RVW Furn Self Test 1 2012
RVW Furn Self Test 1 2012
RVW Furn Self Test 1 2012
1. Furniture supports in the shape of a sphinx or animal 7. A type of sideboard used for serving food and drinks
head incorporated into a single leg and foot designed to be light and portable so it could be moved
a) monopodia outdoors
b) sella curulis a) hutch
c) lecticus b) foldable table
d) kline c) charger
d) huntboard
2. Low slipper chair
a) Chaise-a-capucine 8. A waving curve on the front of a chest or desk
b) Tambour a) bombe
c) Panier b) scroll
d) Coiffeuse c) serpentine front
d) cabriole
3. A decorative veneer composed of shaped pieces of
various woods forming pictorial decoration like birds, 9. Designer of Paimio chair
flowers and musical instruments are common themes a) Van der Rohe
a) intarsia b) Saarinen
b) mosaic c) Aalto
c) decalomania d) Breur
d) marquetry
10. Designer of Barcelona chair
4. The founder of Bauhaus a) Le Corbusier
a) Walter Gropius b) Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe
b) Mies van der Rohe c) Marcel Breur
c) Inigo Jones d) Louis Sullivan
d) Le Corbusier
11. Fabric that hangs on either side of a swag or valance
5. A machine tool that has an endless blade traveling a) cornice
around two pulley. It cuts curves straight lines in thin as b) garland
well as in thick stock c) jabot
a) circular saw d) side drape
b) jig saw
c) radial arm saw 12. Cabinet maker whose name is synonymous with
d) band saw 18th century English furniture with designs that
uniquely synthesize and integrate Chinese, Gothic and
6. An alcove bed Rococo elements
a) Lit a bateau a) Gibbons, Grinling
b) Lit droit b) Adam, Robert
c) Lit ala polonaise c) Sheraton, Thomas
d) Lit de repose d) Chippendale, Thomas
14. Lit en bateau is a ... 20. The maximum seat depth for an easy chair
a) Murphy bed a) 520 mm
b) canopy bed b) 510 mm
c) sleigh bed c) 530 mm
d) trundle bed d) 500 mm
15. A stencil-decorated fancy chair 21. Reclining chairs or sofas with mechanisms allowing
a) borne the user to extend their legs/or lean back
b) Hitchcock a) ergonomic
c) Meridienne b) foldable
d) Murphy c) motion
d) movable
16. Made the furniture for Petit Trianon
a) Dubois 22. A stool
b) Fleury a) tabouret
c) Levasseur b) canape
d) Leleu c) chevet
d) poudreusse
17. This refers to the general pattern or design of
timber produced on smooth longitudinal surfaces as a 23. The French chest with drawers
result of structural features like rays, growth rings, and a) armoire
changes in texture or variations in colors b) commode
a) figure patter c) secretaire
b) knot pattern d) highboy
c) wood grains
d) ribbon grains 24. Eye level height of a sitting Filipino
a) 1.124 m
18. German school of design, became the leading b) 1.120 m
intellectual and creative center in the development of c) 1.209 m
modernism. Emphasis was placed on factory-produced d) 1.208 m
designs that were simple, functional, and industrial. The
egalitarian philosophy espoused by the school 25. A Greek couch
embraced clean designs in basic materials, and this a) klismos
philosophy permeated all types of design, from b) lectus
furniture to textiles to applied art. c) sella
a) International d) Xameunia
b) Memphis
c) Bauhaus 26. A small low chest originating in the 18th century.;
d) Art Deco small wooden chest with three drawers
a) stile
19. An early American chair form incorporating b) Bachelor's Chest
horizontal slats c) credenza
a) shield back d) trestle
b) slat back
c) rail back
d) ribbon back
27. The wooden panel connecting the surface and legs 34. A French style of flowing and nearly freeform shapes
of a table or chair using elongated, shallow curved lines ending in a more
a) belt whip like second curve.
