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Permold Series

Maintenance Manual

Engine Models IO-520-B


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October, 1998
See “Manual Revisions,” in the introduction section for distribution procedure.



If the user of this manual is uncertain whether all current revisions have been
incorporated into the manual, contact Teledyne Continental Motors. Do not
perform any operation, maintenance, installation or other operation until the
manual is confirmed as current.

MODELS: I0-520-B, -BA, -BB, -C, -CB, -M, -MB FORM M-11


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Chapter 1 .............................................................................................................................................................. General Information
Chapter 2 ............................................................................................................................................................. Tools and Equipment
Chapter 3 ....................................................................................................................................................... Sealants and Lubricants
Chapter 4 ................................................................................................................................................ Airworthiness Limitations
Chapter 5 ......................................................... Time Limits/Operational Inspection / Engine Troubleshooting
Chapter 6 ...................................................................................................... Unpacking/Deinhibiting/Installation & Test
Chapter 7 .......................................................................................................................................................................Servicing, Fluids
Chapter 8 ................................................................................................................................. Engine Preservation and Storage
Chapter 9 ................................................................................................................................................................... Standard Practices
Chapter 10 ........................................................................................................................................................... Engine Maintenance
Chapter 11 ...................................................................................................................................................................... Exhaust System
Chapter 12 ...................................................................................................................................................................... Ignition System
Chapter 13 ................................................................................................................................................................................ Fuel System
Chapter 14 ................................................................................................................................................................... Induction System
Chapter 15 ................................................................................................................................................ Air Conditioning System
Chapter 16 ........................................................................................................................................... Electrical Charging System
Chapter 17 ................................................................................................................................................. Starter & Starter Adapter
Chapter 18 ............................................................................................................................................................. Lubrication System
Chapter 19 ............................................................................................................................................................... Cylinder Assembly
Chapter 20 .....................................................................................................................................................................................Crankcase
Chapter 21 .............................................................................................................................................................. Engine Drive Train
Chapter 22 ............................................................................................................... Post Maintenance Adjustment and Test

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Chapter 1
General Information
Cover Page .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Current Status of Pages ..................................................................................................................................................................................... iii
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................................................................................v
Replacement Parts .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1-3
Know Your Supplier ................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-3
Identifying Approved Parts ................................................................................................................................................................... 1-3
Owner/Operator Responsibility ............................................................................................................................................................... 1-4
Notice to all Users .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1-4
To The Mechanic .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1-4
Notes, Cautions, and Warnings ................................................................................................................................................................ 1-4
Note ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-4
Caution ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1-4
Warning................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1-4
About This Manual ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1-5
Scope ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-5
Definition of Terms ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-5
Manual Revisions ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-5
Related Publications ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-6
ASTM ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1-6
Slick Ignitions ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-6
Service Documents ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1-7
Mandatory Service Bulletin (MSB) ................................................................................................................................................ 1-7
Critical Service Bulletin (CSB).......................................................................................................................................................... 1-7
Service Bulletin (SB) .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1-7
Service Information (SID)...................................................................................................................................................................... 1-7
Service Information Leter (SIL) ........................................................................................................................................................ 1-7
Special Service Notice (SSN)............................................................................................................................................................... 1-7
Service Reports and Inquiries............................................................................................................................................................. 1-7
Engine Model Code............................................................................................................................................................................................ 1-8
Engine Design Features .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1-8
Engine Specifications and Operating Limits.................................................................................................................................. 1-9
Accessory Drive Ratios to Crankshaft ............................................................................................................................................. 1-10
Engine Illustrations ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-11

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General Information

Identifying Approved Parts

Replacement Parts Approved serviceable replacement parts are
identified by:
WARNING 1. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Form
8130-3 Airworthiness Approval Tag. An
Use only parts that meet the engine type Airworthiness Approval Tag identifies a part
design. or group of parts that have been approved by
Beware of replacement parts, materials and an authorized FAA representative.
accessories that may be sold as aircraft quality but 2. FAA Technical Standard Order (TSO) number
whose origin and quality are not known. These and identification mark indicating that the part
parts may be deceptively advertised as “unused,” or appliance was manufactured in accordance
“like new,” or “remanufactured,” and purchasers with the requirements of FAR 21 Subpart O.
are often unaware that they are not eligible for use
on certificated aircraft. The hazards involved in 3. FAA Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA)
installing these types of parts on your aircraft are symbol with the manufacturer's name, part
obvious. number, make and model of the type certified
product on which the part can legally be
Know Your Supplier installed stamped on the part. An FAA/PMA
Many original parts and components are copied is issued under FAR 21.305. Make and model
and the copies are sold at discounted prices for information may be on a tag attached to the
installation on U.S. certified aircraft. An original part.
manufacturer's part is often used as a guide to 4. Shipping ticket, invoice, or other document
make duplicates that appear to be as good as the which verifies that the part was manufactured
original, but there are many unknowns about the by a facility that was holding an FAA
quality of design, materials, and workmanship. Approved Production Inspection System
Other factors that go into quality parts are the Certificate issued under FAR 21 Subpart F, or
degree of heat treating and plating, and by a manufacturer holding an FAA Production
inspections, tests, and calibrations. Unfortunately, Certificate issued under FAR 21 Subpart G.
a cheaply produced part that looked “as good as
the original” is usually found out too late. 5. Certificate of airworthiness for export issued
by governments in countries other than the
Federal Aviation Regulations FAR 43.13 and FAR United States of America under the provisions
145.57 specify performance rules for replacement of FAR 21 Subpart N.
of parts and materials used in the maintenance and
alteration of United States certificated aircraft.
FAR 91.403, FAR 121.363, FAR 123.45, and
FAR 135.143(a) holds the owner/operator respon-
sible for the continued airworthiness of the
aircraft, and that includes the quality of replace-
ment parts.

General Information

Owner/Operator Responsibility techniques and practices prescribed in the

The owner/operator is responsible for the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness.
continued airworthiness of the aircraft. In Failure to comply with the Instructions for
accordance with FAR, certification of materials, Continued Airworthiness may result in
parts and appliances for return to service for use engine malfunction, engine failure, injury
on aircraft is the responsibility of the or death.
person/agency who signs the approval. To insure
the continued safe operation of your aircraft, you To The Mechanic
must exercise great care when inspecting, testing, Prior to performing maintenance, alteration,
and determining the acceptability of all parts and overhaul or preventive maintenance, the mechanic
materials. A very important part of this is must meet requirements of FAR 65 and must
verifying the origin of all materials, parts, and follow FAR Parts 43, 91 and 145 as applicable.
accessories that are used on your aircraft . Use this manual in conjunction with Teledyne
Continental Motors (TCM) service documents,
Notice to all users related publications, accessory manufacturer’s
This manual does not contain maintenance instructions, FAR and FAA Advisory Circulars.
information for supplemental type certificated
components or systems. This manual contains Notes, Cautions and WARNINGS
information on engines, components and systems NOTE...
designed, tested and certified by TCM in Special interest information which may facilitate
accordance with the pertinent type design data. performance of a procedure or operation of
This manual contains maintenance information equipment.
only. All personnel involved with these functions CAUTION...
must thoroughly read and understand the Used to emphasize certain information or
information provided. These instructions provide instructions which if disregarded may result in
the procedures necessary to maintain the engine damage to engine or accessories.
and they must be carefully followed.
This manual contains no warranties, either WARNING
expressed or implied.
Used to provide warning with respect to
WARNING information and/or instructions which if
disregarded will endanger personnel and/or
The Operator and Installation manual, severely damage the engine resulting in
Maintenance, manual, Overhaul manual, subsequent engine malfunction or failure.
Service Documents and the Parts Catalog Notes, cautions and warnings do not impose undue
constitute the instructions for Continued restrictions. They are provided to obtain maximum
Airworthiness prepared by TCM as safety, efficiency and performance. Abuse, misuse
approved by the FAA, pursuant to FAR or neglect of equipment can cause eventual engine
Part 33. As required by FAR § 43.13, each malfunction or failure.
person performing overhaul, maintenance,
alteration or preventive maintenance on the
engine or accessories must use the methods,

General Information

If for any reason, you are uncertain

About This Manual whether all current revisions have been
This maintenance manual and the publications incorporated into the manual, contact
listed in “Related Publications,” provide the Teledyne Continental Motors or a TCM
information necessary to operate, maintain and Distributor to confirm the manual is the
install an aircraft engine. For a list of chapters
most current revision. Do not use the
contained in this manual refer to the “Table of
Contents” earlier in this chapter. For chapter
manual and do not perform any operation,
contents, refer to the chapter title page at the maintenance or installation procedures or
beginning of each chapter. The pages, figures and other operations upon the engine or
tables contained in this publication are numbered accessories until the manual has been
consecutively. confirmed to be current.
This manual is current and correct to the
Scope best of Teledyne Continental Motors’
This publication contains the information
knowledge at the time of publication.
necessary to perform scheduled maintenance,
adjustment and testing of the I0-520-B, -BA, -BB, Teledyne Continental Motors solicits and
-C, -CB, -M and -MB engines. encourages users comments regarding
suggested changes to this manual (a post
Definition Of Terms card is provided at the front of the manual
In this manual, front, rear, left and right refer to for this purpose.) Routine recommended
the engine as viewed from the accessory end. The changes or questions should be sent to:
accessory end is the rear and the propeller flange
is the front of the engine. Cylinders are numbered Teledyne Continental Motors
starting from the rear, with odd numbers on the P.O. Box 90
right and even numbers on the left. Mobile, Alabama 36601
Manual Revisions ATTN:
Teledyne Continental Motors’ manuals are revised Technical Publications Department
as necessary. Revisions to this manual will be If the user observes incorrect information
furnished to purchasers who fill out and return the or mistakes in this publication that may
registration post card located in the front of this affect safety in any manner, immediately
contact the Technical Publications Depart-
Page iii, “Current Status Of Pages,” is updated at ment at (334) 438-3411 of Continental
each revision. Remove and discard the old page iii. Motors at (334) 438-3411, or contact a
Insert the new page iii as a record of which Teledyne Continental Motors Distributor
revisions have been incorporated into the manual.
or the Federal Aviation Administration.

General Information

Related Publications ASTM

American Society for Testing and Materials
The following is a listing of related manuals: (ASTM). Order through:
1. Overhaul Manual for I0-520 Permold series ASTM
engine models -B, -BA, -BB, -C, -CB, -M, and 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA.
-MB Engines, Form OH-11. 19103-1187 USA
2. Illustrated Parts Catalog for for I0-520 Ph: (215) 299-5400
Permold series engine models -B, -BA, -BB, -
C, -CB, -M and -MB Permold Series Aircraft
Engine, Form X30624A. Slick Ignitions
3. Operator and Installation Manual, Form OI- Order Slick Ignition Systems Master Service
11. Manual Index and Order Form through:
4. Teledyne Continental Motors Aircraft Engine Slick Aircraft Products, Unison Industries
Service Documents (including service 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue
bulletins). Rockford, Illinois 61104
5. Fuel Injection Manual, Form X30593A. ATT: Subscription Department
Telephone: (815) 965-4700
6. Starter Service Instructions, Form X30592.
7. TCM Ignition Systems Master Service
Manual, Form X40000

The above publications can be ordered through

your Teledyne Continental Motors Distributor or
ordered directly, if prepaid, from:
Teledyne Continental Motors
P. 0. Box 90
Mobile, Alabama 36601
ATTN: Publication Sales Department
Telephone: (334) 438-3411
For price information on the above publications
request TCM Publications Pricing Index of
Current Publications and Optional Publications.

General Information

includes updates of instructions for continued

Service Documents airworthiness.
Teledyne Continental Motors service documents
are: CATEGORY 4: “Service Information
(1) Mandatory Service Bulletin Directive” (SID)
Service documents (not included in Categories 1, 2
(2) Critical Service Bulletin or 3) that have been determined by the
(3) Service Bulletin manufacturer to be of value to an owner/operator
(4) Service Information Directive in the use of a product by enhancing safety,
(5) Service Information Letter maintenance or economy.
Special Service Notice (SSN) CATEGORY 5: “Service Information Letter”
See “Related Publications,” for service document
This category includes all information (not
ordering information. Following are definitions of
included in Categories 1 through 4) that may be of
the above service document categories:
use to the owner/operator or maintainer of the
CATEGORY 1: “Mandatory Service Bulletin” aircraft.
Service documents relating to known or suspected Special Service Notice (SSN)
hazards to safety that have been incorporated in TCM may issue a Special Service Notice when a
whole or in part in an Airworthiness Directive product condition can be rectified by direct contact
(AD) issued by the FAA or have been issued, at with each customer to whom the product was
the direction of FAA, by the manufacturer in order delivered. Special service notices will be upgraded
to require compliance with an already issued AD to Service Bulletins if confirmation of compliance
(or an equivalent issued by another country's with the Special Service Notice cannot be verified
airworthiness authority). by TCM.

CATEGORY 2: “Critical Service Bulletin”

(CSB) Service Reports And Inquiries
Service documents (not included in Category 1) If for any reason you have an inquiry or require
that have been determined by the product technical assistance, contact your local TCM
manufacturer to constitute a threat to continued distributor or TCM field representative. Requests
safe operation of an aircraft or to persons or for copies of Teledyne Continental Aircraft Engine
property on the ground unless some specific action service publications should be made through your
(inspection, repair, replacement, etc.) is taken by distributor or Teledyne Continental Motors, P. 0.
the product owner or operator. Documents in this Box 90, Mobile, AL 36601, ATTN: Publications
category may be incorporated in an Airworthiness Sales Department.
Directive issued by the FAA.
CATEGORY 3: “Service Bulletin” (SB)
Service documents (not included in Categories 1
and 2) considered by the product manufacturer to
constitute a substantial improvement to the
inherent safety of an aircraft or component of an
aircraft. This "Service Bulletin" category also

General Information

Engine Model Code Engine Design Features

This is how a typical IO-520 engine model code is The I0-520 Permold series engines have six air
interpreted: cooled, horizontally opposed cylinders with
overhead valves. The 5.25 inch bore and 4.00 inch
Engine Displacement
in Cubic Inches stroke provides 520 cubic inches displacement.
Engine Specification Number The engines are fuel injected and feature up-draft
Refer to the Engine Parts
Fuel Injection
Catalog for Information
induction systems. The crankshaft is equipped
with pendulum type counterweight dampers that
IO-520-X (x)
suppress torsional vibrations.
Engine Model A gear-driven alternator is installed on the right-
Cylinders front side of the crankcase forward of the number
5 cylinder. The engine is equipped with two gear-
driven magnetos and two accessory drive pads.
The exhaust system is supplied by the airframe
The I0-520 Permold Series engines have a
doweled six bolt hole configuration propeller
flange. A mounting pad is provided for a hydraulic
controlled governor for a constant speed propeller.
A wet sump and positive displacement oil pump
are installed on the lower rear of the crankcase.
When properly adjusted under normal operating
conditions, the desired oil pressure is maintained
by a pressure relief valve located in the oil pump
A geared, right-angle drive starter adapter with a
direct current starter motor provides engine

General Information

Engine Specifications Operating Limits

and Operating Limits The following specifications apply to all I0-520
The operating limits and specifications listed in Permold Series engines unless otherwise specified.
this section are applicable to the I0-520 Permold Crankshaft Speed - RPM
Series aircraft engines. Consult the I0-520 Rated Maximum Continuous Operation 2700 ..........

Operator And Installation Manual, Form OI-11 for Idle 600 min.

additional operating procedures.

Intake Manifold Pressure At Idle (In. Hg.)
For time between overhaul (TB0) for I0-520 18.5 max.

Permold Series engines see section 5-3 and the Fuel Control System
latest TBO Service Bulletin (Revised Overhaul Continental Continuous Flow Injection

Periods For All Teledyne Continental Aircraft Fuel See Chapter 7, “Servicing Fluids”

Engines). Accessories supplied with the engine by Oil See Chapter 7, “Servicing Fluids”

TCM have the same TBO with criteria for service Oil Pressure
and longevity outlined in current TCM TBO Idle, Minimum, psi 10 ..............................................................................................................................

Service Bulletins, unless otherwise specified. Normal Operation, psi @ 200° F 30 to 60 ...........................................

Oil Sump Capacity (U.S. Quarts) I0-520-B, -BA, -

BB, -C, -CB, -M, -MB
Engine Specifications 12

Manufacturer: Teledyne Continental Motors Oil Consumption (LB /BHP/Hr. Max.)

Models: I0-520-B, -BA, -BB, -C, -CB, -M, -MB .006 X % Power

Cylinders 100
Arrangement Individual cylinders
........................................................... Oil Temperature Limits
horizontally opposed Minimum for Take-Off 24°C/75°F .........................................................

Compression Ratio 8.5:1

.................................................................................................... Maximum Allowable 115.6°C/240°F ...............................................

Firing Order 1-6-3-2-5-4

Ignition Timing (Compression stroke, breaker
Number of cylinders 6..............................................................................................................
Bore (Inches) 5.25
Right Magneto, degrees BTC 22° ± 1° ..........................................

Stroke (Inches) 4.00

Left Magneto, degrees BTC 22° ± 1° ................................................

Piston Displacement (cu in ) 520 ................................................................

The following spark plugs are approved for use in

Brake Horsepower engine models according to the following listing:
Rated Maximum Continuous Operation ................ 285
I0-520 Permold Series: TCM 634675

Champion ....................... RHB32E

Spark Plug Gap:
Use spark plug manufacturer's specified gap

General Information

Accessory Drive Ratios to Crankshaft

Accessory Direction of Rotation Drive Ratio

Tachometer CCW .5:1

Magneto CCW 1.5:1

Starter CCW 48:1

Alternator (Gear Dr.) CCW 3:1

**Propeller Governor CW 1:1

Fuel Pump (Injection) CW 1:1

Accessory Drives (2) CW 1.5:1

“CW”- Clockwise and “CCW” - Counterclockwise (facing drive pad).

** This drive is a modified AND 20010 and is supplied with cover plate only.

Oil pressure is applied to the face of
accessory drive pads. If a gasket, accessory
or cover is not properly installed or
hardware is not properly torqued, oil
leakage will occur.
DO NOT operate the engine without a
propeller governor or internally grooved
cover plate installed. Failure to do so will
cause damage to the crankshaft and oil
transfer collar.

General Information

#5 #3 #1

Starter Motor


Starter Adapter

Fuel Pump

Oil Filter

Induction Induction Tube
Balance Tube
Oil Cooler
1200 Series Magneto

Oil Filler and Crankcase

#6 #4 #2 Breather

Figure 1-1
IO-520-B, -BA and -BB Engine Models - Top View

General Information


Oil Filler
Fuel Manifold Valve
Oil Cooler

Spark Plug


C ontinental C ontinental C ontinental

Governor Pad Tachometer
Engine Oil Pressure
Mount Connection
Oil Temperature
Oil Sump Connection

Induction Tubes

Fuel Metering Unit

Figure 1-2
IO-520-B,-BA and -BB Engine Models - Side View

General Information

Retard Magneto Switch

Connection Connection
Alternator Cylinder Barrel

Cylinder Head

Head Temperature
Port 6 Cylinders
Induction Housing
Balance Tube
Manifold Mount

Oil Sump

Figure 1-3
IO-520-B, -BA and -BB Engine Models - Front View

General Information

Vacuum Pump Return AND 20000

Drive Pad
Fuel Inlet From Fuel Tank Fuel Pump
Vapor Return To Tank
Fuel Outlet To Fuel Control
Fuel Return From Fuel Control

Oil Filter
Starter Motor

Oil Temperature
Control Valve
(Vernatherm) Tach Drive

Seal Drain Manifold Pressure

Oil Pump

Intake Manifold
Fuel Control Drain

Figure 1-4
IO-520-B, -BA and -BB Engine Models - Rear View

General Information

Fuel Injectors

#5 #3 #1 Magnetos
Starter Motor

Engine Mount

Crankshaft Throttle &

Prop Control
Fuel Manifold Valve

Oil Filter

Induction System Engine Mount

Balance Tube
Oil Cooler
Cylinder Oil Filler and
Assembly #6 #4 #2 Crankcase Breather

Valve Covers

Figure 1-5
IO-520-C, -CB Engine Models - Top View

General Information


Oil Filler
Fuel Manifold Valve Oil Cooler
Spark Plug Engine Mount

Oil Filter

Fuel Pump

Continental Continental Continental

Prop Fuel
Governor Metering
Pad Engine
Balance Oil Sump Induction Tube Oil Pressure Port
Oil Sump Drain

Oil Temperature Port

Figure 1-6
IO-520-C, -CB Engine Models - Side View

General Information

Retard Magneto Switch

Connection Connection

Cylinder Barrel
Alternator Cylinder Head


Induction manifold Pushrod

Balance Tube Housing

Intake Manifold Oil Sump Drain


Figure 1-7
IO-520-C, -CB Engine Models - Front View

General Information

Oil Filter

Oil Cooler




Mount Starter Adapter

Inlet From Fuel Pump


Figure 1-8
IO-520-C, -CB Engine Models - Rear View

General Information

Starter Motor


Starter Adapter
Fuel Pump

Manifold Oil Filter
Induction Induction Tube
Balance Tube Oil Cooler
1200 Series Magneto
Oil Filler & Crankcase
#6 #4 #2

Figure 1-9
IO-520-M, -MB Engine Models - Top View

General Information

Oil Filler
Fuel Manifold Valve
Oil Cooler
Spark Plug
Oil Filter

Fuel Pump

Continental Continental Continental

Propeller Metering
Governor Oil Pressure Unit
Pad Connection
Induction Oil Sump
Engine Oil Temperature
Balance Tube Mount
Oil Sump Connection
Induction Tube

Figure 1-10
IO-520-M, -MB Engine Models - Side View

General Information

Retard Magneto Switch

Connection Connection

Cylinder Barrel
Cylinder Head


Head Temperature
Port 6 Cylinders
Induction Manifold
Balance Tube
Intake Manifold Pushrod Housing
Oil Sump Drain

Figure 1-11
IO-520-M, -MB Engine Models - Front View

General Information

Vacuum Pump Return

AND 20000
Drive Pads
Fuel Pump
Fuel Inlet
Vapor Return To Tank
From Fuel Tank
Fuel Pump Outlet Fuel Return From
To Fuel Control Metering Unit
Oil Filter Starter Adapter

Starter Motor
Oil Cooler
Manifold Pressure
Intake Mainifold Drain Reference

Oil Temperature Control Valve

(Vernatherm) Intake Manifold
Electrical Tachometer Drain
Drive AND 20005 Engine Mount
4 Places

Figure 1-12
IO-520-M, -MB Engine Models - Rear View

Chapter 2
Tools and Equipment

Necessary Tools .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-3

Possible Special Tool Procurement Sources.................................................................................................................................. 2-4
Special Tools ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-5
General Engine Reciprocating .......................................................................................................................................................... 2-5
Ignition System ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-5
Fuel Injection................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-5
Charging System ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-5
Starting System ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-5
Lubrication System ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-5
Cylinders ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2-5
Crankcase ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-7
Engine Drive Train ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-7
Operational Inspection ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2-7

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Tools and Equipment

Necessary Tools
The mechanic should be equipped with a complete set of tools that include the following:
1. Wrenches - 1/4” through 1 1/4"
2. Common and Philips Head Screwdrivers
3. Pliers - Common, Diagonal Cutters, Needle Nose, Duck Bill, Snap Ring, Safety Wire
4. Ratchets 1/4", 3/8", 1/2" Drive
5. Sockets - 1/4”' Drive 5/32" through 1/2",- 3/8" Drive 3/8" through 1" - 1/2" Drive 7/16" through 1-1/ 4"
6. Sockets (Deepwell) -1/2" Drive, 7/6" through 1"
7. Feeler Gauges
8. Leather or Soft Plastic Mallet
9. Torque Wrenches* 0-500 In. Lbs. and 0-100 Ft. Lbs.
10. Micrometers*
11. Slide Hammer
12. Pullers
13. Thickness Gauges
14. Vernier Calipers*
15. Small Hole Gauges
* Must be currently calibrated, and the calibration must be traceable to the National Bureau of Standards.

Tools and Equipment

Possible Special Tool Procurement Sources

Note: All tools in the "Special Tool" list are for reference only, and not for the purpose of promoting or
suggesting tools to be purchased from the indicated sources.

Box 32516 10130 Jones Maltsberger Rd. Instruments for Light Powered Aircraft
San Antonio, TX 78284 Ph.512/349-3771 Special Tools
KENT- MOORE Precision Instruments
29784 Little Mack Measuring Instruments
Roseville, Ml 48066-2298 Ph. 800/253-0138 Precision Tools, Special Tools
Spark Plugs, lgnitors, Oil Filters
Box 910, 900 Upton Ave.
Special Tools
Toledo, OH 43661 Ph. 419/535-2461
EASTERN ELECTRONICS, INC. Fuel Pressure Test Equipment
180 Roberts St. Measuring Instruments
East Hartford, CT 06108 Ph. 203/528-9821 Precision Tools, Piston Position Indicators
1144 Eddy St. Precision Inspection Instruments
Providence, Rhode Island 02940 Ph. 800/343-2050 Special Tools


P.O. Box 4525, 2840 Breard St. Precision Tools
Monroe, LA 71201 Ph. 507/451 -5310 Special Tools
P.O. Box 4355 Precision Tools
Chicago, Illinois 60680 Ph. 312/833-0300 Special Tools

SNAP ON TOOLS Precision Tools

2611 Commerce Blvd. Special Tools
Birmingham, Alabama 35210 Ph. 205/956-1722
KELL-STROM TOOL COMPANY, INC. Ignition Test Equipment
214 Church St.
Wethersfield, CT 06109
FAX CORPORATION Ultrasonic Test Equipment
210 South King St.
Danbury, Connecticut 06813 Ph. 203/748-6117
201 W. Manville, Compote, Cal. 90224 Ph. 310/639-4242
AERO TEST, INC. Model 20 ATM-C Porta-Test Unit
29300 Goddard Rd, Romulus, Mi. 48174 Ph. 313/946-547


P.O. Box 1406 Dunedin Fl. 34697 Ph. 1-800-525-3935 Fax. 813-797-3941

Tools and Equipment

Special Tools
Specific tools listed below, or equivalent tools marketed by other manufacturers, are necessary for overhaul and

General Engine Reciprocating

1. Master Orifice Tool for cylinder compression test available from Kent - Moore.
2. Differential Pressure Cylinder Checker available from Kent - Moore.

Ignition System
1. Borrough's 3608A Protractor/Timing Indicator Disc or equivalent for setting engine timing.
2. Model E25 Timing Indicator available from Eastern Electronics, Inc.
3. 11-9110-1 Magneto Timing Light available from KELL-STROM Tool Company Inc.

Fuel Injection
1. Borrough's 8165 Injector Nozzle Remover and Installer or equivalent.

Charging System
1. Borrough's 7726 Tork Band Tension Adjuster or equivalent for Gen./Alt. Belt Tensioning.
2. BT-33-73F Belt Tension Gauge available from Kent - Moore.
3. Borrough's 4973 Generator Drive Holders or equivalent.
4. Borrough's 61-5 Pulley Puller or equivalent for gen./alt. sheave removal
5. Borrough's 8091 GEN./ALT. Output Tester or equivalent.
6. 647 Alternator Analyzer Voltage Regulator Tester from Eastern Electronics, Inc.
7. E100 Alternator/Regulator/Battery Tester available from Eastern Electronics, Inc.
8. Model 29 Voltage & Circuit Tester available from Eastern Electronics, Inc.

Starting System
1. Borrough's 8093C Bearing Puller or equivalent for needle bearing removal.
2. Borroughs 23-1 Needle Bearing Installer or equivalent.

Lubrication System
1. Oil Pressure Relief Spot Facer available from Kent - Moore.

1. Push Rod Spring Compressor available from Kent - Moore.
2. 5204 & 8158A Cylinder Base Nut Wrenches available from Kent - Moore.
3. Borrough's 8079 Cylinder Base Nut Wrenches or equivalent.
4. 3882, 3882-2 Cylinder Base Nut Wrenches available from Kent - Moore.
5. Borrough's 5221A Holding Fixture Adapters or equivalent
6. Borrough's 5221 13A Cylinder Holding Fixture or equivalent.
7. Borrough's 8156 Cylinder Heating Stand or equivalent.

Tools and Equipment

8. Borrough's 8086 Valve Seat Insert Remover & Replacer or equivalent.

9. Borrough's 4910 Installer Valve Seat Insert or equivalent.
10. Borrough's 4956 Installer Valve Seat Insert or equivalent.
11. Borrough's 8116 Common Parts Kit or equivalent.
12. Borrough's 8116-1 B through 15B Boring Bars or equivalent.
13. Borrough's 8116-1 R through 15R Reamers or equivalent.
14. Borrough's 8116-1 through 16 Expanding Guide Bodies or equivalent.
15. 4909 Valve Seat (Straight Side) Insert Cutters available from Kent - Moore.
16. 4954 Valve Seat (Straight Side) Insert Cutters available from Kent - Moore.
17. 4985 Valve Seat (Straight Side) Insert Cutters available from Kent - Moore.
18. 5224 Valve Seat (Straight Side) Insert Cutters available from Kent - Moore.
19. 5225 Valve Seat (Straight Side) Insert Cutters available from Kent - Moore.
20. 8135 Valve Seat (Step Side) Insert Cutters available from Kent - Moore.
21. 8136 Valve Seat (Step Side) Insert Cutters available from Kent - Moore.
22. 8138 Valve Seat (Step Side) Insert Cutters available from Kent - Moore.
23. Borrough's 8122A Common Drive Handle or equivalent.
24. 122 Valve Guide Cleaner available from Kent - Moore.
25. 4981 Valve Guide Remover available from Kent - Moore.
26. 2842 Valve Guide Replacer available from Kent - Moore.
27. Borrough's 3170 Floating Holder or equivalent.
28. 4981 Valve Guide Remover available from Kent - Moore.
29. Borrough's 8116-24 through 29 Valve Stem Hole Reamers or equivalent.
30. 2847-2CP Reamer (Carbide Tipped) available from Kent - Moore.
31. 2847-1CP Reamer (Carbide Tipped) available from Kent - Moore.
32. 2847-1HP Reamer (High Speed Steel) available from Kent - Moore
33. 2847-2HP Reamer (High Speed Steel) available from Kent - Moore
34. Plug Gauge for valve guide inspection available from Kent - Moore.
35. 4943-1 HS through 5HS Reamers, Valve Guide Boss available from Kent - Moore.
36. Borrough's 4918 Spark Plug Insert Replacer or equivalent.
37. Borrough's 4919 Spark Plug Insert Remover or equivalent.
38. Borrough's 445, 18mm Spark Plug Tap or equivalent for straightening out damaged
39. 2769A13 Rosan® Stud Remover available from McMASTER-CARR Supply Co.
Rosan® is a registered trademark of Fairchild Aerospace Fastener Division.
40. 8074 Rosan® Lock Ring Installer available from Kent - Moore.
41. Rocker Arm Bushing Remover/lnstaller available from Kent - Moore.
42. 7232 Reamer Rocker Arm Bushing available from Kent- Moore.
43. DA-200 Contour Probe available from Parker Research Corporation.

