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Cases - No Unjust Taking of Property (From The Syllabus) Cases Facts Doctrine Ruling Churchill v. Rafferty

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Cases – No Unjust Taking of Property (from the syllabus)


Churchill v. The lower court perpetually restrained and prohibited Success of billboard advertising depends on the SC reversed ruling of
Rafferty the Collector of Internal Revenue from enforcing channels of travel used. Therefore the regulation of lower court:
annual tax against plaintiff’s property and from billboard advertising is not a regulation of private regulation of unsightly
removing the signs and billboards in plaintiff’s property property but of the use of the streets and other public advertisements, signs
that it finds offensive to the sight thoroughfares. or billboards are
The argument that tastes vary to the extent that no within the ambit of
standard may be erected is answered by the court in police power.
Noble State Bank that “the prevailing morality or
strong preponderating opinion demands such
legislation”. And the court holds that the prevailing
sentiment is manifestly against the erection of
billboards which are offensive to the sight.

Barangay Petitioner wanted to convert a portion of private Eminent domain is the power of nation or sovereign CA Decision affirmed.
Sindalan vs. CA respondent’s land into the barangay’s feeder road, as state to take, or to authorize the taking of private
stated in a Barangay Resolution. Respondents property for a public use without the owner’s consent
claimed that the expropriation was actually for private conditioned upon payment of just compensation.
use; it’s really for the benefit of the homeowners of a Public use does not depend on the numerical count of
subdivision. Petitioner concealed this fact by saying those to be served or the smallness or largeness of
that the proposed feeder road would benefit a certain the community to be benefitted; it refers to whatever is
sitio. CA ruled in favor of the respondents, saying that beneficially employed for the community.
it should be the duty of the subdivision owner to The finding that the proposed feeder road would
provide the right of way. benefit not just the subdivision but also another sitio
was not supported by evidence. The expropriation will
actually benefit the subdivision owner by
circumventing his commitment to provide road access
to the subdivision.

Philippine Petitioner owns a parcel of land occupied by It may still be considered to be of public use even if SC affirmed CA
Columbian respondents. Petitioner won an ejectment proceeding only a few could actually benefit from the ruling.
Association vs. against respondents but when the ejectment was expropriation. It is simply not possible to provide all at
Panis about to be executed, the City of Manila issued an once land and shelter for all who need them.
ordinance expropriating the said land. The RTC and Expropriation is not anymore confined to the vast
CA upheld the expropriatexion. tracts of land and landed estates. It is therefore of no
moment that the land sought to be expropriated in this
case is less than half a hectare only.
Through the years, the public use requirement in
eminent domain has evolved into a flexible concept
influenced by changing conditions.
Public use now includes the broader notion of indirect
public benefit including urban land reform and
housing. The concept of public benefit from urban land
reform is recognized in Art. XIII Sec. 9 of the 1987

EPZA vs. Dulay In 1979, the President issued Proclamation No. 1811, The method of ascertaining just compensation under Petition dismissed for
reserving a certain parcel of land in Cebu for the the PD1533 constitutes impermissible encroachment lack of merit. PD
establishment of an export processing zone by on judicial prerogatives. It tends to render this Court 1533, which
petitioner Export Processing Zone Authority (EPZA). inutile in a matter which under the Constitution is eliminates the court’s
However, a portion of that parcel of land is a private reserved to it for final determination. discretion to appoint
land belonging to private respondent, San Antonio Just compensation means the value of the property at commissioners
Development Corp. EPZA filed a complaint for the time of the taking. It means a fair and full pursuant to RoC is
expropriation. Respondent Judge Dulay granted EPZA equivalent for the loss sustained. All the facts as to the unconstitutional and
the writ of possession. condition of the property and its surroundings, its void.
To settle the amount for just compensation, Dulay improvements and capabilities should be considered.
issued a second order appointing three The determination of "just compensation" in eminent
commissioners to ascertain and report to the court the domain cases is a judicial function. The executive
properties sought to be expropriated, in line with department or the legislature may make the initial
Sections 5 to 8 Rule 67 of Rules of Court. However, determinations but when a party claims a violation of
EPZA objected the Commissioner’s Report, saying the guarantee in the Bill of Rights that private property
that PD1533 has superseded the aforementioned may not be taken for public use without just
Sections in the Rules of Court. According to petitioner, compensation, no statute, decree, or executive order
there is no need to appoint commissioners anymore can mandate that its own determination shall prevail
because PD1533, as the applicable law therein, over the court's findings. Much less can the courts be
already bases just compensation on the market value precluded from looking into the "just-ness" of the
declared by the owner of the property sought to be decreed compensation.
expropriated or such market value as determined by
the assessor, whichever is lower.

Small Consolidating four petitions filed by various To the extent that the measures under challenge Petitions dismissed.
Landowners vs. landowners, the case involves challenges to the merely prescribe retention limits for landowners, there The SC sustained the
DAR Sec constitutionality of various laws that execute the is an exercise of the police power for the regulation of constitutionality of the
mandate of the three Constitutions towards an private property in accordance with the constitution. laws. Title to all
Agrarian Reform: But where, to carry out such regulation, it becomes expropriated
o PD27 (superseded RA3844 or the Agricultural Land necessary to deprive such owners of whatever lands properties shall be
Reform Code) - imposed retention limits (maximum they may own in excess of the max area allowed, transferred to the
area that can be owned) on land owners, the excess there is definitely taking under the power of eminent State only upon full
of which is redistributed to tenant-farmers. domain for which payment of just compensation is payment of
o EO228 - Declared full landownership to PD27 imperative. compensation to their
beneficiaries for the redistributed land. The limitations on the power of expropriation are (1) respective owners.
o Presidential Proclamation 131 or PP131 - Pres. public use and (2) just compensation. On (1) public
Corazon Aquino’s 1987 Comprehensive Agrarian use, Art. XIII, Sec. 4 of the 1987 Constitution declares
Reform Program a mandate for Agrarian Reform. Hence, Agrarian
o EO229 - mechanics for the implementation of Reform is deemed for a Public Purpose. On (2) just
PP131. compensation, the determination of the value of the
o RA6657 - Congress’s CARP of 1988 property by the DAR is only preliminary unless
Note: above mentioned laws merely implemented the accepted by all parties concerned. Otherwise, the
social justice and agrarian reform mandate of the courts of justice will still have the right to review with
finality the said determination in the exercise of what is
1935, 1973 and 1987 Constitutions. admittedly a judicial function.
On the medium for the payment of just compensation,
although the traditional means is through money,
CARP is an exceptional case because it affects all
agricultural lands and is intended not just for the
benefit of a small community but the entire Filipino
nation. The cost will be tremendous (billions of pesos).
Hence, the inclusion of other payment methods like
Stocks and Tax Credits is reasonable.

