Determinants of Firm Value in Kenya: Case of Commercial Banks Listed at The Nairobi Securities Exchange

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Applied Finance and Accounting

Vol. 1, No. 2, August 2015

ISSN 2374-2410 E-ISSN 2374-2429
Published by Redfame Publishing

Determinants of Firm Value in Kenya: Case of Commercial Banks Listed

at the Nairobi Securities Exchange
Aloys Ayako1 & Fidelis Wamalwa1
Faculty of Commerce, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, P.O. Box 62157–00200, Nairobi, Kenya
Correspondence: Aloys Ayako, Faculty of Commerce, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, P.O. Box 62157–
00200, Nairobi, Kenya.

Received: June 17, 2015 Accepted: July 1, 2015 Available online: July 7, 2015
doi:10.11114/afa.v1i2.934 URL:

This study analysed the determinants of firm value of commercial banks listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange
(NSE). The analysis was based on secondary panel data over the period 2002 to 2012. The estimation results of the
random effects regression model showed that, though statistically significant (p<0.05), the joint effects of the
determinants under the study was low, accounting for about 30 per cent of the variance of the firm value of the listed
commercial banks in Kenya. At the individual determinant level, the estimation results were mixed. While we could not
reject the null hypotheses that assets, capital structure, cash flows, dividend ratio and intangible had no statistically
significant individual effects on the firm value of the listed commercial banks (p<0.05), we rejected the null hypotheses
and concluded that market capitalization had statistically significant individual effects on the firm value of the listed
commercial banks (p<0.05). Given the relatively low joint effects of the determinants under the study, we recommends
that further studies should be undertaken to identify and include additional firm specific and both industry level and
macroeconomic control variables. The studies should also evaluate the effects of alternative computation of firm value
on the model estimation results. The studies may focus on firm value of the listed commercial banks and/or other listed
firms in the NSE
Keywords: Firm Value, Listed Commercial Banks, Nairobi Security Exchange, Determinants
1. Introduction
Since the late 1980s Kenya has witnessed significant growth and sophistication of its capital market (Ayako, et el, 2015).
The country’s boasts one Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) has undergone significant reforms over the last three
decades including automation of trading, diversification of listed securities, and dematerialization of stocks) and the
development of regulatory and supervisory frameworks. The NSE is one of the fastest growing bourses in the emerging
markets and is the largest in East Africa with 50 listed companies, market capitalization of about Kshs. 2,500 billion in
market capitalization, about 12 million in traded shares, about 500 million in equity turnover and about Kshs. 2 billion
in total daily deals (Ayako et el., Ibid). The growth of the NSE has facilitated mobilization of resources to provide long
term capital for financing investments. The government is implementing further reforms to both broaden and deepen of
the country’s capital market and the performance of the firms listed in the NSE to achieve it long term development
2. Statement of the Problem
While the corporate goal of firms listed in the NSE can be assumed to be some variant of the strict shareholder wealth
maximization (WWM) model, empirical evidence of the measure of firm value and its determinants is not only scanty
but also mixed. Kamunde (2011) analyzed the determinants of firm value of listed telecommunication companies in
Kenya. He examined the effects of earnings, operating costs and cost of capital, dividend payout and gearing ratio on
firm value. His findings revealed significant negative of dividend payout and gearing ratio on firm value. While the
studies by Kamangue and Ngugi (2013) and Samuel et el. (2013) targeted the financial sector, they are limited in scope
in terms of both coverage of the industry and determinants. The former study only targeted unit trusts and investigated
the influence of board attributes on the firm value. The latter study, on the other hand, only analyzed the effects of
dividend policy on firm value of the National Bank Kenya (NBK). Though the findings of these studies were, generally,
consistent with the theoretical predictions, they suffered significant methodological limitations. This study builds on the

