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BS 00812 114 1989 2011

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Testing aggregates —
Part 114: Method for determination of
the polished-stone value

November 2011
UDC [625.07 + 691.22]:620.191.392 + 543
BS 812-114:1989

Committees responsible for this

British Standard

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Cement,

Gypsum, Aggregates and Quarry Products Standards Policy Committee
(CAB/-) to Technical Committee CAB/2, upon which the following bodies were

Aggregate Concrete Block Association

Association of Consulting Engineers
Association of Consulting Scientists
Association of Lightweight Aggregate Manufacturers
Brick Development Association
British Aggregate Construction Materials Industries
British Cement Association
British Ceramic Research Ltd.
British Civil Engineering Test Equipment Manufacturers’ Association
British Geological Sciences
British Precast Concrete Federation Ltd.
British Ready Mixed Concrete Association
British Steel Industry
Building Employers’ Confederation
Calcium Silicate Brick Association Ltd.
Chartered Institute of Building
Concrete Society
County Surveyor’s Society
Department of the Environment (Property Services Agency)
Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment)
Department of Transport (Highways)
Department of Transport (Transport and Road Research Laboratory)
Electricity Supply Industry in England and Wales
Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors
Institute of Concrete Technology
Institution of Civil Engineers
Institution of Highways and Transportation
Institution of Structural Engineers
Institution of Water and Environmental Management (IWEM)
Mortar Producers’ Association Ltd.
This British Standard, having
Sand and Gravel Association Ltd.
been prepared under the Society of Chemical Industry
direction of the Cement,
Gypsum, Aggregates and
Quarry Products Standards
Policy Committee, was
published under the authority
of the Board of BSI and comes Amendments issued since publication
into effect on
28 February 1990
Amd. No. Date of issue Comments
© BSI 12-1998

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
Committee reference CAB/2
Draft for comment 86/10156 DC

ISBN 0 580 17088 8

BS 812-114:1989


Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 Definitions 1
3 Principle 1
4 Sampling 1
5 Apparatus 1
6 Materials 5
7 Preparation of specimens 6
8 Conditioning of tyre 6
9 Accelerated polishing of specimens 6
10 Friction test procedure 7
11 Calculations 8
12 Expression of results 8
13 Precision 8
14 Test report 8
Figure 1 — Accelerated polishing machine 2
Figure 2 — Roadstone specimen and mould 3
Figure 3 — Friction tester 4
Table 1 — Properties of the slider 4
Table 2 — Grading requirements for corn emery 5
Publications referred to Inside back cover

© BSI 12-1998 i
BS 812-114:1989


This Part of BS 812 has been prepared under the direction of the Cement,
Gypsum, Aggregates and Quarry Products Standards Policy Committee. It is a
revision of clause 10 of BS 812-3:1975, for the determination of the
polished-stone value of an aggregate. It is also a revision of the alternative
method for determining the polished-stone value described in clause 11 of
Amendment No. 2 to BS 812-3:1975, which was published in March 1983. The
method in this new Part 114 supersedes those described in clause 10 and
clause 11, both of which are now withdrawn. The remainder of BS 812-3 is also
being revised and it is intended to issue further separate Parts or Sections of the
This test method for determining the polished-stone value is basically that
described in clause 11 of BS 812-3:1975. The main changes are as follows.
a) The procedure for mounting the aggregate in a sand cement mortar is no
longer described; only the resin mounting method is to be used.
b) The previous method determined an average value from four specimens
conditioned on one test run. The revised method requires the conditioning of
four specimens in two pairs on two separate test runs.
It is intended that other British Standards on aggregates should call up BS 812
test methods as the basis for compliance. Nevertheless it is not intended that all
aggregates will be subjected regularly to all the listed tests. Specifications in
other standards should call up only relevant test methods. Some of the tests
specified in other Parts of this standard are of limited application and advice on
the use of simpler quantitative tests is given, for example, when they can be used
for a preliminary sorting of aggregates to see whether more precise and expensive
testing is justified.
Reference should be made to BS 812-101:1984 for general guidance on testing
aggregates, precision of test methods and variance arising from sampling errors.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 8, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.