J.M. Tuason vs. JM Tuason led the occupants of Tatalon Estate to RA 2616 abides by the State policy of social justice as RA 2616 is
Land Tenure believe that Veterans Subdivision was the real owner found by the constitution. constitutional
Administration of the estate. Occupants then bought the land from On eminent domain: an inherent power of the State,
Veterans Subdivision and consequently build houses, but it is NOT ABSOLUTE
roads and other improvements. When JM Land Requisites for the valid exercise of eminent domain:
claimed ownership of the estate, Congress passed RA 1. Just compensation - must be measured not the
2616 to expropriate Tatalon Estate, and give land to taker’s gain but by owner’s loss. Though the assessed
1500 WWII Veterans. value of the land is prima facie evidence of its value, it
is not conclusive
2. Public use - “It has been truly said that the assertion
of the right on the part of the legislature to take the
property of one citizen and transfer it to another, even
for a full compensation, when the public interest is not
promoted thereby, is claiming a despotic power, and
one inconsistent with every just principle and
fundamental maxim of a free government." (Guido v
Rural Progress)

On equal protection: no single party was singled out to

bear the brunt of the government’s power.
Although congress cannot act arbitrarily and punish
JM Tuason alone, congress can PRIORITIZE.
Therefore, what happened was a PRIORITIZATION of
the lands to be expropriated not a specific targeting of
JM Tuason. It is within the wisdom of congress to
determine that such is their priority

Deleste vs. A piece of land that was partly owned by petitioner Two stages of land transfer under PD 27: (1) The Emancipation
Land Bank was brought under PD27 which mandated that issuance of a CLT (provisional title of ownership, while Patents and Original
tenanted rice and corn lands be brought under the the lot owner is awaiting full payment of just Certificates of Title
Operation Land Transfer (OLT) Program and compensation or while the tenant-farmer is an covering the subject
awarded to farmer-beneficiaries. However, the same amortizing owner) to a farmer-beneficiary, (2) property issued in
land was reclassified by an ordinance as issuance of Emancipation Patent as proof of full favor of private
commercial/residential. DAR issued Certificates of payment, upon full payment of amortizations or lease respondents are
Land Transfers in favor of the tenants and cultivators rentals by the farmer-beneficiary. declared NULL and
of the land (private respondents) and respondent Land There must be an actual notice in subjecting the VOID.
Bank subsequently issued to them Emancipation property under the agrarian reform program, with it
Patents (EP’s) and Original Certificates of Title being an essential requirement of administrative due
(OCT’s). process of law.
The notice informs the landowner of the States
intention to acquire a private land upon payment of
just compensation and gives him the opportunity to
present evidence that his landholding is not covered or
is otherwise excused from the agrarian law.
Because of the reclassification by the local
government (pursuant to its power to adopt zoning
and subdivision ordinances), the subject land can no
longer be considered as an agricultural land covered
by CARP.

Hacienda Hacienda Luisita was covered by the RA 6657 or the In the payment of just compensation, the value should The Court fixed
Luista vs. CARP Law which provides for two options: land be fixed as of the time of taking of said possession, November 21, 1989
PARC transfer and stock transfer. TADECO, the owner of not of the filing of the complaint. The ‘time of taking’ is as the date of taking,
Hacienda Luisita, exercised the stock transfer when the landowner was deprived of the use and with the value of the
option. benefit of his property. Taking does not only take affected lands to be
Hacienda Luisita Inc. (HLI) was created to facilitate place upon the issuance of the title either in the name determined by the
the transfer of stocks from TADECO to the qualified of the Republic or the CARP beneficiary. It also occurs LBP and the DAR.
farmworker-beneficiaries (FWB’s), where the subject when agricultural lands are voluntarily offered by a November 21, 1989 is
agricultural lands would be considered as the capital landowner and approved by PARC for CARP the date when PARC
contribution of the FWB’s to HLI. coverage through stock distribution scheme. PARC’s approved HLI’s SDP.
Ultimately, on 21 November 1989, the Stock approval of HLI’s submission of its SDP should be
Distribution Plan (SDP) was approved by PARC. considered as the effective date of “taking” because it On the proceeds of
However, it was found that HLI has not extended the was when the government officially confirmed the the sale of the 500-
benefits to the farmworkers, with the organization of CARP coverage of these lands. Thus, this was when hectare converted
the HLI seeming to be just a way to circumvent the the FWBs were considered to own and possess the land and of the 80.51-
intent of the CARP Law, by employing a scheme agricultural lands in Hacienda Luisita. hectare SCTEX land,
where the farmers would work for these shares of TADECO was given the right to require payment from the Court ordered the
stock, even if in effect they are just minority its qualified beneficiaries for the shares of stock. payment of the
shareholders (thus, the policy of agrarian reform of However, it did not exercise its right to do so. Thus, its proceeds of the sale
providing ownership of the lands to the farmers was inability to receive compensation cannot be attributed of the said land to the
not realized). to the government. It gave the shares for free as FWBs less the 3%
Consequently, through its assailed resolutions, PARC incentive for the FWB’s to agree with the stock share, taxes and
revoked its approval of the SDP and acquired the distribution option scheme and not to further push for expenses.
agricultural lands of Hacienda Luisita through land distribution.
compulsory acquisition scheme. The SC revoked the option of the FWBs to remain as The government,
HLI stockholders. The policy on agrarian reform is through the DAR, is
that control over the agricultural land must always be also ordered to pay to
in the hands of the farmers. Under the SDP, qualified HLI the just
FWBs did not and will not have majority stockholdings compensation for the
in HLI. This is contrary to the policy by the government home lots thus
on agrarian reform. distributed to the

