Junior High School Core Subject Tle 7 - QUARTER 1 (Week 1)
Junior High School Core Subject Tle 7 - QUARTER 1 (Week 1)
Junior High School Core Subject Tle 7 - QUARTER 1 (Week 1)
The learners:
LEARNING COMPETENCIES 1. explain the different methods and techniques of cooking
2. apply the different methods of cooking
The learners understand that knowledge and skills about methods of cooking ensure success in the preparation
of meals.
TIME ALLOTMENT 240 minutes
Kitchen Tools, Utensils, and Methods of Cooking Food Preparation Terms and
Equipment Techniques
Time Allotment: 5 minutes Time Allotment: 5 minutes Time Allotment: 5 minutes
Classroom Routine, Pre- Classroom Routine, Review Classroom Routine, Review
Time Allotment: 5 minutes Time Allotment: 5 minutes Time Allotment: 15 minutes
The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the following
following: methods of cooking such as: terms and techniques used in food
1. What is tools? 1. Roasting preparation, these are:
2. What is utensils? 2. Broiling 1. Blend
3. What is Equipment? 3. Frying 2. Chop
INSTRUCTION/ DELIVERY 4. What are the kitchen tools, 4. Grilling 3. Marinate
utensils and equipment? 5. Braising 4. Dissolve
5. Purpose of each kitchen 6. Stewing 5. Truss
tools, utensils, and 7. Boiling 6. Cream
equipment 7. Whip
8. Stir
9. Blanch
10. Mince
Time Allotment: 10 minutes Time Allotment: 10 minutes Time Allotment: 20 minutes
1. Cite one of the tools, 1. What are the different 1. Differentiate cream, whip, and
utensils and equipment use methods of cooking? Site stir.
in the kitchen and explain one and explain. 2. Why is it important to be aware
PRACTICE its purpose. 2. What is the difference with the terms, and techniques
2. What is the significance of between pan frying and in cooking?
knowing the right term and deep frying?
purpose of each kitchen 3. Why is it important to
tools, utensils, and know the different cooking
equipment? methods?
Time Allotment: 10 minutes Time Allotment: 10 minutes Time Allotment: 10 minutes
Identify the following kitchen tools, Complete the table below. This List what you know in the K column of
utensils, and equipment through self-assessment activity will give the chart, W is what you wonder, and L
the given definition or used. you the opportunity to reflect and is what you learned about today’s
assess your learning about the lesson.
methods in cooking.
TLE 7 – QUARTER 1 (Week 2)
TOPIC / LESSON NAME Principles of Cooking Preparation of Marketable Meals
The learners demonstrate understanding on: The learners demonstrate
understanding of/on:
1. the principles of cooking poultry 1. correct preparation of
2. the principles of cooking meat marketable meals
3. the principles of cooking fish and seafood 2. menu pattern that should be
4. the principles of cooking vegetables followed in preparing meals
3. following safety and security
procedures in the kitchen
The learners applies principles of cooking correctly The learners recognizes
considerations in menu planning
clearly and complies with food safety
The learners will be skilled at applying the different principles of cooking The learners will be skilled at:
1. planning menu for food
2. following correct menu pattern
3. recognizing the food safety
principles in cooking
The learners understand the correct application of cooking principles The learners understand marketable
that are essential in any kind of food preparation. meals are equated with excellent
menus, sanitation and safety,
affordable cost, and correctly delivery.
TIME ALLOTMENT 120 minutes 120 minutes
Principles of Cooking: Poultry Principles of Cooking: Fish and Preparation of Marketable Meals
CONTENT and Meat Seafood, and Vegetables
INTRODUCTION/REVIEW Classroom Routine, Review of the Classroom Routine, Review of the Classroom Routine, Review of the
past lesson past lesson past lesson
Time Allotment: 5 minutes Time Allotment: 5 minutes Time Allotment: 15 minutes
The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the
following: following: preparation of marketable meals
1. Poultry 1. Principles of Cooking Fish under this are as follows:
2. Principles of Cooking and Seafood 1. Menu Planning
Poultry 2. Principles of Vegetables 2. Food Safety
3. Parts of Poultry
4. Principles of Cooking Meat
1. What are the 3 parts of Make 4 Columns answering the Create a menu plan, applying the
poultry? question: what are the things to things to consider and pattern in
2. What is white meat? Dark remember when cooking Poultry? planning a menu.
meat? Entrails? Meat? Fish and Seafood, and
Critical thinking of analysis (Essay) Short quiz on the principles of Learners output will be judged based on
EVALUATION cooking meat and poultry. menu planning rubrics, consist of as
Why is it vital to know and apply follows: Neatness and organization,
the principles of cooking meat and creativity and originality, menu plan, types
of menus, quantity of items that must be
incorporated and description of food items