Greenhouse Gases 2017

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What is the greenhouse effect?
Life, as we know it, depends on the presence of small amounts of greenhouse gases in the
Earth’s atmosphere and is affected by changes in the amounts of these gases. The energy flows
that keep the Earth livable are represented in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The arrows in this diagram show the amounts of energy entering and
leaving the Earth’s surface and atmosphere. The values are for the early 21st
century and illustrate the net absorption of energy that is increasing planetary
warming as human activities are adding more greenhouse gases to the

Source: K. E. Trenberth, J. T. Fasullo. J. Kiehl, 2009, Earth’s Global Energy

Budget, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 90, 311-323.

The Earth is warmed by radiation from the sun. Approximately one-third of the sunlight that
reaches the Earth is reflected back to space by clouds, small particles in the atmosphere known
as aerosols, and light colored areas – snow, ice and deserts – on the Earth’s surface. The rest of
the energy, about 240 Watts per square meter (Wm−2), is absorbed by the Earth’s surface and
atmosphere. Sunlight is primarily visible light, which passes easily through the atmosphere to the
ground. To balance this incoming solar radiation, the Earth emits longer wave infrared radiation.
Although you can’t see infrared radiation, you can feel it on your skin. The warmth you feel
from a radiator or from the dark surface of a parking lot, even after the sun has gone down, is

infrared radiation absorbed by and warming your skin.

In order to emit 240 Wm−2, the surface of the Earth would have to have a temperature of around
−19 °C, which is substantially colder than the present global mean surface temperature of about
14 °C. The reason the Earth’s surface is so warm is that some gases in the atmosphere absorb
infrared radiation and reradiate some of the warmth back to Earth--as well as to outer space to try
to maintain the energy balance. This natural phenomenon is called the greenhouse effect and
these greenhouse gases make life, as we know it, possible.

The American Chemical Society’s Climate Science Toolkit is available to learn more basic
climate science.

What makes a greenhouse gas?

The three most abundant gases in the atmosphere, nitrogen, which makes up 78% of dry air by
volume, oxygen, 21%, and argon, about 1%, do not absorb infrared radiation and do not
contribute to the greenhouse effect. The two most significant greenhouse gases in dry air, carbon
dioxide and methane, are present in the atmosphere at much lower concentrations. Air is not
naturally “dry”, but always contains some water vapor (humidity) that varies in amount
depending on location and temperature. Water vapor is an important greenhouse gas that, on
average, accounts for the majority of the greenhouse effect. Sometimes the role of water vapor is
forgotten, because, unlike other greenhouse gases, its amount in the air is controlled by local
conditions almost independent of any direct human activity.

A molecule can absorb infrared radiation only if there is some way for the radiation and
the molecule to interact. When a molecule absorbs infrared radiation, a bond or group of
bonds begins to vibrate with greater energy. One type of vibration is the stretching and
contracting of a bond between two atoms. Another is bending, the widening and
narrowing of a bond angle between three atoms. For a molecule to absorb infrared
radiation and be a greenhouse gas, vibrations within the molecule must cause a net
change in its dipole moment.

A dipole moment occurs in a molecule when valence electrons are unequally shared in a bond
between two atoms and one atom develops a slight positive charge and the other a slight negative
charge. For example, in a water (H2O) molecule, there are centers of positive charge on the
hydrogen atoms and a center of negative charge on the oxygen atom. This unequal sharing of
electrons or separation of charge results in the molecule having a dipole moment. As the O – H
bond stretches, the magnitude of the dipole changes so this vibration will absorb infrared
radiation at the same frequency as the oscillating dipole moment. In a nitrogen molecule (N2)
there is equal sharing of electrons and no dipole moment. Stretching the N ≡ N bond does not
produce a change in its dipole moment so N2 does not absorb infrared light.

Some molecules that do not have a permanent dipole moment can vibrate or bend in a way that
causes a change in their dipole moment. The most important example for the atmospheric

greenhouse effect is the linear molecule, carbon dioxide (CO2), Figure 2. The molecule does not
have a permanent dipole moment, but its electrons are not equally shared between the carbon and
oxygen atoms. When the molecule bends or when it undergoes an asymmetric stretch, its dipole
moment changes from zero to a nonzero value and these vibrations absorb infrared radiation.