Applied Finance and Accounting Vol. 1, No. 2; 2015

past studies to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the determinants of value of the commercial banks listed at the NSE
for the period 2002-2012.
3. Research Questions
1. What are determinants of firm value of the commercial banks listed at the NSE?
2. What are the conclusion and/or policy implications of the results from (1) above?
4. Literature Review
4.1 Review of Theories
Baye (2006) defines firm value as the present value (PV) of current expected future cash flows. Symbolically,
PV(firm)= p(0) + [ p(1) / (1+i) ]+ [ p(2) / (1+i)2 ]+ [ p(3) / (1+i)3 ]…+[p(x) / (1+i)T] where
p(T) = expected profits at time T; T=0,1,2,…T
i = interest rate
Gold (2003) argues that although the equation gives the best estimate of firm value, the firm must have estimates of
future profits to use the equation. If the firm does not have future profit estimates, they can determine its value using the
constant growth equation:
PV(firm) = p(0) * [ (1+i) / (i-g) ] where
p(0) = profit for the current year
i = interest rate
g = growth rate
Bay (2006) posits that firm value can also be estimated even after current profits have already been paid out to the
shareholders in the form of a dividend using the dividend equation:
PV (ex-dividend-firm) = p(0) * [ (1+g) / (i-g) ]
In this argument, as long as our assumption that the interest rate and growth rate are both constant holds, maximizing
profits will also maximize the value of the firm. This leads to the discussion of the determinants of firm value.
According to Thavikulwat (2004), the value of a firm in computerized business gaming simulations can be determined
through five different measures: book value, market value, capitalized value, deductive judgment, and adjusted net
worth. The firm’s book value may be an unreasonable measure of its true value because of the idiosyncrasies of
accounting. True market value may be unavailable or unreliable. The capitalized value measure requires an arbitrary
parameter, the deductive judgment measure requires subjective judgment, and the adjusted net worth measure requires
detailed knowledge of the gaming simulation’s model. Developers are in the best position to apply the adjusted net
worth measure, so they should code it into their simulation’s computer programs.
Hence, determinants of firm value within the banking industry can either be internal or external to the organization in
line with the strategic plan of the company, the internal environment and the external environment of the company.
Shareholders in companies with high or low payout ratio can reap the benefit of the company’s profits when they sell
their shareholding. Huselid et el. (2013) cite cash flow, effectiveness and productivity and market value as some of the
determinants of a firm value.
According to Shin-Ping and Hui-Ju (2011), shareholder’s wealth, growth, dividend-payout, ratio and leverage are key
determinants of firm value. This, in effect, delegates the determinants of firm value within the banking industry from
the board to the individual shareholder. Payment of a dividend can increase the borrowing requirement, or leverage, of a
According to Renee (2005) determinants of firm value within the banking industry include market price, capital
structure, dividend ratio because of the critical position they hold in shaping the activities and potentials of the firm with
regard to the various stakeholders within the banking industry. Higher dividend payout ratios lead to a lower retained
earnings and capital gains, and vice versa, leaving shareholders wealth unaffected. According to Business Directory
(2013), enterprise value is the measure of a company's value, often used as an alternative to straightforward market
capitalization. Firms may maintain target dividend payout ratio and adjust their determinants of firm value within the
banking industry to this target as well as pursue a stable determinants of firm value within the banking industry and
gradual increase dividends given the target payout ratio as a way of dealing with the firm value in line with (Brav et al.,
A study conducted by Michaely and Roberts (2007) using data from the UK, found that since dividends have an effect
on stock prices and company's future growth, anything that affects the dividend pay-out ratio within the banking

Applied Finance and Accounting Vol. 1, No. 2; 2015

industry automatically has an effect on the firm value of banks. Critical identification and analysis of the determinants
of a firm’s value forms the basis for appropriate actions by the management. This may be the reason as to why
Abdulrahman (2007) argues that corporate management needs to consider various determinants before taking the
decision on the how and when of dividend payout.
While some studies have highlighted the possible effect of past dividends on future earnings, growth of shareholder
value and growth potential of the company, others focused on profitability of firms, leveraging among others as
determinants of firm value within the banking industry (Mancinelli & Ozkan, 2006), no study directly gives an in-depth
analysis of all the determinants of firm value within the banking industry in the Kenyan market.
A study by Huselid, et el. (1997) found that the key determinants of firm value include assets, cash flow, relative worth
and intangible assets such as corporate image/reputation and human resource. The firm value within the banking
industry is therefore pegged on critical issues foretasted which may in turn depend on whether the bank is local of
international, the region of operation, capital structure, dividend pay-out ratio just to mention but a few. This calls for a
brief description of the Kenyan Commercial banking industry.
4.2 Review of Empirical Evidence
The widely used empirical framework for measuring firm value is Ohlson’s residual income valuation (RIV) model
(1995, 2000). Residual Income (RI) is the income generated by a firm after accounting for the true cost of capital while
Residual Income Valuation (RIV) is an approach to equity valuation that formally accounts for the cost of equity capital.
In this case, residual refers to an excess of any opportunity costs measured relative to the book value of the
Shareholders’ equity. The theory is founded on the assumption that investors require a rate of return from their equity
contribution to reward them for their opportunity cost and risk taken by investing.
Consistent with Ohlson’s information dynamics, Dechow et el. (1999) found that residual income follows a mean
reverting process and that the rate of mean reversion is systematically associated with firm characteristics suggested by
accounting and economic analysis. The rate of mean reversion was decreasing in the quality of earnings, increasing in
the dividend payout ratio and correlated across firms in the same industry.
Based on the findings of their study, Dechow et el. (Ibid.) concluded that Ohlson’s formulation of the residual income
valuation model provides a parsimonious framework for incorporating information in earnings, book value and earnings
forecasts in empirical research. They also illustrated how many of the valuation relations implicit in past empirical
research can be considered as special cases of Ohlson’s model and that past earnings and book value convey relatively
little information about firm value beyond that reflected in analysts’ forecasts of next year’s earnings.
Thus, for calculation of residual income, the cost of equity is typically calculated and the currency charge obtained
using the formula stated below:
Equity Charge = Equity Capital x Cost of Equity, and
Residual income = Net Income - Equity Charge.
This gives the company’s valuation as the sum of its book value and the present value of its expected future residual
income, discounted at the cost of equity, , as shown below (Dechow et el., 1999).

