Facial Injury
Facial Injury
Facial Injury
Facial injuries
Eduardo D. Rodriguez, Amir H. Dorafshar, and Paul N. Manson
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Historical perspective 47.e1
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48 SECTION I CHAPTER 3 • Facial injuries
Fig. 3.2 Palpation of the superior and inferior orbital rims. (A) The superior orbital
rims are palpated with the pads of the fingertips. (B) Palpation of the inferior orbital
rims. One should feel for discontinuity and level discrepancies in the bone of the
rim and evaluate both the anterior and vertical position of the inferior orbital rims,
comparing the prominence of the malar eminence of the two sides of the face.
Fig. 3.5 With the head securely grasped, the midface is assessed for movement
by grasping the dentition. Loose teeth, dentures, or bridgework should not be
confused with mobility of the maxilla. Le Fort fractures demonstrate, as a rule, less
Fig. 3.3 An intraoral examination demonstrates a fracture, a gingival laceration, mobility if they exist as large fragments, and especially if they are a “single
and a gap in the dentition. These alveolar and gingival lacerations sometimes fragment”, than do lower Le Fort fractures. More comminuted Le Fort fractures
extend along the floor or roof of the mouth for a considerable distance. demonstrate extreme mobility (“loose” maxillary fractures).
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Upper facial fractures 49
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50 SECTION I CHAPTER 3 • Facial injuries
through the anterior ethmoidal air cells to exit adjacent to the thoroughly stripped, even into the recesses of the sinus, and
ethmoidal infundibulum. Blockage of the NFOT prevents the NFOT occluded with well-designed “formed-to-fit” cal-
adequate drainage of the normal mucosal secretions and varial bone plugs or calvarial bone particulate grafting mate-
predisposes to the development of obstructive epithelial lined rial (Fig. 3.6). If most of the posterior bony wall is intact, the
cysts or mucoceles. Mucoceles may also develop when islands entire frontal sinus cavity may be filled with cancellous bone.
of mucosa are trapped by scar tissue within fracture lines and The iliac crest provides a generous source of rich cancellous
attempt to grow after the injury, producing a mucus mem- bone.32 Formerly, the cavity was left vacant to heal by a slow
brane lined obstructed cystic structure.23 process called “osteoneogenesis”, filling slowly with a combi-
The sinus is completely obliterated only when it is deprived nation of bone and fibrous tissue. However, the incidence of
of its lining and when the bone is burred, eliminating the infection is higher by comparison to filling the empty cavity
foramina of Breschet24 where mucosal ingrowth occurs along with cancellous bone graft.33
veins in the walls of the sinuses. Regrowth of mucosa can also If the posterior table is missing, grafting may be performed
occur from any portion of the frontal sinus, especially if for localized defects, but it is always emphasized that the floor
incompletely debrided. The reported average interval between of the anterior cranial fossa should be reconstructed with
the primary injury and development of frontal sinus mucocele bone. For large defects, a process called cranialization is
is 7.5 years. selected, where the posterior wall of the frontal sinus is
removed, effectively making the frontal sinus a part of the
intracranial cavity. The “dead space” may be filled with can-
Radiography cellous bone or left open. Any communication with the nose
Frontal bone and sinus fractures are best demonstrated using by the NFOT or with the ethmoid sinuses should be sealed
CT Scans.25 Hematomas or air fluid levels in the frontal sinus with carefully designed bone grafts or bone graft particulate
may be visualized as well as potential injuries to the NFOT. material after debridement. The orbital roof should be recon-
Persisting air-fluid levels imply the absence of NFOT function structed primarily by thin bone grafts placed external to the
as do displaced fractures in the medial floor of the frontal orbital cavity. An intracranial exposure is often preferred for
sinus. large defect orbital roof reconstruction.
The use of a galeal flap in the treatment of extensive frontal
bone defects designed with a pedicle of the supraorbital and
Surgical treatment supratrochlear artery or with the superficial temporal artery
The best technique of exposure in major fractures involving is recommended for vascularized soft tissue obliteration of
the frontal bone is the coronal incision. This allows a combined “dead space”.
intracranial and extracranial approach to the anterior cranial
fossa which provides visualization of all areas, including Complications
repair of dural tears, debridement of any necrotic sections of
frontal lobe, and repair of the bone structures. Complications of frontal bone and sinus fractures include:
Frontal sinus fractures should be characterized by describ- 1. CSF fluid rhinorrhea
ing both the anatomic location of the fractures and displace- 2. Pneumocephalus and orbital emphysema
ment. The indications for surgical intervention in frontal sinus 3. Absence of orbital roof and pulsating exophthalmos
fractures include depression of the anterior table, radiographic 4. Carotid–cavernous sinus fistula
demonstration of involvement of the NFOT with presumed
future non-function, obstruction of the NFOT with persistent
air-fluid levels, mucocele formation, and fractures of the
posterior table which may have lacerated the dura.26,27 Some Orbital fractures
authors recommend exploration of any posterior table fracture Orbital fractures may occur as isolated fractures of the
or any fracture in which an air-fluid level is visible. Others internal orbit (also called “pure”) or may involve both the
have a more selective approach, exploring posterior wall internal orbit and the orbital rim (also called “impure”)34,35
fractures only if their displacement exceeds the width of the (Fig. 3.7).
posterior table, a distance suggesting simultaneous dural
laceration.28,29 Simple linear fractures of the anterior and
posterior sinus walls which are undisplaced are safely
Surgical anatomy of the orbit
observed. The orbits are conceptualized in thirds progressing from
Any depressed frontal sinus fracture of the anterior wall anterior to posterior. Anteriorly, the orbital rims consist of
potentially requires exploration and wall replacement to thick bone. The middle third of the orbit consists of thin bone,
prevent contour deformity. Most of these patients have no and the bone structure thickens again in the posterior portion
compromise of NFOT function; however, those that do will of the orbit. The orbital bone structure is thus analogous to a
have fractures of the medial floor of the sinus. If sinus drain- “shock-absorbing” device in which the middle portion of the
age is compromised, the sinus should be defunctionalized. orbit breaks first, followed by the rim, both absorbing energy
The anterior wall of the sinus may be explored by an appro- and protecting the poster third from displacement and the
priate local laceration or a coronal incision, or more recently globe from rupturing.
endoscopic drainage and elevation have been recommended The optic foramen is situated at the junction of the lateral
for simpler fractures. Anterior wall fragments are elevated and medial walls of the orbit posteriorly and is well above the
and plated into position. If it is desired that the NFOT30,31 and horizontal plane of the orbital floor. The foramen is located
sinus be obliterated because of involvement, the mucosa is 40–45 mm behind the inferior orbital rim.
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Orbital fractures 51
Fig. 3.6 (A) Nasofrontal outflow tract (NFOT). (B) Bone plug for NFOT. (C) Bone obliteration of frontal sinus.
(D) “Back table” surgery for bone replacement. (E) Bone reconstruction and cranialization of the frontal sinus; F
intracranial neurosurgery. (F) Postoperative result.
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52 SECTION I CHAPTER 3 • Facial injuries
Fig. 3.7 (A) Mechanism of blow-out fracture from displacement of the globe itself
into the orbital walls. The globe is displaced posteriorly, striking the orbital walls
and forcing them outward, causing a “punched out” fracture the size of the globe.
(B) “Force transmission” fracture of orbital floor.