b) rail a) Art Deco
c) trim b) De Stijl
d) apron c) Art Nouveau
d) Rococo
28. Gilded bronze
a) trumeau 35. A long seat or bench with a back and arms seating
b) gueridon two or more people; medium-sized sofa or long bench
c) ormulo a) settee
d) ecran b) credenza
29. A highly esteemed Regency cabinetmaker c) commode
a) Baldock, Edward Holmes d) hutch
b) Bullock, George
c) Hepplewhite, George 36. Designer and impassioned propagandist of the
d) Kaufmann, Angelica Gothic-Revival style
a) Johnson, Thomas
30. A detailed lower structural panel skirt and rail b) Pugin, Augustus
profile that connects legs of furniture c) Shearer, Thomas
a) apron d) Vile, William
b) skirt
c) stretcher 37. A freestanding open cabinet with shelves for
d) sabot displaying accessories
a) cheval
31. A chair designed for Kandinsky’s quarters b) dustboard
a) Madame Jumel c) etagere
b) Wassily Chair d) commode
c) Barcelona chair
d) Cesca 38. He was appointed as master cabinet maker by Louis
32. A type of joint connection of two perpendicular a) Boulle
boards by interlocking their shaped edges. b) Cressent
a) dovetail c) Meissonier
b) mortise and tenon d) Jacob
c) tongue and groove
d) rabbet 39. A decorative S-shaped chair or table leg that curves
outward at the knee then tapers at the ankle and found
33. A style of sofa or chair with a low, rolled arm on Queen Anne and Chippendale furniture
a) Charles of London a) scroll
b) Boston b) cabriole
c) Parsons c) spade
d) Chesterfield d) serpentine
43. Compute for the board feet: 6 pcs of 30" x 16" x 6"
of wood 50. An elegant sofa or chaise popular in the Empire and
a) 120 bdft Victorian eras, sometimes called fainting couches
b) 1200 bdft a) Beidermeir
c) 144 bdft b) recamier
d) 1440 bdft c) daybed
d) polonnaise
44. A generic term for small pieces like end and coffee
tables 51. Legs which curve out from the seat & inward toward
a) parlor the foot in an S shape.
b) easy a) serpentine
c) whatnots b) cartouche
d) occasional c) scroll
d) cabriole
45. 18th century master cabinetmaker of Chippendale
style 52. Wood cut from a large, rounded growth on a tree
a) Thonet a) spoke
b) Adam Bros. b) burl
c) Thomas Afleck c) grain
d) Thomas Chippendale d) run
47. Which does not refer to a bed? 54. Inlaid geometric patterns of wood; used primarily in
a) Slipper flooring.
b) sleigh a) fretwork
c) canopy b) marquetry
d) trundle c) Parquet
d) intaglio
55. A low, armless upholstered chair, often with a skirt. 62. People's art
a) ottoman a) Dada art
b) stool b) Pop Art
c) settee c) Op art
d) Slipper chair d) Modern Art
56. Which does not belong? 63. A dining or occasional table with hinged leaves that
a) Semainier can be lowered when not in use
b) Bonnetiere a) casegood
c) Bergere b) dropfront
d) Bureau c) dropleaf
d) butler's
57. Philippine local softwood used in the making of
santos or icons
a) batikuling 64. A round or oval ornament applied to a surface.
b) molave a) Boss
c) mayapis b) escutcheon
d) tanguile c) ormulo
d) patera
58. A chair designed for Kandinsky's quarters
a) Cesca 65. Boat-like bed
b) Mm. Jumel a) Lit de repose
c) Barcelona chair b) Lit ala polonaise
d) Wassily chair c) Lit en bateau
d) Lit droit
59. A drop leaf table with leaves that drop almost to the
floor 66. Iron with up tp 0.3 percent carbon
a) Parsons table a) stainless steel
b) Pedestal table b) mud street
c) Gateleg table c) cast iron
d) Pembroke table d) wrought iron
61. William Morris in England and America's Gustav 68. A bed hinged to a wall
Stickley are the best known proponents of the a) recamier
movement b) kline
a) Art Deco c) Murphy bed
b) Federal d) trundle bed
c) Arts and Crafts
d) Early American 69. The dimensions of LC2 by Le Corbusier
a) 31" x 28" x 26 1/2"
b) 30" x 27 1/2" x 26 1/2"
c) 29 1/2" x 28 1/2" x 26"
d) 29" x 26" x 32"
c) Bauhaus chair
70. An enclosed hooded top, usually on a secretary or d) Djinn chair
china cabinet
a) finial 78. Furniture designed to provide storage space
b) pediment a) etagere
c) ribbon b) casegoods
d) bonnet top c) commode
d) cassone
71. Inventor of dual purpose and change about
furniture such a chiffoniere which became a night table 79. A short-legged high back chair intended for
a) Jacob bedroom use
b) Oeben a) Hitchcock
c) Cochois b) sella curulis
d) Boulle c) slipper
d) ottoman
72. Decorative detail resembling a row of flattened
beads 80. Which does not belong?
