Objects: Through Timeline..
Objects: Through Timeline..
Objects: Through Timeline..
through timeline...
50,000 Years Before Present
Aboriginal people migrate to Northern Australia
through Asia
Before about 50,000 years ago, when humans successfully migrated out of
Africa, they were already beginning to diverge into distinct populations.
Migration to the Australian continent for these travellers was a difficult task.
Australia is separated from South East Asia by a great expanse of water.
During the last Ice Age, the distance was smaller because so much water
was locked up in glaciers. But before 50,000 years ago humans would still
have faced a voyage across fifty miles of open sea to get to Australia. They
must have built sea craft strong enough to survive the voyage, a
technological feat that went beyond making spears or lighting fires.
Prado y Tobar - Relacion sumaria del del descubrimto. que enpeco pero
fernandez de quiros...y le acabo El capan don diego de prado...con
asistencia del capan luis baes de torres...1607, Prado y Tobar, Diego de,
written ca. 1614-1615, (Safe 1/16 CY 298), Mitchell Library, State Library of
New South Wales.
For at least 40,000 years Aboriginal people lived isolated in Australia. About
1000 years ago people from China, India, Arabia, Malaya and the Pacific
Islands started to explore the oceans around them. It is most likely that
these sailors visited the north coast of Australia and traded with Aboriginal