Republic vs. PCGG issued a Writ of Sequestration over the shares By the Republic’s own admission, the validity of the Petition denied. SC
Hans Menzi of former Pres. Marcos, Yap, and Cojuangco, Jr. in the transfer and/or legality of ownership of Liwayway affirmed
Estate Bulletin Publishing Corp. The PCGG also issued a shares has not yet been litigated. The issues resolved Sandiganbayan
Writ of Sequestration and Freeze Order over the only included the ownership and transfer of the decision ordering
shares of the US Automotive Co., Inc. and its officers Bulletin shares. Having been sourced from the Philtrust to pay the
in Liwayway Publishing, Inc., as well as the shares of disposition of said Liwayway shares, the proceeds of Estate and HMHMI
stock and assets of Hans Menzi Holdings and the subject TDCs cannot be released in favor of the the proceeds of
Management, Inc. (HMHMI). Republic instituted a Republic The release of the proceeds of the subject TDCs.
complaint for reconveyance against Pres. Marcos, et TDCs in favor of respondents Estate and HMHMI
al. before the Sandiganbayan. Sandiganbayan issued justified by the earlier lifting of the writ of sequestration
a Resolution, discounting the factual bases for issued by the PCGG over the shares of stock, assets,
PCGG’s sequestration order, and granting the Estate’s properties, records, and documents of HMHMI.
motion to lift the writ of sequestration over the shares
of stock of HMHMI.

APO Fruits Petitioners APO Fruits Corporation and Hijo Plantation The case goes beyond the private interests involved; it SC upheld RTC
Corp. vs. Land Inc (HPI) owned land in Davao. They both offered to involves a matter of public interest - the right of a ruling, ordering
Bank sell the properties to DAR, but they did not agree with landowner to receive just compensation when the compensation based
the value offered by the Land Bank (LBP). Hence a government exercises the power of eminent domain in on purchase price
complaint for Determination of Just Compensation its agrarian reform program. When it takes property higher than the price
before the DAR Adjudication Board (DARAB) was pursuant to its inherent right and power, the State has DAR offered to HPI &
filed. DAR still requested LBP to pay petitioners the corresponding obligation to pay the owner just APO plus 12%
based on the assailed value. The RTC held that the compensation for the property taken. For interest per annum
purchase price should be higher than the price DAR compensation to be considered “just,” it must not only from the date of
offered to HPI & APO. be the full and fair equivalent of the property taken; it taking. Interest
must also be paid to the landowner without delay. The payments borne by
government took the petitioners’ lands on December government, not by
9, 1996; the petitioners only received full payment of farmers-beneficiaries
the just compensation due on May 9, 2008. There is
unconscionable delay in the payment of just
compensation. The good faith assertion based on the
partial payments is of no moment because LBP only
paid a total of 5% of the actual value in these partial

Sy vs. Quezon Mayor Ismael Mathay, Jr. filed a complaint for It is well-settled that the amount of just compensation Petition partly
City expropriation with the RTC, in order to acquire a 1000 is to be ascertained as of the time of the taking. granted. Case
sq. m. parcel of land owned and registered under the However, the above-stated documents do not reflect remanded for proper
name of Sy. Sy did not question the City’s right to the value of the subject property at the time of its determination of the
expropriate the subject property. Only the amount of taking in 1986 but rather, its valuation in 1996. amount of just
just compensation remained at issue. Lower courts Consequently, the case must be remanded to the RTC compensation.
adopted the findings of Commissioner Ostaco and in order to properly determine the amount of just
Alcantara that the just compensation for the subject compensation during such time the subject property
property should be set at P5500 per sqm. which is was actually taken.
more believable than the P13,500 per sqm. valuation
made by independent appraisers.

Land Bank vs. Respondent owns a parcel of land which he sold to Section 57 of R.A. No. 6657 explicitly vests in the Petition granted as
Eusebio DAR pursuant to CARP. Respondent rejected the RTC-SAC the original and exclusive jurisdiction to the RTC-SAC’s
valuations made by DAR and LBP. Notwithstanding determine just compensation for lands taken pursuant valuation was made
his rejections, LBP opened a trust account in his name to the State’s agrarian reform program. To guide the with grave abuse of
and deposited the payment for the land in his favor RTC-SAC in the exercise of its function, Section 17 of discretion
while DAR took physical possession of the property, R.A. No. 6657 enumerates the factors that the
cancelled the TCT in favor of the Republic and RTC-SAC must take into account in its
distributed the property to recognized farmer- determination:
beneficiaries. Respondent referred the matter to o cost of acquisition of the land
DARAB, but he still rejected the value offered by the o current value of like properties
board. The RTC-Special Agrarian Court (SAC) set a o its nature
value according to what respondent prayed for. CA o actual use and income
affirmed. Hence the petition by LBP. o sworn valuation by the owner
o tax declarations, and
o assessment made by the government
assessors, among others.
To ensure the agrarian reform law’s proper
implementation, Section 49 of R.A. No. 6657
empowers the DAR to issue such rules and
regulations necessary for the purpose. Thus, corollary
to the agrarian reform law’s guidelines, the DAR
issued DAR AO 6 that incorporated, into a basic
formula, Section 17’s enumerated factors providing
the details by which "just compensation" is to be
properly approximated. Hence, RTC-SAC is not
granted unlimited discretion. It must consider and
apply the R.A. No. 6657-enumerated factors and the
DAR formula as they provide the uniform framework or
structure by which just compensation for property
subject to agrarian reform should be determined. Just
compensation should be fair and equitable equally for
both the farmer-beneficiaries and the landowner.
In the case, the RTC-SAC determined just
compensation based merely on "conscience" – a
consideration entirely outside the contemplation of the
law – is a deviation made in utter and blatant
disregard of the prescribed factors and formula.
Cases – Non-Impairment of Contracts (from the syllabus)

