ICD-10 Codes Used To Identify Adverse Drug Events in Administrative Data: A Systematic Review
ICD-10 Codes Used To Identify Adverse Drug Events in Administrative Data: A Systematic Review
ICD-10 Codes Used To Identify Adverse Drug Events in Administrative Data: A Systematic Review
▸ Additional material is ABSTRACT Adverse drug events that are encountered in clin-
published online only. To view Background Adverse drug events, the unintended and ical practice may vary substantially from those
please visit the journal online
harmful effects of medications, are important outcome observed in pre-market clinical trials.16 Reasons
amiajnl-2013-002116). measures in health services research. Yet no universally include differences in patient populations, treatment
1 accepted set of International Classification of Diseases indications (eg, off-label use), monitoring protocols,
Department of Emergency
Medicine, University of British (ICD) revision 10 codes or coding algorithms exists to duration of drug exposure and compliance between
Columbia, Vancouver, British ensure their consistent identification in administrative the clinical practice setting and the controlled envir-
Columbia, Canada
data. Our objective was to synthesize a comprehensive onment of clinical trials.6 16 17 Monitoring and
Department of Emergency set of ICD-10 codes used to identify adverse drug evaluating health outcomes that are associated with
Medicine, Vancouver General
Hospital, Vancouver, British
events. the way medications are used in clinical practice is
Columbia, Canada Methods We developed a systematic search strategy difficult, yet essential to understanding the ongoing
Centre for Clinical and applied it to five electronic reference databases. safety and risk–benefit profiles of medications, and
Epidemiology & Evaluation, We searched relevant medical journals, conference paramount to promoting their optimal use.
Vancouver Coastal Health proceedings, electronic grey literature and bibliographies Administrative databases, electronic health
Research Institute, Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada of relevant studies, and contacted content experts for records and disease registries contain a plethora of
Institut für Medizinische unpublished studies. One author reviewed the titles and health data that can be used to ascertain health out-
Informationsverarbeitung, abstracts for inclusion and exclusion criteria. Two comes in clinical practice. These data are generally
Biometrie und Epidemiologie, authors reviewed eligible full-text articles and abstracted inexpensive, readily accessible and have been col-
München, München, Germany data in duplicate. Data were synthesized in a qualitative lected without interfering in the delivery of care.
manner. Thus, data from these sources are more likely to
Correspondence to Results Of 4241 titles identified, 41 were included. We reflect the outcomes experienced by patients in the
Dr Corinne M Hohl, found a total of 827 ICD-10 codes that have been used in real-world clinical practice setting than the research
Department of Emergency
the medical literature to identify adverse drug events. The setting, provided that the outcomes are appropri-
Medicine, Vancouver
General Hospital, 855 West median number of codes used to search for adverse drug ately identified and coded.16
12th Avenue, Vancouver, events was 190 (IQR 156–289) with a large degree of Administrative databases worldwide, including in
BC V5Z 1M9, Canada; variability between studies in the numbers and types of the USA, increasingly use the International
[email protected] codes used. Authors commonly used external injury Classification of Diseases (ICD) revision 10 system
Received 1 July 2013 (Y40.0–59.9) and disease manifestation codes. Only two to classify diagnostic, health services utilization and
Revised 23 October 2013 papers reported on the sensitivity of their code set. death data. The ICD-10 coding dictionary enables
Accepted 27 October 2013 Conclusions Substantial variability exists in the coders to document adverse drug events in three
Published Online First methods used to identify adverse drug events in ways: (1) by documenting the medication that
12 November 2013
administrative data. Our work may serve as a point of caused an adverse drug event using ‘external injury
reference for future research and consensus building in cause codes’ (ie, Y40.0–59.9); (2) by documenting
this area. diagnoses that may be caused by a drug using
‘disease manifestation codes’ (eg, A04.7
Clostridium difficile colitis); and (3) by clustering
INTRODUCTION an external injury cause code indicating the
The use of prescribed medications has risen dra- drug-related etiology with a disease manifestation
matically in the past decades.1 In 2008, over 76% code indicating the patient’s diagnosis.18 Because a
of Americans older than 60 years reported ingest- large number of disease manifestation codes exist
ing two or more prescribed medications daily, and that might be adverse drug event related (eg, gastric
37% used five or more.1 Patients who use indicated ulcer), variation exists among health researchers in
medications appropriately can expect to derive the code sets and coding algorithms used to iden-
benefit. Yet, a significant proportion will experience tify adverse drug events coded in ICD-10.
