Lec 21

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Design of Machine Elements I

Prof. G. Chakraborty
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology – Kharagpur

Lecture – 21
Shaft Coupling - II

Dear students, let us begin lecture on machine design part 1. This is lecture number 21 and the
topic is Shaft coupling. This is the concluding lecture on the same topic. So before going to the
subject proper today let us recapitulate little bit what we have learnt in last lecture. We talked
about the couplings now couplings are used to connect 2 shafts for relatively long time. And
there are primarily 2 types of couplings one is rigid coupling as the name suggest the coupling is
made of rigid material.

There are few kinds of rigid couplings which we discussed namely flange coupling which is the
common type of coupling. Then sleeve or muff coupling. Then we discussed clamp coupling and
then compression couplings. But towards the end of the lecture we mentioned that there are few
disadvantages of the rigid coupling so we are going to start from that point today. Let us look at
some of the disadvantages of rigid coupling now.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:02)

First, no provision for shaft misalignments. Now, I want to emphasize here that there may be few
kinds of shaft misalignment. One may be here one shaft another shaft here so there is a parallel
offset. May be shaft one here another there. So, this is angular offset or angular misalignment
and there may be a combination of both that is there may be an offset and angular mismatch. So,
these are 3 basic types of misalignments.

And the rigid couplings are incapable of providing for this misalignment. Then large bending
stress develops whenever there is misalignment if you want to bring the shafts together then a
large bending stress is developed and that is detrimental because when the shaft runs then it leads
to fatigue loading, large fatigue loading also. Again if we attach the rigid coupling where there is
a large bending movement.

Due to various other reasons then also the bending movement is quite detrimental. The last point
and which is very important that is shock and impact loads gets transmitted. So the rigid
couplings are not capable of providing any cushion to the shock or impact loads. Now, the main
point of departure today will be the flexible couplings. Now these above advantages can be
reduced to some extent.

You will see after today lecture that what are the extents by flexible coupling. So, let us now
come to the flexible coupling.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:53)
Now there are few types of flexible couplings. One is the couplings with kinematic flexibility
that is the flexible members or the flexibility of the coupling is made by having some kinematic
pair inserted between. So, depending upon the kinematic pairs the couplings may have different
kinds of flexibility. One type is cross-sliding coupling. here we use 2 prismatic pairs. Universal
joint which uses spherical or special mechanism.

Gear or tooth coupling this is again a higher pair mechanism and chain coupling which consists
of large number of revolute pairs so it leads to a large flexibility of the coupling. Then coupling
may be of resilient members now here the flexibility is brought in with the help of members
which have their inherent flexibility. Now the most often used flexible members are elastomers
that is they me be rubber or some polymer or some synthetics.

Now they again work in basically 2 or 3 ways one is shear and another is compression. Again
sometimes we use metallic membrane. Now metal as such is very rigid but whenever we make a
thin plate of metal that is metallic membrane then we can get a large amount of flexibility. So
that all of you must know then flexible metallic membrane could be used in various ways. It may
be used as a spring then disk and diaphragm.

So, these are the basic types of flexible couplings which we are going to discuss now.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:00)
The first comes the Oldham coupling. Here you see this is again this name is not new to you
because while learning kinematics you must have come across this name. This is a mechanism
which has 4 joints which is one is revolute pair and 2 prismatic pairs and one revolute pair. Let
us see how they are attached. So, this is one part of the shaft this part is connected to one shaft.
This part is connected to other shaft and here there is one floating member.

And on this floating member we have 2 tongues which are made 90 degree effort. Similarly, here
we have 2 slots which met these 2 tongues. Now, you see here we have revolute pair there in this
location we have a prismatic pairs and there we have another prismatic pairs and again this is
revolute pair and so you might have learnt that kinematic inversions of this mechanisms may be
electric trommel or hand operated pump etcetera.

Now, Oldham coupling how does it operate? How does it add to flexibility? You see whenever
there is a little offset from this distance now here one point is that Oldham couplings work when
there is parallel offset. It does not take much care of the angular misalignment. But whenever a
parallel offset is there so this coupling that is this part gets engaged but it can slide over this slot.
So, therefore the slot the length of engagement gets changed.

But it transfers torque from one shaft to the other shaft. Then a variant of cross-sliding coupling
is known as American flexible coupling which again works on the similar principal here one part
is shown here. There is one recess here which the cross section or from this side it looks like that.
Similarly, there will be one another coupling, another half which will have recess here. So, inside
there is a square hollow and this is filled by this kind of (()) (08:43).

So, this is again American. This is again flexible coupling based on the cross sliding movement.
This hollow is made in order to reduce the weight and this part is made by elastomers or some
kind of synthetics which reduces the weight. Now this was about the Oldham coupling. Now let
us look at the design principles of Oldham coupling. You see the torque get transmitted by means
of this tongue.
So, it is very important to design this tongue so the strength will be taken by this tongue itself.
Now we are going to see how a designer can approach this problem.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:38)

Now coming to the design criteria of Oldham coupling let me draw the side view of a shaft. So,
this is the coupling and the other part of the coupling gets shifted by some amount let us say e.
This distance is e then the slider which is there. This is the slider that is the floating member now
this portion is only subjected to pressure. If the original diameter is D then this (()) (10:39) D-e
what you can verify very easily then you see when I draw, this is again the slider and this length
is D-e.

This is the end view of h so which has width h and this length is D-e therefore the force will
impact on it. Now it is difficult to find out the exact distribution of the force but what we can
assume that the forced is now triangularly distributed that is the distribution is somewhat like
this. So, it goes from zero to a maximum p. Now again what will be the p? This p again depends
on the material.

So, it depends exactly p must be <= sigma wearing that is the wearing stress, p must be < then
this wearing stress. So, once this is done then we can find out we can replace this entire loading
by a torque and what will be this torque? This torque is now you see here the equivalent load is F
and there F, F =1/2 times p the area of this triangle ph is the force per unit length times D-e/2 and
then we have the distance.

This distance is 2 of this distance which is =, so d =2 of 2/3 of D-e/2. Therefore, the torque will
be now if you do these calculations then the torque becomes (()) (13:13) =F times d which is =
1/6 p D-e whole square times h. So, from which we can find out that the maximum pressure p=
6T/D-e square times h. If e is much, much smaller then D then it is approximately equal to D
square h.

Now you know this torque the capacity of coupling and so you can find out this p. Now p must
be lesser then sigma b Therefore you can design what will be this h. So, this thickness could be
designed that way. Well now this is for the case when there is no clearance but invariably there
will be some manufacturing tolerance etcetera. So there will be some clearance. Let us see what
happens for the clearance case.

So, whenever we have some clearance then we see that if this is the part and here suppose there
is a clearance, this lot.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:38)

So, now the effective length will be much reduced so if the pressure acts not over the entire
surface but over a small surface so if I draw it elaborately or much longer then it becomes
something like this. So, this length there will be a gap between the pressure length and this again
this length is of course different. So Therefore we have to get some corrections and usually
normal procedure is to take the p to be 8 times T divided by this D square.

So, from this we can get the dimensions or get check for the stresses. Now this is about the
design of Oldham coupling. Now, let us see what are the problems with Oldham coupling. You
see whenever there is an offset of T then this floating member it makes a revolution of again the
center of the floating member makes a circle with radius e. And because it rotates with radius e
and it has some mass.

So, therefore some centrifugal force is developed and when a centrifugal force is developed in
one member then it leads to bending stress in the shaft. That you must all verify you draw a
diagram and it will be immediately clear. But this bending stress is again fluctuating so again it
leads to fatigue stress that is a variable loading and the shaft may be subjected to the high
fluctuating stress which may lead to failure.

