Settlement Agreement - Ad Zob Advance Seed 08042015
Settlement Agreement - Ad Zob Advance Seed 08042015
Settlement Agreement - Ad Zob Advance Seed 08042015
Ovaj Ugovor o poravnanju (u daljem tekstu: This Settlement Agreement (hereinafter: “the
„Ugovor“) zaključen je dana 08.04.2015 godine Agreement”) is Concluded on 08.04.2015. between:
1. ADVANCE SEED d.o.o. Fektić, Ul. Marsala 1. ADVANCE SEED d.o.o. Feketić, Marsala Tita
Tita br. 64, MB 20199750, PIB 104610592, Street no. 64, Company number 20199750, Tax
koju zastupa Miroslav Čiplić, kao ID number 104610592, represented by Hans
Nalogodavac (u daljem tekstu Organiztor Keller, as the Chief Executive Officer (hereinafter
proizvodnje) referred to as the Production Organizer)
I And
Uvod Preamble
Ugovorne strane, ADVANCE SEED d.o.o. i AD The Contracting Parties, ADVANCE SEED d.o.o.
postizanje vansudskog poravnanja, a u vezi sa agreed to reach an Out of Court Settlement, in relation
nastalim elementarnim oštećenjima koje su zadesile with the occurred elemental damage to the contracted
međusobno ugovorenu semensku proizvodnju seed maize production for season 2014.
kukuruza za 2014. godinu.
AD Zobnatica Backa Topola potražuje, a u skladu sa AD Zobnatica Bačka Topola claims, in accordance
Ugovorom o zajedničkoj saradnji u proizvodnji with the Agreement on mutual cooperation in the
semenskog kukuruza za 2014 godinu, izvršenje production of seed maize for season 2014, the
obaveze plaćanja usluge za proizvodnju preostalih settlement of the payment obligation for the
329 t (tristadvadesetdevet tona) semenskog kukuruza production services of the remaining 329 t (three
što po konačnom obručunu iznosi 345.869,00 Eur-a, hundred twenty-nine tons) of seed maize which
što u RSDkoj protivvrednosti iznosi amounts to 345.869,00 Euros, which is
42.039.842,00288.224,00 Eur-a, što u RSDkoj 42.039.842,00288.224,00 Euros, which is
protivvrednosti iznosi 35.030.780,00 dinara u koji 35.030.780,00 RSD, without VAT,including VAT, at
uključuje nije obračunat PDV, po srednjem kursu the average exchange rate of the NBS on the day of
NBS na dan na dan fakturisanja usluge proizvodnje invoicing (19.02.2015.)
(19.02.2015. godine).
Advance Seed d.o.o. have agreed to the settlement in
Advance Seed d.o.o. je pristao na poravnanje u terms of deadlines and payment terms, which are the
pogledu rokova i uslova plaćanja, koji su predmet subject of this settlement.
ovog poravnanja.
The settlement is agreed upon based on:
Poravnanje je dogovoreno na osnovu uslova: a) The minutes of the meeting held at Zobnatica
a) Zapisnikom sa sastanka održanog na on 19.03.2015, which are in the attachment of
Zobnatici dana 19.03.2015, koji se nalazi u this Agreement. The inapplicable calculation
prilogu ovog Ugovora. Obračun novčanog of the monetary amount from the Minutes is
iznosa utvrđen Zapisnika koji je Prilog br. 1, superseded by this Agreement, since the
ovim Ugovorom o poravnanju stavlja se van correct VAT calculation is based on the rate of
snage, jer je Ugovorom u skladu sa Zakonom 20% as prescribed by law, to which Advance
obračunata poreska stopa od 20%, i u skladu Seed agrees to pay to AD Zobnatica in
sa ovim Ugovorom Advance Seed d.o.o. će accordance with this agreement
vršiti plaćanja. b) Article 9.1. of the Agreement on mutual
b) Član 9.1. iz Ugovor o zajedničkoj saradnji u cooperation in the production of seed maize
proizvodnji semenskog kukuruza za 2014. for season 2014. (Attachment No. 2);
godinu (Prilog br. 2); i c) As well as on the basis of everything below,
c) Kao i na osnovu svega navedenog u nastavku which is amended as agreed by the two
a koje izmenjeno i dopunjeno u skladu sa parties.
dogovorom strana,
The parties will commence with the implementation
Ugovorne stranke će početi sa ispunjavanjem ovog of this Settlement Agreement on 08.04.2015. in
Ugovora o poravnanju od 08.04.2015. godine u accordance with everything aforesaid.
skladu sa svime navedenim.
