Nuclear Fusion - Energy For Future
Nuclear Fusion - Energy For Future
Nuclear Fusion - Energy For Future
Abstract This invited paper has been written on the 50th anniversary of the Institute of Nuclear Research (IBJ). The
introduction describes basic nuclear fusion reactions and the appearance of high-temperature plasma, as well as different
methods of the plasma generation and containment. The first part of the paper contains a concise description of the
present status of research on controlled fusion and the construction of a thermonuclear reactor. The most important
results of experiments oriented on magnetic confinement fusion (MCF) or inertial confinement fusion (ICF) are
characterized. The second part of the paper presents a story of high-temperature plasma research carried out at IBJ
(and now continued at IPJ) at Świerk. The main experimental facilities and scientific results, as obtained with those, are
described. The most important achievements of IBJ (IPJ) researchers in the field of plasma physics and technology
are indicated, and in particular: invention and development of the so-called RPI facilities producing intense plasma-ion
streams, discovery and experimental study of a new configuration of a magnetic trap called the spherical multipole
(SM) configuration, development of various plasma diagnostic techniques, and the optimization of different plasma-
focus (PF) facilities.
Key words fusion reaction • magnetic confinement • inertial confinement • RPI facility • SM magnetic trap
can relatively easily realize the fusion of deuterons and TNT, and 1 kg of D-T mixture can deliver energy of
tritons through several reactions: 80 kilotons of TNT.
In the early 50s of the XX century, simultaneously
(1) D + 2D → 3T + p + 4.0 MeV
with military oriented tests, a research was undertaken
(2) 2
D + 2D → 3He + n + 3.2 MeV to realize controlled fusion and to construct a thermo-
(3) 2
D + 3T → 4He + n + 17.6 MeV nuclear reactor. Taking into account that the fossil fuels
(4) 2
D + 3He → 4He + p + 18.4 MeV can be exhausted, and the conventional nuclear (fission-
based) reactors produce radioactive wastes, the fusion
These fusion reactions are possible if the interacting research was strongly motivated by search for new
nuclei have energy high enough to overcome the re- energy sources. It was estimated that the deuterium
pulsion of their positive charges (so-called the Coulomb resources in water upon the Earth are about 1017 kg,
barrier). In analogy to the chemical burning process one equivalent to about 1024 kWh, while the present power
can say that it is necessary to achieve the nuclear consumption amounts to about 5 × 109 kW.
“ignition temperature”. At very high temperatures the In order to achieve the positive energy balance in
matter is in the plasma state, which constitutes a mixture the thermonuclear reactor, high-temperature plasma
of free electrons and positive ions or atomic nuclei. Hot must have an appropriate concentration and lifetime,
plasma can lose energy by an intense electromagnetic i.e. at the lower density (n), the confinement time (τ)
emission. Weakly ionized plasma emits different spectral must be longer [38]. This condition is determined by
lines of ions, but at higher temperatures fully-ionized the so-called Lawson criterion: for the D-D, fusion one
plasma can emit the continuous spectrum from must obtain nτ > 1016 s/cm3, and for D-T fusion, this
recombination (of ions and electrons) and electron product should be > 3 × 1014 s/cm3. Considering the
bremsstrahlung. With an increase in the temperature dependence on the plasma temperature (T), it is more
the efficiency of nuclear fusion increases faster, and the reasonable to use the so-called triple product TneτE,
“ignition temperature” is achieved when energy released where τE is the energy confinement time (taking into
from fusion reactions is higher than radiation losses. It account losses due to electromagnetic and corpuscular
amounts to about 350 millions K for pure deuterium radiation, particle diffusion, thermal conductivity,
plasma, and about 45 millions K for a deuterium-tritium convection, etc.).
mixture. The fusion reactions can also be realized by
acceleration of deuterons or tritons and the bombardment
of targets containing deuterium or tritium, but such Progress in nuclear fusion research
processes occur without thermodynamic equilibrium
and they cannot be called thermonuclear reactions. In From the very beginning of fusion studies, it was known
high-temperature plasma the energy distribution of that the most simple method to produce hot plasma is
electrons is often different from that of ions, but (in spite the application of high-current electrical discharges.
