Logic Family - Logic Family
Logic Family - Logic Family
Logic Family - Logic Family
Logic Families indicate the type of logic circuit used in the IC. The main types of logic families are:
Noise Immunity
Power Dissipation
Speed: Speed of a logic circuit is determined by the time between the application of input and
change in the output of the circuit.
Fan-in: It determines the number of inputs the logic gate can handle.
Noise Immunity: Maximum noise that a circuit can withstand without affecting the output.
Power: When a circuit switches from one state to the other, power dissipates.
TTL Logic
In transistor-transistor logic (TTL) , logic gates and other digital circuits are made using bipolar
junction transistors and resistors. The term transistor-transistor is because both logic function and
amplification is done by transistor. Using TTL logic families, many logic gates can be fabricated in a
single integrated circuit. For logic gate built using TTL logic families, input are given to the emitters of
the input transistor. In TTL logic family, analog value from 0 V to 0.8 V is logic 0 and 2 V to 5 V is
logic 1. Advantages of the TTL logic families include high switching speed (125 MHz), less noise and
more current (3 mA) driving capability.
Two input NAND gate using TTL
Figure shows TTL NAND gate. There are two transistor stages in the circuit, a multi-emitter input
transistor and output transistor. Function of a multi-emitter transistor is same as that of a two parallel
transistor with common base and collector terminals.
Difference between these two logic states is very small. This improves the speed of operation at the
expense of noise margin. Propagation time for an ECL gate is 0.5 to 2ns, which is very less when
compared to its TTL counterpart. But the disadvantage of ECL logic families is that it uses a
negative power supply such that the logic levels are not compatible with any other logic family and
makes analysis and measurement inconvenient. ECL logic families requires large currents therefore
power dissipation is 3 to 10 times higher than that of TTL logic families. Because of its large power
consumption and high requirement of silicon area, CMOS logic gates are preferred over ECL logic
families in large scale integrated circuits.
CMOS logic
Because of high noise immunity and low static power dissipation, now CMOS logic families is most
preferred in large scale integrated circuits. CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) has
complementary and symmetrical NMOS and PMOS transistors. Figure shown below is a CMOS
Depending on the input value, only one transistor of the CMOS inverter will be ON at a time. So in
both states, there is no direct connection between power supply and ground, thereby reducing static
power loss of a transistor.
Two input CMOS NAND gate
When both inputs of a CMOS NAND gate are at high, then transistors T1, T2 will be ON and transistors
T3, T4 will be OFF. Now there is a direct connection between output and ground through transistor T3
and T4. Output is pulled down to zero.
When any of the input is low, either transistor T3 or T4 will be off. This breaks the connection between
output terminal and ground. At the same time, one of the PMOS transistors is ON, so there is
connection between output and power supply. Now output is pulled up to logic high.