Factor Affecting The Properties of Water-In-Oil-In-Water Emulsions For Encapsulation of Minerals and Vitamins
Factor Affecting The Properties of Water-In-Oil-In-Water Emulsions For Encapsulation of Minerals and Vitamins
Factor Affecting The Properties of Water-In-Oil-In-Water Emulsions For Encapsulation of Minerals and Vitamins
Review Article
The direct fortification of minerals and vitamins into food may induce chemical degradation, change the level of
bioavailability or decrease the sensory quality of food products. The strategy to solve these problems is encapsulation
technology. Numerous investigations described the use of water-in-oil-in-water (W/O/W) emulsions as encapsulation system.
The properties and encapsulation efficiency of W/O/W emulsions are influenced by emulsion components, the emulsifica-
tion processes, and environmental conditions. The recently published results of research done on the factors affecting the
properties of W/O/W emulsions for encapsulation of minerals and vitamins including form and concentration of core
materials, concentration of inner water phase and lipophilic emulsifier, type and concentration of oil phase, type and concen-
tration of hydrophilic emulsifier and stabilizer and the pH of the outer water phase have been reviewed in this article.
Usually, emulsion systems consist of two or more 2. Health Benefits, Deficiency and Fortification of Minerals
immiscible liquids, such as oil and water, where one of liquids and Vitamins
is dispersed as small spherical droplets in the other. Emulsion
systems are conventionally classified into two main groups; Minerals and vitamins have different health benefits
simple or single emulsions and multiple or double emulsions. and they are important for normal functions. Minerals and
Oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions consist of oil droplets dispersed vitamins are essential for all parts of the body. Deficiency of
in a continuous aqueous phase (Figure 1A), and water-in-oil minerals and vitamins may cause dysfunction and lead to
(W/O) emulsions that consists of water droplets dispersed in ill-health. Thus, we gathered the health benefit, deficiency
a continuous oil phase (Figure 1B) are examples of a single problem, and food source of some minerals and vitamins that
emulsion. Whereas, water-in-oil-in-water (W/O/W) emulsions have the important health effect on our body including iron,
containing W/O droplets dispersed in a continuous aqueous calcium, magnesium, ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, and
phase (Figure 1C), and oil-in-water-in-oil (O/W/O) emulsions cobalami as shown in Table 1.
where O/W droplets are dispersed in a continuous oil phase Fortification of minerals and vitamins in foods may
(Figure 1D) are classified as multiple emulsions. solve the problem of mineral and vitamin deficiency. However,
W/O emulsions and W/O/W emulsions are normally direct fortification of some minerals and vitamins into foods
used to encapsulate water-soluble substances. The W/O is not straightforward because it may not be stable or may
emulsions are suitable used for nutrient fortification in cause adverse effects on the food products (Table 2). In
oil-based foods, while W/O/W emulsions are properly used addition, bioavailability of the nutrients is also an important
in water-based food products. O/W emulsions and O/W/O point and should be considered. Bioavailability is the amount
emulsions are mostly used for encapsulation of oil-soluble of nutrients that can be absorbed and utilized by our body.
substances. The O/W emulsions encapsulate nutrients for There are three main factors that affect bioavailability,
fortification in water-based foods products, while O/W/O including personal factors, nutrient stability, and dissolution
emulsions are used for fortification in oil-based foods. or release of nutrients. The personal factors include age, sex
Furthermore, W/O/W emulsions and O/W/O emulsions can and physiologic state (e.g. pregnancy) which affect the
be used as a co-encapsulation system which is encapsula- gastric residence time and permeability through the gastro-
tion together of both water-soluble and oil-soluble intestinal tract. Formulation (form of nutrients, pH and
substances. For example, W/O/W can entrap water-soluble presence of other nutrients), food processing, and storage
nutrients in the inner water phase and also entrap oil-soluble conditions (temperature, light and oxygen) are factors that
substances in the oil phase of the same system (Benichou affect nutrient stability.
