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Introduction To Agile and Lean: Organizations, Products, and Development Minitrack

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Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences | 2018

Introduction to Agile and Lean: Organizations, Products,

and Development Minitrack
John Tripp Jeffrey Saltz Dan Turk
Baylor University Syracuse University Colorado State University
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract In “Scrum in practice: an overview of Scrum

Over the past two decades, research in the area of adaptations” Hron and Obwegeser dive into specific
agile and lean software development has mirrored the examples of Scrum method tailoring. In this review,
strong growth of the use of agile and lean they identify seven specific motivations, and six
methodologies. Agile and lean management practices tailoring strategies used to adapt Scrum. This expands
(which we define broadly to include Scrum, XP, Lean the literature that explores the relationships between
Startup and other related approaches) roughly triple the particular motivations leading to particular method
success rate of software projects over traditional practice use [e.g., 2].
management approaches. Because software projects Souza et. al propose a new framework for value-
contribute so broadly to economic and social driven modeling in agile projects. “Towards an Agile
improvement, research on agile methods may produce Reference Architecture Method for Information
significant productivity gains. The impact extends Systems” proposes a method using model driven
beyond software; agile manufacturing and agile techniques to create a reference architecture for an
organizational strategy share many fundamentals with information system aligned with the business values.
agile software. They evaluate the method by applying it to an
industrial case study
Session 2 Thinking Beyond Today. In “Thoughts
1. Introduction on Current and Future Research on Agile and Lean:
The Agile/Lean mini-track explores agile methods Ensuring Relevance and Rigor”, Saltz et al. argue that
and their effects on quality, speed and communication. in order for the discipline to move forward, a new and
We solicited research papers and experience reports more rigorous approach to investigating the agile
that explored agile development, lean product phenomenon must be embraced.
management and agile/lean organizations within Smeekes et al., in their paper, “A Wheelbarrow Full
software development as well as across other domains. of Frogs: Understanding Portfolio Management for
Agile Projects”, explore how portfolio management
2. Sessions adapts to agile projects by performing fewer and less
At this year’s conference, we divide the papers into strict process controls, by modifying the budget
two loosely related sessions. controls and by shifting from IT project/program
Session 1 Understanding and Measuring the control to business outcome control, with an increased
State and Practice of Agile. In “Towards Measuring focus on business value. As agile projects are more and
the Agility of Software Business”, Kinnunen and more commonly part of larger programs, this is an
Luoma identify a need to measure differences in agility important area in which to build new research.
between firms and finding the means to evaluate the Finally, in our best paper nominee, “Subgroups in
differences in agility in reliable manner. This article Agile and Traditional IT Project Teams”, Pflügler et al.
examines how to measure the agility of a software firm explore the differences in formation of subgroups
and reports initial steps in the process of developing within project teams that apply agile methods vs.
measurement instruments. traditional methods, and find that the formation of
In “Antecedents of Preference for Agile Methods: subgroups differs between the two methods. Task
A Project Manager Perspective”, Bishop et al. explore assignment is the dominant factor that leads to the
how pragmatism and preference lead to the use of agile formation of subgroups in traditional methods, whereas
methods and the configuration of practices used. Using previous ties between team members is the dominant
grounded theory methods, they find that pragmatism is factor in agile projects. As such, the importance of
the core category that emerged from their analysis, social connection within agile teams is highlighted,
rather than ideology, which has previously been seen
as a key driver of method adoption [1].

URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10125/50565 Page 5423

ISBN: 978-0-9981331-1-9
(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
while guidance is provided as to how project managers
may wish to assign team members to sub-teams.

3. References
[1] Hirschheim, R., Klein, H., and Lyytinen, K.
Information systems development and data modeling:
conceptual and philosophical foundations. Cambridge
Univ Pr, 1995.

[2] Tripp, J.F. and Armstrong, D.J. Agile

methodologies: organizational adoption motives,
tailoring, and performance. Journal of Computer
Information Systems, (2016), 1–10.

Page 5424

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