The Human Brain

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The human brain is the command center for the human nervous system.

It receives
signals from the body's sensory organs and outputs information to the muscles. The
human brain has the same basic structure as other mammal brains but is larger in
relation to body size than any other brains.

Facts about the human brain

 The human brain is the largest brain of all vertebrates relative to body size.
 It weighs about 3.3 lbs. (1.5 kilograms).
 The average male has a brain volume of 1,274 cubic centimeters (cm3).
 The average female brain has a volume of 1,131 cm3.
 The brain makes up about 2 percent of a human's body weight.
 The cerebrum makes up 85 percent of the brain's weight.
 It contains about 86 billion nerve cells (neurons) — the "gray matter."
 It contains billions of nerve fibers (axons and dendrites) — the "white matter."
 These neurons are connected by trillions of connections, or synapses.

Anatomy of the human brain

The largest part of the human brain is the cerebrum, which is divided into two
hemispheres, according to the Mayfield Clinic. Underneath lies the brainstem, and
behind that sits the cerebellum. The outermost layer of the cerebrum is the cerebral
cortex, which consists of four lobes: the frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital. [Related:
Nervous System: Facts, Functions & Diseases]

Like all vertebrate brains, the human brain develops from three sections known as the
forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain. Each of these contains fluid-filled cavities called
ventricles. The forebrain develops into the cerebrum and underlying structures; the
midbrain becomes part of the brainstem; and the hindbrain gives rise to regions of the
brainstem and the cerebellum.

The cerebral cortex is greatly enlarged in human brains and is considered the seat of
complex thought. Visual processing takes place in the occipital lobe, near the back of
the skull. The temporal lobe processes sound and language, and includes the
hippocampus and amygdala, which play roles in memory and emotion, respectively.
The parietal lobe integrates input from different senses and is important for spatial
orientation and navigation.

The brainstem connects to the spinal cord and consists of the medulla oblongata, pons
and midbrain. The primary functions of the brainstem include relaying information
between the brain and the body; supplying some of the cranial nerves to the face and
head; and performing critical functions in controlling the heart, breathing
and consciousness.
Between the cerebrum and brainstem lie the thalamus and hypothalamus. The thalamus
relays sensory and motor signals to the cortex and is involved in regulating
consciousness, sleep and alertness. The hypothalamus connects the nervous system to
the endocrine system — where hormones are produced — via the pituitary gland.

The cerebellum lies beneath the cerebrum and has important functions in motor control.
It plays a role in coordination and balance and may also have some cognitive functions.

Humans vs. other animals

Overall brain size doesn't correlate with level of intelligence. For instance, the brain of a
sperm whale is more than five times heavier than the human brain but humans are
considered to be of higher intelligence than sperm whales. The more accurate measure
of how intelligent an animal may be is the ratio between the size of the brain and the
body size, according to the University of California San Diego's Temporal Dynamics of
Learning Center.
Among humans, however, brain size doesn't indicate how smart someone is. Some
geniuses in their field have smaller- than-average brains, while others larger than
average, according to Christof Koch, a neuroscientist and president of the Allen Institute
for Brain Science in Seattle. For example, compare the brains of two highly acclaimed
writers. The Russian novelist Ivan Turgenev's brain was found to be 2,021 grams, while
writer Anatole France's brain weighed only 1,017 grams.

Humans have a very high brain-weight-to-body-weight ratio, but so do other animals.

The reason why the human's intelligence, in part, is neurons and folds. Humans have
more neurons per unit volume than other animals, and the only way to do that with the
brain's layered structure is to make folds in the outer layer, or cortex, said Eric Holland,
a neurosurgeon and cancer biologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
and the University of Washington.

"The more complicated a brain gets, the more gyri and sulci, or wiggly hills and valleys,
it has," Holland told Live Science. Other intelligent animals, such as monkeys and
dolphins, also have these folds in their cortex, whereas mice have smooth brains, he

Humans also have the largest frontal lobes of any animal, Holland said. The frontal
lobes are associated with higher-level functions such as self-control, planning, logic and
abstract thought — basically, "the things that make us particularly human," he said.