This however, assumes that the company achieves maturity, or constant growth. The corresponding terminal value
can therefore be obtained by assuming the long-run, constant growth from year , (Dechow, Hutton & Sloan,
1999) as

This according to Dechow et el. (1999), gives the RI valuation as:

In the studies on the hedging activities of 119 U.S. oil and gas producers from 1998 to 2001 and evaluated their effect
on firm value by Yanbo Jin & Philippe Jorion (2006). Theories of hedging based on market imperfections implied that

Applied Finance and Accounting Vol. 1, No. 2; 2015

hedging would increase the firm’s market value (MV). To test the hypothesis, they collected detailed information on the
extent of hedging and on the valuation of oil and gas reserves. They verified that hedging reduced the firm’s stock price
sensitivity to oil and gas prices. Contrary to previous studies, however, they found that hedging did not seem to affect
MVs for that industry.
Gary et el. (2006) analyzing a panel of U.S. public firms during 1990s, they found that corporate venture capital was
associated with the creation of firm value–measured as firm’s Tobin’s q –but that the relationship was conditional on
both sector-specific and firm-specific factors. In particular, the positive relationship between corporate venture capital
(CVC) and firm value creation was greatest within the devices, semiconductor, and computer sectors. Moreover, the
contribution of corporate venture capital investment to firm value was greater when firms explicitly pursued CVC to
harness entrepreneurial inventions. They concluded that in those industries where entrepreneurial ventures were an
important source of innovations, corporate venture capital can be a vital part of a firm’s innovation toolkit.
Using longitudinal data from the year 2004 to 2007 in Korea, Hyang et el. (2012) found that foreign block shareholders
and foreign outside directors respectively provide expertise and independent monitoring over management. Foreign
blockholders' management control via board membership is likely to mitigate leverage of value enhancement when
foreign outside directors represent private interests of foreign block holders. The moderating effect is also supported
since foreign ownership concentration has an inverted U-shaped relationship with value enhancement leading to the
conclusion that board independence reinforces the positive impact of foreign outside directors on firm value.
The empirical findings of Noor and Ayoib (2009) revealed that corporate governance mechanisms do have an influence
on firm value in Malaysia. The findings showed that although board size and leadership structure affect the firm value
for all companies however, not all elements of governance mechanisms are significant, and the effects differ between
family-businesses and non-family businesses. An empirical study conducted by Qi and Toyohiko (2005) showed that
banks which do not monitor their client firms and are unlikely to push the managers of the firms to take efficient actions
on maximizing firm value.
Anup et el. (2010), tested the influence of debt-equity structure on the value of shares given different sizes, industries
and growth opportunities with the companies incorporated in Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and Chittagong Stock
Exchange (CSE) of Bangladesh. For the robustness of the analysis samples were drawn from the four most dominant
sectors of industry i.e. engineering, food & allied, fuel & power, and chemical & pharmaceutical to provide a
comparative analysis. A significant positively correlated association was evident from the empirical findings when
stratified by industry.
In yet another empirical study by Dalbor, et el. (2007) after controlling for size and risk, found that there was a positive
relationship with long-term debt and the value of the firm. This implies that while Return on Assets (ROE) is negatively
related to firm value, capital expenditures are not. Emily Zhan (2007), in their article, explored empirically the
cross-sectional relation between firm value and the use of property insurance in a sample of 663 unlisted firms in
Norway. Using industry adjusted return on assets as a proxy for firm value, their paper documented that the positive
relation between firm value and property insurance held for firms with above average financial performance and
relatively high leverage( measured as long term debt scaled by total assets) in their sample.
Samuel, et el. (2012), undertook a study to provide evidence on the impact of capital structure on a firm’s value. The
analysis was implemented on all the 34 companies quoted on the Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) for the year ended 31 st
December 2010. The ordinary least squares method of regression was employed in carrying out the analysis. The result
of the study revealed that in an emerging economy like Ghana, equity capital was a component of capital structure and
was relevant to the value of a firm, and Long-term-debt was also found to be the major determinant of a firm’s value.
Kamangue and Ngugi, (2013) conducted a study aimed to investigate the influence of board attributes on the firm value
of firms with focus on the unit trusts in Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive research design. A multivariate
regression model was applied to determine the relative importance of each of the four variables with respect to the
influence of board attributes on firm value. The study found out that majority of the respondents agreed to a great extent
that the size of the board had a material impact on the quality of corporate governance and that monitoring expenses and
poor communication in a larger board had been seen as a reason for the support of small board size. Samuel et el. (2013)
conducted a study to determine the effects of dividend policy on the market share value in the banking industry in
Kenya using National Bank Kenya (NBK) as case for the study. The study applied an explanatory research design
covering a proportionate sample of 100 shareholders drawn from a target population of 47,000 shareholders of the
National Bank of Kenya. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire. Both descriptive and inferential statistics
were used to analyze data .The hypotheses were tested by use of Pearson’s Moment Correlation. With a response rate of
68%, the study established that NBK had a dividend policy as confirmed by 91% of the respondents. The study
established a significant and positive correlation (0.850) between dividend payout and market share value, with a
P-value of 0.000.

