Recruiter Report: 57714: Not Recommended
Recruiter Report: 57714: Not Recommended
Recruiter Report: 57714: Not Recommended
Applicant Information
Name:Ashley Readon
Application Date:Thu Jun 06 17:32:00 EDT 2019
Applicant ID:41205715
Session ID:625006635742316357
This report is confidential and its contents are intended to assist in the prediction of an applicant's work
behavior. If you would like more information about this interpretive report or other products that SHL offers,
please contact your account representative.
Overall Score
Detailed Results
Score Interpretation
Professional Potential
This is a measure of one’s past experiences, behaviors, and perceptions in the workplace and when
interacting with others. Responses on this scale predict job success across roles and industries. It is intended
to measure general work orientation rather than specific aspects of work behavior.
The candidate’s responses concerning behaviors, experiences, and perceptions in the workplace and when
working with others is somewhat similar to those of highly effective employees. This suggests the candidate
shares some similar background experiences and perceptions commonly endorsed by successful employees,
indicating that the candidate may be likely to engage in behaviors that typically contribute to success in this
position, such as meeting deadlines, being prompt and timely, and achieving goals.
This measures the ability to efficiently and effectively use numerical and analytical reasoning to gather
information and solve real-world problems.
The candidate is likely to respond effectively to simple and complex customer requests, and he/she is likely
to learn new procedures quickly. The candidate has an above-average ability to identify required information,
seek alternative sources of information, and combine details to solve problems.
Data Entry Skills
This is a measure of speed and accuracy when typing presented data into fields on a computer form. Specific
skills that are measured include data entry speed, data entry accuracy, and error recognition.
When typing presented data into specific fields on a computer form, the candidate demonstrates average
ability to type data quickly and accurately. The candidate is likely to perform these tasks at an adequate
level on the job.
This component measures the tendency to set and accomplish challenging goals, while persisting in the face
of significant obstacles. This trait is characterized by: working hard; taking satisfaction and pride in
producing high-quality work; and being competitive.
The candidate is likely to accept moderately challenging goals, but is less likely to take on aggressive
projects without specific prodding. The candidate may persist for a time in working through obstacles, but
may tend to give up in the face of significant challenges. The candidate shows an average level of
competitiveness and a moderate intensity in his/her work.
This component measures the tendency of a person's responsibility for his/her own actions and a
commitment to performing assigned tasks. This trait is characterized by: reliability; proactive involvement in
work; and a dedication to complete even the most mundane tasks.
This candidate is likely to approach interesting work with careful planning and preparation. However, the
candidate may avoid mundane or boring tasks, preferring to find work that is more stimulating or more
easily accomplished without extensive planning. When working on difficult assignments, this candidate may
procrastinate and fail to prioritize important elements.
This component measures the tendency to be thorough and precise in approaching work and personal
activities. This trait is characterized by: being accurate; finding and correcting errors; and maintaining order
in work and personal affairs.
This candidate will likely appear to work in a haphazard and disorganized manner. The candidate does not
value a thorough and precise approach to his/her work, often resulting in careless errors, failure to recognize
important details, or losing track of important information. His/her work area may be unorganized and
sloppy, adding to concerns over his/her ability to maintain efficiency in his/her work.
This measures the candidate's tendency to be influential, confident, and persistent when working towards
sales goals. This trait is characterized by suggesting solutions to meet customer needs, demonstrating
confidence in the sales process, and persisting and displaying resiliency when faced with challenges or
The candidate's response profile indicates that he/she may struggle to succeed in a sales role. The candidate
may be more likely than other candidates to lack influence, self-confidence, and persistence. The candidate
may become overwhelmed by challenging goals and have trouble maintaining momentum in the sales
This component measures the likelihood of effectively performing a contact center role in a remote working
environment. Remote work potential is composed of ambiguity tolerance, intrinsic motivation, autonomy,
creation of structure, comfort with minimal social contact, risk taking, work/life separation, and proactive
The candidate is likely to excel in a remote work environment. This candidate is likely to be intrinsically
motivated to meet deadlines and complete the scheduled work. He/she is unlikely to be impacted by minimal
social contact, and is more likely to be comfortable with increased ambiguity in work tasks. When under
pressure, the candidate will likely be proactive in solving customer issues.
Assessment Scores
Score 2.83
Proficiency Level: Proficient(2.50 - 3.50)
Time Summary:
Time Taken (mm:ss): 05:00
Started on: 6/6/19 5:48 PM
Completed on: 6/6/19 5:54 PM