Left brain vs. right brain

The human brain is divided into two hemispheres, the left and right, connected by a
bundle of nerve fibers called the corpus callosum. The hemispheres are strongly,
though not entirely, symmetrical. The left brain controls all the muscles on the right-
hand side of the body and the right brain controls the left side. One hemisphere may be
slightly dominant, as with left- or right-handedness.

The popular notions about "left brain" and "right brain" qualities are generalizations that
are not well supported by evidence. Still, there are some important differences between
these areas. The left brain contains regions involved in speech and language (called
the Broca's area and Wernicke's area, respectively) and is also associated with
mathematical calculation and fact retrieval, Holland said. The right brain plays a role in
visual and auditory processing, spatial skills and artistic ability — more instinctive or
creative things, Holland said — though these functions involve both hemispheres.
"Everyone uses both halves all the time," he said.

BRAIN Initiative
In April 2013, President Barack Obama announced a scientific grand challenge known
as the BRAIN Initiative, short for Brain Research through Advancing
Innovative Neurotechnologies. The $100-million-plus effort aimed to develop new
technologies that will produce a dynamic picture of the human brain, from the level of
individual cells to complex circuits.
Like other major science efforts such as the Human Genome Project, although it's
expensive, it's usually worth the investment, Holland said. Scientists hope the increased
understanding will lead to new ways to treat, cure and prevent brain disorders.

The project contains members from several government agencies, including the
National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), as well as private research
organizations, including the Allen Institute for Brain Science and the Howard Hughes
Medical Institute in Chevy Chase, Maryland.

In March 2013, the project's backers outlined their goals in the journal Science. In
September 2014, the NIH announced $46 million in BRAIN Initiative grants. Members of
industry pledged another $30 million to support the effort, and major foundations and
universities also agreed to apply more than $240 million of their own research toward
BRAIN Initiative goals.
When the project was announced, President Obama convened a commission to
evaluate the ethical issues involved in research on the brain. In May 2014, the
commission released the first half of its report, calling for ethics to be integrated early
and explicitly in neuroscience research. In March 2015, the commission released
the second half of the report, which focused on issues of cognitive enhancement, informed
consent and using neuroscience in the legal system.
The Brain Initiative has achieved several of its goals. As of 2018, the National Institutes
of Health (NIH) has "invested more than $559 million in the research of more than 500
scientists," and Congress appropriated "close to $400 million in NIH funding for fiscal
year 2018," according to the initiative's website. The research funding facilitated the
development of new brain-imaging and brain-mapping tools, and helped create
the BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network — an effort to catalog the brain's "parts' list."
Together, these efforts contribute to major advancements in understanding the brain.

These days, it’s easy to believe arguments that artificial intelligence

has become as smart as the human mind—if not smarter. Google
released a speaking AI that dupes its conversational partners that
it’s human. DeepMind, a Google subsidiary, created an AI
that defeated the world champion at the most complicated board
game. More recently, AI proved it can be as accurate as trained
doctors in diagnosing eye diseases.

And there are any number of stories that warn about a near future
where robots will drive all humans into unemployment.

Everywhere you look, AI is conquering new domains, tasks and

skills that were previously thought to be the exclusive domain of
human intelligence. But does it mean that AI is better than the
human mind?

The answer to that question is: It’s wrong to compare artificial

intelligence to the human mind, because they are totally different
things, even if their functions overlap at times.

Artificial intelligence is good at processing data,

bad at thinking in abstract
Even the most sophisticated AI technology is, at its core, no
different from other computer software: bits of data running
through circuits at super-fast rates. AI and its popular
branch, machine learning and deep learning, can solve any problem
as long as you can turn it into the right data sets.

Take image recognition. If you give a deep neural network, the

structure underlying deep learning algorithms, enough labeled
images, it can compare their data in very complicated ways and find
correlations and patterns that define each type of object. It then
uses that information to label objects in images it hasn’t seen

The same process happens in voice recognition. Given enough

digital samples of a person’s voice, a neural network can find the
common patterns in the person’s voice and determine if future
recordings belong to that person.

