Abut. Screen Wall
Abut. Screen Wall
Abut. Screen Wall
SLR AT KM 1.807
Bed level of CANAL 143.378 m
Water depth in canal 4.34 m
FSL OF CANAL 147.718 m
Formation level RL1 151.030 M
Bearing level RL2 148.771 M
Top of abutment cap RL3 148.521 M
Ground level RL4 150.73 M
Bottom of screen wall RL5 147.721 M
Thickness of wearing coat 0.075 m
Thickness of approah slab 0.3 m
Height of screen wall h 2.934 M
Density of concrete gc 2.4 t/m3
Density of back fill material g 1.8 t/m3
Angle of repose Ð 30 Degree
Cohesion C 0
Coefficient of active earth pressure (from Annexture 1) Ka 0.33
Multiplying coefficient for development length for M25 C1 46
For tor steel (High yield strength deformed bars conforming to IS: 1786 – 1985 Grade – Fe 550)
And M35 Concrete mix
Modular Ratio (M)= 2800/ (3 x σcbc)
(IS: 456 –2000, CI B 2.1)
Tensile stress in steel σst = σst 3000 Kg/ cm2
Earth pressure intensity due to surcharge = g*Ka*b4 i1 0.71 t/m2
Earth pressure intensity due to back fill at 0.3 m = g*Ka*b3 i2 0.178 t/m2
Earth pressure intensity at 1 m = g*Ka*(b3+b2) i3 0.594 t/m2
Total earth pressure intensity at 1m = i1+i3 i4 1.307 M
Earth pressure intensity at 3.312 m due bagk fill = g*Ka*h i5 1.967 t/m2
Total earth pressure intensity at 3.312 m = i1+i5 i6 2.680 M
Average pressure intensity on bottom strip = i1 + (i5+i3)/2 i7 1.993 t/m2
Total earth pressure intensity at .3 = i1 + i2 i8 0.891 M
C.G. of E/P from bottom = [2*(i1+i3)+i1+i5]*(b1/3)/(i1+i3+i1hb 0.339 M
Total force at bottom strip = b1*i7 Fb 1.529 T
Bending moment in bottom strip = Fb*(h-hb) Mb 3.967 Tm
Average pressure intensity on middle strip = (i2+i3)/2 + i1 i9 1.099 t/m2
Total force = b2*i9 Fb1 1.356 T
C.G. of force from top of middle strip=[2*(i1+i3)+i1+i2]*(b2/3)/(i1+i3+i1+i2)
hb1 0.656 M
Bending moment in middle strip = Fb1*(hb1 + b3) Mb1 4.746 Tm
Average pressure intensity on top strip = (i1 + i8)/2 i10 0.802 t/m2
Total force = b3*i10 Fb2 2.807 T
C.G. of force top of strip = (i1+2*i8)*(b3/3)/(i1+i8) hb2 1.815 M
Bending moment in top stirp = Fb2*hb2 Mb2 5.094 Tm
Adopted 5.094 Tm
Embedment length FOR M-25 CONCRETE
Embedment length of 25mm dia bar = C1*f e1 1150 mm
or 1.15 m
Embedment length 20 mm dia bar = C1*f1 e2 920 mm
or 0.92 m
3.5 3.5
Side width at bottom d3 0.3 M
Side width at top d4 3.5 M
Difference in top and bottom width h1 3.2 M
Side width
at 0 3.5
At 2.0 1 h2 2.234 M
At 3.4 2 h3 1.234 M
At 2.934 h4 0.300 M
Average width between top and 1 h5 2.867 M
Average width between 1.0 and 2 h6 1.734 M
Average width between 2 and 2.934 h7 0.767 M
Curtailment of reinforcement
No curtailment adopted since the wall has varying height.
1.3 2.65 1.3
2.867 2.867 m
m 0.802
A t/m2 F
RC = RD = i10*ds/2 t1 2.105 t
In arm CD at midpoint of CD = m1+i10*ds/2*ds/4 - (t1*d2/2) m3 3.269 Tm
Minimum area of steel reinforcement required = m3*10^5/ (sst*J*d) 4.73 cm2
Provide 20 f @ 150 cm c/c
Area of steel provided = a25*1000/s1 20.93 cm2
Morethan 4.73 cm2
Through the load of vehicles will be directly transferred to earth below approach slab. But due
to improper compaction or other reasons unknown some of the earth may get settle below
the approach slab. The exact analysis of load shared by the earth is cumbersome. So for
the purpose of analysis it has been assumed that one end of approach slab is kept on screen
wall and dirt wall and other end on earth. This assumption is safer side.
3.5 M
RA = Ta + (Ta1*La)/las RA = 20.52 T
D.L. of approach slab = ds*las*Thas*gc dlas 13.23 T
Total load = RA + dlas Tdl 33.75 T
Total load of screen wall = Wt + Tdl TLsw 68.5 T
Adopted 68.5 T
The centre line of bearing lies at the the centre line of abutment column. So the load of bearing
will be transferred directly on column through cap. The cap will bear self load only so nominal
reinforcement is be provided in abutment cap. As per IS: 456 clause minimum
reinforcement in either direction in slabs shall not be less than 0.12 %
Percentage of reinforcement 0.12 %
Thickness of abutment cap Th 60
Area of steel reinforcement required per meter = 0.12*Th*100/100 7.2 cm2
Provide 16 f @ 200 cm c/c
Area of steel provided = a16*1000/s2 10.05 cm2
Morethan 7.20 cm2
TYPICAL DESIGN of Pedestal for bearing at abutment
scc = sco*ÖA/A2
sco = permissible direct compressive stress in concrete at the bearing
area of the base.
