Asset ID Post Rehab TV WO Rehabilitate Gravity Main WO Number of Service Connections
Asset ID Post Rehab TV WO Rehabilitate Gravity Main WO Number of Service Connections
Asset ID Post Rehab TV WO Rehabilitate Gravity Main WO Number of Service Connections
This project is within the CIP project area for the Wyoming and Minion Avenues Sewer
Separation project (CIP #11240030), however, the CIP project will not directly effect the
recommendation to line made at this time.
Segment crosses under multiple railroad tracks in Union Terminal. May need to structural grout
crown of pipe over entire length
Segment crosses under multiple railroad tracks in Union Terminal. May need to structural grout
crown of pipe from 0-184'. There is also some infiltration along the brick section and some more
after the material change @ 184'.
Segment crosses under multiple railroad tracks in Union Terminal. May need to structural grout
crown of pipe over entire length
Segment is on UC Campus and should be performed in summer. Infiltration - Weeper @ 371'.
Fracture Longitudinal almost the entire segment.
Segment is on UC Campus and should be performed in summer.
Segment is on UC Campus and should be performed in summer.Deposits attached encrustation
@ (248',254')
Segment is on UC Campus and should be performed in summer.Deposits attached encrustation
@ (147',151',169',208')
Segment is on UC Campus and should be performed in summer. Hole in Pipe @ 39'
There is wall loss throughout, with the invert being in the worst condition. May need to grout
invert prioir to lining.
Deposits attached encrustation @ (5',468'). Infiltration Dripper @ 375'
H2S corrosion in the upper part of the pipe throughout most of the segment length and some
exposure of reinforcing steel.
Contractor may need to grout prior to lining to stop any infiltration and/or fill any voids.
Contractor may need to use Water cured due to the bend in this segment.
Contractor may need to grout prior to lining to stop any infiltration and/or fill any voids.
Contractor may need to grout prior to lining to stop any infiltration and/or fill any voids.
Segment will need to be cleaned prior to lining to ensure the attached encrustations are
removed. They are located at the following locations: @ (12.2', 30.3', 81.8', 89.1', 101.8', 107.6',
189.9', & 219.6')