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Orbital fractures 53
Cutaneous exposures
A number of incisions have been employed to approach the
Fig. 3.9 Blow-out fracture in a child produced by a snowball. Note the nearly orbital floor:
complete immobility of the ocular globe and the enophthalmos. Such severe loss of 1. Inferior lower eyelid incision. These have the least
motion implies actual muscle incarceration, an injury that is more frequent in incidence of lower eyelid ectropion of any lid incision
children than in adults. This fracture deserves immediate operation with release of location but tend to generate the most noticeable scar
the incarcerated extraocular muscle system. It is often accompanied by pain on
attempted rotation of the globe and sometimes nausea and vomiting. These
and are prone to lymphedema.47–49
symptoms are unusual in orbital floor fractures without true muscle incarceration. 2. Subciliary skin muscle flap incision. This incision near
the upper margin of the lid leaves the least conspicuous
scar of any cutaneous incision.50,51 However, they are
inferior rectus muscle, children more frequently “scissor” or prone to have the highest incidence of lid retraction
capture the muscle directly in the fracture site, as the springy (scleral show and ectropion). The mid-lid variation has
bone of children recoils faster than the entrapped soft tissue, less ectropion but more obvious scar if taken lateral to
pinning the muscle. This may be suggested on physical the pupil, and more edema.
examination with near immobility of the eye when upgaze is 3. Transconjunctival incision. A preseptal or retroseptal
attempted on the affected side, pain with attempted eye dissection plane can be established. There is no
motion, as well as nausea, vomiting, and presence of an cutaneous lid scar unless a lateral canthotomy is
oculocardiac reflex, which consists of nausea, bradycardia, utilized.
and hypotension (Fig. 3.9). Trapdoor fractures with actual
muscle incarceration is an urgent situation that demands
immediate release of the incarcerated muscle to preserve its Surgical technique
perfusion.40–42 Most practitioners emphasize that a better Generally, a corneal protector is placed over the eye to protect
prognosis occurs if the muscle is released early, although more the globe and cornea from instruments, retractors, or rotating
recently it has been suggested that appropriate surgical tech- drills. The inferior rectus muscle, the orbital fat, and any
nique is more important than the timing of release per se.43 orbital soft tissue structures should be carefully dissected free
from the areas of the blow-out fracture. Intact orbital floor
Surgical treatment must be located around all the edges of the fracture, and any
The surgical treatment of orbital fractures has three goals: displaced “blow-out” soft tissue gently released from the
1. Disengage entrapped structures and restore ocular The fracture may be made larger permitting easier removal
rotatory function. of incarcerated soft tissue. The floor must be explored suffi-
2. Replace orbital contents into the usual confines of the ciently posteriorly that intact orbital floor beyond the defect
normal bony orbital cavity, including restoration of both is confirmed. This “ledge” is frequently the orbital process of
orbital volume and shape. the palatine bone, 35–38 mm posterior to the rim. Placing a
3. Restore orbital cavity walls, which in effect replaces the freer into the maxillary sinus, one may locate the back of the
tissues into their proper position and dictates the shape sinus and move it superiorly to verify the position of the
into which the soft tissue can scar. “ledge” which will be felt as a projection from the back wall
of the sinus. The “ledge” may be verified on sagittal CT scan
The timing of surgical intervention images.52,53 The “ledges” in fracture treatment are landmarks
with which implant material should be aligned to re-establish
In isolated blow-out fractures, it is not necessary to operate an anatomic orbital shape and volume.
immediately unless true muscle incarceration is present. In
the presence of significant edema, retrobulbar hemorrhage,
optic nerve injury, retinal detachment, or other significant
The forced duction test
globe injuries, such as hyphema, it is advisable to wait a Limitation of forced rotation of the eyeball (the “forced
number of days until stability of ocular condition is duction” test or the “eyeball traction” test) (Fig. 3.10) provides
confirmed. a means of differentiating entrapment of the extraocular
Significant orbital fractures are best treated by early surgi- muscles from muscle weakness, paralysis, or contusion. The
cal intervention. The authors firmly believe that the earlier forced duction test should be performed for initial diagnosis,
significant orbital volume change or functional muscle and then 1) before dissection; 2) after dissection; 3) after the
derangement can be corrected, the better the final aesthetic insertion of each material used to reconstruct the orbital wall;
and functional result. 4) just prior to closure of the incisions. It is crucial that these
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54 SECTION I CHAPTER 3 • Facial injuries
Fig. 3.10 The forced duction test. Forceps grasp the ocular globe at the insertion
of the inferior rectus muscle, which is approximately 7–10 mm from the limbus. A
drop of local anesthetic instilled into the conjunctival sac precedes the procedure.
Inorganic implants
The inorganic implant offers the reconstruction of the orbital
floor without an additional operation for bone graft harvest.
Titanium mesh alone or titanium mesh with polyethylene
may be easily utilized for larger defects.
The incidence of late infection with any technique is less
than two percent, and displacement should not occur if the
material has been properly anchored. Rarely, artificial or bone
graft materials exposed to the sinus may not re-mucosalize,
and may be responsible for recurrent cellulitis.
Postoperative care B
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Orbital fractures 55
incarcerated orbital contents from a fracture, where tearing of the globe position has been stabilized by enophthalmos
the muscle occurs. correction.
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56 SECTION I CHAPTER 3 • Facial injuries
Fig. 3.12 Frontal impact nasal fractures are classified by degrees of displacement, as are lateral fractures. (A) Plane I frontal impact nasal fracture. Only the distal ends of
the nasal bones and the septum are injured. (B) Plane II frontal impact nasal fracture. The injury is more extensive, involving the entire distal portion of the nasal bones and
the frontal process of the maxilla at the piriform aperture. The septum is comminuted and begins to lose height. (C) Plane III frontal impact nasal fractures involve one or
both frontal processes of the maxilla, and the fracture extends to the frontal bone. These fractures are in reality nasoethmoidal orbital fractures because they involve the
lower two-thirds of the medial orbital rim (central fragment of the nasoethmoidal orbital fracture), as well as the bones of the nose.
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Midfacial fractures 57
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58 SECTION I CHAPTER 3 • Facial injuries
rhinoplasty is expected for correcting deviation, irregularity, may be required, and in many patients turbinate outfracture,
loss of nasal height, or nasal airway obstruction. or partial resection of enlarged turbinates, may simultane-
ously be advisable.
Synechiae may form between the septum and the turbinates
Complications of nasal fractures in areas where soft tissue lacerations occur and the tissues are
Hematomas of the nasal septum, while uncommon, may in contact. These may be treated by division and placement
result in subperichondrial fibrosis and thickening with partial of a Doyle splint between the cut surfaces for a period of 10–14
nasal airway obstruction. The septum in these cases may be days.
as thick as 1 cm in areas and may require trimming. In the Obstruction of the nasal vestibule may occur as a result
case of repeated trauma, the cartilages of the septum may be of malunited fractures of the pyriform margin, especially if
largely replaced with calcified or chondrified material. Sub- displaced and telescoped medially, or from overlap or lateral
mucous resection of thickened portions of the nasal septum displacement of the nasal septum into the ipsilateral airway.
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Midfacial fractures 59
Surgical pathology
The bones that form the skeletal framework of the nose
are projected backward between the orbits when subjected
to strong traumatic forces. These bones form the junction
between the cranial, orbital, and nasal cavities. A typical cause
of a nasoethmoidal orbital fracture is a blunt impact applied
over the upper portion of the bridge of the nose producing a
crush in the upper central midface. The severity of the impact
or penetrating injuries may burst the soft tissues, producing
an open, compound, comminuted injury. When displacement
of the upper nose and anterior frontal sinus occur, no further
resistance is offered by the delicate “matchbox-like” structures
of the interorbital space; indeed, these structures “collapse
and splinter”.
Interorbital space
The term “interorbital space” designates an area between the
orbits and below the floor of the anterior cranial fossa. The
“interorbital space” contains two ethmoidal labyrinths, one
B on each side, and consists of the ethmoidal cells, the superior
and middle turbinates, and a median thick plate of septal
Fig. 3.15 (A) Preoperative and (B) postoperative images of a 20-year-old male
bone and the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid.
who sustained a nasoethmoidal orbital fracture during a wrestling match.