So, it is always advisable to reduce the weight of this floating member because then the bending
stress will be then small. Another defect is that there is always a rubbing taking place here. This
rubbing again causes wear and tear so a high wear and tear takes place and with wear and tear of
course comes the frictional loss Therefore the efficiency goes down. So there are few advantages
that is bending stress may be developed.

Then the wear and tear may take place or the efficiency may go out because of the high frictional
torque, the frictional resistance. Now this is about the Oldham coupling. Now, let us come to
another kind of coupling which is known as Universal joints.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:52)
Let me describe what is known Universal joints. Here you see Universal joint, this is also
sometimes called Hooke’s joint. This was proposed by Hooke’s but the entire analysis was done
by Cardano much letter. So, sometimes you can hear the name Cardano joint also. So, the basic
analysis was done was Cardano also all though it was made for the first time by Robert Hooke.
Now what are the basic principles?

Here now this is the part of the shaft and here we have well this is connected to another shaft.
This is shaft 1 this is shaft 2. Now this is connected by means of what is known as (()) (18:53) or
some kind of pin. Now that pin looks little odd so this is not a single pin. So pin sometimes looks
like this now this part this shaft is connected to this pin. So the shaft 1 is connected to this pin
and shaft 2 is connected to that pin that part of this pin.

So, therefore when the shaft 1 rotates then you see the shaft 2 will be rotated. Now, it can take
care of some angular misalignment so we will see few minutes that how does it take care of this
angular misalignment but it can take care angular misalignment. Then the amount of angular
misalignment which can be taken care may be in case if you joint 2 such universal joints together
so we make double joint.

So, how say this is the first shaft let us say. Now the second shaft is somewhere here so this is
alpha 1 which the maximum angle can be taken care and usually by one Hook’s joint you can
take care of up to 45 degree angles. But then if we can add one third member into that then we
can take care of alpha 2. So, the total may be alpha 1+alpha 2 which is the total angular
misalignment which can be taken care of. What you see here is nothing but 2 such joints.

Here one joint you see one joint here another joint is there. So, therefore 2 joints are used and
this may add to the flexibility of the whole system. Now where are these Hooke’s joints used or
Universal joint used? They are used mainly whenever we want some correction because of some
inevitable manufacturing defects or may be because of vibrations. For example, in automobiles
when we want to transfer the power from gearbox to the back axle.

It may be used when we give motion to adjustable shafts. For example, multiple spindle drilling
machine. It may be used even when we want to give power to a movable part that could be used
for example in the knee of the milling machine. So, there are few various uses of the universal
joints. Now, we are going to look at some of the problems, may be the kinematics (()) (22:00)
and strength of U-joints.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:00)

Now let me explain this with the help of this diagram. What you see here is the joint and this the
very simplified view of this joint this is the one shaft which is let us say driving shaft and this is
the driven shaft. Now, here this shaft suppose we denote this name x, this is x axis. This is y axis
and this one is z axis. Now, the another shaft now here this p makes an angle gamma with the x

Now, this line is on the x, y plain. So therefore this angle is gamma and definitely this also
always makes 90 degree with the spin. So Therefore if you analyze it little bit carefully then what
you see is that this one that is whenever you give a rotation here. So, if it rotates by angle theta
let us say then this vector if I write down this is x, y and z so when it rotates then this vector and
both this one z.

So, this rotates by so this particular pin rotates by angle theta and now look at the other shaft that
shaft the spin makes an angle here. So now you can find out this vector which is a (()) (24:17)
prime. Now, originally the other vector was here b. Now, after rotations that is rotate by angle if
the driving shaft is rotate by angle phi then this rotates, this goes to a new position b prime. Now,
you can find out a prime and b prime.

Now, that must be in terms of those angle phi and theta and gamma. Now you know that a prime
these are vector quantities. So, a prime. b prime is o that is the pins are at 90 degree apart. Now,
if you use this conditions you get one relationship between theta phi and gamma. Now, where
gamma is the angle made by the 2 axis the 2 shafts the accurate angle made between the 2 shafts.

