PASSFAIL Checklist Computer
PASSFAIL Checklist Computer
PASSFAIL Checklist Computer
Title of Project/Program/Activity:
Bid Ref. #:
Bidder 2:
Bidder 3:
Bidder 4:
Bidder 5:
Bidder 1:
ENVELOPE 1: Eligibility Technical Components Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail
Class “A” Documents
I. PhilGEPS Platinum Membership (if not yet a platinum
member, kindly refer to GPPB Circular 07-2017 posted at
GPPB website
II. Statement of all its ongoing government and private
contracts, including contracts awarded but not yet
started, if any, whether similar or not similar in nature
and complexity to the contract to be bid
a. name of the contract;
b. date of the contract;
c. contract duration;
d. owner’s name and address;
e. kinds of Goods
f. amount of contract and value of outstanding
g. date of delivery; and
h. end user’s acceptance or official receipt(s) or sales
invoice issued for the contract, if completed, which
shall be attached to the statements.
III. Statement of the Bidder’s SLCC similar to the contract to
be bid within the relevant period
a. name of the contract;
b. date of the contract;
c. contract duration;
d. owner’s name and address;
e. kinds of Goods
f. amount of completed contracts, adjusted by the
Bidder to current prices using PSA’s consumer price
index, if necessary for the purpose of meeting the
SLCC requirement
g. date of delivery; and
h. end user’s acceptance or official receipt(s) or sales
invoice issued for the contract, if completed, which
shall be attached to the statements.
IV. NFCC Computation or Committed Line of Credit
Class “B” Documents
V. If applicable, the Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) in case
the joint venture is already in existence, or duly
notarized statements from all the potential joint venture
partners in accordance with Section 23.1(b) of the IRR.
In the absence of a JVA, duly notarized statements from
all the potential joint venture partners should be
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included in the bid, stating that they will enter into and
abide by the provisions of the JVA in the event that the
bid is successful
Bidder 1 Bidder 2 Bidder 3 Bidder 4 Bidder 5
Technical Documents Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail
Bid Security or Bid Securing Declaration Form
a. Cashier’s Manager Check (2% of ABC)
b. Surety Bond (5% of ABC)
c. Bid Securing Declaration Form
Completed and Signed Technical Bid Form
Warranty from the supplier that the Goods/Supplies under
the contract is new, unused of the most recent or current
model; have no defect arising from design; materials and
Production/Delivery Schedule
Conformity with technical specifications, as enumerated
and specified in Sections VI and VII of the Bidding
Certified True Copy of Certificate of
Distributorship/Dealership of particular brand (s) to be
offered by the company (if the supplier is not the
Downloadable copy of Invitation to Bid from the PhilGEPS
Duly Signed Certificate of Product Warranty not less than
one (1) year from the date of acceptance
Importer’s Clearance Certificate from BIR or accreditation
from BOC.
Omnibus sworn statement
1. Signatory according to nature of business
2. Authority of the designated representative
3. Non-inclusion in blacklist
4. Authenticity of documents
5. Verification authority
6. Disclosure of no relations
7. Labor laws and standards
8. Responsibilities of bidders
9. Non-payment (directly or indirectly) any
commission, amount, fee, or any form of
consideration in relation to any procurement
project or activity
Financial Bid Form duly filled-up and signed
Bid amount reading
BAC Signature:
Chairperson, Bids and Awards Committee
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