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DURATION: 11 Hours

I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the training, the Grade 8 Mathematics teachers will be able to teach the math subject
competently during the lecture simulation. Specifically, the teachers will be able to:

1. solve problems under each strand in mathematics curriculum;

2. create problems / activities / tasks that promote critical thinking skills and / or applicable to daily life;
3. prove theorems in Geometry;
4. relate probability to statistical measures involving real-life problems;
5. exhibit problem solving strategies and approaches applicable in teaching the math concepts correctly devoid of
misconceptions and malpractices; and
6. identify the appropriate assessment that is suited to the critical content.


1. Factoring
2. Operations on Rational Expression
3. Linear Equation


1. 21ST Century Mathematics for Third Year High School by Ju Se T. Ho,
2. Math XP for Second Year High School, Ian June L. Garces,
3. Selected MMC questions from 2010 - 2017


participant should SLIDE NO. DURATION
be able to:
solve problems under The teacher-participants Management of Learning AVP April 27
Patterns and Algebra, should be able to Do: Perform the following: PPT Slide Nos. Day 5
1st quarter of Math 8 1. factor completely Nationalistic Song 2-4 8 mins
different types of
(polynomials with Energizer
common monomial Brief introduction of yourself
factor, difference of two
squares, sum and Do: Divide the class into 6 groups PPT 5 mins
difference of two cubes, and introduce / assign the Slide No. 5
perfect square “LMNOP” of the day / week.
trinomials, and general
trinomials); and
2. solve problems L – Leader
involving factors of M – Materials Manager
polynomials. N – Note-taker
O – Overseer
P – Presenter

Do: Make a quick run through of CG & PPT 7 mins

the competencies discussed in Slide Nos. 6-8
the first quarter of Math 8.

Do: Emphasize the Critical PPT 5 mins

Content to be discussed under Slide No. 9
first quarter of Math 8.
Lecture Method
Say: Factoring of Polynomials is 5 mins
restricted to those in which each
coefficient is a rational number. A
polynomial is factored when it is
expressed as the product of
polynomials, each of which has
rational coefficients. A
polynomial is completely factored
if none of its factors can be

Not all polynomials can be

written in factored form. Such
polynomials are called prime.

Do: Recall the different factoring PPT Slide Nos. 15 mins

techniques (Common Monomial 10-20
Factor, Difference of Two
Squares, Perfect Square
Trinomial, Factoring Simple
Trinomial, Factoring General
Trinomial by Grouping, Sum and
Difference of Two Cubes,
Factoring by Grouping, Factoring
𝑥 𝑛 ± 𝑦 𝑛 where n is even, multiple
of 3 or odd.
Motivation: PPT 60 mins
Do: Activity 1: Factoring Activity 1:
Techniques Factoring
Explain the mechanics, point (Double
system and reward (if any) of the Jeopardy)

2 blue flags
and 1 red flag
(total of 12
blue and 6 red

White Board,
Markers and
Erasers (At
least 7)

Do: Discuss / present the 15 mins

solution on selected problems

Do: Present Handout 1: Non- Handout 1: 75 mins

routine Factoring Techniques. Non-routine
Elicit ideas from the participants Factoring
and discuss each item thoroughly. Techniques
and PPT Slide
Nos. 22-43

Do: Give Activity 2: Non-routine Activity 2: 45 mins

Factoring Techniques. Non-routine (30 mins
Participants must write their Factoring working
solutions and answers on a Techniques, activity, 15
manila paper or cartolina and manila paper, mins
post their work on their cartolina, presentation
designated area. Presenter of markers, )
each group must discuss their scotch tape

Do: Give additional input if 15 mins

necessary or present short cut (if
there’s any).

