Claim 2 Medum Length

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SUBMITTED VIA REGISTERED MAIL# RR 444-555-666 (optional)

(remember – this is like a contract = your terms)

‘Federal Court’
‘Superior court of the united States
for Los Angeles’
i: a man; )
John-Walter: Doe ) Nature of case: claim
as Plaintiff/Prosecutor/Aggrieved Party ) claim: trespass, theft,
________________ ) (verified)
Juergen Smith ) Case# _______________________
ACCT#7091520111 )
Defendant/Wrongdoers )
i, require: a ‘court of record’; ‘trial by jury’:
Claim: trespass and fraudulent claims
i: a man, one of the people claim:

 said wrongdoer(s) trespass upon Aggrieved party property by making unverified claims (See
Exhibit A, etc);
 the causal agent(s) of the trespass, comes by way unverified claims, while refusing to confirm or
verify their claims on the property of a man or woman; (ie: a bill, ticket , arrest, suit, summons,
lien, etc)
 ‘Verified’ in this matter is defined as: Appearing and swearing to the alleged debt or duty under
oath but the party with firsthand knowledge to the facts.
 ‘Property’ in this matter includes: all commercial energy, rights, marriage property and offspring,
and any possessions of Aggrieved Party.
 the continued trespass did and does harm and injury to Aggrieved Party property;
 the commencement of the wrong and harm began October 15, 2006;
 the wrong and harm continues to this day, September 15, 2014, and specifically aggravated on
March 31, 2014 by your foreclosure action (irs liens, claims, whatever they filed against you, etc
(CASE# 16-13-01578 Lane County, Oregon) which was originally filed on January 3,, 2013,
where the PLAINTIFF/wrongdoers (then Plaintiff in that case), did fail to bring forth a damaged
party under oath, who had firsthand knowledge to the facts and _______________, which
resulted in administering my property without rights and violated Aggrieved Party commercial
 wrongdoers did use US mail on ____ occasions to collect on a fraudulent debt and make false
claims exceeding their jurisdiction (see Exhibits ___ envelopes sent to you using red metered
stamps), and additionally used threats of intimidation, securities solicitation, and extortion using
the mail, etc (see Exhibits ___).
 This action is also a Challenge to Jurisdiction and requires all actions of case _________ to cease
and desist until this case is decided in this superior court claim venue. This further requires the
release of property in that case (especially if someone is incarcerated - or release of liens), until
this matter is ruled upon by this court then holding said property causes further injury, and the
jurisdiction of that case is now challenged. The release of property is so ordered. A copy of this
claim filed into that case file and shall act as an estoppel in that case # _________.
 No man, woman, or inferior agency shall be authorized to remove this case or trespass upon it, by
attempting to change jurisdiction to other than this ‘court of record’ venue chosen by the Plaintiff/
Prosecutor/ Aggrieved Party.
 Defendant/Wrongdoer are required to verify their claim under oath before this ‘court of record’,
as a party who is damaged, and who has firsthand knowledge to the facts. Any party who does not
have firsthand knowledge of the facts or can verify a contract, shall not be authorized to speak.
Failure to come forth by the deadline and appear shall constitute default by Defendant/
 Third party representation of Defendant/ Wrongdoers is not authorized to speak for them, unless
that representative will also be under oath and swear to their claims, as a first hand material
 It is ordered that Defendant/Wrongdoers and their representatives are required to submit their (as
applicable) BAR member numbers, Badge#, surety bonds, and Oath of Office, when they respond
to this claim.
 Statutes of limitations do not apply as plaintiff/prosecutor is not proceeding according to statute.
This court proceeds as a ‘court of record’ according to common law not inferior venue statutes,
and further stated in Exhibit ___ ; Law of the Case.
 Defendant/Wrongdoers have 21 days from receipt of notice or summonses to appear and speak on
the record.

 i, require compensation for the initial and continual trespass upon my property;
 compensation due: release of all claims, liens, and damages one hundred eighteen thousand,
dollars; additional compensation due: triple damages of $354,000 should a fraudulent claim be
 Plus $1000 per day for time and legal expenses, calculated beginning 21 days after the date of
notice to appear.
 Exhibits, A, B, C, attached etc


Upon a judgment order of this court by the tribunal, or wrongdoer failing to appear and speak
under oath on the record before this court by the deadline stated in the claim, it is ordered to:
a. Return all property claimed by Plaintiff/Prosecutor,
b. Award damages in the amount of $118,000 plus $354,000 as triple damages if Defendant/
Wrongdoer is found to have made false claims against a man’s property without right which is
fraud. Plus $1000 per day for time and legal expenses, calculated beginning 21 days after the date
of notice to appear. Final amount to be calculated on the day of judgment.
c. Lift all liens and claims by Defendant/wrongdoers against property of Plaintiff/Prosecutor
within 3 business day of judgment, if by default or by trial by jury.
This order shall only be executed by the chosen magistrate upon approval of Plaintiff/Prosecutor.

i, say here, and will verify in an open court, that all herein is true

By_______________________________ September ___, 2014

Natural-Man: Name, man
Thumb print Postage stamp signed as well 45 degrees

General Post location preferred vs home or business location

address – citizens use addresses, real man lives in the world at
the General Post (If using an Express Trust to manage the ALL
CAPS NAME - then edit and sign acceding to that status –
advanced technique)
Phone# 555-333-1212 Email _________________

See attached Exhibits (submit AFTER first file just the claim, get stamped copies back of
anything submitted):

-Affidavit of Incident – just facts, not opinion or claims, in each step indicate how if affected
-Law of the case, which also cites the rules of this ‘court of record’ (only cite laws or cases if the
wrongdoers have a duty to, not as if YOU have a duty to).
-Status Affidavits / Anything that show your status as a man vs citizen – such as passport, private
ID, affidavits where you claimed your status, etc. Whatever you have.
-Additional relevant Documents of Actions they did (foreclosure actions, IRS docs, case rulings,
etc), including any case this may be a Counter Claim to. This can also include Notice Letters
sent (hopefully you also used stamps on those pages and signed. Then each reply is proof of
superior jurisdiction and their acts of potential mail fraud.

Also place a postage stamp on the back of each page and sign

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