ii © BSI 12-1998
BS 812-114:1989

1 Scope 5 Apparatus
This Part of BS 812 describes the method for 5.1 Accelerated polishing machine (Figure 1), which
determining the polished-stone value (PSV) of an shall be rigidly mounted on a firm, level base of
aggregate. stone or concrete. It shall include the following.
NOTE The titles of the publications referred to in this standard a) A wheel, referred to as the “road wheel”, having
are listed on Inside back cover.
a flat periphery. It shall be of such a size and
shape as to permit 14 of the specimens described
2 Definitions
in clause 7 to be clamped on the periphery so as
For the purposes of this Part of BS 812, the to form a continuous surface of stone
definitions given in BS 812-101 and BS 812-102 particles 45 mm wide and 406 mm in diameter.
apply. b) Means of rotating the road wheel about its own
axis at a speed of 320 ± 5 r/min.
3 Principle
c) Two solid rubber-tyred wheels of 200 mm
The polished-stone value gives a measure of the diameter and with a width of 38 mm. These
resistance of roadstone to the polishing action of wheels shall be of two colours. A dark-coloured
vehicle tyres under conditions similar to those wheel shall be used for the corn emery and a
occurring on the surface of a road. Where the surface light-coloured wheel for the emery flour. The
of a road consists largely of roadstone the state of rubber tyres shall be made according to the Avon
polish of the sample will be one of the main factors Tyre Ltd. compound code 4454 and shall initially
affecting the resistance of the surface to skidding. have a hardness of 69 ± 3 IRHD (see BS 2719).
The actual relationship between PSV and skidding NOTE The rubber tyres are obtainable from the suppliers of
resistance will vary with the traffic conditions, type the accelerated polishing machine.
of surfacing and other factors. All factors together d) Means of bringing the surface of the
with the reproducibility of the test should be taken appropriate solid rubber-tyred wheel to bear on
into account when drawing up specifications for the road wheel with a total free force
road-works which include test limits for PSV. The of 725 ± 10 N. It shall be free to rotate about its
test is in two parts. own axis, which shall be parallel with the axis of
a) First part. Samples of stone are subjected to a the road wheel, and the plane of rotation of the
polishing action in an accelerated polishing tyre shall be in line with that of the road wheel.
machine. The machine shall be accurately aligned and
b) Second part. The state of polish reached by both wheels shall be free to rotate without play
each sample is measured by means of a friction in the bearings. The following limits shall be
test and is expressed as a laboratory-determined applied:
PSV. 1) the planes of rotation of the two wheels shall
be not more than 20 min of arc out of parallel
4 Sampling1) (1 mm in 200 mm);
The sample used in the laboratory for the test shall NOTE This may be checked by means of a notched
be taken in accordance with clause 5 of straight-edge using the rim of the road wheel as a datum.
BS 812-102:1984. The sample shall be taken from 2) the planes through the centres of the two
the normal run of production from the plant. wheels shall be not more than 0.8 mm apart.
NOTE Chippings that have been freshly crushed in the e) Feed mechanism, dark-coloured for use with
laboratory or recovered from bituminous materials may give the dark-coloured wheel [see c)], to feed the corn
misleading results.
emery (see 6.1) and water at the specified rates
(see 9.4). It shall feed in such a way that the
emery and water are continuously and uniformly
spread over the surface of the tyre and the
specimens where they are in contact. The emery
and water shall be fed directly onto the road
wheel near the point of contact with the
rubber-tyred wheel.

Where necessary, information on the current sources of supply of any of the apparatus or materials required for this test can
be obtained from BSI Enquiry Section, BSI, Linford Wood, Milton Keynes MK14 6LE.

© BSI 12-1998 1
BS 812-114:1989

Figure 1 — Accelerated polishing machine

f) Feed mechanism, light-coloured for use with 5.2 Friction tester

the light-coloured wheel [see c)], to feed the emery 5.2.1 Design
flour (see 6.2) and water at the specified rates
(see 9.5). It shall feed in such a way that the The friction test shall be made with a tester
emery flour and water are continuously and (see Figure 3) manufactured to the design of the
uniformly spread over the surface of the tyre and Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL)2).
the specimens where they are in contact. All bearings and working parts of the instrument
shall be enclosed as far as possible, and all materials
g) A means of ensuring that the solid
used shall be treated to prevent corrosion under wet
rubber-tyred wheel is not left under load when
not running, to prevent the risk of the tyre
becoming deformed.

Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Old Wokingham Road, Crowthorne, Berks RG11 6AU.

2 © BSI 12-1998
BS 812-114:1989

Figure 2 — Roadstone specimen and mould The tester shall have the following features. f) A pointer balanced about the axis of
a) A spring-loaded rubber slider of the mass, size suspension, indicating the position of the
and shape specified in to It shall pendulum arm throughout its forward swing and
be mounted on the end of a pendulum arm so that moving over the circular scale. The mass of the
the sliding edge is approximately 510 mm from pointer shall be not more than 85 g. The friction
the axis of suspension. in the pointer mechanism shall be adjustable so
that, with the pendulum arm swinging freely
b) Means for setting the column of the instrument from a horizontal position, the outward tip of a
vertical. nominal 300 mm long pointer may be brought to
c) Means for rigidly locating one of the curved rest on the forward swing of the arm at a
specimens from the accelerated polishing point 10 mm below the horizontal.
machine with its longer dimension in the track of g) A circular scale calibrated in unit F as
the pendulum and centrally with respect to the described in for curved specimens with 76
rubber slider and to the axis of suspension of the mm sliding length.
h) A main scale as detailed in TRRL drawings for
d) Means for raising and lowering the axis of a sliding length of 126 mm.
suspension of the pendulum so that the slider
can: The mass of the swinging arm, including the
slider, shall be 1.50 ± 0.03 kg. The centre of gravity
1) swing clear of the surface of the specimen;
shall lie on the axis of the arm at a distance
of 410 ± 5 mm from the centre of suspension.
2) be set to slide over a fixed length of flat
surface of 126.0 ± 0.5 mm, as near as is The slider shall consist of a rubber
visually possible. pad 31.75 ± 0.50 mm wide, 25.4 ± 1.0 mm long (in
the direction of swing) and 6.35 ± 0.50 mm thick.
e) Means of holding and releasing the pendulum
This shall be held on a rigid base with a central
arm so that it falls freely from a horizontal
pivoting axis and the combined mass of slider and
base shall be 20 ± 5 g. The slider assembly shall be
mounted on the end of the swinging arm in such a
way that, when the arm is at the lowest point of its
swing with the trailing edge of the slider in contact
with the test surface, the plane of the slider is
angled at approximately 26° to the horizontal. In
this configuration the slider can turn about its axis
without obstruction to follow unevenness of the
surface as the pendulum swings.

© BSI 12-1998 3
BS 812-114:1989 The slider shall be spring-loaded against the The resilience and hardness of the slider shall
test surface. The nominal static force on the slider comply with Table 1.
as set by the procedure defined in the equipment’s The working edges of the slider shall be
calibration instructions shall be 22.2 ± 0.5 N in its square and clean-cut, and the rubber free from
median position; the change in the static force on contamination, by, for example, abrasive or oil. The
the slider shall be not greater than 0.2 N per
rubber in the sheet or slider form shall be stored in
millimetre deflection of the slider.
the dark at a temperature of 15 ± 5 °C.

Figure 3 — Friction tester

Table 1 — Properties of the slider
Property Temperature ( °C)
0 10 20 30 40

Resilience (%)a 43 to 49 58 to 65 66 to 73 71 to 77 74 to 79

Hardness (IRHD)b 55 ± 5 55 ± 5 55 ± 5 55 ± 5 55 ± 5
Lüpke rebound test in accordance with BS 903-A8.
b International rubber hardness degrees in accordance with BS 903-A26.

