Max Fajardo
Max Fajardo
Max Fajardo
Construction of Septic Tank – Most used material is plastered concrete hollow blocks/reinforced concrete,
minimum size of Septic Tank (90cm – 150 cm), liquid depth of 120cm
90cm 120 cm
150 cm
Size of Septic Tank
Quantity of User Capacity of Septic Tank
Family (6persons) 1.3 m3
Family (12persons) 2m3
Residential 0.14-0.17m3/person
Commercial, School and 0.057m3-0.086m3/person
Note: 1.2 m of width/100 persons
Capacity of Septic tank – V = 1.125 + 0.75 Q
*Note see Table 4-2 (Quantity of Sewage Flow) Page 95. (Max Fajardo Book)
Residential Commercial
No. of Person Served 1-20 persons 21-100 persons
Width 90-150 130-200
Length 150-300 210-360
Height 150 120-150
Liquid Depth 120 150-200
*Not more than two water closets shall discharge into any 75mm diameter horizontal soil branch, house
sewer or drain*
Diameter of Max. no of
Pipe Fixture Unit
mm/in 2% slope
2/1.25 1
38/1.5 2
50/2 5
63/2.5 12
75/3 18
100/4 84
125/5 162
150/6 300
200/8 990
250/10 1800
300/12 3089
- Could be estimated by dividing the total pitch in cm (distance between the house sewer and
the elevation of the basement)/ length of longest branch in meter.
Changes of House Drain Directions
- Change directions should be used is long radius fittings.
- Soil branch should be run Right angle to Main.
- Fixture Connection must run right angle to branch.
- Any branch of house drain shall be provided 100mm diameter pipe, extend 2 inch. Above
floor inserted in 45 deg. Y branch.
- Trap of a floor drain shall be placed not more than 50cm be low finished floor.
- Cleanout shall be installed 20m interval distance.
House Drain Appliances
House Trap – device installed in the house drain immediately inside the foundation wall of the
Area Drain – Minimum size pipe (10mm/4in)
Floor Drain – receptacle used to receive water to be drained from the floor.
*Plumbing Code for Floor Drains
2 FD (NPC) / 3FD (RNPC) average residence
75mm diameter pipe in every FD.
P-trap should be installed not more than 20cm/30cm below the floor line.
Yard Catch Basin – a receptacle used to catch surface water drained from cemented courts.
Driveways and yards.
Garage Catch Basin – device designed to convey waste from garage, wash racks, g
rease pits and repair floors.
GREASE BASIN – Dimension: Width: 60cm, Length: 3-4 times width and Depth: 120cm
and 4-5 gallons of liquid capacity.
House sewer size – 150mm/6 inch diameter cement, if plastic pipe – 100mm diameter
are considered.
Storm drain is not permitted to discharge into a septic tank/main sewer line.
Splash Pan – collector of water coming down to downspout.
Classification of Storm Drain
Inside Storm Drain – is sometimes located under the basement floor or within the wall of
the bldg.
Outside Storm Drain – installed outside foundation wall of the building.
Overhead Storm Drain – is adopted when the street drainage is higher in elevation than
the basement floor.
A combination of Y and 1/8 bend or long radius fitting is appropriate in any changes.
- Roof Leader – water conductor/downspout that connects the roof terminal to the
storm drain.
- Common Seal P-trap - has 5 cm deep water seal between the overflow and the
*Note: P-trap sizes – 32mm to 50 mm dia. that are suspended on walls or on pedestal type.
Trap Installation
- P-Trap should be installed 60cm of the fixture it serves.
- Each fixtures shall have its own trap except: 2 laundry tray and a kitchen sinks, Not more than
laundry trays, three lavatories can connect on 1 trap.
Drum Trap
- Drum trap is intended for fixtures that are set on the floor like bathtub, foot and sitz bath and
similar fixtures.
Two types
*Ventilation in a plumbing system is the portion of the drainage to maintain the balance in atmospheric
pressure. To prevent
*All roof extension shall extend at least 30cm above the roof and when the roof are used for other
purposes than weather protection such extension will be 200cm above the roof. If 3 m from door at
least 100cm extension.
1. Waste branches which are circuit vented, shall be provided by main vent.
2. Relief vent may be installed at interval on the soil pipe having changes in directions.
3. On long vertical soil pipe, relief vent is installed 3-5 floor intervals. In this installation the relief vent
is sometimes called Yoke/By-pass Ventilation.
