4004R (Simplex Panel)
4004R (Simplex Panel)
4004R (Simplex Panel)
Maintenance Switch
IDC 1 Trouble
Zone 2 Zone 6 Trouble
Alarm NAC 1 Trouble DISCONNECT
Zone 3 NAC 2 Trouble
Zone 4 RAC 2 Trouble
• IDCs are selectable for cross-zoning or for activation
from a single detection input IDCs 2, 3, and 4
2 S4004-0002-1 3/2003
Programming Modes and Selection Choices
Sequence Programming Mode Description Choices
Cross-Zoned Combined Release
Single Hazard
Either Zone (RACs activate together)
Agent Release
Cross-Zoned Independent Release
Dual Hazard
Either Zone (RACs are separate)
1 Application Mode (9 choices) Cross-Zoned Combined Release
Single Hazard
Either Zone (RACs activate together)
Cross-Zoned Independent Release
Dual Hazard
Either Zone (RACs are separate)
Agent Release Single Hazard Cross-Zoned, NYC Abort (not UL listed)
2 IDC and SPM Circuit Style Class B/Class A or Style C
3 Automatic Release Time Delay 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, or 60 seconds
4 RAC Cutout Timer No cutout, 45 seconds, or 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 minutes
5 Manual Release Time Delay 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 seconds
UL Standard 864 listed Immediate or 10 seconds remaining
6 Abort Release Time Delay Not UL Standard 864 IRI abort (cross-zoned systems only), NYC abort, or
listed original release delay
7 NAC Coding (where selectable) Temporal pattern or 20 beats per minute (first cross-zone alarm)
No inhibit or one minute inhibit selected as: both on until silence, NAC 1 on until
8 NAC Operation
reset and NAC 2 on until silence, or both on until reset
9 Supervisory Latching Latching or non-latching
LED and tone-alert only, or with: NAC 2 also on; Aux Relay 3 also on; or both
10 Supervisory Notification
NAC 2 and Aux Relay 3 also on
ACK acknowledges status during RUN mode SYSTEM RESET restores the system to
and accepts selection during PROGRAM mode; ALARM SILENCE
normal during RUN mode and toggles
press and hold for 5 sec to perform LAMP TEST silences audible alarms
the selection during PROGRAM mode
3 S4004-0002-1 3/2003
Release Control System Reference Requirements (Continued)
Automatic Extinguishing Release Systems. 4. For FM Approved Automatic Extinguishing Release,
These systems automatically activate actuators for the secondary standby must be a minimum of 24 hours
release of a fire extinguishing agent (such as dry with 5 minutes of alarm.
chemical, water spray, foam, CO2, or Halon) in response 5. For FM Approved Deluge and Preaction Sprinkler
to fire detection device input. operation: IDCs must be Class A, wired to
UL and FM Extinguishing Release System Panels Listed/Approved devices; secondary standby capacity
must have a minimum of 24 hours of standby power. must be a minimum of 90 hours with 10 minutes of
Initiating devices must be Listed/Approved for the alarm; and the specified compatible Automatic Water
application, and may be wired either Class A or B. Control Valves/Actuator must be used. (Refer to list
Actuators must be electrically compatible with the control on page 5.)
panel circuits and power supplies, and are wired Class B 6. Power supply loading and wiring distances must be
to provide coil supervision. per Installation, Programming, and Operating
Instructions 579-354.
Deluge and Preaction Sprinkler Systems
automatically activate water control valves in response to 7. Battery standby must be selected for a minimum
fire detection device input. voltage of 23 VDC to ensure proper valve operation.
(Contact your local Simplex product representative for
UL requirements for Fire Alarm Systems Listed for additional battery selection information, reference
Automatic Release or Deluge and Preaction Sprinkler battery selection chart 900-012.)