4 © BSI 12-1998
BS 812-114:1989

5.2.2 Calibration of the tester 5.5 Equipment for preparing specimens, consisting
of the following. The calibration of the tester shall be checked
at least once a year3). The scale of the instrument a) Release agent or liquid car polish.
when used for this test shall be the unit F, where F b) Cleansing solvent or a mixture of 90 % acetone
is a measure of the coefficient of friction (× 100), and 10 % kerosene (by volume).
drawn up by means of the following equation:
c) Polyester resin and hardener.
WXZ NOTE Crystic resin is suitable.
F =  -------------- 100
 PDP  d) Disposable paper or polypropylene cups for
where resin-mixing.
e) Clear, flexible plastics sheet of materials, such
W is the force exerted by the swinging arm as acetate or polyethylene.
(in N); f) Accurately machined metal moulds for
preparing specimens of the dimensions shown
X is the distance of the effective centre of
in Figure 2.
gravity of the arm from the centre of
oscillation (in mm); g) A pair of rigid metal covers having one face
plane, the other shaped to the radius (189 mm) of
Z is the vertical distance of the edge of the scale the polishing test mould and slightly larger than
below the zero of the scale, which shall the mould.
be 10 mm below the horizontal when the arm
h) A clamp, such as a 200-mm G-clamp.
is released to swing freely from the
horizontal (in mm); i) Two fine-haired brushes of about 3 mm
P is the nominal static force on the slider, as
j) A stiff bristle brush.
defined in (in N);
k) A spatula.
D is the sliding distance (in mm);
p is the length of the pointer (in mm). 6 Materials The instrument shall be cross-checked using 6.1 Fresh natural corn emery, complying
the sliding length of 126 ± 0.5 mm with the friction with Table 2. This shall be used only once.
tester on the following wetted surfaces using the Table 2 — Grading requirements for corn
main scale. emery
a) A glass plate. Nominal width of sieve Total passing
b) Five smooth-looking surfaces having a texture
µm %
depth less than 0.25 mm and covering a range of
at least 25 to 75 units. 600 98 to 100
c) Five rough-looking surfaces having a texture 500 70 to 100
depth greater than 0.50 mm and covering a range 425 30 to 90
of at least 25 to 75 units. 355 0 to 30
On these tests no pairs of results obtained with the 300 0 to 5
two instruments on any surface shall differ by more
than 3 units. The mean results for the 11 samples 6.2 Air-floated or water-washed emery flour, all of
shall not differ by more than 1.5 units. which passes a 53 µm test sieve.
5.3 6.3 PSV control stone, from a recognized supplier.
5.4 Test sieves, consisting of a 10 mm, square-holed,
perforated-plate sieve and woven-wire sieves, of NOTE To improve consistency of the material available, the
control stone has been stockpiled. At present the only recognized
sizes 600 µm, 500 µm, 425 µm, 355 µm, 300 µm, supplier of material from this stockpile in Great Britain is
212 µm. Wessex Engineering and Metalcraft Co. Ltd., Merchants Barton,
Frome, Somerset BA11 1PS.
The test sieves shall comply with BS 410.
6.4 Stone for the calibration of the friction tester
A 14 mm to 10 mm slotted flake sorting sieve (see 10.3).
complying with BS 812-105.1, having a slot width
NOTE This stone may be obtained from the suppliers of the
of 7.2 ± 0.1 mm, is also required.
PSV control stone or from Criggion Quarry, Ford, Powys.

The calibration of the tester is done at BSI Testing, Hemel Hempstead Centre, Maylands Avenue, Hemel Hempstead,
Herts HP2 4SQ.