et al., 2002; Benichou et al., 2007; Bonnet et al., 2009; Lutz The factors that influence dissolution or release of
et al., 2009; Bonnet et al., 2010a; Bonnet et al., 2010b; nutrients are the encapsulation process and formulation such
O’Regan et al., 2010; Li et al., 2012; Giroux et al., 2013). as coatings or fillers excipient and surfactants. Thus, the
The aim of this work is to offer an overview of the design and utilizing the proper encapsulation technique may
health effects of some minerals and vitamins including iron, be a promising way to enhance the fortification and bioavail-
calcium, magnesium, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin B1 ability of nutrients in food products by protecting them until
(thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), and vitamin B12 (cobalamin). the time of consumption and delivery them to the target site
In addition, the use of W/O/W emulsions for encapsulation within the human body (Yetley, 2007; Fang and Bhandari,
and the factors affecting the properties of W/O/W emulsions 2010).
including form and concentration of core material, concen-
tration of inner water phase and lipophilic emulsifier, type 3. Encapsulation Technology
and concentration of oil phase, type and concentration of
hydrophilic emulsifier and stabilizer, and pH of outer water Generally, encapsulation technology is a technique
phase are also highlighted. that entraps sensitive materials, solid, liquid, or gas state, in
wall material in small sealed capsules to protect them from
adverse environmental conditions such as high temperatures,
high or low pH, exposure to UV light, and high levels of
dissolved oxygen. Moreover, the freeing of this substance
from the encapsulated capsule can be controlled to release
at certain rates and specific conditions. The size of the
encapsulated particle may cover a range from sub-micron to
millimeters. Encapsulation technology can be also used to
reduce the evaporation of aromatic compounds, mask un-
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions (A), desirable flavors and tastes of some substances or improve
water-in-oil (W/O) emulsions (B), water-in-oil-in-water the dispersion ability of some substances by making them
(W/O/W) emulsions (C), and oil-in-water-in-oil (O/W/O) disperse more uniformly throughout the medium (Fang and
emulsions (D) (not to scale). Bhandari, 2010; Abbas et al., 2012).
Table 1. Summary of food sources, health benefit, and deficiency problem of some minerals and vitamins.
Nutrients Form for fortification Recommended daily dosages * Direct fortification problem
Iron Ferrous sulphate, ferrous gluconate, ferric 1-3 years 7 mg, 4-8 years 10 mg, 9-13 years 8 mg, Sensitive to reaction, color change, lipid
ammonium citrate, sodium iron EDTA, girls 14-18 years 15 mg, boys 14-18 years 11 mg, oxidation, precipitation (Guzun-Cojocaru
ferrous bisglycinate, ferrous fumarate, women 19-50 years 18 mg. Pregnancy 27 mg, et al., 2010; Zimmermann and Windhab,
ferric saccharate, ferrous citrate, ferric lactation 9 mg, after 51 years 8 mg 2010)
citrate, carbonyl iron, and ferric
pyrophosphate (Lynch, 2005; Kroner, 2011)
Calcium Calcium carbonate, calcium triphosphate,
0-6 months 210 mg, 6-12 months 270 mg, 1-3 years Flocculation, sandy texture, precipitation
and calcium malate (Theobald, 2005; 500 mg, 4-8 years 800 mg, 9-18 years 1,300 mg, (Lakkis et al., 2011)
Kressel et al., 2010; Kroner, 2011) 19-50 years 1,000 mg, 50 years and older 1,200 mg,
pregnancy and lactation: 18 years or younger
1,300 mg, 19-50 years 1,000 mg
Magnesium Magnesium phosphate, magnesium 0-6 months 30 mg, 7-12 months 75 mg, 1-3 years Protein aggregation, nutrients degrada-
pyrophosphate, and magnesium potassium 80 mg, 4-8 years 130 mg, 9-13 years 240 mg, men: tion, unfavorable taste (Bonnet et al.,
phosphate (Skelcey et al., 1974) 14-18 years 410 mg, 19-30 years 400 mg, more than 2009)
