D-Cable: Improving Mine Safety and Productivity For Over 10 Years
D-Cable: Improving Mine Safety and Productivity For Over 10 Years
D-Cable: Improving Mine Safety and Productivity For Over 10 Years
No potentiometers used
- Monitor load changes over time along 7-wire stand Unique instrument ID and
calibration coefficients stored
cable bolts
in microprocessor
- Assess the Factor of Safety against cable rupture
- Applies to cable bolts, ground anchors, tendons, Available in 1 to 6 load meters
and tie-backs used in all types of mining and civil
projects Readout head same diameter as
- Can help predict the risk of catastrophic structural cable to ease grips installation
On-board digital temperature
- Data can enhance many aspects of engineering sensor for temperature
design, installation quality control, long-term compensation
operation assessment, and rehabilitation
- Interchangeable with a regular cable and Smallest electronics head
deployment simply involves replacing a regular (25mm ø x 150mm long)
cable with its instrumented equivalent. During
Immune to hostile environment
cementing/grouting no special procedures need to
be followed Highly resistant to shock and
- Readout head of the d-CABLE has the same vibration.
diameter as the 7-wire strand itself, and therefore
grips and a jack can be applied over the readout Easy to install and maintain
head if the cable is to be plated. If no face-plate is Compatible with low cost
required the readout head can simply be recessed peripheral devices for data
into the collar of the hole logging, Ethernet and WiFi
- All sensors are individually calibrated
- Our competitors do not calibrate their sensors Competitively priced
YieldPoint Inc.
[email protected]
1407 John Counter Blvd, #170
Kingston, ON, Canada K7K 6A9
Tel: (613) 531-4722 Fax: (613) 545-3338
Technology Telemetry
The “signal processing head” of the d-CABLE The d-LOGGER (32Mb of memory) can collect
is reduced to a diameter equal to that of the up to 30000 readings from the d-micro over a
cable because the technology uses strain period up to 1 year. Download to a PC is with
gauges distributed within the cable rather a USB download cable (order separately).
than displacement sensors housed in an
instrumentation head. This has significant Data loggers require no configuration and are
advantages in applications that require fully interchangeable with any other types of
plating or pre-tensioning. YieldPoint instrument (d-MPBX borehole
extensometers, d-GMM, d-TILT, d-
Post-tensioning & Plating Procedures PLUCKER…)
3 1
5 5
7 8 6
3 1
Signal processing and
telemetry assesmbly.
Detail of the miniature inductive load meter that can be recessed into the tubular king-wire
such that the strain can be determined accurately at location rather than translated to an
instrumentation head at the end of the cable.
NOTE: The YieldPoint manual readout unit (d-READER) outputs load directly in tons
(resolution 0.01ton).
Applications Specification