Now you have this relationship I am not going to derive this but I ask all of you to have a look
into this go whenever we have some time just try to derive this. It is not that difficult. Now, we
differentiate ones so if you make d dt differentiate of this entire expressions f, theta, phi,
gamma=0 you get this following relationship.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:53)
You get this relationship that is theta.= cosine gamma/ 1-sin square gamma cosine square phi and
phi. So, this is the relationship between theta. which is the angular velocity of the driven shaft
and so let me write down this omega 2 and divided by omega 1 will be =cosine gamma and 1-sin
square gamma cosine square phi and again if omega 1 that is the angular velocity of the driving
shaft is constant then phi is nothing but omega 1t.

So, now you see this the angular velocity of the driven shaft is now time varying. So, here we
have this difficulty that all though the angular velocity of the driving shaft is constant the angular
velocity of the driven shaft is now changing with time. Now let us look at the maximum and
minimum values of that. Now, omega 2 maximum that is this will have maximum value. When
maximum occurs?

When this denominator is minimum that is this part is maximum and that can occur when cosine
phi so the maximum value of it will be sin square phi. So therefore we have cosine gamma
divided by 1-sin square gamma. Again if you write 1-sin square gamma to be cosine gamma so
this is nothing but 1/cosine gamma. So this is the maximum value what about the minimum
value will be when this one is maximum and that cab be only 1.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:15)
So, this is cosine gamma so therefore it varies from 1/cosine gamma to cosine gamma. So, if
gamma is say for the maximum limit 45 degree then this varies from root 2 to 1/root 2. So, there
is a high fluctuation between the angular velocity. The relative change in the angular velocity can
be written this way.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:59)

So, relative change this omega 2 –omega 2 max- omega 2, min divided by omega 1this is the
maximum change and that you can poof to be 1/cosine gamma – cosine gamma which you can
do a little trigonometric manipulation and you get this is sin gamma time tangent gamma. So,
one thing is clear that if gamma is zero then this becomes zero. So, for a perfectly aligned shaft
you get the same speed as that of the driving shaft.
But if gamma is variable then non zero then you get some value of this. So, this is quite
important because we get a what is known as the variable velocity, variable speed and with
variable speed comes the variable bending movement and that is also very much detrimental. So,
now we see that one problem with the universal joint is that it leads to non-uniform angular
velocity of the driving shaft.

Now, how to take care of that if you can use 2 such pairs say here and there so there are 2
universal joints. Now here the thing is that they must be parallel. These 2 are parallel shafts and
this 2 are in the same plane that is whenever that happens then you can be see that the angular
velocity of the driving shaft will be equal to angular velocity of the driven shaft. So, by
combining 2 universal joints we can get uniform velocity.

There are other mechanism also or other kinds of universal joints also which use a single
universal joint but when it can have uniform velocity. So, those are called synchronous universal
joint. So, there are few kinds you can have a look at them in some good reference book but those
are used in automobiles mainly in Soviet Russia. Now, there is another problem which I am
going to talk right now.
(Refer Slide Time: 31:37)
Here that is you see that now if this is the pin. Now here one shaft is aligned that another shaft is
aligned a little skewed. Then if you give a constant torque here T then if you can divide that is
you have some component T1 and some component T2. So what happens? Then this T1 is
responsible for turning of the shaft. Whereas what happens for this T2? This T2 induces some
bending movement.

So, if you look at the shaft this shaft, shaft 2 then what you see that there is one T1 and there is
another T2 and this T2 is nothing but the bending movement. So, you will have to have some
bearing here and this bearing get stressed and it leads to even fluctuating stress and that may lead
to failure. So, these are the problems with the universal joint. Well, never the less these are very
popular joints.