30 years 420 mg, women: 14-18 years 360 mg,
19-30 years 310 mg, over 30 years 320 mg,
pregnancy: 14-18 years 400 mg, 19 to 30 years
350 mg, over 31 years 360 mg, lactation:14-18 years
360 mg, 19 to 30 years 310 mg, over 31 years 320 mg
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) Ascorbic acid, ascorbate salt, and Men 90 mg and women 75 mg Very unstable to high pH, high tempera-
esterified ascorbate tures, UV light, dissolved oxygen (Ball,
(Liu, 2009; Kroner, 2011) 2006)
Thiamine (vitamin B1) Thiamine hydrochloride 9-13 years 0.9 mg, boys 14-18 years 1.2 mg, girls Unstable to high pH, high temperatures,
(Benichou et al., 2002) 14-18 years 1.0 mg, men 1.2 mg, women 1.1 mg, high moisture content (Ball et al., 2006)
pregnancy & lactation 1.4 mg
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) Riboflavin, and riboflavine- 1-3 years 0.5 mg, 4-8 years 0.6 mg, 9-13 years 0.9 Unstable to light and high pH (Ball et al.,
5'-monophosphate (Owusu et al., 1992) mg, boys 14-18 years 1.3 mg, girls 14-18 years 1.0 2006)
mg, men 1.3 mg, women 1.1 mg, pregnancy 1.4 mg
Cobalamin (vitamin B12) Cobalamin and adenosylcobalamin 1-3 years 0.9 µg, 4-8 years 1.2 µg, 9-13 years 1.8 µg, Unstable to High pH (Ball et al., 2006)
N. Prichapan & U. Klinkesorn / Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 36 (6), 651-661, 2014
(Collins, 2003) 14-18 years 2.4 µg, men & women 2.4 µg, pregnancy
2.6 µg, lactation 2.8 µg
*(Standing Committee on the Scientific Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes and its Panel on Folate, Other B Vitamins, and Choline and Subcommittee on Upper
Reference Levels of Nutrients Food and Nutrition Board Institute of Medicine, 1998; Kroner, 2011; Osiezagha et al., 2013)
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Many methods and techniques can be applied for example, Li et al. (2012) produced W/O/W emulsions for use
encapsulation of nutrients including spray drying, fluid bed as an encapsulation system consisting of riboflavin in the
coating, spray chilling or cooling, melt extrusion, coacerva- inner water phase and -tocopherol in the oil phase.
tion, liposome, inclusion encapsulation, cocrystallization,
nanoencapsulation, freeze drying, yeast encapsulation and 4.1 Preparation of W/O/W emulsions
emulsions (Stevanovic and Uskokovic, 2009; Fang and
Bhandari, 2010; Zuidam and Shimoni, 2010; Abbas et al., W/O/W emulsions are usually produced using a two-
2012). step emulsification method (Figure 2). The first step is the
An emulsion encapsulation technique can be used to production of W/O emulsions by homogenizing an oil phase
encapsulate both water-soluble and oil-soluble liquid and the inner water phase together in the presence of a water-
substances. The size of the liquid droplets in emulsion is soluble core material at high pressure or high shear rate. In
usually in the range from 0.1-5,000 µm. Preparation of multi- this step, a lipophilic emulsifier or oil-soluble emulsifier was
layer around the droplets in emulsions may obtain a more used to stabilize the water-oil interface. The second step is
stable and effective encapsulated core. The liquid droplets the production of W/O/W emulsions by homogenizing the
in emulsion, especially oil-soluble substances, can be former W/O emulsion and an outer water phase at a pressure
produced in a dry powder form by spraying or freeze drying or shear rate lower than that used in the first stage to avoid
their emulsion. The advantage of this technique is that it is rupture or expulsion of inner droplets. To stabilize the oil-
flexible because it can be used to encapsulate both hydro- water interface, a hydrophilic emulsifier or water-soluble
philic and lipophilic substances (Fang and Bhandari, 2010; emulsifier was used in this step (Van der Graaf et al. 2005;
Zuidam and Shimoni, 2010; Abbas et al., 2012). McClements, 2012).