Tools and Equipment

1. Borrough's 8114 Crankcase Through Bolt Removers or equivalent.
2. L423 Crankcase Splitter available from Kent - Moore.
3. Borrough's 505 Stud Drivers or equivalent.

Engine Drive Train

1. Borrough's 8117A Runout Block Set or equivalent for crankshaft inspection.
2. Wheel Fax Jr. Mark IV Model O for Crankshaft Ultrasonic Testing available from Fax Corporation.
Operator must be certified in accordance with TCM standards.
3. Borrough's 8087A Polishing Tools for Crankshaft Bearings or equivalent.
4. 4965A Crankshaft Blade and Damper Bushing Remover/Replacer available from Kent- Moore.
5. Borrough's 8077A Bushing Remover & Replacer, Counterweight or equivalent.
6. Borrough's 8111A Connecting Rod Fixture or equivalent.
7. Borrough's 8042C Adapter Kit or equivalent for connecting rod inspection.
8. 5008 Reamers for connecting rod bushing available from Kent - Moore.
9. D-4000 Federal Dimension Air Gauge for connecting rod bushing inspection available from Federal Tool Supply
Co., Inc.
10. 1.1268 Setting Ring for checking 1.1267 to 1.1269 tolerance available from Federal Tool Supply Co., Inc.
11. 1.1268 Air Plug for checking 1.1267 to 1.1269 tolerance available from Federal Tool Supply Co., Inc.
12. Propeller Shaft Oil Seal Installer available from Kent - Moore

Operational Inspection
1 Alcor Portable Digital EGT Unit available from Alcor, Inc.
2 Alcor Portable Digital CHT available from Alcor, Inc.
3 Model 20 ATM-C Porta-Test Unit available from Aero Test, Inc.©

The rights to manufacture Borrough's Tools have been acquired by Kent-Moore.

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Chapter 3
Sealants and Lubricants

Sealants and Lubricants ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-3

Aviation Engine Oil Ashless Dispersant .................................................................................................................................... 3-3
Aviation Break-in Oil ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3-4
Aviation Preservative Oil ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3-4
Lubricants .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-4
Sealants........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3-6
Adhesives .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-8
Miscellaneous ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-8

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Sealants and Lubricants

Sealants And Lubricants

Aviation Engine Oil Ashless Dispersant

Recommended Grade:
Above 40'F ambient air, sea level: SAE 50 or 15W50
Below 40'F ambient air, sea level: SAE 30 or 20W60

Manufacturer Brand Name

BP Oil Corporation BP Aero Oil
Castrol Castrol Aero AD Oil
Castrol Limited (Australia) Castrol Aero AD Oil
Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Chevron Aero Oil
Continental Oil Conco Aero S
Delta Petroleum Company Delta Avoil Oil
Exxon Company, U.S.A. Exxon Aviation Oil EE
Gulf Oil Company Gulfpride Aviation AD
Mobil Oil Company Mobil Aero Oil
Pennzoil Company Pennzoil Aircraft Engine Oil
Phillips Petroleum Company Phillips 66 Aviation Oil, Type A
Phillips Petroleum Company X/C Aviation Multiviscosity Oil
SAE 2OW50, SAE 2OW60
Quaker State Oil & Refining Company Quaker State AD Aviation Engine Oil
Red Ram Limited (Canada) Red Ram X/C Aviation Oil 2OW50
Shell Australia Aeroshell (R) W
Shell Canada Limited Aeroshell Oil W, Aeroshell Oil W 15W50
Anti-Wear Formulation Aeroshell Oil W 15W50
Shell Oil Company Aeroshell Oil W, Aeroshell Oil W 15W50
Anti-Wear Formulation Aeroshell Oil W 15W15
Sinclair Oil Company Sinclair Avoil
Texaco Inc. Texaco Aircraft Engine Oil - Premium AD
Total France Total Aero DM 15W50
Union Oil Company of California Union Aircraft Engine Oil HD

Sealants and Lubricants

Aviation Break-in Oil

MIL-C-6529 Type 11 Corrosion preventive mineral oil.
NOTE... Mineral oil conforming with MIL-C-6529 Type 11 contains a corrosion preventive additive and must not
be used for more than 25 hours or six months, whichever occurs first. If oil consumption has not stabilized in this
time, drain and replenish the oil and replace the oil filter.

Aviation Preservative Oil

Type Suggested Sources Application
MIL-C-6529 Type 11 (Aeroshell Fluid 2F or equivalent) For Temporary storage (up to 90
MIL-P-46002, Grade 1 oil (NOX RUST VCI-105 or equivalent) For Indefinite storage
May be purchased through: Rock Island
Lubricant & Chemical Co. P.O. Box
5015 1320 1st Street Rock Island,
Illinois 61204 Phone: 1 -800-522-1150

Type Suggested Sources Application
Molyshield Grease May be purchased through: American Needle bearings and ball bearings
Valve stems
1227 Deeds All ACC. drive splines and coup-
Dayton, Ohio 45401 lings
Idler gear and pin
Phone: (513) 222 - 2851 Fuel injection controls, o-rings,
springs, shafts and bushings
Magneto rubber drive bushings
Oil pump and scavenge pump
gear shafts, ends and teeth. Oil
pump and scavenge pump hous-
ing and cover gear contact areas.
Starter worm gear drive teeth and
bevel gear teeth

Dow Corning® G-N Paste. Dow For Distributor information call Camshaft lobes and lifter faces
Corning G-N Paste is a registered 1-800-248-2481, have state & city
trademark of Dow Corning Corp. information available

Type Suggested Sources Application


Sealants and Lubricants

Alvania (Shell #2) Shell Product Information Center, Front crankshaft oil seal. Apply
For Distributor information Phone: 1-800-231-6950 light coat at point of contact
between nutseat and ferrule on
ignition lead

MIL-S-3545C Grease (Shell #5) Shell Product Information Center, Fuel injection linkage pivot points,
Phone: 1-800-231-6950 throttle shaft bushings, lever

Permatex Maintain® Lubricant For Distributor information call: Fuel injection linkage pivot points,
Permatex Customer Service @ throttle shaft bushings, lever
Phone: 1-800-641-7376 bushings

All .3125 and larger studs unless

646943 - Antiseize Lubricant May be purchased through your local
otherwise specified.
or TCM Distributor. For Distributor
Loctite Anti-Seize Lubricant 767 information , call Loctite Customer All mechanical tach drive housing
Service at threads not through to an oil
1-800-243-4874 source
Air reference fittings on all throtle

Approved, Clean, 50 Weight See Aviation Engine Oil Ashless Cylinder stud and through bolt
Ashless Dispersant Oil threads, crankcase stud threads,
Dispersant Table connecting rod bolt and nut threads
and engine accessory stud threads

Crankshaft bearings, connecting rod

Approved Clean Break-In Oil See Break-In Oil Table
bearings, camshaft bearings,
tachom-eter gears and adapters,
accessory spur gear teeth, starter
cone, bushing and nut, starter
adapter clutch spring (ID and OD),
sealing surface of valve guide seals,
pistons, piston pins, piston rings,
rocker arms, pivots, valves and
tappets, thrust washers and o-rings,
prop governor transfer collar and
sleeve, oil filter adapter seals

CHAMPION® - Spark Plug For Champion Products Distributor Spark plugs

Thread Lubricant No. 2612 information:
[CHAMPION® is a registered Phone: 803-843-5400
trademark of Cooper Industries.]

Lubricants (Continued)

Sealants and Lubricants

WD-40 or Chesterton No. 4 Chesterton Technical Product Induction system hose

Information connections
Phone: (508) 469-6783
Dow Corning® No. 4 For Distributor information call 1-800- Spin-on oil filter rubber seals
248-2481, have state & city information Magneto adapter gaskets (both
available sides)
Gasket, governor pad (both


Type Suggested Sources Application

LUBRIPLATE® 930 AA For Distributor information Call Apply to the outside diameter of valve
(P/N L0096-035) LUBRIPLATE® guides at installation
@ Phone: 1-800-733-4755
TCM P/N 654514 CRC 336 Rust May be purchased through Spray exhaust end of turbocharger for
Preventative Compound your local TCM Distributor engine preservation

Permatex Aviation Grade 3D For Distributor information call: Crankcase parting face, oil pump
and Permatex Customer Service @ covers, scavenge pump covers
#641543 Silk Thread Phone: 1-800-641-7376
May be purchased through
#646942 Gasket Maker
your local TCM Distributor
Loctite Gasket Eliminator May be purchased through
515 Sealant your local TCM Distributor

For Distributor information call:

Loctite Customer Service @
Phone: 1-800-243-4874


Sealants and Lubricants

Sealants (Continued)
653692 - Primer May be purchased through Crankcase crankshaft nose oil seal
or your local TCM Distributor area
Loctite LocQuic Primer 7649 For Distributor information:
Loctite Customer Service @
Phone: 1-800-243-4874
#646942- Gasket Maker May be purchased through your Engine nose seal, outside diameter of
local TCM Distributor all uncoated oil seals except fuel pump
or adapter seal, between oil sump and oil
Loctite Gasket Eliminator For Distributor information: sump gaskets
515 Sealant Loctite Customer Service @
Phone: 1-800-243-4874
#642188 - Gasket Sealant May be purchased through your Cam bore cover gasket (except beaded
(TCM) 1.5 oz. tube local TCM Distributor or gaskets), idler pin gasket, oil filler
K & W Copper Coat neck gasket, pressed in plugs, 2 bolt
For Distributor information r-all: suction tube gasket
K & W Products Customer
Phone: 1-800423-9446
Loctite Pipe Sealant with Teflon For Distributor information: Pipe threads (except fuel system
PS/T 592 Loctite Customer Service @ fittings), pressure relief valve housing
Phone: 1-800-243-4874 threads, stud holes that are exposed to

#646940 - F/I Sealant May be purchased through All pipe thread fittings in fuel
or your local TCM Distributor injection system (use sparingly on
Loctite Hydraulic Sealant 569 male threads only)
For Distributor information:
Loctite Customer Service,
Phone: 1-800-243-4874
Miller Stephenson For Distributor information: Ignition harness terminals at magneto
MS 122/CO2 Spray Miller-Stephenson Customer block end
Phone: 1-800-992-2424

Sealants and Lubricants

Type Suggested Sources Application
646941 High Strength Adhesive May be purchased through your Cylinder deck studs, squirt nozzles, fuel
Sealant or Loctite 271 local TCM Distributor manifold valve diaphragm and plunger
For Distributor information: assembly, crankshaft nose seal retainer
653696 Primer or Loctite Loctite Customer Service, bolts, studs on coolant manifold
LocQuic Primer 7471 Phone: 1-800-243-4874
649306 Sealant (optional
For Distributor information: Through stud holes on accessory end of
646940) or Loctite Adhesive
Loctite Customer Service, crankcase, manifold valve to bracket
Sealant 222 (optional Loctite
Phone: 1-800-243-4874 screws
Hydraulic Sealant 569)
3M Brand EC1252 White Spot 3M Cylinder deck stud nuts, through bolt
Putty nuts, magneto flanges, throttle body and
fuel metering unit

Type Suggested Sources Application
TCM P/N 626531-1 May be purchased through High temp. paint for cosmetic and
Enamel - Gold (1 qt) your local TCM Distributor corrosion protection
TCM P/N 626531-2
Enamel - Gold (1 gal)
TCM P/N 535001S May be purchased through Where applicable for lockwiring
Lockwire -.032 inch dia. Steel, your local TCM Distributor
Corrosion Resistant

"ACCELAGOLD" For sales and service: Elf Atochem Corrosion protection interior and
Turco® Products N.A. Turco® Products Div. P.O. exterior aluminum parts
Tucker, GA 30084 Box 195 State Route 95
[Accelagold is manufactured by West Marion, Ohio, 43302
Turco® Products, Inc.] 215-419-5376
Engine Preservation Kit May be purchased through: Engine Preservation
• Dehydrator plugs TANAIR
• Desiccant bags P.O. BOX 117
Glenwood, MN 56334
• Streamers, warning sign
(US & CAN) 1-800-4432136
• Preservative oils
(MN) 1-800-862-2443

Chapter 4
Airworthiness Limitations

Airworthiness Limitations ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4-3

Airworthiness Limitations

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Airworthiness Limitations

Airworthiness Limitations Distribution of Changes to

This Airworthiness Limitations section has been Airworthiness Limitations.
FAA approved and specifies maintenance required Changes to the Airworthiness Limitations section
under §§ 43.16 and 91.403 of the Federal Aviation constitute changes to the type design of this engine
Regulations unless an alternative program has and require FAA approval. Such changes will be
been FAA approved. Federal Aviation Regula- published in FAA Airworthiness Directives (AD).
tions §§ 43.16 and 91.403 require owner/operator
compliance with all maintenance limitations in this Note
section concerning mandatory replacement times, The limitations in this section apply only to
inspection intervals and other related procedures specific limitations which are part of the engine
that are specific to this engine. Any such design. Under the Federal Aviation Regulations
limitations listed below are part of the design numerous other additional limitations are
limits of the engine and the engine was type applicable to this engine and it's accessories. For
certificated based upon required owner/operator example Federal Aviation Regulation Parts 91 and
compliance with the limitations. 43, among other parts, define inspection criteria,
maintenance requirements and procedures that are
Mandatory Replacement Times applicable to this engine. It is the responsibility of
Subject to additional information contained in the owner / operator to maintain the engine in an
FAA Airworthiness Directives (AD) issued after airworthy condition by complying with all
the date of certification, the engines covered in applicable Federal Aviation Regulations and by
this manual do not contain any components having performing maintenance in accordance with TCM
mandatory replacement times required by type Instructions for Continued Airworthiness, which
certification. consist of TCM publications and service
Mandatory Inspection Intervals
Subject to additional information contained in
FAA Airworthiness Directives (AD) issued after
the date of certification, the engine does not
require specific intervals of inspection pursuant to
type certification.
Other Related Procedures
Subject to additional information contained in the
Airworthiness Directives (AD) issued after the
date of certification, there are no other related
procedures required pursuant to the type
certification for this engine.

Airworthiness Limitations

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Chapter 5
Time Limits,
Operational Inspection,
Engine Troubleshooting

General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5-3

Overhaul Period ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-3
Operational Inspection.................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-4
Starting......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-4
Operational Checklist ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-4
Test Operating Limits ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-4
Time Interval Inspections .............................................................................................................................................................................. 5-6
25-Hour Inspection ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 5-6
50-Hour Inspection ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 5-6
100-Hour Inspection ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-8
300-Hour Inspection ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-10
500-Hour Inspection ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-10
Annual Inspection ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5-10
Unscheduled Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5-10
Propeller Strikes......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-10
Hydraulic Lock ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-11
General Information ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5-11
Engine Overspeed Inspection .................................................................................................................................................................. 5-11
Lightning Strike .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5-12
Contaminated Fuel or Incorrect Fuel Grade ............................................................................................................................. 5-12
General Troubleshooting Information ............................................................................................................................................. 5-13

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Time Limits, Operational Inspection, Engine Troubleshooting

The scheduled inspection and maintenance When performing any inspection or
described in this section must be complied with in maintenance, always treat the engine as if
addition to all aircraft manufacturer and accessory
the ignition switch was on. Do not stand or
manufacturer inspection and maintenance
requirements. This manual does not contain allow anyone else to stand within the arc of
inspection or maintenance requirements for the propeller. A loose or broken wire or a
supplemental type certificated engines, components component malfunction could cause the
or systems. Such information must be obtained from engine and propeller to rotate and/or start.
the supplemental type certificate holder.
Engines operated in extremely humid locations or in
Safety, efficiency and engine service life is exceptionally cold, damp climates or coastal areas
predicated on compliance with the aircraft and may require more frequent inspections. If the engine
engine manufacturer's required instructions, is operated in excess of 100 hours per year, the
inspections and maintenance schedule. The engine should be inspected at each 100-hour
owner/operator is primarily responsible for interval in addition to an annual inspection.
maintaining the engine in an airworthy condition,
including compliance with applicable Airworthiness
Directives as specified in Part 39 of the Federal
Overhaul Period
Aviation Regulations (FAR); reference FAR Engine Models
91.163. The owner/operator is responsible for I0-520-B, -BA, -BB, -C, -CB, -M, and
assuring the engine meets the conformity -MB Permold Series 1700 HOURS

requirements as specified by the original Type

Certificate (TC) or any Supplemental Type NOTE
Certificate (STC) that may apply to modifications or Overhaul periods for the engine include all
alterations accomplished after the issuance of the engine accessories unless otherwise specified by
original TC. the accessory manufacturer.

Engine operational inspection must be perform-
ed before and after any 50 or 100-hour
inspections or maintenance in accordance with
"Operational Inspection" requirements describ-
ed in this Chapter.

During engine 50 and 100-hour inspections, if

engine components must be replaced or repaired,
refer to the applicable system maintenance chapter.
Corrections and adjustments will be found in the
individual system chapters.


Time Limits, Operational Inspection, Engine Troubleshooting

With engine speed at idle rpm, quickly turn both

Operational Inspection magnetos off then back on. The engine should
An operational inspection must be performed prior cease running momentarily indicating both
to and after 50/100-hour inspections. magnetos are properly grounded. If engine
Starting continues to run, one or both magneto ground
Start engine using the starting procedure given in circuits is faulty and must be repaired prior to
the airframe manufacturers Airplane Flight Manual further operation.
(AFM). Slowly move mixture control to IDLE CUT OFF
Oil Pressure - Check, If no oil pressure within 30 and record:
seconds, shut engine down and investigate. Mixture RPM Rise ( 25 to 50 RPM ) __________ .................

Positive Fuel Cutoff __________

Operational Checklist ............................................................................................

When propeller stops rotating, place ignition switch,

Check and record the following system data :
master switch and fuel selector in off position.
Starter __________

*Record RPM Drop for each magneto at 1700

Test Operating Limits
IO-520-M and -MB
Recommended Minimum for Idle 600 RPM
MAXIMUM) __________
Recommended Maximum for Cruising
*Propeller Operation at 1700 __________ .....................................................
225 @ 2500

*Or as specified in aircraft manufacturer's Rated Maximum Continuous Operation

instructions. 300 BHP @ 2700 RPM

Increase engine to full power and record: IO-520-B, -BA, -BB

Manifold Pressure __________ ........................................................................................................ Recommended Minimum for Idle 600 RPM ............................................

RPM __________
...................................................................................................................................................................... Recommended Maximum for Cruising
Fuel Flow __________
............................................................................................................................................... 235 @ 2500

Oil Pressure __________

..................................................................................................................................... Rated Maximum Continuous Operation
Oil Temperature __________ .................................................................................................................
300 BHP @ 2700 RPM

Cylinder Head Temperature __________ ..........................................................

IO-520-C, -CB
Alternator Output __________ ...........................................................................................................
Recommended Minimum for Idle 600 RPM ............................................

Reduce engine to idle and record: Recommended Maximum for Cruising

Manifold Pressure __________ ........................................................................................................
235 HP @ 2500

RPM __________
Rated Maximum Continuous Operation
Oil Pressure __________
300 BHP @ 2700 RPM

Oil Temperature __________ .................................................................................................................

Cylinder Head Temperature __________ ..........................................................
 May not be obtainable with aircraft static.
Magneto System Grounding Check __________ .......................

Manifold Air Pressure at Idle (Inches Hg) Max.

The magneto system grounding check must be
performed at idle RPM only. Damage to the
engine may result at engine speeds above idle

Time Limits, Operational Inspection, Engine Troubleshooting

Oil Pressure
Fuel - Aviation Gasoline - minimum grade
100LL (Blue) or 100 (Green)
............................................................................................... Idle, minimum psi 10

Normal Operation psi ................................................................................................. 30 - 60

Fuel Flow at Full Throttle (Lbs./hr.) Maximum (oil cold) 100

Model Pounds Per Hour GPH

Oil Sump Capacity (Quarts)
I0-520-B 146-156 24.9-26.6
IO-520-M, -MB, -B, -BA, -BB, -C, -CB
I0-520-BA 146-156 24.9-26.6
................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Quarts
I0-520-BB 146-156 24.9-26.6
IO-520-M 142-150 24.2-25.6 Magnetos
IO-520-MB 142-150 24.2-25.6
Magneto Drop (Max.) .................................................................................... 150 RPM
IO-520-C 152-160 25.9-27.3
IO-520-CB 152-160 25.9-27.3 Magneto Spread (Max.) .................................................................................. 50 RPM
Metered Fuel Pressure Cylinder Head Temperatures
Model At Idle At Full Throttle
Cylinder Head Temperature with Bayonet
I0-520-B 3.9-4.5 17.7-20.0 Thermocouple (Limit) ............................................................................................... 460° F
I0-520-BB 3.9-4.5 16.5-18.4
Recommended Operating Maximum .................................. 420° F
I0-520-C 3.9-4.5 17.6-19.6
Unmetered Fuel Pressure Mixture Rise at Idle Cutoff-RPM .................................................... 25-50
Model At Idle At Full Throttle
I0-520-A 8.0-10.0 32.0-36.0
I0-520-B 8.0-10.0 29.2-36.2
I0-520-C 8.0-10.0 31.6-37.8

Mixture Rise At Idle Cutoff - RPM ....................................... 25 - 50

Oil Temperature
Minimum for Takeoff .................................................................................................... 75° F.
Limit ...................................................................................................................................................................... 240° F.
Recommended Flight Operation ................................................... 170° F.

Time Limits, Operational Inspection, Engine Troubleshooting

whichever occurs first. If oil consumption has

Time Interval Inspections not stabilized within the first 25 hours of engine
Engine mounted accessories not supplied by TCM operation, drain and replenish the oil and
may require servicing at specific intervals; some of replace the filter.
these are alternators, pneumatic pumps, air/oil
separators and stand-by generators. Refer to the
instructions provided by the aircraft manufacturer, Approved Oil Grade: All Temperatures
accessory manufacturer or STC holder for detailed TCM Approved Multiviscosity

information. Below 40° F. Ambient Air (Sea Level )

CAUTION… TCM Approved SAE 30 or Multiviscosity

New, rebuilt and overhauled engines or engines

Above 40° F. Ambient Air (Sea Level )
that have had overhauled or new cylinders and
TCM Approved SAE 50 or Multiviscosity
new piston rings installed must be given a
100-hour inspection after 25 hours of operation. 2. Visually inspect the engine and nacelle for fuel,
oil leaks and other discrepancies.
Oil Change Interval 50 hours ...................................................................................................................
3. Correct any discrepancies noted during this
Or six months, whichever comes first.
inspection prior to returning the engine to
CAUTION... service.
Use only TCM approved oils. See TCM approved
oils in chapter 3, “Table of Sealants and 50-Hour Inspection
Lubricants.” NOTE
Research and comply with any applicable Service
Publications and Airworthiness Directives.
25-Hour Inspection
1. Thoroughly inspect the engine for any signs of
NOTE leakage. Clean engine exterior by spraying or
Research and comply with all applicable Service brushing with a flame resistant solvent used for
Publications and Airworthiness Directives. general cleaning of engine parts.

1. After the first 25 hours of operation on new, NOTE

rebuilt or overhauled engines, perform a Any environmentally hazardous materials used
complete 100-hour inspection. Drain the oil in cleaning must be caught and disposed of in
used for engine break-in. If engine oil accordance with Environmental Protection
consumption has stabilized, service the engine Agency regulations.
with TCM approved oil. If oil consumption has CAUTION…
not stabilized, service engine with a mineral oil Do not use any alkaline cleaning solutions for
conforming to MIL-C-6529 Type II. external engine cleaning, these solutions will
NOTE… remove the “alodized" finish of aluminum
Mineral oil conforming to MIL-C-6529 Type II parts.
is a straight mineral oil with a corrosion CAUTION…
preventive additive. This oil must not be Do not use kerosene or gasoline for cleaning.
operated in excess of 25 hours or 6 months,

Time Limits, Operational Inspection, Engine Troubleshooting

2. A preinspection operational run-up must be engine which will accelerate engine wear and
performed. See "Operational Inspection" of this reduce engine service life.
5. Inspect induction air box for security and
(a) Record the engine operating parameters. deterioration in accordance with the aircraft
manufacturer's instructions.
(b) Verify the recorded parameters meet the
published specifications for the engine as 6. Inspect the aftercooler core and associated air
provided in the aircraft or engine passages for obstructions.
manufacturer's Maintenance, Operator's and
Overhaul Manuals.
After the operational inspection, inspect, isolate
and repair any leaks found. Insure that the fuel selector is in the off
position prior to servicing fuel filters.
3. Reference the applicable Airplane Flight
Manual for operational values. 7. Drain the fuel filter and if sediment was noted,
4. Remove and inspect induction air filter. Clean remove it. Service as required and reinstall in
or replace as instructed by the filter accordance with the aircraft manufacturer's
manufacturer. Inspect induction system ducts, instructions.
seals and gaskets for condition, deterioration 8. Visually inspect engine and nacelle for fuel, oil
and obstructions in accordance with the aircraft leaks and other discrepancies.
manufacturer's instructions. With induction air
filter installed: 9. Drain engine oil. During engine oil change, oil
must be drained into an appropriate container
(a) Verify the induction air filter retainer is and disposed of properly. Reinstall oil drain
properly installed and the attaching plug with new gasket, torque and safety.
hardware is secure in accordance with the 10. Remove oil filter. Inspect filter element. See
aircraft manufacturer's instructions. “Oil Filter Element Inspection, Oil Analysis
(b) Replace any questionable components as and Spectrographic Oil Analysis” in Chapter 7,
required in accordance with the aircraft “Servicing Fluids.”
manufacturer's instructions. 11. Place a thin film of Dow Corning® DC-4
(c) Inspect all engine controls for proper travel, compound on new oil filter gasket. Install new
freedom of movement, wear, correct oil filter. Torque filter to values as directed by
rigging and correct attachment in filter manufacturer and safety wire.
accordance with the aircraft manufacturer's 12. Inspect all induction system or cylinder drain(s)
instructions. for clogging or restriction.
13. Inspect ignition leads for chafing, deterioration
and proper routing.
Failure to properly install the induction air filter 14. Visually inspect magnetos for condition.
will result in unfiltered air being ingested into the Inspect, repair and adjust as required if magneto
drop or spread was not within published limits.

Time Limits, Operational Inspection, Engine Troubleshooting

15. Correct all discrepancies noted. 1. Drain engine oil. Reinstall oil drain plug with
new gasket, torque and safety.
WARNING 2. Inspect the cylinder barrels and cylinder heads
for cracks, leaks rust and pitting. Inspect
Operation of a malfunctioning engine can cylinder head and barrel cooling fins for any
result in additional engine damage, bodily restriction of cooling airflow.
injury or death. 3. Inspect all inner cylinder and peripheral
baffling for correct installation, proper
16. At the completion of any maintenance event the positioning, deterioration and missing or broken
engine must be given a complete and thorough sections.
operational run-up. A test flight will be 4. Perform a cylinder compression test in
required if any engine adjustments have been accordance with chapter 19
made which affect flight characteristics or 5. Inspect the entire engine, accessory section and
operation; this test flight is required by FAR nacelle for indications of fuel or oil leaks.
91.167. Inspect all wiring, fluid lines, hoses and
(a) Record all engine parameters. electrical connections for proper routing,
support and evidence of deterioration.
(b) Verify recorded parameters are within the 6. Visually inspect all cylinder and accessory to
specifications published for the engine and engine attaching hardware for security.
aircraft. Visually inspect airframe to engine
connections for security and corrosion.
WARNING 7. Inspect the induction and exhaust system for
leaks, cracks, deterioration, broken, missing or
Failure to identify and correct fuel or oil loose brackets, clamps and hardware.
leaks can result in engine/nacelle fire, loss of 8. Insure magneto to engine timing is within
engine power, engine failure, bodily injury specifications in accordance with chapter 12 .
or death. CAUTION…
17. Correct any discrepancies noted during Magnetos using riveted type impulse coupling
operational run-up prior to returning engine to require repetitive 100-hour inspection in
service. accordance with the manufacturer’s
9. Clean, inspect, gap, test and rotate all spark
plugs. See chapter 12 for spark plug wear
100-Hour Inspection determination and spark plug rotation.
Research and comply with the Service Publications WARNING
and Airworthiness Directives.
In addition to the items listed in 50 Hour the Worn spark plugs that are continued in
following inspections and maintenance must be service may cause internal arcing in the
performed. magnetos.

Time Limits, Operational Inspection, Engine Troubleshooting

10. Check all engine controls, control cables, 14. Inspect engine mount legs for cracks. Check
control rod ends and levers for security, wear, engine mount isolators for signs of
proper assembly, routing and freedom of deterioration, proper assembly and security.
movement throughout the entire range of travel.
See chapter 13 for fuel system component 15. Verify operation and accuracy of exhaust gas
replacement and throttle/mixture control lever temperature (EGT) system. Note: The aircraft
lubrication. manufacturer may require the EGT system to be
operational for all categories of flight. Check
the limitations section of the Airplane Flight
WARNING Manual for specific requirements.
Insure fuel selector is in the off position 16. Correct any discrepancies noted.
prior to removing the fuel metering unit
inlet screen. 17. Perform post inspection operational run-up.
Visually inspect engine and nacelle for fuel and
11. Inspect fuel nozzles, upper deck and fuel oil leaks.
injection nozzle reference lines, hoses,
manifolds and fittings for proper routing, 18. Correct any discrepancies noted during this
support and signs of fuel stains. Inspect inspection prior to returning engine to service.
manifold valve for security of installation,
proper venting and signs of fuel stains.

Never clean nozzles with wire or other similar
object. If nozzle jet is plugged and obstruction
cannot be removed by solvent action,

12. At the first 100-hour inspection on new, rebuilt

or overhauled engines, remove and clean all
fuel injection nozzles. See 300 Hour Inspection.
Any environmentally hazardous materials used
in cleaning must be collected and disposed of in
accordance with Environmental Protection
Agency regulations.

13. Inspect all accessories for condition, security of

mounting and proper operation. Refer to aircraft
or component manufacturer's Maintenance
Manual for specifics.