adverse drug events, the unintended and harmful Our main objective was to synthesize a compre-
effects resulting from medication use that are asso- hensive set of ICD-10 codes used by health
ciated with suboptimal patient outcomes and researchers to identify adverse drug events. Our
increased health services utilization.2–7 Adverse secondary objective was to identify studies with
drug reactions alone, a subset of adverse drug ICD-10 coding algorithms for adverse drug events.
Open Access
Scan to access more events that occur when drugs are used in thera-
free content
peutic doses,8 cause 5–10% of acute care hospital METHODS
admissions,9–12 prolong hospital stays,13 and may Data sources and searches
To cite: Hohl CM, contribute to more potential years of life lost than This was a qualitative systematic review of the lit-
Karpov A, Reddekopp L, all other injuries combined.14 Efforts to optimize erature. Ethics approval was not required because it
et al. J Am Med Inform medication use and reduce adverse drug events are did not involve the use of human subjects or
Assoc 2014;21:547–557. therefore a public health priority.15 medical records.
A professional librarian (MDW) and study author (CMH) had to report the ICD-10 code set (our outcome measure) or
developed a systematic search strategy that was adapted for, and coding algorithms used to search the administrative data. We
applied to, the following electronic bibliographic databases: excluded studies reporting only pediatric data, as common man-
MEDLINE (1948–2011), EMBASE (1980–2011), International ifestations of adverse drug events vary between adults and chil-
Pharmaceutical Abstracts ((IPA) 1970–2011), Web of Science dren. In addition, pediatric adverse drug events are more
(1980–2011), the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews commonly the result of dosing errors or unintentional toxic
(1993–2011) and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled ingestions compared to adult adverse drug events. We also
Trials ((CENTRAL) 1996–2011) (see supplementary appendix excluded studies using other coding systems, written in lan-
A, available online only, for Medline search). Our search strat- guages other than English, French and German, reporting only
egy combined three concepts: the ICD coding system, adverse adverse events to illicit drugs or intentional overdoses, and
drug events, and health outcomes. We reviewed the scope notes studies that we could not access.
for each search term in order to identify and incorporate previ- One study author (AK) screened all titles for potential eligibil-
ous indexing terms, alternative keywords, and appropriate ity using predefined criteria. Any potentially relevant studies
MeSH terms. No language filters were applied. were retained for abstract review. Two study authors (AK and
We hand-searched the following medical journals for relevant CMH) reviewed the abstracts of potentially relevant titles. If
studies and conference proceedings from 2000 onwards: the either or both of the authors felt the abstract was potentially
Milbank Quarterly, Health Technology Assessment Journal, relevant, the full text article was retrieved and reviewed inde-
Health Affairs, Medical Care, American Journal of Medical Care, pendently by two authors (AK and CMH) for inclusion and
and Quality & Safety in Health Care. We used 2000 as the start exclusion criteria. All disagreements about study eligibility at the
date as this was the year that ICD-10 was introduced in Canada. full text review stage were resolved by achieving consensus
We did not search for any additional conference proceedings through discussion.
not published in the above journals, as we thought it would be
unlikely for code sets to be published in abstract format. We Data extraction and quality assessment
conducted an electronic grey literature search using the search Two authors (AK and CMH) independently abstracted data
engine Google with the same search terms that we used for our from included studies using standardized and piloted abstraction
electronic bibliographic database searches. We hand-searched forms. Any disagreements over data abstraction points were
the bibliographies of all relevant articles. In 2012, we conducted resolved by achieving consensus through discussion, after con-
periodic environmental scans of the literature for newly pub- tacting study authors for clarification. Data abstractors were not
lished studies using auto alerts from MEDLINE, EMBASE and blinded to authorship or journal.