Systems are the same as described above for Automatic
8. Maintenance Switches are required, one per RAC, to
Extinguishing Release Systems.
ensure that notification circuits dedicated for releasing
FM Approved requirements for Fire Alarm Systems operation can be properly disabled prior to service.
for Automatic Release of Deluge and Preaction Sprinkler Simplex Maintenance Switches provide a status
Systems require operation of specific compatible FM indicator lamp that requires separate 24 VDC wiring
Approved Automatic Water Control Valves, a minimum and activates when the circuit is disconnected.
secondary power capacity of 90 hours, and all circuits for
the automatic release initiating devices must be capable of Additional System Device Information
operation during a single open circuit fault condition
(Class A). 1. Abort Switches are available when abort operation is
required. When used, wire on Special Purpose
Deluge Sprinkler Systems employ open sprinkler Monitoring Circuits (SPMs) as Class A or Class B.
heads and provide water flow when the fire detection
system activates a common automatic water control valve. 2. Manual Release Stations are used for direct activation
They are used to deliver water simultaneously through all of the release actuators with the appropriate time delay
of the system sprinkler heads. This type of system is implemented by the fire alarm control panel.
applicable where the immediate application of large 3. Reference for additional information is listed on
quantities of water over large areas is the proper fire page 6.
Preaction Sprinkler Systems are similar to deluge Additional Information
systems except that normally closed sprinkler heads are This data sheet is a summary of the extensive operating
used and supervisory air pressure is maintained in the features and options available with the 4004R Release
pipe. Operation requires both an activated sprinkler head Control Panel. Complete details are covered in the 4004R
and an activated fire alarm initiating device. Installation, Programming, and Operating Instructions
manual (publication 579-354) shipped with each 4004R.
Release Control System Requirements Compatible system devices are listed on page 6.
1. Actuators are connected as two-wire, Class B For general information, refer to Factory Mutual Research
notification circuits with only one 24 VDC actuator Corporation (FMRC) “FMRC Approval Guide,” FM
per circuit (or two, 12 VDC actuators in series if Approval standard “Deluge Systems and Preaction
applicable) to ensure supervision. Systems.”
2. Coil Supervision Module, model 2081-9046, must be
PLEASE NOTE: Proper operation of release control
wired electrically before the actuator and located in
systems requires that the system design, installation, and
the actuator wiring junction box. (Refer to Installation
maintenance be performed correctly and in accordance
Reference Diagram on page 7.)
with all applicable local and national codes, and
3. For UL Listed and FM Approved Automatic equipment manufacturer’s instructions. No liability for
Extinguishing Release, actuators must be electrically total system operation is assumed or implied.
4 S4004-0002-1 3/2003
Expansion Modules and Accessories
Auxiliary Relay Module 4004-9860 provides four Maintenance Switch with Disconnect Indicator
additional relays. Dual hazard applications will require Lamp. Proper service of release appliance circuits
two modules for auxiliary relay operation. Each relay requires the ability to
module has a manual disconnect switch that controls securely disconnect the
relays 2 through 4. (Trouble Relay 1 is not controlled.) release circuit during
Relay outputs are required to be connected to a 15 A installation and NORMAL
maximum circuit breaker. (Relay specifications are maintenance. This 0
Activity abort occurs while the
PUSH AND HOLD switch is pushed and continues after
releasing the switch for the selected
Abort Release Time Delay. (See
illustration to the left.)