a) egg and dart a) chaise
b) beading b) tabouret
c) ovolo c) banquette
d) reeding d) armoire
73. The verticl panel or strips of the chair frame 81. A low, baroque-style chest with bulging, convex
a) stump sides; outward swelling on commodes, bureaus, and
b) finial armoires
c) post a) bombe
d) splat b) credenza
c) vitrine
74. Side chair d) commode
a) chiffonier
b) poudreuse 82. A horizontal brace in an H or X shape, often
c) Lit ala polonaise decorative, connecting the legs of a table or chair.
d) chaise a) apron
b) cornice
75. Vernacular term for foot c) ears
a) metro d) stretcher
b) piye
c) pulgada 83. Chair with two attached seats arranged so that they
d) dangkal face in opposite directions
a) dos-a-dos/vis-a-vis
76. A smaller, two-seat version of a sofa b) terre cuite
a) Love seat c) duchesse-brisee
b) settee d) duchesse
c) tete-a-tete
d) roundabout 84. The Philippine mahogany
a) balayong
77. Model B3 chair b) tanguile
a) BArcelona chair c) red lauan
b) Wassily chair d) yakal
85. Greek x-stool 92. A corner chair
a) lecticus a) Boston
b) diphros okladias b) ottoman
c) sella curulis c) slipper
d) lismos d) roundabout
86. Flat oval or circular ornament often decorated with 93. Sofa style with deep button tufting and large rolled
segmented pattern or with acanthus leaves arms
a) guilloche a) Lawson
b) palmette b) Chesterfield
c) patera c) Parsons
d) rosette d) Charles of London
88. Armchair with open arms 95. Vernacular term for inches
a) Ratchet a) poleya
b) Bergère b) transe anso
c) Fauteuil c) pulgada
d) Ormulo d) piye
89. A style of the 20th century design taking its name 96. Popularized the bentwood chair
from the German school of architecture founded by a) Aalto
Walter Gropius early in the century b) Sullivan
a) Bauhaus c) Thonet
b) Biedermeir d) Saarinen
c) D' Stijl
d) International 97. Three seats attached as a single unit
a) escabelle
90. Paneling or other decortive treatment fixed on the b) menagere
lower half of the wall c) vis-a-vis
a) dado d) confidante
b) newel
c) coffer 98. A marriage chest
d) rail a) cassapanca
b) armoire
91. Decorative patterns made of inlays, usually applied c) hutch
on veneered surfaces d) cassone
a) intarsia
b) ormulo 99. Wall sconce for candles, often mirrored
c) marquetry a) girandole
d) certosina b) rognon
c) gueridon
d) cheval
100. A grooved, splayed, or beveled corner of post or 107. The underside thigh height of a sitting Filipino
molding a) 0.960 m
a) bevelled b) 0.407 m
b) mortise and tenon c) 1.124 m
c) rabbet d) 0.502 m
d) chamfered edge
108. Vernacular term for varnish finish
101. Wood ornamentation using exotic woods, or ivory a) kalinya
set into the surface of wood furniture b) monyeka
a) inlay c) pasamana
b) intarsia d) tapal
c) intaglio
d) marquetry 109. Ottoman with central backrest shaped like a cone
a) whatnot
102. Scottish architect and designer who, along with his b) settee
brother James was noted for his designs unifying c) roundabout
architecture and interior design d) borne
a) Adam, Robert
b) Gibbons, Grinling 110. A kind of rosewood from Burma with a red tone
c) Chippendale, Thomas a) balanko
d) Kent, William b) roskas
c) padouk
103. An early spoon-back chair exported to Colonial d) pular
a) Adam 111. The horizontal member running across the top of a
b) Chesterfield chair back.
