (147). 461 Dietz, E. A. 155, 157. 158 (22), 183
Denney. D. Z. 430 (292, 293). 439 (402.405). Dignard-Bailey. L. 571 (61). 626
450 (549). 464, 466,469 DiLeone, R. 453 (576). 470
Dennis, R. W. 503 (1 15). 526, 537 (41), 538 Dillon, K. B. 450 (550, 558, 559). 451 (558).
. (58c, 61), 548 (41). 564
( 5 8 ~ ) 542 458 (649), 469, 471
676 Author index

Dilwonh, J. R. 583 (151). 628 Downer, J. D. 310 (83). 379, 498 (43), 525
Dimitriev, V. 1. 40 (ISO), 48 Downes, J . M. 212. 214 (176). 251
Dimroth, K . 7 (21). 8 . 331 (174). 358 (276, Downey. C. A. 13, IS, 16 (24). 46
279-282). 361 (297). 362 (276). 372 Downie. I. M. 455 (609), 456 (630). 470. 471
(328). 374 (276). 376 (276, 340). 381, Doyle. A. M. 112 (21). 124
383, 384, 507 (140). 508 (141-143). 527 Drabarek, S. 156 (39). 1x3
Dimroty, K. 361 (298). 384 Drago, R. J . 453 (579). 470
Dimukhametov, M. N. 435 (352), 465 Drawe, H. 502 (75-77). 51 I (170, 178). 519
Ding, M. 164 (146), 186 (77, 242). 526. 528. 529
Distefano, G. 40 (144, 147), 41 (144). 48 Draziani. M. 55 (38). 99
Ditzel, E. J. 596 (365). 633 Dreekamp. H. 54 (27). 98
Di Vaira, M. 245 (344). 254, 607 (546, 547), Dreeskamp. H. 176 (358). 190
619 (707, 708), 621 (546, 732). 637. 640, Dreisch. K. 599, 600 (427). 634
64 I Drew, M. G. B. 232 (264). 252. 587 (221).
Dix, A. 602, 604 (477). 635 629
Dixon, D. A. 23 (84), 24 (84, 99-102). 25 (84, Driess. M. 280 (87). 2Y3
100, 101). 31 (101). 38 (84, 99, 102). 39 Drucker. A. 658 (59). 661
(84, 99). (132). 47. 48, 140 (35). 148 Duarte, H. C. 406 (132). 461
Dixon, K. R . 596 (367, 368), 633 Duatti, A. 588 (231). 630
Diz, A. C. 303 (40b). 378 Dubbledam, J. 359 (290). 383
Dmitriev, V. 1. 161 (100-103), 162 (100). 184. Dubler, E. 598 (391). 633
185,450 (556, 557), 469 Du B o a D. L. 219. 222 (205). 251
Dmitriev, V. K. 450 ( 5 5 5 ) . 469 Dubois, D. L. 223 (229). 252
Doak, G. 0. 171 (297). 188, 310 (81). 379. Dubrawski, J. 596 (352). 632
570 (53), 626 Duchek. 1. 193. 223 (23). 247
Dobbie, R. C. 542 (61). 564 Duckworth. P. A. 163 (120). 185, 214. 215
Dobler, C. 60 (91). 100. 215, 216 (195). 251 (187). 232 (263). 251. 252
Dobrova, E. 1. 51 1 (180), 528 Dudnikova, V. N. 452 (572). 470
Dodonov,A. M. 511 (173, 176, 177, 179), Duffaut, N. 167 (194). 186
528 Duffner, P. 170 (252). 188
Doerges, B. 501 (65). 525 Dumont. W. 53, 83 (2%). 98
Dogadina, A. V. 419 (212). 462. 499 (47), Du Mont, W. W. 241 (303). 253
510 (152-154, 163, 164). 525. 527, DuMont, W. W. 432 (308. 309). 464
528 duMont. W.-W. 449 (53 I , 535). 469
Dolenko, G. N. 40, 41 (145). 48 DuAach. E. 75, 77, 78 ( I 30). 101
Dolgushin. G. V. 450 (556). 469 Dunbar, K. R. 589 (244. 246). 592 (295). 605
Doll, G. 166 (159), 186 (513. 518). 606 (530, 531). 630, 631,
Domaille. P. J. 602 (461). 603 (481). 635 636
Domalski, E. S. 129, 131 (47). 136 Duncanson, L. A. 568 ( 12). 625
Dombek. B. D. 172 (307). 189 Dunning, T. H. 24, 25. 31 (101). 47
Domin, S. 476, 478 (33). 485 Dunogues. J. 167 (194). 186
Donaldson, P. B. 594 (324). 632 Duppel. W. 651 (32). 660
Doney, J. J . 316 (104). 379 Duquette. L. G. 409 (149). 461
Donovan-Mtunzi, S. 590 (264). 630 Duraj, S. A. 583 (153). 584 (167, 168). 628
Donskikh, V. 1. 450 (555). 469 Durham, L. J. 559 ( I 12). 566
Doorakin, G. A. 409 (149). 461 Durif, A. 61 1 (592). 6.W
Doom, J. A. van 199, 200 (63). 248 Durig. J. R. 14 (35). 17 (35, 62, 63). 46
Doppert, K. 416 (199). 462 Diirr. H. 406 (128). 460
Dorfman, A. Ya. 175 (348). 189 Durrant. M. C. 256. 257 (23). 260 (41). 292
Dorfmeister, G. 322 (142). 323 (144). 348 Duttera, M. R . 602 (459). 635
(142. 255). 351 (142). 352 (255). 369 Dyason, J . 599 (406-408). 633
(144). 380, 383 Dyason, J. C. 599 (410. 411. 416, 423). 600
Doronzo, S. 162 (IOS), 185 (41 I ) , 634
Dougheny. D. A. 38 (130). 48 Dyer, G. 199, 205 (81). 206, 207 (117), 249,
Doughty, D. H. 61 1 (594). 63X 608 (567), 637
Douglas, C. M. 522 (274). 530 Dzhemilev, U. M. 168 (206). 187
Douse, G. 448 (517), 468 Dziwok, K. 208, 210 (139). 250
Author index 677

Eades, R. A. 24, 25, 31 (101). 47 Elson. I. H. 542 (61), 547 (84). 564,565
Eagle, C. T. 596 (364). 633 El’yanov. B. S. 396 (62). 459
Ealick, S. E. 302 (38). 317 (108). 378.380 Emelkus. H. J. 171, 176 (280). 188
Eapen, K . C. 157 (50). 183 Emerson, K. 14 (50).46
Earl. K. A. 607 (543, 637 Emge, T. J. 588 (237). 630
Eamshaw. A. 13 (17). 45 Empsall, H. D. 158 (77), 160 (93). 184. 206,
Eastland, G. W. 138, 140 (20). 148 207 (1 12). 208 (149), 234 ( 1 12), 249.
Ebine, S. 523 (279). 530 250, 615 (661). 639
Ebsworth, E. A. V. 14 (36). 46, 577 (93. 94). Emsley, J. 12, 13, 15, 18, 42 (13). 45, 163,
626 176 (1 17). 185, 387 (7), 458
Eck, C. 596 (352). 632 Enckevort. W. J. P. 593 (305). 631
Ecker, D.J . 654 (47). 660 Engel. J. F. 299 (22), 316, 332, 333, 335
Eckl, E. 208, 210 (138). 250. 302 (36). 305 ( I lo), 371 (315). 378, 380, 384
(48). 322. 352, 367 (36). 378 Engel. R. 152 (9). 182
Eddine, M. N. 61 1 (592). 638 Engelhard, H. 454 (595). 470
Edelstein, N. 602 (460). 635 Engelhardt, L. M. 164 (134). 185, 599
Edmundson, R. S. 7 (17, 22). 8 (406-408, 410. 41 1, 414-416, 419, 423,
Edwards, P. G. 589 (247, 249). 602 (454, 426), 600 (41 I), 614 (635). 633, 634.
4 5 9 , 630, 635 639
Efraty, A. 430 (292. 293). 464 English, A. D. 246 (346). 254, 606 (538). 607
Egan, W. 167 (189), 186, 314 (98). 337, 345, (543, 544). 637
371 (217), 379, 382 English, R. B. 579 (107, 108). 580 (125). 627
Eggensperger, H . 116 (47-49). 125 Ennen, J. 164 (148). 186
Eggers, H. 170 (252). 188 Enoki, Y. 447 (481), 468
Eguchi. S. 436 (359). 465 Enwall. E. 416 (201), 462
Eichbichler, J. 579 (105). 627 Epiotis. N. 19 (71). 38 (129). 46, 48
Eidsness. M. K. 655 (48). 660 Epstein, M. 411 (163, 166, 167). 429 (274,
Eigenbrot. C. W. Jr. 503 (89). 526 275), 461,464
Einstein. F. W. 416 (201). 462 Erahanov, K. B. 307 (64, 65). 379
Einstein, F. W. B. 56, 59 (46). 99, 208, 210 Erastov, 0. A. 152 (4). 182, 392 (41), 459,
(137), 250, 589, 590 (250). 630 650 (29), 660
Einstein. F. W. S. 199. 204 (57). 248 Erlenmeyer, H. 171 (288, 293). 188
Eisenberg, R. 612 (599, 600. 602). 638 Enington. R. J. 206, 207 ( I 19). 249, 615 (662.
Eisenstein. 0. 24 (95). 47 664), 639
El Anba, F. 522 (277). 530 Espada, M. 396 (63), 459
Elbaze, G. 595 (342). 596 (352), 632 Esparza, F. 262 (46). 292
Elbel, S. 29 (109). 33 (109, 1 19), 47 Espenson, I. H. 242 (31 1). 253
Elcesser. W. L. 584, 602, 603 (160). 628 Esperas, S. 478 (52). 486
El-Deek, M. 237 (280). 253 Ess, R. J. 517 (226). 529
Elder, R. C. 600 (431). 605 (522). 634, 636, Eto. M. 52 (7). 98
655 (48), 660 Ettel, V. 41 I (165). 461
Elguero. J. 396 (63). 45Y Ettorre, R. 608 (569). 637
Eliseeva, N. V. 146 (79), 149 Evan, S. V. 56, 61, 63 (48). 99
El Khoshnieh, Y . 0. 423 (240). 463 Evangelidou-Tsolis, E. 238 (283). 253,410,
Ellam. P. 45 (203). 49 412, 413 (156). 414 (184). 415 (156).
Elleman. D. D. 479 (67). 486 461.462
Ellermann, J. 618 (696). 621 (731). 640, 641 Evans, A. G. 146 (87). 149
Ellis, D. E. 31-34, 37, 42 (121). 47, 571 (63). Evans, J. 430 (291). 464, 579 (109, 110). 608
617 (687). 626. 640 (560). 627, 637
Ellis, J. E. 583 (147. 148). 602 (147, 469). Evans, J. C. 146 (87). 149
628. 635 Evans, P. L. 92, 95 (187), 102
Ellzey. S. E. 408 (146). 461 Evans, S. A. Jr. 453 (578). 470
El-Mehdawi, R. 604 (498). 636 Evilia, R. F. I12 (26). 124
Elmes, P. S . 91 (178). 102 Evleth, E. M. 171 (281). 188
Elsenbroich, C. 335 (206), 382 Extine, M. W. 586, 605 (207). 629
Elsner, G. 152, 157. 163, 164, 168-170, 172, Eyler, J. R. 474,475 (13). 485
174-176, 178 (2). 182, 192 ( 5 ) . 247 Ezzell, B. R. 333 (196). 381
678 Author index

Fabrias, G. 456 (626), 471 Fife, D. J. 40 (137, 138). 48

Faedda, G. 54, 60 (30). 99 Filler, R. 416 (198). 462
Faehl, L. G. 442 (435). 467 Finch, A. 129 (20). 130 (24). 131 (20, 24).
Fagan, P. J. 602 (459). 635 135. 136
Fair, C. K. 584 (161). 628 Findlay. R. H. 372 (322, 331). 384
Falvello, L. R. 243 (323). 254, 589 (239, 244). Fink, J. 258, 262. 263 (33), 265 (33, 57). 292,
602 (480). 603 (484). 605 (518). 630, 293, 324 (147). 330 (170). 372 (326).
635. 636 380, 381. 384
Fanwick. P. E. 242 (315). 253, 592 (293). 606 Finke, R. G. 42 (162). 4 8 , 580 (124). 627
(527, 534). 631, 636 Finn, J. M. 79 (141). 101
Fametti, E. 55 (38). 99 Fiore. F. A. 605 (510), 636
Famham, W. B. 371 (318). 384 Firstenberg, S . 443 (447). 467
Farr, F. R . 451 (562). 469 Fischer, B. J. 612 (599). 638
Farr, J. P. 620 (713). 640 Fischer, D. E. 307 (62). 360 (62, 293). 361
Fatala, M. 141 (41). 148 (62). 367 (293). 379, 383
Faucette, L. F. 614 (646). 639 Fischer, E. 244 (329). 254, 600, 615 (446).
Faulkner, L. R. 104, 105 (3). 124 634
Favas, M. C. 620 (721). 641 Fischer, F. 616 (678). 640
Favez, R. 597 (377. 378). 633 Fischer, H. 516 (220). 529
Featherman, S. I. 299 (23). 300 (26). 302 (23). Fischer. J. 297 (5, 6). 300 (30). 325 ( 5 , 6).
3 78 326 ( 5 . 153, 156, 158). 327 (159). 332
Febray-Garot, N. 500 (58, 59). 525 (187), 335 (6). 338 (223. 226). 340 (230.
Fehrentz, J.-A. 456 (633). 471 232). 342, 343 (158). 346 (187, 246).
Feiters, M. C. 570 (48, 49). 607 (48). 610, 613 371 (317). 373 (226). 377, 378, 380-382,
(49). 625 384.49 1 (1 1), 524, 569 (43). 625
Feld, W. 578, 593 (96), 626 Fischer. M. B. 602 (465). 635
Feldhouse, T. R. 586, 605 (207). 629 Fisher, C. 56, 67 (50). 99, 165, 178 (154).
Felfoldy, L. 644 ( I ) , 660 I86
Feller, D. 143 (57), 148 Fishwick, B. R. 454 (594). 470
Fellman, J. D. 584 (163). 628 Fjare, K. L. 583 (147. 148). 602 (147). 628
Fellmann, J. D. 583 (157). 628 Flautsch, W. 131 (34). 136
Feltham, R. D. 596 (352). 632 Fleischer, U. 23-25 (89). 47
Felthouse, T. R. 605 (508). 636 Fliszar, S . 439 (412, 413). 466
Fenske, D. 175 (343. 344). 189, 207 (127). Flitcroft, N. 416 (201). 462
208, 209 (123, 124, 127, 129). 244 (331- Flowers, L. I. 89 (170). 102
333). 250, 254, 306 ( 5 5 ) . 378 Flowers. W. T. 448 (520, 521). 468
Fenske, R. F. 337 (213). 382 Floyd, M. B. 559 (108). 566
Fenton. G. F. 170 (265). 188 Fluck, E. 43 (177). 4 9 , 256 (4). 262 (48). 265
Fkrkzou, J. P. 448 (512). 468 (58). 291-293, 369 (314). 384, 426, 456
Ferguson, G. 573 (76, 77). 574 (76). 597 (253). 463,479 (66).486, 577 (86). 626,
(372, 388). 599 (420). 600 (447450). 649 (24). 660
613 (619). 617 (683). 626, 6 3 3 4 3 5 , Flurry, R. L. Jr. 559 (1 12), 566
638, 640 Flynn, R. M. 514 (203). 528
Ferrer, P. 456 (627). 471 Folest, J. C. 163 (130). 185, 199, 205-207
Ferretti. V. 588 (231), 630 (61). 248
Fenis, J. P. 502 (80, 82). 526 Foley, C. K. 23 (88), 47
Ferroud, D. 60 (92). 100 Folting, K. 614 (645). 619 (703). 639, 640
Feshchenko, G. N. 174 (328). 189 Fompeyrine, P. 608 (554). 637
Feshin. V. P. 450 (556). 469 Fong, L. K. 604 (497, 504). 636
Fest, C. 52 (7). 98 Fongers, K. S . 336 (207). 382
Fiaud, J.-C. 169 (220). I87 Fontal, B. 509 (150). 527, 622 (744). 641
Fiaud, J. C. 55, 60 ( 4 9 , 89 (175). 99, 102 Font Freide, J. J. H. M. 540 (48). 564
Field, L. D. 607 (540, 542). 637 Ford, G. H. 212, 213 (174). 251
Field, R. 439 (399, 466 Ford, J. A. Jr. 401 (98). 460
Fielding, H. C . 426 (256). 463 Fornalczy, M. 602 (475). 635
Fields, R. 173 (319). 189, 408 (141). 461, 498 Fornies, J. 596 (359). 632
(3742). 525 Foropoulous, J. 130, 131 (30). 136
Author index 679

Forster, H. 414 (189). 425 (252). 429 (281). Fryzuk, M. D. 52 ( I l ) , 58, 83, 84 (60), 98, 99.
454 (584). 456 (252). 462464.470 158 (68). 184, 199. 204 (57). 248
Foss, V. L. 391 (35). 459 Fu, J. J. L. 533 (3a, 3b). 534. 535. 537 (3b).
Fossett, L. A. 620 (715). 641 563
Foster, D. P. 608 (556). 637 Fu. J. L. 514 (202). 528
Foster, S. 30, 31 ( 1 1 I), 47 Fuchs, E. 265 (56). 293
Foster, T. L. 644 (3). 660 Fuchs, E. P. 0. 265 (59). 293, 324 (149). 348,
Foster, W. R. 516 (217). 529 353, 355, 357 (252). 380, 383
Foucaud, A. 424 (249). 454 (596, 598-601), Fuchs, H. 74, 81 (125). IOI, 169 (227). 187
463,470 Fuchs, P. L. 396 (57. 58), 459
Fountaine, J. E. 392-394 (44). 459 Fujinaga, T. 112 (24). 124
Fowell, P. A. 131 (37, 38). 136 Fujino, S. 330 (171, 172). 381, 490 (8, 9).
Fox, J. L. 316 (104). 379 524
Fox, J. R. 604 (497, 504), 636 Fujita, J. 56, 67 (51). 99, 166, 169 (173). 186,
Fox, M. A. 119, 120 (62). 125, 495 (25). 525 610 (586). 61 I (588). 638
623 (759). 641 Fujita, T. 447 (482). 468
Fox, M. S. 557 (96). 565 Fukumoto, T. 519 (240).529
Foxman, B. M. 603 (481.482). 604 (504). Fukunaga, T. 24, 38 (102), 47
635, 636 Fukushima, M. 61 (102). 100, 164 (141), 185
Foy, R. M. 604 (495). 635 Fukuyama, K. 72, 74 (121). 101. 215, 218
Fraenking.G.31 (113, 114),32(114),47 (197). 251
Frakman, Z. 157 (53). 183 Fullam, B. W. 143-145 (60).148. 512 (182).
Franchimont, E. 425, 456 (25 I). 463 520 (260). 528.530, 543 (640,564
Francl, M. M. 24 (94). 44 (187). 47,49 Furimsky, E. 535, 537 (29). 563
Frank, K. G . 586 (203). 629 Furin, G. G . 40,41 (145). 48
Franks, S. 156 (37, 38). 183, 569, 570 (30, Furley, I. I. 40, 41 (145). 48
31). 625 Furst, A. 171 (292). 188
Franzus, B. 455 (613). 470 Furukawa, N. 448 (502-505). 468
Fraser, I. F. 592 (293). 605 (517). 606 (533). Fyfe. C. A. 401 (100). 460
631, 636 Fyfe, D. J. 599 (405). 633
Fraty. A. E. 400 (91). 460 Fyne, P. J. 602, 604 (477). 635
Fratzscher, H. 157 (62), 184
Frazier, S. E. 437 (382), 466 Gaamet, J. P. 163 (1 19). I85
Frediani, P. 91 (179). 102 Gagnaire. D. 304 (44),378
Freedman, J. D. 583 (157). 628 Gaidamak, V. A. 410.41 1 (157). 461
Freedman, L. D. 310 (81). 333 (196), 379, Gajda, T. 559, 560 (1 13). 566
381, 570 (53). 626 Gal, H. 568 (2). 624
Freedmann, L. D. 171 (297). 188 Galas, A. M. R. 586 (193). 589 (240), 591
Freeman, L. D. 306, 326 (53), 378 (277). 592 (284. 288). 593, 594 (288),
Freeman, L. V. D. 171 (281). 188 602,604, 605 (463). 629431, 635
Freer, A. A. 336 (210). 382 Galay, J. 522 (272), 530. 596 (344). 632
Frerichs, S . R. 602 (469). 635 Galeazzi, E. 436 (358). 465
Frey, F. W. 168 (208. 209). 187 Galeev, V. S. 106 (14, 15). 111 (15, 19a), 112
Frey, J. E. 40,41 (141). 48,402 (102). 460 (19a). 114 (14). 124, 146 (89). 149
Friedmann, A. 142 (52). 148, 540 (52). 564 Galindo, A. 416 (200). 462, 586, 587 (198,
Frisch, M. J. 145 (73). 149 200). 629
Fritschel, S. J. 215, 218 (200). 251 Gallacher, G. 447 (480), 468
Fritz, H. 402 (104). 460 Gallagher, M. J. 52 (6). 98, 163 (123). 170
Fritz, H. P. 427 (263). 463 (250, 251). 185, 188, 204 (108). 249,
Fritzsche, H. 167 (180-182). 168 (180). 186, 301 (33). 303 (42). 311 (88), 312 (88.
313 (94). 318 ( 1 16), 379,380 90). 378. 379
Frizzell, J. J. 585 (189). 629 Galle, J. E.436 (361). 465
Frohlich, H. 0. 414 (187). 462 Gallegos, E. J. 533 (16). 563
Frohlisch. B. 448 (506). 468 Galley, R. A. 483 (87). 486
Fronczek, F. R. 604 (498). 636 Gallo, R . 396 (64).459
Frost, D. C. 260 (38), 292 Galluci, J. C. 582 (138). 627
Frurip, D. J. 13, 15, 16 (24). 46 Galpin, I. J. 449 (526). 469
680 Author index

Galy, J. 595 (340. 341). 632 Gerson, F. 145 (78). 149

Gamba, A. 503 (1 19). 527 Gertler, S. 401 (99). 460
Gambarotta, S. 602 (468). 635 Geske, D. H. 116 (43). 124
Gambaryan, N. P. 456 (635). 471 Getoff, N. 501 (72). 526
Gara, W. B. 139, 141, 142 (31). 148, 533 (9). Ghilardi, C. A. 618 (699). 622 (745, 746). 640,
563 641
Garabadzhiu, A. V. 5 15 (207). 529 Giannoccaro, P. 595 (338). 632
Garbis, S. J. 199, 203 (60).248 Giaque, W. F. 130 (27), 136
Garcia. E. E. 518 (234). 529 Gibbs, J. H. 476 (40), 485
Garcia, J. 435 (354). 465 Gibson, S . T. 130, 134 (26). 136, 140. 141
Garcia-Luna. A. 449 (529). 469 (36), 148
Carder, T. G. 619 (710), 640 Gibson, V. C. 58 (71). 73 (122). 83 (71). 99,
Gardini, G. P. 114 (41). 124 101, 583, 585, 586, 591 (156). 602, 604
Gardner, P. J. 129 (20). 130 (24), 131 (20, 24). (477). 613 (620). 628, 635, 638
135. 136 Gier, T. E. 256, 270 (3). 291
Garegg, P. J. 45 I (568-570). 469 Giering, W. P. 42 (163, 164). 48, 576 (85).
Gariel, J. 79 (194). 102 626
Garlaschelli, L. 594 (321). 61 I (590), 632, 638 Gil, E. R. de 622 (744). 641
Gaming, A. 401 (96). 460 Gilani, S. S . 455 (61I), 470
Gamer, A. Y . 166 (164), 186 Giles. H. F. 578 (99). 627
Garron, P. E. 158 (82). 184 Giles. J. R. M. 146 (92). 149, 543-549, 552-
Garrou, P. E. 590, 596 (260), 608 (565). 630, 554 (70), 565
63 7 Gilheany, D. G. 176 (359). 190
Garroussian, M.540 (50),564 Gill. D. F. 590 (268). 630
Gaskell, A. J. 372 (331), 384 Gillbro. T. 542 (60).564
Gasparyan. G. Ts. 420 (217-219). 462 Gillespie, D. G. 164 (144, 145). 185. 208
Gassman, P. G. 24. 25, 31 ( 1 0 1 ) , 4 7 ,587 (146). 209 (150). 210 (146), 250
(219). 629 Gillespie, P. 443 (448). 467
Gates, 8 . C. 61 I (592). 638 Gillette, J. R. 650 (31). 660
Gauder. S. 61 (96). 100 Gilli, G. 588 (231). 630
Gauer. G. 608 (563). 637 Gilman. S. 449 (540). 469
Gaughan, A. 580 (124). 627 Gilyarov, V. A. 546 (80). 565
Gaur, G. 173 (310). 189, 199, 202 (77), 249 Gimarc, B. M. 19, 21, 29 (68). 46
Caving, F. 456 (627). 471 Gimpsey, W. G. 558 (102). 565
Gaydoul, K. R . 157, 160 (55). 183 Gimzewski, J. K. 373 (333). 384
Gazizov, T. Kh. 483 (90,91). 486 Gingerich, K. A. 131 (44).136
Gee, R. D. 333 (197). 381 Giordan, 1. C . 40, 41 (142). 42.43 (167),48,
Geigy, A. G. 166 (165). 186 571 (65). 626
Geisler, K. 193. 195. 196, 198, 219, 220 (22). Giribet, C. G. 303 (40b). 378
247 Girolami, G. S. 586 (208). 588 (223), 591
Geissler. G. 332 (175). 381, 540 ( 5 I), 564 (273). 602 (463, 464,466). 604 (463,
Gelbard, G. 83 (150). 84 (148). 101 502). 605 (223, 463, 519, 520). 619
Gelfand. L. S. 430 (298). 464 (710). 629, 631, 635, 636. 640
Cell, K. 1. 583 (146). 628 Gladiali, S. 54. 60 (30). 91 (179). 99. 102
Gelting. N. C . 427 (258). 463 Gladysz, J. A. 63 (192). 102
Gendell, J. 510 (158). 527 Glanville, W. K. 510 (161), 528
Genet, J. P. 60 (92), 100 Glarum, S. I 1 1 (19b). 124
Genies, M. 388, 398 (16), 458 Glaser. R. 582 (138). 621 (730). 627, 641
Geoffroy, G. L. 503 (89). 526, 580 (120). 627 Glass, W. K. 430 (295). 464
Geoffroy, M. 138 (24). 143 (61, 62). 144 (61). Gleason, J. G. 447 (490.492). 468
145, 146 (74).148, 149, 503 ( 1 13). 526, Gleichmann, L. 482 (84). 486
543 (64k. 68). 545, 546, 549 (79a), 564, Gleizes, A. 593 (302). 595 (340, 341). 596
565 (344-346). 631, 632
Genna, H. 377 (342). 384 Glicksman, H. D. 606 (532). 636
Germain, G. 604 (505). 636 Glidewell, C. 23-25 (86). 31 ( I 17, 118). 32
Genneshhausen, J. 306 (54), 378 (118). 33 (122). 42 (157). 4 7 , 4 8 , 141
Gerrard, W. 387 (9). 458, 484 (92). 486 (48). 148, 544 (73). 565
Author index 68 1

Gloede, J. 455 (612), 470, 515 (215). 529 Gordy, W. 14 (26). 46, 143, 144 (59), 145
Glover, A. C. 228, 229, 233 (244). 252 (63). 148
Glukhikh, V. 1.450 (556.557). 469 Gorenstein, D. G. 395 (53, 54). 459. 480 (70).
Glysko, V. P. 127 (9,135 486
Goddard, J. P. 537, 538 (39), 564 Gorlov. Y. 1. 543, 550 (64i), 564
Goddard, R. 596 (354). 632 Gortner. S. 593 (304). 631
Goddard, W. A. 22, 27 (74). 47 Gosney, I. 333 (197). 381
Godovikov, N. N. 517 (231). 518 (232). 529, Gottstein, W. 448 (506), 468
535 (32). 563 Gough, S. T. D. 171 (272). 188
Godwin, H. N. 650 (30). 660 Gould, R. 0. 577 (93). 626
Gw, G. L. 516 (222). 529 Gourdon, A. 602. 604 (477), 635
Goel, A. B. 597 (372, 373). 598 (399, 400). Gozman, I. P. 146 (90). 149, 536 (33). 563
633 Graaf, H. G. de 359 (290). 383
Goel, R. G. 14 (44).46,474,476. 478480 Grabowski, Z. R. 5 I4 (199). 528
(8). 485, 571 (55). 593 (315). 596 (360, Gracey, B. P. 608 (560). 637
361). 598 (315, 397, 399, 400). 599 (413, Graff, N. M. 395 (56). 459
421). 600 (433, 434, 438, 447). 626, Grag, G. A. 45 I (562). 469
631634 Graham, J. B. 437 ( 3 7 0 466
Goel, S. 598 (399,400). 633 Graham. W. A. G. 484 (98). 487
Goerdeler, J. 448 (5 15). 468 Graimann, C. E. 583, 585. 586, 591 (156). 628
Gwtz, H. 31 (113, 114), 32 (114),47, 476, Gramlich, V. 614 (636). 639
478 (32, 33). 485 Grams, G. 414 (186). 462
Gol, F. 193. 194 (26), 228, 230, 246 (250). Granata, A. 448 (514). 468
248,252, 624 (762). 641 Grandjean, D. 157, 160 (56). 183
Goldberg, I. 66, 79 ( I 14). 100 Granoth, 1. 392 (43), 459
Goldberg, I. B. 533, 535 (7). 563 Gratchev. M. K. 484 (93). 486
Gol'dfarb, E. I. 483 (90). 486 Graves, G. E. 397 (71). 459
Goldfarb, E. I. 503 (88). 526 Gray, G. A. 303 (41). (43). 378
Goldman. A. S. 541 (56). 564 Gray, H. B. 10, 19 ( 5 ) . 45. 587 (211). 617
Goldstein, B. 439 (396, 398). 466 (687). 629, 640
Goldstein, M. 600 (436, 437, 441445). 634 Gray, L. R. 579 (109, I lo), 604 (500). 608
Goldwhite. H. 12. 13 (14). 14 (52), 18. 38, 42 (560). 612 (618). 613 (618, 623). 614
(14). 45, 46, 144 (65, 66). 145 (65, 66, (642, 643). 618, 621 (700). 627, 636440
72). 149, 166. 169 (172). 175 (337). 186, Gray, R. T. 345 (241). 382
189, 262 (46). 292, 298 (14). 306 (14. Grayson, M. 7 (10). 7, 170 (233, 239. 240).
53). 326 (53). 377, 378. 442 (429). 467. 187. 658 (59). 661
496 (28). 498 (36). 503 ( I 18, 121). 509 Grebenik, P. D. 73 ( I 22). 101. 583 (156). 585
(150). 512 (183, 184). 525,527, 528 (156, 185). 586, 591 (156), 613 (620).
Gololobov, Yu. G. 434 (342). 435 (342, 349). 628, 638
465 Greberik, P. D. 58. 83 (71). 99
Golovin, M. N. 42 (164), 48, 576 (85). 626 Grechkin, E. F. 162 (104). 185
Gompper, R. 428 (268). 463 Grechkin, N. P. 540 (49). 564
Gonbeau, D. 41 (153). 44 (193), 48,49,543, Green, D. M. 416 (196). 462
549, 550, 552-554 (65). 565 Green, J. C. 585 (185). 593 (298). 628, 631
Good. A. L. 317 ( 1 14). 380 Green, L. G. 130, 131 (25). 136
Good, W. E. 476 (41). 485 Green, M. 298 (16). 378, 596 (359). 632
Goodall, D. C. 222 (226), 252 Green, M. A. 591 (280). 631
Gooden, N. G. 609 (570). 637 Green, M. L. H. 58 (71). 73 (122). 83 (71).
Goodman, D. W. 42 (159). 48 99, 101, 583 (156). 585 (156. 185. 186).
Goodrich, J. D. 617 (685). 640 586 (156, 186, 196). 591 (156). 602 (462,
Goodyear, W. F. 439 (396, 398). 466 477), 604 (477). 613 (620). 628. 629,
Gopal, H. 157 (49). 183 635, 638
Gordon, D. 582 (143). 627 Greenbaum, M. A. 439 (392). 466
Gordon, I. 170 (238). 187 Greene, J. 594 (326). 632
Gordon, M. 514 (197). 528 Greene. J. P. 130 (26, 30). 131 (30). 134 (26).
Gordon, M. S. 24 (93). 38 (131). 44 (188). 136, 140, 141 (36). 148
47-49 Greenhalgh, R. 394, 395 (51). 459
682 Author index

Greenwood, D. 447 (487). 468 Gross, P. 131 (43). 136

Greenwood, N. N. 13 (17). 45 Grosse-Bley, M. 265 (60). 293
Gregory. A. C. 609 (570). 637 Grossel, M. C . 242 (312). 253
Gregson, D. 586 (194). 629 Grothusen, J. R . 79 (142). 101
Greif, N. 358 (279), 383 Grove, D. M. 244 (328). 254, 597 (375). 616
Greig, R. G. 655 (50).661 (680), 633. 640
Greiser, T. 602 (473). 614 (648). 635. 639 Grubbs, R. H. 160 (95). 184
Greish. A. A. 51 I (173). 528 Gruetzmacher, H.-F. 508, 509 (147), 527
Grekov. L. I. 175 (347). 189 Griittner, G. 296. 304 ( I ) , 377
Grepioni, F. 608 (558). 637 Grutzmacher, H. 579 ( 1 13). 627
Gresser. G. 256, 258 (16). 260 (43). 262 (l6), Grynkiewicz, G. 434 (337), 465
292 Gubaidullin, L. Yu. 168 (206). 187
Grey, R. A. 591 (271). 630 Guerrero, A. 456 (626). 471
Grieco, P. A. 448 (522, 523). 449 (540, 541). Guest, M. F. 476 (43). 485
468. 469 Guglielmo. G. 597 (380). 633
Griffin, C. E. 501 (62, 66), 512 (185, 186). Guilhem, I. 336 (209). 382
514 (195, 197, 198, 200-202). 516 (218, Guimerans, R. R. 244 (336). 254. 620 (712,
219). 517 (186). 5 2 5 , 5 2 8 , 5 2 9 , 533 (3a). 713, 715), 640. 641
558 (98),563, 565 Guimon, C. 337 (213). 382
Griffin, G. W. 416 (196). 462 Guimon, M.-F. 543, 549, 550, 552-554 (65).
Griffin, J. H. 55 (39). 9 9 , 152 (6). 182 565
Griffith, E. J. 7 (lo), 7 Gulatai, A. S. 415 (193). 462
Griffith. W. P. 592 (285). 631 Gulick, W. M. Jr. 116 (43). 124
Griffiths. D. V. 421 (231), 463 Gulliver, D. J. 207, 208 (120), 249, 598 (402).
Griggs. K. S . 559 ( I 12), 566 599 (409). 614 (642-644). 633, 634, 639
Grigoryan, N. Yu. 173 (309). 189 Gundermann, K. D. 401 (96). 460
Griller, D. 129. 131 (18). 135, 144, 145 (67). Gunduz, N. 458 (648),471
149. 503 (117). 520 (254, 255, 258). Gunn, S . R. 130, 131 (25). 136
527, 5 3 0 , 533 (13, 18). 535 (27). 537 Gupta, B. G. B. 449 (529). 469
(36b. 36c. 43). 538 (13. 36b). 540 (43, Gupta, 0. D. 240 (297). 253
47). 547. 553 (27). 556 (94). 558 (100. Gur’eva, N. A. 51 I (180). 528
101). 563-565 Gurusamy, N. 238 (281). 253
Grim. S. 0. 155 (28). 158 (70). 162 (107). Gurvich, L. V. 127 ( 5 ) . 135
183-185, 193, 194 (24, 25). 199 (74, 79, Gur’yanova, E. N. 14 (43). 46
91). 201 (79, 91). 202 (74, 91). 204 (79). Guryanova, E. N. 40 (148). 48, 140 (39). 148
220, 222 (222). 239 (25. 291, 292). 247- Gur’yanova. I. V. 413 (183), 415 (195). 462
249.252. 253,478 (53). 479 (56, 57, 62, Guryleva, A. A. 513 (190). 528
64,65). 484 (56). 486, 600 (440). 603 Guthert, I. 658 (56). 661
(489). 634, 635 Guthrie, R. D. 433 (320, 321, 324, 325). 464,
Grimaldo Moron, J. T. 206, 207 ( 1 14). 249 465
Grimley, E. 157 (47). 183 Gutierrez-Puebla. E. 416 (200). 462
Grimshaw. J. I17 (55). 125 Guyon, F. 79 (133). 101
Grinshtein, E. 1. 175 (334). 189, 410 (150- Gynane. M. J. S. 144 (65). 145 (65, 72). 149,
152). 412. 413 (179, 180). 461, 462 503 (118). 512 (183, 184). 527,528
Grobe. J. 320 (135-138). 321 (135). 380, 401
(95). 460,498 (35). 525 Ha, T.-K. 45 (200), 49
Grochowski, E. 433 (319). 434 (332). 464, Haag, W. 396 (59). 459
465 Haas, C. K. 158 (70), 184. 600 (440). 634
Grocott, S . C . 609 (573, 574), 637 Habel, G. 361 (299). 384
Grodzicki, M. 29. 33 (109). 47 Haber, C. P. 522 (274). 530
Groenweghe, L. C . D. 172 (302). 188 Habib, M. 173 (308). 189
Gronchi, G. 138 (26). 139 (26, 29, 33). 140 Habicher, W. D. 560 (1 14). 566
(26), 142 (29, 33, 50). 143 (54). 148 Hackney, M. L. J. 308 (68). 379
Groner, P. 17 (62). 46 Hager, L. P. 652 (36). 660
Gmtveld, M. C . 654, 655 (46). 660 Hagibara, T. 61 (103). 100
Gross, A. 435 (346). 465 Hagihara, T. 90,95 (176). 102
Gross, H.515 (214, 215). 529 Haines, R. J. 579 (107, 108). 580 (125), 627
Author index 683