Article 1
Član 1.
On behalf of the Agreement on mutual cooperation in
Advance seed d.o.o. je u obavezi da na ime Ugovora o seed maize production for season 2014, Advance Seed
zajedničkoj saradnji u proizvodnji semenskog d.o.o. is obligated to pay the remaining amount of
kukuruza za 2014. godinu isplati preostali iznos od 345288.224869,00 Euros ( three wo hundred forty-
345.869,00 Eur-a (slovima: fiveeighty-eight thousand eighttwo hundred
tristotinečetrdesetpethiljadaosamstošestesetdevet Eur- sixtwenty-ninefour Euros) that is
a), odnosno 42.039.842,00 dinara (slovima: 4235.030039.201842,00 RSD (forty-twothirty-five
četrdesetdvamilionatridesetdevethiljadaosamstočetrde million thirty-nine thousand eightseven hundred
setdva dinara)288.224,00 Eur-a (slovima: foreighty-two dinars) without VAT including VAT
dvestaosamdeseto-samhiljadadvestadvadesetčetiri (hereinafter: Settlement amount) at the average
Eur-a), odnosno 35.033.201,00 dinara (slovima: exchange rate of the NBS on the day of invoicing
tridesetpetmilionatridesethiljadasedamstoosamdeset (19.02.2015) as follows:
dinara) u koji nije uračunat zakonom
određenuključuje obračunat PDV (u daljem tekstu:
„iznos za poravnjanje“), po srednjem kursu NBS na 1. Advance Seed d.o.o. is obligated to pay the
dan izdavanja fakture 19.02.2015, na sledeći način: amount of 225188,224869 Euros (twoone
hundred twentyeighty-fiveeight thousand
1. Advance Seed d.o.o. se obavezuje da će iznos eighttwo hundred sixtwenty-ninefour Euros)
od 225188.224869,00 Eur-a (slovima: that is, 272,878454,361034.00 RSD (twenty-
dvestadvadesetpethiljadaosamstošestesetdevet seventwo million foureight hundred fifseventy-
stoosamdesetosamhiljadadvestadvadesetčetiri foursix thousand seven hundred eighty thirty-
Eur-a) odnosno 272.878454.361034,00 four dinars) without VATincluding VAT, at the
dinara (slovima: average exchange rate of the NBS on the day of
dvadesetsedammilionačetiristopedesetčetirihil invoicing, 19.02.2015
esetšesthiljadasedamstoosamdeset dinara), u a) Agreed sum of 10083,000333.00 Euros
koji nije uračunat zakonom određenuključuje (eighty-threeone hundred thousaend three
obračunat PDV, po srednjem kursu evra NBS hundred and thirty-three Euros), that is
na dan fakturisanja, 19.02.2015. godine, 120,129154,033840.00 RSD (tentwelwe
uplatiti na sledeći način: milion one hundred and fiftytwenty-
a) Dogovoreni iznos od 10083.000.333,00 ninefour thousaend eight hundred fothirty-
Eur-a three RSD) without VATincluding VAT, no
(osamdesettrihiljadetristatridesettristo later than 15.04.2015, at the average
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hiljada Eur-a), odnosno exchange rate of the NBS on the day of
1210.129154.033840,00 dinara invoicing, 19.02.2015
amstočetrdesetdesetmilionastodvadesetde b) Agreed sum of 8066,667000.00 Euros
vethiljadatridesettri dinara), u koji nije (sixty-six thousend six houndred and sixty-
uračunat zakonom određenuključuje seveneighty thousands Euros), that is
obračunat PDV najkasnije do 15.04.2015. 98,103723,227872.00 RSD (nineeight
godine po srednjem kursu evra NBS na milion sevenone hundred and twenty-three
dan fakturisanja, 19.02.2015. godine. thousaend and eighttwohoundred and
b) Dogovoreni iznos od 8066.000667,00 stweventy-seventwo RSD) without VAT
Eur-a including VAT, no later than 31.05.2015, at
(osamdesethiljadašezdesetšesthiljadašesto the average exchange rate of the NBS on
šezdesetsedam Eur-a), odnosno the day of invoicing, 19.02.2015
98.103723.227872,00 dinara
(devetmilionasedamstodvadesettrihiljadao c) Agreed sum of 4538,224869.00 Euros
samstosedamdesetdvaosammilionastortihi (fourty-fivethirty-eight thousaend and