Time Limits, Operational Inspection, Engine Troubleshooting

Unscheduled maintenance events include but are

300-Hour Inspection not limited to:
Remove and clean all fuel nozzles by soaking in
lacquer thinner, acetone or methyl ethyl ketone
(MEK). Fuel nozzles must be cleaned every
Propeller Strikes
A propeller strike is any incident, whether or not the
300-hours and annual inspection.
engine is operating, that requires repair to the
propeller or any incident while the engine is
500-Hour Inspection operating in which the propeller makes contact with
In addition to the items listed for 100-hour any object that results in a loss of engine RPM.
inspections, perform the following inspections and Propeller strikes against the ground or any object,
maintenance every 500 hours of engine operation. can cause engine and component damage even
though the propeller may continue to rotate. This
1. Magnetos require a thorough, detailed damage can result in engine failure.
inspection. Refer to the applicable service and
overhaul information published by the When the propeller is damaged by a small object
manufacturer of the magneto. Magnetos must during operation, such as a small stone, inspection
be overhauled or replaced at the same intervals and repair must be accomplished in accordance with
as the engine. TCM magnetos must be the propeller manufacturer's published instructions.
overhauled or replaced every four years Any time damage from an object strike requires
regardless of total operating hours since last propeller removal for repairs the incident is
overhaul or replacement. considered a propeller strike.
Following any propeller strike a complete engine
2. Engine mounted accessories not supplied by disassembly and inspection is mandatory and must
TCM such as alternators, stand-by generators, be accomplished prior to further operation. Inspect
etc., may require servicing at specific intervals. all engine accessories in accordance with the
Refer to the instructions provided by the aircraft manufacturer's instructions.
manufacturer, accessory manufacturer or STC
holder for detailed information.

3. TCM gear-driven alternators require inspection

and testing at 500-hour intervals. Refer to the
applicable alternator manufacturer's
instructions. See "Related Publications" in the
Introduction section of this manual.

Annual Inspection
Perform all requirements of 25, 50, 100, 200, 300
hour and any calendar inspections due. Comply
with any 500 hour inspections that will come due
before the next regularly scheduled maintenance
Unscheduled Maintenance

Time Limits, Operational Inspection, Engine Troubleshooting

2. If all connecting rods meet the criteria specified

Hydraulic Lock by TCM, reassemble the engine in accordance
General Information with the current TCM Overhaul Manual.

Hydraulic lock is defined as a condition in which a 3. If any connecting rod does not meet TCM
volume of liquid, equal to or greater than the specifications, remove and disassemble the
clearance volume of the combustion chamber is engine to allow inspection of the crankcase and
present in the cylinder during starting. crankshaft in accordance with the current TCM
Incompressible liquid restricts piston travel during Overhaul Manual. Replace any part that does
the compression stroke. Damage occurs after the not meet TCM specifications. Replace each
preceding cylinder or cylinders in the firing order non-conforming connecting rod and its
have fired providing the required force to drive the associated piston, piston pin and cylinder
piston of the fluid filled cylinder through the assembly.
compression stroke.
Hydraulic locks in horizontally opposed aircraft
Any parts that require replacement must be
engines are due to excess fuel accumulation in the
destroyed to prevent future installation.
induction system and/or cylinder assembly or
failure to properly drain preservation oil. 4. Clean, inspect, repair, reassemble and test the
Damage from a hydraulic lock can be extensive. engine in accordance with the current TCM
Engine components such as connecting rods, Overhaul Manual.
cylinder assemblies, pistons, piston pins, crankcase
and crankshaft can be damaged due to overstress. Engine Overspeed Inspection
In the event the operator starts an over-primed or Engine operation at engine speeds in excess of rated
flooded engine, hydraulic lock may result. RPM limitations can cause damage to the engine
Indications of hydraulic lock are difficult to detect and can result in subsequent engine failure.
since the engine will not normally exhibit any
unusual operation once the fuel-air mixture If an engine overspeed occurs determine the cause
stabilizes. Therefore, the operator must be for overspeed and correct it. The airframe
cognizant of the fact that a hydraulic lock can occur manufacturer's instructions on engine and propeller
during an attempt to start an over-primed/flooded overspeed must also be referenced and followed.
engine. If an engine overspeed occurs use the following
In the event of a hydraulic lock perform the procedures:
following inspection: RPM To 3000
1. Remove all cylinders and connecting rods in 1. Less than one minute - No action required
accordance with the current TCM Overhaul 2. More than one minute - Proceed as follows:
Manual. Inspect the connecting rods in
accordance with the current TCM Overhaul a. Drain oil through a fine mesh screen and
Manual. inspect for debris.
b. Remove oil filter and inspect filter element
for debris.

Time Limits, Operational Inspection, Engine Troubleshooting

c. Remove and inspect inside of rocker covers

for debris. Inspect valve stem (keeper
Lightning Strike
grooves) and valve keepers for condition, It is impossible to assess internal damage that may
security and proper installation. Inspect result from a lightning strike. A complete
valve springs, rocker arms, spring retainers, disassembly and inspection of the engine must be
rotocoils, pushrods, etc. accomplished in accordance with the current
overhaul manual.
d. Perform a borescope inspection on all
cylinders. Contaminated Fuel or
e. If no discrepancies are noted, re-service
engine, perform operational inspection and
Incorrect Fuel Grade
If the aircraft is inadvertently serviced with the
correct any discrepancies noted prior to wrong grade of fuel or jet fuel the fuel must be
returning the engine to service. completely drained and the tank properly serviced.
f. If discrepancies are found a decision must Any engine operated on fuel of lower grade than
be made, based on the evidence, as to the approved for the engine or jet fuel must be
extent of the corrective action required. completely disassembled, cleaned, inspected,
RPM To 3300 repaired, reassembled and tested in accordance with
the manufacturer's current overhaul manual.
In addition to action required for above, proceed as
1. Remove all cylinder assemblies including rods
and pistons.
Clean, inspect, repair or replace all components
removed from the engine in accordance with
the manufacturer's current overhaul manual.
Using new connecting rod bolts and nuts,
reassemble, service and test the engine in
accordance with the current overhaul manual.
2. After five and ten hours of engine operation
remove oil filter and inspect filter element for
RPM Exceeding 3300
1. Remove engine and clearly identify "Removal
For Overspeed".
2. Engine and accessories must be completely
overhauled in accordance with the respective
manufacturer's current overhaul instructions or
replaced with certified airworthy components.

Time Limits, Operational Inspection, Engine Troubleshooting

General Troubleshooting Information

The troubleshooting chart which follows discusses symptoms which can be diagnosed and interprets the
probable causes and the appropriate corrective actions to be taken.
Troubleshooting for individual systems follow the engine troubleshooting chart. Any attempt by unqualified
personnel to adjust, repair or replace any parts, may result in engine malfunction or failure.

Operation of a malfunctioning engine can cause further damage to a disabled component and
possible injury to personnel.

Engine Troubleshooting
Engine Will Not Start No fuel to engine Service aircraft fuel system in
accordance with the airframe
manufacturer's instructions
Improper starting procedure Refer to the airframe manufacturer's
Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) for
engine starting procedures. Check for
performance of each item
Cylinder overprimed. Engine Allow fuel to drain from intake
flooded system. WARNING…Starting an
engine with a flooded intake system
may result in hydrostatic lock and
subsequent engine malfunction.
Induction system leak Torque or replace loose or damaged
hose connection
Excessive Starter slippage Replace starter adapter
Fuel system malfunction Isolate cause and correct
Ignition system malfunction See "Ignition Troubleshooting
Engine Will Not Run Fuel injection system improperly See "Fuel Injection System
At Idling Speed adjusted Troubleshooting
Air leak in intake manifold Torque loose connection or replace
malfunctioning part
Rough Idling Fuel injection system improperly Adjust fuel system in accordance with
adjusted chapter 22 "Fuel System Adjustment."
Mixture levers set for improper Adjust the manual mixture control in
mixture accordance with the airframe manu-
facturer's Airplane Flight Manual .

Time Limits, Operational Inspection, Engine Troubleshooting

Engine Troubleshooting (continued)

Fouled Spark Plugs Remove, clean and adjust gaps in
accordance with the spark plug
manufacturer's instructions
Rough Idling (continued) Hydraulic tappets fouled Replace fouled tappets. Inspect and
clean oil filter at more frequent
Burned or warped exhaust valves Inspect, repair or replace cylinder.
worn seat, scored valve guides Replace any burned, warped or worn
exhaust valves
Manifold valve vent obstruction Repair or replace manifold valve
Engine Runs Too Lean Improper manual leaning procedure Refer to the airframe manufacturer's
At Cruising Power Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) for
engine operating instructions
Fuel injection system maladjusted Adjust fuel system in accordance with
chapter 22, "Fuel System Adjustment
Engine Runs Too Rich Restrictions in air intake passages Check passages and remove restrictions
At Cruising Power
Improper manual leaning of See the airframe manufacturer's
fuel/Air mixture Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) for
correct leaning procedure
Engine Runs Too Lean Or Too Fuel injection system maladjusted See "Fuel Injection System
Rich At Throttle Setting Other Than Troubleshooting”
Continuous Fouling Of Piston rings excessively worn or Replace rings. Replace cylinder if
Spark Plugs broken damaged
Piston rings are not seated Hone cylinder walls, replace rings
NOTE…Cylinder grinding and honing
must be done by a qualified FAA
approved rework facility
Engine Runs Rough At Loose mounting bolts or damaged Torque mounting bolts. Replace mount
High Speed mount pads pads
Plugged fuel nozzle jet Clean. Replace nozzle if obstruction
cannot be cleared by solvent action.
Never use wire or any other object to
clear nozzle jet
Propeller out of balance Remove and repair in accordance with
airframe manufacturer's instructions
Ignition system malfunction See "Ignition Troubleshooting"

Time Limits, Operational Inspection, Engine Troubleshooting

Engine Troubleshooting (continued)

Continuous Missing At Broken valve spring Inspect, repair or replace cylinder.
High Speed Replace valve springs
Plugged fuel nozzle jet Clean. Replace nozzle if obstruction
cannot be cleared by solvent action.
Never use wire or any other object
to clear nozzle jet
Burned or warped valve Inspect, repair or replace cylinder.
Replace any burned, warped or
worn exhaust valves
Hydraulic tappet dirty or worn Remove and replace
Sluggish Operation And Throttle not full open Check and adjust linkage. See
Low Power Rigging of Mixture and Throttle
Controls in the applicable airframe
manufacturer's instructions
Restrictions in air intake passages Inspect air intake and remove
Ignition system malfunction See "Ignition Troubleshooting”
Fuel injection system maladjusted See "Fuel Injection System
High Cylinder Head Lean fuel/air mixture See the airframe manufacturer's
Temperature Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) for
correct leaning procedure
Debris between cylinder fins Clean thoroughly
Incorrect engine timing Adjust engine timing in accordance
with chapter 12
Exhaust system gas leakage Locate and correct in accordance
with the airframe manufacturer’s
Exhaust valve leaking Repair cylinder. See chapter 19,
“Cylinder assembly Maintenance.”

Time Limits, Operational Inspection, Engine Troubleshooting

Engine Troubleshooting (continued)

Oil Leaks At front of engine, damaged Replace crankshaft oil seal
crankshaft oil seal
Around plugs, fittings and gaskets Torque or replace
due to looseness or damage
Low Compression Piston rings excessively worn Inspect, repair or replace cylinder.
Replace piston rings
Valve faces and seats worn Inspect, repair or replace cylinder.
Replace any worn parts
Excessively worn cylinder walls Replace cylinder & piston rings
Engine Will Not Stop At Fuel manifold valve not seating Repair or replace fuel manifold
Idle Cutoff properly valve
Climbing to Altitude, Fuel Vaporization Operate fuel boost pump in
Fuel Flow Fluctuates accordance with the airframe
manufacturer's Airplane Flight
Manual (AFM)
Low Fuel Pressure Incorrect fuel pump adjustment Check and adjust in accordance with
chapter 22, "Fuel System
Malfunctioning fuel pump relief Replace fuel pump
High Fuel Pressure Malfunctioning relief valve Replace fuel pump
operation in fuel pump
Restricted recirculation passage in Replace fuel pump
fuel pump
Incorrect fuel pump adjustment Check and adjust per Chapter 22,
"Fuel System Adjustment
Fluctuating Fuel Fuel gauge line leak or air in gauge Drain gauge line and torque
Pressure line connections in accordance with the
airframe manufacturer's instructions
Vapor in fuel system, excessive Normally, operating the auxiliary
fuel temperature pump will clear system. Operate
boost pump in accordance with the
airframe manufacturer's Airplane
Flight Manual (AFM)
Engine Has Idle mixture too lean (Check RPM Rise, Idle Cutoff).,
Poor Acceleration Adjust idle mixture in accordance
with Chapter 22, "Fuel System

Time Limits, Operational Inspection, Engine Troubleshooting

Engine Troubleshooting (continued)

Engine Has Incorrect fuel/air mixture, worn Replace worn elements of linkage.
Poor Acceleration (continued) control linkage, or restricted air Service air cleaner in accordance
cleaner with airframe manufacturer's
Malfunctioning ignition system Check ignition cables and
connections in accordance with the
ignition manufacturer's instructions
Replace malfunctioning spark plugs
Engine Runs Rough At Improper fuel/air mixture Check fuel manifold connections
Speeds Above Idle for leaks. Torque loose connections.
Check fuel control/metering unit
and linkage for setting and
adjustment in accordance with
chapter 22, "Fuel System
Adjustment ." Check fuel filters and
screens for debris. Check for proper
fuel pump pressure.
Restricted fuel nozzle jet Clean. Replace nozzle if obstruction
cannot be cleared by solvent action.
Never use wire or any other object
to clear nozzle jet
Ignition system and spark Clean, regap and test spark plugs.
plugs malfunctioning Inspect, test and repair ignition
system in accordance with the
ignition system manufacturer's
instructions. Replace components as
Engine Lacks Power, Incorrectly adjusted throttle control Check movement of linkage by
Reduction in Maximum linkage or dirty air filter moving control from idle to full
Manifold Pressure throttle. Make proper adjustments
in accordance with chapter 22,
"Fuel System Adjustment." Replace
worn components. Service air
cleaner in accordance with the
airframe manufacturer's instruc-

Time Limits, Operational Inspection, Engine Troubleshooting

Engine Troubleshooting (continued)

Engine Lacks Power, Malfunctioning ignition system Inspect spark plugs for fouled
Reduction in Maximum component electrodes, heavy carbon deposits,
Manifold Pressure (continued) erosion of electrodes, improperly
adjusted electrode gaps, and cracked
porcelains. Test plugs for regular firing
under pressure. Replace damaged or
misfiring plugs. Gap spark plugs to
spark plug manufacturer's
Loose or damaged intake manifold Inspect entire manifold system for
possible leakage at connections.
Replace damaged components, torque
all connections and clamps to
Fuel nozzles restricted Clean nozzles. Replace nozzle if
obstruction cannot be cleared by
solvent action. Never use wire or any
other object to clear nozzle jet

Low Oil Pressure Insufficient oil in oil sump, oil Add oil, or change oil to proper
Indication On dilution or using improper grade oil viscosity. Inspect for possible oil
Engine Gauge for prevailing ambient temperature dilution, repair as required
High oil temperature Malfunctioning oil temperature control
valve in oil cooler; oil cooler
restriction. Replace valve and clean oil
Restricted oil filter. Leaking, Check for restricted lines, loose
damaged or loose oil line connections, and for partially plugged
connections oil filter. Replace oil filter. Clean parts,
torque connections, and replace
malfunctioning parts
Oil pressure gauge malfunction Check oil pressure gauge calibration in
accordance with the airframe
manufacturer's instructions
Engine oil pressure maladjusted Adjust oil pressure in accordance with
chapter 22, "Oil Pressure Adjustment”

Time Limits, Operational Inspection, Engine Troubleshooting

Engine Troubleshooting (continued)

Low Oil Pressure Indication On Low oil supply. Oil viscosity too Replenish. Drain and refill with
Engine Gauge (continued) low correct viscosity
Malfunctioning oil pump Repair or replace oil pump
Weak or broken oil pressure relief Replace spring. Adjust oil pressure
valve spring in accordance with chapter 22, "Oil
Pressure Adjustment."

High Oil Temperature Indication Prolonged ground operation Limit ground operation to a
Malfunctioning gauge or bulb unit Check wiring. Check bulb unit.
Check gauge. Replace
malfunctioning parts in accordance
with the airframe manufacturer's

Fuel Injection
Fluctuating Fuel Flow Fuel vapor as a result of high If not cleared with auxiliary pump,
Indications ambient temperatures check for clogged vent in fuel pump
vapor separator cover. Clean only
with solvent, no wires. Refer to
airframe manufacturer's instruction
Air in fuel flow gauge line. Leak at Repair leak and purge line. Refer to
gauge connection airframe manufacturer's instruction
Poor Idle Cutoff Engine getting fuel Check mixture control is in full idle
cutoff. Check auxiliary pump is
OFF. If neither, replace manifold
Unmetered Fuel Pressure To High Internal orifices plugged Clean internal orifices injector
pump. Refer to Fuel Injection
Service Manual, Form X30593A
Unmetered Fuel Pressure Drop Relief valve stuck open Repair or replace fuel pump
Very High Idle And Full Throttle Relief valve stuck closed Repair or replace fuel pump
Fuel Pressure Present

No Fuel Pressure Check valve stuck open Repair or replace fuel pump

Time Limits, Operational Inspection, Engine Troubleshooting

Fuel Injection (continued)


Engine Will Not Start And No No fuel to engine Check tank fuel level
Fuel Flow Gauge Indication

Mixture control improperly rigged Check mixture control for proper

rigging. Refer to airframe
manufacturer's instruction

Engine not primed Check auxiliary pump switch

position. Refer to airframe
manufacturer's instruction

Selector valve in wrong position Position selector valve to MAIN

TANK position. Refer to airframe
manufacturer's instruction

Engine Will Not Start With Engine flooded Allow all fuel to drain from intake
Fuel Flow Gauge Indication system.
WARNING…Starting an engine
with a flooded intake system may
result in hydrostatic lock and
subsequent engine malfunction

No fuel to engine Loosen one line at nozzle. If no

fuel shows, with fuel flow on
gauge, replace fuel manifold valve

Time Limits, Operational Inspection, Engine Troubleshooting

Fuel Injection (continued)


Rough Idle (continued) Improper idle mixture Adjust fuel mixture in accordance
with chapter 22, "Fuel System

Poor Acceleration Idle mixture incorrect Adjust fuel mixture in accordance

with chapter 22, "Fuel System

Unmetered fuel pressure too high Lower unmetered fuel pressure.

Adjust in accordance with chapter
22, "Fuel System Adjustment."

Worn linkage Replace worn elements of linkage.

in accordance with the airframe
manufacturer's instruction

Engine Runs Rough Restricted nozzle Clean. Replace nozzle if obstruction

cannot be cleared by solvent action.
Never use wire or any other object
to clear nozzle jet.
Improper mixture Adjust fuel mixture in accordance
with chapter 22, "Fuel System
Low Fuel Flow Gauge Indication Restricted flow to metering unit Check for restriction between fuel
pump and fuel metering unit

Inadequate flow from fuel pump Adjust engine-driven fuel pump in

accordance with chapter 22, "Fuel
System Adjustment”
High Fuel Flow Gauge Indication Restricted flow beyond metering Check for restricted nozzles or fuel
valve manifold valve. Clean or replace as
Restricted recirculation passage in Replace engine driven fuel pump

Time Limits, Operational Inspection, Engine Troubleshooting

Engine Will Not Start Induction system intake obstructed Locate and remove obstruction
Engine Will Not Run At Idling Induction system leakage See chapter 14
Engine Runs Too Rich At Cruise Restrictions in air intake passages Check air passages remove
Power restriction
Sluggish Operation And Low Throttle not opening wide Check and adjust control
Power connections in accordance with the
airframe manufacturer’s

Engine Fails To Start Ignition switch OFF or grounded Turn switch On. Check for
switch wires grounded wires
Spark plugs fouled, improperly Remove and clean. Adjust to proper
gapped, or loose gap in accordance with spark plug
manufacturer's specifications.
Torque spark plugs in accordance
with chapter 12
Magnetos improperly timed to Refer to chapter 12, Ignition Timing
engine for timing procedures
Shorted condenser Replace condenser in accordance
with magneto manufacturer's
Magneto internal timing incorrect Install correctly timed magneto
or timed for opposite rotation
Rough Idling Spark plugs fouled or improperly Clean spark plugs. Adjust to proper
gapped gap in accordance with spark plug
manufacturer's specifications
Weak condenser Replace condenser in accordance
with magneto manufacturer's
Rough At Speeds Above Idle Loose or improperly gapped spark Adjust to proper gap in accordance
plugs with spark plug manufacturer's
specifications. Torque spark plugs
in accordance with chapter 12

Time Limits, Operational Inspection, Engine Troubleshooting

Ignition (continued)
Rough At Speeds Above Idle High tension leak in ignition Inspect ignition harness in
(continued) harness accordance with harness
manufacturer's instructions
Weak or burned out condenser as Replace points and condenser in
evidenced by burned or pitted accordance with magneto
breaker points manufacturer's instructions
Sluggish Operation And/Or Fouled or dead spark plugs Clean spark plugs. Discard faulty
Excessive RPM Drop plugs. Adjust to proper gap in
accordance with spark plug
manufacturer's specifications
Improperly gapped spark plugs Adjust to proper gap in accordance
with spark plug manufacturer's
Sluggish Operation And/Or Magnetos out of time Refer to Installation of Magnetos
Excessive RPM Drop (continued) and Ignition Timing for proper
timing procedure chapter 12. Refer
to the magneto manufacturer's
instructions for magneto internal
Damaged magneto breaker points or Replace points and condenser in
condenser accordance with magneto
manufacturer's instructions

Starter Will Not Operate Master switch circuit continuity Refer to the airframe manufacturer's
Master circuit continuity Refer to the airframe manufacturer's
Starter motor malfunctioning See chapter 17, "Starter
Starter Motor Runs But Does Not Starter adapter drive train or clutch See chapter 17, "Starter adapter
Turn Crankshaft malfunctioning Maintenance"
Starter Motor Dragging Improperly charged battery Refer to airframe manufacturer's
Starter switch contacts burned or Refer to airframe manufacturer's
dirty instructions
Malfunctioning Starter Chapter 17, "Starter Maintenance

Time Limits, Operational Inspection, Engine Troubleshooting

Excessive Oil Consumption Oil leakage Replace leaking oil lines, torque
loose connections
Gasket or seal leakage Replace gasket or oil seals
Improper seasonal weight or grade Service engine with proper oil, see
oil chapter 7
Worn piston rings or valve guides Inspect, repair or replace cylinder.
Replace piston rings
Excessive crankcase pressure See the most current revision of
TCM service bulletin 89-9,
“Excessive Crankcase Pressures.”
High Oil Temperature Indication Low oil supply Replenish, see chapter 7
Cooler air passages clogged Clean thoroughly
Cooler core plugged Remove cooler and flush
Thermostat damaged or held open Remove clean valve and seat. If still
by solid matter inoperative, replace
Oil Viscosity too high Drain and refill with correct
viscosity. See chapter 7
Prolonged ground operation Limit ground operation to a mini-
mum. Refer to the airframe manu-
facturer's operating instructions
Malfunctioning gauge or bulb unit Check wiring. Check bulb unit.
Check gauge. Refer to the Air-
frame Manufacturer's Instructions
Exhaust leak Replace malfunctioning compon-
ent, insure exhaust system is install-
ed properly, replace leaking gaskets
Low Oil Pressure Indication Low oil supply. Oil viscosity too Replenish. Drain and refill with
low correct seasonal weight. See chapter
Malfunctioning oil pump Replace pump
Malfunctioning pressure gauge Check gauge. Clean plumbing.
Replace if required in accordance
with AFM Instructions
Weak or broken oil pressure relief Replace spring. Adjust pressure to
valve spring 30-60 psi. in accordance with
chapter 22
Clogged oil filter Replace oil filter

Time Limits, Operational Inspection, Engine Troubleshooting

Rough Idling Hydraulic tappets fouled See chapter 19, Cylinder Assembly
Maintenance "Hydraulic Tappets"
Burned or warped exhaust valves, See chapter 19, Cylinder Assembly
worn valve seats. Scored valve Maintenance "Cylinders"
Valve seats worn and leaking, See chapter 19, Cylinder Assembly
piston rings worn or stuck in ring Maintenance "Cylinders"
High Cylinder Head Temperature Exhaust valve leaking, cylinder See chapter 19, Cylinder Assembly
baffles loose or bent. Cooling area Maintenance "Cylinders"
between cylinder fins obstructed
Exhaust gasket leaking Replace gasket
Valve seats worn and leaking, See chapter 19, Cylinder Assembly
piston rings worn or stuck in ring Maintenance "Cylinders"
Low Compression Piston rings excessively worn See chapter 19, Cylinder Assembly
Maintenance "Cylinders"
Valve faces and seats worn See chapter 19, Cylinder Assembly
Maintenance "Cylinders"
Excessively worn cylinder walls See chapter 19, Cylinder Assembly
Maintenance "Cylinders"
Valve seats worn and leaking, See chapter 19, Cylinder Assembly
piston rings worn or stuck in ring Maintenance "Cylinders"
Continuous Fouling Of Spark Plugs Piston rings excessively worn or See chapter 19, Cylinder Assembly
broken Maintenance "Cylinders"
Piston rings not seated See chapter 19, Cylinder Assembly
Maintenance "Cylinders"
Cylinder has been overheated See chapter 19, Cylinder Assembly
Maintenance "Cylinders"
Cylinder bore out of round See chapter 19, Cylinder Assembly
Maintenance "Cylinders"
Valve seats worn and leaking, See chapter 19, Cylinder Assembly
piston rings worn or stuck in ring Maintenance "Cylinders"
Sluggish operation and low power Valve seats worn and leaking, See chapter 19, Cylinder Assembly
output piston rings worn or stuck in ring Maintenance "Cylinders"

Time Limits, Operational Inspection, Engine Troubleshooting

Oil Loss Loose accessories or deteriorated See chapter 20, "Crankcase
gaskets Maintenance
Cracked crankcase See chapter 20, "Crankcase
Insufficient torque Tighten hardware to proper torque
in accordance with the applicable
Overhaul Manual
Loose accessories Loose or stripped studs Replace studs in accordance with
the applicable Overhaul Manual
Insufficient torque Tighten accessory hardware to
proper torque in accordance with
the applicable Overhaul Manual
Engine Runs Rough Cracked engine mount Replace engine mount in
accordance with the applicable
Overhaul Manual
Excessive Crankcase Pressure Cylinder blow-by Perform cylinder compression test

Prop Control "RPM" Malfunctioning prop governor See the airframe manufacturer's
Incorrect oil control collar to Replace oil control collar and/or
crankshaft clearance repair crankshaft in accordance with
the applicable overhaul manual
Oil Loss Worn crankshaft nose seal Replace crankshaft nose oil seal in
accordance with the applicable
Overhaul Manual

Chapter 6
Unpacking, Deinhibiting,
Installation and Testing

Engine Unpacking, Deinhibiting, Installation and Testing ................................................................................................ 6-3

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Unpacking, Deinhibiting, Installation and Testing

Engine Unpacking, Deinhibiting,

Installation and Testing
Engine unpacking, deinhibiting, installation and
testing must be performed in accordance with the
instructions in the IO-520-B, BA, BB, C, CB, M &
MB Permold Series Operation and Installation
Manual, Form OI-11 and the airframe manufac-
turer’s instructions.

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Chapter 7
Servicing Fluids

Servicing Oil ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7-3

Oil Filter Element Inspection ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7-4
Material Identification ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7-4
Oil Analysis ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7-4
Spectrographic Oil Analysis ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7-5
Limitations ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7-5
General Procedures.................................................................................................................................................................................... 7-5
Servicing Fuel......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7-6

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Servicing Fluids

Servicing Oil Maintain the engine compartment, nacelle and the

fuselage adjacent to the nacelle in a clean
CAUTION… condition in order that an oil leak can be detected
Some funnel-type quart containers incorporate a and corrected before further flight.
styrofoam or aluminum seal. Remove this seal
from the container and discard it before adding WARNING
oil to the engine. If the seal becomes unattached
and falls into the engine, engine damage and Engine operation with no oil or severely
possible failure can result.
reduced oil levels will cause engine
The oil system must be serviced to capacity with malfunction or failure.
the oil grades specified in Chapter 3.
A certain amount of oil consumption is normal. If Oil sump capacity in U.S. quarts:
excessive consumption or any abrupt change in
rate of consumption is detected, this condition IO-520-B, -BA, -BB, -C, -CB, -M, -MB ...................12
must be corrected before further flight.


Oil Sump
Drain (2)
Oil Filter
Oil Filler
and Gauge

Engine Top View Engine Rear View

Figure 7-1
General Oil Servicing Points

Servicing Fluids

NOTE... • Bronze or Copper—will turn bright green when

Engines which have a complete set of new or placed in nitric acid.
overhauled cylinders and new piston rings must
• Carbon—will disintegrate when rubbed
be serviced with clean, approved Engine Break-
between index finger and thumb.
In and Preservation oil until oil consumption
has stabilized (approximately 25 hours of • Sand—will not disintegrate when rubbed
operation). Thereafter, service the engine with between two hard surfaces and will scratch glass
clean ashless dispersant oil that is TCM when pressure is applied.
• Nickel—will not be magnetically attracted but
looks similar to ferrous material.
Petroleum base aviation engine oil is flammable • Tin—will not be attracted magnetically. It looks
and must be stored in a well ventilated area away similar to nickel but is soft and malleable.
from any heat source.

Oil Filter Element Inspection Oil Analysis

Oil filter element inspection is recommended at Spectrographic oil analysis has become popular
each oil and filter change even if oil analysis is with the owners and operators of general aviation
being used. Filter element inspection may identify piston powered aircraft. This process was
Internal engine wear that will not be identified developed more than 35 years ago by the railroads
through oil analysis. as a method of identifying wear characteristics in
New, rebuilt, overhauled engines or engines that large diesel engines. Eventually oil analysis was
have had cylinders replaced will generally exhibit adopted by the military and then by commercial
noticeable amounts of normal wear material at the and general aviation.
first and second oil and filter change. The amount Engines are designed and manufactured using
of material present should significantly decrease various materials and alloys. The engine
between the first and second oil and filter change lubrication system is designed to provide either
if the engine and or cylinders have been properly pressure or splash oil to areas of the engine
operated during the break-in period. subjected to frictional loading. During normal
As with oil analysis, oil filter element inspection operation these areas undergo minute, continuous
provides maintenance personnel with additional wear; sub microscopic material is released from
information on the wear characteristics of a these contact surfaces and are suspended in the
specific engine. Sudden, unexplained increases in lubricating oil. Spectrographic oil analysis
concentration of wear material in a filter element identifies these materials and their level of
should alert maintenance personnel to investigate concentration in parts per million (PPM).
the source and cause of the material. There are two accepted methods of performing oil
analysis: atomic absorption and atomic emissions.
Material Identification Atomic absorption will identify suspended wear
• Ferrous attracts to magnet. material that is five micron in size or smaller,
• Aluminum—will “sizz” or bubble when placed while atomic emissions will identify suspended
in a 50 % solution of muriatic acid. wear material that is ten micron in size or smaller.
Since engine oil analysis is used as a tool to

Servicing Fluids

establish engine wear trends and deviations from Limitations

the established norm, either method is acceptable; Variations in operation, use and maintenance may
however, it is important to realize the oil analysis be reflected in the parts per million content
program must utilize the same laboratory for all reported. Deviations from standard or previously
sample analysis. Comparing an oil analysis report used sampling procedures may result in variations
from a separate laboratory will have little meaning to the parts per million content in the sample
if each laboratory uses a different analysis method. report.