U.S. v. On Dec 30, 1915, Bartolome Oliveros and Engrancia Impairment of the contract - any law which enlarges, There was grave abuse of
Conde Lianco executed and delivered to Vicente Diaz Conde abridges, or in any manner changes the intention of discretion in making the usury
and Apolinaria Conde a contract showing that the parties necessarily impairs the contract itself law apply in this case as the
they obligated themselves to pay the Condes P300 Laws adopted after execution of a contract, changing said contract was finalized
with interest of 5% per month. or altering the rate of interest, cannot be made to apply before the effectivity of the law.
The Conde were charged with Violation of the Usury to such contract without violating the provisions of the To apply the law in the present
Act (Act No. 2655), which was adopted on May 1, constitution which prohibit the adoption of a law case would be giving it an ex
1916, because of the usurious rate of interest. They “impairing the obligation of contract” post facto operation
were tried and found guilty. A law imposing a new penalty, or a new liability or
On appeal the appellants argued that at the time of the disability, or giving a new right of action musn’t be
execution and delivery of contract, there wasn’t a construed to have a retroactive effect
Usury Law in the Philippines.

Ysmael vs. Petitioner is seeking the reinstatement of its Timber Timber licenses, permits and license agreements are No grave abuse of
Deputy ES License Agreement (TLA) which was cancelled in 1983 merely evidence of a privilege granted by the state to a discretion as petitioner failed
during the Marcos admin. It also seeks to revoke the qualified entities, they are not deemed contracts within to make out a case showing
TLA issued to private resp without public bidding and the purview of the due process clause the same, the court finds no
in violation of forestry laws, rules and regulations; and basis to issue a writ of
the issuance of an order allowing petitioner to take certiorari and to grant any of
possession of all logs found in the concession area. the reliefs sought.

C and M This is a petition for certiorari by which C & M Timber Conservation and protection of forest resources is not The petition is dismissed as
Timber vs. Corporation seeks the nullification of the order and the really a new policy but a mere reiteration of a there is no grave abuse of
Alcala resolution of the Office of the President, declaring as of constitutional policy which commands the state “to discretion on the part of the
no force and effect Timber License Agreement (TLA) protect and promote the right of people to a balanced govt.
No. 106 issued to petitioner on June 30, 1972. The and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and
TLA covers 67,680 hectares of forest land in the harmony of nature.
municipalities of Dipaculao and Dinalongan in the Timber licenses, permits and license agreements are
Province of Aurora and the Municipality of Maddela in the principal instruments by which the state regulates
Quirino province the utilization and disposition of forest resources to the
end that the public welfare is promoted – they are not
deemed contracts within the purview of the due
process clause. They merely evidence a privilege
granted by the state to qualified entities and do not
vest in the latter a permanent or irrevocable right to the
particular concession area and the forest products
therein. They may be validly amended, modified,
replaced or rescinded by the Chief Executive when
national interests so require.

Repubic vs. Rosemoor Mining → given a contract to mine quarry Sec 2 Art XII (1987 Consti) does not apply retroactively The petition is granted, the CA
Rosemoor deposits in Biak-na-Bato, Bulacan through Licence No. to a license, concession or lease granted by the govt decision set aside.
Mining 33, issued by the Bureau of Mines. However, this was under 1973 Consti or before effectivity of the 1987
soon revoked without due notice or hearing by newly Constitution
appointed DENR Secretary Maceda. Rosemoor Sec 3(p) of RA 7942 defines an existing mining/quarry
challenged this. right as “a valid and subsisting mining claim or permit
The DENR says that the contract was validly revoked or quarry permit or any mining lease contract or
because it violated PD 463 which provides that agreement covering a mineralized area granted/issued
licences are only to be given to a maximum of 100 under pertinent mining laws.
hectares. License No. 33 gabe Rosemoor 340 Ep No 133 merely evidences a privilege granted by the
hectares. Rosemoor argues otherwise, saying that it is state which may be amended, modified or rescinded
valid because no license gave them more that 100 when the national interest so requires; these are not
hectares, the 330 hectares being given through 4 deemed to be contracts. This is necessarily so since
separate applications. the exploration, development and utilization of the
RTC granted the petition of Rosemoor saying that the country’s natural mineral resources are matters
contract has ripened into a property right that the impressed with great public interest. Like timber
Government cannot take without due process. permits, mining exploration permits do not vest the
Moreover they also believed that the contract did not grantee any permanent or irrevocable right within the
violate PD 463 because no one licence gave purview of the non-impairment of contract and due
Rosemoor more that 100 hectares. CA concurred process clauses in the constitution.
The concept of jure regalia – reserves to the State
ownership of all natural resources.