Abbas et al. (2012) mentioned that there are many
methods that can be applied for encapsulation, but there are 4.2 Factors affecting the properties of W/O/W emulsions
no techniques that are effective for all food systems. Each for encapsulation
technique has different advantages and limitations. However,
W/O/W emulsions are the one encapsulation technique that There are many factors that can affect the properties
is suitable to fortify nutrients in beverages and water-based of W/O/W emulsions. In this review, we categorize them into
foods because this technique can keep the nutrients to be five groups: form and concentration of core material, con-
quite stable and easily dispersed in an aqueous phase. centration of inner water phase and lipophilic emulsifier, type
Moreover, it is easily to be scaled up to industrial size and concentration of oil phase, type and concentration of
(Krasaekoopt et al., 2003). hydrophilic emulsifier and stabilizer and pH of outer water
4. Encapsulation of Minerals and Vitamins in Water-in-oil-
In-water Emulsions 4.2.1 Form and concentration of core material
The water-in-oil-in-water or W/O/W emulsion system The form and concentration of the core material affects
(Figure 1C) consists of small internal water droplets the properties of W/O/W emulsions. For the form of the core
embedded in larger oil droplets that are also dispersed in material, different forms of core material lead to differences
another outer water continuous phase. This can be referred in properties such as size, binding capacity, and hydrophilic
to as emulsions of emulsions that is to say water-in-oil-in- property that all affect W/O/W emulsions characteristics.
water emulsions consisting of water-in-oil emulsions (Figure If the core material has the form of a bigger molecule, the
1B) dispersed in a continuous water phase. The W/O/W
emulsions have two types of interfaces; these are inner
water-oil interface and oil-outer water interface, so it has to
use oil-soluble emulsifiers to stabilize the inner water-oil
interface and water-soluble emulsifiers to stabilize the oil-
outer water interface (Benichou et al., 2002; Dickinson, 2011;
McClements, 2012).
For fortification of minerals and vitamins into food
products that have water as a continuous phase, W/O/W
emulsions are mostly used with different components as
summarized in Table 3. Moreover, W/O/W emulsions may
also be used for co-encapsulation, which is encapsulation
for both water-soluble substances and oil-soluble substances
together by an encapsulating water-soluble substance in the Figure 2. Schematic diagram of two-step procedure for preparation
inner water phase and encapsulating an oil-soluble substance of water-in-oil-in-water (W/O/W) emulsions (not to
in the oil phase of the same W/O/W emulsion system. For scale).
Nutrients Hydrophilic emulsifier and stabilizer Oil phase;lipophilic emulsifier Hydrophilic emulsifier and References
in inner water phase stabilizer in outer water phase
Iron - Whey protein isolate (WPI) - Corn oil; polyglycerol polyricinoleate - Polyoxyethylene Sorbitan Choi et al., 2009
- Panodan SDK (esters of ester (PGPR) monolaurate (Tween20)
monoglycerides and diglycerides - Mineral oil; PGPR - Whey protein concentrate
of diacetyl tartaric acid) (WPC) and gum arabic or
mesquite gum or low methoxyl
pectin (LMP) Jimenez-Alvarado et al., 2009
Calcium - - Sunflower oil; PGPR - Xanthan gum Marquez and Wagner, 2010
- - Canola oil; glycerol monostearate - Gelatin and agar Saeidy et al., 2013
Magnesium - - Olein, miglyol, olive oil or rapeseed oil; - Sodium caseinate Bonnet et al., 2009
- - Olive oil; PGPR - Sodium caseinate Bonnet et al., 2010a
Ascorbic acid - - Medium chain triglyceride or limonene; - WPI and modified pectin Lutz et al., 2009
(vitamin C) - Panodan SDK andgellan gum PGPR - Mesquite gum, maltodextrin Carrillo-Navas et al., 2012
- Chia essential oil; PGPR and WPC
Thiamine - - Medium chain triglyceride; PGPR and - WPI and xanthan gum Benichou et al., 2002
(vitamin B1) monoglyceride oleate
Riboflavin - - Soy oil; PGPR - WPI and LMP or ê-carrageenan Li et al., 2012
(vitamin B2)
Cobalamin - Gelatin - Medium chain triglyceride; PGPR - Sodium caseinate or sodium O’Regan and Mulvihill, 2010
(vitamin B12) caseinate-maltodextrin conjugate
- - Butter oil; PGPR - Skim milk or sodium caseinate Giroux et al., 2013
N. Prichapan & U. Klinkesorn / Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 36 (6), 651-661, 2014
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encapsulation efficiency will be higher than for smaller forms. but after 28 days there was no significant difference. The
If the core material attaches to the molecule that has a higher difference in release rate of fresh emulsions containing differ-
binding capacity, the encapsulation efficiency will be higher, ent core concentrations was not discussed by the authors.