5 S4004-0002-1 3/2003
Specifications (Refer to Instructions 579-354 for additional information)
Power Ratings
Voltage Ratings 120 VAC, 60 Hz; 220/230/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, auto-select
AC Input
Current Ratings 2 A maximum @ 120 VAC input; 1 A maximum @ 240 VAC input
Power Supply 3 A maximum @ 25.5 VDC in alarm
Temperature compensated, capable of recharging batteries required for 90 hour
Battery Charger
standby and 10 minute alarm (contingent on auxiliary power load)
Standby Current 100 mA; with IDCs fully loaded, tone-alert silenced, trouble LED on, charger off
Standard Circuit Ratings (NOTE: Total DC current = 3 A maximum)
Notification Appliance Circuits (NACs) 2 A maximum @ 24 VDC, per circuit
Release Appliance Circuits (RACs) 2 A maximum @ 24 VDC, per circuit
3 mA maximum
Initiating Device
Circuits (IDCs) Alarm Current 60 mA maximum
Each IDC supports up to 30 detectors (smoke or electronic heat) and manual
stations as required; wiring distance is limited to 50 maximum
For Manual Release, Abort Switches, or Supervisory functions only; not for
detectors; wiring distance is limited to 50 maximum
Special Purpose Monitoring Circuits (SPMs)
Dual Hazard Application Abort Switches require a current limiting resistor of
1.2 k, 1 W, or an external Abort Supervision Module per SPM
Two outputs are available, continuous operation or resettable operation; combined
Auxiliary Power Output
output is 750 mA maximum @ 24 VDC
Auxiliary Relay Outputs
Contacts rated 2 A @ 30 VDC, selectable as N.O. or N.C. by jumper
(Trouble, Aux Relay 2, Aux Relay 3)
Wiring Connections for Above Circuits and
Terminals rated for 18 AWG to 12 AWG (0.82 mm2 to 3.31 mm2 )
AC Input
Auxiliary Module Ratings
Two circuits per module, rated same as circuits; not applicable to RACs (no
Class A Adapter Module 4004-9684
additional current required)
Relay Type Four relays with two outputs per relay; individually selectable as N.O. or N.C.
AC Ratings 7 A @ 120 VAC, rated for pilot duty @ 0.35 power factor
Auxiliary Relay Module
4004-9860 DC Ratings 5 A @ 30 VDC, rated for pilot duty @ 0.35 power factor
Module Current 12 mA standby; 70 mA with all four relays energized; @ 24 VDC
Wiring Terminals rated for 18 AWG to 12 AWG (0.82 mm2 to 3.31 mm2 )
2081-9046 Coil Supervision Module and 2081-9048 Abort Supervision Module (see page 7)
Construction Epoxy encapsulated
Dimensions 1-3/8” W x 2-7/16” L x 1-1/16” H (34 mm x 62 mm x 27 mm)
Wiring 18 AWG (0.82 mm2) wire leads, color coded
Coil Supervision Module Current Rating 2 A Maximum
Abort Supervision Module Resistance 560 Ω, 1/2 W
Environmental Ratings
Operating Temperature Range 32° to 120°F (0° to 49° C)
Operating Humidity Range up to 93% RH, non-condensing @ 100.4° F (38° C) maximum
6 S4004-0002-1 3/2003
4004R System Connection Reference
+ In -
DATE CODE: 519-958
Abort Supervision Module 2081-9048 Red Blk BLK SIM PLEX TIM E RECORDER CO. GARDNER M A. USA
Zone 2 Zone 6 Trouble
Alarm NAC 1 Trouble DISCONNECT
Zone 3
Trouble NAC 2 Trouble
Alarm RAC 1 Trouble
Zone 4 RAC 2 Trouble
Alarm Silenced Agent Released BEFORE
Supervisory Earth Fault
BATT ER Y ME TE RS Combined operation NAC
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 5 2.5 0 2.5 5
7 S4004-0002-1 3/2003
Mounting Reference Information
Box depth
4-1/4" (108 mm)
AC input
Battery Area
No conduit or wiring in this area
(Front view module placement reference showing NOTE: For semi-flush mounting, cabinet
mounting hole dimensions, optional Class A must extend 1-1/2" (38 mm)
adapter modules, and optional relay modules) minimum from wall surface
NOTE: A system ground must be provided for Earth Detection and transient protection devices. This connection
shall be made to an approved, dedicated Earth connection per NFPA 70, Article 250, and NFPA 780.
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