IPA. We contacted content experts and authors of relevant We are unaware of any validated quality assessment scales to
studies for any additional studies and for clarifications about measure the quality of non-comparator, retrospective
their methodology and code sets. population-based cohort studies.19 Therefore, we adapted rele-
vant quality-assessment criteria from the GRACE guidelines and
Study selection the York Centre for Dissemination and Reviews that were
We included all studies reporting the use of the ICD-10 coding intended for population-based comparative effectiveness studies
system to identify adverse drug events in adult patients. Studies and reviews of adverse effects (table 1).19 20
Table 1 Quality assessment criteria adapted from York Centre of Dissemination Reviews and the GRACE quality assessment checklist for this
review of non-comparator cohort studies19 20
1. Was the primary outcome(s) defined in a manner that Yes The primary outcome(s) was defined in a manner that was independent from the code set
was independent of the code set? No The primary outcome(s) was not defined in a manner that was independent from the code set (ie, the
definition was based on the ICD-10 codes used for searching)
NR Not reported
2. Were methods for identifying the appropriate ICD-10 Yes The methods for identifying the code set were explicit and comprehensive (eg, through literature review
codes to reflect the primary outcome reported, and was or mapping of pharmacovigilance terms to ICD-10 codes). It is unlikely that significant gaps in the code
the search comprehensive? set exist
No The methods for identifying the code set was not reported, and the code set is not likely to be
NR Not reported
3. Did the authors provide data or reference other work to Yes The primary outcome was validated based on medical chart abstraction with clear definitions (eg, a
allow the reader to understand how well the primary formal medical record review of a sample of charts was done with adjudication of the primary diagnosis
outcome was ascertained within the same data by a committee and the code set had reasonable sensitivity and specificity for identifying the primary
source(s) using the ICD-10 code set they chose outcome), or the code set was validated by linking and comparing existing data from various sources to
(ie, sensitivity, specificity of the code set)? ensure consistency and accuracy (eg, prospective registry compared with administrative data).
Alternatively, previous work validated the code set, and the code set was likely to identify the stated
primary outcome
No No data were reported, and no other work referenced, to suggest that the code set adequately identified
the primary outcome
NR Not reported
4. Were analyses conducted to test assumptions about the Yes Analyses were reported to evaluate the impact of uncertain causality on the study results (eg, analyses to
causal link between drug exposure and the disease, test the impact of including codes for diagnoses that are likely, but not exclusively drug-induced, ie,
and how this uncertainty may have influenced the Clostridium difficile colitis), and may not have been cluster coded with external cause codes
study results? No No analysis was done to test the assumptions about the causal link between drug exposure and the
disease manifestation
ICD, International Classification of Diseases.
Table 2 Causality rating system adapted with modifications from Stausberg and Hasford21 22
category Definition Code Code description
A1 The ICD-10 code description includes the phrase ‘induced by J70.2 Acute drug-induced interstitial lung disorders
A2 The ICD-10 code description includes the phrase ‘induced by medication 142.7 Cardiomyopathy due to drugs and other external agents
or other causes’ T88.7 Unspecified adverse event of drug or medicament
B1 The ICD-10 code description includes the phrase ‘poisoning by T36 Poisoning by systemic antibiotics
B2 The ICD-10 code description includes the phrase ‘poisoning by or X44 Accidental poisoning by, and exposure to, other and unspecified drugs,
harmful use of medication or other causes’ medicaments and biological substances
C Adverse drug event deemed to be very likely although the ICD-10 code L51.2 Toxic epidermal necrolysis
description does not refer to a drug
D Adverse drug event deemed to be likely although the ICD-10 code N17 Acute renal failure with tubular necrosis
description does not refer to a drug
E Adverse drug event deemed to be possible although the ICD-10 code K25 Gastric ulcer
dictionary does not refer to a drug
U Adverse drug event deemed unlikely I49.0 Ventricular fibrillation and flutter
V Vaccine-associated adverse event A80.0 Acute paralytic poliomyelitis, vaccine-associated
The causality ratings were modified for the purposes of this systematic review. We added category U for ICD-10 codes that have been used by others to identify adverse drug events,
but which we felt were unlikely to be adverse drug event related. We also added category V to indicate codes that may be vaccine-related.