Applied Finance and Accounting Vol. 1, No. 2; 2015

There was also a positive correlation (0.299) between dividend growth rate and market value of shares with a p-value of
0.013; hence establishing a significant relationship between variables. There was a positive correlation (0.502) between
regularity of dividend declaration and market share value with a P-value was 0.000. Dividend policy had a significant
effect on the market share value.
Kamunde (2011) conducted analyzed the determinants of firm value of listed telecommunication companies in Kenya.
He analyzed the effects of earnings, operating costs and cost of capital, dividend payout and gearing ratio on firm value.
His findings revealed significant negative of dividend payout and gearing ratio on firm value.
Clearly, while internationally empirical literature on the determinants of firm value is abounding, locally it is scanty.
Specifically, there are very limited empirical studies have been conducted on the determinants of firm value within the
banking industry in Kenya, offering a clear gap that this study intends.
5. Methodology
5.1 Research Design
This study adopted an explanatory non-experimental research design to investigate the factors influencing the
performance of firms listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya. Explanatory research seeks to establish
causal relationship between variables (Saunders et al., 2009 & Robson 2002). According to Kerlinger and Lee
(2000) an explanatory non-experimental research design is appropriate where the researcher is attempting to
explain how the phenomenon operates by identifying the underlying factors that produce change in it in which
case there is no manipulation of the independent variable.
5.2 Empirical Model
The following Random Effects panel regression model was specified;

Yit = β0 + 𝛽1x1it + β2 x2it ++ β3 x3it + β4 x4it+ β5x5it + β6x6 + β7x7it + β8x8it+ εit where;
Yit = Value of firm i at time t

X1it = Assets of firm i at time t

X2it = Capital structure of firm i at time t

X3it = Cash flow of firm i at time t

X4it= Dividend ratio of firm i at time t

X5it = Intangible assets of firm i at time t

X6it = Market capitalization of firm i at time t

X7it = External environment of firm i at time t

X8it = Strategic plan of firm i at time t

εit = vit+uit= composite error term

vit = Between-firm time-varying unobserved random error term (IID random effects); Cov(X it, vit)=0
uit = Within-firm time-varying unobserved (idiosyncratic) random error term (it is assumed to fulfill all the assumptions
for standard OLS error terms i.e. uit is IID).

The hypotheses formulated eight null hypotheses stated thus;

H1: B1=0 (i.e. Assets have no statistically significant effect on firm value)

H2: B2=0 (i.e. Capital structure has no statistically significant effect on firm value)

H3: B3=0 (i.e. Cash flow has no statistically significant effect on firm value)

H4: B4=0 (i.e. Dividend payout has no statistically significant effect on firm value)

Applied Finance and Accounting Vol. 1, No. 2; 2015

H5: B5=0 (i.e. Intangible assets have no statistically significant effect on firm value)

H6: B6=0 (i.e. Market capitalization has no statistically significant effect on firm value)

H7: B7=0 (i.e. External environment has no statistically significant effect on firm value)

H8: B8=0 (i.e. Strategic plan has no statistically significant effect on firm value)

5.3 Data Collection

The population under study consisted of all the commercial banks listed in the Nairobi Stock Exchange. Although there
are 46 commercial banks in Kenya only eleven are listed at the Nairobi Stock Exchange (see Annex I). Given the
population size we conducted a census survey in which all the eleven listed firms were studied. The study was based on
annual secondary data available from the Capital Markets Authority (CMA). The data on assets, capital structure, cash
flow, dividend ratio, intangible assets and market capitalization and firm value were obtained directly or indirectly from
various documents such as the strategic plans, cash flow statements, income statements and balance sheets of the
individual banks.
The data for the period 2002-2012 is summarized in Annex II. The 10 year period of the study that was considered long
enough for trend analysis and identification of the traits of various determinants of the firm value. Owing to challenges
in getting complete information on all the listed commercial banks over the past ten years, some extrapolation of the
data was necessary. Finally, the nature of the data in this study was panel in nature.
5.4 Operationalisation of Variables
Assets were measured by total assets as reflected in the Balance sheet of the respective Banks from the NSE. Dividend
payout was measured by the dividend ratio as given by dividends paid out against net income. Intangible assets were
picked from the balance sheet, while cash flows were obtained from the cash flow statements. Market capitalization was
measured by number of outstanding shares for each bank at the end of each year multiplied by the share price. Finally,
firm value was estimated using Ohlson’s Residual Income Valuation (RIV) model.
5.5 Data Analysis
Being interval in nature, the data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and panel multiple
regression analysis. Given that classical panel regression model methodology was adopted for this study a set of other
classical parametric assumptions/characteristics of the data were performed to ensure its suitability for the regression
analysis. To confirm the other parametric nature of the data, we tested for normality, multicollinearity, heteroscedacity
and autocorrelation. We also tested for the RE specification using the Hausman test. The estimation of the chosen fixed
or random effects models will be based on STATA 11.0 software.
6. Discussion of Empirical Results
6.1 Diagnostic Tests of Parametric Data
6.1.1 Test for Normality of residuals
The analysis for normality of the residuals were conducted using both the histogram and one-sample
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The results of both analysis confirmed that the residuals were normally distributed.
The histogram followed a bell-like distribution and we could not reject the null hypothesis at p<0.05 (see Annex III and
Annex IV).
6.1.2 Test for Multicollinearity
To test for multicollinearity the study adopted the variance inflation factors and the tolerance levels. Variance Inflation
Factor (VIF) and Tolerance are indicators of Multicollinearity. Computationally, it is defined as the reciprocal of
tolerance: 1 / (1 - R2). In most cases researchers desire low values of VIF since higher values of VIF are deemed to
adversely affect the results from regression analysis. VIF indicates the magnitude of the inflation in the standard errors
associated with a particular beta weight that is due to Multicollinearity. Annex IV indicates the VIF and Tolerance levels
for the variables used in the study. The VIF values presented in the table indicates that the data does not suffer from
Multicollinearity since the values are less than 10 as it is recommended that the VIF values should not been in excess of
10 otherwise they will be considered to be multicollinear.
6.1.3 Testing For Heteroscedasticity
Heteroscedasticity test was run in order to test whether the error terms are correlated across observation in the data
using Modified Wald Test. The null hypothesis is that the data does not suffer from Heteroskedasticity (i.e. constant
variance). The null hypothesis was acceptedat a critical p value of 0.05 since the reported value was 0.0067 which is

Applied Finance and Accounting Vol. 1, No. 2; 2015

less than the critical value.

6.1.4 Test Serial Correlation
The study used the Wooldridge test for autocorrelation. The null hypothesis of this test was that there was no first order
autocorrelation in the data. The computed F statistic value was 36.612 with an associated p-value of 0.6438 and 0.0003
showing presence of statistically significant autocorrelation in the panel dataset. The study corrected for this violation of
classical linear regression model assumption by using standardized variables.
6.1.5 Hausman Test
The Hausman test basically tested whether the unique errors (ui) are correlated with the regressors, and the null
hypothesis was that they are not. Annex V illustrates the results of the Hausman test. The results show that the
chi-squared value was 10.52 with an associated p-value of 0.1045. This therefore implies that the null hypothesis of the
appropriate model being fixed effects is rejected and thus the preferred model to be adopted is the random effects
6.3 Regression Results
Based on the results of Hausman test the study estimated the random effects model. Two determinants, namely, strategic
and external environment were dropped from the estimation as they didn’t among the listed commercial banks and over
time. The results of the random effects regression model estimation are presented in Table 3. As shown, R-squared was
0.135 suggesting that the factors under study accounted for 13.5% of the variance in firm value. Thus, the factors
studied in this study do not account for much of the variance in firm value.
Table 1. Regression Results
Coefficient Std. Error z-Statistic Prob.
Constant -13.827 9.970 -1.39 0.164
Assets 0.337 0.301 1.12 0.263
Capital structure 2.329 2.294 1.02 0.310
Cash flow 0.012 0.088 0.13 0.894
Dividend ratio 0.305 0.174 1.76 0.079
Intangible assets -0.735 0.092 -0.80 0.422
Market capitalisation 0.252 0.047 5.38 0.000

Number of obs. 95 Wald chi2 (6) 34.46

R-squared within 0.2726 Prob>chi2 0.000
R-squared between 0.5183 Sigma_u 0.3677
R-squared overall 0.3070 Sigma_e 0.6066
Rho (fraction of variance due 0.2687
to u_i)
The results show that the joint effect of the six determinants accounted for about 30 per cent of the value of the
commercial banks listed at the NSE. This implies that about 70 per cent of the value of these firms is accounted for by
other determinants. However, the Wald chi2 of 34.46 was statistically significant (p<0.01). Hence we rejected the null
hypothesis that the joint effect of the determinants on the value of the listed commercial banks was zero or purely
random. Although all the determinants had theoretically expected signs, not all had statistically significant individual
(partial) effects on the firm value of the firms. Empirical results of the tests of the null hypotheses of the individual
effects of the determinants at p<0.05 is summarized in Table 3.
Table 3. Empirical Results Tests of Hypotheses
Determinant Decision
Assets Accept H1
Capital Structure Accept H2
Cash Flow Accept H3
Dividend Pay Out Accept H4
Intangible Assets Accept H5
Market Capitalization Reject H6
The results show that all but the null hypothesis on market capitalization was rejected at p<0.01. This determinant had
statistically significant positive effect on the value of the listed commercial banks. Hence, the finding of the study
reaffirms the critical role of market capitalization on firm value enhancement.