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60 SECTION I CHAPTER 3 • Facial injuries
CT scans are essential to document the injury. The diagnosis
of a nasoethmoidal orbital fracture on radiographs requires at
a minimum four fractures that isolate the frontal process of
the maxilla from adjacent bones. These include (1) fractures
of the nose, (2) fractures of the junction of the frontal process
of the maxilla with the frontal bone, (3) fractures of the medial
orbit (ethmoidal area), and (4) fractures of the inferior orbital
rim extending to involve the pyriform aperture and orbital
floor. These fracture lines, therefore, define the “central frag-
ment” of bone bearing the medial canthal ligament as “free”
and, depending on periosteal integrity, may displace the
medial orbital rim. B
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Midfacial fractures 61
Fig. 3.17 (A) Frontal 3D craniofacial computer tomography scan of a type II nasoethmoidal orbital fracture injury pattern in a 23-year-old female who sustained craniofacial
injuries following being struck by a motor vehicle as a pedestrian. (B) Pre- and post-open reduction and internal fixation of midface fractures. (C) Postoperative frontal
photograph view of patient approximately 12 months from surgery.
nasal height and to provide smooth dorsal contour. The bone laterally and brought clearly into the surgeon’s view laterally
onto which the canthal ligament is attached (if comminuted) and next to the nasal bones, where its superficial position
may require replacement with a bone graft. allows turning of the fragment; in this position, drilling and
wire pass through the “central” fragment. Nasal bone frag-
ments can be temporarily dislocated or removed to permit
The importance of the “central fragment” in better exposure of the medial orbital rim segments. Removing
nasoethmoidal orbital fractures the nasal bones is especially helpful in passing a transnasal
First, identify and classify what is happening to the bone of wire from the posterior and superior aspect of one “central”
the medial orbital rim which bears the medial canthal liga- fragment (medial orbital rim canthal bearing bone fragment)
ment as there is a direct relationship between surgical tech- to the other. The medial orbital rims are then replaced in
niques, simplicity of surgery, and outcome of the treatment. anatomic position and then linked with fine wires to adjacent
The most essential feature of a nasoethmoidal reduction is nasal and frontal bone fragments. Following the placement of
the transnasal reduction of the medial orbital rims by a wire two transnasal wires, one should pass one extra wire per side,
placed posterior and superior through the bone of the canthal for soft tissue reapproximation to bone. Junctional plate and
ligament insertion. The medial orbital rim with its attached screw fixation at the periphery of these reassembled frag-
canthal-bearing segment is first dislocated anteriorly and ments is employed after the initial interfragment wiring is
Fig. 3.18 (A) Frontal 3D craniofacial computer tomography scan of type III nasoethmoidal orbital and a Le Fort II type injury pattern in a 33-year-old who sustained
craniofacial injuries following being thrown off a motorcycle without a helmet. (B) Pre- and post-open reduction and internal fixation of midface and mandibular fractures.
(C) Postoperative frontal photograph view of patient 6 months from surgery.
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62 SECTION I CHAPTER 3 • Facial injuries
tightened. It should be emphasized that the transnasal reduc- zygomatic bone has a quadrilateral shape with several pro-
tion wires must be passed posterior and superior to the lacri- cesses that extend to reach the frontal bone, the maxilla, the
mal fossa in order to provide the proper direction of draping temporal bone (zygomatic arch), and orbital processes.
force necessary to create the preinjury bony position and
shape of the canthal ligaments. The transnasal reduction is not Physical diagnosis and surgical pathology of
a “transnasal canthopexy”, as it does not involve the canthal
ligament per se. It is a reduction only of the “central bony
zygoma fractures
fragment” of the nasoethmoidal orbital fracture. Although the zygoma is a sturdy bone, it is frequently injured
because of its prominent location. Moderately severe blows
Canthal reattachment are absorbed at the malar eminence and transferred to its
If the canthal ligament requires reattachment (the canthal buttresses. Severe blows may cause separation of the zygo-
tendon is rarely stripped from bone), the canthal tendon85 may matic body at its articulating surfaces; these high-energy
be grasped by one or two passes of 2-0 nonabsorbable suture injuries dramatically increase the width of the midface. As the
adjacent to the medial commissure of the eyelids through a zygoma is disrupted, it is usually displaced in a downward,
2–3 mm horizontal incision in the skin directly over the medial, and posterior direction, whereas high-energy injuries
canthal ligament.86 The 2-0 nonabsorbable suture is then displace the zygoma in a posterior and lateral direction
passed into the internal aspect of the coronal incision, and the because of disruption of the ligaments in addition to the
suture is then connected to a separate set of #28 transnasal fractures. The direction of displacement varies with the direc-
wires per side that have been passed transnasally superiorly tion of the injuring force and with the pull of the muscles,
and posteriorly to the expected position of the medial canthus. such as that of the masseter.
The transnasal canthal ligament wires are tightened only as Periorbital and subconjunctival hematomas are the
the last step after the bone reduction, and after medial orbital most accurate physical signs of the orbital fracture always
and nasal bone grafting are completed. Each set of canthal associated with a complete zygoma fracture. Numbness of
wires is tightened gently after a manual reduction of the the infraorbital nerve is a common symptom as well. The
canthus to the bone with forceps is performed, to reduce stress infraorbital nerve runs in a groove in the posterior portion
on the ligament by the canthal sutures. Each canthal reduction of the orbit and enters a canal in the anterior third of the
wire pair is then separately twisted over a screw in the frontal orbit, behind the infraorbital rim.90 It may be crushed in a rim
bone. fracture with medial displacement, as the fracture occurs in
the weak area of bone penetrated by the infraorbital foramen.
Direct force to the lateral face may result in isolated frac-
Lacrimal system injury tures of the temporal extension of the zygoma (zygomatic
Interruption of the continuity of the lacrimal apparatus arch) and the zygomatic process of the temporal bone in the
demands specific action. Most lacrimal system obstruction absence of a fracture of the remainder of the zygoma and its
occurs from bony malposition or damage to the lacrimal articulations.
sac or duct.87 The most effective treatment involves initial Medial displacement of an isolated arch fracture is usually
satisfactory precise repositioning of fracture segments to observed and may impinge against the temporalis muscle and
the bony part of the lacrimal system. If transection of the coronoid process of the mandible resulting in restricted man-
soft tissue portion of the canalicular lacrimal system has dibular motion. Fractures in the posterior portion of the
occurred, it should be repaired over fine silicone tubes with zygomatic arch may enter the glenoid fossa and produce
magnification.88 stiffness or a change in occlusion because of the swelling in
the joint or muscles. In high-energy injuries or gunshots, frag-
Complications of nasoethmoidal orbital fractures ments of bone can be driven through the temporal muscle and
The early diagnosis and adequate treatment of nasoethmoidal make contact with the coronoid process and precipitate the
orbital fractures achieves optimal aesthetic results with the formation of a fibrous or bony ankylosis, necessitating exci-
lowest number of late complications. Depending on the sion of the bone of the coronoid process and scar tissue as a
quality of initial treatment and the results of healing, further secondary procedure.
reconstructive surgery may be required in some cases. Late Fracture dislocation of the zygomatic body with sufficient
complications, such as frontal sinus obstruction, occur in less displacement to impinge on the coronoid process requires
than 5% of isolated nasoethmoidal orbital fractures where considerable backward dislocation of the malar eminence.