Republic vs. Congress enacted RA 7227 (Bases Conversion and There is no vested right in a tax exemption, more so Petition is partly granted
Caguioa Development Act), which created the Subic Special when the latest expression of legislative intent renders The writ of certiorari to nullify
Economic and Freeport Zone (SBF) and the Subic Bay its continuance doubtful. Being a statutory privilege it and sent aside the Order and
Metropolitan Authority (SBMA). It provides that SBF may be modified or withdrawn at will by the granting the Writ of Preliminary
would be operated as a separate customs territory authority. To state otherwise would limit the taxing Injunction is granted.
ensuring free flow of goods and capital. It provides power which is unlimited, plenary, comprehensive and Accordingly those are set
incentives such as as tax and duty-free importations supreme. The power to impose taxes is one so aside and declared null and
and that the provisions of existing laws, rules and unlimited in force and so searhing in extent, it is void.
regulations to the contrary notwithstanding, no taxes, subject only to restrictions which rest on the discretion The writ of prohibition is
local and national, shall be imposed within the Subic of the authority exercising it. however denied.
Special Economic Zone. Private Respondents Tax exemptions are generally construed strictissimi
(domestic corporations doing business at the SBF) juris against the taxpayer and liberally in favour of the
were granted Certificates of Registration and Tax taxing authority. The burden of proof rests on the party
Exemption by the SBMA. Certificates allowed them to claiming it is exempted.
engage in trading, retailing, import, export, distribution Rights granted under the Certificates of Registration
and/or transshipment of general merchandise, and Tax Exemption are not absolute and
including alcohol and tobacco products , and uniformly unconditional. These grant a “permit to operate” to
granted them tax exemptions for such importations enterprises are in the nature of licenses which
Congress then passed RA 9334 (Act Increasing Excise jurisprudence considers as neither a property nor a
Tax Rates on Alcohol and Tobacco) which property right. The license takes his license subject to
provides that the importation of cigars and cigarettes, such conditions as the grantor sees fit to impose,
distilled spirits, fermented liquors and wines into the including its revocation at pleasure.
Philippines, even if destined for tax and duty free Whatever right was granted by this license must yield
shops, shall be subject to all applicable taxes, duties, to the state’s valid exercise of police power – the
charges, including excise taxes due thereon. This shall assailed provision was passed to curb the pernicious
apply to cigars and cigarettes, distilled spirits, practice of some unscrupulous business enterprises of
fermented liquors and wines brought directly into the using their exemption privileges for smuggling.
duly chartered or legislated free ports of the Subic The remedy to the parties once proving the
Economic Freeport Zone, created under Republic Act unconstitutionality of a tax law is tax refund or tax
No. 7227. Because of this, an order directing credit
locators/importers in the SBF to pay the corresponding Lifeblood Doctrine – The power to ax emanates from
duties and taxes on their importations of cigars, necessity – without taxes, government cannot fulfil its
cigarettes, liquors and wines before said items are mandate promoting the general welfare and well being
cleared and released from the free port. of the people. Taxes being the lifeblood of the
Private respondents brought for a an action for government that should be collected without
declaratory relief with RTC Olongapo to have certain unnecessary hindrance, every precaution must be
provisions of RA 9334 declared as unconstitutional as taken not to unduly suppress it.
it, among others, violates the constitutional proscription
against the impairment of the obligation of contracts
the obligation of contracts. RTC granted writ of
preliminary injunction and held that RA 9334 violates
terms and conditions of private respondents contracts
with SBMA – violation of guarantee against impairment
of contractual obligations
Petitioners assail the Order and Writ of Preliminary

Ganzon vs. Rodolfo Ganzon initiated proceedings to extra-judicially A trial court cannot order that a real estate mortgage Instant petition is granted. The
Inserto foreclose a real estate mortgage executed by be substituted with a surety bond. It is a right in rem, a orders of the trial court are set
Randolph Tajanlangit and Esteban Tajanlangit (private lien on the property. To substitute mortgage with a aside.
respondents) in his favor. The mortgage was for surety bond would convert such lien from a right, in
promissory note of P40,000 in favor of the rem, to a right in personam. This conversion cannot be
Tajanlangits. It covered a parcel of residential land in ordered for it would abridge the rights of the mortgagee
Molo, Iloilo City under the mortgae contract.
The private respondents filed a complaint saying that Such an order violates the constitutional provision on
Ganzon executed a deed of absolute sale over the non-impairment of contracts. Such an order would in
effect change the terms and conditions of the
parcel of land in favor of Esteban Tajanlangit. The
mortgage contract. The respondent court has directed
deed of real estate mortgage was for the purpose of a deviation from its terms, diminished its efficiency and
securing the payment for the P40,000. The deed of dispensed with a primary condition.
absolute sale included a proviso which held that
Ganzon guaranteed that the occupants of the lot would
vacate within 120 days after the execution. This
guaranty was violated by Ganzon because the
occupants are still within the premises of the lot until
present. Hence, the extra-judicial foreclosure is illegal
since Ganzon committed a breach in his warranty
CFI granted Tajanlangits’ motion and ordered Register
of Deeds of Iloilo City to cancel the mortgage lien on
the TCT upon showing of Tajanlangits that they have
put up the surety bond in the sum of P80,000

Philconsa Congress passed the General Appropriations Bill of The prohibition on the use of the Modernization fund Petition dismissed
vs. Enriquez 1994. It imposed conditions and limitations on certain for payment of the trainer planes and armored
items of appropriations in the proposed budget personnel carriers, which have been contracted by the
previously submitted by the President. AFP is violative of the Constitutional Prohibition on the
It also authorized members of Congress to propose passage of laws that impair the obligation of contracts
and identify projects in the "pork barrels" allotted to
them and to realign their respective operating budgets.
In the appropriation for the modernization of the AFP,
the President vetoed the provision in the said
appropriation, which requires the prior approval of
Congress for the release of the corresponding
modernization funds. Here are the vetoed provisions:

Eugenio vs. In 1972, Palmiano purchased on installment basis from PD 957 is to be given retroactive effect so as to cover No Grave Abuse of Discretion,
Drilon Eugenio a lot in Quezon City. In 1979, the National even those contracts executed prior to its enactment. petition denied.
Housing Authority ordered petitioner to cease and It was enacted to provide a protective mantle over
desist from making further sales of lots in the village helpless citizens who may fall prey to the
due to non-development. manipulations and machinations of unscrupulous
Afterwards, respondent filed with the Human sellers.
Settlements Regulatory Commission a complaint The intent was to have P.D. 957 operate
against petitioner alleging that in view of the retrospectively even upon contracts already in
resolutions, he suspended payment of his existence at the time of its enactment. Otherwise, a
amortizations, but petitioner then cancelled the strictly prospective application of the statute will
contracts due to the non-payment. Private respondent effectively emasculate it, for then the State will not be
prayed for reconveyance of the lot to him. able to exercise its regulatory functions and curb
Meanwhile, P.D. 957, The Subdivision and fraudulent schemes perpetrated under those contracts
Condominium Buyers Protective Decree was enacted entered into prior to P.D. 957, despite obvious
in 1976. The law provided that failure to develop a prejudice to the very subdivision lot buyers sought to
subdivision constitute legal justification for the non- be protected by said law.
payment of amortizations by a buyer on installment It is improbable that the legislative intended to permit
and non-forfeiture of payments. such a loophole to remain and continue to be a source
On appeal, applying P.D. 957, the respondent’s of misery for subdivision lot buyers well into the future.
petition was granted and affirmed by the Executive Moreover, the application of P.D. 957 to the contracts
Secretary. They ordered petitioner to complete the in question will be consistent with the contracts
subdivision development and to reinstate private themselves, which expressly provides that the
respondents purchase contract over the lot. petitioner further binds himself to comply with and
Hence this appeal. abide by all laws respecting the development of lots as
may be presently in force or may hereafter be required
by laws passed by the Congress.

Goldenway Equitable executed a loan worth P2M in favor of The purpose of the non-impairment clause is to Petition denied
vs. Equitable Goldenway. Goldenway executed a Real Estate safeguard the integrity of contrats against unwarranted
Mortgage in favor of Equitable over its real properties interference by the state. As a rule, contracts should
situated in Valenzuela City. not be tampered with by subsequent laws that would
Goldenway failed to pay loan. Equitable extrajudicially change or modify the rights and obligations of the
foreclosed the mortgaged properties. In the public parties.
auction, the properties were sold to Equitable for Impairment – anything that diminishes the efficacy of
P3.5M. Goldenway tried to redeem the properties but the contract. When there is a change to
Equitable said it’s not possible because the sale has · Terms of the contract between the parties
already been registered. · Imposes new conditions
Goldenway filed a complaint, stating that the · Dispenses with conditions agreed upon
redemption period that should be followed is the one- · Withdraws remedies for the enforcement of the
year one pursuant to Act. 3135, and not the shorter rights of the parties.
one according to RA 8791. Because of this, The non-impairment clause must yield to the loftier
Goldenway said the equal protection clause was purposes targeted by the government.
violated. Additionally, Goldenway alleged that they
were not furnished the Statement of Accounts for the
Sale and thus were deprived an opportunity to exercise
the right of redemption.
Cases (from Cruz)

Stone v Franchise granted by the state in exchange for valuable Constitutional guaranty of non- The measure was sustained although the
Mississippi consideration, for the operation of a lottery by private impairment of contracts is limited by term of the franchise had not yet expired
corporation was revoked when the legislature subsequently the exercise of police power of the
impose a prohibition on all kinds of gambling within the State, in the interest of public health,
state safety, morals, and general welfare
of the community

Gold Clause Creditors in contracts of loan, anticipating a chance in the When the contract’s subject is The law was sustained, as the subject of
Cases legal tender from gold to silver, stipulated with the currency, the state can intervene. the contract was currency, which was
borrowers that their loans would be repoain in gold within the exclusive power of legislature
currency even if the conversion did take place. US later to control
converted to the silver standard, the law provided for
discharge of payment of obligations in the new legal tender.
Creditors claimed this was impairment.

Rutter v PH government declared a moratorium on payment of pre- Law was annulled as violative of non-
Esteban war debts until after 8 years from the settlement of the war impairment clause, as the circumstances
damage claims of debtors (war) justifying the moratorium were
already gone; that the law was too
oppresive; that the usual moratorium did
not extend beyond 2 years

Long Island A private corporation was contracted to supply water to a Like police power, other inherent The expropriation was sustained as “a
Water Supply town for 25 yrs. The town was later annexed to a city, which powers of eminent domain and contract is a property, and like any other
Co v Brooklyn then sought to expropriate the properties and franchises of taxation may also validly limit the property, may be taken for public use
the plaintiff. impairment cause. subject to just compensation.
Cases – Right to Travel (from the syllabus)

Mirasol vs. DPWH DPWH declared the Manila-Cavite The right to travel does not mean the The SC declare VOID Department
(Coastal Road) Toll Expressway as right to choose any vehicle in Order Nos. 74, 215, and 123 of the
Summary: It is valid to regulate the limited access facilities. In short, they traversing a toll way. The right to Department of Public Works and
mode of transportation to be allowed banned bicycles, tricycles, pedicab, travel refers to the right to move from Highways, and the Revised Rules
in tollways. Right to travel does not motorcycles and non motorized one place to another. Petitioners can and Regulations on Limited Access
mean the right to choose any vehicle vehicles from the Expressway. The traverse the tollway any time so long Facilities of the Toll Regulatory
in traversing certain roads. Petitioners filed a case in court to as they do so in four-wheeled Board. The SC declare VALID
declare the administrative orders of vehicles. Petitioners are not denied Administrative Order No. 1 of the
the DPWH void for being violative of the right to move from Point A to Department of Public Works and
the equal protection clause, Point B along the tollway. Petitioners Communications.
particularly the right to travel. are free to access the toll way, much
as the rest of the public can. The (Note: DPWH Orders are void not
mode by which petitioners wish to because modes of transportation
travel pertains to the manner of traversing tollways cannot be
using the tollway, a subject that can regulated for they can be, but
be validly limited by regulation. The because it is within the power of the
right to travel does not entitle a DOTC to regulate such)
person to the best form of transport
or to the most convenient route to his