ICD, International Classification of Diseases.
set.14 21 22 25 29 32 36–40 42 43 49 51 54 56–58 Of these, 9 reported measure with 4 using drug-induced deaths41 44 45 47 and 4 hos-
definitions for adverse drug reactions,29 36 39 40 49 51 56 57 62 pital admission due to an adverse drug event.30 46 55 59
5 definitions for adverse drug events,14 21 22 38 58 and one expli- Among the 28 studies looking at adverse drug events in
cit definitions for both.54 Three studies used death as a result of general, 11 provided methods for their selection of ICD-10
poisoning or prescription drug use as primary outcome.37 42 43 codes.21–23 34–36 38 40 42 53 58 Methods included searching the
Among the 13 studies on drug or drug class-specific adverse ICD-10 code dictionary for diagnoses that could be attributable
events, all provided definitions for their primary outcome to medications (ie, gastric ulcer) and/or phrases (ie,
Table 3 Characteristics of 28 studies looking at adverse drug events in general, that is, events that were not specific to any drug or disease category
No. Sample Frequency of outcome
Study Country Setting Design Data source Main objective Main outcome and definition codes Methods to identify ICD-10 codes size measure
Malpass et al53 Australia NR Review NR To describe an ADE monitoring ADE: NR 318i Mapped an adverse event NR NR
system AM classification system to ICD-10.
Cox et al26 England Hospital RS Admin and PV To compare ADR reports in ADR: NR 175 NR 21 635 0.2% of admissions due
administrative and PV data records to ADR
Runciman et al54 Australia Hospital Review Admin, trial, To review information about ADR: Noxious and unintended response 175 NR NR ▸ ADR: occur in 1% of
drug use, chart ADE and medication errors in to a drug used at doses for prophylaxis, AM admissions.
review and VS Australia diagnosis or therapy of disease or ▸ ADE: occur in 2–4%
modification of function. of admissions
ADE: ADR, harm from medication errors
and underuse
Waller et al35 England Hospital RS Admin To describe records coded as ADR: NR 243 Codes containing ‘drug-induced’, 53.8M 0.4% of admissions due
drug-induced and assess their diagnoses ‘due to’ a drug, ‘clearly records to ADR
utility for research implying’ an ADR and Y40–59
CDC37 USA NR RS VS To describe trends in poisoning Death from ingestion, inhalation or 137 NR NR 5.0–7.8 deaths/100 000
deaths exposure to pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs population
and chemicals37
Wysowski43 USA NR Letter VS To study deaths attributed to Death attributed to drugs used 4 NR 604 NR
therapeutic drug use therapeutically records
Moneret et al32 NR NR Review NR To review the epidemio-logy of Anaphylaxis 6 NR NR NR
Burgess et al49 Australia Hospital Case Admin data To examine trends in ADR: Noxious and unintended response 200 NR NR 0.8% of admissions
series ADR-related admissions in to a drug that occurs at doses normally AM associated with ADR
people ≥60 years used in humans
Barrow et al23 England Hospital RS Admin and PV To compare ADR in admin data ADR: NR 37 Used codes identified by Waller et al35 NR NR
with PV reports
Lugardon et al29 France Hospital RS Admin and PV To estimate the incidence of ADR: Noxious and unintended response 299 NR 261 2.9% of admissions
serious ADR in hospital to a drug used at doses for prophylaxis, records associated with ADR
diagnosis, or therapy of disease or
modification of physiological function
Wysowski42 USA NR RS VS To identify prescription drugs Death due to a prescription drug NRii Seven disease manifestation codes NR NR
associated with >1000 deaths/ and codes listing prescription drugs as
year cause
Zhang et al57 Australia Hospital RS Admin, VS and To examine trends in repeat Hospitalization for ADR. 175 NR 37 296 30.3% of ADR-related
census ADR causing hospitalization in ADR: Noxious and unintended response AM records admissions were repeat
elderly to a drug at doses normally used in events
Patel et al34 England Hospital RS Admin To examine trends in hospital ADR: NR 245 Codes containing ‘drug-induced’, 88M 0.5% of admissions due
admissions associated with indicating a diagnosis ‘due to’ a drug, records to ADR
ADR and codes Y40–59
Phillips et al14 USA NA RS VS To describe trends in fatal ADE: Preventable deaths resulting from 180 NR 50M 0.4% of deaths due to
medication errors accidental overdose, wrong drug given or death fatal medication errors
taken in error, and other accidents in the records
use of drugs