Popular kinds of couplings in order to couple very heavy equipments and these are in use. So this
is all about the universal joint.
(Refer Slide Time: 33:07)

Now, we look at another kind of joint, another kind of coupling which is known as gear or tooth
coupling. Here you see this part so again the flexible member is the gear I shall explain how but
this part let us see the diagram. This is the shaft 1 and this is another shaft 2 and this is connected
by means of this sleeve. There are 2 sleeve here, there so you see these are parts of the sleeve and
this sleeve have (()) (33:48) that is gear teeth on the external surface.
Again there is another cell, there are couple of cells which are flanged together as you see here
and this cell has the internal gear teeth. So, therefore here the gear tip match as you can see here.
So, now these gear teeth can lead to some amount of flexibility. How? We know that there exists
some backlash in the gear teeth. So because of the manufacturing defect there may be backlash
and purposefully yes, some backlash is kept.

So, whenever there is some angular misalignment then that backlash can take care of that
misalignment. So this is one way it can take care angular misalignment. So, this is one way it can
take angular misalignment. Maybe sometimes also the parallel offset misalignment. When there
is axial movement then of course this is very easy to see that one gear tooth can slide above the
other tooth very easily because there is lubrication there.

So, therefore it can take some amount of axial movement. So, therefore this is very much useful
and what are the advantages of this kind of gear or tooth coupling. One is that it can have a very
large capacity, the torque capacity is very large. Secondly, the speed maybe very high the gear
may rotate at a large speed and third and which is very, very important that is it is very easy to
manufacture a gear.

So, the productivity is very, very large for the gear coupling Therefore it has got wide acceptance
amongst the industrial appliances. But few things which we want to say here for example what
you see here is again the gear coupling but here the gear is spur gear that is straight tooth gear
whereas here in this case the gear is now, you see this gear has some other kind of teeth. So, in
one case we have this kind of spur gear.

So, this is the one tooth of the gear so this is here what you see in the left figure. In the right
figure you see this is relatively bend to spherical surface and you see this is somewhat bend and
this is known as crowned gear. So, it again gives a little bit of flexibility to the overall system.
Now, this is something about the gear or tooth coupling.
(Refer Slide Time: 37:20)
Now let us come to another coupling which is known chain coupling. Here you see chains are
used. So there are 2 shafts, shaft 1 and shaft 2 and again it is connected by 2 flanges. But there
are pockets there what you see these are the pockets and around pockets we have this chain. Now
chains are very flexible as all of you know Therefore it gives some flexibility to the coupling

So, this is very, very accepted couplings and there are large numbers of manufacturers for this
chain coupling. Here what you see is again the photographs of a chain coupling here the usual
chains are used. There are double rows of chains what you see here in this diagram again the
similar kind of chain but now it is made of nylon. So this is nylon type chain coupling. Why it is

It definitely as you might have guessed by now that it leads to some damping of the coupling. So
it provides some damping arrangements as well. So, these are some kind of chain coupling.
(Refer Slide Time: 38:47)
Now again the next thing is the elastomeric pin coupling. Now, here we first come across this
term elastomeric coupling. Here what we do we use elastomers that is mainly the rubber
material. We use elastomers most useful is the rubber because it has a large storage capacity of
load that is it can take a large stress and of course it is now a days it is easy to manufacture and
prepare. Now, let us look at the silent features.

What you see here is this is again 1 shaft, this is the shaft 2. And again there are 2 flange
coupling now this is very much similar to flange coupling but unlike the other flange coupling
which we have studied earlier this has inherent asymmetry. So this part is not symmetric so this
is not symmetric as that. Now this is connected by bolts now here we have these elastomers.
Now the elastomers may be ring type there is small ring or that may be a bush type that is
sometimes we have this kind of elastomers.

There is a bush which is bound around the part of this bolt and then it provides some flexibility.
Now, when you want to design that then definitely what is most important part is that bolt. Now
this bolt design for the flange coupling we have seen already. But here the difference is that here
for example I draw the part of this bolt on top of it this elastomer and again the load comes on
this elastomer.
Here comes to the load and that comes from the bearing pressure on the elastomer. Now you see
this part which is subjected to both bending and the shear force and there will be shear stress in
the bolt as well as there will be bending stress. You see if you can draw the bending movement
diagram you can have some kind of bending movement diagram which is something like this.
So, it has some bending stress here and there will be the shear stress.

