Internet: Importance and Usage For Library and Lnformation Professionals
Internet: Importance and Usage For Library and Lnformation Professionals
Internet: Importance and Usage For Library and Lnformation Professionals
8 2001, DESIDOC
The paper focuses on the impact of lnternet on various library processes, services
and products. I t also emphasises the challenging role of librarians and information
professionals in the present lnternet era. Today the lnternet has revolutionised the
traditional library activities viz document acquisition, teclinical processing,
circubtion, reference service, resource sharing, document delivery, etc. The paper
also emphasises the crucial role of librarians and information professionals in
designing and maintaining libraries' web page/website leading to increase in library
Librarians while designing their web pages The librarians can also monitor the usage of
should try to provide as much original material their server and particular files by placing a
as possible. Although web pages provide list of Counter software in the home page. Counter
hypertext link to remote or documents located software monitors traffic on the server, and
on other servers can be dangerous as servers provides periodic statistical reports summarising
may crash or there may be a change of address. which file are being accessed most and
Under this situation the users may receive 'file redefine their web page to meet the readers
not found'. If there are too many concurrent needs and strategically place administrative
users on the distant server the audience will links on highly used pages. Similarly the
have to wait longer to access the file. audience response and statistical feedback
Unfortunately placing a hypertext link in a page enable the librarians to create new titles and
implies to the audience that they will access include statements like date of modifications
particular document by following that link. If and like 'What's New' and date of last modified
they follow the hypertext link but experience hypertext links. Date last modified gives
problems accessing the document they may credibility to the web files. To keep the
perceive the web site as problematic. To avoid audience aware of new material, librarians may
these frustrations and misunderstanding the include links to those materials at the top of the
librarian should try to provide as much original home page and other heavily used pages. This
provides greater access to new materials and Nair, Raman. lnternet for library and
allow promotion of continued growth of web information services. Ess Ess publication,
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Once the links are placed, the library Tadasad, P.G., et a/. lnternet and university
professionals should also consider the aesthetic libraries in India: Some issues. in Library
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Finally the library professionals need to
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effectively publicize their web site through
forums to which the users pay particular Sharma, D.K. Threats and challenges to the
attention. Newsletter and electronic discussion libraries and the profession from
groups may be used for this purpose. development in information technology. In
Library vision 2010: lndian Libraries ancl
For publicising the web site to diverse Librarianship in Retrospect and Prospect,
audiencejusers, librarians can register their web edited by -JL Sardana. Paper presented at
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Lycos, etc. and providing brief descriptions of 23-26 December 1999, Hisar. pp. 168.
their contents.
Sharma, jitendra. Coping up with the
7. CONCLUSION challenges of information technology to
the library profession. In Library vision
The lnternet has thus integrated nearly all
2010: lndian Libraries and Librarianship in
aspects of the library activities, the librarians
Retrospect and Prospect, edited by
can now use the Internet for exploiting the 1L.Sardana. Paper presented at the 45th All
catalogue of the other institutions, ordering lndia Library Conference, 23-26 December
books and journals online, participate in ILL, use 1999, Hisar. pp.171.
e-mail, and discuss through listserves, support
reference service through remote databases Nair, Raman. lnternet for library and
and most important of all establish library/home information services. Ess Ess .publication,
pages to project their collection and services on New Delhi, 1999.
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The scope is only limited to the imagination utilities and library networking: Looking
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Helal & Joachim W. Weiss. Paper
understanding of change in concept of
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Contributor: Ms Neena Singh, Assistant Librarian; G.B Pant University of Agriculture &
Technology, Hill Campus, Tehri Garhwal (UP).