Guidelines On Archiving of Criminal and Civil Cases

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(a) A criminal case may be archived only if after the issuance of the warrant
of arrest, the accused remains at large for six (6) months from the delivery
of the warrant to the proper peace officer. An order archiving the case shall
require the peace officer to explain why the accused was not apprehended.
The Court shall issue an alias warrant if the original warrant of arrest is
returned by the peace officer together with the report. A copy of the order
archiving the case shall be furnished the complainant.

(b) The Court, motu propio or upon motion of any party, may likewise
archive a criminal case, when proceedings therein are ordered suspended for
an indefinite period because: chanroble svi rtual lawlib rary

[1] The accused appears to be suffering from an unsound mental

condition which effectively renders him unable to fully understand the
charge against him and to plead intelligently, or to undergo trial, and
he has to be committed to a mental hospital;

[2] A valid prejudicial question in a civil action is invoked during the

pendency of the criminal case unless the civil and the criminal cases
are consolidated; and

[3] An interlocutory order or incident in the criminal case is elevated

to, and is pending resolution/decision for an indefinite period before a
higher court and a stay/suspension is deemed appropriate in the
interest of justice.


In civil cases, the Court may motu proprio or upon motion, order that a civil case
be archived only in the following instances:
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(a) When the parties are in the process of settlement, in which case
the proceedings may be suspended and the case archived for a
period not exceeding ninety [90] days. The case shall be
included in the trial calendar on the day immediately following
the lapse of the suspension period.

(b) Where an injunction or restraining order is issued by a higher

court directing the suspension of the proceedings in the trial
(c) The Presiding Judge shall motu proprio or upon motion of any
party, order the reinstatement/revival of an archived case and
its withdrawal from the archives whenever the same is ready for
trial or further proceedings.

(d) The Branch Clerk of Court shall submit to the Office of the Court
Administrator a consolidated list of archived cases not later than
the first week of January of every year.cralaw

Strict compliance with this Administrative Circular is hereby enjoined.

October 12, 1992.

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