So, you have to calculate both the bending stress and shear stress and there from you calculate
tau sigma and then you calculate either sigma prime is sigma square +3 tau square if you use the
von Mises theory of failure or if you want to use the maximum shear stress then maximum shear
stress will be tau max =sigma/2 square +tau square and either way you can check for the safety
or the strength of the bolt or you can design the bolt if you want.

Now another way of looking at the stress is that of the bush here. The bush as you see is
subjected to or the elastomer is subjected to bearing pressure.
(Refer Slide Time: 43:29)

And this bearing pressure you can calculate and the procedure is very similar to calculating the
bearing pressure is the bolt in the flange coupling. So, we are not going to discuss this. Now, this
is again a modification of the flange coupling where we have used some kind of flexibility into
it. Now, this is about the elastomeric pin coupling.
(Refer Slide Time: 44:14)
Now let us see the type of elastomers used in coupling. So, there are various kinds of elastomers
used in coupling. So, there are various kind of elastomers which are used as a member of
coupling and these elastomers they are used either in shear or in compressions. But compression
is the most favour only because that there is no need of bounding. You can imagine if you want
to share it share a rubber then you will have to bind between 2 surfaces.

Whereas this bounding is unnecessary if you use the compressive stress now here what you see
here there are again 2 cases where a number of elastomers are used as you see in the first row
and there may be case where a single elastomer is used which you see in the other rows. So, this
is the case where number of elastomers are used and this is again working principle is

So, this is the part of shaft one shaft and this is the part of the other shaft and they are connected
by means of those compressive elastomers. Again this is the case this looks like a trapeze where
here it looks very much like a cycle so now again this is compressions. But you see here is again
compression you get compression from here, compression from there. But here you get both
shear and compressions it is subjected here.

So, you see that you can get compressive stress as well as the shear may occur along this plain.
Here you get in this figure you get compression as well as bending now because the forces acted
here, forced applied there. So, this bending might take place that is it may deflect this way and
that leads to bending. In this case this is a single member now this is subjected to compressions.
In 2 shafts, each of the shafts you will get this kind of pockets which when work they lead to
compressive stress inside this member.

So, this is very much useful and it is used as rubber pocket member. This again has a
complicated motion. Here this part this is compressed similarly here the entire is this way along
he clockwise direction. Here one part is in clockwise direction and another the anticlockwise.
Here of course there is a torsion. What you see there is a torsion. So, if this is the elastomer then
it is subjected to torsion.

Similarly, here this is subjected to torsion if this is connected to one shaft. This is connected to
other shaft when it rotates then you see a large torsional stress or torsion is developed so shear
stress develops as well as in addition to pure torsion it also (()) (47:57) shear. Here you see both
the effect the torsion as well as shear. So, when this is one shaft. This is other shaft so whenever
it moves in this way then of course you get a large shear stress in this region.

Similarly, here so these are the few cases types of elastomers which are used in coupling. Now if
you want to know more about the elastomeric couplings then you should read some book. We are
not going to speak on the elastomer any more.
(Refer Slide Time: 48:46)
Now let us come to another kind of coupling which is known as metallic spring coupling. Here
what you see is the 2 shafts and this is connected by coupling. Here there are 2 flanges and this
flanges there are 2 hubs here what you see 2 protrusions something like this and there are slots
cut over here. On the top of the slot we use the springs as you see here. So there are springs and
this springs they look like so this is one part.

This is another part. Similarly, here there is one part there is another part. So, now if you look at
the spring then this is one side of the spring these are the 2 parts as I see here this way. Now
whenever there is shock then it can take care of this shock this gives sufficient flexibility and this
is very much used. This is sometimes called the Falk coupling but this is metallic spring
coupling. There are other kind of metallic couplings which use the disc or the diaphragm.