Spectrographic Oil Analysis General Procedures

A proper spectrographic oil analysis program To establish a data base for comparison and
should begin with the first engine oil change. analysis, oil samples must be taken on a regular
Establishing a wear trend data base for an engine schedule using the same sampling techniques and
will require analysis of at least three oil samples. laboratory. The engine must have been operated
As the engine accumulates operating time and long enough to obtain normal operational
additional oil samples are analyzed, a definitive temperatures and the oil sample taken within 30
wear trend can be identified. Unexplained minutes after engine shut down. The tube or
deviations from normal wear trend patterns should funnels used to drain the oil from the sump must
be investigated using accepted, conventional be clean and free of any debris or residue. If the oil
inspection methods. sample is taken from the oil as it drains from the
sump, allow approximately 1/3 of the oil drain
Spectrographic oil analysis must be accomplished prior to taking the sample. If the sample is taken
according to a set protocol to provide any useful via the oil filler or other location using a sampling
information. Even if done properly, spectrographic tube, it is critical the sample be taken from two or
oil analysis will rarely provide any prior indication three inches above the bottom of the oil sump, not
of a fatigue type failure. A single spectrographic from the bottom. Do not take an oil sample from
oil sample will usually not provide a high level of the oil filter canister.
useful information since there is no established
wear breed data on that specific engine for
Spectrographic oil analysis will assist in the
identification of an internal engine problem. If
samples are properly taken at regular intervals, it
should provide the owner / operator and oil
analysis technician with information relative to
normal or abnormal wear that occurs during the
course of engine operation. Deviations from an
established wear trend pattern should alert the
owner/operator and oil analysis technician to
further investigate.

Servicing Fluids

Servicing Fuel
Aviation Min. Grade
.................................................................................................. 100LL (Blue) or 100(Green)
Refer to the airframe manufacturer’s instructions
for aircraft Fueling Procedure and Fueling Points.

The use of lower octane rated fuel or jet
fuel will result in damage or destruction of
an engine the first time high power is
applied. This would most likely occur on
takeoff. If the aircraft is inadvertently
serviced with the wrong grade of fuel or jet
fuel the fuel must be completely drained
and the tank properly serviced.
Any engine operated on fuel of lower grade than
approved for the engine or jet fuel must be
completely disassembled, cleaned, inspected,
repaired, reassembled and tested in accordance with
the current overhaul manual.

Chapter 8
Engine Preservation
and Storage

Engine Preservation and Storage ........................................................................................................................................................... 8-3

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Engine Preservation and Storage

Engine Preservation
and Storage
Engine engine preservation and storage must be
performed in accordance with the instructions in
the I0-520-B, -BA, -BB, -C, -CB, -M and -MB
Operation and Installation Manual, Form OI-11.

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Chapter 9
Standard Practices

General Practices ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 9-3

Lockwire Procedure .............................................................................................................................................................................. 9-4
Tab Washer Installation ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9-6
Cotter Pin Installation ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9-6
Adhesives ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9-7
Gasket Installation ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9-7

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Standard Practices

cotter pin head must fit into a recess of the nut

General Practices with the other end bent such that one leg is
back over the stud and the other is down flat
1. To facilitate and insure proper reinstallation, against the nut in accordance with Figure 9-4.
tag or mark all parts and hardware as they are Use only manufacturer specified corrosion
removed or disassembled. resistant steel cotter pins. All lockwire used on
2. Tag any unserviceable parts or units for TCM engines must conform to MS20995
investigation and possible repair. Take Condition A.
extreme care to prevent lockwire, nuts, 7. When replacing gaskets, packing, or rubber
washers, dirt, etc., from entering the engine on parts use the type or composition specified by
or off the aircraft. Make use of protective caps, the manufacturer.
plugs and covers to insure openings are
unexposed. 8. Make sure replacement nonmetallic and
metallic parts show no sign of storage
CAUTION… deterioration. Parts exceeding specified shelf
Dust caps used to protect open lines must be life limitations must not be used.
installed OVER the tube ends and NOT IN
the tube ends. Flow through the lines will be 9. When a hammer is required to come in direct
blocked if lines are inadvertently installed contact with an engine part during assembly or
with the dust caps in the tube ends. disassembly, use a mallet made of plastic or
rawhide material only.
3. If anything is dropped into the engine work
must be stopped immediately and the item 10. Parts removed from the engine must be
removed. cleaned and inspected in accordance with the
specified instructions located in the applicable
4. Insure that all parts are thoroughly clean and system chapter.
lubricated as specified before assembling.
5. Insure all parts are thoroughly clean and
lubricated as specified before assembling.
6. All lockwire and cotter pins must fit snugly in
holes drilled in specific hardware. On
castellated nuts, unless otherwise specified, the

Standard Practices

to 10 twists per inch. Smaller lockwire (when

Lockwire Procedure specified or required) will require twisting at a rate
Lockwiring is the securing together of two or more of 9 to 12 twists per inch. Lockwire must be new at
parts with lockwire installed in such a manner that each application.
any tendency for a part to loosen will be
counteracted by additional tightening of the Lockwire must be pulled taut while being twisted
lockwire. and caution must be exercised during the twisting
operation to keep the lockwire tight without
All lockwire utilized on TCM engines must overstressing. See Figure 9-1, “General Lockwire
conform to MS20995 Condition A. Most bolts Procedure,” for steps in applying lockwire.
utilized in TCM engines that require lockwiring will
use .032 lockwire and require twisting at a rate of 7

Figure 9-1
General Lockwire Procedure

Standard Practices

Various examples of lockwiring are shown in Twist the strands while taut until the twisted
Figure 9-2, “General Lockwire Patterns.” part is just short of a hole in the next unit. The
twisted portion should be within one-eighth
1. Check the units to be lockwired to insure they
(1/8) inch from the hole in either unit.
have been correctly torqued. Applying
torquethat is above or below specified limits to 5. Insert the uppermost strand through the hole in
obtain alignment of the holes is not permitted. the second unit and follow the rules in
Paragraph three.
2. It is desirable to have the holes parallel, but this
is not a necessity. For right hand threads, the 6. After lockwiring the last unit continue twisting
lockwire shall be installed in such a manner that the lockwire to form a pigtail, providing
sufficient twists (four minimum) to assure that
3. Insert half of the required length of lockwire
the pigtail will not unravel. Cut off the excess
through the first unit and bend around the head
lockwire and bend the pigtail toward the part
of the unit. The direction of wraps and twist of
and against the bolt head flats. Do not allow
strands shall be such that the loop around the
the pigtail to extend above the bolt head.
unit comes under the strand protruding from the
hole so that the loop will stay down and will not
tend to slip up and leave a slack loop.


Figure 9-2
General Lockwire Patterns

Standard Practices

Figure 9-3 Figure 9-4

Tab Washer Installation Procedure Cotter Pin Installation Procedure

Tab Washer Installation Cotter Pin Installation

Tab washers are installed by fitting a tab in a tab Cotter pins are installed by inserting the cotter pin
slot and bending the remaining tabs firmly against through a hole in one part, slots in the other part and
the bolt or nut flat. Tab washers are used in various spreading the exposed ends.
locations in TCM engines and must not be re-used Cotter pins are not reusable and must be replaced
after removal. with a new cotter pin after removal.
Tabs that are provided to be bent up against the 1. Torque the nut to the lower limit of the torque
head flats must be seated firmly with no scarring of specification. If the slots in the nut do not line
the tabs. This provides proper locking of the unit up with one of the holes in the bolt continue
and prevents tabs from breaking off. torquing until one does. Do not exceed the
1. Make certain the holding tab is located in the upper limit of the torque specification. Change
tab hole or slot. the nut if necessary.
2. Check the units to be secured and verify they 2. Insert the cotter pin with the head seated firmly
are correctly torqued in accordance with the in the slot of the nut. Bend the ends over the flat
specified instructions of the applicable system on the nut and the end of the bolt. Trim the
section. prong lengths as necessary.
3. Bend tabs against the head flats firmly by 3. Seat the prongs firmly against the bolt and nut.
tapping them into place with a soft drift. See See Figure 9-4, “Cotter Pin Installation
Figure 9-3, “Tab Washer Installation Procedure.”
Do not use side-cutting type pliers to bend the
ends over since the resulting nick could weaken
the pin and allow a portion to become detached.

Standard Practices

Adhesives Gasket Installation

Adhesives and sealants will be used only in specific All gaskets must be new, of the proper material and
applications outlined in Chapter 3, “Table Of visually inspected prior to installation.
Sealants and Lubricants.”
Following visual inspection, if the gasket shows any
indication of gouges, nicks, cuts or bend and fatigue
WARNING marks replace with a new manufacturer specified
The improper use of sealants and lubricants Gasket surfaces must be clean and free of nicks,
will cause engine malfunction or failure. burrs, oil and grit. Apply a thin coat of TCM Gasket
Gasket Maker P/N 646942 - Surfaces must be clean Sealant P/N #642188-1 to both sides of gasket
and free of nicks, burrs, oil and grit. Apply a thin unless otherwise specified. See Chapter 3, “Table
even coat of Gasket Maker between .010 and .020 Of Sealants and Lubricants,” for application of
inch thick to the surface specified in Chapter 3, gasket sealant. Once TCM Gasket Sealant has been
“Table Of Sealants and Lubricants.” applied install gasket. Install assembly and evenly
torque hardware to specified value. This will
Gasket Maker is an easily workable tacky gel which prevent over stressing gasket.
can be extruded onto one side of a flange surface
from a tube and evenly spread. Small parts can be
covered adequately by pressing them into a WARNING
saturated polyester urethane sponge or by roll
coating them with a short nap roller. Once Gasket Gaskets and components must be properly
Maker has been applied evenly torque assembly positioned, hardware torqued and safetied
into place. Excess material can be cleaned by as required during assembly to prevent oil
wiping with chlorinated solvent. Material on hands loss.
can be cleaned with waterless mechanics hand soap
followed by soap and water.
TCM general purpose primer P/N 653160 must
be used for surface preparation before applying
Gasket Maker at the engine nose seal area.

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Chapter 10
Engine Maintenance

General ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10-3

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Engine Maintenance

During engine 50 and 100 hour inspections, if
engine components must be removed and replaced,
refer to the applicable disassembly/-reassembly
instructions found in the IO-520 Permold Series
Overhaul Manual, Form X30568A as outlined in
the Maintenance section of each system.
Engine operational inspection must be performed
prior to any 50 or 100 hour static inspections.
Refer to Chapter 5, “Operational Inspection.”

Corrections and adjustments will be found in the

individual system chapters of this manual under
“Maintenance,” and in Chapter 22, “Post
Maintenance Adjustment and Test.”

At the completion of all 50/100 hour inspection

procedures, refer to Chapter 22 and perform the
post maintenance operational test.

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Chapter 11
Exhaust System

Exhaust System ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11-3

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Exhaust System

Exhaust System
This chapter is reserved for engines utilizing
an exhaust system and components supplied
on some engine models by Teledyne
Continental Motors.
For I0-520-B, BA, BB, C, CB, M & MB
exhaust system maintenance, refer to the
airframe manufacturer's instructions.

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Chapter 12
Ignition System

TCM Ignition System...................................................................................................................................................................................... 12-3

Ignition System Component Description ........................................................................................................................................ 12-5
Magneto Accessory Drive Adapter .............................................................................................................................................. 12-5
Spark Plugs............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12-5
Magneto to Engine Timing ........................................................................................................................................................................ 12-7
Operational Tests ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 12-7
Magneto Impulse Coupling Test .................................................................................................................................................... 12-7
Timing Steps .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12-8
Ignition System Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................................... 12-13
Magneto Drive Adapter Removal and Replacement ................................................................................................... 12-13
Service Limits ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 12-14
Magneto Removal and Replacement ....................................................................................................................................... 12-15
Ignition Harness Removal and Replacement .................................................................................................................... 12-15

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Ignition System

TCM Ignition System To obtain the retard spark necessary for starting, the
Dual ignition is provided by two magnetos. The left S-20 series magnetos and some S-1200 series
magneto fires 1-3-5 lower and 2-4-6 upper spark magnetos employ an impulse coupling. The purpose
plugs, while the right magneto fires the 1-3-5 upper of the impulse coupling is to: (1) rotate the magneto
and 2-4-6 lower spark plugs. between impulse trips faster than the engine
cranking speed thus generating a better spark for
The TCM S6RN-201, -205, 1201, 1205 series starting the engine, (2) automatically retard the
magnetos are designed to provide ignition for six spark during engine cranking, and (3) act as a drive
cylinder aircraft engines. The magnetos generate coupling for the magneto. S-200 series magnetos
and distribute high tension current through high and some S-1200 series magnetos employ the
tension leads to the spark plugs. Because of the one "shower of sparks" ignition system, including a
piece housing design, these high tension magnetos starter vibrator. The purpose of the "shower of
are comparatively easy to maintain between sparks" is to: (1) boost ignition energy by feeding
overhauls. The magnetos must be overhauled at pulsating battery voltage to the magneto primary
engine overhaul or four calendar year interval in circuit during starting and (2) automatically retard
accordance with the applicable Magneto Service the spark during engine cranking.
The following chart explains the various letters and
numbers appearing in the type designations:

S 6 R N - 1201
Model Number
Magneto Configuration
S-20 Series
S = Single Type Magneto: 20: Dog-Ear Mount, No Impulse Coupling
one drive, one output distributor 21: Dog-Ear Mount, Impulse Coupled
D = Dual Type Magneto: 23: Dog-Ear Mount, Impulse Coupled, Military
one drive, two output distributors Shielding
25: Deep Flange Mount, Impulse Coupled
25P:Deep Flange Mount, Impulse Coupled,
Cylinders Fired Pressurized
4 = Four Cylinders S-200 Series
6 = Six Cylinders 200: Dog Ear Mount, With Retard Breaker
8 = Eight Cylinders 201: Deep Flange Mount, With Retard Breaker
204: Dog Ear Mount, Without Retard Breaker
205: Deep Flange Mount, Without Retard Breaker
Rotation As Viewed S-1200 Series
Looking At Drive End 1201: Deep Flange Mount, With Retard Breaker
1205: Deep Flange Mount, Without Retard Breaker
L = Left (counterclockwise) 1208: Short Flange Mount, With Retard Breaker
R = Right (clockwise) 1209: Short Flange Mount, Without Retard Breaker
1225: Deep Flange Mount, Impulse Couple
1227: Short Flange Mount, Impulse Coupled
1251: Pressurized Version of 1201
Designator 1255: Pressurized Version of 1205
1258: Pressurized Version of 1208
N = Scintilla Design 1259: Pressurized Version of 1209
SC = Short Cover
The following detailed explanation gives the meaning of the variousD-3000
and numbers appearing in the TCM
3000: Impulse Coupled
magneto serial number (Manufacturing Number). Example: B138901FR 3200: With Retard Breaker

Ignition System

B 13 89 01 F R

Month Day of Year Sequential Number Product Factory

Month (1989) for unit begins with Code: Rebuilt
A. January "01" each day (No letter
B. February D: S-20 for new)
C. March E: S200
D. April F: S1200
E. May G: D3000
F. June
G. July
H. August
I. September
J. October
K. November
L. December

Ignition System Components

Conventional dual ignition is provided by two magnetos. The left magneto fires the 1-3-5- lower and the 2-4-6
upper spark plugs, while the right magneto fires the 1-3-5 upper and 2-4-6 lower spark plugs.
The Slick 6210 Series Magnetos, manufactured by Slick Electro Incorporated, 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue,
Rockford, Illinois 61101, are designed to provide ignition for six cylinder light aircraft engines. The magnetos
generate and distribute high tension current through high tension leads to the spark plugs.
To obtain the retard spark necessary for starting, the magnetos employ an impulse coupling. The purpose of the
impulse coupling is to: (1) rotate the magneto between impulse trips faster than engine cranking speed, thus
generating a better spark for starting the engine; (2) automatically retard the spark during engine cranking, and
(3) act as a drive coupling for the magneto.
Slick serial number explanation:
EG-2 03 132
The year of manufacture The number of a
(2=1982) particular model
manufactured in the
month specified

The month of manufacture


Ignition System

Ignition System Spark Plugs

Remove spark plugs for cleaning or replacement in
Component Description accordance with the applicable disassembly/-
For a detailed description of magnetos and harness, reassembly instructions in the IO-520-B, BA, BB,
see TCM Ignition System Master Service Manual C, CB M & MB Overhaul Manual, Form OH-11.
Form X40000 or Slick Ignition Systems Master After spark plugs are removed:
Service Manual Form F-1100 as applicable. See
1. Clean and gap or replace in accordance with the
“Related Publications” for ordering information.
spark plug manufacturer’s specifications.
Magneto Accessory Drive Adapter - Each 2. Test spark firing under pressure using a
magneto is driven by a magneto drive shaft, retainer Champion® cleaner/tester or equivalent.
and bushings housed inside a magneto and 3. Replace any spark plug that does not fire
accessory drive adapter. The adapters are attached properly. Insure that each spark plug is free of
to the upper rear portion of the crankcase and secur- residue from the cleaning process.
ed by four studs, washers and nuts. The magneto
drive shafts are installed in the front of the adapter 1. Apply Champion® thread lubricant to all spark
and meshed in the proper position with the idler plugs in accordance with the manufacturer’s
gear. Two rubber bushings (per magneto) are instructions and reinstall spark plugs in the
installed within a retainer on the drive shaft. The reverse spark plug installation order. Do not
rubber bushings provide a shock absorbing engage- torque spark plugs at this time.
ment between magneto and engine drive train. CAUTION...
Never install a spark plug that has been
dropped: discard it.

5 3 1 Spark Plug Rotation



6 4 2 4 BOTTOM 3 TOP

Figure 12-1
Spark Plug Rotation

Ignition System

Use Figure 12-2 to help you make an informed

decision whether to clean, regap, and reuse a spark
plug or discard it.


Insulator tip gray, tan or light brown. Few combustion
deposits. Electrodes not burned or eroded. Proper
type heat range plug for engine and service. Spark
plug should be cleaned regapped and tested before


Electrodes eroded by high-voltage sparking and by
corrosive gases formed during combustion to less
than 1/2 original thickness. More voltage needed to
fire spark plugs - often more than ignition system can
produce. Discard and replace with new spark plugs.


Excessively eroded center and ground electrodes
plus extensive necking of fine wire ground electrodes
indicate abnormal engine power or plugs long over-
due for replacement. Check fuel metering and magneto
timing. Discard spark plugs and check heat range
before installing new ones.


Constant polarity occurs with even-numbered cylinder
magnetos. One plugs fires with positive polarity, causing
excessive ground-electrode wear, while the next plug fires
negatively, causing excessive center electrode wear. To
equalize this, rotate as indicated in Figure 10-4.

Figure 12-2
Spark Plug Wear

Ignition System

Magneto to Engine Timing Operational Tests

Perform the following operational tests at the
specified intervals to insure that these systems are
WARNING functioning properly:
To prevent possibility of serious bodily Magneto Impulse Coupling Test
injury or death, before moving the
propeller accomplish the following: WARNING
a. Disconnect all spark plug leads.
b. Verify magneto switches are connected Failure to properly ground magnetos will
to magnetos, that they are in the "OFF" result in engine ignition and possible injury
Position and "P" leads are grounded. to personnel.
c. Throttle position "CLOSED." 1. Insure that both magnetos are properly
grounded and that all spark plugs are installed
d. Mixture control "IDLE-CUT-OFF." in all cylinders. Remove all spark plug harness
e. Set brakes and block aircraft wheels. lead ends from the spark plugs and ground them
Insure that aircraft tie-downs are to the engine to prevent ignition.
installed and verify that the cabin door 2. Before cranking engine perform the following:
latch is open. a. Magneto switch, if separate from starter
f. Do not stand within the arc of the switch Off

b. Mixture Idle Cut Off

propeller blades while turning the ...............................................................................................................

propeller. c. Throttle Closed


d. Fuel selector Off


e. Master switch On ...............................................................................................................................

WARNING 3. Crank engine several revolutions.

Magneto-to-engine timing does not insure
magneto, harness, and spark plug perform-
ance. Failure to properly maintain the Use extreme caution in the area of the
magneto, harness, and spark plugs will lead propeller while performing this test. Do
to internal engine damage and failure. not stand or allow anyone else to stand in
Magneto, ignition harness, and spark plugs the propeller arc area.
must be maintained in accordance with the a. Impulse coupling operation is audible and
manufacturer’s instructions. can be felt through the magneto housings.
The impulse couplings should consistently
CAUTION... click together while the engine is being
A single severe kickback while cranking the cranked.
engine can cause failure of components in the b. If no clicking or if only intermittent
cranking system. Kickback can be caused by clicking is heard, remove the magnetos and
intermittent operation of the impulse couplings. service them in accordance with the
magneto manufacturer's instructions.

Ignition System

c. When performing a magneto timing check, use Timing Steps

the following tools:
1. Remove all top spark plugs.
• Top dead center locator
2. Rotate the crankshaft in the direction of normal
• Protractor and Pointer rotation until the number one piston is
The Eastern Electronics Model E25 Timing approximately at top dead center on the
Indicator kit or equivalent is recommended. compression stroke.
Use the following timing procedure to insure correct 3. Rotate the crankshaft in the opposite direction
engine timing. of normal rotation until the piston is far enough
NOTE... down the barrel to allow the TDC locator to be
Whenever setting or checking timing, always installed.
turn the crankshaft steadily in the direction of 4. Install the Top Dead Center locator into number
rotation to eliminate backlash error. 1 cylinder top spark plug hole.
5. Slowly rotate the crankshaft in the direction of
normal rotation until the piston lightly touches
the TDC locator.
6. Install timing indicator disc on the crankshaft
flange, propeller spinner or center hub of
propeller blades.
7. Rotate disc of timing indicator until the 0
degree mark aligns with the pointer as shown in
Figure 12-3.

Figure 12-3
Timing Procedure Step 1

Ignition System

Figure 12-4
Timing Procedure Step 2

2. Slowly turn crankshaft in opposite direction of

normal rotation until the piston lightly touches
the TDC locator.
3. Observe the reading on the disc under the
pointer and move the disc exactly one half of
the number of degrees observed toward the top
center mark. This will be one half the number
of degrees remaining of 360 degrees of
crankshaft rotation. You have now located top
dead center.

Ignition System

Figure 12-5
Timing Procedure Step 3

10. Remove the TDC locator from the cylinder and

find the compression stroke on the No. 1
cylinder by placing a finger over the spark plug
hole (or by any other adequate method). As you
come up on compression, stop the pointer at the
TDC location determined in step 3. For engines
equipped with impulse couplings, continue
turning the propeller in the normal direction of
rotation until each impulse coupling trips.
Couplings may trip a few degrees on either side
of TDC. If one or both couplings trip after
TDC, turn the propeller back to a few degrees
before TDC and approach the TDC position
from the normal direction of rotation.

Ignition System

Figure 12-6
Timing Procedure Step 4

4. To check either the magneto timing or to time

the magneto to the engine, move the propeller
in the opposite direction of normal rotation past
the specified magneto timing setting and then
back in the direction of normal rotation until the
desired setting before top dead center is under
the pointer. (This removes gear backlash.)

Ignition System

Figure 12-7
Timing Procedure Step 5

6. The breaker points should be just starting to

open at this setting. Breaker point opening
must be checked with a timing light.

Ignition System

Ignition System Caution...

When performing dimensional inspection, the
Maintenance following “Service Limits” may be used.
Magneto Drive Adapter Removal and However, they are intended only as a guide
Replacement for reuse when performing engine
maintenance prior to major overhaul. Parts
Remove magneto drive adapter assemblies for with dimen-sions or fits that exceed service
repair or replacement in accordance with the
limits must not be reused. Parts with values up
applicable portion of the “Magneto And Accessory
Drive” disassembly instructions in the IO-520 to and including service limits may be reused.
Permold Series Overhaul Manual, Form OH-11. However, consideration should be given to
When performing magneto drive adapter repairs how close the engine is to its next
prior to engine TBO, the dimensional limits on page recommended overhaul. Service limits must
12-12 may be used. NOT be used when overhauling an engine.

Ignition System

Service Limits
Refer to Figure 12-8 for locations of the following magneto components:

Ref. Service
No. Description Limits
1. Bushing in magneto and accessory drive adapter ................................................................... Diameter: 0.0040T
2. Magneto and accessory drive gear in adapter bushing ............................................ Diameter: 0.0050L
3. Oil seal in adapter
....................................................................................................................................................................................... Diameter: 0.0070T
4. Sleeve in magneto and accessory drive gear .......................................................................... Diameter: 0.0040T
5. Magneto coupling retainer on magneto and
accessory drive gear sleeve Diameter:
................................................................................................................................................. 0.0550L
6. Magneto and accessory drive gear ......................................................................................... End Clearance: 0.0770L
7. Magneto coupling retainer in
magneto drive gear slot ....................................................................................................................................... Side Clearance: 0.040L
8. Magneto coupling rubber bushings on
magneto drive lugs .......................................................................................................................................................... Side Clearance: 0.0140L
9. Magneto pilot in crankcase Diameter:
................................................................................................................................................. 0.0050L

4 5 7

Figure 12-8
Service Limits

Ignition System

Magneto Removal and Ignition Harness Removal

Replacement and Replacement
Remove the magnetos for repair or replacement in Remove the harness assemblies for repair or
accordance with “Ignition System Disassembly/- replacement in accordance with the applicable
Reassembly” in the IO-520 Permold Series Over- “Ignition System Disassembly/Reassembly in-
haul Manual, Form OH-11. structions” in the IO-520 Permold Series Overhaul
Manual, Form OH-11.
Magneto maintenance such as point replacement,
condenser replacement, impulse coupling replace- Any harness assembly maintenance such as single
ment or internal magneto timing must be performed lead replacement must be performed in accordance
in accordance with the magneto manufacturer's with the harness manufacturer’s instructions.




3 6
2 4 5 1

1 5 4 2
6 3




Figure 12-9
Ignition Wiring Diagram

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Chapter 13
Fuel System

Engine Fuel System Description ........................................................................................................................................................... 13-3

Fuel Pump ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13-4
Fuel Pump Replacement................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13-5
Service Limits .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13-6
Throttle and Fuel Control Unit ...................................................................................................................................................... 13-7
Fuel Control Unit ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 13-8
Fuel Manifold Valve................................................................................................................................................................................ 13-9
Fuel Manifold Valve Replacement ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 13-9
Fuel Nozzle .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13-10
Fuel Nozzle Removal, Cleaning and Replacement ........................................................................................................................................ 13-11
Fuel System Maintenance ....................................................................................................................................................................... 13-12
Throttle, Fuel Control Unit and Mixture Levers Maintenance .......................................................................... 13-13
Throttle and Fuel Control Unit/Throttle and Fuel Metering Unit Replacement .................................... 13-17
Fuel Line Replacement ............................................................................................................................................................... 13-19
Fuel Hose Replacement.............................................................................................................................................................. 13-19
Table 1 - Torque Specifications for Fittings ..................................................................................................................... 13-20
Table 2 - Torque Specifications for Hose Fittings ....................................................................................................... 13-20

This Page Intentionally Left Blank

Fuel System

There are four basic elements in the fuel injection

Engine Fuel System system: the fuel pump, fuel control unit, fuel
Description manifold valve and fuel nozzles. Fuel flows from
the fuel pump to the fuel control unit. The fuel then
flows from the fuel control unit to the fuel manifold
IO-520-B, BA, BB, C, CB, M, MB fuel system.
valve where it is distributed to the six fuel injector
The fuel injection system is a low pressure, nozzles.
multinozzle, continuous flow system that supplies
fuel to the intake valve port in the cylinder head.

i Inlet Fuel From Aircraft r Return Fuel From Fuel Control
2 8

u Unmetered Fuel Pressure n Nozzle Pressure


m m
20 14 Pressure m Metered Fuel Pressure v Vapor Return
18 16

Vapor Vent Return

To Fuel Tank Fuel Inlet
m m m m
From Fuel
v v Tank
n n n n
Fuel Pump Assembly

v i
Fuel Manifold Fuel Control Unit
Valve Fuel Return From Fuel Control i

r r r r i

Low Pressure
Fuel Injectors Relief Valve

Adjustable Orifice
u u u u
Idle Mixture Bypass

u 2
4 6
8 Drain

Idle Speed P.S.I. 12

Stop Screw 20
18 16

Throttle Body

Figure 13-1
Fuel System

Fuel System

Fuel Pump The IO-520-B, BA, BB, C, CB, M and MB type

fuel pumps utilize an aneroid and rod assembly that
IO-520-B, BA, BB, C, CB, M, MB assist in controlling fuel flow. The aneroid housing
Fuel enters the fuel pump at the swirl well of the is referenced to ambient air pressure. The aneroid
vapor separator. Here, vapor is separated by a bellows expands when the air pressure surrounding
swirling motion so that only liquid fuel is fed to the it decreases. As the aneroid expands it moves the
pump. The vapor is drawn from the top center of the rod increasing the size of the orifice opening. An
swirl well by a small pressure-jet of fuel and is fed increased amount of fuel flows through the orifice
into the vapor return line. This line carries the vapor to a recirculation path. This decreases fuel flow
back to the fuel tank. There are no moving parts in from the fuel pump to the fuel control unit.
the vapor separator, and the only restrictive passage
A check valve is provided so that boost pressure to
is used in connection with vapor removal. Thus,
the system can bypass the engine-driven fuel pump
there is no restriction of main fuel flow.
during starting. This feature also aids in the
Ignoring the effect of altitude or ambient air suppression of vapor formation during high ambi-
conditions for the moment, the use of a positive ent temperature conditions. The check valve permits
displacement, engine-driven pump means that use of the auxiliary airframe fuel boost pump in the
changes in engine speed affect total pump flow unlikely event of an engine driven fuel pump
proportionally. The fuel pump provides greater malfunction.
capacity than is required by the engine. Thus, a
recirculation path is provided.
By arranging a variable orifice and relief valve in
the recirculation path, the pump delivery pressure is
maintained proportional to engine speed and
ambient air pressure. This insures proper pump
pressure and delivery at all engine operating speeds
and altitudes.
Vapor Ejector

Assembly Fuel Inlet

Vapor Separator
Relief Valve

Figure 13-2
Fuel Pump Check Adjustable
IO-520-B, BA, BB, C, CB, M, MB Fuel Outlet Valve Orifice

Fuel System

Fuel Pump Replacement 2. Remove mixture control cable connection in

accordance with the airframe manufacturer’s
The fuel pump can be replaced or it can be instructions.
repaired and calibrated in accordance with the
3. Remove the nuts and washers that hold the
applicable instructions in the Fuel Injection
fuel pump on the crankcase:
System Parts And Overhaul Manual, Form
X30593A, latest revision. a. 2 plain nuts
b. 2 lock washers
NOTE...Appropriate test calibration equipment
must be used when overhauling TCM fuel c. 2 hold down washers
injection system component. Discard lock washers.
Whenever the fuel pump is removed from the CAUTION...
engine, both the fuel pump drive coupling to Do not allow the coupling to fall into the
crankshaft gear clearance of 0.0095L to 0.0155L crankcase. If it does, you must retrieve it
and the fuel pump drive coupling to fuel pump before proceeding.
clearance 0.0030L to 0.0090L must be checked.
4. Carefully remove the fuel pump, coupling, and
CAUTION... gasket.
When performing dimensional inspections, the 5. Discard gasket.
following Fits and Limits may be used. However,
6. Inspect hoses for condition. Replace any hose
they are intended only as a guide, when
that exhibits wear or deterioration.
performing engine maintenance prior to major
overhaul, in determining whether a part can be 7. Discard worn or damaged parts.
reused. Parts which have dimensions or fits that 8. The fuel pump can be replaced or repaired and
exceed service limits must not be reused. Parts calibrated in accordance with the applicable
which have dimensions or fits up to and includ- instructions in the Fuel Injection System Parts
ing service limits may be reused. However, use And Overhaul Manual, Form X30593A, latest
sound judgment and take into consideration the revision.
engine’s proximity to recommended overhaul. 9. Fittings from the original fuel pump may be
1. Remove any airframe components required to installed and oriented to the same position in
gain access to the fuel pump in accordance the replacement pump.
with the airframe manufacturer’s instructions.
Remove the following hoses from their fittings
Never use Teflon tape on fuel injection system
on the fuel pump and install protective covers
on the hose ends. Identify fuel line location for
proper reinstallation: 10. The fittings must be clean and free of damage
a. Airframe to engine fuel connections in and debris prior to installation. Apply F/I
accordance with the airframe manu- sealant to tapered male threads in accordance
facturer’s instructions. with Figure 13-9. Install fittings in fuel pump
and orient to the original positions.
b. Vapor return hose
c. Fuel outlet (unmetered pressure) hose. 11. Apply a small amount of Gasket Maker to the
crankcase split lines above and below the fuel
pump bore.