Hainfeld, J. F. 657 (54). 661 Hansen, K. C. 420 (222, 223). 463

Hale, A. L. 604 (499. 500). 610 (584, 587). Hansen, N. P. 603 (493), 635
618 (499, 700). 621 (499, 587, 700), 622 Hanson, B. E. 242 (317). 254
(587). 636, 638, 640 Hanson, P.-E. 416 (202). 462
Hale, K. J. 433 (326), 465 Hanzawa. Y . 330 ( 17 I), 381 , 490 (9). 524
Halfpenny, M. T. 212, 213 (161). 250 Hanzel, R. S. 517 (226), 529
Hall, C. D. 141 (43). 148, 402 (101, 105). 407 Haran, G. 235 (273). 253
(137). 439 (402404, 406). 445 (457), Harbron, S. K. 570, 607 (48). 610 (579). 62.5.
460, 461, 466,467 637
Hall, C. R. 75 (131), 101, 167 (192, 193), 168 Hardcastle, K. I. 208, 210 (148). 250
(193). 186 Harding, A. 228 (246). 252
Hall, D. 12, 13, 15, 18, 42 (13), 4 5 , 163, 176 Harding, L. B. 22, 27 (74), 47
(1 17), 185, 387 (7), 458 Harding, M. M. 245 (341), 254, 608 (556).
Hall, D. I. 569 (41). 625 618 (689.691). 637, 640
Hall, K. P. 242 (319). 254, 600 (432). 634 Hare. P. M. 583 (156). 585 (156, 185). 586,
Hall, M. 196, 197. 209 (34). 248 591 (156). 628
Hall, M. B. 19, 27 (65). 46 Harger, M. J. P. 310 (82). 379,423 (243). 451
Hall, S . R. 609 (575). 637 (565). 463, 469
Hall, S. W. 43 (184). 4 9 , 258 (34). 260 ( 4 3 , Hargis, J. H. 31 (1 15). 4 7 , 540, 554 (46a.
292 46b). 556 (46a). 564
Hallam, H. E. 484 (95). 486 Harlow, R. L. 602 (461). 635
Haller-Pads, I. 420 (225), 463 Harmesdorf, M. 348, 353, 355, 357 (252), 383
Halpem, J. 84 (146). 101. 177 (362). 190,596 Harmony, M. D. 13. 24 (23), 45
(357). 632 Harpp, D. N. 447 (489,490, 492, 493,496,
Halterman. R. L. 177, 179 (367). 190 497). 448 (514). 468
Haltiwanger, R. C. 228, 231 (256). 252, 623 Harraowfield, J. M. 164 (134). 185
(756). 641 Harris, G. S . 450 (553, 554), 469
Hamada, A. 336 (21 l), 382 Harris, J. A. 513 (192, 193). 519 (241). 528.
Hamada, H. 429 (285). 464 529
Hamana, H. 330 (171. 172). 369 (312, 313). Harris, J. F. 496 (27). 525
381,384,490 (9). 524 Harris, R. K. 568 (7). 625
Hamberger, H. 447 (485). 468 Harris, R. L. 171 (277). 188, 21 1-213 (154).
Hambly, T. W. 607 (%I), 637 250, 515 (205). 529
Hamelin, J. 320, 321 (130). 354, 355 (268). Harris, R. M. 333 (196). 381
366 (130, 268, 309), 380,383, 384 Harrison, W. 336 (210). 382
Hamerlinck, J. H. H. 543 (69a-c). 544 (69b. Harrop, D. 128 (13). 135
69c). 545 (69c), 549 (69b). 565 Hart, D. W. 588 (235). 591 (278). 630, 631
Hamerski, J. J. 199, 203 (60), 248, 606 (537). Hart, F. A. 219 (203). 251,426 (256). 463
636 Hartley, F. R. 156 (37, 38), 158 (83). 183,
Hamilton, D. G. 590 (252), 630 184, 569, 570 (30, 31), 593 (313). 624
Hamilton, L. A. 157 (60), I84 (763, 764), 625. 631, 641
Hamilton. W. C. 484 (96). 487 Hartley, I. G. 222 (226). 252
Hammer, R. 593 (296). 631 Hartley, S. B. 12 (11). 4 5 , 127 (I), 129, 131
Hammond, P. J. 407 (137), 439 (403405). (19). 135. 476 (39). 485
461,466 Hartmann, H. 157 (62). 184
Hampden-Smith, M. J. 575, 597 (80). 613 Hartmann, P. F. 510 (151). 527
(63 l), 626, 639 Hartmann, W. 515 (215). 529
Hamper, B. C. 79 (141). I01 Hartstock, F . 580 (121). 627
Hanifin, J. W. Jr. 81 (138). 101 Hartwell, G. E. 158 (82). 184
Hanifin, W. Jr. 453 (577). 470 Harvey, R. G. 387 (4). 458
Hank, K. W. 615 (657). 639 Harwood, W. S . 243 (323). 254
Hanke, W. 59 (80). 100. 175 (340). 189 Harzfeld, G. 429 (277, 278). 464
Hanna, M. W. 106 (13). 124, 146 (go), I49 Hasegawa, A. 138, 141 (16). 147, 542 (59),
Hannig, H. J. 411 (174, 175). 461 564
Hansen, A. 164 (149). 186 Haseldine, R. N. 171, 176 (280), 188
Hansen, E. R. 533 (12a, 12b, 14). 534 (14). Hashida, T. 503 (124). 527
563 Hashimoto, H. 246 (347). 254
684 Author index

Hashimoto. M. 446 (471, 472). 467 Heeg, M. J. 605 (522). 636

Hashimoto. S. 318 ( 1 13). 380 Heeg, M. T. 606 (528). 636
Hassairi, M. 454 (600).470 Hees, U. 353 (267). 383
Hasselkuss, G . 193, 194 (26). 247 (355). 248, Heesing, A. 434 (333), 465
254, 581 (135). 627 Hefner, J. G. 586 (199). 604 (501). 619 (702).
Hasserodt. U. 167 (180-182). 168 (180). 186. 629, 636, 640
313 (94). 318 (116), 379, 380 Hegarty, A. F. 494 (22). 525
Hassner, A. 436 (361). 465 Hegedus, L. S . 42 (162). 48
Haszeldine, R. N. 170 (266, 268). 173 (319). Hehre, W. J. 24 (93, 94). 47
188, 189, 199, 205 (96). 249,408 (141). Heid, E. 179 (380). 190
461,498 (3-2). 525 Heide, W. 540 (50). 564
Hata, T. 446 (466. 467). 467 Heier, H. 360, 361 (294), 383
Hatada, K. 79 (19). 98 Heier, K. Kh. 361, 376 (296). 383
Hatakeyama, H. 60 (93). 100 Heil, B. 58 (64).60 (94). 85 (156). 99-101,
Hattori, M. 215, 216 (198). 251 164 (142). 185, 215, 216 (193, 196). 251
Haubrich, G. 196, 198 (44).248 Heilbronner, E. 372 (327). 384
Haufe, J. 117 (54). 125 Heimbach, P. 573 (75). 626
Haug, W. 139 (32). 148 Hein, Fr. 168 (210), 169 (210, 215), 187
Hauk, G. 406 (128). 460 Heincke, J. 350, 351 (257), 383
Hauptmann, H. 334 (203). 382 Heindel, H. D. 444 (452). 467
Hausen. H.-D. 351 (260). 352 (260, 263). 383 Heinekey, D. M. 131 (36). 136
Hauser, E. 434 (343). 465 Heinemann, W. R. 605 (523, 524), 606 (526).
Hawes, W. 314 (99). 379 636
Hawkins, J. M. 446 (460), 467 Heinicke, J. 309 (77). 348 (254). 351 (77). 352
Hawley, M. D. 112 (22, 23). 124 (77, 261, 262). 353 (77), 379, 383
Hay, R. S . 537 (42). 542 (62). 544 (42, 62). Heisler, M. 593 (311, 312), 631
548, 549, 552, 554 (42). 564 Heitsch, C. W. 484 (101). 487
Hayashi, R. 503 (90).526 Heller, S . R. 415 (192), 462
Hayashi, T. 54, 55 (32). 56 (32, 47). 58 (70). Hellmann, H. 170 (241, 242). 187,410 (153,
61 (32, 47, 102, 103). 62 (105). 82, 83 154). 461
(47). 85 (155). 86 (159, 160). 87 (168b). Helm, D. van der 238 (281). 253, 302 (38).
90 (176, 177). 95 (176, 189), 96 (190). 317 (108). 378, 380
(107). 99-102, 164 (141). 185, 212, 213 Hempel, J. C. 654 (47). 657 (52). 660. 661
(170). 251 Henderson, R. 271 (68). 293
Hayman, C. 131 (43). 136 Henderson, R. A. 585 (175). 628
Hayon, A.-F. 456 (633). 471 Henderson, T. L. E. 585 (176). 628
Hays, H. 389, 390 (30). 458 Henderson, W. A. 473477,481 (4). 485, 571
Hays, H. R. 171 (299). 173, 175 (318). 188, (56). 626
I89 Henderson, W. A. Jr. 389 (27). 458
Hays, R. J. 176 (355), 190 Henderson, W. G. 476 (35). 481 (77). 485,
Hayter, R. G . 199, 200 (53). 248 486
Haytor, R. 114-116 (31b). 124 Hendrick, P. K. 199, 200, 202 (72), 248
Hazlett, J. D. 208, 210 (137). 250 Hendricks, H. M. 593 (305). 632
Head, A. J. 127 (6). 128 (12, 13), 135 Hengartner, U. 59 (84), 100
Heah, P. C . 439 (410). 466 Henglein, A. 519 (242). 529
Healy, P. C . 599 (406408,410,411,414- Henjes, H. 424 (247). 463
416,419,423,426). 600 (41 I), 633, 634 Hennen, W. J. 447 (491). 468
Heath, G. A. 592, 610 (292). 631 Henner, B. J. L. 577 (94), 626
Heaton, B. T. 596 (366). 633 Henrick, K. 163 (120). 185, 214, 215 (187),
Hebendanz, N. 588 (226). 629 232 (263). 251,252, 391,443 (38), 459,
Hechenbleikner. I. 171 (275, 276). 188,400 615 (653). 618 (694). 639, 640
(84, 85). 460,475 (23). 485 Henricksen, L. 389 (29). 458
Heckley, P. R. 223, 224 (230). 252 Henricksen, U. 389 (28), 458
Heckley, T. R. 622 (742). 641 Henry, W. P. 600 (434). 634
Heckmann,G. 262 (48), 265 (58), 292,293, Henson, P. D. 168 (204). 187
369 (314), 384 Herberhold, M. 583 (145). 628
Hedaya, E. 406 (126), 460 Hermankova, V. 515 (206). 529
Author index 685

Hermesdorf, M. 258,262,263,265 (33). 292 (217). 588 (225). 615 (660.667,668).

Herr, R. 208,209 (132),250 616 (668,669). 629, 639, 640
Henmann, W.A. 272,278,290 (74).293 Hiller, W.165 (151). 186
Hemon, N.R. 537 (37).564 Hillhouse, G . L. 130,134 (26).136, 140,141
Herscheid, J. D. M. 448 (516). 468 (36),148
Hershkowitz, R.L. 451 (566, 567). 469 Hillier, I. H. 476 (42,43),485
Hertzer, C . A. 589 (245). 630 Himbert, G . 158 (74). 184
Hess, U. 263.265 (51). 292 Himmele, W.86 (164). 102
Hesse, R.H. 562 (125).566 Himmler, T. 573 (75).626
Hesse, T.J. 516 (224).529 Hinchliffe, A. 43 (171,172). 49
Hessen, B.583 (150). 628 Hinig, E.D. 430 (299).464
Hesson, D. P. 448 (501). 468 Hinrichs, W.593 (304).631
Hestermann, K. 492 (13). 524 Hinton, R.C . 399 (81,82). 400 (82).460
Hetflejs, J. 57 (59).99 Hinze, J. 10, 12 (3). 45
Hewertson. H. 193,195.220,222 (21).247 Hioki, T. 164 (141).I85
Hewertson, W.419 (213),462 Hirabayashi, Y.496 (26).499 (48). 525, 558
Heyde, V. R. 433 (318).464 (99,104).565
Heydenreich, H. 54 (27). 98 Hiramatsu, K. 55 (44).99
Heydt, H. 258.262,263 (33). 265 (33,56), Hirano, Y.331 (173).381, 506 (139).527
292, 293, 348,353,355,357 (252), Hirao, A. 205 (1 1 I ) , 249
383 Hirose, H. 404 (113). 460
Heymann, M. 208,209 (129).244 (332). Hirota, E. 13,24 (22). 45
250, 254, 306 ( 5 5 ) . 378 Hirota, S . 72,74 (121). 101. 215,218 (197).
Heymer, G. 492 (13). 524 25 1
Heys, P.N. 160 (93).184 Hirotsu, K. 96 (190),102, 503 (122,124), 527
Hg, T.W.158 (78). 184 Hitchcock, C . H. S. 166 (162). 186
Hibbert, H. 155 (19).183 Hitchcock, P.B. 163 (131). 185, 204 (log),
Hibon de Goumay, A. 89 (175).102 249. 271 (67,69). 272 (69,72). 275 (72,
Hida, M. 60 (93).100 78,79). 276 (80).277 (67).278 (67,69,
Hidai, M. 603 (490).635 72,78-80),279 (81),280 (86).283 (89).
Hietkamp, S . 158 (87a). 173 (314). 184, 189, 284 (89-91). 286 (93). 287 (96).288
193,194 (12),196. 197 (36,37a), 199, (97).290 (69,72.78-80,100). 293, 294.
200,202 (69).219,220 (69,206,207, 597 (382,385). 598 (403). 633
213). 221 (69,213). 222 (37a).223 (232, Hlatky. G. H. 586 (191).629
233). 224 (231-233),225 (231).228, Hnoosh, M. H. 146 (83,85,86). 149
230 (250-253).244 (206).245 (232,233, Ho, D.M. 242 (313). 253
338). 246 (250). 247 (353-356).247, Ho, K. 503 (124).527
248, 251, 252, 254, 581 (135,136). 582 Ho. P.-T. 433 (316). 464
(140).593 (316).623 (140,747-749, Hobbs, C. F. 59,60 (85).100
760,761), 624 (762).627, 632, 641 Hoberg, H. 595 (339).632
Higashizaki, S . 157 (57).183, 393,409 (47). Hoch, M. 406 (136).461
459,474(9,10). 485 Hock, K. 361 (295). 362 (301,302). 363 (303,
Higgins, R. 520 (250).530 304). 367 (310). 383,384
Higgins, S.J. 570 (48,49). 596 (349).607 H&k, N. 174 (324). 189, 224,225,245 (235),
(48,548,549). 610 (49).612 (549,618). 252
613 (49,618,623).625,632, 637, 638 Hocking, M. B.333 (194).381
Highsmith, R. E. 453 (581).470 Hodges, R.V. 373 (334). 384,482(80).486,
Higuchi, H. 523 (284). 530 572 (69). 626
Higuchi, J. 543 (64d). 564 Hodgson, E. 651 (33,34). 660
Higuchi, T. 96 (190).102. 503 (122,124), Hoehne, S.336 (212),382
52 7 Hofer, W.170 (247). 187
Hilhenbrand, U. 270,278,283 (66).293 Hoff, C . D. 57,70 (58). (61).99, 173 (312).
Hill, , W.E.588 (229).629 189. 222 (224).252
Hill, D.T. 657 (53). 661 Hoff, M. C . 398 (74).459
Hill, P.398 (74).459 Hoffman, H. 388 (17),458
Hill, W. E. 199, 202 (75). 206,207 ( I 15-117). Hoffman. P.R. 608 (56% 637
243 (1 15). 244 (327). 249,254, 587 Hoffman, R.612 (615).638
686 Author index

Hoffman, W. A. 433 (317). 464 Hopkinson, M. J. 256, 257 (13, 15). 292
Hoffman, W. H. 433 (329). 465 Hor;Yr, J. 411 (165). 461
Hoffmann, A. K. 439 (392). 466 Horiki, K. 447 (475). 467
Hoffmann, A. W. 175 (333), 189 Horing, M. 170 (264). 188
Hoffmann, E. G . 176 (358). 190 Horiuchi, T. 503 (124). 527
Hoffmann, F. W. 517 (226). 529 Horn, H. G . 156 (36). 183
Hoffmann, H. 52, 53 (3). 9 8 , 155 (23, 29, 30), Hornback, J. M. 556 (94). 565
156 (23). 169 (216, 230). 170 (231, 243). Homer, L. 52 (2, 3). 53 (3, 17, 22, 24), 66
171 (216). 183, 187, 298 (13). 377, 388, (116). 74 (124, 125). 80 (134). 81 (125,
398 (15). 402 (106). 409 (15). 414 (189). 135a. 137, 140). 82 (17), 98, 100, 101.
418 (208). 419 (208. 214). 421,422 117 (54). 125, 162 (113, 114). 167, 168
(214). 425 (252). 429 (281). 450 (547). (190). 169 (216, 225-230), 170 (247,
454 (584). 456 (252). 458,460,462464, 249). 171 (216). 178 (369, 371). 179
469,470 (371). 182 (392). 185-188, 190, 212, 213
Hofmann, A. W. 482 (81, 82). 486, 568 (I), (162). 214 (184. 188), 215 (188). 226
624 (241). 227, 228 (241, 243). 229 (257).
Hofmann, P. 242 (316). 254 237 (241, 243), 250-252, 298 (13), 377,
Hogeveen, H. 336 (207). 382 388 (17). 401 (97). 419,421,422 (214).
Hohn, A. 623 (758). 641 427 (257), 435 (346). 436 (366). 439
Holah, D. G . 338, 342 (227). 365 (307). 372 (391). 440 (414), 442 (433). 444 (453).
(319). 373 (335). 375 (337). 377 (341), 450 (547). 458,460, 462,463, 4 6 5 4 6 7 ,
382, 384, 610 (581). 637 469, 501 (65). 525
Holand, S. 337 (218). 338 (223). 340, 341, Hornung, V. 372 (327). 384
345 (231). 346 (246), 382, 506 (136). Horvat, R. J. 171 (292). 188
52 7 Hoshi, K. 448 (525). 469
Holderegger, R. 616 (677). 640 Hossain, M. B. 238 (281). 253
Holderisch, W. 431 (306). 464 Hosseini, H. E. 262 (47). 292
Holland, G. F. 617 (687). 640 Hosseiny, A. 588 (224, 225, 227). 629
Holleck, L. I13 (29). 124 Hota, N. K. 158 (78). 184
Holloday, A. 585 (180). 628 Houle, F. A. 482 (80). 486
Holm, R. H. 607 (550). 637 Houser, K. J. 112 (22, 23). 124
Holmes, S . J. 583 (157). 628 Howard, C. G . 588 (222, 223). 589 (240), 605
Holmes, W. S . 12 (11). 4 5 , 127 ( I ) , 135, 476 (223). 629, 630
(39). 485 Howard, G. C. 605 (519, 520). 636
Holmes-Smith, R. D. 497 (34). 525 Howard, J. A. 520 (262), 530, 535, 537 (29).
Holt, G. 448 (520, 521). 468 540. 550 (54). 556 (94). 563-565
Holtz. D. 474, 475 (13). 476 (35). 481 (76, Howard, J. A. K. 586 (194). 588 (234). 591
77), 485, 486 (279). 629-631
Holy, N. 236 (278). 253 Howe, D. V. 430 (291). 464
Holzl, W. 322, 354 (141). 355, 357 (269). 380. Howell, J. M. 543, 550, 552 (64g), 564
383 Howells, E. R. 171 (283). 188
Homada, A. 406 (130, 131), 461 Howells, M. A. 408 (144), 461
Homan, W. H. 621 (733). 641 Howells, R. D. 408 (143, 144). 461
Hommeltoft, S. V. 618 (697). 640 Howes, A. J. 586 (195). 629
Honda, S. 79 (19). 98 Hoye. P. A. T. 170 (254). 188
Honig, E. D. 431 (300). 464 Hoz, S . 515 (209). 529
Honjo, M. 562 (121, 122). 566 Hrovat, D. A. 44 (189). 49
Honneger, H. 338, 342, 371 (228). 382 Hsiao, Y . 91, 92, 95 (180). 102
Honold, B. 583 (145). 628 Huang, C. 439 (405). 466
Honrath, U. 21 1-213 (166). 250 Huang, C.-H. 56, 59 (46). 99
Hoornaert, C. 55, 60 (45). 99 Huang. T.T.-S.455 (613). 470
Hooz, J. 455 (61 I ) , 470 Hubbard, W. N. 129 (21). 130 (22). 131 (21).
Hope, E. G . 614, 621, 622 (634). 639 135. 136
Hope, H. 175 (341). 189, 593 (310). 631 Hiibel, W. 332, 335 (178). 381
Hopkins, H. P. 480, 484 (73). 486 Hubert-Pfalzgraf, L. G . 584 (164). 628
Hopkins, M. D. 584 (161). 587 (21 I), 628, Hudson, A. 144 (65, 66, 68). 145 (65, 66, 72).
629 149, 503 (118, 121). 512 (183, 184).
Author index 687

5 2 7 , 5 2 8 , 543 (64j.641). 558 (102). 564, Hwang, W.-S. 559 (1 11). 566
565 Hyde, E. M. 158 (77). 184
Hudson, C. W. 212, 213 (159). 228 (159,
244-246). 229 (244, 245). 233 (244). Ibhiiez, F. 427 (260, 261). 463
250, 252, 387 (10). 458 Ibers, J. A. 175 (338). 179 (376). 189, 190,
Hudson, H. R. 387 ( 5 , 9). 391 (38). 392 (40), 593 (319). 598 (390). 608 ( 5 5 3 , 612
443 (38, 449,450). 458, 459,467,483 (603, 604). 613 (627, 628), 632, 633.
(88,89). 484 (88, 92). 486 637-639
Hudson, R. F. 7 (13), 7, 10, 11, 13, 18, 40 Ichijo, T. 499 (49). 525
(6). 4 5 , 153 (13). 183, 386, 388 (1). 394, Ichimura, A. 605 (523, 524). 636
395 (51, 52). 406 (125). 443, 453 (445). Igau, A. 494 (21). 525
4 5 8 4 6 0 , 4 6 7 , 473,476 (6). 480 (69). Iggo, J. A. 203 (101). 249, 603 (494). 635
481,484 (6). 485,486 Ignatova, N. P. 43 (178), 4 9 , 256 (6), 291
Huebner, M. 435 (351). 465 Ihmels, K. 577, 578, 583, 602 (88). 626
Hueske, E. E. 434 (340). 465 Iimori, T. 447 (479). 468
Huffman, J. C . 583 (150, 152, 154, 155). 584 Ikariya, T. 609 (576). 637
(160, 161, 165, 166). 591 (280). 602, 603 Ikeda, Y. 60 (89). 100
(160). 614 (645). 619 (703). 628, 631, Iksanova, S. V. 304 (60).379
639, 640 Ikuta, S. 40 (149). 4 8 , 481 (78, 79). 482 (79).
Hugel, R. P. 593 (304). 631 486, 57 1 (59). 626
Hughes, A. N. 238 (284). 253, 301 (31, 32). Illas, F. 24, 25, 38, 39 (96). 47
302, 304 (31). 317 (114). 321 (32). 332 Il’yasov, A. (51). 125
(188-190). 333 (194). 338, 342 (227). Il’yasov, A. V. 111, 112 (19a). 124, 137 (12).
345 (188). 358 (275). 365 (307). 371 139 (28). 146 (89, 90). 147-149
(188-190). 372 (189, 190, 319). 373 Ilyasov, A. V. 106 (14, 15). 11 1 (15). 114
(335). 375 (245, 337). 377 (341), 378, (14). 124
380-384.420 (228). 423 (241, 245), 424 Ilyasov, R. N. 307 (64),379
(246), 463, 500 (52). 525, 610 (581). Imamoto, T. 63 (108). 69 ( 1 19). 70 (108). 80
63 7 (119). 100, 101. 168 (205),187,234
Hughes, D. L. 585 (188), 629 (271). 253, 448 (524, 525). 468,469
Huheey, J. E. 10 (1). 45 Immenkeppel, M. 257 (31). 292
Hui, B. C. 372 (319). 384 Immirzi, A. 575 (78), 597 (379). 626, 633
Huisgen, R. 433 (313). 464 Imyanitov, N. S . 16, 17 (59, 60). 46
Hulten. F. 579 ( 1 12). 627 Inamoto, N. 422,423 (239). 429 (279, 285),
Humphrey, R. E. 434 (340). 446 (46@462), 463,464,496 (26). 499 (48). 503 (122.
465,467 124). 504 (127, 128). 525, 527, 558
Humphries, L. A. 645, 648 (8), 660 (104). 565
Hung, S . C. 163 (122, 124). 185, 199, 204, Inamoto, N. J. 558 (99). 565
205 (90,94). 206 (90), 249 Inch, T. D. 75 (131). 101
Hunter, W. E. 580 (122). 627 Indzhikyan, M. G. 173 (309). 189,420
Hurlbut, J. 649 (26). 660 (217-221), 462
Hursthouse, M. B. 158 (76). 184, 586 (192, Ineman, V. 515 (206). 529
193, 195, 204), 587 (204). 588 (222, Ingold, C. K . 170 (265), 188
223). 589 (240, 247), 591 (273, 276, Ingold, K. U. 144, 145 (67). 149, 503 (117),
277). 592 (284, 288). 593 (288, 306). 527, 537, 538 (36b). 540 (47, 53). 564
594 (288). 602 (463,466. 478). 604 (463, Inoguchi, Y. 157 (54a). 183
502, 503). 605 (223,463, 519, 520). 609 Inokawa, S. 55 (44). 99,496 (30). 525
(571). 629-631. 6 3 5 6 3 7 Inoue, S. 61 (loo), 91, 92 (183). 100, 102
Hussain, K. S. 129, 131 (20). I35 Interante, L. V. 158 (80). I84
Hussain, W. 199, 204 (52, 55). 248 Inukai, K. 513 (194). 528
Hutchinson, D. W. 7 (9). 7, 117 (57). 125 Ionin, B. I. 419 (212), 462, 499 (47). 510
Hutley, B. G. 394 (49). 459 (152-154, 162-165). 525. ,527,528
Hutton, A. T. 196, 197, 209 (34), 248 Irelan, J. R. S. 420 (224), 463
Huy. N. H. T. 328, 337 (164). 381 Isaeva, G. M. 307 (64,65). 379
Hvoslef, J. 212, 213 (172). 251, 593 (310). Isbell, A. F. 155 (31). 156 (43), 183
631 Isci, H. 614 (638). 639
Hwang, H. 451 (562). 469 Ise, T. 61 (101), 100
688 Author index

Ishi, T. 61 1 (588). 638 Jacobson, S. E. 208. 209 (130), 250

Ishii, Y. 91 (184). 95 (188). 102. 609 (576). Jacques, J. K. 12 (11). 45. 127 (I), 135
637 Jacques, W . S . 476 (39). 485
Ishikawa, K. 416 (196). 462 Jacquier, R. 163 ( I 19), 185
Ishmaeva, E. A. 4 3 4 5 (179). 4 9 , 256 (8). 291 Jadhav, K. P. 395 (56). 459
Isobe, T. 138 (22). 141, 142 (45). 148 Jaffk, H. H. 477 (49). 486
Issleib. K. 113. 114 (28). 124, 163 (132). Jaffe, H. H. 10, 12 (3). 45
166 (159. 160, 166, 168-171, 174). 168 Jafry, S. W. S. 423 (245). 424 (246). 463
(210). 169 (168, 210). 170 (258, 259). Jagner, S. 583 (150). 628
171 (295). 173 (315). 175 (336), 185- Jahn~,H.-J. 454 (602). 470
189, 193 (13). 196, 197 (37c, 39). 199 Jain, D. V. S. 455 (619). 470
(64,68, 83, 86). 200 (64,83. 86). 201 Jain, S. R. 453 (581). 470
(97). 202 (68). 204 (107, 109). 206 (64). Jakobs, U. 302, 322, 352, 367 (36). 378
211 (155). 212 (155, 158). 213 (158). James, B. R. 196 (30). 248. 609 (578). 611
220 (221). 222 (37c. 221, 225). 224, 226 (596). 637.638
(225). 238 (286). 239 (288). 241 (64). James, C. Jr. 490 (7). 524
(305). 2 4 7 2 5 0 , 2 5 2 , 2 5 3 . 306 (56, 57). Jamieson, G. 584 (159). 628
308 (70, 71). 309 (75, 76, 78). 310 (56, Janes, A. B. 392-394 (45). 459
84). 349-351 (76). 352 (76, 264). 353 Jans, R. F. 612, 614 (616). 638
(76, 78, 264). (74), 379, 383, 400 (86, Jansen, E. H. J. M. 137 (7). 147, 544 (75).
88). 411 (168, 170-175, 177). 414 (170, 565
186, 187, 190, 191). 417 (205). 429 (277, Janser, P. 618 (698). 640
278). 430 (191). 457 (638, 639). 460- Janssen, R. A. J. 543 (66).545 (77, 78, 79b-
462,464,471,473 (5). 474 ( I I), 475 ( 5 , d), 546 (79b-d). 550 (66).552 (78). 565
11, 20). 476, 477 ( 5 , 31). 481 (5). 485 Janzen, A. F. 412. 413 (182). 462
Isslieb, K. 179 (379). 190 Janzen, E. H. J. J. 542 (57). 564
Istonin, B. I. 450 (555). 469 Janzen, E. H. J. M. 531-533, 542, 544 (le),
Ito, K. 447 (482). 468 563
Ito, T. 61, 74. 82, 83 (99a). 100. 212, 213 Jardine, F. H. 568 (14). 592 (287), 593 (317).
( 169). 250 594 (323). 625, 631, 632
Ito, Y.61 (103). 85 (155). 100, I01 Jarvis, B. B. 406 (133, 134). 454 (585-589),
Itoh, Y.90 (177). 102 461, 470
Ittah, H. 436 (362). 465 Jarvis, R. B. 457 (646). 471
Ittel, S. D. 246 (346). 254 Jary, J. 515 (206). 529
Ittell, S . D. 606 (538). 607 (543. 544). 637 Jasche, K. 400 (88). 417 (205). 460,462
Itzstein. M.von 434 (334-336). 465 Jaud, J. 522 (272). 530
Ivanov, B. E. 234 (267). 253, 536 (33). 537 Jawa, J. Y.449 (541). 469
(34). 563 Jellinek, F. 483, 484 (86). 486
Ivanov, P.Yu. 155 (26). 183 Jemmins, E. D. 42 (158). 48
Ivin, S. Z. 518, 521 (239). 529 Jenck, J. 58, 60 (66), 99
Iwaizumi, M. 138 (22). 141, 142 (45). 148 Jenkins, I. D. 433 (320, 321, 324, 325). 434
Iyatomi, K. 644 (5). 660 (334-336). 464, 465
Izawa, T. 447 (479). 468 Jenkins, J. D. 52 (6). 98
Izawa, Y.331 (173). 381, 506 (138, 139). 517 Jenkins, J. M. 569 (28). 625
(229). 527,529 Jenkins, R. N. 333 (196), 381
Jennings, W. B. 31 (115). 47
Jablonski, C. R. 606 (536). 636 Jenny, W. 523 (280, 281). 530
Jache, A. 14 (26). 46 Jensen. B. D. 657 (53). 661
Jackel, G. 145 (63). I48 Jensen, C. M. 597 (370), 633
Jackson, J. A. 157 (51). 183 Jensen, J. A. 602 (464). 635
Jackson, W. R. 91 (178). 102 Jensen, K. A. 568 (3,9), 624, 625
Jacob, D. 166 (160). 186,457 (639). 471 Jesson, J. P. 199, 202 (74), 246 (346). 248,
Jacobsen, B. 597 (382, 385). 598 (403). 633 254,606 (538), 607 (543, 544), 637
Jacobsen, G. B. 242 (318). 254, 617 (682). Jewiss, H. C. 570 (52). 607 (548), 610 (587).
640 61 1 (589). 621,622 (587). 626, 637,638
Jacobsen, S. E. 612 (617). 638 Jha, N. K. 600 (434). 634
Jacobson, R. A. 371 (316). 384 Jirackova, L. 560 (1 17). 566
Author index 689

Johannsen, B. 515 (215). 529 Joo, F. 569,570 (32).625

Johansson, R.45I (570).469 Jordan, M. 170 (249).188
John, A. M. 212,213 (159).228 (159,244, Jore, 0. 67 (1 18). 100
246),229,233 (244).250, 252 Josephson, A. S. 658 (57).661
John, J. P. 420 (224).463 Joussef, A. C . 406 (132).461
Johncock, P.457 (645). 471 Judd, L. 617 (684).640
Johnson, A. W. 421 (233).463 Jug, K. 13,32 (25).46
Johnson, B. F. G. 430 (291).464, 577 (90, Jugt, S . 64 ( 1 1 Ib), 100
91). 590 (265). 608 (559).626, 630, 637 Juge, S. 60 (92).100, 179 (384,386,387).
Johnson, C. E. 612 (600). 638 I 90
Johnson, C. R. 63,70 (log), 100 Julia, L. 396 (69),459
Johnson, D. K. 208,209 (130). 212,213 (160, Julliard, M. 537,549 (35). 563
171). 244 (171).250. 251, 612 (617), Jun, G. Y. 265 (54). 293
638 Jung, C . W. 608 (565). 637
Johnson, F. 332,335 (177).381 Jurczak, J. 434 (337).465
Johnson, G. A. 170 (233).187, 31 1 (85). 379 Jurgeleit, W. 439 (391).466
Johnson, G. K. 129,131 (21). 135 Juri, P.N. 59 (75).100
Johnson, G. M. 512,517 (186),528. 558 (98). Juri, P.W . 612 (610).638
565 Jutzi, P. 158 (73,75). 184
Johnson, J. W. 53 (23).81 (136).98, 101, 179 Juvinall. G. L. 479 (67). 486
(382).190, 589 (248).630
Johnson, K. K. 59 (84).100 Kaaack, H. 161 (98,99). 184
Johnson, N.A. 540,554 (46a).555 (93),556 Kaabak, L. V. 174 (332). 189
(46a.93).564, 565 Kabachnik, M. 1. 163 (129). 174 (332).185,
Johnson, 0. 591 (279).631 189, 193. 195 (20).207,208 (122).247,
Johnson, R. D. 17 (62,63).46 250,476(4648).477 (46.47),485,
Johnson, R. K. 614 (646).639, 657 (52,53). 486, 517 (231),518 (232),529,535 (31,
66 I 32). 541 (31). 546 (80). 547 (81). 563,
Johnson, R. N. 208.210 (141-143).250, 616 565
(672). 640 Kabachnik, M. J. 571 (54).626
Johnstone, R. A. W. 571 (57).626 Kabachnik, M. M. 160 (92). 184
Jolly, P.W. 596 (354). 632 Kabir, S. E. 590 (264).630
Jolly, W. J. 35 ( I 25). 48 Kabitzke, K. 503 (101).526
Jolly, W. L. 175 (335).189, 474 (12),485 Kachkovskaya, L. S. 320 (129).380
Jonas, K. 286 (94).293 Kaden, R. 131 (34),136
Jonassen, H. B. 578 (98),627 Kader, H.A. 447 (489).468
Jones, A. J. 616 (671).640 Kaesz, H. D. 155 (20).183, 484 (100). 487,
Jones, D.H. 439 (401).466 613 (629,630). 639
Jones, F.M. 111 476 (35). 485 Kagan, H.177 (366).190
Jones, L. A. 455 (613).470 Kagan, H.B. 52 (9,14). 53 (25b). 55 (45).
Jones, M. H. 652 (39).660 59 (76,81, 83). 60(45,83). 70 (81).72
Jones, P.G. 579 ( I 13). 599 (428).600 (428- (76).75,77,78 (130).82 (81, 145). 83
430). 627, 634 (25b. 76.81, 150). 84 (148). 86 (162).89
Jones, R. 610 (582).638 (175). 92 (76).98-102, 214 (181,182).
Jones, R.A. 174 (329).189, 578 (95).579 215 (181),251, 612 (606).638
( I 11). 580 (95,122,123). 581 (127).586 Kagotani, M. 61 (102). 100
(193,199). 591 (275-277).592 (284, Kai, Y.597 (387).633
288). 593 (288.297). 594 (288).596 Kaim, W. 40,41 (142).48
(350). 604 (501). 619 (702),626, 627, Kaiser, E. T. IICb112 (18). 124. 146 (82.84).
629. 631, 632, 636, 640 149
Jones, R. F. 598 (392).633 Kaiser, S. C. 603 (493).635
Jones, T. 199,204 (57).248, 600 (441,442, Kaiser, S. L. 219-221 (212).251, 591 (280).
444).634 63 I
Jones, T. C. 578 (103).627 Kaiya. T. 91 (184).102
Jones, W. D. 608 (561).637 Kakurina, V. P. 415 (195).462
Jones, W. J. 154 (17,18). 155 (18). 183 Kalabina, A. V. 161 (100,101,103). 162
Jongh. L. J. de 593 (303).631 (la), 184, 185
690 Author index

Kalcher, W. 272, 278. 290 (74). 293 Kastening. B. I13 (29). 124
Kallas, E. 242 (312). 253 Kasukhin, L. F. 434 (342). 435 (342, 349.
Kalman, A. 435 (356). 465 350). 465
Kamai, G. 170 (261-263). I88 Kataev, E. G. 405 (121). 460
Kameda, M. 235 (274). 253 Kataeva, 0. A. 14 (39, 40). 46
Kampel, V. T. 517 (231). 518 (232). 529 Kato, M. 450 (545). 469
Kampel, V. Ts. 535 (32). 563 Kato. T. 64 ( 1 12). 100
Kampf, G . 658 (56). 661 Katogiri, N. 456 (634). 471
Kan, K. 597 (387). 633 Katsumata, Y . 645 (12). 660
Kanehira, K. 90.95 (176). (107), 100, 102, Katsumura. A. 86 (160). 101
164 (141). 185 Katz, T. J. 298, 302, 305 (20). 316 (106). 330
Kaneko, C. 503 (90),526 (20, 168, 169). 365 (106). 366 (169).
Kanellakopulos, 8 . 289 (98). 294 378. 379,381, 490 (7). 524
Kane-Maguire, L. A. P.430 (296, 297). 43 I Kauer, J. C. 406 (129). 461
(300, 302, 303), 464 Kauffman. T. 199. 200, 205, 206 (95). 249
Kanematsu. K. 436 (367). 465 Kauffmann, T. 157, 160 ( 5 5 ) . 183, 199. 200,
Kannen, N. 523 (283). 530 205 (87). 249
Kano, T. 179 (375). 190 Kauffmann, Th. 164 (148, 149), 186
Kanska, M. 156 (39). 183 Kaufman, M. L. 490 (6). 501 (66). 524, 525
Kanter, H. 361 (298). 384,507 (140). 508 Kaufmann, G . 297 (10). 337 (213). 377,382
(141). 527 Kawabata, T. 404 (1 I I), 465
Kapoor, P. N. 173 (310), 189, 199 (70, 71, 76, Kawamura, M. 43 (183). 49
77). 200 (70, 71), 202 (70, 71, 76. 77, Kawamura, N. 85 ( 1 55). 101
99). 219 (99, 21 1). 220 (21 I), 223 (99, Kawano, H. 91 (184). 95 (188). 102. 609
21 I), 224 (99.21 1. 234). 225 (70. 99, (576). 637
234). 248, 249.251, 252, 400 (93). 401 Kawasaki, T. 437 (376, 377). 450 (544). 466.
(94). 460,475 (24). 485. 608 (563), 616 469
(673, 679). 617 (683). 637, 640 Kawashima, T. 540 (50), 564
Kapoor, R. N. 199, 202 (76). 224. 225 (234). Kazakova, A. A. 139 (28). 148
249,252 Kazenwadel, W. 426, 456 (253). 463
Karasch. M. S. 445, 446 (458). 467 Keat, R. 449 (533, 534). 469
Kargin, Yu. M. 106 (14, 15). 1 I 1 (15). I14 Kebarle, P. 40 (149), 48, 481 (78, 79). 482
(14). 124, 139 (28). 146 (89). 148. (79). 486, 571 (59). 626
149 Kees, F. 315, 361 (103). 379
Kargur, Yu.M. 111, 112 (19a), 124 Keiter, R. L. 199 (58-60, 91). 201, 202 (91).
Karlson, H. 503 (105). 526 203 (5840). 219 (212). 220, 221 ( 5 8 , 59,
Karlstedt, N. B. 414 (185). 462 212). 248. 249. 251. 603 (492,493). 606
Karpova, E. N. 155 (24), 158 (79), 183, 184 (537). 620 (718). 635, 636, 6 4 1
Karsch, H. H. 42 (155). 4 8 , 164 (135, 136). Kelland, N. S. 438 (387). 466
185, 193 (1&16), 194 (IS, 16). 195 (14). Kellenberger, B. 597 (375). 633
196 (38). 219 (208). 220 (208, 220). 222 Kellener, K. 59 (80). 100
(220). 236, 239. 241 (279), 242 (306, Kelle Zieher, E. H. 600 (431). 634
309, 316). 247 (348). (307, 308). 247, Kellner, K. 55 (36). 9 9 , 175 (340, 342). 189,
248,251-254, 590 (253. 254), 607 (541). 196, 197, 239 (40). 248
620 (71 I), 630, 637, 640 Kellog, R. M. 152 (6), 182
Karsh, H. H. 164 (138). 185 Kellogg, G. E. 571 (62). 626
Karvanov, K. V. 158 (79). 184 Kellogg, R. M. 55 (39), 99
Kasai, N. 597 (387). 633 Kelly, W. S . J. 212. 213 (174). 251
Kascheres, A. 406 (132). 461 Kemp, R. A. 31, 33 ( I 16). 47
Kashi, K. P.645 (13). 647 (17). 660 Kemp. T. J. 597 (380, 381). 633
Kashiwaba, K. 610 (586), 61 1 (588). 638 Kennard, 0.421 (237). 463
Kashiwabara, K. 166. 169 (173). 186
Kenner, G . w.449 (526,528). 469
Kennedy, D. A. 176 (359). 190
Kashiwahara, K. 56, 67 (51), 99
Kashman, Y. 297 (7, 8). 307 (63). 377,379 Kensler, T. T. 145 (77), 149
Kashyap. R. P.623 (759). 641 Keough, P. T. 170 (233). 187
Kaska, W. C. 212, 214 (178). 251 Kepert, D. L. 604 (495). 620 (721). 635, 641
Kaspar, J. 55 (38). 99 Kerby, M. C. 211-213 (154). 250
Author index 69 1

Kerfanto, M. 388 (23), 458 Kinoshita, I . 56, 67 (51). 99, 166, 169 (173).
Kerkeni, A. 596 (346). 632 I86
Kern, H. 175 (346a). 189 Kinting, A. 55 (40), 59 (77), 99,100
Kernevez, N . 143 (54), 148 Kinzel, E. 59 (78). 100, 215, 216 (191), 251
Kerr, C. M. L. 138 (17). 144 (64), 148. 149, Kirby, A. J. 7 (14), 7 ,13, 18, 40 (18). 45,
520 (261). 530 234 (267). 253, 387 (14). 443, 453 (449,
Ketari. R. 424 (249). 463 458.467
Ketring, A. R. 605 (522), 636 Kirby, E. C. 31 I , 312 (88). 379
Kevekordes, J. E. 585 (176). 603 (491), 628. Kirby, G.W. I17 (57). I25
635 Kirby, K. C.454 (583). 470
Keys, B. A. 540 (50),564 Kirby, P. 310 (83). 379,498 (43). 525
Keyzer, H. 166, 169 (172). 186,298, 306 (14). Kirchhoff, J. R. 606 (526). 636
377 Kirchner, 0. N. 593 (298). 631
Khachatryan, R. A. 173 (309). IN9 Kirichenko, L. N. 158 (87b). 184
Khaikin, L. S. 41 (154). 48 Kirklin, D. R . 129, 131 (47). 136
Khan, M. 573, 574 (76). 626 Kirman, J. 173 (319). 189,498 (37). 525
Khan, M. A. 600 (450). 635 Kirsanov, A. V. 174 (328). I89
Khan, M. M. T. 224, 226 (240), 2.52 Kirsch, R. 654 (47), 660
Khan, S. 1. 594 (321). 632 Kirschenbaum, D. M. 658 (57). 661
Khan, W. A. 533 (12a. 12b, 14). 534 (14). 555 Kirtman, B. 19. 36 (64).46
(90). 563. 565 Kisalus, J. 301. 302, 304 (31). 378
Khardin, A. P. 175 (347). 189 Kisalus, J. C. 148 (198), 186,298, 300. 302,
Kharmalov, V. A. 483 (90, 91). 486 303, 314, 318, 331 (18). 378
Khasanov, M. Kh. 170 (236, 237). 187 Kiselenko, A. A. 435 (350). 465
Khismatullina. L. A. 170 (262, 263). 188 Kiser, R. W. 130 (32). 136,533 (16). 563
Khodak, A. A . 546 (go), 565 Kishi, T. 138 (22). 141, 142 (45). 148
Kholmogorov, V. E. 510 (154). 527 Kiso, Y. 87 (168a). 102
Khwaja, H. 502 (82). 526 Kita, Y. 437 (376, 377). 450 (544). 466.469
Kice, J. L. 442 (435). 447 (498). 467,468 Kitagowa, S. 605 (516). 636
Kidwell, R. L. 457 (643), 47I Kitamura, M. 91, 92 (180-183). 95 (180). 102
Kieselack, P. 376 (340). 384 Kitaura, K. 388 (21). 458
Kieskowski. J. 437 (375). 466 Kitazawa. E. 447 (474), 467
Kiji, J. 156 (40). I83 Kitchen, E. C.40, 41 (141),48, 402 (102).
Kilcast, D. 372 (327), 384,543 ( 6 4 ~ )564. 460
Kildea, J. D. 599 (414). 634 Kitching, W. 105 (9). 106 (lo), 124
Kilduff, J. E. 14 (36), 46 Kitson. K. M. 520 (250). 530
Killingstad, V. L. 392-394 (45). 459 Klebach, Th. C.43, 44 (176). 49
Kim, T. J. 56. 61, 63 (48). 99 Kleemola, D. 332 (189), 338, 342 (227). 371,
King, K. G. 10, 13 (8). 45 372 (189). 375 (337), 381,382. 384
King, M. A. 260, 261 (37), 292 Klein, H. F. 590 (253, 255). 593 (296, 300),
King, R. B. 57 (58). 58 (64).70 ( 5 8 ) , (61). 595 (340). 596 (346), 630432
99, 173 (312). 189, 199. 200 (56, 70- Klein, H. P. 615 (666). 639
73, 88, 89). 202 (56, 70-73, 88, 89, 99, Klein, S. 585 (182). 628
100). 219 (56, 73. 88, 89, 99, 100, 204. Klein, S. I. 271, 290 (70). 293
211). 220 (73, 88, 89, 100, 21 I , 217). Kleiner, H. J. 521 (268). 530
221 (100). 222 (100, 204, 224, 227, 228), Klemann, L. P. 305 (51), 378
223 (73, 89, 99, 100. 204, 21 1, 230). 224 Klendworth, D. D. 585 (173). 628
(56, 73, 89, 99, 211, 230, 234, 238). 225 Klesney, S. P. 4 (8). 7
(56, 70, 73. 89, 99, 234). 226 (73, 238), Klick. H. L. 599 (416). 634
245 (73). 248. 249.251,252,400 (9 I , K h m e r . 0. R. 647 (14), 648 (14, 19). 660
93). 401 (94). 460,475 (24), 485,568 Klotzer. D. 238 (285), 253
(21). 622 (742), 623 (751). 625.641 Klotzer, D. 658 (56). 661
King, R. W. 569 (26), 625 Klupfel, W. 401 (97). 460
King, T. J. 588 (225). 629 Knaap. Th. A. van der 320 (126). 380
Kingma, J. A. J. M. 545, 546 (79d). 565 Knapczyk, J. W. 392-394 (45). 459
Kingma, R. F. 336 (207). 382 Knebl, R. 256 ( I l), 265 (58). 270, 278, 283
Kini, G.D. 447 (491). 468 (11. 66). 291,293, 369 (314). 384
692 Author index

Knecht, J. 44 (199). 49 Kokoszka. G. F. 512 (181). 52X

Kneen, W. R. 158 (81). 184 Kolbe. W. 239 (293). 253
Kneidl, F. 359 (288). 383 Kolesnikov, V. T. 406 (124). 460
Kneubiihler. W. 523 (281). 530 Kolkrnann, F. 156 (36). I83
Knobler, C. 599 (422). 634 Kolli, I. D. 40 (148). 4X
Knobler, C. B. 613 (629, 630), 639 Kolodny. R. 171 (290). 1x8
Knoch, F. 196. 198 (44),248, 320 (132, 134), Kolodyazhnyi, 0. 1. 455 (620), 470
321 (139). 380 Kolorneets, V. I. 14, 15 (42). 46
Knoechel, D. J. 605 (510). 636 Kolthammer, B. W. S. 585 (181, 182). 586,
Knoevenagel, K. 442 (442). 467 605 (207). 628. 629
Knoll, F. 43 (175). 49, 196, 197. 222 (37b). Kornarov, V. Ya. 419 (212). 462
248, 256 ( S ) , 291, 323 (145). 380, 456 Komissarova, S. L. 170 (257). I R X , 404 ( I 18),
(628). 471 460
Knott, R . B. 338, 342, 371 (228). 382 Komson, R. C. 299 (22), 378
Knouzi, N. 435 (353). 465 Kondo, Y. 388 (26), 4SN
Knowles, W. S. 53 (25a). 57 (55). 59. 60 (85). Konijn, M. 43, 44 (176). 49
69 (5% 82 (18, 25a. 55). 83 (25a. 55). Konishi, H. 156 (40). 183
84 ( 5 5 , 149), 86 (25a). 91 ( 5 5 , 185). 9R- Konishi, M. 61 (102), 86 (160). 100, 101. 164
102.214 (185). 251 (l4l), 185
Knudsen, K. L. 365 (307). 377 (341). 384 Konno, S. 456 (634), 471
Knunyants, I. L. 156 (34). 183* 196. 197, 208. Konotopova. S. P. 430 (287, 288). 464
210 (43). 248, 447 (494). 456 (635). 468, Konovalova, I. V. 513 (189, 190), 528
4 71 Kool, L. B. 583 (145), 628
Kniippel, P. C. 193. 194 (26). 248 Kopel’tsiv, Yu. A. 406 (124). 460
Knuppel, P. C. 581 (l32), 627 Korchevin, N. A. 450 (557). 469
KO, D. 262 (46), 292 Kordes. A. W. 605 (525). 636
Kobayashi, K. 64 ( I 12), 100, 644 (2). 660 Kordosky. G. 199, 200, 206 (67a), 248
Kobayashi, S. 79 (19). 98, 447 (479). 468 Korner, H. 131 (34). 136
Kobayashi, T. 404 (1 14). 460 Kornmann, R. 1 1 4 - 1 16 (31b), 124
Kobayashi, Y. 330 (171, 172), 369 (312, 313), Korolev, B. A. I18 (61), 125, 476 (25-28).
381, 384, 434 (338). 465, 490 (8, 9), 478 (25-27). 485
524 Korp, J. 59, 72, 83 (74). 99
Kocheshkov, K. A. 40 (148), 48, 503 (93). Korp, J. D. 579 ( I 14). 627
526 Korpium, 0. 63, 67 ( I lo), 74 (126). 75 (127a.
Kochi. J. K. 119, 121-123 (63). 125, 243 127b), 100, 101
(321). 254. 503 (102, 112). 526, 533 Korpiun, 0. 168 (200). 187
(19), 542 (%a), 563. 564, 610 (580), Korse, K. W. 40 (137. 138). 48
63 7 Korshak, V. V. 157 (61), 184
Kodama, G. 235 (274). 253 Korte, F. 167 (18G182). 168 (180). 186, 313
Kodama, T. 95 ( I 88), 102, 603 (490). 609 (94). 318 (116), 379. 380
(576). 635. 637 Kortsky, 0. L. 396 (68), 459
Koe, P. de 359 (291). 383 Koskran, K. J. 569 (42), 625
Koehler, F. H . I64 (136). 185 Kosolapoff, G. M. 7 ( I I ) . 7 , 154 (IS), 155
Koenig, K. 57 (56). 99 (27), 157, 171, 174, 175 (1.5). 183,482
Koenig. K. E. 84 (149). 101, 177 (363). 190 (851,486
Koenig, M. 503 ( I 23), 527 Kosovtsev, V. V. 430 (289). 464
Koenig, T. 539 (45), 560 (45, 114. I 15, 118). Kost, D. 44 ( I 86). 49
564.566 Koster, R. 168 (207), 187
Koestlert. T. P. 655 (SO). 661 Kostic. N. M. 337 (213). 382
Koetzle. T. F. 588 (235. 237). 591 (278, 279). Kostyanovskii, R. G. 428 (2W267). 463
594 (321), 602 (462). 630432. 635 Koten, G. van 612, 614 (616). 638
Kogure. T. 58 (72), 61 (97). 86 (157. 158, Kotera, K. 58 (65). 99
161). 99-101 Kouba, J. K. 201 (98), 249, 602 (476). 603
Kohler, F. H. 588 (226). 629 (482). 604 (496), 635, 636
Koizurni, T. 64 ( I 1 la). 100 Kountz, D. J. 581 (137). 582 (138). 621 (730,
Kojima, T. 14 (30). 46 733), 627, 641
Koketsu, J. 388 (21). 458 Kovics, J. 435 (355-357), 465
Author index 693

Kovenya, V. A. 450, 45 I (552), 469 Kuchen, W. 171 (284, 285). 188, 204, 206
Kow, , A. 483 (89), 486 (106). 249
Koyano, K. 61 (100. 123), 74, 75 (123). 100. Kuchitsu, K. 13, 24 (22). 45
101. 168 (199), 186. 212, 213 (167). Kuczkowski, R. L. 13 (23). 14 (38). 24 (23).
2.50 45, 4 6 , 372 (325). 384
Kozelka, J. 598 (391), 633 Kudelka, 1. 560 ( I 18). 566
Kozlov, E. S. 518 (232). 529. 535 (31, 32), Kudrina, M. A. 650 (29). 660
541 (31). 563 Kudryavtsev. A. A. 406 (124), 460
Kozyrev, B. (SI), 125 Kudryavtsev. A. B. 155 (25). 183
Krdemer, R . 504 (125), 527 Kudyakov. N. M. 500 (53). 525
Kral, K. M. 439 (408), 466 Kugimiya, M. 523 (284), 530
Krannich, L. K. 453 (MI), 470 Kuhne, U. 166 (174), 186, 193 (13). 199, 200
Krasuski, W . 398 ( 7 5 ) ,459 (86). 247, 249, 308 (71), 310 (84).
Kratzer, R. 522 (273). 530 379
Krause, H.-W. 59 (77), 100 Kukhdr, V. P. 313 (!IS), 379, 435 (350).436
Krause, K. 55 (40). 99 (368). 456 (631, 632). 465, 471
Krause, L. 118-120 (60). 125 Kul’disheva, 0. V. 447 (494). 468
Krause, L. J. 158 (65). 184 Kumada, M. 54, 55 (32), 56 (32, 47). 61 (32,
Krech, F. 118-120 (60), 125, 163 (132), 166 47, 102). 62 (105). 82, 83 (47). 86 (159,
(174). 185, 186, 193 (13), 247, 296, 304 160). 87 (168a. 168b), 90 (176), 95 (176,
( I ) , 308 (70). 310 (84). 379 189). 96 (190). (107). 99-102, 164 (141).
Kremer, P. W. 45 I (562). 469 185, 212, 213 (170). 251
Kren, R. M. 458 (6.50). 471 Kumadaki, I. 330 (171, 172), 381, 434 (338).
Kretschmar, M. 658 (56), 661 465,490 (9). 524
Kreuzfeld, H.-J. 60 (91). 100 Kumadaki, J. 369 (312, 313), 384
Kreuzfeld, H. J. 215, 216 (195). 251 Kumagai, M. 86 (161). 101
Kriechbaum, G . 272, 278, 290 (74), 293 Kumar, R. 164 (1 39), I85
Krief, A. 450 (543), 469 Kumli, K. F. 66 (115). 100, 162 (109). 18-5
Krivchun, M. N. 510 (164). 528 Kummel, R. 166 (168, 170). 169 (168). 175
Krivun, S. V. 399 (76), 459 (336). 186, 189, (74), 379,474,475
Kriz, 0. 81 (135b). 101 (11),485
Krockow, E. W. 442 (442). 467 Kumobayashi, H. 60 (87). 61, 74, 75 (123).
Kron, T. E. 547 @ I ) , 565 91, 92 (182, 183). 100, 101, 102, 168
Kron, V. A. 452 (572), 470 (199), 186, 212, 213 (167). 250
Kroshevsky, R. D. 391 (37), 459 Kunin, A. J. 612 (602). 638
Kroth, H.-J. 449 ( 5 3 3 , 455, 4.58 (622). 469, Kunz, H. 226 (241), 227, 228 (241, 243). 229
4 70 (257), 237 (241, 243). 252,434 (330).
Kroto, H. W. 44 (185). 4 9 , 256, 257 (13, 15, 465
18-25), 260 (18-21, 24, 25, 35, 37, 39- Kunz, R. W. 598 (391). 600, 615 (446), 633,
41). 261 (19, 37). 262 (47). 271 (69, 70). 634
272 (69, 72). 275 (72). 278 (69, 72). 290 Kunze, U. 165 (151). 172 (305), 186, 189
(69, 70. 72). 292. 293 Kurasheva, N. A. 520 (267), 530
Krowicki, K. 447 (498), 468 Kurauchi, M. 448 (524,525). 468,469
Kriiger, C . 219, 220, 244 (206), 247 (354), Kurita. E. 43 (183), 49
251, 254 Kuroda, J. 645, 649 (9). 660
Kruger, C. 164 (138). 185, 280 (88). 286 (94), Kusabayashi, S. 388 (26). 458
293, 595 (339). 596 (354), 612 (61.5). Kustan, E. H. 442,449 (431). 467
632, 638 Kusuma, S. 652 (40). 660
Krumbach, V. 44 (192). 49 Kusumoto, T. 69, 80 (119), 101, 168 (205),
Krupoder, S. A. 40, 41 (145). 48 187, 234 (271). 253
Krusic, P. J. 246 (346), 2 5 4 , 503 (102, 112). Kuteinikova, L. I. 520 (267), 530
526, 533 (19), 542 (%a), 563, 564, 581 Kutter, J. 204, 206 (106). 249
(128). 606 (538),627, 637 Kutty, M. 173 (310), 189, 199, 202 (77). 249
Krusick, P. J. 543, 547 (64a). 564 Kutuev, A. A. 175 (348). 189
Kryger, R. G . 537 (37), 564 Kutzelnigg, W. 10, 22 (4), 23 (87, 89), 24 (89,
Kubas, G. J. 585 (183, 184). 591 (184). 628 98), 25 (4, 89), 30, 37 (4). 45, 47
Kubiak, C. P. 242 (315). 253 Kuwata, K. 503 (100). 520 (256). 526, 530
694 Author index

Kuznetsov, A. L. 500 (53). 525 Larkworthy, L. F. 583 (151). 628

Kuznetsov, E. V. 170 (232, 236, 237, 257). Larscheid, M. E. 59 (84). 100
187. 188,404 ( I 18). 460 Larsen. C. 429 (280). 464
Kwart, H. 10, 13 (8). 45 Larsen, K. 228 (246). 252
Kyaba, E. P. 58 1 (1 34). 627 Larsen, 0. 427 (258), 463
Kyand’zhetsian, R. A. 396 (66). 459 Larson, S. B. 62, 63 (109), 100, 232 (263,
Kyba, E. P. 59 (75). 62, 63 (109), 75 (129), 252
77. 79, 80 (132), 81 (129). 100, 101. Larsson, R. 207-209 (128), 250
119, 120 (62), 125, 171 (277, 294, 296). Lasch, J. G. 578, 580 ( 9 9 , 581 (127). 626,
188, 211 (154, 157). 212 (154, 157. 627
159). 213 (154, 159), 224 (266). 228 Lashewycz, R. A. 608 (557). 637
(159, 244-247), 229 (244, 245, 247). Lasne, M.-C. 41 (151, 153),48, 171 (301).
232 (265), 233 (244, 266), 250, 252, 387 I88
(ILL12). 458, 515 (205). 529, 612 (610). Lassaigne 2 ( I ) , 7
623 (758, 759). 638, 641 Latajka. Z. 43 (169, 170). 48.49
Kyllingstad, V. L. 392 (42). 459 Lather, R. P. 372 (325). 384
Latscha, H. P. 21 1-213 (156). 250
Lablache-Cornbier. A. 500 ( 5 8 , 59). 519 (245- Latten, J. L. 618 (694). 640
248), 525, 529 Lattman, M. 3 I . 33 ( I 16). 47, 479,484 (56).
Lacombe, S. 41 (153). 48 486
LaCount, R. B. 512 (185). 528 Lau, K. W. 393 (46). 459
Laet, D. L. 242 (315), 253 Lau, P. T. 158 (86). 184
Lafaille. L. 484 (94). 486 Lauer, M. 59, 72, 83, 92 (76). 100
Laffeny, W. J. 13, 24 (22, 23). 45 Lauff, J. J. 405 ( 123). 460
Lafont. D. 54 (31). 58 (63. 69). 62. 83 (31). Laurenco, C. 297 (IO), 377
99. 164 (143), I85 Laurie, V. W. 13, 24 (23), 45
Lagercrmtz, C. 503 (105), 526 Laussac, J . P. 241 (302). 253
Lahuerta, P. 594 (330), 632 Lauter, W. 170 (264). 188
Laing, M. 591 (283), 631 Lauteschlager, S. 164, 171 (137). 185
Lakenbrick. M. 130, 131 (29), 136 Lauzon, G. de 332 (185), 337 (185, 221). 338
Lal, B. 433 (329). 465 (185. 2281, 340 ( I S ) , 342 (228). 346
La1 De. R. 577, 578 (89), 626 (185. 221). 371 (228), 381. 382, 506
Lambert, J. B. 300 (28). 304. 305 (45). 318 (136, 137). 527
( I 17). 378. 380, 451 (564). 469 Lavayssiere, H. 448 (517), 468
Lambert. P. H. 436 (360), 465 Lavigne, G. 247 (352), 254. 608 (554), 617
Lambeth, P. F. 503, 520 (94), 526 (686). 637,640
Lampe, F. W. 502 (81), 526 Laville, G. 455 (615417). 470
Lampin, J.-P. 333 (199). 381 Lavrent’ev, A . N. 158 (87b), 184
Landauer, S. R. 391 (34). 459 Lavrova, E. E. 175 (339), 189
Landoussy, C . 503, 524 (91), 526 Lawson, H . F. 317 (114). 380
Lane, R . M. 212, 213. 244 (171), 251 Lay, D. G. 586,605 (207), 629
Laneman, S. A. 245 (340), 254 Lazzaroni, R. 54 (34). 99
Lange, F. W. 502 (78, 79). 526 Leach, J. M. 416 (201). 462
Langenfeld, B. 176 (352), 190 Leavitt, F. C. 332, 335 (177). 381
Langer, C. 199. 204 (84), 249 Lebbe, T. 199, 200, 202, 219-221 (69). 228,
Langer. E. 196, 198 (46). 208, 209 (124, 129), 231 (254. 255), 248, 252
248. 250, 306 ( 5 5 ) , 378 Lebedev, V. B. 158 (87b). 184
Langhans. K. P. 193-195, 239 (28). 248 Ledoux, M. J. 602, 604 (477). 635
Langlois, N. 86 (162). 101 Lee, C. L. 196 (30). 248
Langrick, C. R. 158 (89). 160 (91). 184 Lee, H. Y. 42 (163). 48
Lapin, A. A. 413 (183). 462 Lee, J. B. 455 (609). 456 (630). 470, 471
Lapkin. A. A. 449 (527). 469 Lee, J.-S. 492 (16). 524
Lappert. M. F. 144 (65, 66). 145 (65. 66, 72), Lee, J. Y. 167 (191). 168 (208, 209). 186, 187
149, 163 (131). 164 (134), 185, 204 Lee, K. W. 605 (525). 636
(log), 249, 503 (118, 121), 512 (183, Lee, S.-G. 558 (105). 566
184), 527, 528, 572 (67). 626 Lee, S. G. 512 (187), 528
Larcheveque, M. 89 (175). 102 Lee, S. 0. 298 (17), 299 (25). 304 (17). 378
Author index 695

Lee. S. T. 260 (38). 292 Levin, Ya. A. 106 (14, 15). 111 (15. 19a). 112
Lee. T. H. 35 (125). 48 (19a), 114 (14). 124, 146 (89, 90). 149,
Lee-Ruff, E. 474 (18). 485 536 (33), 537 (34). 563
Leeuwen, P. W. N. M. van 199, 200 (63), 248 Levine, I. N. 24, 26, 30 (92). 47
Leffler, J. E. 434 (344). 435 (344, 347, 348). Levison, M. E. 658 (57). 661
465 Levy, J. B. 310 (81). 379, 392 (43). 459
Legon, A. C. 43 (l73), 49 Levy Clement, C. 114 (a), 124
Legras. Y. 179 (387). 190 Lewis, A. R. 53 (21). 98
Le Guem, D. 454 (601). 470 Lewis, D. 243 (323). 254
Leguern, D. 454 (596). 470 Lewis, D. B. 603, 605, 609 (487). 635
Lehman, D. S . 332, 335 (177). 381 Lewis, G. B. 128 (12). 135
Lehman, K. K. 45 (204), 49 Lewis, J. 430 (291). 464, 577 (90. 91). 590
Lehmann, H.-M. 131 (34). 136 (265). 608 (559). 626. 630, 637
Lehn, J. M. 22, 24, 25, 28, 31, 33 (76). 37 Lewis, P. G . 388 (18). 458
(126). 38 (76. 126). 39 (76). 47, 48 Lewis, R. 172 (304). 189
Leigh. G. J. 199, 204 (52, 55). 248, 271, 277, Lewis, R. A. 63, 67 (110). 74 (126). 75 (127b,
278 (67). 293, 585 (175). 628 128a. 128b). 76, 77 (128b). 100, 101
Leissring, E. 179 (379). 190, 196 (35). 197 Lewis, R. C. 318 (118). 380
(35, 50). 211 (155). 212 (155, 158). 213 Ley, K. 116 (44), 124
(158). 239 (288). 248,250,253, 306 Ley. S . V. 442 (436). 467
(57). 309, 353 (78). (74). 379,411 (169, Leyerer, H. 54 (29). 98
170). 412 (178), 414 (170, 190). 461, Lhotak, H. 164 (148). 186
462 Li, B. L. 196, 198 (45). 248
Lema, R. H. 503 (97). 526 Libertini, E. 608 (561). 637
Lemke. T. L. 436 (373). 466 Libson, K. 605 (521, 522, 524). 636
Lemmen, T. H. 583 (150). 614 ( 6 4 5 ) . 628. Lichtenberger, D. L. 571 (62). 589 (243). 626,
639 630
Lemmon, D. H. 157 (51). 183 Lichtenstadt, L. 52, 74 ( I ) , 9 8 , 170 (264). 188
LeMoing, M. A. 454 (601). 470 Lichtenthaler, F. W. 442 (444).467
Lenhard, T. 157 (52). 183 Lide, D. R. 14 (34). 46
Leonard, F. 449 (530). 469 Lieb, F. 323 (143). 334 (203). 359 (283, 284),
Leonov, A. A. 419 (212), 462 373 (143, 332). 376 (332), 380,382-384
Leotsakis, G. S . 199, 203 (60).248 Liebl. R. 359 (289), 362 (300), 383,384
Lerch. C. 44 (190). 49 Liebman, D. 430 (293). 464
Leroux, Y. 423 (240), 463 Lienert, J. 179 (380). 190
Leske, W. 577 (92). 626 Lieto. J. 61 1 (592). 638
Letson, A. 262 (46). 292 Lilga, M. A. 196 (30). 248, 612 (603, 604).
Letts, J. B. 621 (728). 641 638
Leuer, M. 44 (198). 4 9 , 506 (135). 527 Lim, T. F. 0. 432 (307). 464
Leung, P. H. 165 (153). 179 (378). 186. 190 Lin, C. C. 14 (30), 46
Le Van, D. 320 (135-137). 321 (135), 380 Linck, W. 131 (34). I36
Levaso, W. 652 (39). 660 Lindberg, B. K. 435 (356). 465
Levason, W. 192 (4). 193 (9), 206 ( I 16). 207 Linder, H. A. 618 (696). 640
(116, 120, 125). 208 (120, 125). 209 Lindner, E. 171 (273). 175 (345, 346a). 188,
(125). 211, 212 (151). 242 (9). 247. 249, 189, 336 (212). 382
250, 569 (34. 38), 570 (34.45, 48, 49, Lindsay, C. H. 613 (632). 639
51, 52). 587 (218). 590 (259). 595 (335). Lindsell, W. E. 584 (159). 628
596 (349), 598 (259.402). 599 (409), Lindsey, R. V. Jr. 428, 429 (271). 463
604 (218, 499. 500). 607 (48, 548, 549). Linehan, J. 244 (336). 254. 620 (712). 640
610 (49, 579, 584, 587). 61 1 (589). 612 Linehan, J. C. 244 (334). 254, 620 (714). 640
(549, 618). 613 (49, 618, 623). 614 (634, Ling, J. H. 569 (41). 625
642444). 617 (34). 618 (499. 700). 621 Lingenfelter, D. 212, 213 (168). 250
(499, 587, 634, 700). 622 (587, 634). Lin’kova, M. G. 447 (494), 468
625, 626, 629. 630, 6 3 2 4 3 4 , 636-640 Linnet, J. W. 131 (35). 136
Levi, P. E. 651 (34). 660 Liott. C. L. 166 (176). 186, 306 (58). 379
Levin, C. C . 19 (69). 38 (128), 46, 48 Lippard, S . J. 232 (261), 252
Levin, Y. A. 503 (88).526 Lippsmeier, B. 492 (I3), 524
696 Author index

Lischewski, M. 196, 197 (39). 248 Lund, H. 112 (25). 124

Lisic, E. C. 242 (317). 254 Luss, H. R. 316 (104). 379
Little, J. R. 510 (151). 527 Luthi, H.-P. 598 (391), 633
Little, M. G. 588 (224), 629 Lutsenko, A. I. 456 (635). 471
Littlefield, L. B. 158 (88). 184 Lutsenko. I. F. 160 (92). 184, 193, 194 (17,
Liu, H. Y. 576 (85). 626 18). 247, 391 (35), 414 (185). 459, 462
Liu, L. K. 228, 229, 233 (244). 252 Luttikhedde, H. J. G. 583 (150), 628
Liu, L.-T. 439 (405). 466 Luzanova, M. B. 170 (235). 187
Liu, S.-T. 171 (294). 188, 515 (205), 529, 581 Lynch, R. J. 450,45 1 (558). 469
( 134). 623 (759). 627. 641 Lyons, A. R. 138 (18, 19). 140 (19). 141 (44,
Liu, S. T. 171 (277). 188, 211-213 (154, 166). 47). 148, 503 (107, 109-1 I I ) , 526
228, 229 (247), 250, 252 Lyons, D. 586 (190, 192, 195, 204), 587 (204),
Ll'ina, L. K. 158 (79), 184 588 (190). 629
Lloyd, B. R. 581 (131). 627
Lloyd, D. 436 (365). 465 Maah, M. J. 271, 277, 278 (67). 279 (81). 280
Lloyd, J. R. 336 (208). 382,439 (406). 445 (83, 86). 287 (96). 290 (83). 293. 294
(457). 466,467 Maas, G. 289 (99). 294, 325, 353 ( 1 4 8 ~372
Llusor, R. 594 (330). 632 (326), 380. 384
Lobana. T. S. 442 (439). 467 Macaudikre, P. 56 (193), 102
Lochschmidt, S. 241 (304), 253 Maccarone, E. 388 (25). 458
Logan, T. J. 171 (299). 188 MacDiarmid, J . E. 297 (12). 377
Lohr, L. L. 45 (204), 49 Macdonell, G. D. 302 (38). 378
Lohs, Kh. 113 (27). I14 (27, 30), 124 Mach, W. 358 (280). 361 (298). 383, 384, 508
Lomakin, V. Yu.419 (212). 462 (141). 527
Long, L. H. 128, 131 (S), 135 Maciaszek, S. 610 (581). 637
Longato, B. 595 (343), 632 Mack, H.-G. 44 (191). 49
Longoni, G. 594 (321). 596 (366). 632. 633 Mackenzie, P. B. 58 (68), 99, 212, 214 (176).
Lons, J. 208, 209 (123), 250 251
Lorand. J. P. 537 (37), 564 Mackie. A. G. 588 (224, 227), 629
Lorenz, J. 479 (66). 486 Mackie, R. K. 239 (289). 253, 441 (424). 466
Lorenz. K. 160 (97). 184 MacKinnon, I. A. 164 ( 1 34). 185
Loseva, M. S. 650 (29). 660 Macleod, I. 199, 202 (78). 249
Loutellier, A. 577 (87). 626 Macomber, D. W. 587 (219). 629
Louw, W. J. 597 (376). 633 MacPherson, A. J. 182 (393). 190
Lovas, F. J. 13, 24 (23). 45 Madaule, Y. 24, 28 (97). 47
Lovell, M. 171 (283). I88 Maddox, P. S. 85 (154). 101
Lowther, N. 439 (406), 445 (457). 466, 467 Madigan, M. J. 219-221 (212). 251
Luck, R. L. 585 (187, 189). 586 (209), 628, Mading, P. 199, 200 (54). 238 (285). 248. 253
629 Mading, P. 658 (56), 661
Lucken, E. A. 503 (1 13). 526 Maercker, A. 305 (46). 378
Lucken, E. A. C. 116 (50). 125, 143, 144 (61). Magdesieva, N. N. 396 (66, 67). 459
148, 543 (68). 565 Magne, F. C . 519 (241), 529
Luckenbach, R. 160 (97). 168 (203), 169 Magnuson, V. R. 610 (%I), 637
(214). 170 (246). 184. 187 Magnusson, E. 23, 24 (85). 25, 26 (85, 104-
Luczak, J. 82 ( 1 3 5 ~ ) .101 107), 27 (105). 28, 29 (107). 30 (85,
Ludwig, E. G. 438 (385). 466 104-107). 31, 35, 36, 38 (107). 39 (133),
Ludwig, W. 440 (414). 466 40 (104-107, 133-135). 47, 4 8 , 474 (7).
Luetkens, M. L. 583 (154, 155). 584 (160, 485
161). 602, 603 (160). 628 Magon, L. 588 (231). 630
Lugan, N. 608 (554, 555), 637 Mague, J. T. 61 1 (597). 618 (692), 638, 640
Luhan, P. A. 300 (26). 378 Mahadevan, C. 613 (625), 638
Luis, S. V. 456 (627), 471 Mahajan, D. 61 1 (596), 638
Lukas, B. 333 (195). 381 Mahler, W. 503 (112), 526, 542 (%a), 564
Luke, B. T . 145 (73), 149 Mahmoud, S. 335 (206), 382
Luke, M. A. 242 (314). 253 Mahran, M. R. 448 ( 5 lo), 468
Lumetta, G. J. 614 (641). 639 Maier, G. 256, 257, 262, 270 (26). 292
Lunazzi, L. 558 ( I O I ) , 565 Maier, J. P. 33 (120). 4 7 , 372 (327). 384
Author index 697

Maier, L. 7 ( 1 1 ) . 7 . 12, 17 (15),45, 131 (39), Manzer, L. E. 583 (153), 628

136, 146 (81). 149, 152 ( I ) , 156 (33). Maple, T. G. 131 (41), 136
164, 168 ( I ) , 169 (218). 170 ( I ) , 171 Marata, M. 436 (367). 465
(286, 289, 298). 172, 173 ( I ) . 174 ( I , March, F. C. 618 (701). 640
325). 175, 176 ( I ) , 182. 183. 187-189, March, J. 176 (357). 190
192, 199 ( I . 2), 247. 414 (188), 445 Marchenko, A. P. 450,451 (552). 469
(454), 448 (518). 449 (454). 462. 467. Marchetti, M. 54, 60 (30). 99
468,479 (63), 486 Marchi, A. 588 (231). 630
Maigrot, N. 337 (220), 382 Marciniak. B. 495 (23). 525, 557 (97).
Maillet, R. 168 (212), 187, 319 (123). 380 565
Mainz, V. V. 586 (208). 591, 593 (269), 629, Marco, J. A. 456 (627). 471
630 Marcondes, M. E. R. 503 (95, 96, 98, 99).
Majewski, M. 535, 547. 553 (27). 563 526
Majewski, P. 176 (356). 190 Marcus, R. 454, 456 (605). 470
Majoral, J.-P. 320 ( 133). 380, 504 ( I 25, I26), Mares, F. 593 (318). 632
522 (271. 272. 277). 527.530 Mari, A. 595 (341), 596 (345). 632
Makhaev, V. D. 171 (270, 271), 188 Marien, B. A. 454 (586-589). 470
Maki, A. G. 13, 24 (22, 23). 45 Marin, J. M. 416 (199). 462, 586 (202). 629
Maki, K. 499 (49). 525 Marinetti, A. 297 (5, 6). 300 (30). 325 (5, 6,
Makovetskii, Yu. P. 174 (328). 189 150, 151). 326 ( 5 , 150, 152-154, 156,
Malakhova, I. G. 163 (129). 185, 193, 195 157). 327 (159). 328 (165), 334 (157).
(20), 247 335 (6). 340 (157). 377,378,380, 381.
Malatesta, L. 568, 571, 595, 596 ( I I ) , 625 491 (11). 524
Malik, K. M. A. 158 (76), 184, 589 (247), 591 Marjewski, M. 129, 131 (18). 135
(276). 592-594 (288), 630, 631 Mark, E. 433 (322). 464
Malik, N. A. 653 ( 4 2 4 ) . 654 (43, 44),660 Mark, G . 327 (160). 380
Malish, W. 14 (48). 46 Mark, V. 416 (197). 452 (573). 462,470
Malm, J. G. 129, 131 (21). 135 Markau, K. 503 ( I O I ) , 526
Malone, J. F. 176 (359), 190 Markham, R. 155, 157, 158 (22). 183, 206,
Malotki, P. 400 (86). 460 207 (112, 118),234(112),249,615
Malpass, D. B. 168 (21 I ) , I87 (661464). 639
Malykina, T. 1. 170 (236). 187 Markl. G. 167 (178, 179). 186, 208, 210
Manabe, H. 587 (216). 62Y (138). 250, 257, 258 (28, 30). 259 (28).
Manatt, S. L. 479 (67), 486 262 (28, 30). 265 (54, 61). 267 (62, 64).
Mancini, V. 457 (641). 471 292,293. 296 (2). 302 (35, 36). 305
Manhas, M. S. 433 (318, 329). 464, 465 (48), 307 (62). 308 (66, 67, 72). 31 1
Mani, F. 569, 617419, 621 (40), 625 (87, 89). 315 (102, 103). 316 (109, 111).
Mankowski-Favelier, R. 332, 335 ( 1 8 I ), 338 322 (36, 14G142). 323 (35, 143, 144).
(224). 340 ( I8 I ) , 381. 382 328 (35, 162). 333 (111, 201). 334 (202,
Manley, D. 448 ( 5 0 0 ) , 468 203), 346 (247, 248). 348 (142, 255).
Mann, B. E. 568 (7). 596 (362). 625, 633 351 (142, 259). 352 (36, 255). 353 (140).
Mann, D. E. 14 (34). 46 354 (140, 141). 355 (269). 357 (259,
Mann, F. G . 52 (4). 98, 166 (162). 186, 305 269, 271). 358 (2, 274, 277, 278). 359
(47), 311 (88). 312 (88, 90). 319, 320 (283, 284, 288, 289). 360 (62, 292-294).
( I 24). 378-380, 399 (78. 8 I , 82), 400 361 (62, 87, 103, 292, 294-296, 299).
(78, 82). 454 (592), 460, 470, 568 ( 5 , 8). 362 (274, 300-302). 363 (303, 304).
624, 625 365 (308). 367 (36, 293, 310). 369 (102,
Manning, P. J. 590 (264). 630 144). 373 (143, 278, 332). 376 (35, 278,
Manoharan, P. T. 610 (583). 613 (624-626), 292. 296, 332, 339). (73), 377-384
638 Markl, G . 55 (42). 99,418 (206). 462
Manojlovic-Muir. L. 199, 202 (75, 78). 242 Mark6, L. 52 (10). 55 (36), 57 (58). 58 (64).
(312). 249, 253, 581 (131). 596 (351). 59 (80), 60 (94). 70 (58). 85 (156). 97
605 (517). 627. 632, 636 (lo), 98-101
Mansilla, F. 608 (554), 637 Marko, L. (61). 9Y. 164 (142). 173 (312). 185.
Mansuy, D. 651 (32). 660 189, 215, 216 (193. 196). 222 (224).
Manuel, G . 522 (277). 530 251, 252
Manuel, T. A. 332, 335 (177), 3x1 Markovskii, L. 320 (129). 380
698 Author index