of a lack of the equilibrium) the use is made of such Taking into account that fully ionized plasma consists
parameters as electron temperature (Te) and ion tem- of charged particles (ions and electrons), physicists tried
perature (Ti). These parameters are usually expressed to contain it by means of magnetic fields. Different types
in electron-volts (eV), keeping in mind that 1 eV of such magnetic traps are presented in Fig. 1.
corresponds to about 11,400 K. Unfortunately, field lines in the magnetic traps of
Aiming to the mastering of new energy sources, Mirror- or Cusp-type are not closed inside the plasma
physicists undertook tests to perform thermonuclear volume, and charged particles can partially escape
reaction on the Earth. In the early 50s of the last century through the so-called loss cones. Using various methods
there were performed tests with the so-called enriched of the plasma generation and heating, e.g. by means of
atomic bombs, which contained 235U and some amounts current pulses and injection of high-energy ions, in such
of deuterium and tritium [20]. The first fully thermo- systems it was possible to obtain the plasma concentra-
nuclear explosion, which was equivalent to 10 megatons tion of 1013−1014 cm−3 and confinement times of the
of TNT, was performed by the US army in 1952. About order of 10−3−10−1 s only. Therefore, the next step was
10 months later the Soviet Union army realized the first the use of quasi-toroidal traps with closed magnetic field
thermonuclear explosion with the use of lithium lines: Stellarators (developed in the USA) and
reactions: Tokamaks (developed in the Soviet Union). In
Stellarators, additionally to coils generating a toroidal
(5) Li + n → 4He + 3T + 4.8 MeV
field (Bz) there were used special windings producing
(6) 6
Li + p → 4He + 3He + 3.9 MeV the so-called poloidal field (BΘ), which caused some
(7) 6
Li + 2D → 2 4He + 22.3 MeV twisting of the magnetic field lines and improved plasma
stability. To heat plasma in Stellarators, the use was
In the modern 3F-type (fission-fusion-fission) bombs usually made of electromagnetic waves of frequencies
the fission of 235U or 239Pu triggers the thermonuclear ensuring the cyclotron resonance of electrons or ions.
fusion reactions of the material containing lithium and In the late 60s of the XX century, particular attention
deuterium, while the emitted neutrons induce the was paid to Tokamaks, in which the poloidal magnetic
fission of an outer shield made of 238U. It should be field was produced by a strong current flowing induced
reminded that the fission of 1 kg of uranium releases in plasma ring by mean of a large transformer [38]. Very
energy equivalent to 20 kilotons of TNT, while the good results obtained within the T-10 facility (at the
fusion of 1 kg of 6LiD releases energy of 68 kilotons of Kurchatov Institute in Moscow) changed directions of
Nuclear fusion – energy for future S43
transformer yoke
magnetic field
toroidal magnetic
plasma current resultant field
windings producing field BΘ flow magnetic
1000 Year
Fusion product, niτE, Ti (×1020 m−3 s, MoC)
1965 Fig. 4. Artistic view of the future ITER facility, which shows
1 10 100 1000 the size of the main experimental chamber and magnetic coils.
Central ion temperature Ti (MoC) The large radius of the chamber should be 6 meters, and the
overall ITER dimensions should be about 30 m × 30 m. The
Fig. 3. Results of the largest tokamak-type experiments, which facility should produce 500 MW in repetitive pulses lasting
show the progress in fusion research. Values of the so-called 100 s each.
fusion product (niTiτE) include the highest values of the ion
concentration (ni), ion temperature (Ti) and energy confine-
ment time (τE). on the inertial confinement (ICF). In that case the main
aim was to produce very dense and hot plasma, in which
(in spite of its very short lifetime) one could achieve
that the plasma heating in those experiments consumed a large number of fusion reactions. The simplest method
22 MW in energetic neutral particles (NBI) and about was based on the use of ultrahigh-current linear
3 MW in microwaves (ICRH). Nevertheless, these good discharges (so-called Z-pinch experiments) which
results accelerated the design of a large ITER (Interna- produce their own magnetic fields for the plasma
tional Tokamak Experimental Reactor) facility. Four confinement. Many Z-pinch experiments have demon-
large teams of scientists (from EC, Japan, USA and strated that such facilities might be sources of very
Russia) were engaged in various tokamak studies intense X-ray pulses [40], as shown in Fig. 5.