Fuel System

12. Apply Molyshield Grease to the coupling 2. Torque the fuel pump nuts to 180 - 220 inch
receptacle on the fuel pump. pounds.
13. Insert the fuel pump coupling into the 3. Install fuel hoses on fuel pump. Torque fuel
coupling receptacle on the fuel pump. Insure pump hose connections in accordance with
that the coupling is fully seated . Table 2, “Torque Specifications for Hose
14. Install the new gasket on the crankcase fuel
pump bore studs. 4. Reinstall cowling and airframe accessories in
accordance with the airframe manufacturer’s
15. Install the fuel pump on the crankcase by instructions.
sliding the fuel pump on the fuel pump
5. After all requirements of scheduled main-
mounting studs while carefully guiding the
tenance have been performed and prior to any
fuel pump coupling into the square hole in the
engine operation, a complete fuel system leak
crankshaft gear.
check must be performed in accordance with
1. Install hold-down washers, new lock-washers, the aircraft manufacturer or STC holder’s
and nuts on each stud. information.

Service Limits

Ref. Description Service Limit

1. Fuel pump drive coupling to crankshaft gear Clearance: 0.0155L
2. Fuel pump drive coupling to fuel pump Clearance: 0.0090L

Fuel System

Throttle And Fuel Fuel enters the fuel control unit through a strainer
and passes to the metering valve. The rotary
Control Unit metering valve has a cam-shaped edge across the
IO-520-B, BA, BB, C, CB, M, MB fuel delivery port. The position of the cam at the
The throttle and fuel control unit controls engine air port controls fuel flow to the fuel manifold valve
intake and sets the metered fuel pressure for proper and fuel nozzles. The fuel mixture is controlled by
fuel/air ratio. The air throttle is mounted at the air the manual mixture control lever in the cockpit that
manifold inlet. The throttle valve controls the flow is connected to the fuel control unit mixture control
of air to the engine as positioned by the cockpit valve.
throttle control lever.





Figure 13-3
Air Throttle and Fuel Control Unit for IO-520-B, BA, BB, C, CB, M, and MB

Fuel System

Fuel Control Unit The contoured end face of the mixture control valve
IO-520-B, BA, BB, C, CB, M & MB aligns with the passages in the metering plug to
regulate the fuel flow from the fuel chamber. A
(Figure 13-4) control lever is installed on the mixture control
The fuel control body is made of bronze. The fuel valve shaft for connection to the cockpit mixture
metering shaft and mixture control shaft are made control. In the metering valve, a cam shaped cut is
of stainless steel. The metering valve is located at made on the outer part of the end face. A control
one end and the mixture control valve is located at lever on the metering valve shaft is connected to the
the other end of the control valve central bore. The air throttle valve shaft with linkage. The fuel return
valves ride in bushings and are sealed against port in the control body connects to the return
leakage by o-rings. Loading springs force the valve passage of the metering plug and alignment of the
ends against a fixed plug installed in the center of mixture control valve face with this passage
the central bore. This bronze plug has one passage determines the amount of fuel returned to the fuel
that mates with the fuel return port and one passage pump. A removable plug at the fuel inlet port
that connects the mixture control valve chamber includes a filter screen to prevent admittance of
with the metering valve chamber. O-rings seal this debris.
plug in the central bore. Each valve includes a
groove which forms a fuel chamber.

Fuel Inlet From

Fuel Pump

Fuel Return To To Fuel Manifold

Fuel Pump Valve

Figure 13-4
Fuel Control Unit for IO-520-B, BA, BB, C, CB, M, and MB

Fuel System






Figure 13-5
Fuel Manifold Valve

Fuel Injection System Parts And Overhaul

Fuel Manifold Valve Manual, Form X30593A, latest revision.
The fuel manifold valve body contains a fuel inlet, a Use the following procedure to remove and
diaphragm chamber and outlet ports for fuel lines to replace the fuel manifold valve:
the individual nozzles. The spring loaded 1. In accordance with manufacturer’s instruct-
diaphragm carries a plunger in the central bore of ions, remove cowling and any airframe
the manifold body. The diaphragm is enclosed by a accessories that may obstruct access to the
vented cover which retains the diaphragm loading manifold valve.
spring. When the plunger is down in the body bore,
fuel passages to the nozzles are closed off. The 2. Disconnect the 6 fuel lines from the fuel
plunger is drilled for passage of fuel from the manifold valve.
diaphragm chamber to its base and the valve within 3. Disconnect the fuel hose from the elbow on
the plunger. As fuel flow increases pressure the manifold valve.
overcomes diaphragm spring tension causing the
plunger to move to the open position and fuel flows 4. Install protective covers on all open lines and
from manifold valve outlets through fuel lines to the hoses.
fuel nozzle assemblies. 5. Remove crankcase backbone hardware at
manifold bracket.
Fuel Manifold Valve
6. Remove the fuel manifold valve and mounting
Replacement bracket from engine.
The fuel manifold valve can be replaced with a
new valve, or it can be repaired and calibrated in
Never use Teflon tape on fuel injection
accordance with the applicable instructions in the
system fittings.

Fuel System

air through a cylindrical screen fitted over the

Fuel Nozzle nozzle body which keeps dirt and foreign material
The fuel discharge nozzle is located in the cylinder out of the interior of the nozzle. A press-fitted shield
head. The nozzle outlet is screwed into the tapped is mounted on the nozzle body and extends over the
fuel nozzle hole in the cylinder head. The nozzle greater part of the filter screen, leaving an opening
body has a drilled central passage with a near the bottom. This provides both mechanical
counterbore at each end. The lower end is the fuel protection and an air path .
outlet. The upper bore contains a removable jet for Nozzles are calibrated in several ranges and all
calibrating the nozzles. Near the top, radial holes nozzles furnished for one engine are of the same
connect the upper counterbore with the outside of range identified by a letter stamped on the hex of
the nozzle body for air admission. These holes enter the nozzle body.
the counterbore above the orifice and draw outside

Fuel Inlet




Air Inlet

Injection Mixture

Figure 13-6
Fuel Nozzle

Fuel System

Fuel Nozzle Removal, 6. Apply TCM 646943 antiseize lubricant to

Cleaning and Replacement cylinder end of nozzle threads in accordance
with Figure 13-14. Reinstall the nozzle and
1. Remove cowling and any airframe accessories torque to 55 - 65 inch pounds.
that may obstruct access to the fuel nozzles in
accordance with the airframe manufacturer’s 7. Install fuel line on nozzle.
instructions 8. Torque the fuel line “B” nut to 40 - 45 inch
2. Loosen and remove the fuel line from the fuel pounds.
injector nozzle assembly. 9. Reinstall all airframe supplied accessories and
3. Loosen and remove the fuel nozzle. cowling in accordance with the airframe
manufacturer’s instructions.
4. Clean nozzle by soaking in lacquer thinner,
methyl ethyl keytone or acetone for several After all requirements of scheduled maintenance
hours. have been performed and prior to any engine
5. If a nozzle is obstructed and cannot be cleaned operation, a complete fuel system leak check must
by solvent action, it must be replaced with a be performed in accordance with the aircraft
new nozzle. manufacturer or STC holder’s information.

Do not attempt to clear nozzle obstruction with

Fuel System

Fuel System Maintenance

Compare recorded findings of operational inspection with the following data:

ENGINE RPM Unmetered or Metered Fuel Flow Fuel Flow

Propeller Pump Pressure Pressure Lbs./Hr. Gal./Hr.

{IO-520-M 600 8.0 - 10.0 3.9 - 4.5

& MB 32.0 - 36.0 18.0 - 19.8 142 - 150 24.2 - 25.6
{IO-520-B, 600 8.0 - 10.0 3.9 - 4.5
BA, BB 29.2 - 36.2 16.5 -18.4 146 -156 24.9 -26.6
{IO-520-C, 600 8.0 - 10.0 3.9 - 4.5
CB 31.6 - 37.8 17.6 -19.6 152 -160 25.9 -27.3

NOTE…Unmetered or pump pressure values and metered or nozzle pressure values are taken using a gauge
vented to atmosphere. All readings are predicated on properly calibrated gauges.

{ Flight test required to verify fuel flow vs. pressure altitude values are within the limits specified. See the
Altitude Leaning Charts in chapter 22.

If the fuel injection system is found to be in good physical condition and operational inspection readings
conform with the specified flows and pressures, the engine fuel system can be approved for return to service.

If the fuel system is not functioning properly, see troubleshooting in chapter 5 to determine the cause and
procedure for correcting it.

Fuel System

lubrication must be accomplished using Shell #5

Throttle, Fuel Control Unit Grease or Lubriplate #630AA or equivalent.
and Mixture Levers Lubrication of levers, link rods, or bushings must be
performed in accordance with Figure 13-7 on the
Maintenance following page.
To insure proper operation and to prevent
accelerated wear of I0-520-B, BA, BB, C, CB, M, Consult the airframe manufacturer and/or their most
MB model engines, the fuel control to throttle current published instructions concerning aircraft
linkage must be inspected for excessive play which engine control cable attach point inspection,
can cause lost motion and breakage of parts due to cleaning, repair, installation and lubrication.
vibration. Inspect the pivot points of levers and After the above procedures have been accom-
linkages on all I0-520 engine models for debris, old plished, verify that each control has full limit of
grease and oil. Clean pivot point areas thoroughly travel, that required safeties are in place, that no
using clean Stoddard solvent. After cleaning, dry binding of levers or linkages is occurring and that
each area using compressed air. control movement is not restricted by contact with
other parts or components that are located in close
Whenever fuel control to throttle linkage,
attaching hardware, levers or lever bushings
have been replaced or reassembled, the fuel Whenever the fuel pump, fuel control unit,
system must be checked and adjusted in fuel manifold valve or fuel injection nozzles
accordance with the “Fuel System Adjust- are removed and replaced, the fuel system
ment” chapter and tested in accordance with must be checked and adjusted in accordance
chapter 22, “Post Maintenance Operational with the “Fuel System Adjustment” chapter
Test.” This test is MANDATORY. and tested in accordance with chapter 22,
“Post Maintenance Operational Test” of this
NOTE… manual.
Linkage connections between the throttle and
fuel control unit are the same on the I0-520-B,
BA, BB, C, CB, M, MB engine models; however,
the throttle bodies, throttle levers and fuel
control unit levers used on the different engine
models are physically different.
Worn or corroded linkage, attaching hardware,
levers or lever bushings must be replaced in
accordance with the Permold Series Overhaul
Manual, Form OH-11. After cleaning, inspection
and repair has been accomplished as required, each
pivot point must be lubricated using LPS 2, Perma-
tex “Maintain®” Lubricant. If levers, link rods or
bushings have been replaced or reassembled, initial

Fuel System

Clean, inspect and lubricate in accordance

with the procedure specified under
“Throttle, Fuel Control and Mixture Levers.”

Clean, inspect and lubricate

Clean, inspect and in accordance with the airframe
lubricate in accordance manufacturer’s instructions
Clean, inspect and with the procedure
lubricate in accordance specified in “Throttle,
with the Airframe Fuel Control and
Manufacturer’s Instructions Mixture Levers”

Figure 13-7
Throttle and Fuel Control Unit Lubrication for IO-520-B, -BA, -BB, -C, -CB, -M and -MB

Fuel System

Clean, inspect and lubricate in

accordance with the airframe
manufacturer’s instructions

Figure 13-8
Throttle and Fuel Control Unit Lubrication for IO-520-B, -BA, -BB, -C, -CB, -M and -MB

Fuel System

1. Fittings from the original manifold valve may

be installed and oriented to the same position WARNING
in the replacement manifold valve. The fittings
must be clean and free of damage and debris While installing the bracket, do not
prior to installation. Apply F/I sealant to displace or tear manifold valve diaphragm.
tapered male threads in accordance with
Figure 13-9. Install fittings in fuel manifold
valve and orient to the original positions. 9. Torque fuel line to nozzle nuts to 40 - 45 inch
Torque fittings in accordance with Table 2, pounds. Torque fuel line to manifold valve
“Torque Specifications For Hose Fittings.” nuts to 55 - 60 inch pounds.

2. If the replacement manifold valve does not 10. Torque fuel inlet hose to manifold valve elbow
include a mounting bracket, remove the nut in accordance with Table 2, “Torque
existing bracket from the old manifold valve Specifications For Hose Fittings.”
as follows: 11. Reinstall removed airframe components in
a. Cut, remove and discard lockwire. accordance with airframe manufacturer’s
b. Remove 4 screws and 4 lock washers.
Discard lock washers. 12. After all requirements of scheduled mainte-
c. Remove bracket and 4 plain washers from nance have been performed and prior to any
old manifold valve. engine operation, a complete fuel system leak
check must be performed in accordance with
d. Clean manifold valve bracket and
the aircraft manufacturer or STC holder’s
hardware with mineral spirits solvents and
dry. Inspect all screw threads and insure
that none are damaged.
e. Orient manifold valve bracket on new
manifold valve using 4 plain washers and
secure with 4 new lock washers and 4
f. Torque screws to 20 ± 1 inch pounds and
lockwire in accordance with “Typical
Lockwire Procedure” in Chapter 9.
g. Position manifold and bracket assembly
over crankcase backbone mounting holes.
Install manifold/bracket assembly to back-
bone with 2 screws, washers, and nuts.
Torque to 180-220 inch pounds.
h. Remove all protective covers from fuel
lines and hoses and reinstall fuel lines to
the manifold valve. Insure that B-nut
threads are clean and free of damage.

Fuel System

Throttle and Fuel Control Unit/ 8. The throttle and fuel metering unit can be
repaired and calibrated in accordance with the
Throttle and Fuel Metering Unit applicable instructions in the Fuel Injection
Replacement System Parts And Overhaul Manual, Form
1. I0-520-M and MB throttle and fuel control X30593, latest revision .
units must be replaced in accordance with the 9. Fittings from the original fuel control unit/fuel
airframe manufacturer’s instructions. metering unit may be installed and oriented to
2. On I0-520-B, BA, BB, C, CB, M & MB the same positions in the new or replacement
model engines, remove any airframe fuel assembly. The fittings must be clean and
components required to gain access to the free of damage and debris prior to installation.
throttle and fuel control unit/throttle and fuel Apply F/I sealant to tapered male threads in
metering unit in accordance with the airframe accordance with Figure 13-9. Install fittings
manufacturer’s instructions. Remove the and orient to the original positions. Torque
following hoses from their fittings. fittings in accordance with Table 2, “Torque
Specifications For Hose Fittings.”
a. Fuel hose from fuel control unit/fuel
metering unit to manifold valve. CAUTION...
Never use Teflon tape on fuel injection system
b. Fuel hose(s) from fuel pump to fuel fittings.
control unit/fuel metering unit.
3. Install protective covers on all loose hose 1. Install I0-520-M & MB model engine throttle
ends. and control assemblies in accordance with the
4. On I0-520-B, BA & BB model engines, airframe manufacturer’s instructions.
remove the throttle to induction manifold
clamp and hose. Remove two bolts and 2. On I0-520-B, BA, BB, C, and CB model
washers and remove throttle and fuel control engines, using serviceable hoses and clamp
as a unit. On I0-520-C & CB model engines, assemblies, install the throttle and fuel control
remove the throttle to induction elbow clamps unit/throttle and metering unit on the intake
and hoses. Loosen and remove upper throttle manifold. Tighten hose clamps sufficiently to
support brackets and hardware in accordance insure complete engagement and security of
with the airframe manufacturer’s instructions. hose. Do not over tighten clamps to the point
Remove nut from lower throttle body support of cold flow.
bracket and remove throttle and fuel control as
a unit.
5. Inspect hoses for condition. Replace any hose
that exhibits wear, damage, or deterioration.
6. Remove and inspect all fittings for cleanliness
and damaged threads. Replace fittings that are
7. TCM offers rebuilt fuel injection system
components as an alternative to field repair of

Fuel System

Torque all hose connections and fittings in
accordance with Table 2, “Torque Specifi-
cations For Hose Fittings” later in this

5. Install the following hoses:

a. Remove protective cover and install fuel
hose from throttle and fuel control
unit/throttle and fuel metering unit to
manifold valve.
b. Remove protective cover and install fuel
hose(s) from fuel pump to throttle and
metering unit.
6. Reinstall cowling and airframe accessories in
accordance with the airframe manufacturer’s
Apply Fuel Injection instructions.
Sealant Sparingly Here
7. After all requirements of scheduled mainte-
DO NOT Apply Fuel nance have been performed and prior to any
Injection Sealant To engine operation, a complete fuel system leak
The First Two Threads check must be performed in accordance with
the aircraft manufacturer or STC holder’s
Figure 13-9
F/I Sealant Application

3. On I0-520-B, BA and BB engines, install

serviceable throttle and control unit on oil
sump and secure with two washers and bolts.
Torque bolts to 155-175 inch pounds. Install
lock wire on bolts in accordance with Chapter
10. On I0-520-C and CB model engines, align
throttle stud with lower support bracket and
install nut. Torque nut to 90-110 inch pounds.
Install upper throttle support brackets and
hardware in accordance with the airframe
manufacturer’s instructions.

Fuel System

Fuel Line Replacement Fuel Hose Replacement

Use the following procedure to remove and 1. Remove any airframe supplied support hardware
replace an existing manifold valve to nozzle fuel from fuel hose in accordance with the airframe
line: manufacturer’s instructions. Remove fuel hose
from its elbows. Drain fuel into a suitable
1. Separate fuel line from fuel line support
bracket and clamp.
2. Inspect elbow threads for damage. Remove and
2. Disconnect the fuel line at the manifold valve.
replace elbow in accordance with the preceding
3. Disconnect the fuel line at the fuel nozzle and component fitting installation instructions if
remove fuel line. damaged or worn.
4. Position a new or existing serviceable fuel line 3. Install new, clean fuel hose on elbows. The fuel
on the engine and connect it to the fuel hose must be routed in it’s original position away
manifold valve. Torque to 55 - 60 inch from any heat source and any airframe support
pounds. hardware that was removed must be reinstalled in
5. Install the fuel line on the fuel nozzle. Torque accordance with the airframe manufacturer’s
B-nut to 40 - 45 inch pounds. instructions.

6. Install the fuel line into the fuel line support 4. Torque hose fittings in accordance with Table 2,
bracket and clamp. “Torque Specifications For Hose Fittings

7. If the rubber fuel line protector is damaged, 5. After all requirements of scheduled maintenance
replace it with a new protector. have been performed and prior to any engine
operation, a complete fuel system leak check must
8. After all requirements of scheduled maintenance be performed in accordance with the aircraft
have been performed and prior to any engine manufacturer or STC holder’s information.
operation, a complete fuel system leak check must
be performed in accordance with the aircraft
manufacturer or STC holder’s information .

Fuel System


5/16-24 #2 (Brass/Aluminum) .125 15-30
5/16-24 #2 (Steel) .125 15-50
3/8-24 #3 (Brass/Aluminum) .188 40-65
3/8-24 #3 (Steel) .188 50-90
7/16-20 #4 (Brass/Aluminum) .250 60-80
7/16-20 (Steel) .250 70-120
7/16-24 #4 (Steel) .190 60-80
9/16-18 #6 (Brass/Aluminum) .375 75-125
9/16-18 #6 (Steel) .375 90-150
3/4-16 #8 (Brass/Aluminum) .500 150-250
3/4-16 #8 (Steel) .500 135-250
7/8-14 #10 (Brass/Aluminum) .625 200-350
7/8-14 #10 (Steel) .625 300-400



#2 (5/16-24) Hose End Fitting To Brass/Allum. Fitting 50-80

Hose End Fitting To Steel Fitting 75-120

#3 (3/8-24) Hose End Fitting To Brass/Allum. Fitting 70-105

Hose End Fitting To Steel Fitting 95-140

#4 (7/16-20) Hose End Fitting To Brass/Allum. Fitting 100-140

Hose End Fitting To Steel Fitting 135-190

#5 (1/2-20) Hose End Fitting To Brass/Allum. Fitting 130-180

Hose End Fitting To Steel Fitting 170-240

#6 (9/16-18) Hose End Fitting To Brass/Allum. Fitting 150-195

Hose End Fitting To Steel Fitting 215-280

#8 (3/4-16) Hose End Fitting To Brass/Allum. Fitting 270-350

Hose End Fitting To Steel Fitting 470-550

# 10 (7/8-14) Hose End Fitting To Brass/Allum. Fitting 360-430

Hose End Fitting To Steel Fitting 620-745

# 12 (1-1/16-12) Hose End Fitting To Brass/Allum. Fitting 460-550

Hose End Fitting To Steel Fitting 855-1055

Chapter 14
Induction System

Induction System Description ................................................................................................................................................................. 14-3

Air Throttle Assembly .................................................................................................................................................................................... 14-4
Induction System Maintenance .............................................................................................................................................................. 14-5

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Induction System

Induction System Description The intake manifold is an air distribution system

mounted below the engine cylinders. It serves to
Engine components through which air flows carry induction air to the individual cylinder intake
following the aircraft air inlet filter/alternate air ports.
door are: throttle assembly, manifold, induction
tubes and cylinder intake ports. Air flows through The cylinder intake ports are cast into the cylinder
these components in the order they are listed. head assembly. Air from the manifold is carried into
the intake ports, mixed with fuel from the injector
Refer to the aircraft manufacturer's Airplane Flight nozzles where it enters the cylinder as a
Manual (AFM) for alternate air door operations. combustible mixture when the intake valve opens.

Bottom View Of Engine

With Induction Manifold
Installed Balance Tube

Cylinder No.

Cylinder No.
Throttle Cylinder No.
Butterfly 4

Cylinder No.
Cylinder No.
Riser and Hoses
Cylinder No.

Figure 14-1
Induction System

Induction System

The shaft bosses contain bushings in which the shaft

Air Throttle Assembly rides. Wave washers provide protection against
Air Throttle Assembly I0-520-B, BA, BB, C, CB, vibration. An idle speed adjusting screw is provided
M & MB - The air throttle assembly is an aluminum in one of the throttle valve shaft levers and bears
casting that contains the shaft and throttle valve against a stop pin installed in the throttle body.
assembly. The throttle bore area is tailored to the
engine size. No venturi or other restriction is used.



Figure 14-2
Air Throttle Assembly

Induction System

Induction System
Induction system maintenance is limited to removal
and replacement of malfunctioning components and
tightening loose connections in accordance with the
applicable portions of the IO-520 Permold Overhaul
Manual, Form OH-11 Induction System disassem-
bly and reassembly procedures.

Induction System

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Chapter 15
Optional Air Conditioning

Air Conditioning System Description ............................................................................................................................................... 15-3

Air Conditioning System Components.............................................................................................................................................. 15-3
Compressor Mounting Kit .................................................................................................................................................................. 15-3
Maintenance ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15-4

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Optional Equipment

Air Conditioning Air Conditioning

System Description System Components
Teledyne Continental Motors supplies an optional
compressor mounting bracket for the addition of a Compressor Mounting Kit
customer supplied belt driven compressor and air The compressor mounting bracket assembly is
conditioning system. For a description of the bolted to the 1-3-5 side rear crankcase half with one
complete air conditioning system refer to the crankcase through bolt, two plain bolts and two lock
airframe manufacturer's information. washers. The bracket utilizes an adjustable block
and idler sheave for tensioning the compressor belt.

Figure 15-1
Optional Compressor Drive

Optional Equipment

correct the alignment tool extended end (bar center)

Maintenance will fall within 0.020 inch of the center of the
Remove and replace worn or malfunctioning sheave. Use this same procedure to check the idler
components in accordance with applicable portions sheave, except the extended end of alignment tool
of disassembly, reassembly in the IO-520 Permold will overlay the lower portion of the compressor
Series Overhaul Manual, Form OH-11, Chapter 11 sheave. See Figure 15-2, "Checking Sheave
and the following: Alignment."
Premature belt replacement can usually be If drive sheave or idler are not in alignment, remove
attributed to improper alignment of the sheaves sheaves and install up to but do not exceed five
and/or improper belt tensioning. Use the following 0.020 shims [P/N 643956-20] to achieve the correct
instructions to correct this problem. alignment. See Figure 15-3, "Sheave Alignment."
The alignment of compressor, starter adapter and When idler sheave is properly adjusted torque
idler sheaves must be checked using Borroughs sheave screw to 300-350 inch pounds torque. When
Tool Number 8082 alignment tool. Check tool drive sheave is properly adjusted, torque sheave
flatness (calibration) by laying it on a surface table. 12-point, self- locking nut to 450-500 inch pounds.
Place the alignment tool around the drive sheave Nuts must be lubricated with clean aviation engine
with the extended end overlaying the upper portion oil. All threads of sheave nut must be engaged.
of the compressor sheave. When the alignment is

Figure 15-2
Checking Sheave Alignment

Optional Equipment

CAUTION… Confirm belt tension is 50-70 pounds by one of the

Prevent engine from turning when torquing nut. following methods:

Refer to Figure 15-4, "Belt Tensioning," on the next 1. Use a direct reading belt tension gage such as
page. Loosen the jam nut, adjusting bolt and slide Borroughs Tool Number BT-33-73F.
nut. The slide nut should be loosened only enough 2. Measure belt deflection under a five pound load
to allow the slide to move freely and the adjusting at the center of the longest belt span. Correct
bolt should be turned out far enough to allow deflection is 0.30- 0.40 inch.
installation of the belt.
If belt tension is not within the above tolerance,
Install the drive belt. Slide the idler pulley snugly loosen jam nut and slide nut, readjust belt tension.
against the belt and tighten the adjusting bolt finger One full turn of adjusting screw will give
tight into its socket. In this position the idler sheave approximately ten pounds change in belt tension.
should be rotatable by hand under the belt. Tighten
CAUTION…Do not over tighten drive belt.
the adjusting bolt two full turns. Torque the
adjusting bolt jam nut to 275-375 inch pounds After approximately five hours of operation,
torque. Torque the idler sheave screw to 300-350 recheck belt tension and adjust as required to
inch pounds. maintain 50-70 pounds belt tension.

Figure 15-3
Sheave Alignment

Optional Equipment

Figure 15-4
Belt Tensioning

Chapter 16
Electrical Charging System

Electrical Charging System ...................................................................................................................................................................... 16-3

Electrical Charging System Components ............................................................................................................................... 16-3
Maintenance and Repair...................................................................................................................................................................... 16-4
Direct Drive Alternator Removal and Replacement ............................................................................................... 16-4
Alternator Drive Hub ...................................................................................................................................................................... 16-4
Slippage Inspection ................................................................................................................................................................... 16-4
Repair/Replacement .................................................................................................................................................................. 16-4
Installation ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 16-4

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Electrical Charging System

Electrical Charging Electrical Charging System

System For detailed information about TCM alternators,
refer to “Alternator Service Instructions,” Form
The IO-520-B, BA, BB, C, CB, M and MB model
engines have a direct drive alternator mounted on
the right front crankcase half. The alternator
generates electrical current for powering the
aircraft electrical system and for recharging
aircraft batteries.
For a description of the aircraft electrical and
charging system, refer to the airframe
manufacturer’s documentation.
For alternator location on the engine, refer to
Figure 16-1, “Alternator Location.”



Figure 16-1
General Alternator Location

Electrical Charging System

Maintenance and Repair Alternator Drive Hub

For maintenance or repair of TCM alternators, Slippage Inspection
refer to TCM Form X30531-3, “Alternator Service
Instructions.” The alternators may be removed for Whenever the alternator is removed, perform the
repair or replacement in accordance with the following drive gear hub slippage inspection:
following removal and replacement instructions. 1. The torque required to slip the elastomer
CAUTION... coupling when new must be 180 inch pounds
When an alternator is removed that has a (15 foot pounds) torque minimum measured
grounding strap, the strap must be reinstalled with after 45° of revolution at a rate of 1 to 2
the new or rebuilt alternator. degrees per second.

Direct Drive Alternator 2. Slippage must occur at the outside diameter of

elastomer with no damage to the elastomer.
Removal and Replacement
3. On couplings which have been in service for
Removal more than 25 hours, slippage torque must not
1. Disconnect electrical connections from be less than 140 inch pounds (11.7 foot
alternator in accordance with airframe pounds) torque.
manufacturer’s instructions. 4. Drive hubs that do not conform with the above
2. Remove plain washer, lock washer, and nut specifications must be discarded.
from the four mounting studs.
3. Discard lockwashers.
1. Alternator repair/replacement must be
4. Remove the alternator from the mounting performed in accordance with TCM Alternator
studs. Maintenance and Parts Catalog, Form
5. Remove gasket from mounting studs
1. Install new gasket on new or rebuilt alternator.
2. Install alternator assembly on mounting studs
with four plain washers, four new lock
washers, and four plain nuts.
3. Torque nuts to 180 - 220 inch pounds.
4. Install all electrical connections in accordance
with airframe manufacturer’s instructions.