Everywhere you look, whether it’s a computer vision algorithm

doing face recognition or diagnosing cancer, an AI-powered
cybersecurity tool ferreting out malicious network traffic, or a
complicated AI project playing computer games, the same rules

The techniques change and progress: Deep neural networks enable

AI algorithms to analyze data through multiple layers; generative
adversarial networks (GAN) enable AI to create new data based on
the data set it has trained on; reinforcement learning enables AI to
develop its own behavior based on the rules that apply to an
environment… But what remains the same is the same basic
principle: If you can break down a task into data, AI will be able to
learn it.
Take note, however, that designing AI models is a complicated task
that few people can accomplish. Deep learning engineers and
researchers are some of the most coveted and highly paid
experts in the tech industry.

Where AI falls short is thinking in the abstract, applying common

sense, or transferring knowledge from one area to another. For
instance, Google’s Duplex might be very good at reserving
restaurant tables and setting up appointments with your barber,
two narrow and very specific tasks. The AI is even able to mimic
natural human behavior, using inflections and intonations as any
human speaker would. But as soon as the conversation goes off
course, Duplex will be hard-pressed to answer in a coherent way. It
will either have to disengage or use the help of a human assistant to
continue the conversation in a meaningful way.

There are many proven instances in which AI models fail in

spectacular and illogical ways as soon as they’re presented with an
example that falls outside of their problem domain or is different
from the data they’ve been trained on. The broader the domain, the
more data the AI needs to be able to master it, and there will
always be edge cases, scenarios that haven’t been covered by the
training data and will cause the AI to fail.

An example is self-driving cars, which are still struggling to become

fully autonomous despite having driven tens of millions of
kilometers, much more than a human needs to become an expert

Humans are bad at processing data, good at

making abstract decisions
Let’s start with the data part. Contrary to computers, humans are
terrible at storing and processing information. For instance, you
must listen to a song several times before you can memorize it. But
for a computer, memorizing a song is as simple as pressing “Save”
in an application or copying the file into its hard drive. Likewise,
unmemorizing is hard for humans. Try as you might, you can’t
forget bad memories. For a computer, it’s as easy as deleting a file.

When it comes to processing data, humans are obviously inferior to

AI. In all the examples iterated above, humans might be able to
perform the same tasks as computers. However, in the time that it
takes for a human to identify and label an image, an AI algorithm
can classify one million images. The sheer processing speed of
computers enable them to outpace humans at any task that
involves mathematical calculations and data processing.

However, humans can make abstract decisions based on instinct,

common sense and scarce information. A human child learns to
handle objects at a very young age. For an AI algorithm, it
takes hundreds of years’ worth of training to perform the same

For instance, when humans play a video game for the first time in
their life, they can quickly transfer their everyday life knowledge
into the game’s environment, such as staying away pits, ledges, fire
and pointy things (or jumping over them). They know they must
dodge bullets and avoid getting hit by vehicles. For AI, every video
game is a new, unknown world it must learn from scratch.

Humans can invent new things, including all the technologies that
have ushered in the era of artificial intelligence. AI can only take
data, compare it, come up with new combinations and
presentations, and predict trends based on how previous sequences.

Humans can feel, imagine, dream. They can be selfless or greedy.

They can love and hate, they can lie, they forget, they confuse
facts. And all of those emotions can change their decisions in
rational or irrational ways. They’re imperfect and flawed beings
made of flesh, which decays with time. But every single one of them
is unique in his or her own way and can create things that no one
else can.

AI is, at its core, is tiny bursts of electricity running through billions

of lifeless circuits.

Let’s stop comparing AI with human intelligence

None of this means that AI is superior to the human brain, or vice
versa. They point is, they’re totally different things.

AI is good at repetitive tasks that have clearly defined boundaries

and can be represented by data, and bad at broad tasks that
require intuition and decision-making based on incomplete

In contrast, human intelligence is good for settings where you need

common sense and abstract decisions, and bad at tasks that require
heavy computations and data processing in real time.
Looking at it from a different perspective, we should think about AI
as augmented intelligence. AI and human intelligence complement
each other, making up for each other’s shortcomings. Together,
they can perform tasks that none of them could have done

For instance, AI is good at perusing huge amounts of network traffic

and pointing out to anomalies, but can make mistakes when
deciding which ones are the real threats that need investigation. A
human analyst, on the other hand, is not very good at monitoring
gigabytes of data going through a company’s network, but they’re
adept at relating anomalies to different events and figuring out
which ones are the real threats. Together AI and human analysts
can fill each other’s gaps.