Figure 2. The vibrations of the CO2 molecule. Charge separation in the molecule
is exactly balanced along the linear molecule, so it has no permanent dipole
moment. The symmetric stretch (top) does not change the balance; this vibration
does not absorb infrared radiation. Bending out of the line (middle two) or
asymmetric stretch (bottom) does change the charge balance; these vibrations
absorb infrared.

How do greenhouse gases compare to one another?

The strength of the greenhouse warming effect by a greenhouse gas is related to the amount of
energy it can absorb from the infrared radiation emitted by the sun-warmed Earth’s surface and
its lifetime, the length of time it remains in the atmosphere. All molecules containing three or
more atoms absorb infrared radiation and, if present in the atmosphere, are greenhouse gases.
(Heteronuclear diatomic gases, CO and NO, for example, also absorb infrared radiation, but, if
emitted, are so rapidly removed by atmospheric reactions that they are not relevant as
greenhouse gases.) Figure 3 is a chart comparing several important greenhouse gases.

GWP Time Horizon

Greenhouse Gas Formula (years) 20 years 100 years

Carbon Dioxide CO2 see text 1 1

Methane CH4 12.4 84 28
Nitrous Oxide N2O 121 264 265
HFC-23 CHF3 222 10,800 12,400
HFC-134a CH2FCF3 13.4 3710 1300
CFC-12 CCl2F2 100 10,800 10,200
Sulfur hexafluoride SF6 3200 17,500 23,500

Figure 3. Lifetimes and Global Warming Potentials (GWPs) for several

greenhouse gases. The first three have both natural and manmade sources. The
last four are only manmade. (HFC = hydrofluorocarbon; CFC =

Data source: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), fifth

assessment report, 2013, Table 8.A.1.

The Global Warming Potential of a greenhouse gas during the time it remains in the atmosphere
is calculated as its warming effect compared to the simultaneous addition of the same mass of
carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide was recognized as a greenhouse gas in the 19th
century. At the end of the century, Arrhenius made the first calculation of extra warming due to
more atmospheric carbon dioxide from coal burning. Since carbon dioxide is the most abundant
greenhouse gas emitted by human activities, it has continued to be the standard against which
others are compared.

The fate of extra carbon dioxide emitted to the atmosphere by human activities is complicated.
Within a year or so, about half of it has been incorporated into the biosphere or dissolved in the
oceans. Over the next two to 20 centuries, the oceans take up about 75% of the remainder and,
over 30 to 70 centuries, weathering (mostly reaction with carbonate rock) removes the rest. (See
the reference by Archer, et al., to find out how these estimates are made.) Thus, about half of all
the carbon dioxide humans have added to the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution is still
there and what we continue to add will remain for many centuries, unless a way is developed to
remove it.

Methane, CH4, is the second most important greenhouse gas (in terms of present effect) produced
above natural levels as a result of human activities. (See Learn About: Methane for background
on sources and uses of methane.) Its concentration is only about 1800 parts per billion (ppb)—
that is, 1.8 ppm compared to over 400 ppm for carbon dioxide. However, on a molecule-for-

molecule basis, methane is about 25 times more effective than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse
gas. This is because the more complicated molecule interacts more strongly with infrared light
and in wavelength regions where carbon dioxide is transparent. This stronger absorption is
partially counterbalanced by methane’s relatively short lifetime, about 12-year half-life, in the
atmosphere. Methane is oxidized to carbon dioxide and water as it reacts with hydroxyl radicals
(present at very low concentrations in the atmosphere).

Human activities that produce nitrous oxide, N2O, are mostly associated with agriculture and
transportation. Given its substantial GWP, it’s fortunate that its concentration in the atmosphere
is low, a little over about 300 ppb at present.