Do: Give Activity 3: Factoring by Activity 3: 30 mins

Grouping. Participants must Factoring by (15 mins
write their solutions and answers Grouping, working
on a manila paper or cartolina manila paper, activity, 15
and post their work on their cartolina, mins
designated area. Presenter of markers, presentation
each group must discuss their scotch tape )

Do: Give additional input if 15 mins

necessary or present short cut (if
there’s any).
The teacher-participants Lecture Method
should be able to: Introduction:
3. simplifies rational Say: Algebraic expressions can be 5 mins
algebraic expressions;
written as a ratio of polynomials.
4. performs operations on
rational algebraic These expressions are governed
expressions; and by rules similar to those for
5. solves problems rational numbers.
involving rational
expressions. Do: Activity 4: Simplifying Questionnaire 30 mins
Rational Expression (Moving s (Metacards) (inclusive of
Test) of 6 sets with explaining
10 questions the
Say: Explain the mechanics of the each, timer, mechanics)
activity. buzzer
(laptop or

Do: Give additional input if 5 mins

necessary or present short cut (if
there’s any).

Do: Present Handout 2: Handout 2: 40 mins

Operations on Rational Operations on
Expressions and Complex Rational
Fraction. Elicit ideas from the Expressions
participants and discuss each and Complex
item thoroughly. Fraction and
PPT Slide Nos.
Do: Give Activity 5: Operations Activity 5: 40 mins
on Rational Expressions and Operations on (30 mins
Complex Fraction. Participants Rational working
must write their solutions and Expressions activity and
answers on a manila paper or and Complex 10 mins
cartolina and post their work on Fraction, presentation
their designated area. Presenter manila paper, and
of each group must discuss their cartolina, processing)
work. markers,
scotch tape

Do: Activity 6: Operations on Activity 6: 30 mins

Rational Expressions and Operations on
Complex Fraction (Quiz Bee: Rational
Knock-Out Format) Expressions
and Complex
Fraction (Quiz
Bee: MMC


Do: Discuss / present the If time

solution on selected problems permits
The teacher-participants Do: Present Handout 3: Handout 3: 90 mins
should be able to: Miscellaneous Problems on Miscellaneous
6. finds the slope of a line Linear Equation. Elicit ideas from Problems on
given two points, the participants and discuss each Linear
equation and graph; item thoroughly. Equation, PPT
7. graphs a linear
Slide No. 59-
equation given (a) any
two points; (b) the x- Do: Give additional input if 73, Casio fx-
and y-intercepts; (c) he necessary or present short cut (if 991EX
slope and point on the there’s any).
8. describes the graph of a Do: In finding the intersection of
linear equation in terms a line, show how to use one of the
of its intercepts and
features of a scientific calculator.
9. finds the equation of a
line given (a) two Management of Learning
points; (b) the slope Do: Perform the following: AVP April 28
and a point; (c) the Nationalistic Song Day 6
slope and its intercepts; Prayer 20 mins
10. solves problems Energizer
involving linear
Recap of yesterday’s activities
equations in two
11. illustrates a system of Motivation:
linear equations in two Do: Activity 7: Linear Equation Activity 7: 50 mins
variables; Explain the mechanics, point Linear
12. categorizes when a system and reward (if any) of the Equation
given system of linear activity. (Double
equations in two
variables has graphs Jeopardy)
that are parallel, Do: Discuss / present the or Kahoot!
intersecting and solution on selected problems If using
coinciding; (LMS) Kahoot!, you
13. solves a system of need tablets /
linear equations in two
variables by (a) mobile phone
substitution; (b) (1 per group)
elimination; and
14. solves problems
Pocket wifi
involving systems of
linear equations in two
variables. Do: Give Activity 8: Activity 8: 50 mins (30
Miscellaneous Exercises in Linear Miscellaneous mins
Equation. Participants must write Problems on Working
their solutions and answers on a Linear Activity, 20
manila paper or cartolina and Equation, mins
post their work on their manila paper, Presentatio
designated area. Presenter of cartolina, n and
each group must discuss their markers, Processing)
work. scotch tape

Do: Give additional input if If time

necessary or present short cut (if permits
there’s any).

Prepared by:


Makati Science High School
Schools Division Office of Makati

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