Now, what about all those articles that claim human labor is going
instinct? Well, a lot of it is hype, and the facts prove that the
expansion of AI is creating more jobs than it is destroying. But it’s
true that it will obviate the need for humans in many tasks, just as
every technological breakthrough has done in the past. But that’s
probably because those jobs were never meant for humans. We
were spending precious human intelligence and labor on those jobs
because we hadn’t developed the technologies to automate them

As AI becomes adept at performing more and more tasks, we as

humans will find more time to put our intelligence to real use, at
being creative, being social, at arts, sports, literature, poetry and all
the things that are valuable because the human element and
character that goes into them. And we’ll use our augmented
intelligence tools to enhance those creations.
The future will be one where artificial and human intelligence will
build together, not apart

There have been multiple reports recently which claim that a

major part of the human workforce will be replaced by automatons
and machines in the years to come. With excessive research and
development being conducted in the field of artificial intelligence,
many fear that a major job crisis will unfold since multiple jobs are
more accurately and efficiently performed with the utilization of
machines. With major names like Stephen Hawking already
warning the world that development of robots and intelligent
machines beyond a certain point could mark the end of
humankind, the intimidation is real, to say the least. But is it all
true? Is it possible for the machines to completely replace the
human resources? Are humans really not going to find any job in
upcoming decades, where every task is performed by the
automatons and intelligent machines? I do not believe so. My
opinion is that a machine will always fail to completely replace a
human being in many instances.

It has been claimed that at least 5 million jobs will be replaced by

intelligent machines by the year 2020. I do agree with this, but
stand by my opinion that it is next to impossible for a machine to
completely replace the human input. I hold a firm opinion that
there is a wide range of jobs which can’t be performed without the
human finesse, it is not possible for such intelligent machines to
completely replace the human resource.

Having said that, there is no argument over the fact that there are
certain events in which utilization of a robot can actually turn out
to be much more efficient when compared to a human being.
Whether in assembly lines or in first responder situations,
machines can certainly help a great deal in automating the process
while boosting efficiency. However, it is imperative to state that it
is the human finesse that controls, operates, and direct the use of
such a technology. Be it any kind of an industry that makes an
extensive use of artificial intelligence, human input, human
interaction, and human judgment can still not be replaced by the
capabilities of an artificially intelligent machine.

I find it safe to say that in the years to come, robots are not going
to replace the human resource and occupy all of the tasks which
are currently being performed by the human beings. What can be
expected is a workforce that is a blend of human beings and
intelligent machines. The workload in the future will be handled
much more efficiently and precisely with the utilization of an
interaction between the human and the robot. We are headed
towards a reality of humans and robots who will be working
together more closely than ever.

If the use of machines can serve to make our existence smarter

and safer, no reluctance in embracing the introduction of such
machines in the workplaces should exist. The M project launched
by Facebook is perhaps one of the best examples that accentuate
such a seamless interaction of humankind and intelligent
machines. The project blends humans and robots in such a way
that it is impossible for the end user to identify whether they are
communicating with a machine or a live person.
While artificial intelligence is already taking the world by storm,
there certainly are limitations which prevent its dominance over
humankind. In the light of the information mentioned above, it
wouldn’t be wrong to conclude that while intelligent machines can
be relied upon when it comes to making logical and rational
decisions which are primarily based on facts, there are other
aspects of life which can’t be imitated by the machines. Aspects
which have a major role to play in all sorts of business, aspects
related to feelings, emotions, sentiments, moods, teaching,
judgments etc. can never be imitated by artificial intelligence.
Such aspects can essentially be considered as the human
prerogative. In other words, when it comes to performing the
highly complicated tasks, robots fail to provide the flexibility and
creativity to find a solution and that is a major limitation to the
application of artificial intelligence.

In conclusion, while the utilization of artificial intelligence will

surely make life even more convenient for humankind in the years
to come and even force humans to evolve their skill sets, it will
perhaps never be possible for such machines to completely replace
the human resource. Humankind, the creator of the machines, will
always be in charge of directing, operating, and controlling the use
of this technology. The human interaction and human input will
never be made obsolete because of such machines. A blend of
human and computer workforce is only going to make all of the
processes more efficient and accurate in a given workplace.

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