Markovskii, L. N. 256 (9, 10). 262 (49). 291, Mastryukova, T. A. 476, 477 (47). 486, 57 I
292,304 (60).379 (54), 626
Marks, T. J. 479 (65). 486, 602 (459). 635 Masuda, S. 64 ( I 12). 100
Marmion, M. E. 592 (286). 631 Masuda, T. 53, 83 ( 2 5 ~ )98
Marquading, D. 443 (448), 467 Math, D. 157, 160 (56). 183
Marques, E. C. 224, 226 (239). 252, 623 Mathey, F. 56 (193). 102, 168 (212). 169
(752). 641 (221, 223, 224a. 224b). 187, 203 (102).
Marriot, P. R. 556 (94). 565 249, 297 ( 5 , 6). 300 (30). 318 (121,
Marriott, R. C. 400 (90).460 122). 319 (123). 325 (5.6, 150, 151).
Marschner, F. 31 (1 13. I14), 32 ( I 14). 47 326 (5. 150. 152-158). 327 (159, 161).
Marsden, C. J. 14 (49). 23 (49, 82). 46. 328 (163-165). 332 (180-182, 184-187,
47 191a. 191b). 333 (182. 193, 199). 334
Marsh, D. G. 500 (56). 525 (157). 335 (6, 18G182, 184, 204, 205),
Marsh, L. A. 600 (442). 634 336 (209). 337 (164, 185. 186, 213-215,
Marshall, J. H. 145 (76), 149 218-221), 338 (184, 185, 204. 205, 222-
Marsi, K. 167 (195). 186 226, 228). 339 (205). 340 (157, 180-182,
Marsi, K. L. 56 (52). 99, 167 (184, 189). 168 185, 229-232). 341 (231, 234. 235). 342
(184, 201), 186, 187, 302 (38). 314 (98). (158, 228, 234). 343 (158). 345 (231,
378,379,439 (402). 466 234). 346 (185, 187, 221, 229. 246).
Marston, A. 449 (526, 528). 469 364 (215, 229, 235, 305, 306). 365 (229,
Martell. A. E. 224, 226 (240). 252 306). 368 (31 I), 371 (191a. 191b. 228,
Martin, C. 376 (339). 384 317). 372 (320, 321). 373 (226), 376
Martin, D. R. 155, 157, 158 (22), 1x3. 234, (311). 377, 378,380-382. 384,491 (11).
235 (269, 270). 253 506 (136, 137), 524. 527
Martin. J. W. L. 165 (153). 179 (378). 186, Mathis, F. 484 (94). 486
I 90 Matisons. J. G. 590 (261, 263). 630
Martin, L. R. 589, 590 (250). 630 Matough, M. F. S. 455 (609).470
Marty. W. 75 (151). 101 Matrosov, E. I. 517 (231). 529
Martynov, I. V. 454 (597), 470 Matschiner, H. 106 (16). 113, I14 (28). 118-
Martz, M. D. 441 (420). 466 120 (60). 124. 125
Maruyama, H. 447 (474), 467 Matsueda, R. 446 (470). 447 (474). 467
Maruyama, T. 562 (121, 122). 566 Matsumoto, H. 62 (105). 100, 212, 213 (170).
Mary, Y. 169 (224b). 187 251
Maryanoff, C. A. 15 ( 5 5 ) . 46, 140 (40). 148 Matsumoto. K. 318 (1 13). 380
Marynick, D. S. 23 (84). 24 (84, 103). 25 (84), Matsumoto. M. 593 (320). 632
38 (84, 103). 39 (84). 42 (166), 47, 48, Matsuura. H. 43 (183). 49
140 (35). 148, 571 (64). 603 (482). 626, Mattem, M. R. 657 (53), 661
635 Mattemas, L. U. 332, 335 (177). 381
Marzilli, L. G. 576 (8 1-83), 626 Matteroli, U. 91 (179). 102
Mashchenko, N. V. 160 (92). 184 Matthes. D. 311 (87). 315 (102). 316 (109).
Mashima, H. 61, 74, 75 (123). 101 361 (87). 362 (301). 369 (102). 379,380.
Mashima, K. 168 (199). 186. 212. 213 (167). 384
250 Matthews, R. W. 391, 443 (38). 459
Maslennikov, I. G. 158 (87b). I84 Matthey. F. 569 (43). 625
Masler, W. F. 54 (26), 62 (104). 68 (26). 98. Matusz. M. 244 (335). 254, 605 ( 5 13). 608
100 (564). 620 (717). 636, 637, 641
Mason, H. S. 649 (23). 660 Matveeva, E. V. 175 (347). 189
Mason, R. 193 (8). 208 (148, 149). 210 (148). Matzinger. D. 446 (463). 467
219, 242, 244 (8), 247, 250, 618 (7CII). Matzura, H. 427 (257). 463
621 (723). 640.641 Maverick, A. W. 623 (754). 641
Mason, R. F. 502 (73). 526 May, M. P. 572 (71). 626
Mason, S. A. 586 (194). 629 Mayer, J. 583 (158). 628
Mason, W. R. 614 (638). 639 Mayer, K. K. 302, 323, 328, 376 (35). 378
Massa, W. 350 (256). 383 Mayer. M. A. 175 (345). I89
Masserle, L. W. 583 (157). 628 Mayer, R. 116 (44). 124
Massey, A. I 1 I (19b). 124 Mayo, F. R. 559 ( I I2), 566
Massey, A. G. 157 (46). 183 Mayo, J. F. R. 173 (316). I89
Author index 609

Mayo, R. A. 577 (93). 626 220, 221. 224. 226 (218. 2l9), 239 (25).
Mazalov, L. N. 40, 41 (145), 48 247. 250. 252. 479 ( 5 7 4 0 , 62. 64.65).
Mazanec, T. J. 199-201, 220, 222 (93). 24Y. 4x6. 592 (284). 631
497 (31). 525, 621 (724, 727. 728). M I McCimpscy. W. G. 520 (265). 530. 558 (103).
Mazeline, C. 143, 144 (61). 148, SO3 ( I 13). 565
526 McCinn. M. A. 404 (22). 52.5
Mazepa, I. K. 174 (328). 1x9 McGuinnis, R. N. 587 (213), 6 3
Mazid, M. A. 597 (389). 615 (654). 616 (671). Mclver, R. T. Jr. 481 (77). 4x6
633* 639, 640 McKean. D. C. I4 (53). 46
Mazzi, U. 588 (232). 605 (524). 630. 626 McKechnie. J . 437 (381). 466
McAslan, E. B. 594 (331). 632 McKechnie. J. S. 450 (554). 469
McAuliffe, A. 164 (145). I85 McKee, M. L. 31 ( I 12, 116). 33 ( I 16). 47
McAuliffe, C. A. 192 (4, 7). 193 (9). 199, 205 McKelvie. N. 454. 456 (606). 470. SO1 (61).
(80). 206 (80, 115-1 17). 207 (80. I IS- 525
117, 125),208,209(125).211 (151). McKenna. P. J . 600 (44.5). 634
212 (151. 161). 213 (161), 219, 227, 234 McKennis. J. E. 5x1 (134). 627
(7). 242 (7, 9). 243 ( I IS), 244 (327). 246 McKinney. L. E. 572 (71). 626
(7), 247, 249, 250, 254, 568 (23). 569 McLaughlin, G. M. 179 (377. 378). / Y O
(23, 29, 34, 38). 570 (29, 34, 45, 51 ). McLaughlin. M. L. 166 (176). /X6. 306 (5%).
573 (23). 587 (217. 218), 588 (224, 225, 3 79
227, 228, 230). 590. 598 (259). 599 (424, McLennan. A. I. 193, 194 (27). 24%'
425), 604 (218). 608 (567). 615 (650. McLennan. D. J. 388 (22). 458
660, 667, 668). 616 (668, 669). 617 (29, McManus, S. P. 397 (72). 4.59
34). 623 (23), 625, 629. 630. 634. 637. McMillen, D. M. 133 (46), 136
639,1540. 652 (39). 660 McNaughton. D. 256. 257 (23). 260 (41).
McCabe, F. L. 614 (646). 639. 657 (52). 661 292
McCaffrey, D. J. A. 156 (38). 183 McNeese. T. J . 603 (481). 63.5
McCarley, R. E. 587 (213-215), 629 McNeil, P. A. 59, 83 (79). 100
McCloskey, C. J. 439 (407). 466 McPartlin. E. M. 391, 443 (38). 45Y
McClure, J. M. 403 (108, 110). 404 ( I 10). McPartlin, M. 214. 215 (187). 232 (263). 2 5 / .
460 252, 590 (265). 615 (653), 618 (694).
McConachie, V. M. 14 (27). 46 630. 639. 640
McConnachie, G. D. G. 138 (16, 21), 141 (16, McPartlin, N. 163 (120). I85
46). 142 (46). 147, 148, 503 (120). 527 McPhail, A. T. 299 (22). 300 (26). 371 (315).
McCoubrey, J. C. 12 ( l l ) , 4 5 , 127 (1). 129, 278, 384
131 (19). 135,476 (39). 485 McPhaul. M. J. 212. 213 (159). 228 (159. 244,
McCrary, A. L. 446 (461). 467 246). 229. 233 (244). 250. 252
McCullough, F. P. 211, 212 (151), 250, 587 McPhee, D. J. 449 (542), 469
(218). 604 (218, 500). 618, 621 (700). McWeeny, R. 19, 20 (70), 46
629, 636, 640, 652 (39). 660 Mead, K. A. 588 (234). 630
McDonald, J. K. 512 (188). 528 Meakin, P. 543, 547 ( H a ) , 564
McDonald, R. A. 13, 15, 16 (24). 46 Mealli, C. 245 (342), 254. 619 (704, 706).
McDonald, W. S. 206. 207 ( I 18, 119). 247 640
(349). 249,254, 594 (334). 598 (404). Medved, T. Y. 207, 208 (122). 250
615 (663.665). 632,633, 639 Meek, D. W. 157 (47), 173 (313). !74 ( 3 2 2 ~
McDowelI. C. A. 260 (38). 292, 543 (64b). 183, 189, 193 (8). 199. 200 (67a. 93).
564 201 (93). 206 (67a). 219 (8, 205, 215).
McEwan, D. M. 196, 197, 209 (32, 33). 248 220 (93, 215, 223). 221 (215). 222 (93.
McEwan, W. E. 7 (16). 7 . 179 (382), 190 205, 215, 223). 223 (229). 232 (262).
McEwen, W. E. 52 ( 5 ) . 53 (23). 66 ( I 15), 81 242, 244 (8). 247-249. 251. 252, 449
(136). 98, 100, 101. 162 (109, 110). 178 (537, 538). 469,497 (31), 525, 581
(372). 185, 190, 392 (4245). 393 (44- (137). 582 (138). 600 (438), 612 (607).
46), 394 (44, 45, 50). 454 (593). 459, 621 (72k728, 730, 733). 627, 634, 638,
4 70 64 I
McFarlane. H. C. E. 212 (152). 250 Meerholz, C. A. 442 (436). 467
McFarlane, W. 155 (28), 173 (311). 183, 189, Meeuwissen, H. J. 316 (105). 320 (126). 37Y.
193, 194 (25). 208, 209 (133). 212 (152). 380
700 Author index

Megson, F. 408 (145).461 31X. 331 ( I X ) . 333. 342 (198). 37X. 37Y.
Meguerian, G. 445 (456).467 .<XI
Mehner, L. 131 (34).136 Mcssbauer. B. 199. 204 (84).24Y
Meidine. M. F. 27I (70.7I ), 272 (72).275 Messmer. A. 435 (355-357).465
(72.77,78). 278 (72,78).290 (70.72. Mestchker, H.-J. 131 (34).136
77.78).2Y3 Metzger. J . 396 (64).45Y
Meier. P. 596 (344. 347.348). 632 Metrger. S. H. 155 (31). IN3
Meijboom, N. 172 (304). 1x9 Metzler. D. E. 645 ( I I ), 660
Meijer, J. 418 (207).462 Meuser, 1. F.6 4 X (20).660
Meijs. G. F. 163 (128). 18.5. 505 (131). Meyer. B. 171 (278).I X X
52 7 Meyer. D.55. 60 (45).99
Meinzer, A. L. 372 (325).384 Meyer. F. 442 (440). 467
Meir, C. J. 275.290 (77).2Y3 Meyer. H. 21 I . 212 (1551, 250, 309 (76.78).
Meisenheimer. J. 52,74 ( I ) . Y8, 170 (264). 349-352 (76).353 (76.78). 37Y, 412
I88 ( 17%).462
Meissner, I. 166 (170). I86 Meyer. J. 434 (341).36.5
Melandez, E. 85 (153). 101 Michaelis, A. 450 (546).46Y. 482 (83,84).
Meli, A. 245 (342). 254,619 (704-706.708. 486
709). 640 Michaels. F.M . 297.316 (9).377
Mel’mkov, B. V. 106 (14.IS), I I I (IS). 114 Michalski. J . 387 (6). 437 (375).4SX. 466
(l4),124 Michejda. C. J. 433 (319).464
Mel’nikov, B.V. I 1 I , 112 (19a). 124, 146 Michel, E.400 (87).460
(89). 14Y Michel. W.456 (628).471
Mel’nikov, N.N.43 (178).4Y Middlemas. E. D. 167 (183). 186. 315. 342
Melnikov. N. N.256 (6).291 (101). 379
Melson. G. A. 227,228. 246 (242).252 Middleton. D.L. 447 (488).46X
Melville, H.W.502 (85-87).526 Midollini. S. 245 (343). 254, 607 (546.547).
Melvin. L.S. 447 (477.478).468 618 (699).621 (546.734).622 (746).
Mendenhall. G. D. 440 (416).466 627. 640. 641
Mennenga. G. 593 (303). 631 Miki, K. 597 (387).633
Mente, D. C. 572 (70).626 Mikolajcrk, M. I X I (389). I90
Mentrup. A. 52.53 (3). 66 ( I 16). Y8. 100. 169 Mikolajcryk. M. 67 ( I I7a. 1 17b). 82 ( I35c).
(225,226,230). 1x7. 298 (13). 377, 388 100. 101
( I 7). 45X Mikolajczyk. M. 387 ( 13). 458
Mentzer. E. 158 (77). 184, 208 (149).2.50 Milczarek. R. 279 (82). 280 ( 8 2 , 8 5 ) . 286 (94).
Menu, M. J. 494 (21).525 2YZ. 329 (166,167).381
Menzel. J. 321 (139). 380 Miles, S. L. 594 (325).632
Merbach, A. E. 596 (344,347.348), 632 Milewski-Mahrla, B. 236 (275.276). 242
Mercier, F. 169 (221,223. 224a,224b). 187, (316). 253. 2.54
203 (102). 249, 318 (121.122). 332 Millar. 1. T. 131 (36). 1 3 6 , 305 (47),319.320
(187). 340 (23G-232).341,345 (231). ( I 24). 378. .lXO. 399,400 (78).460
346 (187).364. 365 (306). 371 (317). Millen. D.J. 43 (173).49
380-382. 384 Miller. B. 452 (571.574),469. 470
Mercykutty, P. C. 608 (563). 637 Milligan. W.0. 598 (398).633
Meredith, C. 644 (4).660 Millington. D.199.202 (75.78). 249, 449
Meriem, A. 320 (133).380. 504 (125.126). (532). 46Y. SO0 (54.55. 57). 501 (60).
52 7 52.5. 533 ( I I ). 563
Merkel, C. M. 234,235 (269,270),253 Mills. J . L. 158 (71). 184, 572 (70).626
Merkl, B. 167 (178.179). I86 Mills. K . A. 645. 648 ( 8 ) . 660
Merkl, R. D. 175 (345). I 8 9 Mills, 0. S. 449 (528).469
Menitt, J. A. 512 (188). 528 Milne. C. R . C. 212. 214 (176). 244 (330).
Menes. K. 589 (247),630 2.51. 254
Merz, A. 359 (283,284). 360,361 (292). 373 Min, T. B.520 (252, 253), 530,533 (I2a).
(332), 376 (292,332). 383.384 540 (46a).550 (87). 554.556 (46a),563-
M e n , L.361 ( 2 9 3 , 3 8 3 565
Mesch, K.A. 168 (198). 186, 298 (18). 300 Minahan, D. M. A. 206,207 ( I 17). 244 (327),
(18, 30). 302,303,314 (18). 315 (100). 249, 254, 615 (667).639
Author index 70 1

Minami. T. 72. 74 (121). 101, 215. 218 (197), Mod, R. R. 513 (192, 193). 519 (241). 528.
251 529
Minasyan, G. G. 420 (217. 221), 462 Moehring. G. A. 588 (238). 630
Minghetti. G . 613 (629, 630). 639 Moezzi, B. 175 (341). I89
Mingos, D. M. P. 242 (319). 254, 276, 278. Mohnike, W. 658 (55). 661
290 (80). 293, 573 (74). 595 (336). 596 Mohr. K . 306. 310 (56). 379,41 I (177). 461
(353). 600 (432), 626. 632. 634 Mohyla, J. 165 (151). 186
Minhan. D. M. A. 615 (660). 639 Moiseenkov, A. M. 396 (62). 459
Minta. J. 0. 655 (49). 660 Mole, M. F. 12 (11). 45. 127 ( I ) , 135.476
Minten. K. 588 (224, 225, 227. 230), 629. (39). 485
630, 652 (39), 660 Molenda. R. P. 162 (107). 185, 199 (74. 91).
Mintz. E. A. 164 (147). I86 201 (91). 202 (74, 91). 248, 249
Mirabelli, C. K. 614 (646). 63Y. 657 (52. 53). Moll, M. 618 (696). 640
66 1 Mollbach. A. 54 (27). 98, 176 (358). 190
Mirassou, A. 503, 524 (9 I ), 526 Moller. U. 401 (95). 460
Mirskov. R. G. 500 (53). 525 Molodykh, Z. V. 650 (29). 660
Mise, T. 61 (102). 100 Mondal, J . U. 234, 235 (269). 253
Mishra. S. P. 143. 144 (60). 145 (60, 74). 146 Mong, S.-M. 657 (53). 661
(74). 148. 149 Monge, A. 416 (200). 462
Miskowski. V. M. 587 (21 I), 629 Monkiewicz, J. 70 (120a). 101
Mislankar. D. G. 160 (96), 184 Mont, W.-W. du 171 (278), 188, 455, 458
Mislow, K. 15 (55). 37 (127), 38 (127, 130), (621423), 470, 471
46. 4X. 53 (20. 2 I ), 56 (53a. 53b). 63 Montag, R. A . 482 (80). 486
(110). 64 (20). 67 (110). 74 (126), 75 Montenarch. M. 429 (284), 464
(127a-c. 128a. 128b). 76, 77 (128b), Montes, J. R. 60 (92). 100
98-10). 140 (40). 148. 167 (185-189), Montgomery, C. D. 164 (133). I85
168 (186-188, 197. 200, 204). 169 (185, Moody, D. C. 581 (129), 602 (458). 627. 435
186). 178 (373, 374). 179 (373). 186. Moore, C. 447 (486). 468
187. 190. 314 (9698). 337, 345 (217), Moore, D. S . 591, 592 (272). 630
371 (217. 318). 379. 382. 384 Moore, J . H. 40.41 (142). 42, 43 (167). 48,
Misumi, S. 519 (244). 523 (244, 283, 284), 571 (65). 626
529. 530 Moore, S. S. 157 (48). 158 (69). 183. 1x4
Mitchell. G. H. 498 (42). 525 Moore, W. M. 40 (137, 138), 48
Mitchell, J . D. 162 (107). 185, 193, 194 (24). Moores. V. T. 128, 129, 131 (9), 135
220, 222 (222). 239 (291). 247. 252, Moors, R. 357 (272). 383
253, 603 (489). 635 Mootz, D. 14 (51), 46
Mitchell. K. A. R. 10, 12 (7). 45, 543 (64b), Morancais, J . L. 584 (164). 628
564 Morandini, F. 88 (169). 97 (191). 102, 609
Mitchell. L. E. 615 (65.7). 639 (577). 614 (639), 637. 639
Mitchell, R. E. 572 (70). 626 Morassi, R. 610, 617 (585). 638
Mitchener, J. P. 207, 208 (126), 250 Morbach, W. 456 (628). 471
Mitschler, A. 297 ( 5 , 6). 300 (30). 325 ( 5 , Morehouse, R. L. 143, 144 (59). 148
6). 326 ( 5 , 158L 327 (159). 332 (187). Morel, D. 58, 60 (66). 99
335 (6). 338 (223). 340 (230). 342, 343 Morel, G. 454 (596, 601), 470
(158). 346 (187, 246). 371 (317). 377. Moreland, C. G. 333, 335, 371 (200), 381
378. 380-382, 384, 491 ( I I), 524 Mori, K. 66, 79 (1 14). 100
Mitsonobu, 0. 433 (328). 465 Morimoto, T. 60 (88). 100, 215, 216 (IY8).
Mitsunobu, 0. 433 (314, 315), 464 251
Miura, M. 542 (59), 564 Morita, K. 404 ( 1 13, 1 14). 460
Miyake, N. 62 (105). 100, 212, 213 (170). Morita. S . 330 (171), 381
25 I Morita, Y. 55 (43). 99, 168 (207), 187
Miyakoshi, T. 404 ( I 15), 460 Moriyama, M. 65, 77, 81 (113). 100, 171
Miyashita. A. 60 (87). 61, 74, 82, 83 (99a, (279). 181 (388). 188, 190, 555 (92),
99b), 86 (87), 100, 212, 213 (169). 250 565
Miyate, N. 87 (168a), 102 Moroney, P. M. 596 (368). 633
Mizutani, M. 448 (513). 468 Morozova, I. D. 106, I l l (15), 124, 137 (12),
Mocellin, E. 585 (179). 628 146 (89. 90). 147, 149
702 Author index

Morris, R. H. 585 (187, 189), 586 (209). 606 Mukhaeva, R. K. 170 (236). 187
(539), 607 (545). 628. 629. 637 Mulazzani, Q . G . 502 (74), 526
Morrison, A. R. 14 (53). 46 Miiller, A. 503 (101). 526
Morrison, D. C. 433 (312). 464 Muller, D.-W. 457 (638). 471
Morrison, J. A. 158 (65). I84 Muller, E. 520 (266). 530
Morrison, J. D. 54 (26). 62 ( 104). 68 (26), 98, Muller, E. 116 (44,4749). 124, 125
100, 177 (360), 190 Miiller, E. P. 436 (364). 465
Morrisson, R. T. 156 (42), I83 Miiller, G . 164 (135-138). 171 (137). 185,
Morrow, C. J. 420 (224), 463 208, 210 (134, 135, 139). 219, 220 (206).
Morrow, J. C. 131 (41). 136 242 (306, 309). 244 (2061, 247 (354).
Morse, J. G . 199. 201, 204, 206 (65). 248, 510 (307. 308), 250, 251, 253, 254,427
(157, 160, 161). 527,528 (263). 463
Morse, K. W. 510 (157, 160, 161). 527, 528, Muller, G. 333 (193), 337 (214). 381,382,
599 (405). 633 588 (226). 620 (71 1). 629, 640
Morse, W. M. 599 (405), 633 Muller, 1. 620 (719). 641
Mortirner, C. T. 128 (10). 129 (17). 131 (17, Miiller, J. 24, 25 (90).47
36-38), 135, 136 Mullica, D. F. 598 (398), 633
Morton, D. W. 427 (262). 463 Mulliken. R. S . 1 I , 12 (9). 22 (75). 45, 4 7 ,
Morton, J. R . 138, 140, 141 (27). 143 ( 5 8 ) , 256 (2). 291
148. 262 (47). 292, 542 (57, 63), 564 Mulraney, B. J. 193, 199, 206, 207 (19). 247
Morton, S . 173 (314), 189, 204 (103), 219- Munch, A. 262. 263 (50). 292
221 (213). 223, 224 (233), 228, 230 (251, Munch, B. 22, 24, 25, 28, 31, 33, 38, 39 (76),
252), 245 (233, 338). 249, 251. 252, 254, 47
275, 290 (77), 29 3 , 581 (133). 582 (140). Mundt, 0. 14 (46, 47). 15.43 (47). 4 6 , 171
623 (140, 747. 748, 760), 627, 6 4 1 (291). 188, 196. 198 (49). 248, 350
Mortreux, A. 87 (166). 102 (256). 383
Morvillo, A. 595 (337). 608 (568). 632, 637 Munson, M. S. B. 476 (38). 485
Mosbo, J. A. 572, 573 (73). 626 Miinze. R. 238 (285). 253
Moser, H. C . 130 (32). 136 Munze, R. 658 (55, 56). 661
Mosher, H. S . 56, 67 (SO), 99 Mura, P. 594 (322). 616 (6801,632, 640
Mosher, M. S. 165, 178 (154). 186 Murakarni, M. 555 (90, 93). 556 (93), 565
Moss, 1. 204 (108). 249 Muralidharan, S . 242 (31 I), 253
Motevalli, M. 586 (195). 602 (478). 604 (502, Murarnatsu. H. 5 13 (194). 528
503). 605 (520). 629. 635. 636 Muratbekov, M. B. 524 (287). 530
Motherwell, W. D. S. 421 (237), 463 Murdoch, J. R. 212, 213 (168). 250
Mothes, B. I14 (30). 124 Murray, B. D. 593 (310). 631
Motz, P. 605 (522), 636 Murray, R . W. 114 (39.42). 124
Moulding, R. P. 242 (312). 253 Murray, S . G. 158 (83). 184. 211, 212 (151).
Moulton, C. J. 208. 210 (148). 212, 214 (179). 250, 593 (313). 631
250, 251, 615 (662, 664), 639 Murrel, L. L. 173 (320). 189
Moyes. W. 372 (331). 384 Murrer, B. A. 59 (82). 100
Moyle. B. 208, 210 (148). 250 Muschik, P. 658 (55). 661
Moynihan, K. S . 596 (360). 632 Musco, A. 575 (78). 596 (362). 597 (379).
Mtetwa, V. S . B. 602 (462), 635 626, 633
Muchowski, J. M. 436 (358), 465 Musgrave, 0. C. 510 (155. 156). 527
Mueller, H. D. 555 (92). 565 Mutin, R., 61 1 (593), 638
Muench, A. 353, 355 (266). 383 Mutterer, F. 5 16 (224). 529, 562 (125). 566
Mugge, C . 432 (310). 464 Muylle, E. 155 (21), 183
Mugrage, B. 160 (96). 184 Myers, R. E. 589 (245), 630
Muhlbach, G. 219, 220 (210). 251 Myers, W. H. 223 (229), 252
Muhlback, G. 620 (720), 641 Mynott, R. 279 (82). 280 (82, 85). 293, 329
Muir, J. W. 599 (428). 600 (428, 430). 634 (166, 167). 381, 612 (614). 638
Muir, K. W. 199, 202 (75, 78). 242 (312). 249, Mysov, E. I. 456 (635). 471
253, 596 (351). 605 (517). 632, 636
Muir, M. M. 599 (428). 600 (428, 430). 634 Naan, M. P. 402 (105). 460
Mukaiyama, T . 446 (470473). 447 (473, 474). Nadler, D. 158 (73). 184
448 (473). 467 Nagaeva, Kh. 399 (80). 460
Author index 703

Nagahara, Y. 72, 74 (121). 101, 215, 218 Nelson, J. H. 338 (226). 340 (232). 373 (226).
(197). 251 382, 569 (43). 578 (98). 597 (383). 625,
Nagai. K. 91, 92 (181). 102 627, 633
Nagasawa. H. 433 (315). 464 Nelson, K. A. 560 (120). 566
Nagase, S. 503 ( 1 24), 527 Nelson, R. 14 (32), 46
Nagel, U. 58 (73). 59 (78). 83 (73). 99, 100, Nelson, S. M. 208, 210 (147). 212, 213 (173,
215, 216 (191), 251 174), 232 (264). 250-252
Nagg-Magos, Zs. 59 (80). 100 Nelson, W. 145 (63). 148
Nagy-Magos, 2. 55 (36). 99 Neskovic, 0. M. 130, 131 (30). 136
Nainan, K. C. 480,484 (73). 486 Nesterova, N. P. 207, 208 (122), 250
Najjar, R. C. 602 (480). 603 (484). 635 Neuberg, M. K. 62 (104). 100
Nakagawa, 1. 446 (467). 467 Neuden. B. 432 (308), 455, 458 (621). 464,
Nakagima, T. 64 ( 1 12). 100 4 70
Nakai, S. 399 (77). 460 Neuffer. J. 181 (391). 190
Nakakita, H. 644 ( 5 ) , 645 (9, 12). 647 (15). Neugebauer, D. 220, 222 (220). 236 (277).
649 (9). 660 252. 253
Nakamura, A. 179 (375, 376). 190 Neumann, H. 208, 210 (144), 250
Nakamura, Y. 55 (43). 64 ( I 1Ic), 99, 100, 246 Neumuller, B. 265 ( 5 8 ) . 293, 369 (314). 384
(347), 254 Neumuller, 0. A. 490 ( 1 b). 524
Nakanishi, A. 533, 549 (21, 22), 555 (91). Neureiter, N. P. 448 (508). 468
563,565 Newbeny, W. F. 588 (229). 629
Nakano, T 434 (338). 465 Newton. B. H. 164 (134). I85
Nakao, R. 5 19 (240). 529 Nguyen. M. T. 45 (200-202). 49,494 (22),
Nakatsu, K. 593 (320). 632 525
Nakayima, T. 64 (I 1 Ic), 100 Nicholls, B. S. 245 (341). 254, 618 (689. 691).
Nandi. K. 448 (515). 468 640
Nanni, E. J. 612 (602). 638 Nicholls, J. N. 590 (265). 630
Narang, S. C. 437 (374). 449 (529), 466, 469 Nicholson, B. K. 590 (261). 607 (551), 630,
Nardelli, M. 606 (535). 636 637
Nardi, N. 231 (258-260). 252 Nicholson, C. R. 298, 302, 305, 330 (20). 378
Narita, N. 434 (331). 465 Nicholson, P. N. 59 (82), 100, 158 (83). I84
Naumann, K. 53 (20), 56 (53b), 64 (20), 98, Nicholson, R. S. 105 ( 5 . 6). 124
9 9 , 167 (I85-l88), 168 ( 1 8 6 1 8 8 , 204), Nickel, H. 442 (433). 467
169 (185, 186). 186. 187, 314 (96. 97), Nicolaou, K. C . 447 (476478). 449 (541).
379 467469
Naumann. S. 113. 114 (28). 124 Nicpon, P. 449 (537, 538), 469
Naumov, V. A. 14 (39,40). 46 Niebergall, H. 176 (351,352). 190.497 (32).
Navech, J. 320 ( 1 3 3 ~377 (342). 380. 384. 525
504 (125. 126), 527 Niecke. E. 42 (161). 44 (194). 48. 4 9 , 139
Nazarbekova, S. P. 524 (287). 530 (32), 148, 506 (135). 527
Nazarova, G. V. 175 (347). 189 Niedzwiecki, S. 228 (246). 252
Nazran. A. S. 558 (100, I O I ) , 565 Nief, F. 340 (230). 341 (234. 235). 342, 345
Neale, E. 128 (9), 129 (9, 16). 131 (9, 16. 42). (234), 364 (235). 382
135. 136 Nieke, E. 44 (198). 49
Neamati-Mazrach, N. 397 (72). 459 Nielsen, H. H. 14 (27). 46
Nedelec, J. Y. 163 (130). 185. 199, 205-207 Nielsen, P. 40 (139. 140). 48
(61), 248 Nielsen. P. H . 429 (280). 464
Neibecker, D. 338 (222), 382 Nielson, A. J. 584 (171). 586, 587 (200). 628,
Neidlein, R. 157 (52). 183 629
Neilson, G. W. 503 ( I 10, 1 I I ) , 526 Nielson, R. P. 437 (382). 466
Neilson, R . H. 196, 198 (45). 248, 324 (146). Niemann, J. 139 (32). 148
380,427 (262), 463 Niemen, J. 583 (149). 628
Nelsen, S. F. 143 ( 5 5 ) , 148 Nientiedt, J. 320 (137). 380
Nelson, A. J. 505 (133). 527 Niessen. W. von 372 (331). 384
Nelson. C. D. 242 (312). 253 Nietzschmann, E. 432 (310). 464
Nelson, D. A. 196 (30), 248 Nifant’ev, E. E. 484 (93), 486
Nelson, G . 0. 392 (43). 459 Nifantev, N. Z. 193, 194 (17). 247
704 Author index

Nikitin, E. V. 139 (28). 148 294, 302, 322 (36). 328 (162). 352, 367
Nikolaev, A. V. 128 (11). 129 (15). 135 (36). 378, 381
Nikonov, G . N . 152 (4). 182, 392 (41). 459, Nucciarone, D. 618 (693). 640
650 (23). 660 Nuretdinov, I. A. 435 (352). 465
Nishikida. K. 533 (21, 22). 542 (58b). 549 (21, Nwe. K. T. 345 (240). 382
22), 555,556 (93), 563-565 Nyburg, S. C. 492 (14, 16). 524
Nishikubo, T. 499 (49). 525 Nyholm, R. S. 158 (80. 81). 184, 568 (6). 569
Nishizawa, M. 449 (540). 469 (41). 624, 625
Nishizawa, Y. 434 (331). 465
Nitta, I. 503 (loo), 520 (256). 526, 530 Oae, S. 446 (469). 448 (502-505). 467,468
Niven, I . B. 206, 207, 243 (1 15), 249 Oakley, R. T. 437 (378). 466
Niven, I. E. 615, 616 (668). 639 Oberhammer, H. 44 (191). 4 9 , 260 (43). 292
Nixon, J. F. 44 (18% 4 9 , 256 (13-15, 18- O’Brien, B. A. 166 (176). 186, 306 (58). 379
25). 257 (13, 15, 18-25), 260 (18-21, 24, O’Brien, R. N. 114 (34, 35, 38), 124
25, 37, 3941), 261 (19, 37). 271 (67, Obrycki, R. 514 (196, 198, 200, 201). 528
69-71). 272 (69, 72, 73). 275 (72, 76- Ochsler, B. 193, 223 (23). 247
79). 276 (go), 277 (67). 278 (67, 69, 72, O’Conner, E. 446 (463). 467
76, 78-80). 279 (81). 280 (83, 86), 283 O’Connor, C. J. 605 (518). 636
(89), 284 (89-91), 285 (92). 286 (93). O’Connor, E. M. 446 (465), 467
287 (96), 288 (97). 290 (69,70, 72, 73, O’Connor, T. J . 158 (78), 184
76-80, 83, 100). 292-294. 570 (46). 625 Oda, R. 404 ( 1 I I), 460
Nobel, D. 157, 160 (56). 183 Oddy, J. 599 (426). 634
Nobile, C. F. 595 (338). 632 Odell. K. J. 615 (662). 639
Noguchi, T. 156 (40). 183 Odenwalder, H. 358 (281). 383
Nohira, H. 199, 200 (62). 248 Odom, J. D. 400 (90). 460
Nolte, M. J. 591 (283), 631 ODorisio, P. A. 163 ( 1 18). 185
Nomura, R. 72,74 (121). 101, 215, 218 (197). Odorisio, P. A. 300 (28), 378
25 I Oediger, H. 450 (547), 469
Nona, S. N. 498 (42), 525 Oehling, H. 372 (328, 329a). 384
Noordik. J. H. 242 (320). 254, 448 (516). 468 Oehme, H. 166 (170, 171). 179 (379), 186,
Noren, B. 599, 600 (427), 634 190. 196 ( 3 3 , 197 (35,50). 238 (286).
Norman, A. D. 174 (321). 189. 199, 202 (92), 248, 253, 309, 349-353 (76). (74). 379.
219-221 (209), 228. 231 (256), 249, 2-51, 41 1 (168-170, 172, 173, 175, 177), 412
252, 308 (68, 69). 379,432 (31I), 464, (178). 414 (170, 190). 461,462
499 (45). 525, 623 (756), 641 Ofitserov, E. N. 429 (286). 464
Norman, N. C. 14 (48), 43, 45 (180). 46, 4 9 , Ogata, I. 58 (70). 60 (89). 99, 100
578. 580 (95). 581 (127), 626, 627 Ogata, Y . 448 (513). 468, 517 (229), 529,559
Nonish, R. G . W. 502 (83, 84). 526 (109). 566
Norton, J. R. 42 (162). 48 Ogawa, T. 523 (279). 530
Norton, M. C. 206, 207 (118). 249, 615 (663), Ogini, W. 600 (438). 634
639 Ogini, W. 0. 593 (3151, 596 (361). 598 (315,
Noth, H. 176 (349). 189 397). 600 (433, 447). 6 3 1 6 3 4
Noth, H. 450, 451 (551). 469 Ogino, H. 615 (658). 639
Novak, A. F. 519 (241), 529 Ogura, F. 442 (434). 467, 519, 523 (244). 529
Novikov, V. P. 14, I5 (42). 46 O’Hare, P. A. G. 130 (22). 136
Novikova, Z. S. 160 (92). 184, 193, 194 (17, Ohashi, M. 520 (249). 530
18). 247 Ohashi, 0. 256. 257 (22). 260 (40).292
Novoselova, R. 1. 410 (1511, 461 Ohba, S . 61 I (588). 638
Nowell, I. W. 394 (48). 459, 600 (436,437, Ohishi, T. 610 (586). 61 1 (588). 638
441445). 634 Ohkuma, T. 91, 92 (182, 183). 102
Nowicki, S. C. 61 1 (594). 638 Ohnishi, K. 542 (59), 564
Noyori, R. 60 (87). 61 (99a. 99b. 100, 123). Ohnishi, S. 503 (100). 520 (256). 526, 530
74 (99a. 99b. 123). 75 (123). 82, 83 Ohno, K. 43 (183). 4 9 , 256, 257 (22, 24, 25).
(99a. 99b). 86 (87), 91, 92 (18&183), 260 (24. 25, 41). 292
95 (180). 100-102, 168 (199). 186, 212. Ohno. M. 447 (479). 468
213 (167, 169). 250 Ohsawa, A. 330 (172). 369 (312, 313). 381,
Nuber, B. 265 (61), 267 (62). 289 (98), 293. 384
Author index 705