The man-made compounds in Figure 3 are representative of a large group of fluorine- and
chlorine-containing molecules mainly used in refrigerators and air conditioners, as industrial
solvents, and as dielectric environments in transformers. They are powerful greenhouse gases,
many of which have their effect over long atmospheric lifetimes. The chlorine-containing
compounds are also part of the photochemical mechanism that can destroy our vital protective
layer of stratospheric ozone. Thus, their manufacture and use are prohibited by international
agreement, the 1987 (and subsequent amendments) Montreal Protocol on Substances that
Destroy the Ozone Layer. Limiting the production of many of these compounds and developing
new ones with shorter lifetimes (HFC-134a, for example) has kept their atmospheric
concentrations to a few parts per trillion, so their combined global warming effect is comparable
to present levels of methane (but the remaining chlorine- and bromine-containing will continue
to exercise their effect on stratospheric ozone depletion until about the middle of the century).

To account for the collective effect of all these greenhouse gases, their individual contributions
are expressed in terms of the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide and added to the actual carbon
dioxide concentration to give an effective carbon dioxide concentration, CO2e. When reading
about climate change or interpreting graphs involving greenhouse gases, be aware whether they
are based on CO2 or CO2e. Note that water vapor is not included in this summation, even though
it is responsible for at least half the greenhouse effect in most locations. This is because it is a
condensable gas with a concentration that depends on temperature. The other gases are non-
condensable and generally well-mixed throughout the atmosphere. Water vapor condenses to
liquid and freezes to solid at high altitudes, where the temperature is low and clouds form.

How has the greenhouse effect changed in the past?

During the billions of years that life has existed on Earth, the climate has changed many times,
mainly due to changes in the radiation balance. There are three fundamental ways the Earth’s
radiation balance can change and result in climate change. The amount of incoming solar
radiation can change due to a change in the Earth’s orbit around the sun or a change in the sun
itself. The fraction of solar radiation that is reflected can be altered by changes in cloud cover,
land cover, or aerosols. And, the proportion of infrared radiation radiated from the Earth’s
surface to space can be altered by changes in greenhouse gas concentrations.

Figure 4 shows the variations in atmospheric carbon dioxide and temperature over a relatively
short period, the most recent 800,000 years. You see that the high peaks in temperature coincide
with peaks in carbon dioxide concentration. Increases in greenhouse gas concentration are
associated with increases in temperature. The periodic changes (about every 100,000 years) from
cold ice ages to warm periods (like the past several thousand years) are caused by changes in the
Earth’s orbit around the sun and the tilt of its axis. These “wobbles” make small changes in the
amount of sunlight that strikes the northern hemisphere and trigger the beginning and ending of
the warm periods.

Figure 4. The ice sheet that covers Antarctica has built up over more than a
million years. CO2 (red), CH4 (blue), and N2O (green) trapped when the original
snow fell is still present in ice cores drilled out of the sheet. Isotopic ratios of the
oxygen and hydrogen atoms (black curve) in the surrounding ice are analyzed to
give a measure of the temperature when the gas was trapped.
Source: Based on Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), fourth
assessment report, 2007, Figure 6.3.

The temperatures represented in Figure 4 are those on Antarctica, a frigid part of the Earth. The
average variation in temperature over the whole Earth during this time span was from about 8-10
°C during the ice-age periods to about 13-14 °C during the warm periods. That is, a 180 parts per
million (ppm) CO2 concentration keeps the planet about 28 °C warmer (-19 °C to 9 °C) than it
would be without the greenhouse gas. And a 280 ppm CO2 concentration keeps it about 33 °C
warmer. What would you expect to happen to the temperature as the CO2 concentration rises to
400 ppm or more?

How is the greenhouse effect changing today?

Currently (as we passed through 400 ppm CO2 in 2016, Figure 5), the Earth is warming rapidly
(on a geological time scale). According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC, fourth assessment report, 2007), “warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is
now evident from observations of increases in global air and ocean temperatures, widespread
melting of snow and ice and rising global sea level.” In a little over a century, since the late 19th
century, the global average air temperature has increased by about 0.84 °C. (For comparison, it
took about 100 centuries for the Earth to warm about 4 °C—to its pre-industrial age
temperature—after the last ice age.) Between 1961 and 1993, global average sea level rose at an
average rate of 1.8 mm/yr. Since 1993, sea level has risen at an even faster rate of 3.1 mm/yr.
Satellite data show that Arctic sea ice has shrunk 2.7% per decade since 1978 and that mountain
glaciers and snow cover have declined.

