To Be Filled Out by Those Who Have Been Previously Married

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To be filled out by those who have been previously married 
1. If you are divorced, who filed for divorce? What were the grounds 
of the divorce? 
2. Is your ex‐spouse remarried? If so, when?  
3. Summarized  the  problems  in  your  previous  marriage  that  led  to 
your divorce.  
4. What  part  of  the  above  problems  was  your  responsibility?  What 
steps have you taken to resolve those issues? 
5. Have  you  sought  the  forgiveness  from  your  former  spouse  and 
children  for  your  contributions  to  the  divorce?  How  have  you 
done so? 
6. On what Biblical grounds do you believe you are able to remarry? 
7. Are there any fears that you have entering into this marriage? 
8. What kind of relationship do you expect your new spouse to have 
with your children? 
9. What  Kind  of  relationship  do  you  expect  to  have  with  your 
spouses’ children? 

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