Hwang et al Korea Hospital RS Chart review To evaluate an electronic ADE ADE: Injury from a medical intervention 326 Codes corresponded to ADE described 598 31% of patients admitted
monitoring system related to a drug in four previous studies on ADE patients to hospital
monitoring systems73–76
Benkhaial et al24 Germany Hospital RS Admin To assess the value of ICD-10 Drug allergy: NR 35 NR 200 9% of records indicating
codes to identify drug allergies GM records an allergy
Table 3 Continued
No. Sample Frequency of outcome
Study Country Setting Design Data source Main objective Main outcome and definition codes Methods to identify ICD-10 codes size measure
Hodgkin-son Australia Hospital RS Admin and PV To compare ADR identification ADR: Noxious and unintended response 175 NR 12 414 4.5% of admissions
et al51 using coding surveillance with to a drug that occurs at doses used for AM records associated with ADR
spontaneous reporting prophylaxis, diagnosis, or therapy, or
modification of physiological function
Wu40 Canada ED RS Admin data To estimate the incidence of ADR: Injury resulting from a medical 245 Used codes identified by Patel et al34 966 232 0.8% of ED visits were
ADR-related ED visits and intervention relating to a drug. CA records ADR-related
admissions for patients
>65 years
Zhang et al56 Australia Hospital RS Admin, VS and To identify factors that predict ADR: Harmful or unpleasant reaction 175 NR 28 548 17.7% of ADR-related
census repeat hospital admission for related to a drug that predicts hazard AM patients admissions were repeat
ADR in older adults from future use and warrants prevention, events
treatment, dose change or withdrawal
Jackson et al52 61 Australia Hospital RS Admin To develop a tool to monitor Hospital acquired diagnosis. 279iii Codes Y40–59 and codes with a C 126 940 NR
hospital-acquired diagnoses ADE: NR AM prefix, indicating a hospital acquired records
Wu et al36 England Hospital RS Admin To examine trends in hospital ADR: Undesirable effect of a drug beyond 260 Codes containing ‘ADR’, 59.7M 0.9% admissions
admissions associated with its anticipated therapeutic effects ‘drug-induced’, ‘due to drug’, ‘due to records associated with an ADR
ADR medication’, ‘drug allergy’ and Y40–
Bergman et al25 Sweden Hospital RS Admin and PV To examine trends in the use of ADR: Unintended effect of therapeutic 1 NR NR 500 ADR reports/million
the Y57.9 code for ADR use of drugs in population
Hohl CM, et al. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2014;21:547–557. doi:10.1136/amiajnl-2013-002116
Stausberg and Germany Hospital RS Admin To examine the utility of ADE: Unfavorable medical event that 502*> Literature search for ADE, identified 12M ▸ 0.7% admissions due
Hasford21, ICD-10 coded diagnoses in occurred in association with the use of a GM previously used codes,78 and applied records to an ADE
Stausberg77 admin data to identify ADE medication, and that may be causally screening criteria of and data from a ▸ 5.3% admissions
among inpatients related to the medication PV center. Mapped ADE to ICD-10 possibly due to ADE
Stausberg and Germany Hospital RS Admin To examine the frequency of ADE: Injury resulting from a medical 505iv Literature search for ADE, identified 48M ▸ 0.5–0.7% of
Hasford22 ADE-related admissions and intervention related to a drug including GM previously used codes,78 and applied records admissions due to
hospital-acquired ADE errors and ADR screening criteria of and data from a ADE
PV center. Mapped ADE to ICD-10 ▸ 5% of admissions
possibly due to ADE
Osmont et al33 France Hospital RS Admin To evaluate ICD-10 queries to ADR: NR NR NR NR NR
identify serious ADR
Hauck and Australia Hospital RS Admin To examine the association ADR: NR 206 NR 206 489 3.4% risk of ADR for
Zhao50 between ADR and hospital AM records 2-day admission
length of stay
Shepherd et al39 USA NA RS VS To examine trends in mortality ADR: Noxious and unintended response 175 NR NR 0.1 deaths from ADR/
attributed to ADR using US VS to a medication used at doses 100 000 in population
data administered for diagnosis, prophylaxis or
Hohl et al Canada ED RS Admin and To measure proportion of ADE: Untoward and unintended 650 Adapted previously established code 1574 14.0% of ED visits ADE
submitted38 prospect data ADE-related ED visits symptoms, signs or abnormal laboratory set21 22 with others found through records related
identifiable in admin data values from medication use literature review
Use of the AM modification likely, although unable to verify with authors.