because it will occur with a lower free form of the core However, in our opinion, this may due to the effect of the
material, so it is harder to release. Moreover, the higher hydro- osmotic gradient. The higher core material concentration led
philic property of the core material also leads to lower release, to the higher osmotic gradient, resulting in emulsion droplet
because higher hydrophilicity molecules are harder to diffuse swelling. This occurs from diffusion of the water phase from
through the oil phase. the outer water phase to the inner water phase to balance the
Marquez and Wagner (2010) encapsulated different osmotic gradient (Dickinson, 2011). The intensity of water
calcium salts in the inner water phase of W/O/W emulsions diffused from the outer phase to the inner phase was higher
using sunflower oil as the oil phase, PGPR as a lipophilic than the diffusion of water from the inner phase to the outer
emulsifier, soybean milk as the outer water phase, and phase resulting in a low release of sodium ascorbate in fresh
xanthan gum as the stabilizer. They found that emulsions emulsions. However, for a longer time storage, the diffusion of
that used calcium lactate as the core material had lower G water from the outer phase to the inner phase may cause some
and G and higher tan than emulsions that used calcium droplets broken and release core material resulting in a high
chloride as the core material. The lower G and G and the release of sodium ascorbate from emulsion droplets after 28
higher tan values mean that the W/O/W emulsions have a days.
weaker structure. This may due to the calcium lactate, which
is a bigger molecule, and has a lower release value than 4.2.2 Concentration of inner water phase and lipophilic
calcium chloride, which occurs with a lower crosslink to the emulsifier
soybean proteins and therefore has a weaker structure.
In the same way, Bonnet et al. (2010b) encapsulated The concentration of the inner water phase and lipo-
different magnesium salts in the inner aqueous phase of philic emulsifier affects the properties of W/O/W emulsions.
W/O/W emulsions using olive oil as the oil phase, PGPR as Higher concentrations of the inner water phase lead to lower
lipophilic emulsifier, and sodium caseinate as the hydrophilic release rates of the core material. In the same way, higher
emulsifier. They found that the encapsulated MgCl2 had the concentrations of lipophilic emulsifier lead to lower release
highest release rate and completed release in a 15 day- rates of the core material. An example for the effect of
storage, since small molecules of magnesium can easily dispersed aqueous phase content was shown by Marquez
transfer through the oil phase. The encapsulated gluconic and Wagner (2010). They found that higher dispersed
acid hemimagnesium salt was found to have a lower release aqueous phase content led to the formation of lower G and
value than MgCl2, but a higher release value than phosvitin G and higher tan value emulsions. The lower G and G
with MgCl2. This may due to the fact that gluconic acid has a and the higher tan meant that the W/O/W emulsions were
lower binding capacity than phosvitin and is quite a small thinner. This can explain why higher dispersed aqueous
molecule, so it can easily pass through the oil phase. Whereas, phase content reduced the calcium concentration leading to
encapsulated phosvitin with MgCl2 was found to have the reduced osmotic gradient and calcium release, so there was
lowest release value because the hydrophilicity and high less crosslink with soybean proteins producing thinner
molecular weight of phosvitin cause it to be unable to pass emulsions. For the effect of lipophilic emulsifier concentra-
though the oil phase. tion, Marquez and Wagner (2010) found that higher PGPR
For the effect of concentration of core material on concentrations produced lower G and G and higher tan
encapsulation efficiency of W/O/W emulsions, there was value emulsions. This may be due to increases in the PGPR
report that higher concentrations of the core material can lead concentration which reduced the water droplet size of the
to higher encapsulation efficiency. For example, Benichou W/O droplets, so reduced calcium release led to less
et al. (2002) entrapped thiamine hydrochloride in the W/O/W crosslink and less elastic behavior of the emulsion.