© BSI 12-1998 5
BS 812-114:1989

7 Preparation of specimens 7.7 When the resin begins to harden (after 5 min
to 10 min) trim any excess resin from the edges of
7.1 Reduce the laboratory sample obtained in
the mould with a knife. Press the metal cover to the
accordance with clause 4, by the procedure
back of the specimen by means of a clamp or weights
described in clause 6 of BS 812-102:1984 to produce
to prevent distortion during setting. After the resin
a test portion such that when it is sieved in has completely set and cooled (about 30 min from
accordance with 7.2 a minimum of 2 kg is available mixing), remove the specimen from the mould and
for preparing the specimens.
remove the loose sand with the stiff bristle brush.
7.2 Sieve the test portion so that all the aggregate After a further 30 min it may be subjected to
particles pass the 10 mm test sieve and are retained polishing in accordance with clause 9. Clean
on the 14 mm to 10 mm flake sorting sieve. The moulds, tools etc. as required with solvent.
particles shall not be elongated and shall be clean
7.8 Ensure that when the operations described
and free from dust.
in 7.4 to 7.7 are completed, the surface of each
NOTE The surface texture of the particles which are to be specimen is flat across the shorter dimension and is
exposed to the polishing action of the tyre should be
representative of the average surface texture of the stone. A few
curved in the arc of a circle of 406 mm diameter
particles with a very smooth or very rough surface texture may along the longer dimension. Also ensure that each
occur in almost any sample, but these are not to be used in finished specimen presents the natural surface of
preparing the test specimen. the stone chipping, with no sharp projecting edges,
7.3 Obtain a minimum mass of 1 kg of the PSV to the polishing tyre and is not less than 12.5 mm
control stone by the procedures described in 7.1 thick. Ensure that the undersurface is the arc of a
and 7.2. circle of the same diameter as the periphery of the
7.4 Using the procedures described in 7.5 to 7.8 road wheel of the polishing machine. Reject any
prepare four specimens of each sample and four specimen with resin exposed at the surface or with
specimens of the control stone. Each specimen shall disturbed particles.
consist of between 35 and 50 particles, obtained as NOTE The exposed surfaces of the specimens should stand
described in 7.2 and 7.3. proud of the backing resin.

7.5 Prepare each specimen by carefully placing the 8 Conditioning of tyre

selected particles in a single layer with their flattest
surfaces lying on the bottom of the mould. Place 8.1 Before a new tyre is used on a test, it shall be
them as closely as possible and cover an area given a preliminary run with the appropriate
of 90.6 mm × 44.5 mm. Then fill the interstices abrasive. Use the new tyre as in an actual test but
between the particles to approximately three- with 12 spare specimens and two control specimens.
quarters of their depth with fine sand (all passing a NOTE It is essential to use the correct wheel for each abrasive.
test sieve of 212 µm aperture) and level with the It is also essential that the test includes the use of the other
wheel and appropriate abrasive to comply with the complete test
second procedure. Specimens from earlier tests are suitable as spare
fine-haired brush. Lightly coat the exposed internal specimens in the preliminary run.
faces and top edges of the metal moulds with release 8.2 Following polishing (see clause 9), friction-test
agent using one of the fine-haired brushes. the control specimens in accordance with clause 10
7.6 Mix the hardener with the resin in a disposable and record the mean result. If the mean result is
cup (the exact proportion depends upon the resin greater than 55.5 make further preliminary runs
used). Fill the mould to overflowing with the mixed using fresh specimens of the control stone. If the
resin and float-off the surplus with the spatula result is less than 49.5 or if high values persist,
without disturbing the main body of the resin. make appropriate corrections to the materials and
NOTE 1 When using crystic resin [see note to 5.5 c)], equal or procedure so as to ensure that the mean value given
nearly so proportions of the hardener and resin are suitable. by the following two specimens of control stone lies
NOTE 2 As an alternative to floating-off, the surplus may be in the permitted range 49.5 to 55.5 (see note to 9.5).
squeezed out. by covering the mould with the plastics sheet and
pressing the metal cover on to the sheet.
9 Accelerated polishing of specimens
9.1 Carry out the accelerated polishing at a room
temperature of 20 ± 5 °C.
9.2 Fourteen specimens are polished during each
run, numbered as follows:
two specimens of 1st sample numbered 1 and 2
two specimens of 2nd sample numbered 3 and 4
two specimens of 3rd sample numbered 5 and 6