Only codes associated with >1000 deaths and/or >1000 total mentions per year were listed.
Jackson et al describe the CHADx algorithms to identify hospital acquired diagnoses, including adverse drug events (ADE). The CHADx code set and algorithms are published on the Australian Commission on Quality and Safety in Healthcare website.
Jackson et al. recommend searching for ADE using disease manifestation codes clustered with external injury cause codes (Y40–59). C-prefixes are codes that were introduced in the Victorian addition of the Australian Modification of ICD-10.
The difference in the number of codes used by Stausberg et al. has to do with the splitting of code E66.1 (in ICD-10-German Modification 2006) into the four codes: E66.10, E66.11, E66.12 and E66.19 (in ICD-10-German Modification 2008).
ADE, adverse drug event; Admin, administrative; ADR, adverse drug reaction; AM, Australian modification; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; ED, emergency department; GM, German modification; ICD, International Classification of
Diseases; M, million; NR, not reported; pros, prospective; PV, pharmacovigilance; RS, retrospective; VS, vital statistics.
Hohl CM, et al. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2014;21:547–557. doi:10.1136/amiajnl-2013-002116
Table 4 Characteristics of 13 studies looking at drug or disease-specific adverse drug events, in order of publication year
Methods to Frequency of
Main outcome and No. identify ICD-10 Sample outcome measure
Study Country Setting Design Data source Main objective definition codes codes size reported
Gaus et al Germany Outpatients RS case Admin and drug use To illustrate case crossover methodology to Bleeding complications 84 NR 320 644 3.5 episodes of
crossover identify ADR using bleeding complications as records bleeding/100 years
an example observation
Wysowski41 USA NR RS Drug use and VS To determine the number, rate and types of Death from contrast 3 NR NR 1.1–1.2 deaths/million
deaths attributed to x-ray contrast media agents doses
Wysowski44 USA NR RS Admin, drug use, PV To compile and analyze data on the prevalence Warfarin-related deaths 1 NR 0.4–0.5 deaths/100 000
and VS of bleeding related to warfarin population
Sims et al47 USA NR RS Admin, drug use and To examine the utility of ADR surveillance Methadone-related death 1 NR NR 0.8–4.3 deaths/100 000
vital stats methods that combine and analyze multiple population
data sources
Myers et al46 Canada Hospital RS Admin and chart To validate coding algorithms for Admission for 16 NR 1776 cases NR
review acetaminophen overdose and hepatotoxicity acetaminophen toxicity
Molokhia et al31 France Hospital RS Admin and PV To estimate the incidence and reporting rate of Drug-induced LQTS 3 NR 861 cases 10.9 cases/million
nonfatal drug-induced LQTS leading to VT and/ population/year
or death
Elalamy et al27 France Hospital RS Admin and To estimate the average cost of one episode of HIT 3 NR 50 958 0.9% of admissions
laboratory HIT in France records
Lyytikainen Finland Admin RS Admin and VS To determine the prevalence of CDAD in Admission associated with 2 NR NR 16–34 cases/100 000
200930 data hospitalized patients CDAD population
Li et al45 USA Hospital RS Admin and VS To examine the epidemiology of Anesthesia-related death 46v Lit review and NR 8.2 deaths/million
anesthesia-related deaths ICD-10 search surgical discharges
Treeprasertsuk Thailand Hospital RS Admin To examine the incidence and complications of Drug-induced liver injury 4 NR 237 970 0.03% of admitted
et al60 antimicrobial induced liver injury in hospitalized records patients
Rhee et al59 Korea Hospital RS case Admin To quantify the risk of digoxin toxicity with Admission for digoxin 1 NR 104 075 61.5 cases/100 000
control concomitant use of diuretics toxicity records admissions
Sood et al55 Australia Hospital RS Admin To examine the epidemiology, outcomes and Admission for 2 NR NR 39–46 cases/100 000
burden of acetaminophen poisoning acetaminophen poisoning AM admissions
Wysowski et al48 USA NR RS PV, admin, VS, drug To determine the incidence of serious Anaphylaxis due to 2vi NR NR 0.1–0.3 deaths/million
use and surveillance anaphylactic reactions to parenteral iron parenteral iron doses sold
Includes one code unrelated to ADE, ADR (eg, Y65.3 Endotracheal tube wrongly placed).