emulsions that used medium chain fatty acid triglycerides as
the oil phase, PGPR as the surfactant, monoglyceride oleate 4.2.3 Type and concentration of oil phase
for droplet size reduction and better stability, and whey
protein isolate and xanthan gum as hydrophilic emulsifiers. The type and concentration of the oil phase affects
They found that increasing vitamin B1 concentrations caused the properties of W/O/W emulsions. Different types of oil
a decrease in vitamin B1 release. This may due to the fact that phase lead to variations in properties such as viscosity, and
thiamine hydrochloride has an amphiphilic structure, so it saturated fatty acid content affecting the encapsulation
has surface properties to reduce interfacial tension. efficiency of W/O/W emulsions. An oil phase with higher
In a similar way, Lutz et al. (2009) encapsulated viscosity values lead to higher encapsulation efficiency
sodium ascorbate in the W/O/W emulsions using PGPR as because the viscous oil phase retards diffusion and expulsion
emulsifier, and WPI and modified pectin as a hydrophilic of the inner water phase with the core material inside. More-
emulsifier. They found that fresh emulsions had a reduced over, oil types with higher saturated fatty acid levels yield
release rate with increasing sodium ascorbate concentration, higher hydrophobicity or lower compatibility with water
658 N. Prichapan & U. Klinkesorn / Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 36 (6), 651-661, 2014
causing a faster expulsion of the inner water phase that has caseinate-maltodextrin conjugate was significantly higher
the core material inside. than that of sodium caseinate, especially in the case of malto-
For example, Bonnet et al. (2009) encapsulated MgCl2 dextrin with a dextrose equivalent (DE) of about 10. This was
in W/O/W emulsions using olein, miglyol, olive oil or because the protein-polysaccharide conjugate formed a more
rapeseed oil as the oil phase, PGPR as a lipophilic emulsifier, bulky polymeric layer at the interface and some parts of the
sodium caseinate as a hydrophilic emulsifier, and lactose to polysaccharide protruding toward the continuous phase
match the osmotic pressure between the inner and outer caused better steric stabilization against droplet flocculation
water phase to avoid water transfer. They found that double and coalescence.