4. Relief Vent should have ½ dia. of soil pipe or be less than 38mm diameter.
5. A relief vent used on a change direction, and at the base of the soil pipe, shall have a diameter
equal to the main vent, and in no case, the relief vent be less than 50mm diameter.
6. Yoke Vent between the main vent and the soil pipe at 5 floor intervals must have equal pipe
diameter as the main vent.
Wet Ventilation
- Is defined where the waste of the piping system regularly flows.
Water – combination of hydrogen and oxygen (H2O), in liquid form 839 times heavier than air, but in ts
gaseous state 133 times. (1kg=1Liter)
Entrained gas – are CO2, H2S, CH4, O2, Nitrogenous and Organic Compounds.
Dissolved Materials – calcium, magnesium sodium, iron and manganese and other
carbonates and silicates.
Suspended and colloidal materials – bacteria etc.
Radioactive Materials
Spring Water
- Spring water should be protected from Surface/runoff water, dust, Insect, wildlife and stock
Direct Pressure Distribution – supply of water through large intake pipe. Water is drawn from a
lake to a receiving well through gravity.
Indirect Pressure Distribution – a turbine pump is employed on top of the standpipe extended
down the well below the water table.
Air Pressured Water Distribution – compressed air is used as the delivery agent and can serve up to
10 storey heights or more.
- When the air is supplied into the system the pressure will increase up to 15lbs/ sq.inch and can
elevate up to 10.5m. ( Ideal pressure range is 20-40 psi)
Direct Up-feed Pumping System (Triplex Pump) – the principle of this system is one pump is larger
than the other one. When the water demand is small the small pump called Jockey will operate, and
when the demand become larger the larger pump will take in-charge and when the demand will come to
peak the largest pump who will take operation.
Pressure – refers to the force required to move the water into the pipe.
Note: * The maximum demand of water is equal to the Total fixture unit in the Plumbing System, where
one unit is equal to 8 gallons of water per minute interval.
Probable Demand/ Peak load – one factor to be considered in determining the size of the water service
*On water service pipes for large building, the minimum size of the water service pipes from the curb to
the bldgs. Shall be 38mm (1.5inch) diameter” for the ffg. fixtures Sill cock, Hot water boiler, Laundry
tray, Sink, Lavatories, Bathtub and water closets.
*A 20 mm dia. pipe can supply 2 branches of 12mm dia. and can deliver up to 10 gpm, sufficient to serve
10 fixtures.
*25mm dia. can serve 2 branches of 25mm dia. and can deliver up to 18 gallons and can serve up to 20
Up-Feed and Gravity Return System – commonly used in small residential houses and other industrial
installation. The larger pipe is installed at the bottom of the riser
Overhead Feed and Gravity Return System – efficient type of hot water system that usually uses in a
building with extreme heights. The larger pipe installed at the bottom of the riser
- 10mm (3/8in) copper tube is the most economical size to serve for sinks, lavatories, shower bath,
and other similar fixtures.
- 12mm(1.5in) thick fiberglass was proven efficient
- Hot and cold water line parallel to each other must be 1.5cm minimum distance to prevent heat
Water Closet – used to convey organic body waste to the plumbing system.
1. The Pail Flush type – cheapest and smallest and simplest form of water closet without water tank.
(Lip height – 295mm)
2. The Squat Type – simple type of water closet without water tank installed flat on the floor. (Lip height
– 264)
3. Wash Down type – Noisiest of all types. (Lip height – 372)
4. Reverse type – more expensive than wash down type, but less noisy. (Lip height = 362)
5. Siphon Jet – very sanitary and easier to clean. (Lip height – 372)
6. Siphon Vortex – its flushing action of the siphon vortex water closet is through whirlpool motion of
7. Direct Flush Valve type – DFV water closet eliminates the use of water tank, preferred in hospitals
and other commercial bldg.
Lavatories – is a bowl or basin used for washing face and hands
Bidet – is used to clean the most delicate part of the female’s body and can be serve as a foot bath.
Kitchen Sink
CHAPTER 16 – Fire Protection in a Building
*March – fire prevention month
National Fire Protection Association – maintained a comprehensive set of standard rules of planning to
minimize fire hazards.