The authors used surveillance data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System-Cooperative Adverse Drug Event Surveillance (NEISS-CADES) and the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) Live!. Codes indicating anesthesia-related events that
were not medication-relation have been omitted.
Admin, administrative; ADR, adverse drug reaction; AM, Australian modification; CDAD, Clostridium difficile-associated disease; ED, emergency department; HITS, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia; ICD, International Classification of Diseases; LQTS, long
QT syndrome; NR, not reported; PV, pharmacovigilance; RS, retrospective; VS, vital statistics; VT, ventricular tachycardia.
interventions need to be identified. These may be related to of codes that we hope will provide the basis for further investiga-
medications, medication classes, treatment protocols, prescribing tion, debate and consensus building in this area.
patterns, patient groups, provider groups, healthcare settings, Due to the multiple ways in which adverse drug events may
and models of care, some of which may assist in developing suc- be coded (ie, by using external injury cause codes only, disease
cessful interventions. Once developed, strategies are likely to manifestation codes only, clusters of codes, or a combination of
benefit from refinement to enhance their feasibility of imple- these methods), methodologies need to be developed to avoid
mentation and their performance. Finally, their impact on double counting. Two of the studies we reviewed concluded that
health outcomes and cost must be evaluated and compared with double counting was indeed possible when searching for adverse
that of other health interventions in order to guide rational drug events using a combination of external injury cause codes
resource allocation and optimize health value for expenditure. and disease manifestation codes, and that this occurred in up to
Population-level administrative health data that can be linked 15% of records.35 36 Similarly, studies need to be conducted to
with medication dispensing data may represent a rich source of understand to what extent the use of disease manifestation
health information for this type of work. Adverse drug event codes (ie, E87.1 hyponatremia), which may indicate an adverse
data from this source may offer accessible and standardized drug event or a non-drug-related event, may influence the sensi-
population-level data over long time periods, enabling analysis tivity and specificity of the code set. To date, only one study has
of time trends, prescribing patterns, and comparisons across compared the sensitivity and specificity of narrower and broader
healthcare settings.16 70 However, no consensus presently exists code sets, and compared them to an independent prospective
among health researchers on how to identify adverse drug criterion standard in emergency department administrative
events reliably within such data sources, leading to substantial data.38 In that study, while the broader code set led to higher
variability in the methods used for their identification. sensitivity (6.8% vs 28.1%), broadening the code set had little
Our study is the first systematically to review the health litera- impact on the code sets’ specificity.38 Unfortunately, the study
ture to synthesize a comprehensive set of ICD-10 codes previ- did not examine coding quality to determine which steps during
ously used to identify adverse drug events. Previous studies have the patient care and coding trajectory may have contributed
identified code sets by relying on ad hoc reviews of the litera- most to the under-coding of adverse drug events. Finally,
ture, and mapping of drug-related diagnoses and pharmacovigi- methods to identify and understand the extent to which adverse
lance case reports to the ICD-10 code dictionary. Most have events related to prescription medication use may be coded
adopted and used code sets developed by previous authors using codes that do not distinguish between prescription drugs
without conducting any validation studies to understand their and drugs of abuse (eg, F11 mental and behavioral disorders
sensitivity or specificity. When examining the code sets, due to the use of opioids) need to be developed.
common manifestations of adverse drug events have often been The most widely used definition for adverse drug events is
omitted (eg, E16.2 hypoglycemia), while the codes of rare ‘harm caused by the use of a drug’.2 72 In this study, we pre-
events are commonly used (eg, T88.3 malignant hyperthermia sented all definitions as reported by the study authors, as these
due to anesthesia). This is problematic, as multiple studies relied may have led to variability in the code sets used. The existing
entirely on disease manifestation codes to identify drug-related inconsistency in the operational definition of adverse drug
diagnoses. The omission of common manifestations of adverse events needs to be addressed before being able to achieve con-
drug events from their code sets based on the assumption that sensus on a common code set(s), and may enhance the consist-
they might be associated with low positive predictive values ency with which adverse drug events are identified and
would probably have dramatically influenced the numbers and reported, and thus comparability between studies. Given this
types of adverse drug events found. limitation, we provided a comprehensive list of definitions and a
There is general agreement among health researchers that corresponding code set that may serve as a point of reference
adverse drug events are underreported in administrative data, for consensus building.