Now, again if you want to know more about this disc or diaphragm coupling please look at some
good reference book. Now, what we have known? We had known now few types of flexible
coupling. The first kind if the kinematic flexibility that is flexibility with the kinematic members
and we use Oldham coupling. We used where we studied Universal joint, again we studied what
is known as the gear or the teeth coupling and also chain drives.

And in the flexible members we have used the elastomeric coupling. Elastomeric coupling, we
have only studied the pin type elastomeric coupling or sometimes pin bush coupling and then I
have shown you some types of elastomers which are used. Then lastly we have studied
something about the metallic spring coupling. Now, these are the broad overview of different
kind of flexible coupling.

Let us look now at some dynamic considerations of the flexible coupling.

(Refer Slide Time: 51:58)

Here when we design some flexible coupling we have to care of few things. One is the stiffness
of the coupling and stiffness is just like when you talk of stiffness of a spring, if you elongate it
and elongate it by a distance x then you measure the force then you get this kind of curve and the
slope is known as the stiffness. So, the stiffness is given if Kx. Then the second point is the
damping of the coupling.

Now, whenever there is a motion involved then it must damp out and those 2 are very much
essential because the flexible couplings should also absorb some of the shock load. Take for
example the case when we have reversal of drive, in 2-way drive then there may be backlash and
because of backlash there may be sudden shock on the drive system and we have to absorb the
shock in the coupling itself and we should not allow it to be transmitted.

Because if it is allowed to be transmitted then the torsional vibration may take place and that
may lead to large fatigue stress and which may ultimately lead to the failure of the member. So
the stiffness has damping is very, very important thing. You see sometimes when you have this
kind of diagram then the stiffness if it is linear stiffness this diagram looks like this. So if you
elongate then it falls on this line.

But if it is none linear that may sometimes happen that if it is none linear then it may be
something like this. Then when there is a damping present then whenever you give excitations to
it then it traverses one loop per cycle which is known as the hysteresis loop. This area of this
hysteresis loop will be governing what is the damping inside it. Now if you linear spring is used
and linear damping is used.

Then what you get that if you find out the percentage of the load transmitted so this is the
percentage of transmitted load, transmitted torque or so then with damping you get this kind of
distribution that is if the natural frequency, frequency of excitations that is excited force is almost
equal to the natural frequency we get a large transfer. But if we use the damping high then of
course this peak gets down.

If you use the none linearity, then you get this kind of relationship. So you see using the none
linear we can reduce this maximum limit to a large extent. And the large extent and the last point
what we must know is the balancing of coupling that is very important and you must know that
in a dynamic rotating system we always have to balance to the machines. So these are the various
points of the flexible coupling which we must consider. So that is all from today and thank you
very much.
(Refer Slide Time: 55:53)
Lecture number 22 and the topic is Design of riveted joints. Now, in the last few lectures you
were taught how to design one none permanent joint. None permanent in the same that the joints
are such that anytime they could be dismantled or disassembled if the requirement arises. So
these are the none permanent type joints. There is another kind of joint which is known as the
permanent fastener or permanent joints.
(Refer Slide Time: 56:25)

So, let us come to the types of permanent fasteners again the permanent fasteners are those
fasteners where the components can be disassembled only by damaging those components. So,
here these are permanent joints. Now, again the components are held by 2 methods they may be
held by mechanical force that is we give a large mechanical force such that they are held
together. There are 2 examples one is the riveted joints which will be the subject matter to
today’s lecture.

The second is the press-fitted or interference-fitted joint. This is again will be taught in
somewhat detail later afterwards. But here the purpose of the joint is that we press one part into
the other and make joint a permanent joint. The components could be held together by molecular
force. There may be few situations that is we talk of welded joints. We may talk of soldered
joints and we talk of glued joints using the adhesives.

So, these are very important joints and will be discussed later on. So, now we start discussing on
the riveted joints. Now let us come to the basic geometry and the types of rivets. We must know
what is a riveted joint? How does a rivet look like and so on. So, let us see.
(Refer Slide Time: 58:05)

A rivet it looks like the following.

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