c) Boston a) rail
d) Duncan Phyfe b) stretcher
c) ears
104. A simulation of something else on a surface d) apron
painted onto walls, furniture or other surfaces
a) theme 112. A bedside
b) faux a) chevet
c) impasto b) marquisse
d) model c) credence
d) tabouret
105. Pierre Gaiti
a) Up 5 Donna 113. This term means an outward swelling on
b) Papp chair commodes, bureaus and armoires
c) Sacco chair a) serpentine front
d) Ribbon chair b) bombe
c) block front
106. Rounded curve on the front of a piece of wooden d) tiered front
a) bow front
b) dropfront
c) bombe
d) scroll
114. A simple, squared-off table with legs and apron of 121. A china cabinet divided vertically into three
equal widths segments, with the middle segment projecting forward
a) Hutch a) commode
b) Biedermeir b) casegood
c) Parsons c) etagere
d) Murphy d) breakfront
115. Small drop-leaf table with wing brackets to support 122. Shaped ornamental strips applied to and projecting
the leaves; opens into a narrow oval shape from a surface
a) dropfront a) reeds
b) buffet b) moldings
c) buttefly table c) appliques
d) gateleg d) escutcheon
118. A triangular seat during Elizabetahn period 125. A low table typically placed in front of a sofa
a) chair of the estate a) vitrine
b) thrown chair b) Coffee table
c) caquetoire c) pembroke
d) curule d) buffet
119. The Egyptian footstool, which was used for access 126. A typ of snap table or tripod tablee
to couches and other high furniture a) piecrust
a) sella b) pembroke
b) diphros c) handkerchief
c) theyns d) drop-leaf
d) klismos
127. Chaise lounge in two parts with foot rest
120. The Philippine mahogany a) tricoteuse
a) yakal b) manchette
b) red lauan c) chaise-brisee
c) tanguile d) ciseleur
d) balayong
128. Putty
a) plaster
b) tapal
c) maselya
d) semento
136. Architect and designer who was responsible for the
129. Hilltop chair introduction of a classical revival in England.
a) Shaker a) John Aitken
b) Thonet b) Robert Adam
c) Vander Rohe c) Josef Albers
d) Mcintosh d) Thomas Affleck
130. Carved woodwork 137. A low or short chest or table with drawers, often
a) etui on short legs
b) boiserie a) slipper
c) applique b) lowboy
d) garniture c) whatnot
d) sideboard
131. Dimensions of Diamond chair by Harry Bertoia
a) 32 1/4" x 28" x 30 1/2" 138. A decorative theme, element or component
b) 33 1/2" x 28" x 30 3/4" a) accessory
c) 33" x 28" x 30 1/2" b) focal
d) 33 1/2" x 28" x 30 1/2" c) design
d) motif
132. High-backed chair with upholstered wings 139. A thin layer of wood permanently bonded to a
a) Bergere thicker core.
b) Lyre a) Veneer
c) Spoonback b) parquetry
d) Wing chair c) intaglio
d) marquetry
133. Wall molding applied horizontally at the height of a
side chair. 140. A thin layer of wood permanently bonded to a
a) splat thicker core
b) Gallery Rail a) intarsia
c) top rail b) vinyl
d) Chair Rail c) veneer
d) marquetry
134. A furniture style popular in the American Federal
period (late 18th to mid-19th century), characterized by 141. A sideboard or buffet. In office furniture, a
feet with a graceful outward curve on both tables and horizontal filing cabinet often placed decoratively
sofas. behind a desk
a) Early American a) Credenza
b) Duncan Phyfe b) Cassone
c) Georgian c) Armoire
d) Regency d) Cassapanca
135. Painting in various tones of grey, usually employed 142. The part of the back seat rail of a chair that
for trompe o'leil panels projects out to support the bottom of the splat
a) lacquer a) stretcher
b) impasto b) ears
c) grisaille c) shoe
d) fresco d) apron
143. The grade in drawer construction wherein the 149. The shaped metal fitting behind a drawer pull or
frames are fitted together by lock shoulder joints, then surrounding a keyhole.