Ohse, H. 457 (644).471 Organ, G. 163 (120). 185, 214, 215 (187).
Ohst, H. H. 119, 121-123 (63), 125 25 I
Ohta, M. 91, 92, 95 (180). 102 Oritz de Montellano, P. 513 (191). 528
Ohta, T. 91, 92 (180, 181, 183). 95 (180). 102 Orlandini, A. 245 (343). 254, 618 (699),
Ohteki, H. 448 (525). 469 619 (709). 621 (734). 622 (745). 640,
Ojima, I. 58 (72). 61 (95, 97). 86 (157. 158, 641
161). 99-101 Orloff, D. 22 ( 7 3 , 47
Ojima, 0. 429 (279). 464 Orloff, H. 22 (75),47
Oka, T. 14 (29). 46 Orlov, B. A. 453 (580). 470
Okada, Y. 72, 74 (121). 101. 215, 218 (197). Ornellas, F. R. 42 (160). 411
251 Oro, L. A. 85 (153), 101
Okagasi, R. 558 (99). 565 Orpen, A. G. 42, 43 (168). 48
Okamoto, Y. 79 (19), 98 Orpen, R. G. 571 (66), 626
Okano, T. 156 (40), 183,436 (3591,465, 593 Ortega. R. 596 (352). 632
(319). 632 Orton, W. L. 315 (100). 333, 342 (198), 379.
Okawara, M. 448 (507), 468 381
Okazaki, R. 496 (26), 499 (48).525, 558 Osada, M. 61 (100). 100
(I@ 565I), Osanova, N. A. 540 (51), 564
Okeya, S. 246 (347). 254 Osborn, J. A. 617 (686). 618 (690, 693). (540
Okhlobystin, 0. Yu. 157 (58). I83 Osborne, A. G. 593 (308). 631
Okruszek, A. 441 (421). 466 Osei, R. D. 497 (34). 525
Okumoto, I. 79 (19). 98 Oshikawa, T. 434 (339). 465
Olah. G. A. 437 (374). 449 (529), 466, 469, Oskarsson, A. 599, 600 (427), 634
479 (59, 60), 486 Osterroth, C. 508 (144, 147). SO9 (147).
Olbrich, H. 307 (62), 316, 333 ( I I I), 360, 361 52 7
(62). 379, 380 Oswald, A . A. 173 (320). I89
Olbrich, J. 199. 200, 205 (87, 95). 206 (95). Oswald. T. 404 (1 I2), 460
249 Otani, S. 318 (113). 380
Oldershaw, F. R. S. 502 (83, 84). 526 Otiko, G. 653 (43, 44). 654 (4346). 655 (46).
Oldershaw, G. A. 502 (83, 84), 526 660
Oliver, J. D. 92 (186). 102. 575, 576 (79). 598 Otis, D. E. 596 (364). 633
(398). 612 (609). 626, 633. 638 Otrebski, W. 501 (71, 72). 511 (169). 526.
Oliver, W. L. Jr. 300 (28). 318 (117), 378, 528
380 Otsubo, T. 519 (244). 523 (244, 283, 284),
Oliveros, L. 79 (133). 101. 178 (370). 190 529,530
Ollivier, J. 503, 524 (91). 526 Otsuka. S. 60 (86, 87). 86 (87). 100, 179 (375,
Ollivier, J. K. 543, 549, 550, 552-554 (65). 376). 190, 199, 200, 206, 241 (64a).
565 248, 593 (319, 320). 596 (356, 358). 613
Olmstead, M. M. 244 (334, 335). 254, 612 (627, 628), 632, 639
(601), 620 (713-716). 638, 640, 641 Otsuko, T. 442 (434), 467
Olnagi, 0. 593 (307). 631 Ott, J. 618 (699), 640
Olsen. J. F. 543, 550, 552 (64g), 564 Ottenheijm, H. C. J. 448 (516). 468
Olsen, R. K. 447 (491). 46X Ovakimyan, M. Zh. 420 (217-221). 462
Oltmanns, P. 602 (475), 635 Overman, J. D. 446 (463). 467
Omae, I. 598 (395). 633 Overman, L. E. 446 (463, 465). 467
Omelanczuk, J. 67 ( 1 17b), 100 Overmann, L. E. 446 (464), 467
Omelanzuk, J. 387 (13), 458 Owens, P. W. 21 I. 212 (157). 250
Omogbai, F. 448 (520, 521). 468 Ozawa, T. 645 (12), 660
Onady, M. 600 (431). 634 Ozbirn, W. P. 371 (316). 384
Onak, T. 431 (305). 464 Ozkan, M. A. 614 (638). 639
Oon, A. B. van 199, 200 (63). 248
Opitz, I. 590 (266, 267), 630 Paciorek, K. C. 522 (273), 530
Optiz, J. 578 ( I O I ) , 627 Packett, D. L. 597 (370), 633
Oram, D. E. 242 (310). 244 (333, 253, 254, Padeken, H. G. 520 (266), 530
620 (716). 641 Padolina, M. C . 42 (159), 48
Oram. R. K. 310 (82). 379. 451 (565). 469 Page, E. M. 587 (221). 629
Orendt, A. 45 (205), 49 Pagelot, A. 614 (647, 649). 639
706 Author index

Pagilagan, R. U. 392 (43). 45Y Pathak, D. D. 173 (310). 189, 199, 202 (77).
Pahl. C. 272, 278, 290 (74). 2Y3 249, 608 (563). 637
Paillous. N. 503 (123). 527 Patrick, J. M. 607, 608 (553). 614 (635), 637,
Paine, R. T. 581 (129), 627 639
Pakawatchai, C. 599 (407, 408,410, 41 I. 415). Patrick, V. A. 599 (407, 410,419). 633, 634
600 (41 I), 633, 634 Patrovskii, P. V. 420 (219). 462
Pakulski. M. 45 (205). 49, 387 (6). 437 (375). Patsanovskii, I. I. 4 3 4 5 (179). 49, 256 (8).
458,466 2Y1
Palacios. H. 0. A. 581 (134). 627 Pattenden, G. 405 ( 1 20). 460
Palacios. S. M. 163 (127). 185. 505 (130). Patterson, L. K. 503 ( I 17), 527, 537, 538
527 (36b). 564
Palke, W. E. 19, 36 (64).46 Patton, A. T. 63 (192). 102
Palmer, J. A. L. 615 (655). 639 Patwardhan, A. V. 415 (192). 462
Palmer, M. H. 372 (322, 331), 3x4 Paulen, W. 509 (148. 149). 527
Palmer, R. A. 578 (99). 627 Pauling, L. 12, 13, 15, 22 (16). 45
Panagiotidru. P. 603 (491). 635 Pavlenkov, N. G. 436 (368). 465
Pande. K. C. 457 (642), 471 Pawelke, G. 457 (637). 471
Pankov, V. I. 175 (347), 189 Pawson, D. 208 (149). 250
Pankowski, M . 162 ( I 15). 185 Payme, D. S. 437 (381). 466
Panov, A. M. 40 (146, 150). 41 (146). 48 Payne, N. C. 164 (133). 185, 612 (608). 638
Paonessa, R. S. 596 (363). 597 (369. 374). Peacock. R. D. 605 (517). 606 (533). 636
633 Pearse, P. L. 154, 155 (I@, 183
Papageorgiou, E. 158 (84). 184 Pearson, M. S. 137 (3), 147, 531-533 (Ig),
Papasergio, R. 1. 599 (414), 634 537 (38). 542 (Ig), 563, 564
Papp, G. 428 (270). 463 Pearson, R. C. 82 (143). 101
Papp, G. P. 428 (269), 463 Pearson. R. G. 388 (19). 458
Parakin, 0. V. 139 (28). 148 Pearson, S. C. 298 (16). 378
Parish, R. V. 206, 207, 243 ( I 15). 249, 285 Pechet, M. M. 516 (224), 529, 562 (125).
(92). 293. 570 (51). 599 (424,425). 615 566
(650, 668). 616 (668), 625. 634. 639 Pedler, A. E. I12 (21). 124
Parker, A. J. 445, 446 (458). 467 Pedley, J. B. 127 (3.4). 134 (4). 135
Parker, D. 59 (82). 100, 160 (91), 184 Pedulli, G. F. 144 (68). 149, 520 (265). 530,
Parker, K. 0. 610 (581). 637 557 (95). 558 (100, 102). 565
Parker, V. D. 104, 105 (2). 124 Peiffer, G. 87 (166). 102
Parkin, G. 585 (174, 186). 586 (186). 628 Pelizzi, C. 606 (535). 636
Parott, M. J. 146 (91), 149 Pellerin, B. 256, 257, 260, 262 (17). 292
Paninello. G. 215, 218 (199). 251 Pellon, P. 320, 321 (130), 354, 355 (268). 366
Parrot, M. J. 533, 540 (20). 563 (130, 268, 309). 380, 383,384
Parrott, M. J. 533 (6, 8), 547 (84). 548 (6, 8). Pellow, R. C. 44 (187). 49
563, 565 Pendse. A. D. 409 (l47), 461
Parry, 0. 599 (425). 634 Peng, S. H. 585 (189). 629
Parry, R. W. 476 (44).485, 510 (159). 528 Peng, S.-M. 603 (488). 635
Parshall, G. W. 169 (219), 187 Pen'kovskii, V. V. 137 (6). 147
Parshina. V. A. 170 (234, 235). 187, 410 Penkovskii, V. V. 543, 550 (64h). 564
(157-159). 41 1 (157, 158). 453 (580). Penkovsky, V. V. 543, 550 (64i). 5&1
461.470 Pennings, J. F. M. 479, 480,482 (611,486,
Parvez, M . 600. 615 (446). 617 (683). 634, 543 (64e). 564
640 Pennington, W. T. 605 (525). 636
Pascard, C. 448 (5 12), 468 Penz, G. 433 (327). 465
Pashinkin, A. P. 483 (90, 91). 486 Pepper, D. C. 404 ( 1 16). 460
Pasqualini, R. 206, 207 ( 1 14). 249 Peres, Y. 593 (307). 631
Pasquier, M. L. 75 (151). 101 Perfil'eva, I. A. 399 (79). 460
Pass, F. 166 (157). 171 (287). 186. 1x8 Perichon, J. 163 (130). 185. 199, 205-207
Pasternack, G. 419 (210). 462 (61). 248
Pastor, S. D. 163 (118). 185, 300 (28), 378 Peringer, P. 436 (364). 465, 579 (105). 627
Pastushenko. E. V. 539 (44),564 Perkins, M. J. 142 (51). 148
Patel, H. A. 158 (78). 184 Perkow, W. 442 (44&442), 467
Author index 707

Perlikowska, W. 67 ( I 17b). 100 Pilot, J. F. 238 (283), 253, 410, 412, 413
Perozzi, E. 359 (286). 383 (156),415 (156, 193),461,462
Pemni, G. 388 (25). 458 Pinchuk, A. M. 450, 451 (552). 469
Perrocheau, J. 256, 257,260,262 (17). 292 Pinkenon, A. A. 597 (377). 633
Perutz, R. N. 602, 604 (477). 635 Pinkina, L. N. 156 (34), 183
Peruzzini, M. 245 (344). 254 Pinner, S. H. 51 1 (172). 528
Pesce, M. 55 (38). 99 Pino, P. 52 (12). 86 (163). 89 (170). 98, 101,
Peschen, P. 79 (195), 102 I02
Pescher, P. 178 (370). 190 Pinter. I. 435 (355-357). 465
Pete, B. 301 (31, 32). 302, 304 (31). 321 (32). Pirkle. W. H. 79 (141). 101
3 78 Pitchumani, K. 440 (417,418). 466
Peters, A. V. 618 (693), 640 Pittman, C. U. 205 ( I 1 I), 218 (202). 249,
Peters, H. 173 (314). 189, 228, 230 (250, 251, 251
253). 246 (250). 252, 623 (760, 761), Pittrnann, J. 0. Jr. 89 (170), 102
624 (762). 641 Pitzer, K. S . 12 (lo),4 5 , 256 ( I ) , 291
Petersen, J. L. 583 ( 1 50). 628 Plakhov, V. A. 476 (28). 485
Petersen, R. L. 141 (42). 148 Platt, E. 543 (640, 564
Peterson, D. J. 80 (134). I01 Plattner, G. 145 (78). 149
Petit, F. 87 (166). 102 Pletcher, D. 1 14 (36). 124, 595 (335). 632
Petke, J. D. 22. 24, 27, 28 (771, 47 Plosz. S. 644 ( I ) . 660
Petnehhzy, I. 443 (449. 450), 467 Plumb, J. B. 501 (62). 514 (195, 200), 516
Petrov, A. A. 419 (212). 430 (287-289). 462. (218), 525, 528, 529
464,499 (47), 510 (152-154, 163, 164). Plust, H. 169 (215). 187
525.527. 528 Pluth. J. J. 84 (146). 101
Petrov, K. A. 170 (234, 235). 187. 410 (157- Plyashkevich, Yu. G. 155 (25). 183
159), 41 1 (157. 158). 453 (575, 580). Pochlauer, P. 436 (364). 465
461,470 Poh, P. 495 (24). 525
Petrovskii. P. V. 456 (635). 471 Pohl. R. L. 114-1 16 (31a). 124
Petty, S. T. 446 (464). 467 Pohl, S . 269 (65). 293
Peyerimhoff, S. D. 44 (192). 49 Pohlemann, H. 169 (215). 187
Pez, G. P. 591 (271). 630 Poilblanc, M. 591 (282). 631
Pfister-Guillouzo, G. 41 (153). 44 (193). 48, Poilblanc, R. 591 (281). 601 (451). 631, 635
4 9 , 337 (213), 382, 543, 549, 550, 552- Pointeck, J . 539 (45). 560 (45, 114). 564, 566
554 (65). 565 Polezhaeva, N. A. 396 (65, 66). 436 (369-
Pflaum, S. 351 (259). 357 (259, 2711, 383 371). 448 (51 I), 459, 465.468. 518
Phillips, I. G. 598 (394). 633 (233), 529
Piccolo, 0. 88 (169). 102. 614 (639). 639 Poli, R. 579 ( I 14). 587 (210, 212), 627, 629
Pickardt, J. 241 (303). 253, 590 (267). 593 Polikarpov, Yu. M. 207, 208 (122). 250
(312, 314). 630. 631 Pollock, T. 196 (41). 208, 210 (13&136), 248,
Pickett, C . J. 199, 204 (55). 248, 285 (92), 250
293, 573 (75). 626 Polozov, A. M. 518 (233). 529
Pidcock, A. 569-571 (24). 597 (382, 385). 598 Pomeroy, R. K. 589 (250). 590 (250, 262),
(403). 625, 633 630
Pieronczyk, W. 59, 72, 83 (74). 99 Pommeret-Chasle, M. F. 454 (600). 470
Pierpont, C. 580 (124). 627 Ponnamperuma, C. 644 (2). 660
Pierrand, J. C. 593 (304). 631 Ponomarchuk, M. P. 435 (350). 465
Pietro, W. J. 24 (93, 94). 47 Ponsold, K. 435 (351). 465
Pietrusiewicz, K. M. 70 ( I 20a, I20b). 101 , Pople. J. A. 24 (93, 94). 4 7 , 130, 134 (26).
299 (24), 378 136, 140, 141 (36). 145 (73). 148,
Pignataro, S. 40, 41 (144). 48 149
Pignolet, L. H. 177 (361). 190, 61 I (594). 612 Popov. B. N. 175 (347). 189
(601, 605. 613). 638 Porshke. K. R. 612 (614). 638
Pigott, F. 59 (84). 100 Ponzio, W. 613 (621). 638
Pilcher, G. 127, 132 (2), 135. 533 (17). 563 Porzio, W. 597 (379). 633
Pilgram, K. 457 (644),471 Posner. T. 594 (328). 632
Pilipovich, D. 533, 535 (7). 563 Pospisil, J. 560 ( I 17). 566
Pilon, P. 599 (421), 600 (438), 634 Pospisil, J. K. 560 ( I 18). 566
708 Author index

Poste, G. 655 (SO), 661 Pritchard. R. G. 58X (230). 630

Postnova, L. V. 454 (597). 470 PritLkow. D. H. H. 280 (87). 2'4-3
Pote, C. S. 13. 24 (22), 45 Privett. J. A . J. 437 (378). 466
Potter, D. M. 593 (313). 631 Prock, A. 42 (163). 4 8 , 576 (85). 626
Potter, J. L. 446 (462). 467 Proehl. G. S . 556 (94), 565
Potter. R. L. 131 (41). 136 Prokhorova, V. V. 410 (151). 46/
Potthast, R. 333 (201). 334 (202). 381. 418 Prokof'ef. A. 1. 531-533. S42 (Id). 563
(206). 462 Prokof'ev, A. 1. SIX (232). S2Y. 535 (31. 32).
Poulin, J. C. 53 (25b). 55 (45). 59 (83). 60 541 (31). S63
(45, 83). 83 (25b). 98-100 Promonenkov, V. K. 518, 521 (239). 529
Poulos, C. P. 448 (520, 521). 468 Prophet. H. 131 (40). 136
Poupko. R. 144 (68). 149 Proskumia, M. V . 539 (44).S64
Poveda. M. L. 416 (199). 462, 586 (199. 202). Proskumina. M. V. 414 (185). 462
629 Prout, K . 583 (156). 585 (156. 186). 586 (156.
Povey, D. C. 583 (151). 628 186. 196). 591 (156). 602 (462. 477). 604
Powell. G . L. 243 (324). 254, 605 (509. 51 I . (477). 628. 62Y. 635
512. 515). 606 (530, 531), 636 Pryde. A. J. 206. 207. 234. 243 ( I 13). 249
Powell, N. A. 595 (33% 614, 621,622 (634). Ptitsyna, 0. A. 501 (67-69). 525. 526
632, 639 Puddephat, R. J. 193. 242 ( I I ) * 247
Powell, R. L. 141 (43). 148,402 (101, 105). Puddephatt. R. J . 193. 194 (27). 248. 481 (7X).
460 486. 569 (44). 571 (57. 60. 61). 581
Powell, W. H. 357 (273). 383 ( I3 I ), 60 I (44). 625427
Power, P. P. 145 (72). 149, 163 (131). 175 Pudeeva. M. E. 501 (6749). S25. 526
(341). 185, 189, 503 (118). 512 (183, Pudovik, A. N. 139 (28). / 4 8 , 395 (55). 410
184). 527,528, 593 (310). 631 (155). 413 (183). 415 (195). 429 (2x6).
Powietzla, B. 289 (98), 294 442 (443), 449 (527). 45Y. 461. 462. 464.
Powroznyk. L. 391 ( 3 0 392 (40). 443 (38). 467. 464,483 (90, 91). 486,513 (189,
459 190).528
Powrozynk. L. 443 (449,450). 467 Puena. C. 416 (200). 462
Pozhidaev. V. M. 395 ( 5 5 ) . 410 (155). 459. Puga. J. 590 (265). 608 ( 5 5 8 ) . 630,637
461 Pujol, L. 142 (52). 148. 441 (426). 467.
Praefcke, K. 492 (14-16). 493 (17-19). 540 (52), .564
524 Pulay. P. 22, 24. 38 (79). 47
h a d , K. 447 (485). 468 Pulgar, L. B. 599 (428). 600 (42X. 430).
Pravdin, V. G. 449 (527). 464 634
Pravednikov, A. N. 146 (79). 149 Pullman, B. J. 170 (269). 188
Predieri, G. 606 (535). 636 Purcell, K. F. 145 (75), 149
Pregosin, P. S. 569 (26). 597 (375). 600, 615 Purdie. D. 568 (8). 625
(446). 616 (673, 679), 625, 633, 634. Puttfarchen, U . 618 (695). 623 (750). 640.
640 64 I
Rejean. G. W. 420 (224). 463 Puttfarcken. U. 602 (472, 473). 635
Prengel, C. 219, 220 (214). 224, 225, 245
(214. 235). 251. 252 Quagliano, J. W. 199, 202 (75). 244
Prengl, C. 174 (323, 324). 189 QuCrnheur, F. 388 (23. 24). 4S8
Preston, K. F. 138, 140, 141 (27). 143 ( 5 8 ) . Quesneau-Thierry, A. 448 (512). 468
148.262 (47). 292. 542 (57). 564 Quien, E. 211-213 (156). .?SO
Preston, L. F. 542 (63). 564 Quin, L. D. 7 (19, 20), 8 , 16, 41 (56). 46.
Price, A. C. 243 (325). 254. 604, 606 (506), 297 (12). 298 (15. 17-19), 299 (21-23,
636 25). 300 (18. 26, 27, 29, 30). 301 (31.
Price, C. C. 403 (107). 460 32, 34). 302 (18, 21, 23. 31). 303 (18.
Price, N. R. 644 (6). 645 (6, 8), 647 (16). 648 39, 40a. 42). 304 (17, 31). 305 (50). 313
(6, 8. 16, 18, 22). 660 (93). 314 (18). 315 (100, 101). 316 (107,
Priebe, E. 170 (258). 188 110, 112). 317 (107, 114), 318 (18. 115),
Prignano, A. L. 596 (363), 633 321 (32). 331 (IS), 332 (110. 179, 192).
Prijs. B. 171 (288, 293). 188 333 ( I 10. 198, 200). 335 ( I 10. 200). 336
Pringle, P. G. 617 (684). 640 (29, 208). 342 (101, 198, 236), 343 (50).
F'rishchenko, A. A. 193, 194 (17, 18), 247 345 (115). 371 (200, 315). 372 (320).
Author index 709

377-382. 384, 437 (379,380). 441 (420). Raston. C. L. 164 (134).185, 599 (407).604
451 (563).466. 469, 505 (134), 527, 569 (493,614 (635),633, 635. 639
(27).625 Rasuvaev, G. A. 540 ( 5 I ), 564
Quinn, C. M. 21,29 (73).47 Ratovskii. G. V. 40 (146,150). 41 (146),48
Quinn, L. D. 158 (RE), 167 (183). 168 (198), Rattray, A. D. 596 (367,368).633
184. 186 Rau. A. 336 (212). 382
Qureshi, A. R. 392 (40).459 Rauch. B.620 (720).641
Rauchfuss, T. B. 160 (94).184
Rabelais, J. W. 572 (68).626 Rauhut, M. M. 171 (274-276),173 (317).174
Rabinowitz. R . 439,446 (394). 454.456 (605). (326,327,330), 188, 189
466, 470. 517 (225,227),529, 559 Rauk, A. 37. 38 (127),48, 178 (374). 190
(106),566 Rausch, B.219.220 (210).251
Rabold, H.168,169 (210),1x7 Rausch, M. D. 305 (51). 37X, 583 (145).628
Radecka-Paqzek, W.193. 194 (27).248 Ray, S. K.442 (432).467
Rademacher, P.42 (161).48 Rayne, D.R . 75 (127~).101
Radine, K. 595 (339).632 Razumov, A. 1. 390 (32).459
Radom, L. 24,25 (91).47 Razumovskii, S. 440 (416).466
Rae, A. D. 163 ( I 23), 185, 204 (108).249, Readio, P.D. 457 (636).471
338,342,371 (228),382 Real, F. M . 592-594 (288),631
Raevskii, 0. A. 14.15 (42).46 Reber. G . 208,210 (134,135. 139).250, 427
Rafalko, J. J. 61 I (592).638 (263).463
Raghunathan, P. 543 (64b). 564 Reddy. G. S. 162 (106).185, 402.424 (103).
Rahman, A. F. M. M. 55 (41).99 460
Rahman, Md. M. 42 (163,164). 48 Reddy, K. V. 609 (572).637
Rahrnan, M. M. 576 (85).626 Reddy, N.S. 609 (572).637
Rahut, M. M. 400 (84,85). 460,475 (23), Redouane, N. 141 (41).148
485 Reed. C. A. 594 (325).632
Rai. R . S. 501 (70).526 Reed. F. J. S. 577 (94).616 (674).626. 640
Raithby. P. R. 577 (91).590 (265).626. 630 Reedijk. J. 593 (304),631
Rakhimova. M. R . 170 (237).I87 Reedy, P. E. Jr. 612 (601), 638
Rakhlin, V. I. 500 (53). 525 Reeve, R. N . 450,451 (558).4.58 (649).469,
Rakhmankulov. D. L. 539 (44).564 471
Ramakrishna, B.L. 613 (625).638 Refaey, K. M. A. 481 (75).4x6
Ramirez, F. 238 (283).253, 405 (122).410, Regitz. M. 158 (74).1x4. 256 (12).257 (29.
412,413(156).414 (184).415 (1.56, 32). 258,262 (29.32,33).263 (29.32,
192-194). 442 (437).443 (448),444 33. 51-53). 265 (29,32,33.51-53,55-
(122.194).454,456 (606),460462, 57,59), 267 (63),279 (82).280 (82,85,
467. 470, 501 (61).503 ( I 14).525, 526 87.88). 286 (94).289 (99),292-294,
Ramirez, R. 437 (383). 466 296 (3).302 (37).324 (3,147.149). 325
Ramirez, R. J. 439 (399).466 (148).329 (166.167). 330 (170).348
Ramsay, D.A . 13. 24 (23),45 (252.253).352 (253). 353 (148,252.
Ramsden, J. H.576 ( 8 3 , 626 265,267). 355 (252,265,270). 357 (252.
Ramsey, J. S. I17 ( 5 5 ) . 125 253,265).372 (3261,377,378.3X0, 381,
Randaccio. L. 576 (RI-83),626 383,384, 398 (75).459
Randall, P. D. 599 (424),615 (650).634. Rehder, D. 219,220 (210), 2 5 1 , 577,578, 583
639 (88),602 (88,47M75). 616 (471).620
Rankin. D. A. 199.204 ( S S ) , 248 (719,720). 623 (750),626, 635. 641
Rankin. D. W. H . 14 (36.45). 42 (155). 46. Rehdler, D. 618 (695).640
48 Reichel, L. 454 (602), 470
Rao, N.S. 167 (183).186, 315. 342 (101). Reid, A. H.589 (239), 630
379, 505 (134),527 Reid, W. 455 (618).470
Rao, Y.S. 416 (198). 462 Reijendam, J. W. von 399 (83).460
Rapp, A. 52,53 (3).74,81 (125).98. 101, Reilly, C. A. 298,302,305, 330 (20).378
169 (227,230),187, 298 (13), 377, 388 Reimann, R. H.199.200,202.219,224,225
(17),458 (56).248
Rappopon, 2. 401 (99).460 Rein, B. M. 45I (566,567),469
Rastetter, W. H. 447 (493).468 Reineke, K. E. 172 (303).189
710 Author index

Reingold, I. D. 523 (2821, 530 Rivera, A. V. 622 (744). 641

Reisenauer, H. P. 256, 257, 262, 270 (26). Rivero, R. A. 433 (326). 465
2 92 Robert, J. B. 304 (44). 378
Reitz, G. A. 623 (759). 641 Roberts, B. P. 137 (9, 13), 139, 141, 142 (31).
Relles, H. M. 439 (41 I), 466 144 (67, 70). 145 (13, 67, 71). 146 (91.
Rensburg, N. J. J. van 521 (269). 523 (269, 92), 147-1'49. 503 ( I 15). 520 (254. 255.
285). 530 258, 263, 264). 526.530, 533 ( 5 , 6, 8-
Rensing, A. 164 (148, 149). 186 10, 13, 18, 20), 535 (26). 537 (26, 36a,
Renz, M. 51 I (170). 528 36c. 3943). 538 (13, 26, 36a. 39, 40,
Reppe, W. 568 (10). 625 5 8 ~ ) 540
. (20, 43, 47), 541 ( 5 5 ) . 542 (57,
Ressner. J. M. 158 (70). 184, 600 (440). 634 58c, 61, 62). 543 (26, 67, 70). 544 (42,
Restivo, R. J. 600 (447-449). 634, 635 62, 70, 74, 76, 86). 545 (67, 70). 546
Rettig, S . J. 196 (30), 248, 609 (578). 637 (70). 547 (70, 82-85), 548 (6, 8, 41, 42,
Reuter, M. 170 (256). 188, 400 (92), 460 70, 86), 549 (42. 70). 552 (42, 70, 86).
Reutov, 0. A. 501 (6749). 525,526 5.53 (70). 554 (42, 70, 86, 88). 563-565
Revel, M. 320 (133). 380, 504 (126). 527 Roberts, D. A. 580 (120). 627
Rhee, H. S . 480, 484 (73). 486 Roberts, J. C . 483 (88, 89). 484 (88). 486
Rheingold, A. L. 199, 203. 220, 221 (59). 248. Roberts, N. K . 57. 58 (57). 59 (79), 70 (57).
606 (537), 636 83 (57, 79). 92 (57). 99, 100, 211, 212
Riba, M. 456 (626). 471 (153). 250. 613 (622). 614 (640),638,
Ricard. L. 56 (193). 102 639
Rice, D. A. 587 (221). 629 Roberts, P. J. 573. 574 (76). 597 (388). 600
Ricevuto, V. 597 (380). 633 (447, 450), 626. 6 3 3 4 3 5
Richards, E. M. 420 (216). 422 (238), 424 Roberts, R. M. G. 333 (195). 337 (216). 381,
(248). 462, 463 382
Richards. R. L. 585 (188), 629 Robertson. G. B. 179 (377), 190. 594 (332.
Richer, H. 263, 265 (52). 293 333), 596 (365), 597 (371). 613 (633),
Richmond, G . 610 (580). 637 614 (637). 632, 633. 639
Richmond, M. G . 243 (321). 254 Robertson, H. E. 14 (36). 42 (155). 46, 48
Richter, H. 348, 352, 357 (253). 383 Robinson, C . N. 318 ( 1 18), 380
Richter, S. 1. 608 (557). 637 Robinson, J. R. 645 (7). 649 (25). 660
Richter, W. J. 179 (385), 181 (391). 190, 305 Robinson, P. J . 199. 205 (96). 249
(49, 52). 378,492 (12). 505 (12, 132). Rochow, E. G . 156 (33). I83
524,527 Rocklage, S . M. 584 (163). 628
Rickard, C. E. F. 584 ( 17 1 ), 628 Rodgers, A. 232 (264). 252
Rickard, E. F. 578 (103). 627 Rodin. A. A. 515 (207). 529
Ridley, D. D. 345 (243. 244). 382 Rodinov, A. 503 (93), 526
Rieber, M. 540 (51). 564 Rodinov, A. N. 503 (92). 526
Riede, J. 208, 209 (132), 242 (306), (307, Rodriguez, M. L. 578 (97), 627
308). 250, 253 Roe. D. C . ( I 32). 48
Rieke, C. A. 22 (75). 47 Roecker, L. 605 (522). 636
Riemer, M. 163 (132). 185. 212, 213 (I%), Rwggen, I . 25, 31 (108). 47
239 (288). 250. 253 Roeschenthaler, G . V. 408 (142). 461
Riera, V. 578 (97). 627 Roesky, H. W. 429 (282, 283). 4 6 4 , 579
Riffel, H. 265 (58). 293, 369 (314). 384 ( I 13), 627
Rigaudy, J. 4 (8). 7 Rogers, D. 171 (283). I88
Rigo, P. 578 (100). 608 (569), 627, 637 Rogers, P. E. 533 (3b, 12a, 12b, 14. 23). 534
Riley, D. P. 58 (62). 92 (186). 99, 102, 612 (3b, 14). 535, 537 (3b). 563
(609).638 Rogers, R. D. 586 (198. 202). 587 (198).
Riley, P. E. 589 (251). 630 629
Rimbault, J. 593 (304). 631 Rogozhin, K. L. 503 (93), 526
Rimml, H. 212, 214 (180). 251 Rohrlich, M. 648 (20). 660
Rines, S . P. 75, 81 (129), 101, 211, 212 (154, Rolls. C. L. 579 (104). 600 (435). 627, 634
157). 213 (154). 250 Rol'nik, L. Z. 539 (44).564
Ripoll, J.-L. 41 (151, 153). 4 8 , 171 (301). Roman, P. 351 (258). 383
188 Romanenko, V. D. 256 (9, 10). 262 (49). 291,
Risley, J. M. 440 (419). 466 292, 304 (60).320 (1 29). 379, 380
Author index 71 1

Rornanov, G. V. 139 (28). 148, 395 (59,410 Roxburgh, H. L. 502 (85, 87). 526
( I S ) , 413 (183). 449 (527). 459, 461, Rozanel'skaya, N. A. 155 (26). 162 (108). 183,
462,469 185
Romao, M. J. 219. 220, 244 (206). 251. 595 Ruban, A. V. 304 (60). 379
(339). 632 Rubio. J. 24, 25, 38, 39 (96). 47
Romm, I. P. 14 (43). 40 (148). 4 6 , 4 8 , 140 Rudinger, J. 447 (483), 468, 658 (58). 661
(39). 148 Rudolph, F. 400 (89). 460
Ronayne, J. 421 (229). 463 Rudolph, G. 241 (303), 253,432 (309), 464
Roncari, G. 588 (232). 630 Rudolph, R. W. 510 (159). 528
Ronen, H. 307 (63). 379 Rudy, B. C. I12 (23). 124
Root. D. R. 589 (243). 605 (515). 630, 636 Rueger. C. 539 (45), 560 (45, 114, 115, 117).
Root, R. D. 606 (534). 636 564,566
Roper, W. R. 578 (102, 103), 627 Ruegg. U. T. 447 (483, 484). 468, 658 (58),
Ros. P. 43, 44 (176), 49 66 I
Ros. R. 61 I (590. 591). 638 Ruelle, P. 45 (201). 49
Rosales, M. J. 590 (265). 608 (559). 630.637 Ruf, H. H. 651 (32). 652 (38), 660
Rosario. R. del 242 (315). 253 Ruhl, 8 . L. 613 (619). 638
Rosch, W. 257 (32). 258, 262 (32, 33). 263 Ruiz. J. P. 234. 235 (269, 270). 253
(32. 33, 51-53), 265 (32, 33, 51-53. 55, Ruiz de Azua, M. C. 303 (40b). 378
56, 59), 279 (82). 280 (82, 87). 292, 293, Rupp, W. 521 (268). 530
296 (3). 324 (3, 147. 149). 329 (166). Ruppert. 1. 43 (175). 4 9 , 240 (296). 253. 256
330 (170). 348 (252. 253), 352 (253). ( 5 ) . 291, 323 (145). 380,451 (560, 561),
353 (252, 265, 267). 355 (252, 265. 270), 469
357 (252, 253, 265). 377,380. 381, 383 Rupprecht, G. A. 583 (157). 628
Rosch, W. 265 (57). 293 Rusek, P. E. 453 (582). 454 (583). 457 (636).
Roseboom, M. 242 (320). 254 470, 471
Rosen, W. 228. 229 (248, 249). 252, 623 Rusek, P. E. Jr. 540, 554 (46a. 46b). 556
(757), 641 (46a). 564
Rosenbaurn. E. J. 131 (33). 136 Russeler, W. 286 (94). 293
Rosete, R. 0. 608 (562). 637 Russell, D. R. 597 (389). 616 (671), 633,
Roshani. M. 458 (648).471 640
Ross, F. R. 584 (161). 628 Russu, A. N. 503 ( I 19), 527
Ross, S . C. 45 (204). 49 Rust, F. F. 490, 496 (4). 524
Rosset, R. 79 (194, 195). 102, 178 (370). 190 Ryan, B . 404 ( I 16). 460
Rossi, R. 588 (231). 630 Ryan, R. R. 581 (129). 585 (183). 602 (458).
Rossi, R. A. 163 (125-127), 185, 505 (130), 627, 628, 635
527 Ryan. T. R. 587 (213, 214). 629
Rossler, M. 196, 198 (48). 248 Rydon, H. N. 391 (34). 459
Rossler, M. 171 (291). 188 Rylance, J. 127 (3). I35
Rotella, F. J. 599 (412). 634 Rzepa. H. S . 31 (112). 4 7 , 589 (240). 630
Roth, W. J. 583 (153), 584 (162, 167, 168,
168, 170). 585 (172). 587 (220). 603 Saak. W. 269 (65), 293
(483, 486, 487). 605, 609 (487). 628, Saalfeld, F. E. 130, 131 (31), 136
629. 635 Sabacky, M. J. 53 (25a). 57, 69 (55). 82 (18,
Rothius, R. 540 (48). 564 25a, 55), 83 (25a. 55). 84 (55). 86 (25a).
Rothwell, I. P. 158 (76). 184 91 (55, 185), 98, 99, 102
Roulet. R. 597 (377, 378). 633 Sabat, M. 619 (704).640
Roundhill. D. M. 444 (451). 467 Saburi, M. 91 (184). 95 (188). 102, 609 (576),
Rouvray. D. H. 222 (227). 252 637
Rowland, K. A. 595 (336). 632 Sacco, A. 595 (338), 632
Rowles, D. K. 454 (594), 470 Sacconi, L. 245 (342, 343), 254, 569 (40).
Rowley, D. L. 219-221 (212), 251 607 (546, 547), 610 (585). 617 (40, 585).
Rowley. L. E. 297 (1 I), 309 (79, 80). 377, 618 (40). 619 (40, 707-709). 621
379 (40, 546, 732). 622 (746). 625,637.
Rowsell. D. G. 166, 169 (172). 175 (337). 186, 638,640,641
189, 298 (14). 306 (14, 53). 326 (53). Sackman, J. F. 128, 131 (8). 135
377, 378 Sadanani, N. D. 199, 202 (76). 249
712 Author index