and the detailed project of ITER. Some crisis appeared Another method of the generation of very dense
in 1996, when two theoreticians (W. Dorland and magnetized plasma was based on the use of two coaxial
M. Kotschenreuther) from Texas University presented electrodes [4, 25]. A high-current pulse discharge
a theoretical model describing the development of between such electrodes can form a dense plasma layer
strong turbulences inside high-temperature plasma (current sheath), which (after its acceleration along the
under conditions assumed for ITER. The US govern- electrode) can collapse at the z-axis and form a dense
ment shut down the financing of several laboratories plasma region (plasma focus).
and decided to withdraw from the ITER project. Design Due to the described processes, it is possible to
studies have, however, been continued by EC and produce dense and high-temperature plasma of a con-
Japanese teams, as shown in Fig. 4. centration of 1017−1019 cm−3, temperatures ranging from
Some stoppage of tokamak research (in the mid several hundred eV to several keV and lifetimes of the
1990s) accelerated studies of other options. Germany order of 100−200 ns. It should be noted that studies of
and Japan continued intense research on advanced such plasma discharges have been carried out in Poland
Stellarator systems. After a series of successful experi- for many years. Several PF-type facilities have been
ments with several Wendelstein facilities, which showed constructed and investigated at IBJ (and continued by
good agreement with theoretical predictions, the German IPJ) at Świerk, and later on at the Military Academy of
government undertook decision to finance the construc- Technology (WAT) and IPPLM in Warsaw. On the
tion of a large Stellerator Wendelstein 7-X in a new basis of those studies a new mega-joule PF-1000 facility
research centre in Greifswald [39]. A considerable [26, 35], which is the largest Mather-type machine in
progress has also been achieved with helical facilities the world, has been designed and constructed, as shown
investigated in Japan. New Japanese experiments and in Fig. 6.
the Wendelstein 7-X machine (probably available in Progress in the pulse power technique made it also
several years) should enable to verify the scaling laws possible a revival of Z-pinch experiments [40]. A new
and to make next step towards the construction of a technology enables the generation of current pulses of
fusion reactor based on these complicated magnetic intensities ranging many MA. Experiments with the
configurations. generation of intense electron- or proton-beams (in
Simultaneously with studies of different magnetic PBFA and ANGARA machines) have been shut down,
confinement fusion (MCF) concepts, in some military mainly because of the difficulties with the focusing of
research centres, there was carried out intense research such beams upon nuclear micro-targets. Fusion-
Nuclear fusion – energy for future S45
2 million Volts
1 million Amps
Fig. 5. High-speed camera pictures of Z-pinch type discharges (on the left) and the X-ray emission yield vs. the discharge
current, as measured in several Z-pinch experiments carried out in the USA.
