PH Aramco
PH Aramco
PH Aramco
NUR 2140
Course number: NUR 2140 Class Reference Number: Multiple Term: 2013-1
Course Description:
This course begins the nursing student's education on the concepts of Pharmacotherapeutics,
establishing a knowledge base that applies to patient care and education. At the completion of this
course the student will understand the major drug classifications, through the use of prototypes and
understand the five concepts of human functioning emphasizing Pathophysiology structured on the
steps of the Nursing process.
Course Learning Outcomes: As a result of taking this course, the student will be able to:
1 Cite historical perspectives contributing to the development of pharmacology through the present.
Utilize the nursing process and the five concepts of human functioning to assess
appropriate/inappropriate responses to therapy.
Identify the roles of the professional nurse in relation to medication administration and education
in both acute care and community health settings.
Employ critical thinking skills to determine the effectiveness of medication administration on client
care outcomes.
Predict potential drug-drug interactions and drug-food interactions based on physiologic responses
to pharmacological agents and apply critical thinking skills for appropriate intervention.
Recognize differences in physiology and pathophysiology that must be considered in assessing
7 correct dosages administered to “at risk” populations such as the fetus, infant, child, pregnant
woman, and the frail elderly.
Describe the legal and ethical principles related to research and practice of medication
administration in nursing.
Relate the differences in Pharmacology use and its effects across the lifespan, when administering
medications to culturally diverse populations commonly occurring diseases.
Define the pharmacological terminology pertinent to specific categories and classifications of
medications in relation to drug effects on commonly occurring diseases.
Identify major classifications of pharmacotherapeutics by prototypes as used in the treatment of
commonly occurring health challenges.
Interpret effective communication in reports of the action, rationale for use, common and/or life-
12 threatening side effects, nursing implications, and client teaching issues for each major
classification of medications.
1. Adams, P., Holland, L. & Urban, C. (2011). Pharmacology for Nurses: a pathophysiologic approach. (3rd
Ed) New Jersey: Prentice Hall. ISBN 13-978-0-13-508981-1.
3. Wilson, B. et al (2012). Nurse’s drug guide 2012 New Jersey: Prentice Hall. ISBN-10: 0-13-259867-X or
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-255867-9
4. Palm Beach State College Syllabus for NUR 2140 Syllabus is posted online.
You may purchase your textbook(s) at any one of Palm Beach State College’s campus bookstores or
The Electronic Essential Nursing Resources (ENR) Video list is recommended & available in MTIS (Media
Technology and Instructional Services) located on the first floor of the LLRC.
Web Content Information: This course has an Internet Component which is on the BlackBoard Learn
eLearning Campus. To pass this course, you must be able to access this web site.
It is the student's responsibility to have accessed this site no later than the semester start date. The
web site has a security system which requires a Sign on and a Password. Only registered students will be
able to access the course. On-line students are not permitted to attend “live lecture classes”.
On hours and days that the Help Desk is closed, the student may leave a voice message or an e-mail and
the issue will be addressed the next business day.
Faculty Office Hours are Posted on Faculty Web Pages and Outside Office
Assignments: NUR 2140 will have six exams, a cumulative final exam, a written paper; assigned case
studies; and class participation. See grading scale for details. All students are encouraged to participate
fully in classroom activities. All readings, classroom discussions, AV material, and guest speakers are
testable material.
Late Assignment Policy: All late assignments will lose 5% for each day beyond the scheduled due date
unless prior arrangements have been approved by the instructor.
All students must achieve an average grade of 75% on all tests before grades for assignments, journal
critique, and class participation will be added for a final grade. An end of course grade of 75% is
required to pass this course.
Test 1 = 10%
Test 2 = 10%
Test 3 = 10%
Test 4 = 10%
Test 5 = 10%
Test 6 = 10%
Final Exam = 20%
Paper/Journal Article = 5%
Class participation = 10%
Assignments/Discussions = 5%
Total 100%
ALL students are expected to attend all classes. In the event of an absence due to extenuating
circumstances, the student is expected to notify the appropriate faculty member.
Electronic Device Use: Laptops and Hand-held devices are allowed in class for note-taking purposes,
only. The use of Hand-held devices that are iPOD capable are encouraged to facilitate downloadable
information as learning strategies and study tools. Cell phones must be turned off in class and are
prohibited in the campus Testing Centers.
Email Policy: All students have access to a college email account. It is the responsibility of the student to
activate this account in order to be kept current with college, program and course information. This
course has a web component that has email within the course. Course email should be used for all
course-related communications with faculty.
Faculty will contact students via college and course email, so be certain to check these email accounts
twice weekly for any updates or changes to coursework.
Equipment & Supplies: Required text books; access to a computer with active Internet service; word
processing and printing capabilities are essential to be successful in this class.
Professor’s Expectations: The student will participate in discussions; will observe “Netiquette”; will read
the assigned chapters; will make an appointment with the faculty member at the first indication of a test
grade below 75%, for faculty mentoring and remediation plans.
Classroom Strategies
A. Class Discussion
B. Media Presentations: Video, Transparencies, PowerPoint
C. Group Presentations/Case Scenarios
D. Critical Thinking Exercises
Evaluation Methods
A. Group/Individual Activities
B. Critical Thinking Assignments
C. Class Attendance/Participation
D. Periodic Exams, Final Examination
E. Critique of a Journal Article/written paper
Unique Requirements of the Class: This course has an Internet Component which is on the BlackBoard
Learn eLearning Campus.
To pass the course, you must be able to access this web site.
Although Nursing is a limited access program and as such maintains policies and procedures specific to
Nursing Department needs, all students enrolled in a nursing course will adhere to the Palm Beach State
College policies as stated in the Palm Beach State College Student Handbook.
All students enrolled in a Nursing course must maintain compliance with the policies and procedures
published in the Nursing Student Handbook in addition to those established for the general college
population by Palm Beach State College.
1. Make sure you have all the computer system requirements as listed in the Computer Requirements
section of this syllabus.
2. Obtain course materials. The textbook(s) can be purchased at the Palm Beach State College campus
bookstore or online.
3. Log onto the course web site BlackBoard Learn eLearning Campus. Use your PantherWeb logon
4. Once inside the course website, read the "Mandatory Online Orientation" and complete the
Orientation Quiz.
5. Explore the different parts of the website. Be sure you print the syllabus, course calendar or class
schedule, and assignment sheet so that you know what is expected of you during the semester.
6. Begin completing your assignments as listed on the course calendar and/or class schedule.
7. Print the note-taking handouts for each section of content.
Have fun!
Changes may be made to the syllabus at any time during the term by announcement of the
professor. It is the responsibility of the student to make any adjustments as announced.
Note: Paper must be submitted by due date to be graded. Late papers will not be accepted unless prior
arrangements have been made with instructor. If accepted, a late paper will lose 5 points for every
day it is late. This paper is mandatory and must be submitted in order to receive a grade for this