glued and nailed a) stile
a) premium grade b) finial
b) custom grade c) ormulo
c) economy grade d) Escutcheon
d) common grade
150. Appointed head cabinetmaker to Louis XIV
144. An important Tudor furniture piece used for a) Boulle
seating as well as storage b) Boulard
a) settle c) Oeben
b) curule d) Cressent
c) chest
d) caquetoire 151. An industrial designer who invented the bentwood
145. A decorative paint technique in which a comb a) Shearer, Thomas
(often made of plastic or cardboard) is pulled acroos b) Kent, William
wet paint to create a wavy pattern c) Thonet, Michael
a) spattering d) Johnson, Thomas
b) distressed
c) pickled 152. It is the largest palm in te Philippines reaching
d) combing heights of 20 meters
a) sika
146. Tall chest of four to five drawers otherwise known b) bayog
as tallboy c) buri
a) secretaire d) rattan
b) semanier
c) commod 153. The outer vertical posts of a chair
d) highboy a) stretchers
b) uprights
147. Up-curved ends of top rail Usually on Chippendale c) tester
chairs d) sling
a) ears
b) stretcher 154. Which is not a paint technique?
c) cornice a) combing
d) pediment b) sponging
c) Lawson
148. A composition of pulverized selenite, used since d) Spattering
Roman times to imitate marble with great artistic
possibilities especially for pictorial tabletops 155. Which does not refer to a furniture leg?
a) pozzolan a) sabre
b) scagliola b) trifid
c) trompe o'leil c) whorl
d) sfumato d) fiddle
156. The elegant, formal late 18th century furniture 162. A low, Baroque-style chest with bulging, convex
style following Queen Anne with features include sides
cabriole legs, ball and claw feet, and highboys with a) bow
broken pediment tops b) bun
a) Hepplewhite c) bracket
b) Chippendale d) bombe
c) Georgian
d) Federal 163. Long, upholstered seat or bench, often built-in
a) gallenera
157. A style of sofa or chair with a square frame created b) banquette
by arm and back rests of equal height c) cassone
a) slat back d) settee
b) hutch
c) lyre back 164. Chair designed to explore cardboard seating
d) tuxedo a) Suzanne chair
b) Djinn chair
158. Minimum seat depth of an easy chair c) Ribbon chair
a) 360 mm d) Papp cahir
b) 400 mm
c) 460 mm 165. A bed with four slim posts rising 6-8 feet and
d) 520 mm generally simple with straight lines; the beds can be
used alone or with a canopy
159. Furniture designed during the era of the French a) canopy bed
Revolution, it bridges the more formal Louis XVI and the b) lecticus
more restrained Empire style c) pencil post bed
a) Biedermeir d) Murphy bed
b) Directoire
c) Sheraton 166. Father of modern furniture design
d) Empire a) Pugin, Augustus
b) Johnson, Thomas
160. A continuing scroll pattern formed by two twisted c) Sheraton Thomas
bands, its interstices filled with rosettes d) Morris, William
a) guilloche
b) arabesque 167. A decorative paint technique produced by tapping
c) herringbone or flicking a paintbrush loaded with paint onto a plain
d) vitruvian scroll backgrounds
a) spattering
161. A hard varnish applied in several layers, then b) sponging
polished to a high sheen c) fresco
a) lacquer d) patina
b) inlay
c) veneering 168. A side chair made of walnut, armless with a thin
d) laminate back and octagonal seat
a) sgabello
b) Savonarola
c) escritoire
d) roundabout
169. A low foot running both ways from the corner of 176. A type of drop-leaf table with leaves supported by
casegoods to form a right angle extra legs that swing out like gates
a) cabriole foot a) thousand legs
b) spade foot b) gallery table
c) saber foot c) gateleg table
d) bracket foot d) refectory
170. French term for mahogany 177. The hand tool used for cutting curves in thin wood
a) tambour and is not intended for sawing straight lines
b) agajou a) crosscut
c) ecran b) coping saw
d) chene c) rip saw
d) files
171. Large writing table
a) Bouillotte 178. A wood steaming process of shaping curved chair
b) Escritoire and furniture parts. The best-known producer of
c) Bureau-plat bentwood furniture is Michael Thonet (1796 - 1871) of
d) Enfilade Vienna, a pioneer in mass production.