A1 = dispersed concentric area which is geometricallysimilar to the
loaded area.
A2 = loaded area and
ÖA1/A2 >2
sco = scc/ÖA1/A2
= 17.63677 Kg/cm2
< 62.5 Kg/cm2 OK since this load has to be transferred to
abutment cap with c.c. M-25 having safe
comp. stress as 62.5 kg/ cm sq.
DLR AT KM 3.597
Bed level of CANAL 143.123 m
Water depth in canal 4.34 m
FSL OF CANAL 147.463 m
Formation level RL1 150.762 M
Bearing level RL2 148.463 M
Top of abutment cap RL3 148.213 M
Ground level RL4 148.14 M
Bottom of screen wall RL5 147.413 M
Thickness of wearing coat 0.075 m
Thickness of approah slab 0.3 m
Height of screen wall h 2.974 M
Density of concrete gc 2.4 t/m3
Density of back fill material g 1.8 t/m3
Angle of repose Ð 30 Degree
Cohesion C 0
Coefficient of active earth pressure (from Annexture 1) Ka 0.33
Multiplying coefficient for development length for M25 C1 46
For tor steel (High yield strength deformed bars conforming to IS: 1786 – 1985 Grade – Fe 550)
Clear cover 4 cm
Radius of reinforcement bars for 20 dia r 1 cm
Radius of reinforcement bars for 25 dia r1 1 cm
Permissible tensile stress in steel sst 3000 kg/cm2
Permissible tensile stress in steel sst 3000 kg/cm2
Permissible compressive stress in steel sss 1900 kg/cm2
Lever arm coefficient (In wet condition) J 0.92
Lever arm coefficient (In dry condition) J 0.92
Area of 10 f bar a10 0.785 cm2
Area of 12 f bar a12 1.13 cm3
Area of 16 f bar a16 2.0096 cm2
Area of 20 f bar a20 3.14 cm2
Area of 25 f bar a25 4.90625 cm2
Spacing of reinforcement s1 150 mm
Spacing of reinforcement s2 200 mm
Spacing of reinforcement s3 300 mm
Diameter of bar f 25 mm
Diameter of bar f1 20 mm
Projection of screen wall from centre of bearing d1 1.3 M
C.c distance of bearings d2 5.3 M
Width of screen wall ds 8.5 M
Half width of screen wall ds/2 4.25 M
Vertical height of side screen wall dv 0.3 M
3.5 3.5
Side width at bottom d3 0.3 M
Side width at top d4 3.5 M
Difference in top and bottom width h1 3.2 M
Side width
at 0 3.5
At 2.0 1 h2 2.274 M
At 3.4 2 h3 1.274 M
At 2.974 h4 0.300 M
Average width between top and 1 h5 2.887 M
Average width between 1.0 and 2 h6 1.774 M
Average width between 2 and 2.974 h7 0.787 M
Minimum thickness of wall required in M-35 concrete = ÖMb*10^5/ 20.410 cm
Provide over all thickness of wall in M 35 grade concrete D 25 cm
Effective thickness = D - clear cover - r1 d 20 cm
Morethan 20.410 cm
Adopted 25 cm
Provide 35 cm thickness in top strip also
Minimum area of steel reinforcement required = Mb2*10^5/(sst*J*d) 7.37 cm2
Provide 12 f @ 150 cm c/c (upto 1.85 m from top)
Area of steel provided = a12*1000/s3 7.53 cm2
Morethan 7.37 cm2
Curtailment of reinforcement
No curtailment adopted since the wall has varying height.
1.3 5.3 1.3
2.887 2.887 m
m 0.802
A t/m2 F
Top Strip
Shear force on AB at B = d4*i10 T1 2.807 T
Adopted 5T
Shear force at C t1 3.408 T
Adopted 4T
Maximum shear force is at B 5T
Shear stress = T1*1000/(100*d) 2.000 kg/cm2
Percentage steel reinforcement = At*100/ (100*d) 0.84 %
From table 23 of IS 456
tc 3.6 kg/cm2
Morethan 2.000 kg/cm2
No need of providing shear reinforcement
Through the load of vehicles will be directly transferred to earth below approach slab. But due
to improper compaction or other reasons unknown some of the earth may get settle below
the approach slab. The exact analysis of load shared by the earth is cumbersome. So for
the purpose of analysis it has been assumed that one end of approach slab is kept on screen
wall and dirt wall and other end on earth. This assumption is safer side.
Length of approach slab las 3.5 M
Thickness of approach slab Thas 0.3 M
Ta 11.4 T
Ta1 11.4 T
La 2.8 M
La1 1.2 M
11.4 T 11.4 T
1.2 M 2.8 M
3.5 M
RA = Ta + (Ta1*La)/las RA = 20.52 T
D.L. of approach slab = ds*las*Thas*gc dlas 21.42 T
Total load = RA + dlas Tdl 41.94 T
Total load of screen wall = Wt + Tdl TLsw 83.0 T
Adopted 83.0 T
The centre line of bearing lies at the the centre line of abutment column. So the load of bearing
will be transferred directly on column through cap. The cap will bear self load only so nominal
reinforcement is be provided in abutment cap. As per IS: 456 clause minimum
reinforcement in either direction in slabs shall not be less than 0.12 %
Percentage of reinforcement 0.12 %
Thickness of abutment cap Th 60
Area of steel reinforcement required per meter = 0.12*Th*100/100 7.2 cm2
Provide 16 f @ 200 cm c/c
Area of steel provided = a16*1000/s2 10.05 cm2
Morethan 7.20 cm2