Lesson Plan: Listen To Spoken Texts Constructed For Different Purposes, For Example To

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Lesson Plan

Day: Tuesday Date: 26/3/2019 Time: 9:45 Year: 9

Learning Area: English Topic: Persuasive speech writing
Curriculum content description: Listen to spoken texts constructed for different purposes, for example to
entertain and to persuade, and analyse how language features of these texts position listeners to respond in
particular ways (ACELY1740).
Understand that authors innovate with text structures and language for specific purposes and
effects (ACELA1553).
Use interaction skills to present and discuss an idea and to influence and engage an audience by selecting
persuasive language, varying voice tone, pitch, and pace, and using elements such as music and sound
effects (ACELY1811).
Students’ prior knowledge and experience:
- Looked at persuasive techniques.
- We have gone over social issues and worked on brainstorms to start the class thinking about them for
their task.
- Watched speeches and analysed the techniques used.
- Written examples of persuasive techniques.
Learning purpose: To select their social issue for their speech and to understand how to effectively construct
an introductory paragraph.

Learning objectives: Evaluation:

On completion of this lesson, students will be able to: Students will have an argument for or against a
Construct the introduction of a persuasive speech. social issue discussed in class that they will be able
to write an introduction about it.

Preparation and Resources:

Students will need:
- Their social issue brainstorm from the previous lesson
- Stationary
I will need:
- Examples of body paragraphs for students, using persuasive techniques.
- PowerPoint?
Timing: Learning Experiences:

12 mins (in Introduction:

Reading for 10 minutes
and reading)

10 mins Social issues brainstorm.

- Canva presentation.

10-12 mins
Students will select their social issue for their task.
- They must have an issue selected and APPROVED by the end of the lesson.
- Choose from brainstorm from the previous day which I will turn into a slide on Canva.

Once social issues have been selected, we will go over the structure of introductions and how
5-10 mins
to make them effective.
- Canva presentation.

15 mins Begin writing the introductions for their speech.

- Think of effective persuasive techniques to use in an introduction.
- Quick brainstorm (2-4 mins) before they begin, on techniques, to ensure they
understand what they are and WHY they are effective.
Management of behaviour:
Low key strategies such as proximity and eye contact throughout the lesson.
Calling on students by name.
I will also be sure to remind the louder students to be respectful of their classmates and try
and select quieter students for their input.
Move students if they are being too loud or disruptive.

Lesson conclusion:
Question the class:
2-3 mins
- What is put into the introduction of a persuasive speech?
- What makes a speech persuasive?
- What is a contention?

Lesson Evaluation:
The social issues went over time. It took the entire lesson for us to get through social issues, but most students
have selected their social issue and can begin working on their presentations. Those who had finished early were
encouraged to begin researching their chosen topic.

All issues had to be approved before students could begin working on them. It was difficult to keep them on task
during this time. There was a lot of off topic talking.

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