Manzini - Design Culture and Dialogic Design - 2016
Manzini - Design Culture and Dialogic Design - 2016
Manzini - Design Culture and Dialogic Design - 2016
Ezio Manzini
Design Culture(s)
Recall that what characterizes emerging design are the methods
and tools used. In it the role of design experts is to cultivate these
methods and tools, apply them effectively, and make their useful-
ness visible. However, design is not only the sum of its methodolo-
gies and tools. Neither is the role of design experts reducible
merely to this equation. Before being a technique, design is a
capacity for critical analysis and reflection, with which design
experts produce knowledge, visions, and quality criteria that can
be made concrete in feasible proposals. And this understanding
holds true at all levels: from the single local solution to the evolu-
tion of the entire socio-technical system. Therefore, whoever steps
forward as a design expert must also be—and be acknowledged
as—a carrier of this specific culture: the design culture. Design cul-
ture encompasses the knowledge, values, visions, and quality cri-
teria that emerge from the tangle of conversations occurring
during design activities (the ones that are open to interaction with
a variety of actors and cultures) and the conversations that take
place in various design arenas. Such arenas include the multiplicity
of physical and virtual places—from conferences to informal
encounters, books, universities, specialist journals, blogs, and Face-
book groups—in which design, its meaning, and the quality of its
results are discussed.
This definition is close to the one given by Guy Julier: When
talking about design culture as a context-informed practice, he
5 Guy Julier, “From Visual Culture to
Design Culture,” Design Issues 22, no. 1 describes it as “collectively-held norms of practice shared within
(Winter 2006), 70–71. See also Guy or across contexts…. [D]esign culture thus becomes a forum…
Julier, The Culture of Design (London: by which globally diasporic actors connect, communicate, and
Sage, 2000); Victor Margolin, “The Prod- legitimate their activities.”5 However, while for Julier design
uct Milieu and Social Action,” in Discov-
culture is principally a specific study discipline that produces its
ery Design: Exploration in Design
Studies, Richard Buchanan and Victor specific experts, for me it is mainly the culture of the designers
Margolin, eds. (Chicago: University of themselves and of the communities in which they operate: the
Chicago Press, 1955); Ezio Manzini, “New culture on which design itself is based and thanks to which
Design Knowledge,” Design Studies 30, innovative meanings can also be proposed. Precisely this design
no. 1 (January 2009): 4–9.
culture is the source of the most original contributions design
6 Roberto Verganti, Design-Driven
experts can offer as innovation because, in presenting ideas, pro-
Innovation (Boston: Harvard Business
School Press, 2009); Ezio Manzini and posals, and visions, they can trigger meaningful changes in the
Virginia Tassinari, “Sustainable Qualities: very idea of well-being and in the qualities that characterize it. The
Powerful Drivers of Social Change,” in search for those qualities is what motivates people’s choices at all
Motivating Change: Sustainable Design levels: from single solutions to the reorientation of individual and
and Behaviour in the Built Environment,
collective ways of living.6
Robert Crocker and Steffen Lehmann (ed.)
(London: Earthscan, 2013), 217–32.