ljadedvestadvadeset- sedam dinara), koji eighttwo houndred sixtytwenty-ninefour
uključuje obračunat PDV u koji nije Euros), that is 54,575646,322101.00 RSD
uračunat zakonom određen PDV (fivefour milion fivesix houndred
najkasnije do 31.05.2015. godine po sevenfouty-fivesix thousaend and threeone
srednjem kursu evra NBS na dan houundrend twenty-twoand one RSD)
fakturisanja, 19.02.2015. godine. without VATincluding VAT, no later than
c) Dogovoreni iznos od 4538.224869,00 30.06.2015, at the average exchange rate of
Eur-a the NBS on the day of invoicing,
(tridesetosamhiljadadvestadvadesetčetiri 19.02.2015
Eur-a), odnosno 54.575646.101322,00
dinara 2. AD Zobnatica Bačka Topola will deduct the
(petčetirimilionapetstosedamdesetpethilja amount of 650,000 Euros (sixfifty thousand),
datristodvadesetdvašestočetrdesetšesthilja that is 76,292077,904420.00 RSD (sevensix
dasto-jedan dinar), u koji nije uračunat million two hundred ninety-twoseventy-seven
zakonom određenuključuje obračunat thousand and ninefour hundred and twentyfour
PDV najkasnije do 30.06.2015. godine po RSD ), without VATincluding VAT, calculated
srednjem kursu evra NBS na dan at the average exchange rate of the NBS on the
fakturisanja, 19.02.2015. godine. day of invoicing, 19.02.2015, through a credit
note, from the total amount of the debt, on
2. AD Zobnatica Bačka Topola će, iznos od behalf of ADVANCE SEED d.o.o.
650.000,00 Eur-a (slovima: šespedesethiljada
Eur-a), odnosno 76.292077.420904,00 dinara
(sedamšestmilionadvestadevedesetdvehiljade 3. The agreed sum of 60,000 Euros (sixty
devetstočetirisedamdesetsedamhiljadačetristo thousand), that is 7,292,904.00 RSD (seven
dvadeset dinara) u koji nije obračunat million two hundred ninety-two thousand and
zakonom određenuključuje obračunat PDV, nine hundred and four RSD ), including
obračunat po srednjem kursu NBS na dan VAT50,000 Euros (fifty thousand Euros) in
fakturisanja, 19.02.2015. godine, putem RSD 6,077,420.00 (six million seventy-seven
knjižnjog odobrenja, odbiti od ukupnog thousand and four hundred and twenty RSD),
iznosa duga na ime ADVANCE SEED d.o.o. without VAT, at the average exchange rate of
the NBS on the day of invoicing, 19.02.2015
3. Dogovoreni iznos od 60.000,00 Eur-a will be the subject of compensation as follows:
(slovima: šesdesethiljada Eur-a), odnosno
7.292.904,00 dinara
tstočetiri dinara) koji uključuje 3.1 The amount of 4033,333000.00 Euros (fothirty-
three thousand three hundred and thirty-three
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obračunat50.000,00 Eur-a (slovima: Euros) that is 4,861051,333936.00 RSD (four
pedesethiljada Eur-a) , odnosno 6.077.420,00 million eighfifty hundred-one sixty-one thousand
dinara ninfive hundred and thirty-sixthree dinars),
(šestmilionasedamdesetsedamhiljadačetristo- without VATincluding VAT, in consumables
dvadeset dinara), u koji nije obračunat required for agricultural production (seeds,
zakonom određen PDV, obračunat po mineral fertilizers, pesticides, etc.) from the
srednjem kursu NBS na dan fakturisanja, assortment of ADVANCE SEED d.o.o. Feketić,
19.02.2015. godine, biće predmet such products to be available to AD Zobnatica at
kompenzacije i to na sledeći način: comparable and competitive market values which
Zobnatica is in the position to obtain from other
3.1. Iznos od 4033.000333,00 Eur-a (slovima: suppliers at similar or equivalent prices during
četrdesethiljadatridesetrihiljadetristatridesettri 2015. production year, from the moment of
Eur-a) odnosno 4.861051.573936,00 dinara concluding the Agreement, on the basis of a
(slovima: četirimiliona- request for delivery by AD Zobnatica Bačka
osamstošestesetjedanhiljadadevetstotridesetše Topola.