damage to the anterior frontal sinus walls has not occurred. Level discrepancies or step deformities at the infraorbital
Deformities and nasal functional impairment are late compli- margin can usually be palpated in the presence of inferior
cations, which can be minimized by early diagnosis and orbital rim displacement. The lateral and superior walls of the
proper early open reduction. The presence of a nasoethmoidal maxillary sinuses are involved in fractures of the zygoma, and
orbital fracture may be obscured by the swelling and escape torn maxillary sinus lining results in bleeding within the sinus
detection. After several weeks, nasal deformity and enoph- with unilateral epistaxis. The lateral canthal attachment is
thalmos are evident.89 directed towards Whitnall’s tubercle, located approximately
10 mm below the zygomaticofrontal suture, which is a shallow
eminence on the internal aspect of the frontal process of the
Fractures of the zygoma zygoma. When the zygoma is displaced inferiorly, the lateral
The zygoma is a major buttress of the midfacial skeleton. It attachment of the eyelids via the lateral canthal ligament
forms the malar eminence, giving prominence to the cheek, is also displaced inferiorly giving rise to an antimongoloid
and forms the lateral and inferior portions of the orbit. The slant of the palpebral fissure. The globe follows the inferior
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Midfacial fractures 63
displacement of the zygoma with a lower (inferior and lateral) entry of elevators into the orbit as the maxilla and zygoma are
position after fracture dislocation. Double vision is usually dissected. The infraorbital nerve is protected by the dissection
transient in uncomplicated fractures of the zygoma, which and is immediately seen after detaching the levator anguli
always involve the orbital floor. Diplopia may persist when oris muscle. The zygoma may often be reduced by placing the
the fracture is more extensive, especially if a fracture com- tip of an elevator in the lateral aspect of the maxillary sinus
minutes the inferior orbital floor. Diplopia may result from directly behind the malar eminence and levering the body of
muscle contusion, incarceration of perimuscular soft tissue or the zygoma first outward and then forward. Alternately, a
actual muscle incarceration (rare in zygoma fractures), or Carrol–Girard screw (Walter Lorenz Co., Jacksonville, FL) can
simply drooping of the muscular sling. be placed in the malar eminence through a percutaneous inci-
sion and manipulated. In gingival buccal sulcus approaches,
Anterior approaches after the reduction maneuver has been completed, zygomatic
stability depends upon an incomplete fracture at the zygo-
The anterior approach may be partial or complete and poten- maticofrontal suture. The floor of the orbit can be inspected
tially involves up to three incisions: (1) access to the zygomati- with an endoscope through the maxillary sinus. It is also
cofrontal suture; (2) access to the inferior orbital rim; and (3) possible to tell from a preoperative CT the degree of orbital
access to the zygomaticomaxillary buttress, anterior maxilla, floor comminution. Fractures with orbital floor comminution
and malar prominence. and significant displacement require an additional inferior
Twenty-five percent of complete fractures of the zygoma orbital approach.
are undisplaced or have such subtle displacement that they
do not benefit from an open reduction. Thirty-five percent of Fractures with zygomaticofrontal (Z-F) suture diastasis
fracture dislocations of the zygoma result in greensticked
fractures at the zygomaticofrontal suture, and these may be If the Z-F suture demonstrates diastasis, direct exposure of the
reduced with a gingivobuccal sulcus incision alone without suture permits stabilization through the lateral portion of an
exposure of the suture. Forty percent of fracture dislocations upper blepharoplasty incision (<1 cm) which is made directly
of the zygoma result in complete separation at the zygomati- over the Z-F suture 8–10 mm above the lateral canthus. Pal-
cofrontal suture, which may be palpable through the skin over pating the frontal process of the zygoma between the thumb
the upper lateral margin of the orbit. The latter fractures and index finger, the junction of the zygoma with the frontal
require exposure through an incision directly over the suture, bone can be marked precisely in eyelid skin. The incision
i.e., the lateral limb alone of an upper lid blepharoplasty. should be short and never progress laterally out of the eyelid
Orbital rim and orbital floor exposures may be necessary skin, as it will scar noticeably. Alternately, the Z-F suture may
based on the fracture patterns visualized on preoperative CT be approached through a laceration or by superior dissection
scans.91 from a subciliary or conjunctival lower lid incision by canthal
detachment. The inferior portion of the orbit may be
approached through a midtarsal, subciliary, or conjunctival
“Minimalist” approaches for fractures without incision. The conjunctival fornix incision produces the least
zygomaticofrontal suture diastasis cutaneous scarring, but the exposure may be restricted by fat
In this approach, the gingivobuccal sulcus is opened and the prolapse. The treatment of a zygoma fracture has recently
anterior face of the maxilla and zygoma are degloved. The become quite specific and directed only at areas that require
infraorbital rim and infraorbital nerve are visualized from an open reduction for confirmation of alignment or for fixation
inferior direction. Palpation with a finger on the rim avoids (Fig. 3.19).
Fig. 3.19 (A,B) Frontal 3D craniofacial computer tomography scan of a right zygomaticomaxillary fracture in a 22-year-old male who sustained craniofacial injuries
following a sports-related injury, pre- and post-open reduction and internal fixation of the right zygomaticomaxillary complex and orbital floor fractures. (C) Postoperative
frontal photograph view of patient 3 months following surgery.
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64 SECTION I CHAPTER 3 • Facial injuries
Coronal incisions (posterior approach) include medial displaced isolated arch fractures and simple
large segment or single piece zygoma fractures in which the
Fractures with extreme posterior displacement and those with displacement is medial and posterior, without comminution
lateral displacement of the zygomatic arch often benefit from at the buttresses, and where the fracture at the Z-F suture is
the addition of a coronal incision. These represent 5% of iso- incomplete and nondisplaced. An elevator placed beneath the
lated zygoma fractures. The coronal incision allows exposure malar eminence allows the zygoma to be “popped” back into
of the entire zygomatic arch, roof of the glenoid fossa, the Z-F position. Palpation is the guide to reduction, such as the
suture, and the lateral orbital wall, which is the area that inferior orbital rim. The stability of closed reduction depends
confirms proper alignment and medial position of the zygo- on the integrity of periosteal attachments and principally
matic arch (Fig. 3.20). “greensticking” at the Z-F suture. The force of contraction
of the masseter muscle may act to create postoperative
Treatment of fractures of the zygoma Displacement at the Z-F suture93 comminution of the infe-
rior orbital rim or Z-M buttress and lateral displacement of
Closed reduction
the zygomatic arch and body are characteristics that were
Remotely, closed reduction techniques were employed for found to predict a poor result from closed reduction.
most zygomatic fractures. In practice, many fractures can be
treated reasonably with closed reduction, and especially
where cost is an issue, this treatment would have to be con- Buttress articulations and alignment for complete
sidered. Those fractures still amenable to closed reduction open reduction
Six points of alignment with adjacent bone may be confirmed
with complete craniofacial exposures: Z-F suture, infraorbital
rim, zygomaticomaxillary buttress, greater wing of the sphe-
noid, orbital floor, and zygomatic arch. The orbital floor may
require reconstruction with bone or artificial materials such
as Medpor or titanium mesh.
Methods of reduction
The first step that should be considered in complete open
reductions is passing an osteotome through the Z-F suture
after exposing it, mobilizing and thoroughly completing all
fractures. This step is the most neglected step in open reduc-
tion internal fixation (ORIF) of zygomas and routinely simpli-
fies the rest of the reduction.
Temporal approach
A temporal approach for the reduction of zygomatic fractures
was described by Gilles. An elevator is slipped along the
muscle behind the zygomatic arch or under the malar emi-
nence, depending on the areas of reduction required. A small,
2-cm incision placed vertically within the temporal hair heals
with an inconspicuous scar. The elevator must be placed deep
to the deep temporal fascia, visualizing the temporalis muscle.
The bone may be palpated with one hand to document the
accuracy of reduction, while the other hand guides the eleva-
tor into position and corrects the displacement by force
B application. Gentle elevation often “clicks” the arch into posi-
tion. Moving the elevator back and forth with repeated eleva-
Fig. 3.20 (A) Frontal 3D craniofacial computer tomography scan of a high energy
tion movements may disrupt the periosteum holding arch
orbito-zygomaticomaxillary complex injury in a 33-year-old who sustained
craniofacial injuries following a high speed motor vehicle collision. (B) Pre- and fragments together, and an open reduction is then required.
post-open reduction and internal fixation of the left orbital and zygomaticomaxillary The approach can also be used for reduction of the zygomatic
complex through anterior and posterior (coronal) approaches. body.
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Midfacial fractures 65
Fixation required to achieve stability Plate and screw fixation then unites the segments. In fractures
Several individuals have examined zygomatic stability fol- treated late, the masseter muscle may require division or
lowing open reduction. Rinehart and Marsh94 studied cadaver mobilization from the inferior surface of the malar eminence
heads and used 1, 2, or 3 miniplates and accessed stability of and arch in order to allow the bone to be repositioned supe-
non-comminuted zygoma fractures submitted to static and riorly. The masseter muscle contracts in the case of the malre-
oscillating loads to simulate the effect of the masticatory duced fracture and may block reduction. Fractures treated
apparatus on postoperative displacement. Neither single with delay are more safely treated with osteotomy than force-
miniplate nor triple wire fixation was enough to stabilize the ful mobilization by blunt forces, which may result in new
zygoma against simulated masseter forces; however, 3 mini- undesirable fracture lines radiating into the apex of the orbit,
plates were sufficient, which stabilized the Z-F, Z-M, and with cranial nerve injury (blindness).
infraorbital rim areas.
