Catamisan, Andrew Jozsef D. Phy11l A4 E201 3q1617
Catamisan, Andrew Jozsef D. Phy11l A4 E201 3q1617
Catamisan, Andrew Jozsef D. Phy11l A4 E201 3q1617
As both parts of the experiment is completed, the data has been gathered and all
needed computations are successfully accomplished, the group is ready to come up with a
conclusion to the experiment.
With the data in Table 1, I therefore conclude that the Displacement is directly
proportional to the Time, Work and the Power. An increase in the distance an object has
to travel increases the Time, Work and the Power needed to complete the action. This was
tried and tested using the fan cart in four different trials and increasing the displacement
by 0.10 m.
With the data in Table 2, I therefore conclude that as with part 1, increasing either
the Angle or the Force exerted on the hanging mass will indeed increase both the Work
and the Gravitational Potential Energy, making them directly proportional. Because of the
results of the first part of the experiment, the group came to the hypothesis that the same
results will also occur with the second part but the group had to be sure and so we
conducted the experiment and did come up with the same results, further giving credibility
to the result of the first part of the experiment.
With the results of both parts of the experiment, it is safe to declare that the
formula 𝑊 = 𝐹 ∙ 𝑆 is correct along with 𝑃 = 𝑡 .
Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. (1998, 7 20). Work. Retrieved from Encyclopedia Britannica:
Editors of The Physics Classroom. (2016). Power. Retrieved from The Physics Classroom:
Editors of The Physics Hypertextbook. (2017). Energy. Retrieved from The Physics Hypertextbook: