Mathematics and Architecture: Importance of Geometry: December 2014
Mathematics and Architecture: Importance of Geometry: December 2014
Mathematics and Architecture: Importance of Geometry: December 2014
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Abstract: Intentionally or unintentionally, from ages, architects, builders and construction experts have used mathematics
as a very basic yet important tool for the soulful purpose of design, execution and finalization of building projects. In the
history, architects were mathematicians and also some mathematicians were architect too. Vitruvius was a very well-known
architect as well as famous mathematician. Mathematical readings of Pythagoras were later used in building proportions.
Well known worker and user of golden ratio Leonardo Da Vinci along with many achievements was an architect too. The
approach of this research paper is to come up with findings on importance of mathematics in architecture, as in geometry,
from very important site analysis to final design of elevation or façade. Aim of the whole research is to come up with
mathematical functions related to mensuration of building construction and Architectural Engineering. This paper is an
initial part of the same research.
Keywords: Geometry, Form order and Function , Mensuration, Golden Section, Pythagoras Studies, Patterns, History of
Introduction: The fundamental study of forms, shapes processes through several examples of contemporary
and spaces, and their order along with their geometry architecture and along with them examples from history
contributes to the process of composition and designing of architecture.
of any element of architecture. Composition in History of use of Geometry in Architecture: Men in
architecture begins with space developing and their ancient time built to accommodate his spatial needs.
relations. Geometry and its study make an important Royal men used buildings as a royalty. Along with
input to this process by dealing with studies of geometric ornamental highlights their dwellings possessed a natural
figures, shapes and forms as elements and at the same geometry- based in part on the structural characteristics
place proportions, differences, angles positions and of the materials that we available in appropriate
transformations as relations between them. The diameter. As an example, we take the Sumer Reed house
foundation of composition is built by structures. The word around 4000 B.C. The strong tall reeds of Euphrates delta
is derived from the Latin idea “structura” which means to were used as standard structural elements. These were
associate together in order. Mathematics and crucially bunched into bundles and bent to form either a circular
geometry, can be seen as a specific study of structures by or pointed arch. Reed matting was used as filler and the
considering collective sets of architectural elements and whole house was skinned with mud. House in its
their relations as well as operations. This concept for an simplicity with geometric elements contains all the
example was the background for an innovative approach structural elements of the Romanesque or Gothic
to the composition of Mr. Richard Buckminster Fuller. cathedral styles. The pyramids of Egypt are the best
Geometry can be stated as the science to describe example of Egyptians’ Understanding of Geometry.
structures and spaces. Max Bill in his artwork plays with Pyramids reflect their attempt to model their human
geometric structures as method, for example in his world on “cosmic order” to symbolize their stability.
variations of a single theme of project, the process of Geometry there was strongly related to religion and
transformation from triangle to octagon was the final astronomy. The whole architecture of that time was
product and worked well. based on “occult geometry system”. This was a system
Max Bill was one of great artists who gave a thought on of measurements, dimensions and proportion, which
the relationship between art and structure. Through were considers as sacred and divine by religious leaders.
history of geometry and that of architecture there were In the Greek Period the tapering of columns and
developed some rules and standards based on geometry manifestation of proportion and visual effects of building
which formed the very basic concepts for architectural according to the dimension of columns of different order
composition. In the following paper we will analyse the was the main concept of building design. The geometrical
role of geometry in the sequential architectural design and technical achievements of Gothic Period were in
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Pierced screens (jali in India) are another common Conclusion: The relationship between architectural
location for geometric decoration. design and geometry starts with the notion of harmony as
the principle for all sciences and creations. The analysis of
the antique comprehension of harmony shows the
geometrical root and the superior idea of this concept for
all sciences and designing disciplines. Today the various
sciences and arts are in most cases strongly separated.
Therefore there is the risk that the powerful relationship
between geometry and architecture gets lost. Steven
Holl, who refers in his architectural work to geometry and
other sciences, noticed: “For example Johannes Kepler’s
Mysterious Cosmo-graphical united art, science, and
Figure 9 Geometry in Jali Designs
The term 'Parametric' originates from mathematics Today, specialization segregates the fields; yawning gaps
(Parametric equation) and refers to the use of certain prohibit potential cross-fertilization.” By remembering
parameters or variables that can be edited to the historical relations between geometry and
manipulate or alter the end result of an equation or architectural design we help to keep the background of
system. Parametric design is not a new concept and has our culture but also to understand the fruitful
always formed a part of architecture and design. The combination between geometrical thinking and
consideration of changing forces such as climate, setting, architectural designing.
culture, and use has always formed part of the design By integrating experiments on using geometric structures
process. for designing in the architecture curriculum we should
reflect this relationship and try to develop new impulses
for geometrical based designing in architecture. Only few
examples were shown here in an overview. There are
more efforts necessary in the future to work out this
relationship in detail, historical and theoretical, from an
architectural and a geometrical point of view as well as to
experience and apply it in the practice of architectural
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