Del Santo and Ellis felt that Rinehart and Marsh overesti- Complications of zygomatic fractures
mated the postoperative forces that could be generated by the Bleeding and maxillary sinusitis
masseter muscle and suggested that stability with less than 3
plates would be possible, based upon actual human measure- Bleeding into the maxillary sinus is usually of short duration.
ments of bite forces after zygomatic fracture treatment.92 It is always prudent to irrigate blood clots from the antrum
and to remove bone fragments, which drop from the orbital
floor and sequester. Rarely, the ostea of the maxillary sinus
Surgical techniques for fixation following reduction
will be occluded by the fractures and require endoscopic sinus
The authors’ approach varies depending on the complexity of surgery. In those patients with pre-existing sinus disease,
zygoma fracture pattern and the extent of involvement of the acute exacerbation may be a complicating factor.
orbital floor, which can be assessed using preoperative CT
scan.95 Late complications
If there is minimal involvement of the orbital floor and
no diastasis at the Z- suture, the zygoma is approached Late complications of zygomatic fractures include nonunion,
intraorally at the zygomaticomaxillary buttress. It is reduced malunion, double vision, infraorbital nerve anesthesia or
using one of the techniques described above, and one plate hypesthesia, and chronic maxillary sinusitis. Scarring may
fixation technique is sufficient using an L-shaped plate at result from laceration or malpositioned incisions. Generally,
the zygomaticomaxillary buttress. If there is diastasis at the ectropion and scleral show are mild and resolve spontane-
Z-F fracture line, then a short (1 cm) upper blepharoplasty ously. Gross downward dislocation of the zygoma results in
incision exposes the Z-F fracture line, a portion of the lateral diplopia and orbital dystopia. Usually, more than 5 mm of
orbital wall, and the zygomaticosphenoid suture line. Here, inferior globe dystopia is required to produce diplopia. Treat-
the zygoma has its broadest articulation with the greater wing ment97 involves zygomatic mobilization by osteotomy with
of the sphenoid, and therefore direct visualization may be bone grafting to augment the malar eminence when malar
helpful in confirming anatomical reduction of the zygoma. projection is deficient. The position of the eye must be restored
Since one can only look through one incision at a time, the with intraorbital bone grafts or alloplastic material. Infection
use of temporary interfragment wire positioning at the Z-F is not common, and usually responds to antibiotics and sinus
fracture line while holding the zygoma into correct anatomi- or lacrimal drainage.
cal reduction at the zygomatic–sphenoid fracture line, inferior Impacted fractures of the zygomatic arch which abut the
orbital rim, and zygomaticomaxillary buttress allows relative coronoid process may result in ankylosis. A gunshot wound
positioning of the zygoma fracture. The zygomaticomaxillary is especially prone to this problem. If the zygomatic arch
buttress followed by the Z-F fracture line may then be plated cannot be repositioned, coronoidectomy through an intraoral
sequentially. route usually frees the mandible from the ankylosis and
In the authors’ experience, the judgment of whether to permits normal function. It is important that the patient vigor-
open the lower lid rests upon whether (1) there is a large ously exercise to preserve and improve the range of motion
orbital floor fracture component of the zygoma fracture that obtained, which may take 6 months.
requires replacement, or (2) there remains a significant step-
off at a comminuted inferior orbital rim following fracture Orbital complications
reduction. A lower eyelid transconjunctival incision without Orbital complications consist of diplopia, visual loss, globe
lateral canthoplasty allows reduction and fixation with a low injury, enophthalmos or exophthalmos, and lid position
profile inferior orbital rim plate +/− an orbital floor plate. abnormalities.
Periosteal resuspension of the lower eyelid and cheek is criti-
cally important should eyelid exposure be utilized.96 Numbness
Persistent anesthesia or hypesthesia in the distribution of the
Delayed treatment of fractures of the zygoma infraorbital nerve usually lasts only a short time. If total
Repositioning after two weeks frequently requires osteotomy anesthesia exists for over six months, it is likely that the nerve
of the fracture sites to mobilize the zygoma for reduction. is severely damaged or perhaps transected. If the nerve is
After the bone has been mobilized, an inspection of each impinged by bone fragments, especially in a medially and
fracture site should be conducted to remove any area of posteriorly impacted zygoma fracture, reduction or decom-
fibrous ankylosis or any proliferative bone, which was not pression of the infraorbital canal and neurolysis are sometimes
present originally, as its presence may prevent proper align- indicated. Bone spurs or constricting portions of the canal
ment. Rarely, resorption has occurred requiring bone grafting. should be removed so that the nerve has an adequate
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66 SECTION I CHAPTER 3 • Facial injuries
Plate complications
Complications include screw loosening or extrusion, plate Pterygomaxillary
exposure requiring removal, and tooth root penetration by buttress
screws. Prominent plates over the zygomatic arch are directly Fig. 3.21 The vertical buttresses of the midfacial skeleton. Anteriorly, the
due to associated soft tissue atrophy (temporalis) and to nasofrontal buttress skirts the piriform aperture inferiorly and composes the bone of
malreduction of the zygomatic arch laterally. Probably 10% of the medial orbital rim superiorly to reach the frontal bone at its internal angular
plates placed at the LeFort I level need to be removed for process. Laterally the zygomaticomaxillary buttress extends from the zygomatic
process of the frontal bone through the lateral aspect of the zygoma to reach the
exposure, non-healing wound, or cold sensitivity. Plate maxillary alveolus. A component of the zygomaticomaxillary buttress extends
prominence at the Z-F suture are due to inadequate soft tissue laterally through the zygomatic arch to reach the temporal bone. Posteriorly, the
closure and poor plate selection.98 pterygomaxillary buttress is seen. It extends from the posterior portion of the maxilla
and the pterygoid fossa to reach the cranial base structures. The mandibular
buttress forms a strong structural support for the lower midface in fracture
Midface buttresses treatment. This support for maxillary fracture reduction must conceptually be
achieved by placement of both jaws in intermaxillary fixation. The other “transverse”
The midface is a system of sinus cavities where certain thicker maxillary buttresses include the palate, the superior orbital rims, and the inferior
areas (or buttresses) provide considerable structural support. orbital rims. The superior orbital rims and the lower sections of the frontal sinus are
The important midface supporting skeleton consists of hori- also known in the supraorbital regions as the frontal bar and are technically frontal
zontal and vertical structural supports connected by thin bone and not part of the maxilla. (From Manson PN, Hoopes JE, Su CT. Structural
plates of bone. In fracture treatment, the thicker pillars are pillars of the facial skeleton: an approach to the management of Le Fort fractures.
anatomically reconstructed and repositioned to re-establish Plast Reconstr Surg. 1980;66:54.)
the preinjury facial bone architecture. The vertical supports
consist of the nasal septum in the midline and the nasomaxil-
lary, zygomaticomaxillary, and pterygoid buttresses (Fig. gestive of fractures involving the maxillary bone. The swell-
3.21). The nasomaxillary buttress extends along the pyriform ing is usually moderate to severe indicating the severity of the
aperture through the frontal process of the maxilla superiorly fracture. Malocclusion with an anterior open bite and rotation
to the internal angular process of the frontal bone. The zygo- of the maxilla suggest a fracture of the maxilla. The maxillary
maticomaxillary buttress extends through the bony mass of segment is frequently displaced downward and posteriorly,
the body of the zygoma and through the frontal process of the resulting in a class III malocclusion and premature occlusion
zygoma to the external angular process of the frontal bone. in the posterior dentition with an anterior open bite. On inter-
Posteriorly, the pterygoid plates provide posterior stabiliza- nal examination, there may be tearing of the soft tissues in the
tion of the vertical height of the midface to the skull base.99 labial vestibule of the lip or the palate, findings that indicate
The horizontal buttresses of the midface consist of the inferior the possibility of an alveolar or palate fracture. Hematomas
orbital rims and the associated orbital floor, the zygomatic may be present in the buccal or palatal mucosa. The face, after
arch and the palate at the level of the maxillary alveolus.100 several days, may have an elongated, retruded appearance,
the so-called “donkey-like faces” suggestive of a craniofacial
disjunction. An increase in midfacial length is seen.