and that the effect of coding quality on adverse drug event iden- We did not attempt to meta-analyze data on the prevalence of
tification is poorly understood.23 34 38–40 71 Based on our adverse drug events, as this was not the objective of our study.
review, it is also possible that the use of incomplete code sets In addition, significant differences in the ICD-10 code sets used
for adverse drug events may be a contributing factor. We found to find adverse drug events are likely to result in significant het-
only two studies that evaluated the sensitivity of their ICD-10 erogeneity between studies, and any differences that are found
code sets for adverse drug events, and both were low.38 40 may simply be due to the methods used to identify them.
Therefore, validation of a more comprehensive set of adverse Ongoing national adaptations of the ICD-10 coding systems
drug event-related ICD-10 codes is necessary to try and have introduced additional variability in the coding of adverse
enhance the sensitivity of the code sets used, while retaining drug events that we were unable to account for. Not all studies
specificity. This work needs to be conducted in a variety of care described explicitly which national adaptation and versions of
settings (eg, hospital vs ambulatory care), on a variety of the coding dictionary they based their code set on. Some adap-
adverse drug event types (eg, adverse drug reactions vs non- tations, for example, the German modification, may use add-
adherence), on different grades of adverse drug event severity itional two-decimal subcategorizations of individual disease
(eg, severe vs mild), and by syndrome (eg, intracerebral hemor- manifestation codes that allow more refined coding than other
rhage vs epistaxis). Different clinical practice settings may influ- systems. At present, the USA only uses ICD-10 coding for mor-
ence the diagnostic performance of the code set(s) that is/are tality reporting, explaining why all the US studies reported only
used, and may require refinements of the code sets used. Finally, on events related to death. Thus, while the majority of code cat-
it may be that administrative data may be well suited to tracking egories are comparable across coding systems, the variability
and investigating some consistently coded and identifiable between national adaptations and coding versions used needs to
adverse outcomes (eg, bleeding events), but not all manifestations be taken into account before application of any code set.
of drug-related events (eg, delirium). Thus, we cannot recom- Additional limitations of our work are that we only reviewed
mend the adoption of our proposed code set without validation publications in English, French and German. We also did not
and further refinement. Instead, we present a comprehensive list search extensively for abstracts or conference proceedings, as we
thought we would be unlikely to find code sets published in 16 Suissa S, Garbe E. Primer: administrative health databases in observational studies
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responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.
disorders and spontaneously reported adverse drug reactions. Br J Clin Pharmacol
Study concept and design: CMH and JS. Acquisition of data: CMH, AK and LR.
Analysis and interpretation of data: CMH and AK. Drafting of the manuscript: CMH.
24 Benkhaial A, Kaltschmidt J, Weisshaar E, et al. Prescribing errors in patients with
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: All authors.
documented drug allergies: comparison of ICD-10 coding and written patient notes.
Administrative, technical or material support: LR. Study supervision: CMH.
Pharm World Sci 2009;31:464–72.
Competing interests CMH is supported by a New Investigator Award from the 25 Bergman U, Mejyr S, Holm L, et al. Pharmacovigilance and patient safety—
Canadian Institutes of Health Research, and is a member of the Drug Safety and experiences from a Regional Pharmacovigilance Centre (RPVC) in Stockholm,
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Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed. 26 Cox AR, Anton C, Goh CHF, et al. Adverse drug reactions in patients admitted to
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Data sharing statement The ICD-10 code set is available from the authors. Pharmacol 2001;52:337–9.
27 Elalamy I, Gal GL, Nachit-Ouinekh F, et al. Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: an
Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the estimate of the average cost in the hospital setting in France. Clin Appl Thromb
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 3.0) license, which Hemost 2009;15:428–33.
permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, 28 Gaus W, Westendorf J, Diebow R, et al. Identification of adverse drug reactions by
and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is evaluation of a prescription database, demonstrated for “Risk of Bleeding”.
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