Applied Finance and Accounting Vol. 1, No. 2; 2015

The null hypotheses on assets, capital structure, cash flow, dividend ratio and intangible assets could not be rejected at
p<0.05. The finding with respect to the null hypothesis on capital structure seem consistent with the seminal proposition
by Modigliani and Miller (in Bay, 2006) proposition of irrelevance of capital structure on firm value under perfect
capital market conditions. The results contradicted the findings of the study by Samuel et el. (2013) that dividend policy
is an important determinant of the market share value in the banking industry in Kenya. The study established a
significant and positive correlation (0.850) between dividend payout and market share value, with a P-value of 0.000.
The mixed and rather disappointing findings of this study was attributed to both the exclusion of key firm specific,
industry level and macroeconomic control variables and weaknesses in the financial management practices in the
listed commercial banks in Kenya. By focusing on only six firm specific variables, the study excluded firm specific
control variables like firm size, ownership status (i.e. wholly local, wholly foreign or mixed ownership, and extent of
government participation), and governance. The study did not include such industry level control variables like market
structure/market power and shifts in regulatory regime. The study did not also include such key macroeconomic control
variables as economic growth, inflation and exchange rate, all of which of which have important moderating impact on
the firm value of the listed commercial banks in Kenya. The exclusion of these key control variables not only explain
the low overall explanatory performance of the estimated model but also complicates the accuracy of the interpretations
of the estimated coefficients.
The non-rejection of the null hypotheses of most of the determinants in the study was also attributed to possible
weaknesses in the financial management of the listed commercial banks in the country. The non- statistically significant
partial effect of both assets and intangible assets could be explained by under-utilization of types of assets. These assets
should be fully utilized to enhance the firm value. The finding of non-statistically significant relationship between
capital structure and firm value of the listed commercial could point to lack of an optimal mix of debt and equity in the
financing of these firms. The finding of a non-statistically significant relationship between cash flow and firm value
implies lack of good cash flow management strategies geared towards firm value enhancement. Finally, the result of
non-statistically significant relationship between dividend ratio and firm value of the listed commercial banks suggests
lack of optimal dividend ratio.
6.4 Conclusions
Six firm specific variables, namely, assets, capital structure, cash flow, dividend payout ratio, intangible assets and
market capitalization determinants accounted for only about 30 per cent of the total variance of firm value of the
commercial banks listed at the NSE. The rather disappointing results were attributed to both the exclusion of key
variables and financial management weaknesses in the listed commercial banks firm. By focusing on only six firm
specific variables, the study excluded firm specific control variables like firm size, ownership status (i.e. wholly local,
wholly foreign or mixed ownership, and extent of government participation), and governance. The study did not also
include such industry level control variables like market structure/market power and shifts in regulatory regime. Finally,
the study did not include such key macroeconomic control variables as economic growth, inflation and exchange rate,
all of which of which have important moderating impact on the firm value of the listed commercial banks in Kenya. The
exclusion of these key control variables not only explain the low overall explanatory performance of the estimated
model but also complicates the accuracy of the interpretations of the estimated coefficients. Consequently, there is a
need for further comprehensive studies to integrate the set of control variables, which will also facilitate accurate
interpretation of the estimated coefficients.
The possible financial management weaknesses in the listed commercial banks that could have contributed to
disappointing results of this study include possible under-utilization of assets and intangible assets, lack of optimal mix
of debt and equity in financing firm capital, improper management of cash flows and sub-optimal dividend ratio. It is
therefore recommended that the management of the listed commercial should review and correct their financial
management practices and realign them to value enhancement. Consequently, there is a need for the listed commercial
banks to review their financial management practices to attain optimal firm value.
Finally, the results of the study reaffirmed the practical strategic role of market capitalization in enhancing firm value,
implying that the listed commercial banks should also employ strategies that will increase their market capitalization.
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1. Aloys Ayako is an Associate Professor of Economics at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA). He
holds a PhD and Masters of Political Economy (MAPE) degrees from Boston University in the USA and
Masters of Economics degree from the University of Nairobi (UON) in Kenya. He has over thirty years of
teaching, supervision of PhD and Masters degrees’ theses and research projects and research experience. He
has published widely in peer reviewed journals.
2. Fidelis Wamalwa is a Finance Officer at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA). She holds Masters
of Business Administration (MBA) degree. She is planning to pursue PhD studies in Finance in the near future.
1 Barclays Bank Limited
2 CFC Stanbic Holdings Limited
3 I & M Holdings Limited
4 Diamond Trust Bank Kenya Limited
5 Housing Finance Co. of Kenya (HFCK) Limited
6 Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) Limited
7 National Bank of Kenya (NBK) Limited
8 NIC Bank Limited
9 Standard Chartered Bank Limited
10 Equity Bank Limited
11 The Co-operative Bank of Kenya Limited
Year Bank Value Assets Capital Structure Cash Flow DPS Intangible assets Market capitalisation External Strategic