a) bentwood
172. The standard size of plywood sheet b) acajou
a) 3' x 8' c) mahogany
b) 4 x 6' d) birch
c) 3' x 6'
d) 4' x 8' 179. Early 17th century English furniture with a
medieval appearancce and dark finish
173. A marriage chest a) Jacobean
a) Cassapanca b) Mission
b) cassone c) Shaker
c) hutch d) Early American
d) armoire
180. A drop-leaf desk sitting on a base of drawers with
174. A round stick or turned wood used as decorative cubbyholes and slots
ornament in furniture a) tambour
a) dowel b) secretary
b) boss c) pembroke
c) ear d) kneehole
d) spindle
181. Verner Panton's chair
175. Which is not used for storing clothes? a) polyprop chair
a) bureau b) web chair
b) buffet c) bubble chair
c) armoire d) Djinn chair
d) casegood
182. The dimensions of a Parlor Grand Piano
a) 4'7" x 4'5" x 4'4"
b) 4'10" x 6'3" x 5'10"
c) 5' x 7' x 6'
d) 5'4" x 9'8" x 6'1"
183. The size of a queen bed 190. A low upholstered seat used as a footstool; heavy
a) 1375 mm x 1905 mm fabric with pronounced crosswise ribs / upholstered
b) 54 x 75 inches furniture piece used as a foot rest, typically upholstered
c) 1525 x 2032 mm a) Bergere
d) 60 x 80 inches b) Chesterfield
c) Ottoman
184. Large, window-height mirror suspended above a d) Klismos
a) hutch 191. . A long, narrow table with two T-shaped uprights
b) escutcheon that are joined by a single stretcher; usually used in
c) pier glass country-style schemes.