Sadler, P. J. 614 (646, 647, 649). 615 (651. Santiago, A. N. 163 (127). 185, 505 (130).
654). 639, 653 (41-44). 654 (4346). 52 7
655 (46). 659 (41). 660 Santini, C. 326, 342, 343 (158). 380
Sadykova. E. M. 40 (148). 48 Santini, C. C. 335. 338, 339 (205). 382
Saeed-Vr-Rehman 58, 60 (67). 99 Santos, J. G. 427 (260, 261). 463
Saeva, F. D. 75 (127~).101 Santure, D. J. 583 ( I 54). 628
Safe, S. 447 (495). 468 Sarafanova, N. F. 518. 521 (239). 529
Safronova, Z. V. 456 (635). 471 Saran, M. S. 224, 225 (234). 252
Sagina, E. I. 436 (368). 456 (631, 632). 465. Sarin, M. S. 623 (751). 641
471 Sarjudeen, N. 272 (73), 275. 278 (76). 290
Sahu,D. P. 433 (318), 464 (73, 76). 293
Sahu, U. S. 404 ( 1 17). 460 Sarkis, A. 453 (579). 470
Saint-Joly, C. 595 (341). 596 (344). 632 Sarpal, A. S. 524 (288-291). 530
Sainz-Velicia, J. J. 578 (97), 627 Sarroff. A. 163 (123). 185, 204 (108). 249
Saito, K. 58 (65). 99 Sasaki, T. 436 (359, 367). 465
Saito, S. 55 (43). 58 (65). 99, 404 ( 1 15). 460 Sasame, H. A. 650 (31). 660
Saito, T. 61 (101). 100, 587 (216). 629, 644 Sasse, K. 7 (12). 7 , 192 (3). 247
( 5 ) . 660 Sassmannshausen, G. 14 (51). 46
Saito, Y. 61 1 (588). 638 Sasson, Y. 436 (362, 363). 465
Sakamoto, T. 456 (634). 471 Satek, L. C. 220, 222 (222). 252
Sakata, Y. 523 (283. 284). 530 Satge, J. 448 (517). 468
Sakurai, H. 517 (228). 518 (237). 520 (257). Sato, K. 69, 80 ( 1 19). 101, 234 (271). 253
529,530 Sato, M. 523 (279). 530, 603 (490). 635
Salagre, P. 604 (505). 636 Sato, Y. 456 (634). 471
Salazar, K. V. 581 (129). 627 Sattelberger, A. P. 583 (154, 155). 584 (160,
Salem, G. 179 (377), 182 (394). 190. 590 161, 165, 166). 589 (243). 602, 603
(256). 630 ( 1 60). 628. 630
Saleske, H. 158 (73, 75). 184 Saua, A. 400 (87). 460
Salmon, D. 652 (40), 660 Saukatis, J. C. 454 (585). 470
Salmon, D. J. 589 (242). 592 (289). 606 (532), Saum, S. E. 623 (753, 755). 641
630, 631, 636 Saunders, B. B. 478 (52). 486
Salt, J. E. 604 (502, 503). 636 Saunders. V. R. 476 (42, 43). 485
Salvadori, P. 54 (34). 99 Saussez. R. 153 (1 1). 183. 332, 334, 337
Salzer, A. 430 (294). 464 (183). 381
Samorodov, V. V. 161, 162 (100). 184 Savas, E. S. 438 (389). 466, 562 (124). 566
Samsel, E. G. 447 (488). 468 Saveant, J. M. 107, 108 (17). 117 (56). 124,
Samuel, 0. 59, 72, 83, 92 (76). 100 125
Samuel, W. 170 (264). 188 Savel'ev, Y. I. 503 (103). 526
Samuelsson, B. 451 (568-570). 469 Savignac, P. 332 (182). 333 (182, 193). 335,
Sanchez, L. 416 (199). 462, 586 (199. 200). 340 (182). 381
587 (200). 629 Sawhney, K. N. 436 (373). 466
Sanchez-Delgado, R. 416 (199). 462 Sawyer, J. F. 235 (273). 244 (330). 253. 254,
Sandaval, A. A. 130 (32). 136 585 (187). 586 (209). 607 (545). 628,
Sandberg, C. R. 131 (33). 136 629, 637
Sandercock, A. C. 576 (81). 626 Sayadyan, S. V. 173 (309). 189
Sandh~,S. S. 442 (439). 467. 524 (288-293). Sayo, N. 91, 92 (182, 183). 102
530 Scaiano, J. C . 503 (97, 117). 526,527, 537,
Sandhu, S. S. Jr. 430 (292). 464 538 (36a. 36b). 556 (94). 563-565
Sanger. A. R. 164 (140), 185, 61 1 (595. 598). Scanlan, I. 372 (327, 330). 384
613 (598). 638 Scanlon, L. G. 232 (262). 252
Sano, T. 433 (328), 465 Schade, C. 41 (152). 48
Santere, 0. 540 (52). 564 Schaefer, F. C. 400 (85). 460,475 (23). 485
Santero. 0. 142 (52). 148 Schaefer, H. 440 (414). 466
Santhanam, K. S. V. 104 (1, 4). 105 (4, 7). Schaefer, W. P. 587 (21 I), 629
1 0 6 ( l l . 12). 107-110, 112(11), 114 Schafer, A. 269 (65). 293
(33-35, 38.40). 116 (45, 46). I17 (46). Schafer, E. W. Jr. 649 (26. 27). 660
124, 125, 146 (88). 149 Schafer, H. 577 (92). 626
Author index 713

S c h ~ e rH.
, G. 522 (275). 530 Schmidt, S . P. 240 (295). 253
Schafer, H.C. 139 (32). 148 Schmidt, U. 503 (101), 508 (144-147). 509
Schiifer, K. 5 19 (243). 529 (147). 526,527
S c h ~ e rW.
, 372 (321, 328). 384 Schmiedekamp,A. 22, 24, 38 (79). 47
SchafTer, 0. 331 (174). 361 (297). 381, 383, Schmitt, R. K.605 (510). 636
508 (142), 527 Schmoll, C. 165 (152), 186
Schaufele, H.280 (87). 293 Schmulbach, C. D. 589 (239). 630
Schedlbauer, F. 169 (228). 187 Schmulzler, R. 239 (294). 253
Schedlhauer, F. 53 (24). 98 Schnatterer, S. 193-195 (29), 248, 304 (59).
Schemer, K. 116 (44, 47-49), 124, 125 379
Scheibe, M. 41 I (173). 461 Schneider. E. 171 (291), 188
Scheidl. F. 59 (84). 100 Schneler, V. J. 62, 63 (109). IW
Schein. P. S. 657 (53). 661 Schnering, H.-G.von 42 (156). 48
Scheiner. S. 43 (169, 170). 48, 49 Schnoller, M. 434 (345). 465
Schellenbeck, P. 155 (23, 29, 30). 156 (23). Schnurr, W. 348, 353, 355, 357 (252). 383
183, 388,398,409 (15). 458 Schochel, H.130, 131 (29). 136
Scheller, D. 239 (293). 253 Schoeller, W. W. 42 (161). 44 (190, 194, 197,
Schenck, T. G. 212, 214 (176). 244 (330), 251, 198), 48,49, 139 (32). 148, 506 (135),
254 527
Schenk, G. 0. 490 (lb). 524 Scholer, H.-F.456 (629), 471
Schenker, E. 171 (300). 188 Scholer, H.F. 193. 195. 196, 198. 219, 220
Scherer, 0. J. 256 (7). 291 (22). 247
Scheuler, V. J. 623 (759). 641 Schomaker, V. 15 (54). 46
Scheytt, C. 171 (273). 188 Schonberg, A. 446,447 (459). 467,490 (la,
Schick, K. P. 596 (354). 632 1b), 524
Schiemenz, G. P.40 (139. 140). 48, 158 (84). Schonhammer, B. 59. 72, 83 (74), 99
161 (98.99). 167 (196). 184. 186,454 Schops, R. 239 (293). 253
(595). 470,476 (29). 477 (50, 51). 478 Schore, N. E. 497 (33), 525
(54). 485.486, 501 (63, 64).525 Schoufs, M. 418 (207). 462
Schindlbauer. H. 166 (157. 158). 171 (287), Schrader. G. 2 (3). 7
186, 188 Schreiner, J. L. 79 (141), 101
Schindler. M. 23-25 (89). 47 Schrock. R. R. 583 (144, 157). 584 (163).
Schipper, P. 137 (7). 147, 531-533 (le), 542 586 (197, 206). 587 (206). 628, 629
(le. 57). 543 (69a-c). 544 (le, 69b. 6 9 ~ ) . Schroeer, R. 508 (145, 147). 509 (147).
545 ( 6 9 ~ )549
. (69b). 563-565 527
Schleyer, P. von R. 41 (152). 42 (158). 44 Schroth, G. 176 (358), 190
(186). 48. 49 Schubert, D. M. 174 (321). 189, 219-221
Schmidbauer. H.431 (304), 464, 579 (106). (209). 251. 308 (69). 379,432 (31 I),
590 (253). 627,630 444
Schrnidbaur, H. 156 (41). 164, 171 (137). 183. Schubert, U. 220, 222 (220). 236 (275, 277),
185, 193, 194 (16.29). 195 (29). 196 252, 253
(41). 208 (132, 134-136, 139). 209 (132). Schueler, V. J. 232 (265). 252
210 (134-136, 139). 212, 213 (163, 164). Schulman, J. I. 439 (397), 466
234, 235 (272). 236 (275-278). 247,248, Schultz, A. J. 584 (161), 602 (462, 464).628,
250, 253, 304 (59). 379 635
Schmidpeter, A. 241 (304), 253, 296 (4). 347 Schulz. D. N. 392 ( 4 2 4 ) . 393,394 (44).459
(249, 250). 353, 355 (4). 377,383 Schulz. G. 433 (323). 447 (485), 464,468
Schmidt, A. H.406 (135. 136). 461 Schulz, J. 13, 32 (25). 46
Schmidt, H.256 ( I 1). 270, 278, 283 ( I I , 66). Schumacher, 0. 170 (241, 242). 187, 410
289 (98). 291, 293, 294, 306 (57), 309 (153, 154). 461
(75). 379 Schumann, H.455,458 (621, 622). 470,578
Schmidt, J. 658 ( 5 9 , 661 (96, IOI), 590 (266, 267). 593 (96,31 I,
Schmidt, K. D. 439 (W),466 3 12, 3 14). 626,627, 630, 631
Schmidt, K. J. 52 (7). 98 Schunck, S. 130, 131 (29). 136
Schmidt, M. W. 44 (188). 49 Schwartz. J. 583 (146), 628
Schmidt, P. 434 (330), 465 Schwartz, P. 158 (72). 184
Schmidt, R. E. 14 (46). 46, 350 (256). 383 Schwarzenbach, D. 597 (377). 633
714 Author index

Schwarzenbach, G. 166 (167), 186 Shahya, R . 613 (619), 638

Schweckendiek, W. J. 568 (10). 625 Shaikhutdinov,I. T. 175 (348). 189
Schweig, A. 372 (321, 328. 329a). 384 Shain. I. 105 ( 5 ) . 124
Schwendemann, R. H. 13. 24 (23). 45 Shakya, R. P. 158 (85), 184
Schwetlick, K. 539 (45). 560 (45, 11&118), Shapley, J. R. 608 (557). 637
564,566 Sharbaugh, A. H. 476 (41). 485
Schwotzer, W. 594 (330). 606 (531). 608 Sharp, D. W. A. 199, 202 (75. 78), 249, 336
(566). 632, 636, 637 (210). 382
Scollary, G. 208. 210 (148). 250 Sharp, P. R. 586 (197, 201. 203, 206). 587
Scollary, G. R. 618 (701), 621 (723). 640,641 (206). 629
Scott, A. 615 (653), 639 Sharpatyi, V. A. 146 (79). 149
Scott, G . 439 (403, 404), 466 Sharpless, K. B. 177, 179 (367, 368). 190
Scott. J. W. 59 (84), 100, 214 (186), 251 Shaw, B. L. 158 (77, 89). 160 (93). 184, 196,
Scott. R. J. 333 (197). 381 197 (31-34, 42). 203 (101). 206, 207
Screttas, C. 156 (43). 183 (112, 113, 118, 119),208(148, 149),209
Scnvanti. A. 61 1 (590, 591). 638 (32-34). 210 (148). 212, 214 (179). 234
Searle, J. G.441 (424). 466 (112, 113). 242 (318). 243 (113, 326).
Sears, C. T. 400 (90). 460, 480,484 (73), 486 247 (349, 351), 248-251. 254, 568 (12,
Seddon, K. R. 242 (312). 253 13, 20), 569 (28). 571 (58). 590 (268).
Sedgwick, R. D. 211, 212 (151). 250 594 (334), 598 (20, 396, 401, 404). 603
Seeberger, M.H.579 (1 1 I), 593 (297). 627, (494). 615 (20, 659, 661465). 617 (682).
631 625, 626, 630, 632, 633, 635, 639. 640
Seevagel, K. 54 (27). 98 Shaw, C. F. 111 655 (48). 660
Seevogel, K . 176 (358). 190 Shaw. M. A. 238 (282. 283). 253, 419 (211),
Sega, A. 54 (28). 98 420 (227). 421 (21 1, 229, 230, 232. 236).
Segi, M. 64 ( 1 1 Ic, 112). 100 423,424 (244), 425 (250). 462, 463
Seidl, E. 267 (64).293, 346 (247, 248). 382, Shaw, R. A. 442 (432). 467
383 Sheldon, R. A. 499 (50). 500 (51). 525
Seifert. S. 658 (55, 56). 661 Sheldrick, G . M. 157, 175 (63). 184, 389, 390
Seifert, W. J . 331 (174). 381 (3 I), 459, 579 (1 13), 599 (428). 600
Seip, R. 14 (36). 46 (428,430), 627, 634
Sejpka, H. 257, 258 (28, 30). 259 (28). 262 Sheldrick, W. S. 204 (103). 228, 230 (250).
(28, 30). 292 241 (304). 246 (250). 249, 252,253, 581
Sekine. M. 446 (466). 467 (133). 627
Selegue, J. P. 617 (685). 640 Sheppard, D. 146 (87). 149
Sella, A. 607 (543, 637 Sheppard, R. N. 589 (240). 630
Sellers, H.495 (24), 525 Shermolovich, Yu. G.406 ( I 24). 460
Semsel, A. M. 173 (317). 174 (326, 327. 330). Sheu, S. C . 603 (488). 635
189 Shewshuck, E. 570 (50),625
Sen, A. 596 (357). 632 Shian, W. I. 392 (43). 459
Sendyurev, M. V. 499 (47). 510 (152-154, Shiau, W.-I. 392-394 (44, 45). 459
162-165). 525, 527, 528 Shibaev, V. I. 515 (207). 529
Sen Gupta, K. K. 129 (20), 130 (24). 131 (20, Shibayama, K. 503 (122). 504 (127). 527
24). 135, 136 Shigorin, D. N. 503 (92, 93). 526
Sequeira, A. 484 (96). 487 Shilov, S. A. 510 (162, 163, 165). 528
Seshasayee, M. 613 (625), 638 Shimamura, K. 199, 200 (62). 248
Sethulakshmi, C . N. 610 (583). 638 Shimomoto, R. 602 (460). 635
Sethulkashmi, C. N. 613 (626). 638 Shinya, S. 408 (143). 461
Setzer, W.N. 304 (44),378 Shirahashi. K. 434 (338). 465
Severengiz, T. 171 (278). 188 Shiralian, M. 607 (545). 637
Sevrin, M. 450 (543). 469 Shirley, K. R. 59 (75). 100, 612 (610). 638
Seyferth, D. 156 (33), 183, 271 (68), 293, 426 Shode, 0. 0. 391, 443 (38). 459
(255). 431 (306). 432 (307). 463, 464 Shook, H. E. Jr. 300 (27). 378
Shabanzadeh, B. 158 (89). 184 Shore, S. 392-394 (45). 459
Shafer, S. J. 515 (210, 21 I), 529 Shostenko, A. G. 51 1 (173, 176, 177, 179),
Shah, D. P. 158 (70). 184, 600 (440). 634 528
Shahak, 1. 436 (362). 465 Shreeve. J. M. 240 (297), 253
Author index 715

Shriver, D. F. 593 (318). 632 Skelton, B. W. 164 (134). 185, 433 (324).
Shu, P. 359 (287). 383 4 6 4 , 590 (263). 599 (423). 607 (552,
Shumate, R. E. 58 (62). 99 553). 608 (553). 609 (574, 575). 620
Shutt, J. R . 170 (248). 187, 423 (243), 463 (721). 630, 634, 637. 641
Shvetsov-Shilovskii, N. 1. 43 (178). 4 9 , 256 Skinner, H. A. 127 (4). 129 (14, 17). 130 (23),
(6). 291 131 (14, 17, 23). 134 (4). 135. 136
Sicard, G. 493 (20). 521 (270). 522 (271, 272). Skinner. J. F. 73 (122). 101, 613 (620). 638
524, 530 Skinnor, 1. F. 58, 83 (71). 99
Siddiqui, M. R. 609 (572). 637 Skotheim, T. 114 (37). 124
Sidhu, A. 476, 478 (32). 485 Skowronska, A. 387 (6). 437 (375). 458,466,
Sidhu, M. S . 524 (292, 293). 530 533, 548 (8). 563
Sidiropoulos, G. 429 (282. 283). 464 Sladkov, A. M. 157 (61). 184
Sidky, M. M. 448 (510). 468 Slawin, A. M. 589 (249). 630
Siebeneick, H.-U. 167 (196). 186 Slebocka-Tilk, H. 157 (53). 183
Siegel, H. 53.82 (17). 86 (164). 98, 102 Small, R. D. Jr. 503 ( 1 17). 527,537, 538
Sierakowski, A. F. 345 (242-244). 382 (36b). 564
Siew, P. Y. 591 (372). 633 Smart, B. A. 24, 25 (100). 47
Sigalov, M. V. 500 (53). 525 Smeykal, K. 516 (220). 529
Sikora, J. 430 (293), 464 Smimov, S. G . 503 (92). 526
Silbereisen. E. 265 (54). 293, 365 (308). 384 Smith, A. B. 433 (326). 465
Sillett, G. J. D. 286 (93). 293 Smith, A. K. 245 (341). 254, 608 (556). 618
Silver, J. 333 (195). 337 (216). 381,382 (689, 691). 637, 640
Sim, G. A. 336 (210). 382 Smith, B. B. 305 (47), 378
Sim. W. 437 (381). 466 Smith, 8.C . 442 (428, 43-32). 449 (428,
Simalty, M. 341 (234. 235). 342, 345 (234). 430,431), 458 (648). 467,471
364 (235). 382 Smith, C. 114-116 (31b). 124
Simmons, G. 53 (22), 98 Smith, C. P. 410, 412, 413 (156), 415 (156,
Simmons, N. P. C. 256, 257 (13, 15, 18-21), 193). 461, 462
260 (18-21, 39). 261 (19). 292 Smith, D. J. H. 7 (17). 8 , 152 (3). 167 (192,
Simmons, T. C. 517 (226). 529 193), 168 (193). 182 (393), 182, 186.
Simon, D. 61 1 (593), 638 190, 192. 219 (6), 247, 310 (82). 379,
Simonnin. M.-P. 162 (1 15). 185 451 (565). 469
Simons, G. 162 (113, 114). 185, 212, 213 Smith, G. 609 (570, 571). 637
(162). 214, 215 (188), 250, 251 Smith, G. H. 442, 449 (428). 467
Simons, H. E. 406 (129). 461 Smith, G. W. 583 (151), 628
Singer, M. I. C. 436 (365). 465 Smith, J. D. 575, 576 (79). 626
Singh. G. 162 (106). 185, 397 (70). 459 Smith, J. H. 392. 393 (45). 394 (45, 50). 459
Singh, K. 145 (71). 149, 542 (62). 544 (62, Smith, J. R . 520 (250). 530
86). 548, 552 (86). 554 (86, 88), 564, Smith, K. G . 21 1, 212 (151). 250, 614 (644).
565 639
Singleton, E. 591 (283). 631 Smith, L. K. 602 (476). 635
Singleton, K. A. 447 (480). 468 Smith, L. R. 454 (590). 470
Sinn, E. 593 (303). 631 Smith, N. L. 392 (39). 453 (579). 459, 470
Sinou, D. 54 (31). 58 (63. 66. 69). 60 (66). Smith, P. H. 158 (70). 184, 193, 194, 239
61 (98). 62, 83 (31). 99, 100, 164 (143). (25). 247, 600 (440). 634
185, 215, 216 (189, 190, 192). 251 Smith, R. A. 447 (489, 496,497). 468
Sirks, G. 316 (105), 379 Smith, R. H. 518 (235, 236), 529
Sironi, A. 609 (577). 637 Smith. R. T. 569. 570 (33). 625
Sirvetz, M. H. 14 (28). 46 Smith, S. J. 163 (131). 185
Sisler, H. H. 392 (39), 437 (382). 453 (579, Smith, T. J. 605 (507, 510, 515). 606 (530).
581). 458 (650). 459, 466, 470, 471 636
Sitton, P. G. 373 (333). 384 Smith, T. W. 376 (338). 384
Siwapinyoyos, G. 431 (305), 464 Smithers, R. H. 456 (625). 471
Sizov, Yu.A. 196, 197, 208, 210 (43). 248 Smyser, B. P. 651 (33, 34). 660
Sjoeberg, L. 518 (238). 529 Snider. T. E. 31 1 (86). 312 (91, 92). 379
Skaarup, S. 22, 24, 38 (79). 47 Snow, M. R. 607 (551). 637
Skapski, A. C . 589 (249), 630 Snyder, C. E. 157 (49). 183
716 Author index

Snyder, E. 1. 455 (610, 613). 470 Spiegel, G. U. 166 (177). 186, 199, 200,202,
Snyder, J. P. 447 (490). 468 219-221 (69). 248
Snyder, R. M . 656 (51), 657 (52). 661 Spietschka, W. 444 (453). 467
Sobeir, M . E. 442, 449 (430, 431). 467 Spitznagel, G. W . 42 (158). 48
Sobel, H. 388 (19). 458 Spivack, J. D. 163 (1 18). 185, 300 (28). 378
Sobolev, A. N. 140 (39). 148 Spogliarich, R. 55 (38). 99
Sobolov, A. N. 14 (43), 46 Srinivasan, C. 440 (417, 418), 466
Soborovskii, L. Z. 175 (334). 189, 410 (150- Srivanavit, C. 332, 345, 371 (188). 381
152). 412,413 (179, 180). 461,462 Srivastava, R. C . 156 (44). 183, 596 (361),
Socol, S. M . 621 (730). 641 597 (373). 598 (397). 632, 633
Sodhi. R. N. 31 (123). 32 (124). 48 Stacey, F. W. 496 (27). 525
Sogabe. K. 542 (59). 564 Stide. W. 358 (279). 383
Sohn, Y. S. 612 (604).638 Staernmler, V. 42 (161). 48
Sohr. H. I13 (27). I14 (27. 30). 124 Staines, W. H. 405 (123). 460
Sokolov, V. V. 510 (164). 528 Stam, C. H. 43.44 (176). 49
Sokol’skii, G. A. 453 (575). 470 Standtke, K. 204 (107). 249
Solans, X . 604 (505). 636 Stanek, J. 515 (206). 529
Solar, J. M . 614 (638). 639 Stangeland, L. J. 449 (536). 469
Soldovnikov, S. P . 535 (31, 32). 541 (31). 563 Stanley, A. E. 512 (188). 528
Solodovnikov, S. P. 518 (232). 529, 531-533, Stanley, G . G . 224, 226 (239). 245 (340). 252,
542 (Id), 546 (80). 547 (81). 563, 565 254, 618 (690), 623 (752-755). 640.641
Sologub, L. S. 435 (350). 465 Stanley, R. H. 481 (74). 486
Solomun. T. 596 (351). 632 Starostin, A. V. 128 (11). 129 (15). I35
Solonki. B. 260 (42). 292 Staudinger. H. 434 (341. 343). 465
Somerville. R. G. 591 (273). 631 Stauffert. P. 242 (316). 254
Sommer, H. 193, 194 (12), 219, 220 (206, Staurt, A. L. 580 (122). 627
207). 224, 225 (231). 228, 230 (250). Stec, W . J. 441 (421),466
244 (206). 246 (250), 247 (353-356), Steel, A. T. 570 (48.49). 607 (48). 610, 613
247,251, 252, 254. 581 (135, 136). 624 (49). 625
(762). 627, 641 Steen. N. D. C. T. 579 (107, 108). 580 (125).
Sornrner. K. 199,204-207 (85). 249, 319, 335 62 7
(119). (125),380 Steffen, W. L. 179 (377). I90
Somogyvari, A. 573 (77). 599 (420), 626. 634 Steger. B. 44 (191). 49
Sonau, M . 594 (330). 632 Steggerda, J. J. 242 (320). 254
Songstad, J. 388 (19, 20). 391 (36). 449 (536). Steglich, W . 265 (60). 293
458.459, 469,478 (52). 486 Stein. B. K. 602 (469). 635
Sonnernans, M. H. W. 545 (78,79b), 546 Stein, R. 599 (422). 634
(79b). 552 (78). 565 Stein. Z. 66. 79 ( 1 14). I00
Sonnenschein, H. 306. 310 (56). 379 Steinert, A. 106 (16), 124
Sono, M . 652 (35, 36). 660 Steininger, E. 166 (157. 158). 186, 496 (29).
Sopchik, A. E. 555 (92). 559 ( I 13). 560 ( I 13, 525
119). 565,566 Steinkamp, H. 434 (333). 465
Sorokina, T. V. 170 (232). 187 Stelzer, 0. 14 (45). 4 6 , 166 (177). 173 (314),
Sorrell, R. M . 577 (90). 626 186. 189. 193 (10, 12. 26, 28), 194 (12,
Sosnovsky, G. 439 (400). 466 26, 28). 195 (28). 196, 197 (36, 37a).
Sostero, S. 597 (380). 633 199 (67. 69. 82), 200 (69, 82). 202 (69).
Sotnikova, N. N. 106. I I I (15). 124, 146 (89). 204 (103). 206 (67). 219, 220 (69, 206,
I49 207, 213). 221 (69. 213). 222 (37a), 223
Souady, H. 265 (MI), 293 (82, 232. 233). 224 (82, 231-233), 225
Souchi, T. 61. 74, 82, 83 (99a. 99b). 100. 212, (23I ), 228 (250-255). 230 (25&253),
213 (169), 250 231 (254, 255). 239 (28, 294). 242 (10).
Spek. A. L. 612, 614 (616). 638 244 (206). 245 (82, 232, 233, 338). 246
Spencer, J. L. 586 (194), 588 (234). 591 (279). (250). 247 (353-356). 247-249.251-
596 (359). 6 2 9 6 3 2 254, 569 (37). 581 (132, 133, 135, 136).
Spero, D. M . 447 (493). 468 582 (139, 140). 617 (37). 623 (140,747-
Speziale, A. J. 454 (590). 470 749,760. 761). 624 (762). 625,627, 641
Spicer, M. D. 570 (52). 626 Stempffe, W. 54 (27). 98
Author index 717

Stempfle, W. 176 (350, 190 Stukens, D. J. 158 (87a), 184

Stendel, R. 199, 204 (84). 249 Stull,D.R. 131 (40). 136
Stepanov, B. 1. I18 (61). 125, 155 (24-26). Stults, B. R. 91 (185). 102
158 (66,67, 79). 162 (108). 183-185, Stults. S . 582 (141). 627
476 (25-28), 478 (25-27). 485 Stunseifer, F. 164 (148). I86
Stephens, F. S. 182 (394). 1 9 0 , 590 (256). 630 Sturgeoff, L. G. 586, 587 (206). 629
Stephenson, C. C . 130 (27). 131 (41). 136 Stutz, P. 447 (485). 468
Stephenson, D. S. 362 (300). 384 Su,S . C . H. 160 (95). I84
Stephenson, T. A. 592 (292), 594 (331). 610 Subramainan, S. 613 (626). 638
(292). 631, 632 Sueiras, J.-E. 604 (505). 636
Stepowska, H. 433 (319). 464 Suffolk, R. J. 260, 261 (37). 292
Sterlin, R. N. 156 (34). 183 Suga. S . 64 (1 I Ic. 112). 100
Stem, R. 83 (150). 101 Sugimoto, S . 503 (100). 520 (256). 526. 530
Stemson, L. A. 650 (31). 660 Sugiura, K. 506 (139). 527
Steuber, F. W. 358 (279). 383 Su Khac Binh 107, 108 (17). 124
Stevens, D. S . 164 (145). 185 Sullivan, J. F. 14, 17 (35). 46
Stevens, N. R. 537 (37). 564 Sultanov, A. Sh. 40, 41 (145). 48
Stevenson, D. P. 15 (54). 46 Summer, C. E. 455 (613). 470
Stewart, B . J. 585 (179). 628 Summerville, R . H. 612 (615). 638
Stewart, K. R. 23 (81). 47 Sumrell, G. 519 (241). 529
Stiles, A. R. 490, 4% (4). 524 Sun, H. 44 (189). 4 9 , 304, 305 (45). 378, 451
Stille. J. K. 53, 83 (2%). 89 (171). 98, 102, (564). 469
164 (146). 175 (346b). 186, 189, 215, Sun, R. C. 59 (84). 100
218 (199-201). 251 Sun, Y. Y. 199, 203, 220. 221 (58). 248, 603
Stille, J. R. 215, 218 (200). 251 (492). 635
Stirling, C. J. M. 454 (594). 470 Sundar, S. 497 (33), 525
Stobart, S . R. 497 (34). 525 Sundaresan. N. S. I14 (33). 124
Stockel, R. F. 407 (139, 140). 408 (145). 412, Sundberg, R. J. 154, 157 (16). 163 (116). 183,
413 (181). 461.462 185, 518 (235, 236). 529
Stocks, R. C . 316 (107, 112). 317 (107). 380, Sung, C.-M. 657 (52, 53). 661
451 (563). 469 Sunjic. V. 54 (28). 9 8 , 214 (183). 251
Stohr. H.436 (366), 465 Suprenant, L. M. 40, 41 (141),48. 402 (102).
Stone, C. 158 (68). 184 460
Stone, F. G. A. 155 (20). 156 (33). 183, 484 Suschitzky, H. 396 (69). 459
(9&100), 487, 5% (359). 632 Sussankam, S . J. 164 (147). 186
Stone, W. R. 450 (548). 469 Sutter, P. 436 (372). 465
Stoppioni, P. 245 (344), 254, 622 (746). 641 Sutton, 8. M. 654 (47). 660
Storhoff, B. N. 173 (308). 189, 572, 573 (73). Sutton, L. E. 13 (20, 21). 16 (20). 45
626 Suwa, K. 60 (86). 100
Straub, B. 609 (577). 637 Suzuki. A. 448 (525). 469
Straub, D. K. 652 (37). 660 Suzuki, M. 446 (470). 467
Strauss, S. H. 593 (318), 632 Suzuki, N. 55 (44). 69, 80 ( I 19). 99, 101, 234
Strege, P. E. 89 (174). 102 (271). 253
Streng, K. 59, 72, 83 (74). 99 Suzuki. Z. 404 ( I 13). 460
Streuli, C. A. 473 (3, 4). 474 (4). 475, 476 (3, Svara, J. 328 (165). 381
4). 477 (4). 481 (3, 4). 485, 571 (56), Svec, H. J. 130, 131 (31), 136
626 Swami, A. N. 442,449 (43 I),467
Streusand, B. J. 17 (63). 46 Swan. J. M. 297 (11). 309 (79, 80), 377. 379
Strouse, C. E. 597 (370). 613 (630). 633,639 Swanepoel, 0. A. 521 (269). 523 (269, 285,
Strubel, W. 166 (175). 186 286). 530
Shuchkov, Y . T. 517 (231), 529, 535, 541 Swartz, J. E. 505 (129). 515, 520 (216). 527.
(31). 563 529
Stuart, A. L.578,580 (95). 593 (297). 626, Sweigart, D. A. 430 (296-299). 43 I (300,
63I 301). 464
Stuart, M. C. 131 (43). 136 Syhre, R. 658 (55, 56), 661
Stucky, G. G. 606 (529), 636 Sylwestrzak, M. S. 40,41 (141). 48,402
Stuffkens, D. J. 593 (316), 632 ( 102), 460
718 Author index

Symmes. C. Jr. 298 (15, 19), 378, 392 (43). Tambute, A. 178 (370). 190
459 Tamura, K. 496 (26). 499 (48). 525, 558 (99,
Symons, M. C. R. 138 (15. 16, 18-21. 23, 25). 104), 565
140 (19. 20. 25, 34), 141 (16, 42, 44,46, Tamura, Y. 437 (376, 377). 450 (544). 466,
47). 142 (46), 143, 144 (60), 145 (15, 469
60). 147, 148, 503 (107, 109-111, 119, Tan, H. W. 540, 554 (46a). 555 (89, 90.93).
120). 512 (182). 520 (259, 260). 526- 556 (46a. 93). 564,565
528.530. 543 (640.564 Tanaka, H. 442 (434). 467
Syshchikov. Yu.N. 14, 15 (42). 46 Tanaka, M. 58 (70). 60 (89). 99, 100
Sytnik, W. 503 (108). 526 Tanaka, T. 61 (97). 100
Sytnyk, W. 144 (68). 149 Tang, R. 14 (52). 4 6 , 166, 169 (172). 186,
Syverud, A. N. 13, 15, 16 (24). 46 298, 306 (14). 337, 345, 371 (217). 377,
Szabo, G. 445 (457). 467 382
SzakBI, Gy. 443 (449, 450). 467 Tani. K. 60 (86. 87). 61 (101). 86 (87). 100,
Szameitat, J. 320 (138). 380 179 (375, 376). 190. 199, 200, 206, 241
Szczesniak. M. M. 43 (169). 48 (64a). 248
Szego, F. 435 (355). 465 Tanigawa, E. 199, 200, 206, 241 (64a). 248
Szepes, L. 40 (144, 147). 41 (144), 48 Taniguchi. M. 199, 200 (62). 248
Szewczyk. J. 305 (50). 342 (236). 343 (50). Tanimoto. S. 404 ( I I I), 460
378, 382 Tanio, M. 437 (376). 466
Szostak, R. 613 (630). 639 Tantasheva, F. R. 405 (121). 460
Taqui-Khan, B. 609 (572). 637
Taagepera, M. 476 (35), 481 (77). 485. 486 Taqui-Khan, M. M. 609 (572). 637
Taber. A. M. 5 10 (165). 528 Tasker, P. A. 163 (120). 185. 214, 215 (187).
Taddei, M. 23 (83), 47 232 (263). 251, 252
Taft, R. W. 476 (35). 481 (77). 485, 486 Tatlow, J. C. I12 (21). 124
Taft, R. W. Jr. 476 (45). 485 Tatsumi, T. 603 (490). 635
Taira, K. 395 (53, 54). 459,480 (70), 486 Tatsuno, Y. 61 ( I O I ) , 100, 199. 200, 206, 241
Tait. J. C . 520 (262). 530, 540, 550 (54), 564 (64a), 248
Tajika, M. 61 (102). 100 Tau, K. D. 199-201, 220, 222 (93). 249, 497
Takach. N. F. 58 (64). 99 (31). 5 2 5 , 621 (725. 727), 641
Takagi, H. 64 ( I 1 la), 100 Taylor, A. 447 (495). 468
Takagi, M. 446 (468). 467 Taylor, D. W. 336 (210), 382
Takahagi, H. 447 (474). 467 Taylor, E. C . 5 18 (234). 529
Takahashi. H. 60 (88), 100. 215, 216 (198). Taylor, I. C . 419 (213). 462
251 Taylor, J. C . 615 (667). 639
Takaku, H. 447 (481). 450 (545). 468, 469 Taylor, J. G. 206. 207 ( 1 16, 117). 249
Takashina, N. 403 (107). 460 Taylor, M. W. 156 (35). 183
Takata, S . 506 (139). 527 Taylor, N. J. 212, 213 (160), 250, 572 (67).
Takaya, H. 60 (87). 61 (99a. 99b. 100, 123), 580 (121), 626, 627
74 (99a. 99b, 123). 75 (123). 82, 83 Taylor, R. C . 171 (290). 188, 199, 200 (51).
(99a. 99b). 86 (87). 91, 92 (180-182), 248, 510 (159). 528
95 (180). 100-102, 168 (199). 186, 212, Taylor, W. G. 456 (624). 471
213 (167, 169), 250 Tazaki, M. 446 (468), 467
Takayo, A. 9 1, 92 ( 183). 102 Tebby, J. C . 238 (282). 253, 375 (336). 384,
Takeda, A. 434 (338). 465 419 (211). 420 (215, 216). 421 (211.
Taketomi, T. 60 (87). 61, 74, 75 (123). 86 229-236). 422 (235. 238). 423 (242,
(87). 100. 101. 168 (199). 186, 212, 213 244). 424 (244, 248). 425 (250). 462,
(l67), 250 463
Takeuchi, J. K. 592 (286). 631 Teichmann, H. 240 (301). 253, 455 (607, 612),
Takeyama, T. 168 (205). 187 4 70
Takizawa, T. 406 (130. 131). 461 Teissier, B. 116 (49). 125
Talay, R. 602 (470). 635 Teller, R. G. 588 (233, 235). 630
Tamao, K. 62 (10% 87 (168a). 100, 102, 212. Temple, R. D. 434 (344). 435 (344, 348). 465
213 (170). 251 Teo, B. K. 599 (417). 634
Tamborski. C. 157 (49, 50). 183 Terauch, K. 520 (257), 530
TambutC, A. 56 (193), 79 (194. 195). 102 Terauchi, K. 517 (228). 518 (237). 529
Author index 719

Ter-Gabrielyan,E. G. 456 (635). 471 576 (84). 606 (538). 607 (543, 544). 625,
Tesi. G. 522 (274). 530 626, 637
Tetrick, S. M. 592 (293). 631 Tolstikov, G. A. 168 (206). I87
Teuben, J. H. 583 (149, 150). 628 Toman, K. 232 (262). 252
Thaler, E. 619 (703). 640 Tomas. M. 589 (244). 630
Thamm, R. 41 1 (175). 461 Tom Dieck. H . 33 (1 19). 47
Thavard, D. 333 (199). 381 Tomilov, A. P. 174 (332). I89
ThCnard, P. 2 (2). 7 Tomioka, H. 331 (173), 381, 506 (138, 139).
Theodoropulos, S. 406 (1 26). 460 517 (229), 527,529
Thevand, A. 143 (54). 148 Tomita, A. 5 5 , 69 (35), 99
Thewalt, U. 583 (145). 615 (666). 628, 639 Tomkins, I. B. 208, 210 (141-143). 250, 616
Thoma, R. J. 324 (146). 380 (672). 640
Thomas, G. 476, 477 (31). 485 Tomlin, C. D. S. 396 (69). 459
Thomas, T. D. 373 (333). 384 Tong, W. P. 406 (133, 134). 461
Thompson, H. W. 131 (35). 136,438 (387). Tordo. P. 137 (14). 138 (25, 26). 139 (14. 26,
466 29, 33). 140 (25. 26), 141 (41). 142 (29.
Thompson, Q. E. 440 (415). 466 33, 49, 50, 52, 53). 143 (54). 144 (14).
Thompson, R. 3 (4). 7 147, 148, 441 (426). 467, 540 (52). 542
Thompson, W. H. 480, 484 (73). 486 (57). 564
Thomsom, C. 543 (64c), 564 Torgomyan, A. M. 420 (217, 220, 221). 462
Thomson, C. 23-25 (86). 33 (122). 44 (195). Toriumi, K.212, 213 (169). 250
45 (203). 4 7 , 4 9 Toros, S. 58 (64). 85 (156). 99, 101
Thorausch, P. 199, 200 (64, 86). 206, 241 Tor-Poghossian,G. 429 (281), 464
(64).248, 249 Torrance, J. B. 114 (41). 124
Thorbum, I. S. 609 (578). 637 Torre, M. 388 (25), 458
Thom, D. L. 593 (3191,632 Tono. I. 14 (53), 46
Thomton-Pett, M. 242 (318). 254, 586 (192, Toscano, P. G. 576 (8 I , 83), 626
204). 587 (204). 588 (222, 223). 593 Toscano, V. G. 503 (95, 96, 98, 99). 526
(306). 602 (463,466), 604 (463, 502), Tossell, J. A. 40, 41 (142), 42, 43 (167). 4 8 ,
605 (223,463, 519, 520), 609 (571). 617 571 (65), 626
(682). 629, 631, 6 3 5 6 3 7 , 640 Toth, G. 435 (355-357), 465
Thorstenson, P. C. 513 (191). 528 Toth, I. 215, 216 (196). 251
Thorstenson. T. 388 (20). 391 (36). 458,459 Toth, K. 56, 61, 64 (49). 99, 168 (202). 179
Thuilier, A. 41 (151). 48 (383). 187, 190
Thuillier, A. 171 (301). 188 Toth, Z. 569, 570 (32). 625
Tiethof, J. 219, 222 (205). 252 Townsend, J. M. 59 (84). 100, 168 (213).
Tijhuis. M. W. 448 (516). 468 187
Tilley, T. D. 601 (452). 602 (453). 635 Toyota, K. 504 (127, 128). 527
Timokhin, B. V. 161 (1W103), 162 (100, Trabelsi, M. 577 (87). 626
104). 184, 185, 450 (555-557). 452 Traber, R. P. 515 (212, 213). 529
(572). 469, 470 Trampe, G. 457 (642). 471
Tiripicchio, A. 242 (314). 253 Tran'kova, N. A. 162 (104). 185
Tiripicchio-Camellini,M. 242 (3 14). 253 Tranqui, D. 61 1 (592). 638
Tkatchenko, I. 205 (1 10). 249 Traverso, 0. 597 (380). 633
Tocher. A. 594 (329). 632 Trebbin, C. 389 (28). 458
Tocher, D. A. 592 (291, 294), 631 Trego, B. 447 (486). 468
Tocher, J. M. 594 (329). 632 Treichel, P. M. 199 (66). 204 (66, 104, 105),
Toda, F. 66, 79 ( 1 14). 100 207 (66), 248, 249
Todd, A. 117 (57). 125 Trenkle, A. 579, 580 (1 IS), 627
Todd, D. 399 (81. 82). 400 (82). 460 Treweek, R. F. 543 (64j).564
Toga, Y. 79 (19). 98 Trimborn, H. 647,648 (14). 660
Togo, H. 446 (469). 467 Trinquier, G. 24, 28 (97), 47
Toke, L. 443 (449. 450). 467 Trinquier, G. G. 522 (278). 530
Tokes, L. 436 (358), 465 Trippett, S. 170 (244. 248). 171 (272). 187,
Tolman, C. A. 16 (57, 58). 17 (57), 4 6 , 199, 188, 310 (82). 314 (99). 379,410 (161).
202 (74), 234 (268). 246 (346). 248, 423 (243). 451 (565). 454 (591). 461,
253,254, 569 (25), 572, 573 (25. 72), 463,469, 470,499 (50). 500 (51). 525
720 Author index