stpedesetjednahiljadapetstotridesettri dinara)
u koji nije uračunat iznos zakonom
predviđenoguključuje obračunat PDV-a, u
vrednosti repromaterijala potrebnih za 3.2 The amount of 2016,667000 Euros
poljoprivrednu proizvodnju (semena, (twentySixteen thousand six hundred and sixty-
mineralna đubriva, pesticidi, i dr.) u vrednosti seven Euros) that is 2,025430,847968.00 RSD
repromaterijala potrebnih za poljoprivrednu (tTwo million and fortytwenty-threefive thousand
proizvodnju (semena, mineralna đubriva, nineeight hundred and sixfourty-eightseven
pesticidi, i dr.) iz asortimana Advance Seed dinars), without VAT, including VAT in
do.o. po tržišnoj ceni koju bi AD Zobnatica consumables required for agricultural production
Bačka Topola dogovorila sa drugim (seeds, mineral fertilizers, pesticides, etc.) from
dobavljačima, u toku proizvodne 2015 the assortment of ADVANCE SEED d.o.o.
godine, i to od momenta zaključenja Ugovora, Feketić, such products to be available to AD
a na osnovu zahteva za isporuku od strane AD Zobnatica at comparable and competitive
Zobnatica Bačka Topola; market values which Zobnatica is in the position
to obtain from other suppliers at similar or
3.2. Iznos od 2016.667000,00 Eur-a (slovima: equivalent prices during 2016. production year,
dvadesethiljadašesanesthiljadašestošezdesetse on the basis of a request for delivery by AD
dam Eur-a) odnosno 2.430025.847968,00 Zobnatica Bačka Topola. Production year 2016. is
dinara (slovima: deemed to be the period between 01.01.2016. and
dvamilionadvadesetpethiljadaosamstočetrdese 31.12.2016.
esetosam dinara) u koji nije uračunat iznos
zakonom predviđenoguključuje obračunat
PDV-a, u vrednosti repromaterijala potrebnih 3.3 The aforementioned Sums due and payable by
za poljoprivrednu proizvodnju (semena, Advance Seed d.o.o. are inclusive of VAT at the
mineralna đubriva, pesticidi, i dr.) u vrednosti rate 20%.
repromaterijala potrebnih za poljoprivrednu
proizvodnju (semena, mineralna đubriva, 3.4 In the event of untimely payment, or delay,
pesticidi, i dr.) iz asortimana Advance Seed annual interest will be calculated at a rate of 10%
do.o. po tržišnoj ceni koju bi AD Zobnatica on the due principal. Such delay will considered
Bačka Topola dogovorila sa drugim as a Breach of Performance of this Agreement
dobavljačima, u toku proizvodne 2016 and therefore the promissory notes will become
godine, a na osnovu zahteva za isporuku od due and payable immediately for settlement of
strane AD Zobnatica Bačka Topola. Pod full amount including the amounts which relate
proizvodnom 2016 godinom smatra se period to taking inventory in lieu of part of full
počev od 01.01.2016 i završava 31.12.2016. settlement of principal amount.
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3.5 Advance Seed d.o.o. has a 15-days grace period
3.4. U slučaju neblagovremenog plaćanja, on the basis of a written notification on the
odnosno u slučaju docnje, obračunavaće se maturity of the payment. In the event of failing to
kamata na godišnjem nivou po stopi od 10% make the payment within the given period,
na iznos osnovice čija je naplata dospela. Advance Seed d.o.o. loses all terms agreed upon
by this Settlement and the remaining debt
3.5. Advance Seed d.o.o. ima grejs period od 15 immediately becomes due.
dana a na osnovu pisanog obaveštenja o By failing to fulfill the written request from the
dospelosti naplate. U slučaju neplaćanja u previous paragraph, that is, by failing to perform
datom roku, Advance Seed d.o.o. gubi sve the payment, AD Zobnatica becomes entitled to
uslove dogovorene ovim Poravnanjem i collect the total remaining amount of the
ukupan preostali dug će momentalno dospeti settlement, without submitting any further
na naplatu. notification on pre-term collection of receivables,
Ne ispunjavanjem pisanog zahteva iz or delay.
prethodnog stava, odnosno neizvršavanjem
isplate, AD Zobnatica Bačka Topola stiče 3.6 Advance Seed d.o.o. is obligated to eliminate all
pravo naplate ukupnog preostalog iznosa omissions AD Zobnatica notifies them about in
poravnanja bez slanja obaveštenja, writing, in a period of 30 days. If Advance Seed
prevremene naplate potraživanja, tj. docnje. d.o.o. fails to act in accordance with the written
notification, AD Zobnatica Bačka Topola has the
right to initiate proceedings for pre-term charging
3.6. Advance Seed d.o.o. je u obavezi da u roku of the remainder of the debt of the settlement
od 30 dana otkloni sve nedostatke o kojima ih amount.
