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RTL Sdr4linux Quickstartv2 18

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RTL-SDR for Linux Quick Start Guide

v2.18 by Kenn Ranous - KA0SBL

Page 3 Introduction

Page 4 Antennas & Feedlines

Page 5 Installing Drivers

Page 7 Gqrx - General Purpose Radio & Spectrum Software

Page 8 Frequency Correction – PPM adjustments

Page 10 Cubic SDR – General Purpose Radio & Spectrum Software

Page 11 ADS-B Aircraft Tracking with Dump1090

Page 14 Monitoring Trunked Radio Systems with SDR Trunk

Page 15 Lightning Detection with SDR

Page 17 Additional Resources

If you’ve installed Linux on your PC hopefully you'll find this guide quick and easy
in any Debian based distro. Created in Linux Mint v18.3, I'll cover the software I've
found to be complete and working. Most things RTL-SDR have come a long way
since inception. Updates still sometimes break things & documentation isn't
always complete, but community support is good and the reward is worth it. If you
have some amateur radio background but are new to SDR many of the controls
will be familiar. If not, you’ll learn as you go.

First, a quick primer on what RTL-SDR is. In Europe, TV uses the DVB-T standard.
Inexpensive USB receivers are available to tune in on a computer. Based on the
RTL2832 demodulator & USB interface chip, tuning is done by the R820T2 chip. By
installing specialized drivers and software, these devices can be used as a
Software Defined Radio capable of receiving 24 – 1800 MHz in blocks of ~2 MHz
at a time. Bypassing the tuner chip by switching the receiver to direct sampling
mode enables DC – 24 MHz reception.

A few caveats: North American TV is on the ATSC standard so these devices can’t
be used to watch TV. Also, the RTL hardware was originally designed to receive
strong broadband signals. It lacks the sensitivity and selectivity of expensive
receivers, so it can be over-loaded by strong signals such as FM Broadcast and
pagers. They're also susceptible to RFI. Filters and pre-amplifiers are available to
overcome some of these limitations.

The unit used here is version 3 of the RTL-SDR.com dongle. It has a 820T2 tuner,
TCXO, anti-static diode, and a metal enclosure with heat-sink. It can be switched
into direct sampling mode via software, no hardware mods needed. Use a good
quality USB extension cable with ferrite cores on both ends. Try to position the
dongle away from the computer and other sources of electrical noise to minimize

PC system requirements are modest. Decoding and GUI displays need some
processing power so opt for a dual-core CPU with 2GB RAM or better. None of the
applications here are highly demanding of Video or HDD.
Antennas & Feedlines:

Regardless of cost, any radio is only as good as it's antenna. There's an

abundance of information on-line and in ARRL publications, so I’ll be brief.
• Rule #1, there is no such thing as the perfect antenna for all situations. It
does not exist. Like anything, there’s compromises and trade-offs. A
broadband antenna may be more useful across a wider swath of spectrum,
but it won’t gather as much signal as antenna designed for a specific
frequency. Also, a broadband antenna collects unwanted signals which may
overload the receiver.
• Rabbit ears are a good starter antenna. It’s easy to adjust the length and
• Attic or outdoor antennas for TV may work well. Note they are usually in the
horizontal plane, hence they are horizontally polarized. Ham, Public Service,
NWR and similar services tend to use vertical antennas and so emit
vertically polarized waves. Because of this difference, they may not be
stellar performers. Newer TV antennas designed for HDTV may lack the
ability to pull in FM radio. TV antennas are broadband by design.
• Discone antennas are broadband and work well for general purpose use.

• Turnstiles and Folded Dipoles excel at FM broadcast reception.

• For ADS-B a 12 element Coaxial Collinear is notably superior to a discone.

• Dipoles and long wires work well for the HF bands. (<30MHz)

• Ground planes, J-poles, dipoles, yagis, quads and log periodic antennas can
offer superior performance when designed for a specific band.
• RG-6 coax and type F connectors, the same type used for cable and satellite
TV is perfectly acceptable to use. It performs well up to several GHz, is
inexpensive and commonly available. Type F connectors are probably the
easiest type of connector to work with. Compression fittings are preferred,
but a good quality side-crimp properly done is just fine. SMA to Type F
connectors are available online.
In summary, VHF/UHF frequencies tend to be line-of-sight and can be blocked by
some building materials, especially metal. Higher is better and outdoors is best.

Watch out for those power lines!

Installing the drivers:

1. Open a terminal and confirm you're in your home directory. This is the
preferred convention and will be assumed throughout this text. Text highlighted in
gray is exactly what you want to type at the command line. Yes it's case sensitive.