Marcos vs. Manglapus Pres. Marcos, in his deathbed, The rights Marcoses are invoking are Petition to issue travel documents to
signified his wish to return to the not absolute. They’re flexible Marcos family and to enjoin the
Summary: It is within the power of Philippines to die. However, Pres. depending on the circumstances. implementation of Pres. Aquino’s
the President to limit a person’s right Aquino, considering the dire The request of the Marcoses to be order DENIED.
to travel if there are factual bases. consequences to the nation of his allowed to return to the Philippines
return, barred the return of Marcos cannot be considered based solely
and his family. Petitioners filed a on the constitutional provisions
petition for mandamus and guaranteeing liberty of abode and
prohibition. They asked the court to the right to travel. It is proven that
order respondents to issue travel there are factual bases in Pres.
documents to the Marcos family and Aquino’s decision to bar Marcos’
enjoin the implementation of Pres. return. The supervening events that
Aquino to bar their return to the happened before her decision are
Philippines. factual. The President must take
preemptive measures for the self-
preservation of the country &
protection of the people. She has to
uphold the Constitution.

Manotoc vs. CA Ricardo Manotoc, Jr. acts as A court has the power to prohibit a Petition to leave the country and go
President of Trans-Insular person admitted to bail from leaving to US in light of Manotoc’s grant of
Summary: Courts have power to Management and Manotoc the PH. This is a necessary bail DENIED.
prohibit a person admitted to bail Securities Inc. Following the “run” on consequence of the nature and
from leaving the country. Even if stock brokerages, Manotoc (who function of a bail bond. RULE 114
bailed, a person has to appear was then in US) came home and SEC 1 ROC defines bail as security
before any court whenever required. filed a petition with SEC for the required and given for the release of
appointment of a management a person who is in the custody of the
committee Pending disposition, SEC law, that he will appear before any
requested the then Commissioner of court in which his appearance may
Immigration not to clear Manotoc for be required as stipulated in the bail
departure. When a Torrens title bond or recognizance. Condition
submitted to and accepted by imposed upon petitioner to make
Manotoc Securities Inc was himself available at all times
suspected to be a fake, its clients whenever the court requires his
filed separate criminal complaints. presence operates as a valid
Criminal charges for estafa were restriction on his right to travel.
filed. In all cases, Manotoc has been
admitted to bail.Manotoc filed a
motion for permission to leave the
country to go to US “relative to his
business transactions and

Silverio vs. CA Ricardo Silverio was charged with Judicial orders and processes would Decision of the lower courts to
violation of the Revised Securities be rendered nugatory if an accused cancel Silver’s passport and order
Summary: Courts have the power to Act in a Criminal Case. He posted were to be allowed to leave or to the Commission of Immigration to
order for the cancellation of a bail for his provisional freedom. remain, at his pleasure, outside the prevent Silvero from going abroad
person’s passport in light of the The people filed a case against territorial confines of the country. UPHELD.
decision in Manotoc vs CA. Silverio because he allegedly Holding an accused in a criminal
abused his freedom to go abroad case within the reach of the Courts
repeatedly without court approval in by preventing his departure from the
order to avoid the summons of the Philippines must be considered as a
court to arraign his case. They valid restriction on his right to travel
wanted to cancel Silverio’s passport so that he may be dealt with in
and wanted the Commission of accordance with law. The offended
Immigration to prevent Silverio from party in any criminal proceeding is
going abroad. The lower courts the People of the Philippines. It is to
granted the cancellation of Silverio’s their best interest that criminal
passport. prosecutions should run their course
and proceed to finality without undue
delay, with an accused holding
himself amenable to Court Orders.

Santiago vs. Vasquez A criminal case was filed against The Hold Departure Order does not Petition to leave PH to study
Miriam Defensor-Santiago with the violate Due Process even if there DISMISSED.
Summary: Courts do not violate Due Sandiganbayan for an alleged was no Notice and Hearing. The Hold Departure Order SUSTAINED.
Process in issuing a Hold Departure violation of the Anti-Graft and court is vested with inherent powers
Order even if there was Notice and Corrupt Practices Act. Miriam issued to protect its Jurisdiction and to
Hearing so long as the immediacy of a cash bail bond, upon authorization ensure the proper administration of
circumstances demands. More so, of the court, in order to secure her Justice. Given the immediacy of the
the ruling in Manotoc applies even in liberty. Miriam then wanted the SB to circumstances (Miriam pronouncing
cases where the purpose of cancel her original cash bail bond, in her quick plans to go abroad)
travelling abroad is to study. favor of a recognizance (a type of justifies the court issuance despite
bond where the issuer is bound to lack of Notice and Hearing. The Hold
the court by a condition, like Departure Order does not violate
appearance when summoned). In right to travel. The right to travel
1992, the SB issued a hold should by no means be construed as
departure order against Miriam in delimiting the inherent power of the
light of her Media announcement Courts to use all means necessary to
that she intends to leave the country carry their orders into effect in
for an extended stay abroad for criminal cases pending before them.
study purposes. Hence, Miriam filed
this case to the SC.

Marcos vs. Sandiganbayan Cong. Imelda Marcos is a defendant The SB did not commit grave abuse Petition to leave PH to seek
to several criminal cases for Anti- of discretion when it disallowed diagnostic examination DENIED.
Summary: It is within the power of Graft and Corrupt Practices Act. Imelda Marcos from leaving PH. The
the courts to form a committee to Pending the appeal in SB, petitioner SB only took a prudent course in
confirm a claim of danger in health filed a “Motion for Leave to Travel seeking the opinion of specialists to
by an accused to justify leaving the Abroad” to seek diagnostic determine condition of the petitioner.
PH. Hence, it is within the court’s examination in China due to serious It is indispensable in the
discretion whether to allow an and life threatening medical determination whether or not it is
accused to leave country for condition as the equipment is not necessary and urgent for petitioner
humanitarian reasons. available in the PH. SB formed a to travel abroad. The unusual and
committee and consulted specialists unorthodox conduct of the trial (this
to confirm the danger in Marcos’ refers to the formation of the
health. SB denied above motion as committee of medical expert) is due
its committee found that Marcos’ to the Presiding Justice’s robust
health is not actually in danger. rather than ill motive and hostility.
Even though the conviction is not yet
final, a person’s right to travel is
subject to the constraints imposed by
the necessity of safeguarding the
system of justice. Whether the
accused will be allowed to leave for
humanitarian reason is a matter of
court’s sound discretion.