Figure 5. This is the Keeling curve, named for the scientist, Charles Keeling, who
began systematic monitoring of the atmospheric CO2 concentration at a site on the
top of the Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii in 1957. These are the usual
measurements quoted in news reports and articles on atmospheric CO2 levels.
Other stations around the world are now also monitoring atmospheric CO2, but
Keeling’s are the longest continuous measurements. The daily reading (plus other
information) can be obtained at https.//

As you might expect, from the data in Figure 4, these observations correlate with increases in
CO2, Figure 6, and other greenhouse gases (GHG) of anthropogenic (human-caused) origin.
Global greenhouse gas emissions increased 70% between 1970 and 2004. Figure 6 shows that
the atmospheric concentration of CO2, the most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas, was
about 280 parts per million (ppm) before the mid-18th century (with very small human influence)
before the Industrial Revolution. The concentration in 2016 has increased to a little more than
400 ppm, Figure 5, and continues to grow at about 2-3 ppm per year, largely due to the
combustion of fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, oil, and gasoline, cement production, and the
clearing of forests. The IPCC (fifth assessment report, 2013) concluded that “it is extremely

likely [a greater than 95% probability of occurrence] that human influence has been the dominant
cause of observed warming since 1950.”

Figure 6. For the first 800 years of the recent millennium, atmospheric CO2
concentrations and average surface temperatures varied only slightly. After the
Industrial Revolution (from about 1750) burning large amounts of coal and then
oil and gas have markedly increased the CO2 concentration and, hence, the
Source: Wikipedia “co2-temp.png”

The above discussion has focused mainly on carbon dioxide, because it is the most abundant
greenhouse gas in dry air and the major gas added as a result of human activities. Natural
changes in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are quite slow. (See Learn
About: Carbon Dioxide for a discussion of the interactions among air, land, and sea that control
the natural carbon cycle.) The ice core data above show that increases of 100 ppm or so take
thousands of years and decreases take tens of thousands of years. The 120 ppm humans have
added in the past two hundred years (and what we continue to add) will be present in the
atmosphere for a very long time (unless there is a way, not yet invented, to remove it). This long
lifetime is why the greenhouse effects of other gases are usually compared to carbon dioxide.

What about greenhouse gases other than carbon dioxide?

Two substantial sources of atmospheric methane from human activities are the extraction
transport, and use of natural gas as a fuel and the large number of domesticated ruminant animals
(cattle, sheep, goats, etc.) we use for food and clothing, Natural gas is mainly methane and there
is leakage at the wells where it is extracted from the ground, in the thousands of miles of
pipelines around the world that carry it to the (leaky) destinations where it is burned for heating
and electric power generation. Ruminants have evolved a special, multi-chambered stomach
(rumen) that enables them to digest cellulose, the structural glucose polymer that gives plants
their stiffness. In their rumen, these animals have bacteria that can break down the cellulose into
compounds that can be used as food. Unfortunately, another product of the break down is
methane that the animal has to get rid of (or burst). It does this mainly by a good deal of burping

(and a very small amount of flatulence). Around the world, research is going on, Figure 7, to find
ways to reduce the amount of methane produced by ruminants, both to be kinder to the
atmosphere and to turn more of the animal’s diet into useful food.

Figure 7. The burps of these Irish cows (containing about 95% of the methane
from their rumens) are being monitored to find out if different diets or dietary
additives reduce the amount of methane produced as they digest what they eat.
Photo is from the Moorepark Research Centre of Teagasc - The Agriculture and
Food Development Authority [of Ireland].

There is also concern that a warming world will speed up natural processes that produce
methane. This is an example of a feedback effect where the warming will cause a change that
will increase the warming (by adding more greenhouse gas to the atmosphere). Some
microorganisms in the decaying organic matter under the water in swamps and bogs produce
methane that escapes into the air. (This is the origin of the name “swamp gas” for methane.) In
cold northern areas, bogs are generally frozen or very cold for most of the year and these natural
processes are slow, so little methane is produced. As global temperature has risen (faster at
higher latitudes), these bogs are not as cold and beginning to produce methane at a faster pace.