Trober, A. 131 (34). 136 Tyler, D. R. 541 (56). 564, 617 (687). 640
Troetsch-Schaller,1. 355, 357 (269). 383 Tyler. 1. K. 260 (36). 292
Trogler. W. C . 31-34, 37, 42 (121). 47, 571 Tzschach, A. 55 (36). 9 9 , 106 (16), 124, 175
(63). 596 (363). 597 (369, 370, 374), 617 (342). 189, 193 (23), 196, 197 (40). 208,
(687). 626, 633, 640 209 ( I 3 1), 223 (23). 239 (40).247, 248,
Trost. B. M. 89 (172, 174). 90 (172). 102 250,309 (77). 350 (257). 351 (77, 257).
Trotman-Dickenson, A. F. 476 (37). 485 352 (77, 261, 262), 353 (77), 379, 383,
Trotsch, I. 322 (140). 346 (248). 353, 354 432 (310), 464
( 140). 380. 383 Tzshach, A. 59 (80), 100
Trotsch, J. 267 (64).293
Trotsch-Schaller, I. 322, 354 (141). 380 Uaboonkul, S. 500 (52). 525
Trotter, J. 56. 61. 63 (48). 99 Uamagata, T. 613 (628), 639
Troy, D. 40 ( 136). 48 Ubeda, M. A. 594 (330). 632
Trujillo. H. 173 (308). 189 Uchida, T. 318 ( I 13). 380. 603 (490). 635
Truong, P.N. 44 (188), 49 Uchida, Y . 95 (188). 102, 603 (490). 609
Trutneva, E. K. 536 (33). 537 (34).563 (576), 635,637
Tsai, S.-C. 439 (399). 466 Ueda, T. 5 13 ( 194). 528
Tsao, C.-H. 163 (121, 122, 124). 185 Uehara, A. 212, 213 (165). 250
Tsao, C. H. 199, 204. 205 (90,94), 206 (90). Ueno, H. 523 (279). 530
249 Ueno, Y. 448 (507). 468
Tsao, Y. Y. 232 (262), 252 Ugi, 1. 443 (448), 467
Tsaroom. S. 436 (362, 363). 465 Ugo, R. 596 (355). 632
Tsay. Y.-H. 612 (615). 638 Uguen, D. 345 (243, 244). 382
Tseng, K . 4 . 439 (405). 466 Uhl, G. 165 (150), 186. 260 (42). 292
Tsolis, A. K.439 (41 l), 454 (593). 466, 470 Uhl, W. 196, 198 (48). 248, 256, 258, 262
Tsolis, E. A. 437 (383), 466 (16), 292
Tsuboi, A. 393 (47). 396 (61). 409 (47). 459. Ukhin, L. Yu. 157 (61). 184
474 (10). 485 Ullerich, K. 442 (440),467
Tsuchiya, H. (107). 100 Ullrich, V. 651 (32). 660
Tsuji, J. 55.69 (35). 89 (173), 99, 102 Ulrich, V. 652 (38). 660
Tsuji, S . 447 (482), 468 Umemoto, K. 112 (24). 124
Tsujumoto, K. 520 (249). 530 Unger, E. 199, 206 (67). 248
Tsuno, Y. 435 (347), 465 Ungvh, F. 166 (166), 186
Tsurugi, J. 519 (240). 529 Uraiarte, R. 621 (727), 641
Tsvetkov, E. H. 163 (129), 185 Uriarte, R. 199-201, 220. 222 (93). 249,497
Tsvetkov, E. N. 14, 15 (42). 4 6 , 193, 195 (20). (31), 525
247 Urpi, F. 435 (354). 465
Tsypina. G. M. 453 (580). 470
Tucker, P. A. 594 (332. 333). 597 (371, 389), Vaboonkul, S. 423 (241). 463
632,633 Vafina, A. A. 106, 111 (15). 124, 137 (12).
Tulip, T. H. 581 (128). 613 (627, 628). 627, 139 (28). 146 (89, 90).147-149
639 Vahrenkamp, H. 211-213 (166). 250, 577,
Tumanskii, 8. L. 518 (232). 529, 535 (31, 32). 578 (89). 579 (11 3 , 580 (115, 119, 126).
541 (31). 546 (80). 547 (81). 563, 565 626.627
Tunney, S. E. 175 (346b), 189 Vaidya, 0. C. 412,413 (182). 462
Turco, A. 595 (337), 632 Valeidinov, R. K. 175 (347). 189
Turnblom, E.W. 316 (106). 330 (169). 365 Valentine, D. 59 (84). 100. 152 (8), 177, 178
( I 06). 366 (1 69). 379, 381 (365), 179 (365, 383). 181, 182 (365).
Turner, D. G. 586 (194), 629 182, 190, 214 (186), 251
Turner, D. W. 33 (120). 47 Valentine, D. H. 168 (213). 187
Turner, H. W. 583 (157). 584 (163). 628 Valentine, D. Jr. 56, 61, 64 (49). 99, 168
Turpin, R. 40 (136). 48 (202). 187
Tuttle, M.523 (282). 530 Valetdinov, R. K. 170 (232. 236, 237, 257).
Tuttlebee, H. E. 610 (584). 638 175 (348). 187-189.404 (118). 460
Tuzhikov, 0. I. 175 (347). 189,419 (212). Valitova, F. (51). 125
462 Val’kova, G. A. 503 (92). 526
Twiss, P. 614 (635). 639 Vallarino, L. M. 199, 202 ( 7 3 , 2 4 9
Author index 72 1

Valle, G. 595 (343). 632 Vereshchinskii, I. V. 510 (166). 511 (167, 168,
Vande Griend, J. J. 479,480,482 (61). 174, 175). 528
486 Verkade. J. G. 7 (20). 8 , 35 (125). 4 8 , 391
Vande Griend, L. J. 480 (68, 72). 484 (72). (37). 459, 479 (61), 480 (61.68, 69, 71,
486 72). 482 (61. 80). 484 (71, 72. 101. 102).
Van der Bekerom, F. L. A. 594 (327). 632 486,487, 569 (27). 625
Vander der Werf. C. A. 162 (109, 110). 185 Verkade, J. R. 569 (42). 625
Vanderheyden, J.-L.605 (522, 523). 606 (528), Verlaak, J. M. J. 594 (328), 632
636 Vermeer. H. 359 (290). 383
Van der Kelen, C. P. 155 (21). 183 Vermeer. P. 418 (207). 462
Van der Kelen, G. P. 42 (165). 48 Vemer, J. J. 304 (44).378
Van der Knaap, Th. A. 43.44 (176), 49 Vernier. M. 503 (123). 527
Van Derveer, D. G. 306 (58), 379 Verstuyft, A. W. 578 (98). 627
Van der Wed, C. A. 178 (372). 179 (382). Vetter, H. J. 450, 451 (551). 469
190.454 (593). 470 Vidal, M. 206, 207 (1 14). 249
VanderWerf, C. A. 66 (115). 81 (136), 100. Viehe, H. G . 425,456 (251). 463
101 Viggiano, M. 175 (341). 189
Vanderwerf. C. A. 53 (23). 98 Vila, F. 142 (53). 148
Van de Vondel, D. F. 42 (165). 48 Vilarrasa, J. 435 (354). 465
VanDijk, J. M. I. 543 (64e).564 Vilkov, L. V. 14, 15 (42). 46
VanDoom, J. A. 172 (304). 189 Villa, F. 441 (426). 467
Van Eijk, B. P. 612, 614 (616). 638 Villegas. M. D. de 85 (153). 101
Van Etten, R. L. 440 (419). 466 Villien, L. 297 (10). 377
Van Gaal,H. L. M. 594 (327, 328). 632 Villieras, J. 455 (615-617). 470
Van Veen, R. 359 (291), 383 Vincens. M. 206, 207 ( 1 14). 249
Van Wazer, J. R. 22, 24 (78). 4 7 , 131 (39). Vincent, E. 42 (165). 48
136 Vincent, J. S. 503 ( 1 14). 526
Varagnat, J. 60 (90). 100. 215, 216 (194). Vineyard, B. D. 53 (25a). 57, 69 (55). 82, 83
251 (25a. 55). 84 (55). 86 (25a). 91 (55, 185).
Varshavskii. S. L. 174 (332). 189 98, 99, 102
Vasapollo, G. 595 (338). 632 Vinkurova, G. M. 399 (79). 460
Vashman. A. A. 503 (103). 526 Vinogradskaya, L. S . 5 11 (1 80),528
Vaska, L. 568 (15), 625 Vinokurova. G . M. 399 (SO), 460
Vasquez, P. C . 439 (409). 466 Virkhaus, R. 443 (446).453 (582). 467.470
Vastog. S. 58 (64). 99 Visser, F. 43, 44 (176). 49
Vaugham, W. E. 490, 496 (4). 524 Visser, G. J. 543, 550 (66). 565
Vaughan, L. G . 428,429 (271). 463 Vitali, D. 579 ( 1 14). 627
Vaulrier, M. 435 (353), 436 (360), 465 Vitulli, G. 613 (621), 638
Vedejs, E. 396 (57, 58). 459 Voelker. C. 617 (686). 640
Veillard-Rayer, M. 117 (56), 125 Vogelbacher, U. 257 (32). 258, 262, 263, 265
Veits. Yu. A. 391 (35). 459 (32, 33). 292
Velden, J. W. A. van der 242 (320). 254 Vogelbacher, U.-J. 324 (147). 330 (170). 380.
Velez, D. C . 81 (136). 101. 179 (382). 190 381
Velez, P. C . 53 (23). 98 Vogelbacher, U. J. 265 (57). 293
Veltmann, H. 456 (628). 471 Vogelbacker, U. J. 355 (270). 383
Venanzi, L. M. 212 (171, 180), 213 (171). Voigt, D. 40 (1 36). 48
214 (180). 222 (226). 224, 226 Volatron. F. 24 (95). 47
(236). 244 (171. 328, Volkova. E. V. 518, 521 (239). 529
329). 251, 252, 254, 568, Vollmer, R. 171 (295). 188, 309, 349-351
569 (I@, 597 (375). 616 (673-680). 617 (76). 352, 353 (76, 264). 379, 383
1181, 618 (698,699), 621 (18), 625,633, Vollmer, S. H. 586 (208), 629
640 Von Allworden, U. 408 (142). 461
Venkataram. U. 596 (364). 633 Vorkunova, E. I. 503 (88). 526
Venkataramn, S. D. 237 (280). 253 Voronkov, M. G . 450 (556). 469, 500 (53).
Venturi, M. 502 (74), 526 525
Verdonck, L. 42 (165). 48 Voskuil, W. 156 (32). 183
Verducci, J. 163 (1 19). 185 Vougioukas, A. E. 158 (85). 184
722 Author index

Vrieze, K. 158 (87a). 184, 593 (316). 632 Walton. E. D. 239 (292), 253
Vullo, W. J. 170 (255). 188 Walton, R. A. 243 (323, 325), 254, 585 (173).
586. 587 (205). 588 (238). 589 (205,
Wada, M. 157 (57). 183, 393 (47). 396 (61). 241-246). 592 (289, 290, 293), 604 (205,
409 (47). 433 (328). 459,465,474 (9, 506). 605 (507), 606 (205, 506. 527, 529,
10). 485 531. 532, 534). 616 (681). 6 2 8 4 3 1 , 636,
Waddington, T. C. 450 (558. 559). 451 (558). 640
458 (649). 469, 471 Wan, C. 596 (368). 633
Waed, R. S. 421 (230). 463 Wan, J. K. S. 144 (68, 69). 149, 503 (106,
Wagenknecht, J. H. 105, 112 (8), 117, 118 108). 520 (265). 526,530, 557 (95). 558
(52). 124. 125 (102, 103). 565
Wagner, C. T. 272, 278, 290 (74). 293 Wander, M. 196, 197, 222 (37b), 248
Wagner, G. M. 170 (238). 187 Wanerman, W. 155 (21). 183
Wagner, K. 131 (34). 136 Wang, C.-C. 496 (30). 525
Wagner, 0. 258, 262. 263. 265 (33). 289 (99). Wang, C.-P. 606 (536). 636
292, 294, 325, 353 (148). 380 Wang, C.-Y. 603 (488). 635
Wagner, R. I. 166 (163). 171 (163, 281). 186. Wmg, H.-H. 612 (601, 613). 638
188, 306, 326 (53). 378,474,475 (15). Wang, I. Y. M. 14 (37). 46
479 (67). 485, 486 Ward, R. S . 238 (282, 283). 253,421 (232,
Waid, K. 224 (299). 240 (299, 300). 253 234. 236). 422 (238). 423, 424 (244). 425
Waid, R. D. 173 (313). 189, 219-222 (215). (250). 463
251, 582 (138). 627 Ward, S. R. 420 (227). 463
Waite, N. E. 421 (234-236). 422 (235), 423 Wardle, R. W. M. 596 (353). 632
(242). 463 Waritz, R. S . 649 (28). 660
Waite, N. W. 375 (336). 384 Warner, S. 232 (261), 252
Wakselman, M. 179 (384). 190 Warren, L. F. 570 (47). 625
Walach. P. 226 (241h 227, 228, 237 (241. Warren, S. G. 7 (14). 7 , 13, 18. 40 (18), 4 5 .
243). 252 234 (267). 253, 387 (14). 458
Walborsky, H. M. 351 (258). 383 Warrens, C. P. 610 (582). 638
Walia, A. 199, 202 (76). 249 Wasilewski, J. 24 (98). 47
Walker, B. J. 7 (9, 15). 7 , 13, 18 (19). 4 5 . Wasserman, H. J. 581 (129), 585 (183). 602
164 (144. 145). 176 (359), 185. 190. 208 (458). 627, 628, 635
(146, 147). 209 (1.50). 210 (146, 147). Watari, F. 138 (22). 141, 142 (45). 148
250, 404 ( 1 12). 405 (120). 442 (427). Waterman, K. C. 212. 213 (168). 250
454 (603). 460. 467, 470 Waters, J. M. 615 (652. 656). 639
Walker, D. M. 454 (591). 470 Watkins, I. W. I1 655 (48). 660
Walker, P. E. 394 (48). 459 Watkins, S. F. 604 (498). 636
Walker, R. 199, 202 (78). 249 Watson, H. R. 193, 195, 220, 222 (21). 247
Walkinshaw, M. 577 (93). 626 Watts, G . B. 540 (53). 564
Wallace, P.M. 447 (480), 468 Wawzonek, S. 105, 112 (8). 124
Wallace, T. W. 345 (242-244). 382 Wazer, J. R. van 397 (71). 459
Wallbridge. M. G. H. 235 (273). 253, 582 Weaver, J. R. 476 (44).485
(143). 627 Webb, G . G. 45 (205). 49
Walling, C. 137 (3). 147, 166 (156, 161). 171 Webb, R. M. 446 (461). 467
(156). 173 (316). 186. 189, 438 (389). Webber, C. T. 595 (336). 632
439, 446 (394). 466, 517 (225, 227). Weber, 8. 256 (12). 292
529, 531, 532 ( I @ , 533 (Ig, 4). 537 Weber, J. 145, 146 (74). 149, 543 (64k). 564
(38). 542 (lg). 559 (106). 562 (124). 563. Weber, W. 308 (67). 379
564,566 Webster, K. 138 (17). 144 (64). 148. 149, 520
Wallmeier, H. 23 (87). 47 (261). 530
Walsh, A. D. 20 (72). 47 Webster, M. 570 (52), 579 (109. 110). 595
Walter, C. M. 647, 648 (16). 660 (335). 599 (409). 604 (500). 607 (548),
Walters, D. B. 171 (290). 188, 199, 200 (51). 608 (560). 61 1 (589). 612 (618). 613
248 (618. 623). 614 (642, 643). 618, 621
Walters. W. P.445 (455). 467 (700). 626, 627. 632, 634, 6 3 6 6 4 0
Walther, B. 199, 204 (84). 239 (293). 249. 253 Weckler. G. 351 (260), 352 (260, 263). 383
Walther, H. 29, 33 (109). 47 Wedegaertner, D. A. 540 (50).564
Author index 123

Weeber. U. 256. 270, 278. 283 ( I I ) , 291 White, A. H. 164 (134). 185,433 (324). 464,
Weeks. B. 206. 207, 234 (112. 113), 243 590 (263), 599 (406-408, 410, 41 I , 414-
(113). 249, 615 (661). 639 416, 419, 423, 426). 600 (41 I), 604
Weferling, N. 239 (294). 253 (495). 607 (552, 553). 608 (553), 609
Wei. L. 232 (261). 252 (574, 575). 614 (635). 620 (721). 630.
Wei, M. S. 510 (158). 527 633-635, 637, 639, 641
Weichmann, H. 165 (152). 186, 193 (23). 199 White, D. A. 404 ( I 19). 460
(68, 83). 200 (83). 202 (68). 223 (23). White, D. W. 480 (72). 484 (72, 102). 486,
247-249 487
Weidenbruch, W. 269 (65). 293 White, R. F. M. 479 ( 5 8 ) . 486
Weil, T. 171 (288), 188 Whitelock. J. D. 592, 610 (292). 631
Weil. Th. 171 (293). 1x8 Whitesides, G. M. 62 (106). 100, 157 (48),
Weiner, M. A. 158 (72). 184,419 (210). 462, 158 (69). 183, 184
479, 484 (56). 486 Whitman, M. H. 656 (51), 657 (52). 661
Weinkauff, 0. J. 57, 69, 82-84, 91 (55). 99 Whitmire, K. H. 580 ( 1 17), 627
Weis, M. 427 (263). 463 Whitney, J. G. 602 (467). 635
Weisheit, R. 199, 204 (84). 249 Whitten, J. L. 22, 24, 27, 28 (77). 47
Weiss, C . D. 402 (103, 104), 424 (103). 436 Whittle, R. 605 (522). 636
(372). 460, 46.5 Whittle, R. R . 600 (431), 634
Weiss, D. 457 (640).471 Whittlesey, B. R. 578 (95). 579 ( I 1 I ) , 580
Weiss, E. 234, 235 (272), 253, 614 (648).639 (95), 581 (127), 596 (350). 619 (702).
Weiss, R . 35 ( I 25). 48 626, 627, 632, 640
Weiss, R. G. 503 (95, 96, 98, 99). 526 Whittlessey, B. R. 593 (297), 631
Weiss, W. 308 (67). 379 Wichelhaus, H. 158 (64).184
Weith, F. L. 45 I (562). 469 Wickramsinghe, W. A. 597 (371). 614 (637).
Welch. D. A. 608 (559). 637 633, 639
Welcher, R. P. 31 1 ( 8 5 ) . (61). 379 Widdowson, D . A. 448 (500). 468
Wells, A. S . 337 (216). 382 Wiegand, G. H. 447 (488), 468
Wells, F. J. 602 (478). 635 Wielesek, R. A. 535 (28). 540, 554, 556 (46a).
Wells, R. G . 455 (610). 470 563.564
Wende, P. 652 (38). 660 Wienbeck. D. 238 (286), 253
Wengrovius, J. H. 583 (144). 628 Wiemik. M. 296, 304 ( I ) . 377
Wenqing, K. 644 (2), 660 Wife, R . L. 199, 200 (63). 248
Werebelow. L. G. 143 (54), 148 Wiffen. J. T. 543 (641).564
Werner, D. 224, 226 (237). 252 Wihler, H.-D. 456 (628, 629). 471
Wescott, L. D. Jr. 495 (24). 525 Wild, S. B. 165 (153). 179 (377, 378). I82
West, B. 0. 170 (266, 268, 269). 188 (394). 186, 190, 211, 212 (153),2.50,
Westen, R. E. 14 (28). 46 570 (50),590 (256). 609 (573). 612
Westerhaus, A. 256, 257 (26, 27). 260 (42). (611). 613 (622). 614 (640),615 (655).
262 (26, 27). 270 (26), 292. 320 (127). 625. 630, 6 3 7 4 3 9
380 Wildbredt. D.-A. 44 (1981, 4 9 , 506 ( I 35). 527
Westerhausen, M. 256, 270, 278, 283 ( I I ) , Wildbredt, D. A. 522 (276). 530
291 Wilde, S. B. 57, 58, 70, 83, 92 (57), 99
Westerhausen, N. 270. 278, 283 (66), 293 Wiley, G. A. 450 (548). 451 (566, 567). 469
Weston, C . W. 578 (98), 627 Wiley, R. A. 650 (30, 31). 660
Weston, R. E. 473 (1). 485 Wilke, G. 54 (27), 67, 75, 87. 96 (165), 98.
Westwood, N. P. C. 256, 257 (19). 260 (19. 102, 176 (358). 190, 501 (72), 526. 596
39). 261 (19). 292 (354). 632
Weyer, K. 157 (59). 184 Wilkes. D. J. 596 (349). 632
Whang, C . M. 17 (63). 46 Wilkinson, G. 3 (3,7 , 444 (451). 467, 586
Whangbo, M:H. 19-21 (66). 23 (81). 38 (66, (190, 192, 193, 195, 200, 204). 587 (200,
130). 39.42 (66). 4 6 4 8 204), 588 (190, 222, 223). 589 (240, 247.
Wheeler, A. C . 242 (319), 254 249). 591 (270, 272, 273, 275-277). 592
Wheeler, L. 0. I16 (45). 124 (272, 284, 288), 593 (288, 306), 594
Whelan, J. 212, 214 (176). 251 (288). 602 (463, 466. 478). 604 (463,
Whistler, R. L. 496 (30). 52.5 502. 503). 605 (223. 463. 519, 520). 608
Whitcomb, D. R . 578 (99), 627 (562). 6 2 9 4 3 1 , 635-637
724 Author index

Wilkinson, J. P. T. 542, 544 (62). 564 Wojcicki, A. 581 (130). 627

Willhalm. A. 296, 353, 355 (4). 377 Wolf, B. 583 (145). 628
Williams, D. H. 238 (282). 253 Wolf, E. 170 (256). 188,400 (92). 460
Williams, D. H. 420 (2151, 421 (229, 230, 232, Wolf, J. F. 476,478 (36). 485
234, 236), 422 (238). 423. 424 (244), 425 Wolf, U. 428 (268). 463
(250). 462,463 Wolfsberger, W. 156 (41), 172, 176 (306).
Williams, D. J. 610 (582). 638 IX3* 189, 238 (287). 253
Williams. E. 448 (522). 468 Woltermann, A. 164 (148. 149). 186
Williams, F. 138 (17). 144 (64). 148. 149. 520 Wolters, D. 580 (126). 627
(261). 530, 542 (58b. 60). 564 Wong, A. 585 ( I 80). 628
Williams, G. A. 208 (149). 250 Wong, L. T. L. 341, 342 (233). 382
Williams, 1. D. 232 (261). 252 Wong, P. K. 503 (104). 526
Williams, J. M. 584 (161). 602 (462). 628. Wong, S . K. 144 (68, 69). 149, 503 (106.
635 108). 526
Williams, J. R. 458 (647). 471 Wong, T. C. 372 (324). 384
Williams, L. T. D. 128 (9). 129 (9, 16). 131 Wong, W. K. 199 (66). 204 (66, 104, 105),
(9, 16, 42). 135, 136 207 (66),248,249
Williams, M. L. 607 (552, 553). 608 (553). Wong-Ng, W. 492 (14). 524
637 Woo, E. J. 394 (50).459
Williams, T. H. 59 (84). 100 Wood, D. L. 612 (61 I), 638
Willis. A. C. 56, 59 (46). 99, 596 (365). 633 Wood, F. E. 212, 213 (172), 251
Willis, C. J. 164 (133). 185 Wood, N. F. 498 (38.40). 525
Wilms. L. 455 (614). 470 WOOdNff, w . H. 587 (21 I), 629
Wilson, A. J. C. 171 (283). I88 Woods, M. 442,449 (43 I), 467
Wilson, C. V. 401 (98). 460 Woolins, J. D. 610 (582). 638
Wilson, F. B. 336 (210). 382 Worley, S. D. 31 (1 IS), 4 7 , 588 (229). 629
Wilson, I. F. 421 (231). 463 Worrall. R. 5 I 1 (172). 528
Wilson, M.540 (49). 564 Worz, H. J. 21 1-213 (156), 250
Wilson, M.E. 62 (106). 100 Wrackmeyer. B. 347 (250). 383
Wilson, R. B. 584 (165, 166). 628 Wray. V. 199, 200, 223, 224, 245 (82). 249,
Wilson, R. D. 613 (628). 639 582 (1 39). 627
Wilson, S. R. 602 (464). 635 Wreford, S. S. 201 (98). 249. 581 (128). 602
Wilson, V. K. 439 (390). 466 (461,465,467, 476.479). 603 (481.
Wimmer, F. L. 597 (381). 633 482). 604 (496). 627, 635, 636
Winans, L. Jr. 644 (3). 660 Wright. K. 373 (335). 384
Wineback. D. 41 1 (168). 46/ Wright, M. J. 592 (285). 631
Wingert, H.372 (326). 3x4 Wright, T. C . 578 (95). 579 ( 1 11). 580 (95,
Winkelmann, H. 411 (171). 461 123). 581 (127). 593 (297). 626, 627.
Winkler. H. 52, 53 (3). 74 (124, 125). 81 (125, 631
137, 140). 98, 101, 169 (227, 229. 230). Wrobleski, D. A. 58 I ( I 29). 627
178 (369). 187, 190, 298 (13), 377, 388 Wu, A. W. 208, 210 (137). 250
(17). 458 Wucherer, E. J. 580 (126), 627
Winter, J. N. 533 (10). 563 Wunder, K. 511 (170, 171). 528
Winter, W. 343 (237, 238). 382,420 (225). Wunsch, M. 335 (206). 382
463,490,491 (10). 524 Wymore, C. E. 568 (17). 625
Wisleff Nilssen, E. 25, 31 (108). 47 Wystrach, V. P. 171 (275). 173 (317). 188.
Wisner, J. E. 598 (390). 633 189, 31 1 (85). 379,400 (85). 41 I (162),
Withers, G. P. 448 (523). 468 460. 461,475 (23). 485
Witthauer. C. 350 (256), 383
Wittig, G. 162 (ill), 169 (217). 170 (245, Xiao. S.-X. 31-34, 37.42 (121). 4 7 , 571 (63),
252). 179 (381). 185. 187, 188, 190, 305 626
(46). 332 (175, 176). 378, 381, 396 (59). Xie, Y. 41 (154), 48
426 (254). 459,463,475 (2 I), 485,540
(5 1 ), 564 Yablokov, Yu. (51). 125
Wittner, 1. 644 ( I ) , 660 Yabushita, S. 38 (131). 48
Wodzki, W. 67 ( I 18). 100 Yacobson, G. G . 40.41 (145). 48
Woerd, M.J. van der 545,546 (79~).565 Yadev, L. D. S. 448 (507). 468
Author index 725

Yagi, M. 61, 74, 75 (123), 101, 168 (199). Ymashita, M. 448 (513), 468
186, 212, 213 (167). 250 Yoda, N. 61 (97). 100
Yakayama. Y. 448 (522), 468 Yodo, M. 61 (95). 100
Yakutina, 0. A. 162 (104). 185 Yoke, J. T. 559 ( I I I), 566
Yamada, R. 64 ( I 1 la), 100 Yokota. M. 179 (376). 190
Yamada. Y. 55 (44). 99 Yokoyama, M. 448 (524, 525). 468.469
Yamagami, M . 519 (240). 529 Yona. 1. 436 (363), 465
Yamagata, T. 60 (86, 87). 86 (87). 100, 587 Yoneyama, T. 422,423 (239). 429 (285).
(216). 613 (627). 629, 639 463,464
Yamagishi. T. 60 (93). 100 Yoshida, M. 450 (545). 469
Yamaguchi, H. 442 (434). 467 Yoshida, T. 593 (319, 320). 596 (358). 613
Yamaguchi, R. 450 (545). 469 (627, 628), 632. 639
Yamamori, M. 503 (90). 526 Yoshifuji. M. 503 (122. 124). 504 (127, 128).
Yamamoto, A. 61 (103). 90 (177). 100. 102. 527
503 (90).526 Yoshii, E. 64 (1 I la), 100
Yamamoto, H. 62 (105). 100. 212, 213 (170). Yoshikawa, S. 91 (184). 102, 609 (576).
25 1 63 7
Yamamoto, K. 55 (35). 58. 60 (67). 69 (35). Young, D. A. 580 (I 16). 627
87 (l68a). 99, 102 Young, D. P. 53 (23). 9 8 , 81 (136). 101,
Yamamoto, M. 156 (40). 183 179 (382). 190
Yamana, M. 447 (48 I ) , 468 Young, L. B. 474 (18). 485
Yamanka, H. 456 (634). 471 Young, W. J. 175 (338). 189
Yamasaki, R. 433 (320. 321, 324). 464 Yuan, J.-J. 163 (121), 185
Yamashita. M. 55 (44).9 9 , 434 (339). 465, Yu Jin, G . 55 (42). 9 9 , 365 (308). (73), 379,
559 (109). 566 384
Yamazaki, H. 336 (21 I ) , 382 Yurchenko. A. G. 175 (339). 189
Yanagisawa, E. 448 (525). 469 Yurchenko, R. Yu. 175 (339). 189
Yang. C . 621 (730). 641 Yurchenko, V. G . 430 (290), 464
Yang, Y.-P. 607 (550). 637 Yurtanov, A. 1. 454 (597). 470
Yang, Y. P. 196 (30). 248
Yanovskii. A. 1. 517 (231). 529 Zablocka, M. 70 (120a. 120b). 101
Yanovsky. A. W. 478 (53). 486 Zagorets, P. A. 511 (173, 176, 177. 179).
Yao, E.-Y. 305, 343 (50). 378 52H
Yared, Y. W. 594 (325). 632 Zahn, T. 302, 323, 328, 376 (35). 378
Yarkov, A. V. 14, 15 (42), 46 Zakharkin, L. I. 157 (58). 183
Yashkin, V. V. 428 (264-267). 463 Zaks, 1. M. 396 (62). 459
Yasuda, A. 61, 74, 82, 83 (99a). 100, 212, 213 Zalewski, D. J. 617 (688). 640
( I 69). 250 Zalkin, A. 582 (141, 142). 601 (452). 602
Yasuda, H. 437 (377). 466 (453457. 460). 627. 635
Yasufuku, K. 336 (21 I ) , 382 Zambonelli, L. 244 (329). 254, 597 (375).
Yasuoka, N. 597 (387). 633 616 (675. 676, 678, 680). 633, 640
Yatabe. M. 61 (97). 100 Zamkanei, M. 157 (54). 183
Yatagai, M. 60 (93). 100 Zamojsski, A. 434 (337). 465
Yates, B. F. 24. 25 (91). 47 Zanathy, L. 40 (147). 48
Yatsenko. R. D. 156 (34). f 8 3 Zander. G . 315, 361 (103). 379
Yavari, A. 242 (312). 253 Zanello, P. 619 (705). 640
Yeargin, G . S . 168 (21 I), 187 Zanger, M. 144 (68). 149, 162 (109).
Yee. K. C. 5 14 (204). 529 I85
Yeh. F. S . 56, 59 (46). 99 Zanka. A. 388 (26). 458
Yeh. W. Z. 512 (187). 528 Zanobini, F. 231 (258-260). 252
Yeh, Y. I. 392 (42.43). 459 Zanotti, G . 597 (384). 633
Yellowlees, L. J . 592. 610 (292). 63f Zard, S. Z. 562 ( 123). 566
Yeung Lam KO, Y. Y. C. 262,263 (50),292, Zaret. E. H. 439 (400). 466
320 ( 128, 130). 32 I ( 130). 353 ( 128, Zatko, D. A. 162 ( I 12). 1x5
266). 354 ( 128). 355 ( 128. 266). 357 Zbiral, E. 433 (322. 323. 327). 464, 465
( 128). 366 ( 128. 130, 309). 380. 383, Zbozny. M. 40 I (100). 460
384 Zeifman. Yu. V. 456 (635). 471
726 Author index

Zeiher, E. H. K. 588 (236). 630 Zimmerman, R. 320 (1 3 1 132). 380


Zeiss, W. 424 (247). 463 Zimmermann, H. 166 (169). 173 (315). 186,
Zelenova, L. M. 168 (206). 187 I89
Zemlyani. V. N. 3 I3 (95). 379 Zimont. S. L. 428 (264267). 463
Zenneck, U. 280 (87, 87). 293 Zingaro, R. A. 146 (83, 86). 149
Zentz, S. 589 (248). 630 Zinich, J. A. 220 (217). 252
Zettlmeissl, H. 615 (666). 639 Zinoune, M. 593 (302). 631
Zhang, S . Y . 59, 72, 83, 92 (76). 100 Zlotskii, S. S . 539 (44). 564
Zhdanov, A. A. 520 (267). 530 Zocchi, M. 613 (621). 638
Zheltukhin. V. F. 234 (267). 253 Zon, G. 53 (20). 56 (53b). 64 (20). 98. 9 9 .
Zhmurova, I. N. 430 (290), 434,435 (342). 167 (185-188). 168 (186188. 197). 169
464,465 (185. 186). 178. 179 (373). 186. 190,
Ziegler, M. L. 265 (61). 267 (62). 272, 278 314 (96. 97). 337. 345, 371 (217). 379,
(74). 289 (98). 290 (74). 293, 294, 382
302 (35, 36). 322 (36). 323 (35). 328 Zora. J. A. 271. 277. 278 (67). 293
(35, 162). 352, 367 (36). 376 (35). 378. Zoroatskaya, E. 1. 146 (90). 149
381 Zschunke, A. 163 (132). 185. 411, 414 (170).
Zilm. K. W. 45 (205). 49 461
Zimmer, W. 131 (34). 136 Zubkowski, J. D. 607 (545). 637
Zimmer-Gasser, B. 234, 235 (272), 236 (277), Zuev. M. B. 137 (12). 147
253 Zurmiihlen, F. 302 (37). 378
Zimmerman, J. P. 657 (52), 661 Zwick, B. D. 63 (192). 102
Subject index

Ah inirio MO calculations. for phosphines 473. with trichloromethylcyclohexadienones

474. 476 452
Acidity. of phosphines 474, 475 Aminophosphirenes 326
Acrylate esters. reactions with phosphines 399, o-Anisyl groups. effect on reactivity of
400 phosphines 392. 393, 431
Acrylonitrile, polymerization of 403 Antibodies, gold cluster labelled 657
Actinides. complexes of, Arbuzov reaction 5 14, 5 17. 532-534. 560
with diphosphines 601 stereochemistry of 554-557
with monophosphines 582 Auranofin 653
Acy Iphosphines. cytotoxicity of 656
bonding in 41 Aza-arsinines. reactions of 267
photolysis of 492, 493 Azaphosphabenzenes, synthesis of 265
5 Aza-phosphands. synthesis of 232
Acyl-A' -phosphinines 363
Alcohols, phosphorylation of 562 Azaphosphinines. reactions of 265
Alkenes-see also Perhaloalkenes Aza-A3-phosphinines 369
hydroformylation of 86. cycloadditions of 367
hydrogenation of 82-85 Azaphosphiridines SO6
photoexcited, reactions of 558. 559 Azaphospholes. synthesis of 348-35 I
reactions with phosphines 172-174, 456, Azaphosphorinanes. synthesis of 3 15
496499 Aza-Wittig reaction 436
Alkenylphosphines 498. 499 Azides, reactions with phosphines 434. 435
Alkoxyphospholes 338 Azido alcohols, reactions with phosphines 436
Alkynes-see also Haloalkynes Azido ketones. reactions with phosphines 436
reactions of, Azidophosphines, photoreactions of 52 1-523
with phosphide anions 165 Azodicarboxylates. reactions with phosphines
with phosphines 204. 417426, 456 433.434
Alkynylphosphines. self-condensation of 420
Allenes, reactions with phosphines 428 Basicity,
Allylic compounds, reactions with phosphines of cyclic phosphites 480, 484
399 of phosphines 18. 118-120, 474482, 484
Allylic substitution, using phosphine-palladium Benzalmalonitriles, reactions with phosphines
complexes as catalysts 89-91 40 I
Ally1 phosphates. as photolytic products 5 I2 Benzazaphospholenes 350
Allylphosphines, reactions of 202, 432 Benzoquinones, reactions with phosphines 405
Amidophosphonium salts, reactions of I82 Benzynes, reactions with phosphines 426. 427
Aminoalkylphosphines. antimicrobial activity Betaine intermediates 40 I , 402, 4 0 4 4 0 6
of 650 Bicyclic diphosphines 499
Aminophosphines, Bicyclic phosphites, nucleophilicity of 395
as radiolytic products 502 Bidentate phosphines-see also Diphosphines
reactions of 307, 391, 392 CH2-bridged-see Methylenebisphosphines
with organic sulphides 447 (CH2),-bridged (n = 2, 3).