AD Zobnatica Bačka Topola pismeno
obavesti. Ukoliko Advance Seed d.o.o. ne Article 2
postupi po pisanom obaveštenju AD
Zobnatica Bačka Topola ima pravo da In accordance with this Settlement, Advance Seed
pokrene postupak prevremene naplate d.o.o. is obligated to submit 5 (five) verified, register
preostalog iznosa duga od iznosa poravnanja. and signed blank promissory notes to AD Zobnatica
Bačka Topola, with authorization for AD Zobnatica
Član 2. Bačka Topola to fill it out, on behalf of payment
securities. The promissory notes will be in Attachment
U skladu sa ovim poravnanjem, Advance Seed d.o.o. No. 3 of this Settlement and will be deemed the
je u obavezi da dostavi AD Zobnatica Bačka Topola contractual obligations securities of Advance see
kao sredstvo obezbeđena plaćana, 5 (pet) overenih, d.o.o. Feketić.
registrovanih i potpisanih blanko menica sa
ovlašćenjem na ime AD Zobnatica Bačka Topola da Article 3
može da popuni iste. Menice će se voditi kao prilog
br. 3 ovog poravnjanja i kao sredstvo obezbeđenja za AD Zobnatica Backa Topola is obligated to cancel and
ugovorne obaveze Advance Seed d.o.o. Feketić. return promissory notes contemplated in Article 2. to
Advance Seed d.o.o.
Član 3.
Article 4
AD Zobnatica Bačka Topola je u obavezi poništi i
vrati menicu Advance Seed d.o.o. iz člana 2 ovog AD Zobnatica Bačka Topola and Advance Seed d.o.o.
Ugovora. cancel, terminate and exclude all written or oral
actions which are contrary to this Settlement
Član 4. Agreement, are related to the Agreement on mutual
cooperation in seed maize production for 2014, and
AD Zobnatica Bačka Topola i Advance Seed d.o.o. were undertaken by any entity related to AD
otkazuju, stavljaju van snage i isključuju sve pisane i Zobnatica Bačka Topola or Advance seed d.o.o.
nepisane radnje koje su u suprotnosti sa ovim
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Ugovorom o poravnanju i odnose se na Ugovor o Article 5
međusobnoj saradnji u proizvodnji semenskog
kukuruza za 2014 godinu, a preduzete su od strane The provisions of this Agreement are implemented
bilo kog lica koje je povezano sa AD Zobnaticom and bind the signatories, their legal representatives
Bačka Topola ili Advance Seed d.o.o. and legal successors.
Član 5. Article 6
Odredbe ovog Ugovora primenjuju se i obavezuju This Agreement may be drafted in several
potpisnike, njihove zakonske zastupnike i pravne counterparts, each of which is deemed original and
sledbenike. which constitute a single document.
Član 6. Article 7
Ovaj Ugovor može biti sačinjen u više primeraka, od This Settlement Agreement has been constituted on
kojih svaki ima dejstvo originala i čine jedan the basis of the meeting Minutes, drafted on
dokument. 19.03.2015. and the Agreement on mutual cooperation
in the production of seed maize in 2014, the Annex to
Član 7. the Agreement, as well as written and oral agreements
between the Contracting parties
Ovaj Ugovor o poravnanju je sačinjen na osnovu
Zapisnika sa sastanka sačinjen dana 19.03.2015. Article 8
godine i Ugovora o zajedničkoj saradnji u proizvodnji
semenskog kukuruza za 2014. godinu, Aneksa This Agreement has been constructed in accordance
Ugovora, kao i pisanih i usmenih dogovora između with applicable regulations of the Republic of Serbia
Ugovornih strana. in Serbian and English. In case of inconsistency
between the two versions of the Agreement, the
Član 8. Serbian version will be authoritative.
Ugovor je napravljen u skladu sa važećim propisima All disputes between the parties will be solved
Republike Srbije, na srpskom i engleskom jeziku. U amicably. Otherwise, the issue will come under the
slučaju nesaglasnosti između jezičkih verzija jurisdiction of the competent court in Subotica.
Ugovora, merodavna će biti verzija Ugovora na
srpskom jeziku. Article 9.
Sva sporna pitanja rešavaće se dogovorom između This Settlement Agreement to Agreement enters into
strana a u suprotnom stranke su dogovorile nadležnost force on the day of its concluding.
stvarno nadležnog suda u Subotici.
Article 10
Član 9.
This Settlement Agreement is drafted in four copies,
Ovaj Ugovor stupa na snagu danom zaključenja. two for each Contracting party.
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AD Zobnatica
Bačka Topola
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