oriented research based on the use of high-energy heavy consisting of 480 very thin tungsten wires there were
ions has never been started on a reasonable scale. produced record X-ray yields of the total power of
Nevertheless, the rising interest in extremely high- 290 TW. Such X-ray pulses could be used for ICF
current discharges induced the design and construction purposes, but recent computer simulations have shown
of many Z-pinch facilities, particularly in the USA and that one needs X-ray pulses of power ranging 1000 TW
Russia. The modular construction of those facilities and energy of about 16 MJ. For these purposes, the
enabled record discharge power of 1014−1016 W to Sandia Laboratories has started to build a new X-1
be achieved, but fusion neutron yields appeared to be Machine. Due to rapid development of laser technology,
moderate. A simplified scheme of a powerful SATURN the ICF research has been oriented on the use of diffe-
facility is presented in Fig. 7. rent powerful lasers. Initially the use was made of
This system was used for numerous Z-pinch type Nd-glass lasers (λ = 1.05 µm), and micro-targets in the
experiments with the implosion of thin cylindrical form of miniature glass spheres filled up with a D-T
targets composed of many (from several dozens to mixture. In the USA, in the 1970s, there were built several
several hundreds) very thin metal (usually W) wires. powerful laser systems, e.g. JANUS (0.2−0.4 TW),
The experiments with the implosion of 12.5-mm-i.d. ARGUS (2−4 TW) and SHIVA (25−30 TW). In the
cylinders (consisted of 70 tungsten wires of 7.5 µm in 1980s, there were put into operation new systems:
diameter) generated X-ray pulses of energy equal to SHIVA-II (100−200 TW) and SHIVA-NOVA
450−800 kJ. After some modernization, the SATURN (200−300 TW). Large laser facilities were also built in
machine was converted into the Z-Machine in which France (PHEBUS and LULI), in Japan (from
one can generate current pulses of intensity reaching GEKKO-II to GEKKO-XII), in GB (VULCAN and
27 MA. In the experiments with cylindrical targets HELEN) and in the Soviet Union (DELFIN and other).
Fig. 8. Scheme of the fusion experiment with a triple Hohlraum-type target and a micro-target placed in the centre. Intense
X-ray pulses, which are to be generated by high-current Z-pinch discharges through thin wire sets (placed at the both ends),
have to ionize the micro-target and to induce the nuclear fusion ignition.
many groups engaged in tokamak research has led to High-temperature plasma research at IPJ (previously
the revival of the ITER project. Six partners (EC, China, IBJ) at Świerk
Japan, Russia, South Korea and the USA again) have
agreed to consider different options and to support the Experimental and theoretical studies of high-tempera-
construction of ITER. After many discussions the EC ture plasmas were initiated at the IBJ (now IPJ) in the
authorities have chosen the CEA centre in Cadarache, mid 1950s. The first studies concerned a theoretical
France, as the optimal site for ITER. Japan, South analysis of fusion chain reactions, which are of particular
Korea and USA have preferred another location in importance for astrophysics [8]. The first experimental
Rookasho, Japan. The final decision about the location studies were devoted to observations of hot plasma
of ITER at Cadarache was undertaken in June 2005. generated by a special coaxial injector designed by
A new step towards the construction of thermonuclear M. Gryzinski et al. [10]. On the contrary to the conven-
reactors will be made if the ITER facility is built in about tional coaxial injectors, the system was equipped with
ten or dozen years. Therefore, many experts are two coaxial electrodes consisted of many (2−3 dozens)
engaged in detailed technical projects of future fusion- thin metal rods distributed symmetrically around the
power stations. A simplified scheme of such an energetic electrode periphery. It made the electrodes penetrable
system is presented in Fig. 10. for charged particles produced by a high-current pulse
The most important parts of such a system will be discharge within the inter-electrode region. A scheme of
internal- and external-shields, which must ensure the a multi-rod plasma injector (RPI) system and a picture
energy transfer from fast fusion-produced neutrons of one of the first experimental setups are shown
(about 2.5 MeV from D-D reactions and 14 MeV from in Fig. 11.
D-T fusion). The other fusion products as helium and In the 1950s, experimental studies were carried out
tritium should be captured by appropriate physical by a team headed initially by Prof. A. Sołtan, and
and chemical processes in the shielding layers. The
recovered tritium gas might then be used as the fusion
fuel again. The whole system must of course be equipped
with appropriate heat exchangers, gas turbines and elec-
tric current generators. During the designing and
construction of future fusion power stations, particular
attention must be paid to a proper choice of construc-
tional materials and modular structures, in order to
enable full robotics service inside the fusion chamber.
Some technological solutions have already been tested
in large tokamaks (like JET and TFTR), but extensive
material studies must still be performed under radiation
and thermal loads similar to those expected for future
thermonuclear reactors.
superconducting magnets
high-temperature plasma
supply of D
neutron shield
containing Li for
T and He production
outer shielding
separated T
T+ He
mixture of T
and He
vacuum He
hellium outlet
electric network
heat exchanger
turbine and generator
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