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No. 47.

09 – December 2009 Infrastructure Project

Sika at Work

Shrinkage Reduction with Sika® Control

and Sika® ViscoCrete® Technology
Renovation of old Liberty Bridge on the Danube
Budapest, Hungary

Innovation & since

Consistency 1 9 1 0
Sika shrinkage reduction case study at a renovation project in Budapest
by Laszlo Toth, Concrete Division, Sika Hungária Kft., Budapest

Project Description The structural engineers and the ready-mix supplier wanted at least
The project time: 2007.08.21. – 2009.05.30. two different possible solutions for this problem.
The Liberty Bridge is in Budapest, over the Danube River. This bridge The quality requirements of concrete bridge-deck:
was the 3rd which have made contact between Buda and Pest, at the C30/37-24/KK f50 vz5 (KK means: F2. During the project it was chan-
end of 19th century. ged to F3, because of the steel reinforcement was dense.)
On the bridge are railways and roadways and two sidewalks. In the
middle of bridge lay the tram rails, and outsides are the roadways.
Total length: 333,6 m Sika Solution
Width: 20,1 m The Concrete Division of Sika Hungary Ltd. recommended two diffe-
Distance between pylons and beach: 79,3 + 175 + 79,3 m rent solutions.
Rebuilds after the II World War: 1945; 1946; First:
 low w/c ratio, max.: 0,42
According to the original plan – end of 19th century – it’s a steel latti-  sand poor mix design,
ce-bridge. During the renovation project some elements were changed,  Sika® ViscoCrete® 1035 HRWR and
some were strengthened. The concrete bridge-deck was changed. The  3 V% entrained air content with SikaAer®.
new bridge-deck during the lifetime will transmit the stresses to steel Second:
elements, because according to the new plan this deck and steel ele-  low w/c ratio, max.: 0,42
ments working as a composite structure.  sand poor mix design,
 Sika® ViscoCrete® 1035 HRWR and
 Shrinkage reduced concrete mix, with Sika® Control-40.
The composite structure requires keeping low the level of shrinkage of Preliminary examinations
the concrete deck. The shrinkage of the concrete deck is the one of the To select the best solution the structural engineers have made some
loads which transmit to the steel elements. The special requirement of preliminary examination by Department of Construction Materials
the concrete material was the decreased level of shrinkage. and Engineering Geology of Budapest University of Technology and
Nevertheless an important point of view was the low costs level. Economics (BME).
The main contractor requested two ready-mix companies – Holcim
Hungary Co. and TBG Hungary Beton Ltd. (Heidelberg group). Both
companies presented two mix designs. After short lab tests the con-
crete mixes were mixed in plants and delivered after to the site.
On site the main contractor and lab of the Department of Construction
Materials and Engineering Geology have taken concrete cubes and
 150 x 150 x 150 mm cubes for compressive strength and
freezing tests.
 70 x 70 x 250 mm beams for flexural test and freezing tests and
shrinkage measurements.
 200 x 200 x 120 mm for waterproofing tests.

The lab of University tested the compressive strength, the water-

proofing, the frost resistance, and the volume of shrinkage.
The test elements were tested after different storage conditions.
The different storage conditions were the following:
 Under water
 Roll up in foil
 In humidity atmosphere; 20 °C temperature and
65% relative humidity
 With curing agent (Sikafloor® Proseal-13W)

The winner mix design:

material weight [kg]
CEM II/A-S 42,5 N 360
Water 146
Sand 0/4 639 (35%)
Gravel 4/8 183 (10%)
Gravel 8/16 730 (40%)
Gravel 16/32 274 (15%)
Sika® ViscoCrete® 1035 1,8 (0,5%)
Sika® Control-40 3,6 (1,0%)
Project Details
The concrete placing happened in 10 sections. Lengthwise 2 sections
(1/3–2/3 proportion). Crosswise 5 sections. From beach to river pier,
from river pier to end of console, and between those the hanged part
(the middle Gerber-part).
The placing was absolutely successful. The consistency was increased
- from F2 to F3 - after the first day experience.
The deck was finished without cracks on surface.
Thickness: 18 cm, total concrete volume ~ 1.200 m3, the deck and
the curbs.
The structural engineers and general contractor were satisfied with the
quality of concrete.
The one of the possible side effects of the Sika® Control-40, the
retardation by low temperature. This effect had not appeared during
the project.

Project Participants
The owner: Hungarian State
The original architect in 1894: János Feketeházy.
Gerber-construction steel lattice-bridge.
Designer of renovation: FÖMTERV Co.
Main contractors:
– Hídépítő Co.
– Hídtechnika Ltd.
– Közgép Co.
– Vegyépszer Co.
Executor of concrete works: Monotop Ltd.
Ready-mix producer: TBG Hungária Beton Ltd.
Admixture supplier: Sika Hungária Ltd

© Sika Services AG / BU Concrete / Sika at Work / Infrastructure Project / 11.2009 gho

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