6 © BSI 12-1998
BS 812-114:1989

two specimens of 4th sample numbered 7 and 8 9.6 Remove the specimens from the machine and
two specimens of 5th sample numbered 9 and 10 thoroughly wash them in running water to remove
all trace of emery flour. Clean the interstices
two specimens of 6th sample numbered 11
between the stone particles by scrubbing with a
and 12
bristle brush.
two specimens of PSV control stone numbered 13
NOTE Any trace of emery flour on or between the stone
and 14 and then arranged in the following order: particles will lower the resut of the friction test.
13, 9, 3, 7, 5, 1, 11, 14, 10, 4, 8, 6, 2, 12 9.7 After washing, store the specimens face
9.3 Clamp the 14 specimens in the specified order downwards under water at a temperature of 18 °C
round the periphery of the road wheel of the to 22 °C for 30 min to 2 h. On removal from the
polishing machine. Mark the specimens so that the water, immediately perform the friction test in
direction of rotation can be determined at a later accordance with clause 10. At no time prior to this
stage (see 10.4). The outer surface of the specimens testing shall the specimen be allowed to dry out.
shall form a continuous strip of particles with a 9.8 Repeat the complete test procedure (see 9.1
periphery of 406 mm diameter, upon which the to 9.7) with two further specimens of each sample.
rubber-tyred wheel can ride freely without bumping
or slipping. Fill any gaps with a suitable packing 10 Friction test procedure
piece level with the remainder of the specimen.
10.1 Keep the friction test apparatus and slider in a
9.4 Bring the road wheel to a speed of 320 ± 5 r/min room where the temperature is controlled
and bring the dark-coloured wheel to bear on the at 20 ± 2 °C for at least 2 h before the test begins
surface of the specimens with a total force and for the duration of the test.
of 725 ± 10 N. Feed the corn emery (see 6.1) at a rate
of 27 ± 7 g/min continuously with water on to the 10.2 Rest the tester upon a firm level surface and
road wheel using the dark-coloured feed mechanism adjust the levelling screws so that the column is
for a period of 3 ± 1 min. Feed the water at a rate vertical. Then raise the axis of suspension of the
just sufficient to carry the corn emery to the wheel; pendulum so that the arm swings freely, and adjust
this is approximately the same rate as for the corn the friction in the pointer mechanism so that when
emery. the pendulum arm and pointer are released from
the right-hand horizontal position the pointer comes
Interrupt the test run at 1 hr ± 5 min and to rest at zero position on the scale. Ensure that the
2 hr ± 5 min to clean out any excess of corn emery track of the slider is parallel to the long edge of the
which has collected in the base. On completion, specimen across the sliding distance.
i.e. after 3 h, thoroughly clean the machine and
specimens by washing so that all trace of the corn 10.3 Use the following procedure to ensure that the
emery is removed. rubber slider is correctly conditioned.
NOTE It is important that the used corn emery is not allowed NOTE It is possible to reverse the slider to make use of both
to make contact with the road wheel. edges.

9.5 Fit the light-coloured wheel and feed mechanism a) Maintain a stock of Criggion specimens for
for emery flour. Then operate the machine calibration purposes. These shall be made from
continuously for a further 3 ± 1 min (see 9.4), stone from Criggion Quarry and shall be made
feeding the emery flour (see 6.2) at a rate of 3 ± 1 g/ and polished as in an actual determination. When
min continuously with water. Feed the water at tested they shall yield a value in the range 58
twice the rate of the emery flour. to 66. Record the values and air-dry the
specimens and store them in a sealed container
NOTE It is important that the solid rubber-tyred wheel is not
left under load at any time other than when the wheel is running,
for future use.
otherwise the tyre may become deformed. It will be necessary to b) Before using a new slider, swing it five times
replace the tyres periodically as indicated by excessive wear or by over the dry surface of a polished Criggion
the control stone value moving below the range 49.5 to 55.5. It is
essential that any tyre replacement be followed by tyre specimen following with a further 20 swings on
conditioning in accordance with 8. Current experience indicates its wetted surface. Keep the Criggion specimen
that replacement may be needed after 40 runs, particularly for used for this purpose apart from the Criggion
the dark-coloured (coarse emery) wheel. Low results in the early
life of the tyre may suggest excessive polishing due to
calibration specimens tested in c); it may be used
misalignment of the wheels or the need to recalibrate the friction repeatedly provided its value (when wet) does not
tester. fall below 55.