2. Update your distribution.

sudo apt-get update

3. Install the tools needed to retrieve (git), compile (cmake) and build (build-
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install cmake
sudo apt-get install build-essential

4. Install libusb-1.0-0-dev which is a C library that provides generic access to USB

sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev

5. Retrieve, build and compile the RTL2832U Osmocom drivers from the source.
git clone git://git.osmocom.org/rtl-sdr.git
cd rtl-sdr/
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
sudo cp ../rtl-sdr.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
6. Blacklist the default driver that is automatically loaded for using the dongle as
a TV device as it doesn't work for SDR purposes and clashes with the new
Osmocom drivers we just installed.
A. Open your /etc/modprobe.d folder as (right-click) an administrator.
B. Create a new file 'blacklist-rtl.conf' and add this one line:
blacklist dvb_usb_rtl28xxu
C. Save the file, close the editor and restart the machine.

7. Test that the dongle is working by opening a terminal and typing:

rtl_test -t

Don't worry about messages like PLL not locked or E4000 tuner not found or that
it says R820T and not R820T2. If you're seeing the above then your drivers and
dongle are working. You're now ready to install some applications.
Gqrx General Purpose Radio/Spectrum Analyzer:
This can be found in the Synaptic Package Manager. To get the latest version, visit
http://gqrx.dk for instructions on how to add their PPA's (Personal Package
Archive) to your system and install. They've made it pretty easy.
On first startup you'll see the Configure I/O devices box. If it doesn't appear, click
the circuit board icon on the toolbar and check the following:
Device: Realtek RTL2838xxx
Device String: rtl=0 [Normal use >24MHz]*
Device String: rtl=0,direct_samp=2 [Direct Sample mode <24MHz]*
Input rate: 1800000 [aka Sample Rate]*
Decimation, Bandwidth, LNB LO: 0

* Note you're choosing one of the above Device Strings on startup, the first for
VHF/UHF OR the latter for HF/MF.
** This is the amount of radio spectrum you'll see. When tuning in the HF/MF
bands it's sometimes helpful to select a lower value. A higher value means you
can view a larger slice of spectrum, but go too high and it gets choppy.

Click OK then the > Power Button in the upper left corner to start receiving. Click
or mouse wheel on the digits to change frequency. On the right under Receiver
Options select the appropriate demodulator. (ie Narrow FM for NOAA Weather
Radio or WFM for broadcast FM).
Hover over each item to see what it does. Under Input controls, toggle hardware
AGC and adjust LNA gain to maximize the signal but not so high that static or
distortion takes over. Adjust for a noise floor of -60db to -70db. Note that you'll
need to alter gain settings as you tune around the spectrum.
If the audio sounds choppy, try reducing the sample rate. Also check under the
FFT Settings tab and reduce the FFT size and Rate fps. You may also need to
adjust your PPM as described next. You can also bookmark favorite frequencies
and organize them by category.
Frequency Correction with GQRX:
Later model dongles such as RTL-SDR's v3 have improved TXCO's for accurate
frequency readouts regardless of temperature. For most uses in normal mode no
calibration is needed.
However, older dongles and ones in direct sampling mode may need PPM
adjustments. Once you've determined your PPM error correction factor you can
use that value in most other RTL software. As long as the dongle doesn't overheat,
this value should remain reasonably constant.
To determine your dongles PPM, launch GQRX and tune your SDR to one of the
National Weather Radio frequencies. Give the unit at least 15 minutes to warm up.

162.400 162.425 162.450 162.475 162.500 162.525 162.550

Zoom in on the signal and adjust your PPM until the tuning line is centered on the
signal. See the next two images for details.

Uncorrected PPM error.

Adjust your PPM + or – until tuning line is centered on signal.

To check and adjust your PPM in Direct Sampling mode in the HF bands, tune to
one of the NIST time stations on 2.5, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0 or 20.0 MHz. Choose
whichever station comes in best. These transmitters are very frequency accurate.
The NIST WWV is quite the resource and worth the time for any radio enthusiast
to know about.

CubicSDR General Purpose Radio/Spectrum Analyzer:
A bit more visually oriented than Gqrx, I find that CubicSDR delivers smoother
audio. The latest v0.2.0 is available for download from http://cubicsdr.com where
there's instructions on how to build it or get it via flatpak. My preferred method is
to just download the .AppImage file and place it in it's own CubicSDR folder under
my home folder. Right-click > Properties > Permissions and tick 'Allow executing
file as a program' then double-click to run. (yes, it's that simple, just one 13 meg
file.) On startup, select 'Generic RTL2832U' and click 'Start' for VHF/UHF. Or, select
Q-ADC under Direct Sampling to access HF & MW bands.

Hover over each section for info, it's pretty self explanatory. Enter a frequency
directly or click on one of the streams in the lower waterfall panel to start
listening. If the audio sounds choppy, click 'Input Bandwidth' on th top menu and
select a lower number. The .AppImage file can be placed anywhere you like and
sessions can be saved as .xml files.
ADS-B Aircraft Tracking with Dump1090
Dump1090 is a good ADS-B decoder. Originally created by antirez, several
developers (malcolmrobb, mutability and tedsluis) have modified the original code
to make improvements. Each one is called fork. Install as many as you like, just
make sure each is in it's own unique folder.
I'll focus on the Ted Sluis fork as it seems to detect more aircraft and provides
more information. It also has interesting features such as range & altitude color
codes and ten map & chart styles.
Open a terminal and type:

git clone git://github.com/tedsluis/dump1090.git dump1090

cd dump1090
./dump1090 --interactive --net --enable-agc

Within a few moments you should see a list of aircraft in the terminal window.
Open a web browser and in the address bar enter localhost:8080 and you
should see a map with aircraft. You might need to hit the browser refresh button
once or twice to get it going.
To launch dump1090 without needing to remember paths and optimal flags,
create a text file named d1090 in your /home/username/bin folder. (Note there's
no extension.) Enter these lines, substituting your own lat & lon values.