Clinical examination
Inspection Palpation
Epistaxis, bilateral ecchymosis (periorbital, subconjunctival, The bone should be palpated with the tips of the fingers both
scleral), facial edema, and subcutaneous hematoma are sug- externally through the skin and internally intraorally. Bilateral
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Le Fort classification of facial fractures 67
palpation may reveal step deformities of the zygomaticomax- these teeth. The position of the teeth may be maintained by
illary suture, indicating fractures of the inferior orbital rims. ligating the teeth in the fractured segment to adjacent teeth
These findings suggest a pyramidal fracture of the maxilla with the use of an arch bar and interdental wiring technique.
and confirm the zygomatic component of a more complicated Fixation of the alveolar segment should be maintained for at
injury, such as a Le Fort III fracture. Intraoral palpation may least six to twelve weeks, until clinical immobility has been
reveal fractures of the anterior portion of the maxilla or frac- achieved.105
tured segments of the alveolar bone.
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68 SECTION I CHAPTER 3 • Facial injuries
Fig. 3.22 The Le Fort classification of midfacial fractures. (A) The Le Fort I (horizontal or transverse) fracture of
the maxilla, also known as Guerin fracture. (B) The Le Fort II (or pyramidal) fracture of the maxilla. In this
fracture, the central maxilla is separated from the zygomatic areas. The fracture line may cross the nose through
its cartilages or through the middle nasal bone area, or it may separate the nasal bones from the frontal bone
through the junction of the nose and frontal sinus. (C) The Le Fort III fracture (or craniofacial disjunction). In this
fracture, the entire facial bone mass is separated from the frontal bone by fracture lines traversing the zygoma
nasoethmoid, and nasofrontal bone junctions. (From Kazanjian VH, Converse J. Surgical Treatment of Facial
Injuries, 3rd edn. Baltimore MD: Williams & Wilkins; 1974.) C
maxillary segment from the superior cranial and midfacial eyes” and with a subtle malocclusion. The Le Fort III segment
structures. The fracture line centrally may traverse the nose may or may not be separated through the nasal structures. In
high through the upper nasal bones or low through the nasal these fractures the entire midfacial skeleton is incompletely
cartilages to separate superior cranial from midfacial struc- detached from the base of the skull (a “greensticked” fracture)
tures (Fig. 3.24). (Fig. 3.25).108 Treatment may be successful with arch bars and
elastic traction without open reduction.
Craniofacial dysjunction or Le Fort
III fractures Surgical technique
Craniofacial dysjunction may occur when the fracture extends
through the zygomaticofrontal suture and the nasal frontal Le Fort I level fractures
suture and across the floor of the orbits to effectively separate
all midfacial structures from the cranium. In these fractures, In fractures of the Le Fort I type, placing the patient in inter-
the maxilla is usually separated from the zygoma, but occa- maxillary fixation may occasionally be all that is necessary in
sionally (5% of Le Fort III fractures) the entire midface may the case of a minimally mobile and undisplaced fracture. In
be a large single fragment, which is often only minimally most cases, however, the Le Fort I level should be opened
displaced and immobile. These fractures present with “black through a bilateral gingival buccal sulcus incision and the
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Surgical technique 69
Fig. 3.24 Frontal 3D craniofacial computer tomography scan of a Le Fort II type
injury pre- and post-open reduction and internal fixation. Hemorrhage may be managed by carefully identifying and
ligating vessels in cutaneous lacerations, and by tamponade
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70 SECTION I CHAPTER 3 • Facial injuries
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Lower facial fractures 71
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72 SECTION I CHAPTER 3 • Facial injuries
Fig. 3.27 (A,C) The direction and bevel of the fracture line does not resist displacement due to muscle action. The arrows indicate the direction of muscle pull. (B,D) The
bevel and direction of the fracture line resist displacement and oppose muscle action. The direction of the muscle pull in fractures beveled in this direction would tend to
impact the fractured bone ends. (After Fry WK, Shepherd PR, McLeod AC, et al. The Dental Treatment of Maxillofacial Injuries. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific; 1942.)
(Fig. 3.27). The muscular forces on some fracture fragments displacement and permits light function. ORIF is especially
are opposed by the direction and bevel of the fracture line. appealing to patients because the teeth do not need to remain
Thus, in some fractures, the muscular force would pull the wired, which permits intake of soft foods, oral hygiene, and
fragments into a position favorable for healing, whereas an early return to work. These desirable aspects might not
in other fractures, the muscular pull is unfavorable and justify open treatment if external incisions are required which
separation of the fracture fragments occurs by action of would produce permanent scars.122
the muscular forces. Mandibular fractures that are directed
downward and forward are classified as horizontally favor- General principles of reduction and fixation
able (HF) because the posterior group of muscles and the The basic principle underlying all mandibular fracture treat-
anterior group of muscles pull in antagonistic directions, ment is superior and inferior border stabilization. The general
favoring stability at the fracture site. Fractures running from method of fracture fixation involves arch bar placement and
above, downward, and posteriorly are classified as horizon- the use of a superior border unicortical non-compression mini
tally unfavorable (HU). The bevel of the fracture may also plate. The inferior border is aligned and approximated by a
influence a displacement medially. If a fracture runs from stabilization plate. Comminuted fractures (Fig. 3.28) require
posteriorly forward and medially, displacement would take larger fixation plates and include fractures with “bone loss”
place in a medial direction because of the medial pull of and multiple fragments, where the plate itself bears the entire
the elevator muscles of mastication (vertically unfavorable, load of fixation across the fracture or missing bone (load
or VU). The fracture that passes posteriorly forward and bearing).
laterally is a favorable fracture because the muscle-pull tends
to prevent displacement. It is called a vertically favorable
fracture (VF).
Treatment of class II fractures
In class II fractures, teeth are present on only one side of the
Indications for ORIF of mandibular fractures fracture site, and these fractures require open reduction. This
type of fracture may occur in any portion of the horizontal
1. Favorable or unfavorable class I fractures where stability mandible but frequently is at the angle. The type and strength