emulsions produced with miglyol had significantly faster The greater molecular weight of polysaccharides lead
magnesium release than other oils. This can be explained to more effective protection of the core material than lower
since miglyol has the lowest viscosity and the highest satu- ones, for example, Jimenez-Alvarado et al. (2009) entrapped
rated fatty acid of these four oils, so the lower viscosity leads ferrous bisglycinate in the W/O/W emulsions using mineral
to easier material transfer and release, and higher saturated oil as the oil phase, and protein-polysaccharide complexes
fatty acid leads to higher hydrophobicity and lower com- (whey protein concentrate (WPC) with gum arabic (GA) or
patibility with the water causing faster magnesium release. mesquite gum (MG) or low methoxyl pectin (LMP)) as water-
In contrast, double emulsion produced with rapeseed oil, soluble surfactants in outer water phase. They found that the
which has a quite high viscosity and the lowest saturated encapsulation yield and ferrous ion content of W/O/W
fatty acid content, had the highest magnesium retention. emulsions stabilized with 5 wt% total concentration of WPC:
In the same way, Lutz et al. (2009) found that double MG and 0.7 wt% total concentration of WPC:LMP were
emulsions produced from medium chain triglycerides had a significantly highest at the initial time. This may be due to
lower sodium ascorbate release rate than produced from R(+)- formation of a thick layer at the interface of the droplet, but
limonene. This can be explained since R(+)-limonene has a only ferrous ion content of water-in-oil-in-water emulsion
lower viscosity which leads to easier release of the sodium stabilized with 5 wt% total concentration of WPC:MG were
ascorbate from the inner water phase to the outer water significantly higher at the end of storage time which may be
phase. due to the molecular weight of the polysaccharides. Mesquite
For the effect of lipid phase content on property of gum has a greater molecular weight than gum Arabic and low
W/O/W emulsions, there was a report that higher lipid phase methoxyl pectin, respectively. Since mesquite gum has a high
content lead to get more viscous W/O/W emulsions. Marquez molecular weight and can form a thick layer at the interface,
and Wagner (2010) showed that increased lipid phase content therefore it was the most effective polysaccharide to protect
led to the formation of higher G and G and lower tan against ferrous bisglycinate oxidation in between these
value emulsions. The higher G and G and the lower tan polysaccharides.
values mean that the W/O/W emulsions were more viscous. The higher charge of polysaccharides has both posi-
This can be explained in a way that the higher lipid phase tive and negative effects on the properties of W/O/W emul-
content produced in the more water-in-oil droplets led to sions. For the positive effect, Lutz et al. (2009) encapsulated
tighter packing and a viscous systems. sodium ascorbate in W/O/W emulsions that used different
modified pectin types U63 and C63, the modified pectin types
4.2.4 Type and concentration of hydrophilic emulsifier and U63 and C63 are 63% degree of esterification, but U63 has
stabilizer a more negative zeta potential and more intermolecular
interactions than C63. They found that double emulsion
The type and concentration of the hydrophilic stabilized with the WPI/U63 complex had lower sodium
emulsifiers and stabilizers affect the properties of W/O/W ascorbate release rates than found in a double emulsion stabi-
emulsions. Some hydrophilic emulsifiers and stabilizers have lized with the WPI/C63 complex. They explained that U63
a synergistic effect on the stabilization of emulsion when pectin have more charges which leads to more interaction
used together. Different types of hydrophilic emulsifiers and and causes more elastic and a greater stiffness complex with
stabilizers, which have different properties such as molecular WPI. Thus, the WPI/U63 complex was more effective to
weight and charge, result in different effects on the properties prevent the release of sodium ascorbate than the WPI/C63
of the W/O/W emulsions. Using two hydrophilic emulsifiers complex.
together or hydrophilic emulsifiers with stabilizers may In contrast, Li et al. (2012) encapsulated riboflavin in
increase the encapsulation efficiency more than using either the W/O/W emulsions with hydrophilic emulsifiers and stabi-
alone. For example, O’Regan and Mulvihill (2010) encapsu- lizers of whey protein isolate and low methoxyl pectin (LMP)
lated vitamin B12 in W/O/W emulsions with gelatin to solidify or -carrageenan (KCG), which has a higher minus charge
the inner water phase with medium chain triglyceride oil as than low methoxyl pectin. They found that the encapsulation
the oil phase, PGPR as the lipophilic emulsifier, sodium efficiency of the WPI-LMP complex stabilized emulsion was
caseinate or sodium caseinate-maltodextrin conjugate as the higher than that of the WPI-KCG complex when the WPI: PS
hydrophilic emulsifier. They found that the encapsulation ratio was 5:0.5. They explained that the low charge poly-
efficiency of double emulsion stabilized with sodium saccharide chain has a flexible worm-like form that easily to
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