Reply: Complainants Were Subjected To Discrimination For Simply Complaining About Their Sss Payments and Unpaid Bonuses
Reply: Complainants Were Subjected To Discrimination For Simply Complaining About Their Sss Payments and Unpaid Bonuses
Reply: Complainants Were Subjected To Discrimination For Simply Complaining About Their Sss Payments and Unpaid Bonuses
COMPLAINANTS, through counsel, and unto the Honorable Office, most
respectfully aver as follows:
his co-workers about his SSS problem as sowing DISCONTENT among the
From that moment on, complainant Yu's relationship with the respondents
turned bad. In a bid to force the said complainant to resign from work,
respondents began to DISCRIMINATE against complainant Yu, as shown by
disputes regarding leave credits, non-payment of bonuses, illegal deductions in
his salary amounting to thousands of pesos; to downright rejection on his
application for promotion in spite of the fact that said complainant was an
exemplary worker and is very much qualified for a promotion. Accordingly,
complainant Yu on January 14, 2013 had no other recourse but to consider his
employment terminated on account of the discrimination and oppressive work
conditions placed upon him by the respondents.
On the other hand, from the moment complainant Catre complained about
her EARNED BONUSES, the complainant suffered discrimination and humiliation
in the hands of the respondents. She was subjected to unfair treatment and false
accusations, as shown by the BASELESS citations for alleged violations of
company rules (ANNEXES B 1-3.) Prior to this, complainant was an
EXEMPLARY EMPLOYEE as evidenced by her “PROMOTION LETTER” given to
her by the respondents, which is attached to respondents’ position paper as
Annex 2.
154503, 29 February 2008, 547 SCRA 220, 236 and Hyatt Taxi Services, Inc. v.
Catinoy, 412 Phil. 295, 306)
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