2002 Barclays 98.5 85914 80.21 51423 3 614 18238851 1 1

2003 Barclays 280 96914 81.24 14575 3 245 57031128 1 1
2004 Barclays 200 110083 85.21 45112 3 1265 40,736,520 1 1
2005 Barclays 232 104522 84.52 18177 3 1710 53364841.2 1 1
2006 Barclays 77 117722 81.41 5081 3 1250 104557068 1 1
2007 Barclays 74 157656 83.14 21876 1.65 368 1245668 1 1
2008 Barclays 78 168510 87.86 48044 2 546 1545444 1 1
2009 Barclays 92 164875 85.32 12151 2.5 686 14121155 1 1
2010 Barclays 76 172415 81.75 8640 1.36 3448 47115445 1 1
2011 Barclays 81 167305 82.53 10416 1.5 3364 97455620 1 1
2012 Barclays 90 185102 84.02 9809 1 3452 41221154 1 1

Applied Finance and Accounting Vol. 1, No. 2; 2015

2002 CFC 9.2 85914 80.21 51423 1 614 1104000 1 1

2003 CFC 33 96914 81.24 14575 2 245 3960000 1 1
2004 CFC 58 110083 85.21 45112 1 1265 10022400 1 1
2005 CFC 76.5 114522 82.52 18177 3 1719 11934000 1 1
2006 CFC 89 217722 81.41 5081 2 1350 13884000 1 1
2007 CFC 78 157615 83.14 21876 3 468 1245668 1 1
2008 CFC 69 169610 87.87 48046 2.1 5410 1545444 1 1
2009 CFC 78 144875 75.32 22851 2.5 1686 14121155 1 1
2010 CFC 74 171415 80.75 8651 1.4 3218 47115445 1 1
2011 CFC 75 167312 82.44 21416 1.2 4264 97455620 1 1
2012 CFC 69 122502 84.12 1909 1 3652 41221154 1 1
2006 EQT 139 96914 81.24 14575 2 245 12588472.45 1 1
2007 EQT 142 110083 85.21 45112 1 1265 14121155 1 1
2008 EQT 139 114522 82.52 18177 3 1719 47115445 1 1
2009 EQT 140 217722 81.41 5081 2 1350 97455620 1 1
2010 EQT 125 157615 83.14 21876 3 468 41221154 1 1
2011 EQT 98 169610 87.87 48046 2.1 5410 104557068 1 1
2012 EQT 99 110083 85.21 45112 3 1265 1245668 1 1
2002 DTB 10 104522 84.52 18177 3 1710 795000 1 1
2003 DTB 28 117722 81.41 5081 3 1250 2782500 1 1
2004 DTB 28 157656 83.14 21876 1.65 368 2782500 1 1
2005 DTB 32.5 168510 87.86 48044 2 546 4037109.375 1 1
2006 DTB 72.5 164875 85.32 12151 2.5 686 10131591.74 1 1
2007 DTB 45 172415 81.75 8640 1.36 3448 14121155 1 1
2008 DTB 96 167305 82.53 10416 1.5 3364 47115445 1 1
2009 DTB 104 185102 84.02 9809 1 3452 97455620 1 1
2010 DTB 101 85914 80.21 51423 1 614 41221154 1 1
2011 DTB 98 96914 81.24 14575 2 245 104557068 1 1
2012 DTB 95 110083 85.21 45112 1 1265 1245668 1 1
2002 HF 5.2 114522 82.52 18177 3 1719 598000 1 1
2003 HF 12.05 217722 81.41 5081 2 1350 1385750 1 1
2004 HF 8.5 157615 83.14 21876 3 468 977500 1 1
2005 HF 13.95 169610 87.87 48046 2.1 5410 1604250 1 1
2006 HF 48 144875 75.32 22851 2.5 1686 5520000 1 1
2007 HF 80 171415 80.75 8651 1.4 3218 97455620 1 1
2008 HF 55 167312 82.44 21416 1.2 4264 41221154 1 1
2009 HF 46 122502 84.12 1909 1 3652 1104000 1 1
2010 HF 39 172415 81.75 8640 1.36 3448 3960000 1 1
2011 HF 27 167305 82.53 10416 1.5 3364 10022400 1 1
2012 HF 45 185102 84.02 9809 1 3452 12451155 1 1
2002 KCB 17 85914 80.21 51423 1 614 2543200 1 1
2003 KCB 54 96914 81.24 14575 2 245 8078400 1 1
2004 KCB 64 110083 85.21 45112 1 1265 12774400 1 1
2005 KCB 113 110083 85.21 45112 3 1265 22554800 1 1