Chapter 17
Starting System

Starter and Starter Adapter ...................................................................................................................................................................... 17-3

Starting System Components ................................................................................................................................................................... 17-4
Starter ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17-4
Starter Adapter ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 17-4
Starting System Maintenance .................................................................................................................................................................. 17-5
Starter Motor Replacement ............................................................................................................................................................... 17-9
Starter Adapter Replacement ........................................................................................................................................................... 17-9

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Starting System

and gear engage the starter shaftgear by means of a

Starter and Starter Adapter spring and clutch assembly. As the shaftgear
The I0-520 Permold Series engines utilize a rotates, it in turn rotates the crankshaft gear and
starting system that employs an electric starter crankshaft. When the engine starts and accelerates,
motor mounted on a right angle starter drive the gripping action of the clutch spring is relieved,
adapter. The right angle drive adapter serves to disengaging the shaftgear from the worm shaft and
shorten engine overall length. As the starter motor electric starter motor.
is electrically energized, the adapter worm shaft

Figure 17-1
Starter and Starter Adapter

Starting System

ball bearing and retaining ring, the opposite end is

Starting System Components supported by a needle bearing pressed into the
Starter adapter housing. As the worm gear rotates the
For a detailed description of TCM electric starter worm wheel and clutch spring, the clutch spring is
motors See TCM Form X30592, Starter Service tightened around the drum of the starter shaftgear.
Instructions. As the shaftgear turns, its torque is transmitted
directly to the crankshaft gear. The starter
Starter Adapter shaftgear is supported at the adapter cover by a
The starter adapter assembly uses a worm drive pressed in ball bearing, and is supported at the
gear shaft and worm gear to transfer torque from opposite end by a needle bearing pressed into the
the starter motor to the clutch assembly. The shaft 1-3-5 crankcase half.
is supported in the housing at the starter end by a

Figure 17-2
Starter Adapter

Starting System

Starting System CAUTION...

When performing dimensional inspection the
Maintenance following "Service Limits" may be used.
The starter motor may be removed for repair or However, they are only intended as a guide for
maintenance in accordance with applicable reuse when performing maintenance of the
portions of starter and starter adapter disassembly/ engine prior to major overhaul. Parts with
reassembly instructions in the I0-520 Permold dimensions or fits that exceed service limits must
Series Overhaul Manual, Form OH-11. not be reused. Parts with values up to and
including service limits may be reused, however,
Disassembly, maintenance and reassembly of the
judgment should be exercised considering the
starter motor must be performed in accordance
PROXIMITY of the engine to its recommended
with the Starter Service Instructions, Form
overhaul time.
When performing starter adapter repairs prior to
engine TBO the following dimensional limits may
be used.

1. Starter shaftgear needle bearing hole crankcase Diameter: 1.0005
2. Starter shaft gear front (bearing) journal Diameter: 0.7480
3. Starter shaftgear in clutch drum bearing Diameter: 1.0000L
4. Clutch spring sleeve in starter adapter Diameter: 0.0050T
5. Starter shaft gear in ball bearing Diameter: 0.0005L
6. Bearing in starter adapter cover Diameter: 0.0010L
7. Worm wheel gear End Clearance: 0.0250
8. Worm wheel drum Diameter: Figure 17-6
9. Starter Shaft gear drum Diameter: Figure 17-5
10.  Clutch spring in clutch spring sleeve Diameter: 0.0030T
11. From center line of wormgear shaft to starter adapter thrust pads: 0.2520
12. Needle bearing hole starter adapter Diameter: 0.7495
13. Ball bearing in starter adapter Diameter: 0.0010L
14. Worm gear shaft in needle bearing area Diameter: 0.5600
15. Worm gear shaft in ball bearing Diameter: 0.0007L
16. Starter worm gear on shaft Diameter: 0.0040L
17. Starter spring on worm drive shaft Diameter: 0.0250L
18. Starter pilot to starter drive adapter Diameter: 0.0070L
19. Starter drive tongue to worm shaft drive slot Side Clearance: 0.0340L
20. Starter worm wheel gear and worm gear Backlash: 0.0200
1. Starter adapter Cover Pilot In Adapter Housing Diameter: 0.0040L
 When sand blasted diameter finish is smoother than 75 RMS, replace sleeve.

Starting System

Figure 17-3
Starter Adapter Fits and Limits

Starting System

1. Starter shaftgear needle bearing hole crankcase Diameter: 1.0005
2. Starter shaftgear front (bearing) journal Diameter: 0 7480
3. Starter shaftgear in clutch drum bearing area Diameter: 1.0000
4. Clutch spring sleeve in starter adapter Diameter: 0.0050T
5. Starter shaftgear in ball bearing Diameter: 0.0007L
6. Bearing in starter adapter cover Diameter: 0.0010L
7. Worm wheel gear End Clearance: 0.0250
8. Worm wheel drum Diameter: See Figure
9. Starter Shaftgear Drum Diameter: See Figure
10.  Clutch spring in clutch spring sleeve Diameter: 0.0030T
11. From center line of worm gearshaft to starter adapter thrust pads: 0.2520
12. Needle bearing hole starter adapter Diameter: 0.7495
13. Ball bearing in starter adapter Diameter: 0.0010L
14. Worm gearshaft in needle bearing area Diameter: 0.5600
15. Worm gearshaft in ball bearing Diameter: 0.0007L
16. Starter worm gear on shaft Diameter: 0.0040L
17. Starter spring on worm drive shaft Diameter: 0.0250L
18. Starter pilot to starter drive adapter Diameter: 0.0070L
19. Starter drive tongue to worm shaft drive slot Side Clearance: 0.0340L
20. Scavenge pump driver gear on starter gear shaft Diameter: 0.0030L
21. Scavenge pump driver gear in body End Clearance: 0.0060L
22. Scavenge pump driver gear in body Diameter: 0.0160L
23. Starter gearshaft in scavenge pump body Diameter: 0.0040L
24. Ball bearing in scavenge pump body Diameter: 0.0011L
25. Starter worm wheel gear and worm gear Backlash: 0.0200

 When sand blasted diameter finish is smoother than 75 RMS, replace sleeve.

Starting System

Figure 17-4
Customer Specification Starter Adapter Fits and Limits

Starting System

Starter Motor Replacement Starter Adapter Replacement

Removal Removal
1. Disconnect electrical cable from starter motor 1. Remove starter motor in accordance with
in accordance with airframe manufacturer’s “Starter Motor Removal And Replacement.”
instructions. 2. Remove four sets of attaching parts (two on
outside of crankcase between cylinder No. 1
2. Remove the two nuts and plain washers from
and starter, and two on cover assembly.)
the starter motor mounting studs.
remove starter adapter assembly from crank-
3. Carefully remove the starter motor assembly case. Discard lock washers.
without damaging mounting stud threads. The starter adapter must be repaired in accordance
4. Remove and discard O-ring. with the I0-520-Permold Series Overhaul Manual,
Form OH-11.
Starter motor repair/replacement must be perform-
ed in accordance with TCM Starter Service Replacement
Instructions, Form No. X30592.
1. Using the following, install new, rebuilt or
Installation serviceable starter adapter.
2. Apply a thin coat of TCM Gasket Maker
1. Lubricate new o-ring with clean 50 wt. aviation
646942 to the starter adapter gasket crankcase
engine oil and install on starter pilot.
mating surface only.
2. Install starter motor on mounting studs and 3. Apply TCM gasket maker to silk thread and
insure that drive lug aligns with slot. Secure split line of crankcase at oil pump bore. Place
starter motor with two plain washers and 2 silk thread ends into split line of oil pump bore.
4. Install new gasket on crankcase.
3. Torque nuts to 200 - 220 inch pounds. CAUTION…
Reconnect electrical cable in accordance with Sealant must be applied sparingly to prevent
airframe manufacturer’s instructions. contamination of the engine oil system.
5. Lubricate teeth on starter shaftgear and mesh
with crankshaft gear as starter adapter is placed
in position. Seat adapter against gasket. Secure
adapter assembly to crankcase with washers,
new lock washers and nuts. Torque 5/16-24
nuts to 180-220 inch pounds. Torque 3/8 16
nuts to 200-220 inch pounds.
6. Replace starter motor in accordance with
“Starter Motor Removal And Replacement.”

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Chapter 18
Lubrication System

Lubrication System .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 18-3

Oil Pump .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18-5
Oil Cooler and Oil Temperature Control Valve....................................................................................................................... 18-6
Oil Sump .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18-7
Oil Suction Tube ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 18-7
Lubrication System Maintenance ......................................................................................................................................................... 18-8
Oil Filter Adapter Stud ........................................................................................................................................................................ 18-8
Oil Pump ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18-9
Oil Filter Adaptor ................................................................................................................................................................................. 18-10
Oil Sump ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18-10
Oil Suction Tube .................................................................................................................................................................................... 18-10
Oil Cooler ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18-10
Oil Pressure Relief Valve ............................................................................................................................................................... 18-10
Oil Temperature Control Valve................................................................................................................................................... 18-11
Tach Drive Assembly ................................................................................................................................................................................. 18-12
Lubrication System Lubrication Dimensional Limits ........................................................................................................ 18-12

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Lubrication System

Lubrication System WARNING

The engine oil supply is contained in the oil sump.
The oil is drawn from the sump through the oil Oil pressure is applied to the face of the
suction tube to the intake side of the engine accessory drive pads. If gaskets, accessory
driven, gear type, oil pump. From the outlet side of or covers are not properly installed and
the pump, oil is directed to the full flow, hardware is not properly torqued oil
replaceable oil filter. A bypass valve is incor- leakage will occur.
porated in the oil filter. An oil pressure relief valve
is incorporated in the oil pump housing. The valve From the governor drive gear lubricating oil is
opens when the pump pressures exceed the directed from the left main gallery through drilled
adjusted limit and oil is directed back to the intake crankcase passages and oil transfer collar to the
side of the oil pump gears. crankshaft. Oil then travels through a transfer plug
installed in the inside diameter of the crankshaft
From the oil filter discharge port, oil is directed and is routed to the variable pitch propeller.
through a crankcase passage to the oil cooler. In Hydraulic valve tappets transfer oil from the main
addition to facilities for oil cooling, the oil cooler oil galleries to the cylinder overhead through the
incorporates an oil temperature control valve. Oil hollow pushrods to a drilled oil passage in the
passing by the oil temperature control valve cavity rocker arms. Oil exiting the rocker arms lubricates
directs oil either through the oil cooler core and or the valve stems, springs and rotocoils. The oil then
through the oil cooler bypass to the crankcase falls to the lower rocker cavity and returns to the
passage at the rear depending on the oil crankcase and sump through the pushrod housings.
temperature. If engine oil temperature is above
180°F, all oil is directed through the oil cooler. Oil from the left main crankcase gallery is also
directed upward through crankcase oil passages to
Oil entering the engine is directed to the hollow the crankshaft main bearings and idler gear
camshaft which serves as the engine main oil bushing. Oil is directed upward from the idler gear
gallery. Grooves and drilled holes in the camshaft bushing to both accessory drive bushings. Oil
are located so as to afford proper lubrication lubricating the crankshaft mains is directed
through a system of orifices to the main bearings, through the upper main bearing oil holes, through
hydraulic valve tappets, idler gear bushing, crankcase passages to oil squirt nozzles that spray
accessory drive gear bushings and the starter drive oil onto the underside of the pistons for heat
gear bearing. dissipation and lubrication. Oil falls from the
Oil leaving the camshaft interior at the front of the pistons through the crankcase cavity back to the
crankcase is directed to the left main crankcase oil sump.
gallery, from there it is directed upward through
crankcase oil passages to the main thrust bearing
and to the governor drive gear.

Lubrication System














SYSTEM (if equipped)

Figure 18-1
Lubrication System Schematic

Lubrication System

Oil Pump The oil is then forced around the outside of the
gears and through a gallery to the oil filter adapter
The positive displacement oil pump consists of
and pressure relief valve. Oil that flows past the
two meshed gears that revolve inside the pump
pressure relief valve is directed through a passage
housing cavity. The clearance between the oil
back to the inlet side of the pump gears.
pump cavity and oil pump gear teeth is small.
The adjustable oil pressure relief valve maintains
The camshaft drives the oil pump drive gear,
oil pressure at a preset value to insure adequate
which drives the oil pump driven gear. The oil
lubrication to the engine and its accessories at high
pump driven gear is supported by a shaft pressed
engine RPM. Oil pressure is adjusted by turning
into the oil pump housing.
the oil pressure relief valve adjusting screw.
The oil pump drive gear shaft is supported by the
During normal operation, oil flows from the by-
tach drive housing on one end and the oil pump
pass to an area between the oil filter housing and
housing at the opposite end. The oil pump drive
filter element. The oil is then directed through the
gear has a tachometer drive gear attached to its end
element, down to a gallery in the filter adapter,
which drives a tachometer shaftgear inside the tach
through a passage in the oil pump housing and out
drive housing for either electrical or mechanical
to the engine. The oil filter bypass allows the oil to
continue to circulate through the engine if the filter
As the engine starts rotating, the oil pump drive element becomes clogged.
gear turns (looking from the rear of the engine
forward) counterclockwise, this drives the driven
gear in a clockwise direction. The two gears
turning creates a suction that draws oil from the
sump, through the oil suction tube to the pump
gears. Oil Filter

Oil Filter Housing

Oil Pump Housing

Oil Pump Drive Gear

Oil Filter Oil Pump Driven Gear

Oil Flow
To Engine

Oil Suction
Tube Plug
Figure 18-2
Oil Pump Back To Inlet Side
Of Pump Gears

Oil From Oil Sump

Oil Pressure
Relief Valve

Lubrication System

Oil Cooler And Oil

pass flows past the oil temperature control valve
Temperature Control Valve and out to the crankcase main oil galleries and the
Oil flowing from the oil pump enters the oil cooler camshaft.
inlet where it is directed upward through the When oil temperature reaches 180°F the oil
cooler core by the oil gallery. When the oil is temperature control valve closes, forcing the oil to
below normal operating temperature, the oil flow through the oil cooler. As the oil flows
temperature control valve (vernatherm) opens through the cooler core, cooling air fins between
allowing oil to flow through the center bypass the core oil passages dissipate excess heat from the
portion of the cooler. Oil flowing through the by- oil, maintaining normal operating tempera-tures.

Static Oil

Oil Flow-Thru
(Cold Oil)

Oil Out
To Engine
Cooling Core

Valve Open
Oil In From
(Oil Cold) Oil Pump

Oil Out
Limited Oil
Static Oil To Engine
Flow (Oil Cold)
(Oil Hot)

Valve Closed
(Oil Hot)
Cooling Fins

Oil In From Oil Pump

Static Oil
Oil Out To Engine
Oil Flow
(Oil Hot)

Figure 18-3
Oil Cooler

Lubrication System

Oil Sump Oil Suction Tube

The oil sump used on I0-520-A and C model The oil suction tube extends from the oil sump to
engines is a stamp-pressed aluminum alloy the oil pump inlet providing oil pickup and flow
assembly. The oil sump used on the I0-520-B path. The pickup tube entrance is screened. The oil
model engines is cast aluminum with provisions screen on I0-520-B engines has .06" diameter
for attaching engine mount legs. The sump is held holes. The oil screens on I0-520-A and C engines
to the crankcase sump mount flange with 32 bolts, have .085" diameter holes. On I0-520-A and -C
washers and lock washers. The oil sump assembly engines, the pickup end is supported by welded
incorporates a tapped drain plug boss, a plug, and brackets bolted to the crankcase spine below the
a crush washer to facilitate draining engine oil. camshaft. On I0-520-B engines, the pickup end is
The drain plug boss has provisions for safety supported by welded brackets bolted to two
wiring of the oil drain plug. crankcase bolt bosses. The opposite end with a
crush washer installed protrudes through the
crankcase into the oil pump inlet. The threaded
tube end is held and sealed to the oil pump
housing by a crush washer and a plug.

Figure 18-4
Oil Sump and Suction Tube

Lubrication System

b. Clean the adapter housing threads

Lubrication System thoroughly to remove any remaining
Maintenance thread adhesive and oil.
Oil filter Adapter Stud Replacement c. Install the applicable new stud (P/N
653490) and confirm that the incomplete
A new stud P/N 653490 must be installed if : thread on the stud stops at the first thread
1. The old stud is a plain steel color with a length in the adapter housing and does not
of 1.440" inch. continue into the housing below the
2. If the old stud is found to be loose or installed minimum .500" extension. See Figure 18-
beyond the stud setting height specified in 5, "Oil Filter Adapter Stud Inspection."
Figure 18-6, “Oil Filter Adapter Stud Replace the adapter housing if the
Inspection.” Install new stud in accordance extension is less than the specified .500"
with the following procedure: minimum.
a. Remove old stud P/N 632373 and inspect d. After extension height inspection, remove
the threads in the adapter housing for the stud from the adapter. Clean the
damage. Replace the adapter housing if threads of the adapter housing and stud
any thread damage is evident. with Loctite "Primer T" (TCM P/N
646944) and allow to dry.
Oil filter adapters that incorporate this e. Apply a line of Loctite 271 (TCM P/N
modification from the factory can be 646941) along the large threads (.8125-16
determined by the letter "S" stamped into end) of the stud and install into the adapter
the adapter housing, See Figure 18-5 finger tight to 30 inch pounds torque.
"Stud Identification." Check for proper stud extension height in
accordance with Figure 18-6," Oil Filter

Figure 18-5
Stud Identification

Lubrication System

Figure 18-6
Oil Filter Adapter Stud Inspection

Adapter Stud Inspection." Oil Pump

f. Allow the parts to cure for a minimum Malfunctioning oil pumps or oil pump compon-
of thirty minutes prior to installation ents must be removed and discarded.
of the oil filter.
The oil pump may be removed in accordance with
CAUTION... oil pump disassembly/reassembly instructions in
Curing times may vary depending on the IO-520 Permold Series Overhaul Manual,
ambient temperature. Consult Loctite Form No. OH-11.
instructions .
Repairs other than smoothing nicks on parting
g. After installation of a new oil filter surfaces, replacing studs and worn parts, and
adapter stud, stamp a .125" high letter refacing the oil pressure relief valve seat on the oil
"s" in the location shown in Figure 18- pump housing are not possible.
5 Stud Identification
The pump driven gear shaft is pressed into the
pump housing and is not field replaceable. The
pump gear chamber must not be enlarged. If it
becomes scored, the pump housing must be
discarded. Scoring on the gear contact area of the
oil pump cover renders it unserviceable unless the
parting surfaces can be lapped smooth and
perfectly flat.
If required, replace oil pump housing studs in
accordance with the IO-520 Permold Series
Overhaul Manual, Form OH-11.

Lubrication System

Oil Filter Adapter or roughening. Seats with these indications must

be refaced. Using the specified oil pressure relief
Discard oil filter adapters that are cracked or that
spot facer, reface the pressure relief valve seat in
are worn beyond specified limits. Smooth small
the oil pump housing.
nicks on parting surface. No other repairs are
possible. CAUTION...
Reface pressure relief valve seat using light
Oil Sump finger pressure when turning refacing tool.
If the oil sump must be removed for repair or
replacement, see the I0-520 Permold Series After the refacing procedure, the depth from the
Overhaul Manual, Form OH-11. Any airframe top of the oil pump housing to the seat face must
components that obstruct removal must be not exceed the specified limit item (2) in Figure
removed in accordance with the airframe 18-7,” Lubrication System Service Limits. “Oil
manufacturer’s instructions. pump housings exceeding specified limits must be
Whenever the oil sump is removed, the oil suction discarded.
tube screen must be cleaned and all lower internal CAUTION...
hardware must be inspected for secure installation Thoroughly clean oil pressure relief valve cavity
and safetying. after refacing procedure. All debris from the
Discard any oil sump that is warped or cracked. refacing procedure must be removed.
1. Reassemble serviceable or new relief valve
Oil Suction Tube housing and adjusting screw. Turn adjusting
The outer suction tube to oil pump housing plug screw into housing about halfway.
gasket can be removed and replaced.
2. Install new copper washer and nut.
To gain access to the oil suction tube assembly,
the oil sump assembly must be removed. 3. Assemble plunger, spring, washer and slide
into housing. Coat housing threads with TCM
Oil Cooler anti-seize lubricant.
The oil cooler or its components may be removed
for replacement and repair in accordance with 4. Insure relief valve components are aligned and
applicable portions of oil cooler disassembly/- install in oil pump housing.
reassembly instructions in the I0520 Permold 5. Torque housing to 240-260 inch pounds.
Series Overhaul Manual, OH-11. 6. Safety wire oil pressure relief valve housing in
Oil Pressure Relief Valve accordance with chapter 9," Lockwire
Cut safety wire, remove oil pressure relief valve,
and inspect the plunger for scoring, nicks, and the 7. The engine oil pressure must be adjusted prior
conical face for roughening. Oil pressure relief to release for return to service in accordance
valves with scoring, nicks, roughening of the with Chapter 22, "Oil Pressure Adjustment."
conical face or that exceed the specified limits
must be discarded and replaced with new. Inspect
the oil pressure relief valve seat for scoring, nicks

Lubrication System

Oil Temperature Control Valve

Remove the oil temperature control valve and
inspect the valve seat for scoring, nicks, roughness
or deterioration. Oil temperature control valves
exhibiting any of these indications or that exceed
specified limits must be discarded and replaced
with new.
1. Reinstall serviceable or new oil temperature
control valve using new gasket and torque to
440-460 inch pounds.
2. Safety wire oil temperature control valve
housing in accordance with Chapter 9,
“Lockwire Procedure.”

Lubrication System

Tach Drive Assembly When performing dimensional inspection, the
Repairs other than stud replacement, worn parts following "Service Limits" may be used.
replacement, and stoning nicks on parting flanges However, they are intended only as a guide for
are not possible. Discard tach drive assemblies that reuse during engine maintenance prior to major
are cracked or worn beyond the specified limits. overhaul. Parts with dimensions or fits that
Replace studs in accordance with the I0520 exceed service limits must not be reused. Parts
Permold Series Overhaul Manual, Form OH-11. with values up to and including service limits
When performing lubrication system component may be reused. However, the PROXIMITY of the
repairs prior to engine TBO, the following engine to its recommended overhaul time should
dimensional limits may be used. be considered.
1. Oil Pressure Relief Valve Adjusting Screw In Plunger Diameter: 0.0070L
2. Oil Pressure Relief Valve Seat In Housing Depth: 1.060
3. Oil Pump Drive Gear In Pump Housing Diameter: 0.0070L
4. Oil Pump Drive Gear Shaft In Pump Housing Diameter: 0.0045L
5. Oil Pump Driven Gear To Driven Gearshaft Diameter: 0.0040L
6. Oil Pump Drive Gear In Pump Housing End Clearance: 0.0050
7. Oil Pump Driven Gear In Pump Housing End Clearance: 0.0050
8.  Oil Pump Drive Gear Shaft In Tach Drive Housing Diameter: 0.0045L
9.  Oil Pump Drive Gear Shaft In Tach Drive Housing Diameter: 0.0045L
10.  Oil Pump Drive Gear Shaft Pin In Bevel Gear Diameter: 0.0040L
11.  Oil Pump Drive Gear Shaft Pin In Bevel Gear Diameter: 0.0040L
12. Oil Pump Driven Gear In Pump Housing Diameter: 0.0080L
13.  Tach Drive Shaft In Tach Drive Housing Diameter: 0.0045L
14.  Tach Drive Shaft In Tach Drive Housing Diameter: 0.0045L
15.  Oil Seal In Tach Drive Housing Diameter: 0.003L
16.  Oil Seal In Tach Drive Housing Diameter: 0.0065T
17. Oil Pump Drive and Driven Gears Backlash: 0.0160
18.  Tach Drive and Driven Bevel Gears Backlash: 0.0120
19.  Tach Drive and Driven Bevel Gears Backlash: 0.0120
20. Oil Pressure Relief Valve Spring Compressed To 1.25 Inch Length Load: 30 Lbs.
21. Oil temperature control valve 0.090 inches min. travel at Oil Temperature: 120°-170°
Oil temperature control valve must close between Oil Temperature: 168°-172°

 I0-520-B  I0-520-A and C

Lubrication System

Figure 18-7
Lubrication System Service Limits

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Chapter 19
Cylinder Assembly

Cylinder Cooling ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 19-3

Cylinders, Pistons and Overhead Drive Train .......................................................................................................................... 19-4
Cylinder Assembly Description IO-520-B, -BA, -BB, -C, -CB, -M, -MB .............................................................. 19-5
Piston.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19-6
Valve Rockers, Shafts, Pushrods, and Housings (Overhead Drive Train) .......................................................... 19-7
Hydraulic Tappet .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 19-8
Cylinder Assembly Maintenance .......................................................................................................................................................... 19-9
Cylinder Compression Test ............................................................................................................................................................... 19-9
Leakage Checks ................................................................................................................................................................................... 19-9
Static Seal.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19-9
Dynamic Seal ................................................................................................................................................................................. 19-9
Equipment ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 19-9
Master Orifice Tool ................................................................................................................................................................ 19-10
Performing the Check .................................................................................................................................................................. 19-10
Compression Test Troubleshooting.......................................................................................................................................... 19-14
Single Cylinder Removal ........................................................................................................................................................... 19-15
Pistons .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 19-15
Rings................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19-15
Connecting Rods ....................................................................................................................................................................... 19-15
Single Cylinder Reassembly.................................................................................................................................................... 19-15
Single Cylinder Reinstallation .............................................................................................................................................. 19-16
Cylinder Torque Procedures .................................................................................................................................................. 19-16
Hydraulic Valve Tappets .................................................................................................................................................................. 19-17
Cylinder Assembly Service Limits IO-520-B, -BA, -BB, -C, -CB, -M, -MB.............................................. 19-21

This Page Intentionally Left Blank

Cylinder Assembly

tures. Cooling airflow is generated by air from the

Cylinder Cooling propeller and ram air induced by the aircraft's
Cylinder cooling is accomplished by transferring forward movement. This airflow is regulated by the
heat from the cylinder barrel and head cooling fins size of the cooling air inlets and outlets. Increasing
to the surrounding airflow. Airframe engine or decreasing outlet size with the use of airframe
cowling and engine/airframe supplied baffles and cowl flaps changes airflow and is used as an aid in
baffle seals direct cooling airflow close and evenly controlling engine operating temperatures. Below is
around the cylinders. Controlling airflow in this a general illustration showing engine cooling
manner contributes to uniform cylinder tempera- airflow.

High Pressure Cooling Baffles


Continental Continental Continental


Low Pressure Air
Area Cowl Flaps Exit

Figure 19-1
Engine Cooling Airflow

Cylinder Assembly

Cylinders, Pistons and rotary motion by the crankshaft. As the crankshaft

throw rotates past half of one revolution, the
Overhead Drive Train connecting rod and piston start moving outward on
The cylinders, pistons and overhead drive train are the exhaust stroke toward the cylinder head. During
the portion of the engine that develop power. The this movement, the exhaust valve begins to open
cylinder combustion chamber provides a controlled allowing the burned mixture (exhaust) to escape.
area for burning fuel/air mixture and converting that Momentum from the crankshaft forces the piston
heat energy into mechanical energy. Aviation fuel toward the cylinder head in preparation of the next
and air is drawn into a cylinder during the intake intake stroke event.
stroke, compressed by the piston during the Proper mechanical timing between the crankshaft
compression stroke and then ignited by a high and camshaft allows the intake and exhaust valves
intensity spark produced across the spark plug to open and close in synchronization with piston
electrode air gap during the power stroke. As the position in all six cylinders.
mixture is ignited, the expanding gases force the
piston to move inward toward the crankshaft. Proper magneto internal timing and magneto to
engine mechanical timing allow precise spark plug
This inward motion acting on the connecting rod ignition, 22°±1° before top dead center, during the
and crankshaft throw is converted into circular or piston's compression stroke.

Figure 19-2
Cylinder, Piston, and Overhead Drive Train IO-520-B, -BA, -BB, -C, -CB, -M, -MB

Cylinder Assembly

Cylinder Assembly Description below the cylinder as installed. Exhaust valve faces
are Stellite and stem tips are hardened. Valve stems
Cylinder, Valve Guides, Valves, Rotocoil And are solid. A rotocoil assembly retains the two
Retainer - The externally finned aluminum alloy concentric springs surrounding the exhaust valve
head castings are heated and valve seat inserts and is locked to the exhaust valve stem by tapered,
installed before the head is screwed and shrunk onto semicircular keys which engage grooves around the
an externally finned steel alloy barrel to make the stem. The controlled rotating action of this type
permanent head and barrel assembly. The cylinder retainer helps to prevent burning and eroding the
barrel is nitrided for wear resistance. Intake and valve and valve seat. A retainer retains the two con-
exhaust valve guides are pressed into the heated centric springs surrounding the intake valve and is
cylinder assembly. Special helical coil thread inserts locked to the intake valve stem by tapered, semi-
are installed in upper and lower spark plug holes. circular keys which engage grooves around the
The cylinder intake and exhaust ports are located stem. Valve rocker covers are painted diecast

Rocker Shafts

Rocker Arm

Valve Retainer
Keys Retainer
Inner Spring Valve Guide Seal
(Intake Valve Only)
Outer Spring

Valve Guide Valve Guide


Cooling Fins Cooling


Valve Seat Valve Seat

Insert Insert


Intake Valve


Cylinder Base

Figure 19-3
Cylinder Assembly Description IO-520-B, -BA, -BB, -C, -CB, -M, -MB

Cylinder Assembly

Pistons are aluminum alloy castings with a steel below the pin hole contains an oil scraper. A center
insert cast into the top ring groove. The skirts are grooved and slotted oil control ring is installed in
solid and have cylindrical relief cuts at the bottom. the third groove which has six oil drain holes to the
interior. Weight differences are limited to 1/2 ounce
Pistons have three ring grooves above the pin hole
or 14.175 grams in opposing bays. Piston pins are
and one ring groove below. Compression rings are
full floating with permanently pressed-in aluminum
installed in the top, and second grooves. The groove
end plugs.

Insert 2nd

Plug Ring

Scraper Piston Skirt

Figure 19-4
Piston Assembly

Cylinder Assembly

Valve Rockers, Shafts, Pushrods the rocker bosses by bolts and washers. Pushrods
are constructed of steel tubes and pressed-in,
And Housings (Overhead Drive hardened, forged steel ball ends, which are center
Train) drilled for oil passages. The pushrod housings are
Valve rockers are steel forgings with hardened beaded steel tubes. The bead at the cylinder end
sockets, rocker faces and pressed in bronze retains washer, gasket and a second washer. The
bushings. They have a drilled oil passage for bead at the crankcase end retains a heavy spring,
lubrication. The rocker shafts are held in place in washer, packing ring and second washer.

