Feasibility Study On The Establish of Inland Catfish Farming Production
Feasibility Study On The Establish of Inland Catfish Farming Production
Feasibility Study On The Establish of Inland Catfish Farming Production
In Partial Fulfillment
Submitted by:
LORIN, Jemuel
MAGUID, Hamerhamsa
May 2019
investors on the cost benefit analysis of investing into this project. The project is about
establishing an inland cat fish farm in the potential area of Brgy. Apopong, General
The project would serve as facility to utilize the everyday resources in the form of
feed for inland catfish farm that usually ends up as cultural waste. On the other hand it
would generate employment for the local inhabitants and more over would possibly
cause cash inflow as well. Ultimately the investors would also smile to the bank at the
A total sum of 1,501,808.97 (One Million and Five Hundred One Thousand and
Eight Hundred Eight Pesos and Ninety-Seven Centavos) is required for this project, the
project would break even at the end of the third production cycle which is about one and
half year into the project; at the end of the 3 rd year the investors would have made a
total sum of 4,924,451.28 (Four Million and Nine Hundred Twenty-Four Thousands and
Four Hundred Fifty-One Pesos and Twenty-Eight Centavos) which is 30% return on
This project is environmentally friendly and the risk associated with it is low,
however, the project will be managed by seasoned practitioners in the industry with over
10 years’ experience in the field of Fish Farm production and Management, thus the risk
would be mitigated towards ensuring that the investors make above average returns on
their investment.
Table of Contents
2.2 Marketing..................................................................................................................5
5.0 Financials.....................................................................................................................9
Fish farming is an ancient practice that had been used for food purposes for
centuries. Australian, African and Asian regions were the historical fish breeding centers
since 6000 BC. The concept of inland aquaculture away from the seacoast and big
rivers was widely practiced in cerntral Europe during the middle ages. Inland fish
farming was started on commercial basis in 18 th century. Seth Green was the first to
practice commercial inland fish farming in 1864 at Caledonia (USA). It laid down the
foundation of commercial fish farming and people has started practicing it in other
countries like UK and Canada. During 19th century improvement in transportation made
fish farming more convenient and profitable business by targeting the adjoining market
Fish is an animal which lives and breathes in water. All fish are vertebrates (have
a backbone) and most breathe through gills and have fins and scales. Fish make up
Fish is a high protein, low fattening food that provides high range of health
benefits. The white fleshed fish is lower in fat than any other source of protein and
enrich in omega 3 fatty acids. Fish meat is medically recommended as a diet for human
body, it produced essential nutrients in significant amount which is required for healthy
body. Moreover, fishes are low in the bad fats commonly found in red meat, called
omega 6 fatty acids that make it even more favorable product as compare to red meat.
The primary raw materials used for fish farming are humus or cow dung, in
addition urea is added to enhance the water quality and enhance productivity for better
growth. Globally some artificial feeds such as fish meal are used for feeding purpose
but these are a bit expensive. Thus, the combination of both will be uses to achieve
effectiveness and efficiency of the feeds. Considering the fact that feed is one of the
major components that will determine the profitability or otherwise of the fish farm
Restaurants and
Pharmaceutical companies.
2.2 Marketing
The marketing of Fish follows the traditional channels of distribution. Generally, fish
are distributed in the market through middlemen and wholesalers. The role of
middlemen and wholesalers is to identify buyers and negotiate the price. Fish are
transported to the urban market and are sold to retailers. The time spent in getting fish
from the farm to the retail shop varies from area to area. Although collection and
handling of fish has improved with the use of loader vehicles, but it is an established
fact that greater the distance between the farm and consumer, more complicated will be
middlemen or consumer as per perishable nature of the product. The trick in marketing
is availability of current market information of fish supply and demand, which will
The approach that will be adopted here will be that of forward integration the
company will have her own marketing team that will source for the market and ensure
that the products are delivered to the customers. With this method the bottle neck
associated with middle men will be eliminated and the cost price of the product to the
Diversified demand of the product from the food industry and medicine.
Substitute’s availability.
Special consideration was taken in the identification and location of proposed facility. It
located at High-way Apopong in Prk. San Lorenzo Ruiz village a swamp area that is not
prone to flooding. The site has the following unique features that is conducive for fish
Located in a swamp.
The soil texture of the area is china clay soil which is the most preferred for fish
The PH of the water was found to be very good and will be favorable for fish
3.2 Human Resources.
Human resources capabilities are keys to the successful execution of this project, the
project team consists of people with relevant qualifications and experience in the field of
management and expertise is in fish farm. Detailed below are the list of the resources
o Masters in Aquaculture
o BS in Fisheries
o BS in Aquaculture
About 3 Farm attendants with over 5 years’ experience in fish farming production.
4.0 Legal Requirements.
The farm land has been purchased from the local village land owners; however, the
The project will require a total capital outlay of 10,310,000.00 (Ten Million Three
The working capital is for the production of 30,000 Tons of table six of fish with
The staff salary consist of 8,000 Pesos for 1 farm manager monthly and 3 farm
With the first seven months of operation this project requires the capital out lay to be
released as detailed in the cash flow analysis below. Thereafter the project will be
buoyant after the sales of the first production and it will be able to fund itself.
Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Balance B/f - - - - - - -
Investors Funds 5 9 1 1 1 3 9
Total Inflow 25 69 01 01 01 43 79
Out Flow
Startup cost
Land 27 -
Building/Infrastru 72,832.6
cture 4 -
Equipment/Machi 54,624.4
nery 8 -
Furniture/Fittings 4369.96 -
Construction of 72,832.6
10 ponds 4 -
Sub-Total 98 - - - - - -
Operating Cost
Stock - 96
Feed - 27 91 91 91 64 -
Farm 7,283.2
Sales expenses - - - - - - 53
Cash Flow
Balance - - - - - - -
5.3 Projected Profit and Loss for 3 Years.
Detailed below is the projected profit and loss account for 3years with the flowing
The Income is based on the sales of 1 ton @ 60 Pesos for the first and second
production and 63.75 Pesos and 67.5 Pesos for 3 rd, 4th and 5th, 6th respectively.
The sum of 38,062.5 is assumed for the bank charges – COT and VAT inclusive.
on on on on n n
Cost of Stock 6 6 22 2 8 8
Feeding 4 4 96 6 8 8
Cost of
Labor/overhead 43,699.58 43,699.58 5 50,982.85 58,266.11 58,266.11
Transport 87,399.1
Pond 14,566.5
Gross Profit 0 7 29 9 8 8
Depreciation 9) 9) 49) 9) ) )
Net Profit 1 9 41 1 0 0
5.4 Projected Balance Sheet for 3 Years.
Detailed below is the projected balance sheet of the project for the next 3 years showing
the status at the end of each production. The following can be deduced:
At the end of the 3rd production the project will break even, that is, the investors
At the end of the 3rd year (6th Production) the investors would have made a total
on n n n
.97 0 .44 71 21
from 1 1 0 0
By .39 9 .85 31 81
Cash 1,851,687.85 1,960,936. 1,960,936.
s 9 0 5
Net 2026850.35
.39 9 .85 31 81
back 8 4 0 81
From the facts and figures presented above the following can be concluded and
The project is viable and is environmentally friendly.
The project demonstrates the fact that the local community will be engaged
The Financials are okay, as the breakeven point for the project is very good and
The investor would start collecting back of their investment at the end of the first
The management teams that will be in charge of the project are well seasoned