d) cheval a) gateleg
b) vitrine
185. A type of square-backed large library chair c) pembroke
a) Gainsborough d) Trestle Table
b) Charles of London
c) Boston 192. The element of an L-shaped desk that is
d) Lawson perpendicular to the main desk, providing extra working
186. German style of design in first half of the 19th a) pediment
century. Inspired by Empire style with light woods and b) stretcher
simple lines with lacquer or black enamel accents. c) Return
a) Biedermeir d) ears
b) International
c) De Stijl 193. A wall table
d) Bauhaus a) tric trac
b) commode
187. A simple, squared-off table with legs and apron of c) credence
equal widths d) console
a) Hutch
b) Murphy 194. A tall chest of drawers, developed in 18th century,
c) Biedermeir usually composed of a base and a top section with
d) Parsons drawers, often topped with a decorative broken
pediment crown
188. A freestanding open cabinet with shelves for a) etagere
displaying accessories. b) hutch
a) Étagère c) highboy
b) Credenza d) semanier
c) Casegoods
d) Vitrine 195. A craftsman who ornaments bronze and other
metals by chiselling
189. Maximum depth of a senior executive table a) ecran
a) 760 mm b) escrutoire
b) 900 mm c) ciseleur
c) 910 mm d) manchette
d) 850 mm
196. Open shelves for crockery 203. Which is not a display cabinet?
a) verrier a) etgere
b) meridienne b) curio
c) chiffonier c) vitrine
d) menagere d) chesterfield
197. A small desk with cabinet top 204. A desk with a curved, slatted panel that rolls down
a) bureau to hide its writing surface
b) verrier a) dropleaf table
c) bonheur-du-jeur b) roll top desk
d) compotier c) secretary
d) piecrust table
198. A long, narrow table with two T-shaped uprights
that are joined by a single stretcher; usually used in 205. Over-sized upholstered ottoman large enough to
country style schemes be used as seating
a) savonarola a) tete-a-tete
b) rectory b) hassock
c) trestle c) loveseat
d) tilt-top d) futon
199. A tall chest of drawers, developed in 18th century, 206. The strongest joint used for heavy framing and in
usually composed of a base and top section with general furniture work
drawers, often with a decorative broken pediment a) tongue and groove joint
crown b) dovetail joint
a) semainier c) half-lap joint
b) etagere d) mortise and tenon joint
c) hutch
d) highboy 207. Chair designed to explore cardboard seating
a) Papp chair
200. The maximum reaching heights of males b) Suzanne chair
a) 920 mm c) Djinn chair
b) 1850 mm d) Ribbon chair
c) 1950 mm
d) 1830 mm 208. A bed with fabric roof
a) sleigh bed
201. A china cabinet divided vertically into three b) postered bed
segments, with the middle segment projecting forward c) canopy bed
a) Commode d) trundle bed
b) Breakfront
c) Casegood 209. A sofa bed
d) Etagere a) Lit travers
b) Lit duchesse
202. A design or illustration cut into a surface c) Lit d'ange
a) cutout d) Lit canape
b) intaglio
c) turning
d) embossed
210. A very thin lamina of wood applied to the surface 217. The term that refers to the theoretical limit
of furniture. Widely used from the second half of the reaches by wood when all free water evaporates or
17th c. onwards when only the hygroscopic waters are left
a) Sheer a) shrinkage point limit
b) Vinyl b) hygroscopic saturation limit
c) Laminate c) hygoscopic limitation
d) Veneer d) fiber saturation point
211. The element of an L-shaped desk that is 218. A small table with a hinged top that can stand
perpendicular to the main desk, providing extra working vertically when not in use
surface a) dropleaf
a) rail b) tilt top
b) drop c) stretcher
c) return d) rectory
d) tester
219. Normal working arm length
212. A removable upholstered chair seat a) 2400 mm
a) slipper b) 1900 mm
b) ottoman c) 900 mm
c) slip seat d) 1400 mm
d) roundabout
220. Oversized upholstered ottoman large enough to be
213. A wall table used as seating.
a) console a) Hassock
b) tric trac b) stool
c) commode c) Charles of London
d) credence d) Hutch
215. Protege of MM. du Barry and did much of the 222. The standard rod distance to be mounted from the
furniture at Versailles back of the closet
a) Boulle a) 310 mm
b) Delanois b) 315 mm
c) Jacob c) 300 mm
d) Dubois d) 305 mm
216. The maximum seat depth for an easy chair 223. Squared and vertical foot of an untapered leg
a) 510 mm a) pad foot
b) 500 mm b) block foot
c) 520 mm c) club foot
d) 530 mm d) spade foot
224. A chest decorated with elaborate marquetry 231. An upholstered armchair with the back and seat
originated from German kunstschrank lengthened for reclining
a) highboy a) Queen Anne
b) box settle b) Chaise lounge
c) chest-on-chest c) Rocker
d) non-such d) Daybed
225. The result of rubbing white paint into previously 232. A tall chest of drawers supported by legs
stained and finished wood a) high boy
a) sponging b) commode
b) distressed c) armoire
c) spattering d) bureau
d) pickled finish
233. A spirit varnish made by dissolving purified lac
226. A paint technique involving the application of a flakes in denatured alcohol
layer of opaque or translucent paint colors with a a) shellac
sponge b) varnish
a) spattering c) stains
b) sponging d) lacquer
c) ormulo
d) gilding 234. A horizontal brace in an H or X shape, often
decorative, connecting the legs of a table or chair
227. The shaping of legs or trim on a lathe a) turning
a) pedestal b) upright
b) turning c) kline
c) upright d) stretcher
d) plinth
235. The ideal range intended for elbow room
228. Chair with storage compartment underneath the a) 530-600 mm
seat b) 560-600 mm
a) porter c) 510-560 mm
b) slipper d) 550-600 mm
c) boston
d) ottoman 236. A sideboard
a) dustboard
229. Italian Renaissance bed with gilded headboard b) huntboard
a) Tuscan c) buffet
b) Savonarola d) credenza
c) kline
d) couchette 237. A Greek bed
a) Kline
230. The base of a chest of column that rests solidly on b) sarcophagi
the floor, as opposed to sitting on legs c) Sella curulis
a) upright d) Lectus
b) sabot
c) rail
d) plinth
238. A type of drop-leaf table with leaves supported by
extra legs that swing out
a) Chesterfield
b) Hitchcock
c) dropfront
d) Gateleg