Other greenhouse gases that have both natural and anthropogenic sources include small amounts
of nitrous oxide, N2O, and tropospheric (lower atmosphere) ozone, O3 Nitrous oxide is formed
by the action of microorganisms on nitrogenous compounds in soil. Human use of large
quantities of nitrogenous fertilizers about doubles this natural source. Nitrous oxide is also
produced from air at high temperature (when fuels are burned). See Learn About: Ozone for
discussion of the chemistry of both tropospheric and stratospheric (higher atmosphere) ozone.
Natural sources of tropospheric ozone involve the action of sunlight on molecules such as carbon
monoxide and methane. The addition of human pollutants, especially from internal combustion
engines, adds further photochemical ozone sources. Ozone is reactive and short-lived (a few
days), so its concentration and contribution to the greenhouse effect varies from place to place.

A great variety of greenhouse gases that have no natural source are human-manufactured
halogen-containing compounds, Figure 3, that have been used mainly as non-flammable, non-
toxic refrigerants, The original group of these compounds, the chlorofluorocarbons, CFCs, were

used as both refrigerants and propellants in aerosol products. They are so chemically inert, that
any that escaped into the atmosphere ultimately made their way into the stratosphere. There,
ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun broke them down into species that reacted to begin to destroy
the stratospheric ozone layer that protects life on the surface from this deadly UV radiation
(Learn About: Ozone). The danger was so great that the world’s governments came together in
the Montreal Protocol to ban the production and use of CFCs. Their concentration in the
atmosphere, where they are powerful greenhouse gases (1000s of times more effective than
carbon dioxide), is declining and stratospheric ozone has also begun to recover as they disappear.

Replacements for the CFCs, hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and hydrofluorocarbons

(HFCs), which contain a higher proportion of hydrogen atoms and can be destroyed by reactions
in the troposphere, were developed. Although only small amounts of these gases that escape
reach the stratosphere, they are, unfortunately, also powerful greenhouse gases. Even at their
very low concentrations, the combination of halogenated gases in the atmosphere has an effect
comparable to that of the methane in the atmosphere. In response to this threat for an even faster
increase in the greenhouse effect an international accord was signed in Kigali, Rwanda (October
2016) that binds all nations to phase out the production and use of HFCs—a bit of good news
about greenhouse gases.

Another glimmer of hope for global action to mitigate emissions of greenhouse gases is the Paris
Agreement, which was negotiated by representatives of 195 countries at the 21st Conference of
the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention of Climate Change (UNFCCC) and
adopted by consensus on 12 December 2015. By October 2016, the number of countries that had
agreed to meet the goals set for them represented enough of the world’s emissions to bring the
Agreement into force and it went into effect on 4 November 2016. As of 22 April 2017 (Earth
Day) 144 countries, including the two largest emitters, the United States and China, have made
their emission reduction commitments.

The Paris Agreement is a hopeful sign that, after more than two decades of meetings, nations
seem to have come together to confront the climate disruption caused by human emissions of
greenhouse gases. A weakness of the Agreement is that the commitments for reduction in
greenhouse gas emissions (decarbonization) are not enough to prevent continued (although
slower) build-up of greenhouse gases and hence continuing increase in global temperature.
Further, the Agreement has no provision for enforcing the reductions nations have promised and
depends on good faith efforts for the common good.

Since the Agreement is not a treaty, United States Senate ratification was not required to take
part and the U.S. made its commitment by executive action. Thus, the promised U.S. reductions
do not have the force of law and depend upon the policies of each administration, including
whether or not to stand by those 2016 promises. The Paris Agreement, although imperfect, was
the beginning the world needed to get the emissions-mitigation ball rolling and we can hope all
nations live up to their commitments and do all we can to see them enhanced.

American Chemical Society, Climate Science Toolkit,,
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report,
Summary for Policymakers, November 2007.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Climate Change 2013: Synthesis Report,
Summary for Policymakers, xxx 2013.
D. Archer, et al., 2009, Atmospheric Lifetime of Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide, Ann. Rev. Earth
and Planetary Sci., 37, 1117-134. (From abstract: Equilibration with ocean removes 65-80 % of
the CO2 over 200-2000 years. The rest is removed by weathering over 3000 t0 7000 years.)

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