728 Subject index

Bidentate phosphines (cont.) nickel complexes of,

bonded to polystyrene 205 in asymmetric catalysis 87,88
complexes of 243,581,582,601-615 X-ray structure of 97
synthesis of 198-205 palladium complexes of,
(CH~),-bridged (n > 3). in asymmetric catalysis 89-91
complexes of 243,615,616 X-ray structure of 96
synthesis of 206,207 platinum complexes of,
chiral 57-63,609 in asymmetric catalysis 88,89
synthesis of 214-218 rhodium complexes of,
complexes of, in asymmetric catalysis 82-87
cytotoxicity of 656,657 X-ray structure of 91,93
use in diagnosis of heart disease 658 ruthenium complexes of 609
reactions of 233-244 in asymmetric catalysis 91
with unsaturated backbones, X-ray structure of 95-97
complexes of 244 synthesis of 63-74,170,177-182
synthesis of 207-214 by the complexation method 178. 179
Binap 61,87,609 by the phosphinate ester method 179-181
complexes of 87,91.92,94-96 by the phosphonium salt method 179
synthesis of 73 tridentate-see Tridentate phosphines, chiral
Biphilic reactions 387 Chiral phosphinites I8I , 182
I,l/-Biphospholyls 338,340,346,375 Chiral phosphonates 180,18I
2,2/-Biphospholyls 340,341,345 Chiral phosphonites 181
2,2/-Bisisophosphindolyls345 Chiral pool 216
Bisphosphinoalkanes, synthesis of 216 Chiraphos 58,609
Bisphosphinoarenes 212 complexes of 91, 94
synthesis of 211,213,214 Chiropteradienes 323.376
Bisphosphinobutadienes, synthesis of 210 d2hloroalkyIphosphines. cyclization of 397
Bisphosphinocyclopropanes, synthesis of I98 Chromium4iphosphine complexes 603,604
Bisphosphonates, as photolytic products 5 14 Chromium-monophosphine complexes
Bond angles, in phosphines 15, 16,479 585-587
compared with nitrogen analogues 20, Chromium-phosphinine complexes 374
26-28,30. 31, 37 Chromium-phosphole complexes 373
Bond enthalpies 12 Chromium-tetraphosphine complexes 62I ,
Bond lengths, in phosphines 14,15 622
Bond strengths, in phosphorus(Il1) componds Chromium-triphosphine complexes 618-620
131-135 Cluster carbonyls 590. 607
Boronium halides, synthesis of 235 CNDOR calculations, for cyclic phosphites
Bppfa 6I , 609 480
complexes of 96 Cobalt4iphosphine complexes 242,243,610,
Bppm 61,89 611
complexes of 89 Cobalt-monophosphine complexes 592,593
Cobalt-phospha-alkyne complexes 271-273,
Cadmium-phosphine complexes 600 275,278
Camphos 609 Cobalt-phosphacyclobutadiene complexes 279,
Carbonyl compounds, reactions with 281,282,329.330
phosphines 41M17,44345 Cobalt-phosphinomacrocycle complexes 623
Carboxylic acids, phosphonylation of 562 Cobalt-phosphole complexes 373
Catalase, effect of phosphine on 648 Cobalt-tetraphosphine complexes 621, 622
C - C bond formation, asymmetric, using Cobalt-triphosphine complexes 617,619
phosphine-nickel complexes as catalysts Combustion calorimetry 128,129
87 Cone angles, For phosphine ligands 16,17,
Chiral phosphinates 179,180 233.234,572
Chiral phosphines, Conformation, in phosphines 17,40
absolute configuration of 74,75 Controlled-potential coulometry 105
bidentate-see Bidentate phosphines, chiral Copper-diphosphine complexes 242,614,615
classes of 53-63 Copper-monophosphine complexes 599
coordination chemistry of 91-97 Copper-phosphole complexes 373
Subject index 729

Coupling constants, for protonated phosphites complexes of 9 I , 93

479 synthesis of 69
C-P bond cleavage 104 Dipheny lphosphines.
Cyclic phosphines. as electrolytic products 110, 1 I I
complexes of 325-330, 373, 374 electro-oxidation of 119
geometrical isomerism in 298, 299 electroreduction of 106
NMR spectra of 301-304 Diphosphabarrelenes. cycloadditions of 490
reactions of. Diphosphabenzvalenes 490
with alkynes 423 Diphosphacyclobutadienes,complexes of
with halogens 45 I 279-281, 329
reactivity of 301 Diphosphanoalkanes 498
ring conformational effects in 299, 300 Diphosphenes,
synthesis of 3 W 3 3 2 . 498. 499 bonding in 45
Cyclic phosphites, photolysis of 503
basicity of 480, 484 structure of 43
photoreactions of 5 I6 Diphosphetanes 504
proton affinities of 482 synthesis of 198
Cyclic sulphonates. ring opening of 396 Diphosphetes-see also Diazadiphosphetes
Cyclic tetraphosphonium salts 207 ring expansion of 369
Cyclic voltammetry 105 Diphosphines-see also Bidentate phosphines
Cyclometallation 206, 598 bicyclic-see Bicyclic diphosphines
Cyclopentadienones, reactions of 265 cation radicals of 139-143
Cyclopolyphosphines. chiral-see Bidentate phosphines, chiral
cation radicals of I39 complexes of 579
photoreactions of 508, 509 with chromium group metals 243,
Cyclopropenes, ring opening of 406 603-605
Cytochrome c oxidase, effect of phosphine on with cobalt sub-group metals 82-87, 91-
645.647 95, 242, 243, 610-612, 615, 616
Cytochromes, reactions with phosphine-gold with copper sub-group metals 143. 242,
complexes 654 614416,653, 656,657
with iron sub-group metals 91, 95-97.
Deoxygenation, photolytic 495. 516, 518 606-610
Deselenation, photolytic 523 with lanthanides and actinides 601
Desulphurization, photolytic 523 with manganese group metals 243, 605,
Dewar-phosphinines 330 606
Dialkylamino-A3-phosphinines368 with nickel sub-group metals 87-91. 96.
Diazadiphosphetes 522 242,243, 612-616
Diazaphospholes 322 with titanium group metals 602
photolysis of 353 with vanadium group metals 602, 603
synthesis of 265. 353-355 with zinc sub-group metals 615
Diazo compounds, reactions with phosphines electro-oxidation of 118-120
436 photoreactions of 499
Diazophosphines, photolysis of 493, 494 reactions of 176
Dibenzo-A3-phosphinines 359 with alkenes 498, 558, 559
Dibenzophospholes. synthesis of 345 with alkynes 423
Dibenzophospholyl anions 345 with ketones 495, 558
Diels-Alder reactions 265 structure of 42
Dienones, reactions with phosphines 405 Diphosphinines 330, 369
Dihalides, elimination reactions of 457 Diphosphinoallenes, synthesis of 2 10
Dihydro-A3-phosphinines 360, 364, 376
reactions of 226
Diop 59, 609
synthesis of 209, 210
complexes of 89, 9 1, 93
synthesis of 70
ring opening of 205
Dioxaphospholanes 326
synthesis of 241
synthesis of 4 15
Diphospholes 353
Dioxaphospholenes, synthesis of 500
a,b-Diphospholylakanes 337
Dipamp 57,609
730 Subject index

Diphosphorinanes, Gold-triphosphine complexes 618

ring opening of 205 Grignard reagents, reactions with phosphorus
synthesis of 195, 241 halides 154-156
Diphosphorins 504, 508
Diprimaxy phosphines, Haemoglobin,
reactions of 228 effect of phosphine on spectra of 646, 647
synthesis of 193 reactions with phosphine-gold complexes
Disecondary phosphines, 654
reactions of 223, 228 $-Haloacrylic compounds, reactions with
synthesis of 195, 204 phosphines 405
Ditertiary phosphines, Haloalkynes, reactions with phosphines 425,
complexes of 230 426
reactions of 221, 235-238 Halophosphines,
synthesis of 204 as phospha-alkyne precursors 257
DNA replication, effect of phosphine-gold photoreactions of 509, 5 10
complexes on 656 radiolysis of 5 1 G 5 I2
Double bonds, migration of 86. 87 Halo-x '-phosphinines,
reactions of 367, 368
Electron affinity 10 synthesis of 363
Electronegativity 10. 21 Halophosphiranes, synthesis of 322
relation to bond angle 30 Halophospholes 338
Electronic effects, on bonding in phosphine- Halophosphonium salts, synthesis of 240
transition metal complexes 57G572 Halosulphones, elimination reactions of 457,
Electron spin resonance spectroscopy, 458
of diphenylphosphine radicals 110. 1 I 1 Hammett parameters 478, 479
of nitroaromatic phosphorus compounds Head-tail dimers 499, 505, 506
116, 1 I7 Hexaphosphines. complexes of 623
of phosphine anion radicals 145-147 Homoleptic complexes 585, 590, 595, 596, 604
of phosphinyl radicals 143-145 HOMOS 29, 32, 35, 37
of phosphoniumyl radicals 138-143 Hydroformylation, asymmetric, using
of phosphoranyl radicals 543-548 phosphine-transition metal complexes
of phosphorus-containing organometallics as catalysts 86, 88. 89
115, 122 Hydrogenation, asymmetric, using phosphine-
Enantiomeric excesses, measurement of 75-79 transition metal complexes as catalysts
Enthalpies of formation, of phosphorus(II1) 82-86, 91
compounds 130, 131 Hydrogen bonding, in phosphines 43, 484
Enthalpies of protonation. of phosphines 475. Hydrosilylation, asymmetric, of ketones and
478, 479 imines 86
Epoxides, Hydroxyphosphine oxides 492
deoxygenation of 440 Hydroxyphosphines 410, 41 1
ring opening of 395, 396 rearrangement of 4 14
Hyperconjugative effects, in phosphines 39, 40
Ferrocene, phosphorus analogues of 283-286
Free-radical reactions, of organophosphorus Iminophosphinazides 522
(111) compounds Inductive effects, on nucleophilic reactions of
531-562 phosphines 388-390
rate constants for 537-540 Infrared spectroscopy, of phosphites 480
stereochemistry of 554-557 Insecticides 2
synthetic applications of 559-562 Inversion barriers, in phosphines 20, 37-39
thermodynamics of 532-537 Ionization potentials 10
Frontier orbitals, in phosphines 3 I in phosphines 35, 36
Fungicides 104 Iridium-diphosphacyclobutadienecomplexes
Gold-diphosphine complexes 143, 614616, Iridium4iphosphine complexes 243, 61 1, 612,
653, 656, 657 615. 616
Gold-monophosphine complexes 599, 600, Iridium-monophosphine complexes 593-595
653456 as catalysts 85
Subject index 731

Iridium-phosphole complexes 373 Metal phosphides,

Iridium-triphosphine complexes 6 17, 6 18 alkylation of 195
Irondiphosphine complexes 606, 607 reactions of,
Iron-monophosphine complexes 589, 590 with alkynes 417,418
Iron-phospha-alkyne complexes 275, 276, 278 with nitriles 430
Iron-phosphole complexes 373 with organic halides 163-167
Iron-tetraphosphine complexes 245, 621, Metaphosphates, as intermediates 1 17
622 o-Methoxy groups, effect on reactivity of
Iron-triphosphine complexes 244, 6 1 7 4 1 9 phosphines 393
Isocyanates, reactions with phosphines 428, Methylenebisphosphines,
429 complexes of 242, 243, 601
Isophosphindoles 345 symmetrical 194
Isothiocyanates, reactions with phosphines 428, synthesis of 193-198
429 unsymmetrical 194
Isoxazoles, reactions with phosphines 436 with substituted bridging units 196-198
Methylidenetrisphosphines 222
Kabachinik parameters 476, 478 o-Methylthio groups, effect on reactivity of
Ketenes, reactions with phosphines 428 phosphines 393
2-Keto- I ,2-dihydrophosphetes, complexes of Michael addition 400
326 phosphines as catalysts for 404
Ketones, photoexcited, reactions of 557, 558 Michaelis-Arbuzov reaction 387. 519
a-Ketophosphites, photolysis of 5 I2 Michaelis-Becker reaction 5 15
Molecular orbitals, localized 30
Molybdenum-diphosphine complexes 243,
Lanthanides, complexes of, 603-605
with diphosphines 601 Molybdenum-monophosphine complexes
with monophosphines 582 585-587

Ligand profiles, in phosphine complexes 574 Molybdenum-phospha-alkyne complexes

Linear free energy relationships 475 273-278
LUMOs 20. 32, 37, 42 Molybdenum-phosphinomacrocycle
complexes 623
Macrocyclic phosphines, Molybdenum-phosphole complexes 373
complexes of 245, 246. 623, 624 Molybdenum-triphosphine complexes 618,
crown ether-type 231 620
redox properties of 1 19-1 23 Monophenylphosphines,
synthesis of 2 2 6 2 3 3 electro-oxidation of 119
Macrocyclic phosphonium salts, synthesis of electroreduction of 106
237 Myoglobin,
Maleic compounds, reactions with phosphines effect of phosphine on spectra of 646, 647
406 reactions with phosphine-gold complexes
Manganese-diphosphine complexes 605 654
Manganese-monophosphine complexes 587,
588 Nickel-diphosphine complexes 242,612-614,
Manganese-phosphinine complexes 374 616
Manganese-phosphole complexes 373 as catalysts 87, 88
Manganese-triphosphine complexes 6 18 Nickel-monophosphine complexes 595, 596
Mannich-type reactions 239 as catalysts 87
Markovnikov addition 498, 500 X-ray structure of 97
Mass spectrometry, in determination of Nickel-phospha-alkyne complexes 273
thennochemical data 130 Nickel-phosphinine complexes 374
Mercury-diphosphine complexes 6 I5 Nickel-phosphinomacrocycle complexes 623.
Mercury-monophosphine complexes 600 624
Mercury-phosphole complexes 373 Nickel-phosphole complexes 373
Mesomeric interaction, with the d orbitals of Nickel-tetraphosphine complexes 245,
phosphorus 391 621423
Metalloenzymes, use of phosphine groups in Nickel-triphosphine complexes 6 1 8 4 2 0
studies of 652 Niobium-diphosphine complexes 602, 603
732 Subject index

Niobium-monophosphine complexes 583-585 5-0x0- I ,2,5,6-tetrahydro-X3-phosphinines362,

Nitrilophosphines. as photolytic intermediates 363,367
521,522 Oxyalkylphosphines, antimicrobial activity of
Nitroaromatic phosphorus compounds, 650
electrochemistry of 116,I17
Nitro compounds, deoxygenation of 441 Palladium4iphosphine complexes 242,243,
Nitroso compounds, deoxygenation of 441 612-616
Nomenclature 3-7 as catalysts 89-91
Norphos 609 X-ray structure of 96
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Palladium-monophosphine complexes 595-598
of cyclic phosphines 301-304 as catalysts 89
of phospha-alkyne-metal complexes 290, Palladium-phospha-alkyne complexes 276-278
29I Palladium-phosphinomacrocycle complexes
of phospha-alkynes 261, 262 624
of X3-phosphinines 372 Palladium-phosphole complexes 373
of phosphites 483 Palladium-tetraphosphine complexes 245,623
of phospholes 304,371 Palladium-triphosphine complexes 620
of phosphonium salts 477 P - C bond lengths, in phospha-alkyne-
of protonated phosphines 479,480 transition metal complexes 278
Nucleophilic addition, to r-hydrocarbon Perhaloalkenes, reactions with phosphines
ligands 430 407409
Nucleophilic attack, Perkow reaction 442,443
at arsenic 438 Peroxo compounds, reactions with phosphines
at boron 431 438440
at germanium 43I , 432 Pesticides 104
at halogen 450-458 Phellanphos 609
at nitrogen 433437 Phenoxy radicals I 16
at oxygen 438-445 Phospha-adamantanes,
at phosphorus 387,437,438 precursors of 316
stereochemistry of 79-82 synthesis of 313
at silicon 43I, 432 Phospha-alkenes,
at sp hybridized carbon 417-430 bonding in 44
at sp2 hybridized carbon 397417 cycloadditions of 320-322,348.354-357,
at sulphur 445-450 365,503
at tin 431,432 reactions of 257-259
Nucleophilicity, structure of 43
effect of alkoxy groups on 390 synthesis of 494
of trivalent phosphorus 387-389,391.392, Phospha-alkene sulphides 377
395 Phospha-alkynes,
order of 389 bonding in 44,45,261
complexes of 271-279.290,29I
Orbital energies 10 cycloadditions of 262-269,320,324,325,
Orbital overlap 1 I. 12 330,348,353,355-357,365
through-space 392-394 dimerization of 329
Organometallic compounds, NMR spectra of 261,262,290,291
phosphorus-containing, electroreduction of PE spectra of 261
115, 116 reactions with metal halides 269,270
use in phosphine synthesis 154-163 structure of 43,260
Organophosphides, coupling with organic synthesis of 256
halides 200,201 by elimination of chlorotrimethylsilane
OsmiumAiphosphine complexes 608-610 257
Osmium-monophosphine complexes 589-592 by elimination of hexamethyldisiloxane
Osmium-phospha-alkyne complexes 275 258-260
Oxaphospholes 351, 352 by elimination of hydrogen halide 257
Oxaphosphorinanes, synthesis of 3I5 thermal stability of 260
Oxazaphospholes 357 use in deriving ene-metal complexes
synthesis of 263 219-290
Subject index 733

Phospha-azulenes 346. 347 Phosphide anions,

synthesis of 267 generation of 163
Phosphaba~~elenes-see also proton affinity of 474
Diphosphabarrelenes reactions with alkynes 165
synthesis of 323 Phosphides, photoreactions of 504, 505
Phosphabenzenes-see also Phosphinates 500
Azaphosphabenzenes, chiral-see Chiral phosphinates
Triphosphabenzenes Phosphindoles, synthesis of 341-345
complexes of 286 Phosphindolyl anions 345
synthesis of 265 Phosphine 3
Phosphabenzvalenes -see also as fumigant 644
Diphosphabenzvalenes as radiolytic product 502
synthesis of 265 biochemistry of 644-649
Phosphabicyclooctadienes 32 I bond angles in 26-28
reactivity of 301 complexes of 577
Phosphabicyclooctenes, NMR spectra of 302 dissociation of 473
Phosphacyclobutadienes -see atso photolysis of 502
Diphosphacyclobutadienes protonation of 473
complexes of 329. 330 radiolysis of 501
Phosphacyclopentadienes,complexes of reactions of 174-176
283-286 with fluoroalkenes 498
Phosphacyclopentenes. synthesis of 265 Phosphine imide 3
Phospha-Dewar-benzenes, synthesis of 265 Phosphine oxides %see also
Phosphadienes, reactions of 324 Hydroxyphosphine oxides
Phosphaindoles 491 as radiolytic products 502
Phosphajulolidines, synthesis of 3 I6 reactions of 176
Phosphands, synthesis of 232 reduction of 167, 168, 182
Phosphanocaradienes. complexes of 328 synthesis of 239, 492. 495
Phosphanorbornadienes 328 Phosphines-see also Acylphosphines,
complexes of 325 Alkenylphosphines, Alkynylphosphines,
rearrangement of 491 Allylphosphines, Aminoalkylphosphines,
Phosphanorbomenes 3 18,492 Aminophosphines, Azidophosphines,
conformation of 300 b-Chloroalkylphosphines.
NMR spectra of 301-303 Cyclopolyphosphines,
synthesis of 319 Diazophosphines, Diphenylphosphines.
Phosphaprismanes, synthesis of 265 Diphosphines, Halophosphines,
Phosphasilirenes, synthesis of 269 Hexaphosphines, Hydroxyphosphines,
Phosphates, Monophenylphosphines,
as photolytic products 5 16 Nitrilophosphines, Oxyalkylphosphines,
as plasticizers 2 Polyhaloalky Iphosphines,
as radiolytic products 5 I8 Tetraphosphines, Triphosphines,
Phosphavinyl ethers, complexes of 288, 289 Vinylphosphines
Phosphecanes 6 acidity of 474, 475
Phosphecins 6 alkylation/dehydrohalogenationof 174, 175,
Phosphenanes 6 182
Phosphenes-see also Diphosphenes anion radicals of 145-147
photoreactions of 503, 504 asymmetric,
Phosphenic acid 4 definition of 154
Phosphenous acid 4 synthesis of 162, 163, 165, 169
Phosphepins 6, 328, 491 basicity of 18, 1 18-1 20,474, 484
synthesis of 31 1 conjugative effects on 477, 481
Phosphetanes &see also Diphosphetanes gas-phase 4 8 0 4 8 2
NMR spectra of 303 in solution 4 7 5 4 8 0
reactions with halogens 45 1 steric effects on 476
reactivity of 301 substituent effects on 475478,481
synthesis of 314, 324 bidentate-see Bidentate phosphines
Phosphetes &see also Diphosphetes biochemistry of 643-659
734 Subject index

bonding in 1 7 4 3 with halogens and interhalogens 450,

ah inirio calculations for 22-3 1 45 I
basis set problems for 23-25 with halophosphines 437, 438
dangers in qualitative studies of 21. 22 with rr-hydrocarbon ligands 430, 43 1
directed valence approach to 18, 36 with iso- and isothio-cyanates 428, 429
empirical calculations for 3 1-36 with ketenes and allenes 428
summary of 36, 37 with metal halides 432
valence bond calculations for 3 1 with nitrogen compounds 414,430,
VSEPR approach to 18. 19, 36 433437
Walsh correlation diagram analysis of with organic sulphides 445-447
19-21. 36 with perhalo compounds 407409,
bridged 3 I6 454456
cage 331 with positive halogen sources 4 5 2 4 5 8
catalytic activity of 113, 114 with Se and Te compounds 449, 450,
cation radicals of 138-143 500,501
chiral-see Chiral phosphines with silicon compounds 43 1, 432
complexes of, with sodamide 475
with haemochromes 652 with sulphur compounds 4 4 5 4 9
with Lewis acids 484 with thiocyanates 448
with transition metals 42, 43, 82-87, 89, reactivity of 390-395
96, 570400. 653-656, 658 order of 389, 391
condensation/elimination of I75 salts of 482, 483
cyclic-see Cyclic phosphines secondary-see Secondary phosphines
cyclization of 304, 306 separation of I54
cyclometallation of 598 structure of 13-17
diastereoisomeric 3 14 synthesis of 2
diprimary-see Diprimary phosphines from elemental phosphorus 174
disecondary-.we Disecondary phosphines from phosphine 175, 176
dissymmetric 177 from phosphine oxides 176
ditertiary-see Ditertiary phosphines from phosphorus ylides 176
electrochemistry of 105-1 14, 116, 1 IS, I19 from polyphosphines 176
hydrogen bonding in 43. 484 precautions in 154
macrocyclic-see Macrocyclic phosphines starting materials for 153
oxidation of 438-44 I, 554. 65 I , 652 via addition of P-H to multiple bonds
photoreactions of 490-503 172-1 74
with ketones 495, 496 via alkylationldehydrohalogenation 174,
with unsaturated compounds 496-499 175, 182
pK, values for 4 7 4 4 7 6 via condensationlelimination 175
polydentate-see Polydentate phosphines via electrophilic phosphorus and
polymer-supported, complexes of 624 organometallics 154-163
primary-see Primary phosphines via nucleophilic phosphorus from metal
proton abstraction from 475 phosphides 163- I67
proton affinities of 481 via reduction of other phosphorus
protonated, NMR spectra of 479, 480 compounds 167-1 72
radiolysis of 501, 502 tertiary-see Tertiary phosphines
reactions of 219-221 tetradentate-see Tetradentate phosphines
with alkenes 307. 308, 399409,497. tridentate-see Tridentate phosphines
498 unsymmetric,
with alkyllithiums 79, 80 definition of 154
with alkynes 204, 307. 308. 4 1 7 4 2 6 synthesis of 158-162, 164, 174
with benzynes 426, 427 Phosphine selenides 3, 500
with boranes 43 I synthesis of 239
with carbon disulphide 427 Phosphine sulphides 3
with carbonium ions 398, 399, 409 reduction of 169
with carbonyls 41W417.443445, 557 synthesis of 239
with elemental Se and Te 449 Phosphine tellurides 501
with elemental sulphur 445 Phosphinic acids 4, 492, 495
Subject index 735

as electrolytic products I10 as catalysts to photoreactions 5 19, 520

reduction of I7 I bicyclic-see Bicyclic phosphites
Phosphinidenes, cyclic--see Cyclic phosphites
as photolytic products 508 IR spectra o f 480
complexes of 288, 325. 328 NMR spectra of 483
Phosphinides. as photolytic intermediates SO3 oxidation of 532, 555, 559
Phosphinimines, synthesis of 434. 435 photoreactions of 5 12-5 I8
Phosphinines-see Azaphosphinines. Dewar- with organic halides 5 14-5 16
phosphinines. Diphosphinines. A3- with oxygen 5 I6
with unsaturated compounds 5 13. 5 14
Phosphinines, As-Phosphinines,
radiolysis of 5 18. 5 I9
Tetrahydrophosphinines. Triphosphinines
reactions of.
A3-Phosphinines-sre also Aza-A3-phosphinines. with carbonyls 442
Dialkylamino-A3-phosphinines, with cyclopentadienide anions 452
Dibenzo-A3-phosphinines, Phosphocanes 6
Dihydro-A3-phosphinines, Phosphocins 6
3 Phospholanes &see ulso Dioxaphospholanes,
Halo-A- -phosphinines, Diphospholanes
Phospholene oxides, synthesis of 3 I5
5-0x0- I ,2,5,6-tetrahydro-A' -
phosphinines Phospholenes 407, 504-see
complexes of 327. 374 ulso Benzazaphospholenes.
electronic structure of 372. 373 Dioxaphospholenes
interconversion of 367. 368 as photolytic products 505
reactions of 322, 323. 375-377 photoreactions of 506
synthesis of 357-368 reactions of 333
AS-Phosphinines 358-see also Acyl-As- with halogens 45 I
phosphinines synthesis of 3 13. 3 I8
reactions of 360-362 Phosphole oxides, synthesis of 336
rearrangement of 33 I Phospholes &see also Alkoxyphospholes.
synthesis of 376 Azaphospholes. Diazaphospholes.
Phosphinine sulphides 377 Dibenzophospholes, Diphospholes.
Phosphinites 500 Halophospholes, Oxaphospholes.
chiral-see Chiral phosphinites Oxazaphospholes. Thiaphospholes.
photoreactions of 520 Thiazaphospholes, Triazaphospholes
Phosphinoboranes 43 I bonding in 41
reactions of 69. 80 complexes of 326. 327, 338. 339
synthesis of 234, 235 electroreduction of 114. I IS
Phosphinocarbenes. synthesis of 493 NMR spectra of 304
Phosphino methanides 24 I photoreactions of 505-SO7
complexes of 242 synthesis of 263. 265, 326
Phosphinous acids 4, 493 IH -Phospholes.
Phosphinous derivatives. reduction of I7 I complexes of 373
Phosphinyl radicals, ESR spectra of electronic structure of 37 I . 372
143-145 hydrogen shifts in 346
Phosphiranes 6, S O b s e e also NMR spectra of 37 I
Halophosphiranes. Thiadiphosphiranes. reactions of 375
Vinylphosphiranes rearrangement of 364
complexes of 325. 326 synthesis of 332-336
photolysis of 505 2H-Phospholes 323. 324. 345. 346
reactivity of 301 3H -Phospholes 346
rearrangement of 492 Phosphole sulphides 365
Phosphirenes &see also Aminophosphirenes reactions of 265
complexes of 289, 290. 326 Phospholyl anions 337. 345
synthesis of 325, 326, 503 Phosphonanes 6
Phosphiridenes--see Azaphosphiridenes synthesis of 3 I5
Phosphites, Phosphonates.
as antioxidants 2 as photolytic products 5 12-5 IS. S I7
736 Subject index

Phosphonates, (conr.) reactions with halogens 45 I

as radiolytic products 518. 519 ring conformational effects in 299, 300
chiral-see Chiral phosphonates Phosphorinanols 300
Phosphonic acids 4 Phosphorinanones,
reduction of 171 reactions of 3 I I , 3 12
Phosphonins 6 synthesis of 304, 307
Phosphonites, Phosphorins &see ulso Phosphinines
chiral-see Chiral phosphonites reactions of 507, 508
photoreactions of 520, 521 Phosphorodithioates, in lubricating oils 2
Phosphonium salts 5 , 497--see Phosphorothioates 5 I7
ulso Amidophosphonium Phosphorous acids 4, 5 I7
salts, Halophosphonium salts, Phosphorus,
Tetraphosphonium salts atoms adjacent to, effect of lone pairs on
as radiolytic products 502 39&392
base-induced cleavage of I70 elemental 2, 3
electroreduction of 106. 117. 118, 169 reactions of I74
hydride reduction of I7 I inorganic compounds of 2
in synthesis of chiral phosphines 179 substituents on, inductive effects of 389,
macrocyclic-see Macrocyclic phosphonium 390
salts white I
NMR spectra of 477 Phosphorus amides, reactions with nitrilimines
reactions of 205. 207 430
synthesis of 501 Phosphorus halides 3
tetrafunctional 237 cyclization of 309, 310
thermal decomposition of 170, I7 I reactions with Grignard reagents 154-156
Phosphonium ylides 403,404. 495 Phosphorus ylides, rearrangement of I76
Phosphoniumyl radicals, ESR spectra of Phosphorylation I17
138-143 oxidative 645
Phosphonous acid 4 thermodynamics of 104
Phosphonous derivatives, reduction of 17I Phosphoryl compounds, reduction of 3 I3
Phosphonous dihalides, reactions of 304, 305, Phosphoryl halides 3
330, 332, 333, 336, 35 1 Photoelectron spectroscopy, of phospha-
Phosphoranedioic acid 4 alkynes 261
Phosphoranepentoic acid 4 Platinum4iphosphine complexes 242,
Phosphoranes 3 612-616
synthesis of 240 as catalysts 88, 89
Phosphoranetetroic acid 4 Platinum-monophosphine complexes 595-598
Phosphoranetrioic acid 4 Platinum-phospha-alkyne complexes 27 1-273,
Phosphoranoic acid 4 275-278
Phosphoranyl radicals 146. 514, 517. 518. 520, Platinum-phosphinomacrocycle complexes
53 I 624
ESR spectra of 543-548 Platinum-phosphole complexes 373
formation of, Platinum-tetraphosphine complexes 245, 622,
stereochemistry of 55 1-553 623
thermodynamics of 532-537 Platinum-triphosphine complexes 6 18
permutational isomerization of 547-55 I P-N bond cleavage 394, 395, 484
reactions of 540, 541 P - 0 bond cleavage 117, 118.483
scission of 537-540 Polarography 104, 105
stereochemistry of 553, 554 Polydentate phosphines 497
structure of 541-551 reactions of 233, 234. 239, 240
Phosphoric acid 4 synthesis of 226
esterification of I , 2 Polyhaloalkylphosphines 498
Phosphorinanes &see also Population analysis 25-3 1
Azaphosphorinanes, Diphosphorinanes, Primary phosphines,
Oxaphosphorinanes complexes of 577-582
antimicrobial activity of 650 reactions of 219-221
NMR spectra of 302 with alkenes 399, 400. 497
Subject index 737

with carbonyls 4 1 0 4 1 2 with carbonyls 4 1 M 1 3

with diynes 418 with iso- and isothio-cyanates 428, 429
with iso- and isothio-cyanates 428, 429 with ketenes and allenes 428
with ketenes and allenes 428 synthesis of 171-176
synthesis of 171-175 using metal phosphides 166
using metal phosphides 166. 167 using primary phosphines and multiply
using phosphine and multiply bonded bonded compounds 172- I74
compounds 172- I74 Selenocarbonyl compounds, reactions with
Promotion energies 10. 12, 36 phosphines 4 16. 4 I7
Prophos 609 Semiquinone phosphate radicals I 17
Pulse radiolysis 5 I I , 5 I8 Silver-diphosphine complexes 6 14
o-Pyrones, reactions of 265 Silver-monophosphine complexes 599
Solvent effects, on nucleophilic reactions of
Quasi-phosphonium salts 5 14 phosphines 387-389
Quinol phosphates, as phosphorylating agents Spin trapping 142
I I7 Squaric acid, reactions with phosphines 406
Staudinger reaction 434, 522
Radical reactions, photochemical analogues of Steric effects,
557-559 on bonding in phosphine-transition metal
Reaction-solution calorimetry 129, 130 complexes 572-576
Respiration, effect of phosphines on 650 on nucleophilic reactions of phosphines 387,
Rhenium-diphosphine complexes 243, 605, 388
606 Stem-Volmer plots 5 16
Rhenium-monophosphine complexes 588, 589 Stevens rearrangement 523
Rhenium-phosphole complexes 373 Stress proteins 655
Rhenium-triphosphine complexes 620 Sulphonates, cyclic-.we Cyclic sulphonates
Rhodiumdiphosphacyclobutadiene complexes Sulphur compounds, reactions with phosphines
279, 281, 282 445449
Rhodiumdiphosphine complexes 243, 61 I ,
612, 615, 616 Taft substituent parameters 389, 476
as catalysts 82-87 Tantalum-diphosphine complexes 602. 603
X-ray structure of 91-95 Tantalum-monophosphine complexes 583, 584
Rhodium-monophosphine complexes 592-595 Tantalum-phospha-alkyne complexes 278
as catalysts 82-87 Tantalum-phosphinine complexes 374
Rhodium-phospha-alkyne complexes 273 Technetium-diphosphine complexes 605. 606
Rhodium-phosphole complexes 373 Technetium-monophosphine complexes 588,
Rhodium-tetraphosphine complexes 622 658
Rhodium-triphosphine complexes 244, Template synthesis 203
6 17-620 Tertiary phosphines,
Ring size, effect on reactivity of phosphines complexes of,
394, 395 with chromium group metals 585-587
Ruthenium-diphosphine complexes 607-609 with cobalt sub-group metals 592-595
as catalysts 91 with copper sub-group metals 599, 600
X-ray structure of 95-97 with iron sub-group metals 589-592
Ruthenium-monophosphine complexes with lanthanides and actinides 582
589-592 with manganese group metals 587-589
X-ray structure of 96 with nickel sub-group metals 595-598
Ruthenium-phosphole complexes 373 with titanium group metals 582, 583
Ruthenium-tetraphosphine complexes 622 with vanadium group metals 583-585
Ruthenium-triphosphine complexes 245, 618 with zinc sub-group metals 600
electrochemistry of 107-1 10, 112, 113, 117,
Secondary phosphines, I I9
complexes of 577-582 in debenzylation 396
reactions of 219-221 in demethylation 396
with alkenes 399401, 497 in elimination reactions 457, 458
with alkynes 204. 417-419 interaction with cytochrome P450 65 I, 652
with carbon disulphide 427 metabolism of 650
738 Subject index

Tertiary phosphines, (con!.) Thiocyanogen. reactions with phosphines 437

oxidation of 65 I , 652 Thioesters. synthesis of 562
ihotoreactions of 490, 503 Thiophosphates 5 17
radiolysis of 501, 502 synthesis of 560
reactions of, Thiophosphites, photoreactions of 5 13
with alkenes 401407, 498 Thiophosphonates. as photolytic products
with alkyllithiums 79. 80 513
with alkynes 4 1 9 4 2 6 Thymidine phosphate triesters 560
with benzynes 426. 427 Time windows 104. 105
with boranes 431 Titaniumdiphosphine complexes 602
with carbon disulphide 427 Titanium-monophosphine complexes 582.
with carbonium ions 398, 399 583
with carbonyls 415. 416. 557 Titanium-triphosphine complexes 6 19
with halo compounds 4 5 2 4 5 6 Toxicity 104
with halogens 450, 45 I Transition metal clusters, phosphorus-
with *-hydrocarbon ligands 430. 43 I containing 120-123
with hypochlorites 453 reactions with phosphines I2 I , I22
with iso- and isothio-cyanates 429 Transition metal complexes 286-290,
with metal halides 432 653458
with nitrogen compounds 430. 433437 of chiral phosphines 82-97
with protein sulphydryl groups 658 of cyclic phosphines 325-330. 373, 374
with Se and Te compounds 449,450. of diphosphacyclobutadienes 279-28 I
500, 501 of diphosphines 242-244, 600-6I7
with sulphur compounds 4 4 M 9 of hexaphosphines 623
with thio- and seleno-carbonyls 416, of phospha-alkynes 27 1-279, 290, 29 I
417 of phosphacyclopentadienes 283-286
reductive cleavage of 204 of phosphine 577
synthesis of 174, 175, 504, 505 of phosphines, bonding in 42, 43,
using Grignard reagents 154- I56 57G576
using metal phosphides 164, 165 of X3-phosphinines 374
using organolithiums 156, I57 of IH -phospholes 373
using phosphine oxides 167. 168 of primary phosphines 577-582
using phosphine sulphides I69 of secondary phosphines 577-582
using phosphonium salts 169-17 I of tertiary phosphines 5 8 2 4 0 0
using secondary phosphines and multiply of tetraphosphines 244-246, 62 1 4 2 3
bonded compounds 172- I74 of triphosphines 244-246, 61 7 4 2 I
Tetradentate phosphines. of triphosphabenzenes 286
linear, Triazaphospholes 355
complexes of 245, 622. 623 synthesis of 263
synthesis of 223-225 Tridentate phosphines,
macrocyclic, chiral 63
complexes of 245, 246, 624 linear,
synthesis of 23 I complexes of 244, 620, 62 I
tripod-type, synthesis of 219-222
complexes of 245, 621. 622 macrocyclic.
synthesis of 225, 226 complexes of 245, 246, 623
Tetrahydrophosphinines 328 synthesis of 23 I
Tetraphosphines-see Tetradentate phosphines tripod-type,
Tetraphosphonium salts, cyclic-see Cyclic complexes of 245, 617-619
tetraphosphonium salts synthesis of 222
Thiadiphosphiranes, as photolytic products Triphosphabenzenes, complexes of 286
503 Triphosphines-see Tridentate phosphines
Thiaphospholes, synthesis of 352 Triphosphinines 369
Thiazaphospholes 357 Tungsten-cyclic phosphine complexes
synthesis of 263 326329
Thiocarbonyl compounds, reactions with Tungstendiphosphine complexes 603-605
phosphines 416 Tungsten-monophosphine complexes 585-587
Subject index 739

Tungsten-phospha-alkyne complexes 273-276, rearrangement of 492

Tungsten-triphosphine complexes 620 Walsh-Bent hypothesis 30
Warfare, use of organophosphorus compounds
Unsaturated carboxylic esters, reactions with in 104
phosphines 399 Wilkinson’s complex 594
Wittig reaction 404, 495
Vanadium-diphosphine complexes 602
Vanadium-monophosphine complexes 583 X-ray studies, of transition metal complexes,
Vanadium-triphosphine complexes 619 of chiral phosphines 91-97
Vinyl compounds, reactions with phosphines of phospha-alkynes 275-278
Vinyl phosphates, Ylide intermediates 403, 404, 495
as photolytic products 5 I2
synthesis of 442 Zinc-monophosphine complexes 600
Vinylphosphines, Zinc-tetraphosphine complexes 245, 623
bonding in 41 Zirconium4iphosphacyclobutadiene complexes
reactions of 202, 22 1, 223, 500 280,283
Vinylphosphiranes, Zirconium4iphosphine complexes 602
photolysis of 505 Zirconium-monophosphine complexes 583

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