#A bash script to start Ted Sluis' dump1090 with optimal flags
cd /home/yourname/dump1090
./dump1090 --interactive --net --enable-agc --gain -10 --phase-
enhance --lat 33.0 --lon -111.0 --oversample --dcfilter

Note: make sure those last two lines are all on one line in the editor. Save & exit
then Right-click the script file > 'Permission' > tick 'Allow executing file as a
program'. At the terminal just type d1090 to start. Easy!
Monitoring Trunked Radio Systems with SDR Trunk:

Trunking radio systems are more complex than traditional radio systems as are
the applications used to track them. In brief, a typical standard analog radio
system will have one or more mountaintop transmitters as needed to cover an
area. There might be a few channels or a dozen or more. Mobile units transmit up
to the tower at one frequency and the tower retransmits out on another
frequency. All the scanner enthusiast needs to know is the output frequencies.
Now imagine a city has 20 different departments each with their own set of
mountaintop transmitters and channels. That's a LOT of hardware to maintain. It's
also hundreds of dedicated frequencies and spectrum is getting crowded. Most
departments probably aren't using most of their channels most of the time
So imagine all 20 departments share one radio network and a pool of channels. A
computer picks a clear frequency and the right call goes to the right department.
That, in a nutshell is trunked radio. Some are analog, others are digital. A few are

SDR Trunk is the only trunking software I've found so far that works in Linux.
Installation and usage is a bit more complex than a standard radio application.
The install instructions are generally complete, a few things to note:
Many municipalities are using the APCO25 digital standard. To listen in you'll need
to download and compile the JMBE libraries, created by the same author. The
installation guide can be found in the wiki on the sidebar under APCO25. At this
time, only phase I (aka type I) is supported.
When creating a new system in SDR Trunk, you're prompted to enter a frequency.
Usually that will be the control channel frequency. This can be found for the
system you want to monitor on the radioreference.com database. You don't need
to enter all the frequencies for a site, just the control channel and SDR Trunk will
tune in to and follow across the other channels.
At this point, the best way to accurately follow apco25 type II trunked system is
with a digital scanner or via an online feed such as http://www.broadcastify.com
Lightning Detection with SDR:

What follows is an informal experiment to detect approaching lightning. Here I’m

using GQRX and CubicSDR in direct sample mode but any spectrum analyzer
software and dongle that can tune VLF should do it. Many dedicated lightning
detectors work by listening to frequencies below the AM broadcast band, hence I
chose to monitor 0 to 600kHz. The antenna is a 1/2 wave trapped dipole for HF
but any bit of wire at least a few meters long will work.

The waterfall display speed is set to represent ~30 seconds. Event #3 in this
image was several rapid-fire and rather close by. I found that by tuning to a quiet
part of the spectrum and setting squelch, lightning discharges produce an audible
crackle, hence an audible alert without needing to listen to constant static or
needing to watch the screen.
This was a particularly close & intense storm captured in CubicSDR.
http://sdr.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/rtl-sdr – Source of the RTL-SDR drivers.
http://rtl-sdr.com – Great place to buy and learn about RTL-SDR
http://distrowatch.org – A one-stop index of the top 200 Linux distributions
http://linuxmint.com – Currently the most popular Linux distribution
http://balarad.net – The best documentation I've found on DIY ADS-B antennas
qsl.net/na4it/dbgp.html – A cheap, easy & good dual-band ground-plane antenna
wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_spectrum – A primer on radio waves
radioreference.com/ - Excellent database of frequencies
www.sigidwiki.com/wiki/Signal_Identification_Guide – ID that waveform
github.com/xmikos/qspectrumanalyzer – Scan large swaths of bandwidth
sdr.hu – A network of shared SDR’s around the world.
qsl.net/kb5wck/antenna.html – A good source of antenna design calculations
https://linuxconfig.org/bash-scripting-tutorial – Bash Scripting
basics/ - Introduction to Shell Scripting
http://sdr.hu – A network of shared SDR's around the world.

In Closing:
Feel free to copy or distribute this guide as you see fit. My goal here is to
consolidate and share my notes so others can bypass hours of annoying research
and just get to the fun stuff. :) I'll be updating this guide using the convention
vMonth.Year.as I discover new software, hardware, tricks and mods. I welcome
constructive feedback. You can contact me through my blog at
http://ranous.wordpress.com where you'll find additional RTL-SDR articles. If you
send me a coherent message I'll most likely respond.

Thanks for tuning in!

- Kenn

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