is desired. of plate needed to control the non-toothbearing fragment and
2. Class II and class III fractures. displacement of the fracture will vary according to the direc-
3. Comminuted fractures. tion and bevel of the fracture and the position of the teeth,
4. Displaced fractures and those subject to rotation. surrounding muscles, and the absence of comminution.
5. Edentulous fractures.
6. The desire to avoid IMF in the postoperative period.
7. Combined fractures of the upper and lower jaws.
8. Uncooperative (head injured) patients.
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Lower facial fractures 73
Fractures at the mandibular angle can be treated using a Extraoral approach to open reduction
variety of techniques depending on the complexity of the
fracture pattern.123,124 For simple fractures at the mandibular The position of an external mandibular incision should always
angle, the authors’ preferred approach is with a Champy plate respect the location of the marginal mandibular branch of the
placed monocortically on the oblique ridge or superior border facial nerve (Fig. 3.29). The subperiosteal dissection technique
of the mandible. also respects neurovascular structures such as the mental
nerve. Careful subperiosteal dissection establishes the extent
and pattern of the fracture, confirming the impression given
Comminuted fractures from the CT. The fragments at the inferior border of the
Comminution negatively influences stability and generally fracture are aligned with clamps. The occlusal reduction
increases the degree of fracture displacement. Three to four should be checked at this point, and loose arch bar wires on
screws are utilized for fracture stabilization placed in non- the minor segment are tightened. IMF is then confirmed or
fractured bone on each side of the entire fracture defect. Upper established. Usually, a superior border plate is now utilized
and lower border plates are preferred in the horizontal man- at the upper border of the mandible and fixated with unicorti-
dible and two plates also in the vertical mandible where cal screws. The occlusion is again checked, alignment of the
possible. fractures re-confirmed, and a lower border plate and screws
applied. A larger plate may be utilized. Generally, a large plate
is initially “overbent” so that it stands 2–3 mm off the central
Class III fractures fracture site. Screw length may be determined by a depth
Class III fractures have no teeth on either side of the fracture. gauge, and bicortical placement is preferred. If a larger plate
Non-displaced, immobile fractures conceptually may be is used, as the bicortical screws are tightened, the overbent
treated by a soft diet with close follow-up. The majority of plate flattens itself against the outer border of the mandible
class III fractures, however, should be managed with rigid and reduces the lingual cortex properly. After the fixation is
fixation with superior and inferior border fixation. secure, any initial positioning wires are removed and the
Fig. 3.29 (A,B) Intraoperative photograph of comminuted mandibular fracture in a 23-year-old male
following attempted homicidal gunshot wound to the face pre- and post-open reduction and internal fixation
C via the extraoral approach using multiple miniplates. (C) Lateral 3D craniofacial computer tomography
postoperative scan following open reduction and internal fixation of comminuted mandibular fractures.
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74 SECTION I CHAPTER 3 • Facial injuries
musculature repaired. Care must be taken in suture placement bone ends. Load-sharing fixation relies on the impaction of
to avoid the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve, the bone on each side of the fracture to bear the majority of
which is located up to 1–2 cm below the inferior edge of the the functional load with the small plate holding the bone ends
mandible.125 The platysma muscle and the skin are closed in together with force.
layers, and a dependent drain placed. The cutaneous wound Locking plate and screw systems function as “internal
is closed in layers with subcuticular sutures to avoid suture external fixators”, achieving stability by locking the screw to
marks. the plate.128 The potential advantages of these fixation devices
are that precise adaptation of the plate to the underlying bone
Intraoral approach to open reduction is not necessary. As the screws are tightened they “lock” to
the plate, thus stabilizing the segments without the need to
Any fracture in the horizontal or vertical mandible is usually compress the bone to the plate. This makes it impossible for
amenable to an intraoral approach.126 the screw insertion to alter the reduction. This theoretically
This is the preferred exposure for any symphysis or para- makes it less important to have good plate bending, as non-
symphysis fracture and for non-comminuted angle fractures. locking, large plates must be perfectly adapted to the contour
The body region is also able to be reduced but may require a of the bone. Theoretically this hardware should be less prone
percutaneous trocar approach for drilling and screw place- to inflammatory complications from loosening of hardware
ment. In the intraoral approach, the fracture site is exposed since loose hardware propagates an inflammatory response,
through an appropriately placed mucosal incision. The inci- permits motion, and promotes infection.
sion is generally brought about a centimeter out of the sulcus
on the buccal aspect of the mucosa, and mucosal and muscular
layers separately incised. Champy or miniplate system
Mandibular fixation by the use of smaller “mini plates”, as
Selection of internal fixation devices for mandibular advocated by Champy, speeded exposure and was more toler-
ant for mandibular shape and occlusion versus more rigid
fractures: how much fixation is enough plate adaption as the screws were tightened.129,130 The mal-
Edward Ellis III123,127 clarified the issues regarding selection of leable plates minimized malreductions from “plate bending
internal fixation devices for mandibular fractures. Normal errors” common to stiff larger plates. This technique did not
bite forces must be initially countered by fixation devices; result in maximum rigidity achieved with the large plates but
however, patients who have sustained mandible fractures do was generally sufficient for required immobilization for many
not generate normal bite forces for months after the injury. fractures.
Rigid fixation is defined as internal fixation that is stable Small plates are more “user friendly” than more rigid
enough to prevent motion of the bony fragments under systems and rose in popularity to surpass the use of rigid
normal function. It has been recognized that absolute rigidity plate systems. Champy recommended two plates (upper and
of the bone fragments is not necessary for healing of the lower border) in the anterior (symphysis and parasymphysis)
fracture to occur under functional loading. Ellis believes portion of the mandible and a single plate along the superior
“functionally stable fixation” is not “rigid” but satisfies the border in the angle and upper border of the distal ramus (Fig.
goals of maintaining fragment alignment and permits healing 3.30). The need for additional fixation must be assessed care-
during limited active use of the bone. Ellis describes “load- fully, and this technique should be avoided in comminuted
bearing” fixation as sufficient strength and rigidity that the fractures and in the multiply fractured mandible. The tech-
device bears the entire loads applied to the mandible seg- nique can only be used where the bone at the fracture site is
ments during functional activities without impaction of the broad enough to be compressed by the plate to bear the
Fig. 3.30 (A) Three-quarter view of 3D craniofacial computer tomography preoperative scan on 16-year-old male who sustained a left mandibular angle fracture and right
mandibular parasymphyseal fracture following an altercation. (B) Intraoperative photograph of open reduction and internal fixation of left mandibular angle fracture using the
Champy technique. (C) Three-quarter view of 3D craniofacial computer tomography postoperative scan.
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Lower facial fractures 75
between the bone and the direction of the screw should bisect
a 90-degree angle from the bone in a plane parallel to the bone.
Antibiotic use
Intravenous administration of antibiotics perioperatively is
recommended especially in patients undergoing delayed
treatment, patients having long operations, patients with
badly contused soft tissue, where the fracture treatment is
delayed and where the tissues are heavily contaminated, and
where multiple intraoral lacerations are present.136,137 It benefits
patients who are medically compromised, have poor nutri-
tional status or systemic illness, or where local conditions of
poor dental hygiene, periodontal, or dental infections increase
B the chance of bacterial complications.
Fig. 3.31 (A) Placement of two horizontal lag screws to reduce and stabilize a Treatment principles of mandibular fractures
parasymphysis fracture using a trocar device. (B) Intraoperative photograph of open
reduction and internal fixation of mandibular symphyseal fracture using lag screws. 1. Establish proper occlusion.
(A, Courtesy of Synthes Maxillofacial, Paoli, PA.) 2. Anatomically reduce the fractured bones into their
normal position.
majority of the “load” of the fracture. The use of a brief initial
period of rest in IMF (1 week) is used by some practitioners
for soft tissue “rest” and provides an initial period of occlu-
sion where less stress is placed on the fracture and importantly
intraoral wounds and the soft tissue.
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76 SECTION I CHAPTER 3 • Facial injuries
3. Utilize fixation techniques that hold the fractured bone exposed must be debrided. Loose or infected teeth should be
segments in occlusion and normal position until healing removed. Fracture stability must be provided by removal of
has occurred. Open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) current fixation devices and reapplication of longer, stronger
can often permit limited function while healing is reconstruction plates, whose screw fixation of 3–4 screws in
occurring. healthy uninvolved bone outside the fracture area can be
4. Control infection. achieved. In the uncommon persistent infection, the surgeon
may wish to convert to external fixation removing all internal
fixation devices, but most cases may be stabilized with the
Complications after fracture treatment debridement and application of a long reconstruction plate.
Malocclusion No screws should be placed in an area of questionable bone.
Malocclusion is commonly the result of insufficient or inac- Serial debridement of devitalized bone and soft tissue may
curate initial alignment. Poorly applied or loose IMF is the be required to confirm the absence of infection and adequacy
commonest cause, and inadequate reduction, inadequate plate of debridement. Primary or secondary bone grafting is con-
size, length or strength, contour, or failure (loosening) of fixa- ducted when the soft tissue and local area have been cleared of
tion. The most common cause of screw loosening is overheat- infection by debridement, drainage, antibiotics, and mucosal
ing of the bone while drilling. Although subtle malocclusions closure.144
may sometimes be corrected by elastic traction, grinding the
occlusal facets of the teeth or orthodontics, any significant Condylar and subcondylar fractures
malocclusion requires refracture and/or osteotomy.