Barrel Crankcase
Cylinder Head Rod



Pushrod Spring
Steel Ball Lubrication Pressed
Pressed Passage Bead Packing
Bead Hydraulic
O-Ring Tappet

Figure 19-5
Overhead Drive Train IO-520-B, -BA, -BB, -C, -CB, -M, -MB

Cylinder Assembly

Hydraulic Tappet spring (4) in the housing (1). The check valve is
opened by outward motion of the plunger under
See Figure 19-8. The barrel type hydraulic valve
pressure of the expanding spring whenever a
tappet consists of a steel body (1), an expanding
clearance occurs in the valve train. Thus the body
spring (2), a check valve assembly (3, 4 and 5), a
reservoir is kept full of oil which transmits lifting
plunger (6), a socket (7) for pushrod end, and a
force from the body of the plunger. The plunger and
retaining ring (8). A groove (9), around outside of
socket are selectively fitted to the body to permit a
the body picks up oil from the crankcase supply
calibrated leakage so the lifter will readjust its
hole. From the exterior groove oil is directed to the
effective length after each cycle while the cylinder
interior body groove (11) through hole (10) and
valve is closed to return "lash" in valve train to zero.
from the interior groove through the hole to the
The barrel type hydraulic tappets may be removed
reservoir (12). Oil is withheld from reservoir (14)
and replaced without complete disassembly of the
by check valve ball (5) which is supported by a

Retaining Ring

Interior Oil Groove

Exterior Oil Groove

Body Oil Inlet

Tappet Body
Oil Reservoir
Check Ball

Oil Discharge Hole Plunger Spring

Oil Reservoir Body

Check Ball Spring

Oil Outlet Hole

Check Ball Retainer

Figure 19-6
Hydraulic Tappet

Cylinder Assembly

Cylinder Assembly Equipment

Testing equipment must be kept clean and checked
Maintenance periodically for accuracy as follows: using a line
pressure of 100 to 120 pounds per square inch,
Cylinder Compression Test close the cylinder pressure valve, then set the
The differential pressure test is an accepted regulator pressure valve to 80 pounds per square
method of determining cylinder condition by inch. The pressure in both gauges should stabilize
measuring air pressure loss past the pistons, rings with no leakage.
and valves. The operation of the equipment is The restrictor orifice dimension in the Master
based on the principle that, for any given airflow Orifice Tool for Teledyne Continental aircraft
through a fixed orifice, a constant pressure drop engines must be 0.040 inch orifice diameter, 0.250
across that orifice will result. inch long with 60° approach angle, and must flow
The compression testing equipment must be 120±5 cubic feet per hour at 30 pounds per square
calibrated and used in the proper manner to insure inch differential pressure.
(CLEAN With Soft Brush. Do Not Alter Size)
To accurately accomplish a leakage check, use the
following information on leakage and use the DUST CAP DUST CAP

Master Orifice tool to calibrate the leakage

checking equipment used on Teledyne Continental
Leakage Checks SPARK PLUG
THREADS (18mm)
Cylinder leakage is broken down into two areas of
concern the "Static Seal" and the "Dynamic Seal."
Figure 19-7
Static Seal Master Orifice Tool
The static seal consists of the valve to valve seat
seals, spark plug to spark plug port seals and
cylinder head to barrel seal. No leakage of the
static seal is permissible.
Dynamic Seal
The dynamic seal consists of the piston rings to
the cylinder wall seal. This seal leakage can vary
from cylinder to cylinder, ring gap position, wear
or the amount of engine oil on the cylinder wall.

Cylinder Assembly

Master Orifice Tool Performing The Check

For conformity in testing equipment a Master The following procedures are listed to outline the
Orifice Tool, Part Number 646953, is available to principles involved, and are intended to
calibrate equipment and determine the low supplement the manufacturer's instructions for the
indicated leakage limit prior to the engine leakage particular tester being utilized.
check. Connect compressed air at 100 - 120
pounds per square inch to the tester with cylinder
pressure valve closed. Turn the regulator pressure WARNING
valve on, adjusting pressure to indicate 80 pounds
per square inch. Remove the dust caps from both To prevent possibility of serious bodily
ends of the Master Orifice Tool and install onto a injury or death, before moving the
cylinder spark plug adapter. Turn the cylinder propeller accomplish the following:
pressure valve on and readjust regulator pressure
a. Disconnect all spark plug leads.
gauge to read 80 pounds per square inch. At this
time the cylinder pressure gauge indication will be b. Verify magneto switches are connected
the low allowable limit for cylinder leak checks. to magnetos, that they are in the "OFF"
The low allowable limit is referred to as the master Position and "P" leads are grounded.
orifice calibrated pressure reading. After the
master orifice calibrated pressure reading has been c. Throttle position "CLOSED."
recorded, close regulator pressure valve and
d. Mixture control "IDLE-CUT-OFF."
remove Master Orifice Tool from the cylinder
adapter. See the schematic diagram of a typical e. Set brakes and block aircraft wheels.
differential pressure tester shown below.

Figure 19-8
Static Seal Figure 19-9
Dynamic Seal

Cylinder Assembly

f. Insure that aircraft tie-downs are 11. Install an adapter in the spark plug hole and
installed and verify that the cabin door connect the calibrated differential pressure
latch is open. tester to the adapter. (NOTE: Cylinder
pressure valve is in the closed position.)
g. Do not stand within the arc of the
Slowly open the cylinder pressure valve and
propeller blades while turning the pressurize the cylinder, not to exceed 20 psi.
propeller. Continue rotating the engine against this
1. Perform the test as soon as possible after the pressure until the piston reaches top dead
engine is shut down to insure that the piston center. Reaching top dead center is indicated
rings, cylinder walls, and other engine parts by a flat spot or sudden decrease in force
are well lubricated and at operating conditions. required to turn the crankshaft. If the
crankshaft is rotated too far, back up at least
2. Turn the crankshaft by hand in the direction of
one-half revolution and start over again to
rotation until the piston, in the cylinder being
eliminate the effect of backlash in the valve
checked, is coming up on its compression
operating mechanism and to keep the piston
rings seated on the lower ring lands. This is
critical because the slightest movement breaks
this piston ring sealing and allows the pressure
to drop.

Figure 19-10
Differential Pressure Tester Calibration

Cylinder Assembly

WARNING between the valve face and seat. If leakage by

the valves cannot be corrected by, "staking,"
Care must be exercised in opening the the cylinder must be removed for repair or
cylinder pressure valve, since sufficient air replacement.
pressure will be built up in the cylinder CAUTION…
causing it to rotate the crankshaft if the When correcting a low reading in this
piston is not at top dead center. The manner, rotate the propeller so the piston will
propeller must be secured during check to not be at top dead center. This is necessary to
prevent rotation. prevent the valve from striking the top of the
piston in some engines. Rotate the propeller
4. Open the cylinder pressure valve completely. again before rechecking leakage to reset the
Check the regulator pressure gauge and adjust, valves in the normal manner. Do not allow
if necessary to 80 pounds per square inch. the fiber drift to contact the valve spring
5. Observe the pressure indication on the retainer or rotocoil.
cylinder pressure gauge. The difference 8. If leakage is noted between the cylinder head
between this pressure and the pressure shown and barrel, REPLACE THE CYLINDER,
by the regulator pressure gauge is the amount (See Figure 19-9, "Dynamic Seal.")
of leakage through the cylinder. If the cylinder 9. To check the dynamic seal of a cylinder,
pressure gauge reading is higher than the proceed with the leakage test and observe the
previously determined master orifice cali- pressure indication of the cylinder pressure
brated pressure reading, proceed to the next gauge. The difference between this pressure
cylinder and perform leak check. If the and the pressure shown by the regulator gauge
cylinder pressure gauge reading is lower, is the amount of leakage at the dynamic seal.
proceed with the following:
Document cylinder compression pressure.
6. Check the static seal for leakage (See Figure
To prevent possibility of serious bodily
19-8, "Static Seal"). Positive identification of injury or death, before moving the
static seal leakage is possible by listening for propeller accomplish the following:
air flow sound at the exhaust or induction a. Disconnect all spark plug leads.
system port. When checking for cylinder head
to barrel leakage, use a soapy solution at the b. Verify magneto switches are
cooling jacket to barrel junction and watch for connected to magnetos, that they are
bubbles. Use a soapy solution around both in the "OFF" Position and "P" leads
spark plug seals for leakage. NO LEAKAGE are grounded .
7. If leakage is occurring in the intake or exhaust c. Throttle position "CLOSED."
valve areas, try staking the valves. Remove d. Mixture control "IDLE-CUT-OFF."
rocker covers from applicable cylinder. Place
a fiber drift on the rocker arm directly over the Continued...
valve stem and tap the drift several times with
e. Set brakes and block aircraft
a hammer to dislodge any debris that may be
wheels. Insure that aircraft tie-

Cylinder Assembly

downs are installed and verify that NOTE:

the cabin door latch is open. Piston ring rotation within the ring land is a
normal design characteristic. As illustrated in
f. Do not stand within the arc of the
Figure 19-13, "Ring Positioning," the
propeller blades while turning the compression ring location may have a direct
propeller. bearing on the dynamic seal pressure check.
10. If the leakage is below the previously Therefore, complete the test in the opposite
determined low cylinder gauge reading, loss direction if readings are below prescribed
past the dynamic seal may be due to piston limits.
ring end gap alignment or by the piston and
11. If recheck of cylinder pressure gauge reading
piston rings angular direction in the cylinder
indication remains below allowable loss,
bore See Figure 19-13, "Ring Positioning."
engine may be run up to operating temper-
First insure that the piston and piston rings are
ature and rechecked prior to cylinder being
centered. This can be accomplished by
removed and repaired. Rework of cylinders
reducing regulator pressure to 20 pounds per
must be accomplished in accordance with
square inch and working piston through top
"Cylinder Assembly Repair And Replace-
dead center several times bringing the piston
ment" in the I0-520 Permold Series Overhaul
to top dead center in the normal direction of
Manual, Form OH-11.
engine rotation. Adjust regulated pressure to
80 pounds per square inch and determine After cylinder compression test, if all
amount of loss. If the gauge reading is higher cylinders are within specifications reinstall
than the previously determined master orifice spark plugs and torque to 300-360 inch
calibrated reading, proceed to next cylinder to pounds.
be tested.


Top Compression
Ring Gap


of Top Compression
Movement Ring Gap

Figure 19-11
Ring Positioning
Cylinder Assembly

Compression Test Troubleshooting

Use the following troubleshooting chart as a guide. Review the probable causes and other listings of problems
that have similar symptoms. The probable causes are listed in order of “easiest to find” which is not
necessarily in order of probability of occurrence.

First Check Check For Method Discrepancy Action

Static seal Intake valve to seat seal Listen to air flow Carbon Stake valve
(No leakage in intake port Cracked cylinder Replace cylinder
Permissible) Seat worn or burned Reface or replace
Valve worn or burned Reface or replace

Exhaust valve to seat seal Listen for air flow Carbon Stake valve
in exhaust port Cracked cylinder Replace cylinder
Seat worn or burned Reface or replace
Valve worn or burned

Spark plug (2) to port seal Apply soapy solution Loose helical coil Replace helical coil
around spark plug Cracked cylinder Replace cylinder

Cylinder head to barrel Apply soapy solution Bubbles Replace cylinder

seal between head and

Cylinder head cracks Apply soapy solution Bubbles Replace cylinder

around cylinder head area

Second Check Check For Method Discrepancy Corrective Action

Leakage by piston rings Test gauge below Piston cracked or out Replace piston
Dynamic seal remove oil filler cap, tolerance of limits

listen Worn rings Replace rings

Cylinder wall dimensions Replace cylinder

out of limits

Test gauge above None None


c Perform all corrective actions in accordance with “Cylinder Assembly Maintenance” in this chapter.

Cylinder Assembly

WARNING altered. Scored or burned pistons must be

discarded. After cleaning, thoroughly rinse pistons
Fuel injection lines must not be bent or using a Stoddard solvent to remove all debris.
deformed. The fuel injection lines must be
securely clamped to the fuel line support Rings
brackets. Do not assemble in a binding Piston rings must be replaced 100%.
configuration. Before any repair procedures are performed after
cleaning, the cylinder and related components
Single Cylinder Removal must be visually, fluorescent penetrant, and
Disconnect battery in accordance with the airframe magnetic particle inspected as applicable in
manufacturer's instructions. Tag the propeller with accordance with the I0-520 Overhaul Manual,
the warning “DO NOT TURN PROPELLER.” Form OH-11.
Remove cowling and any airframe supplied
accessories in accordance with the airframe Connecting Rods
manufacturer's instructions. Remove cylinder Cylinders removed which have indications of:
using cylinder and piston removal instructions in • Burnt paint
the I0-520 Permold Series Overhaul Manual, Form
• Pistons with four point scoring
• Erosion of the piston crown
When the cylinder is removed with the spark plugs 1. Remove piston, piston pin and connecting rod
installed, inspection can be accomplished by in accordance with the IO-520 Permold Series
filling the inverted cylinder bore with Overhaul Manual, Form OH-11
nonflammable solvent and then inspected for leaks 2. Remove piston pin bushing and inspect
at the static seal areas. connecting rod in accordance with the IO-520
Permold Series Overhaul Manual, Form OH-
When a cylinder is removed, use the following
information below under “Pistons” to clean pistons
prior to dimensional inspection. 3. Magnaflux all components in accordance with
the IO-520 Permold Series Overhaul Manual,
Pistons Form OH-11. Replace any part that does not
Do not use wire brushes or scrapers of any kind. conform with the inspection requirements of
Soft or hard carbon deposits may yield to solvent the overhaul manual.
action. If deposits remain, install tight fitting skirt 4. Replace piston pin bushing in accordance with
protector and blast the piston head with soft grit or the IO-520 Permold Series Overhaul Manual,
by the vapor grit method. Do not use sand shot, Form OH-11.
metal grit or glass beads. Ring grooves must be
5. Install connecting rod in accordance with the
cleaned by pulling lengths of binder twine or very
IO-520 Permold Series Overhaul Manual,
narrow strips of crocus cloth through them. Do not
Form OH-11.
use automotive ring grooves scrapers, since the
corner radii at the bottoms of the grooves and side 6. Install new piston rings and piston pin in
clearances must not be altered. Abrasive cloth accordance with the IO-520 Permold Series
must not be used on the piston skirts because the Overhaul Manual, Form OH-11.
diameters and cam-ground contour must not be

Cylinder Assembly

Single Cylinder Reassembly Form OH-11. Torque to the maximum value

rated for the cylinder base nuts.
After all cylinder components have been cleaned,
inspected and repaired in accordance with TCM 1. Torque the through bolt nuts to their
specifications, reassemble cylinder in accordance maximum rated values in the applicable
with “Cylinder and Piston Subassembly” of the I0- engine overhaul manual. Torque the 7th stud
520 Permold Series Overhaul Manual, Form OH- nut last as applicable.
11. Position numbers 1, 4
Single Cylinder Reinstallation 790-810 (12 Point Nut)

Reinstall repaired or new cylinder in accordance 690-710 (6 Point Nut)


with the IO-520 Permold Series Overhaul Manual, Position numbers

Form OH-11. Loosely install spark plugs and 2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10 490-510 ....................................................................................................

gaskets in cylinder. Have an assistant hold nuts on 1/2 inch through bolts at
opposite end of cylinder through bolts when cadmium plated washers 615-635 ..............................................................

torquing cylinder attaching hardware. NOTE…

When replacing less than a full set of six point
nuts prior to overhaul the twelve point nut may
WARNING be used and torqued to 690-710 inch pounds
Lubricate all cylinder deck stud and torque.
through bolt threads with clean 50-weight
aviation oil. Failure to lubricate threads
will result in incorrect fastener preloading
and loss of main bearing crush, engine
damage and possible failure.

Cylinder Torque Procedures

Cylinder torquing must be accomplished by two
people to install and tighten cylinder attaching
The proper torque sequence for all cylinder
applications requires a three-step torque process:

1. Torque cylinder base nuts to 50% of the rated

value using the sequence shown in the
applicable engine overhaul manual. Do not
torque the cylinder through bolt nuts during
this initial torque sequence.
2. Torque the cylinder through bolt nuts and
cylinder base nuts in the sequence shown in
the IO-520 Permold Series Overhaul Manual,

Figure 19-14
Single Cylinder Torque Sequence

Cylinder Assembly

Hydraulic Valve Tappets

Malfunctioning hydraulic valve tappets must be
removed, discarded and replaced with new.
Remove and replace tappets in accordance with
the applicable instructions in the I0-520 Permold
Series Overhaul Manual, Form OH-11.
Reinstall all valve train components that were
removed using new o-rings, seals and gaskets in
accordance with in the I0-520 Permold Series
Overhaul Manual, Form OH-11. Rocker cover
screws must be torqued to 45-55 inch pounds and
safetied as required.
When performing dimensional inspection the
following "Service Limits" may be used.
However, they are only intended as a guide for
reuse when performing engine maintenance
prior to major overhaul. Parts with dimensions or
fits that exceed service limits must not be reused.
Parts with values up to and including service
limits may be re-used, however, judgment should
be exercised considering the PROXIMI-TY of the
engine to its recommended overhaul time.
When performing cylinder assembly repairs prior
to engine TBO the following dimensional limits
may be used.

Cylinder Assembly

1. Cylinder bore (lower 4-1/4" of barrel) Diameter:
................................................................................................................................................................... See Figure
2. Cylinder bore choke (at 5.75" from open end of barrel) Taper: See Figure
3. Cylinder bore out-of-round ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... : 0.0020
4.  Cylinder bore ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................Allowable Oversize: See Figure
5. Cylinder bore surface roughness (Nitride Barrels)
using 180 grit stone, cross hatch Angle:
...................................................................................................................................................................................... 22° - 32°
Finish (in micro inches) Ra:
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30-50
6. Cylinder barrel in crankcase ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Diameter: 0.0100L
7. Intake valve seat insert in cylinder head ................................................................................................................................................................. Diameter: 0.012T
8. Intake valve guide in cylinder head ...................................................................................................................................................................................... Diameter: 0.0025T
9. Exhaust valve guide in cylinder head ............................................................................................................................................................................. Diameter: 0.0030T
10. Exhaust valve seat insert in cylinder head ........................................................................................................................................................ Diameter: 0.0100T
11. Intake valve seat Width:
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ See Figure

12. Exhaust valve seat Width:

................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... See Figure

Exhaust valve seat-to-valve guide axis Angle: ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 45°-00'

Intake valve seat-to-valve guide axis Angle: ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 60°-15'
13. Rocker shaft in cylinder head bosses Diameter: ............................................................................................................................................................................... 0.003L
14. Rocker shaft in rocker arm bearing Diameter: ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 0.0040L
15. Rocker arm bushing (inside) Finish Bore Diameter: ........................................................................................................................................................... 0.7515
16. Rocker Arm Side Clearance:
...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 0.0350L
17. Intake valve in guide Diameter:
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 0.0050L
18. Exhaust valve in guide Diameter:
.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 0.0062L
19. Intake valve face (to stem axis) Angle: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 60°-15'
20. Exhaust valve face (to stem axis) Angle: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 45°-30'
21. Intake valve face (gauge line) to stem Length: ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4.714
22. Exhaust valve Length:
.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Replace 100%
23. Intake and exhaust valve seat-to-stem (full indicator reading) Run-out: 0.0040
24. Rocker arm foot-to-valve stem (dry valve gear lash) : ........................................................................................................................................... 0.2000

Cylinder Assembly

25. Piston (bottom of skirt) in cylinder Diameter:
................................................................................................................................................................................... 0.0110L
26. Top piston ring in groove Side Clearance:
................................................................................................................................................................................................. 0.006L
27. Second piston ring in groove Side Clearance;
................................................................................................................................................................................. 0.006L
28. Third piston ring in groove Side Clearance:
......................................................................................................................................................................................... 0.0075L
29. Fourth piston ring in groove Side Clearance:
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 0.0100L
30. Top ring gap at 1.00 ± .50 depth (in cylinder barrel) Gap: 0.044
31.  Second ring gap at 1.00 ± .50 depth (in cylinder barrel) Gap: 0.050
32. Third ring gap at 1.00 ± .50 depth (in cylinder barrel) Gap: 0.036
33. Fourth ring gap at 1.00 ± .50 depth (in cylinder barrel) Gap: 0.031
34. Piston pin in piston (standard or 0.005' oversize) Diameter: 0.0015L
35. Piston pin Diameter: 1.1245
Piston pin (0.005 oversize) Diameter: 1.1295
36. Piston pin in cylinder End Clearance: 0.090L
37. Piston pin in connecting rod bushing Diameter: 0.0040L
38. Bushing in connecting rod Diameter: 0.0050T
39. Bolt in connecting rod Diameter: 0.0018L
40. Connecting rod bearing on crankpin Diameter: 0.0060L
41. Connecting rod on crankpin End Clearance: 0.0160
42. Connecting bearing and bushing twist or convergence per inch of length: 0.0010
43. Hydraulic tappet in crankcase Diameter: 0.0035L
44. Inner valve spring 631521 compressed to 1.230 in. length Load: 82 Lbs.
Inner valve spring 631521 compressed to 1.746 in. length Load: 29 Lbs.
45. Outer valve spring 637837 compressed to 1.275 in. length Load: 118 Lbs.
Outer valve spring 637837 compressed to 1.791 in. length Load: 46 Lbs.
46. Installed outer valve spring Height: 1.791
NOTES: T=Tight L=Loose
 Use .005" oversize rings.
 Gap for second ring must be at least .006 larger than gap for top ring.
(See illustration on next page)

Cylinder Assembly
Figure 19-15
Cylinder Assembly Service Limits for IO-520-B, -BA, -C, -CB, -M, -MB
Cylinder Assembly


STD. 5.254 5.256 5.255 5.257
.005 5.259 5.261 5.260 5.262
.010 5.264 5.266 5.265 5.267
.015 5.269 5.271 5.270 5.272

Dimensions shown are finish size after honing.
Cylinder bore out of round not to exceed (new) 0.002 (service) 0.003

Figure 19-16
Cylinder Assembly Service Limits for IO-520-B, -BA, -BB, -C, -CB, -M, -MB

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Chapter 20

Crankcase Description ................................................................................................................................................................................. 20-3

Crankcase Maintenance .............................................................................................................................................................................. 20-4
Crankcase Cracks ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 20-4
Reasons For Crankcase Replacement ....................................................................................................................................... 20-4
Crankcase Gaskets ................................................................................................................................................................................... 20-5
Crankcase Studs ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 20-5
Engine Mounts ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 20-6
Crankcase Separation ............................................................................................................................................................................ 20-6
Crankcase/Starter Needle Bearing Installation ................................................................................................................ 20-6

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for the camshaft and saddles for precision

Crankcase Description crankshaft main bearing inserts. Guides are bored
The crankcase is the foundation of the engine. It through lateral bosses for hydraulic tappets and on
supports the crankshaft, camshaft, various gears the left crankcase half for the governor drive gear
accessories, cylinders and various brackets. The shaft. A needle bearing bore is located on the right
crankcase provides a tight enclosure and oil crankcase half at the rear main bearing saddle for
galleries for lubrication. The crankcase is suffi- the starter adapter needle bearing.
ciently rigid and strong to prevent misalignment of Cylinder mounting pads on the left crankcase are
the crankshaft, camshaft and bearings. The farther forward than the corresponding pads on the
crankcase is made of aluminum alloy. right crankcase to permit each connecting rod to
Two aluminum alloy castings are joined along the work on a separate crankpin. There are seven studs
vertical center plane to form the complete and two through bolts for attaching cylinder base
crankcase. The individual castings (with studs and flanges. The propeller governor mount pad is
inserts) will be referred to as the “left crankcase” located on the left hand lower front corner of the
and “right crankcase” throughout this chapter. left case half. On the right Permold crankcase an
alternator pad is located at the front ahead of the
Bosses molded in the crankcase castings are line #5 cylinder mount pad.
bored in the assembled castings to form bearings

Crankcase Intermediate Crankshaft
Half Bearing Bores
Access Backbone
Crankshaft Nose Idler Gear
Seal Land Pilot

Starter Shaftgear
Needle Bearing
CYL # 5 CYL # 3 CYL # 1 Rear Crankshaft
Bearing Bore

Oil Pump

Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Lifter

Camshaft Lifter Guides Lifter Guides Guides
Bearing Bore

Front Crankshaft Oil Sump Camshaft Bearing Camshaft Bearing Camshaft Bearing
Bearing Bore Mounting Flange Bore Bore Bore

Figure 20-1


Crankcase Maintenance Critical Areas

If a crack is observed in any non-critical (shaded)
Crankcase Cracks area that is more than two (2) inches in length , or
Critical (white) and noncritical (shaded) areas are if a previously observed crack has progressed to
illustrated in Figure 20-3. If a crack is observed in two (2) or more inches in length, repair or replace
any of the noncritical (shaded) areas that is less the crankcase prior to further flight.
than two (2) inches in length, the crack should be If any crack is observed in a critical (white) area,
scribe-marked at its extremities and reinspected repair or replace the crankcase or engine prior to
for crack progression at the next 50 hours of further flight.
operation. If no progression is observed and no
additional cracks are found, continue to inspect at Reasons for Crankcase Replacement
regular intervals not to exceed 100 hours of 1. Any crack in the critical (white) areas.
operation. 2. Any crack two (2) inches or more in length in
the noncritical (shaded) area.
3. Any crack that is leaking oil (not seeping) .

Figure 20-2
Inspection of Crankcase Noncritical Area


Figure 20-3
Critical (Clear) Areas and Noncritical (Shaded) Areas of the Crankcase

CAUTION... Crankcase Gaskets

Repair of the crankcase must be performed Leaking gaskets must be replaced. Remove
by repair facilities certified to perform component, install new gasket and reinstall
specialized crankcase repairs. component in accordance with applicable system
or component section in the I0-520 Permold Series
WARNING Overhaul Manual, Form OH-11. Exercise
judgment as to the extent of disassembly required.
Weld repairs must not be performed in the During reassembly, insure that all reinstalled
critical (clear) areas of the crankcase as components are properly torqued and safetied.
shown in Figure 20-3. Crankcase Studs
TCM has established that welding of the crankcase The replacement of crankcase studs or helical coils
is an acceptable repair process. The weld require component removal and replacement in
procedure must conform with approved TCM accordance with the applicable component sys-tem
repair standards and the dimensional integrity of section in the I0-520 Permold Series Overhaul
the crankcase must be maintained. Manual, Form OH-11. During reassembly, insure


that all reinstalled components are properly fluorescent penetrant, magnetic particle or
torqued and safetied . ultrasonic inspection requirements.
Engine Mounts All crankcase repairs must be performed in
Replace engine shock mounts in accordance with accordance with the I0-520 Permold Series
the airframe manufacturer's instructions. Replace Overhaul Manual, Form OH-11. Any accessory
any cracked or broken engine mounts in not supplied by TCM that was disassembled for
accordance with in the I0-520 Permold Series maintenance must be reassembled in accordance
Overhaul Manual, Form OH-11. with the applicable accessory manufacturer's
instructions. Any maintenance involving
CAUTION... crankcase separation will require an acceptance
When relieving engine weight from the test, oil consumption determination, reinstallation
airframe, the engine hoist must be attached in airframe and test flight in accordance with the
to the engine lifting eyes only. I0-520 Permold Series Overhaul Manual, Form
Place a support at the load bearing area of aircraft Crankcase/Starter Needle
tail to prevent damage to the airframe.
Bearing Installation
Crankcase Separation If a new crankcase needle bearing has to be
If the crankcase halves must be separated, remove installed in the engine prior to overhaul, use a
the engine from airframe in accordance with the modified needle bearing tool and fixture shown in
I0-520 Permold Series Overhaul Manual, Form Figures 20-4 and 20-5 on the following page.
OH-11 and the airframe manufacturer's instruc- Replace the needle bearing in accordance with the
tions. Engine disassembly, cleaning, inspection, I0-520 Permold Series Overhaul Manual, Form
repair, replacement and assembly must be accom- OH-11.
plished in accordance with the I0-520 Permold
Series Overhaul Manual, Form OH-11.
Exercise judgment in determining how far systems
and components should be disassembled.
Any maintenance of engine systems and compon-
ents removed from engine must be performed in
accordance with that particular system or
component chapter of this manual.
Dimensional inspection of the crankcase and
crankcase internal components must be
performed in accordance with the I0-520
Permold Series Overhaul Manual, Form
OH-11. Prior to dimensional inspection,
insure that the part conforms with all visual,


Figure 20-4
Crankcase Needle Bearing Installer

Figure 20-5
Modified Crankcase Needle Bearing Tool

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Chapter 21
Engine Drive Train

Engine Drive Train.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-3

Crankshaft .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21-5
Connecting Rod .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21-6
Camshaft .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21-7
Idler Gear ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-8
Engine Drive Train Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................................ 21-9
Crankshaft Nose Oil Seal .................................................................................................................................................................... 21-9
Preparation ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 21-9
Oil Seal Installation ...................................................................................................................................................................... 21-10
Engine Drive Train Component Removal ........................................................................................................................... 21-11

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Engine Drive Train

The idler gear, rotating in a counterclockwise

Engine Drive Train direction, drives the magneto drive gears (11, 12 ).
When starting engine, torque is transmitted from Optional accessories mounted on the crankcase
the starter (13) through starter adapter components upper rear are driven by internal splines of
(14 through 19) to crankshaft gear (1). As worm- magneto drive gears.
wheel (17) is turned, the spring mounted on its The fuel pump coupling is driven directly from the
hub, is tightened to grip the shaftgear (18) drum. crankshaft gear (1). The splined end of the oil
After engine is started the spring returns to its pump drive gear (8) mates with the internal splines
normal position releasing the shaftgear and of the camshaft gear and transmits torque to the oil
disengaging the starter. Torque is transmitted to pump driven gear (9). The governor drive bevel
the alternator by a face gear (21) mounted on the gear (6) is keyed to the camshaft (4) and meshes
crankshaft. Torque from the crankshaft (2) is with and drives the governor drive bevel gear (7).
transmitted by the crankshaft gear (1) directly to Shown below are the accessory gear to crankshaft
the idler gear (10) and the camshaft gear (3). gear drive ratios. The item numbers correspond
with those shown in Figure 21-1, “Engine Drive


1. Crankshafts Gears ................................................................................. 1:1
2. Crankshaft ................................................................................................. 1
3. Camshaft Gear ........................................................................................ 1:0.5
4. Camshaft..................................................................................................... 1:0.5
5. Hydraulic Tappet................................................................................... —
6. Governor Drive Bevel Gear ............................................................ 1:0.5
7. Governor Driven Bevel Gear ......................................................... 1:1
8. Oil Pump Drive Shaftgear................................................................ 1:0.5
9. Oil Pump Driven Gear ....................................................................... 1:0.5
10. Idler Gear Assembly............................................................................ 1:0.652
11. Right Magneto Drive Gear .............................................................. 1:1.5
12. Left Magneto Drive Gear ................................................................. 1:1.5
13. Starter ........................................................................................................... 48:1
14. Starter Coupling ..................................................................................... —
15. Worm Drive Shaft ................................................................................ 48:1
16. Starter Worm Gear ............................................................................... 48:1
17. Starter Worm Wheel............................................................................ 3:1
18. Starter Shaftgear .................................................................................... 3:1
19. Alternator ................................................................................................... 3:1
20. Alternator Driven Gear ...................................................................... 3:1
21. Alternator Drive Gear ......................................................................... 1:1

Engine Drive Train

Figure 21-1
Engine Drive Train

Engine Drive Train

Crankshaft The counterweight order number designates the

The crankshaft is made of aircraft quality steel. vibration order the counterweight is absorbing. If a
The crankshaft has five, machined, main journals vibration occurs six times per revolution, the
which rotate on the bearings in the crankcase. Six, counterweight which has been tuned to counteract
machined, rod journals provide for attachment of this frequency of vibration is a 6th order
the connecting rod assemblies. counterweight. Similarly, if a vibration occurs five
The following shows the method of numbering the times per revolution, the counteracting counter-
crankshaft main journals, connecting rod journals weight is a 5th order counterweight.
and crankshaft cheeks which are identified by On IO-520 Permold engine crankshafts (except
letters and location numbers. IO-520-BA) two sixth order counterweights are
The method of numbering the crankshaft journals installed on the #2 cheek hangers. The #5 cheek
and cheeks is illustrated in Figure 21-2. Main hangers support one fifth and one fourth order
journals, rod journals, and crankshaft cheeks are counterweight. On the IO-520-BA engine
identified by letters and location numbers. crankshaft, two sixth order counterweights are
installed on the #2 cheek hangers. The #5 cheek
(a) Main Journal - M.J. hangers support one sixth and one 4th order
(b) Rod Journal - R.J. counterweight. It does not matter on which side of
(c) Crankshaft Cheek - C.C. a cheek a particular counterweight is installed.
Counterweights are supplied in matched pairs with The crankshaft gear is heated prior to installation
the bushings installed. This is necessary to insure to obtain a shrink fit. The gear is positioned on the
that their weight difference does not exceed 2 crankshaft by a dowel pin The crankshaft gear
grams. incorporates a square drive hole that accepts the

Alternator Drive “Face” Gear #5 Crankcheek Counterweight Hanger Blade

#6 Crankcheek #4 Crankcheek #1 Crankcheek


Oil Slinger Crankcheek #9 #7 Crankcheek #3 Crankcheek #2 Crankcheek

Crankcheek #8 Counterweight Hanger Blade

Figure 21-2

Engine Drive Train

square drive fuel pump coupling providing a direct Connecting Rod

drive for the fuel pump. The gear also has a timing
Connecting rods are made of aircraft quality steel.
mark to provide a means of insuring correct
The plain type connecting rod large diameter end,
crankshaft to camshaft timing.
which attaches to the crankshaft crankpin or rod
The alternator drive gear, is attached to the flange journal, is fitted with a cap and two-piece bearing.
just behind the #5 main journal location at the The bearing cap is held to the main rod by two
front of the crankshaft and is secured by four bolts bolts and either spiral lock nuts or pinned
and lockplates. castellated nuts.
A neoprene oil seal, which is stretched over the
crankshaft flange, and a split retainer ring are
seated between the crankcase castings in the front
shaft exit area and is sealed to the crankshaft by a
helical spring inside the seal's cavity.


Pin Bore Bushing
Piston Pin End
Pin Bore
(C/C Dimension)



Mate Marks

Crank Bore Split Line

Crank Bore


Figure 21-3
Connecting Rod Description

Engine Drive Train

The portion of the rod between the crankpin and tappet movement inward and outward in their
piston pin ends is called the “I beam.” A split steel bores is caused by the eccentric shape of the cam
backed bronze bushing is pressed into the piston lobes. The lobes and journals are ground and
pin end and machined for a precision pin to hardened. Movement of the tappets open and close
bushing fit. Weight variation of connecting rods the intake and exhaust valves within the cylinder
between opposing bays. Example: #5 and #6 head by mechanical linkage of the pushrods and
connecting rods, is limited to 1/2 ounce or 14.175 rocker arms. The valves opening and closing is
grams. synchronized with piston position due to timing of
the camshaft and crankshaft gears. Four unequally
spaced bolts retaining the gear to the camshaft
Camshaft insure proper positioning, locating the gear’s
The camshaft is made of aircraft quality steel. The timing mark in relation to the cam lobes. The
forging is machined on four (4) main journals, camshaft gear incorporates a splined drive for
nine cam lobes and the gear mount flange at the driving the engine oil pump. A front mounted
rear of the camshaft. The main journals ride within bevel gear drives the prop governor bevel gear.
the crankcase camshaft bores. The hydraulic

Oil Pump Drive

Governor Shaft Provision
Drive Gear

#6 #5 INT #5 #4 #3 INT #3 #2 #2 INT #1




Figure 21-4

Engine Drive Train

Idler Gear Engine Drive Train

The idler gear support pin supports the idler gear.
The bushing in the crankcase supports the forward
part of the idler gear support pin shaft. The idler Crankshaft Nose Oil Seal
gear is driven directly by the crankshaft. The idler The crankshaft nose oil seal may be replaced
gear drives the left and right magneto accessory according to the following instructions:
drive gears.

To prevent starting of engine before
moving the crankshaft, accomplish the
a. Disconnect all spark plug leads.
b. Verify magneto switches are connected
to magnetos, that they are in the “OFF”
Position and “P” leads are grounded.
c. Throttle position “CLOSED.”
d. Mixture control “IDLE-CUT-OFF.”
e. Set brakes and block aircraft wheels.
f. Insure that aircraft tie-downs are
installed and verify that the cabin door
latch is open.
g. Do not stand within the arc of the
Figure 21-5 propeller blades while turning the
Idler Gear propeller.

1. Remove oil seal.
2. Clean surfaces thoroughly making certain that
no debris remains on the shaft or in the seal
counterbore. Wash seal area with solvent.
3. Remove any plating in the one inch area
shown in Figure 21-6, “Helix Pattern Applica-
tion.” Remove plating by working a piece of
very fine emery cloth back and forth around
the shaft. This should blend the finish uni-
formly without leaving any lines (scratches).

Engine Drive Train


Direction of 30 Degree
Pattern Marks

Propeller End of Crankshaft

Figure 21-6
Helix Pattern Location

1. See Figure 21-6, “Helix Pattern Application.” 2. Repeat cleaning operation.

Apply helix using a strip of 180 grit emery
cloth approximately one half inch wide. Do
approximately one quarter of the surface
indicated at a time, stroking the cloth outward
toward the propeller flange in the direction of
rotation (CCW) towards you using maximum
hand pressure. Reverse direction for left hand
rotating engines. This should result in a 30°
pattern similar to that illustrated in Figure 21-
6, “Helix Pattern Application.” After doing the
first portion rotate crankshaft by hand to make
next portion available. Apply the same pattern
again and continue completely around the
crankshaft in this manner.

Engine Drive Train

Oil Seal Installation reinforcing spring into the oil seal recess by
moving fingers in both directions from split.
1. Use the specified oil seal assembly only. Insure spring is in deepest part of recess all the
Check the spring length. It should be 7 - way around.
53/64”+0” -1/32” in length. See Figure 21-7,
“Crankshaft Oil Seal.” 2. Apply a thin coat of Permatex to outside
diameter of seal.
2. Remove spring and reinforcing ring from oil
seal. Unhook spring ends using an unwinding 3. Using thumb pressure, work seal into
motion. Place spring around crankshaft in oil crankcase counterbore.
seal area and turn spring ends in an unwinding 4. After seal is in place, wipe oil from seal and
direction the join and allow one end to wind shaft.
into the other end.
5. Spray exposed portion, from which plating has
1. Apply Alvania ™ (Shell #2) to lip of oil seal been removed, with aluminum primer.
and prop flange only. Squeeze oil seal until egg
shaped and start over flange. A special tool 6. Apply Loctite 271 to oil seal retainer screws.
P/N5209 is available from Kent Moore to assist Apply Loctite Primer 7471 to crankcase oil seal
in oil seal installation. After oil seal is on shaft retainer screw holes. Install crankshaft oil seal
wipe all grease from oil seal and shaft. The oil retainer plates and secure with screws. Torque
seal outside diameter must be clean and dry screws to 21-25 inch pounds.
before installation in the crankcase. Press the

Figure 21-7
Crankshaft Oil Seal

Engine Drive Train

Engine Drive Train accomplished in accordance with the I0-520

Permold Series Overhaul Manual, Form OH-11.
Component Removal
If all other probabilities have been evaluated and it
is determined that a malfunction is occurring with
internal engine components, remove the engine
from the airframe and disassemble it in accordance
with the I0-520 Permold Series Overhaul Manual,
Form OH-11 and the airframe manufacturer's
When relieving engine weight from the airframe,
attach the engine hoist only to the engine lifting
Place a support at the load bearing area of airframe
tail to prevent damage to the airframe.
Exercise judgment in determining the extent of
Maintenance of removed engine systems and
components must be performed in accordance with
that particular system or component section of this

Dimensional inspection of the crankcase and
crankcase internal components must be
performed in accordance with the I0-520
Permold Series Overhaul Manual, Form OH-11.
Prior to dimensional inspection, insure that the
part conforms with all visual, fluorescent
penetrant, magnetic particle or ultrasonic
inspection requirements.
When the engine has been disassembled a
complete visual, dimensional and non destructive
test inspection must be performed on all
components prior to reassembly.
Engine disassembly, cleaning, inspection, repair,
replacement, assembly and test must be

Engine Drive Train

Chapter 22
Adjustment and Test

Post Maintenance Operational Test .....................................................................................................22-3

Servicing With Fluids ................................................................................................................................22-3
Operational Test............................................................................................................................................22-3
Oil Pressure Adjustment .........................................................................................................................22-3
Fuel System Adjustment ..................................................................................................................................22-4
Adjustment Tools and Equipment Required.............................................................................22-4
Presetup Procedures ..................................................................................................................................22-5
Setup Procedures ..........................................................................................................................................22-6
Postsetup Procedures .............................................................................................................................22-10
Test Flight ...............................................................................................................................................................22-18

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Post Maintenance Adjustment and Test

2. After the operational inspection is completed,

Post Maintenance make any required engine system adjustments
Operational Test as follows:
An operational test must be performed after each: Oil Pressure Adjustment
• 50-hour inspection 1. Prepare the aircraft for ground run up and start
the engine in accordance with the aircraft
• 100-hour inspection manufacturer's instructions.
• Annual inspection. 2. Turn the oil pressure adjusting screw clock-
wise to increase oil pressure and counter-
Servicing With Fluids clockwise to decrease oil pressure. With engine
Refer to Chapter 7 and insure that: oil at normal operating temperature, adjust the
1. The engine has been properly serviced with the oil pressure to 10 psi idle minimum and 30-60
specified oil. psi normal operation. Torque locknut and safety
2. The aircraft has been serviced with the speci- as required.
fied fuel in accordance with the airframe manu-
facturer’s instructions. See chapter 7 for fuel

Operational Test
After engine maintenance is completed, an engine
operational inspection must performed in accor-
dance with Chapter 5.
If a new cylinder or cylinders and piston rings have
been installed:
1. Start the engine in accordance with the airframe
manufacturer's Airplane Flight Manual (AFM)
2. Operate the engine at 750 RPM for one minute,
gradually increasing RPM to 1000 RPM in
three minutes.
3. Check the magneto circuit for proper grounding
prior to a normal shutdown. Oil Pressure
4. Allow the engine to cool adequately and
visually inspect for any irregularities.
1. If the engine exhibits any irregularities, refer to
the applicable chapter and correct all discrep-
ancies. All discrepancies must be corrected Figure 22-1
prior to operational test and engine adjust- Oil Pressure Adjustment on Oil Pump

Post Maintenance Adjustment and Test

Fuel System Adjustment Adjustment Tools And Equipment

The procedures and values provided apply Required
to TCM fuel injected engines that have not A complete set of tools and test equipment is
been modified from their type design. Refer essential for correct setup of TCM fuel injection
systems. Various combinations of these tools and
to supplemental type certificate (STC)
equipment will be used, depending on the engine
holder information and instructions for model. A proper inventory of tools and equipment
aircraft and engines that have been for fuel system adjustment will include the
modified from their type design. following:
Aircraft and engines that have been modified from 1. TCM recommends the Model 20 ATM - C
their type design must have the fuel injection Porta Test Unit P/N 630045-20 ATM-C or
system maintained in accordance with the equivalent to insure the fuel injection system
Supplemental Type Certificate Holders FAA meets all pressure and flow specifications. An
approved instructions. alternative procedure would be to use
calibrated gauges. You may acquire a Model
CAUTION... 20 ATM-C Porta Test Unit by contacting the
Engine performance, service life and reliability following company:
will be compromised if the engine fuel injection
system is neglected. AERO TEST, Inc.
29300 Goddard Road
The following adjustment procedures are Romulus, Michigan 48174
presented in a sequential format that must be (313) 946-9000
followed to insure proper fuel system adjustment. a. One (1) calibrated 0-60 PSI gauge,
Reference the applicable Aircraft Maintenance graduated in 1 PSI increments. This
Manual for detailed fuel system adjustment and gauge will be used for unmetered pressure
maintenance procedures. measurement.
Any fuel system that cannot be adjusted to meet b. One (1) calibrated 0-30 PSI gauge,
the specified values will require repair or graduated in 1 PSI (maximum) incre-
replacement of the affected components prior to ments. This gauge will be used for
further engine operation. metered pressure measurements and
CAUTION... verification of aircraft fuel flow gauge
Refer to Chapter 13, Tables 1 and 2, for specified .
values when torquing all hose connections and 2. Two (2) P/N MS51523-B4 swivel tees. These
fittings. fittings will be used to tee into fuel lines for
unmetered and metered pressure reference.
3. Hoses of appropriate diameters and sufficient
lengths to keep personnel and equipment away
from propeller arc area.
4. Common hand tools including: 7/8”, 11/16”,
9/16”, 1/2”, 3/8”, 7/16”, 11/32”, and 5/16”
wrenches. A 1/4” drive: ratchet and sockets,
universal swivel, extension and a 5/32” allen
wrench, common screw driver, a calibrated

Post Maintenance Adjustment and Test

torque wrench, an oil can, mirror and component that is not operating properly in
flashlight. Safety equipment including hear- accordance with the airframe manufacturer's
ing and eye protection. instructions.
5. Tachometer verification instrument - various 6. Inspect the aircraft vapor return system for
types are available. Verify aircraft tachometer proper operation in accordance with the
accuracy prior to fuel system adjustment. manufacturers’ instructions. Correct any
discrepancies noted.
Presetup Procedures 7. Insure the fuel manifold valve vent and fuel
1. Prior to fuel system adjustments, flush the pump drain lines are properly installed, open
aircraft fuel system by first removing the and free of obstruction. Correct any
engine-driven fuel pump inlet hose and discrepancies noted.
terminating the end into a large, clean
8. Inspect all engine control rod ends for wear,
container. Operate the aircraft boost pump
freedom of movement, proper installation and
and allow a minimum of one gallon of fuel to
security in accordance with the test stand or
flow through the system. Take necessary
aircraft manufacturer's instructions. Correct
precautions to prevent a fire hazard. If
any discrepancies noted.
contamination is present, locate and correct
the source, and repeat this step prior to 9. Insure all engine controls operate freely
proceeding. throughout their full range of travel and are
properly adjusted in accordance with the
2. Prior to any checks or adjustments, verify the aircraft manufacturer's instructions.
accuracy of the tachometer, manifold pressure 10. Lubricate all control rod ends and fuel system
gauge and fuel flow gauge. Any gauge found components in accordance with Chapter 13 of
to be inaccurate must be repaired or replaced this manual and the aircraft manufacturer’s
prior to adjusting the fuel system. instructions.

Use of inaccurate gauge(s) will result in
incorrect adjustment of the engine fuel Failure to correctly install and maintain
system, possible cylinder wear due to engine controls can result in loss of
lean operation, preignition, detonation, system control and subsequent engine
loss of power and severe engine damage. power.
3. Insure that all fuel system components are of
the correct part number and installed properly.
Correct any discrepancies noted.
4. Remove, inspect, clean, and reinstall the
aircraft and engine fuel screens in accordance
with the manufacturer's instructions.
5. Inspect the aircraft induction air filter and
alternate air system for condition, operation
and cleanliness. Repair or replace any

Post Maintenance Adjustment and Test

Inlet Screen
Idle Speed Stop Screw
CW = Increase
Fuel Inlet Fitting
Throttle Lever (Unmetered Pressure)
Idle Mixture Adjustment
CW = Enrich
Heat Shield

Cutaway To Reveal

Lever Fuel Outlet
Fuel Return
(To Fuel Pump)

Figure 22-2
Throttle, Fuel Control and Metering Unit Adjustments

Setup Procedures
1. Locate the IDLE speed stop screw on the 3. Install and torque the MS51523-B4 swivel tee
throttle body and turn it counter-clockwise directly to the fuel pump outlet fitting or to the
two complete turns. See Figure 22-2. During fuel metering unit inlet fitting as applicable.
fuel system adjustment, IDLE RPM will be
controlled manually using the cockpit throttle NOTE...
control. Installation may require combinations of
different fittings and hoses to facilitate
installation of unmetered and metered test
WARNING equipment connections.
During removal and installation of fuel 4. Attach the unmetered fuel supply hose to the
lines and hoses, failure to properly straight end of the tee connector and torque.
support component fittings can result in 5. Connect the unmetered test hose from the
fitting and/or component damage and Porta Test Unit to the tee fitting and torque. If
loss of system pressure. Refer to using the alternative procedure, connect the 0-
Chapter 9, “Standard Practices.” 60 PSI gauge to the swivel tee using a length
of hose which will provide proper clearance
2. Loosen and remove the unmetered fuel supply from the engine cowling and propeller arc.
hose from either the fuel pump outlet fitting or Torque all connections.
the fuel metering unit inlet fitting, whichever
6. Loosen and remove the metered fuel supply
is most accessible
hose from the manifold valve inlet fitting.

Post Maintenance Adjustment and Test

7. Install and torque the second MS51523-B4 10. Position the throttle control in the FULL
swivel tee directly to the fuel manifold valve OPEN position and the mixture control to
inlet fitting. FULL RICH. Operate the aircraft boost pump
8. Attach the metered fuel supply hose to the in accordance with the aircraft manufacturer’s
straight end of the tee connector and torque. instructions. Following the instructions pro-
9. Connect the metered pressure test hose from vided with the Porta Test Unit, bleed all air
the Porta Test Unit to this second tee con- from the test unit and hoses. If using the
nector and torque. If using the alternative pro- alternative calibrated test gauges, loosen the
cedure, connect the 0-30 PSI gauge to the test connections at each gauge to bleed the
swivel tee using a hose long enough to provide lines of any air. Operate the boost pump only
proper clearance from the engine cowling and long enough to allow purging of air from the
propeller arc. Torque all connections. installed test equipment. Verify that all fuel
lines, hoses and fittings are secured and
torqued and that no fuel leaks exist before
proceeding. Insure test hoses have been routed
clear of the exhaust system and are supported
their entire length to preclude inaccurate
gauge readings.

Low Pressure
Relief Valve

Adjustable Orifice

Figure 22-3
Fuel Pump Adjustments

Post Maintenance Adjustment and Test

11. Inspect the exhaust and induction systems for
proper installation, security and leaks. Correct Make certain all fuel has drained from
any discrepancies noted. the induction system prior to
12. Inspect all lines, hoses and wire bundles for attempting engine start. Failure to do
chafing, loose connections, leaks and stains. so could cause hydraulic lock and
Correct any discrepancies noted. subsequent engine failure .
13. Loosen and remove the metered fuel supply 18. The Operational Test Form on page at the end
hose from the manifold valve inlet fitting. of this chapter may be reproduced for use in
14. Install and torque the second MS51523-B4 recording adjustments and test indications.
swivel tee directly to the fuel manifold valve Record the applicable IDLE and FULL
inlet fitting. POWER adjustment points: RPM, fuel
pressure, fuel flows, manifold pressure and
15. Attach the metered fuel supply hose to the
fuel/air mixture rise from “Test Operating
straight end of the tee connector and torque.
Limits” in Chapter 5 and Aircraft Maintenance
Connect the metered pressure test hose from the
Manual on the operational test form. See the
Porta Test Unit to this second tee connector
end of this chapter for:
and torque. If using the alternative procedure,
connect the 0-30 PSI gauge to the swivel tee • Constant Speed Sea Level Performance
using a hose long enough to provide proper Curve
clearance from the engine cowling and • Fuel Flow Vs. Brake Horsepower
propeller arc. Torque all connections. Performance Curve
16. Position the throttle control in the FULL
• Fuel Flow Vs. Metered Pressure Perfor-
OPEN position and the mixture control to
mance Curve
FULL RICH. Operate the aircraft boost pump
in accordance with the aircraft manufacturer's NOTE...
instructions. Following the instructions To insure optimum cooling during FULL
provided with the Porta Test Unit, bleed all air POWER operations, the FULL POWER
from the test unit and hoses. If using the fuel flow should be set to the maximum
alternative calibrated test gauges, loosen the specification limit.
test connections at each gauge to bleed the
lines of any air. Operate the boost pump only
long enough to allow purging of air from the WARNING
installed test equipment. Verify that all fuel
lines, hoses and fittings are secured and Before starting the engine, insure that
torqued and that no fuel leaks exist before the aircraft wheels are chocked and
proceeding. Insure test hoses have been brakes are set.
routed clear of the exhaust system and are
supported their entire length to preclude 19. Prepare the aircraft for ground run and start
inaccurate gauge readings. the engine in accordance with the aircraft
manufacturer's instructions.
17. Install the engine cowling or cooling shroud 20. Advance the throttle to 1500 to 1800 RPM.
during ground operation. While monitoring all engine gauges, operate
the engine at this speed until the engine

Post Maintenance Adjustment and Test

temperatures and pressures have stabilized in 24. If any of the recorded readings are not within
the operational range. Use the operational test specifications, the fuel system will require
form to record the gauge indications. complete adjustment.
21. With the mixture control in the FULL RICH Caution...
position, reduce the throttle to the specified All readings must be taken with mixture
IDLE RPM. Record the unmetered pressure control in the full rich position.
indicated on the gauge. Slowly move the 25. Install the engine cowling or cooling shroud
mixture control toward the IDLE CUT-OFF during all ground operation.
position and record the maximum RPM rise.
Return the mixture control to FULL RICH. NOTE...
Insure that the manifold pressure is
22. Monitoring all engine gauges, slowly advance
adjusted in accordance with the aircraft
the throttle control to full rated power for the
manufacturer’s instructions.
engine and allow the engine to stabilize for 15
seconds. Record all engine and test gauge
CYLINDER HEAD TEMPERATURE Make all adjustments with the engine
AND 210°F OIL TEMP. Retard throttle stopped and the ignition and master
control to 800 to 1000 RPM. switches in the off position.
26. To adjust the IDLE RPM unmetered pump
Engine driven fuel pump output pressures
pressure, loosen the lock nut on the low pres-
vary with engine RPM. If the engine will
sure relief valve. See Figure 22-3. Turning
not achieve full power rpm during static
the adjustment clockwise (CW) will increase
ground operational test run use Table 22-1
pressure and counterclockwise (CCW) will
to correct the metered fuel pressure decrease pressure. Operate the engine at 1500
specification for the actual rpm achieved. - 1800 RPM for 15 seconds after each
NOTE… adjustment, then retard the throttle to the
Insure that all engine and engine-related specified IDLE RPM. Repeat this step until
aircraft systems are adjusted and function- pressure is within specified limits.
ing properly before making any adjustment NOTE...
to the fuel system. It is desirable to set IDLE RPM unmetered
23. Compare the recorded IDLE fuel pressure, pump pressure to the minimum limit. With
IDLE RPM fuel/air mixture rise and full properly adjusted fuel/air mixture, this will
power RPM, manifold pressure (as applic- provide a slight fuel enrichment during
able), unmetered fuel pressure, metered fuel part throttle operations.
pressure and fuel flow indications with the
specified values recorded on the operational
test form. If all recorded values are within 27. With engine operating at the specified IDLE
specifications, proceed to paragraph 22. RPM and unmetered fuel pressure, slowly
move the mixture control from the FULL
RICH position toward IDLE CUT-OFF to

Post Maintenance Adjustment and Test

check fuel/air mixture. A rise of 25 to 50 Figure 22-2 and chapter 5, “Test Operating
RPM should be obtained. An RPM change Limits.”
greater than 50 indicates the mixture is too
rich and a change that is less than 25 indicates Postsetup Procedures
the mixture is too lean. Any mixture 1. Insure that the master switch, ignition switch
conditions that are too rich or too lean will be and fuel selector are in the off position.
adjusted as follows:
2. Remove the engine cowling or cooling shroud
a. Adjust idle mixture in accordance with in accordance with the aircraft manufacturer's
Figure 22-2, “Throttle and Fuel Metering instructions. Remove all test gauges, fittings
Adjustments.” and hoses that were installed for fuel system
b. Perform an IDLE fuel/air mixture check setup. Reconnect all fuel hoses to their
and observe RPM rise. If the RPM rise is original locations, support and torque all
not within specifications, advance the fittings to the specified value.
throttle control to 1500 - 1800 RPM for 15 3. Perform a complete fuel system leak check in
seconds after each adjustment to clear the accordance with the aircraft manufacturer’s
engine. Retard the throttle control to instructions. Correct any discrepancies noted.
IDLE RPM and repeat mixture check.
Make the necessary adjustment. Repeat 4. Install engine cowling or cooling shroud in
this procedure until the specified RPM rise accordance with the aircraft manufacturer's
is achieved. instructions.
c. Recheck IDLE RPM unmetered pump 5. Perform a complete operational ground run-up
pressure. If pressure in not within limits, and verify that all fuel system performance
repeat Steps 18, 19, 19-a and 19-b before specifications are achieved .
continuing. 6. Repeat the setup and adjustments as required
28. See chapter 5 “Test Operating Limits.” Adjust until the fuel injection system is performing
the full power fuel flow to the specified value within the published specification for the
by turning the adjustable orifice screw aircraft and engine.
clockwise to increase fuel flow and
counterclockwise to decrease fuel flow. See
Figure 22-3 for fuel pump adjustments.
29. When full power fuel flow has been adjusted
to the specified values, recheck the IDLE
RPM unmetered fuel pressure and fuel/air
mixture. If any values are not within speci-
fied limits, repeat the adjustment procedures.

30. With the fuel system set to the specified

pressure and flow values, set the IDLE RPM
to the specified value by turning the Idle
Speed Stop screw clockwise to increase RPM
and counterclockwise to decrease RPM. See

Post Maintenance Adjustment and Test

Metered Pressure Vs. RPM @ 70°F Fuel Temperature

Static Engine RPM Correction Factor Corrected Metered Pressure

(Metered Pressure x Correction Factor)

Rated RPM 1

-20 .991

-40 .982

-60 .973

-80 .964

-100 .955

-120 .946

NOTE: All values are approximate. Variations may be noticed due to engine and installation
specific influences.

Example: I0-520-B, -BA, -BB: Maximum Rated RPM = 2700

Metered Fuel Pressure Limits = 16.5 - 18.4
If maximum static engine RPM = 2640, (-60 RPM) use Correction Factor .973
Metered Fuel Pressure Limits x Correction Factor = Corrected Metered Pressure Limits
16.5 x .973 = 16.0545 (Minimum Metered Pressure Limit) @ 2640 RPM
18.4 x .973 = 17.9032 (Maximum Metered Pressure Limit) @ 2640 RPM

Table 22-1
Compensation Table for Static Ground Setup

Post Maintenance Adjustment and Test
Chart 22-1
IO-520-B, -BA, -BB Metered Fuel Pressure vs. Fuel Flow
Post Maintenance Adjustment and Test
Figure 22-2
IO-520-B, -BA, -BB Brake Horsepower vs. Fuel Flow
Post Maintenance Adjustment and Test
Figure 22-3
IO-520-C, -CB Metered Fuel Pressure vs. Fuel Flow
Post Maintenance Adjustment and Test
Figure 22-4
IO-520-C, -CB Fuel Flow vs. Brake Horsepower
Post Maintenance Adjustment and Test
Figure 22-5
IO-520-M, -MB Metered Fuel Pressure vs. Fuel Flow
Post Maintenance Adjustment and Test
Figure 22-6
IO-520-M, -MB Fuel Flow vs. Brake Horsepower
alternate between 65% and 75% power with the
Test Flight appropriate best power mixture settings. The best
power mixture setting is 100° to 125° rich of peak
Refer to the aircraft manufacturer’s or Supple- turbine inlet temperature. Engine controls or aircraft
mental Type Certificate (STC) holders POH/AFM attitude should be adjusted as required to maintain
for specific operational information. engine temperatures and pressures within
NOTE… specifications.
I0-520-M, -MB, -B, -BA, -BB, -C, -CB engines Descent from high altitude should be accomplished
require the auto lean operation inspection below at low cruise power settings. During descent, engine
during test flight. pressures and temperatures must be care-fully
Ambient air and engine operating temperatures are monitored. Avoid long descents with cruise RPM
of major concern during this test flight. Do a normal and manifold pressure below 18” Hg.
preflight run-up in accordance with the Airplane CAUTION…
Flight Manual. Conduct a normal take-off with full Avoid rapid descents at high RPM and low
power and monitor the fuel flow, RPM, oil pressure, manifold pressure.
coolant temperatures and oil temperatures. Reduce
to climb power in accordance with the Airplane During descent monitor coolant and oil
Flight Manual. The manual mixture control should temperatures maintaining above the minimum
be set in the full rich position for all operations recommended operating range .
except leaning for field elevation and leaning to NOTE…
maintain smoothness during climb and leaning for Avoid long descents at low manifold pressure,
cruise economy. Leaning operations must be which can result in excessive engine cooling.
performed in accordance with the Airplane Flight Satisfactory engine acceleration may not occur
Manual. when power is applied.
NOTE… Any discrepancies detected during test flight must
New, rebuilt and overhauled engines or engines be corrected and the aircraft again test flown prior
that have had new or repaired cylinders installed to approval of engine for return to service. The
must be flown in accordance with the following appropriate logbook entries must be made in
procedure for the first two hours of operation. accordance with Part 43 of the Federal Aviation
Level flight cruise should be at 75% power with Regulations (FAR) before the engine can be
best power or richer mixture for the first hour of returned to service.
operation. The second hour power settings should

Post Maintenance Adjustment and Test

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