Mil TG
Mil TG
Mil TG
TOPIC Lesson 4 – Legal and Ethical and Societal Issues in Media and Information
CONTENT STANDARDS The learner demonstrates understanding of media and information literacy (MIL) and MIL related concepts.
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the community that focuses on being a media and information
literate individual.
LEARNING COMPETENCIES 1. explains copyright, fair use, etc.vis-a-vis human rights.
2. explains actions to promote ethical use of media and information.
3. enumerates opportunities and challenges in media and information.
4. discusses current issues related to copyright vis-à-vis gov’t./ provide sectors actions.
5. demonstrates proper conduct and behavior online (netiquette, virtual self).
6. puts into practice their understanding of the intellectual property, copy right, and fair use guidelines.
SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the lesson, the learners must be able to:
• Put into practice the understanding of intellectual property, copyright, and fair use of guidelines.
• Demonstrate proper behavior (netiquette, virtual self).
• Explain copyright and fair use.
• Explain action to promote ethical use of media and information.
• Enumerates opportunities and challenges in media and information.
TIME ALLOTMENT 120 minutes
Legal and Ethical and Societal Issues in Media and Information
• Copy Right/ Fair Use/ Plagiarism
• Netiquette
• Digital Divide, Addition and Bullying
• Virtual Self
• Cybercrime Law
1. Introduction/ Review: 10 minutes
2. Motivation: 10 minutes
3. Instruction/ Delivery: 30 minutes
4. Practice: 20 minutes
5. Enrichment: 20 minutes
6. Evaluation: 30 minutes
MATERIALS Projector, Laptop, Paper, Pen, Computer with Internet connection, Digital Camera or Mobile Phone, Manila
Paper, Marker
RESOURCES Liquigan, Boots C., Media and Information Literacy, 2016, Diwa Learning Systems Inc.
INTRODUCTION (5 minutes)
Review the key points in Media and Information Languages from the previous lesson.
Present the topic title: Legal and Ethical and Societal Issues in Media and Information
State the objective of the lesson.
MOTIVATION (10 minutes)
Divide the class into 4 groups. Show a video that presents the different examples of Legal and Ethical and Societal Issues in Media and Information.
Ask each group to identify different examples of Legal and Ethical and Societal Issues in Media and Information from the given video with the
allotted time of 10 minutes. The group with the most number of correct identified examples of Legal and Ethical and Societal Issues in Media and
Information will won.
INSTRUCTION/ DELIVERY (50 minutes) Interactive Discussion
Case Studies
Have the learners divide into groups of into 6-7, depending upon the number of students and number of issues you want discussed. Suggested
issues of using unguarded internet:
•Copyright and Plagiarism
•Cyber Bullying
•Computer addiction
•Digital divide
•Each group chooses a case under your supervision. The task is to answer questions from a given topic/case, and then present them to the class.
•Each group should elect the following: leader, secretary, and presenters.
•Time limit for discussion is 30 minutes while presentation is 2-3 minutes.
•The answers may be presented either through Cartolina/Manila paper or presentation software.
•Present to class some of the best media and information presentations about the latest trends in technology .
•Review using a Picture Talk! Show the first picture (copyright), then ask, “What specific Philippine law discusses copyright?” Republic Act No. 8293
or the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines.
•Show the next photo (cyberbullying by email), then start a quick discussion: “Excessive gaming at
places like Internet cafes may cause computer addiction among teenagers. Should online games be totally banned at Internet cafes near schools,
or should they be regulated?”
ENRICHMENT (15 minutes)
Point-out to the learners all the essential elements on the previous discussion and activities.
EVALUATION (30 minutes)
Tell the learners to describe the cause and effect of the different violation of Legal and Ethical and Societal Issues in Media and Information using a
Fishbone Diagram. Then, the learners should explain their diagram by writing it down in a Manila Paper.