Yap vs. CA Yap was convicted of estafa by RTC The condition that YAP secures a Petition PARTLY GRANTED.
Pasig City. Yap filed with CA a guaranty from the Mayor where he Original amount of bail which is
Summary: Courts have the power to motion to fix bail. The CA allowed resides does not violate his liberty of P5.5M should be decreased.
fix conditions and restrictions on him to fix bail on the following abode and travel. It is merely Restrictions on his right to travel and
accused’ right to travel and abode. conditions: (1) Yap secures a consistent with the nature and abode are AFFIRMED.
The condition for an accused to guaranty from the mayor of his function of a bail bond which is to
secure guaranty from his mayor that residential town that he will remain a ensure that he will make himself
he remains a resident therein and resident therein and will file a prior available at time when he is required
that he shall file a prior notice in case notice in case he transfer, (2) CID by the court. Besides he is not
of transfer of residence is valid. issues a hold departure order, (3) precluded from changing his abode
Yap surrender his passport, (4) but merely to inform the court in case
violation of said conditions will cause he does so.
his immediate arrest and
confinement in jail. Hence, Yap filed
this petition claiming that CA
effectively deprived him of his bail.

Court Administrator vs. Macarine Judge Macarine wrote a letter to The exercise of right to travel under Judge Macarine, by virtue of OCA
Court Administrator Perez, Section 6, Article 3 of the Circular No. 49-2003, is
Summary: OCA Circular No. 49- requesting for authority to travel to Constitution is not absolute.This, ADMONISHED.
2003 which requires that all foreign Hongkong. However, he did not however, should by no means be
trips of judges and court personnel submit the corresponding application construed as limiting the Court’s
be with prior permission from the leave. His reason was that sensing inherent power of administrative
courts is valid. It is a mere regulation the time constraint, he opted not to supervision over lower courts.
and not restriction of right to travel. immediately complete the OCA Circular No. 49-2003 does not
requirements and simply went ahead restrict but merely regulates, by
with their travel abroad. The OCA providing guidelines to be complied
found him guilty of violation of OCA by judges and court personnel,
Circular No. 49-2003 for travelling before they can go on leave to travel
out of the country without filing the abroad. To ensure the proper
necessary application for leave and management of court dockets and to
without first securing a travel avoid disruption in the administration
authority from the Court. OCA of justice, OCA Circular No. 49-
Circular No. 49-2003 requires that all 2003 requires a judge who wishes to
foreign travels of judges and court travel abroad to submit complete
personnel, regardless of the number requirements to the OCA at least 2
of days, must be with prior weeks before intended time of travel.
permission from the Court.
Cases (from Cruz)

Caunca v Salazar “An employment agency, regardless of the In the issue of whether or not a maid had the right
amount it may advance to a prospective to transfer to another residence even if she had
employee, has absolutely no power to curtail the not yet paid the amount advanced by an
freedom of said employee. x x x The fortunes of employment agency, which was then detaining
business cannot be controlled by controlling a her, for her transportation. The Court ruled in
fundamental human freedom.” favor of the maid.

Lorenzo v Director of Health Health officers may restrict access to

contaminated areas and also quarantine those
already exposed to the disease sought to be

Zemel v Rusk In the US, the Secretary of State may regulate or

even prohibit the travel of citizens to hostile
countries to prevent possible international
misunderstanding and conflict.

Rubi v Provincial Board of Mindoro Respondents were justified in requiring the

members of certain non-Christian tribes to reside
in a reservation, for their better education,
advancement and protection.

Villavicencio v Lukban Regarding the deportation of prostitutes by the

Mayor of the city of Manila, Philippine penal law
specifically punishes any public officer who, not
being expressly authorized by law or regulation,
compels any person to change his residence.

Salonga v Hermoso “IT is desirable that respondent Travel Processing This is a case regarding a petition for mandamus
Center should exercise the utmost care to avoid to compel the issuance of a permit to travel
the impression that certain citizens desirous of abroad. It became moot and academic but CJ
exercising their constitutional right to travel could Fernando ruled on the merits.
be subjected to inconvenience and annoyance.
Teenhankee: The issuance of the travel certificate
necessarily is a recognition of the petitioner’s right
to travel under the present circumstances.

Philippine Association of Service Exporters v The ban on their right to travel was justified on the SC sustained an administrative regulation
Drilon ground of public safety. temporarily suspending the deployment of Filipino
female domestics abroad in view of reports of
their abuse and exploitation by foreign employers.

Arroyo v De Lima Court ruled in favor of Arroyo. Arroyo was then a respondent in a preliminary
investigation for election offenses being jointly
conducted by the Department of Justice and the
COMELEC. She wanted to travel abroad for a
medical appointment and treatment but was on
the Watchlist of the DOJ. She invoked her right to

Carpio: The right to travel is a constitutional right

and may be impaired only in the interest of
national security, public safety or public health as
may be provided by law. Petitioners are already
undergoing preliminary investigation in several
criminal cases, and charges may be filed before
the courts while petitioners are abroad. The
Government must be heard on how the charges
against petitioners could proceed while petitioners
are abroad.

Sereno: The Court, by its own administrative

actions, has acknowledged the state’s limited
power to abridge the right to travel.

Leave Division v Heusdens The issue in this case is non-compliance with the SC admonished a clerk of court for travelling
Court’s rules and regulations. There are abroad without any travel authority as required
constitutional, statutory and inherent limitations under OCA Circular No. 49-2003
regulating the right to travel.

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