One must consider dislocation, angulation between the frac-
tured fragments, fracture override (which translates to ramus
Hardware infection and screw migration vertical length shortening), fracture angulation, and bone
Loose hardware generally creates soft tissue irritation, pro- gaps between the fragments. In children, growth consider-
ducing a foreign body response and infection requiring ations145 create a capacity for both regeneration and remodel-
hardware removal. Many times the fracture has healed and a ing which is not present in later years.146,147 Adults are capable
repeat osteosynthesis is not necessary. Migration of loose only of partial restitutional remodeling.
hardware into soft tissue away from the fracture site occasion- High condylar (intracapsular) fractures (head and upper
ally occurs.138 neck) are generally treated with closed reduction with a limited
(2 week) period of postoperative IMF, followed by early
Increased facial width and rotation of the mandible “controlled” mobilization utilizing elastics for re-establishing
Broadening of the distance between mandibular angles is occlusion in a rest position. Most neck and low subcondylar
produced by rotation of the lateral mandibular segments fractures with good alignment, reasonable contact of the bone
lingually at the occlusal surface of the teeth.139 The distance ends, and preservation of ramus vertical height without condy-
between the mandibular angles increases as the mandible lar head dislocation may be treated by IMF for 4–6 weeks, with
rotates, and the lower face widens. This rotation (aggravated weekly observation of the occlusion for at least 4 additional
by tight IMF and the presence of subcondylar fractures) pro- weeks after release of fixation in light function or guiding
duces a malocclusion (open bite) of the palatal and lingual elastics.148,149 Some shortening of the ramus height is almost
cusps of the molar dentition (which may only be visible from inevitable with a closed approach to condylar/subcondylar
a lingual location). A characteristic broadening and rounding fracture treatment,150–152 which may lead to a premature contact
of the face occurs, which is aesthetically and functionally in the ipsilateral molar occlusion and a subtle open bite in
undesirable. It cannot be treated by orthodontics and requires the contralateral anterior occlusion. Angulation between the
refracture.140 The use of a long, strong reconstruction (10–12 fractured fragments in excess of 30 degrees and fracture gap
hole) plate to keep the mandibular angles unrotated and the between the bone ends exceeding 4–5 mm, lateral override,
width of the mandible at the angles narrow is required. and lack of contact of the ends of the fractured fragments
should be a consideration for open reduction in mid or low
Non-union subcondylar fractures types (Fig. 3.33).153–157
Non-union and pseudoarthrosis are uncommon after plate
and screw fixation.141–143 Their presence may be masked in Edentulous mandible fractures
presence of rigid fixation. Plate removal may unmask a poor These fractures represent less than 5% of the mandibular
union, which requires re-fixation of the fracture after thorough fractures.158–160 Fractures commonly occur through the most
debridement at the site of poor fracture healing and possible atrophic portions where the bone is thin and weak. The body
bone grafting of the defect. is a common site for fracture, as compared to the angle and
subcondylar region in dentulous patients.161 Many fractures
Osteomyelitis are bilateral or multiple, and displacement of a bilateral
Soft tissue infection is common after mandibular fracture edentulous body fracture is often severe and a challenging
treatment, but true bone infection, osteomyelitis, is not. Local condition to treat. The fractures in the horizontal mandible
infection may almost always be managed with drainage may be closed or open to the oral cavity. Closed fractures
and antibiotics. The fixation must be confirmed as adequate demonstrating no displacement may be treated with a soft
and intraoral closure inspected, and any instability in the diet and avoidance of dentures; however, in these cases
fracture fixation noted and corrected. Less commonly, observation is critical to be sure that healing occurs within
devitalized soft tissue and bone fragments that are dead or several weeks without further displacement. In practice most
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Panfacial injuries 77
Fig. 3.33 (A,B) Lateral view of 3D craniofacial computer tomography on a 20-year-old female involved in a motor vehicle collision who sustained craniofacial injuries,
pre- and post-open reduction and internal fixation of a right mandibular subcondylar fracture via a retromandibular extraoral approach. Note that the patient also had a Le
Fort II type fracture that was treated with closed reduction and interdental fixation. (C) Lateral profile view photograph of patient 1 year postoperatively.
fractures are better treated with a load-bearing plate. The massive edema and soft tissue contamination and rigidity that
edentulous mandible is characterized by the loss of the alveo- follow these injuries. Early treatment is possible when other
lar ridge and the teeth.162 The bone atrophy may be minimal systems are not injured or are evaluated to exclude significant
if there is sufficient height (over 20 mm) of the mandibular instability. However, no matter how severely the patient is
body to ensure good bone healing. In cases with moderate injured, cutaneous wounds can be cleansed and closed, devi-
atrophy, the height of the mandibular body ranges from talized tissue removed, and the patient placed in intermaxil-
10–20 mm, and healing is usually satisfactory but not as lary fixation. This is the minimum urgent treatment of a
certain as if the height were greater than 20 mm. Small plates significant maxillary or mandibular injury and may always be
with few screws often fail, as there is insufficient bone to accomplished, despite the condition of the patient.
provide buttressing support for “load-sharing” fracture treat- Presently, a one-stage restoration of the architecture of the
ment. The plate must bear the entire load of the fracture, and craniofacial skeleton is the preferred method of treatment for
a large reconstruction (“locking”) plate with 3–4 screws per
side in healthy bone is recommended (Fig. 3.34). In cases
where the mandibular height is less than 10 mm (severe
atrophy) one can assume that the patient has a disease of
“poor bone healing”. Complications following edentulous
mandible fractures directly parallel the extent of mandibular
atrophy. Obwegeser and Sailer163 in 1973 documented that
20% of the complications in edentulous mandible fractures
were seen in the 10–20 mm mandibular height group, and
80% of the complications (i.e. poor or unsatisfactory bone
union) were experienced in cases demonstrating a mandibular
height less than 10 mm. Virtually no complications were seen
in fractures exceeding 20 mm in height. This experience
caused some authors164,165 to recommend primary bone graft-
ing for the severely atrophic edentulous mandible (less than
10 mm in height).
Panfacial injuries
Conceptually, panfacial fractures involve all three areas of the
face: frontal bone, midface, and mandible. In practice, when
two out of these three areas are involved, the term “panfacial
fracture” has been applied.
Fig. 3.34 Lateral view of 3D craniofacial computer tomography on a 64-year-old
Treatment of panfacial fractures edentulous female, with a history of osteogenesis imperfecta, who was referred for
treatment of a malunion of a left mandibular fracture. Postoperative open reduction
The optimal time and the easiest treatment of these injuries is and internal fixation using a load-bearing mandibular plate and iliac bone grafting
within hours of the accident, before the development of via an extra-oral approach.
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78 SECTION I CHAPTER 3 • Facial injuries
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Gunshot wounds of the face 79
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80 SECTION I CHAPTER 3 • Facial injuries
Fig. 3.37 (A,B) Frontal photographs of a 34-year-old male following a self-inflicted gunshot wound injury to the face demonstrating severe midfacial and mandibular
fractures. (C) Intraoperative photographs following open reduction and internal fixation of mandibular fractures using a load-bearing mandibular plate and a monocortical
miniplate fixation via an extraoral approach. (D,E) Frontal 3D craniofacial computer tomography scan of the patient pre- and post-open reduction and internal fixation of
midfacial and mandibular fractures. (F) Postoperative photograph 1 year following surgery.
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Gunshot wounds of the face 81
106. LeFort R. Etude experimentale sur les fractures de la machoire 129. Champy M, Lodde JP, Schmidt R, et al. Mandibular osteosynthesis
superieur. Rev Chir Paris. 1901;23:208, 360, 479. Original article by miniature screwed plates via a buccal approach. J Maxillofac
describing the various fracture patterns associated with traumatic Surg. 1978;6:14–21. Original article describing the use of monocortical
craniofacial injury. We associate the author’s name to the different types plates for the treatment of mandibular fractures; lines of osteosynthesis
of fracture patterns recognized. are defined.
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