Applied Finance and Accounting Vol. 1, No. 2; 2015

2006 KCB 241 104522 84.52 18177 3 1710 48103600 1 1

2007 KCB 250 117722 81.41 5081 3 1250 3960000 1 1
2008 KCB 219 157656 83.14 21876 1.65 368 10022400 1 1
2009 KCB 274 168510 87.86 48044 2 546 11934000 1 1
2010 KCB 119 164875 85.32 12151 2.5 686 13884000 1 1
2011 KCB 204 172415 81.75 8640 1.36 3448 1245668 1 1
2012 KCB 201 167305 82.53 10416 1.5 3364 1451225 1 1
2002 NBK 3.65 185102 84.02 9809 1 3452 730000 1 1
2003 NBK 13.35 85914 80.21 51423 1 614 2670000 1 1
2004 NBK 18.9 96914 81.24 14575 2 245 3780000 1 1
2005 NBK 28.75 110083 85.21 45112 1 1265 5750000 1 1
2006 NBK 58 114522 82.52 18177 3 1719 11600000 1 1
2007 NBK 45 217722 81.41 5081 2 1350 1245668 1 1
2008 NBK 55 157615 83.14 21876 3 468 1545444 1 1
2009 NBK 42 169610 87.87 48046 2.1 5410 14121155 1 1
2010 NBK 36 144875 75.32 22851 2.5 1686 47115445 1 1
2011 NBK 65 171415 80.75 8651 1.4 3218 97455620 1 1
2012 NBK 61 167312 82.44 21416 1.2 4264 41221154 1 1
2002 NIC 18.55 122502 84.12 1909 1 3652 1528789.926 1 1
2003 NIC 45.5 172415 81.75 8640 1.36 3448 3749862.082 1 1
2004 NIC 50 167305 82.53 10416 1.5 3364 4120727.563 1 1
2005 NIC 51 185102 84.02 9809 1 3452 4203142.114 1 1
2006 NIC 102 85914 80.21 51423 1 614 8406284.228 1 1
2007 NIC 98 96914 81.24 14575 2 245 1245668 1 1
2008 NIC 110 110083 85.21 45112 1 1265 1545444 1 1
2009 NIC 124 164875 85.32 12151 2.5 686 14121155 1 1
2010 NIC 112 172415 81.75 8640 1.36 3448 47115445 1 1
2011 NIC 96 167305 82.53 10416 1.5 3364 97455620 1 1
2012 NIC 101 185102 84.02 9809 1 3452 41221154 1 1
2002 SCB 58.5 85914 80.21 51423 1 614 14463742.64 1 1
2003 SCB 191 96914 81.24 14575 2 245 47223501.62 1 1
2004 SCB 122 110083 85.21 45112 1 1265 36498080.1 1 1
2005 SCB 140 114522 82.52 18177 3 1719 38075493.4 1 1
2006 SCB 205 217722 81.41 5081 2 1350 55753401.05 1 1
2007 SCB 210 157615 83.14 21876 3 468 1245668 1 1
2008 SCB 215 169610 87.87 48046 2.1 5410 1545444 1 1
2009 SCB 209 144875 75.32 22851 2.5 1686 14121155 1 1
2010 SCB 123 171415 80.75 8651 1.4 3218 47115445 1 1
2011 SCB 148 167312 82.44 21416 1.2 4264 97455620 1 1
2012 SCB 204 122502 84.12 1909 1 3652 41221154 1 1

Applied Finance and Accounting Vol. 1, No. 2; 2015




Variable VIF 1/VIF

Intangible~s 1.62 0.617758

Assets 1.52 0.656081
Cashflow 1.29 0.775853
CapitalStr~e 1.17 0.856266
DPS 1.15 0.871080
MarketCapi~n 1.08 0.922164

Mean VIF 1.31

Applied Finance and Accounting Vol. 1, No. 2; 2015


. hausman fixed random

(b) (B) (b-B) sqrt(diag(V_b-V_B))
fixed random Difference S.E.

Assets .39943 .3374492 .0619807 .

CapitalStr~e 1.449143 2.329375 -.880232 .
Cashflow .0147696 .0116851 .0030845 .
Intangible~s -.0453381 -.0735333 .0281952 .
MarketCapi~n .2263798 .2524484 -.0260686 .0021106
DPS .2891144 .3050955 -.0159811 .

b = consistent under Ho and Ha; obtained from xtreg

B = inconsistent under Ha, efficient under Ho; obtained from xtreg

Test: Ho: difference in coefficients not systematic

chi2(6) = (b-B)'[(V_b-V_B)^(-1)](b-B)
= 10.52
Prob>chi2 = 0.1045
(V_b-V_B is not positive definite)

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.


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