© BSI 12-1998 7
BS 812-114:1989

c) Before measuring the set of specimens polished The whole test procedure shall then be examined
on each test run, check the performance of the and modified as necessary to ensure that these
slider by testing a Criggion calibration specimen. requirements for range and mean are satisfied.
Record the resulting value. Additional polishing 11.3 For satisfactory test runs (see 11.2) the PSV of
through repeated testing yields progressively each sample shall be calculated as follows.
lower values and the control shall be discarded
when its value falls below 57. A new control shall Calculate the mean value S of the recorded values of
then be drawn from the stock. If a check value is the four test specimens (two from each run) and
more than 2 units lower (or one unit higher) than record to the nearest 0.1 unit.
the last recorded value for the control, Calculate the mean value C of the recorded values of
discontinue testing and rectify any fault in the the four control specimens (two from each run) and
instrument or its operation or due to changes in record to the nearest 0.1 unit.
the slider. It is recommended that more than one Calculate the PSV from the following equation:
slider be kept in use to help differentiate between
PSV = S + 52.5 – C
a faulty slider and a defective instrument.
NOTE This equation is valid only for values of C between 49.5
d) Discard any slider that develops excessive and 55.5
burring and scoring through prolonged use.
10.4 Rigidly locate the first test specimen with its 12 Expression of results
longer dimension lying in the track of the pendulum, Report the polished-stone value to the nearest whole
and centrally with respect to the rubber slider and number together with the individual values and
to the axis of suspension of the pendulum. Locate it means of the test specimens and the control
in such a way that the slider of the pendulum will specimens.
traverse it in the same direction as the specimen
travelled in the polishing machine (see 9.3). 13 Precision
NOTE For this purpose it is advisable to mark one longitudinal Estimates of the repeatability (r) and
edge of each specimen. If this mark is on the side of the specimen
furthest from the operator during polishing, it should be nearest reproducibility (R1) of the test for determining the
to him during friction testing and vice versa. PSV are r = 3 and R1 = 5.
10.5 Adjust the height of the axis of suspension of NOTE Estimates are √Vr = 1.2, √VL = 1.1 and √V
the pendulum so that in traversing the specimen the specimens = 1.2. These estimates are based on duplicate tests
by 11 laboratories at three levels of PSV (averaging 69, 53
rubber slider is in contact with it over the whole and 40).
width of the slider and over a length of 76.0 mm, as Uses of precision data are described in clause 5 of
accurately as can be visually gauged. Then wet the BS 812-101:1984.
surfaces of the specimen and the rubber slider with
a copious supply of clean water, being careful not to 14 Test report
disturb the slider from its set position. Release the
pendulum and pointer from the horizontal position The test report shall affirm that the PSV was
and note the reading of the pointer to the nearest determined in accordance with this Part of BS 812
whole number. Perform this operation five times, and whether or not a Certificate of Sampling is
rewetting the specimen each time, and record the available. If available, a copy of the Certificate of
mean of the last three readings to the Sampling shall be provided. The test report shall
nearest 0.1 unit. contain the following additional information.
Test the specimens in the following order: a) Sample identification and sample description.
13, 1, 10, 3, 5, 12, 8, 7, 11, 6, 4, 9, 2, 14 b) The polished-stone value.
c) The mean value recorded for the control stone.
11 Calculations d) The values recorded for the four individual test
11.1 Calculate the mean of the recorded values of specimens and the four individual control stone
the two PSV control stone specimens for each test specimens, clearly indicating which specimens
run. Record to the nearest 0.1 unit providing two relate to which test run.
results for the complete duplicated test cycles.
11.2 If the difference between the two mean values
of the PSV control specimens for each test run is
greater than 4.7, the results for the test shall be
rejected. If the mean value of the two PSV control
specimens for either test run does not lie within the
range 49.5 to 55.5 the test results shall be rejected.

8 © BSI 12-1998
BS 812-114:1989

Publications referred to

BS 410, Specification for test sieves.

BS 812, Testing aggregates.
BS 812-101, Guide to sampling and testing aggregates.
BS 812-102, Methods for sampling.
BS 812-105, Methods for determination of particle shape.
BS 812-105.1, Flakiness index.
BS 903, Methods of testing vulcanized rubber.
BS 903-A8, Determination of rebound resilience.
BS 903-A26, Determination of hardness.
BS 2719, Methods of use and calibration of pocket type rubber hardness meters.

© BSI 12-1998
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